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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 362 KB, 360x456, ce.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7274460 No.7274460[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

This is Angie Griffin. People judge her for her big youtube channel and say she's a "fake nerd".
I stood in line next to her for 9 hours at Comic Con to see the Game Of Thrones panel. We talked about various nerdy things. Yes, she knows her shit.
She actually goes to the conventions to experience it, she does sell pictures of herself at booths.
And yes, she has big tits. Her cosplays aren't perfect but she's not trying to be a pro cosplayer. She does it for fun.

I just get pissed when I see real nerd girls getting degraded here for looking a certain way.

>> No.7274466

shill detected

>> No.7274470

not quite. Never even knew 4chan had a cosplay forum until now. I'm a /b tard. I just found this forum when I was doing "research" when I looked her up and found a thread of people talking shit because she has big titties

>> No.7274478

absolutely 0/10

how's it feel being a forever alone faggot? Go back to reddit, shitpig

>> No.7274477
File: 82 KB, 640x640, tits fedora.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why is she with this fat fuck

he aint even rich

>> No.7274479

It doesn't matter wat people think on youtube. Your average youtube user is braindead.

Seriously, I've done gameplay videos of MonHan, where I posted literally all gear and gems I have in the description, with a COMMENT that says "All gear in the description" and to this day, the top comments in those videos are "What hammer is this?"

People are dumb, like, really, really dumb.

>> No.7274480
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>> No.7274481

+1 for monhan
+1 for hammer

>> No.7274482
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I'm pretty sure they met when she was underage.

>> No.7274484

but she's not a cosplayer. you can't find any professional cosplay photos of her. she only makes costumes for her youtube channel. she's never referred to herself as a cosplayer, I don't think.

>> No.7274487
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she dominates the weak chest of Hannah Minx

>> No.7274489
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Ah I remember this. He probably got rejected by some girl at a con and it set him off.

>> No.7274493
File: 1.34 MB, 233x349, angieG.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7274496

Obviously fake. There's a line between push-up bra and ridiculous augmentation. Also
>dat fedora

>> No.7274498
File: 1.46 MB, 321x399, angie4.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7274499

Thanks Angie I didn't know that about you, would you like this BIG BAG OF MONEY to make a documentary about harassment.

>> No.7274500

Not fake. They jiggle like heck.

>> No.7274502

>implying bags of silicone don't jiggle with the skin and fat tissue they're implemented in.

Come on man, and having a push up that is A BIT TOO BIG, helps keeping shit not in place.

>> No.7274513


Please "mr oldfag" just leave

>> No.7274514
File: 1.42 MB, 240x360, 1377873732850.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at the way Jessica Nigri's jiggles... fake silicon. They jiggle as a whole.
This chick has real tits. Watch her videos, she'll be sitting there and they just jiggle.

>> No.7274522

wow get a load of the raging fucking male hormones in this thread

it's fucking pathetic

>> No.7274528
File: 1.43 MB, 240x240, m207105282-Angie-Griffin.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


you smell like small tits

>> No.7274531


>> No.7274533

I was talking to somebody two days ago about Jessica Nigri. They said she was a good cosplayer, and I said she was a horrible cosplayer because her costumes aren't accurate. And they told me "Yeah, she isn't trying to be accurate, she's trying to be Jessica Nigri."

It's weird. For me cosplay has always been about escapism. It has always been about not being me and instead becoming a part of this universe that you love so much. It seems that this new generation of cosplayers like this girl and JNig want to be themselves first. They want to be JNig in a Sailor Moon costume rather than actually be Sailor Moon.

It's just strange and though I understand it I'm not entirely sure I agree with it.

>> No.7274537

more like jessica niggeri

she's a hideous wench

>> No.7274538

I kinda wonder what happened to Hannah Minx. Did she quit making videos because her nudes got leaked?

>> No.7274540

I feel bad, she was milking (heh) those views with her cow tits but she seemed nice. Haven't heard of any drama from her aside from the nudes.

