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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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7335418 No.7335418 [Reply] [Original]

>cosplay as a character
>every single vendor at the con with merchandise remotely related to your character tries to sell you useless crap

>> No.7335594
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>be at small gaming con
>AA is combined with dealers
>every fucking AA table is selling pixelated keychains and jewelry.


>> No.7335711

Ugh, I hate that. Especially in artist alley. It's always the really shitty artists, too- I wouldn't even mind if the art was good because I'd probably buy it.

Perler "art" is the worst thing to happen to the AA circuit. Who even buys that shit?

>> No.7335721

This. If you're gonna do pixel crafts, do something hard that they don't do in elementary school.

Gimme cross-stitches. Gimme STAINED GLASS. How rad would that be?

>Stopped all over for photos
>Finally get a break
>Sitting on the floor, eating, clearly not 'on'
>Someone takes pictures of you sitting with a sandwich in your teeth
>That's probably the only photo of you posted.


>> No.7335736

>worst pic posted the only one of yourself you can find

I know those feels so hard. It's especially irritating if it's a costume I'm proud of or spent lots of time on.

>> No.7335754

This so hard.
>be at NYCC 2012 with my gf
>cosplaying in comfy comic cosplays
>tired and finally sitting down on empty floor spot since cafeteria is packed to brim like land whales trying to get on katsucon elevator
>feeding my gf egg rolls
>sees girls in hamsteak cosplay standing there and staring for about two minutes
>keeps standing and staring while we're both trying to eat
>finally speaks up "anon chan, we love your character. I know you're eating, but can we get a photo? "
>groans and me and my gf get up for photo
>quick awkward and probably blurry photo . Never find it online

I just wanted to eat the only food I could afford at that over priced venue without being bothered! I don't mind pics, but the staring creeped me out.

>> No.7335781
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>relatively popular internet guys that i half-idolise go to con, buy perler shit, and make youtube videos saying how awesome perler shit is and promoting the artist/shop they bought it from


>> No.7335798


At AX'07 i ended up getting discounts at every booth for eureka seven merch because i pulled off being renton with a badass refboard prop i made.

>> No.7335799
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>at a con with my cosplay group
>feeling good- we all worked hard on our costumes and look cohesive
>get hit on like mad-
>only by under age kids
feels bad man

>> No.7335804

That's really unfortunate.

>> No.7335811

Awkward as fuck. Why did they even say to you?

>> No.7335812

What did ^

>> No.7335833

>gijinkas made of just the ears/tail on clothes that are the Pokemon's color
>gijinkas that are just hoodies of the Pokemon
>people trying to pass off Kigus as gijinkas

Can we have a little creativity? Please?

>> No.7335841

Hotel management at smaller cons because they dont know how to deal with separating the con goers and regular attendees.

>be at small con in the midwest
>get complaints over our room being loud all weekend
>We're not even fucking in the room because we're working the con itself
>call front desk to ask what the problem is
>"Its not you, its all of Anime Apocolypse.
>You shouldnt be running in the halls
>Be quiet or we're kicking you out"
>B-but its not us
>we'll take that into consideration
>Bitch hangs up

Also, any more peeves about AA would be appreciated, i wanna start selling stuff there in a few years and don't want to piss off potential buyers.

>> No.7335851

This. So many Pokemon kigus at Magfest. It was so irritating.

>> No.7335854
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>Go to AA
>see a print i like on display
>"look for it in the binder!"
>do you not know where your on prints are?
>wait, why am i even looking for it?
>"it should be in there somewhere lol!, sorry it's so unorganized!"
>finally find what i wanted
>standard letter 8.5"x11"
>inkjet printed with visible streaking
>thin 20 pound weight printer paper
>old, used, cheap as shit plastic cover for only "25 cents more!"

I bought it out of pitty for her, but damn, the crap that passes for "quality prints" these days is atrocious.

>> No.7335869

nothing too explicit, and they were like middle school and high school age so they were pretty awkward about it but it feels really uncomfortable getting hit on by that age group when you're in your late twenties.

>> No.7335870

yeah, its shitty when people at AA don't even bother to print at a shop. I only bother with buying the larger sizes anyways, and only from decent artists.

>> No.7335928


If you know what you're doing, you can produce some nice prints at home with a standard printer. It's just that "most" artists at AA's aren't exactly technically-inclined, and end up printing on their ancient printer with generic paper on automatic settings. /g/gd/p/ here btw.

>> No.7335931

Are there any tips you'd like to share on the matter? I'm >>7335841 and want to make sure i give people quality shit without totally breaking the bank to print good material.
higher cost printing = higher cost prints id feel like shit for charging and no one would buy

>> No.7337100

A-kon banned perler art last year. Was a better AA I'd seen in years.

>> No.7338922
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>be working in vendor hall at large cons across the country
>all the time
>boss works with me
>gets mad when i get more attention from attendees
>attendees are gross
>have to anti-cute myself to not only keep my job but to keep weebs off me
>hate job but need money for burando

>> No.7338997

>Go to con in good looking cosplay
>Meet a lot of people, walk around a lot, get stopped for a good amount of photos
>Look up post convention reports and photo galleries to see stories that happened

>> No.7339145

>be at otakon last year
>cosplaing roromiya from inu x boku
>more than ten people come up to me and ask if I'm madoka
it was mostly tumblr whales so it didn't really bother me that much, but still

>> No.7339237

>Be at convention
>New to lolita, wear mediocre coordinate
>Some older/middle aged woman is running some booth that I'm browsing
>Asks me if I'm wearing lolita
>Shows me all these random dresses that aren't at all lolita
>Too nice to tell her they aren't
>Say I'm out of money and run off

>> No.7339240

Oh geez banning perler art.

My con peeves:
>glomp circles
>groups crowding up hallways
>unorganized lineups
>free huggers giving you hugs without notice
The last one, most people do ask, but there are some that just does it without asking if it's okay.

My Artist Alley/Dealer's Hall peeves, having experience of tabling and as a customer:
>people leaving their stuff on table
Just to clarify, examples like drinks, and bags when they are paying at a neighboring table. I remind people not to do that because any tables would have sensitive items and it'd be a shame of sticky pop spilled all over it or their hefty bags ruining items.
>sellers yelling and begging for sales
It's more obnoxious when it's these teens yelling about their $1 drawings. Please, to me if you sell your art cheap, your art is cheap. And you're driving away customers by annoying them.
>"I can make that myself and cheaper."
Of course you can! Saying that out loud in front of the artist is rude, so just keep it to yourself.

I'm sure there's more but all I can think of off the top of my head.

>> No.7339251

I'm not a huge con goer, i've only been to 3 in the last 10 years, the hugging thing is so bizarre to me. I was wearing a lolita get up at youmacon and a girl came up to me and asked me if she could give me a hug.

"ok sure"
"your outfit is awesome!"

I mean, its nice and all but its so weird. Like, is it ever acceptable to go up to a stranger in a mall and say "LET ME HUG YOU I LIKE YOUR PURSE"

>> No.7339255
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I actually kind of like perler stuff if it's big and somewhat intricate or is 3d like pic related...
Perler jewelry is kind of shitty though.

>> No.7339270

This sort I don't mind as much, but the same bit images of old games gets, well, old. I wouldn't mind seeing something from Terraria, honestly. And if they package it for safe travels like between hard cardboard or something, I don't want to deal with broken perler stuff.

>> No.7339266

Related: One time this happened to my friend at a con. She was a senior in high school, and a middle-schooler asked my super-nice friend for her number, with his parents standing right behind him.

Without missing a beat she asks "Why? Do you need a babysitter?'

She wasn't even trying to be mean, she was being serious and looking up at the parents, who burst out laughing at the poor kid.

She felt so bad, it was wonderful. XD

>> No.7339277

See, that kind of thing is neat. The problem with most perler stuff at cons these days is that it's all the same damn thing. It's almost always pixel characters. Shit is just boring and stale now.

I can appreciate a little variety. I mean, even taking cube shaped stuff like the tnt boxes from minecraft and the mario coin blocks and turning them into something useful(like a tissue dispenser for example) would be better then just another pixel character.

>> No.7339293

Fucking this. I wonder if these fuckers know if the cons have a Facebook page/group for folks to share their pictures.

My Pet Peeevs:

>Hug Lines/Circles/Orgy/Gang-Initiations
Nigga I don't want or need a hug. I'm good. Plus, ya stink and have shitty social skills.

>Drunk Assholes
I won't lie, I love partying and drinking at cons during convention after hours and at afterparties. What I don't love is seeing drunk people during convention hours fucking with people and fucking shit up. Can ya wait until after 10PM or go to a 21+ con with that shit?

>> No.7339303

>walk through AA
>vendors ALL want to chew your ear off and make you buy their stuff
>I don't want to hear your life story or about your lesbian novels, I just want to browse

>> No.7339336
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>be girl
>boy walks up
>"can we hug?"
>dont want one from boys especially ones i dont know
>dont have any idea how to be polite about saying no without looking mean/like a bitch
>"no please..girls only"
>"come on please?"
>proceeds to hug me anyway

why do people think its ok to just go up to a stranger and ask to touch them/get close? Is it because people think its ok because its con culture?
Why is it ok to hug when I say "please no"?

Ive never had a girl ask me for a hug (other than those "free hug" autists that are doing it to reach a goal or some shit) I know guys only do it to touch me and feel my boobs.

