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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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7282688 No.7282688 [Reply] [Original]

Lolitas with bad attitudes.
Tell me about experiences you've had with other lolitas, whether they're in your comm, or online, that have horrendous attitudes.

>girl in my comm claims her DoL Sugary Carnival is the real deal, among other replicas
>other girl in comm calls her out
>"muh AP is real"
>"ur just jelly"
>"ur just a hater"

>> No.7282763
File: 73 KB, 640x410, Starbucks.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"You don't have to be an elitist brandwhore to be a lolita!"
>"I put this co-ord together from Ikea curtains and local chain-store clothing!
>"Yeah we hate rich brand-loving bitches!"
>Six months later
>They're all wearing outdated/unpopular and very obviously used secondhand brand pieces.
>Whenever they pass a normal lolita their faces

>> No.7282795

>doesn't wear lolita but runs a lolita advice blog
>screams elietist at anyone who is honest with her when she asks for advice and opinions.
>refers to her landwhale body as God Given Curves that brand whores are jelly of.

I've never met a genuine 'brand whore' of myth, but there's plenty of these dumb itas who are exactly like their stereotype.

>> No.7282868

>Pug faced asian brandwhore - 4/10 tops in looks
>Constantly shit talks everybody in the group behind their backs to the mods and a select few.
>Starts shit talking on the Facebook page to girls who are borderline ita, just learning.
>Apparently throws a hissy fit at a high end restaurant about the gratuity fee in one of the most expensive districts in the city. Rest of the group apparently got shit service from it.
>Loses her shit at a girl from the city south of us for asking about cross-posting larger meets to our group as well to expand.
>Leaves negative feedback on a moderator's EGLsales after she rage quits the comm for no reason other than her telling her to stop being rude.
>Rage PM's multiple people in the comm on "her way out" calling them various names and shit.
>Never hosted a meet-up before but apparently thought she was so important her leaving the Facebook comm matters.

I'd post pictures but she's literally hidden every single one of them she can. Just reaffirms my idea that the uglier you are the bitchier you get from self esteem issues.

And all the "itas" she bitches about are progressing extremely fast into proper lolitas and the only legit ones we had only show up to one meet and then drop off the face of the earth.

So glad she's gone.

>> No.7283046

People like that make all lolitas look bad. Hopefully she leaves your comm alone for good, jesus christ.

>> No.7283059
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Lol one of ours regularly deletes her whole facebook then blogs about how we're all bullies even though no one has ever been anything but nice to her. It's cute when people no one cares about think they matter enough for their absence to go noticed.

>> No.7283121

i've kind of had the opposite experience

>though someone was a complete snob at first based on comments on comm wall
>got to know them
>actually funny and nice, just come off wrong to strangers

pretty glad I ended up getting to know her, she's really awesome

>> No.7286684

I've met some girls who were a bit nutty about MmM and Manabananasama, but all the itas and newbies I've seen complain about ~brand whores~ seemed to be talking about AP and BtSSB. At least, that's what all their super unique high quality totally custom for REAL women dresses were replicas of.

>wore a non-print Baby dress, blouse, head accessory to meet (also shoes and stuff but you know)
>local ita latches on to me to complain about all those elitist brandwhores at the other side of the table
>mfw I have no face

>> No.7286689

>>They're all wearing outdated/unpopular and very obviously used secondhand brand pieces.

This rubs me the wrong way. There's nothing wrong with wearing older pieces. Heck, Iron Gate is almost 7 years old and it's super popular. There's nothing wrong with wearing unpopular pieces either. Jewel Tree Bouquet is gorgeous yet unpopular and sells for very little on auction. Lolita clothing isn't disposable clothing like F21. You're not supposed to stop wearing something just because lampshade prints are the new thing and none of your other dresses have lampshades on them.

>> No.7286693

I think that anon's point was more that they're shitheads for talking bad about people who wear brand, but then the moment they get a little money for it they leap on (secondhand) brand like a mosquito to an exposed tit.
Hypocrisy is disgusting.

>> No.7286705
File: 12 KB, 272x156, fuckoff.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a group of lolitas told this guy who politely asked for a photo to "fuck off"
when I called them out on it, they all lied about it, saying I was delusional.

one, two itas, whatever, they can be seperated and made fun of.

when you get a group of lolita friends together all lying about the horrible things they have said or done, thats when it gets awful.

