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7388227 No.7388227 [Reply] [Original]

Is it dead? Is it still a thing? Do you practice it? Do you want to?
Or is it a myth, just a fashion, waste of time.
Discuss hobbies and behavior regarding Lolita as a lifestyle. Or why it isn't to you.
I bake and want to do it more, I want to start a rose garden this spring and I'm re-starting flute lessons.
Prefer posts from people I. The fashion rather than 'Lolita in my mind'.

>> No.7388250

I'd be a lifestyler...


>> No.7388257

Do you do any lifestyle hobbies now? Anything towards a more lolita life? I'm really curious if people do...

I know it requires at least a bit more leisure time but here we are wasting time on the chan so se do have a bit of time...

>> No.7388406

I've thought about having little tea parties, my comm is pretty much inactive and very small as it is but 2-3 of the girls are nice.

>> No.7388454

I just really love cute and elegant things, which I don't do because of lolita, but it seems to go along with it I guess. I am addicted to tea though.

>> No.7388462

Isn't lolita just dresses? If you see someone in jeans and a t-shirt "practicing the lolita lifestyle", I'm pretty sure the majority of you would say "that's not lolita".

>> No.7388574

Not person you're asking, but I do. I sew and embroider, collect antiques, do ballet and read a lot of classic literature. I don't restrict myself from "un-lolita" hobbies though, which is more for the crazy breed of lifestylers.

>> No.7388576

I think it's a thing and I would consider myself a lifestyle lolita. I don't wear lolita everyday as I don't have a big enough wardrobe but most of my non-lolita clothes have lace and other frilly details.

I like baking, sewing, and doing some crafts. I also like reading books about history and watching period movies. I drink tea and like to find cute tea salons and bakeries wherever I go. And my room is mostly pastel pink and white and florals.

I think the idea that lolitas should behave a certain way doesn't sit well with people. Personally I always try to be polite and follow etiquette. I don't think that comes from lolita though, I just like being a pleasant person.

I guess in the end I just like living a romantic, girly lifestyle, in or out of lolita. But I'm interested in how other lifestyler lolitas live.

>> No.7388581

I like drawing and reading and anime and cute things and tea.

I'm also pretty polite.

I thought lifestyler meant wearing the dresses all day errday.

>> No.7388598
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I think lifestyle lolita is a bit stupid and 80% of the time is just something people who don't actually wear lolita believe in.

I wear lolita quite often but my hobbies are /a/ related, video games and being a fujoshit. You are free to do what you like but I can't agree with people thinking lolitas have to act and do certain things to be a 'proper' lolita.

>> No.7388602

Where does it start and stop though?

I bake a lot, stay home all day, have cats, don't do physical exertion, paint my nails 2-3 times a week, and wear full lolita 1-2 times a week. However I'm in an inbetween house that's not kawaii at all, I spend most of my time in non-cute pyjamas, and play vidya and drink alcohol a lot too.

Even if someone had the most shabby-chic house, drank tea all day, and embroidered in their dressing room in full lolita, are they 'allowed' to drink alcohol and play vidya and still consider themselves a lifestyler?

>> No.7388603

Lolita is a fashion. There no such thing as a lolita subculture or lifestyle. Lolitas dont like being told they should act like they dress because they just view lolita as clothes although there are plenty of lolitas that happen to do 'lolita' activities aside from typical teaparties.

>> No.7388608
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I think nobody would ever successfully lifestyle simply because they're afraid wearing their lolita clothes constantly will diminish resale value lol

pic related is probably the only person i see use her clothes but shes wealthy as fuark

>> No.7388774

I really just meant it as how we see ourselves and our own activities...what we would or wouldn't consider Lolita lifestyle aesthetics or our own habits, not as another way to judge other people and theirs. More just how we feel about or view ourselves.

>> No.7388789

Who is she?
I think it's feasible to lifestyle in a mix of good stuff, offbrand and loliables.
But I won't be wearing Divine Cross to plant my rosebushes, haha.
I wear my wash and wear stuff to cook though, I have 5 cute but functional aprons as well though. (2 are Lolita)

>> No.7388794

Sweet self post, kiddo.

>> No.7388803

I'm probably referring to those activities then, G&LB food and travel sections always make me think of it as a bit more of a lifestyle activity when much of what I do, I do wearing the fashion. They aren't tied to each other, it's true but it's a pleasant association for me ( and others, it seems) nevertheless.

>> No.7388810

I think it's more how you think of your own lifestyle and how it relates to Lolita, it's not about me or anyone judging if you are Rori enough to be a lifestyler.
I was just curious HOW people relate to wearing the fashion vs it being more than a fashion and including activities with wearing the fashion into a lifestyle. It's just a discussion, not a more Rori then though test.

>> No.7388813

Oops, above was meant for
And not

>> No.7388857

>I'm also pretty polite.

If this is true, good luck with dealing with the sandy cunts on this board.

>> No.7388888

Are there any life style blogs out there? I'm tired of the filthy casuals that inhabit the majority of lolita.

>> No.7388894

I wear lolita daily, I just use a nice apron when I have to do something that might get my dress dirty.
I don't wear prints thouth, so I don't care for the resale value.

>> No.7388898

Not that anon, but I sew, collect tea, read a lot, used to play violin, listen to classic music, go to exhibition, cook, and I'd like to try collecting dry flowers. I don't stop myself from doing non lolita-related things tho, it's just that I happens to like this kind of things. And I consider myself as a lifestyler, I mostly wear lolita.

>> No.7388902

I'm not entirely agreing with you. As a lolita, you don't have to act a certain way and do certains things. But I think we have a subculture that can lead to lifestyle. Proof ? We have a 'solid' community. Goth (who can or can not be lifestyle) have a solid subculture and community. Decora, CPK etc don't have any subculture and community.
We have magazines, artists, shows, language, history. It's kind of a small culture.

As for goth, you're not obliged to comply to any 'lifestyle' aspect of the culture, but you can't deny it exist.

>> No.7388908

>Are there any life style blogs out there?

I was wondering this too. The old Princess Portal is viewable in the Wayback Machine but I don't know of anything like it since.

Lolita bloggers have done things together like 30 Days Lolita and a 52 week of questions and some form the Lolita Blog Carnival to write on a pre-voted topic but I'm not sure I've come across any styling themselves as a Lolita Lifestyle bloggers.

>> No.7389086

Some of the "typical lolita hobbies" like sewing or embroidery are just very practical, especially when you wear your frills daily.
It's also pretty obvious that someone who wears frilly elaborate dresses likes things that have the same feeling to them I guess (tea parties, gardening, baking, etc)
But girls who just do things to have a higher loli cred or some shit are just as ita as those kawaii sexy maido roris

>> No.7389107

I'm pretty domesticated and also baking is my hobby, I also really like a lot of cute and more refined things. I collect antique teacups, and listen to things like akiko shikata, kanon wakeshima and fantasy j-pop quite often.

>> No.7389110

There is always going to be a lifestyle aspect to it, it's an alt-fashion and it's pretty much the only one 'without' a lifestyle aspect. even shit like fairy-kei has a lifestyle aspect in Japan. You can't be a lolita at heart like you're saying, but there are things you can do that are more in line with the fashion and it's general aesthetics.

>> No.7389119

>wear lolita daily
>drink exclusively tea
>bake and cook in frilly aprons
>collect dolls and stuffed animals
>pretty good at sewing, embroidery and painting
>never swear, always polite, study and apply savoir-vivre
>still think "lifestyle lolita" shouldn't even be a thing in the first place

>> No.7389122

why not? afraid of being a spechul snowflake. honestly all the people denying it's even possible are far more special snowflaky than people who think it's a thing. it's a large fashion with a community who's members do things based around the fashion most times, it has a lifestyle. if it didn't have some semblance of one comms and brands wouldn't have teaparties and there wouldn't be 'lolita related activities'

>> No.7389140

i think everyone would have to agree on the origins of lolita before anyone can be a lifestyle lolita (beyond just the fashion aspect) and since agreeing on anything will never happen...
if you dont know the origin, how can you say x,y,z behavior qualifeis as lifestyle?
example: lets have a tea party. well who the fuck said tea has anything to do with lolita.

