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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 201 KB, 456x263, 1391639809621.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7386252 No.7386252 [Reply] [Original]

Last one died so here we are! Show your work!

>> No.7386403
File: 109 KB, 960x960, padmebelt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just finished the belt for my Padme cosplay.

Put your finger on mah belly and rub the baby while you're at it.

I also need to clean my mirror.

>> No.7386412

Is it weird that I actually did this?

>> No.7386904
File: 1.25 MB, 1296x917, hoop skirt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is basically the weirdest thing I have ever made. It has also taught me to plan shit before I just dive head-first in to it.

The basic idea was that I definitely wanted a hoopskirt because her skirt seems to magically float- but in real life all that fabric is just gonna hang down. Unfortunately the skirt is obviously much longer in the back than the front, so apparently I thought a bigass hoopskirt made with wire was the answer.

Conclusions: It's too long in the front, but for decency's sake I may keep it that way. I'm pushing it back in the pic because it swings forward, but I have a plan for that. It has weirdass bumps where the hoops are the wrong size/shape, but I don't think it's anything that a petti won’t fix. Overall, it's ugly as sin, but it is an undergarment and I do think I've actually achieved what I was aiming for. Now I just need to make it look decent.

>> No.7386915

it's barely above your knee. You can go shorter

>> No.7386924

Aaargh you're right. I mostly just didn't want to totally remake it but actually I can just shorten the panels a bit...

>> No.7387604
File: 235 KB, 1600x1200, mms_picture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's my sailor fuku top for my Tsukasa cosplay. I'm pretty happy with it considering it's basically my first cosplay.

>> No.7387606
File: 224 KB, 1280x960, mms_picture_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And my pleats.

>> No.7387960

im sorry those barely count as pleats, please iron them

>> No.7387972


Is it meant to be that lopsided/asymmetrical in the back?

>> No.7388000

Looking at the reference you posted I'm not entirely sure what the fuck you're doing. The front is short and doesn't make that much of a bell shape. You need a bustle cage for the back and then go nuts with the horse hair braid in the hem if you're worried about everything flopping too much.

>> No.7388046

Yeah, I have no clue how they got "hoop skirt" from that either

>> No.7388076
File: 242 KB, 700x983, Arashiyama_Triggers1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Started work on props for Arashiyama from World Trigger today. Decided to make him a Scorpion instead of the gun he usually has for general logistic reasons. Haven't fully decided which stencil to use, but I'm leaning towards the longer one. Also made some basic Triggers. Two will be full Triggers, the third will (fingers crossed) be two pieces connected with magnets so you can see the "circuitry" inside.

>> No.7388108

Well, yeah, it's an awkward phone photo without straightening them out. They actually DO lay out flat and straight when on a flat surface, but I was just too excited that I took a picture first.

>> No.7388135
File: 582 KB, 1200x879, DSCF6412.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Working on Alt-Eisens legs and feet atm. Lots of rounded parts and those always take a long time to get looking right.

>> No.7388137
File: 563 KB, 799x882, nanisore.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I still have a way to go but I made some progress! The cuffs aren't sewn on yet and the wig isn't styled properly but I hope to get that done soon before I start on the expanding foam pieces for the cannon in the hat. I also want to get some thicker tights or leggings and finish/neaten the boot covers. Overall I am really happy with how it's turning out for my 3rd handmade costume but I wanted to see if anyone could tell if there is anything I could improve on? It was good getting some feedback last time.

I was also wondering if anyone has any tips to share about working with expanding foam? It will be my first time.

>> No.7388151
File: 629 KB, 500x391, 1383922997775.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dang, looks nice so far

>> No.7388160

>hiding face
confirmed ugly

>> No.7388191

This might help on the expanding foam:

Good luck, it looks pretty good so far.

>> No.7388207
File: 109 KB, 600x399, 050324-031..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That much sand.

Perhaps they didn't want progress shots to be judged (likely with no makeup) and instead on the craftsmanship of their costume?

>> No.7388251
File: 74 KB, 720x960, 1393122409534.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nonon's box pleats are coming along. I may add some tulle for more volume.

>> No.7388259
File: 38 KB, 720x452, 1393122710514.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just about finished with my mouth piece, all I have to do now is peel some more of the edges! (and sorry for bad quality/color, bad phone camera haha)

>> No.7388392

Oh shut the fuck up someone started a vendetta thread for her daring to cosplay their waifu the last time her face was attached to anything. Go be salty somewhere else.

>> No.7388422

That is awesome and creepy as fuck. What's it for?

>> No.7388429

i can only see creases in the top fold and not the under ones

and remember your body is not flat so dont expect them to stay like that.

>> No.7388451
File: 366 KB, 800x1200, IMG_6302[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sewed in the boning channels for the lining and did the back details for my bunnysuit today. Hoepfully I can finish it this weekend.

It looks good! The only thing I could suggest to improve is getting the bias tape on the inside of the coattails neater. The outside looks really clean though.

>> No.7388474
File: 816 KB, 973x1400, 1393130773582.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thankyou! It's for this guy here, I'll be wearing him to a con in March. I wish I could've made the teeth look a bit more crowded but I'm still quite happy with it, being it my first proper appliance haha.

Oh gosh that looks nice, good luck on the costume!!

>> No.7388490

Okay, so just iron them a lot? Or is there something I can do to make them crease more?

>> No.7388505

Starching them before ironing can help. Just don't go too crazy with it or it might be uncomfortable to wear.

>> No.7388524

Thanks! If you don't mind, how would you go about doing that?

>> No.7388540

I'm gonna copy and paste from another site here.
Starch is a solution that can be used to stiffen fabric, give it more body, help it hold pleats, etc. You can buy it in spray form for lighter hold, or you can make your own solution in the sink. You should be able to buy it at your fabric store or department store. As with everything, the kind you buy and the way you use it should depend on your choice of fabric. In general, natural fibers like cotton, wool and linen hold pleats better than synthetics, and it's always a good idea to stitch them down between waist and hip level.

Like that said, you can buy spray starch and use that. From there you lay down the fabric how you want it to look, then iron it. Spray the starch on it, then iron again. It should hold it's shape for one or two wears, or until you wash it.

>> No.7388559
File: 108 KB, 540x960, afaffa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gauntletfag reporting

I still have a lot more accessories I need, but I started a tank girl costume.

I also have a holster with a pistol for my leg, stickers and a mesh for the helmet, a red bandana, gloves, socks, gauze, bracelets, and buttons. But none of it's come in yet.

I feel like this looks like a trainwreck cgl.

Also, the shorts are just pjs, lol. I've yet to find non frumpy shorts that fit the way I want in the color I want.

>> No.7388560

Also, just thought I'd mention, I'm doing a more modest version, given I'm probably too big for the skimpy version to look good.

>> No.7388615

Wow, thank you so much!
I'll post a pic once it's done, but it may be awhile, haha.

>> No.7388635

I think it's actually coming together quite nicely. It looks pretty cute, and frames your figure well.

>> No.7388782
File: 1.62 MB, 720x1516, nuuudist beach.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kinda nervous about making my first progress post, but here it goes!

Was looking for a cheap alternative to Nonon cosplay since my fabric and wig were stolen, so I jumped on the nudist beach train real fast. Waiting until my next paycheck before I buy my wig, then the rewefting hell begins. Until then, I've got 12 pouches to sew...

