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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 280 KB, 1024x1457, 1391339479042.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7343813 No.7343813[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

ikuy is back!

>> No.7344084

This makes me happy. Like really happy. You don't even know /cgl/.

>> No.7344105


She's really cute and sexy.

>> No.7344156

cosplaying the same old shit yeah great

>> No.7344160
File: 34 KB, 277x297, 1370772581904.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ikuy please cosplay Amazon

>> No.7344199
File: 721 KB, 446x251, what's wrong with you.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She really should.
>inb4 jealous fattie who has more cellulite on her chin than Ikuy has on her entire body complains about her ass NOT being perfect

>complaining about Cammy cosplays
Pic related

>> No.7344296

Wait, didn't we just has this self-posting bullshit a few days ago?

>> No.7344310

Oh look, it's this thread again. Samefag or weird stalker?

>> No.7344311

I can't give a ruling until someone posts her bare stomach, ass and feet.

>> No.7344313

All she does is self post and attention whore

Ikuy plz go

>> No.7344690
File: 56 KB, 810x400, Spanx_Logo copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7344700

I hate when people have blunt cut braided pigtails

>> No.7345845

>jealous fattie
yeah keep on using that phrase i am dude i am tired of fapping to her there are better whores in sea mate cammy is shitty SF you know it

>> No.7346596

and she's still ugly fuck

>> No.7346619

>tired of fapping to her
Your post looks like you wrote it one-handed, seems to me you're still going at it

>> No.7346795

She honestly looks better than her Shadaloo Cammy. Looks like she has gotten in better shape too. Hope none of the weight was lost from her ass.


>> No.7346821
File: 270 KB, 600x600, 1332905963942.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not taking out piercings for cosplay

>> No.7346839

She's a stripper isn't she?

>> No.7349828
File: 978 KB, 1152x1728, 12198830634_6227fc9fc4_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7349914


>> No.7350757

aww her boobies are so little!

>> No.7350841

>that goofy-ass smile

i want her so fucking bad

>> No.7350845

Seriously this self-post shit is embarrassing, stop for your own sake.

>> No.7350855

lol why are her leg holes cut up to her boobs

>> No.7350856

yeah i samefagged like two hours later with a completely contradictory comment. seriously why tf would you even think that?

>> No.7350871

Because this obvious selfpost thread keeps getting conveniently bumped every time it falls off the front page. This isn't even the first time this has happened.

>> No.7350875

yeah anon its some whacky ikuy thread conspiracy

>> No.7350880
File: 110 KB, 315x239, 1286571438624.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>trashy whore
>nose piercings
>same old cammy rehash
>still can't make a costume worth a shit
>doesn't even have the big cow ass anymore

Not impressed. Her 15 minutes of fame are over. Let it go.

>> No.7350885

Yeah you're right, nobody has ever selfposted and samefagged on /cgl/ before ~ this is a totally crazy novel concept! The fact that the last thread posted less than a week ago started with an identical post is probably a total coincidence~

>> No.7350889

lol i started that thread but hand to god didnt start this one

>> No.7350922


>> No.7352528
File: 84 KB, 531x960, 1391644586371.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7352743

>there will never be a well-muscled Cammy cosplayer

>> No.7353631

The arm and leg edges of this bodysuit aren't even hemmed or finished. I know it's titilating to see a buttfloss thong and the glimpse of nipple tape in the sheer parts but really? Really?

>> No.7353638

They might be hemmed, if you look at the legs you can kinda see really tiny stitches about 1/8th or 1/16 away from the edge. It's not ideal, but I think she did actually hem it.

>> No.7354401
File: 82 KB, 360x429, cosplay5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


be careful what you wish for

>> No.7354451

I will always be happy when I see an Ikuy thread. She's so pretty and such a rad person. It's so funny seeing so many haters on cgl. jelly all day erry day is what you are

I'm sure she did Cammy again because her fans, creepy or not, surely hoped she would rehash that cosplay.

fuck off jelly fags, you'll never be as hot as ikuy

>> No.7354458
File: 146 KB, 344x640, 1354217354915.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well there's this.

>> No.7354468


why doesnt she show off her ass

I like muscle ass

>> No.7354476

I dunno man, me too.

I can't even find any more pictures of this person, google search gives me nothing.

>> No.7354490
File: 221 KB, 466x900, Cammy06.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How's this?

>> No.7354570
File: 134 KB, 1024x414, badass_by_danquish-d5utcr5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


dont get exited, she doesnt show anything

>> No.7354579
File: 29 KB, 222x232, Cleophee02.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That midriff and those arms are enough.

Thanks anon

>> No.7357349

What cosplay would you like to see Ikuy do?
I'd like to see Shadaloo Cammy and the Red Cammy - is that Delta Red?

>> No.7358118

redcammy is bison cammy...would love to see it!

>> No.7359940

She should do Bisoncammy

>> No.7361009

ergh. Why her again? Don't you have other fap material?

>> No.7361140

You know you wanna see more

>> No.7361822


There is no other fap material besides Ikuy.

