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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 7 KB, 200x200, 133203.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7355534 No.7355534[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Hey /cgl/, would you guys say that it's too late for anyone to cosplay as mootykins, Snacks, or anything from the older era of 4chan?
Would it be weird to see some gril walking around some convention cosplaying as moot in 2014?

Pic related.

>> No.7355569

Too late for what?
You cosplay because you like the character, not because you need hoards of people to recognise them

>> No.7355670

I asked this question half a year ago, and some people who cosplayed as moot-tan said they could count on one hand how many people recognized them at the con.

>> No.7355725

This. I wanna fuckin' cosplay the Happy Nergo but that so fucking old.

On a whim, I did cosplay the Pool Closed dude and i had a few people knew who I was.

>> No.7355737

Cosplaying memes is pretty obnoxious in itself, so cosplaying memes that are 5+ years old...? I mean, do what you want gurl but it is too late and pretty dumb too.

>> No.7355757

People will recognize you, but they won't want to say they do.

>> No.7355769
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>> No.7355777

I've never seen this one -- who is it?

>> No.7355780


>> No.7355784

I was about to ask "who the fuck still uses MySpace" but then saw "Last Updated: 03-06-2008".

>> No.7355786
File: 7 KB, 200x300, 1202074.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm more concerned with the full body photo and I wish there was a larger version of it

>> No.7355787

>I'm more concerned with the full body photo
She looks so... dejected.

>> No.7355789

Wouldn't you if you were cosplaying as moot

>> No.7355791

I mean

>> No.7355792


>> No.7355794
File: 9 KB, 352x279, 1360559643265.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7355793

Maybe she was mentally projecting what she thinks Moot feels like being Moot

>> No.7355796

Senpai never noticed her.

>> No.7355802

Yeah, as soon as you mention you like 4chan typical response is "oh well aren't you an edgey faggot"
I say that too I admit

>> No.7355807
File: 40 KB, 863x651, yourearealboynow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But apparently she has no regrets.

>> No.7355808

I feel like even if you tried explaining to the average person that you don't go on /b/ and the rest of the site isn't that edgy, they would be like "There are other boards??"

>> No.7355809
File: 120 KB, 500x333, wjANVCD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7355811

Moot did you ever have braces? You're teeth are pretty damn straight.

>> No.7355837

>Moot did you ever have braces? You're teeth are pretty damn straight.
I did for a little bit, although they were pretty straight before braces.

I never wore my retainer though.

>> No.7355841

Please tell me that you were the kid who had colored rubber bands on your braces

>> No.7355846
File: 423 KB, 378x302, 1391025676803.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know right!
Actually as soon as I mentioned visiting 4chan with anyone who heard of the word I get a look of disgust
Me? A frilly dressed young lady on a pervert site?

>> No.7355843

>I never wore my retainer though.
You're such a bad boy.
Seriously though, do you have any pictures of while you had braces that you're willing to share?

>> No.7355844
File: 30 KB, 293x284, Untitled,jbvkj.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I never wore my retainer though.

I just realized I haven't worn mine in over a month. God dammit.

>> No.7355848


>> No.7355851
File: 462 KB, 300x168, 1391755884857.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So what brings Moot to /cgl/ this evening? Looking to chat up some fine ladies?

>> No.7355858

When you say his name 3 times in a thread he sorta appears out of thin air.

>> No.7355859

Yes, he never found his Balkans gf so he's still ronery

>> No.7355861
File: 999 KB, 400x225, 1386903275353.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So he's like Beetlejuice?

>> No.7355862

bloody mary, hence the red nametag

4chan is a reflection of yourself

>> No.7355864


>> No.7355868

That's actually pretty spooky.

>> No.7355870

ok that was pretty deep

>> No.7355871

ahhh! Ever since ROFLcon Summit I've had the strongest crush on Moot. OH SHIT MAN >w<

>> No.7355883

moot would you say yes if somebody lent you their puppet circus or iron gate to wear

>> No.7355886

Nice trips, moot-senpai!

>> No.7355895
File: 302 KB, 641x548, moot doin thangs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7355945

Baka, it-it's not like I wanted you to appear or anything

>> No.7355948

damn, I got chills.

>> No.7355951

Come to Katsucon, Mootles!

>> No.7356010
File: 88 KB, 500x667, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey m00t, remember when I posted 200+ pictures of you on /b/ in around 2009?

