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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 96 KB, 490x640, btb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7358560 No.7358560[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Secrets are up!

>> No.7358575
File: 750 KB, 499x629, nUppnzP.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. I honestly think she's really cute when she smiles normally, but it drives me crazy that she makes that same contorted Cabbage Patch Doll-like face in every picture.

>> No.7358583

oh you mean like misako?

>> No.7358630
File: 76 KB, 436x640, 3TflSfm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So story behind this?

I guess the posters found it trough tumblr. But is she in a comm or something?

>> No.7358716

It's kinda boring this week

>> No.7358773

Secrets have been getting progressively boring week by week. I guess lolitas have lost their bitch? Or are just keeping it hidden.

>> No.7358787

So there is a girl posted this week who is ranting about it. Her tumblr is mintxmint. Which secret is she?

>> No.7358793
File: 608 KB, 640x433, bsqu7Lz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this person retarded?

>> No.7358827

Who cares Wonder Queen is so much better anyway.

>> No.7358831


>> No.7358838

Didn't see her rant did she delete it

>> No.7358846

Why else? She's a complete lazy shit and clearly has issues. Ofc coming out on sjw tumblr is "ermahgad suh brave!!!".

>> No.7358861

Yes. Like Misako.

>> No.7358891
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>> No.7359167

Or the itas and lolitas with poor behavior have been driven out, in part because of being posted on behind the bows.

>> No.7359168

So much abloobloo.

>> No.7359231

This is the girl that got a bunch of secrets about her being a stripper and getting kicked out (driven out?) by her community

oh and she has a tattoo of AP's rocking horse on her thigh cause it "moves as she walks." jiggly jiggly

>> No.7359238

Oh my, she's grumpy. Who is she?

>> No.7359282

What a drama queen. I feel like making one of her next week even though I don't know her.

>> No.7359299
File: 301 KB, 1616x588, Untitledcgl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can someone please explain what's going on in the comments of secret 47. I'm assuming it belongs to secret 49, but this is basically the only interesting thing on secrets.

>> No.7359305
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For reference this is secret 49

>> No.7359311

51 is so stupid, huuur it's a historical collar guise calm down

>> No.7359339
File: 46 KB, 289x522, uHtR6h1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This so much. I think girls imagine they look like dainty little ballerinas but really they just look fucking stupid.

>> No.7359346
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>> No.7359364

I just don't understand why it's so hard to stand like a normal person. I can really only think of posing pigeon toed as something excusable, since you can't really tell if its just how that person stands or they're forcing it.

>> No.7359366

>oh i-i-i'm not gay i swear it was rape!
>i swear i wasnt experimenting!

>> No.7359393
File: 75 KB, 772x581, [crying].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>MFW that's my natural standing position.
Guess I better just die already, huh?

>> No.7359400

Turned out maybe. That's not my point, that's no biggie. Unnatural exaggerated (as 4th position ostrich was a parody), no.
Lots of people turn out or in naturally, but they don't stand like secret pix. Or like Ostrich pix

>> No.7359406

So do you girls collect points or something based on how many times you get posted to these "lolita secrets" that you later get to spend on prizes?

>> No.7359411

Yes we do

>> No.7359413
File: 121 KB, 500x377, tumblr_m4hddfbAUb1r3bev4o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I often stand with my legs crossed exactly like in the picture, especially if I'm in heels. It just feels more stable to me.

>> No.7359556

>why do you do it, is it to feel sexy and desired?

naw nigga, I get paid $45 an hour from sitting on my ass

"b-but lolitas must be lovelies" attutude is sickening.

I wouldn't come out on my blog about it, fuck no. but, I do it.

>> No.7359583

How else would we afford brand?
>One post- AP socks
>Two-Five posts- Unprinted brand
>Five-Ten posts-Printsssss
>10+ posts- Rare shit

>> No.7359588

Well then possibly the pic is related? Idk, learn to stand in your shoes by practicing more, maybe?

>> No.7359591

Shit man, my sock has a hole, deal me in for next week, girls.

>> No.7359616

Surprised there wasn't more ATL secrets after last week's blow up.

>> No.7359618

Not the tripfag but I have a habit of standing weirdly with one foot crossed over the other too, heels or not

>> No.7359624

This. My feet do weird things sometimes when I'm standing, and I rarely wear heels.

>> No.7359696

me too. but not like that.
its just as soon as that camera goes up, my body is like
"lets move our feet"

>> No.7359721

so classy~

>> No.7359739

Ive only had one secret but holy shit do i need some new socks!

