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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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7366297 No.7366297 [Reply] [Original]

Psychotic weeaboo stories thread?

Psychotic weeaboo stories thread.

>> No.7366299

What the fuck school do they go to?

>> No.7366300

They were clogging up the meetings threads, so I figured another thread would be welcome.

>> No.7366305

All I remember is bodysnatcher-chan, and I don't even have that saved on my computer anymore. It was about some fat weeb on drugs who tried to kill another girl and become her to steal her bf and it freaked me out.

>> No.7366590
File: 488 KB, 720x960, 1392169830404.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh my god, finally a chance to tell the wonders of crazy stacey. pic related
>go to boyfriends college for MTAC
>it's my springbreak, there for a week, all is well,
>meet this girl who's boyfriends friend
>crazy fucking stacey
>crazy level unknown at time
>be beginner lolita, bodyline coord, not fullblown ita but def not good.
>havn't joined comm yet, mention to girl
>anon, don't join any comm, ALL LOLITAS ARE BITCHES stick with me
>all right all right, guess internet rumors are true,
>be scared of tea party
>look like shit, but nice girls for most part
>crazy stacey wears lolita, doesn't go to tea party,
>floor length milanoo gown, not bad construction at least, bright pink childrens lipgloss, some alpaca toy, pony clips were all crooked when I saw her, random jewlry, and shoes were just wtf.
>can't decide weather to leave so not associated, or stay to make my shit coord look better
>she's with "pretend" husband picking out tails and asking about plug options so me and boyfriend exit scene

more stories in a minute

>> No.7366612

When I first meet her, this is the background story I get total
>born in japan
>england mother japan father
>middle name lyliary
>works at pokecenter
>sold to geisha house
>owes huge debt to geisha house
>still owned technically
>is married under geisha contract
>can't go back "home" until pays off 1million yen debt
>bitch, i stalk mbok daily, i'm a walking converter
>makes shit tons of money because she's zone-sama
>voice acts every weekend
>also suicide girl,
>have to be member to see profile due to stalkers and she has a very noticeable scar
>is litterally rolling in money
>she's the perfect submissive/pet
>speaks perfect japanese
>can't have kids
>was in car accident at young age,
>younger sister died
>still hear screams
>rapey stepdad in a pond
>her family ignores her.

That's the FIRST back story I got

>> No.7366618

Probably they faked it? I doubt any teacher would make Homestuck references. Or that's what I'm hoping for. Sage for no contribution.

>> No.7366622

Why did I read this as Psychic weaboo stories

The thought of weaboos with psychic and telekinetic powers is a pretty terrifying one

>> No.7366639

Okay so, other stories I got, no paticular order
>went to school in japan every other so when the fuck ever until college
>takes album full of pics on one of her trips to japan
>only takes pictures of vending machine
>why homelander take touristy pics
>brings passport to school oneday to prove that she has been to japan....only once is stamped
>one day told me she loves roller coasters
>three minutes later
>oh i've never rode one
>fake husband bought pikachu 3ds for anniversary present
>posts all over FB about it
>when pokemon X came out
>oh the pokecenter sent me this DS of course, they send me every single pokemon merchendise item
>call bitch out
>oh no, fake husband bought me special edition(insert grass type pokemon I can't remember name) here.
>that ds doesn't exist
>give up on calling out for the day

>> No.7366654

I dunno. I took a chem class taught by one of the football coaches at my high school. He put modified Pokemon names as options on our periodic tables test. Pikachumium, charmanderon, bulbasauric are the only ones I remember, but he used a bunch of others. He said it was because he didn't want the test to be "too hard".

>> No.7366655

>everytime somebody asks her about her "debt"
number changes
>we obviously have no idea what it's like to live in her shoes
>more whatevers
>litterally slept with ten or more people first two weeks of semester

(over spring break, I'm ashamed to say, before I knew the fucking crazy, I may or may not have done things with said girl)
>but winds up sleeping with other friend that's there over spring break
>but said she's never cheated on husband
>still to this day says this
>when she says it, it's like she truely believes this in her heart of hearts.
>call out her sleeping with other springbreak friend
>so I slept with two other people, i'lve still never cheated on my husband
>give the fuck up

>> No.7366665

Why would even go there anon? I feel for you.

>> No.7366675

>over summer start digging on this girl being the paranoid fuck I am
>find out she has kid
>what happened to her not being able to have kids
>oh well my body magically produced one egg
>okay. wheres kid now.
>my sister stole him
>talk to her ex husband
>"she gave kid up to sister, terrible mom, tried to stab me saying she was possessed one time always had crazy japan fetish"
>major fucks were given about that
>find out her mom is mexican and from this current state we live in
>later tells one friend to get the same birth control as her
>can't keep story straight
>give kid name like kai or something japanese
>gets mad when sister changes super kawaii japanese name
>dig up everything I can on shitty mobile browser about girl
>she lied about her middle name
>said it was some japanese name, nope. straight up all american as loretta lynn.
>call bitch out on phone
>it's like a lightswitch
>it's like different person
>hear 'i can't fucking remember my past okay"
>only time I hear her admit anything
>within 45 seconds has reverted back to self
>was diagnosed with DID earlier that year by new therapist, keeps going to the old therapist for depression meds, ignores new one.

>> No.7366684

i did things with her during spring break of 2013, and didn't know that she started sleeping with people like that until fall 2013. otherwise never would have touched that, thank god I came up clean

>> No.7366703

at start of the school year (fall 2013), meet up with her just because she's only person I know, infiltrate her friend group and whatnot
>when we go to house, she has like fifty board/card games
>three wallshelfs of manga
>all anime posters covering walls
>hentia posters in living room
>at sleepovers gives people sexy girl bodypillows to sleep on
>one is the zonetan, because she's zone sama and why the fuck not.
>420 all around excluding me
>husband has bartenders license, is actually normal, good for me
>has entire house dectorated with STUFF BACK HOME IN JAPAN
>all bought at cons
>shows us huge dildo collection
>pulls up asian sex gameshows on computer
>makes every watch
>nobody is intoxicated yet, super awkward
>husband plays xbox, ignores everybody
>she's litterallyf ucking making out with people behind him(he's on couch, she's sitting on back side in floor) or fingering people.
>I'm sitting almost in the dogcage opposite side being wallflower as possible
>husband goes to bed
>shit gets wild

>> No.7366718
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>meet obviously crazy chick
>start to dig her
>crazy intesifies
>"I'll just go with it."
Are you me?

>> No.7366722

>friends are fucking in the floor in front of everybody
>she's fucking another person next to them
>i take secret pic, because hey, BUTTS, i'm so drunk funny4lyfe.
>claims she has tightest vag around, cause she's so asian and they're tiny in everyway
>husband is still asleep
>try to have contest with best boobs
>she and the other girl have terrible tits
>i win
>get ignored for rest of night,
>thanks the lord

at another sleepover(i went for excellent booze)
>we get there little bit before dark
>friends want more 420
>she calls dealer
>dealers like, wait three hours
>we hear that, litterally never mention it again but do mention pizza once or twice
>gets dark outside
>she suddenly is acting super pissy
>playing neopets on her comp
>saying were gonna have to leave
>s"you guys have to leave i'mjust not happy, sorry."
>what the fuck ever
>pack our shit, go to car
>while waiting on last person to put things in trunk, somebody asks, should we really leave or cheer her up?
>I'm all for leaving, my friends are better than me
>suddenly crazy stacey appears a couple of feet from car
>just staring
>just staring
>still staring
>friend suddenly notices, oh hey, she's crying
>they jump out of car go hug her
>i'm like trying to stay in car and pull them back with magnetic force
>doesn't work
>oh anons, i just didn't want to drive out in the dark and you guys were just pressuring me so much and wouldn't shut up about more 420
>wtf, we never mentioned it agian
>were planning on driving in other friends car for
pizza anyways
>go back inside
>awkward night
>bed early
>leave as early as possible

>> No.7366735

she was my literally the only person I knew in that town, four hours away from my phone. I got really good friends with her friends, and didn't want to leave group, and they were all on board the SHE'S SO JAPANESE FOR LIFE train, I didn't want to be like, fuck you, because then I would be friendless once again.

However, I succesfully stole all of her friends, and nobody talks to her anymore.

>> No.7366741

Why are you calling it 420? People talk about weed on 4chan all the time

>> No.7366745

So she's not japanese, lied about her ethnicity, middle name, marriage, etc. The only thing she didn't lie about is her age.
Friend called her out on her mom one day
>oh well my mom is british and they're all very short people and since my dad is japanese, of course, their super short.
>hey crazy girl, my mom is actually from there as is all of my family, everybody there is actually really tall, your wrong.
>she ignores this girl like her life depended on it.
>finally packs up and leaves once other girl won't stop until she admits shes wrong

>> No.7366753

just a habit from talking to other people

>> No.7366773

Last time I talked to her
>havn't talked to girl in couple of weeks
>text her somehting out of blue
>she's like wtf
>i'm just sorry been busy
>says she wants to go see on campus movie
>was already planning on going
>she never shows
>husband texts me later, where is she?
>no fucking idea man
fast forward a week
>stayed up all night with raging horomone pregnant hysterical sister claiming suicide
>once calm her down get phone call my moms in icu with bloodclots
>no sleep, stress level is x100
>see crazy stacey outside student building
>gives me evil glare
>no time for your shit today bitch
>log onto facebook while checking greyhound for buses back home
>sees message from fake husband
>do you know_________? apparently him and crazy were planning on fucking or already have.
>this is a boy she slept with who was my friend
>dropped him for various reasons weeks before
>this pushes me over the fucking edge
>yeah, call me, I'll be more than happy to tell you everything.

