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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 90 KB, 612x612, 1390353460065.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7319317 No.7319317 [Reply] [Original]


Let's discuss:
> Are there any Homestuck cosplays that you are working on right now?
> Are there any upcoming cons?
> Have you seen any good cosplays lately that we've overlooked?
> Have you been to any cosplay meets, con or otherwise? And if so, discuss how they were like.
> Similarly, what's your local comm like?
> What Homestuck cosplays have you done in 2013? Do you plan to do more this year?

>> No.7319322

So Mookie made the bad outfit designs and also designed Eridan's horns to go down? Jeez...

>> No.7319335 [DELETED] 
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>> No.7319357

How mature of you

>> No.7319366
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I wonder if Mookie realizes how much bad cosplay she's responsible for.

>> No.7319425


/r/ some Feferi cosplays, the best and the worst.

>> No.7319438 [DELETED] 
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>> No.7319445

What are you hoping to achieve here

>> No.7319451 [DELETED] 
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>> No.7319452

They've been spamming other threads too.

God fucking damnit, and there's another...

>> No.7319459 [DELETED] 
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>> No.7319453

And most of all what the fuck is wrong with her face though

>> No.7319468

Oh wow lel you are so cool for posting porn in a blue board. ebin

>> No.7319470

Homeshit is not cosplay

>> No.7319471

Get a load of this guy.

>> No.7319473 [DELETED] 
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>> No.7319479

Why aren`t they banned yet, mods?

>> No.7319483

Cuz mods don't ban people who shit post in shit threads

>> No.7319491 [DELETED] 
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>> No.7319497

You're not being mature about this at all. No one's forcing you to go to these threads.

>> No.7319502

They're not banned yet because they immediately delete their posts so they can't be caught

>> No.7319520
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>> No.7319519
File: 56 KB, 500x375, I LOVE THAT LIGHTSABER SO MUCH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lets just continue on with regular posting and not even give the troll that time of day.

>> No.7319532

>immediately delete their posts
You can't delete posts anymore.

>> No.7319529
File: 56 KB, 497x750, 1390356690856.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dumping from the tag.

>> No.7319535

Those lightsabres are pretty fucking sweet.

>> No.7319536
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>> No.7319537

Then what's happening is the mods ARE banning them, and then they're just changing their IP and coming back

>> No.7319540
File: 42 KB, 250x377, pretty cute latula.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7319546
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>> No.7319552

It's a little small to see, anon. But I'm guessing they used makeup to make it look like the eye was damaged.

>> No.7319557

This is disgusting.

>> No.7319562

I have no idea why you want this but http://dave-mau5.tumblr.com/tagged/egnoodles

>> No.7319565
File: 129 KB, 500x647, 1390357539263.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh shit, sorry guys... my computer likes to save the images small for some reason. :c i guess the dump ends here.

>> No.7319574

That's tumblr resizing, you need to open it in the bigger view before saving it

>> No.7319583
File: 604 KB, 499x750, better picture hopefully.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7319626

uuuGHHH those horns and all those frayed, unhemmed edges. And just slapping on the ruffle right onto the bodice is so fancy.

>> No.7319643

While the horns aren't perfect, it doesn't look frayed at all.

>> No.7319646

are you not looking at the skirt

>> No.7319650

Oh geez, you're right. That's just downright unfortunate. I was only looking at the mask & above

>> No.7319667

Why no red makeup?

>> No.7319693

That eye makeup is impressive but I'm way more interested in that Kanaya. Her dreamer dress looks fantastic.

>> No.7319718
File: 355 KB, 1280x896, 1390360539629.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish the rest of the costume was more impressive, but her eye does look pretty cool.

/r/ing more unusual makeup/prosthetics. I remember seeing a batterwitch a while ago with some cool face appliances.

>> No.7319730
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This one, anon?

>> No.7319757
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>> No.7319763

>That obvious foam block under the shirt
After all the effort with the rest of it, why on earth would you do that

>> No.7319764
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>> No.7319773
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>> No.7319779

Probably just an unfortunate oversight.

Though, it really couldn't have been hard to at least make it less noticeable.

>> No.7319777
File: 193 KB, 900x1350, 1390361601152.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7319786

ugh every time I see this I can't get over how cool it is!

>> No.7319788
File: 310 KB, 709x1695, 044.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's just like
The rest of it looks SO GOOD
And then.. that. I don't even know why it would have to be that big for harness purposes, I was able to make a harness for my doc scratch head that was lower profile than that and that monster needed to support the globe around my head without having ANYTHING visible because of how I wanted to make it look

>> No.7319824

Damn these are nice. Keep em coming, anon!

>> No.7319827

I think that's their chest binder?

>> No.7319837

Binders bind, that's why they're called binders. If your binder looks like that, something is seriously wrong

>> No.7319849
File: 221 KB, 769x1024, 1390363270436.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That whole group was so, so cute.

>> No.7319860

JJ's looking quite fine in that outfit.

>> No.7319882

Do you prefer a gradient or stripe effect with troll horns? I've just made about 5 pairs of different horns and I want to start painting them, but I don't know which looks better.

>> No.7319886

Personally, I like the block stripes better.

