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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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7276451 No.7276451[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How does one get an otaku bf on a con?

I've never been to one and to be honest I am rather new to anime. Do I need to cosplay?
I'm also awkward in a non cute way.

>> No.7276453

Watch out for the normalfags who only go to cons to pick girls.

>> No.7276508

Do normals go to cons?

>> No.7276525

Unfortunately they do.
Anyway, you better ask these questions on a male dominated board.

>> No.7276708

go to panels that interest you
find boy you're attracted to

try out table top gaming rooms, they're the best thing to get everyone friendly with each other, I also love table top gaming. I didn't think I would at first, but I'm sucked in now

>> No.7276727

Some cons have a speed-dating panel. Might try that out.

>> No.7276730

You have to take the initiative, many otaku guys are too shy or don't have enough self-confidence to talk to women at cons. They'll usually dismiss hints that you consider obvious and if you're cute enough they may think you're making fun of them/it's a trick.

>> No.7276738

if you're a guy just wear short shorts and take the initiative.
if you're a girl just take the initiative

>> No.7276744

mangull here.
Without too much detail;
If your cute you honestly wont have a problem, even if your sub average in the face it wont be too hard. You might have trouble if your overweight though. Overall it will be extremely easy to pick up guys, most of them are desperate or have no standards.
If your in cosplay then your chances are even better.
Just be realistic with your expectations and remember to adjust your standards.
But the most important thing is to TALK TO PEOPLE. You have no idea how many guys would kill for a girl to walk up, initiate conversation and show interest. Its that easy.

>> No.7276754

Woman here who almost always takes the initiative, can confirm most men fucking love it.

>> No.7276757
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>How does one get an otaku bf on a con?
Srsly? Simply by being a girl... show that you are nerdy but social at the same time and they will come swarming.

>Do I need to cosplay?
No necessarily, especially if it's your first con. It's a bit "safer" to check everything out before doing it. But if you feel up to the task... do it.

>I'm also awkward in a non cute way.
Tomoko Kuroki Level awkward?

Be as self-confident as possible and just chat up to guys that interest you. If they cosplay, talk about that, if they stand at a certain booth maybe hit that up. And since you'r new to anime, hit that up as well and ask for recommendations etc.
It's really not that hard as a girl, if you are at least a 6/10 they will hit on you anyway.

>> No.7276755

It's never easy, right?

>> No.7276771

Seasoned womangull here, don't be afraid to take the initiative also because sometimes if you're too cute or whatever, geek guys just assume you're taken already and never make a move themselves.
And that leaves you with only the sleazy guys who hit on everything talking to you.

Don't shout about it, but it's not bad to drop hints about being single like 'I love my pokemon, if I had a boyfriend I hope he wouldn't be jealous!'.

>> No.7276773

Pokemon flirting makes everything better.

>> No.7276774

Does this actually work? I hear they're usually littered with creeps or spaghetti.

>> No.7276783

it's just fatties and m'ladys

>> No.7276788


well it's implied that those panels are more for short flings and quick hookups. not really for real relationships.

>> No.7276796

oh man, love me some table top. not stuff like Magic, but more like Lords of Waterdeep and Munchkin.

>> No.7276801

If the con you are going to has a ballroom event try that. Really go for it too, don't just sit there, build-up some confidence and for god's sake take the ballroom classes that is offered at the cons.

You can also try meet-ups, those are always fun social events. Look for a meet-up that you like, that way the person you are seeking will have the same interests as you. Just watch out for those few who spew autism.

Cosplay is a plus especially in meet-ups that is relevant to it. Although, It's not really needed.

Don't speed-date if you're hoping of hooking up. It's fun and humorous but it's not taken seriously.

>> No.7276803

Honestly, unless you manage to really hit it off, I don't think going to a con is the way to get an instant boyfriend.

I met Mr. Fiance through mutual friends at a college party. He thought I was a meanie, but half a year and some super smash bros. later we were dating.

>> No.7276814
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I can confirm this. I respect women so much that I stay completely away from them.

Last weekend I was at a bar and this like 30 year old chick comes up to me and asked me to buy her a drink. I asked "why would you come to a bar without money?" She scoffed at me and got a drink from some old guy instead.

I felt so dumb... I could've had sex with that lady...

>> No.7276833

mah seagull,
I really want to build up my table top collection with settlers of catan, that battleship galactica game and that one game with the resources where everyone shouts numbers at each other

>> No.7276835

wow, that sounds so pretentious of her.
probably a hooker

>> No.7276844

I played Settlers the other day! A few favorites at the table are also Small Worlds, Cards Against Humanity, King of Tokyo, and Dixit. I also played Unspeakable Words, which was fun as I'm a fan of scrabble.

>> No.7276881
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I still regret not buying her drink.

Oh, here's another story about being oblivious. This was at Nekocon. I was in the dealer's room looking at wigs and this girl dressed as Misty comes up to me. This was my first time putting on a wig and she made me try on all these wigs and kept playing with my face. She was very attractive, but when she said "you should follow me around" some alarm went off in my head.

I SO should've followed her around... I was alone at that con and she was like the only person I spoke to.

>> No.7276883
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> I respect women so much that I stay completely away from them.

>> No.7276916
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If he's cosplaying a series you like:
>Walk up to him
>Tell him you like his costume
>Ask for a picture
>Ask him something about the series/tell him what you like about it
>If he can't answer ditch that normal fag and move on. It's fairly common for girls to cosplay series they don't know because they like the design or whatever, but it's pretty rare for a guy in my experiences.
>ask some shit like, "So, did you come here with your girlfriend...?"
That there is your opening
>You should probably make the first move as most of these guys are beta as fuck.

If he's not cosplaying it'll probably be a litle harder to break the ice Buuuut
>Go to panels to things you like, not just yaoi panels, because you won't find the kind of guy you ant there if you catch my drift...
>Sit next to/behind/infront of some dude and it'll be easier to comment on something he says or vise versa or just hang around after the panel and see if you can chat with anyone.

Other methods:
>Some con's offer speed dating.... you may try that if you like.
>Get shit faced drunk and go to a con's rave/dance. Figure shit out from there...
>Get shit faced drunk and go to the con in the middle of the day. Figure shit out from there...
>Go to the Brony orgy, there's always one...

That ought to do it. good luck.

>> No.7276926

>>Go to the Brony orgy, there's always one...
The fucking horror

>> No.7276941

I always want to find these things just so I can post in the horror thread about my experiences.

>> No.7276962

I'm not that awkward and ugly.

>> No.7277004

I want to play these games but none of my friends seem to be into it.

>> No.7277027

>How does one get an otaku bf on a con?
Stop looking at the good looking ones with their 3/10 DYEL abs showing in a shitty costumes (those aren't real otakus, those are just fakes - a.k.a. Voldemort deflowererers :^^^^^) )

>> No.7277039
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If you want 100% guarantee, then do this.
>Walk up to the male in question
>Show him your tits
>Tell him you want to fuck
>Make him your boyfriend. If he comes home from work everyday to find you spread-eagle begging him to fuck you until you break, he'll never leave.

>> No.7277045
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You're good to go then. As long as you have a minimum of conversation skills and can do the things mentioned in this thread.

btw don't worry about the whole awkward thing, you will meet many people with "awkward" personalities at cons.

>> No.7277054

you have laughable standards

>> No.7277056

>Go to panels to things you like, not just yaoi panels, because you won't find the kind of guy you ant there if you catch my drift...
are there even straight guys who like yaio >_<?

>> No.7277057

You have serious mental issues

>> No.7277058

there are no guys at yaoi panels

>> No.7277071

And you're a fucking slut whose cunt I would destroy.
Unfortunately that's not possible owing to you never coming out of your parents basement.

>> No.7277075

you forgot to say no homo

>> No.7277082

I don't know. Find the attractive guys at cons.

I'm trying to become attractive and I think the first thing I'll do is try to date a normal-looking, average girl.

>> No.7277094
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Anon I don't know if you're really adorable or just kind of pitiful and endearing, don't worry over the past so much though, you'll have a bishoujo waifu one day if you believe in yourself.

>> No.7277097

>if you are at least a 6/10 they will hit on you anyway.
I'd say I'm around an 8/10 (healthy/thin weight, C-cups, pretty face, decent cosplays), yet I've never been hit on at a con. I've only been to two smaller ones, but still, your statement may be flawed. I've been told I look intimidating (even though my personality really is not), so maybe that's it. But dang son.
>inb4 "maybe u arent as hot as you think u r"

>> No.7277102
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>I've only been to two smaller ones

>> No.7277103

>I'd say I'm around an 8/10

really though, maybe you aren't as hot as you think you are
you know an 8/10 means roughly 75-84th percentile, right? as in you are more attractive than 75-84% of women?

now, are you sure you've never been hit on?

>> No.7277105

>C cups

You realize that means diddly squat without a band size right?

