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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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7282893 No.7282893[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>6'0 tall
>broad shoulders
>born with a penis
I'll never get to experience elegant lolita fashion, and it's killing me inside. Every time my ex would show me the dresses she ordered or worked on I felt like I wanted to die. Of course I never mentioned my feelings or anything... It's just... I don't know. I've actually never told anyone about this. I just wish I could be pretty.

Not sure why I'm sharing this... Just was looking at dresses and had a sadness attack I guess. I'm sure I sound like a colossal faggot, but I just wanted you girls to know how much I envy you.

>> No.7282903

>envying these landwhales
I too want to be the little girl but come on man

>> No.7282906

What you are living through is called the "no gf syndrome": When you haven't see a vagina for so long you wish you had one
>tl;dr drop porn and get a life

>> No.7282908

Custom made and taobao is your friend

>> No.7282909

OP here, I have a girlfriend and I don't look at porn.

>> No.7282910

Don't give up dude, have you tried wearing the skin of fat women?

They take the lotion from the bucket, they put the lotion on their skin

>> No.7282913
File: 644 KB, 900x1286, ahuviya.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then congratulation,you are the exception to the rule.

The internet is full of trannies-in-the-waiting and I realized it even more on 4chan

>> No.7282916

Op, it's okay. There's nothing wrong with wanting to be pretty. I want to hug you because you sound so sad. Don't give up! I know that, with a little research and hard work, anyone can be pretty! Especially you.

One thing about being pretty is to not feel bad about the qualities that make you unique, but to embrace them and work the fuck out of them! Just because you're tall doesn't mean you're doomed to never be fabulous!

Do what you want to do OP, just come here whenever you have questions or need advice. The trick to becoming fabulous is to work hard and never give up because being fabulous might be fun but it is never easy.

You can do it, OP!

>> No.7282924
File: 92 KB, 400x534, tumblr_myjiz2tXdx1ri5902o1_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not sure if troll, but have you ever thought about aristocrat? Technotropism is a good example, his outfits are pretty but still masculine.

>> No.7282932
File: 2.64 MB, 346x260, 1387753051607.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fellow 6' broad shouldered guy here.

Dont hate. Being 6'+ and broad shouldered is a blessing. We live in a society of manboys, hipster douches, and faggots. Embrace and bolster your natural frame through a healthy lifestyle and lifting regime. Become a manly man.

You can't really fight the hand you're dealt in life. You'll never be a little girl, or kawaii as fuck, but you know what? Thats ok. You can become something else, something incredible.

>> No.7282943


>ADF is 28

I thought he was at least 10 years younger than that.

>> No.7282948 [DELETED] 
File: 14 KB, 200x300, q.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unless you want to end like pic related you should better forget it and move on

>> No.7282954
File: 1011 KB, 144x127, 1374382535385.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This was incredibly encouraging. I want to so badly, I really do. I just don't think I can. My current gf has been dying for me to dress up with her at a con, but I have no earthly idea how I could say that I want to crossplay. I feel really stupid just thinking about it. It's not something I could do in secret either, it would feel guilty and weird, which is exactly what I don't want.

Thanks for making me feel crazy. Time to bury these feelings as deep inside as I fucking can and hope they go away.

>> No.7282956
File: 74 KB, 590x667, 00036931.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why be ulzzang when you can be a gorgeous amazon.
Femininity is mostly learned
if we didn't put in the effort we wouldn't be pretty or feminine either.
beauty doesn't just happen.
you make it happen.

>> No.7282961

this is a blue board dipshit

>> No.7282963

This would be mad cute, OP.

>> No.7282968

Ahhh I love this!

>> No.7282973

op just learn the basics of drag queens, get to know their tips and tricks to make them look more feminine, and then apply it to lolita.

>> No.7282974

If she's dying for you to do it, then just outright say it! I'm sure she'd be thrilled! Bring it up casually.

"Hey honey, about your lolita fashion..."
"I want to dress up with you, like a full on crossplay."
"OMGEEEE YES YES YES, here, lemme show you how to do your makeup, your hair, here I'mma let you borrow my wig."

How bad can it be if she's mentioned wanting to do it before?

>> No.7282977

>Drag queens

>> No.7282990

You've obviously never met a good drag queen.

I've met drag queens so good they'll make your head spin.

>> No.7283000

for people with fairly masculine features, it is the best option.

>> No.7283018

I'm sorry about your plight, OP. I am thankful every day that I can fit into and pull off lolita because of the emotional struggle of those like you who physically can't.

Clearly you don't realize how small you have to be to fit into the bulk of brand lolita

>> No.7283042

Eh, at least you're a pretty dude OP

>rail skinny, not masculine looking at all

I considered cosplaying as Rui Ninomiya from Gatchaman Crowds, but dear god, my face would ruin it.

[spoiler]This is a thinly veiled request for advice.

>> No.7283624

Wear the dress then OP?

>> No.7283700

Makeup is your frienddd

Like 90% of people who wear makeup look like sickly homeless people without it. Spend a lot of time learning techniques and buy nice quality products and you will come out lookin like a damn model by the end of it.

Plus I'm also planning on cosplaying Rui one day!! Best of luck, I hope you go through with the cosplay.

>> No.7283781

>Wear the dress then OP?
I can't. My manhood too sheltered and vulnerable.

>> No.7283848


Thanks, I sort if figured that was the situation, I'm just wondering how well it'll work. My girlfriend offered to help with the makeup for this little endeavor, so I'll probably go through with it.

She was uh... Much more enthusiastic about it than I had anticipated, so that's neat.