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7328162 No.7328162[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

New skincare thread!
Have any tips? Let's share them all here!

Recently, I've had an awful breakout of adult acne, causing my face to be covered with tiny bumps and blackheads. No matter what I do, my regular skincare routine isn't taking care of it like it usually does, and it's making me feel so awful I don't even want to go out in public. My makeup looks horrible because from my skin is drying out and becoming flaky from using harsh acne treatments. I'm thinking of going out an trying to purchase some Bio-Oil and Tea Tree Oil to try and soothe and fix it, but does anyone have any suggestions?
I'm desperate!

>> No.7328170

From the makeup thread. I suggest everyone read it.

>> No.7328173

Bio-Oil is comedogenic. Ask a doctor.

>> No.7328182

I totally understand this and usually try to keep my routine to a minimum. It's probably a lot less than other seagulls!

I do also visit to a dermatologist about once a year, but somehow just before my appointment all my acne and issues clear up and the doctor always ends up thinking I'm just paranoid and that theres nothing wrong with my skin. :(

I just can't win, can I?

>> No.7328196

Stopping dairies actually helped improving my skin a lot, it's less oily and actual spots are getting rarer and rarer.

Now I'll try to stop sweet things except fruits. Maybe it'll also improve it a little

>> No.7328204

I'm stopping dairy other than a tiny bit of skim milk in my tea about twice and week and yogurt/greek yogurt. Other than that, I'm cutting out all processed foods and things that come from boxes, so hopefully that will help... ;_;

>> No.7328212

I use Tea Tree Oil and then almond oil as a moisturizer every night after I shower.

Since I started using tea tree oil and stopped using normal lotion my skin has gotten like a zillion times better. I only get zits occasionally now when I'm stressed/right before my period.

I used to slather myself in lotion, I also used to have really bad eczema ad dry skin. Since I switched to plain, food-grade almond oil, my eczema has cleared up and the skin on my face looks better [I'm young, but I already had some little fine wrinkles and almost all of them have gone away!].

I don't know if this would work for everyone, as I have special issues because I took Accutane [which is what gave me the eczema, and also I can't sweat anymore. My sweat glands operate at about 40% of a normal person's and I'm extremely susceptible to heat stroke].

>> No.7328226

Don't use Bio-oil on your face. It's good for scars (it does work, at least for me, and I had deep, dark as shit SI scars), but all the fragrances and stuff in it is not something you want on your face. With skincare, you want simple while you're still experimenting. Find a wash that works for you, exfoliate maybe once a week (I use crystallised honey), moisturise. When you have something down that really gets it done, then you can start adding in other things, that way if you start to break out again, you know what it is causing the problem, and you only have to remove that, instead of revamping your entire routine trying to find the root of the problem.
After I got something down that cleared up my skin, I added a few facial and eye oils, and serums. In the morning after washing my face, I spritz with a pH balancing toner, put a few drops of Boscia Tsubaki oil on my face, then a moisturiser with some SPF, followed by an eye cream. At night, exfoliate if I need it, wash my face with an oil cleanser, serum, then night time moisturiser (something without SPF), and argan oil under my eyes, since it gets into my eyes if I use it when I plan on staying awake.
I was skeptical at first, but now I swear by oils. The Tsubaki Oil has made my skin so soft and glowing, for lack of a better word, and the argan oil seriously gets rid of undereye circles, and darkness I got from working overnight. It sounds like a lot, but it only takes about five minutes out of my day. I spend more time doing my hair, and my head is shaved.

>> No.7328232

For my skin, I had to stop using anything heavily perfumed or foamy. Most of those soaps wrecked my skin, it always looked dull and dry and ugh.

My current routine is pretty basic. I use Pond's cold cream as a make-up remover, cleanser, and deep-cleanser. Daily, I use a soft washcloth in the shower to gently wash off the cold cream and then rinse.

At night, I have two options that I rotate by need:
A retinol cream (Nuetrogena) to help with exfoliating, or a basic moisturizer (Aveeno works for me).

I typically use a garnier BB cream during the day--it hasn't yet messed with my skin, but its got SPF and keeps it from drying out during the day!

Once a week, maybe twice if necessary, I have a grapeseed peel-off mask I use. (Then a quick rinse with pond's and water).

I keep a spot treatment on hand from sephora and it works great.

All of my acne as more-or-less gone away, my skin glows, and it even feels better. However, products vary per person and I suggest either doing extensive research or seeing a dermatologist/esthetician for their guidance.
What works for me may not work for you.

Oh, but I did start drinking 74oz water/day and it's REALLY helped. Try that, too.

>> No.7328790

Could anyone suggest a washing up liquid that doesn't dry out the hands so much, preferably a brand available in the UK? Or maybe a moisturiser that could combat it. I've tried Neutrogena and Nivea's creams for normal and dry skin but they're not that effective for me. I'm also open to ideas for washing up gloves but I typically don't use them because I don't feel I can wash as well with them.

>> No.7331380

I am doing a diet for autoimmunity and it is working very well. I have honestly never had anything work this good.

Feel kind of awkward posting a link to my blog but check it out, I took some progress pictures:

>> No.7331383

The exact thing happens with my skin right before i see a Dr, my god its infuriating. I now take pictures of my skin to take along.

>> No.7331388

Despite the source, I recommend reddit's skincareaddiction sub. Science-oriented and heavily cited, it's been working out well for me.

>> No.7331701

One of my clients is a makeup artist and her skin is FLAWLESS.
She told me to take care of my skin before using any makeup.
She also gave me her routine
>panoxyl face wash
>mint alcohol [wipe face w/ cotton pad]
>hydrocortisone cream [will reduce redness]
>Neosporin [will heal and fight bacteria]

I've been doing this morning and night routine and I can tell my skin's smoother but still a bit red.

>> No.7331716

just use vaseline. you can get a tub of it for a couple of bucks and it lasts a long time. not even half through my baby one and it's been a year or so, i use it on the backs of my hands, they get dry when i wash them.
>tfw mom has psoriasis

>> No.7331721

she cant really blame others for that though? she fucked up her face on her own. it's kind of common sense not to use all your stuff daily/test it on your skin/give your skin a break.

>> No.7331726

She said she tested everything but using it everyday and a few times isn't the same. I kind of agree.

>> No.7331727

One thing that irritates me is when people say "but it's backed up by SCIENCE" and then continue to explain how something works by using arguments they found on an internet beauty blog or forum.

>> No.7331728

Neosporin sounds like a terrible idea.
It contains Petroleum jelly. Which is normally suppose to be avoided if you've got really fucked up skin.

>> No.7331730

i mean i do feel bad for her to some extent, but come on.

>> No.7331732

Gonna add to this person's thing.
For some reason not matter what I use nothing seems to work. Decided to try and revert back to just washing my face twice a day with warm/hot water and cold. So far it's been better than most other things I've used. Granted I've got some really weird skin that seems to hate everthing.

>> No.7331740
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Well yeah, but I understand where she's coming from. If she was stupid, she is probably saying that so others don't make the same mistake. I don't really like the "it's none of my business" mentality some seagulls have, we have all done stupid things and doing something stupid just because someone tells you or shames you into doing it is something we've all done before ("what do you mean you don't do x? everyone should do x, you're so stupid!!"), me especially. It's really childish to act like a tough matron about it, imo. Some people don't see a, say, moisturizer as something that could harm your skin (it's marketed as something helping you, after all) so they use it anyway and that's why we have product disclaimers in the first place, just in case.

I feel really bad about what happened to her, and it's good that she realized where she was wrong. I just don't see a point in pointing fingers and laughing now when the milk is spoilt.

Here in NZ, in my school we were taught some of these things in health class, so it's easy to go "well golly, that's common sense" when you listen to those warnings all the time. But at the same time I have friends who don't give a shit about beauty and face care products so they don't know shit.
Sorry for the novel, it just irks me when people on an internet forum try to be a tough guy for no reason.

>> No.7331748

Question: I have very little money and live in Eastern Europe where most US brands aren't well recognized. I can't afford pharmacy brands.
Is there any gentle product that I don't have to order online and look for in the depths of Mount Doom or something? Sorry for the hard question, I tried googling but surprise surprise it turns out nothing.

>> No.7331867

What exactly are you looking for? If you want to try oil cleansing, you can use extra virgin olive oil as a makeup remover and cleanser, and possibly as a moisturizer if you really want to. For a toner you can buy rice, put it in a bowl, add water, and bottle the cloudy rice water for a toner. If you can't afford ski care products, google homemade ski care for cheap DIY ideas.

>> No.7331880

Oh, sweet, I soak my rice in water anyway before I cook it. I only ever learned not to waste it and give it to the plants.

>> No.7331883

Have you tried cold cream? It is a cream cleanser that has been used for thousands of years (it was invented in the second century in Greece by a physician named Galen, and it's still called Galen's wax in France). The recipe is so old that a regular pharmacy in Europe should have jars in stock for cheap (and maybe even better than in the US; Pond's changed their formula to be not the basic 5 ingredients).

It is important to know how to use cold cream! Read below! It doesn't foam or rinse off like modern cleansers!

How to use cold cream: take a small amount (a dollop on your finger), and massage it into your face and neck. Soak a washcloth in warm water, and use it to wipe off the cold cream. There will be a thin film of cold cream left on your skin. Some people wash this layer off, but other people (including myself) leave it on for its moisturizing properties.

Cold cream works well in removing stubborn makeup. If you use it to cleanse right before applying foundation, too, breakouts will be less likely to occur afterwards. (There are probably more uses for cold cream that I don't know of, that our grandparents would know. You may want to ask them if they know other ways of using it.)

>> No.7331926
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hey cgl... I really need help. ive had an unexplained breakout of dryness all over my face. its not just simple patches, it evolves into scabs on some days, it leaks gross clear liquid and itches like hell. I changed all my face products, detergent , etc. but it hasnt gone away. the doctors dont know what it is... so anyone have the same problem ( its only in my face and neck. if you can, since con season is arriving again, suggest some good products to help cover dryness? Im not sure if it will show up in this (really unflattering) pic, but its the best I got

>> No.7331938

sounds like seborrhoic eczema. I have it. It's annoying as fuck but can easily be treated with pimecrolimus ointment and vitamin b supplements

>> No.7331948

I had VERY bad acne for about a year, and nothing was fixing it. I had put neosporin on my face to try and avoid anything getting infected or yucky (my acne was pretty disgusting and my skin peeled a lot). In about a month my skin was looking a LOT better, I had some spots left, but my skin stopped peeling and I only had about 2 or 3 actual pimples. I'm actually kind of upset because when I ran out I decided to see what would happen if I stopped and my acne, while less severe, is back. I'm picking up more neosporin today.