>> No.7388808

it looks good so far, sorry to hear about your shit getting stolen.

holy fuck, ito?! shit please post pictures when you finish it.

>> No.7388817

Are you serious?

>> No.7388831
File: 1.26 MB, 1296x917, hoop skirt edit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, shit.

I didn't want to make a bustle cage because it's so much longer in the back- if I made it a short cage, it wouldn't really support anything and if I made it long it would be visible. That's why I went for longer in the front- so that I'd have somewhere to hide the support to stop it all from falling forward.

Had a quick sketch- do you think it would work if I adapted it like in the picture? That would leave it as a more bustle-y shape, but still have the support in the back.

>> No.7388836

nope, the shape will collapse where you're cutting away.

>> No.7388850

Even if all the hoops and the front support part are wire? Obviously it would need something to stop it from all just swinging forward

>> No.7388851

Thank you! Yeah, it sucks that it got stolen, but there's nothing I can do about it now except move forward.

>> No.7388920

Actually, scrap that. I think I have a better idea.

>> No.7389050
File: 42 KB, 433x599, Hoops.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you considered putting a bustle pad or something underneath your hoops to help shift it more to the back?

>> No.7389154

Damn, I had never thought of that! That could help a lot, thank you.

>> No.7389258

That looks really nice so far! That JoAnn trim is a little gross but hardly noticeable in the long run.

>> No.7389406 [DELETED] 

Thanks, anon. It's actually my first time doing box pleats so I'm happy they turned out nicely. I actually didn't get the trim from JoAnn since they don't ship to my province. But I agree it's not the cutest, I'm open to any suggestions you may have for an alternative.

>> No.7389414

Thanks, anon. It's actually my first time doing box pleats so I'm happy they turned out decently. I didn't get the trim from JoAnn since they don't ship to my province, though I assume they must carry this style as well. It's not the cutest, I have to agree. I'm open to any suggestions you may have for an alternative.

>> No.7390445

Bump for more progress.

>> No.7390725
File: 663 KB, 1200x900, DSCF6413.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More progress on Alt-Eisens feet and legs. Almost all the parts are built just need to make the last few parts and start rounding and smoothing edges and filling gaps. Stilts will just be made from some 2x4's with steel reinforcement bars and a pair of cheap $20 of black velcro shoes from walmart.

I plan to reinforce the large portion of the lower leg with fiberglass. Since they are so big they will likely knock together when I walk if I'm not careful so I want them to be tough. Ive had issues with other con goers stepping on my suit's feet in the past so I'm thinking I will fill the feet with expanding foam. The foam should toughen up the feet enough to prevent them for getting seriously damaged if someone steps on my toes.

>> No.7391148


Wow, this is awful. Please stop.

>> No.7391149



>> No.7391151

>people actually cosplay when they're fat

Nice one 3D sluts

>> No.7391155

Is that a public bathroom?

>> No.7391157


Ladies. Don't think I'm whiteknighting, because that's not a very good cosplay, but this IS the progress thread and not a place for samefagging.

>> No.7391159
File: 29 KB, 1053x180, faggot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


That was your first mistake


And that's the second

>> No.7391169

That looks terrible to be honest. Redo it and loose some weight.

>> No.7391170
File: 1.34 MB, 3264x1836, DSC_0103.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Making my Alice cosplay (with tail) this is what I have for the moment. Well, I have the flowers and some minor details, too. One scale/pleat is missing because it got stained, so I have to replace it.

I have some Tamamo too, but I don't have the pictures here. Touch fluffy tail~

>> No.7391171

if you don't mind me asking, how did you do the coat? I've been wanting to do this outfit of hers, but I'm not sure how to tackle it without having a seam down the side...

>> No.7391176

>cheap alternative
You just wanted to look like a slut, admit it.

>> No.7391206

Now now children, sometimes people have to save on costumes here and there, so cheap alternatives are used. Dont always look great, but they get used

>> No.7391210

If you can't afford to cosplay, don't cosplay. Plain and simple. If you want to do a slut cosplay, don't make excuses for it. However, as with any cosplay it needs to look like there was effort. Obviously she is hoping her nudist body will make up for a cheap job that looks like shit.

>> No.7391217


Not just that. You say her nudist body would make up for a cheap job?

Sorry, but i think that when it comes to skimpy outfits the body is part of the cosplay. And it has to fit the character you are trying to cosplay. So you have to put some effort into getting into shape as well when cosplaying characters who are in shape.

>> No.7391220

Whilst I agree with the no cosplaying unless you can afford it, some people still do. Personally, i scrimp and save until i can order everything i will need at the same time, and do my upmost to make it look good. Maybe she just isnt that good at sewing? bad sewing can make even expensive materials look cheap and nasty

that is why im doing a choji cosplay now, and saving my favorite costumes for when im in shape enough to pull them off well

>> No.7391223

I meant it would be used to detract from the actual outfit and construction quality. I agree that both costume and body contribute to what make it visually-appealing and inspirational to others.

>> No.7391231

That is good you cosplay to your body type yet have goals to push yourself so you can cosplay another size.

If this girl can't sew, as seems to be a factor, and is working in a tight budget, she'd be better off buying a school uniform to do Nonon's middle school outfit and it would help better conceal her chub until she gets fit enough for the cosplay she is attempting. She could also use that time to better her sewing. She's not ugly but she's not good either.

>> No.7391236

Gota get fitter and slimmer for surgery, but cosplay is also a nice goal to push myself for. Want to do an infernape gijinka ( sad, but i wanna make a cool wig from scratch) and the guy in the picture, definatly cant do both the size I am.

I started off with a bought cosplay whilst i practised sewing small mock-ups, like doll sized versions until I got it right ( it works >>7388782, also try copying the pattern from a bra or bikini that fits you perfectly, then editing it)

>> No.7391240

k, wont let me post the pic, its kakazuzu from [C]

>> No.7391377
File: 859 KB, 1600x1200, IMG_6306.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And here's the 98% completed suit. Installing the zipper was a nightmare. I might go back and fix it later cause I'm still not satisfied with it.

>> No.7391383

>leather bunnysuit
Jesus christ Anon. It looks really good but I imagine sewing that is an absolute nightmare.

>> No.7391458

See, this is what I like to see actually, someone who admits they're bigger, but does not slut it up, because of it. I think it will look great when you finish. I agree with what the other anon said, it really suits your body shape, and is cute. Post lots of progress!

>> No.7391504

I never said anything about my size, but thanks for the backhanded compliment.

>> No.7391512
File: 479 KB, 1123x600, Ihavenoideawhatimdoing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I started off with a dress pattern and cut the sides into shape. After I was happy with the shapes on the calico base, I started to look at how I could cut and sew it in a way that leaves the tails one piece. I then cut up the calico like this and then added seam allowance. I've badly drawn what I think I've done but I'm no pattern making expert.
Thank you!
Thanks for the link! I've looked at quite a few tutorials now so I hope it'll go okay.
Yeah, this was my first time trying to sew bias tape and the inside went a bit weird in some places. I'm planning on going back and fixing it. Thanks for the input though! Also good luck on your own costume, it's look amazing so far.

>> No.7391554


I find that zipper placement strangely arousing.