>> No.7274542
File: 88 KB, 720x960, 1388690073456.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shes engaged to some weird wannabe senator guy now and she's rumored to be preggos.

>> No.7274541

When did this happen?

I've been waiting for this for years and now I missed it.

>> No.7274544

It's always confused me when seemingly "nerdy" girls go out with "normal" guys. It's it fucking horrible to be dating someone who shares very little of your interests? I could never go out with a girl who doesn't share at least some of my interests.

>> No.7274547

Good for her then. I'll miss her videos though. She was entertaining and seemed nice... although I paid more attention to those tits more than anything else. Makes my ponder my sexuality sometimes...

>> No.7274546

he's rich. I got the image from his facebook. He had a pic of a new house he bought. its fucking huge

>> No.7274553

See I don't get that either.

I'm not wasting my time with someone if they're boring, even if they are rich.

>> No.7274554

Do you know her personally? How do you know they're not into the same things?

>> No.7274558
File: 64 KB, 520x375, 424.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>People judge her for her big youtube channel and say she's a "fake nerd".
What, so you think bringing her and your big enlightening experience to 4chan is going to change the judgments of random strangers on Youtube?
If you gave a shit about this woman you wouldn't try to be shoving her image down our throats. It's obnoxious, and that doesn't help her already apparent reputation of being an obnoxious gamur gurl twit. It has nothing to do with her looks.

Assuming you're not just another whiteknight who's never stood within a foot of this woman's proximity (and no less for ~*~nine, devoted hours~*~) you're not helping her image right now. You're giving her drama and bad attention. And shockingly enough, she's not the only woman to ever have been scrutinized in a "male hobby" for not looking like a nerdy stereotype. Grow up.
>mfw nobody even talks about her ever

>> No.7274565
File: 48 KB, 640x480, crash.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

...so where can I find these nudes you are talking about?

>> No.7274585

As if anything could be learned from them. The girl is a massive weeaboo who never even speaks full Japanese. Her videos are broken and full of unhelpful phrases for other weeaboos to bellow so they can feel special.

>> No.7276997

you know they do breast implants UNDER the fat/tissue nowadays, right?

>> No.7277443

Not really. Mostly I think it depends on personality. My boyfriend and I have no interests in common aside from cute animals and food. But it works weirdly because although our interests are very different, our values and sense of humor are similar.

>> No.7277482

They do nerdy things together.

>> No.7277503

I have no idea whether this chick has real breasts or not, but I did know a chick in high school that had breasts this huge and had a similar build. We were 14-16 during the time we had classes together, so somehow I doubt she had work done. She really seemed to hate her chest.

>> No.7277507

So she's good at cosplaying herself? Your friend made a shittastic argument.

>> No.7281148

I'm on guard with male nerds because most of the ones I come across think any average or above looking girl into such hobbies are just looking for attention and don't care about the material. Or they have all these other crazy stereotypes associated with them that prove just how little real interaction they've had with women. Also, it's pretty easy to get normalfags into anime to at least enough of a degree where you can talk about your favorite series.

>> No.7281958

>wannabe senator guy

that's not gonna go well.
What happens when he runs for office and the public finds out his girl is who she is with boob jiggly videos.

>> No.7282057

at least I have tits

cuz urs burnt off in ww2


>> No.7282413

I always internally read this in ALB's dramatic voice since her youtube video about it,

>> No.7282457

Boys?! On the internet?! Maximum grody!

>> No.7282486
File: 27 KB, 1269x809, 1389033438573.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I find the concept of a fake geek girl highly unusual.

I've seen the sort of people that go to cons.
Hell, I am one.
We're a disgusting, pervy, neck bearded, fedora tipping, utilikilt wearing group of undesirables.

For someone to have no legitimate interest in a convention other than obtaining attention and pocket change from grody basement dwelling neets, they would have to really really hate themselves.

Not saying it's not impossible, but rather there's legitimately geeky grills, who are sometimes even pretty and unsavory man-children are trying to protect their last bastion of social interaction by lashing out.

