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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 1021 KB, 1145x830, 1390610536981.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7327228 No.7327228 [Reply] [Original]

Okay, which one you guys did this? This was posted in Upstate NY cosplay on FB and it can't be real...

>> No.7327230
File: 59 KB, 455x451, 1360192407607.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I have $30!

I - is this for real?

>> No.7327242
File: 1.37 MB, 1145x2672, ZOOM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7327250
File: 23 KB, 420x420, kigu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw you can just buy one just like that online

>> No.7327255

Oh hey! It's the same person who did that thing with selling hallway shots for like $20 each and that interview

>> No.7327269

The eyes obviously aren't kawaii blue enough, stupid baka. Like ugh, do you even cosplay?

>> No.7327270

Kigurumi's cost about $60 each. Could she really not throw in the extra $30?

>> No.7327278

Gawd! Just make it for her already!

>> No.7327441
File: 28 KB, 432x324, rilakkuma056.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She could always risk going on Ebay. I've gotten 3 there and I'm happy with them. I got them for 12 - 25 dollars. ALTHOUGH, the two Rilakkuma kigus I ordered (from two different sellers) had different material. One was coral fleece and the other regular fleece. In the coral kigu I truly felt like a kawaii bear (pic related).

I was a little disappointed, since I got it for my mom (she wanted one, she really likes it) and we couldn't be exact twins. The other one I got was a Pikachu one, which was nice except it had this butt opening in the back which is kinda annoying.

>> No.7327580

That's true, eBay is really a 50/50 kind of site. You could buy something awesome for 15 bucks or you could get some piece of shit. But it is a way better bet than trying to get someone to make you a Kigurumi for $30 on Facebook....

>> No.7327593

Have a source, anon? I've been looking at a few on ebay but I'm more than hesitant...

>> No.7327650

I got the same one from ThinkGeek, actually, when it was on sale before Halloween.

>> No.7327709

More sauce please, sounds like a lol cow.

>> No.7328177
File: 214 KB, 640x1136, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I went through her Facebook and found this gem. It's not really lolcow worthy but apparently she's a bit of a furfag

>> No.7328210

Ehhhh I just think she needs to stop with saying she hates certain cosplayers on her own page .. and the selling prints for $20

fb: /AmyLeeCosplay

>> No.7328265
File: 41 KB, 334x266, 1390669511766.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

omg everyone go here

>> No.7328272
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>> No.7328314
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>> No.7328318


>> No.7328323
File: 119 KB, 500x375, nosound.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>didn't look like the character
>bought cosplay

>> No.7328339
File: 127 KB, 1084x648, amy-lee.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7328385

>Fishkill, NY

I totally live the next town over.

>> No.7328392
File: 470 KB, 320x167, tumblr_lo5chgMSYo1qaalsx.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh my god this is gold. Butt hurt woman who can't make shit wants to go up against people who put blood, sweat and tears into hand making a costume and thinks she should win for being a special snowflake. And calling out Yaya and Jessica over and over so people will notice her, this fucking bitch.

>> No.7328421

>people who make this argument
>without realizing that if whatever convention contest DID give them their way, they wouldn't win anyway
>because somebody with a gym membership and unlimited purchasing power would swoop in and win.

>> No.7328422

Most contests won't let you enter if you didn't make the costume yourself..

>> No.7328763
File: 143 KB, 640x781, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She block you because you're a crazy bitch

>> No.7328849
File: 164 KB, 640x905, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7328854
File: 139 KB, 640x823, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7328860
File: 221 KB, 337x404, 1388847903285.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7328877

Is this girl for real? Or is this a troll?

>> No.7328880

Sadly she's for real.

>> No.7328885


>> No.7328901
File: 125 KB, 640x975, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7328906

>cosplay fap-bait
>be sloppy fat
>get mad nobody loves your costume

>> No.7328910

How are you guys finding her facebook? I can't find it, even when I do /AmyLeeCosplay

>> No.7328911

She also held a contest when se got 100 likes and the prize was a autographed print of her. Only one person entered the contest. I may or may not have lost my shit.

>> No.7328915

Her fan page is Amy-Lee Cosplay. Maybe that will work?

>> No.7328921

Just brings me to the facebook main page, even when I click a direct link.

>> No.7328925

She's that shirt female deadpool with the shirt blonde hair from NYCC . Oh fuck

>> No.7328929


>> No.7328934
File: 68 KB, 960x640, 1390692262204.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is her Ladypool...

>> No.7328937
File: 49 KB, 320x480, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This bitch. She's a mutual friend of someone I just added. Now I'm weary

>> No.7328942

>people can cosplay without knowing how to sew at all or craft anything

Hahaha this dumb bitch

>> No.7328945
File: 123 KB, 640x983, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a picture of her fursona

>> No.7328956


>> No.7328978

upstate NY drama thread? I just got into cosplay and I'd love to hear if there's any juicy shit going on.

>> No.7329011

Me too, as someone from upstate New York I wanna know what's going on.

>> No.7329013

Well that explains everything.

>> No.7329018

Just when you thought she couldn't go any lower.

>> No.7329029

Link to the coral fleece one, please?