>> No.7391561 [DELETED] 

I think another way to explain the method would be that like..
Most dresses/coats that have a split down the front are made of 3-4 panels (front left, front right, and either back left + back right, or the back is all one piece).
You did it in 2 pieces: front and back. It wraps around your sides and the only seams are in the middle of your chest and back.
It's a weird thing to pattern because you don't see it a lot, and fitting the sides are an absolute pain, but you did a really good job Anon!
Good luck with the hat.

>> No.7391570


Nani sore? Why is your face hidden :(

Absolutely amazing work on the costume tough. Im definetly jealous of your sewing abilities.

>> No.7391588 [DELETED] 

Little bit of progress on the gloves now on to the boots,
Sorry for my face, it's monday.

ahw so cute, and it looks really good
Looks really clean
I think when you iron them they will look a lot better
Ahw you look cuuuute !
thats scary

>> No.7391592
File: 67 KB, 569x960, PoisonPoopy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Little bit of progress on the gloves now on to the boots,
Sorry for my face, it's monday.
And I'm not really sure of the wig

ahw so cute, and it looks really good
Looks really clean
I think when you iron them they will look a lot better
Ahw you look cuuuute !
thats scary

>> No.7391609

The wig is really bright and you might want to look into a set of tights that doesn't have that band across the top, but the rest is looking really great.
You have a really nice body.

>> No.7391625


Pretty awesome so far, wont comment the wig colour because i think the light in generall in the photo is a bit wonky (i dont trust phone cameras), but its looking pretty sweet so far.

Basicly what >>7391609 said about thights.

Also try to look a bit happier on the photo. This is giving me the bad/good commertial feel.

>> No.7391642


Alright thanks ! Yeah I'm no fan of tights with bands so I ordered some green dance tights.
And the wig looks more like a bright red in real life.
And I'll try to smile next time !

>> No.7391674

Dang, I said it and I will say it again
Dem hips

>> No.7391694
File: 184 KB, 568x842, disrespectful Nazis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit, you'd make a great Parasoul
>pic related mai fightin waifu

>> No.7391695
File: 215 KB, 749x331, Belt Pouch 01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Started building my belt pouches for Tsumugu. They're big enough for my Wallet/3DS/Phone. Huzzah functionality! 1 down 3 to go and a thigh pouch!

>> No.7391699

Hnnnng so nice!

>> No.7391715 [DELETED] 

Thanks Soto, I already did that cosplay

>> No.7391781

That looks great! Can't wait to see more progress. The jacket is nicely done and the wig is looking good so far. Also: dem legs. Which con is it for?

>> No.7391793

Like others here have said, stop while you're ahead and refine your sewing skills and cosplay to your body type.

>> No.7391797

good start so far

>> No.7391804

impressive job on that!

>> No.7391824

Nice, I like the fabric you used.

>> No.7391959

I'm not losing weight, since I'm happy with my body as it is, but I'll gladly take helpful suggestions on how I can improve my sewing.

>> No.7391983


who said losing weight?

You do realize you can keep your body weight and get fitter at the same time right? Its one of those things that makes many people despair who want to lose weight, because they start getting fitter, and actually gain weight (while still slimming down). But most people just care about weight.

>> No.7391991

It's ok, I'm fine with my body. I didn't realise my sewing was that bad, however, any suggestions on that?

>> No.7392007

Your topstitching is so clean and the mitered corners on the cups look really nice -- definite construction boner. Who's this for?

You look great and the suit looks really good. What did you make the spikes on the gloves out of?

when I say this is terrifying, I mean it in the 100% best way.

>> No.7392066
File: 59 KB, 700x448, 28_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks ^^
I used some leftover yoga/camp mat but I'm not really happy with the result it gives so I might remake it when I find the time between work and school

>> No.7392300

Cosplay to your body type, if you are that satisfied with your body. No one wants to see your pudge and rolls, but there are ways to dress so you look attractive. Good sewing won't save you here and when you get better, Nonon has many other outfit selections that would better suit your body type.

>> No.7392311
File: 250 KB, 355x351, 1387849887423.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am cosplaying for my body, by cosplaying what I want. It's just dress up.

I don't see how these comments help me with my sewing, either.

>> No.7392320

>it's just dress up
>refusing to dress
lol ok you just want to be a slut

>> No.7392438

You're fat and gross looking, nobody wants to see you in your shittily made Nonon cosplay.

Ignoring your nasty fat stomach, that top looks NOTHING like the nudist beach attire, and you should just stop now.

A string bikini would be an acceptable base since it'd be difficult to properly attach the pouches to your boobs without a mess everywhere, but that top looks horrendous.

>> No.7392571
File: 851 KB, 816x839, 1363321353117.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you actually going to give helpful critique on how to make the top look better, or not?

>> No.7392585
File: 96 KB, 800x640, 140224_0000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finished cutting and basting the eye designs for my Medicine Seller kimono, had to take a shitty picture in low light for my cellphone to pick up the damask patterns. I'm still trying to decide what I want to use for the white outlines. Middy braid? Couched satin cord? I think bias tape is too thick.

>> No.7392590

ok, lets talk about your sewing.
What they are wearing in that ep are gun holsters.You should be using a fairly thick and sturdy material like canvas or twill. It looks like you are using some kind of thin cotton? If you can't get quality materials at least face the damn thing.

Secondly, you need to iron it all flat and top stitch everything. It needs to look clean and utilitarian. I also have no idea why you've put a strap across the front, the source doesn't have one and with the base you are building off of you should be able to figure out how to get it to work without one. If you absolutely need something there for structure use clear or nude elastic.

Lastly I'll agree with the anon that said a bikini would be a better base, you are covering a significant amount of your chest and with a triangle bikini (like yoko) you'll at least visually open up some of the center.

You are definitely not built to pull this off though, you would do much better to just make the regular dress so you can tailor it to flatter you.

>> No.7392606
File: 75 KB, 354x236, ew.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't misunderstand what they're saying. The general issue is that you're cosplaying a small 100 lb girl while you appear to be over 175. Wearing less clothing will not help. You're not small or petite, work on that before a costume.

>> No.7392626

So why dont you make her normal dress and go for it? What are your reasons to make such unflattering costume?

Nonon is slim and you are not, this enough shoud stop you from wearing that outfit. Being happy with your body doesn't mean using such revealing costume and saying it is ok, it is understanding your body and wearing something that flatters it.

I'm happy you like your body as it is, but this means that you will not be able to pull of Nonon's NB look.

>> No.7392636

I think the issue isn't her weight in general, no one is really going to be the real size of Nonon unless they are 10. It's the fact she has chosen to do this particular version of Nonon as it's a costume all based around the body. The costume is literally being naked and therefore needs a more accurate body.

I understand getting things stolen but she has other costumes that could've been cheap and less about being naked.

>> No.7392649

I don't think you have the right body type for the cosplay. There are plenty of normal-sized characters in Kill la Kill, why would you go for the most petite one?

>> No.7392653

Thank you! I will work on these.

>> No.7392709

Let the fatass slut cosplay what she wants. Obviously if she wanted it to look good, she would do something else, but if you look at her responses, she doesn't care. She wants to be a nude landwhale. This could be our next PT guys. Let's enjoy it while internally screaming at the horror.

>> No.7392727
File: 229 KB, 680x1000, Mamiya-bow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks! It's for Mamiya from Fist of the North Star. I have to admit I cheated and didn't do the mitered corners "properly" but I'm glad they look okay.