The usual consensus that I've seen on here is, if you based your horns on actual animal horns or gave them a texture, do a gradient, but if not it could go either way.

>> No.7319899


>> No.7319896

I always prefer gradient.

>> No.7319904

Gradient for sure. Block always looks like they were too lazy to gradient, to me.

>> No.7319938
File: 280 KB, 1280x1707, 1390365865847.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dumping a few more quality makeups

>> No.7319944
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>> No.7319947
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>> No.7319969
File: 258 KB, 900x600, 1390366646720.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7319973


>quality makeup


>> No.7320021

Thank you! I'm >>7319882 and I've just started trying to paint the gradient on my Feferi horns. So far it's not really going too well, but I'll keep trying until it looks good. Thank god for hairdryers, they speed everything up.

Also, to >>7319904, block stripes are actually not too easy. I've painted flags on things before and if the masking tape moves even slightly when you're painting, it can take ages to fix the mistake.

>> No.7320023

Striped/blocked. But if you're doing a group, try to get everyone's horns to match.

>> No.7320152


no its the two of them

>> No.7320151

OK I'm very sorry for a nosy question but the two girls of Cowbuttcrunchies are in a relationship, correct? Or is one of them in a relationship with Pyropi? I've been curious but it would be so weird to send them an ask.

>> No.7320166

You're right that IS a nosy question. Pyropi is definitely single, but as far as the other two go, I don't think they have confirmed or denied actually being in a relationship. I wouldn't be suprised to hear it though.

>> No.7320271

they have said they (CBC) are together. they do cosplay with JJ but they aren't fucking her god

>> No.7320508

I think it doesn't really matter to me, so long as they're painted well. But if you're coordinating with people, like if you're in a group, make sure you all do it the same style.

>> No.7320672

The horns look shopped on.

>> No.7320798
File: 367 KB, 641x968, 9229141631_98aaa5b4df_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7320814

hey, maybe if we strap these foam horns to our heads and dress like webcomic characters on a poorly written, poorly animated, web comic that panders to the lowest common denominator of stupid, maybe someone will be our friend?!

>> No.7320815

>"I don't like a thing so I'm gonna post in a thread dedicated to that thing and try to get people to feel bad for liking the thing. I don't like a thing, look at how edgy I am."

>> No.7320820

i don't like hearing opposing opinions so i am going to shelter myself from them, then if they happen to filter into my utopia-thread of positive thoughts only!!!! i am just going to throw buzzwords like "edgy" around

>> No.7320823

I'm just trying to understand what you're trying to say. Like, okay, you don't like Homestuck.

So...? What's posting in a Homestuck thread gonna do?

>> No.7320826

invite others into the thread who share my sentiment/view point where you people made them feel unwelcome

do you really feel so passionately about some mspaint squiggles referreing to some mainstream media shit?

>> No.7320827

why are you trying to greentext my man sieg for?

kill yourself dweeb

>> No.7320831

Don't you think it'd be more productive to try and troll a thread when there's actually people around to witness it, rather than wen most if the inhabitants are asleep or at school/work?

>> No.7320836
File: 141 KB, 640x960, 1390396645441.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

seriously stop. You're just embarrassing yourself. What are you? 10?

>> No.7320840
File: 100 KB, 500x375, tumblr_mnudad2FqN1r8azoho6_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you just want to shit talk the comic, go argue with the anons in /co/ since you're obviously confused as to where you are. Here it's cosplay or gtfo.

Time to stop feeding the troll, everyone.

>> No.7320844
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>> No.7320856

what the fuck is that hideous thing supposed to be? trickster jade with the wrong eye color?

>> No.7320859

oh god I just noticed the shirt. eww eww eww

>> No.7320862

It's a genderbend of trickster John

>> No.7320865

I've seen them together at meetups. They're not in your face about it but they're definitely dating. They live together with some cats.

Is she just wearing a hood over a prom dress?

>> No.7320887
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>> No.7320938

why must you dash my hopes of cosplay lesbian threesomes like that, anon?

>> No.7320991
File: 132 KB, 500x749, tumblr_mdfcyyJRZM1qb6azuo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7321047

And the JJ fans continue to be creepy.

>> No.7321135
File: 377 KB, 1000x667, 1390414054094.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't lose hope, anon-chan. Maybe they're in an open relationship.

>> No.7321301

JJ fans have been the creepiest of the creepy since way before Homestuck was around.

>> No.7321380

Guys either go make a separate JJ thread if you want to discuss her so much or shut up and post Homestuck.

>> No.7321622
File: 137 KB, 800x534, 1358295037422.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Back to posting good makeup/prosthetics?

>> No.7321627
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>> No.7321629
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>> No.7321638
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>> No.7321643
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>> No.7321664

>but those horns and fins

>> No.7321693
File: 137 KB, 900x675, 1390428746117.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey guys i found these should i install them?

>> No.7321997


(also would be more convincing if you changed the file name --> 'props')

>> No.7322001

(same anon, but should've changed EA games to crockercorp or w/e)

>> No.7322368

Makaras can be scary. Which is why I love these two cosplays.

