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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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7390292 No.7390292[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Has anyone on /cgl/ even gone to a brony con?

Ive only heard bad things about them..especially brony-con in particular...and the over all cosplay

>> No.7390299



>> No.7390307

the apple jacks look all the same

lazy sexy closet cosplay
ironically not sexy, usually tubby or no hip to waist ratio with average face

>> No.7390309

Because the cosplays are generally lazy and based off of fanart and nobody creates their own versions. Twilight Sparkles are always in school uniforms and Aj is always in Daisy Duke looking shit. You have the hambeasts there, ruining shit as usual and the Autistics.

Seriously, if you want your answer, go look in /mlp/. It's people who think that real women will never be as cute and sexy as ponies. That isn't even me shitting around.

>> No.7390325

>It's people who think that real women will never be as cute and sexy as ponies

sounds like /a/ with 2d

but aside from that arnt the bronies supposed to be more realistic to people and women? unlike /a/. I got the impression bronies are really attracted to other female fans and pretty girls in general

>> No.7390326
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I also forgot to mention that we have pox faced, fat ratchet looking girls cosplaying as Rarity. She's supposed to be the most fashionable and self conscious character out of the entire cast and yet I see the most lazy and disgusting, uninspired designs on these girls. It's pathetic. You're not fabulous. You're trailer park trash with diva issues.

>> No.7390330
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re check your own picture op and a ton of others

>> No.7390329

Uh, no. Especially not ones from /mlp/. They hate anthro versions and human. Any female fan who outs herself in there is dubbed an attention whore. My friend had a kid yell at her at our college because he saw the pin on her bag and he was all, "IT'S NOT FOR GIRLS!1!1!1"

>> No.7390336
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that one autist doesnt account as "the ambassador/representative for all bronies"

would you say the same for a similar lolita or cosplayer that acted that way in public?
fuck off

>> No.7390339

Hi, defensive /mlp/-tard.

>> No.7390374

are you this ignorant?

>> No.7390379

You're way too defensive. I think it's funny that even the spergy Homestucks here don't get this asshurt about someone shitting on their fandom.

>> No.7390380

> I think it's funny that even the spergy Homestucks here don't get this asshurt about someone shitting on their fandom.

now youre just saying straight up bull shit

>> No.7390385

And, you're still overly sensitive and probably lurking from Tumblr or /mlp/.

Have a nice day, shit sniffer.

>> No.7390388

is this babies first troll?

>> No.7390511

I have! It was spergtastic, but I had fun. No one had a problem with my vagina-havingness or was inappropriate. I didn't go to panels, though.

>> No.7390563

I don't even watch the show but I ended up ghosting into the BronyCon rave in summer 2012 on a YOLO mini-road-trip with a close friend. My eyes... they saw some shit. Never ever again. But it was a great experience just for the adventure of getting there and back in the middle of the night with my friend. But the con itself... nah son.

>> No.7390687

fuck you

>> No.7390718

Nothing good can come from gathering that many autistic pedophile furries in one place. I'm fairly certain the idea for pony conventions were thought up and organized by the devil himself.
Well played satan, well played.

>> No.7390727


arnt those different than bronies? I mean I know there are separate cons for furries specifically, but i guess the ones in the pony fur suits are furries

>> No.7390745

Not even satan himself could come up with something that vile. It must be the work of something far worse, like god himself.

>> No.7391305

I've been to a UK Brony convention, it was actually not that bad.

Its made me come to the conclusion that American bronies have the monopoly on spaghetti.

>> No.7391311

Howard Stern did a piece on Brony Con. It pretty much sums up what most people think of the fandom and related stuff including the cons.

>> No.7391317

Brony cons are the same as furry cons, except a little more narrow-focused.

Meaning, people are only there to fuck someone.

>> No.7391327

just stop, you are embarassing yourself

>> No.7391360

female bronies (pegasisters) are ok

male bronies are not

>> No.7391381

Went to a couple with my little sister. We both like the show and everyone was pretty nice overall. I wouldn't call myself a brony (or whatever girl bronies are called) but everyone seemed to like the con and my sister got a plastic figurine as a present.