>> No.7392843

>the next PT

>> No.7392872
File: 78 KB, 206x210, tumblr_n1bgrbG8eD1rfdyj6o9_250.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm more concerned about improving my sewing than I am adjusting my body to your needs when I'm perfectly happy with my fatass slut self.

>> No.7392889
File: 46 KB, 169x166, disgusting.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't you have a tumblr rant to make or something, piggy?

>> No.7392892

Yes, being a landwhale slut and not sewing actual outfits is a great way to improve your sewing skills.

>> No.7392904

Quick question: can expanding foam be sanded alright?

>> No.7392914

I think it's great that you're comfortable with your body, but at the same time that doesn't mean that every body type is acceptable for every character. A big part of cosplay is accuracy, and when you pick the smallest character out of a cast with many other options you're kind of throwing that in the wind.
Of course, nobody has the body of an anime character. But Nonon is remarkably tiny, and there are plenty of characters in the series that you would be much more suited to.
Ultimately, do what makes you happy - but just know that making that sort of character decision is going to get you criticism (as I'm sure you've already seen)

>> No.7392920

I'm aware I'll get criticism, but I don't mind. Thank you, anon.

>> No.7392925

It's obvious she is cosplaying to be a slut, not to be any good, and especially not to be accurate. Why don't you wait until Halloween piggy-chan if you're that desperate lol

>> No.7392935
File: 73 KB, 409x409, 1339733841507.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

honestly I only see a girl cosplaying this if they think it will make them look sexy...this what youre doing here makes no sense...
do you really think you look attractive here?

if its to "improve cosplay skills" thats bull shit because there are other costumes at the same level for the amount of work needed to choose from...ones that can cover you more....

for cosplay...both the model and the costume should look good/ like the character to make a good cosplay
you have neither

>> No.7392945

>doesnt mind criticism
>asks for advice/criticism on 4chan

>> No.7392962

Although I don't like name calling, this seriously seems to be the case. Nonon many outfits, yet she picks the one that suits the least her body.

Seems she is to arrogant to admit she realized the costume won't look good.

>> No.7392965
File: 58 KB, 411x334, 1251593654187.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>All girls and body types are beautiful!

This is the usual excuse.

You should have posted in the cosplay suggestion thread. You've already picked the wrong character to cosplay.

Don't act like you're not going to be bothered by going into public like this. You will be. And from that point on, your ass will be in the terrible cosplay threads. Guaranteed. So scrap your project and go find a character that WILL SUIT YOUR BODY TYPE.

>> No.7393005

Thanks! I'm actually quite a beginner with sewing but I'm studying things like pattern making and garment construction and it's definitely helping with cosplay. I also don't really wear make up while I sew so that is why I censored out my face.
Thank you! I'm really loving your gloves, good luck on the rest of the costume!
Thanks! I can't wait to see your Tsumugu, I'm glad people are cosplaying my favourite bara.
This is going to be worn for the UK con Kitacon and possibly MCM. Kitacon is at the end of March so I hope to have everything done by then. Thanks for the comment!

>> No.7393009

>"Nani sore"
> :(

fucking leave you underage weeb trash

>> No.7393014

They were quoting Nonon..
Agreed on the emoticon, though.

>> No.7393018

still weeb
still a lot of anime characters say that shit

>> No.7393029
File: 894 KB, 735x980, topstitch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I scrapped the strap and added a topstitch. Does this look a little better? Also, I haven't added the pockets yet. Any advice for making this base better without restarting it or using a bikini?

>> No.7393030

Also, I know it's a uneven in the photograph, I just noticed and adjusted it.

>> No.7393037

Hers was easy to find since she posted the same photo there and she will not stop bitching about this thread lol
What did a fatass with no skills expect when she posted to 4chan? All her cosplays are shit.

>> No.7393040
File: 15 KB, 300x300, 1393307822434.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This still looks like a wrinkled mess. How did you even construct the top, why is it pleating awkwardly in the center? It doesn't look like it's fitted to you at all. Go look at some holsters and try to understand how they are made, I honestly cannot tell a difference between this and your first photo.

scrap it bro, you need to start over.

>> No.7393044

Okay. I will do that.

>> No.7393042

still looks like shit

>> No.7393048

just give up and go cry over some donuts about how you'll never be a skinny girl or good cosplayer

>> No.7393053

she actually handled the fat comments without pitching a bitch fit or getting defensive, which is pretty rare these days

>> No.7393060


Such strong character, feels to me like another tuna melt chan in the making.

>> No.7393056

the slut wants to be a famous fatty in bad cosplay threads. Look at her begging for our approval but not actually listening lol pathetic.

>> No.7393073

>Tuna melt chan

>> No.7393087

Ok, I'm sorry, but this girl is full of it. Unless she has fucktons of extra skin, it is impossible that she "barely weight too little to be healthy weight.".

Also, she should go with tracksuit Nonon. Doesn't look so expensive, is cute and will look far more flattering.

>> No.7393093

I think it's just unfortunate body type; her arms are thin but her stomach isn't.

Still, laughing pretty hard at how buttmad this thread is getting. Frothing at the mouth because you can't MAKE someone stop cosplaying something they want to cosplay is so hilariously /cgl/.


>> No.7393096

Agreed. It is cheap too. Just buy sweatshirt material and no lining necessary and the same hat design too. She needs to completely scrap what she has done, as is, so she may as well make something that will fulfill her strong desire to be cheap and wear little clothing while also flattering her figure a lot more and concealing all that fat.

>> No.7393100

it's obvious the slut will still do it, so now we just anticipate all the bad cosplay threads she will be in.

>> No.7393101

She's not even as fat as everyone is making her out to be.

>> No.7393103

She has an apple body type where the fat gains mostly at her stomach . She isn't unattractive, but she should definitely work out to lose that stomach and gain muscle

>> No.7393106

This is /cgl/, our job is to jude.

>> No.7393118

Do you know where to get cheap tracksuit fabric online from? There are no good stores in my area.

If you all are saying I'll be that terrible, I guess I can switch. I never considered myself fat, and I really want to do this cosplay but I'll consider switching if I can afford the materials.

>> No.7393120

Someone said 175 but I disagree and think she's at least 140 or so.
Point being, she looks too shitty to do that cosplay.

>> No.7393123
File: 590 KB, 1200x864, DSCF6417.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

20+ posts bitching about someone being too fat rather than anything remotely related to cosplay construction. Aren't we here for progress pics and tips rather than this kinda crap? Well whatever.

Finished thigh armor for Alt-Eisen. Its 1/2 inch EVA covered in Plasti-dip. Unfortunalty I got a minor tear in the front of one during painting after an accident. Tried a few more coats to hide it and that helped somewhat. I dont have any more 1/2 inch to try again but it should be mostly covered by the skirt armor so it should be fine.

>> No.7393124
File: 104 KB, 600x400, 1289577704734.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One girl with chubby parts decides to wear something skimpy and you all work yourselves up into this incomprehensible rage; it's just hysterical to me.

>being this mad about adults who pretend to be fictional characters

>> No.7393125

Buy online at your own risk cause the colors could differ on your monitor. Don't you at least have a Joann's?