>begins to say no
>proceeds to hug right after asking

fuck you guys who do this

>> No.7339346

I'm always shy to hug girls cause it's like what if she realizes I'm flirting with her thinks I'm a creep. what if she has a girlfriend. what if she does like girls but not me...etc etc

>> No.7339360 [DELETED] 

>Go to con is awesome looking outfit
>Meet tons of people, get good amount of photos, participate in several events
>Do lots of walking around
>Look at con reports and galleries after event
>It's like I never existed

>> No.7339375

that's when you elbow them in the gut.
and really, just say no. and if they continue tell them to fuck off because no means no.

>> No.7339419
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in the end you still are labelled as a bitch...its just con culture..if you dont say yes to hugging strangers your just stuck up and a bitch

>> No.7339468

girls are way less likely to think of that of other girls asking for hugs...especially at cons

>> No.7339475

>talking with group of people, waiting in line for masquerade
>nice to meet you anon!! your cosplay is great!! can i have your business card??
>for your fb cosplay page!!
>I... don't have one.
>oh, so... you're not a real cosplayer then...?

>> No.7339503

cant actually believe this actually happened unless that person was a confirmed autist...really

i mean no one is this naive

>> No.7339514

ive had someone joke about that once..they werent serious

>> No.7339515


Which part? it definitely happened. The girl clarified that she meant 'like, a professional cosplayer' after but it just left me confused. Am I supposed to have a page? You kids nowadays.

>> No.7339519

i would just take it as a compliment that she thought you had a shit ton of fans
still naive to just ask for a card tho...even from a person with a fb fan page...no one fucking does that but big headed pretentious cosplayers...only maybe if they have their own booth at the fucking con

>> No.7339531

pretty girls still make me activate beta mode. "you're so pretty, I love your outfit, can I hug you?"

I know I'm not gross or anything but I always get the feeling that a lot of cute girl cosplayers would rather one less chick hit on them over the course of the day.

>> No.7339552
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I do cards because I've had creepers on my personal page before and sometimes I just want to share pictures/photoshoots with another lovely cosplayer. They do strike as self centered, but cards mostly just help me keep in contact with new people until we can be real friends.

To contribute, my first pet peeve is Tumblr humanization cosplays. I was amazed to see several DHMIS cosplayers at a con last weekend.

Another pet peeve is is people doing things that are too far outside of their skill level. I know I was guilty of this when I started, but if you're over 20, you should know that if you've never sewed a skirt before, you shouldn't attempt a full ballgown without proper guidence. You look like a child frosted one of those Barbie cakes and you'll be made of 80% hot glue.

Pic related, but imagine more hot glue strands.

>> No.7339558
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>one less chick

its mostly men that hit on me
maybe one girl out of the whole con maybe hit on me/or i cant tell
so in the end idc about girls "hitting on me" because i end up feeling like girls at cons dislike me most of the time because im not a whale (this is what keeps me from girl cosplay meetups) , id rather have more girls like me than guys

>> No.7339568


i hate it when majority of con girls that you havent even spoken to walk up to you and give you hate just because youre prettier then them

>> No.7339572

I don't MIND perler. I've got a bunch of Kamen Rider/Super Sentai sprites on my walls.. but it's $5 for a big board and $15 for a giant fuckoff tub of beads. At a con any one of my individual pieces would sell for $20. AND THEY'RE NOT FUCKING HARD TO MAKE.

>> No.7340032
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>be a big boobed cosplayer
>try to pick characters that suit my body type
>have a ton of guys hit on me/ make boob jokes/ ask to touch them/ hug me to feel tit, etc
>basicaly say anything they can to bring up the fact that, yes, I do indeed have breasts

I have no idea why guys do this horrible, stupid shit. Do they know how asspie this makes them look? Like I've never had sex, as I am a big baby, also I am shy as fuck so I don't even cosplay revealing characters, just ones with big cans! No cleavage even! It's just so... Odd. Are they hoping I'll say "Thanks! You have a dick, lets fuck!"? It's just so... Ugggghhh

I really want to be Super Sonico because wow the anime is cute but, man, I don't want all the bs that is bound to follow.

>> No.7340044

Sorry you've go through that bs. I hate guys who act like breasts are this magical thing and oogle them. It's like an idiot who don't get women are more than the fat on their chests meant for babies.

That's why I'm getting a reduction. No matter how much weight I lose, my chest is still big and I'm sick of wearing tight sports bras. Just tired and done with the objectification.

>> No.7340072

Oh my god I am so sorry. Are you getting reduction because of back pain or just because of guys and harassment?

>> No.7340091


My mother just got a reduction at 57 years of age. She wishes she had of done it years ago. She had all sorts of issues with health/comfort and I would hate going clothes shopping with her to see her get frustrated and cry because nothing fit or looked good.

Her doctor told her that yes, breast tissue does increase over the years. Since I have inherited her breasts I probably should start saving for my own reduction as mine are starting to get in the way.

I hope all goes well for you, anon.

>> No.7340126


So how big are yours? Any back pain? Pictures? (clothed are fine :P)

I've heard a lot of comments in the direction of "one should never get a reduction" from guys...

>> No.7340132
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>Teenage female cosplayer
>Gets asked for a photo by a nerdy guy
>Snickers to her friends after he leaves
>"omg what a creeper!" "So gross." "Maybe he wanted to take you home." "Ha ha!"

>> No.7340135

More like my self confidence is bad because of my size. Harrassment is definitely a big part of it. I'm a big C, and I wear binders or tight sports bras. I'm just not happy with them and have hated having breasts since I was a pre teen. Almost 30 now and I just want them reduced as much as possible or gone. I feel as if I'd be a lot happier.

>> No.7340139

Glad to hear your mother is much happier now. It's hard for guys to understand how much of a burden having large breasts or breasts in general are. Because they are "always in view" it feels like you're getting judged by your size all the time. It's unfair. I'm a lesbian and I don't care about anyone's size, but breasts seem to be a fetish for most guys with mommy issues who can't see passed them to the real person.

>> No.7340161

That's okay people just assume that I'm fat with my big boobs
what are variant body types
but I'm cosplaying Sonico haters be damned she is cute

>> No.7340163

Post a picture of yourself, miss bigguns.

>> No.7340314

I know this feel. It's been weeks and I'm still digging through to find even one photo of me.

>> No.7340319

>Guy does ok cosplay
>Girl does mediocre cosplay that looks more like a butch lesbian

>> No.7340324

A friend of mine was selling hand-made plushies at a con and offered $5 off two if they were a ship.
>Explain to them numerous times that there's going to be some idiot arguing that anything is a ship and will try to claim that Hawkeye and Fossils from Animal Crossing are their otp to get a discount
>They think I'm just being dumb
>They get shit like that all day long

>> No.7340333

I've had the opposite happen

>> No.7340337

So have I. The above usually happens with fandom shit but that's just tumblr

>> No.7340353

>people who beg for money

One year I swear to god there were people at this con asking for donations to get their hedgehog a cage... BUT WHERE THE HELL DID THEY GET A HEDGEHOG AT A CON?

Even worse was a kid who literally walked up to me, complimented my cosplay in a really monotone voice and then asked me for $20.

>> No.7340368

>but breasts seem to be a fetish for most guys with mommy issues who can't see passed them to the real person.
What the hell am I reading. Christ, you girls. There's nothing wrong with guys who like breasts, it's that those con guys are retarded. Don't mix shit up.

And if it's not your boobs guys will find other things to ogle you for. Like, I'm an ass man. Are you going to get ass reduction surgery too because you can't handle me or other guys looking at your butt?

>> No.7340385

>breast fetish

guuurrrlll. have you not heard the terms "ass man" or "breast man"

>i'm a lesbian

get over yourself

>> No.7340386


What about for girls? Because I like breasts. A lot. Do I have mommy issues too?

>> No.7340411

This was painful to read, how oblivious can you be omfg...

Not OP but i also have somewhat big boobs and theres a big difference between someone checking you out/staring a little long and having random strangers (not just at cons) commenting on your "nice rack" every time you wear a slightly low cut shirt (or even if you just wear a regular t-shirt) or trying to cop a feel whenever you pass by them.

>> No.7340440

>when vendors beg for money

>be a year ago at small anime picnic
>no, it wasn't even a convention, it was a fucking picnic-sized gathering
>some obscure vendor from across the state comes
>"Oops! We don't have enough money to drive back xD We're accepting 'donations' but do remember that unless you give us free money we are stuck here..."
>takes advantage of community generosity because of their financial fuck ups
I'm getting so sick of this bullshit. There's always at least one or two.

There are people who also travel from hours away to go to pithy meetups like this (re people like me) and we ALWAYS make sure we have enough money to and from the event. What happens if we don't? We be responsible and make the decision not to go.
It pisses me off when vendors think they're gonna break bank, wind up doing the exact opposite, and then find themselves stuck in their bullshit because they didn't have a backup plan.
It's not like these vendors are run by teenagers either. They're often people in their early or late twenties who should know better by now.

>> No.7340448
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>breast fetish
Honestly, almost every human being likes breasts. I can not say I disliked breasts. They are soft, squishy, warm, feel nice to touch and many are nice to look at. You can rest your head on them, if your partner has them. You can jiggle them when you dance, if you have them. Breasts are pretty damn rad.
If you belong to the 10% of humanity that does not like breasts, that's cool too, but stop inventing shit like "breast fetish" and then pulling some Freudian bullcrap to explain it. People like breasts.
It sucks when they like breasts so much they piss others off with it but that's not a fetish it's just shitty behavior and I agree that it sucks.

