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7267131 No.7267131[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Marie-Gets-Away-With-Everything Edition

Old thread:

Link to getoff post:
>I know she has a bad attitude but to ban her right this second we need more.

Also general scammer/shitty seller discussion

>> No.7267148

>ODIP pisses off former mod miyu_sakura
>temp banned right away

>ODIP threatens member(s) with legal action for posting honestly about bad service
>that's just attitude! we can't police it, it's not on EGL~

>> No.7267150

Breaking news: The mods are shit.

>> No.7267152

>If people hate me for offering to do this, I can always not do it and Marie would just remain unbanned until the next incident or longer. I really wouldn't complain about not doing the extra work if it doesn't serve a purpose (plus I'm supposed to be on haitus anyway). The hate is so strong this holiday season

I still can't believe a mod posted this. Wait, I can't believe it. But I can't believe they posted it in public instead of hiding behind the mod comm like they normally do.

>> No.7267171

I was pretty disgusted with that as well

If you don't give a shit about being a mod and can't be arsed to do your job, give up your position to someone else

>> No.7267180

I'm not on EGL very often and know very little about the mods, but every time one is mentioned, it's always something negative. Are there ANY good mods? And since they don't seem to be doing their jobs unless it's in their own self interest, why haven't better people stepped up to the job?

>> No.7267225

I'm trying to think of one who hasn't abused their mod power or otherwise done something really stupid but... I can't.

I think part of it is that, even if you're a relatively normal/okay person before you become a mod, it goes to your head.

>> No.7267372

miyu_sakura's drunkpost from that one time was pretty funny

>> No.7267411

Can we be honest bout Karisu for a moment? How is it possible to have so many bad diseases?

>> No.7267416

No we are not turning this into a rosaire thread, stop

>> No.7267425

But it's a bad ss thread.

>> No.7267432

fibromyalgia is basically a condition that is a lot like lupus, in that you feel all sorts of pains and aches everywhere and particularly at the joints, so much so that you start thinking that all these parts of the body are wrong with you. The actual existence of the condition is actually highly disputed, I would not be surprised if in Japan fibromyalgia = mental health issues, there are a lot who believe they are psychosomatic.

The rest of the stuff (dvt, heart issues, breathing issues) are just plain ol' obesity related health issues.

>> No.7267439

Yes and we have discussed Rosaire to death, every time she comes up threads derail and no-one talks about the other shitty SS's that need to be outed.

She's fixing things, let her get on with it.
>inb4 whiteknight
Nope, just sick of hearing about her.

>> No.7267446


Please go back to the other thread to talk about the totally shitty experience (except it wasn't that shitty, apparently) that you totally had yet can't give details for and that you aren't making up

>> No.7267465

She's claimed to have hernias, nerve damage, hyper thyroid, chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, depression, anxiety, sore throats constantly, then the blood clot. I think she is just morbidly obese and making everything up for attention really.

>> No.7267518

>ODIP pisses off former mod miyu_sakura
>temp banned right away
Link to the drama? Is there a GTFO page?

>> No.7267531


is the only post I could find that's still up

>> No.7267534

I wasn't as horrified by this as Amy the Yu's comment's here; http://behind-the-bows.livejournal.com/57642.html?thread=22450218#t22450218

>> No.7267624

Is that mod no longer active? She seems to not be completely inept.

Thanks for the link, by the way.

>> No.7267666

Wait, nevermind, I just noticed the "former" mod part. Shame.

>> No.7267698

Which mod? Miyu? She was awful, a tantrum throwing like wonderfinch is.

>> No.7267949

You're retarded. There have been numerous findings lately that indicate fibromyalgia may be autoimmune. The illness is caused by an overgrowth of nerves and it's believed that the body's immune system sees these overgrowths as something foreign in the body and in turn attacks them.

DVT = birth control pills and inactivity. Never saw a mention of breathing or heart issues. Also, obese? Your entire post is littered with so much ridiculous shit I can't even wrap my head around it.

>> No.7268028

Not defending mods or being a dickhead whiteknight BUT:
Mods are things that people only talk about when things go wrong. Otherwise they mostly work in the backround and are pretty much invisible, most of the time its a pretty thankless task and so thats why mods get burned out so fast: being unnoticed in the good times and then bitched out when things go tits up tires a person out something fierce.

Also compassion fatigue.

>> No.7268034

not the same anon but the cause of fibro is still very up for debate, not all sufferers have the same overgrowth of nerves for example, so there are studies that also back up what the original anon was saying... it might be that at some point it becomes clear that there are two things with similar symptoms that are being diagnosed as fibro: those who suffer from an autoimmune illness and those for whom the issue is psychosomatic.

>> No.7268038


Fibromyalgia, like many things in medicine, is still a relative unknown. Although I find the autoimmune hypothesis pretty interesting, never heard it before from the people I was following. Could you give me the papers on it?

>> No.7268068

>"We're hoping some day we'll be able to say exactly how your immune system is causing damage to the sensory nerves that results in fibromyalgia pain," says Chou, an assistant professor at the Geisel School of Medicine at Dartmouth in New Hampshire.


I see, so since it's Rosaire it's all in her head, right?

>> No.7268072

Annnnnnnd another thread derailed.

Come on guys. Just once, JUST ONCE can this not happen? Fuck.

>> No.7268110

I wish, sistah, I wish......

>> No.7268296

Choke just posted to the getoff

>She was blatantly lying about my store and products, so yeah, if Amy_the_yu needs something off ECS that could be useful.

>> No.7268308

oh snap! It just keeps getting more interesting!

>> No.7268312

any more updates on Yunni drama?

>> No.7268360

Apparently a motion has been put forth to ban her

>> No.7268867

Evidence that Karisu sucks and used ss money to buy her wardrobe and thats why she won't ship items has been posted to the other thread. Thoughts?

>> No.7268942

Evidence? It was some vendetta-chan spouting a theory you retard

>> No.7268963

A buyer confirmed she kept parts of her order and was a cunt.

>> No.7268978

i'm reading the thread in the archive, and all i see is the 'buyer' getting called out. did she post any new evidence?

>> No.7269090

What the hell is taking the mods so long with Yunni's ban

>> No.7269093

>A buyer confirmed she kept parts of her order and was a cunt.



is the so called "buyer" who claimed Rosaire kept fabric samples and "was rude," and then said rosaire (boo hoo) didn't write them a nice note or agree to do specific requests they wanted done.

Although frankly, I don't believe the "buyer" since they're clearly this anon here. >>7268867

>> No.7269106

I lived with her for several months and can confirm that she is not sick. She's just a fat, lazy, lying attention whore.

>> No.7269129

prove it

>> No.7269139

wonderfinch is too busy showing off loot on Tumblr and fighting for justice there to bother with "HER" community

>> No.7269146

I saw it with my own eyes. I was her accountant for her shopping service and had to deal with her customers wondering why she wasn't answering emails.

>> No.7269167

Not actually. I'm the one who said I used her and she was a pretty shitty shopping service in comparison to any other but I'm not the other anon, but of course everyone not licking her cunt is a samefag amarite?

Why is it so hard to believe that before she started scamming she just wasn't a stella shopping service? All I said was that she gave poor enough customer service that I wouldn't give her my money again (fair enough) and you've given me shit tons of abuse. No wonder people with serious complaints don't want to speak or go direct to the mods with demands of privacy

>> No.7269168

Professional tip from me to you: If you're going to try to deny samefag, you should stop making the same distinct spelling mistakes.

>> No.7269175


>shit tons of abuse
>like 3 comments saying you were being a petty whiner because bloo bloo she didn't write you a nice note or agree to all your requests

Grow a spine.

>> No.7269179

Wondering what these requests were.

>> No.7269197

so you can't prove it.

>> No.7269234

don't see any spelling mistakes but honestly not samefag.

Seriously, unless you're Rosaire why the hell are you so worked up over this? Did she buy you something for free? Send you a great gift? Are you friends in rl? She had poor customer service, ended up scamming and deservedly got banned, end of story. Her only relevance to this is that it's really fucking annoying that the same or worse scammers aren't also getting banned (that and she's desperately trying to convince people that her scamming wasn't that bad so that they'll give her money again)

>> No.7269253

What were your specific requests? C'mon anon we can't properly judge the situation if you are withholding information.

>> No.7269268

>calling other people worked up
>you were upset because she didn't write you a nice letter or agree to every one of your demands

You keep making the same, distinct spelling mistake with your totally-not-samefag attempts to drum up shit about her service before there was actually shit wrong with her service, and then you post here with "evidence she used SS money to buy her wardrobe!!!" BS. People aren't stupid.

>> No.7269276

I've seen threads about her a few times and now I wanna get this off my chest since I didn't know who she was at the time and now feel awful for what happened.

