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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 297 KB, 650x462, MIA6_calendar_FR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7376298 No.7376298[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I know it's a bit early but I'm getting excited !
Are you going ?
Participating in EC or other contests ?
Look forward to see who/what ?
Possible drama ?

>> No.7378381

of course there will be drama, it's an EC contest.
Just look at who's entering...

>> No.7378797

Yes totaly going
>ec or other contests
Trying to participate in EC
>look forward to:
I don't really like anime and manga stuff so there is probably not going to be stuff I want, but I'm looking forward to see my friends
Dont know dont care, but hey it's still belgium!

What do you mean with that ? Who's entering ?

>> No.7379340

the ones I heard of are: paine, cyclone, eri, some guy named atori, muralu, probably starla, tom roose, dennis vandebroek

>> No.7379459

who on earth are tom roose, dennis vandenbroek and atori?
and isn't cyclone busy with ecg?

>> No.7379540

Yup he's going to the finals at ECG
AND entering at the EC

>> No.7379692

who the fuck cares he's busy with the ecg, last time he went to represent belgium for the ecg he failed miserably both costume and act.
The reason Belgium keeps losing is sending those fuckups every time.
This year will be no different, Cyclone crying and be too fucking nervous to actually do something and Soph with her all time boring stage face. I really like them as a person but for fuck sake get some acting lessons

>> No.7379713

What cosplay are you making for the competition?

Pics or didnt happen

>> No.7379738

You sound like you know all about it
have you even been in the ECG yourself ?

>> No.7380576

I give you his performance on stage

ECG selection:

ECG finals:

ECG selections:

I think we all know where this is going...

>> No.7380640

Uhm yes I did, sorry I should have stated that I am not from Belgium,

>> No.7381163


why doesn't the jury listen to what the public wants?

>> No.7381206 [DELETED] 

Because the public is not befriended with the jury ;)

>> No.7381209
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Because the public is not befriend with the jury

>> No.7381689

Who should have represented Belgium then?

>> No.7381705

I like the solo choice, her cosplays always look clean and nice
For groups : I liked those two guys with their retro game cosplays, and the Horizon cosplay group.

>> No.7381710

made me giggle

>> No.7383314

Most people liked them the most according to the previous thread and what I heard around the con.
Maybe this year they got their shit together and do something decent ? Belgium is always doomed with international contests because of judges favorites

>> No.7383816

They didn't get their shit together, made the same mistake as the previous ones. Sent in the same dull people who don't have the acting skills that is required for these international contests.

>> No.7385028

Such a slow thread for a Belgian thread.
Weekend bump

>> No.7389715

Come on guys !

>> No.7389791

There is just NOTHING to say stop making these fucking threads and get a life already

>> No.7391269

Dude, the thread was made just to discuss the convention and because fucktards like you start to make drama makes it a stupid thread. Learn to read hombre

>> No.7392008

Who has entered the EC competition?

>> No.7393696

apparently there are a lot of cosplayers that entered

>> No.7396117

okay, who didnt enter the ec ?
nicely done bringin more attention to yourself hobo

>> No.7396776

Apparently you know more...

>> No.7397124

About what you fagget ?

>> No.7398028

I think about the hobo

>> No.7399221

Its down to the circlejerking. Too many judges select their friends.

>> No.7400026

Like every other belgian competitiin ever in everything

>> No.7400199

I highly doubt that Starla would enter the EC. She has had enough drama from that to last a lifetime. Last I heard she was more focused on the ECG. She has entered that a few times but has failed to impress.

I am curious if she does decide to go for the EC this time. That will be mean that she'll be going up againt one of her recnt BFFs, Paine. Lets there is no major drama between them like last time they both went into the EC.

>> No.7400201

*Hope* gah! Stupid phone.

>> No.7402535


Anyone got any progress pics?

>> No.7404948

I haven't got any but really liking Paine's progress.

>> No.7406553

Not posting my progress because Belgian thread but I haven't seen that much progress beside Paine, Starla and Team Awesome

>> No.7406895

What is team awesome going this time ? Too lazy to look on fb

>> No.7406918


I think one of them will be joker, don't know about the other

>> No.7407210

saw youre progres in the progress thread look like shit :)

>> No.7408231


you are a sad sad little man/woman. Instead of helping by giving tips, you choose to just say that and doing it anonymous..

>> No.7408438

How's their progress? Good, bad?

>> No.7408525
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Ohno anon you hurt my feelings
Boo freakin hoo
Paine and Starla are making the same outfit and it's looking nice

>> No.7409062

what version ?

>> No.7409168

this little anon is a sad little bitch, can't do anything right so they just bitch bitch bitch.

>> No.7409318
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I think it's one from the games

>> No.7409457

the only thing the belgian cosplayer is good at: bitching and being a total moron

>> No.7409461

Look f*cking awesome.

Bitch, if you say otherwise, you're a sore loser. Like Reira-loser-like.

>> No.7412097

Yes, they are both making Cersei from Game of Thrones. I personally prefer Paine's. The details she is putting into the costume is amazing. I also think she will suit the costume better. Nothing against Starla as I don't know her but her's seems rushed. Tbh, Paine seems to be getting better with her cosplays while Starla is getting worse. Would anyone else agree?

Not seen Team Awesome's progress.

>> No.7415169

Damn, looks scary in an awesomely good way

>> No.7416113

Agreed. Quite curious to see how the rest of the costume turns out.

>> No.7416817


I think he put that online too

>> No.7419167

Apparently there was a documentary about Belgian cosplayers on tv. Did anyone see it?

>> No.7420635

No I didn't, anyone has a link ?
Who was in the documentary?

>> No.7421433

Lel documentary. You mean "let's laugh with these silly dress up idiots"-television.

Pl0x. You attentionwhore.

>> No.7421880

Pl0x you vagina with sand in

>> No.7422829

Please anon... if you try to offend people at least put some effort to it.

>> No.7423053

I'm not trying to offend I'm just curious why I'm called an attention whore while I just asked who was in the documentary

>> No.7423121
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>Starla cosplaying my favorite GoT character

>> No.7423160

I have seen his complete costume... Looks amazing!!!

>> No.7423162

I mean the Joker guy.

>> No.7424424

My thoughts exactly. She's just doing it because her ex cosplayed as Jaime.

>> No.7426642
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This makes it even worse, she's not even doing it out of love for the character.

>> No.7426841

I always thought she did it becase Paine is doing it

>> No.7426900

Well it's going to be one hell of a show. :p

>> No.7427057

Actually I think she is copying both Paine and Sephi. Both had the costume planned before Starla did. Sephi had hers planned last year but had to delay till this year. Pretty sure that Paine did the same thing. I doubt she does anything purely for the love of the character. The woman is so desperate for attention that I'm surprised she isn't more of a bandwagon cosplay jumper.

I'm just going to see what the event brings. Hopefully less drama.

>> No.7427319
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>> No.7427633

Less drama.


>> No.7427635

You know what's funny. All the Flemish cosplayers will feel lost because their precious Cosplaycloud won't be there

>> No.7427642


you mean the fail flemish cosplayers

>> No.7428513
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Hit the nail right on it's head.

>> No.7428558

what was the name of that fat chick from last thread again ?

>> No.7428918

Which one? So many to choose from

>> No.7429056

Who Won today ?
Pics ?

>> No.7429187

Nobody cares about the componon friday, only compo that matters on MIA is tomorrow.

>> No.7429394

Doesn't Starla run the cosplay section or am I thinking of a different event? If she does then she is unlikely to compete. In fact she will probably make sure her friends get chosen.

>> No.7429903

Yeah, Starla fucks with Paine and the whole MIA crew.
Get real man! when did she ever run the MIA compo? Tbh nobody gives a shit about Starla anymore. Go fight your little vendetta with her and stop spoiling the threat with her shit!

>> No.7430469

Bump for Drama

>> No.7430698

When I see people win international prelims twice in one year, part of me thinks well done, that's hard work, but I still can't help but think you should lay off the compos and give someone else a chance. Obviously there's no rules against it, but it sits badly with me.

>> No.7430702

Yeap, just as much as you are spoiling the thread with your spelling.

Anyone have any pics from today?

>> No.7430727

Everyone has a chance to be selected ...
If you want to, you have to be better then the other !
If someone is better, he should represent the country !
*Captain obvious here just to prove that you said bullshit*

>> No.7430731

Gotta correct you there anon. Starla ran the mia comp for when Idromy was selected for the EC. there was a big blowoout about it here. Pretty sure she ran it last year too.

I agree. Plus, I do want to see new blood compete. Hopefully people who have no history of drama.