>> No.7340469

A-Ah... well breasts are a sign of fertility, biologically, and that's something more relevant to men than lesbians, that's how I've always considered it.
But girls can like the titty too. It has nothing to do with mommy issues.

>> No.7340548

>people who bring their drama to the con

I go to a con to have fun. I dont want to awkwardly shuffle into a cosplay while two of my room mates hammer out their relationship issues in our hotel room. The least they could do is wander off and argue alone elsewhere to spare us from their drama.

>people who get upset when you hang with other people

Allow me to elaborate on this one. I have a friend that I see only once a year; I only see him at a con. Im going to this con with a group of friends that I see quite routinely. They werent very thrilled that I was going to dedicate one day of this con to hang out just with him. I can understand their point because the last two cons we were apart (the first because I was sick and stayed outside, the second because they didnt go at all), but seeing as how Im going to be spending three entire days with them, I thought one day apart wouldnt be such an issue. It's also funny because they said he could room with us. So they're fine with him being in the group, they're just not happy about us wandering off alone.

>> No.7340563

I don't think it's odd to like breast, but I find that Americans have more of an obsession with them than Europe, for example, where people can find them aesthetically pleasing and not necessary 18+!!1!!

>> No.7340622

>getting upset when you hang out with someone

Had this happen with someone I had just met, like I knew her for 20 minutes. Generally at cons I try to make friends or try to get to know a lot of people; stopping to ask about their costumes, anime, whatever really. I had met a girl and while my some of my friends went to check out some panel about "wtf did I just watch/things we found on efuckdt" we, the girl and I, went to the rave. On the way there, people I had met at previous cons had stopped to say hi/chat a bit. The girl got super pissed and stormed off (she expected me to follow? Cuz I didn't) when it happened four times. I wasn't cutting her out of the conversation but shit girl- no need to act like that.

Also, panels thatre an hour long and are nothing more than shit/youtube videos of japanese people being cray they found online.

>> No.7340627

> perler

Ah, that's what you call Hama Beads. I remember having those when I was a kid. Mystery solved. Do people really try and charge money for that stuff though? You literally put them on a rack and iron them.

>> No.7340634

Yup. And autists eat them up. Go to a gaming con sometime, shit's everywhere.

>> No.7340670

>"I can make that myself and cheaper."
>Of course you can! Saying that out loud in front of the artist is rude, so just keep it to yourself.

Ugh, I know so many people that say shit like that in public, and they never understand why I move away from them in embarrassment.
"This looks really cheap." "Let's come back another day when the leftovers aren't out." "I've made stuff like this before; it only costs x amount of money."

The last one especially, because those are usually the people that think you shouldn't take into account labour times.

>> No.7340698

>Spend a decent chunk of change to get great hotel rooms for con.
>Big con, best friend so fucking hyped
>I am too
>Get to con, they sit and mope
>What do you want to do?
>"sigh, nothing. I dont know, you pick"
>"I dont want to go to that"
>Proceed to walk in circles till shes tired and wants to go back to the room


>> No.7340704

haha those people are the best

>tabletop room is selling pocky as a fundraiser
>each box is like $2
>some guy is complaining that he could find them cheaper somewhere else
>tabletop staffer tells him to fucking go out there, drive back, pay for parking again and save $.50

>> No.7340706
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>when you're the only person one (or more) of your friends knows at the con

I feel so stifled when I'm constantly someone's buddy system. I like to roam and do my own thing sometimes, but these types tend to guilt me into not "abandoning" them, or will stand there like a bump on a log when I run into people I know and stop for a chat (at most local cons, this will probably happen every 10 minutes or less). I prefer to set my own schedule, meet up with friends for events we're mutually interested in, and then split up the rest of the time to explore.

>> No.7340745

My best friend and I have acknowledged that we usually don't like to do the same thing at cons, so we will often split up during the day and get back together for meals and late night drinking times.

>> No.7340822

ugh, this. I had a friend constantly guilt me into escorting her around at the last con I went to, because her friends didn't want to stick around or something.

>> No.7340825

Okay so I love my boyfriend a lot and so I did a naruto cosplay with him, I was sasuke.
I say this because I hate naruto, a lot. Which I guess cosplaying something you hate goes against some cosplayers code, well mine at least anyway I did it. I had a lot of people trying to sell me naruto stuff, and when were looking at togainu no chi yaoi, some seller comes buy putting naruto doujinshi in my face. can't blame him for trying, I kinda wish I didn't but I looked at him like I just ate a lemon and said. "noo..."

>> No.7340830
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>have that one friend who doesn't bring enough money and expect you to pick him/her up for a meal or two or three and gas money to take him/her back home

>> No.7340850

God this was my first four years worth of conventions. It was my best friend, then boyfriend, then eventually ex-boyfriend who never wanted to go to the events I liked then whined when I'd try to go without him. Finally dumped his sad ass and actually had fun at a con. The freedom...

>> No.7340852

or worse, that friend who buys overpriced shit from the vendor hall, then cries that they can't afford food.

>> No.7340855

>"we're dressed up from the same series! this must mean that it's okay for me to invite myself to following you around for the rest of the day even though i have no idea who you are!"

this shit still happens to me if i'm cosplaying something from a more popular series. but now that i'm in my mid twenties it's just awkward as fuck because most of the people that do this are a lot younger than me.

>> No.7340863

Okay I'm not going to lie, I say this...but only with mass-produced vendors in like the Dealer's Room (looking at you, bodyline/nazi guy) that mark things up like 300%

>> No.7340879

I'm loving the fact that all these K-Pop vendors are showing up to cons and are overpricing everything

>> No.7340888

AA peeves

>people who commission you the last day of the con and don't give you an e-mail/tumblr/deviantart or take your card

Why do people do this??? I have people pay upfront so I try and convince them not to commission me if they aren't going to give me any way to contact them post-con, but I always have people who insist anyways. I just want to give you your pictures, friend!

>those people who make buttons out of comics they have laying around the house and sell them at their table

I feel like stuff like this really cheapens the AA. I want to buy stuff featuring the person's art. If I wanted official art or even bootlegged stuff, I'd go to the e-hall.

>people who steal your chairs

Seriously, fuck you.

>> No.7340890
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>People who try to sneak in while making a big deal about it and acting edgy

>> No.7340898

I like when this happens tbh, but only when they're near your age... I don't want a 15 year old tagging along with me.

>> No.7340919
File: 18 KB, 372x431, 1564.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People who don't buy badges, then complain that the con is shitty.
..no shit? They don't have enough revenue to work off of, partially from cumbuckets like you.
If there's only one con near you and it's shit, try buying a badge so they can afford better things next year (and also give suggestions).

>> No.7340923

Or people making a big deal about ghosting a con

>Fuck giving this con money, I'm just gonna ghost it and borrow badges!

So you're telling me that you hate the con but still want to enjoy the full con experience and go as far as to make new costumes and get a room?

>> No.7340941

Nothing annoys me more than people saying they won't go to a con because "it costs money."

Now, "money I don't have", I can understand, but not "I don't want to go because that costs money and I don't wanna pay for that."

>> No.7340949

yeah- it's like not only do we have a silent shadow following our group around (because despite being ballsy enough to tag along with a group of strangers they're always too awkward to actually strike up a conversation and make things less weird) we feel like we're on baby sitting duty and have to watch what we say/ look out for this kid/ hide our flasks. Yeah you say you're 22 but you look about 15 so I don't know who you think you're fooling :/

>> No.7340973
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Or what about that person that asks you to pay for their badge and hotel room, then spends $500+ on merchandise

>> No.7340995
File: 27 KB, 410x246, 1240672339701.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>7340706 here,
Ugh, I had that with a then-boyfriend for three years.
>started dating a male cosplayer
>cosplayed together on three or four occasions, it's great
>did a cosplay group once, drama happens, he gets turned off cosplay for life
>continued going to cons with me for the next two and a half years without cosplaying
>jealous of male photographers if he wasn't friends with them
>made me feel like shit for taking any time to myself for photoshoots
>branded me as someone who was obsessed with the hobby just because he wasn't into it anymore
>tried to make personal plans with me at the last second that would conflict with cosplay plans I'd already made
>tried to force me to choose one over the other and get pissed if I didn't drop my previous plans with other people for whatever last-minute thing he wanted to do
>told me I'd "sacrifice a busload of children if it meant getting photos"
>would try to guilt me into not cosplaying for at least a full day during major conventions so that I didn't "slow him down" (read: so I'd have no excuse to not stay by his side all day)
>freaked out and stewed in a funk any time my photo happened to turn up on /cgl/ (which wasn't even my fault)
>finally dump him for a number of reasons that relate to him being an insecure depressive asshole


>> No.7341003
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On board with the hugging/personal space issue.
>Wearing Galadriel (White Council) asked for hugs and permission to touch the dress/train.
>Politely declined hugs, patiently allowed other light costume appraisals.
>Refused hugs from anyone in body paint, super heavy makeup, spray color hair. etc.
>Hugged anyway, gray body paint stains on the sleeves now.
But truly, that's alright. I didn't swath myself in ridiculous amounts of chiffon, spend two weeks making, four days hand beading, and two seasons of Law and Order: SVU later to have you stain my gown. Thanks

>> No.7341026

You should totally do Sonico. She's adorable.