>> No.7359752

My bf has suggested I do it, since we'll soon be having a situation where neither can work much. How do you go about getting into it? How do you get paid (paypal, bank deposit, etc)? And is there much market for moderately chubby girls? I'm not full on fattychan but I got a bad case of saddle-ass.

>> No.7359754

>prepares to do something retarded

>> No.7359756

what a lovely bf you have. jesus christ.

>> No.7359762

Going out with your pimp is never a good idea anon.

>> No.7359770

He and I have known some girls who used to do it (we no longer talk to them for various reasons). Its not something he has jealousy issues over. And it works far better with my schedule than working part time retail would (not to mention making quite a bit more per hour). I just have no one to ask where a reputable safe well paying one where I could actually work at would be. I already work with a few strippers and a domme in my regular job so I guess it doesn't phase me. Pretty free/hippie-ish around here.

>> No.7359800
File: 468 KB, 680x1024, k.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Supposedly, it makes your legs look slimmer. Doesn't really work when you're wearing a huge skirt and one inch heels, though.

>> No.7359847

I stand like that sometimes, when I really really need to pee.

>> No.7359854

aka a lazy shit, not "circumstances that don't allow us to work!"

>> No.7359863

It looks like it was a false alarm. Apperantly she was posted a few weeks back, but she found out about it now -because whe dosen't read secrets. So she ranted a lot, but she wasn't even posted this week.

>> No.7359867

This is a little different and much less awkward than secret pix.

>> No.7359887


It's actually the kind of body language that says you're being defensive or closed off. I guess having a camera pointed at you would make most girls feel a bit shy.

Same thing with crossing your arms or holding something (like your handbag) with both hands in front of you, it's so your body isn't totally open.

>> No.7359918

meh, I'm laughing all the way to the bank. in two days I made a bit over $500
but the hourly thing was an estemate.
my boyfriend has helped ease me into it. at first I started out non-nude and got tips for just smiling and such.
but I learned you can make more money if you do nude. some sites allow anybody on them to model, as long as you are female.
being a tease helps tons, it encourages people to pay you more.
the site I use, lets you choose how you're paid, and I requested recieving a check in the mail. sure, /cgl/ is going to be all upset about it, but seriously, who the hell cares? you'll be making more money than them hourly without even leaving your room.

also, don't be open about it. don't say on your blog you're a stripper, or anything.
the second a lolita is open about something sexual she does that isn't vanilla, people flip their shit.
and NEVER, EVER, advertise you do lolita as a sexual thing. its rude, and demeaning to all other lolitas.

>> No.7359927

So, all you do is talk to beta males, or what? This sounds not too shabby.

>> No.7359930

actually, thats what gamecrush used to be, play games with betas, get paid. as soon as that's up, I think I'll quit the camwhoring.

>> No.7359962

What happened? Spill thejuicy details

>> No.7359964


One day he'll have people pay him to rape you, my naive anon

>> No.7359998

Which site do you use? Not trying to find you online, just wondering which sites are most profitable.

>> No.7360137

yeaaah not gonna say.

>> No.7360138

not because I don't trust you, but because I don't trust anyone else

>> No.7360146

Another cam girl here, if you want to do non-nude camming mfc is your best best.

>> No.7360149

What model does your site use? Just regular cam or play games? I read an article on it and had considered it before, but the article said it mostly doesn't pay better than a regular job by the hour, and the market is usually too flooded with poor Eastern Europeans and South East Asians willing to go nude for pennies.

>> No.7360164

I stand like that as well. It just feels comfy. I make sure not to do it in photos though.

>> No.7360166

Why do people immediately go to 'super secret reading of body language' with this type of thing?
Sometimes comfy shit is just comfy. There doesn't need to be a deep meaning behind everything.

>> No.7360197

No one really goes to the rooms of the girls that are obviously poor and living in Russia. It's actually a running joke on mfc.

>> No.7360237


It's not really a secret though? It's the most obvious reasoning.

>> No.7360301

Crossing one's arms can also mean the person is just cold.

>> No.7360333

Does anyone have all the dramu on this?? I can only piece together little bits

>> No.7360350


Usually if you're cold you'll look cold, eg the arms will be hugging your body tightly to keep the warmth in, rather than crossing your hands in front of you.

>> No.7360361

What I've gathered is a well-liked member of the community who has a reputation for talking shit apparently said something mean about another lolita and her child in the bathroom at a tea party. I guess she didn't realize the girl was in there. Shit-talker got a temp ban from organized events and then the comm split up and mods couldn't keep up with the drama. That's all I got, I heard about it from a friend, not first hand.

>> No.7360363

>"Stop liking what I don't like, whore."
Maybe if she cleaned the sand out of her vag she'd be getting laid too.