I think I remember something similar, wasn't rosaire a part of this, and she and a bunch of other lolitas got exposed for making up lies about other girls?

I thought that shit only happened online, but its even more horrid confronting it face to face.

>> No.7286710
File: 28 KB, 480x356, 1368732582589.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>crazy chicks into obscure japanese fashion
>socializing irl
>with each other

>> No.7286716
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>Jewel Tree Bouquet is gorgeous

>> No.7286726
File: 34 KB, 261x480, 030_p.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got that and I hate hyprocrites, I just don't like it when people hate on things because they're not "in". Trends come and go.

Aw, it really is. Maybe you like Little Bear's Cafe though. I hate that print so much.

>> No.7286732
File: 629 KB, 960x720, 1348114268043.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Jewel Tree Bouquet
>thinking its ugly

>> No.7286743

it is a really pretty print. sweet without looking like a babies room. (im looking at you every sweet print out these days)

>> No.7286748

I recently started making friends with other lolitas, added one girl from our local community and asked her about meets/where she wears lolita. "Oh no, I don't have any lolita clothes! I just like the style!" Ok, though why would one be so active in the comm? Anyways.

Couple of days later she starts messaging me with "my lolita friend wants to sell this and that, would you like to buy?" The clothes are not my style and not my size, so I politely refuse. She messages me every time I'm online "Have you checked the measurements? Will you buy it or not?"
When I ask her to give me contacts of her lolita friend to ask about clothes directly, she ignores it. Girl, there are sale communities for a reason.

And that was a little story of me making friends with local lolitas.

>> No.7286761

What's the story behind that pic?
>dat policeman holding her parasol

>> No.7286776

it was staged, the girl just posed with her friends for fun

>> No.7286819

I'm not too big a fan of the black colourway
LBC reminds me of that radioactive cupcake print, too busy

>> No.7286851
File: 486 KB, 500x281, tumblr_m9f6cuuays1r1a4gk.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really hate try-hard lolitas that try to be ~so lifestyle desu~. 99% of the time they're also terrible itas to boot.
In particular that osweetprince guy on tumblr.
>im a bibliophile teehee
>overly polite and fake sounding syntax out the wazoo
>in reality only has 2 shitty coords

>> No.7286869

No one was hating on things because they're not the 'in trends' if anything they were probably wearing the same items they were hating on years ago.

>> No.7286919


Here we have the Bodyline brandwhores. Apparently Bodyline is the best brand out there only because of the fact that they are cheap. Some also see handmade as the best thing no matter how shitty the quality. I get you are proud of the effort you put into it, but that doesn't mean it doesn't make me want to burn my eyes out.

>> No.7286922

I thought it was for a UK tv show a la Not What to Wear?

>> No.7286948

Are you from Russia? I've never seen so many people defending Bodyline or F+F before I joined Russian comm. They say quite often that BL is better than brand design and quality-wise. It makes me cringe even if BL is called 'brand', but I can't say anything or I'll get all the hatred.

>> No.7287018

You do realise that supposedly those same lolitas were the ones hosting the tea party and the lolita 101 panels at the same con this guy runs? it seems really weird that he would ask them to come do that for him after they told him to fuck off for a photo. alls I'm saying is that you should double-check your sources, I remember hearing this rumour as well and it sounds like the work of a vendetta-chan.

>> No.7287050

Start off with "I hate drama..."

Then posts something that garners attention/sympathy every hour. Throw a hissing fit when people ask "Do you want to talk about it?" or give suggestions.

But hey, she hates drama

>> No.7287083

It was The Bill iirc, which is (was?) a sort-of police-based soap opera.

At least, that's what I heard on here.

>> No.7287090


Lel, hello Scotlolibro.

Ahhhh, Jodie. What a rare beast.

Super curious as to who keeps posting about her on here though, I had no idea how much she irritated people!

>> No.7287120

Lolitas who love the drama, and when they are bored generate drama from nothing. Are stalkers, haters and attention whore with other communities for more than they say they are patriots with their country.

>> No.7287128

My favorite is when newbies and itas go to community pages asking if they can borrow peoples brand dresses for cons....um no -_-

>> No.7287148

>Are stalkers, haters and attention whore with other communities for more than they say they are patriots with their country.
I don't have an appropriate reaction image on this computer but... what?