>> No.7277107

Nerd guys are too shy and probably think they'd never have a chance with you and that you're probably dating some hot stud who doesn't even watch anime.

>> No.7277110

If you've been told you look a little intimidating though, it might be that you're too pretty for a lot of normal otakus? You probably just have to make the first move if you want a con boyfriend, since they're probably just shy.

>> No.7277122

Take a shower and groom yourself

>> No.7277125

I highly doubt this is actually a real thing.

>> No.7277127

What isn't a real thing?

>> No.7277134

That every man in the world is intimidated by an 8/10 and won't go up to talk to her.

What's more likely is she's not that attractive and cons are not the easiest places to socialize in.

>> No.7277135

Are you really comparing guys who are into anime with normal guys?

>> No.7277139

Guys who are into anime are normal guys who are into anime.

>> No.7277147

I don't agree. You can't expect otaku guys to be the same as normal guys when it comes to dating. They're much more shy and introvert.

>> No.7277148

They're much more shy and introverted because they generally tend to be ugly and unattractive.`

>> No.7277152

I don't know anon, that's why I used might and probably,, sorry,., s orry, I'm just trying to offer some help. or some insight, I think it might be a little true though.

>> No.7277157

Why would you ever want to date an otaku?

I get wanting to date a cute guy whos into the same things, but why would anyone ever want to date an otaku? Gross.

>> No.7277167

otakus don't go to cons, only normals

>> No.7277197

Different anon, but a lot of my friends have told me they found me intimidating when we first met, and were hesitant to talk to me because of it. It is definitely "a thing." I do get hit on occasionally, but only at raves. As such, I have yet to find my otaku boyfriend, sigh...

>> No.7277201

I just feel like I don't have a good enough job or a future for women to ever find me attractive.
So I just try to ignore women completely.

>> No.7277208

Well at least you haven't had a life of being chubby and being told directly by other women that you're boring and unattractive.

>> No.7277231
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Where can I get a touhou gf?

>> No.7277238

>I've never been to one and to be honest I am rather new to anime
I fear for the answer, but do you browse /a/? Did you really get the idea of getting an otaku bf after browsing /a/?

>> No.7277246

You don't need to be into anime, cosplay or be "normal", cause every human being is beautiful in their own way in various perspectives.

That said, I will be your bf, if you'll have me.

>> No.7277258

I'm sorry, anon-sama.

I know it's wrong.

>> No.7277318

Agree with the videogames mention.

As a man with a gf that loves gaming I can told you how much men loves to have an oposite gender gaming pal.
If you want an ice breaking conversation topic, always go that way

>> No.7277325
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Where can I get a touhou bf?

>> No.7277335

Crossplay as a Touhou at cons then keep in touch over the web. Not even kidding as I have done it. Also don't be a beta, but that's a given for getting any girl.

>> No.7277366

Right here. I am the world's most muscular touhoufag.

Cleared all games except UFO on hard. Cleared all extras.

bw 150 lb
bf 15%

bench 5rm 205 lb
squat 5rm 265 lb
deadlift 3rm (double overhand) 315 lb
ohp 1rm 155 lb

>> No.7277382 [DELETED] 

Anyone get a picture of those kigurumi things? Scared the shit out of me.

>> No.7277387
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How does one approach a girl at a convention?

Is it okay to ask about her costume? Say "Hey can I get a picture?"?

I hate being the gender that has to approach.

>> No.7277389


I lift way more than you but I'm not a touhou fag

>> No.7277394

unfortunately i'm only 5'6" so i will probably never lift as much as you unless i get disgustingly hoog and joocy but nevertheless i am continuing on my goal of being the world's most ripped touhoufag

>> No.7277400

yes, from there compliment their outfit and chat about the con. By this point you should be able to tell if she's into you enough to keep going or if you should move on. If you move on say thanks for the photo and have a good day with a smile.

This is assuming you want more than a photo. If you just want a photo this works too but 'can I have a photo' is more than fine as long as you don't do something weird like hug her in the photo or whatever

>> No.7277407


Go for it bro.

You technically should be able to lift a lot more since proper rom for you is shorter in comparison to rom for a taller guy [No i'm not a heightfag like most of /fit/, just saying]

Also go as Cirno pls

>> No.7277408

Just ask for a pic, I was never denied one.

>> No.7277413
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b-but, I want to date a cute basement touhou boyfrendo. Too bad 3d is too pd for /jp/

>> No.7277418

i forgot to mention

>> No.7277447
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>muscular touhoufag
>trying to trap


>> No.7277485

Everytime we have these threads I remember everything that's wrong with me and why I need to be perfect in order to get the worst gf in the world.

>> No.7277494

voldefart pls

>> No.7277523

He'll probably think he's being made fun of or you're setting him up for a dildo up the ass (or whatever he's not into).

>> No.7277527

I can confirm, every girl that showed me her tits actually was making fun of me.

>> No.7277544
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I've been told I seem intimidating by people as well, but I still get hit on at cons. Nobody ever tries to initiate friendship conversations with me, but I still get hit on. Even the women that talk to me just ask me up to their rooms after I tell them that yes, I am interested in women as well.
>tfw it's so hard to make new friends, but so easy to get invited for a fuckfest and you don't want the fuckfest
please just be my friend
why do you guys only want to fuck

>> No.7277552

I'm sorry.

>> No.7277557

Probably because you aren't interesting enough for a friendship.

>> No.7277555

I'll be your friend, anon.

>> No.7277569

This thread is really entertaining.

>> No.7277575

I've given up all hope of a relationship.

>> No.7277573
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Are you a Floridafag? Are you a cosplayer and/or a lolita?

I've considered this. Another word people have used to describe me is robotic. But on the other hand, one of the women who propositioned me had a conversation about Sonic with me in the gaming room and even laughed at some of the things I said.

>> No.7277577

>But on the other hand, one of the women who propositioned me had a conversation about Sonic with me in the gaming room and even laughed at some of the things I said.
That's pretty normal with aspies. They can talk about a few things that they find interesting.

>> No.7277578

They're showing you their tits ...

as a joke?

>> No.7277581

Where did you go wrong?

>> No.7277580


>> No.7277584

I don't know. I'm just not normal enough to understand how to live life like normal people.

>> No.7277587

You sound either very sad or very sarcastic.


>> No.7277589

I don't know which one I am anymore.

>> No.7277602

Probably isn't into you. Move on and wallow when you get home.

>> No.7277601

>ask a cosplayer for her pic
>she agrees
>winks at me and touches her vagina
What the hell does that mean?

>> No.7277605


I knew that when she gave me that smirk after I took the pic.

>> No.7277607

Smirks only mean that she's toying with you and thinks you're a creep.

>> No.7277611

She thinks a you're disgusting pervert, I'm sorry but you have to kill yourself now that you've shamed your family, cosplay rules.

>> No.7277613

Fuck that, I'm gonna keep going to cons and creeping on girls and asking for their pictures.

Maybe one day if I feel daring enough I'm gonna fap to those pics.

>> No.7277615

Yeah, man. Get yourself off to how dangerous it is to fap to con pictures.

>> No.7277629

>tfw all you want is a qt gf to watch anime with
To all you cuties out there I will be at Supercon this summer.

>> No.7277633

>implying there's a league of men who don't understand really obvious DTF clues

More like a bunch of men who just never get clues.

>> No.7277639

>you can't even touch your vagina when posing for a pic
Why are men such pigs?

>> No.7277640

Hey, hey, buddy. We're all friends here.

I wouldn't mind that.

>> No.7277645

No. Bullying is now the new order of the year. Welcome to fascism.

>> No.7277646
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But anon, >pic related
i gues we were never ment 2 b

>> No.7277651

Thanks for letting me know, I was planning on being friendly otherwise.

Nobody ever is.

>> No.7277742

As a guy who attends cons, I make a point of not hitting on women. It's an environment where a lot of women are getting attention they don't normally get in their daily lives and a lot of guys have kind of ruined it for the rest of us by being creepers, so I prefer to just act neutrally and inclusive rather than flirty. I'd need to actually see somewhat clearer than normal signs of interest (usually found by body proximity when standing and speaking) before advancing, so I recommend actually showing some direct interest rather than relying on the guy to take a first step.

>> No.7277781
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This 100%, I assure you every guy at a con is checking out the girls, but nobody wants to be "that guy". If you find yourself attracted to someone, walk up and start a conversation. I'm sure he'll be happy to talk to you even if you happen to be ugly or whatever.

t. /a/non

>> No.7277790

I would take an ugly girl if an ugly girl will settle for me.

>> No.7277844 [DELETED] 
File: 440 KB, 950x1350, 1332363163551.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/a/non here. All the real otakus are already taken. Pic related besides 3dpd

>> No.7277845

>so I recommend actually showing some direct interest rather than relying on the guy to take a first step.
This. I would feel kind of bad hitting on a cosplayer because she's probably already getting a lot of attention.

