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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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7351605 No.7351605[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Weaboo story time desu
Share your worst /cgl/
(please no overly posted stories I want some new stuff)

>> No.7351615

I told this like a year ago so I just copied it from the archives.

>Senior year starts in private all girls high school
>Kick ass group of friends, awesome events planned all year round, difficult classes and test ended junior year
>Life's sweet
>First week of school we see a freshman sitting by herself at breakfast everyday, let's call her M
>Me and my friends are too nice and tell her to sit with us one day
>She seems nice, nervous but nice
>Turns out she likes anime and lolita
>I ask what her favorite brands/prints are
>"I get my dresses from Hot Topic"
>M pulls out a Death Note and tells us about how she just got it to use it on girls at school
>"I just wrote my sister's name in red ink, curse that baka"
>M becomes super clingy from then on, following me and my friends between classes
>Walk into the cafeteria one morning
>See her sitting with my friends in a bright purple eBay party wig
>Contemplating just going back home
>As I sit down she says, "Before you ask, yeah, I'm wearing a wig. It's from that lolita fashion I was teaching you about"
>Follows me home on the bus
>Gets up the same time I do to go to school
>Glomps in hallways and "ANON-CHAN"s for two months
>One of my friends, J, gets fed up and tells her not to touch her
>M gets upset and runs away
>Same day I go to the bathroom and see her staring in the mirror, not blinking
>She turns to me, smiles, walks towards me
>"You know, Anon-chan, I always thought we were best friends. We have so much in common"
>She hugs me and sticks her face in my boobs
>I try to push her way but she's twice my weight
>She starts to cry and scream, "IT DOESN'T WORK! IT NEVER WORKS!"
>She pulls her Death Note off the sink and shows our names in all the pages
>"I just thought we'd be happy together, with no one else..."
>I tell her I'll be right back with my bag so we can go home
>Run to principal's office
>Tell her errythang
>M transfers before the week is out

>> No.7351620

>Two years later
>In Hot Topic (bff is into rock bands and such)
>Chilling by the Harry Potter section and see a ratty blue wig
>Peek behind a shelf to see M in Tripp pants, black lipstick, and arm warmers with a similarly dressed girl
>Duck around to shop to bff
>"Dude, M's here"
>She looks at me like a deer in headlights
>We out

>> No.7351636

Oh shit...I lol'ed at the "teaching" part and the party wig.

I remember that woman who named her children after animu characters and being like "Daisuke is such a kawaii name".
Also I heard of a story of a lolita harassed by a weeb at a train station but never found it again.

>> No.7351660

>be me, freshman year of college
>meet a girl through a mutual friend
>most stereotypical weeb I've ever met
>on her dorm room door hangs a copic'd picture of animu girl and giant tits
>room is filled with Hetalia and Japanese curtain things
>she carries around a sketchbook in which she uses to draw yaoi in public
>gets angry when people look at her funny for drawing gay porn. In public
>constantly asks me to teach her about getting an Asian boyfriend, since I'm Asian
>creeps on international students and gets confused when they are scared of her
>it's because you're a huge white whale
>believes that she is the reincarnation of a gay japanese man
>she has confirmed this with a psychic
>discovers that I'm into lolita (I was just getting back into it at this point)
>asks all the stupid questions while somehow acting as if she knows everything already
>plans on buying literally everything from DoL
>"I'm gonna be the best lolita ever!"
>"I looooooove Angelic Pretty! They have such great designs! I need to buy all the replicas!"
>She leaves after that year to go to Savannah College of the Arts because my school doesn't have a major for comics or something
>because she wants to move to Japan and be a famous yaoi mangaka
>while also being a children's school teacher
>year later, find out she is engaged to an older Japanese man who travels the world making sushi?
>but I don't think she is anymore

It was a weird experience because I don't think I truly believed in weebs like in the horror stories until I met her. She was just really awkward and loud and obnoxious but couldn't figure out why people didn't like her (she claimed it was because they were all hipsters). I tried pretty hard to put up with it and stayed friendly, and thankfully nothing bad happened, but it was an enlightening experience.

>> No.7351663

I don't know if it's really a "weeb" story, but it involves 2D porn so whatever.

>be freshman in high school
>awkward, but try to be friendly to everyone
>hang out in the library in the mornings before class
>walking around computer section
>see greasy-haired boy looking at hentai on his screen
>"Dude... wh-what are you looking at?"
>he gives me a creepy smile and asks if I want to look at some with him
>walk away, never breathe a word of it to anyone

>a few weeks pass
>in the library again
>"Hey Siggy!" he shouts to me
>know I shouldn't go over to him, but I do anyways because I don't want to be mean
>he shows me what's on his screen
>it's a decapitated girl
>[internally screams]
>"One day I'm going to do this to the people I hate."
>"Oh... o-okay."
>walk away, never breathe a word of it to anyone

His crazy mom ended up calling the school later that year threatening that she had placed a bomb in the cafeteria, so I guess that problem solved itself. I've got a couple more incidents with said person if anyone's interested, though.

>> No.7351664

I haven't been here in a while but I'll go ahead and point out the painfully obvious as usual which is that this board is the biggest weeaboo horror story bar none and you're all in denial/have no self awareness

>> No.7351672
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>> No.7351676

need you ask?

>> No.7351701


are you me

>be freshman in high school
>one of my friends introduces me to his friend
>h-hey be nice to him, okay? he doesn't have any other friends, plus he's like 21 and still in high school.
>be friendly, talk to him, we exchange AIM names and talk that night.
>next day, he says he brought me a 'present'. it's a CD. and I need to look at it at home
>o-oh okay
>take CD home, won't play in cd player
>put in DVD player instead
>boku no pico starts playing
>also has a folder of furry orgy porn
>next day at school he asks if I liked it
>um.... not really
>but it tells you so much about MY SOUL
>greasy face leans in near my ear and whispers
>i'm a furry who wants to fuck kawaii ukes and lolis

>> No.7351728


>i'm a furry who wants to fuck kawaii ukes and lolis


>> No.7351779


>one HS teacher had daughter who was about 4, 5. very cute small child, quiet, polite, big blue eyes, blonde hair
>greasyweebfurry had brought me a box of pocky, as he often brought weeby snacks to school
>offer the girl a stick of pocky with her mother's permission. she really loved it.
>21 year old greasyweebfurry is in my freshman class, starts giggling
>after class
>hey anon, you're one of us now
>a lolicon
>what no
>oh yeah i saw you offer that little bitch some candy, i'm going to fantasize all night about you fucking her mmmmm
>i was just being nice
>ya because you wanted to fuck her!
>proceeds to tell our whole friend group that 'i'm a lolicon'... luckily no one knew what it meant or cared.

>> No.7351787

You sure it is a weeaboo and not someone with a kitten fetish?

>> No.7351814
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Alright then. I needed a break anyways. I'll just refer to the kid as Chester from now on, since it seems like an appropriate name.

>school library has a shelf dedicated exclusively to comic books and manga
>naruto, bleach, one piece, inu yasha, etc.
>also features several of the original English volumes of Ranma 1/2
>Chester really likes hanging out in this section

By the time December rolled around I'd made a lot more friends and found my niche in the high school hierarchy. One of these friends happened to work as a librarian aide for one of her senior-year electives. She knew who Chester was and we'd often gossip about how weird he was during our lunch breaks.

>sit at lunch table in front of librarian aide friend
>"Siggy, I'm going to tell you something confidential."
>"It's about Chester."
>I give the nod of approval
>"He's banned from the library for the next two months."
>Chester apparently checked out one of the copies of Ranma 1/2 and took it home
>returned it the next day
>some of the pages were stuck together
>specifically the nude scenes
>mfw I realized I could never continue reading the series

And I still haven't read past volume 2.

>> No.7351855

>21 y/o high school freshman


>> No.7351882
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This girl believes Sasuke is real and he follows her around as her guardian angel. He has given her all the knowledge of the universe (because he's a divine being so he can do that he's like a God.) They have had irl sex and he's going to impregnate her.
There's also a drawing of her stabbing herself after he dies so they can die together "in a final embrace"

>> No.7351913

what the fuck

>> No.7351938
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>> No.7351947

>His crazy mom ended up calling the school later that year threatening that she had placed a bomb in the cafeteri
But that's your kid's job, you're not supposed to do it for him.

>> No.7351966
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> dat delusion

>> No.7351994
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Maybe she'll actually kill herself.

>> No.7352008


let's try a third

>greasyfurrykun decides to bring me another present.
>it's prepackaged mochi balls
>oh, I've never had those before.
>try them anon!!
>try one. it's rather chewy and glutinous, sticky, not very good mochi
>h-hey anon...
>he leans in to whisper
>imagine that's my cum sliding down your throat

>> No.7352014

Best pickup line ever

>> No.7352024

I am actually gagging at the though t of someone like this oh my god anon

>> No.7352066

>be in high school, this was maybe junior year
>well liked, but not popular
>most people know me as the "funny, artsy anime kid"
>a short, chubby boy greets me the second or third day of school
>heard me talking about anime, seemed nice enough
>stalks me 24/7, is extremely right wing and homophobic, scorns me for everything i do
>tell him to fuck off
>he finds my long distance girlfriend, starts talking to her
>tries to convince me she's leaving me for him
>it's obvious bullshit, she doesn't even message him back
>have a good laugh about it

He spoke for lengths about how much she "hates" me and plans to leave me. We're going to have been dating for, like, 5 years now.

>> No.7352086


Ironically, Chester's crazy mom making that pseudo-threat worked out well for me and her son. We had to evacuate the school premise so I ended up missing a geometry test I was about to flunk and Chester moved out of our town to someplace where the grass was greener. The police did a search through his house and supposedly found meth, a horde of trash, and a sofa stuffed with $20 bills; not exactly the golden palace with harems of 2D waifus I'd pictured him going home to.

>> No.7352088

I met this chick in highschool.
>wore bathrobes to school
>called them kimonos
>always refer to money as yen
>calls people baka
>I brought a Batman comic to school
>she walks over and picks it up
>starts hitting me with it

>> No.7352094

funniest thing i've ever read

>> No.7352092

you broke his nose, didn't you? it makes me crazy when people simply endure this kind of shit like a deer in headlights

>> No.7352096

>it's rather chewy and glutinous, sticky, not very good mochi
Do you even mochi?

>> No.7352110

Woah man, as a /co/mrade that is not cool. I don't care if you don't like western comics, but you do NOT fuck with collectibles.

>> No.7352249

I don't have much an exciting story, but I work at a learning center that has kids from preschool all the way to highschool.
In particular there's a highschool girl thats just your usual massive weeb, brings manga almost every time showing off to people and screaming "DON'T TOUCH IT" when someone does, literally talks about Naruto/Kuroshit/Deathnote/Inuyasha 95% of the fucking time, going so far as calling people as the characters names.
Bad thing is she knows like animu and shit ever since my boss told her I went to cons, but try my best to not let her know how much so she doesn't cling to me more than she already does. I do have to try to talk to her since she'll rile up like storm and scream "WHY DON'T YOU LIKE ME YOU HATE ME!!!" if I don't.
Good thing is I only have to deal with her for maybe an hour for two days of the week and the center is pretty strict so I can command tell her not to do stupid shit since I'm part of the staff. Didn't save me from an unexpected glomp or two but eh.

I think the funniest thing about it is that boss talked to me privately how she just is "high-functioning [autistic]" and it made me realize probably almost every weeb is one. It's an interesting realization though, because it makes me wonder if there's some kind of scientific or psychological reasoning/explanation why like almost every weeb acts exactly the same.

>> No.7352279


I wish I would have. I was a really shy kid. I was actually molested at a convention and didn't say anything because I just thought it was fun and games. I wish I had someone who had told me it wasn't OK back then. Unforunately I didn't, and the guy who introduced me and greasyfurrykun ended up my boyfriend, and he didn't even say anything about it.

I have, I had a lot of good mochi in Japan. This was more like... bubblegum. Really hard to chew and kind of slimy and tasteless.

let's see, let's find another one.

>greasyfurrykun was in a car accident as a young teen, and had a monthly settlement payment that his parents let him blow on anything he wanted, as it had damaged his back and he was no longer able to do sports
>hence his becoming a fat and greasy 4chan-goer
>anon-chan!!!! i'm going to get you something nice for your birthday!
>w-what? i mean... you don't have to.
>well anon-chan, your parents don't ever get you anything nice, so I will.
>oh, that'd be nice...
>ok!! i'm going to get you an ipod!!
>get excited, never had an MP3 player
>my birthday comes, he comes to school with a big wrapped box
>i thank him profusely and open it in front of all our friends
>it's a 14" dildo
>used a label maker to print out 'for fucking lolis' and stuck it on the box.

i'm working up to the big blow out that ended our time together oh boy

>> No.7352282

It's more of a square-is-a-rectangle-but-rectangle-isn't-a-square thing, right? High-functioning autists don't always end up being weebs, but the ones that become them will act in that way.

>> No.7352304

>Went to SCAD

sounds about right.

>> No.7352320
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>>used a label maker to print out 'for fucking lolis' and stuck it on the box.
Nope. I'm done. Finished. No.

>> No.7352325

>>ok!! i'm going to get you an ipod!!
>>get excited, never had an MP3 player
>>my birthday comes, he comes to school with a big wrapped box
>>i thank him profusely and open it in front of all our friends
>>it's a 14" dildo

Oh god I am sorry, but I laughed so hard!
Read all stories posted, fucking gold. I am sorry you had to deal with such an awkward asshole though.

...To be honest, if you are sure he never opened the package, at least it is kinda usefull...?

>> No.7352344
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>it's a 14" dildo
>used a label maker to print out 'for fucking lolis' and stuck it on the box.

>> No.7352364

The joke was that it was a 14" dildo and I was about 4'8". so it was about a forth of my height- plus I was a virgin. It was about as big around as my wrist. Nonetheless, it wasn't in store-bought packaging, it was in a reused box. Noped the fuck out. Didn't even touch it. He was severely buttpained that I threw it out and didn't talk to me for a few weeks, just hung around awkwardly.

So here's another one.

