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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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7324593 No.7324593[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Hold on to your fatt-rolls fags,
the Beglium cosplay shitstom is passing through!

>Good people?
>Bad people?
>Any news about Sairu?

>> No.7324615


>> No.7324773

Heard kelly went to japan twice in one month.
Wonder which desperate rich guys cock she's sucking to pay for those trips.

>> No.7324905

Good people : no one
Bad people : everyone

Do not trust belgians
backstabbing bitches
Especially the french part

>> No.7326022

I'm going to a convention in Belgium soon, who are the easy girls ?

>> No.7326034

Why is it always the same people saying that
Waloons are the backstabers and yet flemish are the only one talking shit here. at least those who speak french are not afraid to show who they are

>> No.7326050



>> No.7326110

I ain't flemish i'm one of the waloons and i can tell you that the walloons are not really backstabbing but more two faced

>> No.7326112

besides sairu please

>> No.7326174

Slutty Verbeke twins
I heard they are very easy

>> No.7327122

Asten even got something going with one of the twins, so yeah, they're easy

>> No.7327244

Who hasn't?

>> No.7329204

Are they both just as slutty as each other or is one worse?

>> No.7329850

Melissa is the most desperate

>> No.7330743

Do either of them have boyfriends?

I think they are cute.

>> No.7331750

Anon don't, abort mission, I know a guy that had something with them and the moment he got involved with them he wanted to get out of their claws.
They are the worst, dirtiest and meanest girls he knew.

>> No.7331923

They don't have boyfriends, they have fuckbuddies.
If you can drive,have a car and say you like horror genre, you can get laid the same day you meet up.

>> No.7333982
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>talking about Sairu and Verbeke Twins

yeah,, helpful.
any ideas who will be the next attention whore? flanders/wallonia, doesn't make a difference.

>> No.7334736

There was just a radio interview with cosplayers.
The two guys were awfull with the talking but the two girls were alright.
Anyone else heard it ?

>> No.7335913

Now everyone can hear it.

There was supposed to be another one, but they canceled him and replaced him for one of the girls.
Talk about fail for that guy.

>> No.7336207
File: 366 KB, 5000x5000, 137580941147[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it was rather sad they cancelled him,
so excited on FaceBook, posting several statuses about it, and then being cancelled... poor bloke

>> No.7336209

Yeah poor guy, why did they actually replace him with that girl ?

>> No.7336233

no idea, i guess the presenter was to dumb to make a proper schedule.........?

>> No.7336250

Jesus Christ that second guy. Glad the girl after him was a bit funny because it was like he was forced to do the interview.

>> No.7336276

That girl wasn't really part of the interview. In between interviewing people about cosplay, they allowed listeners to call and tell them who they would like to be for one day. She was one of the callers. That's why they didn't ask her anything about cosplay.

They didn't call the last guy because the show had to stop at midnight, there was not enough time.

>> No.7336288

But she was a cosplayer ?

>> No.7336306

Yes, but the radio station didn't know that.

>> No.7336361

haha yeah right, He was cancelled because he was talking shit about the woman presenting the show. And afterwards he was so butthurt, he and his girlfriend had to insult her via the fb-site. Real mature.. that's why they see us like little children because some of them behave like it.

On the other hand really enjoyed the 2 girls being interviewed. They showed true professionality. the other guys were rather nervous..

>> No.7336491

Yeah his girlfriend is a real bitch

>> No.7336520
File: 284 KB, 640x796, 1340712441024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Any news about Sairu?

Why do you care so much about this woman, or better yet do you have nothing better to do in your life then care about her antics? Sairu got boring after a while of trying to revive the drama, just quit it.


You're a nigger.

Top kek.

>> No.7336529
File: 864 KB, 320x239, ooooooh[1].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7336646

Yeah what exactly is her problem ?
All I see from her is anger and hate.
She won like one competition on facts (and they always let big groups win no matter how good other acts are) and now she acts like she knows fucking everything.

>> No.7336696

Oh, I'm so glad I'm not the only one. I remember her bitching this one time on some girl her facebook that dance acts are slutty and that she knows everything about cosplay acts.

>> No.7337252

ik eet kak en schijt in mijn anus

>> No.7337987

Please elaborate on who "guy" and "girlfriend" are

>> No.7338057

Lennert Laevaert & Beatrice Laforge

>> No.7338288

Laura, get your slutty fatrolls out of here.

>> No.7338373

Oh pl0x Reira go get your fat ass away.

>> No.7338506

Calm yo tits, I ain't laura.

>> No.7338540

Denial is the first step of acceptance. You can't deal with the fact that you're an ugly fatass.

>> No.7338633
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>> No.7338640

Thanks for the clarification but never heard of them

>> No.7338668

Jezus, niet iedereen die iets tegen je heeft is Laura. Andere mensen hebben ook een hekel aan je. Get the fuck over it.

