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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 317 KB, 542x476, ugh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7341339 No.7341339[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

IDK WHY but this bothers me, like, she's taking so much pride in sewing 2 pieces of cloth together... Not to mention the photo itself is bad, the lighting is terrible and it's like she is just saying boobs for a way of attention


>> No.7341341

why do you follow someone who pisses you off? I don't like the picture or the snotty way she's saying stuff but I don't follow her, so I never have to see it

>> No.7341353

Well I followed her because I used to like her, but now it seems the likes on her page has seriously gotten to her head, or the attention isn't on her anymore so she's upset like a child. I unfollowed her after this post

>> No.7341471

There have been so many threads about this chick it's ridiculous. She's a shitty cosplayer who lies about making all of her costumes, gets mad and is bitchy to anyone more popular than her, is rude to her fans, has poster sales and never delivers her posters and then yells at her fans when they complain. The entire cosplay community hates her ass.

>> No.7341476

I find it funny that she talks shit about people photoshopping shit and calling it cosplay. Wearing fucking PASTIES and a bullshit costume isn't cosplay either, that's called looking desperate as fuck.

>> No.7341857

What gets me is she is so insistent that she's a 'real cosplayer' but she hasn't sewn or made anything new in 6 months. Her Black Cat was store bought and her new Mileena was commissioned by Castle Corsetry. For someone who claims to be a professional cosplayer, where are the 'professional cosplays' all I see is old costumes she made back when she was spending every dollar her ex-husband made on cosplay shit.

>> No.7341888

I heard he cheated on her with Jenifer Ann

can anyone validate this?

>> No.7341953

Validated she bitches all the time about it

>> No.7342449

She talks all high and mighty about making your own costumes yet doesn't credit castle corsetry for her new mileena


>> No.7342470

Another comic of mine ruined. Bitch probably doesn't even fucking read them..

>> No.7342481
File: 46 KB, 353x168, tumblr_m15un2dnBb1qa1oth.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Of all people to brag about something being sewn. She conveniently left out the name of the person who did all the sewing for her.

>> No.7342484

How the fuck dies this "ruin" "your" comic you jackass.

Who cares is she reads them if she actually did a good job on the design/construction. She didn't though. You still sound like a moron.

>> No.7342497

God forbid someone doesn't like when a slut arbitrarily cosplays as something because it's scantily clad, not because they're an actual fan.

It's like attending a sports game when you don't really give a shit about the team or the sport, but insist on wearing team merch and saying that you're a huge fan.

Jesus fuck, none of you have ever heard of a pink hat. This is the same shit. It isn't exclusive to your fucking Chinese cartoons and comics.

>> No.7342505
File: 700 KB, 1053x1070, anon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>someone has a different opinion
>calls them a moron and a jackass
>doesn't see how this is ironic

>> No.7342512

>no fun allowed
Some people just like dressing up and participating for funsies? Chill the fuck out and go memorize some more minutiae, King Nerd.

>> No.7342514

If one girl in a shitty, revealing costume "ruins" something you like, you should probably never look at cosplay again.

>> No.7342519
File: 881 KB, 256x178, 1270559270224.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Another female cosplayer using a comic book character she likely has no genuine love or interest for to try to sell herself on the internet on sex appeal

Yes... actually you are.

>> No.7342520

I agree with anon, they're not wrong, albeit maybe it came out in a wrong way.
Sure it's upsetting if girls cosplay things that they don't care about just for attention, but he shouldn't care enough to let it ruin "his comic"

>> No.7342556
File: 51 KB, 480x720, IMG_81376069837093.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty sure her status is taking a stab at Jenifer Ann since she has what appears to be a digitally painted on Vampirella print in her store

>> No.7342557

Not validated. Ex-boyfriend name starts with J is who cheated on Rosanna and straight up left her for Jenifer Ann. Her ex-husband was actually a pretty cool guy and never cheated on her. She was the one who cheated on him.

>> No.7342559

Holy shit do people actually think this looks good? Why would someone do this?

>> No.7342564

This isn't her first time ripping into Jenifer Ann either, she threw a his fit when Jenifer cosplayed Grace because OMG SHES TOTALLY COPYING ME. Clearly she still has some leftover rage about about the whole Jesse leaving her for Jenifer thing, even though it was like 3 years ago at this point.

>> No.7343378

I love how Jenifer pays her no mind either it's really funny

>> No.7343788

She also cheated on her husband with a bunch of industry people to 'get ahead'
Confirmed. She doesn't read comics and only chooses costumes by how much skin they show. She's admited it publicly on her personal page

>> No.7346621

" costume "

>> No.7346917

Go away, Jenifer Ann and friends. She's a douche but you're just as shitty.

>> No.7346975

Guys stop calling her a fake geek girl, there are no fake girls dont be misoginist

>> No.7346990

THATS Who her bitch fit was about? Jesus. She's so psycho, and so desperate for attention.

>> No.7347005

Thiughts? My thought is that OP is just jelly.

>> No.7347058

Jelly of what? What is their seriously to be jealous about in relation to this person.

>> No.7347520

I am just disappointed at the photographer.