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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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7343172 No.7343172 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: Conversations with people who don't know what lolita is.

>> No.7343179
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>mfw my naive christian friend called my clothing a fetish just yesterday
>in front of people
>thank fuck her engrish was muffled and people pretty much couldn't understand her

I don't even dress in sweet. Where on earth did she find the word. Why did she use that word. Seriously, so many questions for her.

>> No.7343187

>I love your costume!
>Man, I wish I was brave enough to cosplay
>Lolita... like the book?

Pretty much summarizes all my experiences with normies.

>> No.7343217

you can't really blame them for the nabokov thing, he popularised the term, and there can be infantile connotations to the fashion

>> No.7343339

Context? Who is the person saying it's a coping mechanism?

>> No.7343351

because in the eyes of the general public, it's 'not normal', so obviously you must have some sort of mental disorder or problem for wearing it

>> No.7343417

I had a friend who would get actually pretty upset with me for wearing lolita and other alt fashions. Not because she thought they were silly or didn't like them, but because to her the only reason to ever dress up is for attention. She told me I was being a "rude ice bitch" for not going over to every person who looked at me funny and chatting/flirting/making out with them. It wasn't even that I was deliberately ignoring them, I just wanted to dress cute and chill with friends.

>> No.7343432

Slap her.

Or just tell her that it isn't a fetish and ask her to stop using that word.

>> No.7343443
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I said this in the rant thread, but I'm going to say it here

>"so, you have daddy issues, right?"

>> No.7343453


>> No.7343457

You're using caps and the word literally wrong.

Please stop that.

>> No.7343461

I actually "won" the game before.
the only way you can win is if you get them both to admit they cheated on eachother- then they stay together

>> No.7343463

Me too! I actually really enjoy the game, my partner and I would play together.

>> No.7343485
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How I see daddy issues being used:

>have unpopular opinion
>try and defend it
>"Get a handle on those daddy issues!"

>> No.7343501

Someone will say that about pretty much every girl or woman who has ever done something remotely unusual and attention-getting. I've only heard the "daddy issues" thing once in my five years of wearing lolita fortunately. It's kind of ironic though because my dad is totally cool with my fashion choices.

>> No.7343530
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out at mall with friend, I'm wearing otome, she's wearing sweet lolita-she's been into the fashion for 7 years
>fucking 3 teenage boys walk up to us
>fucking blonde little shit smirks and says "wow, what a couple of walking daddy issues!-turns towards my sweet lolita friend
>"and let me guess, you're dad's dead"
>her dad died 4 months ago from cancer
>tfw no witty comeback because I was just in pure shock at the time
>I ended up swatting the kid with my purse then him and his friends walked away saying "what a couple of freaks"

>> No.7343533
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I hoped you swatted really hard.

>> No.7343536

I had a bigass camera in that bag too. I hope they fucking felt it.
though I do wish I could of came up with a good comeback

>> No.7343552

Kind of a tough one. Teenagers like that really just crave attention and conflict.

I would have just applied mace, to give them a proper negative stimulus to not be so rude, but some places might consider that "assault"

>> No.7343559
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I've been on /cgl/ for around a week and wasn't aware there was a lolita scene outside of Japan, or even what the proper name was.

I looked into it a bit out of curiosity and it really isn't that hard to understand. Looking good and dressing the way you want, feels good. Why not do it more often? Why wear boring shit all the time?

I'm almost jealous that women have so many options in that regard.

>> No.7343564

I don't wear lolita all the time because it's not very convenient to wear. Walking in a crowded area is harder, eating is harder (because no way is something going to stain my clothing), going to the bathroom is harder... but hey, I like looking like a pretty fluffy princess sometimes so I can deal with it.

>> No.7343576
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it doesn't matter what gender you are, wear what you want, just put an effort into it.

there's substyles of lolita for boys too

>> No.7343584
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I remember attending a lolita gathering at an art museum. Most of us were dressed in Classic, with one girl in sweet, and of course some newbies. Most of the group was dressed pretty nicely, and hell, it's an art museum. A lot of people were confused and thought we were part of an event at the museum(so a lot of the staff were getting questions too) Of course I got a lot of people asking me questions, and I'm usually pretty happy to answer questions.

One of the older staffers came up to me and asked me what was going on, I explained and well, she was pretty happy since you know, it was nice seeing a group of girls dressed up nicely at the museum.

She told me how a lady had came up to us and asked why we were all dressed up so weirdly. The lady asking was, as the staff person told me, looked to be about in her sixties, and wearing white booty shorts and flip flops. The staffer told me she was thinking who was dressed more weirdly, a bunch of girls dressed nicely at an art museum, or a lady with her ass desperately hanging out of her shorts?

>mfw the staff member told me that.

Also side note, the guy running the coat check at the musuem had lived in Japan for a year and was totally cool with lolita and j-fashion.

>> No.7343585
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Christmas, lots of relative I haven't seen in a while. I made an effort to dress up and had bought new clothes for social events while I was visiting with friends/family. It had been a few years since I'd made it home for Christmas.

>Older Family Friend: Wow, you're looking good, anon! I like the dress.
>Me: Thanks, I went a little mad shopping when (store) had a sale.
>Talk about shopping, she mentions I've lost weight, talk about exercise, shoes etc.
>OFF: I mean, it's nice to see you all dressed up. Not like one of those costumes or-
>OFFDaughter: Oh my god Mom.
>OFF: I'm just saying.. it looks really trendy, that's nice.
>OFD: Mom, quit it. STAHP.
>OFF: I didn't mean anything like that, she looks great!


Eh, she meant well. I wasn't really offended to be honest. That's just kind of her personality.

>> No.7343587

I've posted on here before about some things my boyfriend had been saying that were really irking me, looked through the archive and found them again

>Why do all the ones you like have such weird designs.
>It’s just designs that hold no meaning. So I don’t know why you’d want to wear them.
>I don’t know, I just feel you don’t see people walking around in that type of clothing for a reason, most people don’t think it looks good. Me being one of them.

>> No.7343599
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The fury from reading this

>> No.7343601

>"anon's parents are very strict, and dressing like that is her way of lashing out"


>> No.7343605

I like the style, but I don't think I would look good in it, personally. I really like classic lolita, but most of the male stuff I've seen is gothic and I don't think I'd look good in any of it.

>I don’t know, I just feel you don’t see people walking around in that type of clothing for a reason, most people don’t think it looks good. Me being one of them.
Jesus Christ, how charming.

>> No.7343607


I would no longer have a boyfriend. Sounds like a real winner there.

>> No.7343629

>a lady with her ass desperately hanging out of her shorts?
I'm in tears right now from that, thank you ever so much for making my night, also nice touch with the GFs gif
When is the new season already...

>> No.7343658

ah, I remember that, that was golden.

>> No.7343666

>that gif
My sides

>> No.7343671

Who says that??? To anyone? Jfc I hate these kids that seriously deserve beatings

>> No.7343676

That's what you get for dating a normalfag

>> No.7343685

I don't fucking understand this behavior. The normies and normalfag behavior.

It's like there's a certain kind of person who literally can't conceptualize that someone can be sane AND enjoy different things from them.

hopefully that doesn't sound too "high school special snowflake" but serious.

>> No.7343695
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I simply don't understand people who date/go out with people who aren't into the bigger hobbies/aspects of their life.
I'm getting married next year, but my girlfriend is also into video games, cosplay, anime, Lolita and other jfashion, cooking/ baking, and biology. She's just a general goof and perfect for me. I love her so much. I couldn't understand being with anyone not into those main things I love.

