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7310336 No.7310336[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Share your Lolita horror stories!

The more nightmare-inducing and infuriating, the better!

>> No.7310467


>> No.7310517

bumpity bump
I wanna know some stories!!!

>> No.7310537


>> No.7310616

Wow, really, nothing?

>> No.7310620

It's only been up 5 hours, chill mang.

>> No.7311632


>> No.7312612


>> No.7312615
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Bump thread?
I'm going to bump this thread with a bump!

>> No.7312667

>make sales post
>get pm from girl wanting a payment plan on a $30 pair of socks
>half asleep, wtfs, goes back to sleep
>bump post later
>girl leaves nasty comment on post about ignoring her then deletes it
>5 minutes later her friend pms me saying I'm rude and a bad seller and goes on about scammers all for not replying to her friend's pm

Is this normal now, or am I in the twilight zone

>> No.7312670

Please screenshot this

>> No.7312672

Is it now normal to get a payment plan for $30? For socks. It's 30 damn dollars, if you can't fork that over then you are not in the right fashion. Please proceed to nearest Wal-Mart.

>> No.7312695

I did. All of it. Omfg.

>> No.7312700

It keeps getting more and more dramariffic, what the christ

>> No.7312703

Post it here so we can lol some more?

>> No.7312704

Need caps. Send caps.

>> No.7312707

They saw the post and they're planning a crusade against me apparently, mega lolz. They've "gathered much information" about me. Do you want the caps edited or not, well, guess it doesn't matter. I would avoid these people and their pack of wolves mentality.

>> No.7312709

Don't edit any of the good details. Also, we need to know which crazies to look out for.

>> No.7312711

I won't edit anything then. Hold on

>> No.7312719
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Sorry ladies but this thread is going to end up being derailed into shit

>> No.7312721
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Then the friend PMs me.

>> No.7312723
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>> No.7312725
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>> No.7312726

What losers. They're $30 socks, jeez.

Eagerly awaiting this crusade

>> No.7312727
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End. If any of her other friends PM me I will cap and post, because this is ridiculous, no matter who the seller is.

>> No.7312729

Why does this stuff always happen to you? It's like me and my bad luck with shitty real estate agents, jeez.

Are you feeling better now?

>> No.7312731

These two sound like idiots. I'd block both of them and move on. Who argues over socks?

It's like Britney Star on Rock of Love Bus all over again.

>> No.7312730

>learn to understand meme
anaon whyi i was on your side and then

>> No.7312732

give me a break bb she called me butthurt and it was totally used the wrong way.

Already done, right after that last message.

idk I guess because I have a bad rep it's a free for all to be a jerk to me. But seriously, a payment plan for socks. I can't even.

>> No.7312735

anon why i'm so sorry man yoooo
so confusing damn

>> No.7312736

So, from my own "internet detective research fufufu~" Nicky looks seriously young. Well, not that young, but y'know young-ish. Young enough to tattle to her friend and make her pm you? Eh, probably not. Young enough to not know how to buy and sell things? Who the hell knows. But she needs to fucking learn how to have some patience.

Seriously, wth was up with her friend. How old was she-- her responses sound like something I would say in middle school when I was being bratty.

But still, 30 bucks for socks. That were on the website. If she really had such a damn problem just go buy the socks herself.

>> No.7312738

Did she ever say how long she needed and how many installments? It would be great if she offered $2 a week.

>> No.7312740

10/10 laughed too hard at that. It's too damn early in the morning for this kind of shit.

>> No.7312743

I can't count the number of times I have sent a pm to a seller and never got a response. I just figured they were sold or whatever and moved on. I didn't message my friends and cry to them to go bug the seller about it.

Two weeks, one immediate payment and one next week.

>> No.7312745

Yeah, I know what you mean. Same shit happens to me. Doesn't matter how much you turn it around or try to move on people will still be all up in your face as soon as something happens they don't like, regardless of if they started it or they are in the wrong.

You stuck with the conversation way longer than I would have.

Anyway, I can link my Pay Pal to my bank account and not have any funds sitting in my account - it all comes from my bank account. Do other people not do this?

>> No.7312754

I have a surprising amount of patience. I guess too much, sometimes. I had a similar incident with socks where some girl tried to leave negative feedback saying that she had me buy her ~dream socks~ for her, and I told her I got them, but never shipped them. "But I guess it's okay because it's not like I sent her any money. But they were my dream socks..."

Socks, man. What is with socks?

>> No.7312752

>doesn't know how to work paypal at all
>this comment
>thank you, jesus

>> No.7312756

It doesn't even have to be from a bank account either, they can set it from their debit card as well.
This girl sounds like an idiot.

>> No.7312759

Didn't dandelion_cloud throw a huge hissy fit over socks too? She tried to change the rules and make it so that people who enquire are first in line, and got pissed when they were sold to someone who asked to be invoiced.

>> No.7312762

Honestly, I just think she's like, between the ages of 13-15 and has no fucking clue wth she's doing. Because if you need a payment plan for socks because you didn't put $30+shipping in PayPal when you knew you were going to buy, then... no hope.

>> No.7312763

Can we dethrone wonderfinch please? We've booted other mods before, and she's probably the worst one we've ever had.

>> No.7312768


>> No.7312770

Well, being that age would explain the bitch-fit at not getting her way immediately and going to bawww to someone who'll go bully the seller for her.

>> No.7312772

Oops, I remembered it wrong. But it's even worse than I remembered. Thanks for the lolz.

>> No.7312773
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Every time I hear about wonderfinch being a terrible mod, I just think of Joffrey from GoT.

>> No.7312779

I have this set up, but I also have two bank accounts (a savings and a spending), and sometimes I don't leave any money in the latter, as I will overspend. I felt really bad for having to make a seller wait a few days for payment once, as the money was transferring between the two accounts. We had discussed it beforehand, but still I felt really embarrassed.

>> No.7312791

See that's totally understandable. Things do happen. But I mean, if you are actively seeking out items to purchase and do have the money, wouldn't you have it ready beforehand? I personally try to avoid payment plans myself but I get why some people need them--suddenly a wild dream dress appears! type situations. But 30 bucks? Come on. If you're so scared of Paypal account hacking and scamming and such maybe you shouldn't be buying online at all, just saying...

>> No.7312799

The fact that this "Nicky Van Hool" has an Etsy and a StorEnvy points to the probability that she makes online purchases.

>> No.7312798

I don't want to go too OT so I'm going to very very very cautiously say this but I have contacted 4 moderators so far, asking them why I am still banned and if it will be lifted, or if I am permabanned, and why. I just want to know what's going on, but not a single moderator has replied...

>> No.7312803
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It's the Comm sales where the ban is, right? You know what, I say fuck 'em and walk away. If they can't do the right thing or give you a proper response then who needs them? The LJ community is slowly dying a horrible, slow death, no-one has faith in the mods, the sales page has inconsistent rules and no-one gets any help when they need it.

