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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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7378403 No.7378403[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

So in light of the recent post on their facebook page regarding the removal of certain types of panels, I just have to ask: Is there any reason as to why Sakuracon is slipping so badly this year? From removing the forums, taking forever to put up signups (skit/cosplay contest are still not up), lack of guest announcements, and so on...I'm just wondering if there's something I'm missing.

I've been going the past 5 years, and up until last year it's been awesome. Starting with 2013 I just felt like things have not been the same and I'm worried this year might follow suit. Thoughts? Opinions? Gossip? How has the con stacked up over the years for you?

>> No.7378422


Were it not for GIRUGAMESH, I would not have known about this con.

Now I just realized I don't know anything about this con.

But damn that was a good ad.

>> No.7378426

I'm wondering who the fuck took over that keeps ruining it
Almost seems purposeful, and it's kind of sad considering it's one of the few cons that I can actually afford to attend (I can't afford a passport for Vancouver cons yet) that is decent and this is making me sad.
Thought tbh I heard that the swimsuit contest was way out of hand last year, they should ya know, monitor it better instead of nixing any offending content.

>> No.7378859

Scons best year was when they got Ali Project. Everything after that has been a downward fall in terms of guests. I think ppl crying over losing a shitty swimsuit contest is stupid though. Nothing of value was lost there. Last year the guest liaison had a chance to bring the Miku concert to the con and they decided because they didn't know what a vocaloid. Idiots. I'm not into Miku but even I know the money that concert would have brought in.

>> No.7379253

Holy shit
>they didn't know what a vocaloid was
Why would you even pick up something THIS stressful if you don't even care about the content at all??? Jfc

>> No.7379293

I hate 'vocaloid concerts' because the idea of that being a thing disgusts me, mostly because the original song artists don't make royalties and only got a bit of profit by selling the rights to their song.

>> No.7379311

Besides the point, it would have gotten a bunch of people to go to the con.

>> No.7379334
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They've made it more PG-13 over the last few years. IIRC, they also dropped the late-night hentai screening panels a couple years back.
Sak keeps spending money like they're going to continue to grow 1-3k attendees each year, but they've pretty much plateaued around 20k. They've actually lost a ton of money these past few years, too.
I've heard a lot of bad things on the industry side of things, as well. Many companies, such as Crunchyroll were treated like shit by Sak, and might not be returning this year - so you can say bye to that livestream, as well.
It also sucks that they're not really going out of their way to make cosplayers feel terribly welcome, and I've had a few friends on staff say that a few of the higher-ups don't really give a shit about cosplayers whatsoever.

It's the largest con in the PNW community, so it's a pretty big deal for us around Washington, Oregon, Idaho and British Columbia.

It wasn't too bad. They had a few technical difficulties that made it start late, and the worst thing that happened was a contestant took off her top, and was covered by felt cut out in the pattern of a phoenix - pic related.
She didn't know it was against con rules, as it still very much covered everything, but they pulled her aside, and almost got her badge pulled. Though that wasn't really the panelist's fault, they're still marking it against them.

Still a bad move on Sakuracon's part.

>> No.7380221

>It's the largest con in the PNW
I think you're forgetting about PAX.

> had a chance to bring the Miku concert to the con and they decided because they didn't know what a vocaloid
Holy shit. Especially since they've lost money. Who is in charge of these decisions? They really didn't google 'vocaloid' to see what an obvious cash cow it is?

>> No.7380235

Your comments along with me looking at the guest list and noticing how small it got compared to a few years ago are pushing me to not go to this convention.

>> No.7380267

They're just losing money, so I hear. Anyways, the swimsuit contest wasn't great so it's not that big of a deal.
>because they didn't know what a vocaloid
I highly doubt this is true. How could they really be that stupid?
>I think you're forgetting about PAX.
Largest anime-specific con?

>> No.7380306

I meant that it's largest anime con in the PNW, to be specific.

>> No.7380319

>anime con
Oh, sorry. I always seem to forget that /cgl/ isn't really that into PAX. Since it's so big and exciting for me, I'm assuming it's big and exciting for every con-goer.