>> No.7360367

is that peachie? *confused*

>> No.7360371

can anyone link to the new secrets? i can't find them (p_q;)

>> No.7360382


>> No.7360383


>> No.7360390

awesome, thanks!

>> No.7360398

It is. She has a disease that makes her face look weird. I actually agree with the secret poster that she looks too off-kilter for me to like I guess it's not her fault though(that and she only owns bodyline)

>> No.7360399

she has loads of vintage toys too but i'm not ure if its her

>> No.7360413

its the droopy eye makeup that creeps me out.

>> No.7360415

no, its not an issue of "not liking what I don't like"
its fucking advertising lolita as a fetish fashion.

>> No.7360418

How? It's one bitch in a couple photos, that's hardly everyone in the community.
If people who see her three photos amongst the thousands of lolitas on tumblr in a search, and thinks "Oh, it's a bdsm thing," then those people are fucking idiots anyone, who fucking cares what they think.

>> No.7360443

>well-liked member of the community who has a reputation for talking shit
What now?

>> No.7360456


And you wonder why guys call you whores and say your fashion is a slut's fashion.

>> No.7360460

i don't know...i think she looks really cute. her real hair looks very damaged and thin but with a wig she's cute as a button. i'm actually trying to figure out how her makeup is done. that look is so youthful and cute but i can't seem to get it right

>> No.7360555

>If people who see her three photos amongst the thousands of lolitas on tumblr in a search, and thinks "Oh, it's a bdsm thing," then those people are fucking idiots

welcome to the rest of the world.

1/10 got me to respond

>> No.7360710

That is my default standing put placement too!
Because if not, I tend to start to lose my balance...

I also will stand in the 'cute' feet turned in way too... but It's natural. It's a birth defect. But I always feel like shit when people start pointing out "Oh, you are just trying to hard to look cute, and it isn't."

>> No.7360715

I didn't explain the circumstances, actually. I'm in full time school, he's about to be in full time school, we only own one car, and with public transport costs where I am and the amount of hours I'd be able to work (my classes are on-the-job training and I'm legally obligated to get a certain amount of hours sleep), I'd be making less than $100 a week.
Oh thats actually pretty good! I might start off doing the clothed thing just to see how it works out first. Do they do direct deposit? I'm really paranoid about the mail system here. And yeah the only people I might talk about it to is the girls I work with, simply cus I really worry about them working at the clubs here and they'd probably be safer online.
You all seem to think I'm a lot younger than I am. Boyfriend and I have a pretty well established "look but don't touch" rule for a few years now and have done similar stuff before, just never for cash. Thanks for your concern though.

>> No.7360813

Number 16... really?

>makeup: learn, buy, practice
>wigs: learn, buy, practice
>saving: learn, practice, buy
>coording: learn, practice, buy

Don't look at other people's pictures and think their skills will somehow transfer to you as you go along doing whatever. Learn. Practice.

>> No.7360915

What about number 50? Where is this sale? I wonder if I know the girl who bought this and had it returned because of how horrible the condition was.

>> No.7360991

Probably, she posted about it on /cgl/ which is how I know it happened. This is in the AZ comm and this girl is known for being gross and a hot mess. She also bought that dress secondhand, so even if it weren't known to be disgusting, I don't know where $500 is coming from.

>> No.7361007

OMG She's trying to sell it again?! It has green stains all over it!! She was originally selling it for 330 and now it's jumped up to 500!!! LAWL

>> No.7361023

>I don't know where $500 is coming from
Probably from her entitled attitude. Waaah I lost my job! I should ask almost double retail on this nasty dress because its my friends' responsibility to bail me out of tough situations and I give no fucks about anyone but myself! Hunny bunny, can you buy me another lolita dress???

>> No.7361061

Anon, you've got me thinking about camming. So, honestly, how did you start out? I feel like it would be so awkward to just be in front of a camera nude... I don't know what to do, haha.

Any tips for a hopeful cam-girl?

>> No.7361072

I heard that she was going to tell sales-comm mods that her buyer shopped all those stains on. Freaking win.

>> No.7361089


no one is going to give her $500 for that dress, her dog sleeps on her brand, it's got stains all over it, and it's probably stretched to hell and back, I'd be surprised if she got $100 for the condition this dress is in

>> No.7361100

Check out the camming forum on stripper-web

>> No.7361115
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>> No.7361771

Secret poster here. Yeah, the comments at the bottom of my BTB post really have me a mouthful. I'm going to Sephora soon. I really didn't phrase that secret right, had a much better secret then I accidentally erased it, so that one had to do. What I mean't is what I said in the post.