>> No.7277894

Your waifu a shit.

>> No.7278085

Count me in as one of those awkward otaku beta males. I go to cons mainly for blog/news coverage, but it would be nice to find an otaku gf with some things in common. Trying to date normal women has been hell because they look at what I do for a living as a joke. I also can't tell if a girl is showing genuine interest or is just being nice, so a more obvious sign would be nice, especially since I'm not big on hitting on girls.

>> No.7278106

How obvious would a girl have to even be though? Like it seems that otaku guys all just need "obvious" hints but how obvious exactly? Like straight up saying "oh hey anon I think ur rlly hot plz b my boyfran" or what?

>> No.7278116

In some cases, yes, you have to be that direct. It can be frustrating.

>> No.7278126

While that would certainly help, I think you can actually just ask them if they're at the con with anyone. If they aren't, then you can tell them bluntly that you find them attractive/interesting/whatever you like about them and tell them that you'd like to check out the panel/dealer's room/whatever with them. Extend your hand, let the guy take it, and then go do whatever you said you'd do. If you actually do like them after spending some time with them, tell them so and go from there.

These guys will assume that you aren't interested in them by default and their minds will rationalize all kinds of subtle things as meaning something else because it's easier than risking rejection, so you really have to club them over the head and drag them back to your cave.

>> No.7278174

all the girls who like touhou seem to be lesbians only interested in girls

>> No.7278178


Never change, /cgl/.

>> No.7278182
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approach the least creepy motherfucker and try to start casual conversation.

If he is single and somewhat local to you and you hit it off, ask him out.

Aint that hard

>> No.7278185

>only ever met one girl into 2hu
>she's a fat man-hating feminist who always complains about how she sucks at drawing and that she wishes 2hu wasn't as popular as it was because she doesn't feel like it's special anymore
fuck I hope there's some less crazy girls that like 2hu somewhere

>> No.7278189

I don't think I've ever been hit on at a con. Or maybe I was just oblivious to it? I think I'm at least a 6/10 but never had it happen. I go to cons with my bf now but like when I was single it never happened. So maybe it's just me but I never had it happen.

But anyway I've actually had quite a few friends who've got together because of a con. We all met because we cosplayed League of Legends and then got each others info and played together and three months down the road there was three new couples haha.

So my advice would be to go to a meetup, regardless if you are cosplaying or not. It's a great way to meet people with the same interests. I know at Sakura Con there is a board that has all the cosplay meetups posted, but I'm not sure about other cons. You can usually find the meetups online as well. In my experience everyone is really nice and it's easy to talk to them because you both like the same thing. Hope this helps OP and best of luck!

>> No.7278216

Shh anon look no further, let's take it easy together as I beat your scores

No seriously though, I'm sure there are tons of girls that like touhou that aren't totally off-putting. You just aren't looking hard enough or something?

>> No.7278228
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short answer; Yes

Chances are though its trap stuff, and they wont go to a panel for it.

However, never hurts to ask. Just make sure you tell them you wont think they're gay etc.

>> No.7278232

Most likely
Doesn't help that I live in a poor town in the middle of nowhere

>> No.7278239
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Where can I get an /ak/ gf?

Seriously, girls into guns think I'm in the closet or weird, and otaku girls think I'm a psycho.

>> No.7278243

Well there's your problem then, poor towns in the middle of nowhere aren't exactly places where indie japanese game fans gather. Yeah it's kind of a popular game, but still. You really should try to go to a bigger con out of town or something

>> No.7278278

Floridafag here, I would be interested in going to an Orlando area con with you and keep it platonic.

>> No.7278282

A-anon, I like 2hu and I want a sweet otaku boyfriend who will love it and play it with me by their side.

>tfw want to cosplay a couple of the more popular touhou girls cause they're so kawaii, but am horrified of the attention it would give me
The world is so cruel

>> No.7278283

>rather new to anime
AHAHAHAHAHAH /a/ here fuck off
you ain't ever riding my dick

>> No.7278296

>double overhand DL

Switch to mixed or work on hook brah. You have smallish hands I'm sure, so your grip will fail once you hit 405+ with that grip. I'm 6'5 with hueg hands and can't get anything over 405 without going mixed.

And OP, if you really want to find a bf that is legit /a/-tier into anime, learn what shows are currently airing, find a hot looking dude at a con, talk to him and ask him what he's watching. If you can become familiar with /a/, an /a/non is easy to find. It is easiest to do at late night events too imo. I'm personally much more sociable after a few drinks, and girls at cons approach me fairly often. I'm like a 6-7/10 face (but at a con it's like an 8 in comparison), but I have a body type that some girls like a lot (6'5 240), and I honestly appreciate it, and if a qt /a/ girl came up to me, I'd gf her pretty quickly despite my waifu.

>> No.7278301

Speaking as a dude here, you'd have to be awkward as all fuck to not be appealing to the kind of men you're looking for provided you're somewhat attractive. It might take them longer to get the gist of it, but they'll respond eventually.

>> No.7278327

As a dude, how do I not be creepy as fuck when approaching chicks at cons?
I just got out of a bad 3 year long relationship so I've basically forgotten all the shit I used to do.

>> No.7278356

I'll be your bf anon, but I only top

>> No.7278359

don't approach chicks at a con

>> No.7278362

I was under the impression that no one very deep into anime went to conventions (disregarding cases where cons have a cool guest, I'd muscle through any herd of weeaboos to see FKMT personally). But then most people I know who watch anime past a moderate level hide their powerlevels unless you somehow "catch" them. But hey, anythings possible. But I don't really see why you'd want an otaku as a significant other, I'd never even want to meet another one in person.

>> No.7278364

except this actually happens and they are usually douches

>> No.7278366

I don't think you are serious op.
>new to anime
>wants an otaku bf
I would love if this situation was legitimate.

>> No.7278395

Rather new to anime can mean anything.
1 month, 1 year etc

>> No.7278403

Speaking from personal experience only, there are MANY, MANY people at anime conventions that are otaku and you will never notice them.

They have mastered the art of hiding in plain sight and generally have enough disdain for human contact to pull off some normalfag interactions-sans-spaghetti and get through the crowd to buy/see what they want. I live with a dude who takes in 99% of his daily calories as moe and has figs/dakis/posters and when we go to cons he seems more normal than me.

>> No.7278413


Similar store at Fan Expo Van.

Asked a girl doing an Ada Wong cosplay for her picture because she fucking nailed it.

She takes a look at my swag bag that I'd been carrying around and commented on almost every item.

"You have really good taste, I wish I knew some people to play League and watch anime with where I lived"

"Ya, me too"

Then I walked away. Fuck me I'm retarded when it comes to women. At the time I just figured it was an offhanded compliment, no different than telling someone you liked their new shoes at the office.

I didn't ask to hang out with her or get her info because I thought that'd be creepy.

>> No.7278418

On the other side of things:

How do you get rid of someone who is hitting on you insistently?

For example:
I'm cosplaying, guy asks for picture, say yes, guy takes picture with his arm around me, I'm a little uncomfortable, but no big deal. Guy keeps hitting on me, drop some hints like "my husband also likes Street Fighter", but guy doesn't get the hint. Keep politely nodding until there's some excuse to break conversation "I have to go to pre-judging". Guy follows me to panel. Can't shake him.

I want to be polite, but I find that being polite (for otaku) is the same as leading them on. What do?

>> No.7278425 [DELETED] 

Be more assertive. And those guys sound like typical douchebags who only go on girls to get pussy.

>> No.7278430

Be more assertive. And those guys sound like typical douchebags who only go to cons to get pussy. It's not like that they don't get that you are taken, they just don't give a shit.

I know that because I have friends who do it all the time. They don't even try to hide it
>meh I don't like any of this crap but I'm going for the pussy

>> No.7278526

Directly tell them to go away. You don't want to spend time with them anyway, so it doesn't matter if they are upset by the bluntness and you'll be doing them a favor of they legitimately don't know they're giving off creeper vibes. Some of them don't realize they're doing it, so being told directly will be a wake-up call and they might actually get better some day. If they persist after you directly tell them to go away, threaten to get con security. They won't throw away their badge to stalk you, though if they still persist then actually get con security to get them taken care of. People like that need to get called out on it because they hurt the convention environment and odds are if they're doing it to you they also do it to others who aren't as confident in turning them in.

>> No.7278622


>>7278085 here
I know it sucks that you have to be so direct sometimes, but at least my case, I was so focused on other things besides looking for a gf that I never did the whole club and bar scene to go pickup women, because it never interested me, outside of going to heavy metal concerts, but who goes to concerts to find a gf?

Because of that, I never picked up on the subtle cues that the majority of single women use to show interest in a guy.

It isn't the otaku guys intention to frustrate interested girls (or guys if that's your thing) like that, but when you spend a good part of your life being ignored by the opposite (or same sex) after actively trying for a significant other, at some point, you figure out it's a better use of time to focus on more rewarding things.