>> No.7380381

>/cgl/ isn't really that into PAX
I'm not referring to the board but there's definitely an increasing present of cosplayers at PAX in the last few years I've gone. It's kinda neat and interesting, plus chances are certain panels/booths give out incentives to fans who dress up.

Anyway, the queue line better not screw up this year.

>> No.7380393

Yeah, that's why I always forget. There's plenty of cosplayers at PAX. I guess they're just not the ones who hang out on cgl. I guess they get scared away by the frilly dress threads.
PAX definitely has people who reward cosplaying. Valve cosplayers got first dibs at playtesting Portal 2 when it was first coming out and Mass Effect cosplayers were given prizes at a Mass Effect panel I went to.
Queue line for PAX or for Sakuracon? I usually don't bother with the queue line at PAX. The bag doesn't usually have that great of stuff in it, besides having a physical panel schedule. But you can swipe schedules from different areas of the con.

>> No.7380411

>frilly dress threads
Speaking of which, I have occasionally seen lolitas (well dressed mind you, I don't remember seeing itas) around PAX, playing on their DS's while in a line up, kinda cute.

I remember about the treasure chests given out at that Mass Effect panel, and I remember a seagull got one too. Sadly I did see this couple walking with a chest without a single piece of cosplay on, and the seagull mentioned that some chests were swiped. Some people are just so greedy.

Oh, I was talking about the online queue line for buying badges. It took me forever to get in and I got to get a couple days worth. Apparently some people got to keep their place in the queue line up so they got to go ahead of everyone else in the lineup and keep buying badges.

>> No.7380421

I just go to Sak to hang out with friends. Never been to the swimsuit contest, though it sounds uncomfortable as hell.

I have a hard time believing the Miku concert thing is true. Last year they had Zaneeds as a guest and he not only participated in the Vocaloid panel, he also did a full hour set at the rave playing all Vocaloid music. No other con other than AX has has a Miku concert, and Sak is nowhere near AX in size or budget.

>> No.7380427

I got a loot box from Gearbox for dressing up as Tannis. It was amazing. I wish my Tannis had been better though, there were so many amazing goddamn Borderlands costumes. Mine was like C- at best, comparatively.

>> No.7380433

er, not last year. It was 2011.

>> No.7380448

I think I remember you. I thought you were great! I remember my boyfriend and I were wowing over you.

>lolitas (well dressed mind you, I don't remember seeing itas) around PAX, playing on their DS's while in a line up, kinda cute.
>well dressed mind you, I don't remember seeing itas
As a lolita who was playing her DS whenever I could (oh god the streetpasses), I'm hoping that's me you saw!

>> No.7380487

Aw shucks. Thanks! There's just so much I didn't finish in time, I can't help kinda obsessing over it.

>> No.7380538

Who knows, I probably did see you! Haha, my earliest memory was probably PAX'12 while lining up to pick up my badge on Friday morning, I saw a lolita playing on her DS while sitting along the wall with a line-up, probably Pegasus theater at the time, I think it was for some 10am opening panel for PAX. Fuzzy memories but I think the dress was mostly brown, maybe a bit of pink?

Anyway, I'd like to give cosplaying a try for PAX, likely something really casual and light, like some Animal Crossing kigurumi, since I prefer to pack light.

>> No.7380549

Whenever we look at our own projects, it's so much easier to see the problems rather than where it looks good. And I can assure you, it did look good. Keep up the quality cosplaying!

Ah, that wasn't me. I was in pink. What Animal Crossing kigurumi did you have in mind? Are you making it or is there an Animal Crossing kigurumi seller that I should show my wallet too?

>> No.7380569

Oh well, at least there's definitely more than one lolita.

I wish there was a AC kigurumi seller, haha! I'd like to make one or few, depending on the fleece colors available at the local store unless someone can point me to a reliable fleece store that ships within/to Canada. I'd like to do Willow (or sheeps in general), Stitches, Apple... At least, in my head, they would translate into kigurumi fine without being too strange in shape. Probably more villagers will come to mind later, if I make the time to sew one up.

>> No.7380585
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Well I was googling to see if there was such a thing, and someone did indeed sew up a Stitches. Willow would be cute! Frita would be so silly. Her hamburger head would be fun to sew.