>> No.7287407

Oh god, that fucking person, always trying to start dramu in our comm.. they need to chill out and stop being an attention whore.

>> No.7287413

Like "outdated and unpopular items" in the sense that they wouldn't even shift from a Closet Child sale. You're right, my wording was off. I guess I should have said "tacky, obviously cheap and uncared-for" items.
Basically what I'm trying to communicate is they snapped these dresses up simply /because/ they were brand, because there were no other pros to their outfits.

>> No.7287414

are you a cololi or just a curious onlooker?

>> No.7287579

>girl in my comm claims her DoL Sugary Carnival is the real deal
I know first hand of a girl who does this. I'm not against replicas, I'm against lying. When she lies and says it's actual Angelic Pretty and looks so gorgeous just like all of my brand...nope. Nope nope nope nope.
Engage the rage.

>> No.7287626

I think there's two sides to a story. He seems like a bit of a vendetta-chan himself. Get over it, some girls didn't want a photo taken, they probably had a bad day, he probably appeared to be a bit creepy, now he's going to use his super dooper powers of being con head to ban a bunch of girls he only met once. As if it isn't super creepy to go and SEARCH for these particular girls online as if he hasn't been obsessing about this one incident forever. What a fucking creep, anon.

>> No.7287826

so its you


then tell the story, because
>lying about it saying this never happened
isn't gaining you any favors

just tell the fucking truth. seriously, lying is not making you look good, at all. tell the truth.

I don't wan't to get involved further than this because I know you have some serious vendetta history, but please, tell the truth.

>> No.7287931

I ran into the guy a couple of times. I'm by no means friends with any of the girls in the comm, but let me just tell you, he looks creepy as fuck.
he complained to me about the local lolitas, and told me that story as well.

I met that guy because he followed me around target. the scariest part? he's this creepy and has a girlfriend, wears a fedora, and has memeface bumperstickers on his car. though I agree telling someone "fuck off" is a bit harsh, and it could of been handled a lot better and less rudely, there's no denying that he's a creep.

>> No.7287980

Hi Nia

>> No.7288004

congrats captain obvious

>> No.7288026

People don't ask you to hold panels.

You apply for them. Usually over the internet, not face-to-face.

He, or whoever he put in charge of the panels, could have accepted a panel request not knowing who it was.

>> No.7288153
File: 179 KB, 638x716, disbitch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think this says it all. Please, cry harder, bitch.

>> No.7288172

it honestly just seems like these anons are just lying more to get out of some shit

>> No.7288185

Someone's Pixyteri game is entirely too strong.
PT threw a self entitled, narcissistic bitch fit very similar to this not too long ago.

>> No.7288196

Believe it or not, it's not her.

>> No.7288208

Really? Russian lolitas always seem godtier with their brand and handmade. Or is that only Moscow and all the other comms are terrible?

>> No.7288218

Is this the Atelier Pierrot model-chan from Frill that threw a fit because she couldn't model IW?

>> No.7288231

Nope. This was someone's status from not being accepted in a con fashion show, but not Atelier Pierrot model-chan.

>> No.7288258

oh god, I wish I saved pics of that, that was fucking amazing

>> No.7289006


>> No.7289029

I asked a lolita a few questions at a panel once because she was obviously nervous and talked through her slideshow in about ten minutes.

Next thing I know, I'm a 'lolitist.'

Don't host a panel if you don't want questions to be asked, sweetheart.

>> No.7289046
File: 105 KB, 683x1024, RvYAuyt5oaw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty much that. There are itas and just plain girls with boring coords as well. They just don't get posted much. Pict related - mod of one of the online communities (if I'm not mistaken).

>> No.7289049


I was going to get that dress in black and wear a white blouse under it...but now I think a bolero would go way better.


>> No.7289092


I don't get how somebody became a mod sometimes...
One in my comm doesn't even have any actual Lolita shoes, not even something loliable like oxfords, she wears flats.

>> No.7289095


All my fucking rage I hate flats.

>> No.7289099

>dat hair
>those glasses
She has a cute face, but she didn't even try to do hair or make up. I don't get it.

>> No.7289111

>She has a cute face


>> No.7289129

Wow, she sounds almost exactly like PT here. Is she a genuine lolcow or was this just an outburst? I want deets but I don't want to upset Gmork.

