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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 48 KB, 639x960, 1391992778496.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7361444 No.7361444[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


>> No.7361449

jnig is shit /thread

>> No.7361457

Why a floral brocade for a fire type pokemon? Should have done Venosaur with that fabric.

>> No.7361485

I hope she never stops and pumps out a new "costume" for every pokemon ever. I genuinely enjoy how much anger this goofy bimbo leaves in her wake.

>> No.7361497

You can tell she got implants in this pic.. her boobs were never this big even with all the photoshop and boob magic she did

>> No.7361513

i think its great. it really captures what a good charazard cosplay should look like. all pokiman cosplayers could take a lesson from jessica's cosplays

>> No.7361521


>> No.7361520
File: 234 KB, 1000x815, 1391994145289.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7361525

this is what implants AND boob magic looks like. I'd probably stick with either/or.

>> No.7361533

this is legitimately better than the mega-evolution designs though...

>> No.7361536
File: 62 KB, 1032x784, the_dankest.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's okay, but these dank shoes would just make it even better. Should I send her an email about it?

>> No.7361544

The false eyelashes killed me

>> No.7361545

Isn't everything better than those designs, though?

>> No.7361557

Okay, no. There is only so much boob to work with. You can only push B/C cups up so much before your nipples are exposed.

>> No.7361564

The stomach color is completely off, blue, really?

>> No.7361567

Why does it matter? Is /cgl/ really getting to a point where we must post and discuss every costume she does as they show up on her page.

>> No.7361570

1. Those ears look terrible
2. Can't tell if it's the quality of the photo but the wings are pretty shitty too
3. Side-bangs + raccoon make-up
4. Boobs

>> No.7361575

Can we have Pixyteri dramu threads back please? Instead of these all the time? At least they are more fun.

>> No.7361578

Jnig fans detected

>> No.7361584

This isn't so bad. At least it resembles a sort of costume and isn't just lingerie with ears.

>> No.7361589

what? you need to into reading comprehension.

> implants AND boob magic

>> No.7361604

Miltank when?

>> No.7361608

It's eh. Pretty design, but it leaves something to be desired. If it wasn't for the ears/wings, I wouldn't think it was Charizard, but hey, that can be said for 99% of gijinka designs. I wouldn't mind some more detail, say some trims or embroidery, but it's an alright design. Has she always had such a blocky build, though? I thought she had more differentiation between the waist and the hip areas before.

>> No.7361609

It's not a Jnig costume if you can't see her tits and tummy.

I wish she'd do a normal costume with no embellishments so I could at least try and take her seriously, but she's a glorified playboy model covered in scraps of fabric.

>> No.7361616

Why wouldn't she bother to hide the headband, is what I wonder.

>> No.7361617

A wild SLUT appears.

User uses "Make It Rain"

SLUT swallows. It's super-effective!

>> No.7361626

Why are the dildos on her head?

>> No.7361627

Maybe I am just tired of seeing her face.

Jealous fatty detected.

It is so easy to point out stupid assumptions that aren't true.

>> No.7361628

I don't think you know what "make it rain" means...

>> No.7361630

>glorified playboy model

>> No.7361636

>implying she gives a shit about any semblance of accuracy

>> No.7361641

I admit, she did a good job on the orange skin.

Oh wait

>> No.7361644

Means throwing a lot of money upwards so it comes down like a shower of moeny, but yeah, I guess she's cheap enough that she doesn't need all that money. She'll probably do it for $10

>> No.7361654

Sick burn, anon

oh, and you too, Jessica.

>> No.7361658
File: 97 KB, 480x640, wii u now.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sick burn, anon
>oh, and you too, Jessica.
The funny is only compounded by Charizard's coincidental typing.

>> No.7361666

That was the joke, glad you got it~

>> No.7361673

i like boobs

>> No.7361680
File: 110 KB, 600x848, 01-noscale.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish there was some way to make her do certain costumes. I want her to do this Freddy.

>> No.7361684

mte. The wig helps too

>> No.7361758

Another excuses for her to show off T & A.

>> No.7361765

Meh. I kind of wish she had used this as a chance to add in some cool armor or something. It's better then some of the poorly attempted gijinkas floating around. But she could have done more with it.

>> No.7361770

Honestly, I think its really neat. It has design and isn't just a bra with pokemon ears.
Its interesting and I like it a lot.

>> No.7361772

It's just gaudy fabric straps...

>> No.7361778

I'm sorry but I don't see it that way. She has all of the colors that charzard has, the top has a cool swirl design, and the bottom looks almost like a tribal piece. Not really gaudy fabric strips at all. It looks like it was well planned out. Thats just me, though.

>> No.7361787

I wanna date her.

>> No.7361802
File: 43 KB, 575x359, 1392001593990.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that jason

I hate myself for this, but I actually want to own it.

>> No.7361817
File: 69 KB, 500x500, jnig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you will never have an ass like jnig

>> No.7361820

>you will never lack an ass like jnig
>you will never have orange skin like jnig

>> No.7361821

An ironing board ass...? No thanks.

>> No.7361824
File: 21 KB, 567x425, jnigsass.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7361826

Post the pic on her FB wall

>> No.7361827

>you will never have wrinkles and raccoon eyes like Jnig

>> No.7361829


The only ass I see in the pic, is the cosplayer facing the left

>> No.7361833
File: 47 KB, 127x135, jn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7361834

That's it mane.jpg
Guess I'll save more of her cosplay pics and whatnot. I'm too straight to care about the functionality or design.

>> No.7361840

Obvious bait since everyone knows she has NO ASS.

>> No.7362022
File: 116 KB, 500x333, 10201418764_ba736df4dd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7362024

You're right! Now it's a bra with pokemon ears AND a shitty loincloth!

>> No.7362032

>ears are shit
>wig and makeup is same garbage as always
>wings are okay
>necklace is ugly
>bra and pants are decently constructed but ugly and the fabric choice makes little sense
>random bands on legs and arms look stupid
>terrible, awkward pose and weird expression

It's not the worst thing she's ever done but it still sucks.

>> No.7362043

Just to point it out, these were her last few statuses before/while making the sexy pokemon outfits.

"Oh nooooooo... Guuuuysss... I am getting the urge to make something sexy that shouldn't be sexy.....