>> No.7341128

fuckin dweebs, i'm sorry anon that shit sucks, where you able to fix the stains? Maybe not wear such clean/white cosplays?

>> No.7341171

Why do people want to hug strangers at cons, are con-goers that autistic?

I was going to go to one with a friend and cosplay but I don't want to get harassed by weebs.

>> No.7341191

Shit, I'm so sorry that happened
I will celebrate the day homestucks are banned from cons. I hate them with every fiber of my being.

>Law and Order criminal intent is superior to SVU, which pretty much mocks sexual assault

>> No.7341218

Okay, that's a fair argument. Maybe I can hardly wrap my mind around that way of thinking cause I'm European and never been to the US and here it's all 'breasts will be breasts'.

>> No.7341238
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Thanks y'all. I'm just going to be more firm when the next con rolls around. I don't dislike one fandom or the other but I'd really appreciate compassionate human beings who know how to listen.

I'm currently working on James Kidd from Assassin's Creed: Blackflag in slight retaliation. I'm ageing the shit out this one so I won't be so clean. As for the Law and Order Anon, SVU is all Netflix had at the moment (also my father has a horrible crush on Mariska)

>> No.7341269

I've escaped to the bathroom from mopey sad sacks of shit before. Then I just say I saw someone/something and got distracted. None of my friends are pathetic enough to make a big deal out of being without me for a few hours, and usually having some fun refreshes me to be able to entertain them for a little bit at least until I can slip away again.

Don't let anyone ruin your 300$ weekend.

>> No.7341273

Had a homestuck run their whole body on my all black outfit only an hour into the con.

>> No.7341285
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>when vendors beg for money
i think you misspelled
>when you're dumb enough to think you NEED another naruto plushie and stand around our booth all day talking to yourself about if you want to buy it or not.

>> No.7341322
File: 203 KB, 500x271, r390258.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hamsteak hugged me when I was distracted, so I didn't even know they were there
>no grey stains
It's been 2 years and I'm still thankful. I'm so sorry that you two got the bad end of it.

>> No.7341362

>wears revealing outfits that showcase your boobs
>upset when your boobs get all the attention

>> No.7341367

>People who still try to play "The Game" at cons
shit ended with the Bush administration, kids

>> No.7341387
File: 170 KB, 685x1024, american-girl-36.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd rather not?
Sorry anon
My frame is similar to this person though

>> No.7341402

>at small pop-up con
>wearing lolita, helping at a friend's booth
>Some 50+ steampunk vomit "OH YOU'RE TOO CUTE, DID YOU MAKE THAT?"
>"N-no, but I'm an amateur seamstress and sew in my--"
>"WELL, if there's something you can't do in your skills set!"
>Doesn't inquire about or glance at anything on booth
>hands business cards and walks away from

Excuse u. I'm not a master seamstress, but that just came off as rude... I've had a handful of other older women at cons do that.

>> No.7341598


Your friend is amazing.

>> No.7341600

>Be shy
>Want pictures of cool cosplayers
>Repeatedly ask people if I can take thier picture
>Majority walks by because I'm quiet as shit and they can't hear a fucking word I'm saying

>> No.7341628
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LMFAO if you actually did look like that then you could post a picture, but since you don't GTFO TROLL.

>> No.7341639

I know it can be hard to ask, but in general cosplayers will be really really flattered that you asked as long as you're enthusiastic and confident without being over-the-top or creepy. Just practice saying "I really love your costume, do you mind if I take your photo?"

>> No.7341651

>At Artist Alley in con
>Have prints I've worked months on and gotten printed in good quality
>Newb girl sharing the table does on the day sketches for $2
>I end up getting asked by buyers why my stuff is so pricey compared to hers' (when nothing of mine is over $15 anyway)

I HATE when this happens. New sellers with passable drawing skills who then go "Oh my art isn't worth that much, I'll just charge as low as I can" and then every buyer assumes that should be the proper price.

>> No.7341654

you should expand your price range, make some smaller items so people can choose to buy something without shelling out what they deem too much.

>> No.7341675


>people who spend money to stay in the con hotel
>whine about not being able to afford a badge to actually do things at the con
>complains when badges are required to go to AA

Last one is more local. People got pissy when A-kon moved hotels and AA needed a badge (because it was seriously IN the con area). Same with A-fest and how they policed AA for badges (somewhat) this year.

>> No.7341682

>>people who steal your chairs
Oh my god I almost had that happen to me a few times when my friend leaves for moment. I had someone grabbing the back of the chair, and right away I grabbed the seat of it, telling them it's my friend's. Sometimes they apologize, sometimes they just go "oh" and leave to find other chairs. Usually the cons around here only supply 2 chairs a table, and when there's 3 of us, I plan ahead to get a spare chair and secure it.

>> No.7341683


THIS. Though in some ways, I miss "The Game," Haruhi dance, and other annoying aspects of mi 2000s con culture. And yet, the hugging has not gone away. But are people still being glomped? Or did that actually die out?

>> No.7341713

I got better by the middle of day two. I was helping a friend with a booth in the AA and sometimes just I worry that they're on thier way to somewhere and can't be bothered. :p

It also didn't help that I had a weird ear infection and couldn't hear people either. I had to ask some poor chick what her costume was three different fucking times, then felt stupid and just smiled and nodded in the end because I still didn't understand what the hell she was saying and didn't want to annoy her by asking her to just write it.

I have yet to find out anything on a 'Dead Leviathin Cast' on the internet.

>> No.7341717

She just said she doesn't cosplay characters with revealing outfits.

>> No.7341827

she specifically said that she didn't wear revealing outfits

>> No.7341830

maybe she's just uncomfortable? don't be a dick.

>> No.7341832

Don't be a piece of shit

>> No.7341833

Why do hamsteaks feel the need to touch people with their paint?

>> No.7341852
File: 35 KB, 480x720, HERA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There was something similar that happened at KumoriCon one year I was there.

>Some fifteen year old girl saw this man abandon his kitten
>apparently he had been trying to pawn off kittens his cat had had all weekend at the park across the street
>she ended up taking it and begging people for money to get it food.
>Cat's six weeks old at most.
>Having had over 20 cats (grew up on a farm), I freak out a little when she admits she's never had a cat.
>Her friend's freaking out 'cause she's ditching her for this cat.
>Follow this girl around trying to help her get the basics of raising a cat, let alone one at six weeks.
>Her mom comes, says no, they can't keep the cat.
>Throws a bitch fit and the mom makes her give the cat and money to me
>Labor day, all the shelters are closed. Have to take this cat up to Washington.
>Found her a good home with a friend so I can visit and she's the sassiest cat ever now.

I love that cat so much, not going to lie. She was riddled with fleas, though. I'm surprised she wasn't incredibly sick.

Pic related. This is the kitten.

>> No.7341856

She does look quite sassy. Cute as hell, too.

>> No.7341859

She is so cute, so fluffy, how can this man not find someone wanting her ? That's like, the cutest thing alive !

>> No.7341864
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The way she described him, it sounded like he was homeless. Shouldn't have a cat anyways-- apparently he kept the mother, though.

And here is her all grown up.

>> No.7341867

Holy shit, I remember that guy. The kittens were on shoestrings or something and he and his friends were smoking right over them.
I was worried about them.
Great job finding that one a home.

>> No.7341868

Yeah! That was how it went-- apparently this one was his last one and he just tied her to a tree, so I guess he found the others a home.

>> No.7341961
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>> No.7341966

I'm so happy this didn't end badly. Bless you kind anon. There really needs to be strictly laws for people who abuse animals.

>> No.7341987

My main peeve is when people move my wheelchair without asking. Just up and shove me out of the way so they can look at the kawaii aneemoos. I've nearly been tossed out of my chair so many times from it.

Also people purposefully blocking my path and refusing to move saying that I should "just go round" them in the tiny, 2ft wide gap with boxes spilling into it.

(The pain is soothed slightly by the same people nearly shitting themselves when I get my nice 6' 6" bodybuilder friend to tap them on the shoulder and ask them to shift.)

People talking to random people standing near me assuming they're my carer and taking random photos of the cripple because they think I can't do anything piss me off too. They usually change their minds when I threaten to ram my footplate up their arses.

>> No.7341999

>People who go to anime conventions dressed as non anime characters.

I've got mixed feelings about this one. On one hand, I really like some of thier costumes and they're really cool looking. I'm almost always happy to see cosplayers in general really. On the other hand, what is Professor Snape doing at Otakon? Not that I've seen a Snape at Otakon, I'm just using it as an example.

>> No.7342005


Ugggggh, fuck those people. Really sorry you have to deal with that shit.

>> No.7342007

I'd rather see snape at an anime con than homostucks.

>> No.7342015

This makes me really angry... I can't believe there are actually people who do this shit.
I feel sorry people are such assholes.

>> No.7342020


I also sometimes get snide comments along the lines of "that characters not a crip why are they cosplaying him god thats so gross why are they here"

it's just? who the fuck else can I cosplay that's not Tavros Nitram or Rufus ShinRa? jesus christ

>> No.7342041

>Cosplay as Seymour Krelbourn from Little Shop of Horrors. With Puppet Audrey II
>Weeaboos don't know the character, so don't take photos
>Lots of parents love the costume, take photos and show their kids
>Parents aren't regular con fans so I never see any photos
>50 photos taken, none appear online.