>Greasyfurrykun is on AIM when I sign on.
>He messages me about how he got a boyfriend. Boyfriend is a guy we both know.
>Congrats Greasyfurrykun.
>But he won't let Greasyfurrykun say anything to anyone they know.
>A couple months pass normally.
>Greasyfurrykun messages me in tears.
>what's wrong.
>My boyfriend will only fuck me from behind with the lights off because he says I'm disgusting
>uhhh.... what... i don't....
>last night is the first time i've aroused him in weeks
>oh.. okay
>because I wrote him fanfic.
>he sends me the fanfic. it's about how his fursona (a large greasy rat) fucks a virgin uke boy
>ummmm??? ok?
>do you like it anon-chan
>... i... mean...
>it's based on your boyfriend. i hope you can schlick to this later. i just can't help but get off to how tight his hole would be~~

>> No.7352418


>> No.7352421
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>The joke
>was that it was a 14" dildo and I was about 4'8". so it was about a forth of my height- plus I was a virgin. It was about as big around as my wrist. Nonetheless, it wasn't in store-bought packaging, it was in a reused box. Noped the fuck out. Didn't even touch it. He was severely buttpained that I threw it out and didn't talk to me for a few weeks, just hung around awkwardly.

WHAT ZHE FUCK. How can such people even exist?? Dear god, I am sorry. How did you end this horrible "friendship"??

Also, this story and the fanfic...
I cannot keep track with the NOPE

>> No.7352439
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Do you... Have... This masterpiece saved anywhere? Please, oh please!

Pic related

>> No.7352481

No, not at all. Deleted immediately, at request of then-boyfriend.
Well glad you asked how it ended. I hope I didn't leave out any notable stories. First, let me describe more of Greasyfurrykun. He was the original fedora. He wore a trenchcoat in all black, and a black and white pinstripe fedora during classes. Pizzaface, with long, straight, black, greasy hair and glasses. He was about 300lbs, and only had one pair of pants, and a shirt that read "I <3 Hentai" along with two others, both anime shirts. He is in high school for six years, before ultimately they ask him not to come back. in the end, he insists it's because he was 'too smart' for the school.

>haven't seen him in a few weeks, since he was asked to drop out of school because he was too far behind.
>It's around September, I'm gearing up for my annual January con.
>he signs on AIM and messages me.
>hey greasyfurrykun.
>he asks what I've been up to. I lament about trying to pull together money for this convention briefly.
>he talks about how his relationship has failed, how he's miserable and going to be kicked out of his house
>I'm sorry greasyfurrykun. i hope things go better for you.
>they would if you'd fuck me.
>well, can you just fuck me? it'd cheer me up.
>he goes quiet and reconsiders.
>look, here's the deal, I get the last payment of my settlement from the accident. it's about $500. I'm going to get me one of those new Xbox360s, and i'll have about $200 left.
>so I'll give you pretty much all of the leftover money if you sleep with me.
>dude, what's the problem? i mean you pretty much just lay still and let me pop your cherry, i mean it's just a few sweaty hours and a sweet $200.
>dude you're 22 i'm 15 this is fucking illegal
>if you contact me again, i'm calling the police.

still feel dirty thinking about it.

>> No.7352488


Woha, that is even worse than all the previous stories.
I am sorry Anon! You should not feel dirty, HE is the dirty pic in this case. I hope this will one day haunt his nightmares or lets him go into the deepest pits of hell.

>> No.7352489

How do people like this even exist

>> No.7352496
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*pig, damn it. Also, have an internet hug.

>> No.7352497

Would have loved to read said masterpiece, but damn, everything else is just comedy gold

Sorry if it brings up icky memories, but holy shit...

>> No.7352499

I don't.... I can't even. That's just too disgusting for words. Did he finally leave you alone after that?

>> No.7352506
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It's not the worst example of weebishness but most recent I guess
>be me in between classes at local little university
>eating lunch with couple of kids
>most are younger, some older casually talking about exam we just had
>place starts to clear out
>just me and two others, guy and girl
>dude walks up polling on movies we might be interested in watching
>followed by girl
>tall girl, chubby has septum pierced, beady eyes, frizzy hair lets call her Frizz
>Frizz is yelling ( mind you, it's an empty cafeteria) about star wars
> dude writes down star wars
> I look in disbelief at buddy across the table from me, he gives me same look.
>Frizz is pre-occupied with food and leaves suddenly
>i mention casually if Miyazaki classics were an option
>poll dude says he's not sure but probably
>Frizz shows up out of no where and screams I LOVE MEEAHYAZAKI
>I'm not giving eye contact hoping she'll go away soon
>cute girl at table mentions the first pokemon movie
>oh god, here we go
>absolutely screams about how pokemon is amazing, she loves Espurr and Entei is a rapist, lists off every movie she watched and every game she played, talking about gijinkas in a fanfic she wrote and the like
>mfw she finally left

>> No.7352518
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Reminds me way too much of pic related

>> No.7352519

Why didn't you save the conversation and contact the police?
>stupid people

>> No.7352527


Why do you blame a 15-year old victim for not acting right instead of him?
>stupid ignorant people

>> No.7352542

Yes. He didn't leave my boyfriend alone though. The very last we heard of him:

>Greasyfurrykun had no friends left
>Parents kick him out of house after finding his piss bottles and presumably CP that he stockpiled from years of /b/
>I'm on a date with BF.
>He shows up at BF's house at the same time.
>Only BF's mom is there.
>Tells BF's mom that he promised to help Greasyfurrykun move all of his stuff.
>Mom calls BF, screaming about how he was supposed to help this greasy fucker move his belongings and now he's sitting on her good couch.
>BF has to leave date and help him move
>grounded for the rest of the month for 'neglecting obligations' or some BS.

I wish I had, trust me. Like I said, I was timid and young and stupid. I thought it was OK at the time, much more than I do now.

>> No.7352562
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>now he's sitting on her good couch.

>> No.7352563

Here's my story about Spinarak the weeb.

>Be highschool me, nerdy as shit, ain't nobody fuckin wit my clique, doe.
>Suddenly, a challenger appears
>greasy, not land whale tier but still tubby weeb dressed head to toe in Hot Topic gear approaches our table one morning
>find it weird since she seemingly came out of nowhere, but forget to care when she forces her way into a chair next to mine and I'm overpowered by the smell of cat pee
>I'm dressed in goth loli when she meets me so she dubs me Misa-chan
>teases me about being thin
>tries to "teach" me about lolita
>"Hot Topic sells REAL rorita clothes. Their rorita is so much better. Also, it's pronounced ROW-REE-TUH."
>Spinarak does this every time I wear lolita, so I start to wear it less often, even though my teachers and classmates love my "beautiful princess dresses". I also hide from Spinarak when I do

>decide to wear it one day, though, because, fuck it, I love lolita, I'll just hide from her
>feel super sick during class
>head to nurse as quickly as I can walk without blowing chunks and manage to make it there
>sign in, sit near the washroom just in case I need to barf while waiting for nurse, scared of vomiting in lolita
>think it's the worst day ever, but oh man, little did I fucking know

>hear running as the smell of cat pee begins to diffuse into and throughout the room
>"O-oh, I see..."
>"Thanks, Spinara- ra-"
>Smell of cat pee overpowers me and I rush to the washroom, releasing the contents of my stomach into the toiletbowl in all their glory
I managed not to get puke on my dress and felt much better after throwing up, but then...

(1 out of 2)

>> No.7352582

No green text. Sorry.

Whenever people made fun of anime nerds I used to get all offended; like anyone would when they feel their hobby is being dissed. I would defend the honor of my Otaku brethren and tell the offender that not all Otakus are weird mouth breathers who live in their parents basement and make out with their Kagome pillows.

Then I met one. Now I know exactly what those people are talking about, and I realize, I never should have gotten offended because I am not one of those extreme anime fans. I mean, I love anime and manga. That's my preferred cartooning method of choice, I want to do that for a living. But I am not, nor could I ever hope to obtain to be, an extreme anime fan.

I had just had some lunch with a friend at an Indian diner and meant to go into Trader Joe's to buy some stuff for work. Unfortunately I got distracted by the Barnes and Noble next door and bypassed it like re book hoarder I am.

I headed over to the comic/manga section of the store. There was a college student standing at one end of the bookshelf and I walked past him to go see what they had and all that. My hand didn't even get to touch a book when all of a sudden he starts talking to me. I can't even remember what he started talking about at first.

He looked like a fat version of Dave Coulier. I tried to be nice and nodded, smiled and made a comment about whatever anime he was talking about...and then he wouldn't stop talking. Soon I found myself forced into a conversation I didn't really care for having at the moment and unable to really peruse the selections at hand. Then he started talking about Gundam and the more he talked the more I realized I could not keep up this smiling and nodding ruse.

To be cont'd.

>> No.7352589

>hear the bathroom door click shut
oh no...
>Spinarak turns on moe-wannabe mode
>"Misa-chan, are you feeling okay, desu~?"
Oh no, I just violently puked because I felt like it.
>"I'll be fine, I just need to lay dow-"
>Spinarak forces me into a lung-popping, greasy cat pee weeb hug
>"Spinarak, I'm going to vomit again!"
>"Oh, Anon-chan, I'm sorry, it's just that I love you and have been wanting to confess all along!"
>"Th-thank you, I appreciate it, but you should really let me go, I'm very sick and I-"
>she grabs and starts fondling my breasts
>"Anon-chan, your breasts are so soft~"
>"Spinarak, let me go!"
>"Don't be so Tsundere, Misa-chan!"
>"Hush! If you just let me do what I plan to do, you might like it! We became friends that way, didn't we?"
No we didn't. We're not friends.
>she slams and pins me up against the wall, starts lifting up my dress
>"I bet you have cute panties, Misa-chan~!"
>I feel like crying
>Suddenly, my stomach starts churning
>"Here, let's kiss! IT'LL BE LIKE A YURI MANGA!!!"
>She inches towards my lips and the smell of cat pee overpowers me once again, and my poor stomach can take no more
>Spew chunks onto her face, and, judging by the spitting noises, accidentally into her mouth, too
>Weeaboo moe mode goes offline as she drops me and lets me down from the position she had pinned me in
>her face is stricken with sheer digust and terror
no duh, that's why I'm in the nurse's office

Needless to say, she never bothered me again after that ordeal. Spinarak left me and my friends alone for the rest of our highschool years.
I saw her at my college once, but she quickly walked the other way as soon as she made eye contact with me.
It wasn't a fun experience, but I got out of it without much trouble, and it's funny now.

Had I found this board sooner, I would have shared it with you guys earlier.

>> No.7352594

I had to come clean and tell him I never really watched the show so I didn't really know what he was talking about.

A 'What The Fuck?' look lit up Uncle Joey's face. I was secretly waiting for him to tell me to "cut it out", but instead what happened was even more odd and awkward. He comes closer to me and begins to play smack my face.

Now I'm a very laid back, jokey type of chick. I can deal with people I just met joking around and maybe giving me a light tap or pushing my shoulders a la Elaine Benes; especially if we've been getting to know each other through light conversation. This man however I didn't know at all, had been doing nothing but talking about anime with while I tried numerous times to get out of the conversation and browse mangas. Normally I would have acted negatively in a situation and not just let someone touch my face, but he was very gentle about it. It was more like he was tossing my face between his hands than smacking. But then it went on for a couple of seconds too long. I was also pretty shocked at the blatant disregard for personal space that the only thing I could think of to do was this 'I'm a dainty princess' move and put my hands up to my face, lean back and let out a squeak of helplessness. And if that wasn't bad enough, he very delicately, very gently kneed me in the stomach. It was like an offensive ballet move. Then he chastised me and told me I needed to watch more Gundam or some shit like that (Makes me glad I didn't cop to actually not liking the Gundam series. Not a fan of the mecha.).

All I could do was blush and stand there with a crinkled brow and wide eyed stare of 'holy hell' and think "Man he's a real weirdo without Uncle Jesse to keep him calm". After a couple more minutes of this I had finally grabbed the second in a series I was reading and looked for a way to disengage and escape.

>> No.7352599


What the fucking fuck
What a disgusting person, I almost want to vomit too. She sounds like a rapist, and clearly likes ome one with issures who needs therapy, this is by no mean normal or acceptable behaviour. Glad you got out of this situation without too much damage.
I hope at least your dress did not suffer.

>> No.7352603
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I agreed to go to a little “sleepover” at my friend’s house, with her newfound friends from college. She said they were into anime and games and similar stuff to us, so I wasn’t allowed to contain my power level. I packed my HDs in my Touhou laptop bag, thinking it was going to be hype to meet some new weeb friends.

They were on the couch watching Mirai Nikki and jesus christ the squealing of one girl when she saw the SNK key chains on my bag, I thought we were both going to have a stroke. The other two were pretty run-of the-mill chuunis, but very polite.

The one was absolutely obsessed with yaoi, not that I can properly judge, and she told us about how she wanted to get into cosplay so she can cosplay all her ships. My friend was thrilled about this, and I was passively supportive (read: "yeah okay cool") until I realized she is one of those types that likes to assign characters to people. My friend does this as well, but only liked het until being recently exposed to yaoi and yuri, which was partially my fault.

With their powers combined, they drove me fucking nuts. They share a lot of ships that have a contrast of dark hair and blonde hair. My friend shed her normal shyness and was outright proclaiming me as strictly hers, which struck a cord with the other girl because they’re both blonde and they relate to their favorite characters by corresponding hair colors. I've never been so simultaneously mortified and flattered, and confused, because we're not anime bishounen.

>> No.7352604
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Then he asked me something about Fall Out 3 or...2, I don't know. I admitted I had never played the games before. The same look as before creeped upon his face and I smartly took a step or two back. Instead of coming closer he starts beckoning to me and says, "Come on, you know this is coming." and proceeds to pretend to kick me in the baby maker.

Thankfully I was back far enough away that no part of him could make contact. I proceeded with the only weapon I had in my arsenal at the time and pulled a complete girl move. I looked up and to the side, tilted my head, put my finger to my temple and continued to talk over him like I was lost in my own reverie of whatever the hell I was yapping on and on about and ignored him until he stopped. I can only hope that he meant to play kick me in the shin, but hyper extended his leg because I was too far away. I mean, you don't cunt punt chicks you don't know. Especially not without an agreed upon safe word either.

He made me feel so awkward I was afraid to lick my lips. They were dry and I could do nothing. That is some serious fucking awkwardness.

Then after another minute or two he looked at his watch and quickly announced he had to go. Turned away and hightailed it to the upper floor.