"Thanks for letting me troll and do my own thing guys. Cause I would either way


In other words, your guys buttmad was her inspiration for making this garbage. XD

>> No.7362050

I imagine talking to her IRL would go something along the lines of her laughing and shouting "TROLLLOLOLO"

>> No.7362062

>I-I was trolling you!

>> No.7362068


>> No.7362072

Desperate for attention even when it's negative attention. She's our new PT, just with a huge forehead rather than a huge chin.

>> No.7362070
File: 194 KB, 1200x701, 1392009375857.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7362097


>> No.7362104

I met jnig and she said I was cute...

then I spilled my spaghetti all over her chest

Also, I think this gijinka is p cute.

>> No.7362103

Did you not read the: Cause I would either way part?

>> No.7362111

Not jessica, am male, no huge breasts. Or toned abs. Or fake tan.

>> No.7362112

She was probably trying to get you to buy a signed print of her or one of the crappy shirts from her fiance's company (Cherry Sauce)

>> No.7362113

shitty construction + gratuitous shoop + hooker makeup = more fanboy bait "cosplay"

>> No.7362188

Too much blue and not enough Yellow.

>> No.7362196
File: 34 KB, 712x183, 6353795757383643996768.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.7362209

Any idea who shes talking about?

>> No.7362225
File: 878 KB, 1280x720, bigtits.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did she um... get more plastic surgery??? Her face is so... different!!

>> No.7362223

How much does Nig make off of her prints and such? Does she do anything outside of cosplay?

>> No.7362240
File: 65 KB, 828x259, shot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


At $15 a print, 8706 sold = $130,620

I'd say she's doing pretty well, especially when you can get a print for $1.50 at cost

>> No.7362243

photoshop, of course silly

>> No.7362248

where is this image from?

>> No.7362264


>> No.7362287

How do you think her fell out?
Coucil-estate facelift, or was it just years of bleaching
Even /v/ calls her bald.

>> No.7362291

She types like a 15 year old. Ugh, what the hell.

>> No.7362301

How long til Jnog gets a nose job?

>> No.7362303

>implying she hasn't already

>> No.7362481

>dey messed wit muh gen wun pokimens

>> No.7362483

Or people might just be annoyed at seeing the same thread over and over again with nothing new to talk about other than her tits.

>> No.7362487

It doesn't matter, according to some of the guys on here. If you aren't bashing her, you are her fan or whiteknighting.

>> No.7362489

You're an idiot

>> No.7362492

This week on /cgl/, Jnig makes a new costume and we hate it for the same reasons we hated the last one. Featuring, all of the exact same reasons we posted before. Stay tuned to find out what you already know.

>> No.7362501

I'm a guy, and even my ass is bigger than hers.
She's flat as a board.

>> No.7362499

R.I.P Neutrality

>> No.7362506

Her boobs make her look fat.

>> No.7362514
File: 164 KB, 554x282, cage10.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice body except for that one finger missing.
And as always a nice "sexy Halloween" version of a costume.

>> No.7362517


>> No.7362520

Yes, everybody knows that, but >>7361840 can't seem to detect sarcasm when it's blatantly obvious, and that's why they're an idiot.

>> No.7362587

More like Slutizard.
Am I right?

>> No.7362599

Of course it had to be my favorite pokémon.

>> No.7362595


>> No.7362627


Did she get chubby now?

>> No.7362633

Why the hate exactly ?
She's sexualizing your favorite pokemon, is it that bad.
At least she has a good body, so it doesn't really offend me. Of course accurate non slutty cosplay is always better, but is it really worth getting butthurt about ? Leave her be she isn't killing puppies...

>> No.7362638

hurr hurr is that yew jessica?

>> No.7362648

If her eye makeup was tested on animals she is personally responsible for thousands of dead puppies by now.

>> No.7362651

1/3 three typical responses to anything neutral or positive about Jnigs.

You sure showed them.

>> No.7362707

Why does she wear two white gloves as Seras when her left arm was ripped off?

>> No.7362716

>leave her be
This is a cosplay forum where we discuss cosplay. This isn't a very abstract concept.

>> No.7362719

Because she probably never watched the series or read the manga. I seriously like Seras and this bitch pisses me off.

>> No.7362722

>lelelel faek boobs

I'm blanking on the third

>> No.7362724

Someone should make a Jnig has so fucking clue about the following cosplays-list.

>> No.7362770

we talkin shit bout mai waifu?
in seriousness, ive met her before and shes a complete sweetheart, and im definitely a fan of hers. that being said, i understand peoples issues with her
though id like to assure this thread that i live in the same state as her and i have never met someone whos met her and had a bad experience
also this costume definitely needs more yellow

>> No.7362791


Wait what? What Seras?

>> No.7362797
File: 22 KB, 600x405, lets-beat-that-horse.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A 4chan board arguing about the same shit over and over again? Upon my word.

>> No.7362816

Danni beat her to it.

>> No.7362837

I think the answer to this should be obvious.

Jnig is after one particular thing with Seras: Her TITS.

Accuracy is irrelevant in this case.

>> No.7362843


Didnt that happen like... at the end of the fucking manga?

>> No.7362847


Calling them her white knight / Fan

>> No.7362863

I hate Jessica the same reason I hate things like Lady Gaga or the Michael Bay movies. It's popular plebeian trash that requires no effort for the public to consume or for people to make. There is no actual talent involved in anything Jessica does, but regardless it still appeals to the least common denominator and gets insanely popular despite that minimum output of effort.

>> No.7362864

those are individual orders not individual prints. she on average sells 3-5 prints per order depending on variances so yeah...

>> No.7362865

That fucking cel shading.

>> No.7362867

Yes,but she cosplayed her red outfit which Seras wears at the end of the manga as far as I know.

>> No.7362869
File: 65 KB, 621x960, 1392044678590.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7362875

But only plebians think that Michael Bay has no talent. Name a director that creates better rides than Michael Bay.

>> No.7362883


I dunno, still, the glove thing is the least of the issues. She wore the red outfit even before her hand was torn off then.

Bitching about that is taking nitpicking to an extreme, and there is ussually more than enough problems with her cosplays.

>> No.7362898

Zach Snyder

>> No.7362897

Her outfit was yellow before her arm was torn off in the anime.Don't know about the manga tho.