>> No.7380598

Too cute!

Frita would be really funny. Oh ACNF, so many options.

>> No.7380617

I can't find the post now, but I think that a while ago on instragram Danny Choo confirmed that he was going to Sakuracon. Didn't he have something to do with the Miku concert at AX?

>> No.7380644

OP here, I actually realized right after posting that this con is only really big for those of us in and around the Pacific Northwest.For a lot of us it's the only real 'big anime con' we can easily get to/afford, as >>7379334 said. I'm from eastern Washington so it's really nice being able to drive over and save money to invest in things like my cosplay and so on.

People are pretty much just confirming what I thought though. To clarify, I really don't give a shit about the swimsuit and 'dating game' panels being gone (they were stupid anyway) I just am worried this is the start of worse to come, because I really enjoy a lot of the nighttime content: late night Cos chess, Loveline, Dances etc.

Regardless though, I go to the con mainly to wander with friends and have fun with other cosplayers. Even if whoever has taken charge fucks things over, I'd still go there even if it was just a social gathering. I hope it doesn't come to that though.

I'm actually trying to see if I'm able to nab badges for PAX this year since I've never gone. I have a Silent Hill cosplay group so I'm hoping to be able to attend both cons!

>> No.7380752

I think he was the MC or something? I vaguely remember him being involved. I wasn't there though, I was just glaring at write ups with weeby jealousy.

>> No.7380796

I was there at the miku concert. he introduced miku into the concert along with some dancers and was at like all her panels. - it was kind of annoying but cute at the same time, there was an ongoing thing of him announcing all the time 'miku is our angel'

>> No.7382244

Only bad late night panel I went to was the first swimsuit contest, It was awkward as fuck. I had enough when one of the girls tried to crush a can in between her thighs, the mods didn't think to stop the hordes of camera people move up close to take a photo. I mean they jumped over the chairs just to zoom in onto the can.

With all of this PG-13 stuff, I just hope Zapp's panels doesn't end up on the chopping block.

>> No.7382303

It seems that major cons all across the West Coast are falling apart
>SakuraCon has this
>Fanime has no guests announced and just ran through the hotel version of the Hunger Games
>AX is AX
>Meanwhile cons like Otakon and AB are getting great guests, events, and panels
How much as the West Coast convention scene fallen in the past few years?

>> No.7382450

he was fucking everywhere. he was basically a fixture in the main panel hall because they had him announce for every one.

>> No.7382468

Pretty sure only Marc likes him too. Everyone else I know thinks he's a self-important douche.

>> No.7382486

I've never been to PAX or any comic related cons but it always seems like we just have a larger scene for that kind of content. Even at the 2012 Sakuracon it seemed like there was a ton of cosplay from things other then anime or Japanese culture.

That said though, I do hope that this year will be good. I didn't get to see if 2013 was a failure but 2012 was a lot of fun.

>> No.7382527

a lot of fans like him. If I had to guess I think it's because he's "living the dream" of being a professional animu fan.

that's basically every convention nowadays. SDCC is kind of that in reverse because everyone wears their non-anime cosplay because they wear the anime stuff to all the anime cons.

>> No.7382766


>> No.7382798
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Popping in to say as someone who's been going to West Coast cons (Sakuracon, Fanime, AX, etc) for around 5 years, I went to Otakon for the first time last year and it was fucking awful.
Disgusting weather, shitty cosplay, and the most confusing layout I've ever seen. Even with the "clusterfuck" that a lot of West Coast cons are becoming, they're still way more enjoyable than East Coast garbage.

>> No.7382801


>> No.7382827

Kamicon had a Miku concert this year but your point still stands.

>> No.7382836
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Not to be an Otakon White Knight but
To be completely fair pretty much everyone agrees that last year was too much in a lot of ways. After last year they actually announced they're moving to Washington D.C. in 2017 to a conspace twice as big because the heat + that amount of people in something the size of the BCC was outrageous.
The weather was really weird though.

Then again, Otakon is the biggest con I've been to consistently, so maybe I just have nothing to compare it to.

>> No.7383217

Was it an official Crypton concert or one of the fan run kind? Fanime had a Vocalekt Visions concert two years ago, though I think VV disbanded or something.