And there's also the dreaded
>Parents who can't control their kids when they attack you
>Adults who can't control themselves, and "playfight" too hard

>> No.7342047

I never really heard of Homestuck until last year. The costumes actually got me interested. I saw a bunch of good ones that you could tell had a lot of effort put into it. The comic itself is ehhh...ok? At first it was funny but it's just seeming to drag on.

Then I also read about the fan base. Apparently they're awful and no one likes them and I lucked out by only meeting down to earth fans.

Is it the fan base that turns you off, or the costumes?

>> No.7342049

The fanbase. The unsealed grey paint used in a lot of their costumes does NOT help either. If they were sensible, didn't touch people while painted and sealed their shit, I wouldn't have an issue with them.

>> No.7342052

>See character that I think I recognize
>Ask person if I am correct
>I'm not, but now do recognize what they really are
>Tell them this, ask for picture
>They always seem like they don't believe me/are annoyed

I always feel a little bad.

>> No.7342058

How exactly do you seal the body paint? I want to go as the Wildberry Princess to a convention this year, I think I'm just going to use blush all over my face instead of paint though. I always see cosplayers with paint flaking off of them and feel so bad for them and the people near them. That shit looks like a nuisance.

I saw some Homestuckers with long, grey opera gloves. I thought that was an interesting solution to the paint problem, for the hands and arms at least.

>> No.7342059
File: 2.56 MB, 300x225, 564621568465.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Generally the little shits that pulled that came from hetalia/naruto and have jumped ship to SnK and DR now. After homosuck ends for good (and after the game) things will calm down by a considerable amount.

>> No.7342061

http://cancerously.tumblr.com/post/16625787213/ - armsocks
as for sealing, I usually use a light dusting of baby powder -> hairspray -> baby powder again once it's dried and i reapply as needed through the day. (I use Snaz)

>> No.7342062

This reminds me of something that's been putting me into a massive rage lately: I've seen on a few occasions where homestucks will be in wheelchairs and get helped around... then see them walking around just fine later. Shit like that makes me mad.

>> No.7342065
File: 10 KB, 353x378, 6351469432.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm guessing they were tavros cosplayers? Big bull horns like pic related?

He's canonically in a wheelchair at the start of the story when you first meet him but he gets robot legs at one point and can walk fine after that.

I don't quite get how making metallic leggings with painted foam on is cheaper/easier than getting a £200 wheelchair to use for one day.

>> No.7342069

I know this, but I've seen a few people getting hotel/con staff helping them around while in cosplay, then walking around later. I'll admit it's jumping to conclusions a bit, but it's also really suspect.

>> No.7342070

Awesome! Thank you. I'm still thinking I might stick with blush because her face is a light pink, and it just sounds more practical. I don't know, I'll have to do a test run before hand. But this is very useful for future reference. Does this completely eliminate the flaking? Or just lessen it a lot?

>> No.7342076

>when volunteers, or worse, staffers are the creepers

It's especially bad when they can't take hints that a girl is taken

>> No.7342078

It still flakes, but only really in places like the knuckles of your hands or the corners of your eyes. You just reapply it when needed.

Ugh gross. That's almost as bad as people getting wheelchairs in airports just to get on the plane quick. Wheelchairs are generally not a prop you just pick up for funsies, considering that people have committed suicide when they found out that they were paralysed from the waist down, because they didn't want to face having to live life in a wheelchair.

>> No.7342109

I would've taken a picture of you, anon. I'm obsessed with both the movie and the musical.

>> No.7342206
File: 187 KB, 217x587, 1363827542473.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that asshole who's always blasting their terrible taste in music
>it's always generic dubstep or some shitty "meme" song like What Does The Fox Say

>> No.7342216

sometimes i accidentally walk through their power chords c:

why do they think anyone wants to listen to their shitty music? Its just annoying, always.

>> No.7342238
File: 153 KB, 160x160, I8590432.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>AM 2013
>main escalator has a tiny area at the top of it before it opened up to the hallways
>some dude, most likely not hired by the convention, decided that little area was the perfect place to set up his DJ stand and blast music for the whole con
>could not get on or off the escalator without having your ears blown off
>huge traffic jams as people tried to squeeze by
>some guys even started dancing right in front of it, giving enough room for one or two people to get by at a time
Nearly a year later and it still makes me piss blood in rage

>> No.7342404

When they come up to me and just want a hug, it honestly weirds me out but they proceed to hug anyways. But sometimes i end up getting friendly with the guy or we end up being friends and i really don't mind that.

>> No.7342411

You're a fucking asshole

>> No.7342421

AM 2013 was horrible. Not the con itself, but i feel bad they always seem to be in a bad location. I'm looking forwards this year though.

>> No.7342430

why didnt someone steal the power chord and run off? Or why didnt con staff get them to go away?
I remember this too, because it was really obnoxious. There was also barely any room to get to artists alley, especially with landwhales standing in front of booths in the crowded hallway, and you basically had to walk right past those loud assholes with their speakers to get to it.
i mad too.

>> No.7342473

I can see what you're getting at, but showing cleavage is not "showcasing your boobs."
Maybe that's where /your/ attention automatically goes, but there's not a lot of characters whose intended-stand-out feature are their boobs.

Just means you're a creepy perv.

>> No.7342474

>but there's not a lot of characters whose intended-stand-out feature are their boobs.

>> No.7342476
File: 201 KB, 800x1000, 1370547483336.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'm.... one of those people. I haven't even uploaded the photos off my damn phone from the last AWA yet, even.

Thing is, I don't even know where to go for that; and I don't use facebook, full stop. Help?

Maybe I'll take more photos now; usually my spaghetti overwhelms me and I just slink away feeling like a creep for even wanting to take a photo. I didn't know people liked it so much.

>> No.7342477

Someone hasn't seen much anime.

>> No.7342479
File: 51 KB, 228x226, 1378006887866.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>but there's not a lot of characters whose intended-stand-out feature are their boobs.

I know damn well there are because the preponderance of them annoys the hell out of me. I'm much more of a leg man.

>> No.7342528
File: 36 KB, 308x122, Jol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Happens to me all the time, I know that feeling.

>> No.7342572

Damn, you go girl

>> No.7342578

Hey now, breasts are a perfectly normal fetish. My boyfriend is a boobs guy and he's not a creep at all. I also happen to love boobs, but that doesn't mean I have mommy issues.

I think maybe you worded it incorrectly, but I'm sure you're only referring to the people with a breast fetish that end up disrespecting those who have flattering assets within said fetish. There are ways to handle them, and making people uncomfortable about it is not a good way.

>> No.7342583

>people who bring drama to the con

This, so much. Roomed with a guy friend two years ago at Akon, everything went well. Last year he brings a now ex friend of mine, his girlfriend, along to room with us. Bitch is a disaster the entire time. Another roomie vomiting in the bathroom, she runs out dramatically because of vomit phobia, proceeds to throw a tantrum when she gets back because my dude friend didn't chase after her. She then proceeds to sit in a corner obnoxiously crying into a pillow while my bf and I were like SEE YA and left to do our own stuff. Later gets mad at him again because he went to panel while she was sleeping, another tantrum. Worst experience ever.

>> No.7342587

Its okay, anon. I cosplay characters I hate for my boyfriend, too.

>> No.7342607
File: 151 KB, 1600x1170, Crystals_and_gemstones.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Something like that happened to a friend a few years ago. He rented a room at the con hotel under the condition that everyone staying in there paid for part of it. Of course everyone did except for this one chick. She didn't pay for squat and wound up being so annoying to everyone in the room that they got fed up and actually left the convention a night early, leaving this girl to enjoy this room that she didn't pay for all by herself.

Eventually it came out that the girl excitedly showed everyone what she bought over the weekend, which was well over $1,300 worth of plushies, candy, wall scrolls, shits, video games entire box sets of anime she had never even seen/heard of before ("But it looked cool!"), and my personal favorite, rocks. Yes. Rocks. The kind that you find at Earthbound and tourist shops where you can fill an entire bag for $2. Yeah. This girl got swindled into thinking that the rocks and crystals some vendor was selling were super sugoi mystical rocks for protection and would give her magical powers and junk, so she needed to pay $20+ for one of them. She bought like 5.

The point is that she spent a butt-ton of money on things she didn't need that were grossly overpriced all around (or that she could watch on crunchyroll for less than the price of a single DVD...) and laughed it off when my friend asked for her share of the room. "Oh! I don't have that kind of money! I can't afford it! Sorry! I can't pay you! Hehe!"

Needless to say, he and my other friends are never rooming with her ever again.

>> No.7342611

Goddammit, some people are so naive.

>> No.7342649

You could try tumblr an just tag your posts as "AWA 2013" or "AWA" or "Anime Weekend Atlanta" and then maybe character name or series name? I dunno, works for me.

>> No.7342942

feminine as FUCK makeup
on crossplay.

if you're supposed to be a dude why are you wearing blush and winged eyeliner?

>> No.7342968

That slightly reminds me of annoying gamer girls.

I'm a chick bee tee dubs! :D

Maybe the eyeliner is for anime eyes. No explanation for the blush.