>> No.7322400
File: 118 KB, 480x640, IMG_4250.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi cgl! A friend of mine asked me to style this wig in to turn the wig in the picture in to a Dave wig. Does anyone by any chance have any advice they'd be willing to share? (Apologies for the face)

>> No.7322543
File: 247 KB, 1280x909, 1347088032308.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope they don't plan on using a bobby pin when they wear it for real...

Anyway, they need to layer the shit out of it. Get one of those hair razors (like $10 at Sally's or you can get them on Arda's website) and hack the fuck away. Dave's hair is short and looks best kinda fluffy. Maybe leave the front pieces a little longer to act as "sideburns" because your friend looks like they have a rounder face and longer side pieces will be more flattering.

Angryjeager is often referred to because she has one of the best styled Dave wigs around. Maybe try to look at her as reference while styling?

>> No.7322648

Your friend should have a bought a shorter wig to begin with. Have fun cutting that bob into a proper style.

>> No.7323266

Source on her?

>> No.7323354

Requesting fancy schmancy cosplays.

Suit Daves, ballgown dreamers, promstuck, fancytier, redesigned sprites etc.

>> No.7323361
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>> No.7323538
File: 696 KB, 1280x1707, 1390483564190.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate the cardboard in the collar thing. Why not try boning out?

>> No.7323628

Or interfacing which would make more sense.

>> No.7323921
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>> No.7323930
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>> No.7324112
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>> No.7324115
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>> No.7324118
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>> No.7324140

cry moar bitch

>> No.7324173
File: 73 KB, 500x667, tumblr_msmbl5f94t1ri1hkmo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh jesus christ. It's glorious. My sides.

>> No.7324312

Interfacing doesn't always hold up the entire collar.

>> No.7324395

Interfacing comes in different weights shockingly.

>> No.7324825
File: 181 KB, 500x749, tumblr_mzdsbt3I5e1r3qsdzo2_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Posting popular shit from the tag

>> No.7324827
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>> No.7324831
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>> No.7324833
File: 82 KB, 500x333, tumblr_mzmyrqwHAd1qzc770o5_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7324836
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>> No.7324837
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>> No.7324841
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>> No.7324844
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>> No.7324916

>a corset
try again.

>> No.7324974
File: 588 KB, 799x1280, 1328194566476.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would you say this is accurate?

I'm a Kid fan

>> No.7325068

I'd say it's arbitrary and stupid as fuck. Everyone here is now dumber having read that and may god have mercy on your soul.

>> No.7325084

i would not say thats accurate.
i think its a bunch of bullshit, tbqt

>> No.7325139


>> No.7325148

This reeks of "I like a kid the best so I started reading first and I'm better than everyone else".

>> No.7325154

Justin Beiber cosplayed Karkat?

>> No.7325151


I'm a troll fan and I started reading mid act 1

>> No.7325172

that literally looks nothing like justin beiber, the cosplay may be bad, but not not beibertier

>> No.7325176

That girl has been flooding the tag with subpar Maryam cosplays. It's driving me crazy.

>> No.7325183


>>7325068 pretty much summed it up.
It's just a sweeping generalization made by someone to make themselves feel superior

She floods the tag with her shitty selfies all the time. There pretty much isn't a character she hasn't butchered to gain Tumblr 'fame'.

>> No.7325198

I don't understand why so many people are asspatting her. Her photos are mediocre at best.

>> No.7325207

With the wrong hair?

>> No.7325234

I'm talking to my 10-year-old cousin because she took over my aunt's skype while she's making food and I just don't understand how this private school she's going to is teaching her anything.

So far she's told me that her shoes 'brock' and they 'wribet in have', she 'whet' to her grandma's house and 'stad' there for a few days, and told me a 'secerat' that she kicked some kid at school and now her foot 'dose hert' a lot.

>> No.7325246

Wrong thread? Also way to judge a 10 year old's intelligence by how well she spells. You're a real champ.

>> No.7325244



>> No.7325252

Wow I completely fucked that post up.

Also, not judging her intelligence, judging this private school that my aunt's paying out of her ass for.

>> No.7325270

Trickster John's hair is blonde. I think the wig appears reddish because of the filter. Also, isn't that Slenderjohn's cosplayer?

>> No.7325916

from the thumbnail I was expecting something shitty but apart from the shirt I like this.

>> No.7326170

Her face looks familiar. Who is she, again?

>> No.7326497

>unstyled wig
>shooped to hell
>unblended makeup
>bulky fangs
Your taste is shit.

>> No.7326756

so is anyone else really concerned about the state of this fandom once a homestuck shirt hits hot topic?

>> No.7326810

Groaning REALLY hard because Hot Topic, but the "Take Us There Casey" shirt is actually super cute.

>> No.7327036
File: 238 KB, 800x1224, 1390604013347.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there's a post going around tumblr urging people to not submit designs, hussie and the WP team haven't said a word about it as far as i can tell. it's really shady, i don't trust it.

>> No.7327056

Honestly? No.

I don't think your typical HT brat is going to go for it. You might have one shirt per shop. And they've had shit I like in there before, like Sailor Moon. It's a pop culture store. Albeit, a pop culture store that caters to teeny scenekid brats, but Homestuck IS a pop culture creature.