You probably want everything squared and cleared away under your name, but really, who gives a shit about the opinions of morons anyway? Lace Market is taking off and I hope it does well, because our alternatives just aren't doing it for me.

>> No.7312812

Well, the moderator of LM seems to prefer that I don't use it because of my bad reputation? Idk. Right now is the downswing from LP and sale spending sprees so people aren't buying as much and are selling a lot.

I had a girl offer me a 1:1 trade for my wine Holy Night Story. Her offer was one of those BTSSB babydoll jsks you can get used off mbok for like 3000 yen. I don't even know how to respond to stuff like this so I just don't. I'm too taken aback with wtf.

>> No.7312820

No, I think her situation was completely different. I usually keep a bit of change in there to have incase a small item (or a dream dress, so I can leave a deposit) pops up, and the payment plan for a $30 item is ridiculous.
I'm not opposed to them as a whole, but like others have said, if you need to buy such a cheap item on payment plan, you're probably in the wrong fashion.

>> No.7313179

>bad rep
who are you even?
holley tea time?

>> No.7313300
File: 1.12 MB, 1480x3333, 1386364882862.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Behold Princess-Danger-chan, may she provide luls in the future without damage to our precious brand

>> No.7313333

I think I just fell in love.

>> No.7313346

It is rosaire. Can't you tell from the caps?

>> No.7313369

I remember this. I always enjoy this one.

>> No.7313388

Oh, I knew this raging tone remembered me something. She always sound so angry...

>> No.7313399

I think I would be angry too if I was banned for stuff that happened outside the comms which has now I believe resolved when other people have pulled dodgy things (YUNNI and Marie sometimes) but mods have gone 'lol if it's outside the comm sales then it doesn't mean anything'. Also I copy and pasted a comment in a thread a few weeks back left by a eglfeedback mod when they said the feedback I left/received didn't count as even though I had bought an item that was being sold on the egl comms, because I had commented on their LJ journal it didn't count. Either take action against things happening outside the comms or don't, don't be wishy washy.

>> No.7313400

shit real estate agents?!
Southern Cali here if you'd like to buy a house lel

>> No.7313405

Calm your tits, I just said her tone come off as angry in all of her post, it's the wy she type, I don't care about her story

>> No.7314091

A lot of people say I seem aggressive but I've had others say the opposite. I'm tired of being treated like shit by people for no reason whatsoever. There was no reason the friend should have gotten involved and then escalated it from harassment to "lolol we know who you are and everything about you and we're gonna do something about it hehehehehe" level crazy. This sadly happens to me a LOT but not to this degree so I thought I would share.

Both got warned by moderation to settle down. No other friends have come to bother me since.

>> No.7315379

Huh, that tag wasn't there until recently...


>> No.7315394

I didn't follow up with your entire fiasco, but if you actually want things to turn out fine, just stop doing anything, lay low for half a year before trying to buy/sell second hand Lolita stuff. You're just reminding everyone about your drama and that's why people avoid you. If you shut up for half a year and come back, some people would have forgotten you, newbies won't know you, those who hate you may have left Lolita. And when you re-join the sales market after a period of inactivity, PM the mod of the sales group, tell them you took a break from Lolita and you've turned over a new leaf etc please allow me to use the sales groups under a new name etc.

>> No.7315405

Jesus christ, it's just never-ending harassment for you. What even happened?

>> No.7315408

I was born, came to Japan, and made people mad. Idek.

>> No.7315421

Looking through the banned tag, who is missnosen? That name rings a bell and she had tonnes of positive feedback but no negative there.

>> No.7315423


Maybe we should make a petition for you to be unbanned? I'd sign it and I know lots of other people would too.

>> No.7315425

Hospital bills don't wait 6 months, sadly...

I already changed my LJ name since I couldn't stand to look at the word rosaire anymore.

I'm kind of speechless that you seem to be thinking that those two girl were in the right.

>> No.7315430

They're not blaming you, their advice is pretty solid. It's always best to stay away from the public eye for awhile when something dramatic happens. But I understand that the mods screwed you over so the circumstances are a bit different.

>> No.7315429

No, don't do that. Online petitions are silly and do nothing, but in my case it'd just fan the flames. All I want is a simple explanation as to exactly why I am banned but they won't even give me the "courtesy" of that.

>> No.7315432

Screwed over is putting it lightly! I'm honestly shocked because that tag was not there a few days ago.

>> No.7315434

Aw, okay. We made petitions in the past, with Talia and possibly with dandelion_cloud (can't remember for sure) and they were pretty efficient. Maybe we should just make one to get rid of wonderfinch.

On a side note, do you like visual kei? I saw that Jupiter were playing recently, I wish I could have gone. Please go to visual kei concerts for me so I can live through your convenient location to do so. Hope you're feeling better health wise too.

>> No.7315436

Maybe wonderfuck decided to ignore your messages (you messaged her about the ban again, right?) and to just further ban you instead. Her friends suck too, she's buddies with that annoying and horrid valkyrie_ryu. Although v_r seems to just be a suck up to her.

>> No.7315439

Heh she won't let go.

I don't go to shows anymore. I stopped going regularly in the summer. Last show I went to was in October and I collapsed during it. Doc says no rigorous work, no rigorous exercise, no standing for long periods of time.

Never saw Jupiter, don't care for the vocalist. I don't really like vk anymore because it's all sparkly happy stuff and I want more raw and angry music haha. I've been big into Scandinavian metal for a handful of years.

Nope I didn't message her actually.

>> No.7315463

Not sure if you were into lolita then, but Talia didn't want to let go either and had that "~my community~" thing going on but we got rid of her, so there's hope.

Aw, that's a shame. But I guess it's a waste of money if you don't enjoy it. Sheesh, I hope you weren't alone when you fell!

I didn't think I would as I don't care too much for changes, but I was pleasantly surprised. Versailles was better of course but I like where they're going with Jupiter thus far. I agree that VK has changed a lot but I still like a few bands. It's not really that "visual" anymore though, at least not in such an elaborate way. Haha, I don't know about Scandinavian metal but it sounds pretty awesome.

Really? I thought you said somewhere you asked why you had been banned? Or was that to someone else?

>> No.7315495

>thinking that those two girl were in the right
I gave you the benefit of the doubt and told you something that would work for you...really now why did I bother? Anybody that doesn't sugar coat words and drown you in sympathy must be the enemy or something?

That buyer and her friend are screwed up but I'll continue not wanting to transact with you. Not because I think you're a scammer (I didn't even follow up with your drama) but you really need to sort yourself out.
>B-but bills, anon
I'm not going to sympathise you for this. You aren't the only person in the world with financial commitments/burdens so it doesn't make you any special. I gave the advice, but you're not going to take it since you don't want to give the matter a rest. The more anons coo at how you're an innocent, undeserving victim, the better.

I've bought from her before, she was such a dear. I think she may be a seagull. If you see this, thank you, I love my dream dress very much and I still treasure it! Sucks you got banned.

>> No.7315916

Finland has some great bands.