My face when.

>> No.7352609

My dress is fine, too, thankfully. Right now I'm in the midst of moving, so it's still at my old house. Moving is tiring, so I decided to take a break and browse /cgl/.

>> No.7352608

>no duh, that's why I'm in the nurse's office


I hope you didn't get it on your dress though.

>> No.7352613

Somehow I didn't, haha. I have a lot of memories in that dress.

>> No.7352618


What dress was it?

>> No.7352624


Absolutely disgusting.

>> No.7352628

You literally used the Vulture defense. Good job.

>> No.7352631
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It was handmade by my grandma. She really spoiled me, haha.
I can give you an idea of what it looks like, though.

It's times like these when I wish I had my camera.

>> No.7352637

Thank you, haha.

From now on, I will think of myself as the Vulture-loli, throwing up on predators and watching, waiting for brand prices to drop low enough for me to prey on.

>> No.7352640

She deserved to be puked on.

>> No.7352641
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I'm gonna go ahead and say I think this is sensational fiction by Anon. Still entertaining, though.

>> No.7352642

cant read it, what does it say?

>> No.7352645


Wow, pretty sure it looks amazing! I wish my grandma could still sew, but her arthritis got too bad.

>> No.7352649
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>Yes I was wearing them at time of delivery :)

>> No.7352650

"Yes, I was wearing them at the time of delivery. :)"

It also says that her location was at a hospital, implying that she delivered a poor child wearing those, who is now doomed.

>> No.7352656

she probably also conceived poor child in those, too. I wouldn't doubt a matching pair were involved as well. *cringe*

>> No.7352661

Aw, I'm sorry to hear that your grandma isn't feeling well, anon. I don't know how arthritis works, so I don't know what to say, but I hope she is okay.

I'm lucky to have my grandma. She's very understanding and supportive of my hobbies. She saw me looking at the "pretty doll dresses" and began reminiscing, which prompted her to sew some dresses for me.

She is the best grandma ever and I couldn't ask for a better one.

>> No.7352663


>> No.7352666

Only stupid fucks reproduce anyway

>> No.7352669

...I have no face. What the hell did she name the unfortunate offspring?

Christ, I hate to admit I did name my kid after an anime character...at least it's a "real" name, nothing insane like Pinkamena Zecora.

>> No.7352673

Wha-what is it anon-kun?

>> No.7352677

What the fucking shitfuck

>> No.7352683

Oh great

>> No.7352700

>it's a 14" dildo
>used a label maker to print out 'for fucking lolis' and stuck it on the box.

Yeah, sorry I laughed so hard at this. He sounds like he has a bit of a sense of humour that falls short or would be funny if he didn't trot out the same old lines again. But working you up to an ipod for a loli dildo? gold

>> No.7352695


Athritis causes your joints (especially in hands) to get infected, swollen, and very hard to use. She has a lot of troubles with her bones/joints in general, making it hard to walk for a long time, and requiring tratments. It is very sad to watch her become more and more helpless. :(

Otherwise, my grandma is mostly... confused by my dresses, haha. She has a very simple and and more practical style (and by all love, not the best fashion sense), so she does not really understand why I would choose to wear a frilly dress. However, she would ha ve made me something for sure... Anyway, I am getting too much off topic, this rather beolngs to the feels topic.

/sage for off topic

>> No.7352696
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>be in high school
>9th or 10th grade
>stream anime
>on fucking youtube
>shitty fan subs
>go to con
>tons of girls my age in Lucky Star cosplay
>"anon Lucky channel so funny desu I love akira chan shes best girl"
>watch Lucky Star
>think Lucky Channel is the best part
>several years into future
>torrent Lucky Star 1080p
>skip lucky channel each times it pops up at the end
>realise I forced myself to like that garbage because i was a weeb

seriously I think the majority band wagoned Lucky Channel because it was a weeb thing to relate to japanese pop culture and their idols when really all we cared about was their anime

>> No.7352708

You need that hat from Harry Potter they put on the Snape-bogart with the giant stuffed vulture.

>> No.7352706

It's from FMA. No, it's not Winry. And I'm leery to post it.

Funny enough, I have met about 20 people with this name, both male and female, so it's not completely unusual.

>> No.7352714
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>annoying but unknowing weaboo with friends in 6th grade
>older bro gets fed up on day
>"you're justa weaboo holy crap"
>what's a weaboo, oni-kun?"
>"it's someone who likes anime way too much"
>go around calling myself a weaboo thinking it was a good thing
>go around correction my friends whenever they called them selves otakus (my bro had told me otakus were "basement fatties with no life") and saying that we were weaboos

>> No.7352718

or Elric. I met an Elric once.

Anyways if it's from FMA it can't be that bad... unless it's one of the Homunculi.

>> No.7352716

Surprise, you were right, you were in fact a weeb

>> No.7352721

didn't specify, it was me show as doing this
>haurdo modu: you were the weaboo
I guess it really wasn't a horror story...
I thought this was a weaboo phase thread at first ;_;

>> No.7352723

Easy, Enablers and People who don't want natural selection happen.

>> No.7352726
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Fucking lol

>> No.7352730

ramen uzumaki

>> No.7352734

>years ago in high school
>going through experimental phase
>have curly as fuck thigh-length hair
>dye my hair frequently
>make mistake of dying half of my hair blue
>sitting at lunch
>hambeast grabs me in her arms
>shoves my head in her flabtits
>no no no no no no
>she releases me
>why the fuck do weebs think it's acceptable to hug strangers
>she tells me I'm kawaii
>sits down next to me
>says her name is Samuku
>I-Is it seriously that
>No, that's my Japanese name, my real name is Samuel
>it's a guy
>b-but those tits...

Dude continued to harass me for the rest of high school.
Got to the point where I had to file a restraining order because he tried to rape me.
High school fucking sucked.

>> No.7352740

Named my kid Lust so she can be a tsundre-kun when she gets older!

It's Riza, actually.

>> No.7352744

>why the fuck do weebs think it's acceptable to hug strangers

It's funny because while they're trying to emulate the ~grorious Nipponese~, they don't realize that hugging in public is very frowned upon in Japan.

>> No.7352756

That's a cute name, Anon. 20 Rizas, though? I don't think I've ever met one.

>> No.7352760

I've met two girls with the name Risa, but never with a Z. Cute, though, and I wouldn't recognize it from anything.

>> No.7352764

Perks of working retail for quite some time.

I've met 5 doctors named Riza (apparently it's a popular middle eastern male name) and ran into the rest while taking credit cards and checking ID's. Most of them were spelled Risa though, but same pronunciation.

>> No.7352770

Aw man... So sorry to hear that she's going through that. Maybe you cook cook her a nice meal or help her around the house if she ever has trouble. I'm sure she'd be grateful .You probably already do that, haha.

My heart goes out to you and your grandmother, anon.

>> No.7352779

he tried to rape you? fucking deets

>> No.7352794

I hope you meant Lisa....

>> No.7352808

Oh fuck you're right. I was so hopped up on Demerol I totally fucked up writing an "L" and the county clerk thought it was an "R". Damn it all to hell!

>> No.7352820

>have curly as fuck thigh-length hair
>dye my hair frequently
Did you get $500 in allowance for that shit?

>> No.7352825

It's not that expensive if you dye it yourself, actually.

>> No.7352836

I know that but seriously? I dye my hair at home and it's difficult, takes hours, uses about $40 worth of dye and it's only to my shoulders. Then again I have really thick hair so it's probably part of the problem.

>> No.7352842

Ah, well my mom always helps me, so it doesn't take too terribly much effort.

>> No.7352863

You're so lucky. I sometimes have to wind up doing my own hair because my family's schedules are so mixed up. Sometimes I miss a few spots. It's hard to tell, but *I* can tell which is annoying.

Last time my mom tried helping she swirled my hair around and didn't do it correctly. I had leopard spots. Not the cool type ones either.

>> No.7352869

I do my own hair and it only uses $15 worth of dye, takes about two hours, and I can do it all myself no problem... Maybe you need to take a different tactic with it. Are you sectioning it off or trying to dye all at once? I split my hair into three tiers, start at the bottom tier, dye it, let down the next one, dye it, etc.

>> No.7352883

It's not that, I've gotten it done professionally and they say the same thing, I just have really really thick hair. I can't imagine doing it myself without a lot of annoyance.

>> No.7352881


This method works. My dye cost $14 (feria) and I do it myself . Takes about two to three hours as well. You need more practice. Doing it in sections is ideals.

>> No.7352886

Hold on to your tiny, frilly hats.

To sum up why I was hanging out with him in the first place that gave him the opportunity, I had no fucking idea how insane he was. I was his friend because I felt really bad for him. He had two other friends who were creepy, but no where near as creepy as him. He's 6'4" and 375 pounds, so I would be willing to bet that he never got attention from girls before.
There's a whole lot of other fucked up stories in here, I tell you hwot.

>two years after meeting him
>my group of friends has sort of absorbed their group
>all of us go to the movies one night
>movie ends
>past two in the morning, so most of us go home
>I have to wait for my mom to pick me up because I don't have a car and live to far from my buds for them to drop me off
>Samuku offers to wait with me
>th-that's cool, you really don't have to
>"No, I really want to, I don't want to leave you here alone. What if some pervert tried to kidnap you?"
>I would rather go with them.
>okay dude...
>cold as hell outside
>start walking around the theater
>"I think you're really pretty."
>oh god no
>"I like you a lot."
>dude please no, you have been wearing the same shirt all week
>Uh, yeah, you're a really good friend.
>fucking threw me into the bushes and jumped on me
>kissing my face
>"I want you."
>"I can't, just let me show you how much I love you, you'll love me too once you understand."
>start screaming rape and fire
>he covers my mouth

>> No.7352889

>panic ensues
>my little loli body is trapped under 300+ pounds of pocky and ramen noodles
>can't move
>his dick is out
>starts taking off my pants
>headbutt him as hard as I can
>broke his nose
>blood squirting fucking everywhere
>bolt while he's in shock
>run back in the theater
>jump over the concession counter
>child covered in blood asks consession stand folks to call 911
>when the police show up, Sam is gone
>apparently the blood all over me is not enough evidence that somethign happened
>mom had showed up already before they did
>mom is pissed
>mom demands shit get done

So they went to Sam's house, found him with broekn nose just like I said, po-po told him to leave me alone.
He did not.
I didn't manage to get a restraining order fialed against him until we had video of him hanging around outside my house at night.

Guess who dropped out of high school.

>> No.7352901

>blood and broken nose as evidence
>"Leave her alone, k?"

Fucking christ Anon, my sympathies.

>> No.7352910

Because they were 15. 15 year olds aren't usually smart or mature enough to figure that shit out. They can too scared to say anything also or embarrassed.

>> No.7352916

A restraining order? Last time I checked, if that happened where I live, he'd be arrested for attempted rape and sexually assault. Are you in Florida or something?

>> No.7352920

>Are you in Florida or something?

>> No.7352918

Top tier police force.

>> No.7352928

I'm in Missouri.
Florida of the midwest.

>> No.7352931

Haha. It's true though. Florida has the worst police

>> No.7352952

i know the goal is no overtold stories, but i can't find that comic in which the assassin's creed cosplayer gets his knee ruined. could i beg any seagull for a link to somewhere else it's posted?

>> No.7352957

I like you, Anon.

>> No.7352967

>They can be too scared...

>> No.7352984

Sending sympathies from Arkansas, friend.

>> No.7352991

Or because they were doing something that they think would get them into trouble, too. For example, I had a creep coming onto me over chat when I was 15. I didn't tell anyone because I wasn't supposed to be using the computer when it initially happened, and thought I'd get into trouble for it instead.

>> No.7352998

My husband actually wants to name our future child Winry. He hardly ever watches anime and is the farthest thing from weeaboo you could ever imagine. We talked about kids quite a few times and tossed out some names. He dropped the name "Winry" and i was like "ummm wow that's...unexpected." I dont mind the name just..of all things for him to choose. He's watched through FMA and cowboy bebop but that's about it. we've been together 7 years now (married 4 of those) and sometimes he just throws me for a total loop. Just when you think you know someone..

>> No.7353086
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>Be me, 15
>Start kicking it with "the anime kids" for reasons unknown
>Didn't know jack shit about anime or japanese culture aka white fat waeboo culture
>They invite me to some local manga con and i join because why not
>Arrive at con and the first thing i see are maybe 20 or so Naruto cosplayers fighting
>mfw half are fat neckbeards and the other half are white whales
>Walk inside and some random guy kisses me out of nowhere
>Everyone laughs and the guy gives me a furry tail
>I start getting some serious second thoughts about this
>Walk around and talk to people, play some guitar hero and start feeling okay again when someone puts on fucking Caramelldansen
>The entire place literally freezes and everyone drops what they're doing and start doing the dance
>Laugh at first because it looked fun but when it looped for the third time and people were still going it really started getting weird
>See furrys humping in full costume while people cheered them on
>One of the fattest whales takes off her shirt and i force back vomit that is all too real
>Everyone is yelling random japanese phrases. people glomping left and right
>I see my "friends" jumping around with some pre-brony era guys and realize what a huge mistake this was
>Decide to leave but some girl challenges me to guitar hero
>We have a great time and i end up dating her for almost a year
>During that time i hang around all the waeboos so much
>Endure it
>We break up and i never contact anyone from that circle of people. Also stop being an edgy emo kid

All in all it was a great experience. It introduced me to manga which i love to this day and I also learned early on what kind of people to avoid.
I also thought it was really strange for like 13 year old kids to hang out with 20-23 year old neckbeards but you live and you learn.

>> No.7353094

Side note: I found out Winry is short for Winafred.

>> No.7353096

Does your husband happen to like Buffy/Angel?

>> No.7353097
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what the hell?