Long story short I was in Harajuku for the opening of Melty Royal Chocolate in the Laforet building and saw the long line, her being infront of me. I speak japanese but it's kinda broken so she helped me talk to one of the staff about the wait time/what was in stock still/etc. Since it was like a half an hour line we chatted and she was super sketchy the whole time (claiming her crazy racial mixes/ the 5 billion languages she speaks) but didn't wanna lose the chance to get a dream print because of lack of understanding. By the time we reached the end of the line she was already inside and I was waiting alone, but she came back all qq over "I cant buy a second dress because I bought two already somewhere else and they know .... etc"

Okay so I know it was against the rules (kinda) but I didn't truly understand much and didn't know she was doing a shopping service or anything, just said she wanted a dress for a "friend" and started crying to me. So she passed me cash and came along as my "translator". Well anyways she started dumping shit on me to buy other than the dress like necklaces and bows and shit, really awkward. Then when I finally purchased it all she dragged me down the hall to exchange, and a fucking staff member followed us. Bitched us out, forgave us and didn't make us return the items even though she spoke some english and was really pissed. I was freaking out the whole time like oh god are they gonna call the cops or something, just reaaaaally bad and a situation I didn't wanna be in. Apparently they wrote it against her name and said she was going to be "watched" from now on but she made a snark comment after the woman left that she wouldn't be coming back to the location anyway.

tl;dr she abused my kindness and almost got both of us banned from AP over a SS purchase she was doing.

>> No.7269296

Holy shit. This is about Yunni right?

>> No.7269305

fucking wondercunt

god could her bias be any more transparent

>> No.7269336

Damn, that really fucking sucks

>> No.7269356

So, a while ago I posted a WTB for a highly sought after dress and my only luck was a seller in China with no feedback offering one for 500USD shipped, which is a pretty good price. They couldn't give me eBay feedback either, so I initially declined despite being provided with a photo because it seemed somewhat sketchy, especially since the account had only been created in October and they are only a member of the sales comm. However, as we're all aware, this dress keeps becoming harder and harder to come by, so I contacted the seller again in hopes they weren't a scammer and we could get a payment plan going. I searched their username to make sure no horror stories popped up and it seems they're somewhat active on the comm despite not having a feedback page. I requested proof photos, including of the tag and with her username written on a piece of paper, before officially committing.

So, my question is, how exactly does Pay Pal's buyer protection work with payment plans? I know they have a time limit with opening claims, but is there any special protocol with payment plans? I asked if six weeks was okay with her, but I'm worried that if she's a scammer I won't be able to get all my money back because I waited too long. Would you guys advise me against making an official commitment or should I not be worried?

>> No.7269362

With paypal, you get 45 days to file a claim. If your payment plan takes longer than 45 days then they can't help you.

However, it's possible that you might be able to file a chargeback with your bank past the 45 day limit, depending on their policies.

>> No.7269369

Paypal does not protect payment plans at all, even within 45 day limit, unfortunately. Do not use a payment plan if you are afraid of being screwed over.

From their Protection for Buyers guide, part of the eligibility for protection is:

>Pay for the full amount of the item with one payment. Items purchased with multiple payments – like a deposit followed by a final payment – are not eligible

>> No.7269373


cgl is a bunch of whiny thankless babies, basically

3 comments in one thread, several entire threads when the first few bouts of drama went down, but who's counting, right, rosaire?

>> No.7269383

Thank you so much for the information. Kind of a stupid rule, in my opinion, but then again PP is full of silliness, so I really shouldn't be surprised. Since she hasn't sold the dress yet and it's been this long, I'm sure she'd be willing to give me another three weeks to come up with the full amount as she hasn't listed it anywhere. If not, oh well. It wasn't my first choice colorway, anyway.

>> No.7269387

>3 comments in one thread, several entire threads when the first few bouts of drama went down, but who's counting, right, rosaire?
>a shit ton
>implying there were several whole threads about this anon's totally shitty service, which they said they've never talked about online before
>also defending shit mods

wonderfinch, is that you?

>> No.7269388

>cgl is a bunch of whiny thankless babies, basically
Either you're a mod yourself or you haven't been adequately keeping up very well I don't agree with /cgl/ that all the mods are shit, but a few of them really need to get their act together or step down from their duties. Looking at you, Wonderfinch and amy_the_yu.

>> No.7269419

Talking about Mikarin for clarification, sorry realized I didn't specify.

>> No.7269545


Bitch can't speak a lick of Japanese. She just talks really slowly in a very loud voice in English at Japanese people.

>> No.7270291

Not like it's hard to keep track of a fat and ugly black girl. Does she think the shop staff are retarded?

>> No.7270301

Mikarin is a scalping cunt too. I don't see why anyone would buy from her.

>> No.7270306

Jeez. What a fucking bitch.

>> No.7270328

Rosaire, all I've said was that you're a shit enough shopping service compared to the rest of them that after using you once I've never wanted to again. I never said you scammed me or raped my cat or anything worth getting worked up over, it's just the same rules that apply in any other customer service transaction. If the customer service is shit I don't buy from again. My money, my right. I'm not 'upset' I'm just not so stupid to give my money for a service when the the service provided doesn't live up to its competitors.

I only brought up the situation because I said I could feel for the people who DID get scammed not wanting to be public because we've all seen that Rosaire is crazy enough to hound them down over daring to say something negative and you've more than proved that. I'm not willing to go into lots of detail over something minor (not scammed just don't want to use again) because I don't trust you not to go through years worth of emails to try and find out who I am. You have demonstrated yourself to be that crazy, which is why I sympathise with the people you scammed (on top of them getting scammed).

I've gone over my post several times as a result of your shrieking and I can't find a single spelling mistake so I can only figure it was because I spelt your initial lj username wrong on the last post? Sorry that I didn't remember exactly what your lj was years ago, especially since you've changed it lots of times since. I can only presume that the 3? people using it above are either following on from my post in the other thread since I've never seen that username talked about before, but of course it could just be yourself in an attempt to discredit me.

I can prove that they're not me though to relieve your hysterical paranoia if you want?

>> No.7270325


>As to where we are now I'm sure ODIP has received notice that we won't be having that sort of behavior here and if she continues then she'll just have to pedal her wears somewhere else. I'm sure it won't take her long to either rage quite or to go on ahead and do it anyway. The end result of both is she won't be using egl.

whyyyy is Marie being given so many chances?


>I'm sure ODIP has received notice

So.... have the mods even given her so much as a WARNING? Or are they assuming she's reading getoffegl? Come the fuck on.

>> No.7270330

Who wants to make a new comm?

>> No.7270354

is a girl's name

means outstanding

Not the person you are talking with, just an anon reading through the thread.

>> No.7270381

What the fuck is this shit? Why are they pussyfooting around marie so much? They are literally just hoping that she will go away on her own without them having to lift a finger.

Fuck this shit

>> No.7270481

Gal that's been following these threads as I use a lot of SS for non-lolita purposes here.
But your concerns were that she didn't go over the top to full fill your request and you didn't get a handwritten note.
That's what's concerning people as to the validity of your 'review'.

Did she get the main items you wanted that are included within her service?
Did she ship within her time frame (it has generally always been within 2 weeks).
Was the parcel in good condition and was everything as described?

If you answered yes to at least 2 of these, your review of 'shit but not shit enough to warrant a negative' make no sense whatsoever.

"Not providing a handwritten note" or "Not fulfilling additional non-included as standard requests" are crap excuses as to why service was so terrible.

If those are the things you look for in a Shopping Service it's understandable to not use said service again however if you read through your posts again as an outsider, you do seem exceptionally upset over these minuscule issues.

>> No.7270515

>Changed username many times
>karasu (not karisu) to lacetreasures to rosaire

Hi Wonderfinch. You would be the type to expect a handwritten letter and copious ass kissing.

>> No.7270530

It's time to stop posting.

You seem to think that everyone not on your side in this thread is Rosaire and you are making a fool of yourself.

On second thought, >>7270515 makes a lot of sense

HI WONDERBITCH. Can you explain why the mods refuse to take any sort of disciplinary action with Marie, that'd be great

>> No.7270535

This. I'm one of the people you keep mentioning from the last thread and I even sided with you on two of the reasons why you didn't like her service but the rest of it just sounded like whiny bullshit because you didn't get a special snowflake customer note that you would have thrown away after reading and didn't get your extra needs catered to. Now you're making yourself look worse by calling everyone that points out how bad you're making your case look Rosaire even though none of us are saying your bad experience didn't happen, it's just that you're focusing too much on super petty shit that wouldn't even be considered if you had actually left her a negative/neutral feedback at the time.

If you're going to say she's shit (which I personally don't think she is but she should have stopped and straightened out her business practices and called it quits before she dug herself into a hole of shame) then at least stick to valid reasons why she's shit instead of throwing a tantrum because people aren't agreeing with you saying she's shit because she didn't agree to all your demands and unwritten expectations like kissing your arse.