I asked other mods. I know talking to her is pointless so I don't bother.

It really read like you were siding with them. Sorry, it as late and I was tired.

I have a translation job but payout for my work doesn't gone until March or so. I'm not allowed to work a regular job until I'm cleared medically, and I can't get welfare benefits due to my residence status. Selling off what I own has been helping me get through.the Japanese online Lolita presence is quite different especially when it comes to sales--you're not allowed to ask for more than retail.

>> No.7316223

Don't ever do business with Rosaire, she'll always post about you with your name included and bitch about you. And hope you don't mind waiting over a month for her to ship while she throws out every excuse in the book!

The Japanese won't fall for your dubious sob stories and scalping that's just awful poor thing you

>> No.7316299
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Anon can u not. The Rosaire drama is getting old and the other anons asked her to name and shame in this case.

>> No.7316323

THEY THINK THEY'RE SO CLEVER "we discovered it all lol" GOD i hate people like that

>> No.7316426

the mods are too busy preening on Tumblr

>> No.7316857

Exactly this. Why is it that erryone can bitch about me, truth or not, but man I have heaps of HORRIBLE buyer stories but Mana-sama forbid I say anything about that lol.

Well WF had plenty of time to add the banned tag to my feedback post within the past few days because it wasn't there until recently. Now all these comms that piggyback off eglfb are going to see her shiny vendetta, and despite my lack of negative feedback, nope right the fuck out of there without question because of that tag.

>> No.7316879

anyone have any news about sylphid-dreamer?

>> No.7316891

This is the only sound advice Rosaire and you don't want to do it. There's really nothing you can do to make the situation any better.
You're like the friend who always has something bad happen to them and that's all they talk about. They complain how they always have stupid shit ruining their lives, but never stop to think that maybe part of the problem is themselves.

>> No.7316913

Okay, pay my bills and whatnot for the next 6 months and I will go away, because I will have no need to sell. I can keep my frills and be happy instead of being forced to sell them, and you can be happy that someone on the internet isn't on the internet anymore.

>> No.7316937

>They complain how they always have stupid shit ruining their lives, but never stop to think that maybe part of the problem is themselves
You have described Rosaire precisely

At the very least Rosaire, stop posting all your moaning about vendettas, your health, money problems. and complaining about buyers. None of that will make people want to buy from you. Just post what stuff you have for sale and don't respond to anyone who tries to rile you up. Though that seems impossible for you to do, good luck!

>> No.7316978

way to distort one message into another.
oops, sorry i meant to say, oh rosaire you poor thing boo hoo hoo everybody is bullying poor rosaire-chan for no reason and she has so many problems in life gaiz we should shower her in nothing but sympathy.

you don't want to sell anything. you just want to stay on and talk about your illness your bills your financial problems (hint: get a fucking blog and keep your shit there) because you just want people to show you pity. you know that the more you whine, the more people pay attention to you, the more they don't forget you, the more they don't want to buy for you and the more you have reason to whine. just get out and stop shit posting threads with your life story, we don't care. blogspot and wordpress welcome you with open arms.

>> No.7316985

I thought this was a horror story thread and we were supposed to post horror stories here? There was one posted, end of story

>> No.7317021
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>> No.7317068

Okay seriously. Give me a serious answer, troll-tan, because I want to know--where am I overpricing? All of my prices include po fees and tracked, insured international shipping, which isn't cheap.

So out of the items I'm selling, what is scalped? What prices are too high and are distorting the market (and don't say the IG skirt because there is one for sale on y!j right now with a BIN of $1000)? I base my pricing off of past sales on the LJ comm, but I'm curious.

>> No.7317355
File: 37 KB, 320x353, CalmDown.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that is a lot of mad for fucking frilly dresses

nil that anon sounds like a ~lel so edgy~ cunt.

>> No.7317373

Oh wow
I know this girl, she's in my comm, she's actually a genuinely sweet girl so I was kind of surprised to see her do this? Her friend is relatively new in Lolita I think so she's probably very nervous and stuff. I'm not trying to whiteknight, I was just surprised by this.

>> No.7317408

I traded with her and she shipped within two days and was really friendly, just saying. I think she might have even given me a freebie, but I can't quite remember. I know lots of other people have had similar experiences too. She's fine as a seller, she just can't handle being a shopping service, at least not for so many people.

>> No.7317871

She was banned because she was posting under multiple users to get away with not reducing items. Tbf I don't think it warranted a permaban but that's how it works I guess.

>> No.7318647

All that over a pair of socks...
No way would I ask for a payment plan for $30!

>> No.7318699

>be at a meetup with local comm including well-known girl. Tumblrfamous girl rarely at meets, and is known for being 'chronically ill'. her fans ass-pat her constantly for being 'so brave' as to come to a meet with her 'illness'. They completely fucking ignore the comm member in her wheelchair. Literally ass-patting this chick, while standing next to wheelchair girl, who I gather went to like every meet for years before this tumblr chick ever did?
second-hand embarrassment forever.

>> No.7318715

i have a blog that gets mentioned on cgl, people thank me for helping them with lolita stuff, my comm doesn't know that it's my blog and i'm scared they'll find out and ask me for favours

>> No.7318716

>nobody buys item but don't want to reduce
>"buy" item off myself, leave myself positive feedback
> try to sell again for same or more
>repeat until some sod finally buys item

>> No.7318726

That wouldn't work because mods can see IP addresses and will catch on that you're using the same IP address or the same multiple ones.

>> No.7318731

Unless you like go to the library and only use your main account at one place. You can just say you're from your own comm or whatever.

>> No.7318884

>peachie desu
technically she cant control that they asspat, though? i mean she could always tell them to back the fuck off and not be suck fucks to the girl in the goddamn wheelchair, but

>> No.7318940

you got it. Haven't been to a meet with her since. It was horrifying.

>> No.7319032


Dude, I'm in that comm and there has never even been meets like that? Maybe it was before my time, but nobody has ever treated Peachie any different than they do anybody else.

>> No.7319332

princess peachie?

>> No.7319475

princess peachie is a qt and cgl is full of sandy drama hungry cunts

>> No.7319496

Well, besides being a super special snowflake, she really doesn't start drama or pick on anybody.
Still wondering how she managed to become efamous.

>> No.7319500


tbh I think the anon saying they were at a meet is making things up.

>> No.7319998

Finland is the best if you're into metal, they've got some fantastic power/melodic/death groups.

>> No.7320025

Oh god absolutely. Swallow the Sun is my deepest, dearest love with Trees of Eternity on their heels, as well as Insomnium. I would really love to move there just for the amazing metal culture... anyone single and looking to be married? Lol.

>> No.7320539

She went around messaging mutual Facebook friends telling them not to trust me and to delete me off their list. That doesn't sound genuinely sweet to me...

>> No.7321133

Different anon here, the idea of people ignoring T in our comm when she is in her chair is rediculicous plus she isn't always been in her chair so her beig in it while peachie is around is very silm and it can't be the other girl because she hasn't been to meet in her chair.