>> No.7353201

So let's just call her "Chan-desu", a tall thin weeby girl with greasy as fuck hair and dandruff pets to match. Didn't shave legs until final year of school, mother is known to be the local freak who 'bestows wisdom and knowledge' to all us girls in the 'friendship circle' or whatever. Pretty much cracked lesbian shit onto us but had a disgusting creepy neckbeard bf who collected warhammer figurines, that kind of thing. Sleep overs were the worst because creepy mum would want to bunk with us and talk about boys, her bf would want to 'joke around' with us and try to pass off dirty sexual comments as 'light teasing'. I was friends with this girl because we were both into Naruto (I was a weeb too, I admit it but even I knew she took shit too far)...
>School had a policy of wearing closed in 'sand shoes', no sandles or open toe shoes, health and safety, you get the picture
>Comes to school wearing those felt Naruto sandals "I can run super fast in these!"
>Teacher informs her open shoes are not permitted, Chan-desu cracks a wobbly
>"But they're covering most of my foot, baka! They even cover my ankle, see? I've got classes indoors today, how will I get hurt? That rule is for stupid bakas!"
>Teacher gives me a 'wtf' look, I simply shrug my shoulders and give friend sympathetic speech saying "Dem's the rules" or something to that fact

>> No.7353213

Chan-desu tries to impose names on everybody, can't remember what it was but was some tacky moe-chan type shit name. Tell her no, I'm not going to respond to it, her feelings get hurt
>But why don't you like the name I gave you, ane-chan? ;___; It totally suits your character!
Would glomp me every morning when I walked through the school gates, shrieking at the top of her lungs.
Instead of saying "what?" she'd say "Nan des ka?" along with whatever small Japanese phrase she could remember from whatever anime episode she'd watched last.
She watched so much anime and then cry when she failed classes that she usually was pretty good at (her actual father made her study a lot, unlike her bum mother who encouraged her to talk to fairies and get one with nature and shit, school crushes your hopes and dreams, you will sell potions and shit just like me at markets as a career)

>> No.7353216
File: 577 KB, 978x677, 1391661755196.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>someone on /cgl/ reads It Hurts!


>> No.7353246

>Be 19, going to first local convention, not really sure what to expect but hey Kyle Heberts gonna be there so I can get my copy of Street Fighter 4 sighed, that's cool.
>turns out he's really the only guest of any notoriety there, the rest are local guests, guys who've worked on comics, etc etc
>First thing in the morning, nobody is getting in line to meet Kyle Hebert so I go up ask him to sign my stuff, ask him a few questions, then said "You know this is my first convention, I'm not sure what to expect."
>"Oh, have you been glomped yet?" he asked
>I know of glomping. "Nope, why should I be? Is it some sort of weird initiation?"
>"Uh, I would avoid it..."
>Skip ahead two years, the convention has been going awhile, this is my third time going, not really cosplaying just decided to throw together a last minute "Young Roshi" costume- just walking around in a Hawaiian shirt, shorts, sandals and sunglasses, taking pictures, meeting guests, etc.
>Standing at the entrance waiting for friends to arrive when I hear. "ROSHI-SENSEI!!"
>I turn just a bit and I'm tackled by three obese whales cosplaying as what I can only assume is the abortion of sailor moon and hetalia.
>I'm knocked to the floor, I've had the wind knocked out of me, I'm a big guy but this was too much. I'm helped up by my friend who saw the whole thing and shoo's the girls away.
>"Oh god... It happened..." I said
>"What? That?"
>"He warned me... son of a bitch warned me..."
>Turned out I hit the back of my head against the floor and had a concussion, the girls were ended up being banned from the convention for assaulting me.
>Fucking Weeaboos man.

>> No.7353248

ahhh, that good ol ammurikan police ideal

>> No.7353256

Can't even argue

>> No.7353262

i feel this. some girl cracked two of my ribs doing the same thing anon.

>> No.7353290

Why is glomping even a thing honestly? I've never seen it done in anime, and if that's what weebs are trying to emulate, where are they getting the whole glomping thing from?

Just something I'm wondering, sage for lack of content.

>> No.7353306

it's because no one will touch them outside of cons

>> No.7353307

It's sort of an exaggeration of the super hug. Happens rarely but they seem to have grown attached to it.

>> No.7353313

>Run into friend from high school
>She was obnoxious then, still obnoxious now; even the high schooler in my cosplay group was less loud and excitable
>Decided to tag along as the rest of us tried to plan dinner because she was alone and ~omg bestie~ (except we weren't)
>After dinner, follows us back to the room where everyone's unwinding
>Says she's having too much fun and wants to stay but doesn't have a room, so she has to go home
>Spent the next hour basically talking about how much fun she was, sharing high school stories about her and other people, and overall just not leaving
>Misses her last bus, panics
>CONTINUES PANICKING and comes up with every excuse in the book as to why she can't get anyone to pick her up from the train station
>Decides to just stay in the room and continue to freak out.

So I called up a friend with cash, got her $20, and walked with her downstairs so she could catch a cab.

She says she owes me "a lolita bow" because "we're both cute and lolitas" (and her only 'lolita' dress is a hot topic sundress).

>> No.7353316
File: 84 KB, 391x339, 1391664685161.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The actual WORD comes from the translations of Rumiko Takahashi's mangas, particularly Ranma 1/2. The actual action is something that was commonly depicted in her stories and others from the period. It's a very enthusiastic hug, often executed by jumping onto the other person.

>> No.7353320

G rab
L atch
O n
M aintain
P ressure

thats how my weeb ex explained it to me

>> No.7353331


>implying it actually happened

>> No.7353353

>immediately calling someone who says theyve been sexually harassed a liar

>> No.7353374

Can we just leave it at we should not tell these stories on such a shitty board.

>> No.7353444


It's okay, I wouldn't believe me either. He was a 'friend' kind of, and even though he rudely propositioned me for sex and prostitution, he never wrongly touched me or did anything that made me feel physically threatened, so I thought it was okay and that sometimes.... guy just... offered you sex for money. I don't know, I was dumb.

>> No.7353482

>offered sex for money
>asks for sex, probably out of the blue
Fuck, man. Those are big red flags right there.

>> No.7353612

My boyfriend legitimately wants to name our future daughter Tifa. Have been trying to convince him that we can make it Tiffany and call her Tifa for short.

(I'm only going along with it so I can name the next one and he will have no choice in the matter)

>> No.7353620

To be fair I thought the same thing when I was a teen. When the first guys you're friends with are dickbags, it spoils your expectations a bit.

>> No.7353621

>My boyfriend legitimately wants to name our future daughter Tifa.
why would you have a kid with someone who likes final fantasy

>> No.7353637

Oh fucking no. Do Tiffany. If she wants to be called Tifa as a nickname later on, fine.

Besides, Tifa brought shit to the party...

>> No.7353641

Right? She's not even best girl.

I don't get why she'd let her man name his daughter after his waifu either that's fucking skeevy as hell.

>> No.7353696

Yeah, that is actually gross.

Don't reproduce with this person >>7353612
Seriously. He's going to do shit . Actually, you sound like a moron too. So don't reproduce at all. Please . If you want to name things so badly, get a plush pet. You both sound young and idiotic.

>> No.7353702

You need to remember naming your children is not about expressing who you and your partner are. It's about your child and giving them a name that will serve them well in life. Is naming your child after a video game character really the best idea?

>> No.7353714
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i have a couple stories, but nothing really too dramatic i guess

>girl transfers over sophomore year from tech school because she's mental
>friend transferred to her school and tells me that she's mental enough for pills but they don't work half the time
>she can't be that bad though, she seems nice
>draw pokeporn all the time
>so much wasted potential because she was really good when there weren't dicks involved
>punch her arm lightly as a punch line to a joke
>she's lost it
>throws eraser chain she's made at me and runs off
>acts like nothings happened at club
>w/e we'll just avoid her too

>junior year i'm president of animu club for a year now
>new girl joins and starts stalking my vp because we're so amazing and we must recognize that we need help
>was retarded enough to have a handler with her for classes to help her, idk how else to describe them
>every time she sees shes us, she MUST talk about what she thinks we should do for next meet
>also yugioh
>oh man does she love the pharaoh and yugi together
>she never shuts up about them
>every time we have an open discussion at club or something, she'll bring them up like it's the end all be all
>wears the same pink rain jacket/coat every single day
>name her pink eye because she said she wanted pink eyes
>and because just when you think she's gone, she comes back with a vengeance
>can't really tell her no because she's special ed and i got in trouble with them once already
>leave her be bc she's not destroying the club or anything

i'm still shocked that my mexican school was worse for weebs than my white school. i'd never heard of mexican weebs until i met them

>> No.7353722

>I'm a furry who wants to fuck kawaii ukes and lolis


>> No.7353756

Idk. My dad named me after Deanna Troi. It does happen.

>> No.7353760

Hey! I collect warhammer figurines :(

>> No.7353762

>...unlike her bum mother who encouraged her to talk to fairies and get one with nature and shit, school crushes your hopes and dreams, you will sell potions and shit just like me at markets as a career)


>> No.7353775
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>>my little loli body is trapped under 300+ pounds of pocky and ramen noodles

>> No.7353788

>not even named after best character Beverly Crusher
But seriously, naming your kid after a favorite fandom is stupid as fuck

>> No.7353795

Interesting. Thanks anon.
And nah anon. He's more into comic book related stuff so right now he's watching Arrow. Other than that he doesnt watch alot of tv.

>> No.7353803

>Watching that shitty show

>> No.7353809

> Start grade 10
> Meet girl, we'll call her Leah
> Introduced through a common friend
> weaboo as fuck
> only watches
> Naruto
> Deathnote
> I feel bad for her
> awkward and wanting to get into cosplay
> I've been going to cons for a few years
> decide to take her to a large convention
> she buys some milanoo sasuke costume
> The open shirt like one
> Decides it's best for her to style the wig
> completely butchers it
> clumpy and shiny and matted
> doesn't bind, has saggy boobs hanging out of shirt
> wearing pink flashing bunny ears
> glasses and red hair poking out from under wig
> ends up guilting me into buying her food all the time, eats my portion too
> hits on a kakashi cosplayer who's like forty and then says
>"Kakashi-san don't leave neeee~"
>Makes me watch all of the naruto movies while she cries

>> No.7353811

Fuck. Is there anything particularly wrong with SCAD? They offered me a huge scholarship, and my art teacher has been pushing it like hell.

>> No.7353822

i guess mines not that bad but might as well

>be in 7th grade
>chilling in the library with a friend because what the hell i loved books
>find manga
>hory shito
>chinese girl also looking at the mangas
>our eyes make contact
>shoves my face into her nonexistent boobs
>hella weeb, thought it was funny, omg were so anime
>leave library when bell rings
>it begins

>sometime later try to start an anime club after school with two other friends
>gets renamed japanese club because culture club
>ok whatever thats cool too
>lets call this girl melody
>melody joins club
>brought all her mangas
>wow thats pretty intense
>one friend from band comes to support
>melody spots him (her at the time)
>"are you a girl or a boy?"
>friend shrugs
>melody shoves hands down friend's pants
>realize this girl is crazy

>sometime later, school has crazy hair day
>shit nigga i just got my konata wig
>wears that shit to school
>after band practice, waiting for my mom to pick me up
>melody spots me
>"ooh!!! let me take pictures of you"
>fuck.... well.... fuck... might as well
>goes home
>i feel so ashamed

>be in 8th grade
>in the mpr someones playing pokemon on the piano
>everyones singing
>im belting that shit because ~LOOK GUYS I KNOW THIS SONG LEL IM SO OTAKU~
>outshine every bitch in that room lol w/e
>arms wrap around my waist
>think its one of my friends
>laugh a lot
>look down
>its melodychan
>abort abort

>> No.7353828

part 2

>be in 9th grade
>took dance p.e. because its indoors in air conditioned
>don't know anyone in the class
>everyone else is in actual dance
>find three other loners
>we form a loner group, get close, hella tomodachis
>one friend transfers out of school
>sayonara 8(
>new girl transfers into class
>who could it be?
>oh no
>oh god
>its her
>melody is here
>oh god our loner group
>no no no no no no no she can not be in our group
>one friend is a good guy
>god fucking DAMN it
>melody is in my group
>have to do music video project with some dancing
>did i mention she was scary as hell
>we do our music video to the tune of emergency from paramore
>me and two other normal friends have problems (bulimia, cutting, whatever)
>in the video melody comes and solves our problems
>shes the sunshine in our lives
>shes the positivity and the light

>be in 10th grade
>she transfers into my english class 2 days after school starts
>whatever sighs
>storms into class one dday screaming about her broken mini ipad
>"WANNA SEE IT?" *takes out of bag* "LOOK AT IT"
>melody what happened tho
>apparently she was bothering some guys and they took her backpack and threw it really far
>didnt know it contained her mini ipad
>you can smell fear in the guys through the story theyre telling
>i mean the guys
>i laugh forever

i remember one time she cut off the hair of some chick when it was on her desk
also shes in culinary class this year with knives
each group has their own kitchen
she has her own
her group contains her
thats it
her own kitchen
im pretty sure i would have better stories if i was in that class

>> No.7353831
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>"Before you ask, yeah, I'm wearing a wig. It's from that lolita fashion I was teaching you about"
get's me everytime.

>> No.7353850

I am the horror story.

> be me
> 2006
> middle school
> mother just married kid's pastor
> decide to be gawf
> no gawf clothing because mother is with kid's pastor
> wear dark blue pants and coke shirt
> eyeliner as lipstick
> no other makeup
> glomp my friends
> I'm too fat to reasonably glomp my friends
> tell everyone I can speak Japanese, make up gibberish
> fawn over kid in my grade that drew mediocre manga
> draw metric shittons of 'anime' dragons
> mean to everyone because brooding, edgy characters are kawaii, ne?

It's been eight years, and shit still hurts to think about.

>> No.7353851

me too anon! everyone over the age of 60 thinks i'm named after an opera singer or something.

>> No.7353852

it's ok anon

>> No.7353856

We've all done things we regret

>> No.7353864

I've known two weeaboo crazies in my life, I guess I'll just sum up their craziest parts in greentext.

Weeaboo nro 1:
>16 when I first knew him, really tall and really fat, kind of intimidating
>into drawing and anime and smackdown
>was jealous of me for being better at drawing than him, would steal my drawings from my desk and copy them
>asked me if I knew what hentai is, proceeded to describe tentacle hentai
>would get physically violent, breaking stuff and threatening to beat people up
>would not leave me alone ever, not when I politely asked him to, not when I yelled at him, not when the teachers got involved, never.