>> No.7331950


>> No.7331953

I should mention my dermatologist had be on two different acne medications, too. They didn't do anything but make my skin even drier. (But I also kept using them while I was using the neosporin. I don't know if that had an effect, too, but I figured I should mention it.)

>> No.7332005

i strictly use fragrance and alcohol free face wash because my skin is too fucking sensitive for anything else. As for after-wash skincare, only moisturizer for me. eye cream never works/destroys the skin around my eyes. That makes my eyes look legit like raccoon eyes and being a night owl really helps too

>> No.7332024

I'll see if I can find some. So far, people on skincareaddiction have been raving about it and it seems to break some people out, but I'll see what it does for me.

Is the big tub of blue Nivea cream related to it in any way? I've been using a moisturizer that burns my cheeks when they're chapped, but the Nivea cream doesn't burn at all and feels really nice, it's just incredibly greasy. I only use it for my dry cheeks, however, and I don't know if it moisturizes well or anything, I'm really new to this skincare routine thing since my skin was always okay.

Last question, I'm sorry: even when my moisturizer doesn't burn and skin isn't chapped, I noticed these little acne-like red uneven bumps on my cheeks and as if the skin is thicker near the nose. What am I doing wrong? It was there before and I changed moisturizers but it won't go away.

>> No.7332586
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I personally have not tried the Nivea creme. But the original Nivea creme in the tin is supposed to be the go-to for cold cream in Europe (just like Pond's in the US).

I just checked Nivea in a US supermarket and pharmacy and saw they were in flat, screw-top jars (but the top also says Nivea creme, just like the tin). I am assuming this is what you have, and I think it's safe to say that you have the cold cream.

If it feels overly greasy, try letting the cream sit on your face a little longer (or massage longer, for maybe 10 seconds more). Try having the washcloth at a higher temperature, so that the oil melts into the cloth more easily. And don't be afraid to rinse the cloth with hot water and re-wiping! I do that whenever the first wipe leaves a too greasy feel for me.

>> No.7332609

Jojoba oil is non-comedogenic. It won't clog your pores and mimics your skin's sebum. I have oily skin and I use it to moisturize my face.

>> No.7332612


Oh, I forgot to answer your last question: if you're using cold cream and moisturizer at the same time, try skipping the moisturizer for a while. Many people find that if they use cold cream, the thin film left over is moisturizing enough, and adding a further layer of moisturizer after that overloads the skin.

If after a while you're using the cold cream correctly and no moisturizer, and you're STILL getting the bumps, it might be that your skin is reacting to the cold cream itself. Not everyone's skin is suited for cold cream (even if they use it properly). And some people react well to some cold creams but not others, due to slight differences in formula. Everyone's skin is different, so what works for some people may not work for others.

Good luck!

>> No.7332875

I second anon's question. I have brown skin and My face is so burnt up, it looks like toasted bread, blech!

>> No.7332907

Alright. I know I can't be the only one here with mad facial hair, what do you do to get rid of it? I've stopped shaving and started waxing mine, it hurts way less than my eyebrows because I have thick fucking ropes for hair on my eyebrows, and I have a salon quality wax warmer so I can touch it up whenever I want.

it seems to grow back a little less "stubbly" than when I shave it, and my makeup application has improved because of this, but I can't help but feel like there's a better way.

Fuck my ancestry. Fuck. It'd be fine if it wasn't so dark, but no.

>> No.7332923

i live in a very arid climate, so my battle with my skin has always been dryness. my face is most affected in the T-zone, since keeping it clean tends to overdry it compared to the rest of my face. i'll smooth a little dab of vaseline on affected areas after washing my face, and any dryness/peeling has all but stopped. (less is more, but it is safe to use on your skin. i've heard that actors use it under their makeup sometimes to combat the hot lights on set or stage.)

use a little bit of neosporin on areas you have spots as you would any other ance cream or ointment. especially if you've picked at your face. i wouldn't recommend using it more often than needed, because it is anti-bacterial after all.

>> No.7333048
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I'm a dude and I use LUSH for my face once every day or two, depending on how much I'm sweating/working. I keep an eye on the skin if it gets too dry and use moisturizer, but with me face being the clearest it's been since being a kid was looking to see what people recommend for repairing the skin ? Or just maintenance on getting rid of blackheads or something. Might just buy something off of LUSH that works for that cuz they seem to work.

I give you chicks props. Keeping clear skin while drowning in make-up sounds like a complete bitch.

>> No.7333320

I usually get acne on my forehead, but I've noticed lately that the pores on the sides of my nose are suddenly HUGE and plugged with what looks like sebum? There's no bump to squeeze, and nose strips/ exfoliation isn't helping, but there's definitely a tiny white dot that almost looks like dry skin in the center of each pore (and there are lots of those). How do I get rid of these or unclog them somehow?

>> No.7333341

What are you meant to do skincare wise? I cleanse my skin daily using oatmeal, tone with a green tea and apple cider mix and then moisturise with coconut oil. I do this twice daily (I only use the oatmeal once a day), is this going to damage it, or is it different if you're using more natural products?

Also, how badly does using BB cream daily affect your skin?

>> No.7333345
File: 11 KB, 280x280, Removing-blackhead.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Use pic related affter your bath to remove those plugs.

>> No.7333360

Have you tried threading? It's less damaging that waxing but it also takes ages and hurts quite a bit. I had it done and I loved it but my hair just grows back so fast URGGHH.

Anyone else here have their body hair grow back super fast? Like after waxing it'll be back as stubble in 6 days and at full length in 2 weeks. I gave up shaving because I had to do it every day. I fucking love lolita,

Lush is pretty overpriced, if nothing's wrong don't fix it. Stick with your routine, maybe moisturize once a day. Washing your face gently every day keeps blackheads and acne away, and don't touch your face with your hands during the day. DON'T exfoliate like crazy since most men geared skincare promotes it because apparently it's 'tough' and 'manly' to scrape away the top layer of your skin every day. Baking soda is great for preventing and removing blackheads, just a teaspoon and rub gently with warm water every week or so and the chemical reaction forces the grease and oils out of your pores.

>> No.7333363

>>hydrocortisone cream [will reduce redness]

That thins your skin. It's usually prescribed for eczema, but with a warning not to use it longer than a week.

>> No.7333368

you need a beta hydroxy acid BHA wash/serum. the product has to be a certain pH. look up gossmakeupartist on youtube. he helped me tons with my skin problems.

>> No.7333378

I have that problem.

But now I'm investing lot on money on laser treatment...
Thankfulyy I have a fair skin and black hairs so it's supposed to work really well on me.

>> No.7333677

I'm the anon that put neosporin on their face and it helped with their acne, I used it every night and put a thin layer over the entirety of my face. I never noticed any ill-effects, and while it took a month to clear up my acne a bunch, I continued using it for several months still with no ill effects.

>> No.7333709

Thanks for the advice! The bumps don't look red anymore after I stopped with my old moisturizer. Now they just feel uneven under my fingertips, and they\ve been there even before I started using the Nivea cream. Hopefully they go away soon, otherwise I'll order those St Ives pads to exfoliate with! Thanks for all your help, you really answered a lot of my questions!

>> No.7333713

BB cream isn't as bad as plain makeup since it should moisturize your face as well. Don't cleanse more than once daily, just use water in the morning. Switch to a gentle cleanser, oatmeal is way too harsh on the skin and chemical exfoliators are better than physical ones. Coconut oil is comedogenic, switch to a gentle moisturizer (CeraVe in a tub, for example) and seal with Vaseline.

>> No.7334639

I'm too poor to afford to buy anything new, and I have a tub of coconut oil that'll last a year. I've used it for a year almost daily and I've yet I have a pimple (I've never had one before, oddly, but my skin is always dry without using moisturiser so). Does that mean it's ok to use, or is this something that builds up over a long period of time and messes you up?

What's a good homemade cleanser I could use? I'd buy products if I could, but my budget is really tight to the point I have to carefully plan the food I eat, so that isn't an option.

>> No.7336810

Does teeth count?
I'm looking for a mouthwash that whitens. I don't want to buy one and find out it tastes awful or is just ineffective. Any recommendations?

>> No.7336894
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By doctors, do you mean, *not* a dermatologist?

I went to my regular doctor for something similar to pic related, and she told me it was a yeast infection... It wasn't. My dermatologist took one look at it and knew exactly what it was.

What you are describing is what happens to my hands when I dare to use soap. I have to put either Aquaphor or 'Aveeno eczema therapy' on it anytime I get my hands wet. I don't think you can use Aveeno on the face though.

If you did see a dermatologist, then seriously find a new one. I wouldn't try any products until you get someone who can diagnose it to look at it. Also get an allergy test while you are there so you can know what you need to avoid from now on.

>> No.7336903

Lemon juice and water. It doesn't work for everyone, but it's a pretty basic remedy that people have used as a cleanser. It lightens scars and the acidic properties of lemon clear out bacteria in the face. Adding sugar to the mix and creating a paste works as an exfoliate.

>> No.7336927

I've been using Colgate Optic for a few days now and it works great, both toothpaste and mouthwash. I used to use the Crest shit, but fuck that now. The amount of fluoride used is less, so the taste shouldn't make you gag or anything.

>> No.7336938

I struggled with really bad acne and blackheads for years, as I have very oily skin. My blackheads were so deep that nothing got them out of my face, not even prescription cream or those blackhead tools.


I found this at my Asian supermarket a few months ago and it's cleared my blackheads up completely. I've used shit that cost me $80 and it did nothing, but this is less than $10 and it works.

>> No.7336962


Just leaving this here, might be a good idea to check out.

>> No.7336986

Not the OP. This is interesting. I remember asking my gynecologist about my adult acne since I had some issues with polycystic ovaries (not as severe) thinking there was a connection.
She told me to try staying away from sugar for a while and I do have a sweet-tooth.

Is it possible to get an allergy test for triggers or is opting out certain foods to identify the problem the only way?

>> No.7336989

>Anyone else here have their body hair grow back super fast? Like after waxing it'll be back as stubble in 6 days and at full length in 2 weeks.

2-3 days here -- on my chin and my abdomen. But I've tried threading on my eyebrows and they last about 2 weeks

>> No.7336997


I think I would literally cut off my own face before doing an AIP diet, my god.

>> No.7337001

i have the stubble issue.....shave and i have stubble by the end of the same day. i fucking hate it. unless i have a con or a special event coming up, i just don't bother shaving my legs.

holy shit i am totally trying that stuff. i wear glasses, so the pores on the sides of my nose get crazy clogged and nothing makes them look better.

>> No.7337050

Dude, I SWEAR by it. These fuckers were so deep in my face and my own derma couldn't give me anything strong enough. I have gone through like, twelve skincare lines since I was thirteen and my face is finally cleared up at 22. It's harsh if used daily and I learned that the hard way, so only use it every other day. Using harsh exfoliates daily can cause pre-mature age lines in your face.

