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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 268 KB, 832x624, mazinger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7341288 No.7341288[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Any good guides and tutorials on how to make a good super robot costume?

Or just super blocky cosplays in general. Like that one cosplay of FF7 cloud that looks just like his damn polygons did.

Robot and "special" cosplays general.

>> No.7341994
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bimppity bump

>> No.7344316
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Check out Clive Lee on his Deviantart page. He has a full tutorial for a basic Gundam cosplay. http://clivelee.deviantart.com/

For my stuff I never used a tutorial. Just looked at pictures of what other people had done and extrapolated the best way to go about replicating some of the techniques they used.

>> No.7344960
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Some of Clive Lees stuff.

>> No.7344964
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Have a Zeta Gundam

>> No.7344968
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Clive's insane Unicorn Gundam. He is currently working on a new version of this suit I believe.

>> No.7344980

Greetings /cgl/, /m/ here.

I have yet to see any good tutorials, but I can tell you that you had better be ready to shell out some serious start-up and materials costs.

>> No.7344983
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Vacu-form seems to be a popular material for these kinds of cosplays

>> No.7344988
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I've seen some folks use cardboard and duct tape, and with some considerable effort, they pull off great costumes.

>> No.7345001
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A more common one (which seems to be used alot in the Halo Spartan armor community) is a mix of Bondo and I believe fiberglass resin, creating a substance known as "Rondo" which can be used to build up existing simple frames of cardboard or other similar materials.

>> No.7345004
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Cardboard and duct tape can work out just fine if you know what you're doing and don't use low quality card board. Either way, some cosplayers choose to overlay card stock over card board for a smoother finish/ease of painting.

I second Clive Lee, his tutorials are pretty solid.

>> No.7345005
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Rondo has the distinct advantage of being very easy to sand, paint, and otherwise texture/color. However, I've heard it can get heavy.

>> No.7345009
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Plastic and foam, seems to also be a favorite for beginners.

I've never heard of the card stock thing, but I like that.

>> No.7345015
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This horrible ribbed texture is why you DON'T use cardboard as your surface material.

>> No.7345016

Someone post that cardboard Ryuuseioh. I love that thing.

>> No.7345022
File: 904 KB, 1600x1067, Gundam 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's what Enshiro did with some parts of his Geara Zulu, he told me. It came out really great as your picture shows.

Here's another picture from that meet. He towered over us, it was amazing.

>> No.7345023
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I'm out of "advice", so I'm just gonna keep dumping.

>> No.7345029
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Yeah, I remember hearing about this thing being sold some time back. We got waves of info about it on /m/

Then again, most of /m/ that cares about cosplay wants to see Evangelion or Tokutatsu and that's it.

>> No.7345040
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>> No.7345047
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>> No.7345044
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The last time we had a cosplay thread on /m/ it went pretty well though. A nice mixed bag of mech and pilots.

>> No.7345049
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I must have missed it.

I have a feeling we are gonna have alot more new pictures coming up after Katsu in 2 weeks. There is gonna be a big UC Zeon gathering.

If I didn't already have 3 day's worth of cosplay lined up, I would totally join in.

>> No.7345057
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I believe it was about a month ago anyway, yeah. Man though, that sounds cool... too bad I live out here on the west coast. If that were happening here in SoCal that would have given me more incentive to put together 0079 Char or Gato like I've always wanted, hah hah.

>> No.7345058
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This RX-78-2 helmet is pure awesome.

>> No.7345064
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I hear ya, dude. One day, I want to do a Zeta Char.

It was either last year, or the year before that at Katsu, the MC for the masquerade was a guy in a really good Quattro Bagina costume... and nobody got the fucking reference. It was almost like crickets when he said who he was dressed as. That NEVER happens.

I seemed to be the only one cheering -- I was MAD>

>> No.7345069
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This. THIS is how you do a MK-II

>> No.7345073
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>> No.7345082
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As the Quattro cosplayer here >>7345009 I totally recommend it, ah hah. It was so comfortable, a nice change from the really busy cosplay I like to do. The people I met in that cosplay were some of the nicest people, too.

Ehhh... I'm not surprised. Mech isn't all that main stream anymore, especially not an old title Zeta. The average Gundam fan out here has only gotten their feet wet with AU titles.

At least you cheered though, huh?

>> No.7345094
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>> No.7345118
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You bet your ass I cheered.

>> No.7345122
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>> No.7345129
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>> No.7345136
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>> No.7345141
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While I realize this is clearly not Gundam, the methods of construction still are relevant.

I'm out of pictures though.

>> No.7345157
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Here is the one Im working on now. Currently working on the torso.

If you want to build something on the cheap that looks good I recommend foam-core board. Its tougher than cardboard and doesn't have the ridged texture. You can also pick up some foamerks cutters that can cut all the parts to nice super clean 45 degree angles so they all line up really nice. I used that for my RX-78 Gundams body and backpack as well as the shield as rifle. My GaoGaiGar uses it as the core of the torso. Its a surprisingly versatile material.

>> No.7345164
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Mecha gets no love in the states. When I go out with my GGG everyone thinks Im either a transformer or Voltron.