>> No.7393126

Nope, I'm in the middle of BFE

>> No.7393132

damn just when I had started to get excite for Jakuzushit threads lol

try Joann fabrics online

>> No.7393137

Okay. Thank you.

>> No.7393139
File: 564 KB, 583x584, 1393311323887.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I started Iras pants, pretty happy with how quickly I threw them together. I need to take them in, but besides that i'm pretty happy with them.

>> No.7393142

Where did you get your current materials? Even if that store doesn't have the right shade just buy white and dye it.

>> No.7393144

dat pun lol

>> No.7393147

It's a family owned store, no fabric dye either.

I guess I'll just wait and see if my stolen shit gets found.

>> No.7393167

you can buy rit at WalMart...
Invest in materials, if you can't get them locally then order online. Most online fabric sellers offer swatches.

>> No.7393210

I look forward to it! Gonna mad dog errybody!

>> No.7393237

I don't want to stoop to the level of the autists in this thread who are just attacking you for your appearance, but I'll be honest.

You're brave for wanting to do that cosplay with your body type, but you're honestly going to get too much criticism for it. It's just not worth it. If you want to do a cosplay like that, you should use it as motivation to lose some weight. You're just going to feel a lot better in the end because you worked hard for it and won't get paraded around the internet as a laughing stock.

Good luck, Anon.

>> No.7393240


No, fuck you, and fuck her. She can cosplay whatever she wants, and she clearly made up her mind that she will do what she wants.

I personally look forward to con horror threads with her pictures of a half naked cosplay.

Its as slutty as it gets, its 2 fucking belts with pouches for fuck sake. You dont go pulling that shit off if you arent built for it and already have a career in conslutting.

Seriously, im a guy and im bothered by the tought of girls cosplaying nudist beach Nonon. I might as well go cosplay the fucking proffesor in his nudist beach outfit then.

>> No.7393242

Honey, if you're built for it, we ain't gonna stop ya. Con security might.

>> No.7393247

holy fuck, junji ito's works are god. I'm really happy to see a cosplay come out of one of his works. I've only seen tomie cosplay but pleassee post pictures when you're done

>> No.7393249

God bless you, anon, this helps so much!

>> No.7393278

idk whats on the front, they look like bones? i cant find the word ah. but you should redo them because they look really weird and not like the others.

>> No.7393285
File: 659 KB, 540x957, nonon ref.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not her, but... what?? if you're talking about the three strap things on the front of her top, they're supposed to look like bones...
though they do look a bit long, but proportions, I suppose.

>> No.7393386


(solid forearms bro no homo)

>> No.7393422

>just not worth it

Some people don't faint at other people's opinions of them, dude. If it doesn't bother her, let her cosplay whatever the fuck she wants. If it offends everyone so much they can look like shallow neckbeards when they whine to their nonexistent friends.

>> No.7393438

Not just neckbeards are complaining. Women and men alike are going to laugh at her, but she's happy with her "supaa sekushi " body, so let her. We can't tell people what to do, however we can wait for the eventual shit storm that will come.

>> No.7393441

Looks really solid. What are they made from?
(Also, I can't wait to see you cosplay my husbando. I know you'll look great)

>> No.7393538

I'm more irritated that this thread was derailed so much because of her.

>> No.7393569

She gonna look like a nudist landwhale but it's clear she is doing it for attention. Someone must have pissed in her cereal to make her that desperate for someone to notice her.

>> No.7393604

Lol didn't you read? Her fat ass got dumped for someone better so now she wants validation somewhere. No one sober is going to fuck her at a con if she looks like that though.

>> No.7393632

>someone in the KlK thread mentions there is a lot of KlK discussion in the progress thread
>turns out to be this
Well at least I am entertained.

>> No.7393733
File: 65 KB, 500x500, tmp_1387603451324-1507214785.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ahh thankyou! I love his works too, and like you said I only see things from Tomie (only one thing from uzumaki). I defiantly will, thankyou!! ehe

>> No.7393773


No one gives a shit because you're not half naked. GOD. Don't you know???

>> No.7393794

too fat for Ivy

>> No.7394112
File: 204 KB, 720x1280, JinxWIP27.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay so I posted a while ago when I was just starting the clothing for Jinx and here it is about 90% done. I'm just waiting on gloves and fishnets to come in the mail but other than that everything is pretty much complete and I'm pretty proud of it.

>> No.7394121

Needs makeup and crazy face.

>> No.7394130

If only you used a lace-front wig...

>> No.7394144

idreallygaf about how you're way too fat to cosplay nonon, i care more about how shitty that construction is. like if you're gonna do a slutty simple costume at least get it right

>> No.7394152

Maybe you can use some eyeliner to bring the peak onto your forehead and sides a little to give an illusion of lace front? It's not that terrible of an issue though I think.
That's a great yellow for his tracksuit!

>> No.7394169

I want to lick that belly button

>> No.7394189
File: 77 KB, 1280x720, meeting the inlaws.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7394385

Thank you for doing a nice, accurate Ivy and not just throwing on a corset and some stockings with a Party City wig.

You have given me hope for the future.

>> No.7394401
File: 432 KB, 500x407, 1385855745186.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think you should be talking about construction when your own cosplays look just as bad as fatty Nonon's. You can't even sew a simple enough serafuku that you had to buy one and it's inaccurate. Shut up, Voldiefart.

>> No.7394455

Even if you can't sew, you can still recognize when others can't sew. If you're saying no one who can't sew should be allowed to speak up, this forum would be dead.

A blind dumb and deaf person could even recognize that piggy over there can't sew for shit.

>> No.7394456 [DELETED] 
File: 622 KB, 668x503, 1364227809571.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good ol' /cgl/

>> No.7394464
File: 622 KB, 668x503, 1364227809571.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good ol' /cgl/

>> No.7394483

Sup Voldiefat

>> No.7394486

You raise a point but it doesn't make the people throwing the insults out look any better, especially when they'll eventually submit their own progress (and it'll probably be just as bad and end up in "bad cosplay" threads). Of course fatty Nonon's work is shit but you can't tell me Voldie's is any better. You defending the Torontofag or something?

>> No.7394497

Voldie's is objectively better than that pile of shit the fatass is wearing

>> No.7394507
File: 50 KB, 640x960, 1393369518179.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Give me an example and don't post anything bought either. Why don't we look back to her Nowi? Please tell me how that's "good". She even started with the wrong materials. Both of them are on the same level of garbage. Or do you happen to be part of the circlejerking Canadian cancer?

>> No.7394509

there's no denying the poor quality of that, but that's an average cosplayer's ability. the nonon's top is absolutely horrid, and nowhere near as bad as her Nowi

>> No.7394513
File: 51 KB, 720x531, 1393369815963.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Different anon but that's a really bad example of voldemort's work. Her Chibiusa was pretty well made

>> No.7394516

Nope. Given we're on a WIP thread, average would be:
This quality is a lot more acceptable and that's a FIRST COSPLAY. Imagine that. Stop trying, Carley.

>> No.7394521

>thinking everyone who likes voldemort is voldemort
stay pathetic anon

>> No.7394527

>People liking voldemort
There's the flaw in your argument right there, volde
>Oops, I mean "anon" teehee

>> No.7394528

Alright, so basically you're Dill without her trip? This still looks bad.
>rolls on her waist don't meet with the seam
>no rolled sleeve pieces
>hair pieces look filmsy
>unstyled wig with uncut bangs
And I'm going to guess this wasn't even done entirely by Voldie either.

