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7264598 No.7264598[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

New thread, old one is in autosage >>7246346

Anyone have an idea when these special sets will be released?

>> No.7264601

same time as lucky packs. around new years. AP is restricting them to one of each per person.

>> No.7264603

what makes them special, the bow or what?

>> No.7264606

are you new? the cut and color. look at the damn price! its a dress and head accessory for only $130

>> No.7264608
File: 128 KB, 480x640, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Boy do I love me that shade of blue! Reminds me of pic related, which is the first of my wardrobe I've got and will try and get this LP to tag along with.

>> No.7264609

Is the wonder queen special set going to be ridiculously popular, like other AP releases? I've never bought directly from a new AP release before, what's the best way to approach this?

I'm guessing an SS might be useful, but will they all be booked up?

>> No.7264611

i wish they'd be released after. i'm really missing out this year.

>> No.7264614

so wait im confused ap just had a lucky pack for -insert reason here- and now theres a new years lucky pack too?

>> No.7264620

lucky packs ARE for new years. AP do not release them other than for new years!!!!!

likely all SS are booked and because its limited to one per person, you're out of luck, unless you grab one from AP-USA or the international shop.

>> No.7264624

what as candy sprinkle and the doll sets then?

>> No.7264626


>> No.7264630


>> No.7264643


welp, there goes my desire to buy from 4 O'clock

>> No.7264729
File: 53 KB, 240x320, 1388252313265.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got my dream dress + headbow set today in the mail and I don't think I can wait until it gets warmer to wear it. I'm so excited! :'D

>> No.7264783

Dammit. Why are all the lolita seamstresses with good skills and designs so shitty on customer service?

>> No.7264799

Really? Who else has good skills and shitty service? I can only really think of indie brands with shitty design/construction and shitty service.

>> No.7264847

does anyone have a review for Surface Spell's Judgement Day skirt in navy? I can't find one

>> No.7264851

The little indies brand based in Vietnam has good skills and communication.

I think the issue is that most lolitas don't seem to understand that when a person suddenly becomes inundated with orders, questions, random messages, et cetera, things start to go downhill. As things go downhill, customers get irritated and the situation just deteriorates. A lot of services dive in unaware this will happen and a lot of buyers are too demanding and desperate for instant gratification, especially with the amount of money lolita fashion costs.

>> No.7264859

Highly doubt it. Everyone has been selling their wonder queen. Check auctions, they are not keepers

>> No.7264867

what? I don't see anything wrong with 4'o clock here, just a very very needy and tedious buyer who wanted her shit finished and shipped to her before she even finished paying for it.
I wouldn't even start making a 500 euro coat until I received the full payment, why does she feel so special that it should have been made when she sent a measly 100 or 200 euro? (I'm guessing the payments were around that size since she had to send 3-4 payments in all)
also, messaging 4'o clock every goddamn day? hoooly shit how annoying

>> No.7264912
File: 200 KB, 249x699, 1278665019518.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So this problem is mostly my fault, but I'm still super anxious about it. I was able to snag a lavender Candy Sprinkle JSK set from the AP USA site. I got my confirmation e-mail and my card was charged and everything was going well until about an hour afterwards when I got an e-mail saying that my billing and shipping addresses weren't allowed to be different and that I needed to send them a photo verifying my shipping address. I responded as soon as I got the message, but I haven't heard anything back and my order is still on hold.

Is there still hope?

>> No.7264952

This is just personal taste but I like a lot of IDD's designs, no idea on the actual quality- but I've heard so much shit about the seamstress being terrible to work with that I'd never bother.

>> No.7264957

On one hand I kind of agree with this- she was expecting responses much too fast a lot of the time, however on the other hand if the seamstress set a timeframe and made promises, and didn't deliver, that's still on her. Not to mention the stuff about not even letting the buyer decide upon what she wanted or even agree to starting the commission before buying materials, that seems like almost forcing/guilting her into it.

>> No.7264959

one of my friends has a dress from her and it's amazing quality. no idea about the seamstress herself though.

>> No.7264962

I think you should be okay? They addressed this issue on their facebook as well. If you are concerned shoot them another email.

>> No.7264990

to me it didn't seem like she set a timeframe? she just gave her an estimate of how long it would take and probably wasn't expecting to have to give daily updates of progress. That just adds more stress and probably delayed the time it took to make as well.
Plus how can you expect it to be finished when you didn't even finish paying until November 22nd or whatever? With how flaky the buyer was at the beginning, I'd wait for the full amount.

just reread it and buyer still sounds like a goddamn nightmare
>sent 150 euros, wanted to cancel 5 days later, changed her mind 2 days after that
>how dare i not receive free shit even though I got what I paid for in the timeframe she promised (nov 22nd was around last payment - december 23rd is when item arrived)

>> No.7265015
File: 187 KB, 212x585, mm dresses.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mary Magdalene has one of those surveys up again for upcoming s/s 2014 releases. I'm fairly disappointed by most of the the options (as almost every year) since most of the dresses are fairly new releases and don't need a re-release already, imo. And instead of coming up with something new they come up with the same stuff again and again.

So, which items (listed or not) would you like to see re-released? What are your predictions for MM next year?
>inb4 Angelica OP, Perfume Bottle and Antoinette OP win the survey

>> No.7265019

Anon, thank you for mentioning this. I didn't even get an email notice, but I had the same flag on my order. I sent them an email back now, fingers crossed. They're already charged my card too.