>> No.7366797

>except i'm blocked on his FB, can't reply
>got that message at 7:30AM
>it's now noon
>have his number, call him up,
>while ringing, text girl, you picked the wrong day to use me as a cover.
>text her again, any other day.
>she instablocked me already
>husband answers,
>hey your wife slept with me, at least 20 other people, name names, i'm done, here's a picture of her fucking somebody in your floor, here's some naked pics she sent everybody, and she fucked that ____ kid too, also, dated this guy you asked me about for a month, and also tells the world you rape her daily
>have fun
>husband is destroyed
>it's happened before, why so surprised
>goes into denial
>then accepts
>then cries
>then is angry at crazy
>then angry at me, back into denial, tries tearing apart my relationship
>fuck right off,
>24year old man acting like a 12 year old,
>argue for a day
>he finally, says, well I can say that I'm happy with my life and my relationship can you say the same?
>blocks me before I can send cheeky reply
>mfw i never have to deal with these people again i'm litterally blocked on everything
>crazy never talks to the circle of friends again,
>new semester
>still havn't seen her
>thank god
>i no longer trust people with fake british accents or different names

>> No.7366795

My high school teachers made a lot of pop culture references and joke answers on tests. English and science teachers, especially. Even more likely if they have kids of their own.

Seems like something I would've seen on my tests if Homestuck was popular at the time. Got a lot of LOTR and Star Trek shit on my tests.

>> No.7366816
File: 163 KB, 774x1032, clover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright, Anon above has inspired me to tell my own story.
So, some of you might recognize this girl. I remember she was posted here a while back. Here she is cosplaying "Lolita Dave Strider."
Let's call her Clover.
>Meet Clover in 7th grade
>Clover's just moved here from out of state
>She was also a huge weeaboo, so we bond
>We form a triad with my other best friend, who we'll call Alice
>We spend all our time talking about yaoi and making Naruto references, pretty standard stuff
>But things get weird fast
>Clover wears a sling over her left arm every day, has no coherent explaination
>Complains of neck problems constantly
>Asks us to help her carry her bags home whenever we walk with her because she's too weak
>Then mysteriously regains all her strength when she gets home and bounces off the fucking walls
>Loves to trace over pictures from the manga Loveless, rebuffs us whenever we call her out
>"I drew it myself, u gais!!"
>Claims that her parents abuse her, but does a complete 180 when I offer to call Social Services
>Claims to have multiple personalities, which Alice and I mockingly name for her
>Princess Broken Doll: pretends to be sick and ~tragically beautiful~
>Ritsuka: poor, abused uke child that acts like an aloof bitch
>The list goes on, but those are the ones I remember distinctly
>I think she's the greatest shit
>Have huge, disgusting crush on her, but don't really understand it because I am twelve
>Alice and I eventually tire of her shenanigans and ditch her

>> No.7366820

What the actual fuck. Where did this happen (approximately, don't want to know your street address)

>> No.7366835

I regret reading this thread, dear lord and saviour deliver me from this madhouse.

>> No.7366861
File: 40 KB, 981x446, NUD.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

(Pic is from her Deviantart journal. It's from quite some time ago. I was looking to see if she referenced any of her personalities in her old journals, but I found this gold instead.)
>Alice and I stop talking to her towards the end of 7th grade
>8th grade rolls around, we're still not on speaking terms
>She still sits at the same lunch table as us, but on the other end, avoiding eye contact
>Pine for her and gaze longingly at the other end of the lunch table every day
>Alice and I get permission to restart the anime club, which Clover had once run
>She no longer runs it because the previous sponsor, our old English teacher doesn't trust her anymore (bad planning skills, et cetera)
>She never did work in his class and was terrible at running the club
>I remember she finally turned in a book report on "A Tree Grows in Brooklyn" in 8th grade, a YEAR after it was due (I'm not sure why...)
>I invite her to join the new anime club as a gesture of good will
>She takes offense to it
>Deepest of sighs
>I finally manage to patch things up with her after several months, because I have shit taste
>Alice doesn't, and the two still hate each other
>She tells me she was diagnosed with some obscure disease
>I look it up
>Symptoms include: crippling nerve pains, hair falling out, reddening of skin
>I just leave it be, for the most part
>One day she packs up and goes to some hospital in Oregon for treatment
>Comes back a month later
>"Yeah, they had me do all these exercises every day. Everyone else looked like they were having a hard time with it, but I thought they were really easy."
>She shows me a picture of a friend she made with the same disease, apparently
>Girl is in a wheelchair and is famine-tier skinny

>> No.7366872

man that sucks. sounds really crazy. i go by a different name because i don't like mine?

>> No.7366881

>9th grade
>Clover moves back to her home town
>By this time, I'd kind of given up on her
>She's long-distance dating this creepy guy that goes to my school
>Why aren't you dating me
>Calls me up complaining about how she wishes she could dump him
>I'll help you, Clover
>Dates him for like a year
>Meanwhile, she decides that she's a lesbian
>Still long-distance dating this creepy guy
>A year or two passes, I talk to her less and less
>She comes to visit for a local anime con
>Go to dinner with her and a friend
>As we're waiting for our food, she turns to me
>"Wow, Anon, you got pretty."
>Not doing this shit

These days, she's cleaned up a bit. She dumped that guy and now has a girlfriend who's also a Homestuck or whatever, and is going to college somewhere decent. She's coming to visit for a con again soon.
I still answer her phone calls sometimes. I do not know why.

>> No.7366885

god these stories remind me of these gross weeboos that i blew up at since they were so annoying, loud and ignorant and stupid really.

>> No.7366894

Don't do it, anon. Do not stick your (figurative) dick in crazy

>> No.7366895

>>One day she packs up and goes to some hospital in Oregon for treatment
>>Comes back a month later
>>"Yeah, they had me do all these exercises every day. Everyone else looked like they were having a hard time with it, but I thought they were really easy."
>>She shows me a picture of a friend she made with the same disease, apparently

Okay, that is fucking hilarious.

>> No.7366901

I won't, trust me. That boat has long since sailed. Still, I can't help wanting to be good to her...
I guess that is just the fate of all friendships formed in the weeb years,

>> No.7366907

Man you remind me of a good friend I had in middle school, who was totally in love with a friend who was batshit crazy. I was her Alice I suppose. I dunno what happened to crazy chick, but she made up stories about her parents beating her, about actually being a wolf (Wolf's Rain was her favorite animu hurr), she that could control fire if she was really angry, that she had a "dark past" we'd never know etc etc

>> No.7366937

I did this once. I had a huge crush on a girl when I was thirteen. She was kind of out of it, like major depression, eating disorders, cutting (she was really big on emo). I thought she was the coolest person on earth though, like she had a band with some other friends from our school and I was their number one groupie. I was pretty pathetic about the whole thing, followed her around like a puppy, tried to emulate her in everything. She kind of got me into my weeb phase because she liked anime, so I started watching it.

She treated me kind of like a pet, but I don't think she ever really noticed me. Her best friend didn't like me at all though.

And now that we're older, she's just lost any appeal to me. I don't know if she's changed, or I've changed, but it's gone.

>> No.7366954

Not really as bad, but still one of the things that made me snap out of my own weeaboo phase.

>Be 14
>Have weeaboo friends, they're all 13-16
>Friends introduce me to other friend, we'll call her Ellie
>Ellie is 23, she's in college.
>Talk to Ellie, learn she's obsessed with Black Butler
>Ellie and friends invite me to join a few message board threads, where Ellie RPs with her friend, Noel
>As she posts them, I find out that Ellie RPs Ciel, Noel RPs Sebastian, they RP it romantically.
>"Haha Ellie, that's cool, but the yaoi is just creepy! xD"
>Ellie fucking snaps
>"Look, Anon, if you have issues with it, I would say leave.... I'll always be yaoi-festing it up. It's really no skin off my back to see people leave.... sometimes I'll even encourage it, like now."
>I flip the fuck out, no idea what to do, Ellie's basically the head of the group of friends/message boards because she's an art major and draws yaoi.
>I ended up leaving that group of friends for a few months before I tried to come back, but it looked like Ellie had spread some shit about me, since everyone pretty blatantly ignored me by then.

Just saying, I remember an RP I read between Ellie and Noel where Ciel was singing Shakira at "japanese karaoke" and Sebastian was just watching his ass. So yeah.

>> No.7366990

>owes money to not-real geisha house
>rolling in the money

one of these things is not like the other, but all of this is total fucking bull shit!

man, this girl is delusional as shit, but that's obvious as fuck.

>> No.7367013
File: 897 KB, 400x297, 1392178488278.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why, oh why, did you even hang out with this person, other than wanting drama and bullshit in your life?

i'd rather be friendless than deal with that amount of stress.

>> No.7367095

i was about to say
>black butler
>new anime
but then i realized that anime came out like six years ago, what the shit

>> No.7367098

That devArt journal is amazing.
>Happy National Uke Day everyone!
>I didn't realize it was 9/11 today though...

>School girl uniform and eyepatch
How is this "uke" exactly?
Seems like international "I forgot to take my meds" day, unless she just really craves for attention. She should had gone with "international baguette day".

>> No.7367107

The unisaur was actually the brainchild of Alice and I. We drew those bastards on everything we owned, and they were usually wearing seifuku. My mom still has a doodle of me riding one hanging up that I drew in middle school. It reads: "Unisaurs, the chicken of the Jurassic."

>> No.7367125

I'm only likely to think it's faked because what teacher lets students take photos of tests during class?
Other than that, I could believe it; HS teachers know more internet culture than people tend to give them credit for.

