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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 7 KB, 200x144, 50269_380570970509_1795131_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7381688 No.7381688[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Old thread is on autosage >>7376636

More pictures?

>> No.7381782
File: 335 KB, 1000x664, dsfdf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

postin more phootoz

wanna hear more about panels, I barely did any this year. What was the name of that neon tube game in the games room? that thing was crazy

>> No.7381861
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>> No.7381900

I know there were a lot of Attack on Titan cosplayers, but did anyone see any good 3D gear? I mostly saw cheap cardboard box ones, or cosplayers with the boxes but not the swords, and vise versa.

>> No.7381903

she looks haggard as fuck holy shit..

>> No.7381917

She really fits the look of the evil queen, how cool.

>> No.7381921

/r/ more Battle Network

>> No.7381929

/r/ pics of the Fate/Type-Moon shoots.

>implying any Type-Moon besides Fate/whatever was cosplayed

>> No.7382031
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>> No.7382035
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>> No.7382058
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I hate to self post but this was my highlight of the weekend.. While I was doing a shoot down at the pool we noticed some free!! Cosplayers also doing a shoot in the pool. For giggles I went against the glass and fangirled over them.. then this happened..

I just want to say I love that Rei, you make my kokoro go doki doki, and made my first Katsucon a blast!

>> No.7382077

Baby servbot! Hnnnnggh

>> No.7382122

What is going on in that pic?
I understand that you went up to the glass and sent messages through notepad.

Sounds fun as shit, though. I had a blast just chilling for a long time by the escalators and sitting on rails in the mini garden centre.

>> No.7382227

Basically I was fangirling over them all swimming behind the glass, they noticed me.. Rei stops and takes out his phone and walks up to glass. Shows me the message.. no words were ever spoken and it was very flattering to be told by a stranger.

>> No.7382372
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>> No.7382377

Makes sense.
Good story, feels good man.

>> No.7382396


did anyone see the tiny (like, 3-4yo) Luffy? My heart nearly exploded.

>> No.7382403

Did you happen to get a pic of that Doctor who actually looked almost exactly like Matt Smith?

He was wearing a dark blue or brown jacket I think, I saw him in the Atrium at night so it was sort of dark.

>> No.7382489
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Saging for a half self-post.

To the beautiful Arachne at katsucon, I absolutely loved your costume. I had fun chatting with you and I'm super jelly that you whipped out all that detail in two weeks; it's really incredible. I definitely didn't hear you at first when you said "I'll stop bothering/annoying you now", so I totally didn't mean to awkwardly smile and nod. After I realized what you said it was too late. I wish I had gotten a better picture.

On a note more related to the thread, anyone else feel like katsucon might be outgrowing the Gaylord? It felt particularly packed this year, so I wonder if they'll consider capping it, if they don't decide to move it.

>> No.7382544
File: 321 KB, 1632x920, 1392870288277.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This guy was the closest looking to a Smith I saw there.

>> No.7382570

Oh man that first Doctor looks really fantastic.

>> No.7382574

Didn't see a Matt Smith doppelganger, but I did see a really uncanny David Tennant...

>> No.7382582

Anyone know where I can find a list of smaller cons in the DC/MD/VA area? I already know the major ones, but what about the smaller, casual ones that tend to go under everyone's radars?

>> No.7382604

I heard Awesomecon is smaller (not 100% exactly where it is, though), and a lot of people cosplay it up at Sakura Matsuri

>> No.7382643

Assuming the big ones are Ota, Katsu, MAG and AUSA. The only other ones I know of are Awesomecon, Intervention and T-MODE, but I've never been to any of them.

>> No.7382680

It didn't feel crowded to me (compared to Otakon, at least). Plus, Katsu still doesn't rent out all of the Gaylord -- it doesn't use that that entire wing you take to get to the parking garage, and there are a load of conference rooms off the atrium that it doesn't use. If it outgrows the Gaylord, I imagine it will rent space from the hotels across the street.