>> No.7391387

I signed up to volunteer at my local brony con because fuck if you think I'm going to be paid to be oogled at. Got to buy all the toys and special release cards I wanted by pretty much doing nothing but walking around all day. After seeing it with my own eyes... I would never pay to go to a brony con

>> No.7391412

Nothing is more embarrassing than going to a con and seeing soldiers there in fucked up ACUs. Ive had to tear down two privates for wearing that thunderbolt horse shit patch. Made them do pushups in front of a merchant stand

>> No.7391517

What the fuck is wrong with you people? Nobody is forcing any of you to go to this convention if you don't like imperfect autists talking about and showing off their love for ponies.

As a fan of this show I'd like to attend this convention, and no some fat chick thinking she's oh so fab cosplaying as Rarity REALLY does not ruin my con experience, nor the experiences of any other non-busybody whose concerns aren't only focused on being a condescending prick. M'kay people? Chill out.
This con has its flaws, but there's higher concerns than obnoxious cosplayers.

>> No.7391523


Joined a friend at the brony meet at MCM. it was pretty much like any other meet up and everyone was cool and mostly in costume

I feel if you went to a con dedicated solely to MLP you would just get bored quickly, especially if you're not going to at least cosplay something and join a photoshoot and the like

>> No.7391611
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>> No.7391612

Doesn't this belong on /mlp/?

>> No.7391884

>be designer/stylist
>niece makes you watch pony with her
>"auntie youre just like rarity you should be her for halloween"
>thats a cute idea tho
>look up cosplays of it
>fuck no. no. never.

>niece now into ever after high
>"auntie you look like raven!"
>it will never end

>> No.7391918 [DELETED] 
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/mlp/'s answer would be as follows:

/cgl/ is one of few boards that won't throw a fit at the sight of a technocolored horse and /cgl/ is the con-experienced board.

All the same, stay away from brony cons OP.

>> No.7391938

with most cons, youre alienated because you have social problems.

with brony cons, youre alienated because you don't have social problems.

>> No.7391958

Is it?

I just haven't seen anyone say on this board that they're going to cosplay from MLP, nor have I seen any threads about it. I just sort of thought the very mention of MLP outside of /mlp/ was grounds for ridicule.

>> No.7391989

I've seen many threads about humanized ponies on here.
But /cgl/ is the con board, and dressing up as ponies would qualify as cosplay. So regardless, /cgl/ is the correct board for this. I'm a little shocked you haven't seen a pony thread on /cgl/. I'd say you're either new here, or just come so rarely your opinion means nothing.

>> No.7392014

Have you actually been to one?

>> No.7392023

What about furry cons? Did people make threads about those before?

>> No.7392028


Or they would just bomb it with porn so the thread gets pruned faster.

>> No.7392077

Guess what guys. No matter what con you go to, you're going to find socially awkward people and cosplayers who you don't find sexually attractive. If either is the worst thing you encounter at a con, then you're fucking lucky.

>> No.7392100

>Have you actually been to one?
Well, if you read my post
>As a fan of this show I'd like to attend this convention
Even if I haven't, I'd like to because it's relevant to my interests. And since hambeasts and autists generally don't bother me, then the only possible grievances I can imagine having with this con are the events/guests and the way it's run.
I don't waste my time sitting around and bitching about the conduct of people I have no control over and who I can't change. If the people turn out to be that bad? Then I simply have the option to not go again.

The only thing that's stopping me is the distance, because I've never commuted for more than 6 hours in my car before and I -don't- think this is a convention worth the hassle of a short plane ride.

>> No.7392117

Because furries know how much they're hated on the internet. Most know better than to try to start a serious discussion about one of their conventions on 4chan...of all places.
The difference is that mlp hasn't been chased out of the internet, yet.