>> No.7321148

I have no idea how a replica loving girl like her could even be so accepted into the community. With all the shit tier Dream of Lolita replicas she has, she could have some really nice brand pieces, or offbrand pieces. Heck, she could have more bodyline, which I'd rather her own than a bunch of replicas.

>> No.7321153

I was threatened to be kicked out of my 'comm' (which was more like a four girl club consisting of drama whores) because I used to wear replicas.
Peachie is a nice enough girl, but I don't think she should be proud about supporting art theft. I'd love for somebody to make an art blog and post all of her deviantart work to it and claim its theirs. Then maybe she'll get a taste of her own medicine.

>> No.7321171

Peachie probably won't even openly respond to it. She might tell her closest tumblr friends and you might get some shit from them... Peachie lives by the 'I'm a lolita, I must be a little angel' thing.

>> No.7321177

No one asspats Peachie. The most I've seen is she got some help with her bag after a lot of walking and a few of the girls walked her to the train station to go home. T was away by this point.
Peachies attended approx 2 meets since last year. Someone is butthurt and it's not T because she's a sweetie. I suspect R who also uses a wheelchair and always fishing for sympathy on Tumblr/FB/Twitter.

>> No.7321181

Replie to wrong anon.

>> No.7321191

>age play for funerals

Love it.

>> No.7321197

You don't know R and she doesn't give a fuck about who is popular. Also she hates people helping her or giving her asspats. She hasn't had her chair long to even go to a meet with it yet. Heck last meet there, she wasn't at because she was in hospital. She never said that any where for sympathy now.
Who are you and why are trying to create drama?

>> No.7321201
File: 376 KB, 500x677, tumblr_mxgi2zAHjv1qb9ia7o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love how people easily blow off "oh she's not into ageplay"
she's posed with sippy cups before, how thick can you get

>> No.7321208

Damn, look at them man arms.

>> No.7321211

Her hair looks so greasy...

>> No.7321214

I'm with >>7319032 and >>7319500 and >>7319500

Someone must be really thirsty for drama.
I hope this doesn't start a witch hunt, butthurt anon probably isn't worth our time.

>> No.7321215

so what if she is? i dont see the big deal with people being into whatever theyre into. she never openly states it/talks about fetishes etc and keeps it separate from lolita (as far as i know).

>> No.7321218

Posing IN lolita with sippy cups is involving lolita.
Her bedroom creeps me out so much.

>> No.7321230
File: 91 KB, 540x960, 1390417669728.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This too.
I mean what is she looking for there? There aren't going to be loliable accessories in the cheap, kids bit in Claires. .

>> No.7321231

Wow, so somebody's a drama whoring cunt.

There is like, no drama in our comm at all. Somebody is pulling all of this out of their arse just to try and make some. Give it a rest, you're fucking pathetic.

>> No.7321233

Claires has some cute bracelets and things.
Like those pastel star ones.

>> No.7321236

Maybe in the US or elsewhere. The kids section in UK claires is just filled with shitty, low quality, toddler crap.

>> No.7321237

this. since she's one of the most popular lolitas out there, it brings the "sweet lolita isn't ageplay" argument a giant step back.

>> No.7321242


You are aware that not every aspect of her life is lolita related, right? She wears generic "cute" stuff too.



>> No.7321244
File: 1019 KB, 330x220, tumblr_mxgipxHggI1qb9ia7o3_400.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know how she has ME, and it's most likely true, but posting gifs of her pissing about like this kinda urks me for some reason. Then the next day she'll be all "I was too tired to wear lolita today, I was too tired to do anything!"

>> No.7321248


Yes, that's because when you have ME and you exert yourself to that level, you pay for it later. She's willing to deal with the pain and exhaustion for days afterward just to have fun for a few hours with her friends.

>> No.7321250

It doesn't help her shitty 'peachie's an ageplayer' rep when her friends take candid pictures of her in places like this. Surely Peachie gets a bit down at people giving her shit, yet she gives people reason for people to hate on her.

>> No.7321252

person you responded too.
I look there because I think its cute, but there's no way in hell I'm going to buy low quality shit from claires.

same here.

>> No.7321253

i didn't know she posed in lolita with them, sorry.

>> No.7321265

The fact remains that this is a Loli Horror Stories thread and not a "Let's jump on the Peachie hate wagon" thread.

Peachie barely even comes to meets, the anon up there was probably lying, there is literally no way anybody can make this out to be some kind of drama.

>> No.7321262

peachie doesn't have to post those pictures, you realize

>> No.7321268

Yeah, but she does and/or lets her friends do it for her.

>> No.7321273

Wow, who are you and why are you shot stirring? Our comm is pretty damn lovely, drama free and doesn't need vile little bints like you.

>> No.7321275

There's only 2 stories in this fucking thread.

>> No.7321278


I'm sure I can identify you guys just from language used. Not R but I love you guys

>> No.7321280


Also pretty curious as to who it is, it's obviously somebody who goes to meets or at least used to because the people they're talking about don't post much on the main comm page.

>> No.7321288


I'm on the anons you quoted, and I can't at all. I'm so bad at identifying people from the comm on /cgl/.

>> No.7321295

It's kind of cute. I love you too.

It could be a non-member that knows just enough, people do dumb shit online.
I really don't care, they're not getting any drama.

>> No.7321302

Hoping it's the latter. I've not browsed here in ages and I'm pretty gutted that this is the first thing I see.
Swiftly moving on, any original horror stories?

>> No.7321326

>what is a proxy

>> No.7321336

Don't know if it is much of a horror story but here goes

>last time I wore a spilt wig was at a summer loli meet
>had a great day
>get the train home
>the whole journey I kept getting harassed by a group of men calling me an ugly man in drag
>they throw things at me
>only one stop left move to another carriage
>they don't follow
>get off at my stop
>they see me and jump off the train and start the abuse again

They didn't even live in the area, my best friend was waiting for me in the station where the ticket officer had to call the police.
The men didn't buge at hearing him say he was calling the police but only after I took off my wig.

Last time I've ever worn any spilt wig or coloured wigs.

>> No.7321337

She'd probably mention it on her facebook with annoyance

>> No.7321342

> sick people aren't allowed to have fun and must be miserable all day every day

>> No.7321345

Well at least it makes a change from looking dry and completely damaged and thin like it usually does

Fun game: watch her casual outfits video and guess which ones she's fucked in

>> No.7321349

Did the police arrive/did anything happen to them? That sucks, anon; I see people with unnaturally dyed hair and split hair all the time, so I thought it was getting more popular for normal people, but I guess the combo is just too much to handle

>> No.7321353

Ugh that's so shitty.

I've just got the usual stories of catty teenage bitches giggling and 'secretly' taking camera phone photos.
I know I'm an adult and should be able to ignore it, but they bother me more than an adult would.

>> No.7321377

They arrived but nothing came off it I'm afraid. The men got away.
Some places accept somethings but not other things that are popular.