I miss those pictures, and I could use a nice current picture of you to make up for my loss.

>> No.7356083

>bumping for possible return

>> No.7356093

The second coming has been fortold. He cannot resist the siren call of seagull qt3.14's

>> No.7356443

Both of these.

>> No.7356445

Mootles the talking poodle!

>> No.7356465



>> No.7356541

Maybe if you say his name enough, moot-senpai will notice me
moot moot moot moot moot moot moot moot moot moot moot moot moot moot moot moot

>> No.7356553

Nigga u'd look totally kawaii desu in lolita. Just sayin'

>> No.7356569

That's actually pretty cute.

>> No.7356582

please be a kawaii rori with us moot
we'll even lend you brand
you'll be so pretty

>> No.7356632
File: 539 KB, 496x819, image3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even if you didn't want to go full-frills, I'd let you try on the biscuit dress you asked about in that one thread. The bodice may be a bit small though, I'm not sure about your measurements!

>> No.7356728

If I was single I would do him ^^

>> No.7356747

Yes, please moot! We'll preform the seagull dance for your sake.

>> No.7356811
File: 104 KB, 480x640, tumblr_moub2khKFL1s50e7yo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Say moot, you going to see Misako Aoki tomorrow for tea? She's in New York. Pic related, it's Misako.

Agreed. There's a possibility I might do a panel at SpringFestNY on lolita fashion. You might want to come to it and hear what I say.

>> No.7356835

>Balkans gf

I-I could be your Baltic gf. We could cuddle and complain about Australian and Russian shitposters while I culturally enrich you.

>> No.7356879

there's a big difference between the Balkans and the Baltics

>> No.7356893

If you say so, Sherlock.

>> No.7356903

... The Balkans are in the area around Romania, Bulgaria, etc. The Baltics are like... Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia.

They're different areas.

>> No.7356907
File: 124 KB, 1080x720, 1377544399934.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did it last anime north and nobody really recognized me (except at the 4chan panel but they're all faggots there)

>> No.7356927

Thanks again, Sherlock. You may go eat a burger as your award for knowing that now.

>> No.7356946

thats pretty sad tbh liking all things chinese and not knowing 4chan is just ya idonteven

>> No.7356991

Awe ;_;

>> No.7356993 [DELETED] 
File: 126 KB, 750x1000, 1367256120963.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Moot please let me be your... your....


>> No.7356997

I want to go drink bubble tea with you, Moot. :3

>> No.7357003

>I want to go drink bubble tea with you, Moot. :3
Are you a kawaii EGL rori?

>> No.7357004

Who is this moot person though?

>> No.7357012

Could you try any harder? I'm embarrassed for you

>> No.7357018

Some newfag who doesn't know what autosage is.

>> No.7357023


He a kawaii neko-chan desu?

>> No.7357032

M-Moot senpai is here...
Okaerinasai Moot senpai

>> No.7357034 [DELETED] 
File: 387 KB, 723x1023, 1363917620773.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

P-please let me be your.... your...

....your girlfriend ....

>> No.7357042


>> No.7357044

Not into loli fashion, but I promise you a kawaii time at a CoCo's!

>> No.7357048
File: 320 KB, 680x1024, 1368967658250.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

would you?

>> No.7357050
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>> No.7357052

looks like underageb& to me

>> No.7357058


I dont even know if its male or female

>> No.7357098

I lurk /cgl/ but never go to cons but I gotta say, if I ever go to one, mootykins would probably be on my list of possibles. Mostly because I don't like having to wear pants. Also because I'm a tremendous faggot and have been here for far too long.

>> No.7357110

>dat moment when moot still owes you a milkshake date


>> No.7357128
File: 82 KB, 500x280, 81a.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>siren call


>> No.7357138

I am~

>> No.7357146

It might be a bit late to ask, but did you have any props like the banhammer or anything like that?
That could have made you somewhat more noticeable.

>> No.7357352
File: 65 KB, 178x188, 1388031982189.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7357449

moot senpai i love you

nah it was a pretty last minute costume. I was gonna make a giant ban hammer but i didnt care enough/didnt have enough time

>> No.7357462

So you were really just wearing a pink shirt that said Moot

>> No.7357469

and cat ears. you cant forget the cat ears

>> No.7357649

This person is like 12. What sick parent would do this to their child?