A few years ago my first costume Captain Harlock got mistaken for Lelouch from Code Geass more often than recognized for what it really was.

>> No.7345171
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>Captain Harlock got mistaken for Lelouch
That's rough.

>> No.7345180
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But... how?

>> No.7345183

Because new gen anime fags, that's why

>> No.7345198
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They both wear a cape.... I guess? Dont ask me I was just as shocked. Happened like 6 times too o.o

I should return to this costume and redo it properly.

>> No.7345204
File: 113 KB, 400x460, gundam.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mean I guess? But the hair and the skull & cross bones should have been a dead give away that it wasn't Lelouch. Ah well.

>> No.7345212
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Foamcore boards as in the kinds used for presentations? And exactly what knife did you use? I would usually just use a utility knife for those kind of stuff, but 45 degree cuts sounds really nice

>> No.7345219
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Yes that kind of poster board. Most art stores carry giant sheets for dirt cheap. I get mine from utrecht. They often email out coupons so it makes it even cheaper.

The cutters you can buy here http://www.foamboardsource.com/creative-tools---accessories--design---cutting-tools--foamboard-cutters.html but utrecht sometimes carries them too.

>> No.7345222
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Make sure you get a channel rail for the cutter too. Helps alot in getting those perfect lines I adore so much.

>> No.7345236
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>> No.7345281
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Moar mecha

>> No.7345349
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Virtual on group ftw

>> No.7345899
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Herp derp.

>> No.7345903
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>> No.7345930


>you will never be this alpha

>> No.7346087

I've been wanting to do a mecha musume cosplay for awhile now. (Ive been wanting to do qubeley) Are there any tips someone could give me perhaps?

>> No.7347475

Yowza, though this was my first cosplay, i cringe when I remember how many things were wrong with it.

Duct tape might seem like an obvious choice for cardboard but I usually tell people to stay clear of it and use hot glue instead. It's much stronger and is easier to use (minus the burning yourself). Any exposed duct tape will not paint and not many glues stay adhered to it. I used a very sticky kind of glue used in carpeting for pasting cardboard stock on my Zaku II above because literally the entire surface was duct tape.

Pretty much. For those that want a tip, search for cardboard in places where there would likely be big and heavy objects sold. I got mine at a pet store where there move around a lot of heavy wares. Otherwise, you can always double or triple layer something.


I recently posted a mediafire link with construction pics of my Geara Zulu, so I'll repost it here too, I guess.


>> No.7347517
File: 1.88 MB, 313x159, Cherno Muthafucking ALPHA.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any suggestions on how to craft the head piece of Cherno Alpha?

>> No.7347532

Cherno Alpha was by far the coolest Jaeger.

Pls make the piston punch work. that would be so unbelievably badass.

>> No.7347716
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To achieve something like this?

Good question.

>> No.7348190

I've been thinking about branching out of gunpla modeling and making a full blown suit to wear at a convention and have it as a centerpiece display afterwards.

As using standard sheet plastic as a base and layering it to add detail would run a small fortune that's not needed, and knowing the first go at this is going to be not as spot on as I will wish it to be, I'll use the cheaper cardboard/foam core board route but there is something I wish to know about it.

How does one cut grooves or cut routing into it?
Using these two >>7345057 >>7345069 as examples, there is additional detail added by "scribing" block into the shoulder armor of the MK II and the waist skirts on the Exia.
Normally these are done using plastic scribers but my experiences with foam core doesn't leave me with an as clean alternative; every method I know would leave behind this horrible mess with a rough shape cut out similar to what happens when you take a router to insulation board.

Part of me also wants to make a sort of inner frame that attaches directly to my body and the armor attaches right onto in the spirit of the model kits but that's for another day and a chat with an engineer.

>> No.7348202


>> No.7348219
File: 269 KB, 960x720, IMG_1272.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If it were me working with my poster stock method, before I paste the stock on, I would cut the hole/groove out beforehand. I would beautify the spot where the cardboard would be exposed under the poster stock hole and then paste the stock on. Since poster stock is thick, the groove will be more than visible.

Sorry for the bad quality photo but you can see just how much a groove you can make just by cutting holes in poster stock.

>> No.7348274

Ah so good old fashioned layering.
This ought to be fun, having a model kit as a reference on hand will make this a pleasant experience.

>> No.7348283
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>model kit as reference

>> No.7350261
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bump for more mecha

>> No.7350926
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Didnt know clive had a repair version.... That is sick.

Have some Megas and Gurren Lagann

>> No.7350962
File: 109 KB, 434x750, tumblr_mqqt4855QD1s7k07yo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I stumbled onto these awesome Pacific Rim costumes by chance while google searching gundam cosplay

>> No.7350964
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I coulnd't find one of this Cherno Alpha with the boots on.

>> No.7350966
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>> No.7353321

Been fiddling with some ideas, but I might not be able im plement it properly. I still want to be able to pick things up.

Oh Lordy...
It is a somewhat unconventional bell-ish shape, but I have some scrap wonderflex to work and experiment with.

>> No.7357899

Holy crap, that's awesome!

>> No.7357945
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>> No.7360776