>> No.7394531

yeah no duh it's bad, but the point is it's nowhere near as bad as the nonon


>> No.7394534

That entire Sailor Moon cosplay pisses me off. Usagi is a wreck.

>> No.7394535
File: 42 KB, 209x400, Sailor_Chibi_Moon_set.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im pretty sure the hip pieces do attach at the seam, she just fucked up the bottom hip roll so it looks like they dont

>> No.7394536

Bonus points: does Voldie dress to her body type unlike that slut Nonon?

>> No.7394539

give it up, voldie

>> No.7394544
File: 12 KB, 206x309, 1393370781284.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know, I don't remember Shirahoshi being flat-chested. Nor do I remember Nowi having a gut. You tell me, notVoldie or notVoldie'sfriend.

>> No.7394571
File: 22 KB, 640x480, Bfb7nV5CAAAjVjX.jpg large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Posting an early work in progress picture
>Calling her cosplay which you haven't even seen the final product of garbage

Jumping the gun a bit don;t you think?

>> No.7394572

What is this even trying to be???

>> No.7394575

It was a genuine question lol since everyone is comparing the two. Who dresses best despite shit sewing?

>> No.7394577

>implying everyone isn't doing the same by jumping the gun on fatty Nonon
You sure are hypocrites.

>> No.7394578
File: 71 KB, 520x599, 1382425150308.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Didn't she do the same?

>> No.7394583

Slut nonon has two pieces of clothing to make. Hardly jumping the gun since she is basically done at this point. There is no way it can look good with what she posted so far.

>> No.7394617

ohno anon you hurt my feelings boohoo and i will never cosplay again

You're welcome and I'm glad I can give you some hope for the future. I was also tired to see that kind of Ivy's as wel as the ones that just glue some leaves on shapewear(although it can be pretty sometimes!)

>> No.7394656
File: 170 KB, 1280x720, 1393376109266.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll definitely try that eyeliner tip when I start doing makeup trials, thanks. The convention I'm wearing this too isn't until mid-late March so I've been taking things pretty slow and haven't done any makeup trials with the contacts yet. The only problem I'm having now is trying to sculpt the Chompers, pic related, but considering its my first time using Model magic I'm uneasy.

>> No.7394685

>that megacon flyer in the bg

Heck yeah

>> No.7394690

what the fuck is happening in this thread?

>> No.7394778

Just the usual vendetta. This is cgl. What's the dirt on this new fatass slut since she's going to be the future star of bad cosplay threads?

>> No.7394877

but she fucking posted her progress on /cgl/ for advice/criticism/comments...are you dense?

>> No.7394886
File: 28 KB, 500x281, 1337304241619.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>honestly I only see a girl cosplaying this if they think it will make them look sexy...this what youre doing here makes no sense...

I really dont understand why she is doing this
it CANT be for building sewing skills..there isnt any real skill to build from this tiny outfit

>> No.7394889
File: 876 KB, 355x325, 1389913874117.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Warm up some glögg, prepare some sandwiches pull out the chocolate and go to /cgl/ to watch and enjoy the ensuing cat-fights. I love you /cgl/ never lose your way. Can anyone direct me to more boards where the majority of posters are female?
inb4 /ck/

>> No.7394895

I wouldn't find it funny if it was just criticism. It's /cgl/ losing their shit at someone because they want her to drop a costume altogether and she won't.

>> No.7394901

a ton of people want her to continue just to see her humiliated and then later posted in the bad cosplay thread

>> No.7394958
File: 499 KB, 1024x768, 12766441225_555c2a66b9_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yep. People need to stop getting trolled.

I made a thing last night.

>> No.7394995
File: 208 KB, 1280x720, 1393384289685.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Want top cosplay as Joel from The Last of Us.
>Look like a normie without Ellie nearby.

maybe commission a little Ellie plush doll and stick her in my pocket?

>> No.7394996

...That's CNC'd, right? Cause I'm straight gawking over that clean of a negative mold in insulation foam

>> No.7395013

Attach her to your shoulder, anon.

Or to the top or your backpack.

>> No.7395041


if you really stick to the details it will be fine without an ellie.

Make sure the backpack is exact, strap weapons onto it exactly like in the game, hang firefly dogtags off your belt, hang a gas mask off the back of the backpack (yes I realize he pulls the gas mask from inside the backpack, but this way people will see it and make a connection as to who you are), make a nail bomb to hold, obviously you want your pistols strapped exactly like in the game. Make sure your beard and wig are salt and pepper/aged properly.

and really, to make sure to drive the point home, your clothes should be filthy. They should look disgusting. Think about how you go from 100% full drenched in green/algae water to walking through corridors filled with yellow spores. Your clothes should look slimy with a yellow overtone, because the spores in the air would obviously stick to the wet clothing.

if you do all this, people will know who you are.

>> No.7395415
File: 365 KB, 1600x1200, 1393394289196.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes. I am a hack.

>> No.7395600
File: 1.81 MB, 350x169, UHH.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7395673


Aw man that looks fun to use.

>> No.7395767

I did this without any templates for fun. Still needs painting though.

Considering doing a full body with cardboard and expanding foam like that guy who did the Rozen Zulu

>> No.7395770
File: 443 KB, 581x1485, 1393406420594.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.7395777


Daayum why does the helm look this huge. What materials did you use for it?

>> No.7395825


Jusr EVA foam.

I did have to add some padding inside to stop it rocking around; but I am an XL in hat sizes, plus I have a jew nose upfront, so I could probably only shave an inch of the total circumference.

>> No.7395831
File: 10 KB, 194x260, images.jpgdtyjfhjfghfgs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Somebody did a Rozen Zulu?! PICS, I must see!!

>> No.7395832

how ?
What ?
That looks really good, do you have a tutorial ?

>> No.7395841


Maybe not a Rozen Zulu, I think it may have actually been a purple Geara Zulu and in my morning confusion I might have thought that purple made the Geara Zulu a Rozen Zulu.

>> No.7395842
File: 264 KB, 720x960, IMG_1327.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7395865


Oooooh damn, thats from the cardboard god right? Fuck this is impressive.

>> No.7395871
File: 298 KB, 720x960, IMG_1210.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It sho' is.

>> No.7395876


Daaamn, how was the finish applied? Papermache + sanding + colour? Or plastidip or something else?

>> No.7395878

Can you post a video of what it looks like being milled? I would love to see that. That sword is fucking awesome looking. Is the final product going to be a resin cast?

>> No.7395884
File: 252 KB, 960x720, IMG_1257.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


From what I can tell, for the flat pieces he used posterboard or cardstock and simply primed and spray painted it ( cont )

>> No.7395886
File: 286 KB, 720x960, IMG_1222.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Whilst for rounded edges he used guidlines, filled the whole thing with expanding foam, cut it down and then used filler and sanding to smooth it out.

>> No.7396396

please just do it I want the final pictures that will be posted on this board and others
i want to see you be humiliated

>> No.7397339
File: 419 KB, 1120x1012, steelsword_CAM2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*scroll, scroll, scroll* -IS THAT AN AXE? Oh...

bought a 3d model from millenia/cinema4d, Cut3D made toolpaths(pic related), glued pinkfoam to 1/4" ply, screwed it onto a 3-axis router bed, loaded toolpaths, zeroed part, buzz buzz, steel sword.