>> No.7357653

>dat moment when moot still owes you a milkshake date
Who dis? E-mail me and I'll take you out for a shake ^___^

>> No.7357655
File: 27 KB, 640x480, 1345914611953.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey mottles, do you in your own opinion think that /cgl/ has actually improved with the no drama rule implemented, or do you not actually care?

>> No.7357656

You still looking for a lolita to go out with for a milkshake? I should email you the deets.

>> No.7357661

I think you may be overestimating the age of the /b/ and/or /soc/ userbase.

>> No.7357668

why is moot so cute

>> No.7357688
File: 68 KB, 497x850, 1391588893062.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When are you gonna' respond to my emails and let me give your ass a shake, moot?

>> No.7357706

If you were to see a younger person dressed as either snacks or yourself, how would that make you feel if you were there in person?

>> No.7357718

you look like you have a penis bulge?
unless youre a dude and i missed something here

>> No.7357722

The mirror is the computer screen.

>> No.7357736
File: 8 KB, 286x200, 1391834364396.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mfw I thought moot had a big piercing on his ear for a sec

>> No.7357743

moot-chan so kawaii

>> No.7357752

>ITT: Moot comes to /cgl/ and ruffles everyone's frills

>> No.7357756

i dunno, but with all the attention she's getting, I betcha her titties are fake

>> No.7357989
File: 962 KB, 500x281, 1367560264024.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He doesn't know how female anatomy works
pls 2 the mons pubis, virgin

>> No.7358013

>16 year old dressing like this

>> No.7358020

>implying this doesnt happen often

>> No.7358023

hey m00t, what state are you in again?

>> No.7358040
File: 181 KB, 592x740, me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

omg desu desu

this is me

pay attention to me mootykun

>> No.7358041

you can tell it's me by the filename :))))))))

>> No.7358053
File: 101 KB, 720x540, 150351.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Tfw you will never go to the gym with Mootykins, spot his squats, and talk about cosplay between sets.
Still not planning on making an appearance at another con, are you?

>> No.7358058


moot-sempai, that's dangerous! What if a fat neckbeard bait-mails you? You need a chaperone to defend your *peep*hole

>> No.7358065
File: 2.07 MB, 294x210, 1361379791119.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i am a girl
my crotch does not look like that
thanks for playing

>> No.7358077

I don't think you know what a male or a female crotch looks like.

>> No.7358207
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>> No.7358247

>tfw moot will never come to your room party

>> No.7358249

>TFW moot-sempai will never notice me

>> No.7358252

I am a girl and my crotch DOES look like that.

Thin people's lower pelvis tends to be somewhat... squishy? and tight panties just make the fake bulge worse.

>> No.7358262
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>> No.7358285
File: 193 KB, 850x846, 1390479570933.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>moot flirting with /cgl/

>> No.7358291
File: 1.35 MB, 510x516, 1386516328576.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll ask very gosh darn time you post here. Give us spoilers please mootykins.

>> No.7358293

from the thumbnail this looks like a really creepy animegao mask...

>> No.7358295

Me too.

>> No.7358309

>gif ;_;

>> No.7358341

Mootie-kins I love you! Can I be your kawaii rori girlfriend? I'll even cosplay Asuka, not that it's for you b-baka mootie!

>> No.7358353

I wish ;_;

>> No.7358372

pfft, moot. like I want that nigga noticing me and shit.

Not that i want to tho, mark ass nigga

>> No.7358373

What are you doing for valentine, Mootles?

>> No.7358375

Keep that dream alive man

Dear moot,
Stay and be our mod.
Regards, /cgl/

>> No.7358377

>What are you doing for valentine, Mootles?
Whispering sweet nothings into your ear, Anon~

>> No.7358378

Please don't be mean mootie, I promise I'm a cutie, I can wear MM and everything.

>> No.7358384
File: 97 KB, 500x281, MANLY TEARS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>TFW moot-senpai will never notice ME ;_;

>> No.7358386
File: 2 KB, 140x180, 1309045880910.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ara ara~

>> No.7358388

>based moot trolling around /cgl/

>> No.7358394

>wonders how many chicks are honestly hitting on mootles right now...

>has the sinking feeling it's just a bunch of guys....


>> No.7358395

>has the sinking feeling it's just a bunch of guys....
I concur.

>> No.7358396
File: 279 KB, 1600x1200, 1391878162693.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey moot, hey moot.