>> No.7329033
File: 152 KB, 640x951, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She also has 2 other fursona's. Someone make her stop.

>> No.7329038
File: 272 KB, 1100x1500, 1371187546703.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

.. Amy-Lee Cosplay. As in Amy Lee of Evanescence?

>> No.7329044

Haha! No, she just has the same name as her.

>> No.7329045

It's true. You can cosplay if you commission your costumes. But you shouldn't/probably can't enter contests.

>> No.7329047

Oh, not what I meant. I meant does she cosplay AS Amy Lee to have that page name. I didn't figure it WAS Amy Lee.

>> No.7329052

Oh! Okay. No, she doesn't cosplay as Amy Lee. She cosplayed as Kat Von D once but she's never cosplayed AS Amy Lee.

>> No.7329073

What is it about raves that attracts furry trash like a magnet?

>> No.7329087

I have no idea man, I honestly wish I knew.

>> No.7329175
File: 249 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2014-01-25-20-53-45.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

...Her Facebook is like watching a trainwreck

>> No.7329209

I hope she turns out like our queen PT

>> No.7329249
File: 36 KB, 230x219, tumblr_m91pr9QB401r64i8zo1_250.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bitches about no likes
>Unlike me if you want

>Doesn't make own cosplays
>Special snowflake "I should win for being unique"
>Horrible attitude
>shits on other cosplayers
>demands asspats

I don't think she can fill the void in our hearts that PT left but she'll do for now.

>> No.7329377
File: 105 KB, 477x672, 10outof10anatomyamirite.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Amy Borghard
huehuehue, It's that lolcow that self posted her own shitty deadpool drawing and cosplay here a couple weeks ago.

>> No.7329402

Seriously? Damn, I must have missed that thread...

>> No.7329406
File: 139 KB, 640x858, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I found this on her twitter..... This girl is crazy.....

>> No.7329438

>dem crazy eyes
She might just have the potential to be our new PT.

>> No.7329437

Her looks vary so widely from picture to picture. Not sure if shoopery or just put on 50lbs.

>> No.7329442

Are we sure this is a female?

>> No.7329454

Not 100% sure

>> No.7329509

yeah, she made a thread promoting her Facebook
needless to say she was viciously and rightfully chastised by seagulls

>> No.7329513



>> No.7329585


Found her furaffinity.

>> No.7329587

Wait, how old is this chick? She's a part of the "greymuzzles" group, aka furries older than 30?

>> No.7329593
File: 287 KB, 1009x1280, what the fuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7329599

My sides

>> No.7329641

She's 29, according to a post on her FB. I'm sufficiently horrified.

>> No.7330057
File: 156 KB, 640x960, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7330059
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>> No.7330548
File: 23 KB, 400x300, 8109010@400-1338709453.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7330555
File: 167 KB, 800x800, mfff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7330561
File: 54 KB, 718x720, 1390437408985.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Goddammit this is all I can think of

>> No.7330645
File: 303 KB, 960x720, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is her taking pictures on random peoples grave stones

>> No.7330651
File: 284 KB, 720x960, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7330660
File: 226 KB, 960x720, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7330666

She looks kind of like the lovechild of Ashley and PT

>> No.7330684
File: 71 KB, 208x274, 1390781430798.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice stache

>> No.7330687

>Amy-Lee Cosplay


Is...this the same girl?

>> No.7330701

Is that a hump?

>> No.7330717

It looks like her. She's from New York though so I guess she's speaking with an accent?

>> No.7330732


This is a interview she did with Nerd Caliber

>> No.7330736
File: 178 KB, 608x1155, 2014-01-26 19.30.46.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone should commission her just to see how awful it will be

>> No.7330737

Well if OP's pic is anything to go by, I'd say you're in for some 5th grade quality.
The fact that she offers "Crayon" as an option should tell you enough right there.

>> No.7330738

>doesn't have paypal
this bitch serious?

>> No.7330740
File: 138 KB, 797x508, 2014-01-26 19.36.05.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The post directly below that one is even better..."fur-based" story resembling the Holocaust...

>> No.7330751

Those two paragraphs right next to each other, the second following the first, in such a clear succession of thoughts, are fucking UNREAL

>> No.7330755 [DELETED] 
File: 330 KB, 426x359, sadpinkie.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>tfw you're in school to be a funeral director and this shit makes you sad inside every time weebs use other's loved ones as props

>> No.7330758

but.. it's so easy to set up a paypal.. how is using concealed cash any way to run a commision service?

>> No.7330759

I've never even been to a funeral and that's disrespectful as hell.
She's fucking SITTING on it.

>> No.7330763

>Never finished a story before
>last attempt was a yaoi fan fic
>Wants to write 3 books about furries

I hope she continues to be the gift that keeps on giving

>> No.7330767


This graveyard looks like the one my family is buried in, also in upstate new york. If I knew a cosplayer was going to pose all over my family's gravesite, I would just be super fucking pissed. I never felt so much fucking rage over a gravesite pic until now. I always thought they were disrespectful but fuck.

>> No.7330772

What the fuck is wrong with this person. jfc

>> No.7330773

I just wish these people would understand why what they're doing is so disrespectful. It's not even for the deceased, it's for their family. Even if they lack empathy for how people mourn they could at least respect the fact it cost that family a pretty penny to get that headstone.

