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7346221 No.7346221[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

devil's advocate time!

We're all so quick to jump to tell itas and newbies to step away from Milanoo and replicas and to go find some good, decent brand on the second hand comm sales, but should we?
By letting the newbies in on our hunting grounds are we just raising the competition to get to the cheaper deals?
The cliche ita destroys everything they touch before moving onto their new obsession so what if we're just sealing the fate of these clothes?

>> No.7346223

if we let them crash and burn without any advice, Itas would take over.
the next generation of lolitas would find it perfectly acceptable to wear cat ears, milanoo, and other ita things.
and the generation after that, and after that.
until Lolita was no longer Lolita, just a hideous mess
and thats how people would recognize it

>> No.7346232

This, we're trying to preserve our image. Not that we have much of an image to speak of, but we certainly don't need "lolita fashion" to conjure images of a pizzafaced weeb wearing cat ears and some skimpy maid cosplay.

That and wouldn't you be embarrassed if someone like that came to a meetup? How about 10 someones, all dressed like that? How about if they all sat there circlejerking about what a brandwhore you are?

>> No.7346233

Just ridicule them and humiliate them until every ounce of self esteem they have is completely and utterly destroyed.

>> No.7346240

I've seen this so many times, but is it photoshopped? I just can't see Misako doing that...

>> No.7346264

Shopped. The original pic has her showing all fingers.

>> No.7346595

Ahh yes now I see it, specifically around her pinkies.

>> No.7346605
File: 46 KB, 456x620, misakoaoki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7346631

I am monitoring this thread


>> No.7348229

Is anyone terribly tempted to give them some not-so-helpful help now and then? I admit I'm tempted, but don't actually do it.

>> No.7348254

Sometimes but that's because they never take the time to do their research. There's so much information out there and lurking helps so much. I never went through an ita phase because I took the time to read what exactly I was getting into.

Not that having an ita phase is bad because everyone has to start somewhere. It just baffles me that new girls can't find the most basic info when it's so abundant.

>> No.7348272

While I don't particularly agree with lolitas being vicious about an ita mess, I think that letting itas do whatever they want would be completely detrimental to the fashion as a whole. Imagine this hypothetical case scenario:

>You have a friend, and said friend is interested in lolita. You try to guide your friend as much as you can, but she disregards your advice and starts wearing ita coords. Despite you knowing she looks like a mess, you let her, thinking that eventually she'll learn. She starts going with you to meet-ups, where she meets other lolis that she ends up looking up to. These lolis also keep silent in hopes of your friend realizing what she's doing. In her mind, since these girls she looks up to don't say anything about her outfit, she translates it as "my coords are good". You start to realize that she's not progressing any time soon, and by the time you try to say something to her, she's too engrossed in her ideas of what lolita fashion is, that she'll refuse to accept any kind of suggestions or criticism.

What I'm trying to say here is, that people need constructive criticism when they're doing something wrong.

It's okay to experiment, but lolita is one of those fashions where you really need to know what you're working in to experiment. Itas need to know when they're dressed poorly, otherwise they won't be able to burst their bubble and they'd eternally think they're really good at dressing themselves.

>> No.7348277

everyone told me places to research, but I didn't have the internet-just books.
my ita phase included every mistake.

>> No.7348286

Sometimes the problem isn't having the resources, but how to search for them.

Although I gotta say that if you have a lolita friend, then you really have no excuse to ask them for help, unless they're also ita.

>> No.7348291

I'm lucky I have the resources of so many helpful-chans as friends. I push any noobs or itas at them because I know I'm harsh and strict and bitchy. That's how I learned though, being that way with myself.

>> No.7348297

and further along the line, potentially a scenario of "the ita leading the ita". newbies who might otherwise receive good lolita information having their time monopolised by confident itas and thinking of ita outfits as acceptable or even ideal. helping others to improve benefits the community as a whole, both present and future.

>> No.7348307

This happens now. breaks my heart to see new girls getting advice from itas. and itas buying shitty dresses from other itas

>> No.7348336

Ugh agreeing, it seems like lately everyone and their mother has a lolita advice blog.
And they're all awful.