>> No.7338687
File: 87 KB, 678x461, Oh_My_God-0013.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



or fat reira or skinny tasja.
why do those two hang out togeter anyway? doesnt tasja have a nose?

>> No.7338695

"doesnt tasja have a nose?"

I giggled

>> No.7338769


Because Laura is totally in lesbians with Tasja. C'mon, she constantly spams her sexual frustrations towards Tasja on ALL of her Facebook posts. It's becoming sad.

>> No.7338881

You guys are so desperate for fatcuntrolls attention...
I just don't get it
And Beatrice, winning a group cosplay act on FACTS is easy, don't think you will win with your group on other cons with those poorly glued together costumes.

>> No.7338965

Implying any Flemish con or Walloon con for the same matter, hosts decent cosplay competitions.

>> No.7341915

keep it that way

>> No.7344071

Bump !

>> No.7344380

show me please

>> No.7345059

Why on earth would Paine submit Starla to the SCG facebook page? I thought they didn't get on.

Clearly I'm out of the loop again.

>> No.7348663

such a boring thread for a Belgian one

>> No.7348676
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>> No.7348880

Where was this posted?

>> No.7348909

You are pathetic, mister wannabe troll

>> No.7348934

How is that trolling ?

>> No.7349072


Actually...she's got a fucking point.

>> No.7349087

There are ofcourse girls that do a 'slutty' dance but if you perform the dance really well and it suits the character I think it's fine

>> No.7349093

But in the picture posted above s mainly about the facts that Tasje and Reira did a slutty dance at FACTS... Or wasn't that slutty at all?

>> No.7349095


Bitching about a stupid FACTS cosplay act. Clearly somone still has issues about not wining. Get a fucking life.

>> No.7349113

I didn't fucking participate you fucking king cunt

>> No.7349158

Times so many times

>> No.7351531

www facebook com / IndianaNotJones / posts / 10202845073994960
I don't know if you can see it if you're not befriended with her

>> No.7351771

Beatrice needs to get that sand out of her vagina

>> No.7351875

Maybe you should say that to her face. you'd be my hero

>> No.7352089

maybe i should, yes. Maybe we all should

>> No.7352754

Beatrice is absolutely right here.
Tasja and her pet dragon should fuck off in this thread.

On other topic. Why is beatrice even together with that dweep of an lennert? Beatrice is a honest to god bitch, both on facebook as in real life while lennert is just her bitch on facebook and you can blow him away in real life

>> No.7353562

Thanks, I can see it just fine.

That Beatrice really sounds like a dumb bitch and what is up with that awful mixing of english in her words...
>Kuch. Wij hebben wel gewonnen.
Wow...just wow.
Also, that doesn't mean shit, I saw better cosplayers walking around who didn't even compete.

Is Indiana a /tv/ fag?

>> No.7353571

Wait I just did some more research. This Beatrix was the scout from Team Fortress? And she's telling other people how to cosplay? lol, stupid bitch

>> No.7353724
File: 39 KB, 179x350, 1378857147845.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus quit the drama and enjoy your life. Smoke some weed and drink some apple juice, makes you happy.

>> No.7353746

But don't you understand? It's cool to pretend to be a hippie and smoke the ganja but when someone lights up one little joint, you should give them deathstares and pretend they are murderers.

captcha: damascene (almost typed dramascene)

>> No.7354043

After reading that I really hope that Indiana is going to do a 'slutty' dance just to annoy Beatrice.

>> No.7354073

is she hot ?

>> No.7354088

If you are into big thighs and nice boobs, yes.

>> No.7354131
File: 33 KB, 480x640, 1391711392482.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7354132


>> No.7354169

everyone knows she posts on Lennert's facebook

>> No.7354239 [DELETED] 

She is pretty cute yes

>> No.7354248

She is pretty cute

>> No.7354290

I heard Reito Mio was maybe coming in Belgium?
I also heard some bad stuff about Elodie de Frise the shitlita. Can't stand her

>> No.7354316

Who the fuck is she?
Who the fuck is Reito?

>> No.7354348

Attention whore for the first
and a pretty e-famous girl with makeup skills, her own style and a cute face and skinny body for the second

>> No.7356088

any drama on her ?

>> No.7356522

Hi Reito

>> No.7356574

reito can't speak english you shit she better than you

>> No.7356587

Can some tell me who in the potato is that girl?

>> No.7356591


>> No.7356595

Can someone translate it in english? I don't speak peasant.

>> No.7356718

a while ago there was some drama between her and the verbeke twins but that's all i think

>> No.7357205

Who hasnt had drama with them, djeez

>> No.7358115


>> No.7358497

What was said drama ?

>> No.7359864


>> No.7360015

You are jealous of Reito.
Everyone is jealous of Reito

>> No.7360034

Better explanation ?

>> No.7360198

Holy shit what a cunt. Is she like this in real life? How does she have any friends at all?