>> No.7367133

>didn't realize it was 9/11
>international Uke day
america is just a tsundere uke for the middle east desu~

>> No.7367155

>Be in 9th grade
>Super weeb
>Friend in elementary school messages me on FB when we barely ever talked back then
>She moved away after elementary school
>"Hey anon, you like anime? Have you ever heard of cosplay?"
>Get introduced to cosplay, start doing it with her.
>Year passes
>Barely weeb, she's a weeb too
>Realize by then that I am trans
>Would introduce myself as male to new con friends
>She is all like "nya" and "wow so kawaaaiiiii"
>Has annoying nasally voice
>Realize she was using me as a hotel for local cons
>Stop talking to her entirely to avoid drama
>Messages on other account and shits on me like crazy
>Calls me a dick, says to be nice to my mom more when she was always telling me how annoying my mom was
>"Anon, stop telling everyone you want a dick! It's weird and gross! No wonder you don't have any friends!"
>tfw it's been 2 or 3 years since we have been friends and she became friends with mine
>tfw I see her posts because of them and can see still how much of a weeb she is
>"Oh my god! Yaoi is so great! Bara all the way! I'm going to be all yaoi with my friends when we cosplay!"

>> No.7367159

i actually agree with her on one point
why the hell do you need to tell everyone you want a dick, goddamn

>> No.7367166

Orrr... they could have done it when the marking was done and they'd gotten the test back.

>> No.7367178

I didn't. If people asked, then I would just tell them I'm a guy, and they got puzzled because my physical appearance and voice didn't fit for a guy

>> No.7367188

They said they took the test 'today.' Teachers don't tend to grade and return tests on the same day.

>> No.7367193

who the hell even takes their phone out during a test, then? And how did they not get caught?

>> No.7367194

the test isn't graded, they only circled their answer and probably snapped a quick pic before they turned it in

>> No.7367204

Scary isn't it.
>still can't get it out of head that Death Note is the thing all the teens cosplay

>> No.7367205

I've taken pictures of my tests in the past. Like pictures of typos and stuff.
It's not whether the teachers let your or not, it's if you get caught.

>> No.7367213

Lots of mine did? And my trade school test results are always done within the same day.

>> No.7367229

Plenty of mine did? Particularly if it was a brief quiz over a reading.

>> No.7367248

I've never read this one, anyone have it? Sounds good.

>> No.7367266

tennessee :/

>> No.7367269

after the first sleepover, I was done, only went to second sleepover for good booze, and after that I tried to avoid her like the plague until she tried to use me as a cover that day.

>> No.7367396

I actually had a teacher who was a very sweet middle aged woman who was into Homestuck so you never know. I'm pretty sure that test is faked though.

>> No.7367445
File: 871 KB, 245x230, kek.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7367449

Ugh, what

>> No.7367451

I hope this is fake

>> No.7367452

There was this girl in my highschool. Always was telling the most outrageous lies. Was well known to be a huge mythomaniac. I still liked her as she was really nice.

Then again Iwas a huge weirdo outcast who couldn't grasp basic social interactions at all so I did't feel entitled to hate on the crazies.

>> No.7367477

Yeah, but one can easily just print out a piece of paper, take a picture of it and pretend it was an actual test.

>> No.7367499

Sounds awful but she was really nice and the most tolerable homosuck I've ever met. She had a tattoo inspired by Uzumaki by Junji Ito, she was the coolest art teacher I've had.

>> No.7367569


Wow, I...am the one bodysnatcher-chan happened to and I am...flattered? Baffled? That you remember me. That was certainly an adventure.

>> No.7367573


Basically, I brought my Japanese fiance (now husband) to visit my mother and some friends in America for five weeks over June/July and we ran into a lovely young woman who tried to kill me. We are about to eat dinner but I will find some time to tell the story, I still have the original posting from the thread saved.

>> No.7367604
File: 847 KB, 1920x4160, 1362056621269.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh yikes. I went on a search myself, I hope this is correct.

>> No.7367625


Oh my gosh, it is! I can't believe someone saved it. I just have my copy/paste posts in a text file, holy shit, hahaha

>> No.7367841

i've heard that they're going to do a remake of the death note anime, so i'm sure that's going to be huge again

>> No.7367871

aw man that's fucked up

>> No.7367878

pls post k's message to you and any update that you can, bodysnatcher-chan

>> No.7368658

Wow good morning! Um, I will try to dig up which HD the messages are saved on. There are about four or five, IIRC.

>> No.7368690

Ok I have to ask, is she a Philly teacher? Cus she sounds exactly like a friend of mine.

>> No.7368700

I found transcripts of her comments on my wall and a really long PM she sent me, but I'm sure I have actual screenshots, so I will just keep looking after I get back from first session.

However, I can give you a couple updates on K as told by N(ate) and A(melie) -- fake names, of course, but easier to follow than letters:

Karen apparently had a bunch of pictures of T -- then-fiancé -- on her phone but even more pictures of me. Creepy.

Amelie is apparently Karens friend from middle school on, not just college, which is how Karens aunt was able to return my underwear.

My underwear was ruined by the time it got back to me. I buy my underwear and my bras to match, so I was very, very upset.

Karen is still dying her hair blonde, and has gotten two more tattoos. One is a very shitty imitation of mine and T's matching back pieces.

I blocked Karen from my FB after I found out about the tattoo.

She occasionally texts Amelie asking about me and T, and seems convinced that we are on the verge of a breakup.

>> No.7368708

That would be like that scene in looper where that creepy kid blows that guy up with his mind. Every time a weeb wanted attention and you don't reciprocate, they do that.

>> No.7369323

Every Lolita meetup would end like "Carrie".

>> No.7369383

What were the messages K had left you on FB? Do tell.

>> No.7369389

Oops, didn't see these.

>> No.7369399

Reflex neurovascular dystrophy does not effect your weight? You are making judgements and mocking illnesses based on what people look like. You never cease to be assholes, /cgl/.

>> No.7369442

Did you read literally any other part of the story? It didn't even mention weight...

>> No.7369444

Derp, never mind. I see what part of the story you meant now...
How is it mocking the illness, though? It's just saying she didn't have it and was obviously lying.

>> No.7369930

Please start linking your posts together.

>> No.7371709


Sorry guys! I have had an insanely busy two days and I have looked but I cannot find them. I have three 1-TB hard drives to look on, and I don't seem to remember what I named them so searches for the actual screen caps are coming up kind of fruitless. I do have a notepad with all of the transcripted comments/messages though, if that is okay. It is crazy late here but I will be up for a little bit I think!

>> No.7371761


Transcripts are fine, please.

>> No.7372185

w-where are her eyes

>> No.7372196
File: 205 KB, 500x500, 1381380885317.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>those tattoos

Jesus Christ WHY

>> No.7372281

same here, please.

>> No.7372460

Goddamn. This reminds me of middle school. Back when I was an edgy fag.

>Rockcat is a bi furry
>she also cuts her wrists up and posts them on deviant art
>she is emo
>she also draws furries having sex and cutting themselves in Ms paint
>finds this kind of cool and edgy at first, within a month feel nothing but hatred and annoyance for her
>Every 3 or so days, she makes a journal or a poll saying " imma kill myself tell me why I'm a wonderful person if I'm your friend way ni osy lives me
>me and a few of her friends eat this shit up
>after a few weeks I realize she's an attention whore
>call her out on it
>get death threats from her and her friends at school
>lol we're dumb middle schoolers we're friends again
>rock at is a very bad influence on people
>she gets everybody else in our group drinking alcohol and cutting themselves
>I am the oddball out
>rockcat at makes up a bunch of shit to look like she has a terrible life
>her mom buys her new shit all the fucking time while living in a 400k pool house
>one of her stories involves being sexually abused 24/7 every day after school by the entire neighborhood
>as a kid who was actually molested(haven't told anybody at that time) I hated her guts after that
>she therapist-zones me. Only talks to me when she wants me to kiss her ass and five her shit
>jokes about kids who are abused will grow up to be pedos
>my rage meter is off the charts
> go online
>"Listen up you sack of shit attention whore. If you're so fucking depressed then just fucking kill yourself"
>spammed with "u r so cruel"
> go to school the next day
>sit down during lunch
>get head slammed into table
>rock at followed me and wants to fight
> I get up with a terrible fucking headache
>she pulls out a razor she uses to cut herself
>lunchlady fucking tackles her
>apparently she talked shit to lunchlady earlier
>thank you lunchlady
>I get detention for being a bully, she gets out with a slap to the wrist and a phone call to mommy

>> No.7372464

This is only the beginning.
should I continue to where shit gets really crazy?
>Dem typos and phone autocorrects

>> No.7372482

Yes, please. 10/10 intense.