Main difference is that the official ones have live music while te others don't, and the others use animation from MMD, so they don't usually look as good.

>> No.7384731

I really hope Sakura Con is fun this year. I'm bringing my boyfriend for the first time and I hope there's something fun to do. Last year really sucked though all I wanted to do was go to the Zapp panels

>> No.7385206

Kind of sucks that the forum went under. I guess I'll have to spam my crappy photos somewhere else for now. I recently got a Nikon d3200 but I haven't got much experience using it yet.

Anyway, has anyone attended the Emerald City Comic-Con recently? I haven't gone to it since 2009, but I wasn't really impressed with it.

>> No.7386916


>> No.7386941


/p/ here, the best thing you should do with that particular camera is stay from iso 100 to 400 for jpeg shooting. The sensor is 24mp, but it's honestly not going to do well in lowlight, so i'd suggest a tripod for shots that you really care about once the sun starts setting. Remember to open up that aperture! Video recording will only get you 1080p at 30fps, but it should be usable for a 24fps render for online streaming. If you want to save space of your memory cards, go with 720p at 60fps. It's autofocus is actually pretty nice, so you can keep that on auto, but you can always go manual for maximum BOKEH.

hope this helped!
~love /p/

>> No.7386947

>>AX is AX

i lol'd

no but seriously, i don't think they're "going bad", it's just that they're getting stale and all going for the cookie cutter con that fits everyone. The only thing different is the venue, the artists and vendors and cosplayers are all the same nowadays.

>> No.7387739

Is it really that bad? This will be my third year going and I've had a blast every time. The only panel I have gone to the past two years was the Zapp panel though which I had a lot of fun at. Maybe it's just so much better than the cons we have here that it doesn't seem bad to me? I'm hoping this year will be good. Also the vendors are a billion times better than any other con I go to, so there is that as well.

>> No.7388555
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I hope this is okay to ask here... Do any seagulls still need some people to room with? My friends and I need a 4th person to room with us after someone recently dropped out. I've already tried looking for people in my friends circle, on facebook and even tumblr.

We're staying at the Crowne Plaza Hotel and we're all aged 20 to 21. My email is in the field if anyone is interested and wants more deets.

>> No.7388771

Funny how you omit Sac Anime as that con moved to a better venue, gets good guests and runs a rather tight ship

>> No.7388778

Honestly, if that's all you really do at Sak, you probably won't notice much of a difference.

>> No.7388825

Yeah I get ya. I'm hoping to actually do more this year than I have in previous years.

>> No.7388843

>SacAnime is.... up in Sacramento
Just imagine if it and Fanime switched locations.

>> No.7388847

I just looked at SacAnime winter and the guest list sucked. Looks like not enough budget or pull for more Japanese guests. Til it starts getting a good guest list that doesn't consist of people you see at almost every other convention it's nowhere near breaking out.

>> No.7388853

the sac anime white knights get bitchy when you point out it's in sac, which is a place people don't want to go to.

>> No.7388948

Don't worry, its not just the concerts. The games, the events, everything Sega does shit on the producers.

>> No.7388960

we had a guest at one of the events in SF (J-Pop Summit) and he mentioned that specifically and how he repeatedly denied Sega the use of his songs in Project Diva. Also the moving on of a lot of producers and how you could fabricate popularity by playing stuff repeatedly much like modern radio payola. No more did the fans solely decide what they liked.

The ironic part is that Sega helps sponsor or buys boothspace or otherwise at a lot of events here.

>> No.7388962

Sac anime usually gets good guests. Last year they got mother fucking Kevin Conroy

>> No.7388963

Yeah I was there too. I think it was DixieFlatline. But this was two years ago.

>> No.7390935

I've been to PAX twice and this'll be my first Sakura-con even though I've wanted to go for years. Boyfriend and I are planning on doing a gender swap Luigi and Daisy.

>> No.7390949

too bad 75% of the rest of the guests are set in stone from event to event. They need to evolve their guest list much like they changed from hotel to convention center.