There's also the issue of misinterpreting subtle things, as >>7278126 put it. The last thing I want to do is completely misinterpret a friendly gesture as flirting, and that leads to more confusion as a result.

>> No.7278623

>go to con
>not a single woman is over 5'7 plus have feminine abs and muscle
>end the event disgruntled and unfulfilled

I know this isn't a victoria's secret audition but holy shit there's like 10,000 people there at least.

>> No.7278632

I think you're going to find very few people who you're going to run into at anime cons have done "the whole club and bar scene", as that's a lot more of an extrovert's domain and conventions are where introverts go to awkwardly mingle.

That said, don't overthink things. Women are just as nervous, if not more, when it comes to social situations and will be just as likely to miss cues as you are. If you find a woman attractive, just tell her she looks great. If you're having fun hanging out, tell her it's been a lot of fun. Remove her self conscious doubts and she'll at least know you might be interested, so if she's also interested she'll be more likely to reciprocate and eventually one of you will have the guts to blurt it out.

The otaku dating process moves really slowly for many because neither side wants to take a risk and just ask the other one out or say how they feel. We've been rejected (or prejected ourselves without the chanc) before and we don't want to hurt, so we say really non-committal things and always assume no one is interested so we can't be let down. You're going to have to take a risk and be ready to get up and try again when you fail if you ever want to have a chance to succeed.

>> No.7278633

Spending all of your time making costumes and watching cartoons doesn't generally overlap with a healthy diet and workout routine. Some people do it, but you're going to have to look around the tens of thousands of pounds of people who don't.

>> No.7278640


All those fatasses obsessed with their costumes yet can't be bothered to exercise 2 hours a day and eat a balanced diet.

>> No.7278647

Unless you went to a pretty small con, there were probably some qt3.14s there. Just got to be on the lookout.

>> No.7278671

>The last thing I want to do is completely misinterpret a friendly gesture as flirting, and that leads to more confusion as a result.
In my experience con chicks do this way more than con guys. I've actually had my husband make friends with women who've approached him at cons, and when he introduces them to me after we join up again they get upset. One of them actually ended up chewing him out, saying that he shouldn't be so nice to girls when he has a pregnant wife (that one was actually pretty fucking hilarious, I was about 6 months along and the facial expressions she went through were too funny). She even met him while he was with a group of people and they stared at her once she started with her outburst because it was so out there.

I can see why they'd get their hopes up because he's cute and he's always very polite and nice when speaking to women, but some of them have even started thinking he's into them when he's talking to them with me standing right there and I can see all he's doing is being nice.

>> No.7278676

Oh shit, nigga. Are you going to Megacon?

>> No.7278692

Unfortunately your interests are fucked. Girls into guns are trying to uphold a facsimile of being manly and one of the guys. Otaku girls are irritatingly liberal and think guns are evil.

>> No.7278694

I think that if the hots guys at cons aren't asking you out, then you're not that hot.

>> No.7278697

What? Way to lump people together, I like guns and I'm otaku and I'm sure there are plenty of other people who feel the same. You don't have to hate guns even if you're considered liberal. Political viewpoints vary even when people fall under the same blanket category.

>> No.7278706

As one, I'd say yes, but we're pretty rare.
I think I know maybe three others?

>> No.7278728

Exceptions do not disprove rules.

It's like saying that there's someone out there for everyone. While it may TECHNICALLY be true, for some people (fat autists) the amount of people who will like them is so low that it may as well be non-existent.

>> No.7278736 [DELETED] 

>You don't have to hate guns even if you're considered liberal. Political viewpoints vary even when people fall under the same blanket category.

>> No.7278771 [DELETED] 

>Exceptions do not disprove rules

>> No.7278777 [DELETED] 

So you're saying that if a person is conservative they have to hate gay marriage, be Christian, be white, and basically fit the conservative stereotype? Stop making blanket statements, political views aren't black and white.

>> No.7278783

Shut the fuck up and stop feeding this retarded /pol/ troll

>> No.7278828

Maybe, I've never been to a con actually. Is Megacon pretty good?

>> No.7278837
File: 55 KB, 400x265, 1380851420847.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At NYCC there were so many hot weird girls, oh man, i was overdosing on it. I wish i could have talked to them all!

I complimented a couple but shyness sometimes got the better of me and i'm relatively normalfag when it comes to anime. A very plainly underaged girl shyly approached me and said i was cute and i chatted with a femkakashi and some hot goth chick.

If it's like it is for guys, you simply talk to them. Yea it's weird at first but it always is and it's worth it.

>> No.7278871

I'm guessing I was the deleted post. How come my reasonable post gets deleted while the bullshit posts stay?

>> No.7278873

Yeah, it's one of the best ones around here. I'm going to be part of an Archer group and can hopefully get together a Power Ranger costume to meet Jason David Frank for Megacon.

>> No.7278897

This. I'm the guy who posted about it originally, and I know this is certainly true.

There's nothing political about it; I just want to meet someone who doesn't think I kill children for fun and won't think I'm a closet gay when they see my Madoka stuff. Even today, living in Texas no less, it's fucking hard.

>> No.7278920
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Very few of these people actually exist.

>> No.7278921
File: 33 KB, 450x629, vre_buy2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. People would be surprised how many "normal" seeming people are /a/. I'm normal seeming as hell, because I'm tall, athletically built and sociable. I go to normalfag parties and have a collection of 40+ anime figurines and browse /a/ daily, you can do both. There is an NFL player who cosplays and goes on /a/ for God's sake. You don't have to fall into one group perfectly.
Nah, that dude doesn't sound like a douche, he sounds like an autistic creeper. A douche wouldn't act like that, he'd be more forward.
lol, unless you're training for Power Lifting, oly lifting or body building, women don't need to spend that much time lifting in the gym. 4 hours a week is fine. Diet is what is most important. I've been able to work 20 hours a week, play college football (about 30 hours a week of lifting/practice/film) and go to school full time. 4 hours a week is nothing. Eating right is what is more important, and that isn't too difficult either if you do it right. And it's cheaper.

>> No.7278943

I just don't see why anyone would bother going. I mean I doubt there's anything at a convention you couldn't get for cheaper online, and from what I've heard the people who go to cons aren't worth meeting, so why bother?

>> No.7278961

Some people like seeing cosplayers and taking their pictures. I know I do.

>> No.7278971

I'd love to get me the equivalent of those 3 bags of meat for under $20 usd where I live

>> No.7278998

Where do you live where you can't? In Colorado prices are above national average and I can get the equivalent at Safeway, King Soopers and Walmart all for under $15.

>> No.7279457

If you actually spend $20 on take-out pizza then you've screwed up pretty badly. It shouldn't ever cost more than $10.

That said, yeah, it's vastly cheaper to make your own food and you'll lose weight doing it. You set your own portion sizes, get exactly the food you want without special orders, know where your food came from, and are a lot more likely to get entire meals with leftovers for the same price or less.

>> No.7279640

That actually sounds pretty fun. I don't cosplay, I would still like to go there with your group though.

>> No.7279730

Three types of guys go to speed dating at cons

Those that go as a joke but will fuck you if you're hot enough - don't expect to hear back from them.

Those that go and take it serious - you have a better chance of catching a shiny Xerneas in Pokemon Y.

And Fedoras. 90% will be fedoras.

As for non-speed dating - everyone's right about the take the initiative thing. If females take the initiative it's amazing since it's pretty rare.

Also true that if you're a qt3.14 it will be assumed you're taken since there's an abnormally small amount of cute sane single girls at cons. Even if it's not a small amount it's portrayed that way.

Do what I do. If a girl comes up to you asking for a drink, ask if she's going home with you that night.
It works every time......at saving you money.

But all around, I never know what to think of people at cons.

My experiences.

>kotetsu costume
>kawaii kon
>one lolita asks me for a pic
>she was a little nervous
>roommate took pic of us
>when she left, told me how she was shaking and saw her drawing hearts on the pic on her ds
>kotetsu again
>some girl comes up and keeps talking to me
>kept steering conversation to keep me in character
>kotetsu again
>sensing a trend here
>girls want pics
>suddenly a wild fat pinkie pie appears
>comes up to me
>can tell she doesn't want a pic
>wants a hug
>while on the bigger side she's at least hygenic
>hugs me for one of those REALLY long hold me type hugs
>send help

If you approach, don't be weird about it. That's it.

>> No.7279854

Please tell me.

What's life like being an attractive male? Is it as sweet as you make it sound?

>> No.7279886

Not that person, but honestly if you gather confidence, let yourself be social, and prioritize health and hygiene, you too can get these results. I've dedicated a fair bit of time to getting in shape and taking care of my appearance, which brings with it a sense of self-worth that leads to confidence and ultimately to smoother social interactions. Once you feel good about yourself, you don't make every conversation a desperate attempt to impress someone you consider your better, which people respect a lot more and will get you further.