And both of those attitudes are wrong.
Vendettas against creepy perverts, attention whores, and assholes in those fandoms? Fine by me--I'd say that for any fandom.
However, some edgy armchair warriors pissing on a generalized group of people because they don't know how to articulate the differences between average fans (who do nobody harm) and creeps? Nah, these kinds of people can go fuck themselves.

>> No.7392131

>MLP hasn't been chased out of the internet yet
I guess I just feel like unless you're on a site specifically meant for MLP (like... Equestria Daily? I think that was one of the sites), then you will be mocked for even mentioning that you like it because of "teh evil patriarchal neckbeard dudebronies", who apparently are all one and the same and make up the entirety of the fanbase.

At least, that's how I've seen people generally perceive all of them to be.

>> No.7392287

True, the fandom is largely perfectly sane nice people. That's true for every fandom. But the problem bronies have in particular, that I have never seen to this degree, is that the awful stereotype minority is SO GODDAMN LOUD. Somehow, they find every single pony related post out there and unload their unholy sperg upon it. It may only be 10% of the fandom, but when that 10% is making 20 posts to every 1 sane fan's, it definitely seems like the majority.

>> No.7392628
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every time i post on /mlp/ I never get responses
that bored is surprisingly fast
also they also have a neet perception like /a/ does, they never leave their house and prefer 2d

it would be like asking /a/ if they go to a con, they would just complain about 3d

>> No.7395178

/mlp/ ignores all posts that arent already popular to post in

>> No.7401037

Bump because fuck it.

Also, /mlp/ is yan for 3DPD.

>> No.7401054

>has a mlp pin
>show that was made for girls

oh god, the stupidity of virgin boys has gone to a whole new level.

I have a couple old gen MLP teeshirts because I collect old gen toys and back then, MLP was a lot more cool
(think I have a screenshot of applejack being burned alive in the ponypocalypse from the old official show somewhere)

I've had guys walk up to me saying that proudly they were bronies
>I just like my tshirt because it matches my pony collection in my room
>its old gen I thought I was safe ;_;

>> No.7401065


I am a virgin boy and I demand you not include me in the same category as autism.

Or so help me, I'll make myself an 8/10 and never sleep with you. I was born into a gracious mold, so trust me, I will do it.

>> No.7404095

woah there tip your fedora any further it might cover your neckbeard you fucking pony fucker

>> No.7404145
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Ive been to the main bronycon last year

>> No.7404281

>would you say the same for a similar lolita or cosplayer that acted that way in public?

Um yes. /cgl/ does that all the time. Lurk more.

>> No.7404290

This is like saying someone dressing as accurate Pokemon is a furry.
No just no.

>> No.7404291
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Not about furry cons but about kemono fursuits like pic related.

>> No.7404416

Because mlp is a stupid fucking fandom inhabited by the worst basement dwelling virgins that you could possibly imagine.

>> No.7404430

They are only a tiny part of the fandom though, the biggest part of it is collectors and of course children.

>> No.7404556

Are they really so tiny, if people keep talking about them and treat the entire fandom like some sort of boogeyman?

>> No.7404583

That's because the worst part of every fandom is usually the loudest, just like how many people think that every lolita is into ageplay or prostitution.

>> No.7404589

Are you then saying that it's okay to like or even cosplay from MLP, and that not all of the fandom is full of... incoming buzzwords, sweaty neckbeard dudebrony fedorafuckers?

>> No.7405196

Same here. I have a buttload of G1 and G2 design stuff and a ridiculous amount of generic unicorn and horse stuff and bronies get all weird about it. My friend has even had bronies approach her and try to talk MLP stuff to her, and she has literally no interest in ponies at all, she's an ex rodeo queen that wears rhinestone horseshoes and cowboy hats everywhere.

>> No.7405204

Like was said earlier, the fedorafuckers are a smaller part. They're just the loudest, most active, and most identifiable part. They post EVERYWHERE, have no filter, and are the most likely to show up in shitty cosplay and mob together. They're also the ones most likely to attend cons and purposely look for other pony fans.

>> No.7406782


So basically similar the "hardcore" parts of pretty much any fandom?