>> No.7361774

I always want a local friend too. Forgot to put that in too. Because it seems like everyone in my comm has friends other than me.

>> No.7361780

Uhh, most people will have friends other than you, I'm sure if you ask to spend time with them or invite them to do things with you, they'll do it, but having a "no one else can be your friend" attitude is crazy.

>> No.7361786

I'll try...tried it once but I can try again.

>> No.7361811

What disease does she have?
I don't dislike her but sweet replicas and BL not my thing so never interested. Watched her transformation video. Her face isn't terrible or really weird but it does look a little off somehow. She seems nice enough? Idk, secret seems overkill.

>> No.7361845

So I just read through the last four submissions on your lolita secrets page, and god damn- you girls (and that one brolita) are fucking mean. What's the worst story to ever come out of someone being posted to this LiveJournal?

>> No.7361852

Who is pictured in #3?
Secret sounds like some jelly doll hater.

>> No.7361949

I think they meant
>everyone in my comm has friends, other than me
like everyone else has friends and they have none. Not that everyone who is their friend also has other friends.

>> No.7361998

Ok but why would I change something that comes natural to me? That's how I walk and that's how I stand, I'm not bothering anybody soooo.

>> No.7362026

Yeah, in the secret pic the girl is standing almost bow-legged with her legs crossed and both feet flat on the ground, toes pointed what would be inward if her legs weren't crossed. In anon's picture she just has her legs crossed with one foot rolled to the side. Her feet are pointed straight ahead. Anon's image doesn't look dumb because her legs are just crossed. It isn't an overly exaggerated contortion.

>> No.7362046

If you don't want to, you shouldn't.
But people won't change their opinion of how they think it looks either so don't be surprised when it gives the impression of awkward, twee affectedness or if someone thinks you look like you might need to visit the ladies room.

>> No.7362157

She sold this dress to me before for $330, and this was what I got. ( Of course I returned it and got ALL my money back. )
Although from the way she acted. I'm not at all surprised she is turning around and trying to sell it like this.

>> No.7362171

in this world, being born with a vagina is reason enough for being labeled a slut or whore, bbcakes.

>> No.7362176

>avoids it by bring other people into it


>> No.7362195


because every female not into lolita doesn't parttake in any of those examples you've outlined. keep mashing the f5 button.

>> No.7362325
File: 154 KB, 600x900, leggus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

About the cross legged pose, I notice the Grimoire models do it a lot with varying pigeon toe angles. It seems like a pose that is more Shibuya style and sexy than cute. It works a little better on Japanese girls when it looks most natural but I don't mind it on westerners.

>> No.7362340

No, being a stripper, and moreover, letting your boyfriend convince you into becoming a stripper makes you a whore.

>> No.7362349

>dogs sleep on her brand
Oh, she's one of those bitches

>> No.7362359

She has a make up tutorial on her YouTube channel.

>> No.7362368

try convincing >>7361998 of that. obv a small group of lolitas who do it is enough to paint a whole fashion community as sluts and whores.

>> No.7362371


oops i meant >>7360456

>> No.7362377

clusterfuck mistakes on my part. ignore last few posts

>> No.7362392

Well it's the same thing as pigeon toes, really. If you're pigeon toed, fine. Do your thing.
What's annoying is people who FAKE it. Who force that pose when it's unnatural to them.

>> No.7362398

Bahaha. I'm like wait, what? Pigeon toed whores? Then the lulz.

>> No.7362422

lol! thanks anon, that made my night.

>> No.7362446

What's her tumblr? I need it for...euh...reasons

>> No.7362767
File: 198 KB, 500x513, 123001203210.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ohhh man, I'd only heard about this secondhand, but actually seeing the pics and the PMs, I'm laughing so fucking hard. Kelsy is such a piece of work, my god.

>> No.7362777
File: 97 KB, 401x518, I don't get it.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7362795

>implying she's not a whore

she's literally doing sexual things for money. Whether you attach any negative connotation to that is your business, but that's literally what a whore is.

>> No.7362822


A whore is someone who gets paid to have sex with someone off-camera (on camera, she's a porn star). A cam model or a stripper is not a whore. A porn star is not a whore.

Besides, "whore" is a shitty word with inherent negative connotations, which is why most people who aren't assholes say "sex worker" (which she actually is) or "prostitute" (which she is definitely not).

>> No.7362825


Neh, letting someone jerk it to a vid feed of you bouncing your bouncies around isn't the same as climbing a John with your ass-crack. You can't fuck someone via camera feed.

>> No.7362833

Exactly. Lolita is a whores fashion, didn't you know?

>> No.7362834

>a porn star is not a whore

Confirmed for retarded.