>> No.7279889

Okay, so all I need to do is stop being 195lbs and then I'm good.

Well I lost 25lbs so far.

>> No.7279934

So I'm a good looking guy, not socially awkward, not massively into anime but I've watched a few. If I went to a con, would it be like easy pickings? I imagine I'd look great among the awkward unattractive otakus.

>> No.7279980
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Pay attention to my wise words! Advice from a slut-chan with over 5 years of con experience:

Always bring your condoms. You’d be surprised by the number of guys who don’t carry them, many of them are virgins.

Be careful with the men you pick. I personally can only feel safe and have a goodv time if I feel like I have control of the situation so I’m always the one who picks guys and not the opposite. (so far never had a problem so I guess I'm doing it right)

Don’t drink too much.

Be careful with guys who have girlfriends, my worst experiences have been with guys who had girlfriends.

Keep your clothes and cosplay simple.

Guys also get worried that you are going to stab and rob them if you invite them to your room, so be careful with your words.

>> No.7279991

How do I get con girlfriend if I'm 195lbs and a manlet and I stutter on my words all the time and even though I look better without glasses I refuse to wear contacts for comfort reasons.

>> No.7279995

First lose weight, fatty.

>> No.7279997

Lose weight. Lift or go jogging. Do the couch to 5k.
About speech. The only way to improve is by trying. Fuck up? Try again and again until you get it right.
About glasses and contacts, either suck it up and wear contacts or buy better glasses.
And how tall are you anyways.

>> No.7279998

Like 5'10"

>> No.7280000

Nigga that's fine, be happy you're not 5'7"

>> No.7280004

>thinks 5' 10" is manlet status
>already a beta

You'll fit right in at /fit/. Time to lose weight.

>> No.7280115

>hey, I'm an 8/10 normalfag that's seen AoT you think I can score with the weeb grills
Nigga, they are seeking you out to fuck. Seriously. Decent looking normals with low powerlevels are the guys /cgl/ types want. Just don't consider dating these chicks. No good will come of it.

Case in point,
>my worst experiences have been with guys who had girlfriends.
If they have a gf why do you mess with them in the first place. Unless I'm wrong and you meant they didn't inform you of their gf status, then that's skank behavior.

>not realizing /fit/ came up with the term manlet and are the ones that claim any guy under 6'0 is a manlet
He's likely a regular on /fit/ already.

>> No.7280129

Kurt Cobain you're way out of life.

>> No.7280137

>tfw I'm a girl and posted on fit and said I was 5'2" and they called me a womanlet and said I had troll genetics and would never get a man
I lol'd, I'm not sure if they're serious or not since their perception of reality is pretty messed up. I have a really easy time attracting guys with my height and I just wanted to get fit looking.
Also that men's height chart they use is ridiculously bad and some people take it way too seriously.

>> No.7280147

What you need to do is feel like you're worth talking to and like other people would be interested in you. If you're overweight, then losing weight is a good way to reach that point, as you realize that you work harder than most people and your standards and expectations of others to respect that about you go up. The confidence leads to less fear of rejection, more chances taken, and ultimately success.

You can get it from areas other than weight loss, but overall taking care of yourself is a big step toward what you want in life.

>> No.7280149

They lied to me.

It happened two times. One time his gf caught us making out and wanted to beat me up. But she was like 5 feet tall.

The 2nd time the gf didn't see us. It was her friends. Huge fucking drama.

I'm prettier than both of them lol

>> No.7280169

If you do go I think Cosplay Deviants is also going to have an Archer group for Megacon, so try not to mix up our groups. So far my group is Archer, Barry, and me as Katya. We may also have a Krieger and Waifu, and also possibly a Cheryl.

>> No.7280242

I met my current gf in the funniest way.

She came up behind me at Katsucon and did the first few lines of the Whisper song.

Funny thing, if I did this to her, I'd be the star of con horror stories thread.

>> No.7280254

am i still banned

>> No.7280257

Haha, oops I guess not.

>> No.7280258
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>I'm prettier than both of them lol
[misogyny intensifies]

>> No.7280259

I think you should not care.

>> No.7280265

What's the problem? The men are the ones to blame if they hook up with someone when they have a gf.

>> No.7280271

I think it's justifying it because she's "prettier than both of them", when it's a bad situation to be in either way.

>> No.7280275

>guy cheats
>it's women's fault!!!

Back to your containment board.

>> No.7280284

Well, did you know they're in a relationship.

>> No.7280291

Nothing, just comes across as shallow and lacking self esteem. Why should you even point out that you were more attractive than the guy's girlfriends? Just too typical of the shit I hear on this board.
>teehee don't cheat on your gfs with me silly boys
>but if you do, at least cheat up to best my confidence xD

>guy cheats
>it's women's fault!!!
>totally missing the point

>> No.7280296

I just said it because the girls were huge bitches who got more mad at me than at their boyfriends.
Typical ugly girl bullshit

>> No.7280307

What is spaghetti?

>> No.7280309

Wait, where'd you get that from?

Sorry, friend, but that's not what I meant. I didn't imply either one was more wrong than the other.

>> No.7280312

Being awkward, "dropping spaghetti".

Not being able to handle yourself, stumbling over words, losing eye contact as you lose confidence.

>> No.7280321
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>How does one get an otaku bf on a con?
1. Cosplay from an anime currently/recent airing or even better, airing in an upcoming season(be sure to be knowledgeable) as that will be very encouraging to the guy

2. Be friendly and talk to people. Not just the hottest dudes in plain clothes either. Their not otakus/weeb, especially if they aren't carrying anything. They are brodouches looking for a nerdy girl to lay. Look for guys with bags or backpacks that are at panels or booths your typical /a/non would like.

3. Don't have a stinkface. Look happy to be there and not like you're bored or on edge. Some girls don't realize they naturally have a "back the fuck off" face that scares off the betas that make up the majority of con attendees. Smile when talking to a guy you're interested in and appear interested in his conversation even if he's longwinded and super into something. They're otaku, they can get carried away sometimes.

4. If you're looking for a legitimate boyfriend at a con, DO NOT have sex with the guy at the con. Get his number, fb, email, tumblr, kik, etc. but don't do anything explicitly sexual with the guy in those couple of days. This is, of course, assuming you want someone you can actually go see anytime and not LDR. If you screw him first thing, you will not be seen as gf material by any decent guy at a con. You will be pump and dump material. If you're okay with that and just want some fuck, then go ahead but don't say you weren't warned. There are more than enough tripfags on this board that are willing to bang any 5+/10 and never call her again.

>> No.7280323

>>cosplay as Gene from God Hand
>>literally no attention from anyone at all
>>cosplay as Totoro
>>people lose their minds, constantly asking me for hugs, asking me to make the totoro noise (how can a human being make that noise?) people chanting and dancing around me, getting asked to join panels for free and letting me skip the line, given free shit everywhere i go
>>crossplay as Marisa Kirasame
>>people will not stop taking my picture, guys checking me out, girls checking me out, people putting their hand around my waist during photos, literally getting hoverhanded, several people of both genders very obviously hitting on me, end up with a bunch of numbers at the end of the night

I'm a 6'2" male by the way. OP my experience with cons is that everybody is just a horny autist and there is no protocol for attracting people other than show some skin and don't be fat.

>> No.7280327

I think not being fat sets you apart a lot.

>> No.7280325


>> No.7280328
File: 94 KB, 396x385, 1388312961479.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Typical ugly girl bullshit
>ugly girls jus b hatin on me cuz I'm so hawt
Keep digging that hole.

>> No.7280332

>as in you are more attractive than 75-84% of women
you really don't make much sense do you

>> No.7280335

Yeah, I'm sure. It's not like being attractive gives you confidence, and confidence tends to make you more amiable and easier to deal with.

That couldn't be the case.

Not at all.

>> No.7280336
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>and don't be fat.
B-back to the basement I go.

>> No.7280339

Not being fat apparently encompasses anything over 140lbs these days for males. My friend is a little bit chubby, official is like 163lbs, and he never gets anything ever.

>> No.7280343

It's hard, but you can do it. I don't like being thin, either, but I just need to eat and build muscle mass.

At least I have low body fat.

Everyone's different.

>> No.7280346

I dunno man, at the height I mentioned I'm 145 lbs. I work out enough for there to be muscle definition and I'm trying to get bigger but I'm still tiny as fuck and people constantly call me a skeleton. Then again height makes a huge difference so ymmv, I guess not everyone is the tall/skinny kind of nerd.

>> No.7280347

That's the range of 8/10(80%) in percentile format, rounded up or down. Anything above 84% would be a 9 and anything below 75% would be a 7.
I think you need to good back to the 5th grade, anon-kun.

Yeah, it's not like an attractive person can't become arrogant and shallow basing people's self worth solely on appearance.