>> No.7265023

probably/presumably because they are inundated with orders?

>> No.7265025

oh hot damn i hope they rerelease that "doctors bag" purse. i am crazy for one.

>> No.7265043

Regardless of the buyers actions, the seller was acting really inappropriately; she never gave any proper explanation for the delays until the very end and was very uncommunicative. She told the girl that the coat would be done in two weeks without any mention of delays. Even if she is on a payment plan, why should the buyer expect anything other than what she was told?
It sounds like you didn't read the review very closely...

>> No.7265053

She is a nice person but she is very busy. Making custom designs can take longer when she is working on a big project. That's why she always mentions that. It also can take longer to finish a commission if somebody gives her no deadline.

I'm already surprised that she started working on a commission when the payment isn't completed. And isn't the end of October late for ordering a winter coat? I always buy my winter coats earlier and it's not that cold were I live.

>> No.7265069

Comment you replied to is talking about IDD, not 4oclock

>> No.7265077

Copied from old thread, but does anyone know if BTSSB confirms receiving payment, or do they not contact you until they've shipped your reserves out?

>> No.7265088

I didn't get a confirmation of payment, and I just got an email saying they have shipped my lucky pack with "thank you for your payment".

>> No.7265092

it was done, 2 weeks from her last payment, and it took 2 weeks for her to arrive like she said. Plus shipping is going to be slow this time of year, she should have took that into account. If the buyer was so impatient she should have just bought an already made coat.

>> No.7265100

She said it would be done in two weeks, not two weeks after final payment. She didn't express this to the buyer, and the buyer was obviously confused. I'm not trying to argue about the actual time it took to make and ship the coat; the complete lack of communication on the matter is what bothers me.

>> No.7265101

Yes, but when you have a customer that is needier than normal, you normally take that inot account and try to update them more, or at least let them know if there's going to be gaps in communication or delays. It's a bad idea to just be like, "This customer sounds like they will need communication. I guess I'm going to ignore her constant emails and be confused when they start to be worried!" Some customers are like that, and it's a part of customer service to make sure they are accommodated for.

>> No.7265108

Maybe the service was actually busy trying to make other customers orders and didn't have the time to reply to this insecure twat's daily emails?

I'm glad the review was posted because I know who not to sell to.

>> No.7265114

Thanks for the reply; I think if I don't hear anything back by Monday, I'll e-mail them again.

Oh wow, glad I could help out!

>> No.7265115

It's not that fucking hard to sit down for five seconds and type out a response. It's not like that girl never checks her Facebook -- her whole business is based around it. If she can't take the time out of her day to answer someone who's given her a LARGE SUM OF MONEY, then she's a lazy idiot who shouldn't be selling.

>> No.7265122

>large sum of money
>fucking payment plan

You're a goddamn retard. The buyer was obviously an annoying impatient shit. If you need instant gratification commissioning someone isn't the way to go. Emailing someone EVERY FUCKING DAY is annoying.

>> No.7265128

So i ordered one of the AP doll packs and stupidly forgot the date they said they would be shipping in January... Anyone know?

>> No.7265130

>over 100 euros is still a large some of money, you douche
You're not even responding to what I'm saying anymore, you're just insulting the buyer.
Don't they teach you debate skills in middle school?

>> No.7265136

>large sum of money
>buyer did 3-4 installments of a payment plan
>that she tried to back out of 5 days later
>after the fabric was already bought
>then changed her mind 2 days later and tried to buy MORE things

why would it have been done any sooner then 2 weeks after the final payment? her buying the fabric was risky enough.
would you ship a 300 dollar dress to someone who, through a payment plan, only paid 50 - 75 dollars?

>> No.7265144

it's a lot of money but that's only 1/5th of the coat price. If she had paid in full and received no communication for weeks, then she has a right to be upset, but she expected daily updates when she didn't even finish paying.

>> No.7265145

>after the fabric was already bought
Before the buyer has given the go ahead to start the commission. That's the commissioner's own fault.

>> No.7265149

Wow, the reading comprehension on this board is just depressing.
I'm not saying she should have sent it to the girl before she completed payment. However, she told the girl the coat would be done in two weeks. That's what she said. Even if it was a miscommunication, clearly it gave the buyer the impression she would get it two weeks after the first payment, so she was understandably confused. Then, the seller barely responded to her inquiries, which is just bad business. She barely answered any of the girl's questions and pretty much ignored her. If the seller had been able to communicate effectively, there would be no issue in my opinion.

>> No.7265150

Paying 150 euros is kind of a go ahead to start the commission.

>> No.7265157

but why did the buyer think her coat was going to be done and ready to ship before she finished paying for it? I guess bad on the seller for thinking the buyer had common fucking sense.

>> No.7265183

That's not the fucking issue. If a buyer has concerns, you fucking answer them. That's how business works.

>> No.7265201

This buyer had concerns every.fucking.day.

>> No.7265243

And the seller didn't answer any of them. The seller didn't have to babysit the girl, but acknowledgement would have been nice.

>> No.7265253

Who would fucking expect the two weeks to begin after the first payment. No commissioner in their right mind would ever begin until payment was completed.
You are either an idiot or the stupid entitled buyer. No seller should ever be expected to make daily updates that is a stupid waste of their time. It is annoying to spend your time writing "nope it isn't done yet, by the way, you haven't paid me yet" every 24 hours.