>> No.7389148

Lifestyle lolita to me is wearing it most of the time.

If you do >>7389119 that just makes you a grandma lifestyler. Without the clothes you can't have the lifestyle.

>> No.7389150

Lolita's main origin is natural-kei, this is not a secret. Natural-kei is an echo of hippie's 19th century revival. It evoluted in a few differents styles as lolita and mori kei.

19th century's maiden lifestyle in France and England : drinking tea, sewing, embroidery, playing music, reading, collecting things etc.
Alice is also a big inspiration for lolitas, ehence the tea party thing.

>> No.7389153

>grandma lifestyler.
>I lol
Except I swear like a sailor.

>> No.7389156

This is the stupidest thing ITT so far. Do you think punk and goth worked like that? No, it's community based, that's how all subcultures work. Pretty much every lolita comm goes to tea, all brands host tea parties, tea parties are a lolita activity. It has nothing to do with the origin of the fashion, it evolves, it's a culture. I'm sure if you told a punk from the 80s what some modern punks listen to(blink182) they'd claim it wasn't real punk, but it is. Just like how the fashion is created and dependent on the community so are the hobbies and activities related to it. There is a culture in lolita, otherwise comms wouldn't exist, and people who deny this are pretty vehemently stupid.

>> No.7389158

I think it's definitely a thing, but I think very few people have the money/time/job to allow for it.
For me, being a lifestyler is more dependent on wearing lolita very often (almost every day if not every day) than on "lolita" hobbies or activities.
For example, I bake, make candy, crochet, read, draw, and still enjoy sending snail mail letters and cute packages to friends and family. I also aim to be polite and maintain good etiquette as a matter of decency.
However, my situation (fairly small wardrobe, lolita not compatible with school/work) and a bit of my own laziness prevent me from wearing lolita more than once or twice a week.
Despite engaging in "lolita" hobbies on a daily basis, I would not consider myself a lifestyler. I also think that the set of "lolita" hobbies is sort of silly. You're not any less of a lolita if you're playing video games in your dress as opposed to reading Dickens, are you? No.

All of this said, I would like to one day be in a position where I can wear lolita on a daily basis.

>> No.7389436

I've been thinking of setting some Lolita lifestyle guidelines for myself, just to inspire me to wear it more and also improve some of my neglected skills and hobbies. I used to embroider quite a bit and it is a useful skill since I prefer non-print dresses with embellishment. Momoko inspired, yes so kind of trite but still.
Also I'm wanting to set some reading goals this year since I kind of set aside leisure reading a couple of years ago but miss it.
Both could be done on days when I could dress Lolita, say, 2-3x per week so it would kind of push me to practice my coordination and makeup skills just for fun and for my own sense of satisfaction.

>> No.7389458

A charming prospect... but no. For now, I'll settle on wearing brand cardigans, sweaters, pants from Moitie, and accessories on a daily basis. More comfortable, less layers, still charming, less distracting.

>> No.7389465

Does gothic lifestyler count? Cause its way fun.

>> No.7389472

Yeah, I do all that too, but at the same time, I drink, listen to metal and rock, game, have a fairly 'male dominated' study. But I do like getting to my sweet side, listening to pachelbel while drinking tea, or play violin in a lolita dress. It just creates a cute atmosphere.

>> No.7389475
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I used to be one, but some bad stuff happened that limited my mobility and finances for awhile. I might get back into it, but right now my lolita collection is pretty small and I'd need to lose weight to fit into one or two things again- I sold all my brand, just my crappy bodyline and handmade stuff I kept for sentimental value is left.

For me the most interesting aspect was the idea of using incredibly traditional manners as a way to rebel- Sort of like the neovictorians in The Diamond Age. I feel sort of lost in a world where there are no expectations about how you should behave other than make money and don't get caught doing illegal things. The idea that beauty and politeness are a responsibility we have to ourselves, even if we just want to become an archetype, is interesting.

You shouldn't step on other people's toes, though. When I first got into this, the idea of a lifestyle lolita was kicked around, and most people were the only lolita within a 20 mile radius of their home, or one of a few people in their city. The ideal lifestyle loli was someone who was doing her own crazy frilly thing, no matter what others thought, so if other people don't agree with you or want to enjoy their clothes and the comms in a different way, it should be okay. But I think that's why lifestylers fell out of fashion and got mocked, too. Lolita became really competitive around 2007-2008 or so. The internet in general became more about being this efamous blogger who got free stuff and pimping your social network rather than getting to read about or talk about things no one you knew in meatspace was into at around that time. I'm not sure what changed, and I don't blame anyone.

There were never really any goth lolita lifestyle bloggers, though.

Pic sort of related. I think flower teas and loose leaf teas like gunpowder are goth loli as fuck. My coworker told me once it looks like you're drinking a witches' potion!

>> No.7389506

I don't know why I keep coming back to this board. I think the lolita style is a visual atrocity. Maybe I have a suppressed girliness that makes me want to look at this kind of thing, even browse the shopping sites sometimes, and I think to live out a 'lolita lifestyle' (being pretty all day, living in a pretty place doing nice things and not working) would be lovely for a week maybe, but it sounds more relaxing than fun.

>> No.7389515

>being pretty all day, living in a pretty place doing nice things and not working
You just described a 50s housewife. A lifestyle lolita would be more consistent of what 17th century French countesses would teach their daughters, followed by a bit of domestication.

>> No.7389521

I think there is a certain defensiveness or 'more Rori than thou' fear of judgement when Lifestyle is mentioned, but that's just it, when the term was coined, it WAS just crazy rufflebutts doing their frilly thing as much as possible, not who was 'most lifestyle'.

I think that competitiveness has hopefully run it's course. I'd much rather see a facebook about lifestyle Lolita, i.e.:ideas we share to add to our enjoyment of Lolita rather than things like that crazy Lolita anti-defamation league or more 'look what I bought' videos.

>> No.7389523

Is there a reason you can't work AND be pretty?
Pimp your desk with hello kitty office supplies. Buy things at thrift shops and embroider them and sell them on etsy.

>> No.7389528

>I'd much rather see a facebook about lifestyle Lolita
C-can we start this?

>> No.7389529

Maybe you'd prefer otome kei?

>> No.7389537

>hello kitty

Also, one of the things that I think lifestyle lolita should entail is the decadence of not having any job or responsibilities. That's why I mentioned 17th century french countess, it has the same style as being a modern rich lady but with elegance and sophistication.

>> No.7389540

That is why I started the topic here, to test the temperature, see if it's something people might like and contribute to without being fussy about defining things (except for themselves).
Where we might share and be inspired to more of these kinds of things if we have a mind to and have a place to post pix or tell about it. I'm not sure there would be enough interest and contribution to sustain it though. I think it would need at least a dozen peeps posting at leadt monthly to be viable and worth it to members, enough to hold interest.

Thoughts, input, discussion welcome.

>> No.7389543

I'm a metalhead too, and I like playing video games, but it doesn't go against lifestyle I think. Visual and metal are pretty linked to lolita anyway.

>> No.7389549

I don't know, I was thinking of those sweet inspired rooms from room threads where the entire thing is like Minnie Mouse's house at disney world. I've seen a lot of sanrio stuff in there. I'm more into goth/classic so my ideal desk pimping effort would involve a lot of hollywood regency things. I guess I can see what you mean, but in that time period women put so much work into being socialites that it was in my mind similar to having a full time nonlabor job.

This is a good idea but I don't have a facebook because Fallen London was stealing my life.

>> No.7389551

I would definitely contribute, as a baker and tea expert(I've taken classes on tea, so many classes) I have a lot of cooking related hobbies and ideas about hospitality and refinement through food, though some of them are along the vein of traditional Japanese(thanks to my grandmother)a lot of them are more fitting.

>> No.7389555

> the idea of using incredibly traditional manners as a way to rebel

It's amusing that what was once considered "counter-culture" (i.e. excessive drinking, drugs, promiscuity, swearing, rudeness, "edginess", etc) has now become the norm, and true "counter culture" now would essentially be a revival of Victorianism.

To be fair, societal norms and trends and the like are all pretty cyclical/predictable, so it's not like this is some great revelation or anything. Plus, some people find it fulfills them to be frilly, polite, and pleasant with everyone, just like others would rather be edgy and bad-bitch or whatever the new tumblr trend is.

tl;dr do whatever makes you happy and doesn't pose too much of a danger to those around you.