Also, once a-fucking-gain like I said in the last thread, I'm not Rosaire and I'd be more than happy to fucking prove it to shut you up and get you to actually take a post seriously.

>> No.7270544

I'm pretty sure they're the same person. Any other seagulls who can verify this?

>> No.7270548

I'm in awe that a person would cause such a stink over the lack of a tiny square of fabric and a special snowflake personalized note. The entitlement is high in this one.

>> No.7270556

Exactly. At this point I'm ready to call anon-buyer herself Rosaire because there's no way someone is that ridiculous and defensive without it being Rosaire trying to prove how crazy all her unhappy customers are so we won't believe any of them even if they're legitimate. It's like Inception or something.

>> No.7270561

Yea Mikarin and Yunni are the same person

>> No.7270736


>> No.7270745

>because we've all seen that Rosaire is crazy enough to hound them down over daring to say something negative

Have we? Who has rosaire hounded for saying something negative that wasn't the lying trio?

Also, 1) not everyone pointing out that you're an overreacting samefag is rosaire nd 2) you look like a fucking idiot because you're crying over a fabric sample and the lack of a handwritten note.

>> No.7270749

I think they mean that they think rosaire is making herself look bad to get white knights for some kind of self satisfaction, and to make people think that any legitimate complaints are lies. Kind of like a reverse boy-who-cried-wolf.

I don't really care either way, just defining what they probably mean.

>> No.7270751

It was a joke.

>> No.7273903


Marie has gotten a "notice" that she needs to get her act together, I guess?

>> No.7273950

It continues

>> No.7273988

Since mikarinsweet/yunni is going to keep doing her SS under a new name each time no matter what, you know what should happen?

A petition should be sent to AP about how she has been breaking the rules AND scamming people with their products.

It would be awesome if some lolitas who live in Japan tried to notify them about what she is doing too, so she could be permanently banned from all stores. If I was a local I would.

>> No.7273991

AP is very aware of what she is doing and they are watching her like a hawk.

>> No.7274107

"It has been done" isn't quite the confirmation I was hoping for.

>> No.7274223
File: 110 KB, 960x720, 1388671435538.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'm not a Lolita, but this chick really pisses me off. If she was still in Korea, I'd personally deal with her. She's American and living in Japan? Anyone know her real name? I might be able to put some serious fire under that ass.

>> No.7274227

Haha, what, are you the LSE mod? Give me a break. Stop talking big like you're big shit.

>> No.7274225


she changed her tumblr URL

>> No.7274228

THANK YOU you are amazing anon <3

>> No.7274229

maybe they're talking about spreading info around yunni's local comms? to people who don't keep up with the EGL or CGL or tumblr or who dont speak english. idk

also im wondering, why does yunni use the name 'yunni?' thats an indonesian name my cousin and some friends even have....

>> No.7274230


if you ever need to find her URL if she changes it, look at this post:


in the upper left corner of the post it gives the 'reblogged from' link. it will change to match whichever url she uses.

>> No.7274231


A Mod? No, I'm an old-fag who deals with these types on a Professional/Government level. I'm talking about real world consequences and if I cannot do something about it, I know people that can. If she is seriously scamming people, its a crime, plain and simple.

>> No.7274233

I'm not >>7274223 but LSE isn't even involved because she doesn't post there. Like egl, they won't ban her or even post up a warning.

Thanks for that tip. I'm a tumblr noob.
If I can get enough evidence that she still has money and orders from customers I can go to the police about it. Next time I see her I am going to bitch at her until she cries. I am mad/10

>> No.7274234

Yep you sound just like the mod. I GOT PEOPLE ON THE INSIDE, PEOPLE CAN FUCK HER ASS UP IRL! Calm down with your shit, you're not some white knight mercenary,

>> No.7274236

Thank you, I'm not this anon >>7274228, but that bit of information helps a bit. If anyone has an actual name real life name, that would be great too.

Uh, right. I'm not sure why you're trying to 'attack me', since I'm offering to help. I'm not claiming to be some mystical white knight assassin. If I'm in a position to help out, it wouldn't be any skin off my back to do so.

>> No.7274238

I think her name was Vanessa something?

>> No.7274242

All I need is a real name and city she lives in. Those are the two most important details. It looks like there is already a good amount of information and screen shots already gathered. Any other bits of information like age, possible birth date would be great too.

>> No.7274244

It would be a huge help if you (and anyone else) who has tumblr would reblog the callouts I'm posting because she is trying to gather more customers on tumblr and needs to be stopped.

I know she lives in Ageo, Saitama because that's listed publicly on her FB, but I don't know where she is from since she fakes a British accent and pretends to be a mutt from the UK.

>> No.7274245

I'm an old woman. Tumblr I don't use personally and Facebook is all coworkers and family. So, I apologize about not being able to spread the word.

From what I gathered, she's actually American and from New York? Not sure if any anon's can confirm this. But if anyone has an actual name for this individual, that would be great.

>> No.7274247

She had a modeling page linked on her Japanese blog but she has since locked down all of her entries after I posted her shit to the Japanese community and outed her there. I should have bookmarked it.

>> No.7274249

Vanessa Roberson

>> No.7274251

I'll be around for a little bit longer, since it's almost midnight for me. All I need is a name and I can get on this in the morning.

>> No.7274252

Thank you, Anon.

>> No.7274254


>> No.7274258


This is perfect!

>> No.7274264

Daaaaaaang this is lovely

>> No.7274274

Brooklyn, New York/African American/29 years old. The picture matches the confirmed name.

>> No.7274286

I have her full name and address stateside. Thank you Anons, I will do what I can to help.

>> No.7274290 [DELETED] 
File: 321 KB, 1466x1070, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Um...Rosaire sold an AP Candy sprinkle set for like $100 (idk if it included everything), Getoffegl saved my ass before I bought from her, is she trying to scam again?

>> No.7274294
File: 321 KB, 1466x1070, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Um...Rosaire sold an AP Candy sprinkle set yesterday. Getoffegl saved my ass before I bought from her, is she trying to scam again?

>> No.7274295

She bought one yesterday and listed it on her own page but didn't iirc it didn't sell. She always offers sales to friends before going to LSE first

>> No.7274296

She bought one that didn't fit and tried to sell it but didn't get any of her friends who were interested. SHe has a private FB group for just friends who want to shop through her, when that didn't work I guess she moved to the public group. I really doubt she's trying to scam anyone.

>> No.7274297

Hi Vanessa. Stop trying to change the subject.

>> No.7274301

Hello anon, I'm not who you say I am unfortunately.

>> No.7274309

Uhh...no. As an individual buyer and seller, you'll find that there's absolutely nothing wrong with Rosaire. She's not a scammer like that Sylphid Dreamer chick, just person with a lot of issues who couldn't handle running a SS, and had a massive meltdown and freakout when things started going south (and trust me, I know, I was one of the people she owed goods and a refund). Rosaire was a shitty SS, but in the end, she's a pretty normal seller on the sales comms. GTFO didn't really save your ass from anything; as pissed off at her as I was when I didn't get my shit for months, I really wish people would let this hateboner for her die and move on.

>> No.7274317

Sorry I just find this kind of thing a bit stupid. It's usually drama mongers like the LSE mod getting a bunch of people in a huff saying how they'll "protect" victims when they're only trying to toot their own horn.

I'm one of the victims of a different scammer and so far the mod's been all talk over one person that fucked her personally over and not doing shit, getting everyone in a tizzy for pretty much no reason.

She's a shit mod with herself as top priority and she's making a big deal out of everything trying to link all the scamming to one person. Hell, she even asked me to say it was the same girl to get more dirt on her.

It's not you, it's the LSE mod and her false promises.

>> No.7274334

I completely understand you. Like I mentioned before, I have zero Lolita affiliations and don't follow blogs/groups. Most of these young ladies who run the blogs are just that, young ladies with no actual power to do anything in these matters. The luxury of 4chan is that you never who is lurking and sometimes it just takes the right person and the right time.

She's American, I have the information I need and I'll make the calls tomorrow. Thank you ladies.

>> No.7274422

I know I should probably just let this die, but this really irked me. I apologize for derailing further.

First, I'm going to say that the only people who have the can properly discern if her problems are real are her doctors.

But yes, it is very possible to have multiple things wrong with you. There may be some underlying cause that they haven't found, or it may just be a person who got a bad draw. Not to mention quite a few of the things you brought up are often connected. Both hypothyroid and fibromyalgia can cause chronic fatigue and depression, and depression often comes with anxiety. The constant sore throats most likely mean she has a shitty immune system or is allergic to something where she lives. The blood clot was probably caused by inactivity and medication- assuming she is on BC. Obesity causes things more like hypertension, diabetes, high cholesterol- and yes, it can cause fatigue. Hernias and nerve damage can happen to anyone at any time (however, I don't recall seeing her mention those before, and nerve issues are most likely related to fibromyalgia).