No, that never happens, especially on a board such as this.

>> No.7280348

I come from the midwest so everyone being a little on the thicker side is normal, when I moved to the city I was shocked at how much pressure there is so be skinny. Even on 4chan.

>> No.7280350

Well, God Hand is pretty obscure, well, I think it is, while Totoro and 2hu is ay more known. Also since you crossplay girls probably love that and the guys were bi or joking around.

>> No.7280356

Well, I think insecurity is mistaken for arrogance.

I think arrogance is just an excuse for not being as high and haughty as you think you are.

>> No.7280359

5th grade, wut ?
7/10, 6/10 is average


>> No.7280365

>7/10 being average
What kind of magical world do you live in?

>> No.7280369

Yo nigga if I saw you as fucking Gene I would give you a fist bump and then some. Stay fly mother fucker.

>> No.7280367

but 6/10, 7/10 IS average

>> No.7280371

I thought 5/10 and 6/10 was average.
And >>7280350 was for >>7280323

>> No.7280374

The people in places I've lives are definitely not that cute.
Look around at average people you see in average places like Target, restraunts, cities and places you go to for vacations. People average at about 5 or 6 out of 10.

>> No.7280377

doesn't matter, i don't think a 8/10 is better looking than 80% of women, even if 5/10 and 6/10 is average it should be around 15%..

>> No.7280379

ok not 15%, maybe 50%

>> No.7280381

I'm too scared to approach girls. I'm going to do it this time today, hopefully!

Girls generally don't mind guys asking for pictures, right?

>> No.7280382

Well, then that's your opinion on what people look like.

>> No.7280386

Do... You just have really low standards or something? Look at a picture of a crowded place and tell me that 7/10 and 8/10 looking people are that common.

>> No.7280383

>7/10, 6/10 is average
Oh, I thought you were unsure about the numbers and not the evaluation of the numbers. Yeah, 6-7 isn't average. Most women aren't 7s. Why would we have a 1 out of 10 scale if the middle number isn't considered the average. If I'm going off a curve, I don't consider other people in my evaluation. If a girl is average, she's a 5, if she qt, a 6-7. 8+ is hot. 4 is meh, and below 4 is ugly.

>> No.7280388


>> No.7280392

Do you realize that for many people this is cultural standart? Actually in most of this planet Americans are mocked as arrogant and loudmouth

>> No.7280393

most women i know take really good care of themselves, maybe its just the place i live

>> No.7280395

Where do you even live?

>> No.7280402
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Qt is superior to hot for me.
Pic related is really cute and not hot and I think she's more pleasing looking than "hot" girls.

>> No.7280403
File: 97 KB, 1920x1080, 1388960093226.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

After watching the mushishi special I was thinking about cosplaying Hiyori. Her clothes seem to be fairly simple.

>> No.7280400


>> No.7280401
File: 91 KB, 907x602, 1381456500787.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How does one get an otaku gf on a con?

I've never been to one and to be honest I am rather new to anime. Do I need to cosplay?
I'm also awkward in a non cute way.

>> No.7280404


>> No.7280405
File: 36 KB, 317x265, 1364747878291.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you don't look good you're shit out of luck. Some girls might find awkwardness of any kind cute, though.


>> No.7280406

Anyone who cosplays from Mushishi is at least a 8/10.

>> No.7280410
File: 70 KB, 720x720, averagegirls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most average girls aren't all that stunning in a lot of places. Pic related is the average where I live for girls and I wouldn't rate them higher than 6/10.

>> No.7280407

Every time I hear stories about romance from my parents or grandparents males used to not be held to such high standards of attractiveness.

Women either.

>> No.7280411

Well, then was then and now is now. And it's a con, so.

>> No.7280413

I just think it's incredibly shallow.

>> No.7280416

Well, get used to it. Unless you have a high charisma, the girl doesn't care and cares only for personality or more for personality or you're rich, then ye.

>> No.7280417

Not everyone is an autist from northern yurop, either.
>Actually in most of this planet Americans are mocked as arrogant and loudmouth
What's with shoehorning in the Murrica hate today? Being awkward isn't a "cultural standard" anywhere, not even in Japan. Being humble and quiet is one thing, being awkward and unnerved is another.

>Do... You just have really low standards or something?
>most women i know take really good care of themselves
>Where do you even live?
Really? You're using British women as your standard? I know Murrican girls aren't all that hot, but damn.

>> No.7280419

That's fine, and I don't see it as unattractive.

I'm also a male, though, so that makes a difference since awkward girls are usually accepted more than awkward guys.

But sure, it's okay with me. I don't mind people being awkward at all. I used to be a lot like it, so I know what works best when it happens and I just hold my tongue until they're done with whatever they're stuttering over, since that's usually the worst part about it.

>> No.7280420

qt+hot >>> everything else

>> No.7280424


>> No.7280425

I agree. Modern media(tv, porn, magazines) have exposes us all to extremely attractive people 24/7 and it skews our view of what looks good and what does not.

>tfw high STR and high MAG
>tfw low CHR

>> No.7280429

Yep. I'm 5'7" and have come down to 186 lbs from being 260. I feel a lot more confident about myself as a whole but visiting this board is like taking a 2x4 right in the self-esteem.

>> No.7280431

It shouldn't.

You don't know how backed these people are in their being the image of the perfect judge of the perfect human form.

>> No.7280432

Better than low everything.
But yeah You just have to live with what has happened.
Keep going mang.

>> No.7280433

What do the femanons of /cgl/ consider a hot guy ?

>> No.7280435

This board is fucking insane about what does and doesn't look good. Always keep working at looking better but you really can never be as perfect looking as 4chan boards say you should look.

>> No.7280437

CHR don't mean shit unless your CHR is good. I tend to treat women the same as I treat dudes so I only really ever end up with bro's who have tits.

>> No.7280439

Let the shitstorm begin

>> No.7280441

Probably the same thing every other girl wants.

They're still women, and just because their interests tend to attract the less attractive male doesn't mean that they find the less attractive more attractive.

If you aren't as good looking as the typical male, which being an otaku doesn't automatically place you under, then just be charismatic, confident, reasonably funny, etc.

>> No.7280442
File: 64 KB, 361x526, sexy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know you can't see his face but basically I like lean guys in suits and guys with strong jaws.

>> No.7280448

Seriously guys, if I just find a con near me and show up, will being an 8/10 guy get me laid? Do I need to cosplay? I'm not into anime enough to want to cosplay...

>> No.7280449

Thanks, and I know I can't be perfect but I'm trying my damndest to be. I really don't think I'll ever be satisfied until I get to around 145-150 but it's been very difficult going as of late for some reason. If nothing else /cgl/ gives me thinspiration since I would need to cosplay bishonen types or crossplay to look decent. Most larger-framed characters I see tend to have beards or some kind of facial hair and I can grow neither.

>> No.7280451

Why don't you go to a bar or something if you just wanna get laid?

I hate men like that.

>> No.7280452

It's all just going to come from whatever inspiration you can muster, whether it's from yourself or seeing other people, etc.

If you act like a normal person, sure. Doesn't mean it's going to be automatic, or the same situation you would get at a club/bar, though.

>> No.7280454

At least you're (probably, most likely, maybe) white.

>> No.7280456

You're the kind of person we all hate.

And you're not an 8/10

If you were an 8/10 you wouldn't need to try to pull con pussy

>> No.7280458

Getting laid with a chick dressed up like a cute anime character or some slut from a bar. Personally, I'd rather get my dick inside the former, more fun.

>> No.7280459

Because the type of people that I imagine go to cons are much more interesting people than the people I meet in bars. You hate men that want to meet interesting women?

>> No.7280461

Probably the "i look good in comparison to typical otaku guys, 10/10 easy but why am i not getting laid when i go to cons just because girls are there".

>> No.7280462

>implying you're trying to "meet" anyone

>> No.7280465

>want pussy
>wanna get laid
>want to fuck chicks wearing costumes
Sure you care about anything else

>> No.7280471

Why so much anger there buddy? What kind of person am I exactly? Maybe I find nerdy girls cute as fuck. And I don't need you to believe how attractive I am haha.

>> No.7280469

>Wanting to date a shitty weeb

>> No.7280470

That's not a valid reason at all. Meet people like a normal person, like at a workplace or gym or anywhere, just because they're at a con =/= interesting, and the rest of the world =/= uninteresting.

>> No.7280474

Then why are you asking if you gonna get laid at cons if you don't wanna "fuck shitty weebs"?

>> No.7280472

Yeah, take me for example. My only hobby is video games and I have no interest in anything else.

>> No.7280473

>tfw you'll never find a cute cosplaying, anime-loving, beer drinking, hookah smoking pegasister Asian gf

>> No.7280478

Ha, no, Asian.

Figures, the rest of my family can eat whatever they want and I get the fucking Kim Jong-Un genes. Life's a bitch like that I guess.