>> No.7337074
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If anyone here is struggling with dark circles, I'd like to recommend a few products that I have used for quiet some time that have done me justice. I apologize ahead of time if some seem pricey, but these are what have worked for me upon testing.

Clinique's Even Better Eyes Dark Circle Corrector. It has to be used twice a day, morning and night. I saw my first results in two weeks and after three months, I saw the full effect of MUCH lighter dark circles. The tube looks tiny, but I made it last from August to December and am now on my second tube. It's my favorite, by far.

The Body Shop's Vitamin E Eye Cream. This is also great for dark circles, as it's helped lighten the little remaining that I have. It's a cheaper option than Clinique for those who can't do $40. It's fantastic. I even got curious after reading about vitamin E's ability to lighten scars and used it on some acne scars. They're gone!

>> No.7337087

Even though it isn't for dark circles, I'd like to continue from my above post, and recommend jojoba oil to anyone looking for moisturizing without feeling greasy or clogging your pores. This oil is non-comedogenic, meaning that it won't clog your pores up if you use it on your face. You can also use it on your hands, nails, and in your hair. I've got a bottle and I've been experimenting with it for two weeks now. This is coming from the person who had terribly oily skin, break outs, and blackheads up until last year.

>> No.7337109

What kind of skin do you have, Anon? I've had gross blackheads all over my nose for as long as I can remember, and NOTHING has cleared them up, but I'm really interested in trying this.

>> No.7337116

> very oily skin

Oops, nevermind. Polite sage for too tired to function.

>> No.7337145

A few months ago I switched the products I was using on my face and it made a massive difference. I completely dropped using Neutrogena products because they were making my breakouts worse and their sensitive moisturizer made my skin sting. Instead I switched to Clear Days Ahead by Philosophy for face wash, Olay's sensitive skin moisturizer and a tube of Zapzyt for the occasional pimple. I rarely ever get acne anymore, but I did notice my forehead gets oily when I'm at work so I'll need something for that.

Also does anyone have recs for Lush products? I live near two of their stores and have been thinking about picking up some bodywash or some toner for my face to deal with the oil problem.

>> No.7337153

Their charcoal soap for the face is good, but that's for acne/oily skin. Their sea salt exfoliate is also a real winner.

As for miscellaneous products by them, their honey soap, snow fairy body wash, and bubblegum lip scrub.

>> No.7337162

Very oily and a formerly oily scalp.

The nose blackheads, in my experience, are the hardest to remove. That charcoal wash removed the ones from my cheeks in a few days to a week. The wash takes a little longer for the nose area, I'd say about two weeks depending on how deep yours are and how long they've been there. I had mine since I was a teen, the impossible fuckers.

>> No.7337198
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Same Anon who has been giving advice for the past couple of posts for face stuff.

I'd also like to add a post for those on a budget who are in need of a cleanser that is both effective and inexpensive. At my Asian supermarket, these run about $5 to 7 per bottle. The maker of the product is Kracie and the product itself is called Naive. They clean A LOT deeper than American based drugstore cleansers that I've picked up over the years. There are several kinds, so let me just help you out for those of you who can't understand Japanese.

The peach one is noted to be for all skin types. I, myself, have very oily skin and have used this one for over a month now. It hasn't caused any problems or breakouts.

The aloe one is for sensitive skin.

There's a white rose one for moisture and whitening. It's also for all skin types, but works best on drier skins.

The green tea one is best for oily and acne prone skins.

The pomegranate one is for all skin types, but best used on skin that is mature or experiencing first signs of aging.

There are other washes from this line, but my store doesn't carry them. Ones like the rose or lily are for moisture, as roses are known for their purpose in cosmetics as a moisturizing agent.

>> No.7337200

glasses anon again...did you have to extract your blckheads or did the charcoal wash just dry them up? every blackhead oriented wash i've tried still needed to be supplemented with extraction, which is why i'm asking. i've had them on my nose and upper cheeks forEVER.

>> No.7337207

Thanks so much, anon

>> No.7337212

the lush moisturizers are great. if you want to try before you buy, they'll put some in a little pot to take home and test out. i like gorgeous, which is $$$$$$$ but feels great. (they used to make a great one with an SPF but it's discontinued since the FDA was insisting it be tested on animals first and lush is totally against animal testing)

more generally, i love their christmas stuff, so i stock up on bath bombs and soap during the holidays,

>> No.7337213

Glad this thread was made as I have blackhead problems like a few people in this thread. I found what >>7336938 posted for $2.23 on Rakuten so that might be a good future purchase but I was wondering if anyone had any other good suggestions or tips?
My nose is just covered with them but they're not bumpy so I am guessing I need to learn how to bring them out. I am going to make an order at Sasa so I was thinking of buying some pore strips or removers so any suggestions would be great.

>> No.7337217
File: 42 KB, 700x700, softymo-mineral-wash-pink_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My friend just came back from Japan and brought me some awesome new makeup and face products. I haven't used them yet but one thing I got was Softymo Mineral Wash, and I was wondering if anyone had any experience with Softymo or this wash in particular. I have combination skin so I don't want it to break out with the new wash.

Thanks in advanced.

>> No.7337218

I never extracted them with this wash. I used this before my cleanser in the shower and then carried on with my usual skincare routine of toner, moisturizer, etc. The charcoal wash itself has hard bits in it that exfoliate your face deeply.

If this doesn't work, you could always try LUSH's sea salt exfoliate. Prior to the charcoal wash, my exfoliates left my face feeling "refreshed", but never actually cleared anything out of my pores. Not Clinique. Not Body Shop. And, I typically only buy mall or department store brands.

>> No.7337231

That line has three different mineral washes. If she did get the one in your picture, it's for dry skins. The brand is hit or miss. It works for some and for some it doesn't.

>> No.7337340
File: 438 KB, 1320x899, Nutriganics.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same Anon continuing.

If anyone is in their early twenties and experiencing their very first signs of aging, I'd also like to recommend this line along with the Drops of Youth by The Body Shop. I switched from Clinique's anti-aging night antioxidant cream to the night serum from this line and it's so much better. No greasy feeling. No overly-oily sensation when I first wake up, either. The entire line is designed for young women who are experiencing their first fine lines and wrinkles. I highly recommend it due to the organic yet effective nature of the products as well as it's ability to moisturize without making the skin feel weighed down. Many anti-aging products or de-aging are designed for older women who already have the issues they should have prevented long ago, which is why they often may not work on younger women's skin.

I love the night serum so much. My face is so smooth after I apply it over the dried Drops of Youth serum.

>> No.7337621


>> No.7338352

Thanks so much! I might get the toothpaste too since mine isn't the whitening kind.

>> No.7338358

The Body Shop! Finally something I have in my shitty country, thanks anon!

>> No.7338368

To add onto this, the premature aging is preventable if you wear quality sunscreen that blocks UVA. La Roche-Posay makes some good ones that do.

>> No.7338376

I'd cut my arm off if I had to stop enjoying food like that.
>"But you don't, you can have fuuun with a crazy restrictive diet too! xD Just look at these yummy snacks, just like junk food, am I right?"
Fuck no, if I go abroad and have to order water in a restaurant and not live a normal-ass life because of an acne diet, just bring me cyanide.

>> No.7338413

You can use Aveeno on your face if it's bad. I used to work in a boots in the uk here, and aside from pharmacy items, Aveeno oil/lotion/cream was the only thing that worked for people with eczema or dry skin.

Even for some people it was better than the pharmacy stuff, (which you can often get without a perscription, but you it's just not sold as a retail item, you have to ask for it from the pharmacy).

Lots of people here say go see a doctor, which for some people is intimidating or expensive. If you don't want to see a doctor, then at the very least speak to a pharmacist about your skin problems. They will help you find something that can help, or if they can't help they will tell you if you need to see a doctor. They won't charge, and they don't mind being asked - it's their job.

>> No.7338422

sorry I meant to say


>> No.7338492

Honestly, I've had problem skin my whole life. I used retin-A when I was in high school, before Accutane even existed, and it helped, but it dried me out so badly, I had to counter with moisturizers that aggravated the acne problem further.

As I got older and my hormones stopped raging so hard, the problem lessened, but I still had to use Neutrogena face wash and that Clearasil spot cream every day to keep things in check.

Fast forward to 6 months ago, a friend tells me she read somewhere that using extra virgin coconut oil mixed with baking soda works just as well as any face wash. I decided to go cold turkey with all my other products, and it worked like a freaking charm. I only use "moisturizer" now for the SPF value.

Learning not to touch my face was also super helpful, fwiw.

>> No.7338501

Not touching my face is my biggest problem, ugh. My skin would look so much better if I didn't pick at it, but I've somehow got this "if I squeeze the bad stuff out, the pimple will go away" mentality, which only leads to scabbing and huge red blotches. I know it's bad, but I have such a hard time just leaving my skin the hell alone.

>> No.7338518

If you don't have an IgE reaction - i.e. an allergy rather than an intolerance - the only way is to stop eating whatever it is and see what happens. If you also have hormonal issues you may have to remove the food for a couple of months to see if your usual hormonal variations are in fact related or not.

>> No.7338522

baking soda is NOT GOOD for your face

refer to:


>> No.7338528

She doesn't look like she's qualified to tell us anything with that face.

>> No.7338561

Works just fine for me, anon. My face is as clear as can be. No drying issues, no problems whatsoever, and I've been using nothing but baking soda mixed with coconut oil for 6 months, like I said.

Not everyone's skin is the same though, so its absolutely possible my regimen will not work for everyone- its always good to have all the information before making a major change.

>> No.7338562

You aren't alone, anon. I've always been a compulsive skin picker in regards to pimples and blackheads. I just can't leave them alone. It sounds weird, but it feels so satisfying to get all the gunk out of my face, no matter how bad it may be to pop them.

>> No.7338574

shes a trained esthetician


baking soda is "recommended" as an exfoliator, except for the problem that it's alkaline. There are better alternative exfoliators that won't cause lifetime damage to your skin.
It's most likely the coconut oil that is helping you.

>> No.7338575

Birth control was the biggest life-saver for me and this. I was a notorious and terrible picker. Now I don't get any satisfying blackheads or pimples and my skin cleared the fuck up. I might get something small around that time of month, but that's it. My biggest problem is oils. I'm always using blotting paper and powder, and it's really flaky around my eyebrows and jawline.

>> No.7338585

Chemical exfoliators are better and less harsh than physical ones, of which AHAs are the gentlest.
Paula's Choice has a lot of chemical exfoliators at different strengths, and St Ives has exfoliating no-scrub pads with 5% lactic acid.
If you wanna know if a moisturizer/cleanser is harsh, comedogenic or irritating, run it through cosDNA (website).

