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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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7343574 No.7343574[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Hey CGL, gotta question for you.After seeing how badly shot so many of the photosets that are accepted on Cosplay Deviants are, I've thought that I could do a better job.So, even though I've only got an old DSLR with a kit lens,and have only been practicing shooting for a year, I'm thinking of trying to shoot a deviant set and submit it.So I'm wondering what do you think?Should I give it a shot?

>> No.7343691


>> No.7343738

Give it a shot, but photographers don't submit the sets, the models do, so if you know someone that wants to try out, have them do the application, get accepted (done every Tuesday) and then have her turn in the set, and if accepted, you get 150. As long as the costume is good, the model knows how to model, and the lighting is good, its accepted, there isn't much they won't accept unless its a set one of the popular models is doing or has done, but they might still accept and hold on to it for a few months.

>> No.7344055

$150? Wow, what a waste of time. What do the models get?

>> No.7344770

That is what the models get, stupid

>> No.7347071

And I was supposed to know that how, dickhead? The OP was talking about trying to get in as a photographer. Go be a snarky faggot somewhere else, snarky faggot.

If that's all the models get, that is even more of a fucking pathetic amount.

>> No.7347077

>super niche market
>super niche business
>expecting a shitload of coin

Im guessing their paysite isnt very big. They dont get that much money, and I'm guessing the amount of girls who cosplay with self esteem issues is high enough that 150 and being "featured" looks very appealing to them.

>> No.7347214

Photographers get $100, but you need to submit 100 high-res photos. You can get paid more if you also Photoshop the pics and they approve, but don't expect much. It's not worth it, and if they accept your submission, you promise not to shoot with competitors for 2 years. It's BS! Not worth it really, but if you're strapped for cash, then do it.

Photogs can submit also, but the model(s) will still need to fill out the forms and shit, so they can be credited and paid (also to protect the LLC from liabilities later on). Also, if photogs are submitting, the pics better be spectacular then... but yeah, many of the shoots are point and shoots pretty much. I've seen a few shoots in progress, and know a few former CD models who later jumped to the other cosplay erotica sites out there.

>> No.7347238

>Photographers get $100, but you need to submit 100 high-res photos.
$1 per photo? Wow.
>and if they accept your submission, you promise not to shoot with competitors for 2 years.
So not only do they pay peanuts, but you're not allowed to earn money elsewhere?

>> No.7347251

Yah, it's BS, and all these sites are pretty much the same. Suicide Girls, Cosplay Deviants, Geek Goddesses, and etc.

Like I said, if you need money do it, just if anything use a different name/handle than your regular one.

>> No.7347390

With shitty terms like those, and the wealth of cosplay and photography talent on here, /cgl/ should make our own soft-core porn site.

>> No.7347395


We can even have a comments section so seagulls can bitch about how ugly the model is and how inaccurate the costumes are.

>> No.7347500

Even if you wanted to, you would have to find someone willing to do it. Most of the deviants shoot with the same photographers because they feel comfortable with them and know them.... or because it is their boyfriend.

Best bet is to find someone who is about to join or is new and needs a photographer.

>> No.7347524

Is it bad that I really like this idea

>> No.7347859

If a niche porn site wants to succeed in the crowded modern market, it needs to appeal to both genders...

>> No.7347881

Even though most statistics show the modern market (people paying for porn) is majority male?

>> No.7347887

Exactly. We're looking at a huge untapped market here.

Sexy naked men are in no shortage on the internet, but I can't think of a single porn site that has separate comment sections for males users and female users.

>> No.7347906

For that matter, I don't think there are many X-rated cosplay sets of nearly naked guys in costume.

>> No.7348029

I'll clear out some misconceptions here, I know this because I have photographed a cd model, and have heard a lot of the newer rules.
1: photogs get 150, models get 200,
2: at first, you only needed a minimum of 75 photos, now its like 60, the prefer more, but will take what they can get.
3: they're list of competitors is actually fairly short, you can still shoot for suicide girls, god girls, etc, just not pixel vixens and other cosplay porn sites. Alt nude sites still ok.

No its probably not worth it, I mean, for a photog, its an easy 150 for an hours work, and they don't have to be the best quality.

They actually pay less if you photoshop yourself, they have people they pay to do that, so they'd rather get the stuff faster. They will reimburse you for approved costumes, only 100 though, and will reimburse some of what you pay if you have to rent a room or sometime.

But then there is finding the person. If you have a friend that seems interested, you can try pushing it a little, but I doubt you'd convince someone to just go for it. They'll probably think you're a creeper.

>> No.7348044

If it wasn't for the no compete clause, I'd totally get some of my model buddies to pose for it and make us some quick cash.

I still think a /cgl/ cosplay porn site would be brilliant.

>> No.7348073

They work for Geek Goddes, Pixel vixens, Cosplay Erotica, Cosplay Mate, Erotic Fandom, or any of the other smaller sites that no one knows about? That is about the only places the No Compete clause covers.

>> No.7348144

Do any of those have better pay rates or less contractual restrictions?

>> No.7348155
File: 473 KB, 480x270, tumblr_lod4lfc8tm1qirmcfo1_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I need some cash and would do this as long as the costume had a face mask

>> No.7348179

post a sexy costume of yours sans face, let's see what you got

>> No.7348180


Holy shit, I'm currently in the process of getting big. I would totally nude male model cosplay.

>I need to learn to make cosplay stuff first


>> No.7348188

You too, post a pic, lets see what you got.

A /cgl/ porn site would have a special bonus for models who actually made their own costumes. Maybe even a separate page for each set explaining how the costume was put together.

>> No.7348206

not worth the money

>> No.7348346


Kekko kamen?