>> No.7382686

I think it felt more crowded than usual because the weather was rather shitty on Saturday so more people were inside. Friday was gorgeous and a lot of people were enjoying being outside - any time I walked around during the day, it felt more spacious. Even with Saturday arrivals etc. I think a lot of it was because people were inside.

Same type of feeling at Otakon when it rains etc, the building becomes even more of a clusterfuck.

>> No.7382963

Otakon's BCC seems like it's just one long chokepoint. The Gaylord, at least, has the hotel-to-convention hall connection spread among multiple floors.

Maybe I'm just used to how the fountain area in the BCC is always stuffed all day long, such that I found the gazebo area easy to navigate. Putting up with the traffic in Otakon is worth it, though.

>> No.7382971

I've never been to Otakon. What makes it worth it for you? I'm just not sure I'd enjoy how much larger of a convention it is, so I'd like another person's perspective

>> No.7383056

Awesomecon's at the newer Walter E. Washington Convention Center in DC! It's very metro-accessible, about a block from the Mount Vernon Yellow/Green stop.

It's the same place that Otakon is moving to.

>> No.7383079

Went to maybe...one panel. A lot of the ones I wanted to visit at night, I fell asleep at 1130 (because job during the week). Harleys mad tea party sounded fun, I love dinner theaters.

>> No.7383308

Does anyone know how fast Gaylord reservations fill up? I really want to get a hotel reservation for next year's Katsu but I'm afraid they'll be sold out before I get the chance to reserve one...I know Otakon's Hilton fills up within a matter of hours.

>> No.7383312

I always book immediately when they open the block and make changes if I have to but I think you have a good deal longer than Otakon. Maybe 2-3 weeks for top pick and maybe a couple months before the Gaylord is sold out. It helps because there are a lot of other nice hotels like across the street that people use like the Hampton etc. Katsucon is big, but not Otakon-big, thank god.

However, this past year they offered an early bird rate which I happened to snipe and that was limited to the first 100 reservations that got it so that was obviously a time-sensitive thing.

>> No.7383319

I got my reservations at con rate a month before the convention without any issues.

>> No.7383343

Some how I managed to snag the early bird rate and that was on coincidence right after Otakon ended I was like well it can't hurt to check... and bam! Reserved.

Although I ended up with a handicap king room, after requesting a double queen at the counter, waiting three hours and still getting the single king, I did get a rollaway twin bed ((calling it a queen was a joke))

>> No.7383666
File: 316 KB, 1000x664, fafdfsd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyone else see this kid around? I feel like he was just wandering on his own the whole weekend lol

>> No.7383700

Adding on to that, T-mode got cancelled this year.

>> No.7383753

You both might be right. I think the gazebo area will always feel corded, but the dealers room and other areas weren't quite otakon levels crowded.
The elevators felt worse than usual, but I also noticed that a heck of a lot of people were taking it for one or two floors. I don't mind most of the time, especially when people have props and such, but it seemed more common than previous years.

>> No.7383777

That will give me some relief...one less convention to worry about...

>> No.7383780

Why are you taking pictures of little kids? You some kind of a pervert or something?

>> No.7384331


>> No.7384380

How was the masquerade? Don't know if someone brought it up already or not.

>> No.7384480

All I can say is the "special treat" musical act with electric violin, DJ, and narration on audio was impressive for the first like 5 minutes, but after 10 minutes crawled on, it was just too much. Sooo many people left and I presume the majority of people left were either masquerade participants or hall cosplay contestants waiting to find out results.

>> No.7384500

As usual, alot it was alot less funny or interesting than past ones.

Anyone remember what it used to be like about 5+ years ago? When it was about making the audience laugh? Or showing a good fight scene, or making something creative with the characters you had?

I miss those days. Now its become a home for folks to wander on in their super-elaborate costumes that NOBODY IN THE AUDIENCE CAN SEE THE DETAILS OF. Or somebody will do a reallllllly stupidly overplayed dance-off, and none of the cosplayers can dance... you know, stuff that makes me groan.

