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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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7265872 No.7265872[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

When at a convention, does something in particular many cosplayers do grate at your nerves? Do you hate it when people act in character constantly while cosplaying, or maybe rush a cosplay group to the point of embarrassment? Share your opinions and maybe a story here. Here's my current, personal biggest peeve:

>boyfriend wants to cosplay a DC character
>absolutely loves this character to the point of obsession
>has plans to buy expensive props and equipment to be incredibly accurate
>wants to DYE HIS HAIR instead of BUYING A DAMN WIG
>is naturally ginger, but this character has black hair and a white streak
>will NOT listen to me, says a wig would be "too expensive" and "wouldn't fit"
>mfw dying his hair with all he'd need to get it right would cost more than styling a wig

>> No.7265877

>beautiful costume
>no makeup whatsoever

>> No.7265899

Girls who cosplay as a men but still do their regular makeup routine, ESPECIALLY if this includes winged eyeliner. Also drawn on beards. It always looks piss poor (every tony stark crossplay ever).

>> No.7265908
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doesn't work for some female characters either

>> No.7265915

was it Jason Todd? If so, he could have just worn the full red hood if he didn't want to buy a wig. I am so sorry.

>> No.7265918

People who like to stand and take pics in the dealer's room in the middle of the fucking walkways.

>> No.7265929

>buy expensive props and equipment
>a wig would be "too expensive"
This is logic I have never understood.

Here's mine right now:
>can't work on costume due to injury
>really, really want to
>know that as soon as I'm able to, I'll have lost my motivation and won't get anything done

>> No.7266469

He wants it to be perfect though. The full hood is his dream item right now, a day doesn't pass when he doesn't mention how much he wants it. I guess he thinks by actually dying his own hair he'll be more accurate or something? This wouldn't make me nearly as mad if he would dye his own hair, but whenever one of my roommates needs a dye job they always come to me to do it for them, and I will NOT ruin his hair for the price and time we could have made a great, reusable wig.

>> No.7266481

How does /cgl/ feel about cosplayers who are dressing up for the hell of it and not to be seen (ie single item cosplayers, people who just wear whatever they want, those who try to closet cosplay their favorite character)

>> No.7266519

IMO it's sort of a live and let live thing. But you also need to recognize your skill level. I.e if your cosplay is half assed-closet style don't try and pass it off as even near the same level of those who spend years learning their craft.

But yeah, being lazy and trying to get away with it as a high level cosplay is something that pisses me off enormously.
Trying to look alien but failing to hide the arrangements for said alien features (homestucks with showing headbands are notorious for this, but also goes for characters which are supposed to have for example cat ears but regular ears are everywhere) as well as not knowing your props (trigger discipline et cetera).
SNK style contouring.

>> No.7266523

>SNK style contouring

D-do I want an example of what you're talking about?

>> No.7266528


It might just be me but I haven't seen this style of contouring before SNK got big.

>> No.7266531

>mfw Jason is a canon redhead and Bruce made him dye his hair to look more like Dick.

I fucking love Morrison.

>> No.7266532
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well, /cgl/ is not just one entity with one sole opinion on a topic, most of us hold cosplay to different standards.

Personally, I don't really care if someone just closet cosplays for the hell of it. If it makes them happy, then I'm happy. I would never wear a closet cosplay, but I don't give a shit if others do.

>> No.7266542

I remember having a convo with someone I use to be friends with saying how they wanted to cosplay as Samus. While I don't know how to make props/armor, the girl knew nothing of craft making either and her idea was not thought out thoroughly.

> "Yeah I want to make it out of metal and wear it to AX."

I tried to talk her out of it but she kept going on about how it needed to be genuine and it's like.. there are other options and more cost efficient methods holy shit.

>> No.7266545
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I don't understand what I'm supposed to be seeing but what I am seeing is boggling my fucking mind

>> No.7267235
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It really bothers me when I see combinations of really well done and then very poorly done all on the same person.

>great costume but terrible wig
>fantastic wig but terrible costume
>great costume but terribad prop
>great prop but bad everything else

You get the idea. Also piercings. I get really tired of seeing piercings on characters who dont have them, especially lip and nose piercings.

>> No.7268162
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This, so much. Also:

>Stripper heels (Chun Li and Black Cat cosplayers are the worst culprits)
>Visible corsets worn as shapewear on top of costumes (Black Cat again)
>Awesome everything, wrong shoes/bootcovers

Why go through all that effort to get the outfit right and just half ass the footwear?