>> No.7342984

This sounds like it would ave made me rage.
It would be like a conservative going to a gay pride parade or a Nazi going to a synagogue and being pissed off that there are kikes and faggots. Its their thing. You're coming where they've been coming for years.

>> No.7342990

Being placed close to egotastic/overpriced artists in con dealer halls who generally show no interest in engaging with their customers and are just there to make the money looking like soulless androids.

>> No.7342995

I'm a bit guilty of this. I will do male contouring and not do noticable blush but if I'm cosplaying younger-mid teens male character I'll wear noticeable eyeliner, understated false lashes and circle lenses. I'm not trying to pass myself off as a male, I'm trying to do my best to bring a 2D image into real life, anime characters don't look like real men/boys anyway.

>> No.7342998


>> No.7343003

Roller anon, if you're still here, I'm going to need you to do this for me, please.

Do the interrogation scene Misa and get someone to roll you around when you're blindfolded. It will be so cool.

Polite sage.

>> No.7343129

When you room with inexperienced cosplayers who rely on you to help them with everything. Roomed with a girl who kept nagging me to do her make-up and fix her shit tier cosplay that her mom made for her. Then had her boyfriend nagging me to fix his wig. Another roomie whining that he couldnt put his sword holster on.
All this fuckery before I even had my own cosplay put on.

>> No.7343171

Ben Nye has a product that you spray on that does a damned good job sealing it so you can touch things when you need. It's not perfect though - I was Quote from Cave Story last year, and even though I sealed it as much as I could, a dude ran into me hard, and my elbow hit his shirt, then he starting bitching because there was a nasty white smudge. Well like no fucking kidding you were charging through the hallway like a linebacker

>> No.7343176


ARGH fucking last con I went to was like that, roomed with new cosplayers. Got up early, around 8am, had cosplay judging etc. Went to the con about 9. Get a call at 11:30 with "Ugh we got up at 11 and weve been WAITING for you to come here and get our cosplays on." So I have to trek back to the hotel, back upstairs, and help all of them dress and apply makeup. Took almost an hour.

>> No.7343178
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I'm having a bad breakout of acne right now but I have to wear bodypaint for a con in a couple of weeks (pic related). Does anyone know of a way I can heal it quickly so I won't have to apply the paint over broken skin?

Anything made from salicylic acid doesn't help (just makes my skin worse), and peroxide has never seemed to make a difference in how quickly it goes away either. Anyone have some suggestions?

>> No.7343182

wow I posted that in the wrong forum *failure*

>> No.7343190

yeah, but only idiots would label you off that.
Because that's how life is, sometimes people want to hug, sometimes not.
Especially social autists need to learn this.

>> No.7343194

then delete it you fucking new fag retard

>> No.7343195

I had a former friend who was the type that took photos, then NEVER FUCKING UPLOADED THEM ANYWHERE. Even when she said she was.

After we stopped being friends, we were at the same event/gathering. She told another person that she was specifically not going to take photos of me(because you know, she hated me). When they told me what she said, I laughed and told them she never posts photos anyway, so like it really mattered because nobody would see her photos anyway.

Sure enough, she never uploaded the photos.

>> No.7343223

Do you have a problem with comfort anon? Magfest is a gaming con, why not be cute and comfy while you game all night?

>> No.7343225

>like a character so much you want to dress up like them
>get offended when someone tries to sell you stuff about a character you obviously like

>> No.7343268

You know the cons are for the autistic type people and not for cosplayers, right?

>> No.7343273

If you want a photo of yourself why don't you just take the damn picture yourself?

>> No.7343310
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holy shit anon, are you this Galadriel from ALA???

>> No.7343315

dude, I remember my friends and I all into Hetalia and still are, but being twenty-somethings surrounded by shrieking underage kids is terrifying, I'm happy they left..

>> No.7343325
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Duuuuudee, yeah...some people just have no freaking clue how to take a hint. Had to call my girlfriend over because this older con staffer didn't believe that I was dating someone. She was well over thirty (me being barely 18 at the time) I was freaking terrified

>> No.7343327

That's not the problem.
The problem is that a ton of people take these pictures and then don't make them public. Do they not know that cosplayers like to see photos of themselves after a con?
Plus selfies aren't really good for showcasing a cosplay most of the time, and you can't always find a good photographer.

>tfw take pictures at a photography set-up at my last con
>it's been over a month now and there's still no pictures up

>> No.7343336

Well, yes that is me, I didn't think anyone took pictures that day. Thank you for this.

>> No.7343357

I had a girl dressed as Misty who must have been 13 or 14 follow me around for a good hour and a half because she lost her friends and she liked my cosplay. As I was 20 at the time, it was awkward as fuck, but I didn't want to leave her totally alone, she seemed so naive and there were creepers leering at her. I helped her find her friends eventually.
>I wasn't cosplaying from Pokemon

>> No.7343387

Had a weird encounter like that when an adult made this gesture at me.

>Me as Solaire at Edmonton Expo
>Hanging outside, talking to some other cosplayers I've seen at Animethon.
>Ask them if they want to do a quick video.
>Get ready to record, some fat short adult walks by and notices me with my fake sword out.
>Mumbles something, and begins to swing his fist around as if he was swinging a sword.
>He gives me this death stare as he walks by.
>Thumps his fist against my chest as if to say he stabbed me in the heart.
>He didn't punched me, but it was harder than necessary to indicate he was 'stabbing me'

>> No.7343441

even better: they get mad when they find out someone's taken

>staffer finds out my girlfriend is new to cons
>gets up from his door-checking post to follow her around
>girlfriend is creeped out by this guy constantly trying to flirt with her while "checking on her con experience"
>she starts cuddling with me to try and give him a hint
>guy is an asshole to me for the rest of the con

>> No.7343764
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>sugoi mystical rocks
How do people still fall for this bronze age shit? #1 magic doesn' exist. #2 if a rock had any magic powers, people would hoard that shit and actually use it to better their lives. They wouldn't be selling it at a con for some weebs to shove up their asses.

>> No.7343767

Fuck those people and Fuck you. I hate homestucks so much. Who pretends to be disabled??

>> No.7343771

Nothing really wrong with it for cosplay as long as you aren't being an ass and trying to convince people you're disabled to fuck with them/get special treatment.

It isn't that bad if you do it right. I did full body paint a couple years ago and it wouldn't really rub off on anything as long as I wasn't sweating.

>> No.7343772

Breasts are only a normalized fetish because that's what society sells. If it were feet instead, then looking at boobs would be "ew, weird"
I personally am a leg person myself. I don't get the obsession with boobs and I never will. They're lumpy fat sacks that get in the way of too many things.

And I have never met a boob obsessed guy who wasn't a creepy piece of neckbeard .

>> No.7343774

No one looks good in a Kigu. As pjs, yeah. As cosplay, no. You look like a retard.

>> No.7343805

Breasts are a normal fetish. Society normalized nothing, little boys that don't watch TV or live in bumfuck nowhere like breasts too without anyone telling them. There's biological reasoning behind it, unlike with feet. Stop talking out of your ass.

>> No.7343919

idk about anyone else but i wear kigus on days where i've gone too hard the night before and don't have the energy for cosplay. i know full well they're not cosplay, i just want to be comfortable on a hangover day whilst keeping in the spirit of the con
>inb4 having fun at conventions bloo bloo

>> No.7343924

>people who claim that those costume t-shirts are cosplay
I'd love to see them try wearing a tuxedo tee to a prom and use that same logic

>> No.7343941

Roller anon here. I usually wear my kigu on the last day of the con just so I know ~I'm going to be comfortable on the long drive home. I'd assume that's what most people with any sense are wearing them as.

I wish I could, anon, but I need full dexterity of my arms to swerve out of the way of dumbshit weeaboos and lazy staff, and I don't generally trust people to push me around.

>> No.7344015

If you think you're fabulous enough you could be Johnny Joestar

>> No.7344083

What the hell is with all the random fandom crossover cosplays? I've been seeing a surprisingly large amount of Homestuck/Attack on Titan ones for some reason.

Fandoms in general are annoying, since a lot of them have devolved into being a fan of being a fan.

>> No.7344094

Don't worry anon, I love the best friends and hate Perlers too.

>> No.7344168

>put panels that would draw large numbers in small rooms and panels that draw barely ten people who will stay through the whole thing in large rooms
It's one thing if there's a dedicated track in the room but otherwise it makes little sense. And it happens a lot more than you think. I realize sometimes it's hard to gauge attendee attendance to a panel before the panel, but why the fuck would you put "a guide to visiting Japan's temples" panel in the biggest room next to main events and some currently popular FotM fandom's panel in the smallest?

Also less annoying, but still annoying
>suddenly lower the max cap in autograph lines for non-Japanese guests, as if you weren't expecting such a large turnout for Vic Mangina or Steven Blum
>this cap also applies to the guests who are signing at the same time who are not as popular for some reason
>have to walk along a pre-ordained path in the vendor's room or artist's alley even when there's room enough for three people to walk side by side in between the two rows of vendors/artists
>bringing a baby into a panel
>compliment someone on their cosplay and they say it's not that good
>recording a non-QA panel without asking before the panel starts
>audience member eating during a panel when you no doubt have ample time waiting in line to scarf down a sandwich or whatever; I can't imagine sandwich and some chips taking more than ten minutes to down, and that's upper limits

Teenager, what do you expect?

In all fairness, I personally have some pretty unorthodox ships, but I doubt anyone would deign to make plushies of the characters unless they were commissioned.