>> No.7343709

Have smoothies anon (or any drink you can have thru a straw with a lid on it ie bubble tea etc) when you're out in the town

Tho I still need to find how to go to the public restroom easier in it. Its not that I have any troubles not pissing on it its just I dont want my dresses and petticoats spilling all over the toilet porcelain

>> No.7343713
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From what I've learned back when I did large full ballgown costumes at conventions. You hike that shit up as high as you can.I usually life and gather towards the front. If I can keep a civil war hoopskirted ballgown off the porcelain throne in a small bathroom stall, gals can keep their frills toilet free.

>> No.7343715
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What I love when people give me typical "She had a troubled childhood! Her parents were strict! Parents didnt love her enough! She cant grow up! Parents were too loving! That's why!! Childhood issues! Mental issues"

Hi there. I'm a psych major, thanks for giving me your quaint little baseless magazine advice!

>> No.7343718


I met a guy at a ball jointed doll meetup last weekend that had just gotten married and hadn't told his wife that he collected dolls yet. He hid them from her. He said "She's part of the grow-up-quick generation, you know, she loves jersey shore. Plus her daughter is twelve, so she just like, got out of the doll phase, and I don't think she'd like it. Anyway, she's not into anime or anything, she barely lets me watch it, so I just don't think I'll tell her..."

>> No.7343720

>hey anon, I know a girl who dresses in lolita too!
>oh really, neat, there aren't many here
>shows me pic of a girl in a schoolgirl-y outfit with teeny tiny miniskirt

My friends also have a huge problem grasping that colorful skirt+otks+cardigan is just as valid lolita outfit as all lace and chiffon one. To them it's either full blown gothic or full blown sweet (borderline OTT) and nothing inbetween. And having both in one wardrobe is just bizarre.

>> No.7343721

Wow. What a moron. These kind of people are the reason single fags think being in a relationship/married = be miserable rather than alone.

You can be happy and in a relationship/married. It exists.

>> No.7343730

That's the kind of thing that's going to end up in heartbreak. He's going to end up miserable because his wife is probably going to complain and try to make him give up his hobby. I can already hear the "you're not the man I thought you were"

>> No.7343732

In a sense that's also immature though. It's easier to establish a connection with someone over hobbies because they're obvious things in common, but you don't have to share main passions for a successful relationship. (Congratulations also anon, don't take this as an attack but just general comments)

My mother doesn't share my Dad's passion for organ music and cathedrals, yet we still have a pipe organ in our house (not even kidding, and we're not well off - it's just how much my mother is willing to compromise for my father's passion and the fact that organ building/playing is practially disappearing).

It annoys me when people say they can't imagine not sharing hobbies with their significant other because the real thing that will keep people together is their values, beliefs, and direction in life.

It's the same in lolita with boyfriends often not quite getting it, although the line is a lot thinner there because there's something public about the hobby. Doesn't mean you should be an ass to your SO about it though.

>> No.7343735


>she barely lets me
Unless it's followed by something like "shooting up heroin", I will never understand how these people think they will have a functional relationship.

>> No.7343757

Well, considering we've been together for seven years, I think well be fine. My girlfriend is my best friend and its going to stay that way. So yeah...

>> No.7343758

This, I'll never understand how people can expect a relationship build on complete misunderstanding to work.
But on the other hand my bf has (had? I don't think he sees them much anymire) buddies, who were in awful toxic relationships and didn't even realize you can and should have a better one.
It's like... unwarranted jealousy, constant control and no common interests are all perfectly fine as long as you get regular sex.

I guess I should pride myself, that my bf never feels he has to "get away for a while " from me...?

>> No.7343762

But being with someone you share your main hobbies with makes sense. Tolerating a few bad habits is one thing, but I wouldn't be with a sports fan or hunter because I dislike both things greatly. I wouldn't date someone I can't relate to or bring with me to gatherings/meets.

>> No.7343763

this only works if there are other things they have in common that they value, and if both parties are willing to accept that the other is into different stuff.

>> No.7343768

What's this from?

>> No.7343829

That's so sad...

>> No.7343832

This, and later they say how "marriage isn't a special thing at all, it's just a construct of society". To you, maybe! But it's their own fault that their communication skills suck balls and they can't hold a relationship for more than a year.

>> No.7343838

Secretly, I want this sort of thing to happen to me so I can rek someone. I mean what the fuck, some people.

>> No.7343839

The thing is hobbies can tell a lot about a person, and for many people it's an important aspect of their life. People going into a relationship don't have to have the same exact hobbies, but having a respect and understanding for your SO's hobbies is a must, and it often is just easier to be with someone who is already has an interest in it.

I'm really happy >>7343757 's fiance is also their best friend, because relationship like that will always be happier and longer lasting, especially when you compare it to the man in >>7343718. More often than not, best friends share you hobbies or at least respect them right?

>> No.7343879

I was out with a friend and she was wearing lolita (I can't remember the print as I'm not familiar with them and it was a few months ago now) and we'd stopped to take some photos because the background was really nice for the cord.

These two boys walked up to us and said to her 'hey are you pink all over?' (she was wearing a pink wig).

If they'd been trying to be funny, it might have been cute; or if they'd been confident about it, it might have been endearing. But they stood there shuffling and looking at their feet and mumbling.

What was funny was she didn't get what they meant at first.

>> No.7343881


Don't think the opposite of sharing hobbies is polite tolerance. Many people would just as rather use something you like they think is stupid to bitch about it whenever they are pissed off or feeling sassy. Also this often continues to other things. Someone that's a bitch about things you like that don't affect them isn't going to stop there. Also, as >>7343839 said, and plus it can be depressing not being able to share any of your hobbies with your SO, I mean if you always have to go to someone else to talk about something you like that's not much of a relationship.s

>> No.7343896

What game is that ? I'm kinda curious

>> No.7343899

Hes actually not a normal fag. Hes into vidya and anime. He just doesnt like sticking out and would rather remain status quo. At one point he called it 'peacocking'.

Hes much better about it now though, he used to refuse to go out with me while I was wearing it and a few months ago he ame up to me and asked what would match it and said some cute stuff.

>> No.7343901

Facade. It's a really weird game where you visit a married couple as their old friend. You can talk to them by typing in the keyboard. The graphics are shitty, but it's pretty awesome how well they can respond to what you say with all things considered.

If you type in melons the main characters freak out. I think they take it as a euphemism for boobs. The point of the game is to make the couple work out their problems without getting kicked out or making them break up.

>> No.7343917

>Mom's side of the family doesn't really care how I dress
>Mom used to tell me to get real clothes
>Start getting street fashion related jobs due to lolita
>Mom now makes sure I look my best when going out

Luckily my boyfriend thinks it's pretty and actually prefers me in gothic.

>> No.7343922

What do you mean by street fashion related jobs?

>> No.7343926

seconding. I'm hella curious

>> No.7343931

A casting company found me on the streets in lolita and took down my info. So magazines go to the casting company for interesting or "uniquely" dressed people for ads, articles or whatever.

>> No.7343935

It's a legit company, they booked me for a UK magazine (forgot the name) and Diesel, but I couldn't make the shoots because I was out of town.

>> No.7343940

That's awesome, congrats anon!

>> No.7343947

I never intended to become a model of any type so that was a huge surprise for me.

>> No.7343954

Hey, as long as you're enjoying it!
What sort of lolita do you wear?

>> No.7343963

Usually sweet or classic on the border of sweet. I just wish these modeling jobs didn't happen almost every time I go on vacation.

>> No.7343980

What does it mean?