>> No.7389572

Counterculture is doing whatever you're not supposed to do. Like I'm reading a book series where everyone wears gloves all day everyday, so there's porn of girls taking gloves off seductively.

But actually the era before the victorians was very "anything goes" and overemotional and a lot of victorian straightlaced behaviors were a reaction to what came before.

>> No.7389577

See, this is where 'defining it for ourselves' needs to be heavily emphasized so things done devolve into 'this is, that isn't' type of squabbling or questioning others' tastes. In the fashion there are rules that we may or may not agree with but in a Lifestyle it's more what the individual does. Less popular activities will get less discussion though so it kind of sorts itself.

>> No.7389578

>To be fair, societal norms and trends and the like are all pretty cyclical/predictable
>confirmed for talking out of your ass
Only people who have no idea about anything think this.

>> No.7389583

Even if we do define it ourselves, it has to be unified. I don't think individually works in this instance, obviously having your own hobbies can attribute to the aspect of lifestyle, but in order for it to be a subculture we have to have things that are unified in some way. And I'm pretty sure most lolitas will think that hello kitty has nothing to do with lolita at all.

>> No.7389584

Ok, here are 2 plus me, that's not very many, though it seems quite a few weighed in here. It may be that just having a thread here a while is the best thing before jumping right into something more like a Facebook group or LJ or such. How does that seem?

>> No.7389585

see >>7389572

>> No.7389588

There are probably a lot more interested lurkers in this thread (myself included), so organizing a fixed group would be a good idea at this point.

>> No.7389590

Is that achievable natty

>> No.7389591

I think a basic defining structure would be good, yes, starting with wearing the fashion is a must, (a peeve of mine is no clothes, many opinions), but saying 'I'd do my desk with hello kitty' should be acceptable as well. Let's kick it around some more here and see what naturally comes up by consensus. That in itself is a good group social skill to begin with.

>> No.7389598

Generally agree with this.

>> No.7389599

Well yes and no. I don't want a lot of initial squabbling about what is or isn't lifestyle, I think that's best done here on anon until a basic consensus is reached, maybe.

>> No.7389601


I can't believe I'm doing this because it seems bitchy as hell but AP and Baby both seem to think Sanrio goes pretty well with sweet lolita.

>> No.7389603

To start a loose defining criteria I'd start with
'no clothes, no lifestyle'.
Must have one complete lolita coordinate to wear. I'm very put off by the 'I'm lolita in my mind' set.
Thoughts? What else should be defined?

>> No.7389606

This is kind of irrelevant, but I figured this would be the best thread to post it in.

The hairdresser butchered my hair seagulls.
Like, I had really long, pretty hair, and she cut EIGHT inches off. I"m so pissed.

Anyone have any good websites for wigs? I don't have any at all, and am pretty new to loli in general. (Don't worry, I'm not an ita.) I want something natural colored, with possible ringlets, preferably quite cheap, as I don't mind deshining it, and doing work on it.

I have a photoshoot next weekend. Fuck.

>> No.7389607

I guess what I was getting at is that trying to "lolify things" doesn't necessarily mean taking Japanese mascots and slapping them onto things, but that lolifying things in your own way is part of the lifestyle, honestly it could mean that if you wanted it to. Basically a lolita lifestyle is just taking the feelings you get when you wear lolita and applying them to your life on an every day basis. I generally feel really elegant and looming when I wear EGL or EGA and I want my life to reflect those feelings. Just as someone who wears sweet probably feels cute and fluffy and wants to cover their house in kawaii things.

>> No.7389610

See, argh. It will be to one, it won't to another.
The point of the group would be a place to say something like 'I like HK so I decided to incorporate some accessories into my desk deco at work, it makes me feel cute and pretty, since I can't wear my lolita to work'
That way it isn't
'My thing, so Rori!'
'No, that's not Rori.'

>> No.7389617

Yes, this. Exactly. Now we are getting somewhere.
Things that make us feel more Lolita within our own sphere.

I like gothic. To me a stained glass window in my bedroom would be 'so Rori' but I'd just like a group I could show it off to and have you all know why it's like that, even though your room may be shabby chic or full of frills and maybe HK.

>> No.7389621

Okay with this as long as the coord just has to look good on, it doesn't have to be brand or be a super popular print or anything.

It would be nice to hear what people think a lolita lifestyle would look like- I think it would be different depending on what styles of lolita you like.

Agree with this. It shouldn't be weeabooism, it should be about making things cute, elegant, etc. >>7389610 This, basically.

If we form a comm we might need to make some sort of rule about con crit/suggestions about things people might also like vs. telling people they aren't loli.

Also, I don't want to hear about anyone's sexual ageplay. If you want to collect antique dolls or something, okay, but there should be a line there.

Plenty of places to buy inexpensive wigs, maybe ebay. I had this happen to me this summer, I wanted 4 inches taken off my nearly waist length hair, they took ten. Hair grows. Minimize heat styling, take some vitamins, and be patient.

>> No.7389624

Gothic & Lolita Wigs ringlets, I think there's a longer and a shorter version. Call them and get quicker shipping?

>> No.7389638

Alright. Thanks so much!
That sounds really rough. I don't do much styling anyway, so I'm not to worried about it. It's just this photoshoot has got me really upset.

>> No.7389644

Regarding having one coord, I don't think replicas can be included in the spirit of the lifestyle but any off, indie, big brands, any style, any price, basically following the accepted coordinate rules should be good. Petti required if dress takes one.

Yes to rules about concrit and asking for concrit AND for taking it off-group if argument brews.
No age play or edgy bondage desu. Nothing sexual at all that would not come up in a cocktail party or tea atmosphere in polite society. It's too easy to fall into judging and/or offend sensibilities. It's usually TMI to share that kind of thing in most social situations anyway.

Also, we could begin by using trips here in the thread and see how it goes for clarity and to begin to get to know each other...thoughts?

>> No.7389648

Yeah, makes sense, no print replicas as your one coord.

>> No.7389668

I'm keeping screencaps of the thread so if this idea of a group takes off, they can just be posted but I think first hammering out the guidelines that participants want is a good idea in this thread.
Any lolita bloggers here? I have one and do the Carnival sometimes but it's pretty much just my opinions and a journal. Blogging about the fashion is one of my hobbies in the lifestyle and often helps me vent or collect my thoughts on my own little platform and then I don't need to blow up a group with my opinions, usually, I write a blog, haha.

>> No.7389682

Was it damaged? Usually hairdressers only take off extra hair because the ends are split or dry which is common for long hair. Still not cool to do it without saying so first.

>> No.7389967


Each time CGL/EGL has tried to start a lifestyle group it fails and dies off. Join the FB group if you must and see what you'll be dealing with. These are the idiots who believe in lifestyling in their kawaii kokoros and you will be surrounding yourselves with that.

Good luck.

>> No.7389974

Which group is it. I was wondering about it. What causes the fail? Squabbling and can't agree on things?

>> No.7390073
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Yeah, but we hadn't discussed taking off eight inches. Now My hair looks so short, and I look like a man. :c

>Inb4 dat nose
I know, I'm working on saving up to getting it fixed.

>> No.7390081

Jesus woman your nose is fine

>> No.7390082

Also thought I'd mention, that I don't have a card at the moment, so online purchases are kind of not available to me. I wonder, does sallys make decent wigs? Anyone know any stores I could go to? I thought about going to a black haircare store, as they have extensions and stuff.

>> No.7390085

Sorry, sorry. Didn't mean to derail things.

>> No.7390462


like a man? really?

>digging for compliments
you can stop.

>> No.7390496
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>tfw no lolita gf to buy nice gifts for and provide for

>> No.7390672
File: 146 KB, 717x960, gothicloli.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>When first started wearing (pic related)
>Don't see why people think lolita means act like a fucking queen
>Maybe act more doll like because clothing makes it feel necessary or you might look/feel awkward
>One difference is I smile more when I go out in public
>Dont go out much unless in lolita
>Built better people skills
>People are nicer to me when Im in lolita

>> No.7390719

>Join the FB group if you must and see what you'll be dealing with.