>> No.7265259

But she did have to babysit the girl. The buyer was needy, indecisive, and obnoxious. Anyone would ignore their daily whines in favor of an "I am going to compile all of these whiny messages and answer them all in Friday" attitude.

I hate this stupid "the customer is always right" attitude. The customer is wrong when they are an idiot. And when they are wrong.

>> No.7265263

>but why did the buyer think her coat was going to be done and ready to ship before she finished paying for it?

Because the seller told her it would take two weeks to make and her payment plan with four installments of "measly" 100-150 euro stretched over three weeks. Since the seller agreed to the payment plan and had zero reason to assume that the buyer is not going to pay the full amount, it is reasonable for the buyer to assume that the seller would be making the coat DURING those weeks, while she's steadily paying the rest. The seller had no reason not to start on the coat after the girl paid her for the materials. She completely failed to communicate that she would not (which is actually not that hard - "Hey, I will start on the coat when I receive the full amount, ok?" - and should have been done before she took the girl's money at all). That's why the girl thought she could receive the coat by December 5th.

The buyer wavered in the beginning because the seller hasn't answered her in a week after she sent her the first payment. You may think that 100-150 euro is a meager sum, but for a lot of people if they sent someone that much money and they seemed to vanish from the earth and didn't respond to any messages when it would have been extremely fucking easy for them to do so, it's natural to become concerned. Do you think other seamstresses need to be begged to keep up communication at that stage? No, because dropping a person you have an agreement with a note saying "Hey, I bought the wool, here's the pic I just took and I'll send you a picture of different buttons when I finish making your coat, so that you can see how different buttons look on it" is as easy as taking a drink of water.

>> No.7265268

This for sure, even from the skewed perspective we're getting from just the buyer I can tell that she assumed a lot of things without clarifying and is ragging on 4'OC based on those assumptions. Why in the hell would any seller send you an item before they've received your payment in full?

>> No.7265277

If she told the chick that she wouldn't start on the coat until she paid her in full in the beginning, she wouldn't have to talk to her every 24 hours, which, by the way, she didn't! She could have saved them both some grief because the buyer would have likely just turned elsewhere. It's a bloody winter coat - why in the world would she assume that the buyer would be ok with receiving it at the end of December instead of clarifying it with her right away? The end of December IN CANADA.

You really can't see that it's the seller's fault that the buyer had to message her every other day?

Are you a teenager by any chance? It doesn't matter how whiny or annoying the customer is, they are still a customer. You don't treat them as you would a whiny obnoxious friend and think "I am going to compile all of these whiny messages and answer them all in Friday". They deserve decent communication because there is money involved, no matter what your personal feelings about them or their stream of messages are.

>> No.7265278

Because they weren't being answered...? Obviously if her messages weren't being responded to, she would continue trying to get into contact. It doesn't take a fucking week to make a quick email/fb correspondence in this day and age, especially when you know you have an ongoing commission in process.

And it's still unacceptable imo for her to not have even started two weeks after initial payments. Not have it done, fine, but to have not even started I would be concerned too.

That said, I think the buyer was too naggy, but the seller certainly did nothing to soothe her fears about the process by barely communicating.

>> No.7265295

>the skewed perspective we're getting from just the buyer

She told the seller she would be posting the review and they agreed the seller could provide their end of the story. She's also offering to show the screenshots of their communication to people who ask. Not the actions of someone who is only trying to gain sympathy by twisting the story.

>she assumed a lot of things without clarifying

It's the seller's job to clarify those things, without prompting.

>Why in the hell would any seller send you an item before they've received your payment in full?

Literally no one is talking about the seller sending the coat before the buyer paid her in full for the labor and the shipping. But why in the hell would the seamstress not START on the commission after she was paid for the materials, when the buyer is paying her steadily? And what person with common sense would not see that a person ordering a winter coat would want the winter coat by the beginning of winter and not at least clarify that they are not going to before leeching money off them? If the buyer knew she was only going to get her winter coat on December 23nd, she could have gone elsewhere. The seller unintentionally (assuming that she just has shitty communication and wasn't malicious) tricked her into spending more money than she ever intended when she could have just not bought anything from 4 O'Clock.

>> No.7265526

I looked at the screenshots Untitled sent me, and I see in one Linda says she will only send out items that have been paid in full, as well as some other things. Here is the link imgur.com/a/kRdAH
Honestly, I think it's a bit of a clusterfuck of misunderstanding that would have been done away with better communication.

>> No.7265532

Send out, not start working on. There's a big difference. It's fully reasonable to expect the item not to be shipped out until paid off.

>> No.7265578

True. I wonder why Linda said she could get her the coat sooner. If she actually started on the 26th, then when the buyer got her coat would be in the 4 week timeframe she has.

>> No.7265584

Maybe she felt flustered since it seemed the buyer was contacting her a lot. That kind of thing can be pressuring.