>> No.7321378

I know about proxies, just I don't know if you can set specific ones so it doesn't look weird that one user posts under many IP addresses over a few days.

>> No.7321385

I'm really sorry this happened to you, people can be complete cunts (and they were probably jealous they don't have the confidence to try something daring so instead they took it out on you.) WTF what if you had a cancer and were covering up your bald head? What if you had extreme hair loss?

>> No.7321410

Just switch to a proxy when using your fake account and use your regular IP when using your real one? It's really easy, I wonder why people aren't doing it.

>> No.7321421

Something similar happened to my friend, we'd just left a meet and were walking to the bus station. She was in a sweet co-ord with a split wig, drunk chavs started on her and ripped her wig off. A nearby police officer noticed and called for backup, my friend got her wig back and they got carted off in a riot van lel

>> No.7321433

You must be in the UK? I hate chavs with a passion too, I remember in secondary school I got ganged up upon by 8 people because I liked wearing this big black bow in my hair. They can all die in a fire.

>> No.7321438

Yeah, mostly manage to avoid them or at worst get a bit of heckling. That's the only occasion where a member of our comm has been physically attacked. I've had rubbish hurled off me once before though.

>> No.7321455

Yea when it was my 15th birthday my friend had KFC baked beans thrown at her.

>> No.7321459

My country isn't really know for manners and sadly I've heard of a wig being pulled off of a cancer patient.

Glad to hear they got those bastards. It is nice when that happens

>> No.7321500

They did it in a public place in the middle of the day that is covered by cctv from all angles and always has at least one police/ community support officer on duty. Could have prosecuted but my friend didn't want the hassle

>> No.7322146

I see stuff like this a lot on /cgl/, why do you guys even reply to ridiculous shit like this?

>> No.7322209

who even fucking cares though
like seriously
who cares whether she likes acting like a kid or not, it's her business and she obviously keeps it to herself
As someone who is actually an ageplayer, I get really annoyed when the lolita comm goes on witchhunts for suspected ageplayers, leave us the fuck alone, we're not shoving it in your face.

>> No.7322246

do you have the pic?
that's blatant mang.

>> No.7322258
File: 927 KB, 500x280, tumblr_mz4823p1Z41qk08n1o1_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I drink vodka out of sippy cups at cons, mine has Hello Kitty on it. Tfw I give no fucks whether someone thinks I'm an ageplayer or not.

>> No.7322300

Tbh I've found a few cute rings and such from the "claire's club" section...nothing to make a huge statement, but just a few extra hair clips to make the outfit a tad more interesting, without overdoing it.

>> No.7323216

What country are you in where KFC has baked beans????

>> No.7323220

leave it OUT of lolita, and its fine.

>> No.7323225

The uk has them as an option

>> No.7323246

Bumping for moar horror stories

>> No.7323278

But the whole point of lolita is looking like a little girl. The fashion was basically created for them.

>> No.7323299

Sweet =/= all of lolita. And even then not all of sweet is about looking like a little child.

>> No.7323513

Me too, I've got some pretty cute rings and hair clips from Claires. Even if they're not the best quality in the world the sale prices are good.

>> No.7323530

There's also a difference between ageplay and just enjoying childish things.
Are you going to call me an ageplayer for still enjoying playing around on monkeybars with my nieces and nephews and sleeping with my beloved stuffed rabbit when my boyfriend is gone for the night?

I can never find anything at claire's. I was hoping to buy a few of those pastel bead bracelets or something just as filler jewelry, but they didn't seem to have any.

>> No.7324848

nice b8 m8

>> No.7324850

>disagree with something
>lol its bait xd

>> No.7324886
File: 61 KB, 1162x688, Please learn to differentiate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay then, since you say you're serious, allow me to tell you why you're wrong.

The whole point of lolita is not to look like a little girl. If we wanted to do that, we'd go out and get diapers and binkies and bibs.

Here, I made a diagram for ya: pic related.

>> No.7324894

I'm not even the person you were replying to.

>> No.7324928

What was the purpose of this >>7324850 comment, then?

I thought you were the anon who made the actual post and had come back to defend the legitimacy of your post.

>> No.7324938

I am just sick and tired of every other opinionated post being called bait just because someone disagrees.
It's as annoying as assuming samefag when people agree with each other but clearly aren't the same person, just because you don't agree with them.

>> No.7324947

The point of Lolita is to look youthful. Hence the name.

>> No.7324976

Youthful, but not like a little kid. That's prepubescent, not youthful.

We want to look pretty, not underage.

>> No.7326149

>Hence the name.

Actually, no. Japanese girls just thought it sounded cute, the point of the fashion was to be cute, so it fit.

>> No.7326150

its to be doll like actually.

>> No.7326156

What the fuck is this... is she having a party in a childrens indoor playground?

>> No.7326161

Dolls look youthful.

Still, it's interesting how everyone has different visions of what lolita is about. It appears even we don't fully know what it's meant to be.

>> No.7326165

Funnily enough a few friends of mine converted a room in the basement of their house into a ballpit. We're in college, and everyone loves it. I don't think this is that weird.

>> No.7326191


jesus fuck these bitches need to blacklisted.

>> No.7326192
File: 606 KB, 440x237, do it.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It appears even we don't fully know what it's meant to be.

It wasn't meant to have some super special deeper meaning, it was just cute, inspired by Victorian era dolls' clothes.

Westerners, for whatever reason, always seem to think that everything has to have some deep, spiritual(?) cause or connection. This is not the case, some things can just be.

>> No.7326193

brb drinking kool aid from a sippy cup while waiting for my daddy i mean boyfriend to change my poopy diaper

>> No.7326212


It just doesn't come off as sexual to me idek why.
Maybe she wants to be a little girl again or something or is still very childish, has a lower emotional age?

>> No.7326235

lol, no.
I'm not into ageplay, although I'd admit it if I were. My point was that "childish" things can be fun without you being a freak. I'll never understand people who think that there is some great divide between being a fun-loving kid and some serious, anti-playing adult.
When you turned 10 did you suddenly stop playing, throw out your old toys, slap on a monocle, and shove a stick up your ass?

>> No.7326599
File: 98 KB, 247x248, 1356639084518.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tfw you have a phobia of beans

>> No.7326624

i have never heard of a bean phobia hahaha, what is that even called? legumaphobia?

>> No.7326703

>1 Corinthians 13:11
>When I was a child, I spake as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child: but when I became a man, I put away childish things.

What I don't get is: They're dressing up like a child, doing things with baby stuff! THAT MEANS THAT THEY MASTURBATE TO THE IDEA!!!!
It's like saying that if someone wears a leather choker, that OBVIOUSLY means that they get turned on by someone choking them. But I bet people would argue for this too.

