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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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7371558 No.7371558[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

It would lead to way more shit posting, but I just wish /cgl/ was more active at night. I wanna browse cosplay drama when I can't sleep dammit! Discuss cosplay drama, the lack thereof, and the slowness of /cgl/.

>> No.7371564

I couldn't agree with you more...

>> No.7371565

Maybe if every continent other than north america didn't suck there would be more activity her other times of day.

>> No.7372007

Oh wow haha, it's even kinda slow during the day.

>> No.7372010

Not our fault you're a shitty second-world continent with lots of NEETs on 4chan instead of looking for jobs, bru.

>> No.7372013
File: 860 KB, 320x240, 1392386694574.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7372690

I have scrolled all the way down to this post, 24 hours later. SUCH SLOW. SO UGH.

>> No.7372712

aw anon, should I do a mock drama play to make you feel better?

>> No.7372715


>> No.7372719

ok, lets roleplay, everyone is free to join in

>> No.7372720
File: 62 KB, 500x500, Tyy9gds17B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this girl is such an amazing lolita! XD lol. I heard she's a tattoo artist too! anyone have her blog! I'd love to have a lolita do my tattoo!

>> No.7372721

obvious self post is obvious

>> No.7372725

u wot m8

>> No.7372726


>> No.7372728


*is a kawaii sindar elf*
*male elf ofcourse*
*still most beautiful*
*visits imladris*
*wants the D for reason of kawaii yaois*

Nya! :3 *says*

(Am I doing it rite?? *^* ×DD)

>> No.7372793

what? I'm not her? just an admirer. she has tons ;)

>> No.7372796

If you're an admirer why would you post her here? If she has tons go ask the tons where her blog is. Sense this makes none.

>> No.7372798

Stuff is expensive. Have to work. :(

The day I win the lottery, I promise to help make /cgl/ more active.

>> No.7372828

so we can discuss dramas again?

>> No.7372829

to spread the word on how AWSUM she is, duh! XP

>> No.7372833

The UK is finally having its fair share of drama..

>> No.7372875

Orly? Do tell...

>> No.7372924

Just people realising how the most e-famous cosplayers aren't what they seem to be

>> No.7373117

Literally retarded lel, second-world? You do realize first-world is literally America and its allies? Sub-human non-american trash, our government values you so little extra-judicial killings of non-americans doesn't even require much paperwork.

>> No.7373179 [DELETED] 
File: 88 KB, 677x995, 82c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First-world means a country whose citizens can afford medical treatment and buy food that wasn't poisoned by Jewsanto. So in other words, not you.
Now hop onto your electric scooter and buy some Doritos from Wal-Mart, you've got to make an offering to your Jewish overlords.

>> No.7373193

Pissed myself when I saw the picture, holy shit.

>> No.7373269

do you think dakotta koti would be a good tatto artist? she's a famous rori moderu. that's a type of harajuku :)))

>> No.7378354

Oh look, it's that time again. That's how slow this board is. Do you like this post being on top? :/