Will you come to Katsucon?

>> No.7358401

For what it's worth, I'm a lady. And I think you are pretty rad, dude. I'd make you a mix-tape and everything.

>> No.7358403

just put his i-pod on shuffle and see where it goes.

>> No.7358405

>Will you come to Katsucon?
No. I have no interest in attending cons—our AWA panel was a once-off. Maybe in 9-10 years.

>> No.7358404

katsu has so few guests that they would probably fly moot down and put him up if he emailed today and offered to do a panel

>> No.7358411
File: 76 KB, 645x773, yuno.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you ever coming to Canada ;_;

>> No.7358417

Do you have any characters you want pictures of cosplay for, as long as you're here?

>> No.7358428


I'm a guy, but we can still be friends

>r-right? ;_;

>> No.7358452

what about Acen? I have no great love of the programming staff but you would have a huge turnout of fans.

>> No.7358453

mootles I think that you are very attractive but I also think that if I met you irl it would be the single most awkward moment in human history

the awkward would be so dense that it would result in an awkward black whole, obliterating the state of Rhode Island and turning the Midwest into an apocalyptic wasteland

survivors would look back on that day and refer to it as "Black Anime"

>> No.7358471

>what about Acen?
That's a con.

See >>7358405
>I have no interest in attending cons

>> No.7358487

fran just die already

>> No.7358495

will you come visit the midwest at all?

>> No.7358505

>will you come visit the midwest at all?
Some day, I hope.

>> No.7358507

I like your aegyo sal.

NY, newfag.

>> No.7358508
File: 73 KB, 250x250, 239358349.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you do can we take kawaii pictures together
i'll wear my best coord and everything omg

>> No.7358513

come to Toronto moot-senpai, we'll treat ya real nice

>> No.7358517

come visit brasil

>> No.7358529

>i'll wear my best coord and everything omg
Pix of best coords?

>> No.7358533
File: 155 KB, 480x640, hey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7358543



>> No.7358553

so jewt why do you stay away from cons?

>> No.7358577
File: 57 KB, 480x640, BWMtQCFl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

moot already has a girlfriend, sorry you guys

>> No.7358588

She's pretty qt.

Mazel tov to the happy couple.

He was probably with BBYO at the Gaylord last year.

>> No.7358603

lol this guy

>> No.7358617
File: 260 KB, 803x790, 1391120703933.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So Moot what are you going to be doing for Valentines day?

>> No.7358664

P-pls come to Western Canada, specifically Alberta. I will cook for you

>> No.7358669
File: 245 KB, 579x363, mgf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i thought this was his gf

>> No.7358824

that doesn't even look like him

>> No.7358879

I have a dream where Moot comes to my house to spend a week and I make him breakfast, show him interesting places in my city and take him to eat ice cream and drink coffee together. We would watch animu late at night and fall asleep with our hands touching.
Too bad that will never happen but still is strange how somebody who speak a different language and will probably never see in person in my life can be so important to me. Well, I come here everyday since 2007, after all, and I'm happy everytime he shows in a thread.

>> No.7358894

moot please come to norway i will let you live in my house for free

>> No.7358921
File: 56 KB, 337x367, 1311626491256.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>doesn't recognize Boxxy
extreme newfag detected

>> No.7358981

>that doesn't even look like him
People are easily fooled~

>> No.7359003
File: 428 KB, 500x275, saddoctor.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you will never be able to hand moot a Valentine at Katsu that says 'You're the Beary Best' and comes with a koala bear pin

>> No.7359006
File: 133 KB, 834x668, Government_Drop_Bear_Warning.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Thinking moot wants a dropbear pin

>> No.7359008

why won't Moot-sempai notice me? T^T

>> No.7359018
File: 15 KB, 338x622, 1391905554914.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

implying he wouldn't appreciate a free cute pin.

>> No.7359026

Just come to Katsucon so you can be swooned over by qt cosplay girls.

>> No.7359031
File: 27 KB, 350x197, 20h51m52s141.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, I have other animal pun Valentines to choose from, so I would just let him pick one he likes, baka Anon.

>> No.7359068

dat trigger discipline tho

>> No.7359138

You guys, I didn't know I wanted to say hi to moot at Katsucon. But now that you asked and he said no I'm really really sad.

>> No.7359372

>dat trigger discipline tho

>> No.7359386

It adds a lot to the costume, I think.