Did I miss anything?

If you're gonna try and discredit someone, at least pick a topic you actually seem like you know about next time.

>> No.7274445

What are you even on about?

>> No.7274454

I'm lost. As far as I knew the banning of she SSs that were mentioned above on LSE was a relatively new thing? What other issue are you talking about?

>> No.7274767

Fibromyalgia is actually comorbid with many other conditions, including SLE, rheumatoid arthritis, chronic fatigue syndrome, and hypothyroid, so you're right in saying they are connected. Fibromyalgia can also lead to depression and anxiety due to reduced quality of life. The suicide rate is sadly quite high.

>> No.7275339


>> No.7280840

Did anything happen with this?

>> No.7280862

FUCK. I bought the coat and cardigan.

>> No.7280867

She's not trying to scam you. You'll be fine.

>> No.7280872

Thank you! I bought it on the good faith,that like a different anon said, she's simply a bad ss and not a bad seller/person. I have yet to hear from bet though about mailing the items.

>> No.7280881

Is it just me or is the LSE sticky completely gone now?

>> No.7281041

Open a Paypal dispute NOW or kiss your money goodbye.

>> No.7282577

Anyone see this. Marie pulled a vanishing act.

>> No.7282614

You will get burned by this world, don't have so much faith in people.

Anyway though, Rosaire goes through cycles of almost normal mental health and then severe craziness. Luckily she's on a mission to destroy Yunni/Michan at the moment so that's keeping her focused and sane so you should probably be ok with getting your items.

>inb4 rosaire shows up to reiterate that she does not have mental problems

>> No.7282851

I wonder what happened. Maybe the fact that her bad services were being talked about so much finally led her to snap?

>> No.7282876

>open a Paypal dispute when nothing has gone wrong
>open up buyer to legit negative feedback

fantastic advice

>> No.7283077

We talked things over.my main issue wad that she said she would ship them over the weekend since i paid so quickly but... yea... She said she will get them out in 2 weeks. More of an inconvenience than any thing. But if no one was willing to give some one a chance we wouldn't have a second hand market. You are right though, I should be more cautious.

>> No.7283261

Someone on get off egl said that they had consignment goods returned to them.

>> No.7283336

Her shipping terms have been a two week window for years.

>> No.7283416


>> No.7283429

Like I said, I asked her when she would be able to ship it and she said during the weekend.

>> No.7283446

What about all the people who have reservations? Has she even contacted anybody about this? I feel for the poor girl who went by the store on Monday to get her items.

>> No.7283453

File a paypal claim? You're SOL. Why are you even asking what to do on an anonymous site when you were quite obviously scammed out of your money? File a claim, or go to the police.

>> No.7283459
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>you were quite obviously scammed out of your money
>has not actually stated they had even reserved any items personally
Shit anon, you're just jumping on any small tidbit of information to fuck marie over, aren't you

>> No.7283464

Hi Marie, you stupid cunt. Can't take criticism so you close up shop and keep everyone's money?

>> No.7283469

It isn't marie. Who shat in your bloomers this morning? Did she personally attack you or something? Y U SO MAD?

>> No.7283506
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I don't know if this is new information or not, but I saw Yunni/Mikarin/Vanessa on January 2nd, while in line at the Shinjuku Marui Annex. She was pretty far back in line and I saw her contemplating going into the AP line for lucky packs. I really hope AP is noticing that she's a scalper and that no poor soul decided to use her service. I really wanted to knock her down since I have personally dealt with her bullshit before the first round of reviews went up last year.

can't put up list of links without bot thinking it's spam.. so screenshot instead..

>> No.7283507

That's Rosaire's MO, she keeps saying "Oh yes dear I will ship tomorrow no problem ^_^" but keeps putting it off and lying to you, and once she does ship two weeks later, "HEY DUMBFUCK it says in my terms that I take two weeks to ship neener neener". If the seller tells me that they are for sure shipping something tomorrow, I expected it to be shipped tomorrow, not dragged out for two weeks with a plethora of excuses. It's maddening to be the customer in that situation.

>> No.7283520


I heard she tried to kill herself, one of the many things she failed at

>> No.7283521

That's how I felt. Like, if you don't plan on shipping for 2 weeks tell me. That way I can base my decision on that. don't tell me you are going to ship it by a certain time then turn around and say Oh I take 2 weeks. I understand this time she had to go to the hospital. Shit happens. People get sick. Just inform me. Don't make me come to you asking. Treat your buyers how you would want to be treated. That goes for any seller not just her.

>> No.7283534

Sellers are so bad at this. I swear I've never had any tell me about a delay until I bugged them. I don't understand why it's so hard to just inform the person.

On the other hand though, I've seen buyers who start paypal claims within 2 days because an item wasn't immediately shipped. (And the ultimate dumbass who opened a claim on my friend to.. ask a question. Wow.)

Both sides are ridiculous bullshit.

>> No.7283541

I don't often like to downplay or make a joke out of something like suicide but I feel as if this isn't a cry for help from Marie, but one of her crazy attempts to gain sympathy. How convenient is it for her to fuck up in her business and turn around and say "All the related drama and bullying made me want to kill myself!" and girls will turn around and defend her and say "LEAVE MARIE ALONE!" "I never said anything bad about her, she's going through a hard time right now, give her a break!" so anybody who asks about their items/money, they're made out to be the bad ones.

>> No.7283657

She was buying LPs on Jan 1 at Harajuku and bought them at Omiya too.

>> No.7283703

Yea so real mature rosaire. I know toy read this shit so pay attention. I bought 2 items from you.You led about when you would ship it. I had a legitimate complaint. You refunding me with no explanation, after we got on the same page, then bitching me out because I was concerned and blocking me is a Bitch move. I told you I still wanted my items and that the shipping delay would be fine. You obviously don't pay attention to these threads becausei wad also the person on here who said I bought from you on good faith and that you deserved a chance. You lost yourself a potential future customer. Bottom line folks: rosaire is a bitch. Don't buy from her

>> No.7283713

But it was literally in her SS terms that she takes up to two weeks to ship items.

>> No.7283717

Cry more. You came here bitching and whining OH FUCK OH FUCK OH FUUUUUUUUUUUUCCCCCCCCCCCKKKKK I BOUGHT FROM ROSAIRE so I refunded you to spare you the hassle.

I also don't like selling to people who fuck with my friends. Just saying.

>> No.7283718

It's a common tactic when people pull stupid shit. Wonderfinch has done something similar, saying things like I HOPE YOU'RE ALL HAPPY, I HAD TO GO TO THE EMERGENCY ROOM BECAUSE OF ALL THIS etc etc on the several occasions she's been called out publicly. then, of course, her friends rally behind her because poor baby.

>> No.7283720

Well apparently buyers aren't allowed to voice concerns about being lied to about shipping times. She refunded me bitch ed me out and blocked me. All after me telling her I was fine with the delay and I still wanted my items

>> No.7283723

You mean like what you've done all along, right, Rosaire?

Jesus, what a bitch. Why anyone would even try to do business with you anymore is beyond me, but now you're even burning your bridges with those customers...

>> No.7283726


>> No.7283732

This girl paid a few days ago. Not two weeks ago. A few fucking days ago. LOL

>> No.7283729

She can take up to two weeks, but if she says "I will ship tomorrow" anyone would logically assume she means tomorrow, not giving excuses and putting it off until her two week deadline is up.

>> No.7283731

You kind of lack common sense. Common sense says to not complain or bitch until you have your items in your hand or a Paypal refund if you've opened a case because things went really sour, not to say 'OH FUCK I BOUGHT (specific items)' and then say things on /cgl/ before she's sent your package out.

>> No.7283733
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>calling me rosaire because I pointed out something factual about wonderfinch

>> No.7283735


>> No.7283741

You're a moron. What seller in their right mind would sell to you after you've blasted them on cgl?

>> No.7283743

I suppose you are referring to angel? A"friend" you have never met who shit talked you behind your back. Why don't you let angel fight her own battles. She's a big girl.she hada problem with me she knows how to reach me. You also know nothing about that situation. Also, like I pointed out twice now, once someone informed me i was safe buying from you, I said I understood and was fine with it. All you are doing is screwing your self more.

>> No.7283748

It is pretty ironic that Rosaire is complaining about Marie and Wonderfinch saying they have health or mental problems that might interfere with their daily lives, since Rosaire pulls out MUH MEDICAL ISSUES BAWW ABLEISM every second of the day

>> No.7283753
File: 130 KB, 551x300, wut.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If Rosaire doesn't ship your items, she is a bitch
>If Rosaire does ship your items, she is a bitch
>If Rosaire holds onto your refund she is a bitch
>If Rosaire refunds you she is a bitch
>If Rosaire scams you she is a bitch
>If Rosaire doesn't scam you she is a bitch

>> No.7283758

You came onto cgl and flipped the fuck out about me. After we were "on the same page" you continued to come on here and talk shit. Why the FUCK would I want to sell to you? You got your money back. You're just mad that you lost out on a good deal and now will have to pay a lot more for those items.

