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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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7386035 No.7386035[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

There are a handful of cosplayers guilty of buying likes.

Why did the community turn into a Like Number war? Do you think it will ever stop?

Do likes really determine the best cosplayer?

>> No.7386039

imagine an actual turf war between cosplayers
god that would be funny as hell

>> No.7386047

Unfortunately by a con organizer yes, this is why cosplayers what as many as they can get, to get picked as guests etc.

But they do not represent the talent, knowledge or how well they're known within the community.

>> No.7386049

Windofthestars bought likes. She has over 120,000 likes but no one cares about the things she posts. Her posts have on average 200-500 likes. I've seen cosplayers who have less page likes get more likes on their posts than she does.

>> No.7386053

I can't wait till the day when Facebook starts to purge all of these fake like accounts and all of these girls will suddenly drop by the thousands.

How embarrassing that'll be!

>> No.7386066

Would to love to see this, just to see them exposed

>> No.7386070

It's always risible to see the amount of page likes compared to the comments and likes on their pictures.Some German chick got invited to a UK con because of her bought likes.

>> No.7386077

Oh what UK con was that? and do remember who?

>> No.7386095

>Her posts have on average 200-500 likes
actually, that's probably about right.. FB has started limiting pages reach a lot lately. she most probs didn't buy them and she shot up w/ the other cosplayers.

twitter is an easier one to spot though b/c there are websites that check for that. haven't really found any cosplayers who are hugely faking it yet tho.


>> No.7386099

London anime & gaming con and her name was Cosbabe.

>> No.7386102

The Problem with Facebook http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l9ZqXlHl65g

Facebook Fraud https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oVfHeWTKjag

Watch these. It explains how buying likes (either legitimately or through clickfarm/3rd party) actually reduces engagement with followers because Facebook has decreased organic reach.

>> No.7386104

Also, even if you DON'T buy likes, Facebook's reduced organic reach makes pages with legitimate large like numbers have shit all engagement - ie 70,000 likes but only 2000 people will see your post.

>> No.7386118

Anon you quoted also said
>I've seen cosplayers who have less page likes get more likes on their posts than she does.

I don't think it has anything to do with FB. Either you are Wots or someone who also bought likes. I see cosplayers who have 120,000 likes just like her and their posts have over 2,000 likes per post.

>> No.7386124

Well that explains >>7386049

>> No.7386127

And by "buying likes", I mean paying for Facebook advertising, because that's what facebook wants you to do.

>> No.7386132

My page has roughly 1000 likes and my post barely reaches 200 views and facebook is always "pay 30 bucks to make it reach 100-900 people"

>> No.7386262

yeah, I'm just shy of 1000. A year ago anything I posted easily reached 200 people, now I have to have a really engaging post to break 100

>> No.7386270

She has so many likes because she hired a manager to buy them for her. Same manager as Jnig (though they dont have her listed anymore)


>> No.7386305

Unsurprisingly, all the cosplay "talent" he's ever represented shot up in likes soon after joining his "agency."

>> No.7386312
File: 14 KB, 197x184, thailand.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm also part of the mermaiding community and it's so easy to see when this happens, not only do you shoot up by thousands of followers over night, but when you view your most popular city, it's usually in Thailand, or China. So it's painfully obvious.

>> No.7386322

Why the hell would anyone want to pay money to have Pakis and Indians like your stuff? It only fucks over yourself- every status and picture you upload will be advertised to other Facebook users in 3rd world shitholes, hence causing your page to be "liked" by ad-clickers trying to dodge bans for being dummy accounts.

>> No.7389977

Thailand/China =/= Pakistan/India

>> No.7390051


I "like" many cosplayer pages but I dont bother liking every status, and most of them dont even show up in my feed anyway.

>> No.7390523

Well that explains that Harley's Joker guy. Damn.

>> No.7390836

her costumes are complete garbage anyway. wouldn't surprise me she had to buy likes to stay sort of relevant.