>> No.7330778

This pisses me off so bad. I grew up around funeral services because my grandmother worked at a funeral home and as a kid I got paid a dollar to scrub headstones when they were being put in/repaired. Even if you think no one will care that you're all over their loved one's headstone, keep off of it because it costs hundreds of dollars and you can do damage that the family will have to pay to get repaired.

>> No.7330790


I saw a fashion photo image on a student's portfolio from my uni and it looked more offensive than these. Most were done well, but then in one shot the model is leaning on a grave that looks like it's about to topple over, I'm sure it was already at that angle before but it looks so bad..

>> No.7330806
File: 370 KB, 2048x1366, 1390785504955.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I nabbed it off their facebook as it's public and I'm mutual friends.. Yea this is probably a lot worse.

>> No.7330820

>keep off of it because it costs hundreds of dollars and you can do damage that the family will have to pay to get repaired.
I grew up near an old cemetery that was left open 24/7 starting (I assume) at some point in the 1970s. Within 15 years, all the headstones and monuments got knocked over, and eventually the caretaker gave up and shoved all the stones into a corner in the back. Now it's a field, but finally locked up at night. Congratulations, teenagers.

>> No.7330824

Why the fuck would you do that. Just why?

>> No.7330835
File: 61 KB, 234x261, engie.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7330840

>almost 30
>still doesn't have a PayPal or any of the PP alternatives
And she's one of those people whose featured piece on DA is blatantly traced animu.

>> No.7330856

Its not even that good of a photo to begin with and what the fuck is on her fingers?

>> No.7330884

Looks like some kind of ring made to look like tin soldiers, or maybe fantasy chess pieces if they were feeling extra pretentious.

>> No.7330918

What does this person do for a living? Do they live iwth their parents or on their own?

>> No.7330944

Going by the old journals, seemed to be living with parents as of a few years ago.

>> No.7331185

Does Jessica Nigri actually act like a dick, though?

>> No.7331188

She can be a little dickish sometimes, but she's usually pretty friendly and nice.

>> No.7331236

online she's absolutely awful, known to lie and come to /cgl/ to selfpost. says horrible things about seagulls all the time, we're just "jelly fatties" in her book.

other than that, in person she's nice, but thats of course to make sales.

we usually get Jnig raids if she talks about us in events or on twitter.

>> No.7331276

ah, the story of mr. hands.

>> No.7331437
File: 186 KB, 978x627, 1390805202422.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Almost as ridiculous as this.

>> No.7331459

At least they're a highschooler...

>> No.7331468

That is true, just makes me sigh a little because why would you do this if you know you can't afford to go? They want $900 for the most ridiculous things. Plus, if you have no money as it is, why agree to be their roommate when you're going to owe $400 even if you can't go?

>> No.7331893
File: 97 KB, 640x597, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7331894

I'm still not sure if this one of the most elaborate trolls I've seen or a person that needs serious help

>> No.7331909

It's real.

>> No.7331918

this might be the worst thing

>> No.7331961
File: 6 KB, 410x67, Ahahahaha.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"I may be a cosplay master"
> "cosplay master"
> doesn't make her own costumes


>> No.7332031
File: 879 KB, 948x1173, 2014-01-27 13.42.27.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dat face
My aspergers-sense is tingling hard with this one

>> No.7332048

I'm almost tempted to like her page so I can see her craziness up close

>> No.7332055

This is what we thought at first with Ashley, too, and we all know how that turned out.

>> No.7332057

Did she collect them all instead?

>> No.7332078

My fiance immediately joined her page after reading some images. I hope she posts more.

>> No.7332108

>"the holocaust... sounds fun"


>> No.7332110

>"don't wanna be bullied for being on a tv show"
>wanting to look like a sideshow freak on national TV
>Bitch, who would bully you, you're 29 years old and only active on fucking Facebook?

>> No.7332147

I'm calling troll right here and now. The responses are too scripted. While the pictures are convincing, I know too many idiots who actually think like this person and they don't TYPE it like that.

>> No.7332400

Sadly she's not, I've met her and she's exactly like this.

>> No.7332658
File: 143 KB, 1002x1009, 2014-01-27 20.31.36.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay guys, show's over. She made a status, we all have to delete ourselves now

>> No.7332664



She deserves this.

>> No.7332669

It's its fault for making all its posts public.

>> No.7332986


Id love to know who you are OP since I happen to be a member of that shitty group lol. But judging by the obvious ''trolls'' among that group I can narrow it down a bit. I wonder if it's you Jenkin's :p

>> No.7333012


I wonder who you ''upstate'' ny people are. Sooo Albany Troy or Renssalier I wonder

>> No.7333015


Sadly there isn't any drama or juiciness here in upstate. You want cosplay drama go to New York City shit ton of cosplay drama as well as maid cafe drama etc.

>> No.7333066



>> No.7333094


Who is that?

>> No.7333117

god ive missed this

>> No.7333132

>should of
>should of

I literally couldn't read any farther in the thread

>> No.7333146

depends what part of upstate; between Tempest Paige, cum dripping fuck sponge, and overly pretentious weebs, western upstate has a constamt shitton.