>> No.7289133

She looks exactly like an old English teacher of mine. In fact, she resembles him more than his own sons do. She even has the same glasses.
It's weirding me out.

>> No.7289135

>She has a fat face

>> No.7289144

She doesn't have a cute face. Or at least my definition of "cute face" is different from yours. But that's not my point, not everyone is naturally beautiful, but you can do something with your hair, makeup and such . What's the point of wearing a pretty dress when you don't bother to do any of that?

So not every Russian lolita is godtier, some of them look like this. Not especially bad, just plain IMO. There are more gems in 'handmade' albums in Russian comms. Not everyone is like Lieschen.

>> No.7289160

This person has been causing a bit of drama in her comm, and she's a fairly new member. She's a bitch that doesn't know how to keep her mouth shut online, and is stupidly defensive about anything that could be taken even remotely negatively. When someone asked her to take down that status before the con heads saw it (the girl has one of them on FB), she flat out refused and said she was leaving it up.

Basic bitches be basic, I guess.

>> No.7289182

What kind of drama?

>> No.7289212

Nothing big, just small things like her rubbing people the wrong way, getting mad when people correct her on simple things and trying to be a know-it-all tough guy. It's piling up though, and she isn't liked by many people, from what I can tell.

>> No.7289337


isn't it the Kai Narita person? The scammer with lolita "personas" for every outfit? She threw a similiar fit if I remember correctly.

>> No.7289376

No, it's not Kai either. It's no one notable, as much as she'd love to be, just some entitled bitch in a comm I'm in.

>> No.7290481

>I don't have an appropriate reaction image on this computer but... what?

>> No.7291858

90% positive I know what con fashion show this is. That thing generates more drama and hissy fits in the whole state than it should. People take it way too seriously.

>> No.7292917

One girl in my comm I thought she was ok. Misunderstood and wrongly hated. But lately I've come to realize she's a huge cunt. Whenever you have a disagreement with her she starts talking like she's right, and becomes a complete ass. Then goes on about how much smarter she is than people in her age group,but honestly she's like ever other typical teenager.

>> No.7293051

>Be in Hollywood for meetup
>Group disperses to eat wherever they want
>End up with girl with shittiest attitude
>Turns to guy were sitting with, "Wow, great service huh?" with our server within an earshot just because he didn't immediately ask her if she wanted a refill.
>Is generally unpleasant
>Drama ensues with several lolitas from two comms
>"Lolitas are fucking psycho"
>"Leaves" lolita, was never really lolita to begin with, just a really bad jfashion wearing idiot.
>Good riddance.

>> No.7293177


Is this that old ass Memphis drama that has been run into the ground? Because if it is, holy shit you are just looking for reasons to be mad. That story has been proven as bullshit years ago vendetta chan.

>> No.7293855

Her birthday meet up only has one other guest. Hopefully bitch takes a hint and stops being so annoying.

>> No.7293895

Wish people would stop posting her, she doesn't deserve the fame even if it's for being shit.

>> No.7293898

>proved bullshit

nothing is "proved" by anons, caps are more proof than anything.

>> No.7294008
File: 48 KB, 960x640, 1383514609801.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I actually don't care about brand vs. offbrand vs. homemade as much as everyone else seems to. I just go for what looks nice and fits the theme I want, nothing more.

This has lead me into conflict with people more than once, and some people seem to think I have a bad attitude because I'm not all "PRECIOUS BURANDO" whenever someone shows off their new brand in a bad way, or cheer on and encourage people who wear offbrand.

Do I have a bad attitude?

>> No.7294014

DEAR LORD I want that dress

>> No.7294064

It's a coat, anon, and I think it's by 4 O'Clock.

>> No.7294068

SO DO I. It's my dream dress.

>> No.7294070

4 O'clock
more like empty wallet o'clock, amirite?
though she is couture.

>> No.7294080
File: 74 KB, 960x720, 1389474045822.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Empty wallet indeed, anon. Although, that coat is only around £500, I think. You could probably get a scarf or a t-shirt in Alexander McQueen for that much. For couture, she's pretty inexpensive.

My heart yearns for pic related. One day, one day I will have £850 to drop on a single dress.

>> No.7294106


Yeah, I agree. She's irritating but not that irritating.

>> No.7294119


The screencap above is merely gossip between two people on Facebook. I sincerely hope that you're not insinuating that that's solid proof.