>> No.7265634

100-150 euro is "measly" when we are discussing the full price of 500 euro. Why should 4'oc start working on a coat when only 1/5 of it had been paid, and when the buyer tried to drop out after 5 days of the first payment? I wouldn't have even bought materials until every cent was paid. I feel like it should go without saying that obviously the coat wasn't going to be made until payment is received in full.
>"I only want to pay the final amount when the coat is finished"
that is not how it fucking works. You pay in full, then your shit gets made.
She did get decent communication. When the buyer started having a bitchfit, 4'oc replied to her that same day. What the buyer wanted was fucking day by day updates. Also it feels like some messages are missing, since what's linked >>7265526
doesn't have all the stuff in the review.

Do I think 4'oc should have communicated a bit more? Yes. But the buyer's constant needy messages and entitlement drowns out any sympathy I would have had. This review does NOT deserve a negative, since she received her work (in the timeframe it was allotted!!!) and it was gorgeous. That's neutral work. Negative is for Yunni, Marie, people that steal money, scam, etc.

>> No.7265672

I don't think she even posted photos of the coat though? And she gave it a 4.5/5 for fit but never mentioned why?

>> No.7265676

she said the color was slightly off.

>> No.7265678

i do agree that the buyer is a bit stupid for making a custom order they couldn't fully pay for all at once, a month before true winter and then getting antsy about its arrival, especially in a climate that -does- get incredibly cold around a certain time. if you need anything custom-ordered, the idea is to give a lot more leeway for delays like this, where the commissioned artist may have other commissions (especially at christmas!) and may not be able to get to the shops right away.

>> No.7265687

>I wouldn't have even bought materials until every cent was paid.

She said in the review that the first payment was FOR the materials.

>> No.7265705

>I feel like it should go without saying that obviously the coat wasn't going to be made until payment is received in full.

Linda literally told the buyer that she is starting the dress before final payment. Not only starting, but that she was "positive" it will be done before the final payment was even made.

>I can now start sewing yours, I'm positive it will be done before your final payment.

This was on 11/26.

>> No.7265727

How does that factor into fit?

>> No.7265776

When someone is ordering a custom item they usually WANT to be involved with the process. They want to see fabric swatches, buttons, and know lot's of information. Especially if it's an expensive item. If you are fed up and they are clingy, tell them that you are very busy working on things and won't be able to reply quickly. Reassure them, that's part of your job as a business owner.

If you don't like working with the customer, don't make custom garments. I'm seriously questioning if Linda is in this thread because this is ridiculous - the buyer was a clingy, but her messages were going unanswered and she was concerned.

When I used to do commissions (both cosplay and lolita) with payment plants, the first payment would cover materials. After the materials were purchased (usually before any secondary payment) I would start on the item. If I had a backlog of orders I would make that clear to the customer ahead of time and give them an estimated time I would be able to have it done by.

Sometimes I'd agree to payment plans over several months of time, and the garments would be sent out within the week of the final payment. I wouldn't ship things out if I didn't have the final payment, but it's completely normal to start on something after you have the money to cover materials.

>> No.7265803


Seems like Linda was giving all her good service to victorianivka


>After you posted that initial thing, I contacted Linda for her service at exactly the same time. So Linda was working on a coat for me concurrently. With all of the options she provided and general niceness, it was not a bad experience at all. She was very sympathetic to my specific measurements and we went seriously in-depth regarding fabric choices including custom orders from the wool supplier and custom buttons. She apologized for the delays. The coat is currently downstairs with the doorman, but I can post additional photos/info once I pick it up if anyone is curious.

>> No.7265807
File: 77 KB, 280x373, 03lv_18.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Question: Does this cardigan's lavender color match Day Dream Carnival's lavender color? I'm having a tough time trying to tell.

It's been hell trying to find a cardigan or a bolero that matches well.

>> No.7265813

I need shoes. Aliexpress isn't giving me anything worth getting.


>> No.7265838

What I thought was incredible was that she wanted a jacket that she decided to buy Nov. 6 by Dec 5. Are you that retarded? And she didn't even have an old winter jacket to wear even though she knows how shitty the winter is? Come the fuck on.

I do think 4OC could've been more communicative and definitely should've made good on her promises but damn that girl seems obnoxious.

>> No.7265844

>Plus how can you expect it to be finished when you didn't even finish paying until November 22nd or whatever?

because 4 O'Clock told the buyer it would be finished.

>What I thought was incredible was that she wanted a jacket that she decided to buy Nov. 6 by Dec 5

Are you calling Linda retarded? Because she said it would be done by then.

>> No.7265855

Hmmm, so she was prioritizing the wealthy customer (has a doorman..) over the one on a payment plan huh. Makes sense from a returning business standpoint, but...

>> No.7265861

No, I'm just saying that with the holidays and assuming that 4OC is busy, I find it crazy that the customer would expect the coat in her hands by Dec 5 when she committed to the order less than a month beforehand. Maybe it's just a me thing, but I just kind of assume custom commissions are going to take a long time, certainly longer than a month.

>> No.7265883

The problem is that 4OC agreed on one timeline, but then backtracked and even lied (claiming the coat was "halfway done" by Nov. 26th, when she said she hadn't even starting sewing it on November 26th) to the customer.

personally I wouldn't think a commission would be done so soon, but if the seller agreed at one point, it's not the buyer's fault.

>> No.7266085

Where can I find more information about the Wonder Queen special set being sold on the international site?

>> No.7266092

seconding this...

>> No.7266097

AP releases lucky packs all the time

>> No.7266105

>When I used to do commissions (both cosplay and lolita) with payment plants, the first payment would cover materials. After the materials were purchased (usually before any secondary payment) I would start on the item. If I had a backlog of orders I would make that clear to the customer ahead of time and give them an estimated time I would be able to have it done by.