>> No.7430735

*Blow out* stupid phone!

>> No.7430773

What...? It's just how I feel, I'm not saying it's fact.

I agree with you, the only reason the same people win is that no one better shows up. But personally, I have competed and won in comps before, and not re-entered asap because I just find it unfair. Reading comprehension seriously, I even made sure to use words like "think" and "find" and "with me". I never claimed my opinion is law, talk about a touchy reaction!

>> No.7430800

This is 4chan. Sadly, some people can overeact. Personaly, I agreed with what you have posted. While I am happy with some of the past winners I would like to see some new faces. Hopefully with those new faces will be a fresh new scene take people will take seriously. Be nice not to be seen as a drama scene for a change.

>> No.7430829

Paine,Sephi,Starla,Cyclone... who the fuck are they and can someone explain the dramu about them? I don't keep in touch with the Belgian drama.I rarely go on /cgl/ and recently moved in Belgium so...

>> No.7430834

Who will be there tomorrow? Cosplayed/dressed? as/in what? I would like a seagulls meeting

>> No.7430858

Starla ran the Cosplay Compo for the Antwerpcon. Check your resources Anon. The MIA compo is ran by Bull Japan.

Does anyone have the results of the compo today?

>> No.7430879

The glorious people of cosplaycloud promised that they'll get in online after the final showing on the network running it. last airing is 30th of march.

>> No.7430900

It's Cyclone who won. Same shit as usual.

>> No.7430906

Pics please

>> No.7430912

Could have sworn she ran the mia one as well. Remembered there being a ton of shit about it on here. Thanks anon, I stand corrected.

>> No.7430978
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>> No.7430983
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>> No.7430984
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>> No.7430990
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>> No.7430993
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>> No.7431015

want moar pics

>> No.7431022

Am I the only one who really,really dislikes the shiny fabric? Did it look better irl?

>> No.7431026

Oh wow

>> No.7431027

Is there any con horror story yet? Any weaboo?

>> No.7431041

Starla didn't ran any competition last year as her father passed away. Many shit about her here is unfounded. That's why nobody cares it anymore.

>> No.7431042


that just looks creepy and awesome on the same time :o

>> No.7431047

I saw a Spartan pee... #scarred4life

>> No.7431073

No shit about her. Just establishing whoran the comp.

Nope, not the only one. Wasn't keen on it either.

>> No.7431086

A lot of people are pissed about the results of today.
Fun fact: when they announced the winner (cyclone), practically nobody was cheering or applauding. Well apart from his girlfriend Ako.
And who is stupid enough to enter 2 european compititions, this way Belgium is never going to win this kind of contests.

>> No.7431163

That was around Antwerpcon not MIA. Not that it matters who ran what. I'm far more interested in who will represent us at the EC.

Just to clarify a couple of points. Starla ran Antwerpcon's cosplay not MIA. There is no way to know if she is truly copying people. Yes, judging by her history its more than likely she is. I think in this case its Paine more than Sephi as Sephi hasn't finished hers. Both Paine and Sephi haven't mentioned being bothered by this so its likely that neither really cares or is paying much heed. I think people on this board need to do the same.

A surprising result to be sure. I wasn't there as I had to work but I did hear that people weren't happy with the result.

>> No.7431785

Surprising? you mean predictable.

Why don't we just call them the Cyclone or Paine preselection.

>> No.7431854

Just to correct you anon. Starla begun on her costume in November while Paine announced hers in January.
Sephi had the costume planned way before them but she is suffering some major financial difficulties and it's a big question if she will ever finish her costume. Finally the verison Starla did is completely different than the one of Sephi and Paine. That's why they didn't bother.

>> No.7431869

People are never happy with the results, but this time it did sting that Cyclone got it again.

>> No.7431925

he got disqualified from the compo apparently

>> No.7432050

the costume looks okay but there's others who look better


>> No.7432071

Fair enough.

Hope Sephi does get around to finishing hers as I would be curious to see her take on it.

Really! What happened? Who won instead?

>> No.7432104

Something about the rules?
You weren't allowed to use fire and he thought those sparkle thingies on a birthday cake didn't count as fire but they did so... Disqualified.

>> No.7432561

well that's a pretty lame reason
those sparkle things aren't exactly dangerous

>> No.7432577

That's a RULE !
and he signed a paper that says he won't use that thing !
He wanted to be interesting as usual and he failed ... as usual as well

>> No.7432606

Last year so many RULES got BROKEN during some acts that can get you discualified and nothing happened.
So shut your lame ass ugly face
And shove that rule in yer ass you filthy peasant

>> No.7432611

he probably failed as usual because he's not a friend of a judges... as usual, you're just butthurt he doesn't want to participate in that circlejerking circle of yours

>> No.7432618

I smell jealousy.

>> No.7432633

I am a defender of following the rules. But on the other hand, the entire crowd was loving this act. And it is a part of his character- it wasn't for doing some show or being special... it actually contributed to his act AND cosplay.

Judges were probably too busy with their cellphones and have no fucking clue who the Joker is.

>> No.7432664
File: 81 KB, 800x637, stop_it_now_ian_stevenson.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Actually this butthurt

Stop trying this hard.

>> No.7432690

Nothing in the rules about sparklers...

>> No.7432729

any decent non-competition cosplays?

>> No.7432775

You don't light fireworks in a fucking crowded convention center.

The convention organisers themselves could have gotten in serious trouble for this.

INB4 "DUURRR IT'S JUST A SPARKLER DURRRRR", fire safety laws exist for a reason you mouthbreather, it's only natural he got disqualified so other dumbassess don't start doing even stupider shit with pyrotechnics

>> No.7432816


even 6 year olds can buy it so it's not that dangerous, but I get your point.
You give people a hand and they take an arm.

>> No.7432832

You know that this guy just don't gives a shit that he broke the rules? That's why he's awesome, he would have never won anyway (because of circlejerking).

He just loves that he was on stage, and his act was awesome (like is cosplay).
Sumthing the joker would do.


>> No.7432838


>> No.7432841
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sorry just had to make this

>> No.7432849


This. Totally.

Butthurt Frenchies everywhere.

>> No.7432887

Let's talk about the contest of today (sunday), what was that all about? Not to mention the results. But what do you expect from a jury consisting of Ako, Maho & Cyclone.

>> No.7432981

What were the results? Wasn't there.

>> No.7432991

Guys, stop making drama about so many stupid little things,
There was more to this con than just the contest.

>> No.7433004


Always the same persons to cry and criticize...
Always the same comments for the same persons ...
YOU are just jealous and the worst cosplayers in belgium!!!
It's difficult to admin but be realistic... YOU don't have the level so you find happiness in 4chan to do the only best thing you can do : CRY AND CRITICIZE !!!
Lelveling in other thing likje bullshit is so impossible for you ?!!!
bullshit !! Kiss my arse!

>> No.7433009

It's way past your bedtime, kid.

>> No.7433026

If you are that sure who I am, then say it :)

>> No.7433043

Joker here (Pablo). glad somebody still have some sense. I went on stage yesterday and today to have some goddamn fun, to go out and give my best but this was clouded by all of the drama going on. I knew about the risk of being disqualified and it was my choice to do the act.
I mean c'mon, this is a hobby for crying out loud, shouldn't take it so serious ;)
anywho I had more fun at the convention with my friends doing random silly stuff then at the contest itself (although I met some really nice people from Paris). and that says a lot.
You can say what you want about my comment but it is the way I feel

>> No.7433090

>grow the fuck up dudes

I feel offended. I'm being blindly accused to be a dude by somebody who wants to be 'the better person'

>> No.7433926

If I was the con organizers I would have given you a lifetime ban and evicted you.

They need to follow strict fire regulations for conventions with this many people and the fire services don't distinguish between lighting a sparkler or lighting a fucking bonfire.

You could have caused them to lose their permission to host the convention and that's their fucking income you're messing with. These rules are in place for a reason idiot.

>> No.7433959

>Jury Composed of Cyclone's friends on Saturyday
>Cyclone wins
>Jury Composed of Ako Maho and Cyclone on Sunday
>Their friends win

Man what were the odds of that happening, talk about one crazy fucking coincidence that only their friends turned out to be better than everyone else.

>> No.7434092

>If I was the con organizers I would have given you a lifetime ban and evicted you.

Good thing you are not.

>> No.7434120


I'm pretty sure there were a lot worse safety hazards at the con that could get their permission in trouble. I'm talking about electrical wiring that went trough the con with copper sticking out or the fact that electrical appliances could catch on fire because water was leaking upon it. But you're right, a birthdaycakedecoration is really extremely dangerous.

