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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 100 KB, 960x741, hoccast.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7289159 No.7289159 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone know what became of this?

>> No.7289171

It was shit

>> No.7289187


>> No.7289193

They tried to turn it into a fashion competition

>> No.7289334

No, I specifically mean the casting call.

>> No.7289351
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I heard murmurs that JNig was part of the cast now. But it could also be that Monika hangs on so hard to her coat tails that its impossible not to have Jnig in some eps. I wouldnt be surprised if Katie Cosplay and Lindze were also cast members now because they have been hanging out with Riddle and Monkia hard.

I am so excited for the next season. I hope they can come up with better fake drama than "Get out of here out of towners!" I mean we are cosplayers after all. Our drama is glorious and entertaining as fuck. You would think they would be able to come up with better.

Enjoy this picture from their facebook page.

>> No.7289349

why even have a casting call if they automatically picked Lindze,Jnig,Monika,Riddle and some other I'm probably forgetting

>> No.7289360

Publicity and the off chance that they actually find someone even crazier than the bitches they already have. But mostly publicity. Look at the next Star Wars film they are having an open casting call but their not actually going to pick anyone.

Has anyone seem them filming at other cons already?

Also for all those who hate when bitches sell prints to make money wait until that explodes even more with the new cast members they added. All of them practice this and god knows the young ones are going to try and mimic it even more now.

>> No.7289366
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>watching this with bf
>notice whats her face's bf designing a dress
>looks kinda familiar
>wait i know that dress
>its betsey johnson's dahlia
>obsessed over it because i wanted it for prom
>i thought it would make me the prettiest girl in the room
>bf look what she's doing
>look dammit
>honey i don't care, its cosplay and lame all around, can we change the channel already

>> No.7289417
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I normally don't hate people. Normally I'm a pretty laid back person, and I can justify the reasons why people do things and move on with my life.

However this bitch. I hate this bitch so much. Like I want to take a sledgehammer to her face.

I have never seen anybody so fake and trying so hard to be a special little snowflake nerd gurrl in my entire life.

>> No.7289421

She backtracked at some point and said it was "inspired by" a betsey johnson dress
kind of hillarious

>> No.7289427

I dunno, I liked her attitude at least on the show. Actually having fun with her cosplays and enjoying it, rather than Yaya being all super serious, talking shit about ~cosplaying body type~ and being slutty, and then trying to make a doll of herself

>> No.7289435

Aww, anon, I know this has nothing to do with anything, but I saw some Dahlia's floating around eBay for decent prices months ago while I was looking for some other Betsey prints. Forget prom, be the pretty princess every day!

>> No.7289437

You shouldn't assume anything based on the show though. You don't know how genuine the act of "I'm just doing it for fun! teehee" is.

>> No.7289438

But people should cosplay to flatter their body type. People should also dress to flatter their body type too. I don't understand why this is hard for people to comprehend or why people get offended by it.

>> No.7289439

I was ok with Chloe and her spoiled rich girl past until her huge tumblr cry post defending Jessica and Holly.

Definitely the poster child of failed model/actress turned nerd model. Daddy worked on Star Wars but could only get me two background roles on a Sam Raimi film (because he was working on them) so I am going to wake up one day and decided to become a nerd instead of just liking nerdy shit naturally.

>> No.7289449

Fuck Jessica and Holly. Fuck them.

"We want to get our Crabcat brand out to the anime audience."

First off, fuck you and your fucking idiot branding shit. Nobody cares about your half ass costumes. You two are only relevant because you sucked the dicks of every staff member at Bioware in order to get jobs for yourselves. If you want to appeal to the anime audience sit your stupid asses down and actually watch some fucking anime you goddamn retards.

Fuck, I hate Jessica and Holly so bad. Did you know that Bioware pays to fly Jessica from California to Canada for staff meetings sometimes? There are way more qualified people to work for you that probably live in Canada. You didn't have to hire that stupid cunt.

>> No.7289462

I peoples reactions came from how 'harshly' or straightforward or 'edited' they were on the topic. After watching the ep a second time I thought it sounded more like the cast agreeing that you CAN wear whatever you want BUT be prepared for haters and make sure you have a thick skin. And if you arent prepared for this then maybe stick to cosplaying something more suitable to their body type. Which makes sense. But people today just cant handle the truth unless its sugar coated for them all nicely. So people freaked out. Gotta consider everyones feelings and tell them gently how fat they are.

>> No.7289478

LOL Anon I love you and feel the same. Oh dont worry I know about Holly and Jessica. I used to follow Holly on twitter after her Mass Effect skit at Comic Con because I thought she seemed like a cool bitch but then the crazy started pouring out. Her crying over people not picking the femshep that looks like her, the crying when she originally thought she wasnt going to be on the cover of the comic con movie she was in, the bad mouthing Voplin for taking her cosplay panel from her at PAX so BFF Jessica made her one through Bioware. Trust me I know. I think what pisses me off the most about Holly though is how with all the opportunities she has been given as a up and coming prop maker NOTHING has come of it. She has met with so many people in the industry and yet she still tries to make Crabcat brand a thing. They had a booth at a con recently where they just sat there and did nothing. They claim that they make props and costume etc but yet have nothing but their own costumes to show for it. Also how can you be a costume company if you cant sew. Don't worry they make me rage too.

>> No.7289483

I haven't heard about this, but if it's true that she's 'tried' to be a model/actress, that's not even trying. I don't live in LA and I don't know anyone in the business, yet in the last year I've had a background role for a feature with two major actresses, had a short role in a TV episode, and was in a short that's being shown at a couple film festivals.

Asking daddy is not trying. Marketing yourself to the right people, taking classes, and auditioning over and over again is trying. My friend's like this and it drives me absolutely batshit.

>> No.7289495

the way they edited it made it seem like unless you were a twig with implants, you probably shouldn't be cosplaying.

>> No.7289543

Didn't watch one ep of this Attention whores so attention whorey that other attention whores say, yeah they take it a bit too far.

No thanks and I won't be tuning in for season 2. I already feel this hobby is headed in a handbasket to hell so I know this show would only make the rage circle complete. I'd rather stay in relative ignorance of anything they think, say, or do.

>> No.7290613

Maybe they were trying to find sluts with fake tits that make their own costumes. All the sluts with fake tits on HOC like Yaya, JNig, and Riddle just have their boyfriends make everything for them. And Victoria makes her bf do it too, but she doesn't have fake tits. Though out of everyone in the show, she's the one that could use a pair. Being a butterface would be an upgrade for her.

>> No.7290701

Guys, this could be around for a long time. Yaya let it slip at a con recently that she is in contract for 6 seasons, if they want her for all 6 seasons. The lolz will be around for a long time.

>> No.7290741

Six seasons? How desperate do companies have to be to sponsor six seasons? I sure as hell wouldn't want to pay for commercials to air during this crap. Does anyone know when the second season is even supposed to air?

>> No.7290807

Holy shit let this be true. I am going to have viewing parties then with my friends where we heckle the show while drinking. I would imagine this would just mean that they would pump out more seasons in one year. So maybe we will get season two in early 2014 and season three in late 2014.

>> No.7290836
File: 617 KB, 1158x1558, 1289709630177.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If Lindze is getting cast does this mean we'll be seeing some more oldschool famous cosplayers from the golden ages like PikminLink/Adella/Miyu/Alisachan/etcetc?

>> No.7290854

I guess cosplay really did hit its peak in 2008. Damn

>> No.7290861

I doubt PL would want to be part of this. She's a pretty drama free cosplayer.

>> No.7290868

also we can't have any good crossplayers
we wouldn't want to confuse the audience

>> No.7290887

I also don't think we'll see Pikimin Link because she still works with Nintendo and probably wouldn't want to be associated with drama and reality tv. I doubt we'd see Miyu in it either since she quit cosplay completely left the scene years ago. She's been replaced by Jessica Nigri.

I'm betting that Adella would love to get in on the action though. I think Lindze is probably already involved. I also think Alisa would be someone who's likely to show up since she's part of the Atlanta cosplay scene.

I think Heroes of Cosplay really should consider getting all the original famous cosplayers back together. It'd be glorious to see a reunion of all the big players in the community from the 2003-2008 era.

Yeah 2008 was definitely the year out hobby hit it's peak.

>> No.7290890

*our hobby


>> No.7290892
File: 71 KB, 400x303, lol2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>She's a pretty drama free cosplayer.

>> No.7290936

too bad anime peaked well before then. with the anime crash went most of the market

>> No.7290961

I thought she was. Can you prove me wrong?

>> No.7290967

It's amazing how much drama is accessible if you just google her. Same goes for all the cosplay "celebrities."