>> No.7359565

Some to Anime Expo my child

>> No.7359577

I see what you did there

>> No.7359936

plz respond

>> No.7359954

>mfw moot will never visit Australia

How can I throw my hat into the ring to be his kawaii rori now!? I'd even hand-make a valentines card and chocolates.

>> No.7359967

ugh I was thinking the same thing
he needs a holiday do Australia
we can all meet in the library

>> No.7360045

Wish I had the guts to say hi when you were in Japan. D: You ever plan on coming back?

>> No.7360071

unattractive teen walking around in panties and cat ears

4chan themed cosplay or not it just looks like a sad cry for attention.

also please stay out of /fa/

>> No.7360079

Someone please post pictures of this guy here. Or maybe don't, he's ugly and obese.

>> No.7360092

I think it's time I tell you the truth about my feelings, sieg heil-kun.

Every time you post my dick gets so hard that it throbs against my briefs. Sweat pours from my forehead when I read your sweet, sweet words of wisdom. Your intelligence and quick wit makes me want to shove my hands through my computer's monitor and just drag you out of 4chan and into my embrace. We'd spend hours just making-out with cries similar to the giraffes you see at the zoo. Bonus points if you resisted my passion.

When I first began reading your postings to /cgl/ I merely chuckled at your sense of humor; how could a man so funny be such a charmer in real life? But when I saw your true face, the face of that slant-eyed gook with fat in his cheeks resembling a squirrel packing his nuts, I fell in love. There's nothing more I want in life than to tie you up to my bedpost and play with all of those calories you've saved up for the winter. Do you feel the same, sieg heil-kun? Would you want to be dominated by me?

I'm going to find you one day and confess all these feelings in person. Make sure you ditch that other woman in your life before that day comes; we wouldn't want any drama.

>> No.7360123
File: 108 KB, 401x385, 1388179285714.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7360128


>> No.7360160
File: 65 KB, 500x333, 9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it weird to think moot is handsome?

>> No.7360167

>Is it weird to think moot is handsome?

>> No.7360170

you're pretty fucking handsome though
no homo

do you have a valentine yet?
(some homo)

>> No.7360173
File: 178 KB, 904x660, web.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you seen your competition? They got nothin on you bb

>> No.7360181

>do you have a valentine yet?

>Have you seen your competition?
Tom is old, but attractive, and Dorsey is a handsome dude as well.

>> No.7360199


>His name is Poole
>Thinks people are fools

Beneath them brown curls lurks a poet.

>> No.7360204

isn't that the dude from 420chan that was closely related to this site in the early days

>> No.7360243
File: 169 KB, 562x742, canvas_remix_w0ort.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you have a P.O. Box I can send a kawaii valentine to or do I just have to send a sorry e-card? I just want to send you my love, mootles.

>> No.7360248
File: 43 KB, 346x256, 1387042527072.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7360249

moot what are you doing in cgl lately

>> No.7360251
File: 201 KB, 500x282, tumblr_mpyh359aTp1rtntdlo1_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have an idea...

>> No.7360252

Moot, do you ever come here and post on /cgl/ to boost your ego when you're sad?

>> No.7360254

>Moot, do you ever come here and post on /cgl/ to boost your ego when you're sad?
No, but it makes me sad when I see all of the people fighting.

>> No.7360258

Moot, you're so cute. I want to feed you namachoco and watch a cute anime together for valentine's day.

>> No.7360260


It's not like we're fighting for your attention, b-baka

>> No.7360265

LOL So true. Moot is a hottie. Would marry if I wasn't taken already.

>> No.7360269

Moot, if I start emailing you, would you respond? <3

>> No.7360272

>LOL So true. Moot is a hottie. Would marry if I wasn't taken already.
It wasn't mean to be :(

>Moot, if I start emailing you, would you respond? <3

>> No.7360276

Ahhh! you responded to me ^0^ I'm too shy!!!

>> No.7360279

I really would like you to take the meyers briggs personality test, please senpai! http://www.16personalities.com/free-personality-test?mobile=0

>> No.7360281


>> No.7360282 [DELETED] 
File: 1.87 MB, 640x360, illeatyouup.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

W-what't your email, sempai?

>> No.7360288

I-I can't! I'm scared. I don't know how to internets.

>> No.7360298
File: 247 KB, 320x205, desperatereach.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Senpai, what's your email?