>> No.7362907

She has the tits for it, but I swear that woman doesn't know how to do makeup any other way.

>> No.7362911

Her outfit DOES NOT turn red until AFTER HER ARM IS CUT OFF and AFTER she drinks from PIP.

Check your fucking privilege.

>> No.7362913

Nobody who buys her prints is actually looking at her makeup. That detail is only something us nerds who actually care about the hobby and want to see it preserved are concerned with.

>> No.7362934

Taking the slutty out of the way, she could have made a way much better design, i mean, every pokemon cisplay she makes is just a push-up bra and something else. There are so many intresting charizards designs out there...

>> No.7362948
File: 64 KB, 246x241, chubby chocobo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7362949

She doesn't care. She doesn't want to do anything interesting. She doesn't want to evolve as a seamstress or an artist. All the shit she wears that's actually nice she doesn't make herself. She doesn't give a shit about this hobby.

She just wants attention and to sell prints and she masks that fact with 'lol it's supposed to be about fun u guizeee :D" and people are stupid enough to eat that shit up and not see through her self-indulgent bullshit behaviour.

>> No.7362955

Seriously. She's a very beautiful girl and could not only do a different design but mix up her make up by trying something new and more impressive to accompany it. She has so much wasted potential.

>> No.7362959
File: 538 KB, 804x514, 1385172103966.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>She's a very beautiful girl

>> No.7362961
File: 959 KB, 1050x1200, 1392047959130.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this the design she wanted to make?

I do think she has potential for making something better but she actually doesn't care and wants the attetion..

>> No.7362966

>she actually doesn't care and wants the attetion


>> No.7362967

Looks an awful lot like it.

>> No.7362972

>design has scale like fabric
>jnig uses florals for a fire pokemon

I'd respect the outfit more if
>no florals
>the raccoon makeup

time and time again, people have told her the raccoon eyes look like shit. it isn't even artistic, its just caked on mounds of black crap.

though I can appreciate that she did more than just underwear and charizard wings.

>> No.7362977

meant to say
>no raccoon makeup

>> No.7362979 [DELETED] 

because stupid people who pretend to know what they are talking about piss me off.


>> No.7362980

Nigri is so fine. All cosplayers are attention whoring so I don't really understand why people are so mad at her. Is it because she's pretty and famous?

>> No.7362981

Her boobs always look so hard. They look manly in a way.

>> No.7362985

because stupid people who pretend to know what they are talking about piss me off.


>> No.7362990

lol yeah but why you mad bro?

>> No.7363000

Anon already answered that.

>> No.7363006
File: 354 KB, 897x1200, 1362763031448.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are cosplayers who attention whore, but when they attention whore they at least try to disguise the fact that they are attention whoring by actually making shit themselves. They actually pay attention to things like makeup and character design when they attention whore, and overall in the end of the day when they make it themselves they can at least claim they are doing something creative and positive along with the negative attention whoring. It balances itself out so it seems less pathetic.

JNig can't even claim that. She just does the exact same shit over and over again because it sells and she makes money from it. She doesn't care about improvement, doing anything creative, or contributing anything to the fandoms she cosplays from or the cosplay community in general as a whole.

>> No.7363013
File: 35 KB, 320x310, Hillary Open Mouth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm going to start calling her Hillary because she has a face exactly like hers: wrinkled, obnoxious, and demonic.

>> No.7363018

Exactly, I was just gonna ask if the other anon was illiterate, because I clearly already answered the question.

"yumadbro?" stopped being clever a long time ago.

>> No.7363020

Does she actually pretend to know about the stuff she cosplays from?

>> No.7363025

No, they didn't. I didn't ask what they were mad about, I asked WHY they were made about it. Why the fuck do people concern themselves with how stupid other people are? Why would you lose sleep over that? With how short life is and how precious your time is, why do you give yourself so much grief?
Fuck you.

>> No.7363027

(not the person you're replying to, but)
I think she's the type to read the character's Wiki page, but that's it.
Like she obviously knows some things, but is no where near an actual fan who sat through it.
She doesn't have time for that, her titties need to be seen.

>> No.7363041

You can't even be serious...

>> No.7363052
File: 12 KB, 250x251, 1391604063630.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>that one finger missing

>> No.7363055

Why don't you guys just find the next JNig?
Kind of like how she dethroned Yaya, you should find someone to replace JNig. She's getting haggard looking anyway, I say it's time for a fresher face.
Preferably someone with a better personality and has talent.
Don't insult Hillary like that.

>> No.7363056

No, she's always been very rectangular.

>> No.7363057

Let's see a pic of you then, beautiful, since you obviously know everything about beauty.

>> No.7363061

Hottest Charizard ever!

>> No.7363064
File: 4 KB, 202x200, 1392050951686.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You. I like you.

That's exactly why I don't like what she represents.

>She doesn't give a shit about this hobby.
>She just wants attention and to sell prints and she masks that fact with 'lol it's supposed to be about fun u guizeee :D" and people are stupid enough to eat that shit up and not see through her self-indulgent bullshit behaviour.

This is what I have been trying to point out time and time again. People that give the argument "it doesn't affect you, why care" don't realize the impact her attention whoring has on the hobby.

Pic related. It's Jnig's business model.

>> No.7363065

I don't feel like posting a picture of myself, but I can at least confirm that I have non-orange skin and a full head of hair, so there's that.

>> No.7363068

It's the only one of her Pokemon costumes that actually looks like a gijinka and not just a slutty halloween costume. So... good for her? The floral pattern choice is questionable though.

>> No.7363071

>Meanwhile the rest of me is ugly as sin.

>> No.7363072

She's not even creating these to be serious, if you go to her page she's actually just doing them to use up leftover fabric.

>> No.7363087

I actually like her skintone.
>full head of hair


>> No.7363089

I'm not seeing how it affects the hobby. There have always been attention whores. This has never affected my ability to dress up in a silly nerd costume and meet other fans over the weekend. I have been to many cons where tits are spilling aplenty and still had fans talk to me about the video game I'm cosplaying from, and I them.

>> No.7363097
File: 440 KB, 1279x1600, what jnig really looks like.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgive me, but I had to

>> No.7363107

That's great that it doesn't affect you personalty, but you live in a holistic society sweetheart, and JNigs actions are having an effect on the community and current trends in cosplay as a whole. God forbid you look outside yourself for once.