That seems like the normal, decent thing to do.

I'm not sure if it's the seamstress or her friends/other customers in this thread, but they are sure doing a bang-up job of making her look worse.

>> No.7266120

Have you guys never commissioned something?
Most seamstresses take a deposit on the full amount, and then start with the project. It's more rule than exception, and Linda made it seem like she would start before the final payment too. It's quite sloppy on her behalf, the communication is terrible, especially since you guys forget it's for an item of €500 or almost $700.
That's a LOT of money for shitty service.

>> No.7266147

She didn't just make it seem like she would start before the final payment, she actually told the buyer that was the case.

I mean, if she gave such exceptional service to someone else, I do wonder if the other person paid via a payment plan and Linda gave the "richer" person (or person able to pay all at once) better service than someone who had to pay in installments.

Personally, I would not use her services after hearing about this particular service. It wouldn't be worth the risk for $200 and certainly not $700.

>> No.7266301
File: 49 KB, 600x902, XXXstrap-hi4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone know anywhere to buy these shoes other than at RTBU? They used to be about $80 (max) shipped but now they're $100. I've been wanting them for at least literally 5 years but I'd rather get them for $80 or less if possible. I think Ling_Lam might have stocked them before, but they don't have any at the moment.


>> No.7266302

does anyone have any information about aatps lucifer series? i ordered the headband in a reserve and not even the reserver has heard anything about it yet. this was like a month ago

>> No.7266436
File: 328 KB, 510x510, 1388331898715.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone know of anywhere to buy a similar wig to this? I hate the look of GLW's wigs, they always look cheap, plasticy and shiny. They're also really overpriced.

>> No.7266483

You two are acting like Linda is prioritizing her 'richer' customers, when, likely, it's because payment plan girl paid only a small amount of the full price, backed out, then changed her mind AGAIN. Her shit is expensive; she has no reason to want to pay more attention to a 'rich' customer, when, likely, everyone that buys her products is fairly well off, or at least good at managing their money.
If I had a customer that had already paid me in full, knew what they wanted, and didn't seem to be flaky, yeah, they're going to get great service.
Not to say that she isn't in the wrong for ignoring the first girl for so long, but considering the fact that the other girl had given her much more money, she does have a bit of a higher priority.
Really, it sounds like she's used to dealing with much less needy customers, so she doesn't know how to responsibly answer someone that wants day-by-day updates.

>> No.7266773

>backed out, then changed her mind AGAIN.

She said she wanted to cancel because she gave someone 150 Euro (almost $300) and they didn't contact her for five days and only contacted her because she said she wanted to cancel. I'd be worried to if I gave someone a large sum of money and they didn't respond to me for days, too.

>so she doesn't know how to responsibly answer someone that wants day-by-day updates.

But she clearly gave this other customer plenty of attention, going "in depth" with fabric choices and buttoin choices, when she told this other customer she would do the same and then... didn't. How could the customer "know what they wanted' when Linda was providing such poor communication?

There's no excuse for Linda's behavior, especially the fact that she lied to the customer about when she started the coat.

>> No.7266810

I'm sure I've seen them on the antaina taobao page....

>> No.7266987

those are all the people who are scalping it because it's so popular. This happens with every popular release

>> No.7266996

They have this extra step to protect them because if they process your order with the address mismatch they basically are going to give up all of their legal protection with the CC company if you are a scammer. They will do it, usually, it just takes time to process your paper work. If you don't hear from them soon, just send a follow up. I'm pretty sure they are swamped with questions about WQ and LPs in general.

>> No.7267001

the 4th of Jan on the japanese online shop, iirc

>> No.7267377

Petticoat question!

Has anyone worn an A-line petti under a bell petti with a bell shaped skirt? I'm pretty sure it'd work for some extra poof but I'd appreciate the opinion.
I ask because I just bought a A-line dress, but so far haven't ever needed an A-line petticoat and so I feel unless I can use it to puff out a bell, it's only ever going to be used for that one dress.

>> No.7267387

Yes, it works wonderfully. This is my standard setup for bell skirts, I don't find them to have enough poof with a bell alone.

>> No.7267407

I do this with a cheapo A-line petti that I have to achieve AP levels of poof. I don't know how it would work with a good, very poofy A-line, though.

>> No.7267560

Hey, anon from >>7265019 here. I got an email today with them confirming for me to send them proof of my shipping address, so I've got that sent off now. They did say that they would ship it to my billing address otherwise which I approved in a previous email, but I'm so glad that I'm in the clear for my lucky pack getting cancelled for dumb reasons.

>> No.7267572

Does anybody know when the La Princesse Sucre JSKs will be shipped?

>> No.7267575

not until march with the OPs probably.

>> No.7267832

What style of shoes are you looking for?

>> No.7268382

looooove this dress but whenever I have money I can only ever find it in black

>> No.7268404

Has anyone had a FanplusFriend wool coat in recent history? What's the quality like?

>> No.7268406
File: 61 KB, 900x1600, 2cfxkld.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are animal bags still a thing?
I want to make a few, but want to make sure that at least someone will bite.

>> No.7268413

They are always, there are still new ones getting released once a while.