Which FB group are you referring to?

Obviously if this is going to work we would need to see why other groups may have failed in the past.
I'm not an idiot that believes in my heart of cute that I have special Rori princess powah but it would be nice to have a small group of like-minded Lolita peeps to share daily stuff with. It's not on-topic enough to post about in the established groups or I'd just suggest something like updating in FFA or a weekly thread or such.

>> No.7390728

You might be able to get extensions at Sally, dye them to match, I know they sell them in 613 which could be dyed darker.

She's probably still in haircut shock, I don't see this as digging. Shorter hair makes you go
'oh hello there big face in my mirror'
if you get a lot off unexpectedly.

>> No.7390926

I actually wasn't digging for compliments. I was showing a picture to show how the hair looks like a shaggy boy's hair.

>so much sand

>> No.7390931

I suppose that's true. I didn't think about dying them. I guess that's common sense really.


Though, I actually did get a prepaid card tonight, so I can purchase a wig, I just don't know where to get one from. All the ebay wigs I looked at had users with bad reviews. I might just go to the help thread, as I feel I might be derailing this one too much.

>> No.7391182

I bake, sew, draw, play violin and piano, grow roses and love reading and tea parties with friends. the only thing stopping me from being a lifestyler is a lack of clothes or the money to buy them. i have sewn a few pieces but i dream of owning some brand such as VM or older Baby pieces.

>> No.7391207

There are patterns to sew Lolita clothes in the Gothic & Lolita Bibles and offbrand and lower cost places like Bodyline to pick up pieces.
This being an 18+ board, I'm assuming everyone has some resources.

In this context wearing the fashion is the basis of talking about the lifestyle.
I'm not sure if there are other groups with a focus on these kinds of hobbies but what makes this topic cohesive is it's focus on the wearing the fashion as the primary hobby.

>> No.7391211

>I think the idea that lolitas should behave a certain way doesn't sit well with people. Personally I always try to be polite and follow etiquette. I don't think that comes from lolita though, I just like being a pleasant person.

This, I get very upset when the community I identify most gets filled with rude unpleasantness.
I wish more people learnt the general rules of tact and politeness for general conversation, but maybe I'm just being weird.

>> No.7391213

How about you actually TRY wearing lolita first instead of just ita hot topic crap.

Just a thought.

>> No.7391635

They're clearly just a troll, don't bother with them,

>> No.7391649

So here's something I haven't seen anybody really discuss: what about a lolita 'lifestyle' as sort of a less strict form of historical reenactment? I'd especially love to see more meetups based on 18th and 19th century social gatherings and parties with appropriate etiquette and such.

>> No.7391652

I could tell by the wording that it wasn't meant to be helpful, haha.
Since I'm not aware of any lifestyle group(s), or a FB group, failed or no, I wanted to make sure I wasn't overlooking something.
But I didn't think I was.
I haven't heard of any tried/failed groups of this kind or I'd have obviously looked into them.

What I did notice was a sharp fall-off of posts to this thread when "full coord, no replicas, no dramu/baiting posts" appeared as likely beginning requirements. Which I did expect, along with some kind of commentary about it, subtle or no.
So not entirely clever.

>> No.7391658

That would be fun, especially at a convention meet as a demonstration of the type of society the clothes are historically based on.

>> No.7391663

The main hobby is wearing Lolita.
A Lolita Lifestyle group of this kind would have that as its first focus, and to further and encourage the wearing of the fashion is a big goal.
Members having at least 1 full coordinate excluding print replicas would be the first basic requirement.

>> No.7391682
File: 431 KB, 400x600, noanswer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"First started"
"pic related"
How about you read a post before you reply to it?

>> No.7391691

There are definitely some commonalities that stand out about lolita culture in general. Of course these don't apply to everyone, but in general people seem to gravitate towards these:

> love of tea and tea parties
> desire for more politeness and etiquette
> cooking, especially sweets and baking
> love of nature, gardening, flower meanings, etc

Also a lot of the variances on what people consider "lifestyle" depend on what sort of other tastes people have that their lolita fits in with. People interested in it because of it's inspiration from historical fashions tend to be the type that want to act like they live in a Jane Austen Novel. Others who aren't interested in that sort of thing would obviously find this pretentious. Some people are more into the hyper cuteness or super 'edgy' aspects.

So if you're going to create a community of lifestylers, while there is some commonalities, like I mentioned, you need to figure out a) whether you want to focus on a particular type or try to include everybody and b) if the latter, how are you going to do that without it being a hodge-podged mess.

>> No.7391740

That's why I started the thread here, to determine
-if there were a dozen or so 18+ women interested in posting to a lifestyle group at least once a month
-if certain commonalities can be agreed upon as basics for forming the group
- to determine the interests of potential members to see if it will form the basis of a cohesive group.

I'm more interested in an active small group that beneficially inspires its members than I am in a wide inclusiveness or herding a big group. If a dozen or so present with similar likes, then excluding fringe interests in favor of what the majority will be interested in isn't unreasonable.
It's not likely that a small FB is going to define Lifestyle for everyone.

I'm guessing super edgy will not want to be in this group because it would bore them and an 18+ person very into super kawaii may not be the best fit either because it doesn't really fit with the esthetic of elegance nor would those who have stated interests so far really welcome either one so I think more discussion will sort things out.

Some requirements have been suggested so far
- one complete coordinate excluding print replicas
- exclusion of sexual ageplay or any sexual content beyond what would be acceptable at a social gathering
-one or more hobbies generally thought of as Lolita Lifestyle (the green text you posted, basically)

That is already fairly narrowed criteria. I'm surprised no one has protested, honestly.
Not that it would be relevant since anyone is free to start a lifestyle group with any criteria, haha.

Tl;dr small group of narrowed common interests would be best

>> No.7392319

This thread made me think of this old post from lj.
>101 Lolita Lifestyle Ideas

>> No.7392566

Not your anon but seriously, this happens a lot. Search for lifestyle lolita on FB. You'll run into a bunch of trash. CGL tried to make an LJ a few years ago and every attempt ends the same way.


>> No.7392572

I'd actually really like that, I feel like it would give me more inspiration to keep my house (and my self) in order, and keep me doing things like practicing piano and violin and baking which is something I really need.

>> No.7393265

I'd definitely be up for this. I've been thinking about starting a Lolita lifestyle blog, a sort of throwback to what Lolita blogs were like "back in the day" before they started turning to reviews, makeup posts, sponsored posts, etc. to keep newer folks interested.
It would be nice to have a community where we can share and discuss all different facets of "feminine"-style life and activities. And it would definitely give me 1000x more inspiration.

>> No.7393272

I would want to join, I probably wouldn't be able to contribute much more than once a couple of months however.

Good luck in trying to keep everyone's desire for edgy sexual topics out of conversation, it seems everyone and their mother can't keep their bedroom antics off of fb or tumblr lately.

>> No.7393488

Ok, I searched and found 3 English ones and one French. Only 1 large one. None were very active, and most had devolved into people advertising their items for sale or pimping their blogs.
Nothing really containing hobby or everyday life discussion.

>> No.7393494

Finding inspiration and a few deciding to blog is a good thing, and something I also think a group would be good for. I'm seeing what looks like maybe 4-6 people(self included) who might be interested. It's a bit hard to tell which are same person but I think I have it straight.

The TMI sexual topics make many people uncomfortable so it would have to be on a ' 1 warning then boot from group' basis, I'm not '3 strikes' patient when rules are clearly defined.
I don't think this will be that much of a problem.

>> No.7393502

This is interesting, thank you for the link. Some of these would be good for starting discussion, for inspiration, maybe even for a group project.

45. Design and make your own 'calling cards' they should include your *name and address. A calling card can be left when you pay a visit to someone or as an informal 'business card'

*Name and email or facebook. You can give them to new acquaintances at conventions or gatherings. Moo cards are small and cute and you can have many designs in an order of 100.

>> No.7393507

I feel like not many of us would actually have hobbies in common though, there's no real agreement anywhere on which hobbies are considered feminine. It sounds like it's different for each of us what makes us feel classy and feminine.