>> No.7361831

Holyshit yes!!
Qt 3.14 face with muscles. So happy

>> No.7362402


>> No.7362401

She is. Nothing wrong with that.

Google alabasterbooty

>> No.7362410

Saw that Cammy at Dragoncon whichever year she went and her muscles only exist on her arms. No butt or thighs really to speak of, just bony. Looked more like super low bf % instead of actual muscle mass on the rest of her.

>> No.7362436

I disagree. She's basically going to treat her cosplay as slutty stripper clothes from here on out. I mean you can already see it, with this Cammy being WAY WAY more showey than her last Cammy. She's just gonna slut up any joint she goes into until she's parading around in pasties and a pad and gets kicked out of the con.

>> No.7362939

might be >>7362872 from the secrets thread. So much cam girl and stripper hate on here today XD

>> No.7363444

>still slut shaming

>> No.7363874

Girls who cosplay so people will ogle their body are not welcome

>> No.7363920

Alright tumblr lets calm down

>> No.7363961

isn't that every scantily clad female's ambition?

>> No.7364174

people like her ass so she wears a higher cut cammy outfit oh woooow what a bitch

>> No.7364180


>looking up Cammy cosplay on Google Image


>> No.7365120
File: 81 KB, 526x960, 1392112977101.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dat ass, but dat shit construction.

>> No.7365673

she cut the leotard up too much on the front

Im waiting for Moonfox Ultima to do her Cammy

>> No.7366232

The Grand Arbiter of cosplay has spoken!

>> No.7366607

I fapped like 3 times just from this thread. Ikuy gets me diamond hard

>> No.7366788
File: 311 KB, 900x2026, sonyass_by_deunan4g63-d4al98h.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hoooooooly shit this woman has it all.

Please don't tell me she shoots too, I don't think my heart could take it.

>> No.7368665

Are there noodz of ikuy out there?

get this garbage out of here

>> No.7368923

Nigga she's a fucking camwhore, of course there are. Google the name mentioned earlier in the thread.

>> No.7369230

Yep, she's got it all! Hep A! Hep B! Gonorrhea! Yeast infection!

>> No.7369257

Not that anon but i couldn't find any.

>> No.7369266

Yeast infections aren't STDs nor do they mean you're dirty, stupid.

>> No.7369976


Yeast infections can be transmitted retard. It's rare, but it can happen during intercourse. Also I didn't even mean it to be a jab at an STD, so much as meaning her to have everything, STD or otherwise.

>> No.7370040

Would still dick hard all weekend.

>> No.7370079
File: 27 KB, 600x450, 1392314538436.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7372801
File: 92 KB, 511x768, 1392466664846.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7372848 [DELETED] 

i want this to me me and her since i have the same exact cock dimensions as this guy


14:25 onwards, best part

>> No.7373970


fuuuuuck. i can't believe how hot she is.

>> No.7373990

I have a better body for cammy than her but an ugly face, no fame for me :(

>> No.7374028
File: 138 KB, 336x326, 1352871754903.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stay jelly

>> No.7374034


>> No.7374068

I have them

>> No.7374071

>Implying women on /cgl/ ever deliver on pics since they're all liars

>> No.7374170

*tips fedora*

>> No.7374450


prove it, liar

>> No.7374500


It's better to fap to her nudes and keep them then let you little faggots have them

>> No.7374889


You're full of shit.

>> No.7375524

That is probably the worst cop-out on a lie I've ever seen. What are you, 4?

>> No.7375879

Why would anyone want nudes of Ikuy anyway? Part of the reason she's so hot is because of what her ass does to the costumes/along with them. Alone it's just... meh. There are freaking pornstars with better.

Besides, I would imagine if you ever encountered her at a con you'd spaghetti pretty fucking hard after having seen her naked. Better to keep some things a secret.

>> No.7375968

super badass. perfect cammie

>> No.7375977


>> No.7378244


downloaded and fapped already.

Think she would do real porn? i'd pay to see her pussy spread and up close and personal

>> No.7378366

dat m0ther less video

>> No.7378370

>recognize a girl with a clips4sale account at AX
>"Oh, shit. I've seen you naked before."
>she laughs
>get a picture of her
>all is well

>> No.7378452
File: 76 KB, 960x720, 1392724493445.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7379671

More Cammy please

>> No.7380125
File: 886 KB, 1152x1728, ikuy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7380136
File: 984 KB, 1152x1728, ikuyy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7380144

Jesus, this looks super bad. Whoever photoshopped this needs to settle the fuck down. That pose with that shoop just makes her look fat and a little freakish.

>> No.7380148

I love Ikuy with all my heart but this is the worst angled pose in the world and it makes her look like someone cut out her torso.

I blame the photographer entirely. I just sent it to her and we are laughing hard about it.

>> No.7380153

She lost her torso in the war

>> No.7380247


>> No.7380250

forgot i had these

>> No.7380257
File: 13 KB, 263x350, 20130817_161322.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7380262
File: 224 KB, 1200x1600, 20130817_161339.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7381945


agree'd. What a bizarre shot..

>> No.7382520