Does anyone remember the name of the cross-generational group that used to do very creative and funny skits for a few years? I know they were considered masters by Katsu 14 at the latest. I'm trying to think of the name of their group, or more specifically, a skit they did a few years ago about the kind of people in the hotel elevator. Funny as hell!

>> No.7384509

Oh god, I kept waiting for that crap to end. It just kept going on and on and on. He sounded really out of tune, and the sound was not at all calibrated for that room.

I was very thankful for when it was over.

>> No.7384519

I was standing in a corner at the back of the room so with sound bouncing around me, it wasn't... totally awful aside from duration. It would've helped if like... he played more than that one Dr Who thing. At least make it a "guess the tune" kind of game where he started playing some video game and anime themes? We couldn't have been so lucky. I was waiting for awards so as much as I wanted to run out of the room with everyone else, I kinda had a vested interest.

>> No.7384524

Yeah, I was in there with some folks who entered into the hall costume contest and wanted to hear the results. I was sitting right behind the VIP's in the very front, so I got way too much sound.

>> No.7384963

That's awesome. inb4 the metro cops shoot a guy for cosplaying resident evil

>> No.7384974
File: 29 KB, 453x604, 13926948100001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7385003

What am I looking at here

>> No.7385016

The shorter girl is super cute, wow.

>> No.7385020

The masquerade was ok, I enjoyed the dagan ronpa skit, the snk one was ok,there was one with a kuroshit that made no sense because the audio played so quickly; who was the bigger diva, or something?
...I actually don't remember anything else. The nurse joke was ok but then it got overplayed and made no sense after a while..why did they have sexy nurses? I don't mind sexy costumes but where they from anything or just a couple of sexy women? The MC was boring and had a "ok...well that was a little weird...heh." tone about him, he couldn't get the audience riled at all until he asked who was a fan of Dr. Who. So that was disappointing but I stayed til the electric violinist played. Most of the skits I didn't like, I was on my DS collecting street passes. >"Pfft nice shirt"

>> No.7385037

Did anyone see Loki or Thor? They looked really good

>> No.7385181

Anyone get me or the one other guy as samurai flamenco? I'm not finding any pictures anywhere.

>> No.7385209
File: 532 KB, 500x500, Queen_of_Hearts_render.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Only she doesn't, the Queen of Hearts in Alice: Madness Returns looks like a child.

>> No.7385218


Maria sama ga miteru cosplay?

Aka lesbians

>> No.7385300
File: 1.66 MB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the only one I got. Is this you?

>> No.7385302

...no clue why the thumbnail is upside down but it opens correctly.

>> No.7385777

that guy on the left

>> No.7386248
File: 334 KB, 904x534, 1393032430870.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why would you shoop this picture like this? found on katsucon tag

>> No.7386259

This guy took a photo of me at AUSA and I'm actually pretty glad he never posted it, given the horrific things he does to photographs.

>> No.7386264


Oh my god. What a shame, it looks like a fantastic group.

>> No.7386415

Ugh all the stupid fucking vlogs on YouTube. I just want to see videos of the cosplayers. I couldn't care less about ugly homestucks talking about their time being idiots.
Any particularly good cosplay compilations? Preferably that don't have random people lipsyncing to shitty music

>> No.7387179


did see a single homestuck at katsu. I did see the new cancer also know at SnK

>> No.7387233

What the fuck man, there were at least 2 around every corner.
Too fucking many homestucks, and a lot of them sucked.

>> No.7387282
File: 2.61 MB, 1600x2400, 1393084887337.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whoever was talking about that girl in the amazing totoro dress, here's another pic I found.

>> No.7387289

Probably just concerned if the kid seemed unsupervised all the time. I'm like that too if I notice kids at a loose end.

>> No.7387292

So what do you suggest someone do if they aren't the age of the character they want to play?

>> No.7387301


>> No.7387306

Oh-and here's her FB for more adorable pics.
That's one cute dress.