>> No.7343996

pubic hair dude

>> No.7344000

they're asking if the carpet matches the curtains
(if her pubes are pink too)

>> No.7344006

>>"and let me guess, you're dad's dead"
>>her dad died 4 months ago from cancer
Well, he got that right.

>> No.7344008 [DELETED] 

But marriage IS a construct of society. The relationship behind it isn't, never has been and hopefully never will be. But the legal proceedings that say "Anonette and Anon are now married" ARE artificial constructs ,originally related to property ownership.

>> No.7344017

Should've just said,"Actually yes, he is dead. Died just yesterday thank you very much."

Some jerk made a similar comment to me and my dad died recently as well. Responded like that and the person apologized profusely while I told them off.

>> No.7344045

My mom is very supportive of me wearing sweet lolita. She loves the aesthetic. I go to her for help to choose what to buy and what looks good (Sometimes I like to get an outsider view- After sitting online and seeing OTT sweet all day, my more simple coords look like jeans+tshirts to me. She helps be a little more street friendly.) She loves petticoats and the silhouette the most. We've even chatted about how it would be cute if she wore classic while I was in my gear. Mary Magdalene is her favorite brand, and as a former seamstress, she's always impressed with the construction AP tackles.

But she dropped this on me the other day.
>Anon, wear what you like, and you look cute, but you are aware of the.... connotations. Right?
>Y'know. With "Lolita".

I'm bewildered because I've heard her say something similar before, but I thought she was just referring to the look of flat bow-topped teaparties being a little childish. I didn't think she meant the name, since I had briefly explained to her before and I sometimes brought it up in conversation. I thought she understood, but I guess not?

>No no no no no. No! It has nothing to do with the book, Mom! I mean, think about it. Lolita the book is named Lolita because that's the girl's name in it. This Japanese fashion is called that because it's a cute fashion and they thought the name sounded like a cute girl name, so they called it that. The book could have been called Rebecca or Charlotte or anything. It's just a really unfortunate coincidence.
>Okay, Anon. Alright....
And she threw me this weird smile eyebrow-raise. The "You're being a huge weirdo but it's okay cause you're my kid" look.

I don't understand how she and I have gone so long (Three years?) without us understanding each other properly.

>> No.7344067

I am thankful as fuck that I didn't really get into lolita till I was out of my parents house. I hope someone comes and bitchslaps me if I ever try to give my kids shit over "weird" clothing.

>> No.7344080
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You posted this screenshot in hopes that the people here would tell you that the other person was stupid because you're afraid that the other person was right on the money.

>> No.7344108

they were trying to ask if she also had pink pubic hair

>> No.7344111

haha what the hell is that image from

>> No.7344220

I got my bachelor's degree in psych and pretty much all it was good for is pissing me off when everyone else becomes armchair psychologists. Someone did something weird? Must be a personality disorder or childhood abuse!

>> No.7344282

>mother is fine with it
But not with the costs of it.

>dad is never okay with anything
If I leave the house in jeans I'm going to get raped and end up in a ditch. Not even an exaggeration.

>boyfriend is fine with it
He is into anime and I love him so much, it's just how he is to be accepting and thoughtful.

>public doesn't mention it
My city is known to be on the quieter side compared to others. We keep to ourselves and play with our phones.

>everything goes better than expected

>> No.7344298
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Ah one more till my completed bach, I'm not close to deem myself any sort of qualified professional yet, but to hear this when I'm with co workers at my current poop-tier job or bearing these qualified opinions from professional "friends of friends" the exact age as myself or a couple years older, there's literally nothing you can say. Because you're the funny dressed one and that's all that matters.

>> No.7344299

Only once did someone mention something, but that is because I sat right beside him on the train.

>Going somewhere special?
>You look like little bopeep.

It wasn't meant to be offensive, he was curious and just wanted something to describe how he saw me.

Other times, I just get asked photos. I don't mind, and only agree to photos if they are a parent with a child. Usually I get kids commenting how I look like a princess, and then the parent would ask for a photo. But the best one of all was...

>felt a tug on the hem of my skirt
>look down, a little boy in a goku uniform, no more than 4 years old
>bashfull and shy, quietly says that I look like Cinderella and that I look very pretty.
>all of my feels, I almost tear up
>mom asks for a photo, I agree and keel down so they can get a nice photo
>I will never forget his bashful face...adorable.

>> No.7344365

I know a couple where the guy is bonkers about video games and the girl hardly played any. The way he lights up when he explains dumb video game stuff to her is adorable.

>> No.7344386

What is that gif from?

>> No.7344454


Urusei Yatsura or the Urusei Yatsura OVA.

>> No.7344498

Oh no, that's me. I used to do vidya, but I don't get as much of a chance anymore. My poor husband is constantly all worked up about EU4 and I try so hard to follow along, but I can tell I just crash and burn.

>So how's the conquest of Eurasia going?
>...JK, that's unconquered Africa owned by South American and the Germans landed in modern day Mexico.

Nevermind, I don't want to know anymore.

>> No.7344497

Still a shit relationship.

>> No.7344501

I hope your dad taught you self defense and gave you mace to go with his shitty ducking attitude

>> No.7344504

Yes, that's nice . Too bad hell never feel the joy of purchasing a console together or sitting side by side while you both try to play dynasty warriors. Sorry, but if I'm not with another gamer /cosplayer, it's not working out.

>> No.7344506

Fucking attitude ^

>> No.7344541

No, I'm just not allowed to go outside...
It's really depressing.

>> No.7344624

Yea, to each their own. I also know a couple that play vidya together and they're just as cute.

He does get her to play co-op games though.

>> No.7344651

>Unless you're going out with a carbon copy of yourself, it's a shit relationship

You know sometimes people can form stronger bonds over mutual DISLIKES. It's possible these people hate all the same things. I would feel iffy going out with someone who "refused to go out in public with me" while wearing lolita, because that's absurd. But just because your other half doesn't love it and want to dress in Ouji doesn't mean it's Game Over.

>> No.7344665

There is a boy at work who I really, really, really like. He's such a babe, you guys don't even know. And I had a really good 'photoshoot' last Monday so I was feeling proud of myself and I decided to take a suicide bomber approach and showed him the pictures. The first words out of his mouth were 'oh, I think I've seen this before. On that My Strange Addiction show.'

My stomach plummeted. I proceeded to tell him that wasn't a really good representation of this fashion, etc etc and he actually seemed pretty open to the idea. He asked me how I got into it, if it was through anime and I explained that the two aren't REALLY related but in a way, yeah. And then after all of that, where I thought I'd ruined everything, he prompted me to exchange numbers with him on Thursday night!!!

Crisis averted and I just might be on my way to getting the D.

>> No.7344715

I dated my ex for 5 years, and I was crazy about vidya while she thought it was an utter waste of time.

While playing together can be a great thing, it can hurt you, too. A friend of mine plays LoL and some shooters with his girlfriend and they scream at eachother over it.

>> No.7344742
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>On that My Strange Addiction show.'

Oh, man, my heart plummeted, Anon. Glad you managed to explain it to him!

>slightly unrelated but
>I told my dentist once that I'm a Costume Design major, and he was like, "Oh, like that Heroes of Cosplay show?"

>> No.7344772

Wow, no offence, but he sounds like a huge douche. No partner of any kind should ever talk to you like that. Ever.

>> No.7344781

Same here anon! But I'm a pretty shy person, so I probably wouldn't go through with it :/

>> No.7344795

Go git that D, anon! We'll be cheering you on.