>> No.7393280

>I can't wait till the day when Facebook starts to purge all of these fake like accounts and all of these girls will suddenly drop by the thousands.

very much looking forward to this.

Weirdly, I want people to go back to having to create their own webpages.

>> No.7393367

Well, his outfit also rocks! I liked him after seeing a few feature articles about him

>> No.7393368

Won't happen, many of those fake accounts are also owned by FB to help like pages that officially paid for promotion through FB

>> No.7393380

I met a cosplayer who did this, but she claimed that Facebook gave her a 'free trial' for promoting her page, and that she never actually paid for the likes.

>> No.7393501

Really if you have to go this rout as a cosplayer, you're doing something wrong,and should just get out of cosplay cause you have no talent.

>> No.7393512

Going to say that. Facebook promoting is done with countless fake accounts. The only way to avoid fake page like is to promote it yourself.

>> No.7394688

Way to dig deep 4chan user. This photo was on a thread long ago. Didn't think that many people saved or saw that photo but here it is again.

>> No.7394694

Explain that to the cosplayers who are getting invited as guests due to their high amounts of likes and easy recommendations.

>> No.7394818

Mariedoll bought a ton of likes and now gets invited all over the place.

>> No.7394920

So does Ivy Doomkitty. Overnight cosplay star

>> No.7396466

How can a grown man have that kind of grammar? Go back to middle school.

>> No.7396903

You can buy likes- it's called a Click Farm.
Also a good way to see if people are buying likes is to check which countries they are most popular in: India or Egypt. Those are big red flags.

>> No.7397294

Because the marketing teams of the media found a mindnumbingly cheap way of marketing to an already established fanbase. If a cosplay page has 200k fans in a genre that the company caters to, tossing the cosplayer a bauble or a trip to an event is MUCH cheaper than paying for a week of facebook promotion or hiring a graphic designer to guess what the fandom might like. If you have 2000 likes its not worth it to them.

Also, conventions want to bring in recognizable faces, and could care less if you contribute to the community or your skills (unless a ton of attendees request that you appear). If they slap your face on a flyer, and most people say "who the fuck is that?" its gong to be an uphill battle.

So some people either focus on the numbers, and boosting them the fastest and easiest way they know how. Sell what works if you have the goods to get the numbers, and if you don't have the goods, fake it.

And the "goods" in the eyes of promoters are numbers.

and now you have the result. Its balls for the community, but business as usual to the world at large.

>> No.7397753

>most people say "who the fuck is that?"

Sorta how I feel seeing most of the cosplay guest line ups.

>> No.7397898

I have a page (not related to cosplay) that we can get certain posts to reach audiences that EXCEED our number of likes (in theory peoples friends are seeing the posts when they like or engage with them) and then have people who have liked the page reporting that they never saw the posts (causing them to miss out). Facebooks algorithms are full of shit.

>> No.7398367

ugh. That Darrell guy is such a douchebag.

All he does is stir up shit.

>> No.7398374

Nicole Marie Jean too

>> No.7398407

"Cosplayers" have managers now? Holy fucking shit you go around conventions dressed as Chinese cartoon characters. You're not Tom Cruise. Why the fuck do you need a manager? Is your head that far up your ass?

Notice how it's the people who have no actual talent, who have their heads shoved so far up their own ass their blowing shit out of their noses, that hire people like this.

>> No.7398413

>Is your head that far up your ass?

Wind of the Stars head shot completely through her ass.

>> No.7398418

It has to. I don't understand how these people can be like "Lol, I love cosplay and I love the community" when they are spending money essentially buying self esteem and lying to the community they claim to love.

>> No.7398433

Facebook did that for me, too, but I never used it. Shortly after I made my page and hit 100 likes, I got an email with like a $50 coupon for advertising. Never used it because I didn't care about the numbers and shit. Though now I wish it was still active, because I would use it to boost posts. As it stands only about 8-15% of my "likes" see any post I make, its maddening.
Every once in a while I'll boost a post for $5 or $10 and it'll shoot up to about half of my likes.
Facebook just sucks.