>> No.7338598

Maybe so, man. Maybe when I'm done with this batch, ill eschew the baking soda and just do the coconut oil.

>> No.7338988

How are you meant to care for your neck? I know you're meant to moisturise it, but are you also meant to cleanse, tone, exfoliate and apply mask to it?

>> No.7339017

I personally don't do all that, I usually use some face wash on it once a day in the shower with moisturizer afterwards. Otherwise than that, my neck seems to take care of itself. I just make sure to get under my chin and jaw a bit when toning and exfoliating it.

>> No.7339028

Could it be your moisturizer or face wash? I was having a lot of problems with super patchy, oily skin, and after playing around with my cleanser and moisturizer, I found a routine that helped keep the excess oil levels down.

>> No.7339177

Sunscreen doesn't prevent premature aging caused by things such as genetics or stress.

>> No.7339191

First off everyone is different.

The poster from the make-up thread sounds like they found what works for them, but sounds like they are far from a professional.

I'm a young adult(24) and have breakouts as well so I feel your pain. For myself I find my breakouts have a lot to do with what I eat. If I'm eating too much sugar, dairy, fastfood, etc, I can see it right on my face.

This isn't even including the week before aunt flo visit breakouts on my face.

Go to a dermatologist. See whats up before hitting up the web & trying weird shit on your face. Find what works for you.

>> No.7339807
File: 61 KB, 488x382, Vermonts-Bag-Balm1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If anyone needs a balm for diaper rashes, eczema, Psoriasis of any kind, or really dry skin, I highly recommend bag balm. It was invented to help cows and horses, but it's come a long way since then and is used by many for scratches, irritation, dry skin, etc. It's useful for babies, livestock, and even household pets. I've used it for my lips when all of my local stores were sold out of Burt's Bees or Eos and it was so moisturizing and so comfortable. Different sizes run different prices, but it's under $20 and the tin that it comes in is HUGE. It will last you a while.

>> No.7339822

It's also pretty handy if you're sick of losing lip balm tubes all of the time, since they can be small enough to misplace so easily. I have a tin and I've barely made a dent in it despite having had it for over a year.

>> No.7339834
File: 309 KB, 657x595, 1391148906704.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd also like to leave a review for the Yes to Tomatoes organic skincare line. The makers of this line specialize in organics and there are three other lines (as pictured) to choose from, but I only have experience with the tomato line. The others, however, may be a possible option for some of you if you are interested in doing some experimenting on your own.

The wipes from the tomato line are awesome. I use them when my face feels oily during the summer and doesn't exactly need a washing, but a quick excess oil remover. They're also safe for eyelids and good for removing your make up at the end of the day.

Another product from the line that I have used is their tomato mask. It may just be my skin, but it stung a little when I first applied it. It wasn't a painful sting or irritation, but a tingly sting that may have just been my skin or caused by the mask itself since tomatoes have a high acidic content to them. You need to apply it fast and evenly, because it dries quickly. After washing it off, my face felt really smooth and was free of shine.
As for their face wash, it left my face feeling smooth and clean. The smell for this line may be a little strong for some people, but I do recommend it for people with oily/acne prone skin who want something organic.

>> No.7339845

Does anybody else here have dermatillomania? It's a form of OCD where you pick at your skin, it can be so severe that you make yourself bleed and it can occasionally even lead to permanent scarring. I've picked at my pimples and squeezed at my blackheads for about 10 years now and I just recently realized that I do it often enough that it would probably be considered dermatillomania. I feel like I had a moment of realization a few weeks ago as I was photoshopping out the scabs on my face when I realized how bad I've gotten. Does anybody else on /cgl/ struggle with this problem? And if so, what do you do to avoid picking at your face?

>> No.7340328

I struggle with my nails. So I just try to keep them painted as much as possible.

Maybe you can come up with something like that with spots?

>> No.7340355

Yeah, after your everyday skin care routine put on makeup and voila.

>> No.7340357

Well, nothing helps that, of course. Just prevent what you can is my point.

>> No.7340366

Oh dear, the paraben/SLS-free bandwagon keeps on rolling.
I don't even know if that many people are sensitive to them. I can't tolerate Cetearyl Alcohol (palm alcohol) yet 90% of the moisturizers or cleansers on the market have it because it hasn't become trendy to be allergic to it.
The whole hoopla is just a scare tactic to get all the goyim to buy more of their overpriced organic vegan products that usually do more harm than good (walnut shell exfoliator, anyone?), but ignoramuses keep buying them because "I can't tolerate evil chemicals! The industry is trying to poison us!" bull. shit.

>> No.7340388
File: 299 KB, 1237x1600, stitch-792288.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Awesome ! what's your actual routine with using this charcoal stuff ? Like how often, how much, etc. do you wash you're whole face with it or just affected area's ?

>> No.7340398

Crest Optic White is probably the best toothpaste I've ever used. It has a bit of a strong taste but you can get used to it and it literally turned my teeth that were yellowing to super white. I love it!

>> No.7340403

I'm planning on seeing a dermatologist in a month or so but I'm a bit worried.
I have really sensitive, acne prone skin. I also break out with any type of an alcohol product.
I use a light scrub (st ives apricot scrub) every morning in the shower to keep my acne and dead skin at bay and cleanse with Spectro jel. It works okay but I still get acne, especially during that time of month.
I've been suggested to get off the scrub so much but when I stop using it my acne flares up and I get mountains of dead skin on my face that just trap oil and cause irritation.
I also have a medicated mask but it dries out my skin and becomes flakey for a week after using it and the aftereffect of not having acne for only a few days isn't worth it.
Any suggestions?

>> No.7340408

Don't use a scrub, use a chemical exfoliator. St Ives lactic pads or Paula's Choice AHA with a smaller percentage as suggested above.
Stop using the mask.
Get alcohol-free witch hazel (Thayer's), a good moisturizer that won't irritate you and a gentle cleanser.
Before you buy anything run it through http://www.cosdna.com/ to see if it has any alcohols or irritants (no red squares or high numbers in the acne/irritant column, 1 or 2 can be perfectly fine, sometimes it shows pH stabilizers as irritants even though they're fine).

>> No.7340520

You're the best, thanks.

>> No.7340725

Anyone had any experience with African black soap? I've heard good things so I'm thinking of picking up a bar from my local Walgreen's.

>> No.7340892

I'm sorry? I've gone through over a dozen acne products since I began puberty and I was trying everything and anything that I could, so I left this as a possible solution since it works for some people and for others it doesn't?

>> No.7340896

I was using it every day, once a day, but then I started to experience peeling on the affected areas. I've started to use it only once every other day due to how harsh it can be if used twice a day, everyday. I only need a small amount. It'll come out of the tube in a toothpaste-like fashion, so about from where your finger connects to your hand to the line before the tip of your fingers, if that makes any sense for measuring. You only need it on the areas that are of concern for you. There will be times where I inevitably get it all over my face during rinsing and it's not bothersome.

>> No.7340915

Nobody said that chemicals were evil. There are people who can't tolerate a wide variety of chemicals that are used in skincare products or make up and they require alternatives. And, considering that people long ago used to use things like teas, foods, herbs, and oils for beauty purposes none of this is really that farfetched. Tomatoes and citrus fruits are good for the skin due to their acidity and applying it topically as opposed to ingesting them and waiting for results that may never come can be more beneficial. I have the grapefruit serum by this line and it lightened my acne scars-- Something that a $49.50 product from Clinique wasn't able to do. I use a variety of products that include Clinique's acne line, The Body Shop's Nutriganics line, Asian beauty brands, and even things as basic as oils or fruits.

It isn't about being "poisoned" or being phobic of chemicals. It's about having temperamental skin that doesn't respond well to certain things that others may not have reactions to. Retnoid is used in many anti-aging products and people have been on both ends of the spectrum; It works miracles for some and for others it dries their under eyes out, makes the skin more sensitive, and burns.

Also? This "Yes to.." line can be easily found in drug stores and grocery stores and is more cost effective than Clinique and many other big name brands that are lovely. The overpriced notion is exclusive to what one personally considers "overpriced" to mean.

>> No.7340922

SLS/SLES really is pretty nasty, but otherwise I agree with you. Exfoliating your sensitive facial skin with ground up walnut shells or apricot seeds or whatever the fuck is a terrible idea, but since there's no ~chemicals~ in them (of course there are chemicals in walnuts) it's supposedly harmless.

>> No.7340925

>citrus fruits are good for the skin
I hope you're not applying citrus fruit juice directly to your skin...

>> No.7340931

Of course not. You're supposed to mix it with some water.

>> No.7340943

I have eczema and they specifically tell you not to put hydrocortisone on on your face, you have to buy a different medicine for that. Bad idea.

>> No.7340967

Well, as long as you don't go outside with it on.

>> No.7341002

Hydrocortisone does come in different strengths including one that can be applied to the face...

>> No.7341005

any reason why? i have psoriasis and will dab on a little hydrocortisone if the patch is persistent.

>> No.7341014

Oh, no! This is a nighttime thing.

>> No.7341497


Hi, nutrition girl here. I had a naturopath test me for allergies the year before and I followed that for a while and saw no improvement with my skin. AIP is the only thing that has really helped me unfortunately. Apparently allergy tests aren't that accurate :C the best way is to experiment with it yourself, unfortunately it takes forever. I miss eggs sooooo much omg.

>> No.7341521


I bought some on Amazon for I think $10 for a pound. It's nice, organic. It's tamed a lot of my acne (though I still get hormonal outbreaks on my chin/jawline) and it seems to really do a lot in terms of evening out and smoothing. Makes my face really soft too. Two times a day is too much to wash, I use once every, or once every other. It's not a total miracle worker, but I've been thusfar pleased and using it since December.

You will need a good moisturizer though. I'm thinking about switching to something like a straight vitamin E cream.

>> No.7341613

Any tips of reducing redness around the nose or skin in general? My skin is constantly reddish brown in the creases around my nose and there's quite a few blackheads or visible pores which are also noticeable over my nose.
Make up could probably help but my nose tends to get runny if I put too much in that area and it might make it look worse in the long run.

>> No.7341630

Girl with chronic eczema since I can remember, I've been using steroid and hydrocortisone creams in various patches for years. There are different strengths and it's perfectly fine to use on your face in small amounts, but it will thin your skin in the long run and you will develop resistance as you use it. It will also make your skin hairy, when I had eczema in my elbow crooks as a kid the steroid cream made my arms hairy. I have really thick skin so it doesn't affect me much, but the eczema is crazy persistent. Right now I can't do any friction or wet work with my hands or they explode and swell.

>> No.7341766

How many people have had experience with Accutane? I've heard variations between lifesaving and skin destroying.