>> No.7434199

They should have disqualified your girlfriend and her friend too for exceeding the maximum weight limit of the stage

>> No.7434240

Tbh, I'm not moving my ass to stage anymore. Friends let win friends and they finally fail at the finals. Wake up Belgium!!!

>> No.7434253

Watch out guys, the frenchies are having their circlejerk threads on facebook again saying we don't have the balls to shittalk them in the face

Too bad they don't have the balls to compete with us and have to disqualify people

>> No.7434256

You are so mature, Have you ever seen a real woman?
I suggest you go start fapping to your anime stick figures some more.

>> No.7434263

oh snap!

>thin women aren't real women
Saying this makes you no better than fatty shamers

>> No.7434264

I'm sorry I'm not a lesbian

>> No.7434268


>> No.7434269

For fuck's sake, skinny isn't the only pretty shape.
Vendetta spotted.

>> No.7434270

or post screencaps please

>> No.7434274

I never said Skinny isn't pretty, I'm just saying this guy can't spot a real woman, flesh and blood even if it's in front of his nose, the only things he's ever seen are anime figures. That's all I'm saying.
Don't get so blown up over this man.

>> No.7434275

You mean for being too sexy.
They should give you a lifetime ban for being an ignorant fuck you faggot

>> No.7434277

lol learn to read your own post.
> Have you ever seen a real woman?
how is this not implying only curvy women are real women?

>> No.7434282

and here he is again with his holier than thou attitude.
there nothing wrong with wanting to win the contest or wanting it to be honest, dude. if you never want to win, why are you in every contest? at least admit it

>> No.7434283

so you're saying fatassess are sexy?

Being obese is unhealthy you know, Pablo might suffocate while porking her.

>> No.7434286

she's not even that fat and at least she never wears unflattering outfits for her body like the other one

>> No.7434294

I don't you've ever seen an obese person before... Maybe it's time to get out of your moms basement and see the world poor anon.
Also I feel sorry for you that you attack people in a way like this you poor pathetic anon.

>> No.7434293

>Caring about the cosplay competition on MiA
>Caring about MiA

MiA is a surrendermonkey circlejerk in every way. For a Belgian con, it had zero dutch.

Also, is it me, or was MiA worse than Japan Expo this year?

JEB felt bigger, had more to do the entire weekend, actually had dutch things to do, actually had gaming (muh LoL! When Ubisoft and Nintendo show up to every big con except yours, you dun goofed).

Overal, dealer room got bigger, prices got higher, activities got reduced and the only reason I had some fun is because of the people I went with.

2/10, apply yourself MiA. You're currently the worst out of Belgium's big three.

>> No.7434295

Djeezus christ you cunts.

This shit right here is why no one takes Belgium seriously. We've regressed to fucking schoolyard fat jokes.

>> No.7434296

top three being facts, mia and jeb?
What was that con called that was outside? That was most fun but they don't organise it anymore?

>> No.7434298

Sure miss that.

>> No.7434300

you fucking bitch why are you insulting the people that defend her?

>> No.7434301


What activities?

Queing for some unpopular mangaka's authograph?
Playing Twister with Belgotaku?
Seeing aspies make fools of themselves on Belgotaku and Bulle Japon's little stages?

God it was pathetic to see. Even if you wanted to demean yourself, everything was in French anyway so why bother?

>> No.7434303

In Belgium?

You mean that little thing they organise at the Japanese Gardens in Hasselt? They still do that.

>> No.7434304

yeah! that's the one. Most defenitely the best con Belgium's ever had. They even had jrock concerts!
Awesome location for photo's too.
You woudn't know why they don't organise it anymore?

>> No.7434306

If I were to guess, it's that organising anything outdoor in Belgium is asking for trouble.

>> No.7434305


>> No.7434308

This thread really isn't active enough to need post refferals, but thanks anyway. You are a gentleman.

>> No.7434309


you cosplaycloud fucks need to GTFO and go back to your little 10 man antwerp cons and let the real cosplayers and conventions do the important shit

not that this isn't the status quo right now anyways

>> No.7434312

yeah you're right it's not like people say we have the best festivals in the world....oh wait they do

but you're kind of right, a rainy day would mean very little visitors. this has been the downfal of many festivals too

>> No.7434313

To the cirklejerkers on facebook : i hope you all see that you're the ones destroying this once so fun and mindless hobby. Talking behind peoples back and accusing them from doing it. Randomly accuse people from stuff thats posted online as an anon.
Grow the fuck up dudes and grow some balls, if you think a certain person posted something, talk to them about it !

>> No.7434316

>No one mentions them but you

What's your problem bro? I just want cons to be half-dutch in Belgium and actually have shit to do. You know, like real conventions in every other country and not the overblown dealer rooms we have here.

Or are you a surrendermonkey who wants to keep it all French?

>> No.7434314
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you're welcome

>> No.7434318
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>> No.7434325

>Frenchy insulting Atsusacon

I know Atsusacon does a lot of things wrong, but insulting the only Belgian con that actually tries to be a fucking con is disgusting.

Don't you have balls to throw at holes or something?

>> No.7434326

I'll go to a real convention like japan expo paris, enjoy your little 10 man party at antwerp con.

Go organize a con in South Africa there's more of you Dutch speaking niggers over there.

>> No.7434329

Tries? tries what? having the shortest possible time to visit the entire convention?

Face it nigger, the rest of the world doesn't care about Dutch, get a real language.

>> No.7434331

Hey, hey listen. Maybe it sounds really wrong and this will make you angry and stuff. But what like, you know, it's not him talking trash, but it's other people!
I know it took me a while !

>> No.7434332


FACTS? That has been going downhill in like forever after the change of location. Last year they just half arsed the cosplay competition.

>> No.7434335


Frenchy confirmed for frenchy.

Look, MiA, JEB and FACTS (ZOMG A DUTCH CON) are not conventions but expo's. They are overblown dealer rooms with tacked on activities.

A lot of people want there to be more REAL conventions like in every other country. Where activities, cosplay and fun are more important than HERE ARE THE SAME 150 DEALERS WITH THE SAME OVERPRICED CHINK SHIT YOU SEE AT EVERY CON.

MiA and JEB are especially bad since they have no identity. They are complete carbon copies of each other in everything except the location. FACTS is better because they have a bigger theme.

What I'm trying to say is that your overblown dealer room expo's are boring crap unless you enjoy seeing the same merchandise everywhere sold to you at double the retail price. They are contentless and a cancer on the convention community.

Yeah, but at least there was more to do there than at fucking MiA.

>> No.7434342

>Real language

French is currently at the 10th place at most spoken languages, UNDER Portuguese and Spanish.

Congrats France, you are under Spain. By your logic, every con should be either Chinese or English.

>Implying the French have the mental capacities to learn Chinese or English.
MiA and JEB confirmed for idiot cons made by idiots for idiots.

>> No.7434346

You do realize that Belgotaku is trying to suck Antwerp Convention cock by bringing their shit to Antwerp Convention, right? Apparently you french want to be a part of our little 10 man parties. You're not invited though.

That's gonna make the con fun. Seeing French idiots shout SHIFUMI on stage for two hours while the Flemish just shake their heads.

>> No.7434348


It would be nice if people would actually try to speak a different language than French when selling stuff at cons. I'm not demanding Dutch (but seeing as it is one of the main languages of Belgium you should maybe try), I'll be more than happy to express myself in English towards dealers because I know Dutch is a small language and it's difficult to learn

>> No.7434351
File: 30 KB, 427x569, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Cosplaycloud goons confirmed for being the people constantly talking shit and starting drama about the cosplay competitions

Picture related, Typical Flemish Cosplay

>> No.7434354

Ugh, you all hating on your own country is fucking disgusting. French-speaking or Dutch-speaking, we're all Belgians and I don't see why it's necessairy to involve politics in cosplay.

I'm not that good at French myself but whenever I talk with French-speakers they are always very nice and try their best to make sure we understand eachother.

I really hate those Vlaamsgezinde (don't know the English word, sorry) people who refuse to speak anything else than Dutch, the reason we mostly know French better than they know Dutch is because Dutch is fucking hard to learn.

>> No.7434359
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>> No.7434364
File: 10 KB, 248x251, nothing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Dutch speaking people want some Dutch at their *billangual* cons

Again, you're the only one mentioning them, Frenchy. You're projecting, hard. If you got beef with them, go take it up with them.

The Flemish cosplayers just want the French to stop ruining conventions and make it equal. If I wanted to throw me balls at a convention, I'll find the cosplayer you posted and do it at her. She'd love that.