>> No.7333167


Well I reside near Albany and the areas around there. The cosplay community is dull and boring and ''too nice'' I kinda miss the dramu back in my hometown of Neveda

>> No.7333537

How old is she? This is like something a teenage who just got facebook would type.

>> No.7333538


>> No.7333549
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>> No.7333560

negative, i am a meat popsicle

>> No.7333561
File: 2.19 MB, 1920x1070, 1373016739288.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7333564

It's funny how she keeps posting cosplayers like Yaya and Jnig and talking shit about them, but we are not allowed to talk shit about her. They are people too.

>> No.7333573
File: 39 KB, 394x228, 1390907342491.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>They are people too.
Not according to her they aren't.

>> No.7333577

I don't think it's her, different eyebrows and other videos of her and her system show her with long blonde hair.

>> No.7333609


>> No.7333657
File: 15 KB, 456x279, erdftghujkl,.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What does she think we're going to do? Hide outside of her house? What an attention whore.

>> No.7333664

Lol her poor dad
"Someone's making fun of you on the internet?
Huh, ok, goodnight sweetie."
"Yeah sure, we'll call the cops in the morning... zzzz"

I wish I could hear that phone call with the police... I can imagine them laughing at her frantic requests to hunt down every person on the internet who made fun of her.

Btw thanks whoever linked her to this thread, you're thick as shit but at least her reaction is hilarious!

>> No.7333678

Either she's enjoying the attention and blowing things out of proportion or she has never been "e-bullied" before, which with a presence like hers is hard to believe. If she has then she'd know that practically nothing ever comes from attracting the all-seeing eye of anon. Girl is cray but she hasn't reached CWC proportions.

>> No.7333688

I was happy to read and ignore this thread but this....this...Darling if you're reading this please realise you're not that important. No one here is going to stalk you, your parents don't care that 'the internet called you names'. If you don't want to be found you need to set your facebook to private, not ask people to kindly remove themselves because why would they when you provide so much cringeworthy entertainment?

This girl has some serious, serious problems and needs to get over herself.

>> No.7333704
File: 866 KB, 960x720, nothankyou.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

love the twitter

>> No.7333712

Her poor father. Wish we could send him a fruit basket or something for having to deal with this bullshit.

At least this will make a good story for those cops if they even call them

>> No.7333716

>116 lbs
On what planet?

>> No.7333720

Obviously she's not counting the parts of her that arn't hot, however 116lbs of it is.

>> No.7333741

The moon isn't a planet, silly anon.

She doesn't list her height. Maybe she's four feet tall?

>> No.7333801

I guess she must be 3 feet tall

>> No.7333809

Honestly this is the only thing I vaguely agree with her on. Only not because Yaya got a boob job but because she acted as if her boobs were her most important trait and the got mad when people actually thought they were.

>> No.7333810

Oh lordie.

>> No.7333831

Is this a shitty fucking Snape genderbend in a goddamn graveyard

I promised myself I wouldn't get mad but goddamn I mad

>> No.7333854

At least it isn't a hairy, pregnant Snape
I still can't forget it, no matter how hard I try

>> No.7333856

Wow, I just realized she is almost 30 years old. She acts like a 13 year old attention whore....

>> No.7333885
File: 122 KB, 1243x318, lolcow.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the thread she posted here some days ago to promote her fanpage:

>> No.7333916
File: 460 KB, 400x225, critic7.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



Seriously, with that manface, you make PT look like an idoru.

>> No.7333954
File: 28 KB, 400x602, 1390928271554.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, fucking hell, is that what it's supposed to be? I had no idea wth that was.

(Not to be super picky but why the hell couldn't she do the pic related? Just, y'know, to at least be accurate to the damn book/movie.)

>officially ruined a great character

>> No.7333967
File: 77 KB, 600x836, 1390928968491.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7333986

nah shes probably thinking that we will go to jail just like that autistic dude for trolling a dead kids facebook memorial and that cyberbullied an hero chick

>> No.7334053

Here is her youtube http://www.youtube.com/user/Gothygirl84?feature=watch

>> No.7334080
File: 68 KB, 480x360, clannad11b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thinking that we care about her enough to want to be near her
it's safe for you to resume your life, honey.

>> No.7334103

This chick is 30 years old and acts like she's twelve. Still lives with parents. She calls any cosplayer better than her a slut and is a white straight girl who uses slurs to describe lesbian, gay, bi, trans, black, and asian people and p much anyone who is different than her. She attacks people with slurs when they calling her out for being a terrible loser who has like $10 to cosplay with and it's so fucking bad. Fire away people. This is encouraged.

>> No.7334185

This thread is absolutely the best thing

>> No.7334282
File: 56 KB, 537x468, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shit, I agree anon
Best thread I've seen in a while!

>> No.7334287

If she actually calls the police I'm gonna flip my shit

>> No.7334471


>"sexy anon goth"

>> No.7334489

What can she actually call the cops for? No one threatened her, she's not in highschool or any kind of public education anymore so none of the "cyber-bulling" laws apply and last I checked it's not a crime to say mean things on the internet...it's not nice but not illegal

>> No.7334526
File: 41 KB, 600x443, pniEPIu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Not loving our lady angel Yaya

Bitch please, you and your furry loving self can log out of facebook immediately.