If I watched Evangelion correctly this is hedgehog's dilemma.
Sanic tangentially related.

>> No.7282497


>> No.7282966

What you mean is you aren't able to gold dig. Just admit to the sour grapes. I'd do it in a heartbeat if I was attractive, too.

>> No.7284661


Bitches that are jelly that they aren't pretty or, if they are, that they can't exploit men as successfully for fame/moneys.

>> No.7284732


Ma nigga. I'm pretty neckbeardy, childish and disgusting myself. Who the fuck would want to pretend to be something they aren't to get near people like me?

>> No.7284790
File: 1.13 MB, 1902x1800, 1366588707286.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Girls that arent attractive enough to make it in mainstream turn to geekdom to give them attention.
Yes, many geeks are ugly. Thats the point, it means the girls look hotter by comparison.

All these fucking lets players with their tits out and a big donate button...real geeks? I dont think so.They just realized its easier to get money from sad introverts.

That goes for cosplayers too. We have ex-pornstars getting thousands in donations to make crappy costumes.

>> No.7284803

It's because people flock to money, fame and popularity. People will fake just about anything for money, love, orgasms, you name it. Why not fake interests?

Honestly to me, the only people who don't think that there's a "fake geek culture" are those who are offended at or jealous of the idea that people who are making money and doing better than them are doing it for selfish reasons rather than love of the interest.

>> No.7284809

I think the idea is that in this community they can be the hottest chick around and get most any guy they want with all the vain bullshit power and status that goes along with that, while in the wide world they are just average, or at least see themselves as such. Its an opportunity to be disirable and special, its not a matter of catching the guys themselves, its just a chance to get some desperately needed attention and boost their shitty self esteem. Of course, guys do the exact same thing with girls they would typically find unattractive, stringing them along because they dont have the balls to approach people they dont think of as lower than themselves

>> No.7285567

>Honestly to me, the only people who don't think that there's a "fake geek culture" are those who are offended at or jealous of the idea that people who are making money and doing better than them are doing it for selfish reasons rather than love of the interest.

This statement didn't quite make sense to me.
Can you please clarify it? It seems to be contradicting itself.

>> No.7285577

Maybe it's because I know plenty of attractive geeky girls that they leave no room for fake geek girls in the local costuplay japanimation community, but I've never met a real fake geek girl.
>implying because I've never seen one it doesn't exist.

While there's no doubt geeky girls who use their looks for financial gain, it's hard to say beyond a shadow of a doubt they're fake geek girls.
At some level of their being I imagine they enjoy some sort of geeky media.

>> No.7285579

I find this woman disgusting. Who actually thinks she's attractive? That fake nerd shit is just enraging.

>> No.7285588
File: 367 KB, 525x760, 1357259882271.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah those ex pornstars got a shitload of thirsty men

>> No.7285603

Why? I get male pornstars cause those guys are crazy hung, but wouldn't a guy being embarrased dating a girl that did porn?

>> No.7285610

Think about it for a sec. What is actually more strange: just dressing up as a character or trying to be a character? I see what you're saying though.

>> No.7285613

>desperate people
>not flooding the internet

thats just the way it is mon

>> No.7285622 [DELETED] 
File: 84 KB, 785x960, 1389154658030.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she is fat i dont care

Jessica nigri may have fake boobs but at lesat so it fit and thin

>> No.7285628
File: 84 KB, 785x960, 1389154658030.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shes fat
like have you ever seen her belly?
its because she doesnt want to show you how fat she is, women like this use their boobs as a distraction from their fat bellies

Jnig obviously has implants too, but at least she is thin and fit

>> No.7285658

That bikini bridge.

>> No.7285832

yeah small tits that will never sag or become pancakces fuck yeah

>> No.7285850

But she has giant fake implants now, so...

>> No.7285853

you don't know much about tits at all do you

>> No.7285887
File: 65 KB, 311x416, 1368476432529.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't really give a fucking fuck if you know the whole works of the nerdom and aren't a "fake" geek girl, you're still a goddamn attention whore and I despise that.