Yeah, probably something like smoothcast. Dunno, I'm mailing it off to some guy in Kansas to figure out finishing and such. Videos of CNC aren't incredibly interesting to me anymore, I'll see about shooting some later though. For this, pink fuzz everywhere, seemingly random router movement, for about 5-6 hours.

Your costumes are excellent, dude.

>> No.7397427

Looks quite good, but if you can make the skirt bits stiff somehow it'd be better. They stick out more in the show, and have speakers attached to them.

If you need help for the hat, feel free to ask.

lose some weight.

>> No.7397445

>Literally stapled on

Mah sides

>> No.7397455

those are obviously pins

>> No.7397464

>Using insulation foam for this

It won't even take the detail. Why not just use wood or something you can actually work with well?

>> No.7397530

That is not the Nonon you should be cosplaying, you don't suit her body type, and the Nudist Beach version least of all. I don't get how people who look like this have the body confidence to go outside half-naked. I used to be fat in HS-MS, about 20-30 lbs lighter than you visually, and I always wore baggy t-shirts to cover up and one-piece swimsuits. Now I've lost a lot of weight (still not skinny though) and I still only cosplay suitably shaped or covered characters, it pains me to see fatties in public with their rolls hanging out.

Also that's a bad fabric choice, Nudist Beach is mostly tactical wear which means canvas. Her outfit doesn't even have a bra top it's literally all pouches and like 2 straps with gun holsters over the nipples. Shitty cheap fat inaccurate attention whoring.

>> No.7397534

Dude, she already said somewhere that she will change to the tracksuit version.

>> No.7397552

I did consider making the bits stiffer but I also like how they flow when I walk and move in the outfit. Plus I'm not the most advanced with technique so it'd be something to consider in the future instead. On the speakers, I don't think she has them in the coat, I felt like the circles were just a design feature. The music in her attack came from the hat after all.

Thank you for the input though! I think if I had more time I'd maybe look at making them stiff but the con is quite soon now.

>> No.7397589
File: 297 KB, 1600x1200, 1393475785141.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's better than you think, and I can afford it, too.

>> No.7397590
File: 772 KB, 3264x2448, Picture 7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So this isnt really cosplay progress but I thought id post it anyway

Wanted to learn how to mold things so I chose something easy/hard at the same time to use and I want to make a ward lamp anyway so its a win/win

Also b4 anyone asks here is linkto the file I made:


>> No.7397597

Hahah yeah its for Mega. I'm hoping to enter the contest this year with Jinx and I'm pretty confident but we'll see. Theonly problem I'm having is figuring out what to do about her tattoos. I thought about print out or custom temporary tattoos for the bullets but I can't seem to find a good vector of just the pink bullets anywhere...

>> No.7397610


Lookin good m8, hopefully you can find a group to do the rest of the track suited elite 4.

How tall are you by the way?

>> No.7397857


I hope he is varying sizes tall.

>> No.7398101
File: 96 KB, 640x640, 1393497710639.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I started work on my mandoka wig. So many animu spikes.

>> No.7398107 [DELETED] 

Wow! My bf and I were just talking about how it'd be cool to see someone's front porch/front lawn/front pathway covered in ward lamps.

>> No.7398130
File: 811 KB, 1280x1488, WIP3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what are your thoughts on armpit hair on anime girls?

>> No.7398138

holy shit I did not want to see that

>> No.7398142
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>> No.7398213
File: 213 KB, 1280x1708, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I finished my mandoka wig. I'm not 100% happy with it but hey, it's early days yet. Now I need to start on my gigantic bloomers...

>> No.7398239

You seriously look pregnant in this picture. Stop posting photos of your half-assed inaccurate pinned piece of shit. You're not making any progress. Stop shitting up the progress thread.

>> No.7398291

This can't be the girl posting from earlier. Did she upload her shitty progress somewhere else? She can't be this fucking stupid can she?

>> No.7398712

This most recent post makes me wonder if this whole thing hasn't been a vendetta.

>> No.7398988
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>> No.7399003

>Implying you can't afford wood or styrofoam somehow

When you inevitably have to cover the foam for painting and durability 90% of that detail will be lost

>> No.7399310


>> No.7399325
File: 1.47 MB, 2322x4128, fdafds.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Help didn't help me

My question is somewhat straightforward.
Am I too fat to cosplay this? I'm not fishing, I'm not trying to be obnoxious, But I really don't want to look like a train wreck at comic con.

This is what I have so far, I need to add lots more to it, but I don't know if I want to go, I feel like I look like a landwhale

>> No.7399358

Meh, I'd judge you more for the lack of trigger discipline.

>> No.7399369

Look, there are only two bodytypes acknowledged here. Too fat and too thin. Someone's going to get on your case no matter what so just don't fucking ask.

>> No.7399396

Oh god your bathroom is gross.

>> No.7399430

I completely agree, but my parents refuse to try to change anything/work on remodeling with me. As for the cleanliness, well, it's shared by three other people.

Sorry, I'm new to gun props. In fact, I don't think I've ever cosplayed a character with a gun before. Dully noted.

I understand that, I guess I'm just wanting to make sure it's not so bad that I look like a trainwreck, ect.

>> No.7399435

It doesn't look like a cosplay really, just looks like casual clothes, nothing out of the ordinary for where you're going. Don't fret over it.

>> No.7399438

How can I make it look more like cosplay then? I mean, I was basing it off tank girl so.

>> No.7399447

Personally, no, you're not too fat for that outfit. It isn't too revealing or tight in the wrong places, so I think it's pretty safe for someone chubby.

>> No.7399455

Much appreciated.

>> No.7399467

Well, the obvious fix would be to look like the character you're cosplaying by being the same body type. And since that can't be achieved, you're only going to look like you're a fan OF her, not necessarily that you're cosplaying someone.

Tank girl outfits are generally skimpy as well, adding all the accessories you have to your hips only makes you look apple shaped to the max. You need to find another way of attaching them so they fit your figure better.

>> No.7399735

so, perhaps higher? I also have a bullet belt, and a bunch of accessories for my arms, and legs, it's just not all come in yet.

>> No.7399763

I'm in the process of losing weight, but I want to cosplay in the mean time, just to clarify, I'm working on it.

>> No.7399804
File: 86 KB, 500x667, tumblr_mjw7wxiSXJ1r5fbvfo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would suggest you attaching those belts so the pouches fall down to your legs and not to your hip, they will only make you look bigger.

You plan on using those shorts?

>> No.7399816

>at comic con.

nobody is really going to care if youre fat. just as long as the cosplay looks right.
comic con is more forgiving about overweight cosplay compared to the anime conventions where everyone is a judgmental elitist.

>> No.7399892


You should go the temporary tattoo route. Also get some of that sealant stuff the grey fags use.

>> No.7400021

You should really invest in some shorts that actually flatter your figure. The pair that you're wearing in this picture are flaring out and making you look bigger than you actually are. Just a suggestion.

>> No.7400050

Thank you~ The pouches are two layers of Poplin with interfacing inside. the flaps are twice the depth of the pocket so it's got a nice fold over and some secure hook&eyes to hold em in place~ Cut out another last night, gonna stitch em later today possibly after work. Then dig up more poplin somewhere in the house....