>> No.7334596

I know, if she tried to call the cops it would be useless. That fact that she is so worked up about this and thinks calling the cops would help her makes me want to flip my shit.

>> No.7334628

'girl look at that body'
I did, and I feel like vomitting now, thank you.

>> No.7334633



>> No.7334766

>"woke my dad"
Poor her dad.
That shit could have waited 'til morning.

>> No.7334785
File: 37 KB, 764x268, why.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7334792
File: 59 KB, 361x330, squidward.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm getting really, reeaally tired of this.

>> No.7334810
File: 282 KB, 248x200, 1358655751221.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was hilariously autistic but now it`s just annoying as hell.

>> No.7334837
File: 104 KB, 720x960, 1390955878906.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We should set her up with Lawrence Brenner
THAT hilarity would be legendary.

>> No.7334957


I totally think we should or at least someone should anyway.

>> No.7334975


If you guys paid any attention to one of the images posted it says she is 5'2 in case you were wondering

>> No.7334979

I was taking a guess but the way she was draped over the "Lilly" gravestone in >>7330645
and the greasy hair made me think of it. It seems very "lolita snape-chan" in its way.

Neville's grandma is my personal style icon

>> No.7334983


WTF!? Im sickened yet curious do you have a link to go by or dare I say image?

>> No.7334996
File: 333 KB, 785x280, this thing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, apparently it's just "gothic lolita". So this is now an ita thread too and I'm not so mad

but I am kind of disappointed

>> No.7335135
File: 65 KB, 303x206, 1375258944254.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wow, IMO if she really is 5'2ft then there is NO WAY in hell she looks 114lbs, she's be around 130lbs because I'm also 5'2ft and I weigh 140lbs.

>> No.7335153


>> No.7335151

ouch, sorry for spelling, autocorrect is terrible.

>> No.7335286

Double verifying, I'm 114lbs and 4'11", and I don't look anywhere near that mess. And that's coming from someone with self deprication issues.

>> No.7335299
File: 14 KB, 577x91, amy lee.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's deep in denial about her size, apparently. lol

>> No.7335311

I think the only way this can be verified if Amy ever gave out her body measurements. It just depends on which body type you are.

>> No.7335312

I'm both supposedly short and heavier than her (5'1, 120lbs) but I'm definitely thinner than her. She looks like how I looked when I was around 130lbs.

>> No.7335352


My mom is 5'3" and 140lbs. She looks thinner than this chick. About 10-15lbs

>> No.7335361

There's a body variance factor, yes, but there's also the realm of believability. Flattering body shape or not, that's not someone with a 20.8 BMI.

>> No.7335368
File: 1.35 MB, 708x960, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dropped pic.

>> No.7335387

maybe she meant 215

>> No.7335392
File: 54 KB, 500x667, 1390969058835.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't mean to self post or anything, but I'm 5' 2" and 116 pounds and this is what I look like. I'm not really super thin or anything (pretty much just average) but this girl is definitely heavier than she says.

>> No.7335400

I agree with you
oh btw, you look cute! I really like your coord

>> No.7335425

you're fucking adorable and so is your cat

>> No.7335460

Oh wow thanks! My cat is really cute huh :3

>> No.7335472

I'm going to be waiting for the day that the TLC show about absurd 911 calls does a segment on this.

>> No.7335477

Agreed. Also, you are a qt 3.14

>> No.7335489


wait she's 27 and lives with her parents? fuck me

>> No.7335490

I am 150lbs and I look thinner than her, why do people even lie about their weight? If you have photo's of yourself like >>7335368 people are not going to care how light you say you are, you don't look healthy. I mean even if she had no muscle tone at all and was all fat I don't see how she could be close to that weight.

>> No.7335498

thank you~!

>> No.7335496
File: 61 KB, 480x640, 1390971027563.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Quadruple confirming that no way she's 114lbs at 5"2, I'm 118lbs at 5"2 and she looks like me when I was 135lbs at LEAST. Pic me at 115lbs last week.

This girl has serious issues, 29 and this sort of shit? Poor Daddy, should've cut her off 11 years ago and not deal with this shit.

>> No.7335512

She's 29 now.

>> No.7335540

Selfposting to prove how good you look compared to the subject of the thread will earn you no ass pats, noob.

>> No.7335538
File: 33 KB, 403x397, ruserious.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She thinks she's an artist.
Fun fact, she's unemployed as fuck or at least was last time I checked.
There was this one post, not sure if it's still up or not, where she asked for help making Domino's eye circle for under five dollars. She got a ton of suggestions and denied them all because she was "on a budget." When a guy called her out and said that if she's going to cosplay, she needs to be willing to spend some money she flipped her shit and wined "cosplay is for everybody, and it's my hobby and I should still be able to cosplay even though I have no job"

>> No.7335558

So many cutie pie short girls.

>> No.7335596

Well she is right. Cosplay is for everybody, but good cosplay takes time,effort and most times $$$.

>> No.7335632

Guys! She willl never be our queen like PT did but at least she can be the princess!