They were getting a post ready. They're still scrambling from their weekend at a con in Miami.

This, goddamn it's cute. I'm just praying the bullshit "Let me tell u about Homestuck" and "LOL FAYGO BATH" doesn't get voted in.

It has such potential to be good, goddamnit, fandom.

>> No.7327070
File: 397 KB, 800x1107, 1390605205393.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ah, my bad! i just saw shelby's post on the matter, but tbh, the idea still makes me a little nervous. one of the last things we really need is be piled into the hot topic scene.

>> No.7327074

It'd give people all the more reason to hate us.

"homestuck is sold at hot topic so that makes it even more trash", I can hear it now.

>> No.7327078
File: 99 KB, 1280x569, 1390605360322.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why would you post "detail" shots of your cosplay when you used that much photoshop?

>> No.7327083
File: 1.11 MB, 384x311, 1390605599272.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Obligatory lip biting.

>> No.7327090

Yeah, but we're already trash.

>> No.7327109

This will make us even worse. When I think of Hot Topic, I think of the Invader Zim autists. I really hope we haven't fallen that far.

>> No.7327125

Hence, "even more trash". At least to the eyes of the naysayers.

>> No.7327149
File: 147 KB, 415x616, 1390607340182.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The availability of a fan t-shirt at a local tween store doesn't suddenly transform normal fans into rampaging idiots. Jesus Christ.

>> No.7327154

No, but it doesn't help our reputation either.

>> No.7327156

I'd see it as something for other people to look down on ALL of us for. In reality, sure, if it's just one shirt with some decent fanart, then I think that won't be so bad, hell, I'd probably buy it.

But people will condemn the fandom even more simply because it gets sold at Hot Topic, which is what gets associated with the supposed Invader Zim autists, and so, people will go "well Homestuck gets sold at Hot Topic which is mainstream trash, all the more reason to hate it".

>> No.7327202

Lots of shit is sold at Hot Topic people are just fine with.

Not that I agree with Invader Zim weebs. But the store's not really the problem, the weeb clients are.

Frankly, the clientele at Hot Topic's shifted from when I was a kid. It's mostly hipsters now.

>> No.7327375
File: 353 KB, 857x1200, 1390616984906.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

meanwhile with 4000 notes

>> No.7327386
File: 127 KB, 600x1280, THIS IS NOT CONTOURING.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this one has 7300. I fucking hate everything.

>> No.7327416
File: 171 KB, 800x1056, dorks_by_kurounoe-d6ga7wy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7327415

This fucking cosplayer. I get angry every time I see their horrible teeth.

>> No.7327431
File: 633 KB, 536x750, 1390619340986.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7327435


>> No.7327471

Is it dumb that character-wise, I really like their teeth?

I like super-sexy characters and cosplays as much as the next person, but I just kinda like these weird, gawky Solluxes and Johns. Their sprites have their teeth hanging out all the time. I think it's cute.

>> No.7327474


if the cosplayer was playing up the gawky loser angle it would be charming. the last thing anyone needs is more ugly people doing "sexy" photos

>> No.7327479

Their sprites also have no arms. John and Jake have an overbite, but this is ugly and extreme.

>> No.7327480
File: 869 KB, 571x800, 1390621204686.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buck teeth are fine for John, but holding your mouth like that makes no sense for trolls. Sollux has fangs, not a weird mousy overbite. The fact that this photo was for a sexy pinup photoset (pic related) makes it even stranger.

>> No.7328053

That wig bothers me, somehow.

>> No.7328074

this is horrible.

>> No.7328294
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>> No.7328319
File: 182 KB, 666x1000, 1390672762383.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon, if you're trying to convince us that regdichab's teeth choices aren't always terrible, you aren't doing a good job.

>> No.7328360 [DELETED] 

This definitely still looks terrible. You aren't making the convincing case you think you are.

>> No.7329063
File: 403 KB, 596x800, 1390696563987.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7329064

I'm liking that Sufferer though. They're probably one of the top five I've seen on here.

>> No.7329072
File: 82 KB, 900x649, midnight crww.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tag dumping again!

>> No.7329074
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>> No.7329077
File: 2.23 MB, 1280x1920, yeah okay pretty cute.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7329083
File: 121 KB, 500x750, 1390697331719.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7329086
File: 47 KB, 500x400, JESUS CHRIST.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7329089
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>> No.7329092
File: 142 KB, 1080x720, unnacceptable.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7329093
File: 47 KB, 500x720, not bad not bad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7329095
File: 557 KB, 455x750, wow okay rufio is really hot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7329099
File: 76 KB, 500x333, DONT MAKE THAT FACE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7329101
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>> No.7329103

...Is that grey eyeshadow?

>> No.7329107
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>> No.7329109
File: 142 KB, 500x500, looks promising.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7329116
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>> No.7329119
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>> No.7329123
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>> No.7329125


>> No.7329140
File: 64 KB, 500x333, 1390699630571.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

& with that, i finish my dump.

>> No.7329223

What the fuck.

>> No.7329659

Did they actually paint themselves orange to look like Hussie?

...Now that I want to see more of. Is there any more from this person?

>> No.7329959

Did anyone actually end up making a JJ thread?

