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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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7292013 No.7292013 [Reply] [Original]

Okay I made a thread here last night and i think I got off to the wrong foot.

You cosplay girls...you're just like, normal girls right?

I mean, how do you deal with the legions of spergs at these conventions who would literally kill someone to have you.

Do you get bothered a lot?

Cause I figure it either has to be constant non stop attention, or none because so many of the guys are just that big of a pussy.

I'm not a big anime guy, I was dressed normal, These two girls I know who invited me to come were like "Dude, if you just show up and look/act normal that instantly kicks you into like the top 10% of guys here"

I did, and I got a super cute girl's number, the hottest girl I've ever gotten a number from.

I'm a Virgin, never had a GF before, never even past a second date. Go to first anime con in years

Oh my god it's like a reverse of real life...like 90% of the girls are gerogus and 90% of the guys are complete spergs

My self esteem is in the toilet and even I know I'm at least an 8 in this crowd.

After meeting this one girl and hanging out with her in a group for a while at the end of the night everyone breaks to go home...

"Hey, I just wanted to ask you if I could get your number?"

"Sure I don't see anything wrong with that" she looked all timid and nervous, which is either bad, or hot, because I'm really into timid girls

(She's local too!!!)

Holy fuck, I can't belive this...This is easily the hottest girl I've ever gotten a number from. WTF do I do now!!!??

You're all just normal girls right? RIGHT? I just really don't want to fuck this up...

She had the prettiest eyes...

>> No.7292019

You need to get your autism checked out

>> No.7292021


>> No.7292024

Lol, I'm serious

She modded a panel this morning but I had to work, Thinking of going again tonight to try and meet her, I have her number so should I text her like "Hey how did your panel go?"

>> No.7292030

Just fucking leave here you twat.

Go back to /r9k/ and /mlp/

>> No.7292026

Yeah, I'm sorry,

Look...being 25 and a virgin...it puts you in a bad place

It was different then I expected, I think I might really like this girl, in a want to date way, not try to nail way

>> No.7292031

I'm serious too. Get your autism checked out.

You're not an 8/10. At all.

>> No.7292034

I'm admitting I was wrong, I was in a bad frame of mind,

I come to you looking for help...please...im sorry

You're a curious bunch, what the anime community looks like now is almost indistinguishable from when i was in highschool...girls are here...that was the fucking reason I stopped.

>> No.7292032

I just mention my boyfriend. If I ever don't have a boyfriend, I'll pretend I do at a con.

Last con I went to, the following happened twice:
>guy walks up
>engages me in conversation
>I casually mention boyfriend, relevant to point in conversation
>guy turns on a heel and walks away without a word

It was comical.

As for your situation, read the con horror stories. You're welcome.

>> No.7292035

She said she was meeting a friend later (a guy) after we left, usually if girl's not interested she says boyfriend really fast, but she specifically said friend.

>> No.7292042

I can't stop laughing at this sperg-lord

>> No.7292047

??? The last thing I want to be is one of those, when I see them I'm filled with fear thinking "My god, is that what I am" I'm trying to find out how to not be that guy

>> No.7292050

Why would you choose to lump us together and berate them if you're trying to get boned. You seem like a complete idiot since you're acting more like a high schooler than us drama mongers. People like you never learn that they're the reason they don't get laid.

This is coming from someone with a virgin fetish that would bone you instantly regardless of looks if you weren't such an ass.

>> No.7292063

I bet she gave you rejection hotline you faggot sperg.

>> No.7292091
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>WTF do I do now!!!??

>> No.7292136

Sounds like you just made a thread to brag about forcing some girl to give you her number.

That's autistic as fuck, bro.

Also, this isn't cosplay. At all. Don't fucking mock the community and try to praise the girls at the same time. It doesn't even make sense. You sound like a retard.

>> No.7292141

>implying that number isn't a throwaway number
nice delusion there loser

>> No.7292173

OP, I'm going to treat you like you are being honest, what do you do now? Call her. Don't call her to set up a date, call her to get to know her better. If convos on the phone five you anxiety then text her. Find out what fandoms she's into, what she does for fun besides cosplay, is she in school, does she have a job? Tell her about yourself too. Build up a friendship and then ask her out.

Don't be nervous about your virginity, especially if you want to date her long term. Just be honest about it with her when it does come up. If she's a girl that would break up with you over it ( because we're assuming that sex would not come up until you had established a relationship) then she's not the type of girl you want in the first place.

>> No.7292225

What if you don't have a boyfriend and you make an actual guy friend there that you might be interested in romantically?

>> No.7292230

>getting a boyfriend at a con
Literally the most pathetic thing you could do. Even meeting someone off the internet is better. These creeps only come out of their basements to ogle us, they have no emotions or feelings. You're either a male, new, or a troll.

Am I right girls?

>> No.7292238
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>. These creeps only come out of their basements to ogle us, they have no emotions or feelings.

that only applies to ugly men

hot men are ok

>> No.7292266

Oh my god. Not all women are superficial whores.
I'm not either of them but I talk to literally any guy who comes up to me and wants to talk. Even bronies and stuff, I think that everyone is worth talking to and everyone should get an equal chance at talking to people.
I only leave once someone says something really creepy or tries to get touchy feely with me. And yes, believe it or not I leave if hotties do that too. I just think it's nice talking to people and seeing what's up and nothing more, unless I actually become good friends with them at the con and they want to exchange Skypes or something.

>> No.7292285

This. I love talking to people at cons. I only leave in mid conversation if I get creepy vibes from them. This mouth breather at Magfest who looked like Gary Oldman from the 5th element wouldn't leave me alone while I was trying to play Mario kart. in the arcade room. It was just irritating. I left mid game with my friends.

>> No.7292691

Cosplay to get bitchays

>> No.7293892

I've been in a two year relationship with a man I met at a con. We've never had any problems. Granted, I've seen a lot of con relationships turn south real quick, because cons tend to bring the best out of people, which leaves a false impression. (The ones there to have fun. Those with things to do and reasons to stress, this may not apply to.)

>> No.7293992

Come on, this is the oldest troll bait in the book.
Regardless of appearance, anyone has the ability to be creepy. No one gets a free pass because of how they look.