>> No.7283763

>still implying I'm rosaire

nope. I pointed out what wonderfinch said because she literally trotted it out because people were questioning her... well, questionable actions... for sympathy and to try to guilt trip people.

The "I went to the ER!!" was what apparently happened when her mod post from the mod community got leaked (the one where she said she wanted to kick someone's teeth in, etc) which she brought up during some later drama to deflect the situation.

>> No.7283769

I didn't post anything about Marie and WF. Are you high right now?

>> No.7283772

>trotted it out... for sympathy and to try to guilt trip people
Yeah and Rosaire never does that at all, ever

>> No.7283774

Actually, I wasnt the one still bitching about you. I even told you that I was giving you the benefit that your issues were with being a ss not that you were a bad seller/person when you brought up cgl. I also responded to someone else saying I understand you went to the hospital, people get sick, shit happens. None of that is bad mouthing you. That's pretty neutral.

>> No.7283779

Furthermore, you knew who I was when you entered into the transaction, because you had come to me previously when drama had gone down and said you felt bad for me, and that I hadn't handled my SS situation properly but you didn't think I was a bad person. So when you came to me to buy from me, YOU KNEW WHO I WAS. So you coming on here going OH SHIT OH MY STARS I BOUGHT FROM ROSAIRE sounds more like an attempt at starting drama more than anything.

As for your statement about going behind someone's back to shit talk, what do you think you did when you came on here and pitched a fit about me? Don't even try.

>> No.7283780

Where did I say anything about what rosaire does or doesn't do in my comments?

>> No.7283784
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There is a big difference between seeming fine and suddenly going OMG the drama on the internet made me slit my wrists!! and being open about having health issues in the first place.

>> No.7283785

Sauce on the suicide attempt? Because I don't believe shit. Because if it's legit, then holy shit.

But if it's not and she's just ill/hell, had an accident, shit happens, I don't think people should assume: >>7283541

But seriously, where did it say she attempted suicide?

>> No.7283803

In anon's head.

>> No.7283807

yea. that was me. thats not exactly pitching a fit or shit talking. in fact, i even defend you juuuuust a tad there. if that is what you think is shit talking you really are crazy. youre right. i did tell you i felt bad for you, cuz up until now, i kinda did. your medical issues and weight have nothing to do with your shitty service and i felt bad for you that people used those things against you. tried to show a little compassion to someone i felt could use some. that doesnt mean i cant still have reservations about buying from you or worry that maybe like someone else said i have too much faith in people. eh, was voicing my concern on cgl the smartest move? probably not, but i also came to you and voiced my concern. when someone tells you they are going to ship something out to you, dont do it, dont tell you they didnt do it to me thats poor customer service. this whole thing could have been avoided if you had shot me a message and told me you werent well. also, yea you gave a good deal. that was the whole reason i bought them. im just not buying them now.

>> No.7283808

Hell, pixyteri recently got sent to the hospital for threatening to try to kill herself a bunch of times and if you know her you know it's only for attention, asspats, and pity.

>> No.7283811

oops. edit. second one wasnt me. response to the second one was me.

>> No.7283815

But if you messaged her before you bought from her, that means you knew about her situation/history. So to come to /cgl/ and go 'FUCK. I BOUGHT FROM HER" after the fact is fishy, at best.

>> No.7283826

all i knew was cgl drama. i didnt know all the facts. we also talked very briefly about her family problems which has nothing to do with the shopping service. but yea, i panicked because someone on here said she was scamming and i had just given her my money. like i mentioned though, when someone said i was fine and wasnt being scammed i was ok.

>> No.7283842

You can't be an active member of a community of any sort and be an effective mod. It's just not possible.

>> No.7283844

Anyone who takes cgl as gospel shouldn't be trusted. Your bullshit story has so many holes in it

>> No.7283864

>I knew cgl drama
>but I didn't know that she had a bad reputation


>> No.7283901

dude, you know what happens when you cross rosaire? you get an internet enemy for life. she will never forget this. i know you're upset, but don't even try to defend yourself, just slowly back away from the keyboard and no one will get hurt.

>> No.7283909

i had no idea it was this level of crazy. honestly, i figured most of it was hype. boy was i wrong. thank you for the advice anon. will do.

>> No.7283915

Oh come now anon. I am actually happy it turned out this way, because I see that I can sell the coat for two times the price I had asked from her :3

>> No.7283917

You have no room to speak of crazy when you can't keep your story straight, and are a two-faced back-stabbing psycho bitch.

>> No.7283918
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>this thread

>> No.7283949

Anon just say she heard it happened. There's zero nada zilch information online anywhere that she is depressed/has released anything about a suicide attempt. Only her closest friends would know anything and the gossip in the backstreets of the internet imply that she's actually been behaving normally lately...if you can call her normal.

>> No.7283961

That's lovely of you. Sounds like bullshit though, try harder.

>> No.7284048

I know right? I came here looking for dirt on Marie, and watching you cunts scream at each other about being a particular anon is hysterical. How do you even know you're talking to the same person from ten posts ago?

>> No.7284077

when did she scam someone? I used her to buy a purse and it went really well. I never had any issues with her.

>> No.7284098

From what I can see, she hasn't scammed anyone, just been backed up with her orders and have a bad personality so far. But that doesn't make you a scammer.

Personally I would get a bit pissed if I sold to someone and thought that we were okay, and then saw the person talk about me behind my back on cgl. They both handled the situation badly, but the anon got a refund, so no scamming happened.

>> No.7284112

I've got a couple of things on layby (layaway for you Americunts) with Marie.
At this point we haven't been sent any message about the closure, just the Facebook update.
The store has been closed and nobody is in attendance at any of the times I've been past.
Nobody on the local comms has mentioned it so I don't know what to think. Also don't want to be the one who mentions it first if you know what I'm saying.
She had a sale on certain stuff last year from like Dec 26-31 including heavy discounts on LIEF Stella.
She was due to get the clockwork butterfly shirts in early December but I'm not sure if they have arrived yet. I've got shirts on layby for this series.
She was expecting more Nightmare Rising JSKs as well in more sizes but again no word yet.

And that's all I know/can get at this point in time

>> No.7284119

Scammer or not she's a shitty SS and doesn't deserve sympathy at this point in time.

When you fuck up as badly as she did you should work 10x as hard to restore your status in society. This isn't a hard concept, is it?

All she does is sit back and hurl insults at people who are legitimately concerned about her peddling herself on the comms and LSE, complain because she can't afford to live in Japan with her ~illNes5seS~ but can't let go of her weeaboo dreams and carry on with selling shit as if nothing happened.

In a world where you can just shout loudly at the people you wronged and carry on with your life unaffected with people backing you up as "right".......why do we need jails? Just yell at assault victims who are afraid to go out oon a Friday night because even though you're drinking again you're pretty sure you won't lose your temper this time. Just yell at robbery victims for being worried about you free in the community because even though you spent your paycheck in two days and desperately want some crack you pinky promise that you'll only deal with your friends but if the opportunity comes up you *might* go out and sell a bit of weed on the streets but it's totally guaranteed that you won't fuck them over.

>> No.7284129
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Have you looked at her Facebook? She is claiming her doctor is saying she has to stay in Japan. Can a translator anon confirm?

>> No.7284133

Yea that's pretty much what it says, her condition is unstable and it's dangerous for her to return to her home country. Doctor hopes she can continue treatment in Japan, the rest is left blank.

>> No.7284134

What does she have? Does it say? Treatment for what?

>> No.7284138

I doubt the validity of that. Anyone can print out some mumbo jumbo in moonspeak and claim it's from a doctor.

>> No.7284140

If she is that sick she just needs to fucking go home. Her father offered to pay. Just get the hell out and go back to America, bitch. Japan doesn't want you.

>> No.7284141

I don't know the specific medical terms in English, but it says fibric tendon muscle pain and deep artery clots. The second probably explains why the doctor doesn't recommend her fly.

Also it looks pretty legit, they use the Showa dates and everything and the name of the hospital, doctor, and medical association are all listed as well as the hospital's address and phone number. Also jesus balls Marie, you're fucking 31 and still can't get your shit together?

>> No.7284143

That isn't Marie. That's Rosarie/Lisa. I guess her middle name is Marie. Funny coincidence.

>> No.7284145

With clots it wouldn't be advisable to fly, but I remember Rosaire saying she was on warfarin and so she would be fine to fly (with some precautions)

>> No.7284146

Are you dumb? If that paper is valid, a Japanese medical doctor just issued a document stating she CANNOT go back to her home country right now. I understand people being annoyed with this girl, but now you're sounding just stupid.

>> No.7284149

But her doctor says she isn't fine to fly.