>> No.7335658

Bull fucking shit, man. No matter what route you take, you'll need money to either buy your cosplay or get the materials needed to make one. You can't fish if you don't have money to buy a pole, you can't cosplay if you don't have money for your costumes.

>> No.7335725

Anime anorexia?

>> No.7335761

How do broke people get into conventions?

>> No.7335770

Whoaa. Please tell me this girl is mentally ill. Maybe she actually has Autism?

>> No.7335785

Harassing/manipulating "friends" and family for money.

>> No.7335817 [DELETED] 
File: 46 KB, 491x248, 01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7335823
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>> No.7335826
File: 47 KB, 490x277, 02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7335829

What the fuck is she even upset over? I don't like sexy cosplay either, but I'm not offended by it personally.

>> No.7335832

lol you know for a fucking fact though if she were skinny and pretty she'd be flashing that clit and those tits around everywhere though hahahaha

>> No.7335834


>those insecurities


>> No.7335860

I'm sure he lives in Montreal and doesn't post pics online.

>> No.7335885

wow, cute dress! Where did you get it? (I'm serious, I don't lolita)

>> No.7335892

>hates sexy cosplays
>cosplays in skin-tight bodysuits

uh...sure, girl...

>> No.7335895

Somebody make a thread at Staminarose before this gets deleted!

>> No.7335896

it's Juliette et Justine's 'Star Money' OP I am pretty sure (not that anon, just a lolita)

>> No.7335920

stop trying to make staminarose happen

>> No.7335919

every one deserve to have a expensive hobby sure, doesnt mean they should do it

>> No.7335934

>Juliette et Justine's 'Star Money
Thank you, kind loli

>> No.7335936

? it's kind of already happened

>> No.7335963

Get with your time, grandma

>> No.7336100
File: 25 KB, 400x414, 1389888617338.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I smell vendetta in this post. Yum, I love vendetta toast and jelly LEL

>inb4 omg tumblrfag!

Anyway, you are cute as fuck! you go girl!

>> No.7336113

There's no point in going DURR TUMBLRRRRR because it makes no sense in this context.

If neither of you weren't such obvious noobs you would know that people often selfposted in PT threads to show how they looked better than her and were torn apart for it. Stop trying to make the thread about you and go attentionwhore somewhere else.

>> No.7336139


Wait, who's Lawrence Brenner? Is this guy cosplaying?

>> No.7336303
File: 187 KB, 640x912, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7336304

It's a "Prince Eric" cosplay.

>> No.7336336

Not the anon you're calling vendetta on but seriously? Are you new to /cgl/? Selfposting to compare yourself to lolcows is like /cgl/'s number one taboo. Remember 32-inch-waist-chan? If these girls were slightly less cute and didn't catch us on a good day they would have been torn to pieces.

Don't selfpost in threads like these, people.

>> No.7336347

>I want to be the only sexy woman my guy sees
Good luck with that. I hope for her sake he doesn't have access to the internet.

I bet his name is Wade Wilson.

>> No.7336396

Also because this girl is so pants on head crazy, seeing pictures of semi-cute girls isn't nearly as irritating to /cgl/ as usual.

Anyway, has she said anything about her call to the police yet?

>> No.7336415

Wait so I don't get this? People won't remove themselves upon her request. She has to ignore them if she wants to be left alone, but something tells me she can't be bothered to find out how to do that.

>> No.7336495

Oh look another 32 inch waist chan

>> No.7336497

Oh yes, definitely have her views wrong when our ideas of her views come directly from her own posts.

>> No.7336644

imaginary boyfriends have imaginary internet connection, so don't worry anon!

>> No.7336662

His name is totally Frank Wolf guise, and be fucking nice he just committed suicide and is going through a lot!

>> No.7336671

This is a tactic I've never seen people attempt before. Instead of going bitch-crazy and blocking everyone, she thinks the people who enjoy her bat-shit insanity will just give it up and leave her alone? wat

>> No.7336677

Don't be silly, anon, she's clearly just faking everything for e-fame!

>> No.7337262
File: 113 KB, 628x665, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7337271

This was too long for me to screen cap on my phone so this is broken up into 3 parts

>> No.7337275
File: 180 KB, 640x1095, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shit, sorry I forgot the photo

>> No.7337272

>4chan made me have my period

>> No.7337273
File: 21 KB, 278x340, 1364092261696.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She must have been REALLY stressing over this if it gave her her period.
I'm willing to bet she just hasn't grasped the fact that it gradually changes. That'd match her maturity level.
There it fucking is again.

>> No.7337281
File: 220 KB, 640x1092, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Part 2

>> No.7337284

>As for my dad, im not telling you what he has planed to end this.

Oh no oh god oh man oh god I'm so frightened

>> No.7337285

fucking christ I cant stand her 'yer'ing in every single post she makes. Also congrats guys her vagina is now bleeding earlier than expected because of us.

>> No.7337288
File: 229 KB, 640x1091, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And last but not least, part 3

>> No.7337295

lmao girl, you brought it to yerself though

>> No.7337300

>as for my dad, I'm not telling you what he has planned to end this

I'm waiting eagerly for this to happen, and I'll definitely have popcorn if anyone else wants to watch with me.