>> No.7329999
File: 146 KB, 1280x805, andrew hussie strikes back.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they only have about five pictures of this costume. it's tumblr user batmanlovestacos.

>> No.7330044

Shocking insight: most of this thread doesn't care about her enough to pursue that kind of gross follow-up.

>> No.7330054
File: 389 KB, 2048x1536, 1390757129346.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought most hussies who didn't do the huge lips-thing did this?

>> No.7330745

I guess I just don't see too many Hussie cosplays in general, then.

>> No.7330781

hey saffy

>> No.7330834

>tfw considering a Homestuck cosplay but fear backlash from friends and congoers

Anyone else in a similar boat?

>> No.7330846

Pretty much how I feel about all of my Homestuck cosplays.

Do it anyways, anon. At cons, just distance yourself from huge, young looking Homestuck groups, or go with your friends who won't care. That's what I usually do.

>> No.7330863

if you're really worried, cosplay a cherub/carapace/felt or an overlooked kid outfit. a lot of the 'h8ers' think homestuck is just candy corn horns and gray skin.

>> No.7330916

It's good that I'm not too hot about cosplaying trolls then. I was actually considering cosplaying John with the green slime suit. I haven't seen that very often at cons.

>> No.7330933


No one will know you're homestuck in that outfit unless you're hanging with a big group. Go for it.

>> No.7330934

wow, please do! I love that outfit.

>> No.7330940

I've been cosplaying almost exclusively Homestuck for more than a year now and you don't get nearly as much disdain as you'd think (idk about your friends, but if they're judging you purely on what you cosplay, then they're not very good friends). You'll maybe get one or two off-hand comments every con but it's nothing big enough to ruin a con. Just a few "Ugh, Homestucks" or "wow that sure is a lot of Homestucks."

>> No.7331079
File: 452 KB, 1280x956, 1390792885681.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so how bout that ohayostuck tag

>> No.7331144

On the subject of John's green slime suit, what's a good way to go about looking for commissions? I'd do it myself, but it's out of my skill set.

>> No.7331157
File: 22 KB, 444x322, 1334780975692.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>work at a local bagel place
>homestuck kids come in
>with parents
>look around 18 maybe younger i cant tell
>not terrible cosplay nor TOO terribly gaudy for public (it was just a troll in a long sleeve shirt and short horns and some glasses i think)
>I dont watch series so idk what it is entirely
>shit is so popular at cons I can tell its at least a homestuck character/troll/imp/idk
>yet they have the blue skin painted on their face
>co workers weird-ed/ a little freaked out
>think they are some kind of goth group
>making fun of them together quietly
>not that unreasonable
>tell them its not a big deal
>they dont understand the concept of weebs/ that these people are just probably hyper autistic nerds
>I make the first "hello" greeting asking for what they are thinking for an order
>they dont speak, just parents
>I direct my eyesight to girls in homestuck
>being kind, hiding majority of my power level, testing the waters
>"is there a con going on right now?"
>I already know that the next one in the whole state isnt until the beginning of April
>better/kinder convo starter than "there isnt any con around girl what are you doing cosplayin in public like this?"
>expect loud hyper response
>nothing but quiet "no"
>really surprised
>"then why are you cosplaying?"
>"...because we wanted to.."
>parents proceed to be the main order placers and they leave with food
>felt like parents (mostly mom) was defending them as if I was bullying her for dressing up
>mfw this is my first encounter with HS kids outside cons
>mfw these kids act like its so strange that normal people are weird-ed out by painted blue makeup and weird outfits and horns
>mfw these kids act so uncomfortable and shy when confronted about it

Why would you wear this shit if you would be so shy from it? You have to be really ignorant to think no one would make fun of you. At least I can understand the hyper attention whoring cosplayers who go out in public and make a scene

>> No.7331176
File: 338 KB, 640x480, d03.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sullying the color blue
Check your Earthling privilege, kids in blueface.

>> No.7331177

i feel like a lot homestuck cosplayers, especially young ones (since they seem to be pretty young, going out with parents) are pretty shy; homestuck is baby's first cosplay. they want to try to be all special, thinking they have the confidence to go cosplay in public, but don't realize how shy they actually are until they're out and about

>> No.7331192

If I had to guess, they were probably on their way back from a local meetup (usually held in public places like parks). If the kids were that shy about being in a restaurant in grey, their parents probably wanted to grab some food before going home. They weren't acting pretentious or loud, so I don't see what the big deal is, especially since you could have swapped "homestuck" for "snk" or "hetalia" and the story would have been the same.

>> No.7331222

They probably had a small meetup with friends, got hungry, and wanted to be as unobtrusive as possible in an area where no other cosplayers were and other people were just trying to eat. It's the same way I'd behave even coming back from a con and stopping for food at a place away from the main con area. They weren't acting strangely at all; cosplay weirds people out enough, I'm sure they were aware of that and wanted to just get through the line with as little negative attention drawn to them as possible. Idk why you're acting like this is some cosplay phenomenon anomaly. Haven't you ever had to stop somewhere in cosplay en route to or from a con or event? If you have, you know the "people are staring and I'd better act as humble as possible" routine well.

>> No.7331242

why didnt they just stay in the car then? They didnt even order.