>> No.7360299

>I really would like you to take the meyers briggs personality test, please senpai!
I've taken it in the past. INTP.

>Senpai, what's your email?

>> No.7360302
File: 3 KB, 100x100, ook.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

happy valentines day moot

>> No.7360303

moot, any chance we might ever see somewhere you over here in old Yurop?

>> No.7360309

>happy valentines day moot
Y-you too.

>moot, any chance we might ever see somewhere you over here in old Yurop?
I tend to visit a few times a year.

>> No.7360310

Omg omg Moot, you are so handsome! I love when you wear glasses. I appreciate your pointy nose & curly hairs

>> No.7360311
File: 550 KB, 450x253, ohmgosh.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I probably could have guessed that. I feel pretty dumb now. Anywho, I'll gather my courage and email you so we can chat if you're bored.

>> No.7360315

That's pretty neat. Where have you visited so far?

>> No.7360316

Ahhh! Moot and I are both INTPs. That makes me feel kinda cool.

Damn it, Moot finally got me to reply to one of these threads.

>> No.7360323

Moot, keep being the inspiration that you are! We <3 you and it will be a sad day for us lolitas when you find that kawaiii gurlfriend ;_;

>> No.7360322

>That's pretty neat. Where have you visited so far?
Ireland, England, Spain, France, Germany, Switzerland, Austria, Slovakia, Croatia. And I guess the Netherlands if you count a layover.

>> No.7360327

Have you been to Dublin, Ireland before? I'm going in a few weeks and I'm a bit nervous. What's fun to do if you have gone?

>> No.7360339

>Moot, keep being the inspiration that you are!
This is kind of disturbing that I'm someone's "lolispiration."

>Have you been to Dublin, Ireland before? I'm going in a few weeks and I'm a bit nervous. What's fun to do if you have gone?
Yes, three times. It's okay. The weather sucks and it's a pretty small city. I sure hope you like drinking!

>> No.7360341


Come to the Leipzig Book Fair in Germany in Mid-March then we can hug <3

>> No.7360345


moot, you have been to Germany? I live there, S-senpai!
Why have you been here? Where did you stay?Did you like it?

>> No.7360347

Definitely do! Any bar that's your favorite? I'm a bit shy, so I'd ask the college students there, but that requires talking to people before drinking. I guess it doesn't have to, but it would probably be better.

>> No.7360348

You are truly the Lama of our time.

Make sure you live a big note next time your in MA. Pretty sure I missed the last time you were here and everyone got to see you. I'd buy you a drink and not even spike it.

I know its tough for you to actually go to cons/fairs and be unnoticed and surrounded, but if you do go just for fun, you better let /cgl/ know first!

>> No.7360349

Just go to Grafton Street or ask the uni kids.

>> No.7360356

Wow, I hope I can travel like that someday! You should blog about your trips next time, I would love to read that.

>> No.7360369

>Wow, I hope I can travel like that someday! You should blog about your trips next time, I would love to read that.
95% of my travel is work related. Conferences, speaking, meetings, etc. So it isn't as exciting as leisure travel, but now that I'm funemployed, maybe I can do more of that.

>> No.7360378

>requires talking to people before drinking
I don't think public drunkenness is as frowned-upon as you think it is here. But in all seriousness, just ask around Trinity, they're pretty friendly folk and they're very used to confused tourists.

>> No.7360381


How do you earn money anyway, moot? There where some threads on /b/ speculating if this website even makes money and/or if you even work.

>> No.7360386

those threads have been around since the beginning of 4chan

>> No.7360389

All kidding aside, if you had the chance to cosplay something (game, show, anime, whatever), and not get attacked by fans at a con, what would it be?

>> No.7360392

>But in all seriousness, just ask around Trinity, they're pretty friendly folk and they're very used to confused tourists.
+1. Trinity folks rock.

>How do you earn money anyway, moot?
I spent four years running a venture-backed startup: http://chrishateswriting.com/post/74083032842/today-my-startup-failed

>All kidding aside, if you had the chance to cosplay something (game, show, anime, whatever), and not get attacked by fans at a con, what would it be?
Honestly on idea.

>> No.7360402

Hang in there, moot.

>> No.7360408
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Thank you for all you do for us, moot.

>> No.7360489

what are you doing outside of /fa/, baldie mcfat?
Eyebrows is a qt3.14