>girl insecure about herself and/or just doesn't like unwanted sexual attention
>doesn't post an actual picture of herself
>must be a troll!

Homosuck trying to keep relevant.

>> No.7344176

Ohgod, it's not really a pet peeve as I recognize people gotta eat and enjoy the con too, but it's so fucking annoying that the only time you run into people you wanna get a picture of is when they're in a hurry somewhere or eating. It's no one's fault but fate's. Luckily most of the time I was able to find pics of the cosplay in question nine out of ten times online, but it's not the same unless you can track the person themselves down online and compliment them, ya know?

>> No.7344307

>audience member eating during a panel
I've always wanted to run a panel and have like a pizza or jimmy john's delivered to me halfway through it

>> No.7344355

Someone I follow recently made a Homestuck/Daft Punk crossover.

I love crossovers honestly, but some of this is really embarrassing.

>> No.7344393
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someone's mad

>> No.7344402

I don't mind panelists eating as long as it doesn't effect their panel too badly. I'd rather them eat during the panel than show up late because they were eating at a restaurant or something.

>> No.7344515

Antibiotic ointment. It helps get rid of scabs and broken skin, healing it really quickly. You can get it at any drugstore I think, in the medicine isle.

>> No.7344520

>ftw when I'm 21 and actually look like I'm 15 because I'm petite and have a babyface

>> No.7344590

use your trustworthy look for evil

>> No.7344617

Pics or you're an attention whore liar

>> No.7345034

>walking through hallways of an anime con in the evening
>just walking around with a friend, discussing what panels to visit tomorrow
>some random girl walks up behind me
>grabs me around the waist and kinda hugs me
>"what the hell's going on? do I know you?"
>she holds on for a few seconds, then lets go
>proceeds to run off
>wtf just happened?

I've seen this happen to other folks plenty of times. The one time it happened to me, I was too much in shock to react. This is pretty fucking sketchy to say the least.

>> No.7345055

>walking around alot
>look for cool cosplays or at least familiar characters
>week after con, looking online at pictures
>find pictures from that con already posted
>they are all top-tier, 10x better than most of what I saw in person
>"I don't remember seeing any of these costumes"

Why do people insist on hiding away their hard work? They set the bar higher for everyone else and inspire people to improve their skills.

>> No.7345078

Glomping. Seriously. That shit is just dangerous.

>Go to convention with friends
>One friend has family of nerds
>Has been attending conventions since she was in the womb
>Convention experience has always been very guided/sheltered as a result
>This is first convention without her family on hand
>She's in popular-series-of-the-year costume
>About 4'10" and looks about 14-15
>Other girl about that age, but much taller comes up to ask for a photo
>We step out of her way for her to get her shot
>After photo, girl asks my friend if she can glomp her
>Friend has clearly no idea what this is and before we can stop her, she agrees to it
>Taller girl fucking clotheslines her and they both fall to the ground
>Friend is choking/coughing from having her throat slammed by this girl's arm
>Fangirl is squealing and wriggling on top of her

First and last time our friend ever agreed to that one. We chewed out the girl who asked her for the glomp after picking them both up, and told her to only ask for hugs from now on.

>> No.7345115

See this is just fucking stupid. When I first started going to cons glomping was just enthusiastic hugging. Not this dangerous, larynx collapsing, rib breaking shit.

I mean, if you for some reason want to break each other I'm not going to stop you, but you should make sure the other person knows or what not. I've had friends ask people to glomp and both them and the other person literally made sure that it was ok to go full force and everyone knew what they were in for before doing so. Takes like two seconds before sending each other to the hospital.

>> No.7345143

It seems to me that glomping has gone out of style significantly...

The folks that knew about it have grown up for the most part and can't handle the roughness anymore.

>> No.7345170

>"my frame is similar to this ridiculously good-looking model!"
>won't post pics of herself in a suit of armor

>> No.7345185

Yeah geez, all over tumblr their are posts about muh anxiety triggered by glomping or people warning about not touching others without permission at conventions. It's like there's either one extreme or the other.

I don't condone glomping because people have frightened me by doing it unexpectedly but at the same time if there are people with social disorders going to conventions they should know they're at the risk of bumping into others or someone touching them because conventions can be so crowded. It's something that will always occur.

>> No.7345187

>be a fairly attractive guy
>go to con
>a healthy amount of attractive girls
>think it would be nice to have dinner with them and share a room together
>not interested in sex until after a few dates, so I don't really pressure that stuff
>can't bring myself to approach the grills
>just assume they're not interested or already taken

Sometimes I wish someone would talk to me. Cons are fun, but there's always that glimmer of hope that I'll find a decent person who shares my hobby.

>> No.7345207

I haven't seen that far end of the spectrum (super-anxious, etc), but rather, nobody bothers to glomp others unless they know them well. I'm glad it fell out of style for the most part.

>> No.7345285

Girls screaming their lungs out in crowded areas. I seriously don't want to hear about which anime guys you want to see fucking each other, much less hear you scream about it a foot away from me when I already have a headache.

Don't parents teach their kids the difference between indoor and outdoor voices anymore?

>> No.7345296

No. No they do not.

>> No.7345461

>Get over yourself
maybe she was clarifying that because she is attracted to girls, which would help with the whole point of her post

>> No.7345493

Not my face or even hair color idiot I was looking purely for boob shape and how it sits on their frame

>> No.7345504

Kind of was, yes. But I guess anon missed my entire point.

>> No.7345509

I did this with caramelldansen as a weeaboo.
I am so so so sorry

>> No.7345525

Yeah, let's all just be inaccurate to our characters.
Does your character wear an eyepatch? Too bad, take it off because it's offensive. Bandages? Nope, can't pretend you're injured. No fake scars either.

>> No.7345665

I've got a friend who needs a white cane, and every time she sees a Terezi cosplayer pretending to use their cane it's so enraging. If you want to use it as a prop for photos, fine, but it's so disrespectful to pretend to have a disability like that.

>> No.7345724

Fucking around a convention center in a wheelchair is completely different from wearing an eyepatch, stop being intentionally retarded.

>> No.7345728

Fucking around a convention center in a wheelchair is completely okay as long as you show you can still walk and don't abuse the same rights that normal wheelchair-ridden people get. There's a completely humane way of going about it.

>> No.7345730

At Ohayocon, notorious for crowded elevators, there was a homestuck dude (Terezi?) in a wheelchair that, when the elevator opened, was let into the elevator first. Proceeded to stand up, wheel chair into the elevator, and stand next to it, effectively taking up at least a forth of the elevator.


>> No.7345732

This happened to me at a recent con, they kept following my group around because they assumed we were just all cosplaying from the same thing and were hanging out. When it came time to go to our photoshoot, they wouldn't get the hint that they needed to leave and tried to come with.

>> No.7345741

It's okay, we all had our youthful transgressions.

It could have been alot worse: you could have used a memetic song for your masquerade skit after it was just popular on youtube. You know, when people are so tired of said song that groan when they hear it?

>> No.7345743

>I'm just gonna ghost it and borrow badges!

Fuck this, every goddamn time I buy a badge one of my friends/acquaintances always tries to take off with my badge and I'll be lucky if I see it again that weekend.

>> No.7345763

That's messed up. Ghosting frustrates the hell outta me.

>> No.7345768

It's called being in character, you shit.

>> No.7345794

can you not?

>> No.7345872

Dudebro im so sorry about your dress, are you gonna redo it? Did the stains come out? Honestly, you were one of the best Galadries I've seen at a con so I'm super bummed that your dress was ruined.

>> No.7345916

People with absolutely no sense of personal boundaries. Basic fucking etiquette doesn't disappear because you're at a con.

>AX 2013
>First day, cosplaying the Medic from TF2
>Walking around
>Heavy cosplayer approaches me, starts shouting TF2 memes
>I humor him for a moment and try to break off
>He puts his hand on my shoulder, shouts "KISS ME!"
>Swat hand off shoulder, try to politely leave again
>He places both hands on my shoulders, pulls me in with puckered lips
>I duck out of his grip and NOPE the fuck away

>Second day
>Out of cosplay, walking around with roommate again
>Run into that fucking Heavy, he recognizes me
>Immediately, he pulls me in again
>In a split second, roommate rolls up his con program and jams it into Heavy's neck
>Heavy finally gets the message and fucks off, never see him again

>> No.7345933

Wow I can't say I've ever seen this, speaking as a vendor, but I know of some with pretty poor business plans and ethics.

You're not talking about an Artist Alley person are you? I feel like the normal vendors would not drive that far with heavy merchandise to sell at an anime picnic. Not saying all AA's peeps are like that, but the lower cost of tables and products usually allows idiots in.

>> No.7345967

>the screaming yaoi guy

>> No.7345980

There's a difference from using a prop and actually pretending to be disabled.
It's okay to carry around a white cane or use a wheelchair, but to actually pretend to be disabled is fucking garbage.

>> No.7345981


I did an Ed Elric cosplay way back in like 2007, and the yaoi dealer thought that I was a chick, and therefore was trying to sell me FMA dojinshi. Every time I got remotely near him, he would start up again with his crusade of trying to sell me something.

He seems to have calmed down in recent years.