>> No.7387445

I only saw about 15, thankfully
There are usually 40+ of them

At least it's hard to fuck most of them up
I'd rather have 100 SnK cosplayers than any number of horrendous Homestuck cosplays

>> No.7387461

I was unfortunate enough to see 50+.
Only one was good with actual facepaint and stuff.
Don't get me started on how many AoT there were.

>> No.7387479

I accidentally walked through an area where they had all gathered adn it was like trying to weed through a forest of grey and orange.

>> No.7387543


I'm not saying you have to be the exact age as a character you want to cosplay, anon said she looked exactly like the Queen, and as you can tell from the source picture and Yaya's very mature face, nope.

Some older folks can pull off young chracters, but if you look very much 40+, don't bother with a super young character.

>> No.7387546


>> No.7387926
File: 64 KB, 480x720, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just found this in the tag.
>Zelda/Assassins Creed crossover
I cannot stand these stupid fucking crossover/oc versions of characters, then people getting butthurt over no one recognizing them

>> No.7388218

I wouldn't have figured it out in a million years either.

If you're something obscure, be prepared to explain yourself. End of story.

>> No.7390315

>what the fuck is a zelda/AC supposed to look like
>bitches thinking their ideas are entitled to popularity

>> No.7390320

lol except the landwhale homura

>> No.7390335
File: 106 KB, 480x640, 1377902322275.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nobody even suggested that. Why are you getting so defensive?

Yaya is known for choosing cosplays that she really doesn't fit-- And, sometimes quite literally because she's exploding out of her costume. She's too old to cosplay most of what she does and has serious complex issues with wanting to look White.

>> No.7390365


>> No.7390372
File: 213 KB, 427x640, 1379504331590.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7390373

Nobody uses emotes here.
Fuck off with your shit.

>> No.7390401
File: 779 KB, 170x127, brsCb.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

...that's what you think a land whale looks like?

>> No.7390404

Why the hell is it so wrong to want to look white? You social justice people fucking infuriate me.

>> No.7390409

It's not social justice. It's sad, pathetic, and reeks of insecurity. She's like white people who try to act black.

>> No.7390413

Obviously she's to fat for the character so yeah, it looks shit and her rolls aren't doing much for her as far as the open side/back dress goes.

If she wanted to be a decent Homura she would have lost the fucking weight, though obviously you must be a hambeast too so there's no point talking sense into you.

>> No.7390418

I don't see how that's sjw. You sound like someone who hopped on the "Its cool to troll Tumblrfags" bandwagon now and you hurl that at any post you don't like.

>> No.7390421

>actually has curves and not A curve

Landwhales are called landwhales because they're blobs that have a single curve like whales. That Homura has a roughly hourglass figure. She's just got a bit of extra meat on her.

Sorry she's not a loli, anon. :((((

>> No.7390424

Are you stupid? Not being the size of a character doesn't make them a landwhale.

>> No.7390426

angry fatties detected

>> No.7390427


so I guess the Mami is a landwhale too since they have the exact same leg and arm thickness?

>> No.7390428

Or you know, maybe they just grew up in a poor environment along side African American's and like rap music? I honestly don't think she is trying to be white, and if she was, who the fuck cares? How does one even try to be white anyway?

"Oh hey guys, I'm going to go to the Dave Matthews concert and drink some Smirnoff."

>> No.7390429

Go fap to your loli porn, /b/.

We'll be over here in the real world where people look like people and not stick-figure anime characters with face proportions like infant.

>> No.7390430

I don't know if you actually saw her at the convention but she was fat.
The costume would look a lot better on a person who actually was of a healthy size.

Wow whats wrong with /cgl/ these days normally you guys fucking hate fatties

>> No.7390436

>How does one even try to be white anyway?

No, no Dave Matthews and Smirnoff involved. Just milk, juice, and a sense of self entitlement.

>> No.7390437

Keep in mind that alot of /cgl/ secretly ARE those fatties you're dissing.