I used to bully him with everyone else in our school, and that's not something I'm proud of. However, this year..
>we're both 20 now
>happen to see him by chance when on my way to somewhere
>walk past, but wave and smile at him
>hear him screaming my name
>stop, turn around, immidiately apologize for bullying him in school
>we shake hands and agree to forget the past.
>he tells me he can finally drop his revenge plan
>he tells me that for years he wrote and drew a manga with him as the main character
>the plot being all the ways he could get his revenge on me
>and that he wanted to adapt it into a game as well
>asks me for my facebook so he can friend me there, I reluctantly tell him buy he luckily never does send me a friend request

>> No.7353869

Weeaboo nro 2:
>first get to know her through some anime oekaki site
>draws yaoi and guro
>get into art school, recognize her drawing style
>bond over using the same oekaki site
>she randomly grabs my boobs, I slap her
>she laughs
>she turns out to be the craziest motherfucker I've ever had the "pleasure" of knowing
>she self-harms and advertises it like it's something to be proud of
>she's pro ana and pro mia
>keeps excessive blogs about her eating habits, her self harming habits, her sex life, etc etc. posts nudes, pics of bloody razors, pics of scars, pics of puke etc
>talks about being abused as a kid, one time she cut the name of her abuser into her lower stomach. she was so drunk she misspelled it though. she posted pics of it on her blog with the caption "let's not talk about this ever". THEN WHY POST IT ONLINE??
>abuses alcohol, cigarettes and probably drugs too
>thinks she can sell her drawings and become rich enough to buy a house
>is self-proclaimed wiccan
>believes in past lives, sometimes the spirits of her past lives possess her and she proceeds to speak in broken english for hours and hours pretending she's a pirate or some shit
>howls at the moon because she's also actually a wolf
>wrote a really hilarious blog post about coming out of the closet about her wolf-ness to her mom
>blogged about fucking some dude and getting chlamydia as result
>writes terribad poetry about being a wolf and her past lives and stuff
>is older than me (I'm 20), and has been keeping up all this crazy shit since she was like 13

>> No.7353872

>melody shoves hands down friend's pants
Holy fuck. Whats with weebs and sexual assault?

>> No.7353879

oh wait I forgot a lot of stuff. Her kind of crazy is the kind that just keeps on giving.

>if you google her name one of the first hits is her deviantart full of nudes
>she lets her friends practise tattooing on her, as a result she has several really disgusting tattoos
>she tattooed the initial of her on-off girlfriend on her ankle
>oh, she's also genderqueer and pansexual
>she has like 4 different facebooks under different aliases, each crazier than the last
>she calls her friends in the middle of the night telling them to call an ambulance, threatening suicide at least like twice a month

>> No.7353883



>> No.7353895


>Here is the common lolita in its natural habitat
>When attacked by a predator, the lolita violently pukes in its as a defense mechanism

>> No.7353896
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>> No.7353897

>"we're both cute and lolitas"

Anyone who calls themselves cute tends not to be cute.
Anyone who points out that they're a lolita to another lolita tends not to be a lolita.

>> No.7353906

Does she have a Tumblr? She sounds familiar.
Also, are you Australian by any chance?

>> No.7353914

>Dr Crusher
>best character
>Dr Crusher
>not Data
Anon you're wrong.

>> No.7353937

I honestly think this shit only happens to attractive/skinny people.

Thank GOD I'm too fat and plain looking to attract the attention of weebs. This sounds horrifying.

>tfw people typically act indifferent towards me
>tfw wore alt clothing and mainly kept to myself/talked to friends occasionally
>tfw still got sideeyed and snide remarks as if people were waiting for me to be the scapegoat freak

Actually.... this reminds me of the shitty groups of 'Anime People' at my highschool
There is an anime club where the lowtier people went to watch anime
Then there was my 'group of friends' who deemed themselves 'too cool' to go to the anime club. Mind you 'my groups of friends' were on the slippery slope of being as low on the totem pole as the weebs they felt they were superior to.
>at some point I'm cast out of the group because I can't stand the snarky gossip/they weren't really good friends to me
>fast forward to present
>Be me, lost a bit of weight. Classy in Lolita. Have people complimenting me and just look put together overall
>see the same group of people who shunned me previously
>the girl who is now the leader of about... four or five beta guys? It seems she pushed away the few other girls in the group
>mfw all of the guys surrounding her are low tier brown skinned weebs. Not even jelly
>mfw she is wearing a SAD looking closet cosplay that she either made herself or she bought a tacky medieval dress
>mfw she's gained weight
>mfw she is majestically walking around with frizzy unstyled hair... so much second hand embarrassment
>politely say hello to them when they all flag me down and seem super excited to see me
Ahhhh.... how the 'mighty' have fallen.

>> No.7353938

I think she has a tumblr but I can't be bothered to look it up. She has a billion different internet handles she uses. Plus a lot of the shit she writes onlines it not in english so spilling her info would be useless anyways.
I'm not australian.

>> No.7353971

OP here. Thanks for your contribution

>> No.7353989

Every story in this thread is 100% non-fiction.

>> No.7354010

I have blood red hair below my shoulders and dye it once or twice a month and it doesn't even cost that much. Whatever dye you're buying is overpriced.

>> No.7354069

>Grow up in tiny village in the middle of nowhere
>Just me and this one other kid
>He's even more isolated because he's home-schooled
>His mum is a crazy disabled cat lady, twelve cats three dogs, no one to clean up after them ... yeah.
>House makes those people on hoarders look normal and well organised by comparison
>Eventually I move away
>Still visit him though pretty infrequently
>Go through weeaboo phase
>Introduce friend to anime
>Next time I see him (Years) I've kinda grown out of it, at least enough to hide my power level
>He hasn't
>He really, really hasn't.
>Naruto is his favourite anime
>Wants to be a mangaka and actually thinks he has a chance
>Don't say anything because it's pretty much the only distraction/hobby he has from his crappy life
>Last month he died
>Dress code for his funeral is orange
>Notice his mum is wearing his leaf village headband around her neck.

And that was the story of how I accidentally robbed my first childhood friend's funeral of dignity.

>> No.7354084

I've seen some good artists come from there but idk about the skill level of their average graduate. Personally I wasn't impressed by their fashion program, but if you're close enough to visit, you should because old savannah is really cool.

>> No.7354091

>she grabs and starts fondling my breasts
This is the kind of thing that would be seen as awkward/cute in an anime but people just can't separate the fantasy from reality.

>> No.7354125

sounds like she needs to be put in to a mental institution. I don't get how some people like this are still walking around, does no one care about the to commit them?

>> No.7354150

>freshman year of high school
>don't know anyone, too assburger to make conversation
>19 year old weaboo, balding, with long greasy hair and puberty stache starts talking to me
>alright, we like the animu and the mangoe although he is gross
>he's a self-proclaimed lolicon
>talks to me about how much he likes lolis and the amount of lolicon he has on his pc
>brings his laptop to school to play Eroges on breaks
>always staring at the petite girls in class
>every time he gets the chance he always hugs them... a bit too close
>burned me a DVD and told me to look at it at home
>it's an Eroge, Snow Sakura
>I can't play it because I can't stop picturing him fapping to it
>next day asks me if I liked it
>brings me another DVD
>"i figured you'd like this one better anon-chan"
>it's Wanko to Kurasou

>> No.7354152

OP, deliver the links and/or screenshots

>> No.7354151

Don't worry, I am reminded of my horrible weeb days each time I go through some old stuff I have from high school, piles of some fanfic, binders stuffed with animu pictures that I carried around, and drawings, tons of drawings.

Every once in awhile I do throw stuff out though. But not before looking through everything. Some of it I just can't let it go though because of too many memories.

>> No.7354154


Do we live in the 1940s?
I don't think you know what's up, '/co/mrade'.

>> No.7354157

Wow, so young.
How did he die ?

>> No.7354165

you better have kept that and used it on him

>> No.7354166
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>Cosplaying as shirtless Naked Snake.
>"hey Rambo, can I get your pic?"

Closest thing I have to a horror story.

>> No.7354173


Not a seagull, but I enjoy these threads. I went to college of charleston and knew a girl who was a fashion major at SCAD. I used to go down there and party from time to time, savannah is a fun and very pretty town. People were very nice and laid back, but I'm not sure if they were representative of the student body as a whole. That whole area is really nice though, and you're about an hour and a half from Charleston, which if you're looking for hard drugs, beautiful people, and doujin-level depravity, is really where you want to be. I think you're about 4 hrs from Atlanta, and probably 2 from Jacksonville (which I hesitate to call a real city, despite its size, as far as I'm concerned the only thing they've got going for them is the Florida-Georgia game each year).

>> No.7354182

Do you work at OFL, anon?

>> No.7354186

>sophomore year
>already a low population of weebs at my school or people that like animu. Pretty much only have two friends who like, one who hides powerlevel pretty well and is very social and the other is somewhat weeb-tier but antisocial but we became really close friends
>runs up to me in the quad one day super excited
>apparently met a group of freshmen that like anime and naruto a lot
>decide what the hell and go ahead and met them
>mostly normal group of anti-socials that are heavyweight craddle with the standard annoying freshmeat
>one girl stands out though
>short, unkept hair, clothes that doesn't fit, wearing narutard headband
>gets in my face right away once she learns that I like her husbando Hiei from yu yu hakusho
>won't get out of it till I give him up to her
>more mad that she's in my face and till her I will hit her if she doesn't leave
>she does but I learn later she claims a lot of husbando's from all anime
>she can't watch one without claiming one
>or writing dirty fanfic
>or draw shitty drawings
>or force others to draw her oc and husbando
>oc is always standard mary-sue thats all too powerful and important
>also thinks because we are “friends” we are obligated to get her presents even though she will forget your birthday
>her birthday was one month after I met her too
>come to school and she was like “get me anything?”
>I'm like no bitch
>also borrows shit and never returns it
>disappears in to her hoarder mess of a room at home
>also steal shits, pretty sure never returned a lot of borrowed stuff because can't find or forget to bring it
>actually once dug through her shit once when I was at her house once to find friends' manga book to return to her

to be cont.

>> No.7354201

>also makes up crazy lies like she was raped or was half japanese
>knew her cousin that goes to the same school and is in my grade
>she confirms thats a big ass lie and they werent on good terms with that side of the family
>because they babysat her once and she bit her mom over an argument
>also has a crazy rape fantasy and lets us know all of them
>fanfics are always about rape
>also admitted having lesbian crushes on all her girlfriends
>but apparantly was more in love with me according to what another a friend told when they had a sleepover(wasn't there because couldn't go) when they had confessions
>also if you say something bad about her, she tells you her mom is a cop, her mom is a volunteer at a youth center

a lot of it gets worst over the years though, some very crazy sleepover parties (in which she invites her self over, even to my house once even when I never do sleepovers, my mom was pissed about that.) and other crazy antics. This was pretty much the only crazy-tier weeb person I have ever encountered in my life, pretty much all the other weebs seemed tamed compared to this one and even the other weebs I knew at that time in high school were afraid and had many stories about her, even before high school.

She has pretty much calmed down though over the last 4 or 5 years except for one crazy internet battle on facebook and deviantart for something I drew and posted ages ago that about her. I didn't even mention it was a drawing of her( it was just a funny chibi drawing of her and all her animu husbandos running away from her) and she goes batshit insane over it, commenting on it and posts how a bad friend I was on facebook. A lot of people defended me though and I never engaged her back at all which probably made her more pissed.

>> No.7354208
File: 30 KB, 305x244, 399.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh god, she sounds hella scary.

>i remember one time she cut off the hair of some chick when it was on her desk

My personal worst nightmare

>> No.7354212

>Be me, last year at a con in Ohio
>Waiting in line to sign up for some game/event my girlfriend wanted to do
>We're in vocaloid cosplays
>This girl in a Haku cosplay with no wig on comes up to us. Pimply, greasy face and frizzy brown hair, she's short and obese with one of those fake, high-pitched voices weebs tend to have
>Constantly making animal noises or some shit
>She starts talking to us, basically screams and tries to hug us, I step back and awkwardly avoid her hug
>She starts going on about Code Geass
>Gets this serious look in her eyes and says "I want Lelouch to rape me on the floor right now."
>My girlfriend gives me with look and she kinda nervously laughs, she's the kind of girl who's nice to everyone but I just look at her weird.
>We're still waiting in line, slowly inching forward.
>All of a sudden a badass Lelouch walks by, full Zero costume with the retractable mask and everything.
>She screams directly in my fucking ear and runs towards him, hugging him and stuff. I feel bad for the guy.
>My girlfriend likes Code Geass so she compliments him on his costume, he says something funny and makes everyone laugh.
>The girl won't stop staring at him as he walks away, it's freaking me out at this point.
>She turns to me and says, "I can speak Japanese."
>I nod and smile a bit.
>Someone walks by in some cosplay wearing cat ears, she squeals again.
> "Oh my God it's NEEKO ___!!"
>I have to restrain myself from facepalming and breaking my nose.

>> No.7354218

>Wanko to Kurasou
that was cute as hell tho, but coming from someone like that, eurgh

>> No.7354217

Nice one, anon. Sounds like you should have just puked on her in the beginning and saved yourself all that nonsense.

>> No.7354222


At least you made him happy anon by giving him something to strive for while also taking him mind off of his crappy life.

>> No.7354235

don't worry anon I was more retarded than that but its in the past now and we're now lovely lolitas and cosplayers right?

would post about my unsurpassed power levels but they aren't strictly weaboo related. probably why they're so unsurpassed

>> No.7354238

and this is why pedophilia is bad

>> No.7354244

oh God

whyd he die?

>> No.7354250

>on cgl

>> No.7354300


Tifa isn't the worst. Kid I know is named Sky Walker. He wears it well.

>> No.7354384
File: 97 KB, 905x653, 1387050747881.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hell yes, brofist.

One day I want to put an It Hurts group together

>> No.7354477


That copypasta is 1000 years old anon. Don't worry it didn't happen.

>> No.7354546

I got a huge scholarship from them too just for sending them my ACT score right out of high school, and I was only going to do graphic design. I decided to go for a different major and university though.

Seems more like they're just desperate to increase their student body, but this was a few years ago, so I can't say for sure.

>> No.7354563

Well, he'd been ill for a few weeks prior with a chest infection, so we all assumed it was that, but the coroner's report said it was a blood clot on his lung. Whether the two were related I don't know.

Yeah, he was happy at least.