>> No.7284154

okay I hand wrote these into the ime tool

The first one is fibromyalgia. The second is depression. The third is deep vein thrombosis. None of the sicknesses seem so severe she can't go back to the USA to get better medical care.

>> No.7284157

>Japanese medical doctor
Opposed to all those Japanese non-medical doctors?

Your English aside, what's the deal with not just gong back bu fucking boat or something?

All dat free Obamacare versus staying in Japan where, while maybe it is the magical land of pocky and desu, you can't receive proper care or have a family network to support you during your illness

>> No.7284160

Her whole family hates her after the btb incident. Obligatory!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.7284163

I've sent her emails through her site and fb messages but no reply. Not even the person who signed off with their initials on the fb update. I don't know if it's a good idea to post on the fb groups or not.

>> No.7284164

Just makes it more entertaining for us. I'll make us some popcorn and we can share, Anon-chan.

>> No.7284165

Going back on a ship is probably more physically taxing than a plane.

>> No.7284166

maybe we can give it 2 weeks then start pushing? If she's genuinely ill or something then all we're doing is creating more work for when she comes back.
I think CW is a girl called Catherine or something, she was in the store part-time when Marie wasn't in.

>> No.7284167

She can swim then. Lose some of that fat and hopefully drown. Though I doubt even sharks would want to eat that.

>> No.7284168

Guys health are in Japan is really cheap and high quality. If you're going to say she can come back at least have a good reason.
Ex: housing is unaffordable and she doesn't have a high enough income and would qualify for food stamps I The USA?

Also guys, medical doctor is the proper term. If you get a doctorate you are a doctor, but you're only an me if it's in medicine.

>> No.7284173

More room to walk around, no ascent/descent in the atmosphere....they're the two biggest concerns for traveling with blood clots and conditions pretty much eliminated. you can get pills for sea sickness

>> No.7284177

Japan isn't some magical wonderland. In many prefectures even emergency departments in hospitals close at 5PM and aren't open on weekends.
I don't believe she even has a job at the moment and she certainly couldn't keep to even her own terms of shipping times with the constant moving of goal posts to meet her everyday circumstances.
She's simply not at a time in her life where it's responsible to be living overseas. Her Japanese isn't fluent enough to survive outside the Western-obsessed cityscapes and she's actually taken to begging for money and loans instead of getting her ass out of there for her own benefit.
Maybe in 1-2 years after her health shit is sorted then she can consider a move back to Pockyville but at this moment in time it's purely irresponsible to be living overseas when she's unable to support herself completely/

>> No.7284182

Do you know what happens when you are diagnosed with a condition in one country, especially one where English is not the native language, and you move back to your home country and try to get benefits? You need to be diagnosed all over again from square one.

I don't know about you, but I wouldn't want to have to start all over from scratch and suffer for months before being diagnosed with conditions I had been diagnosed with and was being treated for elsewhere.

>> No.7284185

>Japanese not fluent enough

Excuse me?

>> No.7284188

In November, 2 months ago, and she's been on medication since then. If she hadn't been such a fatass and laid around she wouldn't have gotten the DVT in the first place.

>> No.7284189

she's been saying something about not being able to get the medicines she needs at home

>> No.7284190

I highly doubt that. HIGHLY. What an obese fucking liar. If she would just lose 100 pounds she wouldn't have these problems.

>> No.7284191

how is that even possible?

>> No.7284199

Do you think doctors would say "oh you were taking this in grorious nippon? Here you go!" without properly diagnosing the problem themselfs?

>> No.7284207

That's different to implying that she would "not be able to get" said medicine, which is what the above post implies

>> No.7284211

Besides ramen and pocky can be bought at wal-mart, right?

>> No.7284212

First off, travel with thrombosis and fibromyalgia is SUPER FUCKING TAXING and dangerous.

I was diagnosed with a liver disease while I was in Germany. I returned to the states to help my parents and it took the doctors there TWO YEARS to begin treating me for my disease, even with all the medical documentation I had from germany (translated and sealed actual copies from doctors and hospitals). They only believed when I ended up in the hospital pretty fucking close to death. I had to suffer in pain for two fucking years because American doctors didn't want to listen to what the German doctors said. I went to probably 15 different doctors and all of them acted like I made the damned thing up.

If you CAN stay where you are being treated you should. Why the hell would she want to go to the states and start over and have to suffer? That is bullshit.

Ignorant anons are ignorant.

>> No.7284229

>Mfw got refills for all my prescriptions overseas in US with no issues
Rosaire can't support herself in Japan. She been unemployed for months and can't work anyway, can't get benefits, and her visa is almost up. She's on medication for DVT so she's ok to travel. She has a free plane ticket to the US, free place to stay, can qualify for benefits and healthcare, but god knows why she'd rather cling to Japan where she's sinking like a stone than even try to get in a better situation

>> No.7284234

Yes, but if you go back and say "I was diagnosed with x, y and z" then they start off by testing you for x, y and z instead of just going from beginning/square one. DVT is easy to get a diagnosis for because they can see the clots, fibro is the only one that will be a bit more tricky to diagnose but it wouldn't take long at all.

>> No.7284236

You have to be in pain for 4-6 months to get a fibro diagnosis.

>> No.7284241

She said herself that she's on warfarin, which basically stops your blood from clotting. I've heard of people who are high risk for DVT having heparin injections so they can fly. My father takes warfarin due to having issues with blood clots and he can fly since he's on the warfarin, he's just advised to wear the socks, get up and make sure he walks around the cabin etc. He was also told that he should walk around the terminal for about 15-20mins before his flight instead of sitting down. Basically, there IS a way for her to get back to the US, even with her health conditions. She just likes to bury her head in the sand and say there is no possible way and make excuses for everything.

>> No.7284242

They check you for other conditions too in order to rule them out, so it wouldn't take too long considering she's already had treatment for it. You can get your medical notes passed onto other doctors.

>> No.7284244

>free plane ticket
Nope. My family doesn't have enough money.
>free place to stay
Nope. I am not allowed to live in my mother's home. Also, they are moving to Canada because my father got a job offer in Montreal.
>qualify for benefits and healthcare
Not social security, but SSI, and only after 30 days plus a full and complete rediagnosis, then up to a 6 month wait for the decision to be made. If denied, an even longer wait. Source: SSA and DHHS via telephone. Even they told me to stay here.

What next, doctor?

>> No.7284245

The thing I don't understand about Rosaire is that she says she can't hold down a job due to her health (fair enough), she said she had a lot of bills (bills I can understand, rent is expensive in Japan, medical bills are expensive etc.), then begged people to lend her money because she couldn't afford all her bills and living costs. But then you see her buying new lolita clothes/lucky packs for herself.

>> No.7284250

selling and trading other stuff?

>> No.7284252

Maybe it's just me but if I was in a situation where I literally had to beg people to lend me money so I could pay my bills, I wouldn't even consider trading or using money I got from selling stuff back into more luxury goods. I'd sell it and that money would go right back into paying for my meds or whatever else I needed, not what I wanted.

>> No.7284255

I was going to give her seven business days before I really started pushing. I thought fourteen would be a bit unfair on our behalf for the simple fact she didn't notify us as buyers personally. It was just a facebook status. No mention on her blog/twitter, no email, no newsletter and certainly no update on the actual official website. So unless she had actually sent us some notification of time off or a break, I'm happy to feign ignorance and say "I didn't see the one tiny message somebody else posted on your behalf on a website that I don't frequent to contact a business I have a valid transaction with." I know it's probably nasty and all but I don't honestly care what hardships she's going through. If she's running a business, she needs to take care of that first and then have a breakdown.

>> No.7284256

Full point cards, special fairs where you get 1000 yen off tickets, buying cheap lolita and reselling it, paying my bills, and sometimes having a bit extra. That's how. I was able to get the Candy Sprinkle stuff for free by selling everything but the jsk, headbow, and socks.

>> No.7284257

also how the hell is she going to get all these magical government benefits in the US?

I have been trying to get disability or SS for 3 years and they STILL haven't given me a yes, I know people that have been waiting for over 6 years. Those people are much worse off than me. That is with a lawyer working on the case...

>> No.7284259

Because the angry seagulls who want her out of Japan say so.

>> No.7284260

Your dad offered you a plane ticket and people have offered you places to stay, and that's still more benefits than you'll get in Nipland

>> No.7284264

Dad had to go back on the offer because like I said, he got a job offer in Montreal. They have to remodel the house and get it ready for the market, and move up there. They don't have the money to help me out since he got that offer. They didn't even get to celebrate Christmas this year.

>> No.7284262

Maybe when you have extra money after paying your bills you should put it to one side in case you need it. When you're financially stable, go nuts with buying whatever you want, but for the moment it really sounds like money is tight and if you don't need something (such as lolita clothes) then it sucks but you should probably not buy it. It's tough being an adult and having to make the responsible decision but you'll be so much better off in the long run!