How about garters? Let's compare to garters. They're a functional piece of clothing that holds up your socks. That's awesome! But there's this sexual connotation put to it, that now if people find out that you wear garters underneath your dresses, or if they show at all, that means you're doing it BECAUSE it's sexual. Not because of the function or the aesthetic.
I wish that this wasn't the case, because I wish I didn't have to hold up my otks with sock glue or with elastic bands that dig into my skin. But there are girls who do it anyway despite this, girls braver than I am.

>> No.7326758

mine has hello kitty too, use it when I don't want tos hare my drink because who else wants to use a sippycup

>> No.7326814

In the UK there's a thing called Playzone which is basically that except they serve alcohol and it's also a club. It could be one of those? Not sure though.

>> No.7326861

ive seen a lot of confessions on blogs about their childhoods being shitty or they have to grow up too fast, and so lolita lets them feel like a princess like they would in childhood again. also saw one about how their therapist approved or something idk. maybe it's the same for her?

>> No.7326938

I have no idea and it's only baked ones in particular
I can't even say the word out loud it makes me gag

>> No.7326981

can you explain this to me?

>> No.7326996

She's mentioned she still has a mental age of 16 as that's when she was diagnosed with her illness and couldn't do as much for herself

>> No.7327106

I can't even explain it to myself, it was hard even typing the word out
It makes me feel sick, something about them just really unnerves me?
It possibly originated from having an eating disorder when I was younger, I used to be terrified of getting food stains on my clothes because it would mean I ate food all the time and was dirty but I associated that orange colour of beans in particular with that fear. I think it just sort of developed into a phobia gradually?

>> No.7327208
File: 23 KB, 300x300, frrVEWH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>quoting the bible

>> No.7327305


I fucking hate baked beans, probably not on phobia level like the other anon but from a similar source. The smell, the texture, the taste... ugh makes me want to gag.

It comes from being in primary school and the gross kids would have it in a toasted sandwich for lunch. They'd bite into it and it would ooze all over their faces and clothes and they didn't care. They'd have this baked bean sauce smeared all over themselves for the rest of the day and not care.

>> No.7327307

What sixteen year old plays in a ball pit unless they're being lol random xD?

>> No.7327370
File: 7 KB, 131x283, 1386880433513.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the gross kids would have it in a toasted sandwich for lunch.

A toasted sandwich with only baked beans? I've never heard of this, but it sounds absolutely disgusting.

>> No.7327390

It's called a jaffle. The school canteen would make them, but they are pretty standard around here. You put in baked beans or tinned spaghetti into the toasted sandwich maker. The sides of the bread are all sealed, so when you bite in the filling oozes everywhere. It's fucking disgusting and I'm feeling queasy just thinking about it.

>> No.7327421

shit nigga you just don't like fun

>wishes to play in ballpits
>but children pee in those

>> No.7327423


I thought I was the only one!

>> No.7327436
File: 45 KB, 498x370, tumblr_m90z6teLup1r3dw65o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7327451

Fuck off be it sound or not she doesn't have to listen to any of it unless an fucking feels like it.

>> No.7327460

Indeed. But I wish she'd stop complaining when it's her choice to refuse to take the advice.

>> No.7327539

*what 16 yr hosts a party at indoor playground with pop music doing kiddie dances and playing in ball pits

>> No.7327544

meant to quote the post before it oopz

>> No.7327545

She was sharing a story that we asked for. People talking shit because she is still selling things and staying true to what she wants to do instead of hiding in a corner in shame. "STOP DOING WHAT YOU WANT AND DO WHAT I WANT"

>> No.7327630

It's a mistranslation of the novel. In western culture we view lolita as seductive little children out to steal men (because it's first person from a pedo and we have a pretty crazy rape culture as it is).
Japanese culture viewed it more as lost innocence due to over sexualization. Women ran with it and desexualized themselves while taking the name.
I did a whole research paper about that novel in translation (not the fashion). It was years ago, I wish I still had that on hand.

>> No.7327673
File: 20 KB, 283x197, Danny_Devito_eats_steak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh no, people enjoy things e don't in their personal lives, how dare they.

Back to horror.

> be me
> classic black/white coord
> solid pieces, no lace to be seen
> friend sees pictures later
> "Iyai, Anon-chan, ITAI!"
> the fuck you say
> "It's not gosurori without lace! Here, here's a kawaii dress-aru I found for you!"
> open link
> black/white lace monster from Milanoo
> mfw

>> No.7327788

using bait and samefag = you lost and are gripping at straws

>> No.7327799

Is there a reason none of you ladies carry pepper spray?

If some joe schmo ripped a wig off my head (which would literally hurt me, because I bobbypin mine on) I would give him the whole can in his face, or hit him with my taser once I purchase it, then call the police and press charges for being assaulted.

Ripping someone's wig off is not okay under any context, colorful split pigtail or normal every day wig. People wear wigs for a reason... to have them on their head. Also, touching strangers without permission is also a no no.

For fuck's sake, please stand up for yourself ladies.

>> No.7327814


It's illegal here. I've been creeped on so much I honestly want to make a home made one.

>> No.7327820

Both?? Or just the taser?

>> No.7327833


In Australia, everything is illegal.

>> No.7327866

But seriously do you all live in some sort of zoo ? It sure happens to get verbally arrassed but I've never heard of a lolita being assaulted in my country, apart from some chick in junior high on got spat on. Are you sure those persons around you are actual people instead of monkeys ?

>> No.7327868

West Aust lets you carry pepper spray.

>> No.7327867

I wish I were as sheltered as you.

>> No.7327872

Yeh but most the population dont live there.

>> No.7328025

I feel you man. In the UK anything carried with the intent to use as a weapon is illegal. So sports equipment and tools can get you in serious trouble if the police want to make you miserable. Our self defence laws are utter bullshit.

>> No.7328042

Uh, no I'm okay with this.
It's bad enough worrying that some punk has a knife or a gun, it's 100% more terrifying imagining that everyone has one and is allowed to have it.

>> No.7328045

Because I'd be arrested for carrying it.

>> No.7328052

Not really, punks that want to have a knife or gun still will and if you don't even have a can of damn pepper spray to slow them down with you're screwed.

>> No.7328063

Pepper spray is illegal in some countries, not everyone is 'Murican you know.

>> No.7328208

No. All you do by making something illegal is ensure that you'll only ever find it in the hands of someone who intends to break the law. Bad people do bad things no matter what you make illegal. Good people should be able to defend themselves against those people, because they're never going to go away or stop using various objects to hurt others.

>it's 100% more terrifying imagining that everyone has one and is allowed to have it.

That's kind of the point. Every country in the world has nukes, this is the only thing stopping anyone using them. Mutually assured destruction.

>> No.7328345

There's a legal UK alternative to pepper spray which I was thinking of buying, "Mini Self Defence Spray Criminal Identifier" . I don't live in a rough area but it'd be comforting to know that I could defend myself.

>> No.7328424

Not quite a horror story, but I'm just so mad.

>see dream dress nwt on closet child blog
>contact ss, pay immediately, she tries to get it next day
>it's already sold
>today, checking auctions when suddenly...DREAM DRESS!
>but with the price jacked up 15000yen
>can tell it's the same one from CC

I'm probably going to bid on it anyway, though, because I've never seen it sold.