>> No.7337301

>31 waist
as if that's something to brag about.

>> No.7337302
File: 39 KB, 492x250, lolcow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Im not gonna be yer new lolcow!

Does she think she has to be nominated and win a contest first?

>> No.7337305

gonna make a thread on stamrose in case this gets deleted. i love you /cgl/

>> No.7337304
File: 33 KB, 294x273, 1368285797412.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no likes yet

>> No.7337306

Wait does she think that someone is pretending to be her and 'self promoting' her, by posting all these caps we're laughing at? I don't even.

>> No.7337307
File: 117 KB, 1058x705, 1382069499648.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>As for my dad, im not telling you what he has planed to end this.

>> No.7337310

No, there was a thread last week where someone was promoting her page.

>> No.7337311

>short hand for "you"


>> No.7337308


>you all are and the 4-chan site are the cancer to the internet
>my dad has a master plan to destroy all of you

fuck right off

>> No.7337309

just a heads up benji
you don't need to fill out the email field.

>> No.7337313

>no likes yet
No shit...

>> No.7337317

Holy shit what? Does she really think periods work like that? Is she really 29? Is she retarded or something it's like she's never been outside/in school/with people. Maybe she didn't ever take health class because it was icky! Also, what kind of babby basementdweller 30 year old needs her parents to help fight off the mean interweb bullies?

This is like jessie slaughter only she was fucking 14 so it made sense for her to be acting like she was, this bitch needs to grow up now.

>> No.7337318

Please do. I'll be eagerly awaiting.

>> No.7337315


>> No.7337316

She made a thread here before legitimately trying to self promote, but now she's back-peddling like no other.

>> No.7337322

Oh right I had forgotten about that.

>> No.7337329

i find it sad that she wants all of this to stop but she continues to answer all the questions that are brought up in this thread

>> No.7337343

yep. she'll probably try to track you down bro. or rather her dad will

>> No.7337347
File: 135 KB, 640x913, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

On her cosplay fan page she is telling everyone she is gonna stay positive and move on but on her profile she is going batshit insane about this

>> No.7337351

This is the most popular she's ever been. Even bad attention is still attention to one who's desperate.

You bring som'a dat shit right over here, gurl.

>> No.7337357

>what dad planned to end this
>remove her internet connection

too immature for her age

>> No.7337371

>tfw we actually changed the way someone acts

>> No.7337383
File: 67 KB, 265x335, 1388622952088.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm 5'2" and 130lbs and I'm half this bitch's size.

>> No.7337388

>33-inch hips
>31-inch waist

>> No.7337392

Lawrence is one of the biggest creepers on the cosplay scene. Hes notorious for taking inappropriate pictures of girls, his over head down shirt photos are his most common. Beyond that hes completly dillusional:

He claims that hes DATED Yaya Han...
Once twice
Can out drink anyone
Worked for Adventure time at NYCC
Started working for the UN when he was teenager
Pakistan HATES him
Helped create the BROTHER (the sewing machines) website
Close personal friends with voice actors of adventure time and they asked him to dress up as hunson abadeer
Can speak like 7 languages
knows almost every programming language
Was a voice actor in Transformers: The Movie... you know the 1980s one...
wrote on of the first comparative genetics programs
worked in the National Sycncrohotron Light source
Worked for the US government at age 15
Writes for Fool.com and PAX.
and "did a favor for Ubisoft" .... whatever the fuck that means.

>> No.7337396


>> No.7337398
File: 35 KB, 694x530, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow, he sounds like a catch.

>> No.7337418

she was interviewed.

>> No.7337446

He asks girls in low cut tops to "push their chest out more" in photos.

>> No.7337452

She sounds legitimately autistic.

>> No.7337455

At least we didn't give her a miscarriage.

>> No.7337460

I can't believe out of the entire interview this is the only thing she could truly say with confidence.

>> No.7337466

ok she definitely has a mental disorder

>> No.7337474


>> No.7337472

and she thinks shes a B!!!

she's an A, or an AA at the most.

>> No.7337488

She's probably actually a B. Big cup =/= big boobs.

>> No.7337490

oh god, she's more and more like PT

>> No.7337497

>I am not an attention whore
>selfposts on 4chan to promote her shitty facebook cosplays

>> No.7337499

> Domino, well...she's, um, a mu'ant...
> Well, umm, the catsuit I, um, b-- I got online
> which I got from my closet

No goddamn kidding.

>> No.7337501


>> No.7337503

I hardly knew someone could have such an unfortunate hip to waist ratio.

>> No.7337509

>what is anatomy

>> No.7337514

>implying it'll last

>> No.7337559
File: 294 KB, 336x444, Jrock_halloween_by_Eimi_Chan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"This is me at my hometown's Halloween parade.

Just a random Jrock gothic lolita person.

The red bloch is a bloody eyepatch I made with gause, elastic string and costume blood. The blue and black make-up was inspiered by a pic I was on one of the many gothic lolita web sites. Of course my Tokyo goth doll dress my aunt got me from Hot Topic a few years ago.