My point is it felt like they wanted to be noticed yet they were really quiet about it, didnt want to speak at all, it just surprised me thats all

nothing bad happened really

>> No.7331248

>Haven't you ever had to stop somewhere in cosplay en route to or from a con or event?


the only place I might go is a fast food place right by the con that has a ton of con goers there, that is the only time I do.

>> No.7331256

Because their parents wouldn't let them? Because they didn't drive? I don't know, man, ask their parents next time they come to your store if it bothers you so much. People get shy when they find themselves outside of the cosplay meetup/convention cluster all the time. This isn't as strange a story as you seem to think.

>> No.7331270
File: 21 KB, 311x400, lad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

youre the one who sounds really defensive about public HS cosplayers, the story just pointed out that I thought they would be hyper and they werent.
stay mad

also the parents must have been really protective if they didnt allow them to stay in the car...yet allow them to go tosome cosplay meet..alone...at that age...

seriously are you really mad? and the place I work has basically windows as walls, they parked right in front of the place and left together.

>> No.7331277

dont even bother anon hs fags get really autistic about their fandom and especially defensive about their supposed cosplay rights in public places like malls and shit. and yes they are worse than hetalia and snk fags

>> No.7331281

Not the anon you're replying to, but... why're you posting that story, seriously? It sounds like they were at a cosmeet with their family, left, decided to get food, got to the shop, wanted to choose what they ordered or wanted to stretch their legs or something, came in, then were shy when talked to about their attire because they're young and probably didn't think anyone would talk to them about their costumes.

Really, it's not a /cgl/-worthy story. It's just "I saw kids cosplaying in public and they were shy when I asked them about it." Which is an experience most normalfags have.

>> No.7331285
File: 108 KB, 500x632, 1390798664709.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How about we get back to posting some cosplayers?

>> No.7331288
File: 180 KB, 250x376, tumblr_mdeques5H11r149j7o2_250.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I seriously love this Damara's horns, they're gorgeous.

>> No.7331293

I do too. my favorite part is the size and shape. some anons hate them though, I think it's just a texture preference thing, everyone feels different about aries horns.

>> No.7331294

Laughs loudly okay anon nice try. We all know her horns look like millipedes.

>> No.7331297

point proven. lol

>> No.7331300

Idk I think they look like stringy dog poop.

>> No.7331311

Oh, Cifera. Sometimes I kind of want her to revisit her Damara cosplay at least and make better horns or something, because aside from that, her cosplay is lovely.

I feel like she's pretty much done with HS for good, though.

>> No.7331317


I think she said she'd do one more costume if Beforus-verse Aradia ever happened?
But I don't think we're getting any official designs of any of those. Which is a shame because I badly want to see what Hussie would do with them and it would break up the monotony of seeing the same old ancestor groups all the time. A Beforus version Feferi would probably be gorgeous. The only cosplay I can think of for Beforus trolls is SS's Feferi, though.

>> No.7331314


I dont see her ever cosplaying it again.

Shame, she's probably the best one there ever was. Either her or Yaexrae. Both churned out quality costume after quality costume with multiple useful tutorials each.

>> No.7331320
File: 773 KB, 1200x1193, 1390799902623.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yaexrae is still cosplaying HS. Cifera's gone but there's a few quality BNFs who are still active. Hopefully we'll get some new stuff out of Katsucon.

>> No.7331322
File: 202 KB, 500x750, 1390799943089.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Oh shit. I forgot about hhhammy's Beforus Karkat.

I really like these two together and the shoot they did, but I wish they'd done a little more with the designs. Karkat's feels like it needs more going on with the pants and sleeves, and Feferi's just doesn't meld well with Homestuck's general visual style.

>> No.7331326

i really love love love that vriska. her wig is so perfectly full and wild and i like that she used a jean jacket and she actually looks 13 to boot. pretty great.

>> No.7331332

I feel like it covers her face too much. her shirt is a bit too low cut and her horns seem small but it's a pretty solid cosplay imo.

>> No.7331335

I definitely wouldn't call her the best (her Damara top is pretty inaccurate and her horns for the handmaid....) but I appreciate the help she and yaexrae gave the younger cosplayers of this fandom. CBC and mf are offering plenty of help too at least.

>> No.7331338

shhh, don't call MF helpful. the vendetta-chans are always lurking and waiting.

>> No.7331361

No one's mad. Your story is just unremarkable. It can be summed up as:
>cosplayers come into shop while I'm working
>expect them to be really loud and obnoxious
>they're quiet and awkward instead
>better complain about them acting self-aware of how they're perceived while in cosplay away from con atmosphere
Sorry you were expecting them to make a big scene. Relax, dude. Pet your dog or something and have a beer. They could have been a lot worse than just shifty.

>> No.7331368
File: 368 KB, 747x866, 1390801755651.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She was actually going to do picture related- quartz and melody, designed by SaccharineSylph. She made Feferi's dress to be Dew and Glass to go with Cifera's, but she never finished it. So SS turned it into Beforus Feferi instead.

If there's one cosplayer I miss and want to drag back, it's Cifera.

>> No.7331392

Nah, she had a good run and had her ups and downs. I like the newer crop of rising cosplayers, keeps the scene fresh and interesting.