>> No.7362835

The English language is broad, but whore is exactly as both of you described. Shes not wrong.

>> No.7362842


are you selling tackle with all that bait?

>> No.7362872

Cam girls are just bitch strippers.

And I mean, they're worse than strippers because they just sit in their rooms.

>> No.7362952

I don't think she actually has a disease like that. Pretty sure she just has chronic fatigue.

>> No.7362988
File: 58 KB, 480x319, 1391446245511.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>A cam model or a stripper is not a whore. A porn star is not a whore.

My fucking sides.

>> No.7362989

"worse" ??? explain plz???
I don't do it anymore (mostly because I found a job after 2+ years of being unable to) but i did camwork when I first moved out and was having a really hard time financially. It's a gr8 option if you don't have work experience but it's pretty easy to get exploited if you use bigger websites (livejasmin nooooo) They can record your private sessions and use it to advertise their website, and sometimes even after you delete/purge your account, you'll still find your pics on other sites. i'd def say that it's a viable option for girls who have a hard time finding a job or just need a little extra money. I worked 1-2 days a week and was pulling in about $500 every paycheck (2 weeks). i had it set up so a check was mailed to me, but i'm not sure if other, smaller websites will do that.
to everyone slut-shaming in this thread, plz understand that as a woman you are already marked as a slut so if you are comfortable with marketing your sexuality (similar to how other people might market their physical strength for labor) then you have no right to devalue them for their choice.

>> No.7362995
File: 78 KB, 640x480, 33xGqAi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7363001

>woman you are already marked as a slut
Maybe on r9k and high school, but for the most part not really.
>comfortable with marketing your sexuality
Most normal people don't 'market' selling sex or pictures of their naked bodies. Also I think most girls have figured out announcing they gave chad thundercock a bj for money isn't that awesome or edgy.

>> No.7363021

yes, most people may not be comfortable with sex work but some are and that's just as valid of a choice as say manual labor or retail. and considering the vast majority of advertising DOES market ads with women's naked bodies, who are we to decide that women don't have the right to profit directly from the sexualization of their own bodies?
then again, i might have some prejudice because i made hella bank from doing it and prob wouldnt have survived college without it.

>> No.7363026

#40 what's that about lol

>> No.7363032

>that's just as valid of a choice as say manual labor or retail
It's a "valid" way insofar as to make money but the rules, requirements, and actual work is nothing compared to physical labor or most minimum wage jobs. That's why so many people turn to camming because they know it's easier. The trade-off is that being a camgirl isn't exactly something you can put on a resume.
>who are we to decide that women don't have the right to profit directly from the sexualization of their own bodies
Nobody is saying they don't have a right. But like any action there will be consequences. Signing up to be a camgirl and then being called a 'slut' or 'whore' is one of them.
>then again, i might have some prejudice
No shit, because you're an ex camgirl that doesn't like to hear people pass judgments about it.

>> No.7363124

bluh bluh bluh ur all whores bluh bluh

God, 0/10, this thread is becoming trash because some assholes want to continue derailing the thread because oooh u makin loli look so bad w/ ur gross sexy stuff!!11!!!1! lolis must be lovelies!!!

I love the droopy eye! It looks cute on her, and is actually a nice alternative to the normal cat-wing eyeliner!

I agree. Her hair is a bit bleh, but she has some wigs anyways.

>> No.7363133

What do you think one of the principal facets of lolita fashion is?

It's the illusion of infantile naivete. This facade is utterly ruined if the lolita in question gets her vag slammed by a different guy every night.

>> No.7363173

What if I'm getting my vag slammed by the same guy every night? I've always wondered about this, if a girl has sex with a different guy a week why is she sluttier or has a flappier vagina than me? I've only ever had sex with my husband, and we do it about 5-6 times a week. Nobody implies I have a loose vagina or bad morals but obviously I like sex just as much as the hypothetical girl, and I'm doing it more.

So am I a bad loli-chan? Also is it appropriate then for Gothic lolitas to have masked group orgies all Bible Black cult style?

>> No.7363353
File: 487 KB, 180x115, 1390467869907.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just dropping in to say people like you add to the 'derailment' of these threads.
It's amazing to me how you all carry this tone of self-assuredness, yet the single fucking opinion of a stranger on the internet sends your sensitivities into a tailspin. Go live your life and stop trying to seek the validation of people who honestly couldn't give a fuck about your sex life.

>> No.7363686


>don't give a fuck about other people's sex lives
>thread calling someone who could theoretically be a virgin a "whore"


>> No.7363728

>thinking anyone has to care or be personally invested in someone else's life to call them names