>> No.7268431

how the hell does have a doorman make you wealthy? it just indicates you live in an apartment building

>> No.7268438

ended up at the 4 o'clock FB page instead

>> No.7268444

If you want to sell them, I highly recommend making alpaca ones.

>> No.7268460
File: 208 KB, 595x841, pop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any idea when the Wonder Queen high waist skirt will be released?
I love the print, but I don't like the cut of any of the dresses.

>> No.7268466
File: 1.36 MB, 480x270, 1370934074922.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone see this on IW's site?

>Regarding coming series featuring The Tale of Peter Rabbit™ by Beatrix Potter™ we're so sorry but we cannot accept orders overseas - they're released exclusively for domestic sales (we cannot get licenses to ship them internationally). Thank you for your understanding in advance.


>> No.7268472

Couldn't you just get a SS to buy it though?

>> No.7268476

They're doing a Beatrix Potter collab? Goddamn, rev up those SSes

>> No.7268544

Glad you got things sorted out! I still haven't heard back on whether or not they got my reply so I'm still nervous. I was going to e-mail them today to double check, but it looks like they're closed until the 4th.

>> No.7268713

When do you guys think this will be released?

>> No.7268716

I missed out on Rabbit Letter, no way I'm letting this slip through my grasp.

>> No.7268760

So I've never dealt with reserves before so I'm probably gonna ask some dumb questions here but...
I missed out on the reservation for Baby's Labyrinth of the Reminiscent Mirror Elaine JSK because I had no internet. So do they make ready stock when they send out the reservations or am I fucked?

>> No.7269327

If you have a doorman who holds your coats for you? You're wealthy.

>> No.7269342

>apartment building

lmao no

>> No.7269386
File: 34 KB, 646x960, Kindom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dose anyone own Baroque's Kingdom of Lolita,
what's the quality like? I've heard mixed things about the brand, but man I want that dress.

>> No.7269389

those tights look like muscles

>> No.7269445

ha! they do. and that seam up the side is really unfortunate.

>> No.7269469

There's Ivory around on some shop blogs. And maybe some pink. But if you want Orange or Sax blue, you're royally fucked, anon.

>> No.7269514

Has anyone had anything shipped SAL from Japan recently? I had something shipped about 2 weeks ago. I know it usually takes about 2-3 weeks, and the holidays will make things take longer.
(Next time I'll at least do regular airmail. I'm too impatient for this.)

>> No.7269573
File: 86 KB, 448x600, 13725_600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have the black skirt.

The sheer part over the skirt is nice with the pattern on it being a flocked velvet, and the sheer part has a bit of a sheen to it. It has an embroidered scalloped trim on it.
The skirt under it is some fabric I don't know. It's not cotton, might be some kind of polyester. The main lace trim is connected to this part, and is a nice embroidered pattern on soft tulle. It's two rows of flowers in the shape of a heart (a heart within a heart) with scalloped edge. Pretty much exactly what's in the photos.

Didn't have a big problem with lose threads, all seams are hemmed and surged, and has an invisible zipper.

I have a this OP from them also, and it was perfect. Pic related.

>> No.7269681


I have the OP in two colours. Pretty much seconding >>7269573

- Looks exactly as in photos
- No loose threads, no construction flaws
- soft tulle lace
- beautiful print, no printing flaw either.

- fabric is a little shiny and quite stiff because it's organdy. Not sure that is is necessarily bad though, it holds a nice shape and the sheen is nice.
- The white is a tad see-through, enough that you'd want to be careful what colour your underthings are.
- the crown is really heavy. I have no idea how I'm going to wear it.

>> No.7269783

Can I ask what your heights are and how it fits on you bodice and skirt length wise? I have no idea what Baroque's fit/sizing tends to be.

>> No.7270047

I'm the one with the skirt. I'm 5'3 and just got the regular length skirt. With a petti it hits me just above the bottom of my knee .

>> No.7270075


I'm >>7269681
When the model posts went up on Baroque's site I found out I was pretty close to Mana's measurements, both height and vital stats, so I got the same size in the white OP. It does fall on me pretty much the same as the model photos, except I'm a bit fatter lol. I got the longer skirt length, it falls below my knees but doesn't reach my calves.

The other OP is custom-sized in the black x gold. I asked for a normal waist version, and sent in my body measurements. Surprisingly, this one doesn't look as good as the high-waisted version. The fit is a bit loose, I think that's on purpose because the organdy fabric doesn't have a lot of give, and is probably delicate.

I forgot to mention, the sleeves are a pain to do up once the dress is worn, I suggest tying a ribbon tightly first and then wearing the dress.

>> No.7270096
File: 15 KB, 240x320, 1371471870206.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been looking for the JSK since forever. Has anyone ever seen pictures of it worn?

>> No.7270165

So... anyone have any idea when the sets will be released?

>> No.7270299

Seconding this.

>> No.7270311

have you never been to NYC? or Philly?

>> No.7270457

God fucking dammit QQ
thank you though

>> No.7270461

Yes, some people have posted themselves here wearing it. I recall 2 in the past year, one around halloween, you might find them in the archives. Sorry I dont have them saved.

>> No.7270567

Any recommendations on half bonnets? I'm specifically looking for black.