>> No.7398447

Now, I may have a girlcrush on her, but her costumes are actually very well made and her attention to detail is honorable. She's pretty down to earth, too, and shares other cosplayers regularly on her page. So I don't see where all of this hates coming from?

>> No.7398456
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There's another way that cosplay pages buy their likes: contests
Then they do it again for 10,000, 15,000, 20,000, any "milestone" that gives them an excuse to give out anything in exchange for more likes and shares

>> No.7398471

Yup. I've held two giveaways before, and both times got about 100 more likes. Though I cringe when other people tell their likes/fans/whatever to share the post, because while Facebook is lax about giveaways, one of the big rules is sharing can not be a form of entry. They don't want you spamming your friends' feeds. Commenting and liking are acceptable forms of entering, but sharing is apparently a big NOPE.

I like the giveaways where its actually something substantial like a cosplay prop or giftcard to arda/joanns/etc. My past giveaways were just for prints, but thats because I was broke and couldn't afford much else.

>> No.7399150
File: 4 KB, 188x167, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For most popular USA cosplayers, Mexico City, Distrito Federal, Mexico

So either that city is very hardcore into cosplays or there is a major click farm there.

>> No.7399156

I noticed this! All of the 'in' cosplayers - Monika, JNig, Riddle, Yaya - had Mexico City.

>> No.7399165

But if you notice, anyone under 10K still has the biggest city in the state they reside as their most popular city. So some how you go from being super big in Los Angeles/Atlanta/New York/San Francisco, to being more popular in Mexico City after a certain number of likes

>> No.7399188


most likely they inflated their likes by paying for them. Mexico being most popular city is one of the red flag for buying facebook likes.

from hyperbot article:
All those likes from Mexico, Bangladesh and Indonesia will never talk about Lyndsey, and they will actually hurt her because Facebook saw 6000 likes but only 30 people talking, Four months after this analysis the number of likes has fallen from 6200 to 1800 with 48 people talking. It appears that all the purchased likes are disappearing. Of course you won’t get a refund on the money spent on buying those likes.

>> No.7399284

Not necessarily. Mexico has a bigger cosplay community than the US does. I only have 3,000 and my most popular is Mexico. I also do cosplay from Saint Seiya and almost every person that comments on my pictures is in Spanish. So fucking annoying because the translator doesn't always work. I recently found out that Saint Seiya is apparently Very huge in Mexico and the rest of South America.

>> No.7399321

Yeah you see a lot of comments on Yaya's facebook about her coming to mexico and comments in spanish. I'm not sure that it is all paid for likes.

>> No.7399345

>But they do not represent the talent, knowledge or how well they're known within the community.

This so much. I know a cosplayer who doesn't make their own costumes, commissions absolutely horrible (bad color choices, bad fabrics), gets bad wigs (like crayola yellow wigs instead of using blonde), horrible makeup applied heavy-handedly (blots out all detail on their face by using almost vampire white foundation), they are a hotmess to say the least.

And like >>7386312 was mentioning, you can always tell when someone buys likes. The aforementioned cosplayer is from Cali and despite being mediocre at best "miraculously" manages to have 100K FB likes mostly from Dubai. They aren't even "famous" in terms of getting invites, no one knows them within the fandoms they cosplay from either. They have money to keep buying shitty costumes, last year they bought 10 new costumes, so why wouldn't they have money to buy likes from Dubai as well.

>> No.7399357

>Do likes really determine the best cosplayer?

Yes. Thanks to them all creating ego driven fan pages because:

>too many creepers!
>my family!
>stop tagging me in ugly photo's!

The real reasons are becoming painfully obvious.

>> No.7399770

Rosanna Rocha buys likes

>> No.7399844

I just doesn't add up where someone who is from New York would just suddenly explode in popularity from Mexico. Even if it isn't bought likes, it is bought advertising that is spreading there pages to these places.

>> No.7399962

I'm not saying they didn't buy their likes. I'm sure these girls did, I'm just saying that we shouldn't assume that everyone who has fans from Mexico bought their likes.