>> No.7372511

Lol okay.
I'm just going to put this out there, I did say a lot of shit that I regret. But then again who doesn't during their weeb years.
>A month later we're all hanging out like nothing happend again
> her friends are all emotional wrecks now thanks to her constant suicide threats
>one day, she hits on one of her guy friends
>guy friend is not into her
>she cries all week
>on a Friday, her guy friend is obviously worried and asks her if there is anything he can do to comfort her
>she is screaming at him, not saying any audible words. Just screaming.
>her guy friend is apologizing at the speed of light
>she punches him in the stomach and is on the ground wheezing for 10 minutes
>she screams some random shit gets sent to the principals
>she is suspended on monday
>Monday comes along
>she's not here thank god
>her friends, a fat chick, a hetatard, her emo boyfriend, and a drama whore decide to drink vodka in the grass field
>not a water bottle of vodka, a fucking gallon of it
how they got that into the school I nay never know
>hey guys you should dump that out lol
>they are chugging this shit
>they're gonna die if they continue
>I already hate their guts, nobody knows this
>I convince some other hetatards to write a report to the principal
>independent study for them
>rockcat comes back to school on Tuesday
>my friend wrote a dA journal apologizing for getting them on trouble the day before
>rockcat read this, forgives the other tards who ratted them out, but instantly hates my guts once again, surprise surprise

>> No.7372557

Ugh. I just finished typing and my phone shuts off. Maybe its a sign.
>summer time comes
>get invites to party
>rockcat is there
>nobody fucking told me
>she's purposely bumping into me, knocking me over, dripping shit onto me
>haha you're so clumsy rockcat you fucking cunt
>she is flirting with her friend, leys call her Max.
>Max and rockcat are giggling a lot
>fast forward one hour
>max and rockcat are nowhere to be found
>walk upstairs
>I heard it.
>I wish I had never fucking heard it
>hear screaming and moaning
>wtf is that
>I'm 13 and what is this
>the rest of the party is listening to them through the closed door
>hetatard opens the door out of curiosity
>Rockcat is fucking Max with a dildo
>her moms unwashed dildo
>party screams
>run downstairs
>gossip time
>wtf are they doing why would they do that ny eyes
>max runs downstairs crying
>she's stays in the bathroom until her mom picks her up
>rockcat comes downstairs and is yelling at everybody
>mommy picks up rockcat
>whisper and gossip the rest of the party
That's pretty much the rest I can remember from middle school that was irl on not online drama

>> No.7372566

>friend is hetatard
>you were 13
How old are you now, OP?

>> No.7372622

19. Turning 20 next month.
Hetalia has been around for a while.

>> No.7372671

That makes me feel old, because I saw Hetalia as "The thing the kids are into, nowadays. Back in my time we had..."

>> No.7372762

That's because they do right? I'm still hip, I'm still with it >.> Raito and L-kun 5ever with handcuffs and shit right?

God I'm so out of the loop, I just get all my info from cgl nowadays - idk who the fuck half the people at cons even are anymore. What is this world I live in, paying bills and working and cleaning, no time to weeb out.

>> No.7372779

first the previously mentioned black butler
now hetalia
what the fuck, passage of time?

>> No.7372797

Isn't it homestuck, AoT, and KLK right now?
>I-I'm totally hip u guiz

>> No.7372816

I had a physics teacher in high school who put references to stuff like Transformers, the Three Stooges, Fat Albert, Pauly Shore and various places he liked to eat around town.

I've heard about there being some Homestuck-reading teacher who posts on tumblr and stuff, but I dunno. It probably is fake.

>> No.7372824

This one isn't so horrible but I guess I'll tell it anyways.
Con about 2 years ago if I remember correct

> meet weeb, let's call her Ita since she cosplayed Italy from hetalia at the time
> Wore the typical black cat ears and paws that you can buy at cons
> I was on my way out of my weeb phase at that time
> Met a guy who cosplayed germany from hetalia (I also cosplayed from it at the time)
> started chatting/flirting
> ita was loud but mostly stayed around the other hetalians
> I talked to her briefly but that's it
> kept on hitting people with her white flag on a stick
> okay then
> later on, standing in line waiting for food
> talking with Germany cosplayer, Ita shows up and wants to join us in the line
> We continue our conversation until she starts hitting Germany in the face with her cat paws
> Accidentally hits him in the eye
> She laughs it off instead of saying sorry
> kept on being annoying for the rest of the con but I just tried walking in a big circle around her

Later on when I got together with Germany she texted me at a con if she could "borrow him" because some guy apparently had a crush on her and she wanted to pretend Germany was her bf since that would shake him off or whatever

> fuck no just tell the guy you don't like him wtf

I didn't respond and she hasn't really talked to me since. It seems like she grew out of her weebiness and she never talks to me at cons anymore.

>> No.7372887

I am a teacher...Everyone seems to forget that we are people too and have our own interests and personalities.

Not to mention homestuck has been out for years so that gives plenty of time for teachers to have grown up as part of the fandom and gotten jobs.

>> No.7372892


One of my teachers was a LARPer who hid his power level pretty poorly. He made his own javelins with a forge and brought them in. Unsurprisingly, he taught european and military history.

Yeah, he was pretty badass.

>> No.7372903

I keep my power levels completely under wraps except for a couple times during club when I work on small props for cosplay.

I must say it is useful understanding the shit that comes out of my weeaboo students' mouths though. We do not talk about yaoi while at school. No I do not want to randomly overhear your ideas of what a perfect uke is. No just no stop.

>> No.7372927

Some days I still wonder what happened to the couple behind me in line for pizza at AE. Every once in a while I post the story here, hoping to find out the backstory.

>long line for pizza aka only open food place in the university that day
>he seems annoyed
>her: why don't you believe me I thought you loved me
>him: because you're lying all the time
>her: I am a trained assassin and my father abused me if you love me you would believe me
>he seems to just want so pizza already
>her: say you believe I was molested and became an assassin or you don't love me
>him: ok I believe you
>her: haha I was lying
>me: wtf oh god I have been waiting 45 minutes

The pizza was terrible.

>> No.7372938

>lunchlady fucking tackles her

>> No.7372954

I wanna hear a story!

>> No.7372975


well then it's not a test if it's not meant to be hard.

i honestly hate teachers fucking about thinking they're so funny or trying to use other peoples' education as an outlet for their "creative" writing or some other bullshit. there is a time and a place, and school is not it.

>> No.7373037

i have this /fit/ english teacher who is a giant nerd and started a dnd club at our school

dude is fantastic.

>> No.7373057

>her: I am a trained assassin and my father abused me
That sounds like the nemesis of No More Heroes, that game by Suda51

>> No.7373129

There was a history professor like that at college.

>> No.7373147 [DELETED] 


bare in mind, a professors job is basically to be autistic

>> No.7373238 [DELETED] 

>bare in mind
Seems it's your job too.

>> No.7373240


Here you fucking go.

>tl;dr its a bunch of Homestuckers at a resturant spitting into a fucking bucket then drinking it afterwards

>> No.7373243 [DELETED] 


old news, never stops being gross tho

>> No.7373244 [DELETED] 


So I take it your job is to be mentally disabled.

>> No.7373271 [DELETED] 

And your job is to be a sandy cunt, I presume?

>> No.7373303

thats super old news, gets posted all the time

im just glad a lot of the bad HS fans have been weeded out with the long hiatus's and shit

>> No.7373309

My science teacher in high school used to tell us "May the force be with you" before a test sometimes.

>> No.7373315 [DELETED] 
File: 47 KB, 640x600, inbred-white-tiger-kenny-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Being sandy is better than being retarded, dear anon.

>> No.7373321 [DELETED] 

You must be retarded to think I'm retarded.

>> No.7373325 [DELETED] 

You must be retarded to think anon's retarded for thinking you're retarded.

>> No.7373347 [DELETED] 

Haha it was so fucking rad.
This is why I'm always nice to the employees.

>> No.7373389

There are a couple things named after Pokemon.
I think an enzyme was named after Pikachu.

I remember when they were trying to title whatever's bigger than Giga and scientists were OFFICIALLY trying to dub it Hella.

>> No.7373394



>> No.7373441

Does anyone have that story about the guy who got asked to fulfill some girl's rape fantasy and ended up getting raped himself.

>> No.7373461

Hopefully by the girl?

>> No.7373465

my lit prof recognized who terezi was when i drew her on my hand in and it was terrifying he even knew her typing quirk to write a reply next to the drawing

>> No.7373559
File: 25 KB, 192x187, 1375571939632.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Be in like, grade 7 or some shit
>Start liking shit anime like Inuyasha and Naruto because of weeb friends from cottage
>New year
>Come to visit friend a year younger than me on bus
>See new girl
>Drawing on the bus and is 100 leagues better than my weeb shit
>we get along really well and I sit beside her every day from now on
>She introduces new stuff to me
>Actually was the person who showed me 4chan back in the day
>Look anon, these internet memes are so funny
>BFFs for years
>Pretty much idolize her and think she's the coolest shit
>I go to her house every weekend because stuff back home was shit
>she kinda seems depressed, but we're both kinda still in our emo stage so I play it off
>Skip to a few months later, she starts talking to new girl
>She's doesn't have a clue what anything is and is super "lolsoRANDUM" and acts crazy
>Ok cool
>Few months later she slowly stops talking to me
>"Why are you ignoring me? What did I do?"
By this time I was coming out of the closet and had really harboured some feelings for her that I just assumed was really liking her as a friend
>Fall madly in love with her
>I guess she caught on and got creeped out by it
>Starts full on ignoring me
>Spend the rest of grade 8 or whatever like, crippled because sads
>She goes to art school, I go to local school
>I have her sister on my old facebook, sometimes think about her

Am I the psychotic one?

>> No.7373566

it depends on how pretty she was
pics pls

>> No.7373569

You know, back when we were both 13 and all pimply and dweeby we probably looked the same. Pimply and dweeby. I loved her for her character.

>> No.7373712

I lol'd at this.

>> No.7373725

Sounds pretty average teen angst, anon. At least you didn't turn into a crazy stalker.

>> No.7373732

The thought of this kid fucking her friend with her mom's unwashed dildo is the grossest thing I've read all week. Congrats, anon.

>> No.7373773
File: 53 KB, 960x354, 4jnqBtz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn guys. There's just something that rustles me about people masquerading as a Japanese person and trying their damndest to delude themselves into thinking it's true.

pic related, friend of a friend who would not shut up about her pride in her "Japanese culture". Currently posting nonstop lovey dovey bs on Facebook with a fake account that she's dating using stolen pictures from some visual kei looking guy. obvious jungle asian.

>> No.7373778

Fuckin ugh. Knew a girl in HS who did this.She was small and tan skinned, dark hair. Didn't look asian. All my weeby friends fell in looove with her, for being so ~kawaii~ because she was half Japanese. It got on my fucking nerves. Didn't believe she was asian at all until I saw her father.