>> No.7344802


>> No.7344895
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I think most people that have spent any time with lolita communities in one way or another have come to realise that there are a whole host of reasons people are attracted to the fashion, and whilst you might find reoccurring themes, it's not really possible to boil it all down to an even semi-accurate archetype.

I do think however that the 'escapism' aspect of the fashion and its often detailed and fantastical elements may attract people with certain 'issues' - it's the nature of the beast. The unfortunate by-product of this is a lazy, almost obsessive desire for certain members of the general public to brandish the fashion in its entirety as outlandish, deviant and a hub of psychosis. It's so much easier to think say, 'ha, daddy issues' than contemplate why a perfectly normal, or should I say 'normal spectrum' individual may be attracted to it; 'because it's beautiful' is simply never good enough.

You know what's the worst part is though(?), I am one of those lolita fashion followers with 'issues' and I'm known to friends and family to be rather unstable (but not to the point of any medical 'psychosis'). As a result, the paranoia of being identified as a walking stereotype has put me right off and I haven't worn the fashion for around 5 years or so. I developed this pressure on myself that I have to reach the point of 'normality', of 'social acceptability' and stability before I can ever wear it again.

I hate that I'm one of them, and I hate that my fear of general public perception has eclipsed any ability to just enjoy the fashion and gain some pleasure from it. Funnily enough, lolita fashion abstinence hasn't cured me, it just makes life slightly less enjoyable for turning my back on something I enjoy. It was never the most important thing, or even my biggest hobby but it was a happy component of my life as a whole. Er thanks for listening and sorry for the snowflakism.

>> No.7344923

I agree

>> No.7344954

I definitely agree with you. I think you can have great relationships by sharing hobbies but the most important thing is what those hobbies show and the underlying reasons why someone is into it and how they integrate in your relationship. I also agree with >>7343839 and >>7343881 . Similar hobbies isn't the answer to a good relationship, and it's easy to have shared hobbies but not get along at all, it's the reason that people are drawn into a hobby that matters more in a relationship. And I'm glad >>7343695 is happy because it is fun to love hobbies together but one doesn't need to be so defensive in considering a different opinion.

Is it a 'good' kind of screaming or a bad kind of screaming? My boyfriend and I can get really mad playing games but that's just 'game-mode' screaming.

My boyfriend and I also have a lot of differences and I've found that in general, I like differences in a relationship. Similarities are great for friends but there's something about someone different that's interesting and intriguing. There's a difference between a BFF of the opposite gender and a life mate, though if they're one and the same, perfect.

Psychology minor here. It really gets on my nerves when I feel people misunderstand what psychology is like that. The thing I personally dislike about it is when people find out I study psychology and they basically ask me to analyse them or they say that I already have done in my head. Not only is it awkward because I can't analyse them, and I'm tired of the misunderstanding, it also feels like they're telling me that I go around judging people.

My boyfriend doesn't like to stick out either but he also kind of likes it when I dress up. He basically just asks me to dress crappy when we go out to just a diner or the grocery store but when we go somewhere nice he makes comments to say that I can dress up all I like (classic).

>> No.7344959

You can just admire it from afar. Lots of people on tumblr just follow the fashion, but reblog lots of beautiful pictures. Maybe something like that can keep you happy while not having to worry about outside perceptions.

>> No.7344974

My bf and I play games, but we mutually play games like Mario Kart and Party (games neither of us mind losing). He's competitive over fighting games and I'm the same with MMO's. Neither overlap so it's all good in the hood.

>> No.7344995

where's the gif from that interview where the interviewer asks one girl:
"what if your boyfriend wasn't into lolita?"
and she without a second thought said
"I'd break up with him on the spot"

because oh god is it relevant.

he can dislike it, whatever, but if he doesn't let you wear it out, or gives a big stink when you wear it out?
dump. him. NOW.
that's unhealthy

>> No.7345006

Should of. we were both kind of in shock really.
can you greentext the exact story? I'm curious as to what happened to you

>> No.7345042

Everyone wants different things in a relationship. I wouldn't want to go out with someone not into jfashion because that's a huge part of me. And I'd want someone to dress up with

>> No.7345172

yes, because only males are allowed to have any kind of sexual urge ever, right?

>> No.7345302

I'm sorry anon, this must be so hard.

>> No.7345620
File: 24 KB, 488x201, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got this message from my grandmother after she watched that episode of My Strange Addiction.

I told her politely that I wasn't changing how I dressed and that I hoped she could love me for who I am. A week later I heard my mom get in a fight with her on the phone. Apparently my grandmother said I needed to be hospitalized immediately for my problems and my mother got into it with her.

My grandparents are such crazies, though. They go to a church where you can't eat meat, wear make up or jewelry, or even dance. Any kind of dancing. What is this, fucking Footloose? But, of course, I'm the one with the problems.

>> No.7345638

Fuck Americans are crazy.

>> No.7345647

You should tell her that she shouldn't come to the graduation, anyway. Your class is practising a dance routine for your walk to the podium, and you wouldn't want her to have to see an exorcise after the ceremony.

>> No.7345675

I hope everything works out for you, anon. Its very nice of him to have an open mind.

>> No.7345691

Reminded me of when I attended a local block party with my (then new) boyfriend, and while he was off to a side happily entertaining some of the younger boys on the street with Yu-Gi-Oh cards, a friend of his family whose name I didn't even catch came out of nowhere telling me if I really loved him I would pray for his soul, because he was "on the fast track to damnation" for playing "that demon game". I told him of my uncomfortable encounter as soon as he finished a match with the last kid, and we excused ourselves from the festivities ASAP. Thankfully never saw her again, and my relationship with his family deteriorated very quickly after that as I realized they were all just as batshit as the company they kept.

CAPTCHA: derjou heretic

>> No.7345699

My dad is the same in regards to how I dress, though he's bi-polar and has anger issues that have gotten worse since my mom passed 4 years ago
I'm 21
he wonders why I moved out and started living with my boyfriend.

I've never gotten bad reactions outside of my exes bitch of a mom. Even when I've worn wigs out I play it straight and my friends move on. Though I've only done it around my guy friends at school so that's probably why it gets dismissed so quickly.

>> No.7345711

I think insane Christians view their power levels as proportionate to the number of things they decide are against their religion. The crazy thing is that plenty of people will think you're lying and being dramatic if you tell them about these people. They are very real.

>> No.7345764

Don't fucking feed the trolls.

>> No.7345777

This reminds me when an elder(sort of like preachers for JWs) locked me in a room alone and told me that I'm sinful and dirty because of the way I look and that I would be thrown into the lake of fire if I kept up my act. He assumed I slept around or something. I was 17 and I hadn't even held hands at the time...

>> No.7345793

I am.. wow.
can I put this up on my "shit people say to lolitas" blog?
I want people to see this.

I am so sorry.

>> No.7346038

There's dandy. Its not quite related to lolita but could be considered something like a male equivalent, and more Victorian looking like classic lolita. Also somewhat easier to go about every day in, since its just a bit dressier than business casual.