>> No.7285912

>still a goddamn attention whore and I despise that.

Ouch, but true. I have to agree.

>> No.7287897
File: 482 KB, 729x810, ytscreenshot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not all female Let's Players have their tits hanging out. Girls like Dodger, BackwardCompatibles, and Chiib make good game related videos and are attractive while not being sexual. The sexy ones like Tara Babcock just kind of steal the limelight.

>> No.7287948

Yeah pretty much seconding this
Why did this need a thread
Nobody is going to disagree with your sentiment here and you know that

>> No.7287971

I can't stand Dodger. She runs around puzzle games going, "what do I do, what do I do?" and takes forever to figure anything out. I wanted to like her because she's hot, but watching her play some Sherlock Holmes game made me want to cry. Not to mention she talks like a teenager ("awkwaaaaard").

You fucking examine your inventory, talk to people, and figure out yourself what to do. The whole point of the goddamn game. Which she misses, because she spends all of her time asking the camera, "what do I do?"

Will check out Chiib, though, never seen her.

Sage for a little bit of a rant.

>> No.7288034

>She runs around puzzle games going, "what do I do, what do I do?"
This is what game grumps do and they're massively popular
The important question here is
Are they funny

>> No.7288069

I also don't like Game Grumps. I severely dislike Erin. JonTron is obnoxious, but fun in small doses. Danny is much better because he's intelligent and witty. Barry is the only one that I have firm positive feelings about. I think Game Grumps is funny maybe once an episode.

(I have to sit through a lot of let's plays, my boyfriend plays them constantly)

However, I dislike none more than PeanutButterGamer. I would slap him once a day for the rest of my life, if I could without repercussions. Absolutely grating.

Again, sage.

>> No.7288387

what's wrong with pbg?

>> No.7288433

People who actually fucking like those obnoxious let's players are the reason why I can't find any walkthrough/gameplay videos without a stupid ass commentary.

Jesus fucking christ, do people actually enjoy that kind of humor? I just cringe out of embarassment every single time. LOLOLO FUUUCK I MISSED THE JUMP SHIT FUCK SHIT OH GOD I MISSED IT AGAIN LAWL DAMN THIS GAME LOL WHY DOES THIS GAME HAVE SO MANY JUMPS IT'S NOT FAIR LOL AM I THE NEW AVGN NOW I SWEAR I'M TALENTED AND FUNNY

>> No.7288454

sometimes the things that upset people scare me
like this
its in the same category of people who follow celebrities' lives
lawd jesus give me strength

>> No.7288458

...are you being serious right now?

Everything. His voice, his face, and those attempts at humor that fall out of his constantly flapping mouth. If by dumb luck he does say something clever, he ruins it by second-guessing it or trying to take it too far. He has no comedic timing. Even his edits manage to be annoying more often than not. He's very consistently irritating, moreso than any other LPer I've watched, save perhaps SpaceHamster.

But I might be an unfair judge, I have a strong preference for dry humor and very laid-back people.

This isn't feeling very /cgl/ right now, so I'll stop here.

>> No.7288459

I swear there's ONE ASSHOLE LPER responsible for a lot of total crap getting past steam greenlight (OH BOY MORE GODDAMN FIRST PERSON HORROR GAMES)

>> No.7288463

*Arin. At least learn to spell before you insult. PBG is hilarious. What's your deal?

>> No.7288468

Your rage only makes me grin more, since I met him at Magfest.

>> No.7288477

Like you wouldn't enjoy some attention if people bothered to look at your ugly mug. Boo hoo cry me a river, fatty.

>> No.7288483

Not even rage. Just distaste. I strongly dislike him. He annoys me. And because my boyfriend plays LPs constantly (even ones he dislikes, he agrees with me on PBG), I have a lot of time to form opinions.

I was also at MAGfest, and I am very glad to have missed him.