>> No.7331400

that design is so pretty. saccharinesylph is such an amazing artist.

>> No.7331457

Guys, I hate to break it to you, but MF's ballroom Roxy is turning out pretty amazing so far. I was doubtful but it looks like it's going to be great. She has lots of progress pics on her Instagram for the curious.

>> No.7331458

I think you've mixed up genderbent gamzee with genderbent the joker

>> No.7331498

I'm really sad DM never did this. She would've knocked it out of the park.

And you're not posting them here because?

>> No.7331519

I think we've seen enough of her WIPs, to the point where it feels like a white knight or even MF herself is posting them.

I'd say, let's wait and see for the final product.

>> No.7331540
File: 209 KB, 1280x852, 1390810860772.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

True nuff.
Meanwhile, Ohayocon.

>> No.7331584

did they just... buy random white dresses

>> No.7331586

wait, correction; did they just buy random white 'lolita' dresses? is this supposed to be a type of lolitastuck?

>> No.7331614

Iunno man, I kinda like how the Aradia looks, and without the bodysuit/face makeup, would be a decent lolita coord minus those weird wristcuffs. Can't say the same for the other two though.
Also at least it isn't sticking Dave in a pink dress and calling it lolitastuck.

>> No.7331619

As someone randomly popping in because of this picture, I love the idea of it, sans cosplay aspect. If someone better were to do this (all white with a pop of colour), it could look gorgeous.

>> No.7331633

I agree actually! Shiro with color accent sounds like a very good idea, and honestly it could look nice even if they wanted to keep the cosplay part of it. Like I said, the girl on the left doesn't look /too/ bad, just needs some help from someone that actually knows how lolita actually works. Some people that do shironuri sometime dress in lolita too so the whole thing isn't too off.

Sage for kinda OT in this thread whoops.

>> No.7331739

Are you new here or did you miss the last few times someone "broke the news" to us?

>> No.7331742

MF answers a lot of asks but she doesn't have a reputation for being helpful because of her shit attitude. I've heard enough stories about how crazy she can act that I wouldn't feel comfortable approaching her even if I lived on the right coast.

>> No.7331745

>those shoes
good lord why

>> No.7331781

Lol your opinion isn't that important HSG.

>> No.7331804

I like how everyone keeps pretending that MF isn't hands down the best seamstress in the entire shitty fandom. The number of jelly vendettachans in this thread is hilarious.

>> No.7331813

B8. I've been digging MF's technical skills lately too but she has a very established group of people here who absolutely hate her because of her personality and one or two flop costumes. This comment's only asking them to shove sand up their crotches.

>> No.7331868
File: 620 KB, 667x1000, 1390838418934.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>One or two flop costumes
Try almost everything she's made up until this ballgown. With the exception of her trickster cosplay and a few others, everything she's done been either lazy, sloppy, or unnecessarily reveling. She has great sewing chops but is notorious for coasting on her hotness factor in the homestuck fandom. I'm curious to see her ballgown but one good costume doesn't suddenly turn her into the gr8test cosplayer evar.

>> No.7331874

Just because a lot of her shit has been simple doesn't mean it hasn't been fairly well made. Go on, break down her costumes. Tell us how 'almost all' of them have sucked.

>> No.7331875

Jesus Christ you really hate this bitch. Every time she's brought up, like clockwork, anons rush to scream about how supposedly unskilled she is. What did she do to you? You have literally no reason to be holding such an irrational grudge unless you're JJ/pyropi.

>> No.7331882

Lol wow do you even know where you are?

>> No.7331884

Holy fucking whiteknight overreaction? I said I thought she has skills but doesn't usually use them on her HS cosplays. Calm your tits and take some deep breaths.

>> No.7331887

This. The only big fails that come to mind re: MF are her Porrim dress and the hem of her update Roxy dress. Otherwise, she does some shitty AUs, but they're usually well-made just poorly designed (hi mookie). I question some of her accessories (her horns, her GT Vriska wings, her Mom Lalonde scarf, and her ministrife Porrim tights), but on the whole MF isn't as horrendously shitty as her haters seem to think. Construction-wise, anyway.

>> No.7331898
File: 1.04 MB, 1100x733, thatpadding.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It may be part of the designs she uses but the way she sluttifies Roxy always rubs me the wrong way. (pic related)

>> No.7331903

Yeah sure, but the construction is still solid.

>> No.7331906

I wouldn't call that appliqué "solid" but it's not bad.

>> No.7331907

who is this fine chola

>> No.7331912
File: 515 KB, 500x708, 1390841243701.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I went looking for photos of this scarf and

ohai, drunkroxy.

>> No.7331931

I don't have a huge opinion on MF but -50 respect points now

>> No.7331942


>> No.7331954

wtf is even wrong with this picture? Seriously, you people need to calm the fuck down before talking shit about her.

>> No.7331958

lol whiteknight harder drunkroxy is fucking disgusting and there's no point trying to defend her nasty ass

>> No.7331965

What about that reply is even close to hysterical or confusing? He/she is clearly commenting on how she's cosplaying with Drunkroxy.