Turns out now she's claiming she's Korean, because she's ~really into kpop~ and has a fanbase of koreaboos

>> No.7373786

I haven't watched any anime that isn't on Netflix in so long, anon. And even then half of whats on it is the shit I weebed on...

....Just looked up the ages of the stuff I liked. I have been weeb too long. Goodbye world I am gone.

>> No.7373795
File: 47 KB, 616x720, 1392529369894.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

another pic

>> No.7373796

raccoon eyes are so kawaii desu

>> No.7373801


>> No.7373827

Nice catch.

>> No.7373840

I have a whole bunch of jungle asians on my Facebook believing that they're Japanese. It gets on my nerves. But you know, weebs will always fall into that trap because ~azns are so kawaii!!~

>> No.7373842

I looked it up as a joke, I didn't actually expect it to be misspelled

>> No.7373853

This was ticking me off. My young cousin is just entering her weeb phase and her friends all comment on her pics OMG YOU LOOK SO JAPANESE HERE SO KAWAIIII

We are German/Irish.

>> No.7373859

that's so sad, because she's pretty cute but that eyeliner is terrifying...

>> No.7373932

Haha, oh my god, I didn't actually expect this to be mispelled. Now if I could just get somebody to call her out on it.

>> No.7374515
File: 17 KB, 280x405, 1392581505023.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It looks like she took the art down, oh well.

>Typical weeb in middle school
>Friend of a friend, we'll call Lizzy
>Infamous for having anger issues
>Me being the dumbass weeb thought I could help her so I befriend her
>The more I got to know her the worse she got
>9th grade, end up having a class with her
>I'm easing out of my weeaboo phase and realizing how crazy she is
>Is pretty rich but insists on wearing grandma attire
>Once these boys were saying rude things about her mom and she started crying and yelled "MY MOM'S DEAD YOU MORONS"
>mfw her mom is alive and well
>Lizzy was really clingy and would glomp me and wait for me after class
>Obsessed with Hellsing and insisted I read the manga
>Made comics with Alucard and her self insert OC
>I slip out I liked cat boys one day
>She took this and drew tons of drawings and comics of me and the Nazi cat boy from the series
>Fast foward middle of the year, original friend that introduced us and I started to hate her
>One day she brings her camera and shows us all the photos of bases, poses, and drawings from other people
>I realize she's been tracing and copying art
>Go on her DeviantArt one day and see some drama from her tracing someone's art
>Has her DA whiteknights involved too
>I thought I'd be mature but stupid enough to comment instead of messaging the person that I was sorry she did that.
>She see this and goes ballistic
>Next day at school, she's screaming and attempts to punch me, but luckily other friends grabbed her
>Later that year she moved
>Finally free from her

>> No.7374519
File: 69 KB, 560x315, why.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not sure well else to post this

>local university has a Japanese club, where they are friends with the Japanese exchange students in it

>for some reason, the heads of the club thought it would be an amazing idea to bring the Japanese exchange students to our local anime con

>our small local con has small hallways, and every year I go, there are at least 5 con-wide known weeaboo horror stories

>the minute I walk in, a greasy girl in cat ears and hot topic glomps her friend

>look towards other side of the wall, japanese exchange students all pressed against the wall in fear, huddled together, maybe in hopes to ward off the horrible weebs

>their faces were ALL like pic related

>I walk up to them and try to comfort them. seeing a girl in cosplay, they just shut me out, thinking I was one of the horrible weebs

>no response, just silence

>one exchange student looks beggingly at the head of the Japanese club
"I want.. Home"

>head of japanese club says they can all go, they're taking the club van.
>a few smiles came from them, they all hurridly shuffle to leave the con

>less than a minute later, the hallway they were huddled in is crowded by a line of butterfaced and average girls in nothing but underwear-not even matched
"come eat sushi off our naked bodies!" "tonight!"

thank god they didn't see that at the least.

I still remember that horrified group of faces.

>> No.7374538

>A few years ago
>Staying with a friend for a week, also going to a con in that time
>The con is kind of close, about 45 mins by car
>Have to carpool with some terrible weebs
>Both cosplaying Hetalia
>My friend hates them, but their parents are friends so she has to see them out of obligation sometimes
>They're generally just screechy and excitable
>I'm looking through my sketchbook and showing my friend some pics of our ocs I've drawn lately
>The weebs whip around and want to see my sketchbook
>They look at my sketchbook
>They're really careful with not tearing pages, are really cute and respectful
>They're really nice even though they're pretty immature
>Basically reminiscing to when I was a weeb

It was actually quite sweet and nice, we steered clear of them at the con (we passed them a few times, they were hollering and chasing eachother in some hall, but hey they were having fun I guess?)
Me and my friend were cosplaying Homestuck (which were our only cosplays we made the year previous), but when we met the homestuck group we sort of decided to steer way way clear of them and we sort of took off our cosplays later because the homestuck group was really embarrassing and super loud, and we didn't want to be associated with them (we got into Homestuck before the fandom exploded, and that was our last con experience as 'Homestucks')
The con overall was alright, though I commissioned an artist who used other peoples art as advertisement, so the drawing I got was really crappy (I'm still mad about this!!!)
But yeah, not really interesting but I thought I might as well share, it was nice remembering

>> No.7374553

>more proof of how people are unaware that an Otaku is their equivalent of bronies.

Also taking Japanese exchange students to a con and assuming they'll like it seems vaguely racist but that just may be me.

>> No.7374556

Homefucks can be anyone, anon. Even teachers.

>> No.7374574

Some japanese people like to go to con, I often ear japanese making fun of obsessed weebs at cons.
Last year at Japex I was waiting for my turn at a japanese food stand and the staff guys were saying how much they couldn't bear weebs anymore and how some westerners are crazy for thinking con and anime = Japan. They were really lovely with me when I actually spoke in some not that bad japanese, tought.

>> No.7374579
File: 62 KB, 580x529, Amused.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"I want.. Home"

>> No.7374639

That looks like a really good friend I had in high school, and she was actually quarter Japanese.
She would have no reason to lie about it since she had a crush on Korean over Japanese celebs. Could tell by her almond-shaped eyes whereas her majorly-Filipino family had more Western looking eyes.

Your pic related is probably mixed with minimal Japanese like my friend and she's letting it go to her head.

>> No.7375294

where do you live? this sounds like a couple of people i know.

>> No.7375513
File: 1.62 MB, 4464x3060, 1370153107322.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one?

>> No.7375533

they were normalfag japanese people too.
I doubt they'd even go to a con in their own country.

>> No.7375659
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>> No.7375725
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>actually a schiz
>can't bring myself to post horror stories about anyone crazy anymore

What do I do with myself, anonymous.

>> No.7376732

>scientists are nerds, news at eleven

Seriously though, depending on what organism you're studying protein/gene names are either hellishly boring (nematode worms) or hilarious (fruit flies).
Genes are generally named after their mutant phenotype. Embryos with a mutation in the 'tin man' gene don't develop a heart. 'Tribble' mutants have cells that divide uncontrollably. 'Cheap date' mutants are especially sensitive to alcohol. There are also genes named after Maggie Simpson and Vincent van Gogh. Geneticists are generally a jolly bunch.

And don't even get me started on physicists. Those fuckers be cray.

>> No.7376773

Oh man I remember being pissed that Death Note (my favourite mango, so intelligent and deep) was being turned into an animu because then all the plebians would be into it too and ruin everything. I also remember when Naruto Shippuden was rumoured and it was the biggest deal.


>> No.7378814

It is 2 AM but we are getting insane snow here so air raid sirens (not even kidding!) and our cell phone alarms have been going off intermittently throughout the night, so here I am!

Here is the first message K left me, back when FB didn't sort messages into 'other' and whatnot. Typos preserved:

>lissten here you BITCH you I you have RUINED my LIFE and i NEVER said I was going to FUCK YOUR BOYFRIENd you MADE THAT UP!!!!!! my AUNT is PISSED at you and she is a LAYWER so she will SUE YOU and your STUPID FAMILY and youl'l be DEPORTED BACK TO FRANCE and we will sue (Z) and (Z's sister) so they LOSE ALL OF THEIR MONEY!! I HOPE YOUR HAPPY that N and A and J hate me now you HORRIBEL BLOND BITCH!!!!!!!

>> No.7378821

When I didn't respond to that message, she posted on my wall (before I had 'approve all content' enabled):

>pute!!! vas faire enculi :)

This is supposed to be, 'whore! go fuck yourself', but there's a grammatical error in it. I didn't realise this was posted on my wall (this was still during my trip) until my older brother called me up, horrified. At this point, I called Amelie and gave her my password, and told her to unfriend K. Had I been thinking, I would have had her block her then and there. But! I didn't. So you can guess what happened.

>> No.7378852

Oh man, take care Bodysnatcher-chan!

lol omfg she be cray

>> No.7378862

She got away with a slap on the wrist... but she brought a fucking razor to school and threatened to attack you with it?

You went to a pretty fucking terrible school.

>> No.7380602

Nowadays a lot of schools will let anyone with a 'mental disability' get away with insane shit because it would be politically incorrect to treat them like everybody else. We had a high-functioning autist in some of my classes who got away with screaming the most disgusting shit all day because 1, several teachers didn't get that Tourettes was not part of his condition, and 2, the ones that did knew they would get shit for scolding a kid with autism. He would brag about it when no teachers were around, and obviously he was graded as perfectly fine to be in regular classes (students with disruptive conditions were supposed to either be in "behavioral needs" class or have a handler)

>> No.7384381

Not psyco-weeb related, but weeb related

Does anyone have a link for the FF7 randomness vid? or that fatty fat fat peachy-pinku something or other? orrrrr other cringe weeb vids?