>> No.7284263

people need to let this shit go.

>> No.7284276

So your dad is moving to Montreal, in Canada, where they have free health care?

>> No.7284280

My dad, my mom, and my sister are moving to Canada, yes. But they will not be Canadian citizens. It's like when civilians go and work abroad on military bases. They retain their American citizenship and healthcare.

I'm over 23, so his health insurance doesn't apply to me.

In order to qualify for healthcare in Canada, you need to be there for six months. If your health is utter shit like mine, they can deny you. Source: I asked Canadian citizens because I was considering Canada as an option.

Look, there is nowhere I can go and magically get free everything -instantly- and everything be perfect and great. These things take time. Months. Years.

>> No.7284285

Also, that still doesn't solve the problem of him not having the money to give me to buy a plane ticket?

>> No.7284284

that isn't instant... You have to BECOME A CITIZEN, APPLY, WAAAAIIITTT, and then maybe you will get your healthcare.

also "free" isn't very free if you know much about the Canadian healthcare system.

>> No.7284292

how are you getting by?

>> No.7284303

Selling my clothes, using that money to buy sought after dresses for cheap and reselling them internationally for market value, doing sporadic freelance translation. I am trying to get a job that I can do at home and at the office. I've applied to a few. It just takes time.

>> No.7284307

That is good. I don't see what the fuss is about. You seem to be doing ok besides the sick.

>> No.7284315

I was at a really bad point where I did ask for friends to loan me money because I had gotten fired from my new job after the first day because I was hospitalized that evening with a DVT. I've never asked for money since then...

People are just making a big deal out of old news. Okay, I was fine at SS, then got sick and sucked at SS, and have admitted this on multiple occasions.. I'm not doing it for the public anymore. I only do it for friends. I have been asked by people to do it but send them to Tokyo Pirates. I can't handle the stress of it. My SS is dead now. We need to focus on people like Megamikawaii/sylphid_dreamer who apparently has a new alias, Marie, and Yunni who are still actively operating and hurting the lolita community.

>> No.7284323

You're going to be overstaying your visa soon anyway, so once that happens just go to immigration, turn yourself in, and they'll deport you problem solved!

>> No.7284325

I have a shindansho and am in communication with immigration. There is a special visa status due to my medical condition that I can be granted if I can't get work sponsorship.

Also, with deportation, they make you pay for your plane ticket out. It's not free.

Sorry anon, but I'm stuck here with the burando.

>> No.7284338

Japan is jumping at the chance to have a fat layabout leech off them

>> No.7284354
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>> No.7284494

OP here

Holy shit, can Rosairefags just fuck off to staminarose or something? At this point you're not even being constructive, it's just mindless shitslinging and vitriol.

Can we talk about Marie & Yunni again

>> No.7284747

Wait so did sylphid_dreamer actually get arrested?

>mfw I remember that name purely because her ita ass spouted the vilest shit at me for saying her 'deco loli' coord wasn't remotely lolita

>> No.7284769

As far as I can tell, no. And from what I've seen it's either not her or it's her plus a lot of different people and the LSE mod is just an idiot.

I'm from her comm and she hasn't been to any meets for years. She got a lot better after her couple of ita outfits and then just quit, but it wasn't until after she quit that the scamming stuff started. I think she still goes to cons and stuff, but not in lolita. Not saying that I don't believe it's her, but the LSE mod is just a moron and seems to have no clue what she's talking about.

>> No.7284813

Weren't there pictures of her at some ice skating meet, though?

>> No.7284828

Why would she be arrested?
This isn't something you are arrested for, even if she was charged. If anything happened she was interviewed and probably told the circumstantial evidence they would have against her and then the investigator may have tried goating a confession out of her. I have a friend who is a lawyer, and this kind of internet thing, especially international is almost impossible to prove and track without costly warrants and subpoenas and even then there may be no way for the victims to prosecute overseas. Plus the only people who would be able to do anything would be trade victims(and there seem to be so few of those it's going to cost the police more to investigate than the items are actually worth)

I'm agreeing with you that the mod probably has some misinformation. She seems to have been affected personally and it seems to be the driving force. I also doubt she knows she can't do anything since she was reimbursed by paypal already. Plus the fact that the paypal account in question would have been frozen already if this has been going on for months.

A lot of stuff just doesn't add up to me at all with this one.

>> No.7284839

She went to an ice skating meet up way back years ago yeah, but she hasn't been to any since then. I think she came to that and a picnic meetup. Her and this other ita were pretty good friends, and I remember the other girl allegedly coming into a confessions thread saying that she framed her as a scammer, and running her mouth off like the girl in the screenshots. I'm honestly not really sure if that was her or not, but the other girl tried scalping shit on egl and got called out, both of them were pretty shitty though and I'm glad they're gone.

>> No.7284961

In the process. She's been flagged, hope she enjoys customs when traveling out of Japan. Also, sent formal complaints through IC3 and Japan Company Trust Organization and two other sources. I used my government e-mail to send them, so its more official. When I get the responses back, I will have them translated into Japanese and forward them to AP, warning them of this scammer and not to sell to her. Picture included, along with real name etc. I'd imagine they'd blacklist her from their stores. Well, I hope this teaches her a lesson. Whatever happens now, is her own issue.

>> No.7285045

In most Asian countries, mental health issues are considered to be an individual's problem to sort of themselves, not something that others are obligated to help with. So I'm sure they don't believe in fibromyalgia being a real physical problem (and neither do I).

>> No.7285054

Are people not allowed to do SS's at AP anymore? Just curious.

>> No.7285060

You can be an SS, but you can't buy more than you as an individual are allowed to. For example, if AP says that only two main pieces, and not ones of the same color, of a certain set can be purchased by one person, then you can't go in and buy more than those fixed amounts, which is what Yunni made that girl do for her.

>> No.7285096

I think I've just been scammed by her? I'm feeling so stupid I just can't with myself.
I'll give details if she doesn't post my stuff to the end of the week.

>> No.7285098

>I'm over 23, so his health insurance doesn't apply to me

Actually, companies are now required to automatically extend coverage for family of holders to age 26 now. Source: I'm now still covered by my family's plan, no forms or action was required.

(And this is for anyone who is worried about losing their family's coverage right out of college or whatever.)

>> No.7285104

>I just got scammed by Rosaire but I'm not posting details and I'm not 100% certain I got scammed anyway but I'm going ahead and saying I think I might have just to stir shit up

>> No.7285116

As a fibro sufferer, I and the countless others who suffer this horrible disease thank you for telling us the pain it takes us to even get out of bed is all in our heads. Because 3 years of doctors telling me that wasn't enough.

I'm no fan of Rosaire, but to dismiss a real disease because you don't like someone who happens to have it is disgusting.

>> No.7285119

*it causes us

>> No.7285121


This, man. Fibro will fuck your shit up.

>> No.7285151

She's taking a lot of time (and I mean A LOT) to ship my stuff and I'm only posting here because I'm worried.
This was a scammer thread last time I checked? People usually complain about this kind of things here.

>> No.7285211

>that half or more of the cases of fibromyalgia are really a little-known condition affecting the nerves.

In short, half or more of the people who are diagnosed as having fibromyalgia are misdiagnosed, traditional fibromyalgia sufferers are treated with antidepressants and benefit from it, it is about those who do not benefit from antidepressants. It actually doesn't say shit about fibromyalgia.

>> No.7285539

I'm being treated with Lyrica, which isn't an antidepressant, and it works.

I'd like to see a copy of your medical degree?
>>7285045 yours too.

If it wasn't real then why would a doctor put his career on the line by making an official statement to immigration that I cannot leave Japan partially due to fibromyalgia??

>> No.7285564

I'm over 26 too so yeah. I confirmed with SSA and even if I am declared disabled in the US, I am still unable to get coverage from my father's health insurance plans.

>> No.7285829

Wait, didn't an anon offer to let you stay with her earlier? What happened with that?

>> No.7285839

To be totally honest, I am not comfortable with moving in with someone I don't know, especially someone who is participating in a hate thread against me. Furthermore, I don't have the money to pay for a plane ticket... and I have been told by my doctor to NOT leave the country because I am currently undergoing treatment for several conditions.

>> No.7285888

Has Marie posted or spoken to anyone about the closure?

>> No.7285904

What I don't get is why everyone cares so much about Rosaire's personal life and sufferings. Why are you all still being complete dicks to her, she's not your ss anymore, she's not doing SS.

Why do you guys want her out of Japan so badly? It just doesn't make sense to me. None of this has anything to do with you.

>> No.7285915

Because she keeps coming back to defend herself, which is pointless because we're not going to turn around and suddenly accept her. The desperation to join us in dragging other shitty SSs while pretending that her constantly shifting deadlines for her own SS "wasn't that bad" is just too hilarious.