>> No.7393514

I'm nearly 28, but I kind of want to get back into Lolita. I'd wear gothic, aristocrat and boystyle and have always love the aesthetic that is commonly associated with those styles. I'd want to incorporate as much of that into my life as possible so I guess that would make me a lifestyle by most people's definition? I've always been a kind of 'go big or go home' type of person, so if I really got into it, I'd want to go all the way.

On the other hand, for some reason I've been daydreaming about being a custodian a lot lately for some reason. Probably because it involves minimal interaction with people and I slip by unnoticed.

>> No.7393643

I think some of us would and others are close enough that they could inspire even if it wasn't super-similar. If I am around a person I share a hobby with, watching them progress in other areas they consider related will inspire me. I don't knit, for example, never will...but if I see someone's project coming along, it will often inspire me in my sewing project I've been procrastinating on. Even in unrelated areas. I have an online con friend who crochets. She likes to see my bento. By association, when her posts pop up, I often think, 'Hey, I should make a bento tomorrow'.

>> No.7393647

I'm interested in mori-kei lifestyle. Walks in the woods, gardening, cooking, preserving, reading, witchcraft, nature, animals.

>> No.7393654

That's the thing though, it's not about sharing specific hobbies but about sharing the hobby of lolifying your life. I think a group that's based around this can help people find ideas and inspiration from others who might have other hobbies that they may not have thought of before. It can also help us discover what actually makes lifestyle lolita something that is unified, such as tea or music. If I wanted to talk to people about a specific hobby such as embroidery or crocheting I would just join a hobby group, but the interest comes from seeign what others may do that they consider within the realm of the lolita lifestyle.

>> No.7393683

You might want to start a mori/natural kei thread and see what pops up.

>> No.7393684


>> No.7393720

I love the girls who sit there and let hair dressers chop off their hair. Were you not paying attention at all?

>> No.7393725
File: 9 KB, 305x282, hate_people_xlarge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was a custodian for several years, it was great. I could wear whatever I liked (but for obvious reasons never lolita or anything I cared about). Not exactly an elegant job but it had decent pay. Now I work in retail for minimum wage and have to wear khakis and talk to people.

>> No.7393726

>should entail is the decadence of not having any job or responsibilities
be born into rich family
get sugar daddy
pick one

>> No.7393731

If you seek minimal interaction, maybe a lolita social group might not be your best option.

>> No.7393732

There's a difference between interacting with complete strangers and interacting with people you know have the same interests as you.

>> No.7393739

So start it. Mori/dolly kei lifestyle is lots of fun and not so expensive as lolita. observe and celebrate the moon phases and the solstices. for free grimoire downloads. Check out the green witch:
Grimoar . c z
plant herbal gardens for tea and food seasoning and work your way up. they're really easy to maintain.

>> No.7393741

>I was a custodian for several years, it was great

Really? I may consider it more seriously, then. Honestly, I don't mind cleaning and the idea of doing a job with minimal interaction that doesn't care as much what I do on my own time is pretty seductive. I've been working in preschools (private) for a long time and it's just the opposite. I'm constantly interacting with people and have to be very careful how I present myself. Even outside of work. So I guess that's part of it.
About a year ago, I had a complete nervous breakdown and tried to end my life. I spent some time in the hospital and now I'm on a ton of medication. I'm finally starting to get my shit together and have done some thinking in the meantime. I've decided that it's okay if my priorities are different than the people in my life. In other words, if I'm not making a ton of money, but my mental health is better, then it's worth it to me. I don't mind taking the bus and I'm okay with living in a small apartment. I just want to be able to take care of my mental health, my basic needs and be able to afford wi-fi, a dog and a few luxury purchases here and there.
That's the exact opposite of what my friends want for themselves. One of my friends wants to start her own business, make millions of dollars, own at least three houses and drive a BMW. I just want to be left alone. I want a boring, ordinary, quiet life. I guess that's part of the reason they don't understand why I day dream about cleaning up after people. That, and I have a four year degree and graduated with a good GPA.

>> No.7393747

>so I guess that would make me a lifestyle by most people's definition?

Not exactly? If only wanting to interact minimally with people around you, then wearing an attention-drawing street fashion really often kind of doesn't make sense. You say 'back into Lolita', were you wearing it regularly at one time?

>> No.7393751

This mori/witchcraft discussion would be better in a thread of its own.

>> No.7393761

Oh god, mori girl /=/ witchcraft. Please make a different name. Mori style is about dressing in layers and earth tones, and lifestyle-wise would be being in nature, gardening, art, and animals. There was even a list of official mori lifestyle rules published a few years ago and witchcraft was not included.

>> No.7393768

At the very least you have an attainable goal, and won't be forever putting yourself in a bad place to try and rake in more cash that odds are 1000:1 isn't coming.

>> No.7393800

I wore Lolita pretty frequently for almost three years. Then I sold off most of my wardrobe because I hardly wore it anymore. That was a couple of years ago.
I've always worn clothing and makeup as a sort of defense mechanism/smoke screen if that makes any sense. Lolita was no exception.
If I like the way a style looks, it's worth it to me to work up the nerve to wear it in public and risk having people react to it. Even though it still makes me a little nervous sometimes, it's different than what some people might call 'interacting with the public' like you would in a job. And since the way the I looked was usually the topic of discussion, the interaction was a bit more on my terms, so it didn't bother me as much.
But to be honest, not many people spoke to me when I was in Lolita (I wore gothic and classic so it wasn't that OTT, but still a bit attention grabbing). I just ignored the people who were rude to me and my conversations with those who had positive reactions were brief, so it wasn't stressful or anything. Same goes for the way I dress today. (Although it's pretty toned-down gothic-inspired stuff, which people are more used to seeing. So they don't say anything, really.)

That's one way of looking at it.

I'm kind of worried about the friend who wants to start her own business and make a ton of money. She's talking about investing and diversifying her portfolio, but I feel like she should work to improve her credit and pay off her debts before she starts all that, let alone start up a business. I want her to succeed, but starting your own company is very risky and I don't want her to get screwed over. Same for my friend who wants to be a fashion designer.

>> No.7393817

So...could we do a sound off/headcount/identification of people who meet the criteria so far and are definitely interested, please? Just code name or word so we can judge the numbers so far?

>> No.7393910

I hope that with whatever you do you'll be happy doing it, if you really want to be a janitor, do it! I was a janitor in a small elementary school and some of the teachers were kind of bitchy and would accuse me of not doing something I did. It's the kind of job that people don't contact you unless there's an issue so that was a bit discouraging. I ended up leaving because they were really shitty to me towards the end, though. I hear the new guy does a terrible job and always gets complaints, so I feel better about that. I liked having sort of a double life though, people were always surprised I was a janitor of all things.

Sorry to stray off topic. Basically what I think about lolita lifestyle: it's difficult to define because of the fashion's diverse styles. Sweet lifestyle would be quite different from classic lifestyle, for instance. I think music plays a big part in any subculture as well, but does every lolita have to listen to Malice Mizer or Kyari? (just for examples sake). What really brings this community together is clothing, so I'm a little skeptical on a lifestyle. I hope I can be proven wrong someday though.

>> No.7393925

Where? What kind? That sounds nice.

>> No.7394465

I like these. However, I don't think they're strict enough. Lifestyle is extreme. It's not for people who like loli, but also like other pretty stuffs. It's for people who dedicate their lives to being loli. Lifestyle needs harsher rules and less lee way. Here's my list of lifestyle requirements

>>Must have an interest in traditional feminine hobby's/activities (Such as sewing, cooking, ect.)
>>Must wear lolita when going outside
>>Must act like a lady, have good manners, no edgy shit.
>>Must have a house/room that matches the lolita aesthetic
>>must like tea
>>must own many lolita outfits, enough so that you can wear lolita out everyday
>>Always take great care of your looks, keep nails polished, do hair, keep skin fresh. You must never appear ugly in front of others.
>>can't have a physically intensive/pleb job.
>>Must have a decent amount of money
>>can't be black, mexican, or any race that historically sucks/has been subservient to the people the lolita fashion aspires to look like
>>must have a interest in improving oneself and becoming more loli. Ways of going about this include;
-taking a class in etiquette, learning proper table manners and speech
-learning to ballroom dance
-learning to be a good host and how to throw proper tea parties
-reading Victorian era books on manners and behavior.