>> No.7328432

And that's why US have guns and why they are the northern country with the more mass murder.
If you make something illegal, you'll reduce highly the risk of someone having it, period.
Anyway if you're not trained to any kind of self defense, you will most likely be harmed with your own weapons within the first minute of the assault. Knowing how to properly defend yourself is more important than having a weapon.

>> No.7329192

The UK has more violent crime than the US does in proportion to our population. Our knife crime stats are particularly disgusting. Making something illegal does fuck all toward the difficulty of obtaining something, it just ensures that anyone who wants one will be a criminal and hide the fact that they have obtained it. Switzerland have mandatory firearms training and ownership, and they have the lowest crime rates in the world.

>> No.7329195

That Doll Maker video that got posted on LJ is some kind of horror story

>> No.7329207

Really? I've never heard that! If you were to ever find your paper or your notes, would you mind posting that? I think it would be useful to help explain the name to people

>> No.7329213

I feel you anon.

>> No.7329606
File: 321 KB, 800x873, 6199671064_9b2b293763_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>lend friend an adorable bodyline dress, handmade bloomers, and petti
>Its so good looking you wouldn't even guessed it was bodyline
>she gives it back a year and a half later, zipper torn off and bow missing, bloomers with period stains on them, petti deflated

lesson learned, though it was bodyline, they don't make that dress anymore so I am kind of sad. they should, it was so cute.
>pic related

>> No.7329610

Once again. Why do people lend out dresses. Maybe I'm just paranoid or smart, but only my girlfriend is allowed to wear my dresses. I could never let them go to even a friend for an event.

>> No.7329614

I was just excited that a friend was interested in the fashion. it was many years ago.

Bodyline should rerelease this print.

>> No.7329642

This is about to be a horror story.
>Everyone I know is getting geared-up for Katsucon
>Get a Facebook message from a girl I know
>"Anon, will you help me pick out a lolita dress at Katsucon?"
>Girl is 5'5 and 200 lbs
>Wears a fedora on a regular basis
>Still as much of a weeb as when I met her in middle school
I said yes, because I shudder to think of what will happen if she tries to pick something out on her own. She may be a weeby mess, but she's not a bad person, and she doesn't deserve to spend a hundred bucks on a milanoo-tier disaster.
It's gonna be a hell of a ride trying to prevent that, though...

>> No.7329643

Tell her to lose weight. Damn, I'm chubby at 5'4" and 130. 200 lbs is just no

>> No.7329838


This might have been your SS.
I heard stories about an SS doing that (m miu I think?).

>> No.7329898

wow that's fascinating... you could actually go really far with that if you decided to post it on egl and tumblr and educate a lot of people, in a very good way. It gets old saying 'oh they just thought it was a cute name' over and over again. This would actually lead into a dialog that could branch out and go place with the person you're talking to. I think you should post it around anon, this is kind of a big deal!

>> No.7329899

Gah shed be better off ordering off of Bodyline itself then pic whatever selection will be available there..

>> No.7329917
File: 113 KB, 680x680, vom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My sista
I'm other anon and that's one of the other things that freaks me out about them! I just remember being in Primary school and kids being covered in those disgusting stains and not caring how dirty and messy they looked (of course they wouldn't, they were kids) but to me it was really gross

>> No.7329962

I've seen lolitas taking pics in front of sanrio, in the parks in front of the swings etc. Basically they take pictures everywhere as long as it looks pink/cute/sweet, why it's so bad qhen this peachie girl is doin' it?

>> No.7329969

What is coordinate? Im new

>> No.7329977

An outfit

>> No.7330168

>Its so good looking you wouldn't even guessed it was bodyline

Nope, it screams Bodyline. Not much of a loss.

>> No.7330236

It's bad when any other lolita is posing in front of swings. In front of a Sanrio shop is a little different, though. It's not like the stuff in Sanrio shops are cheap like the tacky crap in the kids section of claires, and Sanrio has done collabs with Jfash brands before now.

>> No.7330272
File: 90 KB, 640x523, 1390767089377.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck is wrong with swings?

>> No.7330294

Its a fancier way of saying outfit. You have to COORDINATE the colors so it works, not just throw on an outfit from your closet. Shortened as coord (NOT CORD)

>> No.7330311
File: 42 KB, 121x112, whey.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well apparently they turn you into a sociopath.

>> No.7330314

It's because the just saw the guy who look under her skirt when she swings

>> No.7330409

sand get in your bloomers anon?

>> No.7330447

FAO fellow UKfags: Mini cans of hairspray. Carry them, use them.

>> No.7330756

Nah man, bitch was totally asking for it, shoe was flying through the air and everything.

>> No.7330771

I love the looks on the cherub's faces, like "bitch took our swing"

>> No.7330782

Ha, I never noticed the cherub's expression before. That's great.

>> No.7330907

The other cherub is holding him back like "Just let it go man. We have wings."

>> No.7330925

I found her videos really helpful when I was just starting, still think she's cute.

>> No.7330935

Agreed. She was a good person to look up to as a beginner, but I soon felt like I surpassed her. Then again, I'm a quick learner. It's one of the few good traits I have going for me.

>> No.7330959

Not too much horror but annoying as hell

>spots dream dress #1 on comm_sales
>seller is leaving lolita
>buys dream dress from seller
>few days later dream dress #2 appears
>can't believe my luck that I have 2 dream dresses appear in 24 hours of eachother and actually have money for them
>comments on post
>seller tells me I'm second in line but the first person wants a payment plan and offered a lower amount
>I tell seller I can pay full amount immediately, so she sells it to me instead
>few days later I spy cute cheap socks on a new leaving lolita sales post by first seller.
>first to comment, leave pp fyeah gonna get me some cute socks
>next day, no reply, no invoice
>check sales post and see my comment screened, 6 comments down, she sells them to someone else. Fucking annoyed
>get a reply from seller with dream dress #2
>as I'm looking at the comments and reading the reply I notice that the person who wanted a reduced price and payment plan was seller with dream dress #1
>wait I thought that bitch was leaving lolita
>ignoring my comment and selling socks to someone else because she's butthurt I bought her dream dress from under her?

>fast foreward a few months later
>find lots of cute shit in comm_sales
>comments with pp asking for items x, y and z.
>no reply for over a day
>go back to sales page to see if I missed something
>I'm first comment on sales page
>8 comments later item x is sold to someone else wtf?
>my comment was screened and ignored
>Look at the sellers name. Same bitch. Fine. Ill throw hundreds of my hard earned dollars at someone else.

Has anyone else had this happen to them?

>> No.7330969

My sides

>> No.7330993


Pretty sure you can get the mods to call her ass on that.