I just love it. Too bad I didn't win. Oh well, I did totally rocked out the parade. XDD"

>Jrock gothic lolita person


>> No.7337587

She looks a lot thinner there. How old is this picture?

>> No.7337596

Based on that cellphone, I'd say a good few years old

>> No.7337613

It's from her dA, uploaded November 2, 2007.

>> No.7337919

>my wrists are small and bony

This bitch.

>> No.7337929


>> No.7338071

Wow... um... yeah...

>> No.7338075

>>7337392 >>7337396

>> No.7338084

No, it's bony.

>> No.7338101
File: 79 KB, 537x574, fu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay NOW I'm pissed off.
I have a mutual friend with this fucker.

>> No.7338116

>a miracle

wtf. move your lazy ass and don't act like a fucking 5yo kid.

>> No.7338150


Why does pakistan hate him?

>> No.7338157

>mooching off government programs
>mad they don't pay her enough to squander it on shit she doesn't need
Sounds like it's working just the way it was intended. Get a fucking job if you want silly shit.

>> No.7338184


10/10 my jimmies have been rustled

>> No.7338248

because he could get on a date with yaya han and pakistan couldnt

>> No.7338357

Just saw her fb 'fan' page and it just seems like she's trying too hard

>> No.7338378
File: 39 KB, 499x360, sht.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she bitches that she didn't win because she bought her cosplay clothes? WTF? it's like she thinks she's beautiful and unique and everything should just kiss her ass.

at least try to make your own cosplay bitch!

>> No.7338452

She's daddy's special girl… she just misunderstood the "special" part...

>> No.7338532
File: 25 KB, 500x287, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This girl is digging herself into a hole a hole she won't be able to get out of....

>> No.7338536

This girl is digging herself into a hole she won't be able to get out of*

>> No.7338556
File: 53 KB, 600x450, Super_Smas_Purgers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


> true loyal fans

>> No.7338700
File: 39 KB, 480x640, 1391112800892.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's scary....

>> No.7338817

she'll be too wide to squeeze out

>> No.7338847
File: 44 KB, 480x640, 1391118609112.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7338855
File: 95 KB, 720x960, 1391118817755.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>A pic of me charging my phone! Lol. My friend Anthony Murray took this pic of me. Lol. My back pack makes me look fat!

This is probably the best picture I've seen of her.

>> No.7338870

dem eyebrows

>> No.7339062

>My back pack makes me look fat

Nope, your fat makes you look fat

>> No.7339069

>I would be dead from commiting suicide.
Top kek

>> No.7339208
File: 122 KB, 960x342, 1391128690791.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this was the full context. KO said she wanted to cosplay skarlet from MK

>> No.7339252
File: 34 KB, 500x375, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If a female is confident enough to wear a revealing cosplay then good for them. Amy needs to get the fuck over herself and realize that just because she thinks something is wrong doesn't mean that she should force her view upon other people jfc

>> No.7339455
File: 36 KB, 498x226, gsgfgs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7339459
File: 19 KB, 514x82, rude3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7339476
File: 49 KB, 518x458, fffsdss.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7339485


Christ. I can't even stand her in Facebook posts, I feel sorry for anyone that has to actually deal with her shit in real life.

>> No.7339494

Wow. I pity everyone who has dated her.....

>> No.7339590

Who is 32 inch waist chan?

>> No.7339623

>whale size
Reminds me of the queen.

>> No.7339638

YES. Someone found the blood ritual post thank you.

>> No.7339969

jfc she's fucked in the head

>> No.7339976

This girl needs help

>> No.7339979
File: 136 KB, 1200x1200, 11537288_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Make of like a bitch
>Make of like a faggot

Stop mistreating Back to the Future quotes, bitch!

>> No.7339991

and make like a tree and get outta here!

>> No.7340512
File: 137 KB, 640x993, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's still upset that Avalon cosplay blocked her crazy ass...

>> No.7340518

>29 years old
> believes in "magik"

>> No.7340522

Okay, can someone explain to a non-American how a 29 year-old is receiving money from (what I though was) a pension program??? Does that anger those of you who have jobs that a portion of your paycheck is going to a program that funds this girl?

>> No.7340566

My guess is she's getting unemployment. I have no idea how she would get it (you needed to be fired from a job or something similar). But yes, people like her make me very upset. I don't pay my taxes to support someone sitting on their ass all day long, acting like a child.

>> No.7340708

You can pretty much get unemployment for up to 2 years, I think, but you have to do periodic reports showing that you tried looking for work. Usually people have their friends fill out brief contact info so the office can contact the companies to see if the recipient tried applying, but they almost never call. It's a BS system! More than most people on their are just losers and druggies being fed, since there's no testing and shit, while the truly struggling unemployed are busting their ass trying to find work. You also are only paid a small percentage of whatever you were making at the time, so not everyone receives the same amount.

>> No.7340867

That's not really saying much...

>> No.7340910
File: 69 KB, 480x640, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7341067

Her eyebrows bother me so much.....

>> No.7341083

She was complaining about how she accidentally plucked them completely off when trying to shape them, or something. I have no idea how you "accidentally" pluck them clean, though.

>> No.7341105
File: 14 KB, 179x189, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you fucking kidding me