>> No.7294154

>on The Bill
yeah no

>> No.7294163

Her quality is amazing.

>> No.7294931

The 'policemen' are actors. From 'The Bill'.

>> No.7294943

Dumb question but something just has to be detailed and custom sized to be couture or does it also have to be made w/o a sewing machine?

>> No.7295119

Can someone fill a Slowpoke in on this?

>> No.7296778

How do you make a picture like that?

>> No.7297356

Seconding this

>> No.7297367

sewing machines are allowed

>> No.7299167

some other midsouth lolita group was supposed to do the panels but dropped out at the last second. the con head knew some of the local girls through his staff and asked them to fill in.
there was absolutely no drama that I know of except for where this other group flaked out.

>> No.7299184

you're kinda making yourself look bad by calling out your group and letting it drag on.

>> No.7299535

Does flats mean like those cheapo plain shoes they sell at the mall for $20 or just shoes without heels? I wear pretty much exclusively flat/heelless shoes because of my height but I also go through the work of finding as close to brand-style as I can, just minus the height.

>> No.7299551

Cheapo plain shoes. The main issue with flats discussed in these threads is that they lack structure or appropriate details. The ugly ballet flats that girls roll up in purses to wear after work/nights out.

>> No.7299548

It means detailed, one of a kind (usually), very high in quality, and with a lot of hand finishing by the designer themselves. A sewing machine can certainly be used but its usually only considered couture if it was all the designer's own work, from the first sketch to the last stitch.

>> No.7300106


D'aww. I think she's cute.

>> No.7300373
File: 2.99 MB, 480x320, 1388886827007.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit you guys are retarded like seriously lolita isn't even cosplay you're just dressing up in stupid outdated clothes you retards are so desperate to belong to something you inaccurately brand yourself lolita which i doubt any of you are anything but used up whores or fat bitches with a Napoleon complex

>> No.7303314
File: 20 KB, 447x313, 1374951566834.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw when I've met the con head and confirmed for not a creeper
>tfw he has a wife and kids
>tfw he runs his own business
>tfw I've never seen him in a fedora
>tfw one of the lolitas worked for him for at least the first year of the con that I know of

are you sure that you have the right guy?
I mean I know you hate your old comm and all but you're not at all subtle about it and it sounds like some creeper was just pandering to what he thought you wanted to hear.

>> No.7303329

you're talking about this>>7286705
he's clearly not the con head. maybe she was talking about the guy that wrote that.

>> No.7303483

guy who wrote what?
As far as I know, the only male in the story is the supposed 'con head' who >>7286705 claims was insulted by the local community. to my understanding, the actual con head has not written anything on the subject, nor has he behaved in a way that indicates he holds a grudge against the party that is being blamed. Nia/holyshititsthislolcow's post seems to be attempting to verify the rumour's authenticity by claiming she heard it directly from the guy who originally went through the experience, if I'm not misunderstanding things. But it seems weird to confirm a rumor without any source more reputable than 'this creeper who followed me around target once', if that's so. The facebook screenshot might be a tad more believable if it contained any proof or details, like dates/names/locations that could actually be inquired into and verified. it's all just much too vague to take seriously right now, sorry. esp. considering nia's presence & track record.

>> No.7303725

nia here. talking about the guy who wrote that screenshot. not the con head.
I only recognized his icon, and this is the same story he told me. I really don't care about this shit, just coming in to say that guy who wrote that is kind of creepy.

guy who wrote that isn't the con head.
he said "he" not "I" and he used quotes to say what the con head supposedly wants to say to these girls.

but, if OP wants to drag it on, whatever. glad I'm not in that city anymore.
I'd advice OP to not drag it on though, it will end badly for them, and this is coming from experience.
and I'd also advice the girls from the city to not drag it on anymore as well. it could of gone as an anon screenshot that was ignored, but everyone made an unnecessarily big deal about it and named what location the problem was at. never a good idea.

>> No.7304171

aah, that explains it. it wasn't mentioned anywhere else in the thread that groudon-icon was a male, so I just assumed you were still talking about the conhead.

...which, knowing now, makes that rumour sound even less trustworthy. I wonder if this means that groudon-kun just made his first foray into /cgl/.

>> No.7304190

I don't even know what this post is addressing but you sound really mad.