>> No.7363109

JNig's well known for having a receding hairline from pulling it back too much and bleaching.

Note how she almost never has it in a tight ponytail.

>> No.7363112

I agree with this person.
Do you think calling her out will fix anything.
So what if she did quit? Is the cosplay world suppose to magically turn into this ideal community because the lost of one girl? Oh please, someone would step up into her shoes and life will move on. Don't forget guy, being nerdy is mainstream. Cosplay and cons are becoming a window to the outside world.

>> No.7363117

>Well known
Given I just found out about it, not really. That's interesting though.

>> No.7363114

I'm not seeing it. What is she affecting? Explain.

>> No.7363119

fuck I laughed

>> No.7363126

Yes, let's cover up boobs just because.
It'd be one thing if it was an actual Charizard fursuit/mascot or something but it isn't.

The raccoon makeup is silly

>> No.7363136
File: 32 KB, 640x480, 1342456342769.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You seriously haven't noticed a growing trend in the past two years of slutty Halloween costumes being used as substitutes for actual cosplay?

Honestly if you only started cosplaying within the past three years or so I guess you really wouldn't notice a change, but facebook likes and self-promoting have changed the hobby completely. SDCC has turned into a Hollywood sideshow and stopped being about actual comics ever since Twilight moved in. People are now trying to use cosplay as a quick way to get noticed on the internet and by movie people at big cons like SDCC, and they are hoping it will lead them to actual acting or modelling work.

These people are becoming more and more prevalent at conventions and it's hard to tell who the real fans are anymore. Back in the day when you walked up to somebody in a costume, you kind of figured they had to be a fan of the thing they were cosplaying from. Now it's a crapshoot, and I feel the Hollywood non-comic commercialisation of SDCC, a plethora of readily available costumes online that were before scarce, and the advent of people being able to buy publicity on facebook is the cause of an increasingly, in my peresonal opinion, negative trend of self-obsession and insincerity in the community.

>> No.7363137
File: 20 KB, 324x324, 1392053114897.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Let me help you then.

Yes there have always been attention whores in cosplay but in times past even the whores needed to put in SOME effort of their own. They had to make their costumes or learn some html so they could post their pictures online.

Not anymore. Buy from china or have one of your actual talented friends made your stuff. Pop it up on facebook and YAY now you can sit back and watch the likes pop up.

Realize it or not you are affected. It changes the atmosphere of the nerd con. Women have always been objects and since nerddom generally concentrates on what's in your head rather than the color of your hair women could have found a route where they were respected and engaged because of things OTHER than their looks. Nope. Jnig and her ilk have just made sure they uphold the 'women are tits and a place to put your penis" view. The hell with chicks actually being a hardcore fan like you, we can't have that. It's fine if they stand there and look pretty and pretend they like pokemon too. That's good enough. They fervently hope the stereotype holds because that's how they make their money.

You won't even know what you missed out on either. How would you even know about the people who walked right past you because tits were out. Could have been a fantastic new friend but whoops I wasn't even looking in your general direction because I see a thong and fur bikini over there despite the fact that you are cosplaying from a game I loved.

>> No.7363145


What does this have to do with JNig you ask? In my opinion JNig was the one who really started this trend of minimum effort turning into success. All the successful cosplayers before her, Yaya and Adella etc, actually made their shit. For the most part they cared about accuracy and they cared about craftsmanship. JNig was the first cosplayer who managed to get popular without giving a flying fuck about either of those things, and she got popular at SDCC, which has become a wasteland of people who don't actually give a flying fuck about comics.

It's no secret that she wanted to first be an actress. She dressed up as a slutty Pikachu to get attention so she could jump to bigger things, but it never really worked to the extent she wanted to because she has no actual talent.

>> No.7363148

No, I really haven't. They seem to be the exact same quality as they always have. I still see good cosplay and I still see shitty cosplay. I think there is just a larger volume of cosplayers happening in the amateur ranks because being nerdy is more socially acceptable now than it ever has been.

>> No.7363151
File: 11 KB, 240x245, 992.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>actual discussion about sociology in the cosplay community rather than the usual 'lol buttmad jelly fatty' shit-throwing

This is some good shit. Too bad it is going to go over the heads of most of the teenagers who post on /cgl/.

>> No.7363158



>> No.7363159

And you're blaming Jnig for this instead of the copycats and people who support slutty costumes?

Now I know there are some valid criticisms against Jnig but blaming her for "changing the cosplay scene" isn't one of them. That's like blaming a successful movie for all of its copycat clones instead of the people not creative enough to come up with their own films.

These people only thrive if you give them attention and if they were ignored they'd just go away. However time and time again they get praise and cash from their followers so it would be a dumb idea for them to stop. Why aren't we blaming the fans who allow this behavior to thrive?

>> No.7363162

You're simultaneously blaming people like JNig for pandering to the sexuality of male con-goers, and blaming men for being sexual organisms. You can't have it both ways. I HIGHLY doubt that people would stop going to cons if booth babes just ceased to exist. I certainly wouldn't give two shits. Hold retards like Nigri responsible for her lack of interest and effort, and desire to make money off of nerds, instead of blaming men for sexualising them, when clearly she's the one sexualising herself in order to make mad dosh.

You can't negate sexuality.

>> No.7363164
File: 571 KB, 1600x1131, 1378753471679.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you seriously trying to defend Jessica Nigri using the Nuremberg defense?

Oh my god, you are.

>> No.7363165

>Honestly if you only started cosplaying within the past three years or so I guess you really wouldn't notice a change
I have been cosplaying for longer than that. Fuck I feel old. Also I don't mind there being more less intense fans. I like getting to meet more people and just talk to them. A lot of them have been pretty cool, despite them not being "real". And haven't people been trying to use cosplay to be a model, you know a real one, since forever?

I'm still not seeing it. Seems like you're upset that getting attention as a whole is easier because of technology. There was more effort because you didn't have like +100 sites to get fabric, costumes, wigs, etc, and only like 2 sites to show off your work. There were also less cosplayers then. There were still attention whores. What's to say that I wasn't missing out because of the tits and ass display of yesteryears compared to now?