>> No.7354588

I'm really only familiar with the Atlanta Campus, but there seems to be a big split between the talented people and the shitty people. If you're actually talented, it's worth it, but you're going to be surrounded by delusional weeaboos who got in because daddy has too much money, especially as an undergrad. If you're really serious, your best bet is to get your bachelor's at a different school, and transfer to scad for the graduate program.

But I've never actually attended scad, so take this with a grain of salt.

>> No.7354607


>she tells you her mom is a cop, her mom is a volunteer at a youth center

Why do people do this? I live in a tiny village, we all knew each other as kids...

>if you go swimming in the local lake you might get poisoned, my dad told me, he is a doctor
>if you let your dog lick your skin you will get a rash, my dad told me, he is a docotor
>if you blow up balloons with your mouth you might die from it, my dad warned me, he is a...

NO HE IS NOT! He is our local hairdresser you dumb, blonde little shit! Holy fuck, he cut my hair like yesterday... I don't know why we let her get away with this shit, I don't think anyone ever said something about it. She was just known as a notorious liar and had only one real friend, who was the girl next door and four years older than she was. And I don't know how real that friendship was, because she would never hang out when the rest of us was around.
The blonde also was the first one to always invite boys to her birthday parties and her home. No slutty intensions, we were still too young, it was just so it would be more than three guests at her birthday party because noone wanted to come.

I... I kind of hope that she is alright know. She was not evil, she was just lying all the god damn time, about everything.

>> No.7354694

I never got it but maybe it was because she thought that because her mom worked with cops (it was one of those trouble type youth centers for kids on probation so I guess more of a probation center?) she eqaulated it to be the same thing. I met her mom a few times though and it seemed like I looking in to anons future honestly. Her mom also had the habit of not returning books to the library and videos to the store.

>> No.7354704
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This story is from about 7 years ago, so I'm just going to post bits and pieces that I remember.

>Freshman year of high school
>Live in very wealthy suburb, been in school district since kindergarten
>New girl appears on first day of high school
>She has hair dyed a rainbow of colors, wearing exclusively clothes from Hot Topic, wearing cat ears
>Unlike most weebs in this thread, she was somewhat cute and wasn't fat
>Love at first sight for me, an unpopular girl in a high school full of "PREPZ XD"
>She ends up partially joining our group of friends and I have Japanese class and choir with her

>Japanese class
>Everyone in the class is actually normal except for myself, my friend, the new girl
>New girl introduces herself
>Japanese teacher (a white dude who lived in Japan for a long time and was married to a Japanese woman) tells her Kana usually means Katakana and that Hana would make more sense.
>She goes by Hana in the class
>She's the only person who uses a Japanese name in class
Two periods later, in choir.
>Overhear her telling some other girls that she has a Japanese boyfriend who calls her Hana
>She gets a boyfriend at our school a week later
>Mfw it took me like 4 years to realize she made up having a Japanese boyfriend

>> No.7354708
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Oh god, this reminds me of when I still associated with my university's anime club.

>decide to be maid in shitty maid cafe
>be talking with the only non-weeby butler
>somehow mention 'weaboos'
>"what's a weaboo?"
>realize that if I explain, I basically insult all his friends
>no backing out now
>stumble over explanation
>he nods blankly
>his face gets sad
>"..they also speak in Japanese even when they're not Japanese."
>"but anon, what's wrong with speaking Japanese?"

And that's the last time I ever had a conversation with that guy.

>> No.7354717

So eventually I ended up becoming friends with Sara, as did my other friend in our Japanese class. One day I got invited to Sara's house for a day.

>Go to her house
>Small but very nice
>Go into her room
>Literally an entire wall of manga
>Her own laptop and tablet
>This was like 7 years ago and that shit wasn't cheap
>Full set of copic markers
>Closet full of shitty goth/punk clothes from Hot Topic
>She opens a dresser drawer
>Drawer completely full of anime DVDs

>> No.7354731

At her house, Sara got me into Azumanga Daioh. She decided I was Osaka and she was Tomo (that's the character right? fuck). She wanted us to buy matching uniforms of the characters.

>"But Sara my mom won't let me buy something I'd only wear once"
>"Oh anon it's ok I'll probably wear mine to school"

At some point I found her on Gaia Online.
>"Ohayo my name is Sara but you can call me Sana-chan =^_^="
>Pictures of graphic yaoi
>Oh god I'm 14 and what is this

>> No.7354756

Who are you quoting?

>> No.7354780

>r self harming habits, her sex life, etc etc. posts nudes, pics of bloody razors, pics of scars, pics of puke etc
>>talks about being abused as a kid, one time she cut the name of her abuser into her lower stomach. she was so drunk she misspelled it though. she posted pics of it on her blog with the caption "let's not talk about this ever". THEN WHY POST IT ONLINE??
>>abuses alcohol, cigarettes and probably drugs too
>>thinks she can sell her drawings and become rich enough to buy a house
>>is self-proclaimed wiccan
>>believes in past lives, sometimes the spirits of her past lives possess her and she proceeds to speak in broken english for hours and hours pretending she's a pirate or some shit
>>howls at the moon because she's also actually a wolf
>>wrote a really hilarious blog post about coming out of the closet about her wolf-ness to her mom
>>blogged about fucking some dude and getting chlamydia as result
>>writes terribad poetry about being a wolf and her past lives and stuff
>>is older than me (I'm 20), and has been keeping up all this crazy shit since she was like 13

holyshit i know this person

>> No.7354800

My experience isn't as bad as the ones you see on here, but still worth mentioning I guess.

>be me, back in high school
>have a friend who begins to rant to me about how crazy one girl is, always touching her and hugging her
>let's call my friend A and the crazy chick G
>G just transferred from another school, because she got expelled
>A complains to me about how she always touches her, and now stalks her during lunch and break time
>don't think of it as a big deal, because she's new and has no friends. "Maybe she just wants to be friends with you, A!"
>oh boy was I wrong
>A has gym class with G, and you have to change in and out of gym clothes
>A starts telling me about how G constantly just stares at her while she's changing in and out of her clothes
>G takes just touching/glomping and hugging a step too far, and starts to touch A's face and boobs from behind
>One day, A catches G trying to take pictures of A changing
>A is totally freaked out by now
>me: you definitely need to tell a teacher about this, A.
>A's too big of a wuss to ask her to stop, but after a couple months, loses it and tells her to stay away from her.
>last I hear from A about G
>assume I'll never think about G again
>I was totally wrong

>> No.7354836


>school year ends and the next year begins
>first day of school, go to history class, and see overweight girl with greasy as fuck hair
>don't think much of it, just grossed out
>teacher introduces himself and makes a joke
>hear the most obnoxious, high pitched loud as hell laugh ever coming from the corner of the room
>everyone stops laughing and turns to look that way, to find that it's the greasy haired fatty laughing her 200 pound ass off
>what the fuck
>next day at school
>A walks me to my history class, and spots fattychan
>holy fuck, anon you have class with G
>class starts
>G begins to go around to every asian girl in the class, and tries to hold their hand
>most girls are grossed and weirded out, tell her to stop
>G spots a new victim, my cute quiet and polite friend
>let's call her K
>begins to go to K whenever possible and holds her, caresses her, glomps her, hugs her
>K obviously uncomfortable, but is too shy to ask her to stop
>class frequently goes to the school library to work on projects
>whenever I'm talking with K, G walks over, pushes me and takes my place, and pushes her fat, sweaty body against her
>after this happening multiple times, and K being too scared to say anything, I get personally fed up
>"Hey, G. How about you stop touching other people without their fucking permission? Haven't you ever wondered how it makes people feel when you invade their personal space?"
>she stops walking, faces me and begins to walk up to me

>> No.7354847


>> No.7354849

>Never really fit in with any one group in high school
>Liked anime and manga, but kids into anime didn't trust me because played three sports
>On three teams, other players didn't particularly like me because in AP/GT classes and art
>Hang out with group of other "misfits" from volleyball team who are into psuedo-gawfic stuff
>One girl is self-proclaimed sk8r girl
>Start to get her into anime/manga/supernatural romance novels because similar taste in terrible make-up and clothes
>She comes to lunch one day, telling me she's found a guy JUST LIKE one of the characters in a book I loaned her
>Whoa, really?!
>"Yeah, can he have lunch with us tomorrow?"
>Enter Daniel
>Very pale
>Hair dyed black and slicked away from the temples
>Wears Tripp bondage pants every day, fishnet shirts under super hardcore band shirts, black nail polish and eyeliner, etc.
>Kind of wary, he speaks with a feigned, generic British accent
>Bit chub, but would be good looking if he groomed
>He doesn't
>Friend is smitten
>Find out Daniel is bi and dating a guy from another high school
>Guy's parents are "Norse" hippies (1/16 Norwegian somewhere along the line) and have named him Odin
>No way, can't be real
>Meet Odin
>Looks like Spike from Buffy, complete with peroxide bleached, yellow-blonde hair
>Leather trench coat, everything
>Name is fucking real, on his driver's license and school ID
>Daniel starts telling us stories
>He's a vampire
>He can stop the sun from rising with his powers
>He can fly
>He's faster than Goku
>Wait, I thought we were talking vampires here?
>"ALIEN vampires."
>Right, carry on
>He trained Tuxedo Mask/Endymion back when the Moon Kingdom was still around
>Wait ... WHAT?
>"Yeah, I'm actually ancient Greek and over 6000 years old."
>Stories like this continue for a whole year
>Over summer, his dad finds out he's banging a dude and he gets sent to a military-style reform school
>Friend is absolutely heart-broken for a full semester

>> No.7354860

>He can fly
>He's faster than Goku
I fucking lost it

>> No.7354864

What excuse did he give if you asked him to show you?

>> No.7354873


>G puts her face one inch away from mine, and stares me dead in the eye
>what the fuck did you say to me, anon?
>nasty as fuck fish breath
>didn't expect a reaction like this
>suddenly nervous
>"I-I'm just saying... not everyone likes it when you touch them without their permission. You should've learned this since you were young..."
>"Don't you dare fucking tell me what to do with my baby"
>my baby?
>pulls out her flip phone and opens it against my face, hitting me with it
>what the fuck? Is this shit Chuunibyou? Did she just attack me with her personal weapon?
>G goes and runs back to my friend, grabs her hand and runs to the library, and I just stand there for a bit, bewildered
>not sure whether to tell teacher about what happened, but decided to play it cool because didn't want this to blow this out of proportion and cause "drama"
>G continues to touch K whenever possible, but thankfully doesn't get the chance to do so often because class stops going to library as much
>things die down slightly
>But then Halloween comes around...

>> No.7354875

Always some sort of flimflam about how either we wouldn't be able to see him, he'd be moving so fast. Or that our little mortal minds wouldn't be able to comprehend it. That our subconscious would substitute an illusion of him walking normally instead of flying. I found it pretty eye-roll worthy, but my friend thought he was amazing, so we just kind of put up with it and let him weave his tales of epic supernatural prowess and preternatural speed.

Surprisingly, military school actually didn't damage him. He came back a lot better adjusted (still bi as hell, poor Daddy), better groomed, and less insane. He dated a friend's older sister for a while.

>> No.7354882

If this is indeed real then Im surprised you never accused him of sexual harrassment, this guy looks like he was just one step before serial rapist.

>> No.7354885

Top lel

>> No.7354888


>> No.7354894

Yeah, poor homophobic piece of shit dad.

>> No.7354898

That's a kickass name, anon. Tough, but not masculine.

>> No.7354905

I never met Daniel's dad, but if his mom was any reflection of their marriage, he must've been a real piece of work. They'd divorced not long before I was introduced to her.

>> No.7354917


>G comes to school wearing a mail pony shirt, with disgusting ears and tail, and a wig too small for her huge blimp sized head
>goes around history class telling everyone she's a brony and she loves mlp
>just when I thought she couldn't get worse
>K dresses up similarly as pic attached, except in red instead of navy, with the fox mask
>G spots the japanese related costume, walks over to K, and whispers in her ear, "do you watch anime, my baby?"
>K looks mortified
>I look to K, mouth the words "say no"
>why'd you tell her, K? Why??????
>G's face brightens up and starts jumping for joy, shaking the entire fucking classroom
>G drags her to her seat, and pulls out a box of pocky
>shove a pocky into K's mouth
>"Here, Kchan! You look so cute!! I wish you could be my girlfriend..."
>holy shit-o
>did she just say that?
>G casually sits down and forces K to sit on her lap
>half of the class's attention is on them, but teacher's out of the room half the time because he's a shit teacher
>K says quietly, "I-I'd like to get up..."
>G grabs onto her and squeezes tightly, and half yell "NO"
>I'm startled, unsure of what to do
>G puts her face against K's boobs, muttering shit about how she's always wanted a cute asian girlfriend who'd watch anime with her
>K just sits there, eyes as wide as the moon looking uncomfortable
>G then looks K in the eye, and puts her hand over K's thighs
>me: ????????????????????
>G slowly begins to slide her hand up underneath K's costume and whispers, "I really like you, Kchan..."
>I can't handle anymore of this crazy shit, goes and grab K's hand, yelling "DON'T YOU FUCKING TOUCH HER ANYMORE THIS SHIT IS NOT OKAY"
>K trembling
>G stares at me and won't stop staring at me
>expect her to get up, walk over to me and choke me to death with her pocky or something
>Instead, she doesn't stop staring at me with an angry look on her face for the rest of the class
>I would rather have been choked to death with pocky

>> No.7354918
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whoops, dropped pic

>> No.7354924

Chan-desu also said she loved Japanese boys, they were so hot and Shinee was her favourite band (refused to believe they were korean and would spend her time translating their songs into japanese because kanji is so pretty, they should teach it more than english!)
She ended up having a huge crush on the local athletics pride of the school, a Philipino guy who had more acne than face who was brought up to be polite and avoided her at every chance he could get, but his jock friends would encourage her and ask her to borrow a pencil/eraser/ect because he supposedly needed one and was too shy to ask. She, I shit you not, had her own private altar beside her bed with candles and incense, that whole dealio and would put those used pencils or whatever there and would cast "spells" to make him realise his love for her. She also had a picture of Gaara from Naruto above this altar.
She later on then decided to become lesbian after a couple of sleepovers when I'd wake up to her spooning me and I just assumed she was a cuddly girl and said that she wasn't and never was into guys, ever. Girls were just more natural. She started dating the local whore (who was more into attention than anything and was open about talking about the lesbian fingering they did together to get guys attention). I'll call her Pinku.
One day, Pinku rang me up and confessed to me (why, I have no fucking idea, but Pinku had this thing in her mind that I "deserved to know the truth") and told me that Chan-desu was convinced, I shit you not, that she was a dragon. Like, she transformed. Pinku giggled nervously and told me she wasn't sure what to do, Chan-desu was obviously crazy because Chan-desu was always serious. Pinku still wanted the hot sex they supposedly had together but didn't want the reputation of dating a crazy.
I don't even know.