>> No.7271028
File: 39 KB, 600x450, 1388530293703.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone know the official name of this skirt or have the lolibrary/hellolace link for it?
I've tried searching thinks like scalloped hem, bustle back, etc. with no luck

>> No.7271048

There probably isn't, or it's really generic like 'AP/BTSSB Scallop Lace Skirt'

>> No.7271054

I'm mostly wondering because I don't want to buy it without knowing the measurements.
I'll pass, I guess.

>> No.7271060

If there's no back picture then you can't assume there's shirring as some of these skirts did or didn't. If there is an entry you should look in the earlier 2000s.

>> No.7271064
File: 38 KB, 600x450, 1388531638812.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is a backside photo, just not one where I can see if there's shirring or not.
Thank you!

>> No.7271076

This sounds incredibly stupid, but what should be the etiquette when conversing with a seller after buying from them?

They've sent messages about when they'll be shipping the item out, and the tracking number, and I'm not sure it would be annoying to reply with something like "ok" since I don't really have anything else to say. Should I just wait until it arrives to reply and say so?

>> No.7271083

I usually just say something along the lines of, "Okay, thank you! I'll let you know when it arrives."

>> No.7271316
File: 2.17 MB, 1140x2358, hakuoki2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm the anon who posted worn pics before, here's one of them. Is there anything in particular you'd like to see?

>> No.7271346

What determines if you have to wear a blouse under a JSK. Some people say always, but I recently purchased MM Trop Jenne JSK and it has these really cute ruffles on the straps that I don't know if puffy sleeved blouses would go good with it.


>> No.7271399
File: 135 KB, 500x370, tumblr_lkmupigiyd1qiv54ko1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, it will look great with a blouse. If you're worried about full on puff sleeves, try a blouse like this instead.

>> No.7271413

That's going to look cuter with puff sleeves so that the ruffles rest on top of the puff sleeves rather than looking like shoulder wings. Or something like what 7271399 posted.

>> No.7271428
File: 43 KB, 432x577, infanta_summer_daisy_jsk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been having the same problem with this Infanta dress I have. The straps are so lovely but I don't want a puff sleeve with the dress so I just haven't worn it...

>> No.7271451

What blouse is this?

>> No.7271495
File: 93 KB, 480x640, 109P701-w.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's actually a cutsew

And speaking of cutsews, what the hell is this thing and how did enough people buy it for it to be sold out in two colors? Jesus...

>> No.7271504

Can someone explain to me the appeal of cutsews? :T

>> No.7271512

They're soft, stretchy, and comfortable. And some people find them cute, but you don't seem to be one of those people.

>> No.7271518

it's the ultimate in casual. i'll just wear a shirt with a skirt... but wait! it's now brand made and therefore 100% lolita approved.

>> No.7271555

Anyone trying to get in contact with Haenuli?
I got the Enchanted Faun JSK as a Christmas present from my boyfriend. I paid via credit card through paypal and the money was taken from my account.
A couple of weeks later I get an email from her saying "Do you need me to resend your invoice". I'm guessing she lost the payment?

I sent her a screenshot of the money leaving my bank account with her name on it + the date; and the paypal account email it was sent from.
I've been trying to get a confirmation from her for weeks but have heard nothing - it's kind of concerning because if she didn't get that payment I'll be out of a dress AND the money; and I will need to contact my bank to get it reversed but I've heard nothing from her.

Any ideas?

>> No.7271559

i wish i knew because most of the ones brands put out don't look cute with skirts at all... a few do, though, and i wish brands would make more of those. but in general idk, might as well just wear a simple blouse from f21 or something instead if you want to do casual.

>> No.7271764

Fuck. I need this dress. Anyone seen it?

>> No.7271782

Not lately. Last time I saw it for sale, I think was the time that that anon bought it.

>> No.7271794


all the comfort of a t-shirt, all the cuteness, frills, ribbons, laces (and sometimes, special prints) of lolita, and the ones from lolita brands are usually the right length and style to look cute with their own lolita skirts. It's actually not that easy to find that combination in offbrand casual clothes, especially the part about having the right length.

>> No.7271803
File: 114 KB, 500x369, 1385325159615.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What makes a great coordinate? Is there some sort of magical formula to this?
I've been at it for exactly a year now but havent been able to piece together anything even I would call more than "meh".
And that's even before I get into a dress with more than 3 colours involved...
(TFW most favourite wardrobe piece has 4 significant main colours strewn all over it, plus metallic gold lace to finish it off)

>> No.7271945

i remember someone using a slice of strawberry shortcake as a model for colour coordination. like you have a main and most prominent colour (the cake), a secondary colour (icing), and an accent colour (the strawberry). there was also something about distributing the colours evenly across the entire outfit but i'm not eloquent enough to have it make sense outside of my head.

if you're not doing colour matching i think you're supposed to match tones.

>> No.7271948

Would anyone have any chokers to recommend, obviously to use with gothic coords? All the ones I've found or seen online just have a very... mall goth feel to them.

>> No.7271949

Awh shit, Rosaire is selling an AP LP Candy sprinkle set for same selling price. Should i bite or not? Did she get better?

>> No.7271964


I think this video explains the colour distribution that >>7271945 was talking about.



Their stuff is beautiful. They only periodically take orders though so hopefully you're not in a rush to get something.

>> No.7271966
File: 87 KB, 100x100, tumblr_lyhdgoIScr1r0g8le.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit I need that in every colorway right now.