>> No.7346059

Lol religious people who worship the sun and sky saying you're not normal for wearing pretty dresses. Ok then

>> No.7346068

Not quite this bad, but my grandma has gone nutzo sometimes over some of the dumbest things in a similar way.
>dress classic/gothic
>showing grandma a cute knitting pattern in the english GLB
>grandma freaks out over all the sweet
>grandma its a fucking craft book and I am 20 I can buy actual porn

>be showing gram and my teenage cousin a video of a band I like
>a steampunkish belly dancer shows up
>gram ushers cousin out and scolds me for showing her something like that
>this girl is literally showing less skin than Princess Jasmine and is dancing like a ballerina

>mom and gram and aunties all swap around those cheesey romance novels
>35 year old divorced virgins, brooding Scottish time travelers, that kind of stuff
>start reading them out of boredom
>grandma freaks out that I read "such filth"
>grandma these are literally your books
>next load of them she brings over has either whole chapters stapled shut or the actual lines of the sex scenes painted over with ink
>again I am old enough to go buy porn at this age, I just want to read about some blushing 20somethings and their Victorian vampire pirate rogues

My mom swears this is a recent thing. Grandma "got religion" sometime when I was a small kid. Before that she was varying states of pagan and this is her way of repenting.

>> No.7346139

American church goers are crazy...
I'm from the UK and when I go to church in lolita the old people love it! They reminisce about when they were young and wore crinolines and it always makes them happy to see the coord I've put together.

>> No.7346185

>wore crinolines
how old are those people jesus

>> No.7346207

You know they were worn in the 50's and 60's, right?

>> No.7346367

>grandma these are literally your books
Sorry if you're unhappy with the way things are, but smile turned into laughter by this point

10/10 would read crazy grandma antics again

>> No.7346417

haha what the hell, why is she even reading them, then?

>> No.7346453

Or you can delete your awful blog.

>> No.7346463

Lol you keep interacting with her like an idiot

>> No.7346464

Agreed, give me more!

My gran's of a similar crazy, but nothing lolita related.
Like as in I remember watching Suicide Circle with her (Don't ask) and whilst she doesn't bat a single eyelid through every rape or suicide, the moment we get to the scene where there's an animal killed she freaks out and demands why we're watching this.

>> No.7346530

>implying that this happened after the "frill in hell" event
>implying no one has a billion stories about a crazy relative
>implying anon has a choice to not interact with her crazy grandma

>> No.7346536

Everyone has a choice. She just said she was 20. Last time I checked, that's an adult.

>> No.7346579

Anon, her grandma is just crazy with words. OP didn't seem to be annoyed, or offended by her antics, just amused. It would be stupid to drop contact with a family member just because she says some crazy stuff.
Maybe if grandma was screaming at her about how she's going to burn in hell for being a filthy, ageplaying slut.

>> No.7346612

I don't get it, the dude makes 100% valid points and she literally can't find any reasoning to respond with. Tbh dressing up like little dolls isn't a productive hobby, its the opposite- you spend crap tons of money on dresses that aren't going to make you any smarter, fitter, or realistically prettier. You're still the same person you were before, if anything you're just hiding beneath all those layers of fabric plastic and make up.

And lolita is a well known term for young, underage cutesy looking girls who are slutty; seriously none of you knew this? Hopefully you guys aren't that definition, but that doesn't mean that it hasn't already existed /been known.

>> No.7346632

You haven't read the book, have you ?

>people still thinking that's Humbert Humbert is a relatable narrator

>> No.7346645

>you spend crap tons of money on dresses that aren't going to make you any smarter, fitter, or realistically prettier

So? I also DON'T spend my money on alcohol, clubs, stamp collecting, video games, or any number of "unproductive" hobbies. I'm not knocking those that do, but criticizing us because we spend our money in different ways than you do is stupid. Not everything you do has to be with the ultimate goal of improving yourself directly - some things are just fun. Maybe not to you, but to somebody.

>> No.7346651

Hobbies/fashion don't have to be productive. How is that hard to understand?

>> No.7347253


>> No.7347299

>hurr is that manga
>pretend not to know what manga is
>you know, fetish comics with little schoolgirls getting raped and shit
>"You read fetish comics with little schoolgirls getting raped?"
>they get upset as fuck

>> No.7347303

I know this term is REALLY overused on 4chan, but you sound like an autist.

>> No.7347314

omg that story about the old dude

so funny dude, I'm so glad you shared that story in the horror story thread.

>> No.7347322

wrong quote?

>> No.7347327

woah more about this please

were you part of an org or something?

>> No.7347335

Nuh uh. This anon >>7347299 did this in response to some old man that approached anon and their friend while they were at the mall in lolita.

It was a funny story.

>> No.7347392

I'm not religious, but sometimes my mom drags me to church when I visit, and all the old ladies love it!

>> No.7347396


>> No.7347397


>> No.7347421

She likes them for the thrilling drama and comedy apparently. Her favorite is a virgin that inherits a Scottish castle and its haunted and the ghost is a medieval Highlander that is obsessed with American football and uses his butler as a go-between to make investments and buy him big screen tvs and Broncos memorabilia. She has been writing to the authors of her favorites and requesting they write novels with 'fade to black' sex scenes so she doesn't have to read that.

She also is very fond of Twilight.

>be 22
>grandma is in a phase of buying me book collections
>knows I am into 'that goth stuff"
>buys me the entire Twilight series in large fancy hardcover format
>mom informs her that I think Twilight is the dumbest thing
>grandma can't return books so reads them herself
>becomes obsessed
>has gone to every Twilight movie premiere with her old lady friends
>grandma is team Edward
I was raised to see people as a whole rather than as only their most annoying characteristics, and to tolerate and work around the flaws of my relatives. My grandma may be nuts but she's also a good person and a loving grandma. I'm not going to stop talking to her just because she doesn't get things sometimes. She likes how I dress, once she got it that it wasn't ageplay or sex related, and she likes to brag about how crafty I am and how I make my own dresses to her friends and how polite and modest I am (ahahaha).
Also I am not the "frill in hell" lolita of >>7345620, if that's why you're so concerned. >>7346536
I was 20 at the time, and that was when the english GLBs were out, so y'all can do the math. I'm so used to Grandma antics by now. Funnily enough my other grandma ADORES lolita and has some aristocrat coords to match my classic ones.

>> No.7347422

Wait my math is off. I must have been 18 or so with the GLB incident.

>> No.7347425

...and meant 24 with the Twilight thing. Allergy meds kicking my ass right now.

>> No.7347464

Your Grandma sounds awesome! I miss my Grandmas so much, I feel like a lot of thing I was supposed to learn from them died with them. Fortunately one taught me the basics of sewing before I turned 10. I'd probably flip if I saw a Grandma and Granddaughter in matching co-ords!

>> No.7347468

Oh ok

>> No.7347469

Whoa man, been there.
Even the holding-hands part to a T.
Theres something so weird about being called a whore when you're still at the phase (still technically am, not handholdess anymore but still havent tried "the deed" yet)

>> No.7347523

Do you know the name of that book? I'm morbidly curious. Also, I love your grandma stories.

>> No.7347553

ANON, where did you go? you can't just post this and not return!

>> No.7347586


Here's how I do it:

> take off petticoat
> take of skirt if wearing skirt
> hang both on door hook after checking to make sure it's clean
> put it back on when done

Takes a few minutes, but it's worth the knowledge that I'm not going to accidentally get something gross on my frills.

>> No.7347628
File: 1019 KB, 320x200, 1358699180419.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> wear lolita out with girlfriend yesterday
> snap a picture of the both of us
> send to Grandma, because she hasn't seen me n a year
> get text
> "Are you in a play together?
> no, Grandma, we're just dressed up
> "Well that's just pretty, Anon. Grandpa and I love you."
> mfw

>> No.7347646

Oh wow. A similar thing happened to me, anon. My mother was very into fashion and I shared her interest, and so I always dressed in pretty fashionable clothing. Two elders had a conference with my parents and I, told me that I looked "flashy" and "immodest," that my choice of dress reflected badly on the congregation and that it would surely lead to promiscuity and sexual immorality. I was maybe 14? Luckily I was able to get out of that place by the time I was 15 or 16, and because I was never baptized I can still communicate with most of my relatives.