I know French, no worries and I speak it whenever needed. But if an event tries to protray itself as a Belgian con, it should be Dutch AND French. I don't think that's a lot to ask.

Pic related, a notable Walloonian cosplayers. Oh wait, they don't exist.

>> No.7434365

lol, so many people don't realise how much he's like Hitler

>> No.7434370

funny how you two keep fighting while you're both exactly the same

>> No.7434371

I've noticed something.

Every time someone mentions Belgotaku, you start insulting CosplayCloud.

So we can infer that you're a Walloonian, probably someone from Belgotaku, trying to start shit.

If anything, Belgotaku (more like Walotaku amirite?) are the ones shitting up this place with drama.

>> No.7434372

>it should be Dutch AND French
agree on this, you seem like a reasonable person
>Pic related, a notable Walloonian cosplayers. Oh wait, they don't exist.
and then you ruin it with this

>> No.7434375

the only reason he has any power at all is because almost every other political party is doing nothing else but mention or try to fight them instead of just running the country like they should

>> No.7434374

Hey, if you're gonna insult the Flemish cosplayers, you should expect an insult back.

Nah see, he thinks cons should be all French and Dutch isn't a language. I just want both language equally present or, if that's not possible, use the world's Lingua Franca known as English.

I just want Belgian equality, he doesn't.

>> No.7434376

>Walloonian cosplayers
You mean those jokes of cosplayers currently circlejerking in Facebook groups and shit talking?

Real cosplayers refer to those as cancer.

>> No.7434377

Wow you guys just found out cosplaycloud is after all the hate and drama in Belgium? Congratulations... this is truly a slow topic... for your information the admins of cosplaycloud have been after the drama wiki as well. They created all the drama that is currently going on in Belgium for their own good. This coming from someone who has known them since they were still in school. They have always been like that, even in school.

>> No.7434381

Guess you have a point...still, insulting them back doesn't exactly make you much better.

Though I'm glad you agree that they could also do it in English since Dutch is a difficult language

>> No.7434383

Hi Sairu, go away.

>> No.7434388

I know I'm not much better for insulting them.

I've been trying to make this equality point this entire thread, but if all it gets me is compared to one of the Verbeke's, then this person go sod right off.

>> No.7434387

yeah and all he does is criticize the current government but not coming up with any (non-fascistic) solutions
He had his chance in the Belgian government, couldn't handle it and gave up. Now he's like a little kid screaming from a distance.
I can't believe people are stupid enough to still vote for him...

>> No.7434389

Kelly Van Gorp, get over it already. You haven't been relevant for two years now.

>> No.7434399
File: 21 KB, 400x300, ain'tevenmad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah, have we reached the part where we all point fingers at everyone trying to find who is responsible for all the drama in Belgian cosplay?

Let me give you a hint.

It's not Belgotaku, CosplayCloud, Walloonian cosplayers, Flemish cosplayers, Kelly Van Gorp, Melissa Verbeke, Cyclone, Team Awesome, Asten or any other names that always get mentioned in these threads.

Some might be mixed in, but the people who are causing it is you. The idiots trying to blow everything out of proportions. I hope you're reading this, Facebook Group Circlejerk lurkers.

There is no one actively trying to create drama (because why the fuck would they?). People are just doing their thing and you guys are creating drama by being all butthurt about it.

Just grow up already and ignore it. You'll feel a lot better about this entire Belgian cosplay thing.

>> No.7434401


>> No.7434403
File: 90 KB, 1280x700, shrek_the_third01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, that's it.

This thread is OGRE! Nothing more to be said. Idiots blowing shit out of proportions is the cause of drama. Thank you Belgium for finally realizing this.

>> No.7434406

Only took them a decade.

>> No.7434407

This. Fucking this.

>> No.7434408

nice sockpuppeting

so the rampant nepotism is being blown out of proportions? Guess we should just hold 1 man competitions with 1 man juries both composed of only Cyclone or Paine

>> No.7434410

like I said it's because he keeps being the focus of the elections. He hasn't proven anything but somehow he scares everyone else enough so they mention him about every-other sentence. If you can make an election revolve around you you'll always win in the end

>> No.7434409
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>> No.7434412
File: 345 KB, 612x513, senpai.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only reason you care is because you're losing. Maybe you should git gud.

If you were winning, you'd have no complaints you hypocrite.

>> No.7434413

Only post of value made in this thread.

Dramafags please go

>> No.7434415

I want the dramallama's to leave Belgium. Go shit up another country.

>> No.7434416


>> No.7434420

So what you're saying is that Paine is shittalking herself since she's the only one involved in a facebook circlejerk right now

>> No.7434423

I'm saying everyone blowing shit out of proportions is to blame.

>> No.7434435

>Someone telling Belgium to get over themselves and stop playing the blame game.

You sir are a gentleman and a scholar.

>> No.7434443

awkward moment when the actual politicians in your country get better along than those in your hobby.
That's what you get for putting a bunch of socially inept bigots together with zero real life experience I guess. If you don't want to say it in someones face, you shouldn't be saying it at all. jfc y'all need couples therapy.
I know a good childrens psychiatrist, should I give her a call for y'all?
(just for the dramallamas ofc,everyone else can move on)

>> No.7434448

Holy shit, you're right, I didn't see it this way. So actually people who are against him are giving him power too?

>> No.7434455

well let me put it this way, what do you remember about the stakes during the last election?

>> No.7434460

Welp, I don't think a lot of people remember or care. You'd be surprised how little people care about politics and vote for the same party every time because they've always done it or because their parents did.

>> No.7434462

I think if you ask most will say it was about Bart De Wever and NV-a

>> No.7434464

I didn't even vote last time.

>> No.7434466
File: 60 KB, 650x650, moggrin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Comparing belgian politics to government

>> No.7434467


At least she had more fucking balls than you Anon. Speak up and say who you are? Probably some fat a-hole who can't even cosplay but gets angry when other people do.

Her act was fucking awesome- and srly?- extra points for having balls- shaking your butt like that in front of an audience? Even if I had the most perfect arse in the world I wouldn't dare...

>> No.7434470

Reira plz. Still angry because you lost? Get a fucking life.

>> No.7434471

I don't know what you fucks are complaining about. There were a lot of dealers on MIA who ACTUALLY are from Flanders/Netherlands.
You people have a 0 tolerance for each other and you think you are better.

Guess what anons- you all poop and pee.

>> No.7434473

Actually, I tallied them.

There were three in total. That's pretty bad.

>> No.7434476
File: 44 KB, 960x637, oh shit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Beatrice Laforge makes angry Facebook post about anonymous haters.
>Rage posts about anonymous haters on 4chan.

Hey Bea, you're not being subtle. I know you want to defend Indiana, but all you're doing is looking like a complete spaz.

>> No.7434485

I totally agree. Belgium are drama queens

>> No.7434488

Holy shit you're right.

Beatrice getting BLOWN THE FUCK OUT

>> No.7434491

>being subtle

I don't think she tried to be subtle, I think she just wants to make something clear.

>> No.7434493

If I'm not mistaken all of these were artist, not dealers selling manga's or merch but all their own creation (I have no problem with this it just doesn't really interest me)

>> No.7434503

No not just artists. There was a lady who was selling wigs and printed stuff. She was from Netherlands. Archonia- spoke dutch. And 3 others, all selling mangas, spoke dutch. Not saying they ARE dutch, but at least they put some effort in it.
Also in the game hall, a lot of the Walloon/frenchspeaking people tried speaking dutch, when you made clear you didn't understand them.

>> No.7434511

That's still not a lot.

And let's be honest, MiA was completely organised in French. Not even the cosplay competition could get a decent English speaker.

>> No.7434513

Well no. But if you complain like that, you also can say they is nothing French speaking on Facts/Antwerp Con/Atsua/ and other "Belgian" cons...

>> No.7434515

They don't speak french because it takes place in the flemish part of the country and not in Brussels, but they do everything in english so everyone can understand it.
And there is a law that everything in Brussel has to be in 2 languages

>> No.7434516
File: 126 KB, 561x370, original.0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Archonia- spoke dutch
Archonia is actually Belgian, it's situated in Diepenbeek (Limburg)

>> No.7434519

Is it really that hard to understand that when the organisers are French-speaking, they will do the event in French?
Instead of putting all of your energy in complaining, how about organising your own event? Like Antwerp con did.

>> No.7434521

>complaining about the French-speaking part of the country instead of taking action

You are all little Bart de Wevers

>> No.7434523

Actually, I'm pretty sure all other cons AT LEAST provide an English speaker.