>> No.7392969

Im gonna cast thread revive here to also add that my group just got word that we're doing a workshop today and they want a complete list of everyone by Wednesday even though I know a few wont be able to get back until at least Friday.

we were also dropped from the opening ceremony which we've done every year for the past 4

>> No.7392993

Sakuracon. Worth the $500 (plane plus hotel)? Guestwise/cosplaywise?

>> No.7394763

What do people think of the guest list so far? I'm pretty excited for the director of Utena!

>> No.7396190

I always suggest that people go to Sakuracon before they go to PAX.
Sakuracon is impressive, but it's not nearly as huge as PAX. PAX is dripping in money. Sakuracon doesn't have the kind of twenty-foot-tall displays you see at PAX, nor as many attendees, nor as many things to see. It's rather limited funding-wise, and things tend to be a little disorganized.

Sakuracon is fantastic and I love it, but prepare yourself so you aren't surprised.

>> No.7396200

I keep hearing rumors that Angelic Pretty will be there this year. I'm trying not to get my hopes up though after Sakura-con dropped the ball on having any lolita guests last year.

>> No.7396274

>my group
>a workshop today
>done ceremony for 4 years
Who are you?

>> No.7397471

Why does everywhere HAVE to have loli? It isn't just about you.

>> No.7397474


He's always been around AX a lot on his own, I see Sakura-Con is ok with having known pedophiles.
Can't say surprised at all, but I'm still not impressed and still no reason to go.

>> No.7397479


Try 12 years, tough shit

>> No.7397484

blowacloid is a dying trend, let it bury itself

>> No.7397628
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Just a man anon, just a man

I'll drop by Sakura con threads as we get closer to the date cause I wanna see what you guys want out of the workshop. Might tailor what I teach based on the feedback i'll get from these threads

>> No.7397871

Wait, who are you talking about?

>> No.7399227

She's just looking forward to having things about her japanese fashion hobby. She didn't say Sak was worthless if there aren't lolita things.

>> No.7402261

50 days away

>> No.7405494

Everywhere does not have to have lolita events. I go to 5-6 cons a year that have little or no lolita programming. Sakura-con is just the only convention in the area big enough to possibly get a lolita guest.

>> No.7409200

new people in charge have to do things their way OR ELSE!!!

>> No.7409612


>> No.7410200

Sure as fuck isn't Ikuhara they're talking about.

>> No.7411636

Going to SakuraCon this year as my first con, what should I expect? I'm pretty pumped but no idea what its going to be like.

Was also thinking about cosplaying but have never done that either and am not sure where to start

>> No.7411666

Hitoshi Nagahama, who apparently directed the opening of Utena, not the actual show. Wish they could get ikuhara.

He did Mushishi though so I'll take it.

>> No.7411671

Oh wait sorry Myanimelist says he was animation director, did mechanical design, and worked key animation and the ED, not the OP at all.

>> No.7413518
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Speaking of Sak, this just happened a little bit ago.
Sorry it's a bit of a mess, but you get the idea.

>> No.7413521
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>> No.7413674

Not only are our Panels sage but we are a THIRD, yes you heard that right, THIRD panel! You'd best prepare yourselves!

We haven't heard anything from panel people about pur content being too over the topor anything, And I talked to the coordinator brielfy. I think we are in the clear so, nothing to worry about. I certainly can't speak for the wellbeing of the con at all, but I hope our panels are still enjoyable enough to draw people in.

>> No.7413737

>She didn't know it was against con rules, as it still very much covered everything, but they pulled her aside, and almost got her badge pulled

Why would that be against con rules? Everything that needs to be covered is covered.

>> No.7413747

No idea. They never specified what was so bad about it.
Sak staff just refer to it as an incident, and never seem to give details on what made it such a bad thing.

>> No.7413800

In other words, it offended someone in charge, so they retroactively made it against the rules?

>> No.7414291

And yet Asuka's taint and ass were perfectly fine?

>> No.7414359

Being a curious East Coaster, I have no fucking idea what you're refering to.

Though I did see girls wearing skintight revealing plug suits denied entry to Anime NEXT on modesty grounds by the convention center (not the con). But that was years ago, in the old con center. The new one loves cosplayers.

>> No.7414364

6:20 in.