I know it slows down the production of your oil cells, but does your face start producing more oil once you stop taking Accutane?

I'm seriously worried about ending up with a case of severely dry skin, which besides being terrible to deal with, also makes the chances of getting early wrinkles shoot up.

>> No.7342162

It is all a tactic to get people to buy overpriced "organic" products that are no better than the rest. But a lot of unneeded chemicals, preservatives, and notoriously parabens are toxic to you and have been linked to a bunch of health problems, including cancer and infertility. There are different types of them ranging from bad to not bad.

If you care about your skincare ingredients, then look them up and actually do your research before buying instead of looking at a label that says "organic". Not all of them are actually organic and still contain harmful ingredients and potentially irritating fragrances. If you don't mind these ingredients, then that's fine too.

>Endocrine disruption: Of greatest concern is that parabens are known to disrupt hormone function, an effect that is linked to increased risk of breast cancer and reproductive toxicity. Parabens mimic estrogen by binding to estrogen receptors on cells. They also increase the expression of genes usually regulated by estradiol (a natural form of estrogen); these genes cause human breast cancer cells to grow and multiply in cellular studies [9]. Parabens are also linked to cancer, reproductive toxicity, immunotoxicity, neurotoxicity and skin irritation [10]. Since parabens are used to kill bacteria in water-based solutions, they inherently have some toxicity to cells [11].

>> No.7342168

One thing we also need to remember is to look at these ingredients as irritants first and foremost. A lot of things disrupt hormones and are even carcinogenic, but those are often things you would need to consume in far bigger doses than those in various cosmetics. Now, Ižm not a chemist so I don't exactly know what those doses are, but just putting it out there as a thing to consider. We eat carcinogenic things all the time but in such small doses that it makes no difference in our organism whatsoever. For example, my grandpa has a pacemaker because his heart won't work well and recently there was a blockage in his artery that had to be dealt with. You know what they do to find out where it is? They inject a radioactive substance in your blood and track it until it stops to see where the blockage is. Scary, right? Except the dosage is so small that it's completely harmless and the procedure saves thousands of lives every day.
So, it all depends on how much of it is in the products we use.

>> No.7342170

Sorry, I Slav'd.

>> No.7342196


It only made my face clear for about 6 months, and when my acne came back it brought with it the most awful digestive problems. IBD is a side effect of accutane, and it didn't even happen until after I was done taking it.

If I could change the past, I would never have taken it.

>> No.7342199

Tomatoes are too acidic for your face you stupid fuck.

>> No.7342247

Probably not in the concentration available in that product. This thread is so fuckin salty right now.

>> No.7342267

My face has suddenly decided that pimples are a really cool thing. Not normal ones, though, the painful ones that are really deep in the skin.

I had almost no acne until a couple of years ago, when I had two months of sudden moderate acne, and have almost no idea of how to deal with it without leaving those ugly little red marks.

I've been using a vitamin C serum, as well as cocoa butter with vitamin E. Anything else I should try? Kojic acid soap helped a lot with my marks last time around, but I stopped using it because I didn't want it to fuck my skin up.

>> No.7342276


I tried the grapefruit line for acne scars before switching over to african soap and it made me break out with lots of small clusters of zits which was entirely new for my face. It was sad.

>> No.7342277

I'm in a similar situation. I had zero pimples until around a year ago- now I've had these few really irritating ones that don't go away for MONTHS

I started using oregano oil (qtip, rub onto pimples; mixed half/half with olive oil), and the ones on my cheeks were gone in a few days.
My chin is more stubborn, but I can definitely see a reduction in size.

>> No.7342290

hey retards; vitamins are supposed to be eaten.

>> No.7342294

Hey moron; Vitamins are ingested or applied topically. Basic fucking skincare right there. Go kill yourself.

>> No.7342300
File: 248 KB, 451x352, 1306740898009.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be from old fashioned family
>use tomatoes for plenty of things
>use on face when 15 and pizza looking
>acne gone in few days
>still do this to remove pregnancy acne
>still works, no messed up skin

You were saying? Different things work for different people. You can't apply your skin or your biased dermatologist's advice to every single person on the planet.

Feel sorry for your angry self, though. You're clearly never getting married.

>> No.7342302
File: 29 KB, 500x500, 1391276281643.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tomatoes on pizza

>> No.7342303

>rubbing vit-uh-min lotions on your fucked up face to get vit-uh-mins instead of just eating properly to get them naturally

first-world white girl no starbucks around here problems

>> No.7342356

>implying that people don't take a daily vitamin
>implying that you know they don't
>implying that it works for everyone

Are you trolling or are you actually this retarded? Please, do go on about how the vitamin overrides things that it actually doesn't and how things like genetics, stress, and birth control don't at all cause skin issues.

I can't believe that I'm speaking to someone this obscenely retarded.

>> No.7342361

seems as though you're throwin a bunch of shit in there that i didn't say anything about

im gonna chalk it up to you just bein in a blind rage. are you hungry? did you not eat breakfast this morning?

also, go outside and get some sun people. its free

>> No.7342369

Oh, okay. You're one of the 12 year olds who implies that everyone using the internet must be a shut in who never sees the light of day.

Go back to /b/, dear.

>> No.7342374
File: 76 KB, 500x375, 1378531942326.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If I stay in direct sunlight for an extended period of time I start throwing up. And, before you say anything, sunscreen doesn't help a medical condition like this. Go fuck yourself, troll.

>> No.7342376

To make a long story short, 30mins before the surgery yesterday I fainted and slashed up my face, the scar goes from my cheek down my throath, is there any ways to hide it exept from foundation?

>> No.7342381

>legitimate skincare/general health tip with no negative implication or salty undertone
>"fuk u troll i go outside"

sounds like some angry pimple faced projection

>> No.7342394

See >>7342303
and >>7342290

No salty undertone? No, just you saying things in a rude way. You know what you were doing so don't even try to act innocent when the posts are right there. Second, someone doesn't have to be "pimple faced" in order to disagree with your way of speaking to someone. You could have simply asked, "Are vitamins not working for any of you? Do you take daily vitamins?" You didn't and your "tip" was worded rudely, coupled with crass remarks.

Taking vitamins doesn't work for everyone's skin. It's like any skincare regime; It is trial and error. Yes, vitamins are good for you. Yes, you take them daily. Yes, some people actually do remember to take them everyday.

However, you're expecting a vitamin to override things that it cannot. Things that cause pimples or blackheads. 23 years on this planet and guess what? The dailies never..

-Stopped stress, which then led to break outs.
-Told my birth control, "Woah, there! Don't make zits on da face, bro!"
-Magically overrode hereditary oily skin

No. Pretty sure you're trolling and you know that you are or else you wouldn't have worded your posts in such a nasty way, even for a sandy cunted seagull. Enjoy living in your delusional, holier than thou bubble simply because you can't wrap your head around the idea that what worked for you didn't work for plenty of other people.

>> No.7342440

Anon I feel your pain. I probably tried 90% of what people recommended and nothing worked. What is currently working for me is a gel called clindamycin phosphate or something like that. I have been using it for 3 months and have seen a vast improvement. My face went from pizza face to a lesser extent of pizza face and I hope that by the end of the year, my face will clear up for the most part. I had to get a prescription from a doctor since it is an antibiotic.

>> No.7342446
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>doesn't know that topical application of some vitamins is good for the skin and quickly absorbed

>> No.7342622

uh a little off topic but can anyone recommend a hair removal cream? I have a lot of dark hair all over my chin and cheeks. If I wax them I break out everywhere but my eyebrows are just fine with waxing?
I'm willing to spend a little more if it will get rid of my hair. Being a hairy Asian sucks so hard.

>> No.7342656
File: 1.84 MB, 600x264, 1391290248036.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just put sunblock on my skin, and I look amazing! My fine lines are barely even visible anymore.

>> No.7342694

topkek, mlady. youve caught me. although, i wasnt the individual that stated vit-uh-mins should be eaten. that was another clever soul

regarding not everything working for everybody, i actually know nothing about vit-uh-mins or anything health related at all. all i know is how to rustle white girl jimmies

if all goes well, my antics have caused you just enough stress to produce at least one zit. i could feel your angry typing in my bones omnomnom

stay pimply, nerd

>> No.7343040

We get it. You're nine. Nobody cares.

>> No.7343044


wtf is up with you and spelling vitamins that way.

>> No.7343053

Yet you just couldn't resist responding. How hard would it have been to ignore the troll?

>> No.7343136


They're either European, or poking fun at Europeans, because only Europeans misspell everything like that and slaughter the English language.

>> No.7343252

>gets called out on stupid shit
Stay mad, stupid.

>> No.7343577

holy lord maybe she was messing with you?

there's always one in every thread

lemon juice is pretty bad for your skin, at least you're diluting it with water. the ph is too harsh for it and will irritate your skin in the long run

using sugar as an exfoliant can cause microtears in your skin as well

just because it's "natural" doesn't always mean its good for your skin, try honey and rice flour as an exfoliant

>> No.7343630
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For anyone that fills in their brows then always has to touch them up because they sweat off or have oily skin and come off, this stuff is great.
I have super oily skin and my brows always came off when I would blot my skin. Finally found out about this stuff after years of trying to find something that would let me not have to touch up multiple times a day.

>> No.7343633

Lately I've been getting a lot of big red bumps on my forehead. They never come to a head, and if I try to pop them, they just ooze clear liquid and then scab over for two weeks, but the bump is still beneath it the entire time and it's there when the scab flakes away. If I leave them alone, they last even longer. I have one above my eyebrow that's lasted over a month. Does anyone else get these? I don't even know what to call them or what they're caused by.

>> No.7343652

Try toothpaste to bring them down

>> No.7343723

I have kind of lumpy skin. My temples have tons of little bumps filled with sebum, and some on my lower cheek/jaw.
It's not super noticeable, but it's gross as fuck. What should I do? I use good cleansers, and wash my face 2 times a day.

>> No.7344580

I went to lush yesterday and bought a couple products. Like what was mentioned here already their moisturizers are pretty expensive for their size, so instead I bought their Full of Grace moisturizing bar and the Cosmetic Warrior face mask. It was around $20 for the two but using them both last night they felt pretty effective. I've been getting dry patches of skin so I rub the bar where my face flakes before going to bed at night. The staff was also really helpful in showing me their products and giving samples.

I wanted to buy a body wash but didn't realize how expensive they were. So next time I'll probably check out their soap bars instead or something.

>> No.7346178

I have wrinkles in my forehead at the age of 19 probably from frowning so much. Has anyone had any success of reducing wrinkles with certain products or mixtures?

>> No.7346180

moisturize, use sunscreen and wrinkle-fillers for the time being.

>> No.7346181

exfoliate with AHA or low-percentage BHA if your skin isn't sensitive. Never physical exfoliants (scrubs).