Also if JEB can provide French and Dutch commentary at the same time for the contest, so can MiA.

Or is Bulle Japon just that shit compared to BeCosplay?

>> No.7434522

>Not even the cosplay competition

I agree MysteriousMaemi can't speak Dutch for shit. Get a real Dutch speaker like Asten.

>> No.7434527

I'd rather have it French than listen to Asten try to be funny for an hour.

Is it that hard to understand that Belgium by law requires events in Brussels to be billingual?

>Organise your own con
I'm sorry, I don't have thousands of euro's to spend on a convention. That shouldn't mean I deserve to be treated like a second-class visitor at MiA just because the organisation is terrible.

>> No.7434526


no wonder so many people vote for retarded nationalist populist parties if they feel so threatened by another language

>> No.7434529

So if it's all in French, it's fine.

But if it's half in Dutch, you know, like the country we're in, it's populist?

Are you really this stupid? If anything, MiA is being discrimatory.

>> No.7434532

if that is the case then I my earlier comment was wrong and I apologize for it, perhaps it haven't hear them speaking English or Dutch because I tried speaking French when buying something or I just didn't need their help at their booths cause I wasn't interested in their stuff

>> No.7434531

The Bulle Japon contest felt really dead. It's like even the crowd felt it just wasn't BeCosplay but way worse.

There wasn't even one Spartiate to be heard.

>> No.7434535


Where did you get your degree in bullshit law, the university of your ass?

>> No.7434536

Lol. Asten. He can't even talk proper English. Nope.

>> No.7434538

Bulle Japon is pretty shit.

They've been doing this for 7 years already and they

It's mandated by law. Brussels is by law mandated to be billingual. Anything that happens in Brussels has to be in one language AND be able to provide the same level of service in the other.

If you don't know what you're talking about, kindly fuck off.

>> No.7434539

well same problem here. everytime i asked to take a pic, i asked in french... to hear them talk dutch xD

>> No.7434543

The only reason you're acting this way is because you're French.



>> No.7434544



>> No.7434547
File: 34 KB, 590x350, tips.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Wallonian community, ladies and gentlemen.

>> No.7434549

And the Walloonians wonder why everyone laughs at them and their poor excuses for cons.

>> No.7434555

Nice google translate, surrendermonkey.

>> No.7434551

Eet een piemel sukkel.
Mange une bite connard.

>> No.7434556

Look at this faggot. Look at him and laugh.
Guess someone hit a nerve. It's okay bro. Here's a stack of cans and an Angry Birds plushie. You know what to do.

>> No.7434557

Don't you have to SHIFUMI somewhere else, you joke of a person?

>> No.7434558

That's how you and all of your sock puppet posts sound like. Stop misinterpreting laws and either stay away from French speaking cons, organize your own fucking bilingual or English speaking con or learn fucking French.

inb4 "I know french", no you probably speak French as well as fucking Di rupo speaks Dutch.

>> No.7434561


No, you're just that ridiculous.

>> No.7434562
File: 51 KB, 1280x853, 1395065106470.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I see the French are getting schooled.

Then again, they should be used to that by now. Don't worry Walloonian bro, I got you covered.

Use this! You should know how it works!

>> No.7434565

Seriously stop being butthurt about the fact that cosplaycloud didn't get any floorspace but Belgotaku and make your own fucking convention in Brussels.

If it's going to be so fucking awesome I'm sure you can convince some people to lend you money and I'm sure It'll be super popular.

Until then I'll keep mocking your "MUUUUHHH DUTCH" whining.

>> No.7434569

Lol what? They didn't get the space? HAHAHAHAHA. On their fb they were talking how much "personal problems" they had and they couldn't be on MIA.

Oh this is gold.

>> No.7434573

I see you're the anon from before he insults cosplaycloud the moment anyone says something about the French or Belgotaku.

You need to stop projecting bro. The flemish cosplayers are way more numerous than them.

Nice samefag bro. Talking to yourself out of butthurt is still sad.

Fact remains, we just want equality.

>> No.7434574

Holy shit is Belgotaku this butthurt about Cosplaycloud? I thought they always got along?

>> No.7434576

they get along like the politics in the belgium

>> No.7434579

>We want some Dutch stuff at a Brussels con, just like last year.

Bro, there were a lot of Dutch organisations not present this year who were last year. The Japanese Cultural Center, Nippon-Zasshi, Atsusacon, etc. It's obvious MiA is just giving the Flemish visitors the middlefinger.

>> No.7434585

That's weird. I always hear the CC guys say they like the Belgotaku people. At Japan Expo, they tried helping them find people for the cosplay chess on Facebook and there's a guy from Belgotaku who often advertises Belgotaku stuff like that One Piece concert in their group.

I don't see how there's trouble between them. Sounds more like you're trying to start shit.

>> No.7434588

What is this shit about languages?

You go to an expo to buy shit and see a bunch of cosplays and merchandise of japanese stuff. Not to do ridiculous activities. If you had that in plan, you should have gone to Creativa. Morons.

>> No.7434589

It's a privately organized con, they can do whatever the fuck they want.
Make your own con surpass them and prove me wrong or shut the fuck up about MUH CIVIL RIGHTS.

>> No.7434592

wauw. one guy. yes much point made.

>> No.7434594

>Implying private cons are above the law
So if I make my own con, I can skullfuck people? Coolio.

>> No.7434596

>Not knowing that one guy is Belgotaku's person responible for their Dutch PR

How new are you to Belgotaku, bro? I'm from Belgotaku (yes, some of us know English, shocking!) and there has never been any bad blood between us. They do their stuff and we do ours. We also have completely different audiences. Look at the names. BelgOTAKU and COSPLAYcloud.

>> No.7434597

Anyone has a pic about said fatass ?
I'm curious to see if she is really that fat.

>> No.7434598
File: 41 KB, 523x472, 1260585284155.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know, it's pretty logical really that walloon cons are twice as expensive, stupid, still want to lure the flemish people and actually succeed.

The walloon economy is shit. About a mere 25% of the flemish one. This translate itself in having, except for a few large cities like Namur and Liège to be a ghetto except for the absolute center. A bit like Moskou is in Russia.

So to begin with, where would they organise conventions if half of their region are comparable to the slops? A cardboard box?

Brussels on the other hand, is infested with walloons who are taking profit of the flemish economy. There are over 5 major exposition rooms in the outskirts of brussels alone. So any organiser who'd want to make a profit, which is what MIA is, already has to go to Brussels to have a decent expo center.

Their bad economy is the cause of the high prices as well. Now that they have to hire such big expo centers at the price of the flemish economy, they'll have to ask ridiculous high amounts for literally anything to still make a decent profit.

Now the organisation knows as well that the flemish congoers have the most munnies and generally are willing to spend the most amount of it. They also know that if they offer a website in dutch, they'll attract those silly flemish folks. Since the flemish congers are going anyway, they prohibit all the voluntary organisations who offer some fun at cons, to have booths and they raise the amount of munnies the dealers have to pay for a table. Since they are targeting for the walloons, but want to extract munnies from the flemish people, they’ll offer some fun activities like… can throwing in french!

This all resulted in a very shitty edition of MIA with shit tier cosplayers, shit tier booths, shit tier prices and a shit tier size.

And it's not even their problem, both flemish asses as walloon dweebs will still go to that stupid convention cause it's the only form of social interaction those congoers have.

>> No.7434607
File: 23 KB, 383x416, panda2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Flemish community, ladies and gentlemen.

>> No.7434610

This guy.

It's obvious MiA doesn't want any Flemish organisations anymore. Why bother?

Belgotaku are bringing carnival games and Bulle Japon is bringing the same thing BeCosplay brings except without any of the fun. Why waste extra floor space on organisations who might actually offer something different like last year, when they already have TWISTER! That space can be used to put some more idiot dealers willing to pay 2000+ euro to peddle the same shit the other 300 of them have.

Tl;dr: MiA went from being a fun place you could do stuff in for an entire weekend to a dealer room with halfassed carnival games. RIP.

>> No.7434612

That's 1 person.

Maybe you should represent yourself by on person.

oh. wait. he's fucking gay.

> all the walloonweebs are gay.

>> No.7434613
File: 17 KB, 241x230, lolcigarretewhiskey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not knowing how to write Moscow.
>Talking about politics.

>> No.7434614
File: 60 KB, 500x375, cryharder.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well-thought out post
>Flemish post

>Screaming like an inbred baboon
>Walloonian post

As expected. Flemish master race wins again.