>> No.7280480

To be fairly honest you seem like the type of guy /cgl/ denies but desperately want.
Besides the cute awkward skinny tall guy.

>> No.7280484

You seemed like your being an automatic 8/10 was pretty necessary information, though.

But you're not going to get laid at a con just because you're attractive, the girls there are still human beings, not existing there to get fucked by some dude going there to get laid.

Sure, but maybe that's interesting to someone else if you're able to converse about it with them.

Maybe, but maybe he's not much more than a pretty face/body, and that's not what they want in the long-term.

But maybe they do want a guy that he's advertising himself to be.

>> No.7280490

>Kim Jong-Un genes
Heh. I'm in the same boat. Worst possible Asian. Everyone in family looks more Chinese with pale skin while I look out of line, looking nothing like them, being pretty hairy and dark skin.
>tfw cant love others since cant love self

>> No.7280491

I never asked, that was some other guy. Just adding to the shitty thread.

>> No.7280494

Well I am skinny and tall, got a little tone/definition, used to be awkward but uni has sorted my confidence massively, and I've been told I'm cute/hot enough times since getting to uni to know I'm attractive. Oh, and I'm an astrophysics student that plays dungeons and dragons, so I fit in with nerds just fine. So to everyone saying I'm a terrible person for wanting to fuck girls at a con, fuck you all, you're just upset that I actually could.

>> No.7280498

I'm not just a pretty face, being good looking doesn't mean I cant have depth to my personality.

>> No.7280502

Hey, buddy - hey. Nobody here is trying to take away your confidence. Just put your fists down and you'll be okay. We're all friends here, bud.

I'm very upset, you're right. If that makes you happy, I'll cry and whine about it, too.

Sure, well now I - know? But I won't know how real it is.

>> No.7280507

>So to everyone saying I'm a terrible person for wanting to fuck girls at a con, fuck you all, you're just upset that I actually could.
Okay great faggot. Go fuck some con girls if you're already certain that you can with your 8/10 looks and knowledge of nerddom.
Why did you even post here? For validation?

>> No.7280514


Bullshit. Height matters for guys to pick up girls, you're just a 5'2 girl so that works to your advantage and your perspective is skewed.

>> No.7280515

Yep. Exactly the person /cgl/ denies but wants. Well, if you threw in anime, you're set.

>> No.7280524

But how hard is it to be skinny and tall with definition? Eat healthy? And then there are fitness plans everywhere you look online.

It's so easy nowadays not to eat processed or fatty shit, I cut it out even though I'm thin, then just comes the task of pacing yourself through shaping your body.

>> No.7280525

Never actually been on this board before, saw this thread, wondered how easy it actually is to get laid at cons. That's why I posted. And maybe validation I guess, but from a different kind of person than has validated me before.
Awesome, how can I use my new-found superpower?

>> No.7280530

Use it to stop being a faggot ITT and go get laid if you want to so badly, holy crap.

>> No.7280535

Ssshhh... No more butthurt... Only dreams now...

>> No.7280532

What exactly in my post are you saying is bullshit and works to my advantage so my perspective is skewed?
Because I already said I have a fine time picking up guys and was basically saying I had never heard guys saying short girls were a bad thing and that in general I think that /fit/ is just really ridiculous about heights. They even call 5'10 manlet status and that's about average height for guys.

>> No.7280533

Nawh, nawh. He's a cool guy that doesn't need your validation, that's why he's got hot, nerdy /cgl/ girls on his dick as he types out his posts.

>> No.7280542

Exactly! This guy has it! Thanks for believing in me, we can be best friends now :)

>> No.7280541


You're beyond a faggot.

You're levels of Big Bang Theory douche.


>> No.7280545

You know how 4chan calls anyone who isn't a 10/10 ugly and fat?

/fit/ and /tv/ both do the manlet thing because the only thing they have going for them is height.

>> No.7280546

For sure, buddy. You and me both - toned, tall, skinny nerdy guys who have to just fight back the hordes of cosplaying, perfect nerdy girls.

>> No.7280548

Okay I've been having fun so far but THAT crosses the line, don't EVER compare me to that show -.-

>> No.7280551
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>> No.7280552

Would rather be tall and ugly than short and ugly.

>> No.7280556

Same guy who posted :), don't forget that either.

>> No.7280558

This thread is pathetic, I bet it was made by some dude wishing girls would like guys like him.

Girls don't wanna date anime nerds. They want a hot stud who has manly hobbies and who's not a pussy like these guys.

If you really want girls on your dick then start lifting and become a man.

>> No.7280557

You ARE that show.

Look at you. Trying too hard to be nerdy and show off how smart you are. Calm your tits Sheldon.

>> No.7280560

Actually I've never fucked or dated a nerdy girl, something I must pursue, hence asking ITT if they would be receptive to males of our caliber. They are normally fun to hang with the few times I've encountered them.

>> No.7280561

Yeah I was just saying people shouldn't take it so seriously. 4chan is really weird about height, weight, fitness, and basically anything else sometimes.

>> No.7280563

This is what I was referring to what /cgl/ likes.

>> No.7280565

You are literally Sheldon, get the fuck out and go study your asstrofissix and play your dingus and dobblers and hit on all those hot consluts that you didn't need our validation to sleep with.

>> No.7280567

What? What did I do? Are you mad at me now? :'(

>> No.7280569

>>Look at me guys, trolling the 4chains like all the cool edgy internet kids!
>>Can't wait to take a screenshot and post this on /r/4chan!

>> No.7280572

Any /cgl/ girls like long hair on guys ? Most people just tell me to cut it off :I, its shoulder length. Though I've had it for years and I just love it.

>> No.7280573

I only wanted to make friends, how will I ever be able to return to this board knowing you guys have been so mean to me? BAZINGA

>> No.7280574

They're not as fun or cool as they seem.

Their being nerdy or atypical came from somewhere, and it becomes pretty evident once you scratch their surface.

Fuming, but I was just following the anti emoticon circlejerk.

>> No.7280575

>pls notice me
>need to get laid so bad
>very desperate
>such virgin

>> No.7280576

Awh, come on. Don't make it so obvious that you're now done and making your leave.

>> No.7280578

Oh no, I've been rumbled!

>> No.7280583

Wait, what?

Where where where did any of that come from?

He came in and asked a legitimate question. If you're still Mr. Delusional, see >>7280576.

>> No.7280589

Mods please delete this thread and ban OP

Males pretending to be girls should be banned.

We will never like you virgins so stop with the shit threads.

>> No.7280591

The big and true secret about what nerds of both genders are actually looking for is this:

They want someone who anyone else would want.

Tall, attractive men with strong facial structure, a good smile, the ability to take center stage in a group conversation, and the confidence to know that he isn't simply settling; he's actually choosing you because he likes you.

Men want pretty girls who take care of their appearance, believe in themselves, and do everything I just said that women look for in guys.

The whole "nerdy" bit is an add-on that makes these beautiful people accessible through shared hobbies and interests. They want to have something in common with these people and they want to do all of their current hobbies with these people, but these similarities aren't what they find attractive; they're what make people they already find attractive not so damn intimidating.

If you really want to know if other people find you attractive or what your chances are with a con guy/girl or anyone else, talk to people in general and see how it goes.

If you're already a nerd then it's easier to break the ice and keep the conversation going when you talk to nerds, but if you don't take care of yourself, build social skills, and channel confidence, then no amount of breathtaking cosplay or anime references or hours logged playing popular videogames will make up for it.

>> No.7280594

So you're saying they're crazy? Because my ex of 2 years was a psycho and I'd rather not deal with that again, even though it's a massive turn on and the sex is incredible...

>> No.7280597

What? I mean - a lot of them have issues, not to say non-nerdy girls don't, but it doesn't make them crazy.

I said something very much like this, but sure. Just be a confident and charismatic guy, and your interests will just attract whoever would be attracted to you otherwise.

>> No.7280603

/fit/ here been lurking this personally I think like a lot of people have said confidence is key. Also skinny is better than fat any day.

You're a fucking bitch and nobody wants to fuck you or deal with your nasty personality. Enjoy being alone.

>> No.7280605

Issues is what I mean by crazy, perhaps a generalisation on my part.
Cheers, that whole "common interests aren't the attractive part, just make people less intimidating" part made sense. Nice to know I don't need to embrace otaku culture to get nerdy girls.

>> No.7280610

Sure, I mean the ones that I've experienced tended to have something just flat evident, or it became clear very soon.

>> No.7280612

Oh I'm still in the thread, that's the beauty of being anonymous, I'm actually kinda enjoying this board for my first time, might have to become a regular :)

>> No.7280620

Like what? Give me an example, because most nerdy girls I've met so far have just seemed kinda 'quirky' and maybe shy, but mostly really nice.

>> No.7280621

No, I meant as in you just started letting go of any kind of composure you had.