>> No.7390438

You've seen nothing of how she acts or how many painfully shitty white (and sometimes inaccurate) cosplays that she does, but it's good to know that you enjoy entertaining people by talking out of your ass and encouraging general stupidity. The Wiggers and Yayas and Weeaboos of the world will love you.

>> No.7390439

>not liking juice and milk is a non-white trait
What the fuck? I love juice and milk!

>> No.7390440


Who gives a shit

>> No.7390442

She looks decent in the photo, so that's what I'm going by. She didn't look that bad in the other photos posted in the other katsucon threads. I guess black really is a slimming color.

>States someone isn't a landwhale
>immediately means I'm a fatty

>> No.7390441

I was at the con so and i can agree with everything you say.

>> No.7390446
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>> No.7390463
File: 2.98 MB, 4608x3456, IMG_0079.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty sure this is the same chick. She isn't quite at landwhale status. She's chubby, fat even, but she's not a whale yet.

>> No.7390469


Not the same girl at all. The girl in pic related is a good 50-80 pounds heavier than the girl in >>7386248.

>> No.7390478



>> No.7390487

You know what, you're right, I'm blind as a bat.

But if the girl I posted is heavier, than the girl in the initial pic isn't landwhale at all.

>> No.7390498

What the fuck are you guys looking at the same pictures as I am?

Entire thread confirmed for fatties trying to justify their weight.

>> No.7390505



Yaya is a landwhale, in addition to being ugly and obnoxious. I really hope the cosplay community scorns her for monetizing the matter with her retarded TV show. And why the fuck is it on Syfy? Its reality drama bullshit, keep it on TLC and MTV where it belongs

>> No.7390508
File: 148 KB, 640x516, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Interrupting land whale debates to bring some dramu from the tags.

>> No.7390510

Nah, you're probably just underweight.

I'm 300 lbs, I'll gladly admit I'm a landwhale (if you can use that term for men). These girls aren't.

>> No.7390519
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Part two

>> No.7390521
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>Yaya is a landwhale

>> No.7390529
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And three.
I think what cracks me up most is how butthurt the one gets, calling the girlfriend a cunt, twat, etc.
It's not even like it's some sjwtard who's like STAHP GUIZ. NOT FUNNIEEE. It's the guy's girlfriend

>> No.7390531
File: 411 KB, 1024x768, 1305566714_49a22ce15a_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People do scorn her. The problem lies within the fact that not enough people have bothered to publicly do something about how she acts. Nobody shows up to her booth or meet and greets and bothers to tell her off. Nobody comes to her panels and asks why she's an obnoxious bitch and why she's so shitty with a shady past that she's desperate to keep hidden. People sit on here in /cgl/ and talk massive shit, yet never bother to tell the cunt to her face that nobody actually likes her and that she's fap material for Weeaboo neckbeards who don't know any better.

She can't sue people for having a different opinion of her and she certainly can't do jackshit about people not liking her. It isn't like saying shit to her at a con would do anything. People are often too pussy to bother to take any initiative and this is why I can't take /cgl/ seriously when they hate someone, because they don't do anything. They sit on the chair like dateless bitches at prom and complain.

>> No.7390537

I'm 5'6" and 118 lbs which is in the normal BMI range.
Though I actually work out and eat right to look good in the costumes I make because I don't want to end up lookin a fool like this Homura.

imo you should work out/eat right to get the right body for your fucking costume. Like obviously you cant change height but weight can be worked on.
I don't know when /cgl/ turned into the cosplay social justice tag on tumblr.


>> No.7390542


I bet the guy must have felt awesome

>> No.7390547

I still want to fuck Yaya though

The fact she's old and busted only makes it hotter

>> No.7390557

The old and busted ones appreciate a good dicking more.
Same goes with fatties/butterfaces.

>> No.7390565

You sound like you're either black or from /r9k/.

>> No.7390578
File: 517 KB, 1280x720, sad shepard.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'm neither, but I do have lots of issues yes

>> No.7390592


Oh my yes, this. If 4Chan or the equivalent would get its ass in gear and raid one of her panels or something, it would be a flawless victory. Bonus points if she gets mad and becomes violent/physically acts out, then you really have the cat in the bag!