>grandma is team Edward
Hahaha, anon, your grandma sounds so cute! I loved those stories, you made my night.

>> No.7347653

you haven't responded to anoyone, so I posted it anyway. if you want me to credit you, tell me.
because you are credited as "anon from cgl"

>> No.7347655

I just tried this on the hook on my door and the petti just won't stay put, I guess its just the shape of mine

>> No.7347692
File: 963 KB, 500x275, 1391482783083.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

okay that one actually does sound hilarious, like it could be a buddy comedy.
>tfw only read first twilight novel
>thought it was boring as shit
>find out kellan lutz's character feeds off bears
>why is this guy not the protagonist?
what if you sewed a little loop of ribbon onto your petti for hanging?

>> No.7347705

> Sew a little loop

You're genius anon

>> No.7347712


It could be; my petti is an A-line, so it's pretty good at staying put.

Maybe sew a little loop on it, like >>7347692

>> No.7347717

i'm just here to help!

>> No.7347728

I have no problem with peeing actually! I just bunch all my petti and skirt up and hold them in front of me while leaning forward to keep them in place and making sure I don't piss on my waist ties.

>> No.7347730


I'm super paranoid about accidentally ruining anything. Like, I was one of those kids who used to have to get completely naked to poop.

>> No.7347744

Well, are you a fucking adult now? Learn to piss in a dress. You actually sound like a female neckbeard. Jfc

>> No.7347767

while that is true i just had a conversation with a girl (college student reading the book for the first time oh boy..) and she refused to believe me it wasn't related. she said it was coined from 'that one chapter where he buys her all this stuff' uhhh the one where she figures out her mom is dead cause ????

>> No.7347959

I quit believing at the time but my family members are Jehovah's Witnesses

Wow. Our elders all had kids in their teens and they were such a stereotype of kids who sneak shit while pretending to be good during meetings. They got caught with drugs and other stuff and ended up with just a warning but woah man I start wearing dresses and putting blue streaks in my hair and suddenly I'm satan.

>> No.7348030


I'm so short that the hem of all my dresses and skirts can and will touch the seat from standing too close. It's not peeing that's the problem, it's the fact that toilets spray everywhere and I don't want to get piss on a $70 skirt and $60 petticoat.

Excuse me for wanting to keep my clothing clean.

>> No.7348035
File: 412 KB, 300x243, w0N5Wlw.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm around. That was actually the second time I posted it, I posted it before in the My Strange Addictions thread and dug it out of my recycle bin because I thought it was relevant.

If you want an update, my grandmother has since blamed me for my mom and step-dad recently being separated/headed for divorce. I finally dug it out of my mom, and ol' grammy thinks I was trying to seduce my step-dad with my weird fashion. She has been telling all the family she can get a hold of to stop talking to me and the rest of my immediate family.

Oh, and she's not coming to my graduation. Like I even care at this point.

>> No.7348037

Sure, that's cool.

>> No.7348081
File: 34 KB, 450x338, bulletdodged.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If she wants to remove herself out your life along with any gullible/cowardly relatives who go along with her plan, she's doing you a huge favor.

Sure, it sucks now, and it will be disappointing to see who among your relations will fall through. But think of it as an opportunity to see which family members actually listen to you and love you. And who needs enemies when there's a nasty hag like that for a grandma? Bullet dodged, I say.

If anybody from the family still remains with you, you'll know they're the pure gold left over in the crucible.

>> No.7348083

Similar thing happened to me.
One of my co-workers said "Hey have you ever seen that cosplay show? You remind me of that Yaya girl!"

>> No.7348108

No idea, sorry! Its been years, and with how my grandma cycles through books she probably gave it away or traded it in for others a long time ago. I vaguely remember that there was some weird ice cream scene, and that the ghost guy randomly stops being a ghost through ~the power of love~ and the main character wears footie pjs all the time and was obsessed with castles. Ghost guy *might* have been named Patrick but I think I'm mixing up two different books (Grandma is obsessed with Scots)

>> No.7348114

what. a. bitch.

>> No.7348119

I am. So. Very. Sorry.

>> No.7348127


Is this it?

>> No.7348130

Oh god, that's fucking horrible...

>> No.7348136

Since it's probably your moms second divorce (step-dad and all)I highly doubt it.

>> No.7348185

Isn't that normal though? I can handle murder, rape, suicide and pretty much anything else but if an animal is being hurt or killed I'll feel sick for days.

>> No.7348293

Yes! I seemed to have mixed up Broncos and Raiders.

....anon how did you find it so fast.....

>> No.7348296

Googled "Romance novel" + pajamas + castle + ice cream. I wasn't having luck with football + football + romance novel, but when you said ice cream and footy pajamas were involved, I figured that SOMEONE would have written about it, because those two details are weird as hell.

>> No.7348299

Sorry, football + castle + romance novel.

I also tried to search for ghosts and castles, but there are a shittonne of those in romance novels.

>> No.7348309

Haha well I guess that makes sense. For real some of these novels were the weirdest shit. There was a lot of time traveling going on, one that actually had an SCA larper get sucked into the past but luckily she had implant birth control! And the ugly nerdy intern who caused her trip to the middle ages went searching for her and turned into a hot warrior stud who sings Elvis.
My favorite was also the most nonsensical and over the top trashy. King George wed the children of two warring families so they would stop feuding, the boy was 14 and the girl was 4 and they were separated until she came of age. Somehow fourteen years later we are now in the 1880s (King George died in 1820 btw) and the boy is a pirate and kidnaps the girl/rescues the girl because she's dumb as a rock, also her aunt is there too? Cue 4 successive sex scenes on the ship, pirate adventures, more sex, aunt and the first mate decide to get hitched, more sex (unrelated to auntie), and eventually they go back and claim the land the king promised them, ditching the girls family completely. There's at least two totally serious actual rippings of bodices. Sadly this masterpiece went missing when someone borrowed it and then let someone else borrow it from them.

>> No.7348317

I think I've read the pirate one. I inherited a predilection for trashy romance novels from my mom and would read the ones she got from the library after she finished them. I think the WORST ones I've ever read are vampire ones.

JRWard is one of the most terrifying authors I've ever read. I've never managed to finish one of her books.

And Even Vampires Get the Blues was beyond terrible. My mom got it for me from a drugstore on a roadtrip, because I'd finished my other book. And it wasn't terrible because it was particularly trashy or anything, but because it was ridiculously fanfic in style, so contrived, and at the end, the author thanked all of her forum-friends for encouraging her to include a scene of her vamp lead in a kilt and leather trench for no discernible reason.

>> No.7348333

Yeah sorry I guess that was a bad example.
What I mean is she just changes her mind at random at what's acceptable or not, like the house is filled with violent horror dvds with all sorts of nasty 18+ scenes, but then watching daytime tv she'll suddenly start tutting loudly and tell me not to look at the naughty filth on the telly.

I never know what'll set her off, I just blame it on her catholicism.