>> No.7285923

>join you in dragging other shitty SSs down

Bitch please, if I wouldn't have made that post about Yunni on tumblr then it would be business as usual. The girl who made the big post on egl calling her out even admitted she posted it because I was riding Yunni's ass on tumblr.

>> No.7285926

This, exactly.

>> No.7285931

No, nothing. Even her business partners seem in the dark.

>> No.7285952
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Yunni is not the only shitty seller we're talking about on cgl at the moment. Please, accept this token for removing tine head from thine rectum.

>> No.7285966

I'm kinda anxious already as I have stuff waiting to come in. It's not a lot of money invested (maybe about $150) but I'll hope it comes back really soon

>> No.7285971

Anon said shitty SSs. Shopping services. Yunni is the only one I am after because she screwed over my friends and is making stores like Closet Child and AP less inclined to sell to foreigners. I had personal experience with Marie business to business so I added my 2 yen.

I'm not "desperately" trying to join your crusade against Yunni seeing as I am the one that started it, lol4eva. Anyway, that is beside the point. She owes thousands upon thousands of dollars to customers to this day, and is smugly trotting around to AP and continuing her service. She's also moving into the visual kei scene. She is buying LPs for people, opening them, taking out items she wants, and putting in her own nasty ass shit that she doesn't want.

When the stuff with Mai went down, customers had a hard time getting anything accomplished because they had no contacts in Japan to do anything. There are a handful of us who are furious, live in Japan, and therefore we can do something. We can take all this evidence, go to the stores, and get her banned. We can take the evidence of unshipped items and stolen money and go to the police for you to try and get some sort of action taken.

It's obvious that bad reviews and tumblr reblogs aren't getting the job done. Sorry for the novel.

>> No.7285979

Taking stuff out of LPs? Do you have proof caps of this?

>> No.7285987

I can get them if I get permission from the person who posted it. It's in a friends locked entry. Let me ask. I actually want to see if I can get permission to post the entire comment thread because there are so many horrific stories of things she has been doing.

>> No.7286037

From Australia?

>> No.7286064


I am just here for the drama but confirmed for Rosaire or Rosaire butt buddy. I am not seeing any spelling mistakes in those posts so someone is just butt mad.

>> No.7286077

They kept spelling her first LJ/SS name wrong. If you're here for drama, try to be better informed next time.

>> No.7286193

Thank you for this. All of this.

>> No.7286218
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Sorry it took me so long. I obtained permission from the OP. As a result, all names and icons are blacked out except for mine. One person made a statement that would reveal their identity so I blacked that out to protect them. The real issue here is what they are saying about Yunni, not who they are. There is a lot of stuff here that is going to be fresh to everyone's eyes. Anyway, here you go. I will be sending this to winter_aria now.

Part 1/?

>> No.7286221
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Part 2/?

>> No.7286225
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Part 3/?

>> No.7286227
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Part 4/?

>> No.7286230
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Part 5/6

>> No.7286232
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Part 6/6

I left in the totally OT argument I got into with someone since I have been criticized in the past for leaving things out. There you have it.

>> No.7286262

Yeah I'm Ausloli. I paid up for one of her blouses in preorder and a Nightmare Rising (part payment) so all up it's going to be close to $150.

>> No.7286277

Good compilation, but the "OT argument" has a point. You're letting your hateboner take over when it's not going to help the cause. It gets written off because it's emotional, based partially in opinion and isn't cohesive.

GTFO or EGL needs a massive post, a timeline compiling everything in order.

No swearing
No emotional stuff
Dates and pics/caps if available

Going about it any other way will not sway the general public, least of all randoms who don't read cgl or check outside LSE or EGL for feedback and reviews.

>> No.7286280

TBF getting her banned from lolita brand stores should probably be your first priority.

>> No.7286283

That too, I was just commenting on the way she'll want to present her post/message to the wider community.

Banning her from AP and BABY/IW/ClosetChild/etc is going to the first priority

If all she can do is on sell BL then we'll all be happy

>> No.7286313

Thing is, anything associated with Rosaire is pretty much automatically tainted in the eyes of the Western community, because she has a long history of drama and emotional outbursts.

>> No.7286334

Well, tumblr is my personal space to say what I want, how I want. So I went off because I was really mad. At first I was fine but I just got more and more pissed the longer it went on.

I can easily post these to my tumblr with no commentary aside from tags. As for presenting this to a business? I'm not stupid. I wouldn't fly in there all FUCK FUCK FUCK FAAAAAAAAAACK. I would go in there with a few others who were commenting in that post, and we would civilly discuss how this is affecting the entire international community, and present the evidence.

The only person I would fly off the handle at irl would be Yunni herself.

>> No.7286346

Honestly though, I don't want to be in charge of making a post like that because all that info posted in those comments was news to me, too. I just pass info along to the mods. I only really got involved when mujitsukyo posted her review, because originally she had wanted to use my ss and asked for an invoice, and Yunni randomly invoiced her too so she ended up paying that one by accident and Yunni wouldn't refund her. She had always kind of been a blip on the radar due to that and her telling me in person that she uses fake names and buys multiple items from at least 4 different stores (more if she is following Mejibray around Japan).

I only really know what she has done to my friends, and stuff that others are now coming out and saying.

I have a long history of people starting shit with me and failing. Where is the long history of emotional outbursts? Links please, I'm super curious. Do note you said LONG. So I am expecting many many links of evidence over a course of years.

>> No.7286416

Best example would be that there has been a running thread on you here for at least a year and you are never able to stop yourself from posting and rising to anon's bait.

>> No.7286424

That's not proof of an emotional outburst, especially since it's quite obvious there are multiple people pretending to be me.

>> No.7286680

The part where Rosaire shows how huge bitch she is.

>> No.7286965

Nice caps and all, but all I see is a bunch of chicken heads squawking and no proof of anything. I don't like Yunni either but I don't see how you can turn this into an egl post unless her customers are willing to give you some better proof.

>> No.7287068
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>>7267411 here.
So Rosaire just sent me my stuff. I’ll greentext the details:

>Pay for Gloria skirt + headdress set
>She says she’s shipping it the next day
>A week goes by
>”I’ll ship tomorrow!”
>Another week goes by
>She explains her visa and health problems
>By this point I’m a little suspicious but I decide to trust her
>40 days after I paid her (yesterday) I contacted her again. She promised to ship everything today. Which she did.

She *always* answered quickly whenever I contacted her. She also gave me a nice discount on the headdress and she says she sent me a little gift as an apology for taking so long. So, yeah, I was wrong to doubt her problems. She may be a slow shipper but she’s not a scammer.
>Inb4 whiteknight.
I'm just telling you my personal experience.

>> No.7287070

I meant to say I'm >>7285096.

>> No.7287289

Yes I am a bitch when I'm mad. Problem? I am ferociously loyal to the people I care about.

You must not have read all of it. Someone actually posted photos of their things still laying around her apartment. People posted stories of things she has done. It wasn't meant to be an official callout post for the internet to see; it was simply a post where friends could talk about how much of a jerk Yunni is, so naturally there are not going to be super organized posts like the reviews made to egl.

>> No.7287306

Posted question on ODIP FB calling Marie out on her behaviour. How long until deletion.

>> No.7287323

We're in autosage

>> No.7287656

So much for two week shipping time...

>> No.7287674

Yea so conveniently when you get the item and it's not actually the whole lot or it's in a worse condition than stated you can't claim by paypal cause it will be past 45 days. Not saying rosaire is a scammer but some people have done a nasty trick in the past where they've sent an item just before the days are up tracked so people don't open a claim and then find they've been sent a crap item on purpose.

>> No.7288139

Shit happens that's out of one's control. Get over it already.

>> No.7288177

This. Seriously cannot believe the blinders people have on here when it comes to her continued terrible selling attitude.

When you can't even stick to the long shipping schedule you have already, no, your customers should not have to "get over it". I cannot believe people are still so naive as to buy from you with this attitude you have.

>> No.7288241

Have you ever used Clobba? Or bought from Taobao?

>> No.7288260

I hope you end up some kind of disease that renders you inable to live a normal daily life so you know how awful it is. I hope you plan to do stuff and end up having to cancel often because your disease won't let you get out of bed. People like you deserve that kind of suffering. Maybe then you will quit being an insufferable judgmental cunt.

>> No.7288531

Convenient that it doesn't prevent you getting out of bed to buy the things that you want.

>> No.7288540

I'm not rosaire. But it isn't hard to click a few times and make a purchase online. Come on now, learn to brain.

>> No.7288614

She has always been in the vkei scene. Ive seen her in 2008 2007 around those times in vkei shows in california. She was always annying and talked in strange sccents. I had no idea she was a scammer.

>> No.7290917

I wrote one of the egl posts about ordering with Yunni and it being bad. I can provide screencaps of all of our emails and my paypal payment (with personal info blocked out) if need be. I totally volunteer for a big egl post since she was pulling some shady shit with me.