This shit is nothing new. Just like how the biggest flavor of the season spammed cosplay isn't new. There were and always will be attention whores, and cons still have continued, and nerds have continued to be there, making friends, having fun, and then going home when the weekend is over.

>> No.7363170

>And haven't people been trying to use cosplay to be a model, you know a real one, since forever?

You're missing the online aspect of it. The vocal ones who are trying to be a model are in your face everywhere in social-media. They are a vocal minority, so it seems like they are swallowing up the little guys.

>> No.7363176

And here I was thinking she was actually incorporating some semblance of artistic originality and creativity.

A+ Jessica, you couldn't even follow the design right.

>> No.7363200

Peeps are just jealous because she makes a half-assed costume more beautiful than they ever could make a full on waste of a large chunk of their life costume.

>> No.7363201

You still don't get it.

They're saying that cosplay is intended for fans. It's supposed to be a concept where attractiveness only matters in terms of accuracy.
JNig ruined it by turning it into yet another mindless sex-ridden wasteland where actual fans are drowned out in a sea of thick makeup and orange spray-tanned implants.
Like how movies used to be really focused on plot and suspense, but look at Transformers: a nerdy thing corrupted by Megan Fox rubbing her cunt on everything.

The point is, JNig is tossing sex in an industry that doesn't call for it. Cosplay isn't for porn or casual sex like JNig seems to be broadcasting to the general public, it's for fans who legitimately watched/played and enjoyed a series.

We wouldn't bitch about her so much if she actually played the things she cosplays and showed actual interest, instead of her little "now what's the most attention-grabbing cosplay I can do and how can I wiggle my cleavage in there for more Facebook likes?"

>> No.7363207

On a related note,

I really want to get breast implants. I think they'd suit my body well, make clothes look better on me, and overall give me confidence.

Money isn't the issue. Neither is the OMG FEMINISM thing. I'm just really nervous that they'd feel weird. Like I'd constantly feel like two water balloons are under my skin (which they are) but that it would feel foreign and weird.

Are there any anons out there with implants? Do they still feel weird or foreign after a while? Or do they become just like another part of your body over time?

>> No.7363212

In that pic it starts to look rather unfortunate. Too much boobs just make you look more like a stump.

>> No.7363216

Boobs tend to make clothes look more awkward/get the moomoo affect if they're not tight fitting shirts.

>> No.7363220

Nonononono, don't! Please! 99,9% of fake boobs look awful without clothes on.
I'm sure you look great without implants.

>> No.7363226

It depends if you're doing it because you want huge knockers, or because you're not happy with boobs

I've been looking at stem cell breast augmentation, where they graph fat from one part of your body, and inject into your boobs, they then grow 2 cup sizes, look more natural and you only need the procedure done once. And you basically get lipo aswell!

I'm a 32A and implants scare me, so I had a look at other ways of having them done

>> No.7363244

I'm scared of fat necrosis though. Looking at plain allografting, it seems like the "2 cups" thing is a best case scenario and often more a post surgery swelling/fluid retention effect, at the long term follow ups people just tend to get 1 cup size or added fullness in different areas of the breast (e.g. you might be having more fullness added at the top) or even have most of the fat reabsorbed
I also saw some information about using the brava system in conjunction with fat allografting, which seems to prep the skin and tissues to be more full, encourages more circulation and possibly fat survival - I believe it gets used to prepare for post mastectomy reconstructions as well. The 5 year after pics from surgeons who use the dual technique seem to be better as well.

>> No.7363264

Isnt the problem with this is that the fat begins to gradually remove itself from the boobs because it wasnt meant to be there?

>> No.7363414

I'm saying if drooling idiots didn't give Jnig what she wanted then they she would go away.

>> No.7363422

That's great, and if drooling idiots didn't vote for Geroge W Bush things would also be different, but we can't do anything about the mass of drooling idiots, can we? So instead we just complain and point out what the person who started all this shit is doing wrong so more people become educated and stop drooling.

>> No.7363429


My motivation is that I used to have larger breasts and loved it. I lost some weight and now my boobs are smaller and aren't are perky/have a little excess skin. I really just want to fill in the area and get things lifted a little.

I don't want anything extreme, just to look naturally large.

>> No.7363453

One person can't ruin a whole scene. Jnig might be the poster girl but the scene was created by the masses who supported her and the tons of copycats.

>> No.7363522
File: 1023 KB, 500x361, playboy billionaire.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Nerd" and "convention culture" have been on a path of rapid popularization, commodification for years. This goes across the board and j-nigs is a product of the shift, not a cause.
She was smart enough to create a persona and take advantage of the market. She is a businesswoman, not a cosplayer, just as most conventions have effectively become marketing tools and pop-up shops rather than a place for fans to connect and create on their own.

The reliance on social media and viral marketing have only made these long-time problems more transparent.

Don't get mad at j-nigs, like all other elements of capitalism, if ignored, it will shrivel and die. Anger/controversy/sex all generate conversions.
Stop caring, stop going to big-name cons and help build fan-communities back again from the ground up.

These threads/ childish reactions are part of the problem.

>> No.7363586
File: 67 KB, 640x960, 1392066681769.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7363597

Her face looks horribly shopped. Either that or it's the lighting, or bloom.

>> No.7363655

They shooped her face to death, but didn't shoop out the marks from her belly button ring.

Good job, jackass.

>> No.7363662

She didn't do it alone, no, but she was definitely a strong catalyst.
And she knows it.

>> No.7363671

Wow, amazing. Out of all the pokemon to choose from she chose the second most popular next to Pikachu. If she REALLY wanted to do a accurately slutty pokemon cosplay, she should go for lopunny or something, but it's not like she even knows what that is.

>> No.7363673

No no, there is definitely something wrong with the shoop in her face. She looks too long.
Like they made the picture skinnier.
Also her nose looks weird.

>> No.7363682

Her bellybutton looks really strange and unnatural. It's so shallow, it's weird.

>> No.7363687
File: 104 KB, 419x310, c4a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This bitch is a PERFECT example of everything WRONG in cosplay.

first of all, charizards torso / chest / belly has a lighter shade of orange, not fucking BLUE, his wings are blue, but that's it!

fuck this attention whoring bitch with a broken bottle dipped in a vat of AIDS

Seriously this bitch's level of attention whoring would even make Ya Ya Han blush!

>> No.7363691

Whoa, Anon. Take a deep breath. It'll be alright.