>> No.7390598


>It's ok to joke about rape if it's a guy

jesus fucking christ

>> No.7390610

Well, until people stop acting like pussies..

>> No.7390619


Yeah I know.

>> No.7390650

>I don't know anything about her

Then, why are you saying anything to begin with?

>> No.7390648

Forgive my ignorance here, but what exactly does this old asian lady do that upsets you guys so much?

I don't really know anything about her, nor have I cared enough to look into it. But every time somebody from the internet mentions her, they fly off the handle as if she's the worst thing that happened to cosplay in recent history.

you mean... being... physically fit?

>> No.7390661

Because I'm curious why y'all are mad.

I have friends who know who she is, and they talk about her like "yeah, she's kinda cool" but they don't really say much.

Nigga, ain't you felt curiosity before?

>> No.7390665

I'm not sure if you actually missed the point or not.

>> No.7390710

but they dont?
The mami's angle is from the side while homura is from the front. don't know if you've ever looked at a leg but they are thicker from the side than they are from the front when standing up. Also the arms are not the same width. I think somethings wrong with your eyes.

>> No.7391846

Shes internet famous, we aren't.
We are jelly and pretending that if we got to her level of cosplay famous we wouldn't be just as obnoxious as her.

>> No.7391866

Hello guy's gf.
Y so jelly? He obviously enjoyed posing for the pix. I'm sure your posts embarrassed him much more than the jokes, especially also posting it on here.
Way to make a guy playing THOR seem totally whipped.

>> No.7391888

How old is she, actually?

>> No.7391905

I think around 31

>> No.7391910
File: 128 KB, 1338x642, 1392679828478.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She'll be 34 this year.

>> No.7391914
File: 34 KB, 1334x642, 1392682378775.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wrong. Get your sources right. Note: The erased husband line.

And, everyone says that green card shit is rumors lawl.

>> No.7391920

She looks older though she doesn't have that many lines. It must be the harsh makeup? I think she would look better with softer makeup. I like reading her costume entries at her site. I didn't know who she was until last year and didn't know people hated on her until I came here. She was at a con I attended but I was busy and didn't go meet/see her.

>> No.7391934
File: 549 KB, 1023x611, 1392594267667.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7391956
File: 88 KB, 600x800, 1393278861341.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do people always assume "because taken on a phone, not shooped"?
The editing under her eyes its really obvious.

pic related is an example. Shes REALLY bad at editing.

>> No.7391966

It's really grainy and soft so it's hard to make out any detail.

>> No.7391969

She looks so beautiful when the picture of her is so grainy that you can't see her details.

>> No.7392010
File: 62 KB, 610x612, yaya-wonderwoman9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7392029

damn she fat

>> No.7392030

I guess I'll have to queue up and go meet her next con she's at that I attend. Now I'm curious to see for myself.

>> No.7392041

You can clearly see that she shooped the lines under her eyes. You can see them on this picture >>7392010

>> No.7392055
File: 130 KB, 640x426, 5566099617_d3e0e46584_z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, I'm aware. She shops quite poorly.

>> No.7392173


I know, my dick can hardly take it

>> No.7392191
File: 746 KB, 1684x1752, 492.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone have better pics of her?

>> No.7392197

Seconding request. This is the first Athena wig I've seen that looks legitimately nice.

>> No.7392246

Where are the Lolita photos, guys!?! None yet? Why not?

>> No.7392289

Who gives a shit about Lolitas
I smell a self post. Dat awkward puffy jacket

>> No.7392337
File: 436 KB, 1152x1264, ffffff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I think we know what it really said...

>> No.7392580
File: 232 KB, 475x900, IMG_4402.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sorry about the self post, but I ran into her when I was in my Juniper!

>> No.7394225

>she looks like someone I know

>> No.7394468

Haha yes very funny... I'd post a better photo myself but I'm sure it wouldn't stop you from nitpicking and saying rude things either