>> No.7290983

I tried to see if she had an ED page and no luck. I can't seem to find drama on PL. so I don't get what you mean. She really just works with Nintendo and keeps to herself anyway.

>> No.7291008

>And Victoria makes her bf do it too
He's not even her boyfriend, he's her friendzoned roommate that she uses because of his craftsmanship.

>> No.7291010

Victoria was the worst. I don't know Jinya, but he must be some kind of masochist to put up with her shit. Script or not, I wouldn't put someone I care about through that. There's better ways to get attention. Are the quality of her costumes even decent? How did they even manage to open a store that practically knocks off the Blackmilk stuff that she wears?

>> No.7291015
File: 90 KB, 600x523, heroes-of-cosplay-proposal-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're engaged. He proposed to her in one of the episodes.

>> No.7291021
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not PL

>> No.7291036

Yup. I'm on her Facebook page. She definitely is officially done with that bullshit like most sane veteran cosplayers are. I'm sure she secretly hates Tata too.

>> No.7291037

It was done simply for the show

>> No.7291050

Her face is like
>don't laugh. Send help

>> No.7291238

Although Jinyo makes stuff for Victoria, I think you're getting her confused with Becky who had her roommate help her out with props like that rose shooting thing and the Candy Rush car (I can't remember the characters name for the life of me).

>> No.7291530

He sews her costumes, too. She is utterly talentless but cute and perky and he's talented but creepy and weird.

>> No.7291727

I was being judged by her at one of the costume contests she was at and her fiance came up to her and said she had an urgent email from the HoC crew. her exact words were "We need to find a way out of that contract because I will not be at their beck and call for six seasons."

Apparently they are getting her to cut appearances short for filming, and making her cancel conventions to go other places for them. She's super pissed about the entire show and absolutely hates it.

>> No.7291739

>believing that wasn't done for ratings

Jinyo said that they weren't in a hurry to have a wedding, chances are they are waiting until everyone forgets this happened

>> No.7291752

I'm going to laugh so hard if they signed up for multiple seasons like Yaya and they force them to do the wedding on the show.

>> No.7291775
File: 49 KB, 441x408, tumblr_lpqwk5Ftcr1qjs646.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're going to be filming at Animate Miami next weekend, and I am so incredibly sad I won't be there to see the trainwreck happening.

>> No.7291788

More like they will probably only get married if the show pays for their fake wedding. Someone get the popcorn.

>> No.7291814

and it begins

would have signed up but they clearly want someone who already waste their own money traveling around country and going to cons. And here I am too poor to go to cons in the next state.

>> No.7291969
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I'll be there I'm so ready for juicy drama.

>> No.7291995

She was a legit model in her younger teen years. She wrote a blog post about it if you dig through her unbearable shit.

>> No.7292029

lolwat. You must be new.

>> No.7292038
File: 83 KB, 700x650, 1377618655466.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd volunteer to make an ED page for Pikmin Link. Just for the hilarious shitstorm that would follow, I don't really have any strong feelings against her.

>> No.7292039

She's certainly skinny enough for it. I'd believe it.

>> No.7292040

Meant to reply to >>7290983

>> No.7292064

I nominate you, Anon.

>> No.7292070

Please anon. You'd make my life! Her followers who worship her are so retarded.

>> No.7292077

Okay. I'm trying to upload photos right now, but I keep getting the "File does not match the MIME type message". Does anyone know how to fix this? I've tried everything.

>> No.7292082

THIS. She’s always touted as a drama-free GODDESS of cosplay, but she is as whiny and entitled as the rest of em.

>> No.7292087

I'm just curious, how do you guys know this? I really like Pikminlink as a cosplayer and she's my favorite, but I don't want to support someone who's mean or has drama. So I'm just wondering what's bad about her.

>> No.7292092

She bashes cosplayers all the time and is really rude. Her whiteknights tried to spread the rumor that she's just shy, but she really just considers everyone else beneath her. She has two FB fanpages for herself and rarely cosplays with other people unless they're ~internet famous~. She also started her own vendetta project after Adella started The Zelda Project.
She also used to flake on art commissions, but that's much older news.

>> No.7292096

Oh wow, never knew she bashed anyone. I remember the Adella Zelda thing but never thought that was a big deal since Adella is crazy and it was only one photo(I think).

>> No.7292093

She's not really that bad. It's her fans that everybody hates, kissing her ass and calling her the lord and savior of cosplay, and screaming and crying when people say that her pictures are obviously shooped, when her skills as a cosplayer are really just average.

>> No.7292244 [DELETED] 

Okay I did it.


It's pretty much shit right now, I'm out sick today so I'm kind of out of it. If anybody is willing to add more please do, I'll be adding some more myself later.

>> No.7292247

Bonus points for anybody who is good at shooping fake nudes.

>> No.7292276
File: 74 KB, 450x240, ukyrjthegaf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my hero

>> No.7292385

ED-Anon, she already divorced her husband

Why the FUCK are these new captchas so hard to read?

>> No.7292398

Really? I've been out of the loop a while I guess.

>> No.7292401

Nice start so far! I hope more people add on with pics. Can't wait to see the shit hit the fans once her followers find out.

>> No.7292438

If you walk around with her at a con she says crap about every Zelda costume she sees and gets snarky and high and mighty. It's kind of like hanging out with /cgl/ irl.

>> No.7292527

Wow, what a bitch. I hate people who feel superior to others just because they have some bullshit status as a cosplayer. Girl needs to be slapped.

>> No.7292618

The article needs to be REALLY lulzy before that happens. So I'mma keep coming up with stuff, I just figured out how to add pictures.

>> No.7292776
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So, if anybody still cares who this gal is, it's Canibella VonBon Cupcakes with Skill Focus Burlesque, presumably at MegaCon.

>> No.7292782
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>> No.7292787
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>> No.7292872

Why would you just instantly believe that vague, cookie cutter "she's a bitch tho" from 4chan.

You guys.

>> No.7292890

Yeah, I'm the fan from earlier and I'm still not convinced unless I see proof of her being a douche.

>> No.7292912

She definitely doesnt rant very high on terrible people scale. I mean we are in an HoC thread. Two of the cast members took money from a Cancer survivor for a costume that was going to be used for charity and never did the commission. Being catty is weak shit in comparison. We have all made comments to our friends about ppl who cos the same series as us. The only drama from way back that I remember about PL was that she lied about how much daddy mad her props.

>> No.7292943


Wow, you're full of shit. She comes to the Zelda gathering all the time at fanime and all she's ever done was compliment every cosplayer there and gets excited when other Zelda cosplayers show up. I know this because I was one of the cosplayers she came up to.

Go create drama where it exists because now you just look like a vendetta fag.

>> No.7292958

This. Is it that hard to believe PL isn't full of drama ? She does like other Zelda cosplayers.

>> No.7292964

Hi Li. You might as well trip if you're going to be this obvious about defending yourself.

That said, I think whoever made the ED article is a retarded drama whore with way too much time on her hands and I'm sorry she's so obsessed with you.

>> No.7292981

>That said, I think whoever made the ED article is a retarded drama whore with way too much time on her hands and I'm sorry she's so obsessed with you.

Maybe it was that girl who thought PL was a dude and used to photoshop herself in prom dresses with her.

>> No.7292987

This. I've hung with PL at cons before, and I've never heard her say anything bad about anyone else. She's actually pretty nice!

However, I don't think her costumes are that great, especially compared to others.

>> No.7292995

Are we talking about the same PL that's officially sponsored by Nintendo?

>> No.7293045

All I can say is this: any cosplayer with enough notoriety to highjack a Heroes of Cosplay thread must be doing SOMETHING right. Or something very wrong.

>> No.7293048

I wonder if they ended up finding new cast members or if its gonna be the same people from last time. I also wonder if somebody quit or got fired and thats why they wanted to add to the cast. I'll be on the lookout at Animate Miami this weekend. Hope theyll be other anons posting pictures of cameras and whos in front of them.

>> No.7293052

Or theres nothing new to report on HoC since they havent started to film the second season yet... But hey keep up with the PL forced drama it's fun to read. Hopefully this time next week we can get back to laughing at the HoC cast went the start filming again.

>> No.7293054

I would imagine they didnt ask Jesse back. He didn't live in Atlanta or LA so it probably was an added cost they didnt want to deal with.

>> No.7293077


Considering I'm masquerade host at a convention they just filmed in, I can guarantee that they started filming second season and that jesse is in it.

that is all.

>> No.7293089

Can you tell us more about what happened at the masquerade? Was it rigged?

>> No.7293102

Did they make you sign an NDA? You cant come in say that and then leave. D:

>> No.7293127

Not her. Not everyone who disagrees with you is the person you're hating on.

>> No.7293142
File: 81 KB, 931x960, 1389419089903.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was it Ottawa Pop Expo? Most of the HoC were there and so was the actor who played Hershel which is where I assume this pic was taken.

Or maybe MAGFest? Another of his most recent cons. It will be interesting to see if anyone can dig up info on the costume contest of these cons and see the results. Or has all the cast graduated to judge status because poor/lack of craftsmanship + TV show= costuming expert now. Man would imagine this must really grind Yaya's gears as she at least thinks people should be judges only if they work hard.

>> No.7293145

Please tell us all you can.

>> No.7293150

Nothing was better than watching it with fellow nursing students and we all were laughing so hard when what's her face starting vomiting because of her "wool allergy." That's not a reaction of a wool allergy. You would have to get a rash so bad that it opened up and your blood went septic before you would vomit from it.

>> No.7293158

Some of them competed at Ottawa Pop Expo. http://nerdreactor.com/2013/12/20/ottawa-pop-expo-2013-masquerade-gallery/

And they didnt win anything but judges awards. LOL.

>> No.7293166

This bit bugged me more because they were making such a huge deal out of the guy that was Chewbacca and completely ignored and failed to point out Frank Oz was right next to him. FRANK OZ. I love Chewie but if I had to pick between the two to make an awkward proposal with it'd be Yoda, not some guy who made a couple cool sounds.

>> No.7293174

That Sugar Rush car bugged the crap out of me. The part that was supposedly missing was an tiny part off of the back, not a wheel or something that would have made the thing look off. Pretty sure that car was never built.

>> No.7293186

I think people are confusing being critical with being a bitch. This is why I never judge cosplay contests. Even if you say something that's true like "You hotglued red ribbon to Zelda's dress and it shows through. Besides the ribbon on that dress is supposed to be pink." then people won't stop talking about what a bitch you are.

God Save the Queen fashions was raged at on Twitter after she appeared as a judge and gave genuine criticism. Her only response was something like "serious cosplayers deserve a serious judge."

>> No.7293188
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>> No.7293218 [DELETED] 

AFAIK, they cast one new guy and one new girl, and most of the old cast is returning. that's all I know. If people take pictures of them at this upcoming con in a week or two, that will obviously show who they are.

>> No.7293243
File: 65 KB, 960x720, 1389422960635.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is the new cast member FantasyNinja? In this photo taken at Ottawa Pop Expo she tagged in a photo taken by Monika Lee and is standing next to Riddle among all the winners and the article here >>7293158 they say there was more than one cast member that received judges awards. All the other cosplayers up there are Canadians (i think).

>> No.7293271


It WAS at Ottawa Pop Expo. I can't say much because I know my co-workers read /cgl/ from time to time and they know I usually trip here. ohlol.

So the masquerade went...alright. I've been MC'ing for that company for almost two years now, three shows a year.
They made me and my co-MC (Who was at his first time MCing... ) start over from the beginning starting entry number 6. Why? Their cameras hadn't filmed me do the introduction to the show and they wanted that for their footage. So instead of asking me to do a fake performance AFTER the show, they made me do it again infront of the whole -really confused- audience, because, yes, they told me to NOT tell the audience what was up... :I

One of their crew members also tried to sabotage our photographer's booth...but I don't have the details about that.

They also had the judges deliberate RIGHT THERE RIGHT NOW. which took 45 minutes. We usually have the award ceremony the next day... so they announced like, the 5 biggest awards (cash ones, which, to be fair, they provided.... because we didn't even have a masquerade for that specific show until they poked us to possibly film there... bosses asked my opinion cause thats kind of my department, told them it was a shit idea, they saw the possibility of dollar bills and disregarded my opinion. woops. )

Riddle won on stage that night. FantasyNinja IS the new cast member and she did also win something. Jnig and Monika were not in that episode, they were guests at the con and that was it. All the other winners were local cosplayers, the best in Show was a guy from Ottawa who rocked the stage as Thranduil, seriously hard.

I dont think Jnig is gonna be in the next season.

The crabcat girl also won something with her skeksie costume but it was only announced the next day at the proper award ceremony so we wont see that in the episode, of course. :/

ask me anything, I think I covered the big lines.

>> No.7293279

was the contest rigged?

>> No.7293288

No. The judges were all local judges, Master-ranked cosplayers to the eyes of the ICG. (Look it up if your local cons dont go by the ICG rules.)

Yaya was a guest judge and thus only looked fancy for their show, she was treated as any other normal "GUEST JUDGE" to our eyes. We were pretty fucking clear about this.

Basically the ICG rules set people by CATEGORIES. (Junior, Novice, Journeyman, Artisan, Master. )

There were 5 masters total: 4 of their cast members and the Thranduil. So basically the only one that was really up against them was the fabulous elf guy. And HE won best in show. so theres that.

FantasyNinja won best embroidery, I don't remember what Riddle won but it wasn't one of the cash prizes.

Yaya's GUEST JUDGE award went to the Daenerys

Best in show was, as I mentioned, the Thranduil.

>> No.7293293

For those who are really curious, you can look up the judges on dA.


the fourth being a very antagonized-by-the-MC Yaya.

(I am so not sorry.)

>> No.7293296

Who won best master if the elf won best in show?

>> No.7293300

there wasn't a best master.

There was a Best Journeyman...which was announced the next day.

That night we only announced (for their cameras)
Best Detailing (Fantasyninja's embroidery won) that one was through ALL categories.
Best in show.
and Judges personal awards.

>> No.7293313

I wonder why they didnt just award Fantasy Ninja best master, since the elf won best in show. Best detailing seems like a bullshit prize and to have best journeyman and maybe best notice, but not best master, seems weird

>> No.7293319

Doesn't ICG rules say if a judge knows a contestant personally they should be removed from the panel?

>> No.7293329

Being Local doesn't mean you know everyone, despite the rumours, we aren't just 20 in Canada. But yes, if a judge is BFF with a contestant, they won't personally judge that person. Besides, the deliberation is done with all the judges.

I host the show and keep the crowd awake, I don't make the rules. D:

>> No.7293356

I was more talking about Yaya judging and Riddle and FantasyNinja being BFF not the local cosplayers.

>> No.7293364
File: 56 KB, 400x600, darkcrystal3-400x600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The crabcat girl also won something with her skeksie costume but it was only announced the next day at the proper award ceremony so we wont see that in the episode, of course. :/

Really?? This was Holly's costume I am assuming... and it looks terrible! I am guessing people were too busy being nostalgic about Dark Crystal to see how awful this looks.

>> No.7293390


No lie if you didn't tell me it was Dark Crystal I wouldn't have guessed it.

Looks like a mess of....everything and nothing...

>> No.7293430

To be fair, it was an honorable mention. and I was impressed by the work she put into her grimoire...which we probably wont see on camera either...
welp, Riddle's prize was a Judge favorite award by FrenzyWonder so Yaya's got nothing on this.

aaand as for fantasyninja the local judges agreed on the award like any other, Yaya -was- as I said, /just/ a guest judge. and both the masquerade director and the whole event coordinator (AKA -THE BOSS- ) made it very clear that we would allow them to film all they needed as long as it was done with -our- rules. Pop Expo's masquerade wasn't the Yaya Show.

Well...maybe the "Yaya makes outraged faces at the MCs Show"

which was hilarious, she's such a dramuqueen

>> No.7293499

Thank you so much anon! Any links to that skit?

>> No.7293563

I would love to see the Thranduil more than anything. Kickass Hobbit cosplay is my fetish.

>> No.7293580

They've been filming since early November. Yaya had to Leave Hal-con a day early because they wanted her back for filming.

>> No.7293844

Just want to put in my 2 cents as well about Ottawa Pop Expo. I was there as a guest, and I attended the masquerade.

When they first started letting people in, they said we needed to fill the back seats first so that the camera could get some shots to make it look like the audience was full. After that we were told to fill up the front row and not to have any missing seats.

The show went on and they did the refilming of the opening which was previously mentioned, but only at the end of the show did people get annoyed with HoC. When I say the end of the show, I mean when the judges were pulled off to deliberate. Quite a few people left then and there, and we were asked multiple times by an announcer to 'Stay in our seats for television.'

What happened was there were many grumpy cosplayers and attendees either leaving or watching the 'entertainment' that consisted of Daleks running around the stage. People would come out on stage every 10 minutes to try and pump up the diminishing crowd while saying it would only be a few more moments until the judges returned.

By the time they came back, I believe there were only 3 full rows of audience left. Then the judging happened, preceeded by a long speech by our heroes of cosplay queen Yaya, and then we were no longer needed for filming.

The best part of the masq was when one of the hosts gave a small spiel about putting the play back into cosplay, which I really hope is included in the show.

Essentially it was just a lot of ridiculous waiting and some early prize bullshit but nothing too terrible. During the day Riddle was never at her booth (a lot of people asked monika and jessica where she was but they never knew) but you could see other cast members walking about, and they would be glad to talk to you! IT wasn't a bad time, just annoying IMO.

>> No.7293852

Can't wait for some delicious drama dramu.
Though I hope this show ends before the start of a local con.
Yaya seems to be a guest judge there.
Heroes of cosplay won't be filming at cons at foreign countries right?

>> No.7293856

>I think whoever made the ED article is a retarded drama whore with way too much time on her hands and I'm sorry she's so obsessed with you.
I don't know, I thought the article was pretty funny myself, even if they did have too much time on their hands.

I think they got banned too, since the post was deleted.

>> No.7293906

Jeeze... this sounds terrible. You guys should have all just left. They cut an slice all the contest together anyways so its not like the production crew needed to waste your time.

>> No.7294061

I found someone's photoset, but it seems to be missing this bit.

>> No.7294129

Yes, FantasyNinja and I believe her boyfriend are new cast members.

>> No.7294145

You're new as fuck.

>> No.7294151
File: 106 KB, 480x640, 1377902322275.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People get offended because Yaya has stated on the show that certain people shouldn't cosplay things that they can't look like. She's stated that if you can't look good or like the character, then don't do it. Have you bothered to look at the majority of her cosplays, which are her trying so desperately hard to be White? Her Susan Storm? Shit. Her Jessica Rabbit? She was mistaken for a drag queen at DragonCon. Her Snow White? Atrocious. People get pissed off by the hypocrisy that she displays, especially when she bitched that Nigri makes nothing but sexy cosplays-- Because that is ALL that Yaya has ever done since getting her tit implants. She creates cosplays, even original ones, that center around her chest and then bitches.

There's dressing to flatter yourself and then getting an extreme, cosmetic surgery for the sake of playing dress up or squeezing your ass into a corset that you know damn well that you can't even fit into; A la, her.

The problem is the hypocrisy. The problem is the contradiction.

>> No.7294164
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>Delicious irony

Why hasn't anyone summoned crowds at cons to boo this bitch when she shows up if everyone is so sick of her? Seriously, I see so much shittalk and no action.

>> No.7294169

That /has/ been done. It's just not shown on the TV show that she herself makes.

>> No.7294167

Her boobs do not like being in that outfit.

>> No.7294185
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I live on the East Coast, so I only attend cons up here. Where the fuck did that happen at and when, because holy shit, I thought that I would have heard about that.

>> No.7294207

>The best part of the masq was when one of the hosts gave a small spiel about putting the play back into cosplay, which I really hope is included in the show.

I don't know who you are, Anon. (I'm even more intrigued by the fact that you were a guest...)
But hey, picking my trip back up here 'cause that was my little proud moment of the show.

I'm the host who said that.

I'm gonna admit, there was a bit of dramu backstage and at that point I was definitely trying to antagonize Yaya. (I don't know if you could see her face after I said that from where you were sitting but it was well worth it to me. )

To be honest though, they'll probably leave out MOST of my blabbering, I'm only that girl who reads the numbers on the paper, after all.

But yeah, aside from that,
I have nothing mean to say against the cast, they're all sweethearts.
Some of their crew, producers and other fancy titles were genuinely nice people who just got into wrong adventure (two of them DID come to apologize to me the next day about some other crew members's lack of professionalism. )

>> No.7294216


>> No.7294244

Welp, found my most recent password again.

Basically, me and my partner are in charge of anything Cosplay-Related at the shows (Pop Expo, Montreal&Ottawa Comiccons)

So, I do have a bit on information. . .

First of all, Yaya requested to have an exhibitor booth rather than a regular autograph table...a week before the convention. So we had the Exhibitor Coordinator fuck around with his floorplan a week before the show to make room for Ze Ambassador Princess-chan.

Why? She gave us two reasons;

>She wanted to be able to sell her products

I'm fine with that...

>She didn't want to be near Jessica Nigri's table because "they don't have the same kind of fans and mixing those two VERY different crowd probably wasn't a good idea... "

(3. 2. 1....Discuss. )

Anyways, on my part, What I did was simple: I went to check on her and introduce myself properly. Her husband was a sweetheart, really patient man, I can give him that.

Told her I was in charge of the cosplay stuff, i'd also be hosting the masquerade and i'll be spending my weekend around Monika and Jessica's booth.

I think from that point on she decided she hated me

(cont. 1/? )

>> No.7294249

So you told Yaya off in a nice speech during the contest about how Cosplay need to go back to being about having fun?? I tip my hat to you lady.

I am sure a lot of the cast and crew have learned to hold their tongue now in public and watch what they say in the confessional videos they film. But like >>7294151 said the problem will still be in the hypocrisy and if they try to continue with forced fake drama and lying about who makes their costumes and when the costumes are made.

>> No.7294274

(cont 2/? )
Just the face she gave me and this very cold "Oh okay. well, i'll see you at the masquerade. "

I'm bros with one of the security guy that was in charge of the crowd controlling around her booth. Turns out she had met him at Otakuthon two years ago and despised him. Woops, my bad.

He was aware of the grudge Yaya held against Monika and so did his job with stickers of Monika on his shirt the entire day. It was kind of glorious.

Comes the Masquerade Lockdown.

5 hours before the show we start processing people.

>talk to the Check-in people
>talk to the MCs
>talk to the stage ninjas
>sit in your Den until you get judged.

First, the heroes crew arrived AN HOUR AND TWENTY minutes later than the time we had given -EVERYONE-

I was already done processing all my sheets except for the four of them.
They faked filmed a line as if they were waiting to be processed...
(which reminds me, they filmed me talking to Riddle at that point cause I ran past her to get something...)

Anyways, had to introduce the judges, there was nothing special or different for Yaya, she didn't get to walk around on the stage and be fancy like she did in previous episodes.

When they had us start over after 6-7 entries, I was seriously angry. I do live events, I don't care if -their- show can be cut-copy-paste into something, my crowd is alive and confused when people pull that shit on me and I cannot allow that. So I was backstage, waiting to get back on, standing by Yaya. She looked really upset. I turn to her. "Is there something wrong? "

She rolled her eyes at me and didn't reply.

Now I don't know if it's because she was still mic'd up but that was just uncalled for.

(cont -- 2/3)

>> No.7294280
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>>She didn't want to be near Jessica Nigri's table because "they don't have the same kind of fans and mixing those two VERY different crowd probably wasn't a good idea... "

Oh the drama... Oh its so good Lexxy keep it coming.

Seriously wtf Yaya. So much jelly for Jnig because she didnt have to put in the work that you did to get famous and was able to get into cosplay at a time where boobs were enough to get you attention.

>> No.7294286

Just like season one where the cast only won like twice. Such professional, such heroes, ALWAYS LOOSING

>> No.7294288

Now later that night during the show, as Anon mentioned, I did say something about putting the play back in cosplay...

at some point I announce that the next entry is in the Master Division, my Co MC proceeds to go "Oooooh~ "
having some of the crowd Oooo'ing too.

Things went something like this

"No! No No! There will be no Ooooo'ing here. "

"Woah...why not? Isn't the master category the highest rank? "

"Yes. But it really doesn't matter what division you're in. You can be Junior, novice or journeyman, you can be that girl in costume in the crowd just there to support her friend. What really matters is that you're here, in costume and having fun. If you're not gonna go "OoOOOOOoooo " for everyone then you shouldn't be Ooooo'ing at all. "

crowd lost their shit.

Yaya was like >:I

and I finished with "Tonight, on this stage, we put the Play back in Cosplay. "


>> No.7294289

Wait, so the HOC cast only won judges awards? That shit sounds staged as fuck.
>Oh, you're on Heroes of Cosplay? Well your costume isn't good enough to win a real award, but you can win a judges award and look like you won something on TV.

>> No.7294298


From my point of view, Riddle did get a genuine non-staged award. FrenzyWonder (the Briar Rose on the picture up there in the thread) gave her a Judge's Choice because her costume was simple-looking (Elizabeth from Persona 3) but the workmanship was still really nice. So it was Frenzy's personal decision really.

I don't have an opinion on FantasyNinja's award. I think she deserved it because he costume, after seeing it upclose, definitely deserved something but I don't know if it deserved one of the cash prizes...

at this point though, the TWO cash prizes were brought by the HoC crew itself, PopExpo didn't put a dime in there.

And the big one was won by a local guy so i'm cool.

Though there was a part in Riddle's skit that felt a bit staged to me...

>> No.7294303

>I don't have an opinion
>I think

Contradiction detected

>> No.7294308

I sincerely hope that you're sarcastic, because nitpicking something that trivial out of all of the things that you could nitpick on /cgl/ has got to be the most pathetic attempt to start a fight or look intelligent that I have ever seen in the three years that I've been here.

>> No.7294307

I think that the cosplay coordinators tried their hardest to keep the contest as non rigged as possible at least at the Ottawa convention. The real rigged part of HoC is the fact that they have to go to first year cons in order for their heroes to win anything. I realize a lot of this has to do with the fact that most big cons dont want to deal with the show but even last year that had to go to some unknown con in Kansas for Yaya to make her big return to the stage to guarantee a win.

>> No.7294309


>> No.7294311

You must be new here to get so butthurt over something like this
>3 years

>> No.7294315

There was an ED page for this? Did it get deleted and does anyone have any screenshots of it?

I don't see why, if it was deleted. I mean, there's an ED for cosplay. There's an ED for JNig, PT, Adella, Usagi Kou; Why can't there be a page for a bunch of attention whores who are terrible people off camera? I'm really surprised that Yaya doesn't have one with all that she's done.

>> No.7294316

>HOC brought cash prizes
>their contestants win some of them
Yep, sounds fixed as fuck.

>> No.7294318

>pointing out nothing important
>typical /b/tard response
You're obviously new. Nothing to see here.

>> No.7294323

As with your initial post, you've really displayed how you can't find anything useful to start an argument or debate about. You first focused on a typical speech pattern that plenty of people have and then chose to get buttmad over me saying "three years".

>> No.7294340

The Jessica Nigri ED entry sucks though. It doesn't mention anything. Someone needs to edit it and include:

1. That even though the majority think she's a butterface she's still popular because she got her efame by networking and self-promoting on social media. The girl has been virally marketing herself for like 5 years now. An ex-janitor from here verified it by asking a mod who confirmed that she's been selfposting on /cgl/ since 2009

2. the links/screencaps from when she got called out by NinjAttorney for lying about making her own costume and posting on /cgl/ all the time

3. Using her fans to rig the vote for the Lollipop Chainsaw contest

4. Lying about making her Panty costume when Kara made it for her

5. Using a photographer's work to make a profit on prints of it without his permission and without compensating him and then using her minions to attack him when he spoke up about it

6. Lying about breast implants

7. Cheating on her fiance with the guy who runs the t-shirt company to further her "career"

what else am I missing?

>> No.7294349

I've heard so much about the NA costume drama, but have yet to obtain screenshots. Are they floating around anywhere or have they just been mysteriously obliterated? Same with the Kara Panty drama. I already have seen back and forths from FB about the watermark drama on the photo. I also have not been able to find anything solid on the cheating thing other than that picture on the ED article. I mean, I found the guy's FB, but I don't know if he'd even answer anyone about that stuff if he were messaged.

What else are you missing? Well, I mean, isn't it pretty shitty to pretend that you like something when you know nothing about it and cosplay it for the sake of garnering attention?

>> No.7294358

Whatever makes you sleep at night.

Considering Yaya was only a /guest/ judge out of four, the other three being local (I swear I don't stress this enough)

I know the ICG procedures when it comes to deliberating. I know the local judges personally and I can confidently say that the show wasn't rigged in any way.

So my opinion: I think FantasyNinja well deserved her award. She's a really sweet gal and I hung out with her, her boyfriend and Jesse the next day and they're genuinely cool people.

like, 9/10 would buy them drinks.

>> No.7294441

You forgot asking for donations to fund her crappy Pokemon cosplays.

>> No.7294532
File: 74 KB, 1111x2254, hoc1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For anyone who wants to refer to the Ottawa con and Yaya acting sketchy, here's a screencap.

>> No.7294570

>Tata and Jnig don't have the same kind of fans

My sides.

>> No.7294832

Hi Lexxy, I'm the '2 cents Anon' from before who accidentally said she was a guest when I just meant a regular con attendee. I am not trying to pretend to be somsone who was invited by the convention itself, but I just happened to use the wrong word choice.

I know which part of the competition you're reffering to, Riddle came out on stage and had some prop with her. When she oppened her box to take out what was inside, she seemed to fumble with it and made a very audible and visible "Oh come on" comment while struggling with her item.

That in my opinion was definetly something staged because I guaruntee in the show it's going to be edited to look like she might not have won because of her 'mistake' she made.

Something else I want to say: My friend was the Daeneryes cosplayer and during her skit she is mouthing her lines from the show. One of them she says to Yaya and points straight at her.

Later, Yaya awards this same cosplayer, my friend, with her judges choice. I would like to say that this was NOT scripted and my friend decided on stage just to point to her. I just want to clear that up before fingers start flying once the show airs.

>> No.7294855

Chloe was playing a character. The difference is, Chloe has acting experience and can actually pull it off and fool viewers. How she was on the show is not at all how she is in real life, she is a very jealous and insecure person.

>> No.7294893

Chloe's character is much more likeable than the others. At least she admits she's humble and has a lot to learn. Also she's not trying to make more out of cosplay beyond fun and photos.

>> No.7294918

She's a better actor so she is the better cosplayer!

You are a retard.

>> No.7294920

..That.. That's the point of the role that she plays. She actively tries to portray the underdog of the show because the others are made to look like the antagonists. Also..


If she's playing a role that isn't how she actually is, she isn't admitting to anything. It's acting. It's a ruse.

>> No.7294951
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Don't forget this.

>> No.7294964

Prepare for the fanboys to cry that the FB post is fake. One did last week.

>> No.7294991

cried the one with 0 percent belly fat
what a ridiculous woman

>> No.7295004

pretty sure she works out though

>> No.7295005

>still thinking getting a boob job is somehow bad

Please grow up.

>> No.7295006

Women with small tits don't realize how lucky they are. It's easier to fake a large chest than deal with the horrible pain of one every damn day.

>> No.7295012

I say this to myself every day, but still cry on the inside whenever my boyfriend looks at other girls' huge knockers. I know it's a huge health risk but it just feels awful to be ignored in favor of someone with pornstar tits.

>> No.7295018

Getting a boob job is a bad red sign on your forehead that says "I'm incredibly insecure about my body. Society says I should have a large plastic chest or no one will notice me. I'm not happy with who I am, so I'm turning to major and possibly dangerous surgery."

Yeah. Fake tits are gross.

>> No.7295020

>it's a huge health risk

No it isn't.

>> No.7295021

You just sound like you have a shit boyfriend.

>> No.7295025

Yeah it can be if you don't pick a right doctor, and honestly I don't even know who does them here. I also want to breastfeed in the future, so yeah.

>> No.7295032

Not really, he's really sweet and kind to me, just looks at other girls a lot if they have a big chest. All guys I dated did that, all of them say "sorry, I'm a man" and brush me off.

>> No.7295039

Sounds like you just have low self-esteem and keep picking shitty boyfriends. Any mature adult, man or woman, can choose to not stare at big tits. It's called self-control. Tell your boyfriend to quit making excuses and grow the fuck up.

>> No.7295046

>he's really sweet and kind. He disrespects me and looks at other girls with bigger chests to make me feel bad.

Damn, get some self esteem. And not from a plastic surgeon. Too many sad pathetic women change themselves for men. Boobs are nice and come in all shapes and sizes. Why change them, unless health reasons? Just stop . He isn't worth your time.

>> No.7295052

To be honest I don't even know why I'm so insecure. I guess it's because there was this chick who was a real slag and she was hitting on my current boyfriend constantly, wasn't even being subtle, she would just invite herself over to his house to sleep over "because her mom was being a bitch :C" and he didn't even have a clue. I raged and told him I will not be staying at the same place she is, and he shooed her away. I also made him delete her off of all social networks and then she got mad and said that guys like innocent and cute girls for a while but after some time they will always want a "real mature woman who can satisfy their needs". And so far it's been coming true. When they stare like that it feels like they regret ever being with me.

>> No.7295060


My Mother got a tit job and not only did it not look right because of how petite she was, but they destroyed a nerve in the process. So, her one nipple was forever hard. She had winking tits. She also didn't take into consideration that it isn't a one and done procedure. You have to keep going back to have them touched up and lifted as you age, because welcome to how the human body works. She gained a lot of weight from two pregnancies in a row, which inflated her breasts even more and they looked sloppy and gross. She, finally, went to the doctor last year and had them removed. Her sister, my Aunt, also has fake breasts and never bothered to get them touched up throughout life like the doctors told them to.

But, no. Please. Do go on with how much you know about breast implants and augmentations.

>> No.7295061

Your boyfriend is a dick and I'm willing to bet he's been cheating on you. Take it from someone who's had the same problems you're having: trust your instinct. If the situation makes you feel uneasy, there is a reason. Something's going on and your boyfriend is playing dumb. Love and trust yourself over anyone else, especially your boyfriend, because he does not have your best interests at heart.
Personally, I'd dump the shit out of that guy. Being single blows sometimes, but it beats the hell out of sleepless nights, wondering if you're paranoid or if you're being played for a fool. He's an asshole.

>> No.7295068

I can't help but feel that I know you irl, because I swear to Odin you are in the same position as a friend of mine. She moved in with her boyfriend of barely a year even though he watches porn, stalks another girl on FB with a bigger chest.
> says "it's ok girlfriend-chan, I love you. But this girl has D cups and you're only a B. "
continues to bash her self esteem and disrespect her, but she won't leave him for some reason...

Please, think of yourself and how much you're worth. Men like that are scum and ding deserve any women. They think they are "nice guys" and gods gift to women, but they get insecure girls, knock them down to nothing and make them codependent. Please get out of this situation.

>> No.7295075

...watching porn is not cheating, anon. I watch porn too and I'm in a commited relationship with a guy. I don't want to bang anyone there, just get off.

>> No.7295076

Don't deserve women*
I hate you phone. Lol

Seriously. You do deserve better.

>> No.7295081

For anyone needing a visual, my Aunt's chest is like two plastic sandwich bags filled with pudding, nailed to a wall.

Enjoy that visual and just imagine the horror my cousins and I have had to see at summer parties. Both she and my own mother are the people I have to thank for making me disgusted with the idea of a boob job.

>> No.7295086

>even though he watches porn

Everyone watches porn.

>> No.7295088

Watching porn, stalking other women on Facebook while telling his girlfriend constantly how her size isn't good enough. I guarantee you he's cheating. And someone like that isn't worth it anyway. They're obsessed with what society conditioned them to like. Boobs are nice, but they're literally sexualized and sold as products when they are just tools for breast feeding. It's just bullshit

>> No.7295089

I don't know what world you live in, but not everyone watches porn. Okay then

>> No.7295091

Not everyone. It stopped working for me once I was able to actually start screwing and it doesn't work for my boyfriend, either.

>> No.7295093

I didn't say he wasn't cheating, I just said that porn is not the indicator for that. He is indeed an asshole, but not because of porn.
Also do I need to get into the whole lecture on why breasts are a sex organ again? They are inherently sexual, not artificially sexualized.

>> No.7295097

>but they're literally sexualized and sold as products when they are just tools for breast feeding.

Humans are the only mammals with external breasts, they evolved for sexual appeal as well as baby feeding.

>> No.7295098

>breasts are a sex organ

>> No.7295101

No one can be this dumb. I'm calling troll.

>> No.7295103

Sex organ does NOT mean reproductive organ. A vagina is a reproductive organ. A clitoris is a primary sex organ and breasts are a secondary sex organ. Jesus Christ has everyone here been schooled in the south or something

>> No.7295109

Breasts have evolved for sexual appeal and to mimic asses, when protohumans first began to stand straight.

>> No.7295107


Do you think some modern patriarchal conspiracy just one day decided to manipulate people into thinking boobs are sexy?

>> No.7295112


It's kinda weird to never look at any kind of porn.

>> No.7295123

It's kind of weird people think its normal to watch strangers having sex. And shitty, fake , staged sex that sets up expectations for people obsessed with it.

>> No.7295129

>strangers having sex

That's not the only kind of porn there is.

>> No.7295135



>> No.7295146

Lol seriously? Someone doesn't like watching porn and they should go to tumblr? Cgl is the classiest place on 4chan.

>> No.7295154


It sounds like you've only ever seen shitty mainstream porn, I'm kinda surprised you're even on 4chan.

>> No.7295163

I mean, yeah, for a good majority of people, this is probably true. But for a female wanting even a minor celebrity status, as JNig clearly has been hungry for, getting bigger tits isn't a bad "career" move.

Sweetheart, I'm sure there are things about other guys you notice and find attractive. And that is totally normal. It's the same with men who want to look at large breasts. It's not that they don't love and appreciate all you have to offer, not at all. They just also like other things as well. That being said, you should never let someone trample your feelings like that, especially not with such a disrespectful, if not misogynistic, "I'm a man, it's my right, suck it up". Even a good guy might look, but he won't do it blatantly and make you feel crappy about it instead of apologizing if you're uncomfortable.

Seriously, the only reason that line has been coming true is because you're picking shitty guys prone to cheating, or at least prone to being tremendous douchebags. Tits are not everything; don't date a little boy who acts like they are. Nothing wrong with being single until you can get that self-esteem up, either.

>> No.7295166

so what do you watch?
what's non-shitty porn?
i'm not even that anon but besides good r-rated movies and tasteful vintage stuff i'm certain good porn is almost impossible to find.

>> No.7295175

In societies where breasts are not regularly covered, men do not lust after them the same way men in our (at least American) society do. They aren't seen as the height of female sexuality, just another part of the body because that's what they are. I don't think that men in charge one day just decided, "Hey, let's market tits!", but it certainly has evolved that way over time, and you're blind if you think otherwise. The obsession young men have with unrealistic breasts, or breasts in general, is pretty unhealthy, imo.

>> No.7295196

Just because she's contracted for it , doesn't mean the show is going to last that long. Think of it as a place holder, the show could get canceled mid season, but if for some freakish reason it keeps going, they don't have to worry too much about loosing an actress they like.

Depending on how the contract is written, it can be hard, or expensive to terminate it early.

>> No.7295312
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And this thread was so good. Anon has taken the bait.

>> No.7295399

Does anybody know what criteria they use to choose which conventions to invade? Just smaller and whoever will accept them?

>> No.7295889

She's just pissed that SyFy didn't consider her for the show. Lousy egotistical bitches, the lot of them.

>> No.7295954
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>mfw contractual obligations

>> No.7296247
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My fucking sides Lexxy. This is the second time I hear this story from you and I laugh my ass off evrytiem.

This was actually Holly? I'm close friends with one of the local judges previously mentioned, and she told me the costume didn't win any proper awards because of how messy the interior of it looked.

>> No.7296249

All people are going to look at other people, it's human nature, but he should have the decency not to blatantly stare at another girl right in front of you jfc

>> No.7296363 [DELETED] 

Or she could genuinely be against the idea. When I first heard about the show, I felt the same way as her and I wouldn't even want to be at a con that it's being filmed at.

>> No.7296371

Or she could genuinely be against the idea. When I first heard about the show, I felt the same way as her and I wouldn't even want to be at a con that it's being filmed at.

>> No.7296493
File: 100 KB, 960x639, 1389557342624.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This was actually Holly? I'm close friends with one of the local judges previously mentioned, and she told me the costume didn't win any proper awards because of how messy the interior of it looked

Wouldnt surprise me she cant sew. Look at all the costumes crab girls have made. They might have ok fabricated props but they cant sew. All their costumes are pre bought body suits or fabric with raw edge just kinda draped together. Terrible.

Pic related. 2013 Comikaze Holly ' Legendary Pokemon in the Pokemon Y' and Jessica as the trailer. It's honestly fucking embarrassing. Jessica didnt even put a waist band on her skirt just tried a sash on it! Also Wtf its suppose to have pleats but instead it just a gathered shirt did they even try? And then Holly who just went through her closet and pulled out some of her terrible hot topic clothing. How are these bitches 'Masters'?

>> No.7296506

I heard rumours they were filming here in England when Yaya comes to be a judge. Any evidence for that or is it all just hot air?

>> No.7296549

Speaking from my experience with ICG judging and Canadian masquerades in general, named awards that aren't best in class/category awards are just Honourable Mentions that the judges felt like personalizing for the cosplayer. I've won Best Detailing in Journeyman class before; it's essentially one of many runner-ups to the Best Journeyman Craftsmanship award. Makes it a little nicer than just a plain old Honourable Mention.

>> No.7296726


This sounds a little extreme don't you think? Its natural to look. Big boobs are naturally eye-catching especially since girls will go out of their way to make them so prominent with low-cut tops and such.

There is nothing wrong with looking occasionally. I'm sure there are plenty of examples of girls checking out another guy. Its natural and human and totally forgivable. My girlfriend practically gets off to Free! but I don't let it bother me because I know I'm the one shes happy with. Its called being comfortable enough with your partner to not perceive a simple glance as a mating call.

If her boyfriend turned to her and said something like "Hey, washboard, maybe if you drank your milk as a kid you would've ended up like her and I wouldn't have to settle for you out of pity" every time then I could understand but a harmless glance is nothing to get worked up about.

To me it smacks more of insecurity to say that you should drop a guy just for looking at another girl. I guarantee that by following this unrealistic standard you'll be dropping a lot of men until you end up dating Ray Charles.

>> No.7297045

It's less that he notices large breasts and more that he uses it to belittle her. Everyone likes tits, but it's easy enough to simply not gape at every pair of D-cups that trots by. It's called courtesy. And by refusing to even attempt to control his behavior, he's being very disrespectful to her.

>> No.7297120


All the OP said was the he blames it on him being a man and 'brushes me off'. I'll grant that that is a little dismissive especially since its obviously pressing into her vulnerabilities and insecurities about her body. But I don't think its the kind of thing that someone ought to be dumped on the spot for.

I think some of the people that I originally quoted were applying some of their own personal biases and past incidents to her story and extrapolating it and adding details that weren't there.

She didn't mention anything about gaping or leering perversely, just that he looked at girls with huge boobs. To me, that isn't an absolute sin. Its a little uncouth but far from douchey. I'm sure that if the two are meant to be then they will work it out when and if it becomes a big enough issue for the two of them.

Until then, given what few details all of us know about their situation I don't think its right to say "Dump'im gurl!" Just my two cents.

>> No.7297125

Oh god that fur cap was literally just cut and thrown on. And is that supposed to be Fennkin? The ear fluff is the only thing that made me realize that's what they were going for. It be better if they claimed that costume was Pudding from Tokyo Mew Mew.

>> No.7297147

If they attend LSCC to film her judging I will tell you, I'm entering the masquerade myself, I wondered if they would follow her after hearing about another series of HOC, would love to know if there is any evidence.

>> No.7297151

See also
He's not just looking at other women's breasts when she's around, which is already a dick move. He's also letting girls who want his D sleep over at his house and threaten his girlfriend.
Dude is an asshole.

>> No.7297155

>If her boyfriend turned to her and said something like "Hey, washboard, maybe if you drank your milk as a kid you would've ended up like her and I wouldn't have to settle for you out of pity" every time then I could understand but a harmless glance is nothing to get worked up about.
>someone must be constantly, loudly, and explicitly rude for you to be allowed to feel bad

>> No.7297166

How did the shitty Yveltal cosplayer make those big assed arms? I need to know

>> No.7297183


Oh geez, I'm retarded. I missed that bit. Ya, I can't and won't defend that. However, my original point stands if that info was omitted.


No, your partner doesn't have to be explicitly loud and overt in order to make you feel bad but my point was that a harmless glance isn't exactly meant to be a slight against your partner. People look at other people, its a natural human reaction. Sometimes those people are wearing something weird or have an eye-catching feature like large boobs.

Hell, even as a heterosexual male I can safely say that I would probably have to force myself not to look if I saw a guy walk by with a noticeable bulge in his pants. I think most people would, its the same thing with large boobs. They are eye-catching features and I don't think it represents any kind of infidelity to just glance.

Like I said, I even agree that it is wrong for him to dismiss her concerns as "hurp, I'm a guy deal with it". And all the other stuff about the other girl sleeping over and shit? Thats awful, that is definitely dumpworthy. But just looking is natural.

My parents take fun shots at each other all the time. My dad will notice some hot young thing, make one of those creepy old man jokes and then my mom will remind him that he wouldn't have a chance even twenty years ago when he last had hair. They've been successfully married now for twenty-something years and they attribute it in large part to having a healthy sense of humor about their relationship and their individual idiosyncrasies.

>> No.7297186

It wasn't a harmless glance in this particular situation, that's the point. Can we just drop this and stay on topic?

>> No.7297192


I know, like I said I missed that part. That was kind of my point.

Sure, back on topic. I just wanted to drop my two cents like everyone else.

>> No.7297194

Holy hell can you people talking about boobs and some chicks relationship GTFO of a HoC thread?

I would imagine it was some sort of foam sheet sealed and then poorly airbrushed. She seems to use it a lot to build things.

>> No.7297388

>Ten JNig and three Yaya threads are fine, but we can't have any thread go off-topic. If I don't have my dose of unnecessary drama, I will go into a diabetic coma and die.

>> No.7297560
File: 44 KB, 370x511, 11victoriassecret1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

couldnt you also say the same shit about real boobs with a push up bra....or fucking corsets?

I dont wear corsets but /cgl/ acts like its normal to wear them
push up bras seem fucking normal too

fucking grow up

>> No.7297570

it's 2 inch thick L200 foam, The claws appear to be carved foam as well.

>> No.7297596

Surgery =/= shape wear

I hate push up bras with a firey passion.

>> No.7297608

I think it's more of the fact that they called/emailed her in the middle of judging the contest and told her right then and there she had to leave the next day to film for them.

Contractual obligations aside that's kind of a dick move regardless.

>> No.7297633

Wow ok no this is downright embarrassing indeed. I am far from considering myself a master seamstress but oh lord what the actual fuck.

>> No.7297778


>> No.7297790

so fat

>> No.7297805

>she's super pissed about the entire show and absolutely hates it.

afaik, everyone on the cast this season feels this way. They apparently withhold information from the cast (like, what cons they're sending them to and when) and leave that shit until last minute in order to create stress that they can then capture on camera.
Source is talking to several cast members. They were all very candid about their hate.

>> No.7297837
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come say that to my face

>> No.7297887

IMO, the cast deserves it. Sign up to parade yourself around and attention whore on TV, that's what you get.

>> No.7297940
File: 21 KB, 513x95, foamtweet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its funny that she makes so much crap out of foam now when she used to bitch about people making Shepard armor out of it.

>> No.7298538

Did Animate Miami take down the announcement photo? It was hilarious.

>> No.7298576
File: 137 KB, 350x350, 1377737791377.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw all my con friends worship her and white-knight as much as humanly possibu. "At least shes not like J-nig" tier.
her and fan-service renji came to my town a few weeks ago for a end of the year gaming/cosplay shin-dig
friend begged me to go to the shitty venue for 15 bucks
stayed home, saved 15 bucks and had my bf fuck my brains out
All was well in the end

>> No.7298907

They sold their soul to the devil in exhange for fame.
Their wish wa granted, but not exactly how they wanted.
And now they suffer.

>> No.7298920

I thought HoC was interesting, but I couldn't deal with the fact that all of these people supposedly ended up getting their costume done literally right before the con. That makes no sense.

If I wanted to make a costume, I would budget my damn time to make sure it gets done weeks before the con.

Although I guess some of the costumes were being reused.

>> No.7298935

Clearly you've never been a cosplayer.

>> No.7299209

Lindze won't do it because she has a kid and her husband works at Cartoon Network and she wouldn't want them to have to be put through the wringer. Adella won't do it because she's just had a baby. Alisa hasn't competed in almost the entire time I've known her. The last time she competed was like 2002. So keep trying.

>> No.7299264

This. I have a hard time beliving that Crabcunts got all of their How to Train Your Dragon stuff, including the boat, done in one week.

>> No.7300077

When did Adella have a baby?!

>> No.7300089

September I think. Her current boyfriend knocked her up so she got married to him.

>> No.7300167

is right, they called Yaya in the middle of judging a cosplay contest back stage to tell her she had to leave the day after, in the middle of a con. She was very candid too about how much she hated the show when she was sure there were no cameras around to capture her actually shit talking.

Agreed, though I do feel bad for the people in multi-season contracts. Apparently they didn't pitch the show this way when they signed them. Though it sort of takes a moron to not realize reality shows thrive on forced drama.

>> No.7300172

This has been confirmed that a lot of it was editing. Sure cosplayers tend to put all the finishing details on close to the con, but 90% of this was editing to look like they did it in a week.

>> No.7300188

...you too huh? God I'm so fucking sick of Fan Service Renji. He did one ok cosplay and everything he has done since then is meh tier or lower.
Also the weeb level at that event was fucking hysterical. http://rladao.zenfolio.com/p927237702

>> No.7300266

Yeah ... I'm sure they pitch the show to the cast members in a more positive light, but what the fuck did they expect? It's a reality show. I sorta wanted to say that to them when they were bitching about it.

>> No.7300367


WOW, I have been totally out of the loop. Last I heard she was still trying to push that Zelda Project

>> No.7302749

Uh yeah, I am a cosplayer. I don't freaking wait until the last second to do something.

But as another anon pointed out, it was mostly editing. That makes sense.

>> No.7302904

So basically no one know what cons they are filming at really? Yaya is coming to A-kon as a guest and now I don't want to compete in the contest because I don't want to risk being on that stupid show.

>> No.7302967

It's obvious for some of them. Like Yaya going from draping red fabric on a dress form with a fade cut to her "finishing off" her CC red butterfly gown in the same clothes she started in.

>> No.7303065

>Lindze won't do it because she has a kid and her husband works at Cartoon Network

Explains so much...

>> No.7303658

I'm going to be competing against the "heroes" at a convention this weekend (Animate! Miami).

I don't know how nervous I should be? From what I've seen in the show, their craftsmanship is all over the place. Also, not sure if rigged/how rigged the costume contest will be.

>> No.7303667

it will be 100% rigged, and you shouldn't be nervous because they're bunch of hackjobs

>> No.7303746

Please report back all details of backstage and the competition. Juicy juicy details.

>> No.7304850


I will be but not nervous at all. I sent quite a bit of time on my outfit making sure everything was done correctly. When I go into the prejudging with my construction/progress photo notebook I will ask them to flip my seams and look at them.

>> No.7304857

lol, please have a hidden camera/audio device on you so we can see when yaya comes in late and the backstage bitching.

>> No.7306064

There are cons where they don't seem to win anything besides an honorable mention. I think it will depend entirely on hte judges/emcee.

>> No.7306678
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Her twitter pictures show the progress too.

>> No.7306705

Good luck anon. I hope you kick some ass in the cosplay contest!
Please take some pics for us.

>> No.7306796

>dat baldspot/creepy long hair
to think shes stuck with that forever now...

>> No.7306890

Oh I don't know, it's like she has her own real life Homer Simpson but with a beard.

>> No.7306931
File: 77 KB, 540x339, 784.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, anon if you do get lucky make sure you got your 'FUCKING DRAMA QUEEN' mindset all planned out ahead because we all know cosplay is true art: equal parts self loathing/angst & drama bombs, drama bombs everywhere!

>> No.7306937


He's not ugly, he just looks like a dad. Nothin' wrong with that.

>> No.7306941

Guys like that can be super cuddley. I'm dating a skinny guy now and he's sweet, but hugging him is like hugging a bag of coat hangers.

>> No.7306947

Aww don't be so mean. Looks aren't everything. He might be nice.

Although when I see hair like that I wonder why men hang onto it. Either cut it all off and look like a boss or get hair replacement and fix it.

Also her face looks nice with the extra weight. Young mommy-ish

>> No.7306949

Just don't say anything near the cameras and look good on stage and you'll be fine. I'm sure anything you say could be turned into a personal attack on Lady Yaya

>> No.7306950

losers from r9k.
just because you look like this doesn't mean it's attractive.
you can leave now.

>> No.7306968

Do you get bruises from his hipbones too? Been there, ex was 5'11" and 115lbs.

>> No.7307429

Oh god yes so pointy. It's troublesome because he prefers that I top.

>> No.7307539

So did mine. He couldn't hold himself up on his forearms. Shit stamina.

>> No.7307604


Hmm, I'm not sure how I would feel about watching porn with people I know.

>> No.7307706


Awe, she actually looks happy. Congrats to her no matter the circumstances.

>> No.7308985

what's the ICG?

>> No.7309351

International Costumers' Guild, I think.

>> No.7309356

Haha. Just saying not everyone has that vouyer mentality or needs that to get aroused or get off. I'd rather just have sex with my girlfriend.

>> No.7309360

What dads have you been seeing in your area?
I prefer mine to look like Harry Mason. Thanks.

>> No.7310608


Oh, look at Mr Fancy Pants with his people that will let him touch them willingly and perfect life.

I don't think anyone was saying porn was ideal, just that it's better than the Sear's catalog most of the time.

>> No.7310659


She doesn't judge the A-Kon cosplay contest. She just has a booth to sell her goods in the Dealers Room.

A-Kon would likely not agree to be featured on HoC so I wouldn't worry.

>> No.7310679

I've been cosplaying since 1997, and have little...well, damn well negative interest in this show.

It's totally opposite of what I think our hobby should be about.

I'm a guy, btw. The girls are good looking, and they do decent/great costumes. But why in the fuck would I waste my time watching them on a show?

Why would anyone?

Unless you like cosplay for the wrong reasons. (AKA zomg high school popularity contest 2, electric boogaloo?)

>> No.7311303

FantasyNinja is saying the show is big step in her "career" but I'm just shaking my head. She's been pretty big on the encouragement bandwagon recently, which is great, but it makes me wonder if she's just going to try to be another Chloe for the show, who never came off as genuine to me (could be editing idegaf).

>> No.7311311


Also a cosplayer since 1997 and I'm Nope all over this show.

The nostalgia thread >>7307935
has pointed out what this hobby used to be and I miss it.

Why in the hell would anyone support cosplay being high school?

>> No.7311487

Whats her career?

Is it like how Holly and Jessica claim HoC will help their commission business even though they have never done a single commission ever that wasnt for themselves. Seriously hiring yourself to make costumes for the company you work for (bioware) isnt an actual commission.)

>> No.7311491

Fellow 90s cosplayers! I started in 1999, but damn. I still don't get the people who are okay with this show. It's really the biggest cancer of cosplay. And the old school thread makes me so happy.

>> No.7311508

She does commissions and sells lip gloss or something on Etsy.

>> No.7311519

Well if she actually does commissions then ya it will help and it makes sense why shes doing it. Its like how Victoria and Jinyo opened a legging company like Blackmilk. They are going to be plugging that shit on HoC like crazy. I guess it boils down to if its worth the backlash from the community for free advertisement to people outside of the community.

>> No.7311537

my friend is there this weekend and said a bunch of people were apparently heckling Yaya about HoC and her costumes on an elevator.

She and Kamui are guests next month at Katsu - wonder if they'll be filming there too, and if Kamui might be a *~*special guest*~* on the show

>> No.7311774

their company already has a terrible reputation though, they're still behind on orders from their launch.

>> No.7311920

>A-Kon would likely not agree to be featured on HoC so I wouldn't worry.

Second this. Cosplayer since '96, I don't expect HoC to make any rumbles at A-Kon this year.

>> No.7312019

Not going to stop them from talking about it and getting people who havent heard about their poor customer service to buy from them.

>> No.7312047


Oh Kamui. If they ask her to be in the episode, I hope she turns them down.

>> No.7312188
File: 44 KB, 960x446, 1390108404827.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pictures from Animate!Miami contest rolling out on the net. You an see Jessica in this one in her Morrigan costume. Good to see the HoC are still competing in costumes where large parts of the outfits they didnt sew as she had her corset commissioned for the Bioware booth for PAX Prime last year. Cant wait to see them edit the footage to make it look like she made it this year.

>> No.7312193

Are they shooting at Katsu?

>> No.7312194
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>> No.7312203
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>> No.7313120 [DELETED] 

Well I like the... helmet? Any news on awards?

>> No.7313133

is there a link to the Animate album? I want to look for pictures of me.

>> No.7313153

Nadyasonika is confirmed on next season of HoC. She was at the event, very nice girl. I was a volunteer at the event, and HoC had her do filming with them, looked like B roll stuff.

>> No.7313203


Or, you know, people that have some kind of problem with their breast.

Tuberous breasts, for example

>> No.7313424

Is Chloe's character supposed to have that nasty fringe?

>> No.7313566

Guy here.

Fake tits are fine. Also, what's wrong with a girl doing something to make herself more confident?

A real man likes all kinds of boobs anyways, though.

>> No.7313748

anyone know when the next season is going to start airing?

On the website it just says "2014"

>> No.7313839

girl here, agree completely

I wanna a pair, and jnigs are quite nice on the scale of fakies, mostly natural movement not overly large. Good enough that if she wasn't known before she got them she could easily say they are natural and not many would question that.

but denying it now on her part is a bit ridiculous

>> No.7314101

Everything post in this thread was on the official FB in the "more pictures of Animate album".

I was curious about this too. Also wondering who the hell she was suppose to be considering DA:I companions beyond Varric, Cassandra and that black mage chick havent been shown. Unless Bioware is going to try to use HoC to plug the next Dragon Age game. (Which I wouldnt put past them.) I cant wait to watch the ep of this for the Crabgirls to brag about being the "first" DA:I cosplayers when dur that's not very hard when you have access to that shit before the public.

>> No.7315431


But in this case he's a rich fuck. And Adella has a history of bad taste in Men. This guy just looks like Kyle.

>> No.7315806

lol she'd probably be all for it, so she can inflate her ego even more and promote that shit armor book as well as her upcoming "painting" book that her husband is pretty much writing for her.

>> No.7315814

Most likely. Some of the b-roll was from there, including Yaya's intro thing.