>> No.7434615

You make MiA sound like Hoshicon but bigger.
Everything makes sense now

>> No.7434617

>Bigoted towards French speakers, implying they're all poor
>Bigoted towards gays
>Bigoted towards anything that isn't Flemish

>> No.7434618
File: 16 KB, 354x114, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry, not the same anon.

A lot of people thought MiA was terrible. Facebook has been a torrent of DJEEZUS MiA SUCKED THIS YEAR posts.

>> No.7434621
File: 25 KB, 480x315, 08.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Flemish people:
"Wir mussen die Wallonen aus rotten!"

>> No.7434628
File: 32 KB, 218x232, opisafag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You've been doing that quite well yourself without the help of the Flemish Master Race.

Shit economy, shit job market, shit language, shit culture, shit politics, shit organisation

Wallons, essayez-vous encore où quoi?

>> No.7434629

Cartman for president

>> No.7434633

So Kefka, you finally revealed yourself for the bigot you are .

You're probably responsible for all the other drama on here.

>> No.7434635

yo momma is a penis with a vagina biaatch nigga homie

>> No.7434637

So *person I don't like*, you finally revealed yourself for the bigot you are .

You're probably responsible for all the other drama on here.

I love these threads. They always end up like what this anon >>7434399
said. All you've done right now is show you are the cancer that is infecting Belgium cosplay. Dramafag, please go.

Also, I'm pretty sure Kefka is a homosexual, like legit gay. Why would a gay guy be bigoted to gay people?

>> No.7434641

>kefka is gay

wow that theory just blew my mind. i don't know the guys but seriously- if you try to insult people, at least put some effort in it... and don't just call him gay

>> No.7434643

C'mon people, stop blaming eachother, it's useless. Blame the organisation from MIA, that might actually change something.


>> No.7434645

>Created Drama wiki
>Created House of kefka
>Recreated new House of kefka

I guess that screenshot where you and the house of kefka goons were talking shit about the zombie walk was doctored.

Nice try Robin but you ain't fooling anyone with that track record.

>> No.7434647

That's sorta what we were doing before the MUH DUTCH WHY DON'T YOU DO IT BETTER anon showed up.

MiA should change this, but will they? Doubtful. Even if they made it completely French and made no effort at all to cater to the Dutch (and their effort is basically limited to Facebook), the Flemish will still come.

>> No.7434651

I'm not trying to be mean bro. I've heard he is gay. Nothing wrong with that. Who he fucks is his business, I just don't get why a gay man would be bigoted against gays.

>> No.7434650

No they wouldn't. The BIFF, also in Brussels, doesn't advertise in flemish and it nearly doesn't get the flemish amount of visitors that MIA had.

>> No.7434654

But BIFF is not even a real convention.

>Created Drama wiki
Interesting, post your proof? I really wanna know who created it.
>New House of Kefka
Again, proof. Show me this screenshot bro.

>> No.7434656

maybe because you heard wrong? Stupid fuck. Do you really believe everything you hear? You naive cunt.

>> No.7434657


These threads are always filled with terrible allegations without any proof. If anyone believes anything in these threads without real proof, you're an idiot. Anyone can post anything here. Watch:

Asten was selected to be the announcer for Atsusacon 1, 2 and 3 because he gave blowjobs to everyone at Ganbaro VZW.

>> No.7434659

I'd believe that. He's pretty much a cocksucker of a human being.

>> No.7434661

Asten gave a blowjob to Jonathan?
Poor guy...

>> No.7434666

Watching you panic and interrogate people last time I leaked House of kefka shit was fucking hilarious.

Keep it up so I can collect more logs when I finally decide to leak everything.

also protip: I'm not actually part of house of kefka, learn to facebook privacy settings.

>> No.7434667

Asten would do that. He'd pretty much fuck everything because he's an ugly fag

>> No.7434671

>What, screenshots? What screenshots?

So basically, you're just a blowhard trying to start shit without anything to back it up. You don't even have proof of it existing.

Stop being mad Kilian.

>> No.7434677

I'm out of this thread Robin since you're just going to blabber on about proof and play innocent. Also you were suspecting Killian last time, but no I'm not him. I'm someone who doesn't appreciate the fucking drama you're creating and trolling you're doing and I'm going to put an end to it once I figure out how to get the truth out to all the people affected by your trolling since posting this shit on 4chan would be lowering myself to your level.

>> No.7434679

nobody cares about that anymore except you two

>> No.7434685

What drama is he creating bro?

This thread is just the usual cosplay compo blowhard pissing compo with one insecure Wallonian trying to start shit.

I've been in cosplay for years and Robin hasn't done anything particularly bad for some time now.

>> No.7434684

Well Robin's trolling is mostly deserved.

Go home angry Whofag.

>> No.7434693

Just fucking haters.

Like hating Pablo for having an awesome act. Hating his gf because she's apparantly fat. Hating that her friends come up for her. Hating Sairu/Verbeke Twins/Paine/Starla...

Jealousy my friend. These people don't have a life- so they try to destroy others. And then they get mad because it won't work. Awww... so sad. too bad.

>> No.7434695

Also hating on Cyclone for winning EC, it's quite sickening only one little troll can ruin a whole fucking community

>> No.7434703

I'm really sure you can't blame Robin for that. People have been hating on all these people even before he joined cosplay.

I've also never seen him interact once with the Bonte's, Pablo's gf, Paine, Cyclone or Starla. I'm actually positive he's never even met Paine or Starla.

You're basically blaming all the hate that a lot have been spewing on one person and you're foolish if you legit believe this. Starla's drama even happened before Robin knew what cosplay even was.

I should know, I was cosplaying actively while it happened.

Also, are you legit putting SAIRU in the same post as the Bonte's, Paine, Starla and Cyclone? That seems like the biggest way you can insult these people.

>> No.7434705


Sounds like you have a vendetta against the gay clown.

>> No.7434707

It's not only him, but he does a big role.

>> No.7434710

The Starla drama was kinda created by herself. She was doing stupid shit and was kinda asking for it.

The other drama on the other hand mostly happened recently and is mostly unjustified.

>> No.7434711

why is there so much care about the contest? I've seen numerous cosplays by people who weren't competing that were a lot better than what was on stage.

>> No.7434714

Changing your stories are we?

I'm gonna be honest here bro. Seems to me you're trying to find a scapegoat to absolve an entire community.

Fact remains, there are hundreds of cosplayers and there are mad apples. I've seen a lot of hate over the years from a lot of people.

Don't try to pin the blame for it on one person you dislike. It just makes you come off as an asshole with a vendetta.

Drama happens because people overblow shit, like you're doing. You're basically accusing a person who probably has nothing to do with anything just to start shit. You're creating drama as we speak.

Yeah, but that doesn't mean he's involved. I mean, look at what happened to that porn site with Larissa Verbeke and her Facebook being hacked. We know that was Asten. And yet the above anon is pinning the blame on someone else just for the sake of it.

It's just a blowhard with a vendetta.

>> No.7434722

Nobody said anything about the facebook hack.

Everyone who even remotely keeps up with the big cosplay competitions know who paine, cyclone and the bonte's are.

>> No.7434728

I was talking in general. People just find an idiotic reason to hate. Including the hate towards Robin. Just because he likes to troll silly Whovians and bad cosplayers, he's evil. Well okay.

>> No.7434738

Decent people don't troll. Also he's done more than just troll whovians and bad cosplayers. I'm not saying he did everything but suddenly his name gets mentioned and the entire thread stops being people shittalking and turns into people trying to defend robin? That's a very weird coincidence if you ask me.

>> No.7434745

Well Asten is worse than Robin if you ask me. At least if Robin is shittalking about you, he'll do it in your ugly fat face

>> No.7434747
File: 292 KB, 960x558, blametheclown.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You mentioned the Verbekes. I'm just saying we know most of the hate they get comes from Asten. So why are you blaming the wrong guy?

There's a difference between knowing who someone is and talking to them. I know who they are too, but that doesn't mean I've had some major conversations with Pablo and Oliver, or have even talked once to Cyclone or Paine.

They're probably wonderful people, but they're complete strangers to me. I'm just trying to get the point across that blaming one person for shit is ignorant.

Blame Robin Van Limbergen should be a meme. I know the guy and he can be very abrassive and rude, but he can be a genuinely nice guy. I think he gets a lot of shit for things he's not even involved in just because people dislike him.

We were sorta going on about how MiA fucked up, but then you sorta changed the subject. Of course we're gonna start talking about him and our opinions. Mine is that you're clearly trying to start shit because you have a vendetta.

What did he do to you bro?

>> No.7434750

So you've never done anything bad, ever?

Well aren't you a saint, anon.