>> No.7346182

Hey /cgl/, post ur noses pls

>> No.7346184

Use a topical remedy and don't touch them. Exfoliate with Stridex strips, if your skin can't take them use something gentler or with different ingredients. Moisturize. Don't wash face twice a day, do it just in the evening. Wear sunscreen.

>> No.7346192

I don't go outside so I just do my usual face routine. Are there any good wrinkle-fillers proven to work? I have no knowledge about anti-aging products.

>> No.7346806

Actual, honest-to-god, stretch mark reduction?

I have a TON of them over my chest because I got my boobs early. Like, super early. Shit has to be genetic or something, because I got them whrn I was in the 4th grade. Gained a lot of weight over the years (topped out at 220) and now down to 184, and they've not dropped a single cup size or anything.

But I hear a lot of, "coconut oil works - no it doesn't! Vitamin A works - no it doesn't! " about the treatments.

Mine are the color of my skin now, and have been for years, but I'd love to make them more inconspicuous.

>> No.7346861

Look up SebaMed stretch mark cream and reviews on MakeUpAlley.

>> No.7347011

Were you exposed to hormones for cows when you were young (even if it was just drinking cheap milk)? Early growth of breasts and periods can sometimes happen to young girls if they're exposed to the hormones.

Anyway, stretch marks... Bio-Oil is expensive and is full of fragrances, so do it only after exhausting all other options.

>> No.7347020

Look into derma rolling and rosehip oil. I have the same problem from early tits and mine are already faded and the color of my skin. On good days they aren't noticable at all, but on bad ones or when it's really cold, you can tell they're still there. Apparently that's supposed to help already faded ones a lot, but I haven't gotten to try it yet. Most options like bio oil and a lot of creams don't help at all once you're already at the faded point. I don't even think laser stretch mark removal will get rid of already faded ones.

>> No.7347024

The only effective way of getting rid of stretch marks is through laser and even then it only works on newish/still red ones. You might just have to accept them.

>> No.7347287



Thank you, everyone. After some more research, it looks like I really will have to just accept them. Laser surgery didn't exist when I was a kid, else I woulda begged my mom.

Oh well. I can color them and cosplay a tiger!

>> No.7347349

Completely OT but...
Not that anon but holy shit I think you answered a question I've been wondering for years. I began developing breasts when I was around 8/9 and by the time I was 14 I had GG breasts. But the thing was, I was this thin little thing. I started gaining weight though because it hurt too much to exercise, etc. etc. extreme pain. I got a breast reduction but I never knew WHY my breasts started developing so early. I also got my period very early and had to be put on birth control when I was 11 because I started passing out from extreme blood loss.
I was the biggest milk drinker in my family. I was basically addicted to the stuff by the time I was three. My mother had to buy 2-3 gallons a week just to keep up with me.

>> No.7347352

looks like you roided out early

also bad for the skin by the way

>> No.7347355

I'm confused, maybe the term has changed meaning, but doesn't that mean taking steroids?

>> No.7347358

Ah fuck, nevermind, I think I understand. You meant animal hormones from the milk...?

>> No.7347384

Holy shit how can americans just sit and take that shit
Why won't the govt do something about the hormones? Isn't it illegal to roid cows? Or did I misunderstand?

>> No.7347608

Well, I've always sort of known about the hormones (why I only drink organic milk now. It's not to hard to come by where I live, every mile there's at least 2 farm stands.), but I never knew that they could cause early breast development.

I'm not sure about giving cows steroids, I just assumed that anon was trying to make a joke.

>> No.7347612

Also, not to mention when I was a kid and a HUGE milk drinker, nobody really put any thought into where the milk was coming from or how it was made. Milk was milk.

>> No.7348365
File: 470 KB, 450x192, whoa bitch aurora.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh my fuck do not ever put toothpaste on your face

>> No.7348462

I feel sorry for you. Sounds like your family was very uneducated about milk and steroids. I stopped drinking cows milk years ago and switched to almond. I see my sister feeding cows milk to her 4 year old and it makes me want to cry, because parents never want to hear they are wrong, even though they're messing up their kids hormones badly.

>> No.7348463

Oh my god, wanna give an explanation why instead of just being a vague bitch?

>> No.7348488

Diff anon. Baking soda bad. Mint bad. Random ass chemicals meant to clean teeth not skin = bad. Try watching"DIYSkin care recipesyou should NEVER try!" by Veronica on youtube if you want more info.

>> No.7348501

not all cows milk is teeming with hormones, especially if you have a farm or know where they come from. In most of Europe it's illegal to roid up cows.

>> No.7348504

oh my fuck now I know why all my classmates sprouted tits and let periods flow at 9 and teased me for starting puberty at 14.
I grew up on a farm, my country was bombed and we had to leave the city cause the uranium poisoned the crops and everyone is getting cancer still after about 15 years. We had to buy land and grow our own or leave, my family opted for both to be safe. Jesus Christ, how can people still sell that shit, have they no remorse? What do the farm owners drink? Do they think other people don't have little children that drink milk?
I feel so sorry for you guys, not in the mean way of course.

>> No.7348505

Are you perchance Serbian? I remember Clinton and NATO and Serbia being bombed for something, heard on the news when I was a little girl.

>> No.7348509

Thank you based EU for having insane regulations on shape and freshness of cucumbers that are collectively longer than the US Constitution, I understand completely now

>> No.7348516

It's linked here >>7336962

>> No.7348517

You lived on a cancer farm and you feel sorry for us? I just buy organic stuff now...

>> No.7348526

I didn't live on a cancer farm, my farm was fine because it's in bumfuck nowhere and no one cared. It was plenty of other farms close to the city factories buy produce from.

>> No.7348533

I am, yeah.

>> No.7348539

Help, my nose is so oily now and the skin on my cheeks, under my eyes that flank it are dry. I have blackheads and visible pores now. I used to have baby skin, I only ever had compliments on my skin when I was in high school.

I don't know what to do with my aging skin.

>> No.7348624

Your skin ages normally. Those are probably not blackheads but sebaceous filaments and everyone has them. With age your pores get bigger. Wear sunscreen so you don't actually start aging prematurely. EltaMD makes good ones.

>> No.7348627

oh and get gentle products for dry skin, if it's winter where you live it's dry because of the temperature.

>> No.7348862
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No one in my family ever get's acne or has ever had bad acne but whenever we started getting a few pimples our mom would get us a nice crisp clean dry towel straight out of the dryer and place it on our pillow.
The towel will soak up excess oils from your face.
You can do this in general just to keep your face clean and fresh.

A few things I noticed about people who had acne growing up whilst we didn't.
We changed and cleaned our bedsheets often.
We would have our sleeping pillow covers changed twice to three times a week and bed sheets changed once to twice a week.

As an adult every time I've woken up with a pimple or two it's always when I haven't changed my sheets in a long time or I haven't washed my hair and there's dandruff all over my pillow and bed.

I think the pimples come from old dead skin, oils, dandruff flakes and other particles getting pressed into my face whilst I sleep.

If anyone currently has acne and wants to try it for science's sake, for the next week or two weeks get a fresh clean towel and place it on your sleeping pillow. Do not use the same side of the towel multiple times in a row, use a fresh side of the towel until you need to wash the towel or use a different towel.
The more absorbent the better.
Just wash your face with water before bed and don't use any products or oils on it.
Make sure your hairs is clean and not shedding flakey dandruff.

>> No.7349021

Sorry, didn't see it and it looks like no one else did either. It usually helps to say what the video is about.

>> No.7349059

Even if you don't go outside, your daytime moisturizer should have some SPF. If your house has windows, you're getting some sunlight.

I've had stretchmarks on my ass since I hit puberty (I was too lazy to wear lotion), and I've recently been rubbing coconut oil and unrefined shea butter all over my butt, and it's seriously working. I'm black, so they were incredibly visible, and deep as all shit, and I can tell that they're actually fading.

>> No.7349065
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I make a spot treatment of Aspirin, honey, tea tree oil, sulfur, Sulfacetamide eye drops and Visine eye drops. Works like a charm.

Is that ok for treating pimples?

>> No.7349077

would microfibre be the best?
I'll give anything a try now.

>> No.7349208

Okay, I've got a birth control question and I wanted to see if anyone had a similar experience.

I got on hormonal birth control as a pimply teenager and it did wonders for my skin. Everything was awesome and mostly zit free.

Now I'm an adult and I just had a Mirena IUD put in because 5 years of no baby worries. It's still a low dose of hormones, but my skin has taken a turn for the worse.

I'm oily and pimply again with larger pores. It's not nearly as bad as a 16-year-old's skin, but I got really used to going years without pop-able pimples and now I have like two or three at a time on my face.

I don't like wearing full coverage makeup every day, so I've taken to using those oil blotting sheets and washing my face once or twice a day.

Anyone have any similar experiences?

>> No.7352592

Useful information here.

>> No.7353717
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Not sure if this qualifies as skincare or more like haircare, but has anyone used castor oil for a better hairline? My hairline isn't too good so I was thinking of putting castor at night but I noticed, in the past, it gave me pretty bad breakouts so I'm wondering whether it would even be worth putting up with the pimples for a bit.

>> No.7353950
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Anybody ever have a good (or bad) experience with bleaching lip hair? I usually wax or thread it but my hairs grow in so fast (like 1 week for waxing and 2-3 weeks for threading) that its starting to get annoying in terms of money and time. I'm fine with tweezing my brows but when it comes to lip hairs, it's more like peach fuzz so it's harder to tweeze. I've been thinking about bleaching them but I'm afraid it'll bleach my own skin (light to medium yellowy beige skin aka east asian) or make the hairs very noticeable in the sun. Any tips?

>> No.7354170

I actually epilate my upper lip. I've had it waxed professionally and I've done it myself with pre-waxed strips (which peeled off a layer of skin and gave me a mustache of scabs for a week, do not recommend), but if you're looking to save money, I'd get an epilator you can use on your face. You can also use it on your underarms and legs if you can get used to the sensation.

>> No.7354197

Mirena is different from the pill though since it's only got progesterone in it, not oestrogen as well

>> No.7355663


holy shit lets fuck

>> No.7355813

I bleach the hair on my upper lip and it doesn't discolor my skin but be sure to use a bleach that is safe for your face and skin. I use Sally Hansen Creme Hair bleach for face which you can get at Walmart in the hair removal isle. It lasts about 2 -3 weeks for me. Good luck anon!

>> No.7355815
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I don't have acne, but my skin has a habit of cracking open and bleeding all over the place - particularly my knuckles and all up my arms.

Also, it's horribly embarrassing, but I shed skin like crazy, but, oddly, none from my scalp. Everyone thinks I have dandruff, but really it's just horrible, horrible eczema.

Any advice?

