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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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7288136 No.7288136 [Reply] [Original]

>25 and still enjoying anime
>tfw I feel old as fuck at cons
>tfw I don't wanna do sci-fi cons (nothing against them)

To the older seagulls:
How have you dealt with the onset of age?
Will you stop going to anime conventions at some point?

>> No.7288151

Go with older friends? It's how I deal with the all the screaming underaged kids. Seriously, it makes the con a lot more fun.

>> No.7288152

By "older friends" I meant "friends your age," sorry.

>> No.7288155

fuck that. it's so nice to be able to go to a con without my mom and be able to get into a bar when i want.


>> No.7288156


I moved 1500 miles : [
Even though I still keep in contact with my old friends, they've started pooping out kids and started focusing on their careers instead of cons.

I'm not socially awkward at all and I don't mind talking to people, but it was way easier to make friends when I was 18 (people generally seemed a lot more receptive).

>> No.7288167


** focusing on their careers and don't have time for cons.

>> No.7288171

There's this thing called "alcohol"

>> No.7288178

I know the feels. *pats back in sympathy* When alone at cons, I just go for the same tactic I did when I was younger (hey, nice cosplay, are you a big fan of the series, etc) and aim it towards the older con folk. A lot of times you can get a good conversation going about cosplay techniques, video games, or anime and keep the conversation going from there.

I do have more trouble connecting with people than when I was younger, maybe kids have less barriers than adults and are more open to becoming insta-friends? Most adults are more reserved, especially if you weren't introduced by a mutual friend or something.

>> No.7288179
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I attend my first convention a decade ago. Doesn't have the magic like it used to in some aspect. I feel like there's too much non-anime stuff a cons. I don't find anything wrong with non-anime things, it's just I miss the days where everything feels "anime." If that makes any sense. Though I do like the convention party scene as I've gotten older.

>> No.7288190

By not being a bitch.

>> No.7288191


It's probably a result of barriers being set up as a defense mechanism after experiencing less than favorable events during previous years.

Oh well, time to make some new friends. I just don't want to come off as a creeper though and even though people should be better at judging intentions as they age, this is not the case at conventions.

>> No.7288200


Lol I don't need to pretend to be macho on an imageboard for self validation. Save your self serving bravado for someone else.

>> No.7288209


5'5 Manlet calling other people bitches

Top kek

>> No.7288448

You came to an imageboard to validate going to a con when you're "too old"

>> No.7288466

Jeeze... Chill the fuck out.

>> No.7288931

Im still panicking cause I didnt get to cosplay or go into lolita until i was around your age.

Im more of a lone con goer since most of my younger 'friends' dont have the money since they are still in school. Ill probably keep going until I hit 50 since I should still look like im 30 at that point.

>> No.7290792

>All friends my age have families now
>Hard to find friends that aren't married with kids
>They don't want to go away for a weekend to a convention without family
>No spare money for them to go away anyways

Sometimes just going with a friend your age isn't really possible.

>> No.7291251

I'm 27 and starting to feel kinda old now too. All my con friends are couples and don't really hang out with me since I broke up with my cosplayer exgf, or they're kinda aspie brony forever alone fedora types that are hard to handle hanging out with. I have fun with younger people but it's hard not to feel like I'm gonna come off as a creep.

>> No.7291257

Yeah, that shit sucks. I'm 29 and married now and I try to hang out with cosplay couples who don't want or have kids. Kids just ruin shit.

>> No.7292837

29 here.
Just bust the bank 2 days ago updating my skincare and makeup shit to combat the wrinkle onslaught.

I'm dealing by wearing as much crazy shit as possible before the hag face sets in, and drinking.
Con-wise, I mostly go to gaming cons now for tabletop gaming, which is an older crowd. At the rare anime-oriented event, I like using my seniority to bust balls on douchebags, and helping younger girls escape creeper situations. Get confident girls!

Trying to make new friends sucks tho. All I want is a lady gang to get blasted on Cardcaptor Sakura-inspired cherry blossom champagne cocktails, and talk about our ovary timebombs and the hotness of Ren from Pirates of Darkwater.

>> No.7292841

27 here, and have accepted that I got into the cosplay scene far too late to ever be able to cosplay my kawaii queen Sakura-chan. Pass the drinks.

>> No.7292847

I don't understand why being focused on your career is prohibitive to attending a con.

>> No.7292851

>tfw going to first con this year
>24 years old
>implying I give a fuck

Teenagers are retarded, going with a buddy and probably going to meet some of his work friends so it should be good. I have no issues telling kids to fuck off.

>> No.7292862

>half of my small group of friends is already married and has kids
>i'm only 18
>they aren't much older

I'm too young to have these feels /cgl/.

>> No.7292915

Wanna know what being older at cons means? Stepping up your game.

It's a social event but being able to geek out is great. Wanna cosplay? Do it but at a better standard than some 16 year old on mommy's purse change.

Getting a room to yourself.
Not having to bum food or eat cheap shit.
Taking your own ride down instead of sardining if up with 5 of your friends in a compact.
Being able to go to places outside the hotel and convention center.
It means not having to count your pennies in the Dealer's room or Artist Alley.

You may find you don't want to be in the convention scene down the road and that's okay. But show your age regardless and don't feel bad for it.

>> No.7292926

Hello anon, I'm you from the future all my friends married and had kids around that age too.

>> No.7292952

Most jobs don't just allow vacation time for random summer weekends. And who the heck wants to plan their off time around a con?

>> No.7292962

You see its great when you have a salary job, becasue you're allocated vacation time you can take whenever you want to.

>> No.7292967

Not every job is lenient. Even full time, salaried, benefits-inclusive jobs.

That said, another reason not to go is frankly, one's paying to go shopping: by some point, you've pretty much seen every iteration of panel and event there is to see.

>> No.7292974


Having my own room is the best thing about going to cons now. Not having to work around other people's schedules, means doing what I want when I want. I love it.

>> No.7292983

Agreed. Having your own hotel room with a best friend or girlfriend/boyfriend is the best. I can't do that whole 6 people to a room thing anymore.

>> No.7292993

I will NEVER understand how people do it.

Rooming with that many people I know is tiring enough but rooming with that many weebs I met off of the Facebook page?

Fuck that.