>> No.7434762

You're taking the defending him very far. Of course I've done bad things but never done anything as bad as creating entire websites whose only goal is bullying people.

>There's a difference between knowing who someone is and talking to them. I know who they are too, but that doesn't mean I've had some major conversations with Pablo and Oliver, or have even talked once to Cyclone or Paine.

Ok then I guess the person responsible for all the cosplay drama constantly talks to all of these people according to your theory.

>> No.7434766

Again, you keep saying that. Can you show me why you think he created the dramawiki? A dramawiki that contains drama about himself btw?

I want to know who did it as much as anyone, believe me.

>> No.7434768

The only real cause of all the drama is Bart Dewever.

>> No.7434771

No, I'm saying why would someone cause drama about someone they barely know?

Also, you added Sairu to your post about jealousy, I just noticed that. So now we know who you are. You're one of the people who wants to get into her panties.

Dude, you don't need to go on this elaborate crusade. 50 euro wil suffice.

>> No.7434774

FYI, Robin told me in person he was busy trying to get it shut down, after shit was written about me.

>> No.7434775

Oh shit, now that you mention it.

Glenn Claes, is that you?

>> No.7434781

That pretty much proves he has been trying to destroy that wiki. Why would he destroy his own wiki?

Actually, fun fact. Robin was the reason the wiki went away for six months. He spent a lot of time tracking their servers and then used a botnet to take it down several times before they gave up.

He was probably behind the raids on the wiki this time.

>> No.7434782

Why does robin troll bad cosplayers and whovians that he barely knows?

Why do assholes troll people?

>> No.7434783

Because it's fun. You should try it too some time.

>> No.7434787

So again, you have no proof about anything.
Just because someone makes fun of some people, he's automatically to blame for everything?

That's idiotic. If you have proof, post it. If not, shove your vendetta if your ass. You're coming off as some bloke who once got on his wrong side and now spend your time badmouthing him everywhere.

This is pretty much where real drama comes from. Cowardly liars talking behind people's backs. People like you are the cancer in the Belgian cosplay.

>> No.7434791

I remember the creators of the wiki doing a live stream to answer questions and i remember Robin being actively in the chatbox asking questions to the guys on the stream. Making and answering a stream over voice, seems pretty hard while you're constantly typing in the chat. Maybe he was typing while talking but i didn't hear any.

>> No.7434792

>Belgian /cgl/ threads

>Person wins cosplay contest

>Person made a bad cosplay

>girl sleeps with someone

>girl is overweight

>Convention is only hosted in one language

>kefka gets mentioned
>Kefka is a saint, how dare you slander is name. Where is your proof? Clearly it's asten/facebook groups/ jealous people/ anyone not related to kefka doing these things.

Nice job revealing yourselves.

>> No.7434798

You're a complete faggot.

No one is calling that gay clown a saint. We just want proof before we insult him. All the other shit has proof like pictures, so why shouldn't we wait it out?

We're not your personal vendetta army, you fuckng dramafag

>> No.7434804


>> No.7434805

I'm sorry to hear you overpayed anon

>> No.7434815

I'm not saying you should hate him

I'm just pointing out that as soon as someone gets mentioned in here someone starts talking shit about them. Now kefka gets mentioned and suddenly all you people show up and start white knighting him. And nobody has yet to start spouting vicious personal attacks towards him.


>> No.7434817

Holy fuck Animansion was so great. We only were about 15 in the games, shit was so comfy.

>> No.7434821

He's a complete dumbass who jumps to conclusions and attacks people for little to no reason.

He's also a complete shockjockey who does shit just to get a response and an attentionwhore.

We know all this anon. It's why aren't also actively discussing Sairu, The Verbekes, Starla, Asten, etc.

That shit is old news we've discussed to death. Give us new reasons to hate him or we won't care.

>> No.7434829

This. These threads come up because new drama happens we can discuss. Old drama is just not as interesting. We can circlejerk to death about old faggots or talk about actually relevant faggots.

>> No.7434859

Back on topic. Made In Asia.

I feel MiA was way worse than JEB this year. Even ignoring how French it was compared to last year, there was nothing to do.

The first hall had all the dealers, the artists, whatever weird shit Belgotaku was doing and two cringeworthy small stages. The stages were complete waste for any Flemish people since everything was tailored for the Wallonians.

Then there was the patio, which was only notable during the cosplay competition. Anything else on was a complete waste of time.

And finally the second hall, which was all gaming. I liked that they kept the loud gaming seperate, but they couldn't even fill the entire hall. Everything was so cluttered in hall 1 but so spaced in hall two, it felt like they were trying to hide the fact that Nintendo and Ubisoft hadn't shown up.

Overal, this was the worst MiA and I hope they step up their game next year. The quality went from high to low real fast.

>> No.7434867

>Queing for some unpopular mangaka's authograph?
So they're bad because they're unpopular? And those weren't even mangakas, retard.

>> No.7434872

That's the point I guess?

They were nobodies asking money for their autographs. Why would I even care?

>> No.7434881

they do however need to fix the sound in the patio even the English lyrics to songs were impossible to understand

>> No.7434892

How to boycott MiA:

1. Buy tickets for Creativa
2. Walk in from their halls.

The fact that both cons flow into each other and one year we actually had to walk THROUGH Creativa to get to MiA shows how amateur MiA really is.

>> No.7434894

>They were nobodies
Just kill yourself. Don't go to an anime convention if you don't know anything about anime.
>asking money for their autographs
What the actual fuck? Even the shikishis were free. I've never seen anyone ask for money for their autograph here, unlike people in American cons.

>> No.7434906


>Let's stop talking about Kefka and go back to hating on Walloons

you guys aren't even trying anymore

>> No.7434908

also creativa is cheaper than mia

>> No.7434917

Toshiro Kawamoto is a no-name character designer and animator. He has not made anything for worth where he had creative control.

Kenichi Yoshida is even less important. He's Kawamoto if he worked on less stuff.

Neither of these gentleman have done anything any other animator couldn't have done. Now compare to what JEB brought: The mangaka for Rurouni Kenshin and the mangaka for GTO.

When the most important guest you had is fucking Benzaie, you are a joke of convention.

Bring us something to hate him over if you want us to keep going offtopic in a fucking MiA thread.

>> No.7434929

Dude, for real. Kawamoto and Yoshida are no name as fuck. When they announced them, I had to look them up.

If a guest is worth their salt, you don't to do this. This is basically the equivalent of FACTS bringing in some loser who was in one scene in Star Wars. That's not a guest, that's a joke.

>> No.7434937

Let's try getting back on topic about MIA and preferable cosplay.

ITT post best cosplay you saw at MIA

>> No.7434938

>no name charadesigner
>charadesigner for Cowboy Bebop, Wolf's Rain and animator on a fuckton of popular shows
>his charadesign is one of the most popular and also animated on a fuckton of popular shows
Stop posting, it hurts.
>Now compare to what JEB brought: The mangaka for Rurouni Kenshin
That was Made in Asia.
>the mangaka for GTO.
Yeah, that was a good one, even if he's not really relevant anymore.
You also forgot that they got FMA:B's director.
The fact that Kawamoto and Yoshida attracted people from France, Germany and Spain proves that you just don't have any knowledge.
They're no name for pleb who don't know shit about anime staff and only like mangakas and seiyuus. Not their fault if you're pleb a fuck.

>> No.7434955

>Attracted people from Germany and Spain
Yeah bullshit.

MiA might attract some people from France because it's a French con in Belgium, but nobody from Germany or Spain came specifically to MiA and least of all for two no-name animators.

Characters designers are jokes in the animation industry. They have no control and work in team. They are completely interchangeable. Same for animators. Especially in these times of CGI animation.

Writers, seiyuu, mangaka, composers are creators and are important. They do leave a clear mark and radically change a production. They are the brains. Animators are interchangeable faceless workers. Nobody gave a fuck except you.

>> No.7434958


Go discuss shit shounen shows with the other retards please and GTFO of this threads. Go jack off to shingeki no kyojin porn or something.

>> No.7434966

>completely interchangeable
Yeah, good luck trying to find someone to emulate Yoshida's artstyle.
>Especially in these times of CGI animation.
And how is this a good thing?
>Animators are interchangeable faceless workers
I'll have to agree that most of them are. But some of them get really fucking good and they have different animation styles so you can recognize their sequences. Learn2sakuga, faggot.

>> No.7434968

Are you legit this butthurt because nobody cares about your no-name animators?

Give us writers, mangaka, composers, seiyuu, etc. The people that matter.

Animators are Z-rate guests for a con. It's like asking the fucking cameraman to hand out autographs.