Holy shit the mostflogged fan girls in this thread are getting fucking annoying. Someone post some goddamn cosplay.

>> No.7331987

Yeah, this is the most tryhard mostflogged posting I've seen in recent history.

I guess you could say the thread is mostclogged.

>> No.7331994
File: 126 KB, 900x557, 1358401532625.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7331996

The fact that someone is actually trying to whiteknight Drunkroxy too is the icing on the mostclogged cake.

Are MF and Drunkroxy friends? I thought that she was bostonstuck.

>> No.7331998
File: 123 KB, 500x667, 1379042039861.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7332000
File: 712 KB, 1200x770, 1368138363614.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ideas for characters for someone who wasn't blessed with the strongest jawline?

Pic unrelated.

>> No.7332004
File: 465 KB, 1280x853, 1390847300430.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7332006

yeah but what's wrong with the photo? you lost repast for MF for being in a photo with drunk Roxy? Why haven't you lost respect for the other two cosplayers as well if that's the case? Or anyone else who's cosplayed with her?

Y'all are a bunch of whiny babies with vendettas that you really need to let go of.

PS: it's still disgusting that this thread seems to think it's okay to anon bully a teenaged girl who clearly struggles with alcoholism. Grow up. All of you.

>> No.7332008

Respect, not repast. I'm on my phone.

>> No.7332020
File: 45 KB, 600x483, G2anoSAoyf4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7332028


Contouring and fixing the way you hold your head can compensate for a lot

>> No.7332029

Whiteknight affirmed. You're only making this worse, it's hilarious and embarrassing.

>> No.7332033

Yeah, I already do this for a few cosplays but I'd like one where I look nice even when I am not insanely self aware of my posture.

>> No.7332034

>whiny babies with vendettas that you really need to let go of.
this. learn kids

>> No.7332036

If you have a round face, Jane, Nepeta, or Feferi may work for you.

God DAMN, whiteknight-chan, does mostflogged know you like her this much? The tryhard is strong with this one.

>> No.7332040
File: 214 KB, 800x1200, 1390848984207.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow, calm down whiteknight. I don't know who the Striders are in that photo and don't really care. I'm just saying that I like some of her costumes but if she hangs out with an obnoxious teen alcoholic like drunkroxy then I can't imagine MF having a sparkling personality either.

>> No.7332043

People like you are why this is always consistently the worst and most despised thread in all of cgl.

>> No.7332046
File: 361 KB, 1280x853, 1373906805554.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah, I Don't really crossplay though :/
I was considering John,

Continues posting randomly chosen cosplays

>> No.7332047

Actually, it's the most despised thread because of the younger fans' atrocious con behavior shitting up the reputation for the responsible normal fans. Try again.

>> No.7332068

She really doesn't. Great at construction or not, she's pretty crazy so it's no small wonder she and Drunkroxy get along. I remember someone here linking to a story from last katsu where she and her bf threw a drink at someone.

The amount of whiteknights a person like that has really confuses me.

In that case you may have your pick of the guys if your jaw gives you a younger look, since they're all teens. If your jawline really bothers you, you can also try a strider since the glasses mask a lot of your face. I also think a weak jaw would work well for Tavros.

>> No.7332103

I love how saying ANYTHING remotely positive about MF here is automatically assumed to be whiteknighting while saying anything remotely critical about some other cosplayer is automatically a vendetta. The double standard is hilarious. I can't tell if anons personally dealt with her unsavory personality so they're biased.or they're jealous of her popularity and her technical skills. If you gonna hate, hate her for her own garbage personality not because she's being civil and making nice with drunkroxy.

>> No.7332113
File: 900 KB, 900x596, 1390852744893.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7332123

Personally I'm just sick of hearing about her. She's pretty middle of the road for both skills and looks as far as I'm concerned and the best thing she brings to the table is her history of drama. Unless someone has some new info or some gossip to share, stop shitting up the thread.

>> No.7332133

>garbage personality
Do you even know her? Don't spread rumors about people when you have no idea what you're talking about.

>> No.7332141

Ohhh myyy godddd. You have MF's cock so far down your throat it's a miracle you haven't suffocated yet. Whiteknights always make things worse for the person they are defending. It's a 4chan constant. This topic will die if you stop resurrecting it by giving people more bait to respond to.

>> No.7332164

I'm a guy with a poorly defined jawline, who should I cosplay?

>> No.7332166

Dude, >>7332000

>> No.7332170


Oh that was a guy too. I was misreading the responses.

Ugh, I like the striders and captors though

>> No.7332175


Depending on how you do the faceplate-headband-what the fuck hussie-cowl thing that Psiioniic wears, you can hide the look of your jaw pretty easily. I'd avoid doing Mituna with the helmet, since jaw is all you see in that costume

>> No.7332196

Same thing with Striders, all you have is lips and jaw and while you can do well with that you wont get nearly as much recognition unless you have a conventionally attractive face (jawline). Especially since Striders are generally pretty uninteresting cosplays.

>> No.7332203

Use makeup to create the illusion of a more defined jawline. Maybe a Strider/Captor god tier will do you well? The hood down may disguise your undefined jaw. Or Eridan since he wears that scarf.

>> No.7332422

New thread: