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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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>> No.7291463

well that is creepy. but how did she think he was her friend? you never make friends with someone with such past. also the video is strange... I don't know what comes across rape victims' mind, but this short film look overly dramatized. The music and everything...

>> No.7291469

>attentionwhore being an attentionwhore

Bet she wasn't even raped and just regretted it.

>> No.7291499
File: 26 KB, 500x375, tumblr_mfwue6L2yd1rxxhm5o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7291501
File: 356 KB, 399x531, 1382555120751.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"I was drugged"
>alcohol and cocaine found in system

Yeah more like you drugged yourself there buddy.

It's still wrong if the guy took advantage of her while she was under the influence, but it was still a fucking stupid decision on her part and she should own up to it.

>> No.7291503

I can't hear a word she says the music is too loud

>> No.7291505

She is being over dramatic and using her experience as a way of attention whoring more than her chubby-nudy cosplay she did before. OK.

But cant forget the accused has been put in jail for raping minors in the past. This guy is indeed a criminal, and although she gave herself little protection by taking drugs and alcohol, still doesnt mean it didnt happen.

But god what a sick attention whore.

Because you LOVED TO COSPLAY you think your rape story is so important it needs a video?

Fuck you bitch. Fuck you from me, and all these nameless, faceless rape victims who dont have a cute "i just love cosplay!" backstory to this event.

>> No.7291507

Dont even watch this shit video. Bitch doesnt even deserve any viewership or revenue.

No sympathy. Karma is fair.