If you disagree with this, you're a casual poser.

>> No.7394477

I'm definitely interested. Do we send you an email or ___?

>> No.7394481

>have dermatophagia, so I can't be a lifestyle lolita?
>not even touching that racist bullshit either
>can't tell if serious or just giant troll

>> No.7394599

I actually agree with this. It would weed out a lot of itas for one thing, because they're all poor/ugly/low class/no manners etc

Like obviously not every Lolita has to follow this, but if you really want to be considered a lifestyler, you have to take it to the extreme.

>> No.7394609

Count me, i'm the anon who would only post in the group once every two months or something however.
And even then, it would just be 'look at my pretty trinket from the second hand store'

>> No.7394614
File: 192 KB, 500x357, 1371056634031.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm hoping you're either samefag or another troll.

>> No.7394615

well just make sure you always wear high enough socks/tights and long sleeve blouses with high collars so no skin shows. everyone knows thats the most loli anyway

>> No.7394620

you sound like the dreamchild of TLC "my strange addiction" producers

>> No.7394649

I think these sound reasonable and would be interested in taking part.

>> No.7394678

Describe what you mean by Gothic Lifestyler? This is fascinating stuff.

>> No.7394693

Dermatophagia is anxiety-induced skin picking and fingernail biting. I could wear gloves with every coordinate, but it's hard to find decent vintage or lolita-style gloves in a multiple colours. I don't think I want to draw attention to my hands if I could help it though.

My point is, I don't really think that short nails should exclude anyone from being a proper lolita or lifestyle lolita, especially if that is literally the one thing preventing them from being considered one.

>> No.7394705

>>7394465 and >>7394599
You laugh or satirize but I can fit many of these requirements and often do though I don't share the extreme views at all. I'm certainly not the best or only one who could either, but I did in fact think of a few more that you left out for TRUE extreme lifestyle. But not for a group and certainly that is not what this is about.

My guess is the above are troll posts or someone with a resentment for a group with these kinds of rules, and that's ok. They don't need to join but it won't stop us if we want to make a group.

Not yet, I'm wanting 10-12 of us who want to post monthly at least, to make it interesting enough to do. Likely sometime this next week I'll probably ask for email letters of interest Monday or Tuesday, letting everyone know a count. How does that sound?

I'd like us to post a bit more often, since it's about lifestyle but if you are terribly busy, and do post regularly...

Noted, that's 3 replies from my earlier request so 4 people including myself.

I'm not sure if any expressing interest from several days ago above are you here today or have re-posted continued interest. I won't make the group for less than 10-12 of us because at one post per month each, it would be too slow to be very inspirational, I think.

Re-trolling, >>7394481 It's to be expected, I knew as soon as we decided there would be rules of any kind, there are always objectors. But my goal is a harmonious set of people with a bit of common ground rooted firmly in the fashion so the requirements-rules proffered so far aren't really asking terribly much, I feel.

>> No.7394712

Not any more than my long talons do, haha. Don't mind the trolling, really. It's pointless.

>> No.7394718

If Gothic Lolita, Aristocrat/Madame, Kodona, Ouji, yes. But Regular Western Goth is out of the scope of the group.

>> No.7394720

I'm super interested in this!

>> No.7394731

Lovely, so that would make 5 today, I think and hopefully a few who posted above from the weekend will be interested.

I'll get an email address set up and a post re-stating the basic requirements and a few interest related questions and ask everyone to email me next week. I'll check in mostly every day here but I'll be a bit more busy until this coming Monday or Tuesday. I'll reply in a block to thread posts from now until then.

>> No.7394748

I'm here too, I'm the anon who spoke about starting a "back in the day"-style blog, and about the group being able to give me inspiration for writing it.

>> No.7394756

Perfect, you make 6. I'm really interested in fellow bloggers. I neglect my blog too much so you'll help inspire me!

I also thought that with a group of 10, doing tea party hangouts on google might be a fun thing if we could coordinate the time together once in a while.

>> No.7394784

That sounds like a wonderful idea! Tea party hang-outs would be a blast.

>> No.7394794

sorry to derail the thread, but count me in as well

I think the handful of mori, goth, and other not-strictly-lolita anons ought to branch off to a new "subculture lifestyle general" type thread so as to not clog up this one.

>> No.7394808

You make 7.

I've addressed each derailment so I don't think it's going to be an issue. Mori made a thread and it's taking off well so it's all good, no worries. We should have the group up fairly soon anyway.

>> No.7394816
File: 58 KB, 500x436, 1393379892468.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You just made my fucking day, anon.

>> No.7394831

One last point tonight.
18+ is the minimum age requirement but if you are an older Lolita, please don't hesitate to join in. As some can undoubtedly tell, I'm not the youngest person in the bunch by far though I won't be getting any grandma cred anytime soon, I'm well over the average age common in the fashion. So don't be shy if you are too.

>> No.7395049
File: 64 KB, 441x705, 1392600389001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did >>7394465 really just get deleted? Fucking why?

>> No.7395061

What was it about? Also they may have deleted it themselves

>> No.7395062

Idk, did the poster delete it? What was it about?
I haven't screencapped yet today so...?

>> No.7395065

Aw, fooey, it was the big one with all the EXTREME lifestyle requirements. I was going to screencap that one, troll of no.

>> No.7395085
File: 33 KB, 1843x400, loli.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree that loli lifestyle should be a bit extreme/strict, hence why it's called a lifestyle. Because people revolve their lives around it.

>> No.7395117

>must act like a lady, have good manners, no edgy shit
>edgy shit

>> No.7395127

Is there any music you guys would consider lolita? Classical?

I want to listen to something right now but I don't know what, throw me some tunes pls

>> No.7395129



>> No.7395133


My lifestyle lolita music.

>> No.7395147

>>White people who try to talk black
This is the stupidest shit ever. I know damn well you didn't grow up talking in that accent, stop embarrassing yourself. White whores.

>> No.7395151

>>7395127 Other than classical, baroque period for me specifically(dat harpsichord) I'm quite fond of classical inspired fantasy J-Pop
Things like Akiko Shikata, Kanon Wakeshima, and some Haruka Shimotsuki as well as to some extent Yousei Teikoku and other more classical VK bands like Versailles. Only a bit of Haruka Shimotsuki, her Rem le Rose no Majo album specifically is really lovely.
Unofficial youtube link to the opening of the opera, you don't have to speak moonrunes to think it's really pretty. It also has a(fairly well done for anime style) lolita on the cover, who is the princess in the story of the opera. I find this sort of music very lovely.

>> No.7395158

Also, inb4 people correct me over what an opera is. It's just a collection of songs telling a story.

>> No.7395200

Thanks, I enjoyed both of these.

>> No.7395201

Marmite OST

>> No.7395210

Yes but we set those extreme criteria for ourselves, often. At least if we want it to be successful and sustainable. Not living by or internalizing a bunch of semi-arbitrary rules in a group. Most lifestyle criteria are important enough to be meaningful but not impossible to sustain, it's a balance.

I laughed too. It's a bad habit to pick up, that talk...but hilarious when mixed like this.

I've been listening to Yoshiki Classical lately.

My question of the night is: What is your favorite perfume to wear with Lolita? I wear gothic mostly but love sweet perfumes. Apres L'Ondee is my favorite with Insolence a close second right now.

>> No.7395224

Oh, Lola! by far. I think the smell compliments my toned down sweet/sweet-classic look really well and I just adore it so much.
>that feel when perfume is getting low but $88 dollars
>I could buy more brand with that

>> No.7395229

Haha, if a Betty Boop-like character was nasty, modern and ghetto. Ah, just too hip for me, I fear...too funny!

>> No.7395236

I try to buy some things from sephora, at least I get points and VIB perks but yep, lovely bottles get pricey! I can't resist though.

>> No.7395272

I would totally be in to this if I can mate it with Rockabilly Americana. Then I'd make a singing sweet lolita trio and tour the Midwest in a frilled out Airstream, singing at derbies and having surprise musical numbers at diners. Kinda like if Sandy wasn't "corrupted" by Rizzo.

>> No.7395546

Hip Hop Candy makes some really delicious smelling scents, a lot of them are very accurate to what they're supposed to be. I have Lollipop, Sweet Macaron, and Love Potion and I wear them almost daily.