>> No.7348374

Only read two series with vampires, one is the Anita Blake saga (is that romance? I gave up when she was fucking like 9 different people in one day) and the other was some bizarre thing that I borrowed from a classmate for required reading hour once. It seemed to be a sequel series to another that might have made it all make sense, but I doubt it. All I can remember is:
>vampires were created as perfect beings by a goddess
>born human, turn vampire magically at age 25
>only feed on their betrothed magic waifu/husbando
>all named with weird 2edgy mispelled metal names (one was Vicious but spelled it like Vishuz or something)
>except vampire king, he is Dave, and he dies in a car bomb in first chapter
>there are vampire hunters but they are mutant humans dressed in suits that are bald, baby like, and smell of baby powder
>main character is secretly half vampire, her dad is Dave, and she and the new vamp king are ~destined~
>he divorces his blushing virgin 400 year old wife and marries babybat
>vampire sex is very metal
>some crap about the hunters and some cop falling in love with the ex wife and Vishuz betrays everyone
>all this in the first book of like 7
I never finished reading it. It literally had a dictionary of all the weird made up stuff she didn't have time to explain in the back of the book.

>> No.7348379

That would be J.R. Ward. Yup.

>> No.7348391

Apparently this is called the Black Dagger Brotherhood. Baby powder hunters are pretty unique I guess.
For giggles these are their 100% serious names:
Dhestroyer (he used to be named Butch)
Vishous (he is not the betrayer! he is the "sensitive bisexual" one apparently)
Qhuinn (this is nonsense. this is Kingdom Hearts for vampire names)

>> No.7348392

Ah yep I just found that. The girl who I borrowed it from was absolutely nuts for it, glad I never pursued that friendship.

>> No.7348396


>>except vampire king, he is Dave, and he dies in a car bomb in first chapter

I lost my shit.

>> No.7348403

Thanks for trying! I love that those were enough details for >>7348127 to find it, haha. Thanks to them too. My mom is obsessed with Scots herself, but mostly of the Outlander variety as far as romance novels go.

>> No.7348406

I... what

>> No.7348407

I lost my shit when I got to one particular line in the one I was reading (got it from a used book sale for 50cents). I took a photo of it for a friend who couldn't believe how bad it was, but it was something like "Baby, I want you to fist me when you come!" Her books were full of this shit. The ridiculous names are just icing.

And her "deleted scenes" from her website were full of torture-rape and trance-induced-molestation and other disgusting shit.

>> No.7348415
File: 28 KB, 500x372, tumblr_n01hulGMnt1qk523do1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine reading this as one of the first actual graphic sex scenes you've ever seen. In school. With teachers watching. And not being able to put it down because you *have* to read something during required reading hour.

>> No.7348418

Maybe she only just found out about the book?

My mom's super clueless. The "watches southpark and has to ask her kids what queefing means" clueless. She looked at me and my girlfriend and asked us how girls have sex.

She didn't know what Lolita (ie the book) was until six years after I'd started wearing it.

>> No.7348424

oh my god the google image results are hilarious

so much tap out models

so much photoshop

>> No.7348429
File: 44 KB, 500x291, 1390352343292.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yfw he turns out to be a creepy D/lg player

>> No.7348432

>how do girls sex
Yeah what the fuck. That's beyond stupid to ask that.

>> No.7348436

>asked us how girls have sex.
They fucking can't.

>> No.7348446

Stop trolling every thread. Drink your milk and go to bed already~

>> No.7348479

That's because they're usually right.

>> No.7348482

That's so awful. You have my sympathies. If I'd been reading that book anywhere other than my apartment, I'd probably been equally mortified. She wrote some really disgustingly graphic scenes.

>> No.7348491

look in the mirror, tell yourself
"daddy's never coming back", confront yourself face to face with your own problems
and remember that you need to stop projecting your feelings onto other anons, because your dad left you when you were a kid. he left you because you were a little shit, and you continue to be a little shit.
there's a reason daddy's never coming back. and that reason, is in your mirror.

>> No.7348496

It'd be better if the vampire king was named Bob.

>> No.7348500

i never know if it's because she smoked a ton of weed and dropped acid until her late twenties or if she's actually that stupid

>> No.7348503

I don't even know what "daddy issues" are.
>also blaming a kid for shitty parents

>> No.7348507 [DELETED] 

>also blaming kid for shitty parents
You realize if you're a shitty parent, you [usually] have shitty kids, right?

>> No.7348610

/r9k/ pls go

>> No.7348613

oh my god i read the barest beginning of that sca larper girl one! oh it was terrible (i had a friend who collected smut novels like they were nail polish)

>> No.7348614

I'm /cgl/ responding to an /r9k/ troll
learn to read the conversation before jumping in...

>> No.7348642

Don't worry girl CGL still loves you (in a psycho bipolar way maybe but we're there!)

>> No.7348645

Close the lid when you flush.

>> No.7348666


Public toilets don't have lids, for some reason.

>> No.7348717

Depends on the toilet, but yeah. In my work building some floors have toilets with lids and others don't. Depending on what I'm wearing I go to different floors to pee.

You too? Was it for giggles or because she actually likes >>7348642
them? I had a friend who I discovered smut novels with in some old people camping's mini library and while I was poking fun at the bodice ripping and the "rock-hard, throbbing meatsickles" (why) she was reading them very seriously and eventually tried to convince me some of them were really very well written! A year or two later she became one of those swooning Twilight fans. I probably should have seen that one coming.

>> No.7348719

Wow I did not mean to quote that third post.

>Fingers too fat for phone error system reboot

>> No.7348767

I wish we could have /cgl/ group readings, because this is fucking gold.

>> No.7348771
File: 1.21 MB, 500x500, 1386732027324.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>secretly want to try dressing in lolita but all my friends regard me as a gyaru so don't have the guts to
>would probably look like shit on me anyway thanks to face

>really want to get into boystyle but don't want to deal with the "anon do you want to be a boy" crap again
>friends why you do this

>> No.7349369

she actually liked them... and yes, twilight fan.
your friends are assholes, do what you want and make new friends.

>> No.7349454

No, my mom is very aware of the book. She loves old literature.

>> No.7349515

Not the OP, but, sounds like one of Lynn Kurland's books. If not, if you're looking for something similar, would recommend. She does time travel/paranormal romances. If that's a genre you like, they're really good reads.

>> No.7349531

Whoops, I see someone has already linked the one mentioned. But anyways, her other books are good too. She's not overly graphic, which I appreciate.

>> No.7349542

>old literature

>> No.7349576
File: 100 KB, 480x360, nightpain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ugh, stop calling me "EDGAR"! I want to be called by my Goth name... "Nightpain".

>> No.7349584

i fucking lost it.

>> No.7349833

your mfw makes no sense...

>> No.7349946

its always my stepdad, if he catches me wearing it, I get so much shit
>why would you wear that costume outside?
Dad, for the last time, its not a costume, its a fashion
>well it sure looks like a costume, its nothing else, its ridiculous, you should be ashamed.
you know what Dad? I'm not ashamed. I really enjoy wearing what I love, despite hurtful comments-some coming from this very house even.
>well, you wear that then, and enjoy looking like a costumed retard
"well dad, unlike you, I can actually take my "costume" off. but with you, you're stuck with that face every day"
I am tired of taking shit from this guy, so I sass him to hell and back.

>> No.7349949

Yeah, what the fuck?

Maybe by old they meant for old people, as in shit, dry writing.

>> No.7350001

Good on you. What a shitty dude.