>> No.7280623
File: 349 KB, 135x101, 1280907802805.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Start getting /fit/
>Can't tell when someone's hitting on me, or just complimenting me.
>Just say thanks and be on my way.


>"Anon, she was totally drooling all over you!"
>"Oh, was she?"

>> No.7280629

The same kinds that dye their hair, streak it, etc.

Less nerdy and more attention-seeking. They'll be really detached and uninterested if it doesn't involve them being the center of attention.

>> No.7280640

So much shitposting.

I'm attending some con in a few weekas and I hope I can meet some nice cute girls.

>> No.7280642

Ah, I know the kind of girl you mean, the only problem is that I'm insanely attracted to that type of girl...

>> No.7280644

Mm - be careful. Their attention to you will probably be short.

>> No.7280657

Oh I know, but I want something short and intense right now

>> No.7280664

What con are you going to?

>> No.7280665
File: 151 KB, 356x282, 1365050519668.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. Holy shit this. I can talk to any girl I think is attractive/cute about anything but I don't ever escalate things because I don't know how without coming off as a creep. Advice?

>> No.7280667

It's outside the USA, most people wouldn't know. Why?

>> No.7280670


D-do you have a boyfriend already?

>> No.7280674

Just wondered, UK-fag here

>> No.7280676

How are cons in the UK?

>> No.7280692

I'm a guy.

>> No.7280695

No idea, never been to one, I'm thinking about maybe finding one if I can get a couple friends to go with me.

>> No.7280702

I have no problem going to cons alone, especially because I love taking pictures.

>> No.7280713

I'd rather go with friends, I tend to get into trouble when I go places on my own.

>> No.7280720

I hope you aren't some violent dude.

>> No.7280728

Not at all, I just drink too much, get thrown out of places, sleep with people I shouldn't, things like that

>> No.7280796

>Men want pretty girls who take care of their appearance, believe in themselves, and do everything I just said that women look for in guys.
Umm...please don't try to speak for all men. I don't want this at all. I like shy and introverted girls that are of average height and a bit over average weight that don't like taking center stage. Overly enthusiastic and upbeat girls annoy me.
Not everyone thinks like you and that's okay.

>> No.7280885
File: 398 KB, 2000x2156, 1372718690817.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Input from a guy: Faces can vary a lot, but generally I've found that the ottermode / athletic type is what girls consider ideal.
Both men and women tend to over-estimate the features they think the opposite sex finds attractive. For men, that largely includes muscle mass and definition.

But of course there's always those who find other body types attractive, as well.

>> No.7280919

Man, I really thought this was a troll thread to incite us gulls.

As a guy at a con, I've always had fun and whenever I see a women I'd wish to meet, I'd just up to them and say hi. It helps tremendously if there's something I can talk about to break the ice-- if they cosplay I have zero issue going on and either asking about it, asking to take their pic and then getting to know them.

What sometimes is a bit offbrandwish is when they're in groups-- you def need confidence for that. Plus you don't know if they're with a lover or such so :)

>> No.7281000

I can cosplay as Marisa for you if you like.

>> No.7281059

I was going to call you a faggot until your last sentence.

I agree with you, nigger

>> No.7281092

Everything in this thread is hypocritical and confusing.

Maybe I'll just kill myself.

>> No.7281441

anon i would kill for an FKMT otaku bf

>> No.7281708

Granted, that might have been a bit of an overgeneralization in the details, but the point stands that traits you would find attractive in other women are the same traits you would find attractive in otaku women. Some things, like good hygiene and physical health (even if you prefer a little heavier, that's still a lot better than obesity), are going to be constant positives regardless of other factors. People may be willing to overlook negative things, but giving yourself less negative traits to overlook will help you out in the long run regardless.

>> No.7281776
File: 26 KB, 250x231, henry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what if you're a hungry skeleton

>> No.7281779

Then you should appreciate someone who takes better care of themself than you did.

>> No.7281790
File: 11 KB, 277x329, 92Q62wf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I do agree. Sadly I am not one for lack of trying I have an illness that literally eats any weight I have on me because whatever I eat doesn't get absorbed so my body eats itself. and when I tired protein powders and just eating a lot i just got sicker and almost died

>> No.7281803

I actually twas athletic build for a while and had some good gains and a good routine but I got sick and shed like 20+ pounds in a little less than a year. Probably gonna re reat the /fit/ sticky and maybe ask about a diet or routine that would help (I know this is horrifically off topic)

>> No.7281835

>6'5, usually around 240
>when I'm not cosplaying I walk around cons in a cut off K-on shirt, a bandana around my head and sunglasses on
>tons of girls come and talk to me
>most of my friends are normalfags, so I often do normalfag stuff, so I'm fairly confident/able to talk to girls

Honestly, it is pretty easy. I've found most con chicks that are somewhat attractive are easy to talk to/pretty nice. I've just been told by some girls that I intimidated them at first, but even then I've been able to talk to them. I also met my gf of one year for the first time at a con. I'm big/almost bearmode because of sports, but really, 90% of cute girls won't care what your body looks like if you are not fat/not Auschwitz mode and can hold a conversation. It's also important to ask hee questions (where she lives, where she works/goes to school, etc.). The only advantage of being big is SOME girls like that body type, and it's good for having girls come up to you.
SS+GOMAD Anyone in here that wants to bulk/lose weight needs to read the sticky in /fit/.

>> No.7281900
File: 142 KB, 1600x1200, room.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't have to do anything, they do all the work.
I met these guys at the last con I attended, had a lot of fun.

The little one just wanted to watch.

>> No.7281931

>Honestly, it is pretty easy.
You're also 6' fucking 5". Try getting that attention when you're even remotely chubby or skinny and bring a 5'7" manlet. "90% of girls don't care what your body looks like if you're perfectly fit!"

>> No.7281944
File: 928 KB, 944x1579, Freddie_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mean, I'm kind of chubby, and my facial aesthetics are average at best. I'm not like fuarkin Zyzz or Jeff Seid either. My body doesn't look that good really, I'm just strong, pic related.

My point is you don't need to be 10/10 facial aesthetics and shredded. If you're just chubby, that isn't to hard to fix, and women are shit at judging height. Most would probably believe you're 5'10 if they are short, and lifting will add wideness by growing your lats, delts, etc and make you appear larger.

>> No.7281951

I think you're still overlooking the effect of you being

>> No.7281960

Bro, /fit/ has poisoned you. I have many friends who are 5'6-5'9 that do fine with girls. Just get in shape and you'll be fine m8. You're two and a half inches shorter than the average American male, that's pretty hard to discern.

>> No.7282562
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>> No.7282604

Actually I agree with him stop reading that shit about manlets and just talk to girls. FFS one of my friends is like 5'4" and he gets more pussy than a lot of guys twice his size

>> No.7283483

>implying a 10'8 dude can get pussy

>> No.7284388 [DELETED] 

I can hold a good conversation and have lots of normalfag friends but making new friends has always been alongside current friends, i feel like i have approach anxiety so if i went to a con alone i'd be afraid that i would be some "loner" if i tried to talk to someone or probably be scared to start a conversation with anyone at all. Usually when i hold a conversation with someone completely new i'm trying hard to think of the best response and how to continue the conversation so there's no awkward silence. I never get these issues when talking to people i already know a little though and can hold a good conversation..

Seeing as none of my friends are into anime/conventions should i just bite the bullet and go alone?

>> No.7284393

I can hold a good conversation and have lots of normalfag friends but making new friends has always been alongside current friends, i feel like i have approach anxiety so if i went to a con alone i'd be afraid that i would be some "loner" if i tried to talk to someone or probably be scared to start a conversation with anyone at all. Usually when i try to talk with someone completely new i'm trying too hard to think of the best response and how to continue the conversation so there's no awkward silence. I never get these issues when talking to people i already know a little though and feel normal..

Seeing as none of my friends are into anime/conventions should i just bite the bullet and go alone?

>> No.7284427

1. Are you ever by yourself for very long at cons? This can have a lot to do with never getting hit on.
2. How often are you around people who are drinking or are you of age to drink? When men are drinking they are more likely to hit on you.
3. Take the initiative, go to a panel and scope out the room for a guy you find cute who looks like he might interest you and get to know him, try going to panels where you can talk to people more. or try "dating" panels (there are anime dating ones and such).

Good luck Anon, I had the same problem.

>> No.7284437

Yeah but what the fuck am I going to cook with turkey sausage, lentils, tilapia, ground turkey, peanut butter, crackers, and green tea? You need to buy other things to go with them to you know, actually make meals.

I bet all the ingredients to make that pizza and breadsticks are more expensive than $20 at the store. Frozen pizzas are cheaper, though.

>> No.7285471

Have you ever actually made a pizza before? They cost almost nothing to make. $20 of pizza ingredients could make several pizzas and still have money left over for the breadsticks. You spend $20 on delivery because you can't be assed to do it yourself.