>> No.7345994

God. I have this friend that complains constantly at how much she's "creeped" on at every convention and how all of these creepy nerds are just "drooling" over her. The worst I've seen happen to her (and we're pretty much always together at cons) was a guy following her because he was too awkward to ask for a picture, but he left right after he got one. She even complains about "all these creeps wanting to take more than one picture!" Do you not want your picture taken? I thought that was one of the staples of cosplay.
It's kind of funny to me, because I've had a guy grab me by the shoulders and get really close and told me to drink his cum. He wouldn't let go until I elbowed him in the ribs and melted into the crowd, and he looked 40 and was very drunk. That's what I would count as creepy, not being asked for a picture by someone who's maybe not very good looking.

>> No.7346021

I both like and hate that guy

>> No.7346243
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>someone gets inconvenienced by something minor and/or not the convention's fault
>the act like it's done deliberately to be mean
>they have a raise a gigantic stink everywhere and try to get other people to boycott it
>you see them there next year
>they have some lame excuse ready

>> No.7346505

This makes me laugh because I'm pretty sure this applies to most katsucon attendees.

>> No.7348397

>>In a split second, roommate rolls up his con program and jams it into Heavy's neck
Beautiful. Fuck people who thinks that doing that kind of shit is okay. What was he expecting? You to wrap your hands around his neck and start making out with him? Think through your goddamn actions, people.

>> No.7348483

Thank you.
Please carry on standing up for reasonable thinking.

>> No.7348489

Fair enough.
As a Brit I can tell you we often look at Americans and the culture they have and quietly shrug to each other at why some of them start drooling over the slightest flash.

Breasts are attractive. But some American males make all men look bad by acting like animals.


At least in England we have a little restraint and self-control.

>> No.7348495
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>tfw my dad did that at restaurants
It was embarrassing as fuck.

>> No.7348506

I just want to point out that the young cheap artist isn't at fault here, it's the ignorant people who don't get the prices they want.

>> No.7348523

I'm going to take a wild guess and say that in North America, Sexuality = bad, Purity = good, and from my limited experience in Europe, Sexuality = who gives a fuck?

... I could be completely wrong, though.

>> No.7348530

Yeah, it seems you guys (in terms of media, at least) over there don't see breasts as some holy sexual forbidden object. I've watched a few British shows here and there and was shocked when breasts were uncensored (among other body parts). To be fair, the context was never sexual...but it shouldn't be. They are just breasts. I think that is where the problem lies. In America, we seem to see them as some naughty thing when they are natural as any other part of the body.

>> No.7348538

>At a con in a full suit with mask with friends in similar outfits.
>Hard to see out of.
>A 'special' boy is there with his dad( I assume)
>Kid sees our costumes, gets excited
>Proceeds to punch at us and pull our costumes.
>He can't help it, since he's special.
>Dad just stands away from us, looking embarrassed and not controlling his kid.

I'd get that you would be a little embarrassed but the kid was wrecking our suits and he could have easily jumped in before it got too crazy

>> No.7348540

>At least in England we have a little restraint and self-control.
>what are chavs

>> No.7348541

Eh, in my experience is that for any generalization about North American is that your milage will vary widely, but as a general rule of thumb is that the further from moderate you get, the more vocal the people are.

>> No.7348558

Not England but Eurofag none the less.
We constantly joke about how, uh, uppity? Americans are about certain subjects. Like cursing. Take any imported TV series and everyone curse SO MUCH and it's just turned into a string of beeps. Breasts are still sexualized but you know if you have a good TV drama and there's a pair of boobs and you censor that it's just ruining the illusion. When it comes to that though I don't have a lot to compare to.

>> No.7348563

This shit...
Kids think it's 'super kawaii'.

>> No.7348575

>People with body/facepaint that have no manners.

Whenever I have grey paint on, if people ask for a hug I warn them that I have facepaint on and if they still want a hug I give them one but pull my face as far away from them as I can.
I just can't understand why some people feel the need to rub themselves are their paint over everything.

>> No.7348579


>> No.7348580

I think you understand how shit should work...

>> No.7348586

A minority where I live.
(Beverly Road,
Kirk Ella,

Besides. America has a few people who understand the way most Brits regard boobs. We have Chavs that think like Americans about boobs.

>> No.7348593

If that is who I think it is, then he's the highlight of my con experience.
Me and my gf sometimes walk past his stand just to hear him.
He also complimented my cosplay, and came up with a whole array of situational jokes about my cosplay and why I should buy his hentai because of it, instead of just picking a random meme from the database.
Didn't buy any of his stuff, but still have had an awesome time every time I've seen him.

As to what annoys me at cons, not much annoys me. I actually love people in kigu's, because it's better than normal clothes imo.
What does annoy me though, is when non-con people play loud music, and force me to listen to shit on a volume never seen before on this planet.

>> No.7348620

*Sighs at the lack of British cons*

>> No.7348725

Last con I went to I was in WoW cosplay, so of course I expected that it was going to be mostly guys that wanted pictures with me or complimented my cosplay. None were at all creepy about it. All of them asked really politely and none of them tried any weird shit at all.

Anyway, all day long, boyfriend is complaining about how many "perverts" there were being creepy to me... I just.. what.

How is it creepy to get a photo with a character you like at an event where that person has mainly dressed up for that purpose o_O

>> No.7348780

I dunno, he was probably just a bit jealous since you were getting a lot of attention from other guys.

Though that reminds me:
>Go to con with girlfriend
>Guy walks up to us, asks for a picture
>Is talking to her the whole time, sort of ignoring me
>Asks for a picture from the waist up for "art reference"
>Guy compliments her "Tifa cosplay"
>She wasn't cosplaying Tifa

So yes, art of fapping.

>> No.7348782

who was she cosplaying tho'?

>> No.7348785

It was a while ago, but I think it was Lara Croft.

>> No.7348803

Ugh, my girlfriend is going to be cosplaying as Hilda at our next con. Is this what I'm gonna have to deal with?

>> No.7348815

Probably. I mean, I wasn't really shocked that she got creepers at a con since she's an attractive woman surrounded by nerds, but the guy being kinda overt like that was weird as hell. Especially since he was like 40 or 50

>> No.7348912

I'm honestly surprised by how many people genuinely believe that every convention they go to is going to be like the San Diego Comic Con. That and that people assume cosplay is required.

>> No.7349001
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Wakfu is a prime example of this

>> No.7349409
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When everyone thinks you are cosplaying someone else and keeps making the same mistake.

> Cosplaying as Willy Wonka
> People run up to me all day "ARE YOU THE MAD HATTER?
> All...fucking...day...
> mfw

>> No.7349426

>wearing a hawaiian shirt at a con
>someone asks me if I'm Ace Ventura
>another person asks if I'm Frank West

>> No.7349459

> Wears shitty costume

>> No.7349481

I think the second anon was just wearing a hawaiian shirt to a con as regular clothing. Which is gross, but not a shitty costume

>> No.7349541

>Be in the lolita fashion show at Katsu
>Girls planning it have everything squared away weeks ahead of time
>Katsu, on the other hand, didn't give any confirmation that they got a slot for the show until a week or so ago
>We got in
>For twelve o'clock
>They scheduled a fucking fashion show at midnight on Saturday
What the hell were they thinking? Were they thinking?
I swear, the schedules and confirmations get released later and later every year.

>> No.7350056

I am very sorry that they would do that to you.

This year, they dragged their asses about an event that THEY organize themselves: The Model Kit Contest.
>announced only about a week ago
>if this is the first you heard of it, only about 3 weeks of time to build something if you don't have something already
>emailed them 2-3 months back, asking if they were going to do one
>still haven't heard a response (not that it matters anymore)

I've got a entry ready to go, but based on how long it took them to get an announcement out? I bet there won't be a ton of entries.

>> No.7350440

>cosplay Osiris
>most people think I'm Black Adam
>which is understandable
>people still call me Shazam
>one group of normals think I'm a Power Ranger
Dude was really excited to see me though.

>> No.7350463

I'll come to the fashion show, anon <3

I'll probably be in casual/otome, because midnight is too fucking late to still have my cosplay on.

>> No.7350467

I was planning on going to the fashion show, in EGA but I might be far too tired for that. I will see though!

>> No.7351215

This happened to me the first time I cosplayed. I was looking at some vendor's stall when this girl tackled me from behind squealing my character's name and then she ran off afterwards. I nearly fell into the stall. Seriously not cool.

>> No.7351218

I've noticed with a lot of these cosplayers they're usually scarce during the day because they're either doing private shoots in quiet parts of the con or they're in the marshalling area backstage for a cosplay comp.

>> No.7351220

Some people just go insane the moment they put on a costume and enter a con, I swear. One cosplayer threatened to bash my head in by pinning me from behind and whispering it into my ear just because the character I was cosplaying was a frenemy of theirs'.

>> No.7351296

People who think that because it's a con, they can just abandon all social common sense at the door.

>"why did you run up to me and hug me without permission? Why did you scream in my ear?"
>"because it's a con! You should expect weird stuff at a con or just leave!"

>> No.7351559

Every time I read these threads it makes me want to go to a con, just so I can see these people (the crazies, not regular con-goers/cosplayers/etc.) for myself. Are there certain cosplays that tend to attract the wrong sort of attention?

>> No.7351702

Some of the nonsense and tom-foolery is rather endearing. However, when it steps over the line into harassment, then you got a problem on your hands.

Even with my less than positive experiences, I've got some great stories to tell (a few of em made it into this thread already).

>> No.7356309