Oh, goodness, forgive me for using the wrong spelling of a name with around a dozen different spellings, discounting the name Aaron (which has a different meaning).

>> No.7288498

I've wanted to try being on of these female youtube gamers, because I'd love to find people more interested in the games I like, but that's the problem: nobody gives a shit about most of the games I like.

No one wants to watch me play Shadow Hearts Covenant and Kya Dark Lineage, they all want some screaming boneheaded spawn of Adam Sandler and Jessica Simpson playing popular games like LoL and assorted Xbox shooters.

>> No.7288503

You have to find your niche, self-promote like a motherfucker, and prepare to deal with creeps in the comments.

I haven't seen those games. I'd watch. I specifically watch games that I haven't played yet, either to get the story, or to decide if I want to play it.

>> No.7288515

oh, yeah, i guess that makes sense. i dont watch him often, i stick to theradbrad, game grumps, nerdcubed etc.

>> No.7289390

so this is what Amanda Bynes is up to now a days.

>> No.7289404

This is a blue board, so I won't post an image to prove you wrong, but just google "small saggy tits" or "small tit sag" or something and see how horrifically wrong you are.

Big and small tits both sag, the difference is big ones will still look good in a bra when the sag happens.

>> No.7289480

I remember getting an advertisement from them in my inbox asking me to friend and subscribe to them. The videos were awkward, and the songs terrible, the costumes were terrible as well. It reminded me of any of the dozen or so youtube channels being run by a fat, hairy middle-aged guy who has a relatively hot, very busty wife, and hopes that will supplement for the lack of overall talent on the channel.

In any event, when someone is being attacked as being a "fake nerd" it's not exactly about whether or not they actually are one, it's about the attempt to turn it into a commodity. Let me explain. Some time back a certain not too terribly attractive porn star became very popular with the internet because while some game site (IGN if I remember correctly) was interviewing porn stars asking what their favorite video game was, she was the only one who gave an actual response and demonstrated a clear actual knowledge and interest in video games, it was Bobbi Starr. She didn't use the sudden internet nerd cred to try to make money though, she just kept on being a nerdy chick who happened to make money choking on giant black dicks.

You look at someone like Hannah Minx, and while it's clear she's a total airhead and she's trying to sell her sex, it's obvious she's actually interested in the stuff she talks about. Still, lots of people are annoyed with her.

It just feels condescending, it feels pandering and misleading. Consider the utter loathing that exists for the entire cast of Big Bang Theory. Will Wheaton is legitimately a nerd, but he's also legitimately a massive tool and a complete douchebag.

It's people who talk about being a "nerd" or a "gamer" or "otaku" like it's some secret underground club that can be used for political or financial means. It feels like a betrayal, and to people who went to conventions, played D&D in basements, sat online playing through MMOs all damn day, and as a result were heavily mocked, and have accepted words like that as an-

>> No.7289494

- insult, it's kind of frustrating to see teenage girls on facebook calling themselves nerds for having a vague idea what a facebook is, or liking comic book movies on their tumblr because they think one of the actors is cute. Or middle-aged undersexed feminists demanding games they don't like or play be changed to better suit them, or talentless actors creating youtube channels where they play video games casually admitting they have no real interest in them, and are only doing it because "let's play" videos are an easy way to make money on YouTube.

It's annoying for the same reason memegenerators and vector tracings and anything else that commercializes, mass-produces, sucks all the creativity out of and turns into a commodity every other "niche" thing is.

It doesn't have anything to do with breast size, age, gender, actual knowledge of the source material, whether or not the person is promiscuous or morally sound, or anything else other than sincerity and intentions.

>> No.7289499


I think you phrased the frustration of many nerds over the commercialization of "nerd culture" very beautifully. I really like the way you put things, without resorting to accusations specifically against sexuality or fanservice to get the point across.

Did you cut off though? I'm really interested to hear what else you want to say.

>> No.7289501


I spoke too soon, sorry about that! Just want to say again though that it's a really good rant and very well articulated.

>> No.7289532
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