>> No.7434972

>Emulate an artstyle
You do realize that a single animator doesn't decide the art to an entire show, right?

That is decided WAY above the head of animator by the director or producer.

Animators are the grunts. That's all. They are faceless goons used in the animation industry by the hundreds every day.

>> No.7434974

No I'm just saying someone as ignorant as you would be better off discussing this shit on a Naruto Fanpage on facebook.

the other guy responding to you should just ignore you like I will right now

>> No.7434976

>Characters designers are jokes in the animation industry.
We were talking about character design. Please keep up with the conversation or shut up.
>Animators are the grunts.
In-betweeners are grunts. Key animators aren't. Learn the difference. Or stay pleb, whatever you want, but don't try to talk like you know if you do.

>> No.7434977
File: 20 KB, 500x281, anime-fansub-evil-dumbasses.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. In terms of activities I've had a hard time finding anything of the sort at a Belgian "con". Unless you're implying that creaming your pants at an Angry Birds-esque ball throwing game or playing DDR counts as such a thing.

I have to agree with anon on this part. It's always the same dealers and the same merchandise. In terms of cosplay I didn't even see any recent stuff like I was expecting (One Kill La Kill cosplay, but it was a trap).

For a real con, I'd suggest Abunai in Holland. Lots of Belgians (both vloamsch & walloons) go there. It's more of a con then the ones we have over here. Atsusacon does a pretty good job at it, but it's not that satisfying compared to Abunai (which is actually hosted in a hotel)

Guess Belgium's gonna keep being the shitstain it's always been lel

>> No.7434992

I actually hope Atsusacon will one day rival Abunai.

They just need to be willing to take a risk and move out from Antwerp Expo and into a hotel so they can do it all.

>> No.7435001

Same here. Only problem are issues like money, hotels that would actually agree with them and advertising the con. They're doing a pretty good job getting all the Flemish cosplayers at their con and some of their Walloon friends. Don't think they have enough experience to tackle a big hotel yet imo.

>> No.7435107
File: 70 KB, 814x860, madeinasia.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As someone who've been to cons in many different countries, you Wallonian fuckers are among the worst. Only met one non-rude photographer, but he was from LA and learned some basic fucking behavior.

But I really liked Sayaconcept and met a few nice cosplayers.

I hope the real French people will be nicer, going to Japan Expo Paris.

>> No.7435109

Really? I've always seen people asking before taking pictures, but maybe I'm not paying enough attention.

>> No.7435119

This post wins. Now can we just shut upand post more photos already.

>> No.7435163

ITT Flemish Nationalism

>> No.7435353

There was one asshole photographer who took a picture of a crying cosplayer just after she heard her dog died.

She was sitting down at the side and this faggot just rammed his lense in her face, took a picture and ran off.

I've only seen this kind of disrespect at JEB and MiA.

>> No.7435355


>> No.7435362

Next you're going to tell us the evil walloon raped her right afterwards then went to take a shit on the dog's grave.

>> No.7435363

It sickens me that everyone is just accusing certain persons that they are the ones behind the shittalking on CGL.
Grow some balls and confront the people you suspect instead of keeping it in your wittle cutesy groupie talkie therapie.

>> No.7435382

Yeah, it was terrible.

Don't be a douche. I saw it happen to the girl and her girlfriend got so mad she sent security after the guy.

Turns out assholes speak French too, much like you.

>> No.7435389

>Making excuses for douchebags because they speak the same language as you

Truly Wallonia is the cancer

>> No.7435629

What were the rankings of the competition? Solo & group

>> No.7435635

Moooaar pics less drama please

>> No.7435673
File: 2.26 MB, 1412x2124, DSC_0980-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7435676
File: 2.06 MB, 1412x2124, DSC_0988-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7435678
File: 2.25 MB, 1412x2123, DSC_0993-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7435681
File: 2.79 MB, 1412x2124, DSC_0997-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7435684
File: 2.45 MB, 1412x2124, DSC_0998-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7435688
File: 2.38 MB, 1412x2124, DSC_1001-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7435775

Thanks anon.

>> No.7436618

These pictures suck. Only the last one is good.

>> No.7436743

Ban fucking walloons from Facts and Atsucon

The only good walloon is a dead walloon

>> No.7436887

Ladies and gents,
The walloons!

>> No.7437292

pls flemish nationalist leave

>> No.7437560
File: 212 KB, 728x518, )-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It can't be helped, I'm hardly a professional photographer. Colors could be better (they might be a bit over saturated for one?), composition as well and the second picture isn't even sharp, so it's not like I don't see the faults. I just don't really know how to address them, except for taking loads of pictures and hoping for a lucky shot of course. Taking pictures inside is also something I don't do much so I may or may not have fucked it up. Any tips are appreciated, I'm a huge noob. I can only learn from it so I don't mind.

I think the latter two are pretty okay nonetheless but I'm of course hardly objective. Glad you like at least one of them.

>> No.7437622

>guy who founded BONES

>> No.7437754

I understand.
The thing that bothers me the most is the facts that the feet of the people aren't on it. If you take a picture from some, make sure he is one it completly, or crop it at the waist. If you include legs, you HAVE to include the feet.

The colour is fine for me.

For someone who's saying he' a noobn you're pretty good! Better as C-Flash.

>> No.7438949
File: 1.41 MB, 2005x1333, DSC_0174sm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, good tip. Hadn't really thought of that, I'll be sure to keep it in mind next con.

I'm mostly a hobbyist wildlife photographer (got my DSLR this summer, it's great) and I never took peoples' pictures before. My first time shooting inside of a building as opposed to outside too. I might need a flash with diffuser or a lens with a lower f/ value for shooting in lower light next time.

Regardless, photography is a very fun hobby. I can recommend it to anyone.

>> No.7439197

princess tutu
tales of vesperia: rita mordio
tales of vesperia: judith
berserk: guts
school live idol porject

>> No.7439198

Star Ocean: Meracle Chamlotte
Helios Seth
dota: windranger
dynasty warriors
alice madness

>> No.7439201

dead leaves
batman origins: joker
power rangers samurai
legend of zelda: link between worlds

>> No.7439204

Ragnarok Online - Valkyrie Randgris
world of warcraft
Les légendaires - Tenebris
bioshock infinite
game of thrones
bride of the watergodess
final fantasy
gundam seed destiny
black butler
world of warcraft
league of legends

>> No.7439206

Puella Magi Madoka Magica - Madoka
poison ivy

>> No.7439209

All the solo's on saturday.

>> No.7439363

Get the fuck out you french speaking scum

>> No.7439403

I hope any Wallonian anons reading this don't think the Flemish cosplayers are like this just like I hope the Flemish cosplayers don't think the Wallonians are really like this.

The vast majority of cosplayers and organisations on both sides of the language border do their thing and I've never seen any real fights or even bad blood break out between them.

I think some people here need to realize that Flanders and Wallonia are not two linked communities. They are completely seperate with their own good cosplayers, groups, organisations and conventions. As far as cosplay communities are concerned, we might as wel be two seperate countries.

>> No.7439408

I don't think people I personally know are like this. But now I'm just assuming everyone else is until proven otherwise.

>> No.7439425

All of us are just normal people bro.

The problem with these /cgl/ threads is people on both sides will start shit due to being anonymous.

I wouldn't assume anyone on the Wallonian side hates the Flemish. Hell, I'd rather assume they don't really care what goes on over here since it's not their community, much like I don't hate the Wallonians or care what happens over there.

We do our thing, they do theirs. I think that's the only good way to go about it.

>> No.7439448

I don't. I'm Flemish and I met some great people from Wallonia, even if communication didn't go so easily - hence also why I don't mind when I meet a walloon who can't speak dutch for shit, I can't speak french for the life of me either.

>> No.7439532

I agree with this anon completely, and I'm Flemish too, but it sometimes bothered me how much of the stuff was in French

>> No.7439537

It probably bothered everyone how everything was in French.

I mean, it was a waste is all. Two entire columns of activities we couldn't go to and the cosplay competition that was barely English.

Also, the cosplay competition felt really dead for some reason. Where was the Spartiate?

>> No.7439539

Before anyone jumps on me, I'm not saying the con should be completely Dutch now. I just wish the organisation would make just an effort. How hard can it be to find an English speaker or a Dutch speaker to help out?

>> No.7439758

c'mon people moar pictures

>> No.7440019

I got an idea for a jury in a cosplaycompetition
--> people that don't know one and other, that have their own unique skills like making costumes, drama-artist,... and let them choose winners
that will stop all of the horseshit

>> No.7440019,1 [INTERNAL] 

Post you Sairu nudes! :)