>> No.7414440

That was wonderful. Thank you for that video, I'm going to have sweet dreams tonight.

Please don't tell me people freaked out over dat ass (and covered taint).

Also where does phoenix girl from >>7379334
show in the video? I can't understand how I'd have missed her.

>> No.7414466

whoops too naked

>> No.7414481

I just watch the ending and awards, and Pheonix and Asuka won the contest. There's justice after all.
But have they dropped this panel from the convention now?

>> No.7414497

>But have they dropped this panel from the convention now?
Yup, along with speed dating.
I never saw the speed dating but the swimsuit contest was such a clusterfuck that I'm almost glad they dropped it. I won't be tempted to check it out again.

What none of the videos show you is the 40-minute start delay and the near-constant mic feedback throughout the show.
Phoenix had an amazingly disorganized panel of her own earlier that night and it was downright professional compared to that shitstorm of swimsuits.

>> No.7414542

Who was Phoenix? I admire her cleverness.

As for shows like these, I always arrive late and never miss anything.

>> No.7414602

To be fair, Sakuracon was slow to give the panelists the equipment needed to start the panel, which is mostly why it started so late, and they were in such a rush to get it going, with the mic feedback and all.

>> No.7414632


You also forgot AE and Vancouver's anime community just outright collapse over 4 years, Japanese Media stores closing left and right and replaced with Korean Culture or generic big box stores.

Also, how good is the artist alley at Sakuracon and how "liberal" are the artists' commision capabilities, I am planning to go there because of medi whiskey but I know Milk Ink is from Seattle and I got a wicked commish from them before

>> No.7414697
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Holy fuck I don't know how many of you are raveheads, but this lineup is crazy. Maybe i'll go to sakuracon this year.

>> No.7414813


Thank god, the last con I went to played nothing but KPOP for the rave.

>> No.7414826

Sounds like you all need to switch to ECCC. IMO the best con in the state.

>> No.7414847

Do they play regular music or anime-related music at the raves? I've never went to one.

>> No.7414875

ECCC is amazing but its obviously not geared towards anime/manga/weeb shit, so the demographics are different.

>> No.7414876


meant to reply to this post. but still, I usually don't see a whole lot of anime cosplayers to begin with at ECCC and there's nothing catering to Japanese pop culture fans that I remember...

>> No.7414881


I suppose that is true, there is not much anime stuff. But there is some, and it is worth it to find the little anime shit there is, rather than deal with an annoying con IMO.

Also, anime cosplayers are always welcome. Even if the con is more geared towards comics and scifi, there is a huge anime overlap! At least in my experience, I always see a lot of anime cosplay.

>> No.7414961
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This will definitely be raver music for sure so you wont be finding grinding-music or KPOP. They might throw in some anime and video game related songs, but they'll be cranked up to keep up the craziness.

>> No.7415825

I like ECCC but it bums me out that it shuts down at like 6 (8?) every day. It's better as an actual con wth regards to panels and guests but I miss the party and shenanigans time that makes Sakuracon.

>> No.7417040

has it gotten any better over the last couple of years? I attended it back in '09 and I wasn't really impressed.

>> No.7417080

I sure as hell hope you're not Red.
People can be so rude. I don't know why these people are being so upset about moving cosplay discussion outside of the Sakuracon page. They aren't technically talking about the actual convention. It's of no use to people who want information and not chitchat.
It's odd how facebook seems to be such a cesspool, since people argue that having your real name attached would make you politer. I guess not for everyone.

>> No.7417087

Nah, I never commented on that status, just liked a couple comments and screenshotted it before it got deleted.
It's more that the admins of the page are incredibly nit-picky - and it isn't just this one status.
The page isn't for Sak announcements. It's supposed to just be a general Sak FB group.
So when they started a thread about what was left to prep for Sak, they didn't care. But as soon as people started talking about the cosplays they had to work on, the admins said they should continue the conversation on their sub-group.

It's not like the admins could move it there, either. If it was on the forums, that'd be another matter.
FB is just a terrible way to try micro-managing a 20,000 person event.

>> No.7417248

Sakura-con's raves are usually okay for anime con raves, but this year might be the best. I can't believe there is actually a house dj!