>> No.7331003

Not sure. I figured if anything by the second time she coul at least pm me saying she dosent want to sell to me or something. But nothing. Wish she would of. Saves both of us from waisting our time with eachother. But that's cool. Getting my tax return soon. That's $1000 that's not going to her I guess

>> No.7331009

>Day1 leaving lolita
>Day2 no wait spots dream dress just kidding y'all

Fuck these bitches annoy me with their every other week leaving lolita sales post.

>> No.7331016

Wow I don't care if you are banned from the comm sales, I don't care about your drama, these two are fucking nuts. I wouldn't have tolerated them for as long as you did, I would've immediately blocked both and given the SS of the comment AND the SS of the friend harassing you to the LSE mods. What a nightmare.

>> No.7331039

I've had a shitty day and this made me laugh really hard. Thank you, seagulls.

>> No.7331140

if, instead of grumbling about being half asleep, you would have just said "ok ill message her" this could have been avoided. proving a point or something?

>> No.7331201

Any day, Anon. Got to use my art degree for something.

>> No.7332651

I was about to post this same picture in the Natural Hair lolita thread
>dat part
pls wear wigs peachie your stylist-fu is weak

>> No.7332701

Hi Nicky's friend. Get a life.

>> No.7333107

Not a really bad one but

>A few years ago, acted as a SS for my friend for an AP dress she wanted
>Bought the dress for her, all was well
>Was telling good friend my experience being an SS for her, he asked what it was for so I showed him a picture of it from the promo AP images
>Not knowing anything except the fact that cute dresses are involved, I told him it was called Lolita fashion
>First thing he says upon seeing it is "Oh, that's really gross."
>Was really confused by such a reaction, but figured he didn't like the photos I showed him (gothic and sweet) so I didn't press it.
>mfw years later, I realize he thought the fashion was in regards to the book. I didn't even know about the book, or what lolita meant, until I got more into the fashion.
>Stricken with horror that he thought it had to do with the book and I didn't know anything to educate him about it at the time.

>> No.7333119

you wont get charged?

>> No.7333136

I'm so confused by this reaction. I never read the book and don't understand since lolita is a Spanish name in my country.

>> No.7333158

Lolita is a book told from the perspective of a Pedophile, who is in lust with the title character. It's banned in a lot of places, and the name Lolita is very vilified in the USA, often used to describe a young sexual girl.

>> No.7333165

>villified in the USA
she is villified to the extent where a large majority of people see Lolita as a girl that lusts and hunts after oldermen, being a homewrecker.

hate to sound like tumblr but goddamn that rape culture

>> No.7333163

God bless America and having a concealed carry permit.
I never leave my house without my baby.
It's the greatest feeling in the world to know that you can pop a' cap in someone's ass if they're harassing you.

>> No.7333171

I dont think people have to read the book, its been done a couple times by some famous movie makers already.

>> No.7333175

I don't think anyone's blaming the girl in the book. I'm pretty sure it's the sickness of the narrator that's the issue.

>> No.7333179

>I don't think anyone's blaming the girl in the book.
Talk to some people about it. There are a ton of people who have read the book but don't understand the concept of an unreliable narrator. They take everything he relates as the truth, because he's the one telling the story.

>> No.7333294

I can't understand how people can read this book and not question the narrator's story, he even begin it by saying that he is crazy and in jail.
I readed a few month ago and I had to stop often or I would puke, it was so disgusting and sick (and I read Maxime Chattam's torture porn so I'm pretty ok with macabre things), and this poor girl...
Plus, it could happen to anyone because 12 in this age when you still have your Oedupian complex and start a veil sexuality, anyone can twist this to have the child's 'consentment' when he/she should have been healthily rejected.
That's the frightening ting : it's probably still could happen, and it probably happen nowadays.

>> No.7333298
File: 969 KB, 500x300, tumblr_m395njbla71qe04bho1_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

welcome to 'murrica, the land of the incredibly stupid

>> No.7333310

Oh, in my country people also misinterpret it, but mainly because they didn't read the book and only saw exctracts of the Kubrick movie and pictures.

>> No.7333314

>and pictures

>> No.7333349

Lolita themed pictures, which keep the aesthetic but misinterpret things. Like with lollipops and heart-shaped glasses and all the jazz.

>> No.7333350

that too.
its fucking annoying. search "lolita" and see a bunch of porn come up or girls talking about their ddlg fetishes because of it.

>> No.7333367


it's a banned word on most porn sites. all this LOLITA IS BAD thing started only recently though, I don't remember people complaining about it just 3 years ago.

>> No.7333372

Not really a horror story, but a definite WTF:
>go pick up my W2 from old job
>haven't been there in 6 months
>dresses in tights, boots, a slightly longer than normal JSK, high collar shirt, and a coat that is quite long with fur around the collar and sleeves
>old co worker calls it a "skimpy outfit"

>> No.7333373

Instagram refuses to search #lolita. You have to tag coords #lolitafashion if you want a usable tag. Meanwhile #loli is an OK tag

>> No.7333376

I do. There are probably EGL discussion topics that far back as to what we should change the name to.

>> No.7333380


>> No.7333390


loli is completely different though, or am I just missing your joke.
/b/ and /g/ seem

>> No.7333391

I seriously don't understand this at all. Maybe because I am not american, but that book did not create that word and I don't understand negativity with it just because of one novel.

>> No.7333403

I just think it's bizarre that lolita is a banned tag but loli is not. But I guess "loli" isn't a term known to most westerners.

>> No.7333488

Please at least tell us who it is.

>> No.7333708


Seconding this, name and shame this bitch.

>> No.7334811

This gif should be used more often.

>> No.7336370

I'm kinda afraid. She's in California. Idk what their comm is like there. I was planning to visit next year and if I out her I'd just be afraid that would make socializing with their comm difficult. Im not sure what its like there, but my comm is decent sized and fairly close :/

If I see anything else on a sales post from her and it happens I might confront her about its. But then again it's really un professional and I don't think I even want to bother with her ever again.
I tend to be very non-confrontational

>> No.7336549

If we're still talking about lolita horror stories, a girl in my local comm had someone throw a condom full of urine at her.

>> No.7336840


>> No.7336877


>> No.7336893

Apparently she was walking into town to go to a meetup and a carful of chavs saw her and slowed down and shouted things at her. She ignored them and thought they'd given up and driven by, but it turned out that they'd driven round the block and peed into a condom. Luckily, it didn't hit her or anything, but she was really upset.

>> No.7336922

that is less horrific than I'd thought it would be, but I'm really glad your friend is okay and didn't get hit!
That's fucking disgusting :\

>> No.7336972

Do you live in the UK? I used to and wouldn't move back for all the burando in the world.

>> No.7337009

This is why if I ever get harassed I take out my phone and start taking video (not pictures). That way if something like this happens I have the proof and what they look like/their plates on camera.

>> No.7337009,1 [INTERNAL] 

I know her too... Nicky Van Hool is known as a two faced monster, so I am not surprised
Spends days shittalking people when they dont agree with her but plays nice in peoples faces

>> No.7337009,2 [INTERNAL] 

How so?