>> No.7363696

She played up the blue WAY too much. But honestly, I like the overall shape of the costume. It would look better if she switched the blue out for the creamy yellow of the underbelly, and kept the blue for much smaller accents.

>> No.7363703


I think you might want to carefully read what you just typed.
You can't call someone a poster girl and then say oh one person can't ruin it. We always had attention whores who wanted as much as they could with doing as little as possible. But none of them did as little as Niggles did and got as much. She's responsible and should be blamed as such. No one dared be as much as a blatant fake fan as her cause they'd get called on it.

respectfully disagree.
I would be with you on the ignore it and it will go away train but while we ignore it and give no input the vocal people who are ok with it will just assume since no one is opposing it that it must be fine.
The core of the hobby will get shittier.
When asked why didn't we say something you can't lamely say, "We hoped it would go away if we ignored it."

>> No.7363708

We think it was based off of the design in >>7362961, but even they had something to account for the underbelly color.
JNig can't cosplay if her tummy isn't on display.

>> No.7363731
File: 2.83 MB, 2280x2848, sith.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


That design is slightly nicer. it shows a bit of skin, but not as slutty as OP's pic.


And second. No I shan't.

As a cosplayer myself I put a lot of thought and effort into my costumes, design, building, sewing, etc. and I don't just cosplay anything because for the sole purpose of looking "cool", "hot", or skanky in it.

I only cosplay characters from series i'm actually a fan of! I've been told I could be a really good, and handsome prince soma from black butler. But am i doing it? FUCK NO!



I bet this bitch doesn't even know good movesets for charizard.

Pic related, it's my OC custom sith lord cosplay I'll be debuting at Wasabicon 2014 in a couple of weeks.

Why a Sith Lord? BECAUSE I LIKE STAR WARS AND I FUCKING KNOW WHAT IT'S ABOUT, and i refuse to run around shirtless exposing myself like a man-slut!

>> No.7363747

Because when someone stupid messes with your hobbies, it's natural to get mad, especially if the only thing they do is receive attention in exchange for the least amount of effort; they're bastardizing something you like.

>> No.7363749

I laughed. Thank you.

>> No.7363750

Ugh her and Nicole Marie Jean are like the same person, I can barely tell them apart

>> No.7363753

one takes pride in her body and keeping it in shape and the other doesn't. There you go.

>> No.7363755
File: 102 KB, 401x359, SPIDEY2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7363771
File: 38 KB, 251x330, t930487542.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You get it, son.

>> No.7363805

I agree with you about the fact that problems deserve dialogue. However, these threads are always carbon copies and focus on her failings as a cosplayer rather than the recent failings of convention culture as a whole that produced the financial success of her persona.

At the end of the day, she is a "professional big boob pokemon," and beating a dead horse on cgl about her attitude, lack of skills, and making petty jabs about her appearance doesn't promote intelligent conversation about how to fix our own sociological issues as a collective fandom. Again, she is a business woman, if we have a petty bitch fest every time she matches a new set of ears with a new bra, we are only effectively putting money in her pockets and changing nothing for the better.

It's not "We hoped it would go away if we ignored it" rather, "I didn't want to waste my time and energy fretting about a professionalbigboobpokemon and made a sewing tutorial instead to promote what I value about my hobby"

>> No.7363816
File: 456 KB, 1050x1200, J-Nigged.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here anon, let me J-Nig that up for you.

>> No.7363817

I kind of like the fabrics she used...

>> No.7363838

If you want to do something about it then find someone in the cosplay community that is worth the attention and promote them. For every Jnig there are at least 20 cosplayers with impressive costumes that don't show a lot of skin. Why not just help them get known?

>> No.7363840


Did she even credit this artist as source of inspiration? Or mention this pic at all?


>> No.7363841
File: 130 KB, 637x960, jnigsseras23.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This shit. She should have at least done SOMETHING for the arm. She probably would have been one of the better red Seras's.

>> No.7363842

I agree that this costume is infinitely better than most Pok?mon gijinkas. The problem with gijinka is that you can't tell what the heck most of them are, even if you're familiar with the series.

>> No.7363856
File: 762 KB, 1084x691, 1392075493992.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Sith lord cosplayer here, I'd love a little more recognition. c:

Here's another cosplay of mine this was my very first self-made cosplay (Beelzemon from Digimon) when i went to Connecticon 2010, and also NDK 2010

This particular cosplay is now retired by the way. (Yes I'm also aware I didn't have a holster and two old timey double barreled pistols with me. it was my FIRST cosplay, gimme a break)

>> No.7363881

What's with the starved looking loli?

>> No.7363884


Derp, I mean Connecticon and NDK 2011, not 10

>> No.7363896
File: 49 KB, 640x692, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No nose job...yet.
She still has the bump.

>> No.7363897

Ugh, you are the weeabo's to the 501st with your special snowflake jedi, lemme guess, you have a custom mando too?

>> No.7363906
File: 55 KB, 640x736, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7363915


This isn't the place to plug yourself. Stop before it you embarrass yourself even more.

>> No.7363925

aw it's cute cuz you actually think that's good enough quality to brag about, for someone with such great costumes how come you can only get pictures in your back yard? no one asked for one at the con, huh?

>> No.7363932

Proving this point by posting an OC costume is realllly backwards

>> No.7363947

actually lots of people did in both NDK and Connecticon. It was nice at first, but i couldn't get from one end of the con grounds to a panel i wanted to attend without being stopped every other minute. It got annoying to the point where I went back to my hotel room and took it off so I could enjoy other people's craftmanship for a change. Also it got very hot in the costume.

Not bad for my very first-made cosplay if i do say so myself. my first con experience with my self-made costume was a great experience that I decided to come back to anime cons ever since.

Sorry, I was responding to a post.

And no, I don't have a Mandalorian, Bounty Hunters are disgustingly overrated, because of the disgustingly overrated Boba Fett.
(but that's just, like, my opinion, man)

And, last it's a custom sith lord. and plenty of people in the TDE costume club make custom sith lords / jedi and dark jedi of their own. Big whoop wanna fight about it?

>> No.7363964

She looks extra short with those bands on her legs. They're not good. They're making her thighs and calfs look hella obese. The pose isn't helping the rest of her body either.