>> No.7395597
File: 26 KB, 366x727, crazy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This whole thread reminds me of this. Oh, sky.

>> No.7395668

The Princess Portal was an amusing read in the Wayback machine but I think practicality was likely limited to things like the bath salts recipes and similar.

We aren't out to mold ourselves or others into some kind of modern-day pretend princesses, just to enjoy the things we like more fully and inspire each other in that.

Much simpler and less tiara-tastic, I think.

>> No.7395678

I have a challenge for you lolita seamstresses; create a frilly, lolita style outfit for a male.
Conceptual designs, of course. Not asking you to waste materials.

>> No.7395683

It would be just the same but with male proportions. You can order this from any indie Lolita designer right now, just give them your measurements. Also FanplusFriend will make female dresses to male measurements as a custom for +$5.

>> No.7395686

I meant a redesign, not a refitting.

>> No.7395687

You want a frilly dress to be designed to look more manly ?

>> No.7395691

In a really small nutshell, yes.
Think kind of like those old English noble shirts that had those frills errywere, except do the same to the pants.

>> No.7395695
File: 215 KB, 650x709, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sakizou drew some frilly men.

>> No.7395704

Holy shit that's hot. I'd fuck someone wearing that if I wasn't scared something was gonna snag.

>> No.7395708
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>> No.7395707

ha! i agree.

>> No.7395712

10/10, would wear delicately

>> No.7395714

I only said that because I forgot what thread I was on and am slightly dunk.

And that is the Purest Form of Love.

>> No.7395717 [DELETED] 

Man here, wandered in because normal porn was bothering me. Just so you know, a fat 23 year old dude is jerking it to your face right now.

>> No.7395720
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>> No.7395723

Hooray for you? Maybe you were expecting a ribbon or something...no one really cares, you know..

>> No.7395725

ITT: much troll trying to ruffle the bustles of lifestylers. News flash: not working. No one cares which pix you pull your pugnacious peter to this evening. Thank you for playing, there are some lovely parting gifts in the lobby.

>> No.7395731

L-Larsa? Goddamn, now that I think about it, a set of Judge armour would look nice in my room.

>> No.7395768

A resemblance for sure but a little frillier, haha!

>> No.7396469

Kawaii Japanese bands like Hanatarash, Masonna, and Hijokaidan.

>> No.7397250

It appears to have worked, considering how ruffled your bustle is. I also don't understand what gou you mad. What pics?

>> No.7397335

It was deleted, it was some guy with sexual comments about a girls photo in here.

>> No.7397349

i do what i want and enable others to do so as well.

>> No.7397359

There is a mori thread for mori and witchcraft and other religions are off topic for this thread.

>> No.7397634

So, was a loli lifestyle FB page ever made?

>> No.7397698

I'm making it. I'll post an email here Monday or Tuesday. Other details above.

>> No.7397708

This is a very on-target way to look at this project/endeavor/thingie. We will each attach different ideas to what makes our lifestyle Lolita beyond just wearing the fashion. To discover and share which other interests compliment it as well.

The group needs to have some unifying rules and guidelines but mostly just like-minded people whom this will appeal to will already 'get it' and will want to join in.

It's definitely NOT for everyone nor do I think it is up to any one person or group to define it except just for themselves.

>> No.7398461

Here is what I put together as an introductory questionnaire for the group. Please reply by email using the email you would like to be contacted at. This email will be the only one I use for the group so please add it so my messages aren't marked spam.

Your answers will be pasted into a doc as your introduction for the group members to read so we can begin to get to know each other. I will make the group and add everyone at once when the count reaches 10. The Facebook group privacy level will be 'secret' so nothing, including member names will be visible to the public.

Requirements: Please be 18+, have a Facebook account and a basic working knowledge of Facebook groups, and have at least one complete Lolita coordinate that does not include illegal replica items. Group rules and other requirements TBD by members once the count reaches 10. I would like members to post at least 1 short post monthly as this is primarily a social group designed to inspire ourselves.

For the email:

Subject: Lifestyle Lolita questionnaire (Your name to use for adding you to the group)
1. Picture of your coordinate with "Lifestyle Lolita", your initials and the date written on a note in the photo
2. How long have you known about Lolita fashion? How did you learn about it?
3. How long have you actively been dressing Lolita?
4. What is your favorite Lolita substyle and the main three reasons you like it best?
5. What substyle do you wear most often?
6. What is a substyle you can't see yourself ever wearing and why?
7. What is the biggest obstacle you have faced regarding Lolita fashion or lifestyle?
8. Describe your Lolita bubble. Anything within the scope of your Lolita lifestyle at the time of this writing. Things you observe, think, like, dislike etc.
9. What is the main thing you feel you can contribute to the group? What are you looking to get from the group? Why do you want to be a member?
10. What does "Lolita Lifestyle" mean to you?

>> No.7398466

Any questions or concerns? Please include at the end of the email. Thank you to everyone who has participated in the discussion here & added insight

>> No.7400095

I wish we could start a forum. :(

>> No.7400098

What is wrong with a FB group? It will likely be pretty small to justify setting up a whole forum.

>> No.7401699

Amazon.com has a ridiculously nice selection of colorful dress gloves in a variety of styles, and I think that would be really cute, especially with old school toned down sweet or classic coords, or long opera style gloves with the more grown up gothic long jsks that are modest and worn without a blouse if your upper arms don't have scars or wounds you are hiding.

>> No.7402354

Does the coordinate have to be worn in the photo, or is it fine to take a photo of it laid out on your bed?
Normally I'd take a nice outfit shot with a good quality camera, but I'm busy for the next few days and won't have many chances to get a nice set-up.
If not, then I'll just try and squeeze it in somewhere, or it might take me a few extra days to get a nice photo.

>> No.7402368

Laid out is fine. We'll have plenty of future opportunity to share outfit shots and such in the group once it takes off.

I'll be busy over the weekend and through Monday which is why I went ahead and posted the questionnaire with my email a bit earlier than I'd planned but there is no deadline or rush.
I just didn't want the topic to lag and interest levels to drop.
I'm starting to get email responses and look forward to more. Guess I'd better fill out my own questionnaire pretty soon. I have events this weekend so I'll likely just take my coordinate snap then.

>> No.7406156
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Since this is nearing the bottom, a bump and reminder of the email since I put it up a few days ago with the questionnaire. Response has been small so far, we do not have 10 people yet. If you'd like to see this become a thing, please participate. Thanks.

>> No.7407822

I'd like to read it, but if you're limiting it to secret facebook group, no one will be able to except contributors.

>> No.7407979

im in the process of sending you the email. ill take my photo tomorrow

>> No.7407993

btw what do you mean by lolita bubble?

>> No.7408003

Will it be possible to join in the future?
I'm sort of reconfiguring my wardrobe at the moment and am not the most active wearer, but this is something I would be really interested in the near future.

>> No.7408066

I'd like for it to be interactive for people to get to know each other by both reading and contributing, with members not afraid to publish more personal things than they might in a public general Lolita group. 'Secret' is FB's unfortunate word choice and is just a privacy setting to protect group members, this is not a 'secret club thing'.
Few enjoy being singled out, ridiculed or want to end up on BTB. Lifestyle topics (when taken out of context) kind of invite that at times.
If group members don't object, we will likely put together periodic updates on what the group is generally doing and topics being discussed and post that publicly as a newsletter on something like a blog or Tumblr. That's a likely way attract new members as well.

Sounds good!

Re: bubble. What is in your view of Lolita currently. What is impacting you. What you think, read, see, what you are doing, etc. A personal snapshot of Lolita fashion and lifestyle as you currently see it.

Yes, of course. Shoot me an email with the questionnaire whenever you are ready.

>> No.7408073

I intend to go lifestyle once I graduate college, can't really be "omg so rori" in a dorm with cement block walls.

>> No.7408084

Just add lace. That shit makes everything lolita. /s
You can still be lifestyle without an ideal lifestyle living situation.

>> No.7408096
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>Just add lace

Reminds me of pic related.

>> No.7408097

Haha, someone needs to do this kind of parody for Lolita/glue some lace on it.