>> No.7384427

Less weaboo but more crazy Doctor Who people. Really fucking hate being in this fandom sometimes.

>At con, Day 0. Meet this girl, kinda loud, has an obnoxious upspeak. Okay, whatever. Seems nice enough. We drink together.
>See one of the guests, decide to bring her over.
>Says some stuff about how pretty we are, tells us another actor lives not far from there, just being nice and joking around.
>Tells everyone he told us where she lived.
>Uh no he said she lived eight blocks from here.
>Didn't realize she'd go into full stalker mode, of course.
>Be Saturday-- having a really shit day.
>See friends in line for said actor, the loud one is ruining it and physically being pushed away from his handler.
>Friends couldn't even get their autographs.
>Decide to go say hi to the actor later because he was really nice and I couldn't afford an autograph. Happened to be there right before and there's no line yet.
>Make a joke about what he said on Day 0. Doesn't get it, whatever.
>"Oh, you were joking about it when I saw you on Day 0"
>"Wait which one were you?"
>"Uh...I was with the loud one"
>His face contorts into one of pure regret, I do the same.
>Okay he doesn't like her, whatever.
>Wait how does he even remember her?
>Find out next day that she has been getting into every line of his, literally chased him down the hall screaming, etc.

>> No.7384430

>Friend pulls her aside and tells her to knock it off.
>"Oh we just keep running into each other!"
>Bitch I am running into a different actor all the time, all I do is ask her where she got her fucking shoes and wave.
>Apparently staff has to talk to her to keep her away.
>Goes to her room yelling about how they couldn't do that, that she paid good money to be there, that's why he's there in the first place.
>Her friend tells me she has videos from a previous con that she got from another actor's phone.
>Apparently was friends with the actor's handler and got his phone. idek
>Has the three main actor's personal videos.
>Apparently was showing like everyone during Day 0.
>Everyone's freaking out.
>Doesn't understand why people don't like it.
>Her roommates nearly called the cops on her.

Really glad that it seemed like he didn't really associate me with her afterwards. The actor at the con and I were joking around and it all seemed good.

>> No.7384533
File: 137 KB, 791x748, 1392962927382.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit, I think I used to know her online when I was a young edgy furry. Is this her art by any chance?

>> No.7384622

Who is this?

>> No.7384646

I mean... Who are YOU? How did you meet her? To think somebody who knew her would browse /cgl/. Yikes.

>> No.7386119
File: 32 KB, 711x761, hey_look_by_xrockcatx-d4tmnma.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't remember actually? I never actually spoke to her or anything, I just found her shitty art through when I used to do bad furry meme animations on youtube when I was 13.

>> No.7386196

Damn, lol.
Have you read any of her batshit insane journals?

>> No.7386206

Was she into the Warrior Cats books by any chance? I think I might've been on a forum with her.

>> No.7386247

She was hella into warrior cats.
I think she had an OC named mika

>> No.7386277

Here we go:
> Be in grade 8, traditional school with uniforms
> Into intro animes like FRUBA, Bleach, etc.
> Have a "friend" named Kelsey (yes that's her real name, I'm not pussyfooting around this cause I don't give a fuck)
> Greasy hair, acne covered, overweight, just extremely poor hygiene overall.
> She follows me EVERYWHERE and worships the ground one of my friends walks on because she's a talented artist.
> Constantly sits on my lap even though I tell her to "stop, it invades my personal bubble"
> "Oh Anon-sama, you're so baka"
> Eats next to nothing but "Japanese" food: ramen, convenience store sushi, pocky, etc.
> She would always write fanfics revolving around EXTREME yaoi with her OC's
> Wore Inuyasha ears, Naruto headbands, learned hand movements, spoke in Wapanese, believed she was a demon, etc.
> Have an "inside joke" with her to make her feel accepted, I'm Batman and shes Robin.
> One day, sitting on the couches in school hallway with two best friends watching FFX-II footage on laptop.
> Greasy hamplanet Kelsey lumbers over, shoves my laptop off my lap and sits her bare thighs down on my uniform pants.
> ohgodsaveme.jpeg
> Wraps arms around my neck while I struggle to get away.
> Starts singing "Batman and Robin sitting in a tree, F-U-C-K-I-...."
> Give one giant shove and she falls to the floor.
> "Oh my god, what's wrong with you" the three of us say almost in unison filled in with "that's disgusting", "that's so inappropriate", etc.
> Almost crying, says she'll never do it again.
> A few months later, one of best friends goes to her house.
> Kelsey walks out in bikini bottoms and remarks about the "spider legs" sticking out from it.
> She gets confused as to why friend leaves.

I haven't heard from her since grade 8 but I keep tabs through facebook for entertainment value. Always seeing her closet cosplays of Inuyasha and Naruto characters. She claimed to be a Wiccan/Witch from birth and walked around in all black with fishnets.

>> No.7386342

>spider legs
Please god no

>> No.7386404

I've met (and been) many a flavor of weeaboo, but some just stick out at me. nothing as violent or ghastly as some that have been posted here.
ordered from ones I knew most -> least:

1st girl
>met her in middle school when she sees me reading tokyo mew mew
>we become ~* lyk omg bfffffs *~
>happy to have a friend who will accept my loledgy im a magic spirit weirdness phase
>she tells me her aunt is japanese
>find out later this isn't true
>"I never said that lol"
>her dA says she lives in japan
>she types in shitty japanese (but what do I know at that time i thought she was amazing)
>"hello everyone desu~~~! www our school uniforms are so cute this winter but i hate how long our seifuku skirts are! boo~~~ *70 emoticons* i love my job at the maid cafe!!! kawaii "
>"here's a pic of me, not all japanese have straight black hair and brown eyes ^___^ ~"
>she's caucasian american and nothing else
>dA is all chibis and traced art
>sex-RPs with naruto characters who mail her video games and shit
>tells her online friends to "stay away from anon"
>bring her to cons, she always ditches/disappears
>lied about where she went to college; someone said they thought they saw her at -insert shitty community college- but "I must have a twin!! heehee"
>had a vore fetish
>lives in another country and lies about her job/school currently
>lies about her natural hair color, also might be wearing a wig in some pics
>photoshops her facebook photos to shit (including her bf's face) and wears circle lenses EVERYWHERE even the beach (ow??) and after all this still insists "I'm going for the natural look!!!"

(to be cont'd)

>> No.7386408


>go to a Japanese uni for a while
>weeaboos, weeaboos everywhere
>one girl is a ~~~ "semi famous cosplayer"~~~ who takes super shop'd selfies trying to look asian and hide her true jew features
>speaks almost fluent japanese and makes sure to flaunt it in front of everyone
>has anger issues
>has a 2nd "secret" twitter for rants from said issues
>I find it
>tons of fucked up messages like "I hope that fat fuck gets hit by a truck"
>she yaps about her period to one of my japanese friends and follows him everywhere
>the poor guy already has a white weeb fanclub that made a website about him

3rd & 4th
>have fiction workshop in japan
>more weeaboos
>ONE is a blond pear-shaped girl who NONSTOP talks AND TALKS AND TALKS
>talks obsessively about her male characters (who always have japanese names) and how she hates everything and is always angry
>brings plushies to class and plays her DS blatantly
>steals professor's chair one day when she runs a quick errand
>suddenly one day breaks down shivering and crying because she "didn't get a chance to talk" about someone's workshop
>oooookaaay then
>the OTHER girl just edits anime wikis all day long and watches videos of her dog
>insists "no anime didn't inspire my story characters" and then immediately after "okay yeah they did"
>literally claws the table when she can't speak during workshop
>"ya I know I'm going to marry a japanese guy"
>was so happy to never see either of them again

>> No.7386418

Please, please post her facebook page. I just want to lurk through it. Or post the pics. Either way.

>> No.7386452

Okay so i'll finally type up the adventurews of Momo. I was around fifteen when I met her, and she was nineteen. She's about twenty three now and she acts exactly the same.

>Meet Momo, nice enough girl I suppose, dirty blonde greasy hair, skinny as fuck, short
>Shit at hiding power level, becomes her friend
>Spouts random Japanese all the fucking time, wears "kawaii clothing" *that tokidoki stuff, smelly anime shirts, that stuff)
>Dyes her hair really bad that's like a blue that fades odd, says she's "omg miku XDD!!!ONE!"
>One day when shopping, says "anon, I have to tell you something... I was raped"
>Tells her I know what she's going through quietly, that I was molested
>"No anon you don't understand mine's worse I was raped"
>jimmies at maximum rustle
>has folders upon folders on facebook with her and random Japanese people she finds at cons/on the streets
>Thinks her shit-tier bodyline Miku outfit is "OMG TEH BEST!!"
>One day we're at our gaming club
>Sitting on new boyfriend's lap, all lovey dovey
>He's from Hong Kong
>All I hear is "Ohhh anon-chaaaaaan, I was going to sit on his lap! He's so kawaii!!"
>Gets with boys who abuses her and stays with them to be "so tragic and dark desu~"
>Think she's a cat and triesd to badly purr and knead people when they tickle under her chin or pet her hair
>Gets bad tattoo of roleplay dice and "RPG" which looks like "PRG"

I have pictures a plenty.

>> No.7386466

Post them. Please.

>> No.7386470
File: 25 KB, 480x640, wat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's her tattoo. Is it just me or does it look like the dice are weird?

>> No.7386475

It does say PRG
my sides

>> No.7386477
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>> No.7386479


Unfortunately she deleted her old account so I can't screencap her folders of Japanese people

>> No.7386480
File: 27 KB, 400x500, kawaii desuuu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dropped pic

>> No.7386482

Seconding. "Spider legs" made me gag.

>> No.7386489

bahahha. The dice looks weird because they weren't shaded correctly.