>> No.7350035

my mom's nice, but she's influenced by him.
just the other day
>you know, I'm glad you're happy and everything, but you know, that looks costumey right? you look like a grown woman trying to squeeze into little girl clothes.
mom, lets face it ANYthing outside of "the norm" looks costumey to people. even if its a fashion.
>Yeah, but not just that, you wear wigs. no one wears wigs outside of costumes, its just.. weird.
mom, we live in a city that has a lot of black people, we pass 7 different wig stores on the way to my sister's school. not only black people wear wigs, but other people too, how do you think these places stay in business.
>i've never seen a person with a wig, anon, other than you. its not normal, you have to be, kind of.. well.. retarded to wear wigs constantly (my parents use the word "retarded" as loosely as others use the term "stupid)
that's because you don't notice it. do you want me to point it every time? is every person that wears a wig "retarded" to you? if you see someone with cancer adjusting their wig, are you just going to whisper over to me "look at that retard"? really mom?
>well I'm just saying you don't see it often, so don't blame me if you're teased for wearing a wig
whatever mom, the only negative attention I've got from wearing a wig was from you.

>> No.7350086

It makes sense. They're happy bouncing schoolgirls.

>> No.7350104


> happy
> dancing

>> No.7350115
File: 1019 KB, 350x215, 1373791548749.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel you.

My Dad's like that, I only see him like once a year so it's not really a problem but it really gets to me.
>Be 12, dress in schoolgirl kei for lack of better terms
>Anon those clothes are too old for you, you look like a slut
>Be 21, dress in classic or dark colourways of sweet lolita
>Anon those clothes are too young for you, are you a paedophile?
>No happy medium for him between these two ages
I shouldn't let it get to me, but his constant disapproval always does. I guess we just have to try and stay fabulous.

>> No.7350542

Your mom has a point. I'm a lolita, and wigs look fucking retarded.

>> No.7350555

You're not really a lolita if you think wigs look bad.

>> No.7350564

must be a troll/bait, have you ever even met another fucking lolita

>> No.7350568

You're not really a lolita if you think they look good. You're a cosplayer.

>> No.7350573

no, no she doesn't really.
and neither do you. I was wearing a natural wig. people thought it was my real hair.
your shitty "point" is invalid

>> No.7350596

I'm just going to say; wigs do look pretty bad a lot of the time.

That said, they can look really nice if you know how to work with them.

But like those pastel wigs with giant twin tails, and split wigs, and all kinds of shit like that, it just looks dumb. Everyone knows that's not your fucking hair.

>> No.7351154

10/10 you made me full mad. Nabokov was fucking genious of post-modern literature you illiterate monkey. Shit writing? Dry writing? He wrote his books as if he was writing poetry. Do you know that Lolita is impossible to translate into other languages? That's how deeply connected to English it is. And as with poetry, you can try to translate it, but you lose half of the meaning in the process.

>> No.7351156

obviously all you have in mind when you hear "Wigs" is pink and blue split wigs.

there are other wigs you know.

>> No.7351167



>> No.7351169

"yo memes are wicked cool shit"
doesnt take much to make things difficult to transfer equally to another language. let alone "poetry"

>> No.7351207

Hey, tastes differ. And it's not impossible to translate into other languages, I read it in my mother tongue just fine. Poetry is hard to translate, but any translator worth his salt would still be able to do it.

>> No.7351226

They probably meant more along the lines of "impossible to translate while keeping the same meaning/clarity/tone/etc."

Translators/editors can make or break texts because they have the power to choose what words sound correct in context, and things the author may have wanted to get across in the original text vs. what the translators understand and actually have an ability to convey in the translation can be very different. They may not even be aware of some hidden meanings when they translate, and they can then lose all of that when translating. Not to mention cultural clash for translated novels...

If you've ever watched anime or foreign movies, you probably notice inconsistencies in this sort of thing before, and that's anime! Dialogue is really simple in comparison.

>Rambles about it
>Hasn't even read the book

>> No.7351278

Oh anon no.

>> No.7351572

I don't want your bitch ass crying when you get punched for assaulting someone.

Once you escalate it there's no coming back, sweetcheeks

>> No.7351733

Sorry, I wasn't thinking clearly. Of course with the amount of written word that's out there, a book that's 60 years old isn't a lot in the grand scheme of things.
I just meant that she reads things other than trashy romantic comedies written in 2004

>> No.7351752

He's your stepdad. You actually don't have to listen or respect him, you know. Also, why are you calling him dad? Maybe you are retarded.

>> No.7351755

Man, your shitty parents make me feel glad that I'm old enough to be living on my own and wouldn't have to deal with that anyway because they're both hippies.

>> No.7351764

Sorry, I'm not native. Thanks for correcting me though!

I've ment pretty much this:

Nabokov quotes and make allusions to over 40 world's best authors, including Joyce, Poe and Flaubert. He uses enormous number of alliterations, consonances, assonances, metaphors etc. Not to mention tons of linguistic charades, usage of lepidoptera and chess terminology... While it might not be everyone's cup of tea it certainly shows writing skills.
He himself wasn't able to translate Lolita properly into Russian (which was his native language, mind you).

Nabokov's literature is much like Joyce's actually. It's definitely not literature for everyone, because there are not many people who know how to read it.
The problem is that unlike Joyce, Nabokov liked to fuck with people and made it readable for everyone. Hence we have tons of idiots screaming about "book idolizing pedophilia".

>> No.7351775

My dad's like that. He constantly ridicules me for all of my interests. I'm genuinely terrified of wearing lolita around him, because I know he'll take the piss. Luckily I only see him every three months.

>> No.7351797

>daddy, you bastard i'm through!

>> No.7351805

You know, you shouldn't browse 4chan if you're underage

>> No.7351809


>> No.7351823

>all these females without dads/from broken homes

Suddenly /cgl/ makes sense.

>> No.7351832


>> No.7351949


>> No.7351955

My dad taught me how to walk in heels...

>> No.7352131


>> No.7357030

Are you in a play?
~ Yes
Wow, where's it showing?
~It's a secret
Can I come see it?
~ No
>blinks at me<

Keep perfectly straight face until out of range, then gigglefits.

>> No.7357159


cackling so hard

>> No.7357185

>be me in 8th grade
>read Twilight series
>pass it off to mom
>mom gets into fanfiction and Twilight porn
>flash forward around two/three years
>mom gives me book
>oh, thanks!
>read back
>rhage and mary
>wtf is a r-hage
>"it's a porn book, anon! you'll love it! it's so sexy!"
>jfc. please shoot me.
>reads at mother's request (i.e. repeatedly asking, "did you read it yet?")
>welp. rhage can turn into a dragon.
>mfw this is what my mom thinks is good porn

>> No.7357192

Let's talk about Xhex baby
Let's talk about you and me
Let's talk about all the Ghud things
And the Bahd things that may be
Let's talk abouuuut Xhex
Let's talk about Xhex

>> No.7357225

And yet no Rhape. Step up, sem3.14.

>> No.7357262

You should ask him why everything you do is so sexually based for him.

>> No.7357320
File: 25 KB, 288x337, filthy animal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>poorly dressed and unfortunate looking girls with unwarranted superiority complexes laughing at other equally unfortunate looking and poorly dressed girls.

That image made me cringe more than any of these stories.

>> No.7359582

This happened on my fb feed. I am purple.

>> No.7359585
File: 34 KB, 511x475, Screenshot (2).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am also retarted

>> No.7360101

>50 Shades of Grey
This is coming from the same person? I... how? Do vampire automatically make bad porn good? I don't get people.
Liking shitty porn novels as a guilty pleasure is one thing, but I'll never understand why people will admit to this shit or even name their children after them. Don't they see how inappropriate this is? Now I'm wondering if fathers ever name their children after their favourite porn stars...

>> No.7360777

Yeah, its the same person. She's always kinda been like that. Another girl commented on the same post that she wanted to name her daughter Isabella, after Belle from Beauty and the Beast, but she was afraid people would think she liked Twilight.
>why not just name her Belle
>why am i even friends with these people