>> No.7408145

Goddamn it, I like that too much. I'm not even ashamed to admit that I'd probably work out more if my weights were this fucking kawaii

>> No.7408161

Come to the kawaii side, we have #swarovskicrystals
That tag autocompletes for me.
Not one bit ashamed either.

>> No.7408203

Too many nails!
I do appreciate the mascara, panties, and car that had been bedazzled, though

>> No.7412666

Even though March can feel very spring-like some years, we are due to get some more snow today or tomorrow here where I live.
So my thoughts turned to the blossoming flowers that will be coming out pretty soon hopefully...

Thinking about yourself and your Lolita style which is spring flower that you feel would describe you best and why?

Mine would be an iris... tall, seemingly fierce and swordlike, kind of intimidating at first but one or two drops of rain on the fragile petals and they wilt. Fortunately they return stronger every year and bring reinforcements.

>> No.7412763

I don't want the man, but I do want his blouse.

>> No.7412888

I love sakura flowers because it's ephemere and delicate. It only last a few days but everybody look forward to it because it's so beautifull. Each time I see sakura flowers I feel so happy. Sakura flowers are the princesses of flowers. They are so fragile, they look just like chiffon dresses.

But as far as my style goes, I'm more of a peony I think. Intricate yet elegant and sober style with a lot of layers, a subtle scent with a little bit of spice on it and a round, maiden-like shape. Color can be subtle or bold.

>> No.7412955

Violets! Small and delicate, not too flashy, but with a strong smell that suggests strong personality.

>> No.7413966

A rose! Roses are my favorite flowers. I love the vivid reds and pinks, that are bold yet still feminine and sweet. Roses are the ideal of beauty, which inspires me. I am to be the type of person who is elegant and beautiful in each moment, captivating at a glance.
The rose is soft and fragile, but coated in its armor of thorns. I'm a very sensitive person, but I've learned through life experiences to protect that part of me. Lolita is the expression of my sweetness and femininity, but I will always hold others at a distance until I can trust them.

>> No.7414018

Many of my habits and hobbies could be related to lolita, but they came long before I even knew what lolita was. I don't consider myself a lifestyler, specially as I've been transitioning out of the fashion to something I'm not sure how to classify yet.
Honestly, it sounds kind of silly to force yourself into certain routines just because you think they match the way you dress.

>> No.7414044

Fot me it would be a gardenia: white,pure, elegant, beautiful, and Malice Mizer named a song after them

>> No.7414071

>Make thread about tea sets
>Someone prattles on about how they arent with the fashion
>Thread gets 404ed
>I see this threads main post


>> No.7414077

>cupcakes in the picture
>this must mean we can start a cupcake thread!

fuck you

>> No.7414083


Did you get raped with a teapot when you were younger? There are much more off topic threads on this board at the moment.

>> No.7414084

Cupcake threads are for /ck/ you chuckledick

>> No.7414080

working on the questionnaire now. How good do you want the quality of the pictures to be, I am crazy busy this week and put togeher a coord tonight but the lighting it going to be pretty awful

>> No.7414087

This must be the one who reported my thread.

>> No.7414088

*and can put together
** lighting is
Sorry new computer- the lay out is awful.

>> No.7414090

>Lolita board discussing lolita lifestyle
>You discussing a teaset collection
Really, what similarities do you see between these? "If there's tea, it must be lolita?"

>> No.7414094

More than that, dear.

>> No.7414101


>> No.7414107

>Lolita board

>• Cosplay
>• Lolita
>• J-fashion
>• Conventions & gatherings
>• Sewing & prop-making
>• Craftsmanship tools/materials & tutorials
>• LARPing
>• Discussing accessories such as wigs/circle lenses/prosthetics/makeup (These must be within the context of the board-related topics listed above; weight loss threads should be kept in /fit/, beauty and fashion generals should be kept in /fa/)

>> No.7414151

We can likely keep <occasional> general collections posts (like teapots) under the lifestyle thread and it won't get deleted but this is also why I think the group is a good idea. I'm getting a few replies and hoping for more.

Otoh, I'm a tea fanatic and collect tea things but I don't want to derail this thread posting and looking at teapots either, haha! Maybe a 'Collection Tuesday' post would be good to have in here and everyone post a composite of their collections of things then?

>> No.7414154

Just good/clear enough to see the items and read your note, nothing fancy.

>> No.7414169

that doesn't sound too bad bar the buying yourself fresh flowers every day part

>> No.7414168

Collection Tuesday sounds good to me

>> No.7414173

This thread is generally within the rules or I assume it would have been deleted long ago. Lifestyle aspect of Lolita (a pro and con discussion) is a recurring topic in the fashion and many people have opinions about it.

Teapots are pretty specific, narrow interest of a few and yep, foodie things belong in /ck/ though they'd likely have a fit if we posted a 'Lolita and Tea Party Food' thread there. That makes me smile but I won't do it.

>> No.7414180

Not a self post, just a fan/follower. I honestly doubt they'd use or know /fit/ slang.
I just figured I'd post her as an example because it seems she really DOES wear it on every occasion if not every day hence why her coords go whacky. Like she's run out of ideas

>> No.7414183

Her site was The Princess Portal, you can still find it in the Wayback Machine. It has an Encyclopedia Dramatica page too.

>> No.7414190

So for you, a lifestyle group isn't a good fit. I did want to discuss the thoughts about it here though so I'm glad to read all the opinions about it, it's interesting.

>> No.7414201

Someone could easily outfit themselves in wash and wear Bodyline and FanplusFriend, some used Burando and handmade for no more than they'd pay for clothes at Dillard's or Kohl's.

Also there ARE people who have a bigger dime to drop (and do)...just look at the mail thread.

>> No.7414200

they sure as hell dont fit anywhere else. It gets tiring being called a "flaming flaggot"

>> No.7414211

Who is she? I want to see some of her wacky coords.

>> No.7414250

How can I tell when this thread is getting ready to auto sage? I'd like to make sure to start a new one before it dies.

>> No.7414488

It starts autosaging once it gets to 301 total posts.

>> No.7414595

Cross-link from General Lolita thread.
Good advice on evaluating your wardrobe.

>> No.7416326

Another little question:
Of the things in your wardrobe, what is your favorite OP, JSK or skirt and why?

Mine is Moitié Archangel JSK. The cut, pleats and length (long version) make me feel elegant and serene. I love black frilly things a lot but the quiet beauty of something supposedly simpler is really calming and feels so lovely.

>> No.7416496
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My favorite OP is Baby's Dessert OP in sax. It wasn't one I thought I would end up falling in love with! I bought it off an auction because it was part of a full coordinated set and it was going for a steal. But once I pulled it out of the package and tried it on, I was head over heels immediately. The modest but intricate details you wouldn't notice if you weren't looking closely; the extremely flattering and princessy bodice; the texture of the fabric, with the dots slightly raised to the point where you can feel them if you run your hands over it. There's nothing about it I dislike!

>> No.7417726

If I skipped anyone interested, it's unintentional!

>>7389551 I hope you sent the questionnaire, I'd love to have your contributions.
>>7389621 You too and the rules are very much in line with my own views.
>>7389475 I hope you also will consider joining the group in the near future
>>7389436 You too!
>>7388888 You should write a blog.
>>7389543 I think VK and jrock are related also.
>>7391649 It would be fun to have a historically based tea party hangout, if enough people cared to follow a historical period or just represent different ones, maybe?

>>7392572 >>7393265 >>7394649 >>7394720 >>7394748 >>7394784 >>7394794
I hope you sent in or will soon.

>>7407822 There will be a blog as well with some topic excerpts, I am setting it up with some answers and topics from this thread to test it out. I'll link it when I have a few completed posts, then people can suggest things from there.

Who is planning to send in a questionnaire but hasn't yet?

I secured a domain name and set up a simple blog for those who want to write on lifestyle topics in a more public setting (as anon or with pen name) and share their own blog post links and such. I'm pasting my questions and anon answers from here so should have some sample content by next week. It's starting to become an amusing hobby so please answer lifestyle questions here too. (Though really troll-seeming ones will be ignored.

I'm hoping this whole idea will develop a bit more by the end of the month and actually take off.

>> No.7417731
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>> No.7417744

I haven't sent in any email yet since I haven't been home!