>> No.7356770

Try Amlactin Alpha-Hydroxy Therapy Moisturizing Body Lotion. It is 12% lactic acid, the same active ingredient as eczema lotions, but you can buy a big bottle of it on Amazon without breaking the bank.

>> No.7356776

if its eczema, depending on how bad it is, you might really need to go to a doctor to get the stuff that will help.

i've used avenos eczema cream (i have really small blotches here and there) and that helped me out quite a bit. but if its as bad as you say you might need something stronger.

>> No.7356778

Have you seen a doctor, anon? Might want to have a professional look at that and prescribe you something.

>> No.7356806

Oat milk.

>> No.7358420

I used the one with the pink rose on it for the first time last night and today and it's fucking awesome. I have oily skin and it doesn't clog and it whitens my skin very nicely.

>> No.7358455

Should I try that oil that everyone has been mention in this thread?
I need a moisturizer for a male.

I understand everyones plight here. I'm a male who lurks a lot on /cgl/ but I recently moved to Colorado, a mile higher than sea level which has been my general location for my entire life (right around the Mississippi).
The huge difference in elevation and lack of humidity compared to where I used to live has totally wreaked havoc on my skin. I'm breaking out on my forehead with so many blackheads it's silly.

I found moisturizing works on minimizing the breakouts, but I'm not sure what I should be getting since I'm male/sensitive to fragrance.

Also, any peels anyone might have in mind for tough blackheads I'd really appreciate if this is the thread as well to ask.

>> No.7358461

Are you referring to jojoba oil? That's the kind that mimics your skin's sebum and is proven to not clog pores due to it's composition. It doesn't have a strong odor at all, either.

>> No.7358486

I stopped using everything and my acne cleared up.


>> No.7358496

There's no "male" and "female" moisturizer, dumbass. It's just a marketing trick.

>> No.7358516

All this stuff is tried by people with acne and doesn't really work. Just admit you have good genetics.

>> No.7358525

same story i admit........i wish i learned sooner than just "fug u all i trie everytihng and eat fine!!!" during highschool so then id have less scars. eh.

>> No.7358530

Sorry, but none of that ever worked for me. My Father had oily skin and that's where I get it from. Once I got onto the pill, it didn't help.

My acne has never stemmed from sweat, a dirty face, my diet, or products I've used. They only show up around my period or if I get stressed out.

You have good genetics and that's great, but my problems are purely genetic.

>> No.7358552

>what do you mean not everyone skin is the same as mine!!

>> No.7358693
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This. I don't understand why these threads often get posters who are really pretentious about how they don't need to use products. If you only need to slather on some sunscreen, great. If you don't get pimples, great. I knew a girl in high school who always had clear skin, but only because her derma told her that her skin was literally too dry for her to get pimples. Instead, she got red cheeks and windburn easily.

Not everyone's skin is the same. I wish that more people would understand that. Some people literally have zero control over their acne or oily skin. I don't get the pretension.

>> No.7358704

>but only because her derma told her that her skin was literally too dry for her to get pimples.

Ugh, I have a friend like that. I'm mad jelly that her skin is always flawless, but I just have to remind myself that the tradeoff for being an oily motherfucker that gets breakouts is the fact that I'll age really well because of it.

>> No.7358717

Has anyone heard about the nasal spray acne thing going around? Has anyone tried it? What are the effects of it?

>> No.7358772

>No one in my family ever get's acne or has ever had bad acne
THERE. That is why you don't get acne, your family has good skin genetics to start with and obviously has skin that agrees with having your pillowcase being changed etc.
Doesn't mean that people who get acne are "unclean" or that this method will work for them.

This so much. People insist on lumping all acne into the same basket, but just as skin is individual so is your response to different acne treatments because of ten people with acne, chances are the severity, triggers, and treatments they respond to will be different for all of them. My acne is pretty much entirely hormonal, so changes to my environment, diet, and skincare regime don't do shit for my skin, I know that off birth control there are two weeks where I have the shittiest skin and two weeks where it's clear and amazing apart from the scars if I've picked at the acne from the week before.

>> No.7358786

Yeah, my acne is ridiculous.
I eat a lot of sugar, so logically you'd think cutting back would clear my skin up.
Taking out sugar actually made it worse.
All I've found that works for me is drinking a lot of water and switching out skin products regularly. I build up immunity to them in about a month and then even maximum-strength medicine does nothing.

Anyone have any recommendations for handling large pores?
I bought Maybelline Baby Skin Pore Eraser recently, and that + powdered foundation makes everything smooth out, but the pores are still there. I don't like coating my face in foundation so often.
Squeezing them seems to be a temporary fix, and an exfoliating spin brush does nothing.

>> No.7358803

I use this:


If you want treatments, I recommend Clinique's pore line. It's your choice whether you want a serum or just make up to cover them.

>> No.7359448

Apparently egg white and gelatin masks help tighten pores.

>> No.7360340

My face gets really oily as the day passes, and I want it to be nice and matte for an upcoming con. I've tried Kryolan's fixing spray over some BB cream and correcting stick, but it wasn't enough. Would mattifying powder be better ? If yes, which one would you recommend ? I've been looking at reviews and seen nice thing about Urban Decay's De-Slick Mattifying Powder and Makeup Forever's HD Microfinish Powder, but they're kinda pricey so I'd like your input before investing in one

>> No.7360376

Cold cream girl here again. I've read that barbers back in the day also used cold cream when shaving clients. I myself occasionally use cold cream on my face, shave (yes, shave -- it's a beauty trick Japanese women use to exfoliate), and then wipe off using a hot towel.

>> No.7361237

I have eczema and tried so much over the counter and other things to no avail. I saw my allergy dr though and his recommendations are magic:

-use unscented dove bar soap. he said a lot of the bottle soaps have alcohols, perfumes etc that irritate your skin more
-wash laundry in dreft detergent. don't use fabric softener, no bleach.

he also put me on meds too, but I feel just those changes in soap and detergent is a good

>> No.7361832

I just suddenly broke out yesterday,which only happens to me around my period because I've got super dry skin, but never as badly as this.
It's all over my chin and the sides of my lips. The night before it happened, I had some really greasy/oily tacos with my sister, would that explain the random insane pimples?

>> No.7361838

Pimples don't just show up the night after a greasy fast food binge. It takes the average pimple a week or so to pop out. It has to be a constant diet + hormone issue

>> No.7361974

Are there any products that can get rid of constant red cheeks? Not sure if it is rosea or not? One of my dude friends keeps asking me to find something for him because he's too embarrassed to look for it himself. I do t even know where to start.

>> No.7361980

I believe something with a purple base helps with redness, so try that? I remember this one product being advertised that's green and purple you can look into (I can't remember what it's called, though you should be able to find it in a drugstore).

>> No.7362006

I was asking because the grease got all over my chin, right in the spot with the most blemishes. I've read that what you eat has no effect on pimples, but I haven't changed anything in my diet lately.
I've been on the pill and taking it normally for years, which usually keeps me all regular, would it be possible that it just suddenly stops working like that? Should I get on something else?

>> No.7362016

Does anyone have ANY idea where to get those St. Ives pads in Canada? Or can you post a photo of the packaging so I can try to order some online?

>> No.7362087

Hello guys! I, like a lot of people posting here, have a skincare issue. I have pretty bad combination skin, though it's mostly dry and acne prone. Until recently, it was mostly on my face, which was fairly manageable, but this past winter, I have had incurable chest acne and I really just dont know what to do. How do you deal with non-facial acne? They're mostly little red bumps, and sometimes whitehead. It's horribly embarrassing, and I'm afraid to wear low cut shirts now. Any and all advice would be much appreciated.

>> No.7362181

Green helps with redness.
Purple helps with sallow skin. Its the opposite colors on the color wheel

>> No.7362187

If he's not interested in makeup, maybe its from sunlight? He could do facial sunscreen. Does it look inflamed though? And does he drink much alcohol ever? Pepper or caffeine?

>> No.7362199

Ah, okay, thanks, I guess I was getting the two mixed up.

>> No.7362231

Fellow rackne anon here. Mine's been clearing up since I started using african black soap. Skin will react differently to products depending on the person though. Don't pick at the bumps either, you'll make them worse.

>> No.7362277

Thanks anon. I may try that. I know that it can be super drying though, do you have any recommendations?

>> No.7362327

It can be drying on my face, but I actually haven't noticed it drying out the skin on my body, so that hasn't been something I've needed to worry about. You could probably use a good lotion if you run into trouble with it. A lot of this stuff is trial and error, unfortunately. It's fairly cheap, if that's any consolation. I picked my bar up at a drug store for five bucks.

>> No.7362344

So that black soap can really help then? I'm glad it's clearing up for you.

>> No.7363204

It's working for me, at least! It took my skin about a week to adjust to it, but now the excess dry skin is gone and so far I really like the improvements I've seen.

>> No.7363271

Anyone know how to get rid of back acne?

I did make a sugar scrub with tea tree oil in it, I rub it on back before I get in the shower sometimes, as far down as I can get it, it helps a little. All my face acne has cleared up now that I'm not a teenager but my back is still really bad.

I got a loofah on a stick and use it but it's hard to rub tea tree oil on my back afterwards. I'm thinking of making some device where I can put tea tree oil on a cotton ball and attach it to a stick somehow, but I'm not sure how to go about that.

Any advice?

>> No.7366462

change your sheets and shirts often
besides applying acne cream and washing that's about all you can do, you could go to the dermo

>> No.7366525

Does anyone know which prouder i. Should use to brighten up my skin tone about one to three shades brighter? I naturally have medium tanned skin, but I've been tanned a few months ago and I dislike it.

>> No.7366569

This thread is very long and I have just skimmed it, but I just wanted to mention some things that I have done and seemed to work for me... however, I also am reaching my late 20s and they say acne issues naturally clear up by then, so I suppose take it for what it's worth:

Charcoal+sulfur body wash (NOT soap bar, too drying for me)
Charcoal mask for weekly pore cleansing
Facial toner without alcohol (every time I wash my face)
Hydroxy acid face cream (1 to 2x per day, based on oiliness)
Shampoos without sulfates
Beauty products without parabens (especially deoderant)

And because I have issues with "chicken skin" on my legs, I finally found a lotion that works. Ceramide lotion, without parabens. I use this every day on my legs, and sometimes on my face if I feel like I need to lift dead skin a little more... this has evened out the tone in my pale ass legs and reduced the ugly pore bumps that I thought I would never see gone.

>> No.7366574

My bacne cleared up immensely when I stopped using shampoos (and body washes) with sulfates. It's easy to find shampoo and conditioner like that, so even if it is a placebo effect, I think it's worth seeing how it goes for the time it takes to use a bottle of shampoo!