>> No.7354932
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>Shared stories about crazy ex-friend.
>Lady who was 12 years older then me
>Friend with her for two years, realize why she only had one other friend besides me(and that friend lived in a completely different state)
>She was basically fucking crazy, furry, obsessed with the musical cats, writing her own hentai series(which she said she was going to voice the main character, who she said was based off herself and would get raped a lot by the other characters), lived with 12+ cats, obsessed with online digital dog breeding sites, etc....
>Would get angry and bitchy if the other "breeders" wouldn't give her stock
>The more time I spent with her, the more I realized she had a major victim complex, and never once took responsibility for her actions
>Just a whole lotta crazy
>Still lived with her mother, who she was mad at because she wouldn't let her get a dog. Mind you, the lived in a small house and kept half their cats confined to the backyard, and the rest in the house.
>Once I stopped talking to her(I basically called her out on her shit and how she cared more about cosplay then she did other people), she spent a long time talking shit behind me back like a teenager, even telling lies(like saying I ran off to fuck people at con) and saying it was my fault we weren't friends anymore. This was a woman in her mid 30's.
>Recently decided to see if I could find her facebook(Morbid curiosity, what can I say?) after not speaking to her for about 5 or so years.
> All the photos on her facebook are either pictures of her cats, pictures of her in her crappy Cats musical costumes.

She had NO regular pictures of herself(outside of the one) and not a single picture with another person. Not even her own mother that she LIVES with.

>> No.7354953
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After this, K finally told the teacher about G's inappropriate touching and everything. The teacher managed to keep her away from her for the rest of the school year, thank god. I think some other shit's happened, but I can't remember it at all. Either way, this was probably the worst experience I've ever had with a weeb. Even though it wasn't as crazy as some of the ones you read on here, I never thought I'd come across a real weaboo whackjob.

>> No.7354957
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>faster than goku

>> No.7354965

I've "disowned" my first DA because of the furry smut I did back then. Goddamn, I regret my furfag stage so bad, because my nephew is turning into one.

....But you have a hard time deleting that shit because you spent part of your life on it, y'know.

>> No.7355034

So not like bat shit insane-o, but someone might enjoy this.

>Fall '12 first semester at community college (I know I'm a little baby)
>Decide to check out anime club out curiosity
>LOVE anime club, everyone was pretty cool
>except THIS BITCH

Some background on the club
>started, eventually over run by neckbeards, school puts out new rules about how club members have to students
>almost every freaking neckbeard leaves because NONE OF THEM WERE EVEN STUDENTS
>last president came along and she made it awesome

Now, this bitch, we call him TBag so I'll go with that
>almost or 30+ man in club
>annoying as shit, but I just brush him off
>anywhere he goes he tells people about how he founded the club
>was there at the time it was founded

done with the background, here we go
>first time hanging out with, now very good friend, let's call him S
>that day S heard a girl ask TBag not to text her that late at night again
>his curiosity perked S asked her about it
>she never game him her number, her being one of those nice-ies let him use her phone to check something
>he took a girl's number out of her phone without saying anything and proceeded to text her late at night
>S knowing this is no bueno tells her to get rid of that number, block it, just get it gone
>TBag has a past with not respecting that information, giving out girls numbers to his cronies
>after being in the club for a bit I steadily become mother bear
>manage to shut him the fuck up once when he wouldn't stop bitching about HAVING to go to Hawaii instead of going to a club get together (which was bull he went to the meet up anyways)
>but wait, he's not as stupid as people think he is
>continues obnoxious and annoying behavior WHEN I'M NOT THERE
>last time I shut him up at our last Halloween party's little cosplay contest when he kept rambling on about how there should be a 'Best Naruto Original Character' category.


>> No.7355037

Hana seems chill as fuck, I'd bro out with her

>> No.7355065

Something I had forgot to mention
>Fall '13, S new club pres I'm vp
>fuck yeah power duo
>TBag always sits next to and rambles to any girl that comes in
>those are precious fresh out of high school what are you doing?!
>officers come to conclusion he HAS to go
>fucker somehow managed to get a job
>timing doesn't work out so it's not done that semester
>this semester, S can't afford to go back to school, so he can't be pres
>oh yay I'm now pres
>wait wut
>I now have all the power to protect my fresh out of high school babies that think 'OH HEY WE'RE BOTH IN ANIME CLUB HERE'S ALL OF MY TRUST LET'S BE FRIENDS'
>TBag's been creeping on my little teenage babies when he's like 30
>here's there first meeting
>I bring out the ban hammer
>a little nervous that he was gonna shank me
>can't handle strong woman of authority just skulks out
>now gets uncomfortable if I'm in the same room
>everything's pretty chill for the most part now
>however, he's been telling people that when anime club's inevitable fall without him comes, he will rise it from the ashes
>bitch please you've never done a single productive thing in your creepy excuse for a life
>also heard he took a number out of this sweet (I mean she was bawling her eyes out at the first episode of AoT I still feel bad) petite girl's phone
>I have legit told my most trusted members that give no fucks to keep him from harassing my girls when I'm not there, or call me to come and do it
>did I also mention one of his cronies ran his hand over my head as he walked by
>comes back and says, 'could have been worse I could have smelled your head.'
>ran off before I verbally beat him
>still pissed

I guess what mainly scares me is I'm very untrusting of people, you NEVER KNOW what someone is capable of some I'm very cautious. Anyways, thought I'd share for shits and giggles

>> No.7355075

seriously, dude, that's why I hate weebs. The majority never ask for permission or stop to think about the person on the receiving end of their harassment.

>> No.7355072
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>and because just when you think she's gone, she comes back with a vengeance

>> No.7355086

not sure if weeb story but...definitely had a weirdo on my hands
>be a sophomore in HS
>seniors from last year gone, friend and I take over and become co-presidents of the GSA
>pretty chill actually, mostly just cool friends
>this super awkward, huge ginger is in it. like, I think he had autism or whatever..that kind of awkward. just totally didn't understand what is and isn't socially acceptable to do/say.
>one day the advisor, being the naive cheery little SOB she is, decided to ask the ginger how he discovered he was gay
>"the internet is very helpful" and then goes on about how yaoi really helped him "decide when to be gay"
>i'm like 90% sure this is the kid who got suspended for 3 days for looking at porn on the library computers. probably yaoi.
>wasn't uncommon for him to be walking around with and reading yaoi in school.
yeah he was a really odd kid...when he graduated I thanked the fucking lord.

>> No.7355093

S-same here anon, but just really bad weeaboo stuff no furrys

>> No.7355115

Makes me sad that back in the early and mid 90s, we never worried about creepers. Now that anime is mainstream, Ughhhh

>> No.7355170
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I'd be weirded out if a chick had an altar for me, but be utterly pissed that the picture on it was not of me, but of fucking Gaara. It needs to be like, at least, pic related.

>> No.7355172

But "Deanna" is just an odd spelling of a normal name, so it's really not as bad as something like Tifa.

>> No.7355180

That's true. Deanna is actually pretty on its own.

>> No.7355210

I live on the outskirts of Atlanta, and the general consensus seems to be that SCAD itself is a good school- not great- but they will accept/offer scholarships to anyone. The teachers and programs aren't bad, but because the student skill level varies so widely quite a few people drop out or don't improve much. I get the impression it doesn't mean a bunch on a resume, but that's just me.

>> No.7355219
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>> No.7355225

How old are you?

>> No.7355226

I was almost done posting a weeaboo story that I was scared of posting because I think the person I was talking about lurks in /cgl/

Anyway, I went to post an image with the story and my browser forced quit. I think it's a sign from God not to post that story.

>> No.7355228

I think creepers were probably just as abundant then, just people were less willing to talk about it because "We're all nerds, we can't betray each other!". Also there were less girls to creep on.

>> No.7355232

I think God was testing your perseverance and you've failed. But you still have the chance to redeem yourself, Anon. You know what you must do.

>> No.7355239

No one asks for consent in teh animes

>> No.7355247

Satan turned off the browser. Post and ye shall be screencapped.

>> No.7355300

Just wondering, with all this talk, how high is YOUR power level, and is it weeaboo status?

>> No.7355301

Might as well cross-post this:


>> No.7355322

Definitely. The late 90s president of my HS anime club was a proto-moefag who raped one of the younger virgin club members. I don't have any funny stories, except that he was smug as hell but had a busted face and pudgy body.

>> No.7355331

that's what a steady diet of anime will do to you.

>> No.7355337
File: 225 KB, 500x319, 1391745183909.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

HE punched a WOMAN
And this behavior CONTINUED
Alcohol isn't a fucking excuse. You're planning on killing him in his sleep or secretly poisoning him right? That's the only thing that possibly makes sense as to where he's still around.

>> No.7355353

honestly a lot of the stuff I thrown out I think I forgot it existed most of the time which makes it easier. thats why I still have a binder or two left over that hasnt been thrown out because I know if I throw it out I will forget that I did and look for it later.

>> No.7355365
File: 193 KB, 1000x694, greasyfurrykun1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I loved this story so much I had to make a comic out of it. I hope to one day make a minicomic made up entirely of cringe/horror/feel stories from 4chan.

>> No.7355368

I don't understand why "punching a WOMAN" is a cardinal sin

I mean he punched a person he's a douche, put him in jail maybe, don't kill him

>> No.7355381


As the poster who dealt with Greasyfurrykun, I love you.

>> No.7355389

Weebs really can be that bad.

>> No.7355400

Fiery vengeance is way better.
Plus if you read, he began drinking at around 7 AM. This wasn't just hoorah night out with friends type of deal. Now if he's just out beating on random people, it's also women he doesn't even know. Which this behavior would probably lead up to abuse of a significant other at some point, and that's almost guaranteed considering how excited he was to drink.
Hitting women is a big fucking deal. Of course unless it's self defense then you have to defend yourself but that's not what seems to be what happened here.

>> No.7355406 [DELETED] 

I know hitting people is a big deal, but why is hitting WOMEN SPECIFICALLY a big deal

dude is all kinds of messed up though

>> No.7355411

I agree with saying that he's the lowest of the low, but why is hitting a woman worse than hitting a man? I always just thought that sentiment was subtly, slightly sexist

>> No.7355421

Yeah, it is, there's no way of denying that. It's just that one sexist thing I will not bend on.

>> No.7355425

The problem comes about where, despite what feminists seem to believe, women do tend to be smaller and physically weaker than men.

So it'd be like, a normal guy punching a normal girl is like the jock guy punching the wimpy nerd guy. It's completely unfair, and the girl is often at a disadvantage, and unable to fight back very well.

>> No.7355441

can we just create a world wide no hitting rule and anytime someone breaks it they have to go sit in time out?

>> No.7355469

But 90% of these sexually assaulting weebs could have been put in their place with a punch to the face.

>> No.7355505

Pretty much this. It's unfortunate, but a lot of men are just biologically stronger because their bodies are actually built to make more muscle than fat.

I like this. Beating up on anyone is wrong.

>> No.7355507

>yaoi in public
>picture of animu girl and giant tits

Are you making all of this up or just embellishing? I honestly can't tell.

Either way, story's not that interesting. Try to come up with something more original, or a least somewhat believable.

>> No.7355511

You're an idiot. Girls have always been there. But I.guess you're the type of person who thinks comic book and videogame girls only started appearing in mid 2008.

>> No.7355514

To be honest, I wouldn't doubt that it's all true. I knew a girl in high school who would read DBZ yaoi on the bus and had a sketchbook full of her own 'doujin' that she would work on at lunch. There are some people out there who either just don't give a shit that they're in public OR that's part of what does it for them.

>> No.7355520

Ahh, same here. Binders stacked up full of shit I havent seen in 5+years and not wanting to give up (I'm telling myself its because it'd be a waste of binders)
Not anime tho, a little bit of furry and a tonne of IZ.

It'd be more easier to explain the other way round

>> No.7355521

>at first convention with a few other girls and a couple of their parents
>redoing some of bodypaint, pass them the powder and sealer and they dont use it.
>they might be one of the reasons bodypaint is banned at that con.
>one is getting close to a stranger and asks if they should touch them.
>think theyre joking.
>"do it"
>tickles their arms.
>small voice comes out saying dont
>need to go pee.
>"you cant go without one of us!"
>"kay will someone go with me then?"
> no one wants to.
> go by myself since no one will.
>finish up and putting body paint back on and sealing it.
> take like 2 minutes max
>come back and theyre all upset with me, including their parents.
>well okay.
>cant wait to go home.

a couple of them were greasy, and all of them weaboos, pretty annoying and loud. i hung out with them because they were the closest to my age that i found that likes animes, mangas and such. stopped when it got really obnoxious.

other than that i met some pretty cool people.

>> No.7355524

This didnt make much sense...

>> No.7355528

Whats the worst they can do?

>> No.7355530

Did to me?

>> No.7355531

Calm your tits lady, I'm not saying there were no girls anywhere (I should know, I was one of them) or even that they weren't a significant part of the subculture, but if you're denying that the female population at cons, etc hasn't risen since the 90s you're wrong. Maybe that wasn't the case where you're from, but it certainly was where I am.

>> No.7355550

Just saying, its not only size+musculature, women have more fragile bones so punching and whatnot are a huge no.

>> No.7355555

You know whats funny?
I see these weebs as thinking authority and "common" anime situations such as rape and fighting are things are not that bad and don't need to be reported in the real world, so you'd just as likely get away with smashing up an asshole as they do themselves with their gross actions.

>> No.7355567

ANd both cases would be equally despicable, yet special attention is brought when is a woman.
Sexists much?