>> No.7363969

>TDE costume club
bahaha, you mean that like 3rd rate shit SW club?
501st or dont bother, you craftsmanship is shit

>> No.7363972

Anon why are you looking at anything other than her tits?
She's not good for anything else.

>> No.7363976

>Sorry, I was responding to a post.

bitch no one asked to see your average ass cosplays

>> No.7363978
File: 114 KB, 570x223, 1383172103138.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bet she shoved those ears in her ass and pussy first.

>> No.7363977

You lack self-awareness so hard, it's adorable and disgusting all at once. I hope you're really young, and still have a chance to grow out of this. If not, good luck with your future, bud.

>> No.7363983

It's so fucking noticeable. It's not like her tits are helping the shortness any by being pushed up to her neck either.

>> No.7363985

Yeah, I think if the camera was angled lower, it'd help more.

>> No.7363989

yea, looks like snookie

>> No.7363991



Hm, maybe you're right.
TDE isn't that great. I haven't applied there and I doubt I will. I'll give the 501st a look, since they have dark siders.

but it was cool to see other people's works (even though some of them were a tad too out of shape to be jedi or sith). lol.

I've already gotten plenty of good reception from plenty of other forums that aren't in 4chan.

I just came here because i heard there was a J-nig thread going on and I wanted to drop my 2 cents about the cum guzzling bimbo who doesn't know shit about what she's dressed up as.

I know you're just trying to white knight, but tell me know good that slut was at giving head when she notices your valiant efforts, mkay?

0/10 c:

>> No.7364000

nah, Fuck Jnig, I wasn't white knighting her, just wanted to point out that you clearly don't know what you're talking about either (the 501st are ALL darksiders)

>> No.7364013
File: 246 KB, 2048x1366, 1392079027658.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think we just found a new lolcow guys.

>> No.7364019


Seems that all the sith lords are canonical characters. Ah well.

>> No.7364021
File: 118 KB, 600x874, 1392079197416.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This dude. This dude...

>> No.7364025
File: 316 KB, 936x1476, 1392079340571.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The Rocky Mountain Fur Con 2012 is a mere 2 days away now.

>I thought I would take the time to create myself a badge with my fursona (Viladras) for the event... Might as well go in style, right? >.>

>Those of you who weren't already aware, I'm a notorious furry. =3

>> No.7364041


Why yes, As a furry. I am also interested in the furry culture, (some) of the community's art and craftsmanship is really something else, a lot of their stuff's technically seamless. c:

And I'm planning to start my fursuit later with the guidance of a friend of mine who's a talented crafter to teach me the ropes so I can have it ready in time for RMFC later this year.

You're too damn cute I mean, I know this is 4chan (anti furries and all that), but try harder, bro, you're embarassing yourself.

>> No.7364057

I don't give a shit about furries and actually respect talented fursuit creators. It's the fursona itself and your own attitude that is hilarious for reasons that are clearly above your head.

>> No.7364065

I read that as "SHIT LORD" at first. Seems about right.

>> No.7364068


All I see are those visitor numbers rolling up thanks to you feeble trolling.


>> No.7364076
File: 207 KB, 1323x823, 23144232.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh shit nigga, busted!

She is reading this

>> No.7364087


The fact that she even too the time to publicly acknowledge us. She mad.

>> No.7364093

She used to trip on here for a little while, no surprise she still checks in.

>> No.7364094
File: 317 KB, 582x288, pledd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Made it her bio....

>> No.7364098

I'm going to get hate for this, but Jessica if you're reading this I love you and you're wonderful and thank you for being so sweet to me at anime south.

everyone who posts these threads repeatedly has sand in their vagina.

>> No.7364105
File: 85 KB, 225x258, honkhall.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hahaha, holy shit that is great.

>> No.7364116

>WELP, since we got her attention now:

Dear J-Nig,

You're a talentless, worthless attention bimbo-whore who doesn't even know about HALF she shit she dresses herself up as.

Please leave the cosplay community indefinitely and stop ruining cosplay for everyone else who are actually fans / know shit about what character they're dressing up as, you are also a major setback to women who wanna cosplay without dressing up like skanks. If you love showing your body off, I highly suggest a career in adult entertainment. It'd also be cool if you moved to my city and worked at a strip joint somewhere downtown so I may throw nickles at you while you dance.

Yours truly,

- Anonymous.

PS: Take heart in the fact, that one day your body will either blimp up, or shrivel down as your saggy tits serve as a reminder that all you have going for you, are your looks, but don't worry that'll leave you one day, and you'll then realize the absolute WORTHLESSNESS of your person.

Have a nice day.

>> No.7364123

Why are seagulls so jelly and hateful?

>> No.7364124

Calm the fuck down. One person wearing what they like doesn't control what everyone else wears. It's the /cosplay/ community, not like the modeling industry wasn't controlling body image already anyways. You've lost touch with reality if you think cosplay actually has any sort of meaning in the real world. Are you fucktards still in high school?

>> No.7364127

changing your twitter bio to plebeian trash is almost like wearing a fedora defiantly.

>> No.7364131

I live in an actual desert and there's less sand here than in your vagina.
Calm the fuck down

>> No.7364132

Sorry I just creep on this board sometimes but is there any proof she doesn't know about stuff she cosplays?

I mean Pokemon and LoZ are pretty entry level vidya. idk about what else she has cosplayed

>> No.7364128

Jessica, put a trip on so we can talk to you.

>> No.7364129

I don't like her, but she's free to do anything she wants. If she's happy, I'm happy for her. Stop being such a sandy vadge.

>> No.7364130

>but don't worry that'll leave you one day, and you'll then realize the absolute WORTHLESSNESS of your person.

Says the person who is shit posting someone who dresses up as fictional characters on 4chan.

Seems like someone has to realize their own worthlessness first. How does it feel knowing you'll never amount to anything?

>> No.7364138
File: 385 KB, 500x281, b26.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

great justice has been dealt

>> No.7364136

so basically you're a faggot

>> No.7364137
File: 584 KB, 1586x722, 1391631721877.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We all know you got a boob job JNigz.

>> No.7364142
File: 331 KB, 562x512, 1355702196408.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jessica, this is for you.

>> No.7364139

holy shit.
its so insulting to hilary.
knowing jnig saw that made my day

well, since jnig is here.
please, please, please stop the raccoon makeup.
you seriously do look better without it.