>> No.7387249

I'm seeing PR3G.

...Wonder if it's a sign.

>> No.7387268

Sorry, spider legs? I don't really understand.

>> No.7387286

Pubes, I think.

>> No.7387717

goes by funamorii or ayanoi

>> No.7387732

Yeah it was pretty bad
Yes, "spider legs" are definitely pubes.

>> No.7387784

In regards to >>7386277

She also started a petition for Japanese uniforms which never obviously got shot down as well as looking at/reading yaoi in class and forcing others to look at it.


> Be 15 wanting to learn another language other than German
> "Oh hey, they're offering Japanese!"
> Sign up, happy for a new challenge
> Didn't really into much animu at the time but fuck it, right?
> Open classroom door and hit by wall of stench: BO, sweat, greasy unwashed bodies, stale ramen, etc.
> ohgodwhy.jpeg
> Get to seat where my name was (damn arranged seating)
> Soon joined by poorly thrown together lolita wearing socks with the feet cut off as arm warmers.
> "KONICHIWA, I AM ____ DESUUU!" (don't want to reveal her name for a reason that will later be explained)
> Smile and be friendly
> What's that?
> Oblige, win a few times and get accused of cheating
> She asks if I like anime
> Reply that I used to like it more and just getting back into it (Neon Genesis Evangelion mostly)
> She starts screeching in garbled English/poor Japanese about Bleach, FRUBA, Naruto, Chobits, Inuyasha, blah blah blah.
> She eats dry ramen from the bag
> I end up dropping the class after a week and a half of enduring her company and a handful of others just like her.

I heard she got expelled from the school system for threatening to knife a special needs student in the neck for "flirting" with her "fiance" (this is why I don't want to reveal her name, I really don't want to get shanked). She went through a gender-confusion stage and has now settled on being a Homestuck-loving male(?).

>> No.7387808

>taking japanese class now
>it's awesome
>everyone is super friendly
>make tons of friends

>> No.7387958

>And don't even get me started on physicists. Those fuckers be cray.
Oh, you mean Snap, Crackle and Pop

>> No.7387975

>>"No anon you don't understand mine's worse I was raped"

>> No.7388117

I'm so fucking sad the facebook profile has been deleted, wanted to see more pics of her

>> No.7389665


Oh, God. My freshman year of college my mom called me and told me some of her friends had a Japanese exchange student, and asked if I wanted to meet him.

Umm... sure?

She took that to mean FUCK YEAH and apparently told this poor kid I'd taught myself Japanese and watched Japanese cartoons all the time and read Japanese comics books and went to cons and on and on and on... she thought she was being nice. She had no idea she was making me out to be an insane weeb to this poor kid.

Sad part is my powerlevel wasn't even that high--I never studied Japanese or pretended to speak it, for example.

Mom... I love you but oh my god. Why you do this.

I never ended up meeting the kid and I never corrected his (likely) impression of me as a shrieking catgirl.

>> No.7389671

OH GOD! I KNOW HER!!! THIS IS /MY/ MOMO TOO!!! I met her when I was 20 and she's 3 years younger than me, I got her into anime more than she was because of my huge collection. I, just holy, just holy fuck.

>> No.7389673

Me too, one of my friends I met through lolita is the biggest perp. She got super clingy to me when she learned my grandmother is Japanese and that she taught me how to cook. I have a lot of stories if anyone wants to know.

>> No.7389763

as far as I know, it wasn't deleted. she's on other sites too.

>> No.7389769

UPDATE. Crazy is now preggers.

>got pregnant for first time at 16ish range
>gave son some kawaii japanese name
>older stable sister with job adopted him
>wanted to change his name
>crazy is butthurt, never sees son again


>tells everybody "oh my magical overies only produced one egg, i can never have kids"
>told one of our friends to get same birth control as her though
>wtf.jpg all around
>now is magically pregnant.

>> No.7389771

I'm a dude. Am I still allowed to post psycho weeaboo stories?

>> No.7389826

Uh yeah. Please do.

>> No.7389856

Alright sit the fuck down, I've got a few.

>High school
>Morning announcements
>Principal reads that there's an anime and "mango" club starting at lunch hours on thursdays
>Sort of into anime but decide not to show up because I've heard horror stories of high school anime clubs. My friend insists that he's going though, whatever.
>Lunch hour on thursdays
>Halfway through, waiting in the cafeteria line to grab some fries
>Suddenly sirens outside
>Fucking paramedics or whatever run in
>They rush into the anime club room
>Some guy is lying on the floor, knocked the FUCK out and bleeding
>They take him into the ambulance and leave
>Ask my friend who showed up to the meeting what happened
>That guy apparently, after hearing the principal say "anime and MANGO" thought it would be funny to bring in a fuckton of mangoes as a joke
>This MASSIVE landwhale got pissed because he was "violating the sanctity of japanese art" and decked him in the face with a desk

Guy never showed up back at school, and I think the landwhale got expelled.

>> No.7389866
File: 220 KB, 320x238, BWAHAHA.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>That guy apparently, after hearing the principal say "anime and MANGO" thought it would be funny to bring in a fuckton of mangoes as a joke
>>This MASSIVE landwhale got pissed because he was "violating the sanctity of japanese art" and decked him in the face with a desk
That's so retarded but so brilliant

>> No.7389893

College is just dandy isn't it?

... unless you mean High School, in which case, I envy you.

>sanctity of Japanese art
>she probably doesn't give a shit about any Japanese "art" that isn't related to anime or manga
>the mangoes were actually a really funny idea

Wow what the fuck?

>> No.7390120

Yes please anon!

>> No.7390213

Holy shit man. Did you go to Oast by any chance? And what's the first letter of your name? I might know you. This is a small ass world, anon.

>> No.7392060

I guess this counts as a weeb story, as the girl was a weeb and this all came about because of the obsessive tendencies of weebs. As a preface, I wear classic lolita and collect fashion dolls (NOT baby dolls, this is relevant) and have been doing both for almost ten years.

>be 25
>in relationship for four years
>plans to get married, have kids, the whole deal
>start to have symptoms like early pregnancy
>obviously get very excited
>get doctors appointment set up to be sure
>turns out I am not pregnant
>turns out I have a severe hormonal imbalance that might not be treatable
>turns out there's less than 10% chance I will be able to conceive, have a safe pregnancy, and have a healthy baby without major issues
>this is obviously pretty upsetting as we were to the picking baby names and had been planning to turn the spare bedroom into baby room
>for a lot of reasons an adoption would be complicated, expensive and not likely to be approved
>again upsetting but try to get on with life and get some education in so we can afford it one day
>enter weeb classmate
>become friendly because of shared anime interest
>starts to notice my symptoms
>will not stop asking me if i'm pregnant
>turns everything I say into "proof" (going out on lunch break? CRAVINGS. feeling sick/tired/nauseus? MORNING SICKNESS. knitting? BABY HATS. My lolita clothing? MOTHER DAUGHTER DRESSES SO CUTE. Think anything baby-like is cute, even if its a fucking cartoon puppy? OMG YOURE BABY CRAZY)
>every time I work with a child in class, she gushes about what a great mom I'll be
>keeps trying to touch my stomach (because of condition I'm about 20lbs overweight and it all likes to hang out on the gut)
>when I ask her to please stop, she assumes its because I"m sleeping around and don't know the daddy
>hassles me about birth control, being a slut, I need to tell my boyfriend, etc every day, every possible chance
>finally break down and tell her about condition

>> No.7392074

>she apologises and seems genuinely sorry
>i think that's the end of it and try to get on with class
>but no, now she's overcompensating
>she lets everyone else in school know
>tells them i can't stand looking at baby pictures or hearing about their kids
>keeps slipping stuff about charities for third world children in my bag
>tells everyone about my doll collection claiming its a desperate cling for motherhood
>spreads around that I dress in "baby girl clothes" at home (I wear my lolita to school but she seems to think all lolitas wear sweet?)
>other girls in my class are sympathetic but very confused about this apparent sudden change in my attitude
>took me a month to find out why everyone was being so weird
>had to make it a point to ask my friends how their kids were doing and basically have mom-chat for them to feel ok about it
>have reached point where I don't have to work directly with weeb anymore but she still talks about me with her clients
I guess she gets some weird secondhand sympathy high off it? Its so awkward to meet a client for the first time and the first thing they talk about with me is fertility treatments or how their cousins neighbor adopted some Ukranian orphans, or worse the old wives tale type "guaranteed conception" things.

>> No.7392082


That's a shitty deal anon, sorry

>> No.7392468

This is my favorite horror story.
You and your husband seem so cute Bodysnatcher-chan, I d'awww a lil bit every time I read this over you guys! [Also god bless your soul for having her put up with her shit]

>> No.7392682

Ugh! That sucks! Some people just have zero tact.

>> No.7392706

That guy sounds pretty cool, I think that'd be a nice way to share a joke and have an ice breaker for the first meeting.
Also I fucking love mangoes.

>> No.7392758

What a bitch, I'm so sorry that happened!

>> No.7394626

I'm just still like.... why. She's oddly focused in on me. I guess I'm the first person with a fairly severe issue like this that she's met? Or she just treats real people like tv shows?

We did find out a surrogate is possible so I guess that's good news. Aiming for about five years from now, after wedding and all that stuff.

>> No.7394652

Find out what anime/tv shows/movies she's currently into or plans to get into. Spoil the fuck out of it for her.

It is the only way.

>> No.7394659
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This sounds like something an autist would do.

>> No.7394696

Casually mentioning that Snape kills Dumbledore or whatever seems like a pretty good way to piss her off enough to stop spreading your personal business to clients. She'll be too pissed off to talk about you and your problems and she'll stop mentally thinking of you as 'the woman who can't have a baby' and start viewing you as 'the girl who ruined homestuck'.