>> No.7355594

>it makes me wonder if there's some kind of scientific or psychological reasoning/explanation why like almost every weeb acts exactly the same.

actually read an interesting theory somewhere about why most autists are attracted to relatively the same shit.

it's got something to do with projection, and how they're not very good at it. most/all people, when observing media--whether it's anime, comics, books, games, tv shows, movies, etc--look for someone to relate to, to latch on to, to be an example for how they ought to be. this is the reason most people on the spectrum don't usually obsess over the blank characters in games and anime that viewers are -supposed- to self-insert with. instead, they look for characters like Sonic the hedgehog, or one-dimensional characters that literally have one big trait to their personality. Sonic's is "coolness". Gotta go fast. Gotta stay cool. This is why tsunderes ("BAKA! DON'T TOUCH IT!!") and yanderes ("I want to behead people who are jerks to me!") are so popular--they have one big, identifiable trait which is, in a shallow sense, very easy to imitate and replicate and make it seem like they have a true personality that's closer to who they want to emulate and be. The bright colors also are a huge factor. You don't usually see weebs latching onto shows like, say, Windy Tales, because the character designs are monotone and don't have the standard anime fare of bubblegum hair and "unique" rorita clothes.

But that's what I remember. There was more to it, and it cited several sources.

>> No.7355600

>missing the point entirely

>> No.7355604

>one dimensional
Nigga, did you even watch the morning cartoons or read the comics

If you want to talk about self insert character, there are a billion harem and eroge games for that shit

>> No.7355609

I would say that's self defense and self defense is always a good reason.

>> No.7355621

>Tumblrtards: "But that's just a stereotype!"
>Me: "Yes, and believe it or not, the majority of them exist for a reason."

>> No.7355628

did you even fucking read my post?

the point is that self-inserts are NOT what autists are attracted to. if it doesn't have one defining trait for them to mimic, they're not interested. Think Yuu from P4. No personality whatsoever because you're supposed to self-insert. Contrarilywise, think of Sonic: he has definitive traits. he's arrogant, impatient, and cocky. always with a swift one-upper insult to his enemies before easily taking them down.

and yes. Sonic is one dimensional.

>> No.7355630
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>> No.7355652

Would a man randomly punching a baby and a man randomly punching another man both be equally despicable? If not, is that ~ageist~?

>> No.7355710
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>omg we r liek soooo equal!!!!

>> No.7355716

>women are children

Thank you, I'm glad you know this.

>> No.7355752

Oh oh oh I think I know this one too/
is it RiddleSphinx by chance?
If so then she's gone from fake ftm to fake titted stripper as well as all that other shit but
>blog about chlamydia
>fake suicide erryday

I would swear it is one and the same

>> No.7355764

Are non-cringey stories allowed?

>2nd year of college: settled in well, just a casual any-girl.
>Bored, getting a little deep into anime and possibly cosplay (I always liked fashion and clothing)
>mutual friend introduces me to boy at hangout
>cute, but me too damn shy to say something
>hang out a few times, he offers to help me study because maths
>doki doki overload even with other friends in study group
>shows me his old math notes -there's like random animu drawn on some of the empty spaces (he was really good too, not just shitty scribbles)
>I never knew; wouldn't have been able to tell
>I recognize some of the characters and we talk
>Talk to him about my cosplay plans and he's super supportive
>find out he's a super-nerd; tables at conventions and even once at comiket
>this coming from ottermode (yes, i creeped on him when we went to the beach) and charismatic sempai
>ravage me, please; I want to join his harem.

>mutual friend MIA second quarter and I lose my excuse to hang out often
>too beta to contact myself
>see again in library occasionally; still super nice to me and says hi with some small talk
>I bring up cosplays and conventions because I don't know what else to talk about and keep hi around just a little longer
>he laughs and jokes about having a soft spot for thigh highs
>i want more. when will sempai notice me?
>he graduates after that year, part me of me dies

to be cont'd

>> No.7355766


>fast forward to summer and convention season
>only second time cosplaying at a convention
>notice him at a table in artist alley
>I still want him
>carrying too much spaghetti to stop; walk by quickly without him noticing.
>drop off some anxiety and walk by again.
>oh god, he's talking to other *cuter* cosplayers
>mission aborted.
>go back to hanging out with my group of friends and browse the dealer's hall
>such is my sad beta life, but it's aight'

>Another year passes by and another convention season arrives
>cosplay at the convention again.
>be there for my own enjoyment and friends, but still
>swear to myself that I'll at least say hi this time
>it doesn't look like he has a table
>where is he. he is not here. nowhere. gone
>no. not this day.
>ask the person he tabled with last year
>says he will probably be there the next day; has work and RL to deal with.
>all is not lost; but there are now enough butterflies in my stomach to do butterfly-like things with.
>just walk around and enjoy myself, will deal with it tomorrow.
>then it happens
>"Hey anon."
>It's him. He's not supposed to be here yet. I am not ready. Hide me.
>"Y-yes? I-I didn't know you were here! I totally did not ask your table mate if you were going to be here and he did not tell me it would be tomorrow!"
>I only get it half out before fumbling words
>Stop a couple feet away and looks me over
>Would probably vomit if I wasn't dieting to fit into cosplay
>Walks up with the familiar dumb smile
>"you look good, even without the thigh highs"
>hugs and pats me on the head.
>Sempai noticed me.

>> No.7355773

She's been in and out of a mental institution several times, she's on multiple meds but doesn't take them/ takes too many of them, she sees a therapist... She's getting treated for sure but it's not doing shit for her.
Like I said before, a lot of the shit she writes online is not in english. Also as much as I despise her as a person I'd rather not make her an internet-wide lolcow.
Yeah, I sometimes feel super bad for her because she's obviously been through a lot in her life, and is still struggling a lot, but at the same time I'm just like bitch you ain't a wolf so stop embarrassing everyone by howling at the moon. Stop involving your friends and making them call the ambulance for you when you're only attention whoring. God dammit.
I'm sorry man. I hope you're not close with her. I'm luckily only a casual acquiantance/ friend of a friend of hers.

>> No.7355776

The person who posted the story here, nope I don't think she's ever gone by that handle.
We're talking of two different people.

>> No.7355849
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>Wanko to Kurasou
I enjoyed that game a lot but that weeb sounds disgusting.
>tfw I will never be cute or loli enough to cosplay mikan ;_;

>> No.7355869
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>>i'm a furry who wants to fuck kawaii ukes and lolis

>> No.7355873
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>>imagine that's my cum sliding down your throat

>> No.7355875
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Aww :3

>> No.7355891
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>> No.7355892

>recently transfer unis because got an internship at a bank close to a different university in the same university system
>decide to check out the anime club because Football is out of season
>everyone is pretty cool
>some people are "nerdy" but the good kind, CS and engineering majors, into anime /a/ level
>pretty good, we watch anime, chat and play card games
>this one girl arrives
>shes not really ugly, but she has an awful haircut and is probably bordering on the obese side of BMI
>she sees that I'm new
>talks to me
>is very nice, but can tell she's a weeb, fujoshi and less extreme version of a Tumblr SJW
>always go to club after I lift in the rec center
>usually in workout clothing, so tightish shirts
>everyday she talks to me and stares at my arms, shoulders and chest
>first few days she even grabbed my bicep without asking
>then asks if she can hold my arm while we all walked to a restaurant because it was slightly icy
>shit like this happens all throughout the first week
>finally bring up that I have a gf at every possible moment so I don't make her sad/mad because she is genuinely a kind person, just weird, not attractive and I actually do have a gf
>she lays off for a few weeks
>I stop mentioning gf
>she starts again

Jesus. I don't want to be that guy who always brings up his gf, but fuck. This kind of stuff happens to me with (usually drunk) chicks at cons and even normalfag venues like bars and clubs. I'm not even that attractive, just muscular and tall. It's the worst with weebish girls because they cannot take a hint, and if I pretend to be gay they ask me to make out with another dude. I had a drunk girl at a con bite my nipple because I was in a cosplay where they were exposed for God's sake. Why do weeb girls think they can sexually harrass guys with no repercussion? I'm don't exactly feel violated, it's just gross and annoying.

>> No.7355913

I was thinking in making some of these stories into webcomic form and making a retardbl for it, but after a while of reading some of these stories are actually kind of traumatic shit.

>> No.7355921

Ermm in light of all these horrid stories, might I offer an experience that ended well?

Here's some background:
>was born and raised a couple of years in an asian country so I'm used to anime on tv
>a few years later (end of middle school), the anime boom comes in the small town I moved to in america
>am suddenly a novelty to a group of people in my class? I avoid them. Being in a conservative family, parents drilled me as to how a hungry glance felt like and this was it.
>this group was a group of excitable girls who kept trying to talk to me in a strange language
>I now realize this is an attempt at japanese

Then the new girl came...
>she was half japanese half chinese and loved anime, but hid her powerlevel like me. She was also confident and blunt.
>insta friends
>excitable girls begin to try to recruit her, I assume now that it's because they got tired of me dodging
>new girl confides in me that she wants to join with them
>am confused but there's a strange look on her face
>I now know the expression as "sadistic"
>she goes to hang out with them for a few days and I am invited to observe from afar
>they begin to basically worship her
>at some point she studied at a japanese school so she has a seifuku
>she wears it to school
>I am disgusted when I sit down at lunch and the girls are trying to look up her skirt
>lose my shit everytime she slaps them away
>"WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU'RE EVEN DOING. THIS IS ALMOST RAPE." She'd say really loudly each time so that maximum embarrassment would occur.
>they would try to speak to her in japanese in the halls and she would loudly respond back with:" WHAT ARE YOU TRYING TO SAY? ARE YOU MAKING FUN OF MY DAD'S LANGUAGE?"
>everytime a girl would try to make a comeback, she would play the racism card
>eventually, the excitable girls calm down
>friend returns to us
>apparently she had encountered the same treatment at her old school and she wanted it to stop

>tldr budding weeaboos are stopped from blooming

>> No.7355941
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give her my high five, well done anon's friend.

>> No.7355974

Why do people great others like this?? It's so unnecessary and I feel bad she had to go through that.

>> No.7356029

new thread

>> No.7356670

do another!

>> No.7356683

Can confirm, in the ninth grade there was a girl that would draw yuri pics with full boobs in all of her drawings. It was kinda awkward when asking to look at her artwork in the girl's locker room and seeing it but she did seem embarrass and they weren't super bad. Judging by how she act I doubt she was throwing them in people's faces all the time and I think she might have been a closeted lesbian at the time. She was a nice girl but was unfortunately also being bullied in the girl's locker room because people thought she was a lesbian. It was nothing physical but people making very mean jokes and comments at her. I honestly wished I stood up for her more back then but I was kinda afraid of those same girls for different reasons.

>> No.7357155

>and if I pretend to be gay they ask me to make out with another dude
Haha, poor anon. You just can't win with weeb girls

>> No.7357238

Dude, not every feminist is on tumblr. You're right. Not always of course, I used to have this huge fat female friend and she was totally capable of flooring guys. Also my bf is a tall skinny guy who doesn't work out, I'm a shorty but I work out all the time, lifting weights and shit and I'm still a helpless toddler. I did punch a guy in the face once who grabbed my tits and he was really scared because he was so drunk he thought a guy hit him. I guess my rule is, never go for someone weaker than you'unless he or she is being an absolute asshole.

>> No.7357685

Did she stop being repulsive when you saw her at college?

>> No.7358116

my rubs hurt from laughter

>> No.7358410
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>Middel school
>I was obsessed with Cardcaptors
>I would carry a Kero plushie and a Clow book inside my backpack everyday.
>I would tell people(even teachers)to call me Sakura.
>Brought the Froggy Mix cd.
>I would listened to it 24/7 non stop.

>> No.7358961

This is the history of Yellow-kun

>This started around 4 o years ago at a con.
>There is guy that catchs everyone attention because of his horrid Char Aznable cosplay.
>Let me explain the costume is made of several red and balck t-shirts combined, and details are painted with I think it was yellow acrylic paint and black sharpie.
>But the worst was his hair. He literally seems to have painted his hair with the same yellow acrylic paint, bad to the point he has yellow stains all over his face, hands, and in the costume itself. The detail of the yellow painted hair is very important later in the story.
>Anyway he is the kind of guy that is actually good looking but since he doesn't exercises, ends up with homer simpson's body.
>When I saw him for the first time a couple of guys and girls are trying to help him to style his hair better but it was impossible with all that dry paint.
>At some point he asks me for a pic together, and he really seemed like a nice guy, a little shy or socially awkward maybe, but nothing else... I was so wrong...

>A couple of days after the con he sends me a friend request in facebook and tags our pic.
>I accept it, and just out of curiosity I start surfing through his pics. Everything seems ok but then I noticed...
>Turns out he IS blond, making all the yellow paint deal even more ridiculous.

>> No.7358974


>A couple of weeks later he starts chatting with me.
>At the beggining everything was normal. He was from another state and had to move here due to his work.
>But then he started telling me how his life turned upside down when he moved.
>Seems his work didn't pay so well here, and that he had a nice gf before but she left him when he was forced to move here.
>Then he starts explaining how its all product of a conspiration trying to make his life miserable. I laugh at the welcome to the NHK reference and follow the game...
>Big mistake. Yellow-kun was deadly serious about it, and he tought I was too.
>He starts talking about all kind of conspirations and tinfoil hat stuff designed to 'ruin the lives of perfect people like you and me'
>By this point I notice he gets pretty egocentric and arrogant. He sees himself as a perfect human being, and thats why he is targeted by such conspiracies.
>Then he invites me to an organization that fights this conspiracies, gives me a link and disconnects.
>Website was pretty weird, and it seemed a lot more like a cult or sect than an organization. The organization founder looked like some sort of religious leader or hippie Jesus wannabe, and they had weird rituals of energy sharing by touching each other bodies.
>After some weeks without seeing him he reappears and starts inviting me to that cult again and again, but I always reject making up different bullshit.
>He sends me articles written by people of the cult all about conspirancies and evil organizations making our lifes miserable by making other people see defects we don't have, and stuff like that
>This keeps on a daily basis and I end blocking him
>One day I find out he deleted everyone he met here from facebook stating 'I must purge imperfect people from my life'. And then moved to another state.
And in this pretty anticlimatic way I lost all contact with Yellow-kun... Thank God.

>> No.7360262

>try to start an anime club
>shit nigga i just got my konata wig

You sound as bad as her, if not worse.