>> No.7364141

>im cosplaying a water type pokemon next guys, its a secret for now tho!!!
>*cosplay comes out*
>its dratini

>> No.7364148

I literally laughed aloud over how angry-jelly you are. Chill the fuck out, nerd, it's a hobby most people think is weird as shit anyway.

>> No.7364147

Classic. This post makes me feel almost nostalgic. You never see anyone this cutthroat on /cgl/ anymore.

>> No.7364155

>its a hobby
If its a hobby where does she work normally? Oh wai-

>> No.7364153

Can we just reflect on the fact that we're mad over someone we've likely never met personally dressing up as fictional characters
fictional characters
dress up

>> No.7364154

The 4chan I knew and loved, it's you. You never left me. You were here this whole time. It was you all along.

>> No.7364162

Anyone got a picture of her Mononoke cosplay?
I'm curious if there's flying chicken cutlets in that one too.

>> No.7364159

Can I remind you that you are on a website that is one click away from a board that mostly contains groups of libertarian neo-nazis and another board that contains girls with dicks but no balls?

>> No.7364160

This might be a surprise to you seeing as you've probably never had a job but you can in fact make a hobby a job.

Jessica just lucked out with her fame

>> No.7364161

A jealous 4chan browser calling someone they've never met "worthless" because she's more successful and knows what sells. So cutthroat. I'm sure JNig is very hurt.

>> No.7364163

well so are you, anon
I don't really see how your point was supposed to correlate with mine?

>> No.7364167

I never left you, Anon. <3

>> No.7364164

I didn't know lucked out was the same as spray tanning and putting on a yellow bikini..

>> No.7364169
File: 1.79 MB, 200x133, fuck.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>274 posts and 49 image replies

>> No.7364168


>> No.7364171

Uh, have you seen the number of girls in skimpy outfits at cons? Yeah, it's lucky she somehow managed to stand out with that shit. That, or, you know, she actually has some marketing savvy and knows what she's doing?

>> No.7364172
File: 242 KB, 1200x1145, 1367779490867.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is hope.

>> No.7364173

Everything is about sex appeal nowadays, what did you expect? Actual art to be appreciated?

In most cases when is actual art actually valued over something lesser?

>> No.7364179

At least I've reached the point of acceptance that I need to do something else with my life other than come to this fucking website.
It's still possible to pull ourselves out of the pit, anons.

>> No.7364182

I lol'd. Hard

>> No.7364185

>marketing savvy
Because dressing like a whore in a place full of thousands of pussy-hungry basement-dwellers is clever.

>> No.7364187
File: 138 KB, 1000x800, 1388964967074.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

all these "jelly"

>> No.7364189

>oh man anon totally means you're not anonymous

Cmon, are you even trying?

>> No.7364196

Those of you just hating to hate, carry on, but I feel so sorry for anyone here who lets some of the fun get sucked out of their super precious hobby just because one attention whore got some attention.

>> No.7364198

You forgot the pedophiles on /b/

>> No.7364199

>drama doesn't make people happy

I miss old cgl

>> No.7364209

Uh, that's why I said the first bit. If you're having a laugh causing drama, duh, that's what /cgl/'s for, enjoy your stay. If you're genuinely not able to enjoy cosplay as much or think that the hobby is worsened due to one chick in her underpants, you need to take a breather.

>> No.7364208

Did you forget the fact that she's one of thousands who's made it?

>> No.7364219
File: 59 KB, 450x300, 1392083425237.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>don't even cosplay
>fun not sucked from it
I'd just rather see people who put actual effort into it get the recognition.

now, if you can seriously tell me, someone like this (costume lights up, drill moves) doesn't deserve as much recognition as a lying, raidioactive looking pair of hard tits,
you need to think twice about your life.

>> No.7364223

I absolutely do think hard work should be recognized. I think it is by cosplayers. But most of JNig's fans are just dudes wanking it, not necessarily people who actually care about the hobby. Also, "cosplay recognition" is kind of pathetic in general, but whatever.

>> No.7364225

She looks like she's taking a giant poop while standing.

>> No.7364230

Volpin made that and hes pretty widely recognized. Not JNig levels but thats impossible anyway. You actually have to like certain things to be able appreciate a costume like that. Tits on the other hand are pretty much universal.

>> No.7364235

Honest answer, (because idk why everyone goes one a Jnig rampage) I wish the wings were slightly taller and a little more fierce. I also wish it had more yellow coloring in some of the fabrics in the middle, and more fire elements.

>> No.7364263

did u notice the florals lol

>> No.7364299
File: 83 KB, 853x1280, hahahaha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7364301
File: 73 KB, 640x640, that poor hair.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7364312

I doubt people actually believe in the "lol boobie tricks" line. It's so obvious she for them even so I think they look great

>> No.7364362

Shows what you know! Sometimes they have balls!

>> No.7364390

Dammit cgl stop giving her ideas to make into shirts. She gonna make a fortune off of them.

>> No.7364554

Shut up, JNig. Nobody here likes you.

>> No.7364569

She could cosplay Rigby no prob. She already has coon eyes. Turn that orange tan a few shades darker and BOOM goes the dynamite. HMM HMM

>> No.7364574

J-Nig, you are a sad and pathetic cow, your self-promotions have no power here. Everyone here who's not a lonely retarded neckboard fucking hates you.

Please go kill yourself, but not without posting nudes of yourself first, because that's all you're fucking good for.

I bet this talentless bimbo doesn't even make her own costumes, she probably rubs her tits over some poor bastards back while he does ALL the hard work for her.

You are a worthless sponge J-Nig, you hear me? WORTHLESS!

>> No.7364577

So in other words, it's not a hobby. Thanks for playing.

>> No.7364586

Damn she's hot.

>> No.7364798


Jessica wasted her life on me. I'm happy. She responded back. I win.

>> No.7365994

And this guy hates jnig for attention seeking

You know there's a self post thread, right?

>> No.7366000
File: 18 KB, 395x387, laughin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am laughing to fucking hard at the shooped waist

Good one, anon. I love this.

>> No.7368320

She's beautiful. Don't listen to the haters.

>> No.7368508

A rich hooker is still a hooker

>> No.7369045

look on her fb, she's raping blastoise next