Assuming you haven't confronted her already and told her you don't appreciate what she's doing.

I was in a similar situation and accidentally spoiled SNK for a girl (she had said she read all the chapters so I assumed she knew some things) and after that she left me alone and stopped talking about me to other people.

Or that could all horribly backfire on you and make it worse. I'm a gambling man and took my chances.

>> No.7394724

Oh god, I still remember my death note phase. I even remember making one, but I was so naive.

I went to my friends and asked them how they wanted to die so I wrote things like: "(Name) dies at age 120 after eating too much icecream"

>> No.7394732

oh man this is solid gold. jesus what a freak.

>> No.7394736

Jesus Christ. I feel so sorry for that guy. But holy shit I laughed. Mangoes. Brilliant 10/10 he didn't deserve that

>> No.7394740

/r/ing the story about that crazy Russia cosplayer who called some chick Lithuania or something and things got weird

dead birds were involved maybe

>> No.7394744

The story with that bitch who stomped that poor girl's bird?
Yeah fuck that hoe.

>> No.7394749

I feel sorry for the guy but my sides were launched into the atmosphere

>> No.7394782

>be at work
>my favourite mango
>picture a treasured fruit
>bust out laughing
>"what's so funny anon"
>oh god hide the power level be strong

>> No.7394786

oh god what a bitch. I would say imitation is the sincerest form of flattery but holy shit no.

sorry you have to put up with all her shit

>> No.7394793

I don't think she had a pet though maybe there were cats? I think Russia chick was leaving dead birds around or something

>> No.7394810

I thought you meant the like otherkin who kidnapped the poor zack girl or whatever, the one who was in love with sephiroth, holyyy shit.

>> No.7394821

vic's fucking face omg

>> No.7395380

All her anime tastes are old old shit she's seen a million times so no spoiling there. The only new things she is into are MLP and Homestuck and she actually checks for updates during lunch so I'd literally have to have a beeper go off every time Hussie takes a shit to be able to spoil it.

>> No.7395444


We know some guys that can help...

>> No.7395603

You called?

>> No.7395696

I never thought I would have one of these to tell, but lo and behold this happened today:
>Taking class on stop motion animation, think like beautiful miniature sets with jointed figurines and whatnot
>Prof is showing classic movie clips, Russian film from the 30s, Battleship Potemkin, ect.
>Prof leaves room for moment to talk to department head and leaves video on for us to finish watching
>Slightly weeby girl goes to the front of the class/prof's computer, says she wants to show her video.
>We are currently working on a stop motion video editing project but there's no way in hell she could be done at this point
>Starts playing video, animated to PewDiePie or some other goddamn screechy video game nut guy
>So far nothing in the video is stop motion animation, entirely flash
>"This is mah project!!1!1" text overlaid on the original video clip, as well as "This is supposed to be a ~little~ but of a troll on the teacher! XDDDD", and "..........wait for it........ ^^"
>Giant text flashes across screen: THE INTERNET IS FULL OF PORN
Pidgeons, explosions, scrolling text, talking cartoon dude that she calls her stop motion component, fire, yelling about video games
>Wtf is this!
>Prof walks in, dumbfounded
>Anime girls begin to flash across the screen, getting increasing sexual, much pixelation, more pigeons, screaming sounds, oh god what is going on
>overlaid vocaloid music or something with the original clip
>anime girls fondling breasts and straight up sex
>Prof stops the madness, calmly asks why it's not stop motion like he requested/ what the rest of the class is doing/ what the entire class is about
>Girl is mystified that he doesn't like it or consider it stop motion animation

>> No.7395706

I have a feeling that bitch thought stop motion meant that thing youtubers do where they cut out parts of the video to make it look edgy, like that equals 3 guy.

>> No.7395713

holy shit

this happened in my city, Winnipeg, and i recognize a few people from there. One of the eridans there is this facebook profile /apollo.knight.5
I hope they feel fucking ashamed and embarrassed since this is extremely well known in the entire homestuck fandumb as a horror story

>> No.7395715

Yeah this is possible, I'm just at a loss as we've been in class for about a month now, and the expectations were very clearly laid out. Still doesn't explain the animu gong show though bahahaha

>> No.7395718

Probably an attempt at some nex-level patrician shit. She might have gotten on some Adderall after watching Koyaanisqatsi. Similar to Anno Syndrome.

>> No.7395792

Man, People like that piss me off.
Anon, I don't know if it helps, but my mom was actually told the same thing and was in a similar situation (adoption not an option) but then like 6 years later I popped out and 14 months later my bro and sis did too. So don't give up!

>> No.7395797

Good luck anon ! My best friend's mom was unfertile too, she tooks treatments and had a child, and bestie is 100% healthier than me. It can happen, really, so I wish you best.

>> No.7395930
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>> No.7395997

Hang in there, Anon!
As with the others, it's just anecdote and might not help at all, but my mom was supposed to be infertile and she managed to pop out three of us bastards.
Bodies can do weird things, but even if that doesn't happen for you, I wish you luck with getting a surrogate!

>> No.7396141

I use to be a terrible weeb in high school.
I'd go around drawing all the pretty girls in my class in "anime"-style, but had a secret obsession with one Russian girl who until I heard her speak thought was Japanese.
This was in 9th grade, by 10th I stopped showing my 39 crushes my drawings and actually took time to learn how to draw.
Parallel to this I apparently got a fan club from some of the new freshmen who decided to stalk me but I don't learn this until senior year.
Anyway, I still sketched the Russian girl and occasionally talked to her and actually grew up a bit. By the time I got the courage up I found out she had a boyfriend.
I implanted "good" advice to break them up and by the time they split up the school year ended. 11th grade I didn't have any classes with her but she was still the muse of my sketchbook.
I had a friend of hers in my art class, her name was Jessica, and we became good friends. I did my best not to be a creep, asking how things with Russian girl were going. Heard she was still single so thought I could get my chance. Turns out Jessica had a crush on me.
Anyway, come year 12 I went to Russian girl's home room class to ask her out. She died over the course of the summer, forgetting to take her heart medication at some point. This destroyed me as I thought it was my fault for some stupid reason. I entered a late emo stage. No cutting or anything just a "woe is me" attitude.
Found out about Jessica's crush and in losing her friend took a "life is short" attitude and decided to get closer to me.
Half a year had passed and she finally asked to see my old sketchbooks and was disgusted at what a "stalker" I had been. Didn't talk to me ever again, but before that happened she was modeling for me in year 11-12, so I kind of got attached to her (being able to have high quality pics of her that she would pose for me, rather than searching myspace or watching people to draw them)
So I still remember Jessica, but not the Russian girl.

>> No.7396151

Anyway that was 8 years ago now. About the fan-club I had. After losing any chance with Jessica and yahooing my own name, I found the fan site, (it doesn't exist anymore) so I thought if give a chance to my apparent stalkers who even had a map of what shirts I would wear each day of the month.
I did not know I had a pattern but they had it right at least for the day I checked.
I got the girls to play bad games of "truth or dare" with me and went strait in for the porn. You know, as an edgy horny virgin? Up to graduation I had been regretting my life as whole, two of the three girls realising I was a sleeze, the third a crazy weeb (named Emily) exiting the crazy stage. I rode that gravy train until the small town gossip got out big. No-one wanted to look my way after grad and rumors started I was a rapist or pedo.
When I learned to drive I lived three weeks as a homeless in Atlanta, went volunteering for my resume, and got a shit job.
Saved up and moved to Australia and burnt any bridges I had left to start again a better man. Then I found this thing called waicon and I'm turning weeb again.
This story has absolutely nothing to do with wee a sorry, just needed to get it off my chest.

>> No.7396813

How does it feel knowing you created this monster?

>> No.7397243
File: 884 KB, 500x450, 1373397404405.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't you mean desked him in the face?

>> No.7397380
File: 926 KB, 480x270, 1369341450482.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7397513

Anon are you in Perth? I'll still be your friend.

>> No.7397543

That's kind of you anon I'll see you at waicon. I'll be the Pokemon XY trainer.

>> No.7397558

I won't be dressed up besides a lavender wig, but if I see you I'll say hi. Hopefully there won't be too many trainers but I doubt it.

>> No.7397820

You'll have to excuse me, I'm not a /cgl/unt.

What did any of that mean and why is it bad?

>> No.7397859

There is always a few, I'll have a black wig, but am dirty blond natural

>> No.7397876


seaglunt? what the fuck?

>> No.7397902

>lolita dave strider

>> No.7397905


>> No.7397906

Hey, someone cosplayed Panda Ring. Soneone get her a jersey.

>> No.7398064
File: 299 KB, 599x500, most beautiful.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tfw I have been lurking for a couple years and just now realize seagull is what cgl sounds like when you say it outloud

>> No.7398065

Doesn't work.

>> No.7398326

Stop trying to make /cgl/unt happen, Gretchen!

>> No.7399400

Is that how people say it? I just say "cee gee el"

>> No.7399410

/cgl/unt sounds like someone trying to mix the worlds Kegle and cunt together.

>> No.7399424
File: 395 KB, 240x180, Can't deal.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>spider legs

>> No.7400162

I do too but seagull is more ugu?

>> No.7400174

>c. Enought to end Homestuck

Teacher of the Century right there

>tfw I will never have a teacher this awesome

>> No.7402618
File: 229 KB, 827x1015, 1393693024925.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please link this video

>> No.7403898
File: 38 KB, 448x396, kagami_facepalm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw a lot of these are just spoiled lolita brats bitching about other people wearing cheaper clothes than they do
grow the fuck up and stop leeching off your parents

>> No.7403986

Did you even read the thread?