>> No.7366605

I started using an antifungal made for yeast infections on my face when I seemed to have a patch of acne crop up near my mouth (chin, cheeks). Clotrimazole, I think you can get it anywhere if you ask the pharmacist. I'd get the lowest % first (if they have different strengths). This is NOT something I used every day, I just used it a few days in a row when I saw pimples starting.

No acne treatments would work reliably, and I was pretty frustrated for a while.

I had a theory that it was an overgrowth of yeast due to mouth bacteria on my skin, so I tried clotrimazole cream, and it worked! I've read about Candida yeast being a problem for some people, maybe that's what it was.

(pimple description ahead for those of you curious if you might have it too)

The pimples I would get near my chin were small bumps in the pores, and they were not open, and they were not whiteheads or blackheads. They were just and unsightly texture, and sometimes would get painful and deep. I would squeeze them and sometimes a tiny amount of thick white stuff would come out, and it would smell kind of bad.

>> No.7366609

eh, I said mouth bacteria when my issue was clearly YEAST. Pardon the science faux pas.. sage

>> No.7366611

Clotrimazole is usually sold under Canesten, for reference

>> No.7367052

I think I have what you had. I've had them for a LONG time. I'm going to look into the info you gave. Thank you! :)

>> No.7367075


are you talking about papules?? i have tiny ones underneith my eyes and around my lips. theyre barely noticeable but still bug the hell out of me and idk what to do.

>> No.7367080


>> No.7367083

No, not papules. You mean the things people call "milkspots"? If it's around your eyes too I think those are normal glandular tissue. Don't squeeze them!

Good luck! Changing your pillowcases if you drool a lot will help too. Like, almost every night try not to sleep in a drool spot. Yeast can get on your face that way too.

>> No.7367100

Please don't ruin your face by trying to "IRL photoshop" it... EVERYONE has that texture there. Most images they are photoshopped out, and you don't see them on others because they are barely noticeable at a normal length.

If you are really worried, try a normal amount of exfoliation, but if you irritate them they will get swollen and look worse (I've done it on accident when I thought one was a pimple). And moisturize... dry skin will make them stand out more. Plump, hydrated skin will make them less noticeable.

>> No.7367105
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You guys talking about these dots under her eyes?

>> No.7367110
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Here's another that shows normal skin (and very nice skin) vs touched up skin.

>> No.7367114

Uuuuugh my boyfriend has these on his dick because he had phimosis when he was younger. I really want him to get rid of them because they make me feel sick because I get nauseous when I see clustered things (like the insides of pomegranates) so I really want them gone.

>> No.7367512

send him to the dermo

>> No.7367553

Ah thanks! I didn't know they had purple based skin stuff.
Ah it looks kind of inflamed? His face is just naturally very red and then if he does anything that is more than a neutral face he begins to look like he just ran a marathon. He drinks quite a bit, cutting down caffeine and probably a lot of pepper? He eats a lot of spicy foods. I never thought about a facial sunscreen though! Thank you.

>> No.7367592

What's the best way to use pore strips? I'll be getting a pack tomorrow but I've had trouble in the past using them properly. I think I need to bring them out if that makes sense.
Any other suggestions for blackheads would be great.

>> No.7367632

IMO pore strips don't work. They never really did much for me and most other people I know have used them. I'd suggest getting a blackhead clearing face wash. Maybe consider getting an extractor though there's mixed reviews on those. I have one and it's okay. Hope this helps

>> No.7367652

Yeah, I looked up a few reviews and they seemed all right for some people so I just wanted to try again. I know it won't fix everything. I'm just not sure how to prepare my nose beforehand and what to do afterwards.
I could look into getting an extractor but my nose is just covered in black dots so I don't want to scar myself.

>> No.7367671

Steam your nose before you use the pore strips(take a steamy long shower or boil some water and put your face over the steam-not too close). It will help open your clogged pores and such. The extractor can scar our nose if you don't do it right or you get too intense with it. But for the most part you don't need to worry.

>> No.7367678

Gosh I think I've spent about $25 on pore strips, about 4 different quality brands, and they all did jack shit.
Biggest scam ever.

>> No.7367712

I just posted on the Beauty general about skin whitening stuff, but there I was recommending the Palmers Eventone Dark Spot corrector for getting rid of scars.. dunno the accessibility of it internationally though so I apologise now if its out of a lot of your reach.

Overall the first paragraph is great advice you posted.

Thats quite an extensive routine, but I do imagine you'll be keeping your youth for longer because you're keeping in tune and listen to your body.

I wonder when to start with eye cream?

>> No.7369306

different rackne anon, but how long did it take for it to clear up once you started to use it?

>> No.7369496

I started noticing a difference within a week. There were a few spots I had picked at, and the soap didn't help them heal any faster, but the bumps besides those were definitely reduced in redness and number. It's good for back acne too (>>7363271). On the whole it's worked really well for me, so if you try it, I hope it's just as effective for you.

>> No.7370334

Same here. Pore strips were absolute shit for me. The charcoal wash that I recommended earlier in the thread actually worked. This is coming from someone who bought $80 blackhead serum and had prescription products, too.

>> No.7370337
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>it's a beauty trick Japanese women use to exfoliate

Uh, person who is actually Japanese here. No, it isn't a trick to exfoliate. It's because fucking hair in our culture is taboo as shit and women having any sort of body hair, even vellus and peach fuzz, is viewed as embarrassing and disgusting to men. It's why pubic hair is censored in our porn yet the genitals aren't. Body hair is viewed as masculine and we're expected to be hairless, soft, and delicate.

Jfc I'm so tired of weeaboos going off of hearsay or Tumblr articles. Go to fucking Asia and learn something.

>> No.7370359

but why do so many japanese girls have such giant crotch bushes then

>> No.7370366

fetish it used to be illegal for pubes to be in porn

>> No.7370659

Fetishism. It was viewed as obscene, grotesque, and most of all illegal. In some circles today, it still is viewed as revolting. As someone who has had to (awkwardly) be around my cousins while we changed, I can tell you for a fact that it still is a weird issue over there. They don't remove their hair down there at all, yet they have no problem with going out and buying pubic area whitening cream. Hair is taboo, but bleaching your labia and asshole doesn't seem to be.

One of my cousins is also terrified of the shaving process for down there. She thinks that it's "risky".

>mfw started to get hair at 9
>mfw started shaving at that age
>mfw 23 now and still no detrimental damage

Cultural differences and all.

>> No.7370676

I wish I didn't have pubic hair. It's so awful and itchy when it starts growing back and hurts like a bitch to be waxed off, not to menton that it's expensive.

>> No.7370677


Is that why pubic hair shaving a fetish in porn videos too? Always wondered about that. Along with every other fucking weird as fuck fetish ever ruining my japanese bondage porn.

>> No.7370709

Yes, it is. It's also viewed by some as this act of making herself "pure" by removing the hair from her body. Others get off to the suspense of the fact that her hand could slip and she could cut herself in the process.

The reason why Japanese porn consists of so many strange fetishes is because of how the culture as evolved; Couples aren't having sex in Japan, because it's viewed as a chore. Both women and men have attested to this. The extreme fetishes came about when men reported difficulty in reaching orgasm or sexual gratification. Hence, things like hooks holding a girl's nostrils open as porn were born.

I mean, my Aunt had a baby a few years ago and she's obviously an exception. This isn't every single couple in Japan, but it is enough people that it's presented a widespread problem that actually is affecting the decline of the population.

>> No.7370734

chore is a easy way to put it, but its more because japan is becoming more westernized. japanese women are embracing independence and individualism. they no longer have the whole 1950s domestic housewife mindset. japans economy is rapidly imploding and as cost of living soars, having a family is the last thing on a womens mind. having a boyfriend is not even a priority to half of the japanese women. now, its the pursuit of a career, education, money and fun. if she feels lonely and want to be intimate(chatting is as close as it gets), she'll visit a host club. men working at a host club earn a average of $800,000 annually.

>> No.7370737


I thought you had to be super rich to afford a boyfriend. As in, someone who's fairly rich (maybe 100k a year? I don't know cost of living too well) still wouldn't be able to afford a host club. Am I wrong in this respect?

>tfw wouldn't mind a host club boy for tomorrow

>> No.7370752

honestly, i dont know the average income of japan, but i looked it up because im curious to know, too. its similar to the US. 30k/year. 800-1500 yen/hour.

>> No.7370772

I wish I didn't have pubic hair either.

Fuck it's such a chore, Polish genes (and some slav) for women and men give you bear-status in your crotch, ass, and happy trail.

>> No.7370794

Is there any good way to get rid of pubic hair? I get terrible acne/shaving bumps anywhere I shave, and it severely sucks getting them on my crotch. By the time I can shave again, my hair has already gone through the awful grow-back stage too.

>> No.7370809

So...removing your hair is now taboo? And it used to be the other way around? That keeping it was taboo?

>> No.7370814

imo it needs to be waxed to not itch/hurt like a bitch. Of course, I end up with a strange bush/brazillian cycle because I hate shaving

>> No.7370824

Poles are Slavs.

>> No.7370826

Thanks! I'll try that.

>> No.7370830

I'd try sugaring. It's supposed to be more gentle than waxing and cheaper too.

>> No.7370832

IPL hair removal is the only thing that's worked for me. Even shaving my legs is a hassle, because no matter what I do, I get horrible shaving bumps. I tried shaving my pubic hair once, and never, ever again. Waxing was slightly better, but the hair grew back so fast that it wasn't worth it. With the IPL, I got very minor irritation, the hair took ages to grow back and there's a lot less of it. Unfortunately, it's pricey. I had six sessions done on my upper lip and chin, and four on my pubic hair before money became an issue and I had to stop getting it done. My last treatment was in August and I still have a lot less hair down there. I'm considering trying to save up and get one of those do-it-yourself IPL machines in the future. Honestly, if I had the money, I'd get this done all over my body. Pale skin/thick dark hair is no fun.

>> No.7370929

Posting to add to the female with hair on the asshole feels.

Funny enough, I have Polish genes too. I didn't realize it was a Pole thing.

I get stupid bad shaving bumps too, but here are a few things I've found that reduce the severity:

Cermaide lotion erry day
Shaving DRY (yes, no water or lotion or soap)

Though I want laser hair removal as well... one day.

>mfw I've thought about getting a sugar daddy just to pay for that

>> No.7371040

I have no idea what that is, can you link me something to enlighten me on "sugaring"?

>> No.7371046

Pale skin, thick and lots of full hair = an ordeal/mess to even trim and or shave all the time.

I hope IPL becomes affordable in the future even more with technology advances.

>> No.7371055

Crud, I just put us over the bump limit.

If someone is kind enough, shall we continue this topic in a new thread concerning hair, skin and acne upkeep please?

This thread was INCREDIBLY informative. Great job, everyone.