>> No.7400108
File: 42 KB, 384x512, annie lol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a real bad picture, but it's Annie from league of legends.

How do I get the pleats to stay in the skirt? Something easily found at home maybe?

>> No.7400118

Putting interfacing inside the skirt tends to keep it stiff and crisp, but that'd be pretty difficult at this point seeing as the skirt looks like its already finished?

>> No.7400120

It's finished, so it's a bit late for that, yes.

>> No.7400125

Starch it (assuming it is mostly cotton)

If it's polyester/synthetic you just need to press the hell out of it without visibly melting the fabric.

If for some unknown reason you actually used wool, there's this trick where you rub a candle on the inside of each fold and the wax helps it stay crisp.

>> No.7400136

It's cotton! Thanks, I'll take a look at a way to starch it.

>> No.7400140


Holly shit Annie, your motherfucking bear Tibbers. ITS RIGHT THERE ON THE MOTHERFUCKING BED.

Now please stop asking about him.

The cosplay does look pretty cute tough. I hope you'll get your pleats done in time.

>> No.7400164

Cute! Just wondering if you'll be doing the actual leggings? I'm planning to cosplay Annie as well, but I have a dilemma -- I want to do her previous dress with the long sleeves but not too sure if I should go through with it. I liked her update, but not her wardrobe change. I think it's the vest that bothers me.

>> No.7400190

Thanks dude!

I think the other costume is super cute. But I'd feel wrong not doing her updated version. The art and graphics are way cooler for sure.
I couldn't be bothered finding a patterned vest so mine is just navy blue.

>> No.7400191

wait, what actual leggings?
The picture doesn't give the leg warmers justice. They're actually the same pink as my wig and same purple as the skirt. And they're flared.

>> No.7402531


>> No.7402651
File: 34 KB, 1129x636, jdjuk1q.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Progress on Leona's Shield

I put tape around the sides and built up a nice solid layer of gesso on top. I wasn't expecting the tape to give me as solid of edges as it did. Once I even out the corners, I'm going to start work on making the sides nice and solid.

Tape + Gesso = Really nice Solid angles

>> No.7403162
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Shitty cellphone pic of my Viktor helmet, god forbid the weather get nicer so I can more done on it, but Chicagoland weather is shitty as ever...

its too fucking cold for this shit...

>> No.7403595
File: 139 KB, 695x491, cornerdeco.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finished some hardware for my Medicine Seller box. I'd been debating how to do all the rivets, but they look pretty good stamped into the Sintra with a circular punch, so I guess I'll be doing that.

QFT, I have so much shit to spray-prime and no place warm enough to do it. Does Bondo still work in the cold?

>> No.7403662

Kind of. Not very fast though. You'll need to play around and add more hardener, and if it's too cold it won't cure for a very very long time.

>> No.7404047
File: 2.69 MB, 1920x1080, 1393746829700.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking Chicago. Weather is ruining my ability to craft.

Starting to scale up and draft out the props for my Axton cosplay; here's a scaled image of the gun I'm going to make; each square is 1 inch.

I'm intending to make molds of the gun, if time permits, to make painting and recasting easier. Bulking is gonna be made by MDF and pink foam, with epoxy resin and bondo over top. It won't hold up under wear; but that's what brush on silicone and slush-casting resin is for.

I had to rescale the pistol grip and stock to make the gun fit well ergonomically; it looks straight up stupid in real-scale.

>> No.7404052

Hey that gold looks really nice. What's the paint and how many coats did it take? I have some gold pieces to paint soon and my past experiences with gold acrylics is fucking awful and disappointing.

>> No.7404061

Colorscheme is goign to be Slag weapon, in Emerald rarity (so Purple LED glow and green pearl paint) I'm gonna go for hard, SHARP edges on everything instead of the sort-of water-wobbly looking finish the gun has in game; mostly because IRL firearms have deliberate, hard lines and I'm more comfortable making hard shapes.

I am -intending- to sell unpainted (and maybe some painted) casts; all of which will have individual numberings; but this is as much for my own personal enjoyment as anything else. It's also literally the biggest project I've ever tackled, so I'm FREAKING out about it. I have to make a vacuum-forming machine, rotocaster, and sculpt all these forms; I'm buying a majority of the parts on Monday after a thrift store run; then I'm spending the next 2 weeks sculpting the Class Mod, backpack shoulder strap, and shield generator (for practice) before moving on to the big kahuna.

For metals I like Airbrush and Testors metallic enamel. After you use hobby enamel paints, you will never look back. Just make sure you get some good automotive primer (preferably the wet-sand kind, and the kind that "etches") and hit it up with several layers of primer; then sand for shape and surface finish, then hit it with enamel, followed by either a matte or clear coat enamel (again Testors+Airbrush)

You will not once regret your decision.

>> No.7404063

Thanks for the help!

>> No.7404082
File: 136 KB, 1280x720, 2014-02-15_00001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the eventual paint scheme; couldn't find the bastard. If you look, the edges in-game aren't really "sharp" in my opinion, and it looks kinda silly.

>> No.7404343

Person who posted the photo here: it's Montana spraypaint in Goldchrome color, over brown autobody primer. Two coats. It looks nice but you have to be really patient, even in warm conditions it takes 48-72 hours to harden enough to stop taking fingerprints. Also it goes on frighteningly orange-peel looking and then levels out as it cures. Finish with Future Polish.

The totem pole of shiny is Alclad -> Montana -> Testors enamel.

>> No.7405519

Styrene is your friend

should've just bondo'd it after the paper mache. Gesso does nothing here in terms of adding strength.

>> No.7405559

I have several sheets; and a vacuum-forming machine is in the works.

>> No.7406285
File: 897 KB, 593x597, Dress Final No Hem chanpost.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I finished putting together the final under-dress for Elsa. It's not even hemmed yet, and I'm planning on doing some (a lot) of hand stitching with silver thread to get some of that streaky glimmer that it has, but I think the shape turned out ok! The bottom hem is a train wreck right now, but once I trim and hem we should be A-OK. I'm enjoying taking a project slow for once, and doing a cosplay just for the joy of doing it, not to rush to get it done for any specific event :)

>> No.7406495
File: 809 KB, 1440x2560, 20140302_073840.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Making the Evangelion girls's school uniform. People kept telling me to just buy one, but I'm honestly having a lot more fun with this! I'm quite short, so I was scared of buying a uniform, because it might be too long. I'm having a blast with this, I can't wait to actually make more cosplay in the future.

>> No.7406519
File: 31 KB, 541x960, 1393857788282.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remaking my very first cosplay for Sakura Con. Pokemon Ranger Kellyn! Gonna take a better progress shot later but for now it'll do. Shirt fits better, redone collar and trim, lining fixed, and adding the buttons this time.

Sakura Con here we come!!!

>> No.7406522
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>> No.7406786

The color doesn't look quite right -- bad lighting?

oh bless you.

>> No.7407145
File: 94 KB, 673x600, 1342666244100.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you, god help me may I not have to do any more any time soon!

>> No.7408835

I know you IRL, so from experience I know this will be another epic cosplay!

Btw: I love how you handle with douchebags like >>7393794 , more people should act that way.

>> No.7409059

Ahw thank you Anon, now I'm curious who you are