>> No.7272338

hi guys! i've been thinking about getting into lolita and doing 'research' and stuff but i have a little question. my measurements are 80cm, 60cm, 88cm, which is smaller than a lot of dresses i like. if i got a dress that was maybe 10/15cm too big in the waist, how much do you think i'd have to tailor it?
also, how's the shipping cost for qutieland and bodyline?

>> No.7272340


Where are you located? That can affect shipping a lot.

>> No.7272345


>> No.7272414

Try moitie, VM, and MM. A lot of their clothing is considerably smaller. Also perhaps either purchase the skirt version of the jsk or op that you like as the waist measurement us generally smaller or make sure to buy items with corset lacing.

>> No.7272432
File: 42 KB, 400x668, artemisia_400w.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Miscy is trying to sell these "blouses" for $65. It looks cheap as fuck and it's not even a blouse.

>> No.7272436

Dropped my link!


>> No.7272446

It looks more like a cutsew, but I think it's cute.

>> No.7272448

I think it's pretty, you just have to pair it with the right thing.

>> No.7272464

ah, thank you! i'll try those brands when i feel more comfortable making coords but since i'm just starting, i'm getting cheaper dresses so i don't ruin nice ones with bad coords (=
Thank you for the advice! I'll start looking at skirts!

>> No.7272472

I really like it, and looks way nicer than some of the lace style tops you can find in more of the expensive high street shops. Hard to tell what it's like though on a person, lace can be super seethrough, and look nice on a stock photo but really cheap on a person or irl.

>> No.7272761
File: 180 KB, 1050x632, Wut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A Twinkle Journey replica is currently at $167.50 USD with 18 bids and counting. I am flabbergasted. The original goes for that little now on Japanese auctions. Just why.

>> No.7272843

What the hell? The auction isn't even close to being over either.

>> No.7273158

does anyone know what i can search for to find the metamorphose perfume bottle op on japanese auction sites? i would search for metamorphose and only get a couple results, searching for perfume bottle alone doesnt yeild any results.

I'm just not sure if i'm searching the wrong terms or if its just not anywhere

>> No.7273189


>> No.7273191

Are you searching using the Japanese names?

>> No.7273199

i tried using the japanese that is on lolibrary because i figured that would be the japanese name of the jsk, but I still wind up with weird results. I feel like im doing something wrong

>> No.7273220
File: 277 KB, 1400x840, OP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, sewing question. But I'm trying my hand at making my first OP(I usually stick to skirts) I'm modifying the simplicity pattern, only using the bodice part, then adding in a full skirt and sleeves. I'm using the pattern since it's one I already have and has individual ones for different cup sizes.

So right now I've got a solid blue fabric one I'm working on(this is my test one since it was left over fabric anyway) and then the floral fabric in the picture for another one. I was thinking of going a little more simple on the solid with shorter sleeves, a solid trim, waistband, and ruffle on the bottom. For the floral I was thinking long sleeves, and a more gathered fabric like on the one, on the far right. You can see my ideas in the bad paint drawings. I'm not sure if they're good enough of if they need some more flare. I figured the blue would be good if I wanted something more toned down and basic, and the floral when I wanted something a little more eye catching. I was thinking, maybe a detachable waist bow on each one? A smaller bow for along the neckline?

Also on the floral, should to bottom be white, or maybe a lighter coordinating pink color?

>> No.7273374

New to lolita.

How do you tell the difference between brand and replica?
(not online, but when someone`s wearing it?)

>> No.7273380

Have an encyclopedia of lolita knowledge ready on hand.

>> No.7273393

sometimes its easy, and sometimes hard. ive only been in lolita a year and i can tell most of the time. look at a lot of pictures of popular prints, then at their replicas. the fabric will be thinner, less details, ad sometimes bleeding/off centered printing on the replica compared to the real thing.

>> No.7273412

I'm considering buying MM/VM replicas, but in solid fabric and not prints.
It's my first time buying replicas, but since they're pretty basic designs, will I be okay?

I'm concerned though because they're really cheap even for replicas (under 300 yuan).

>> No.7273436

I wouldn't do it anon. Do they have the stolen MM as there example because if so I really would not do it then.

>> No.7273457

did you buy this from the usa site you fucker I was just going to buy it and it sold out.
Oh well, tell me if it matches anon.

>> No.7273478

Yes, they do.
(They don`t even bother removing Meta watermark on their pictures even though it`s ridiculously easy to take out)
That`s a good point, I guess it`s better if they have their own photos.

>> No.7273951


There's a flared skirt tutorial here, if you need it

As far as the dresses go, I think you're pretty much on the right track. I wouldn't add too many waistbows or dress bows at this point, finish the dresses first and then if it looks too plain you can add one on.

For the blue dress, I can see a plain white belt working for it in place of the white waistband. Only other thing I'd advise is to be careful matching whites -- I had the worst headache last year when I bought a bunch of "white" trim and fabric from three different sellers and they were all different shades of offwhite instead.

For the floral dress, I would change the coloured wristcuff to white, I kind of get what you're going for, I think pink wristcuffs look a bit sudden on white sleeves, though. I like the idea of a coloured ruffle at the bottom of the skirt, maybe the same colour as the waistband. It's really up to your taste though, I don't really like too much white in my dress coordiantes unless I'm doing shirololita.

Instead of waistbands, you could also do just a ribbon tie (and thread belt loops to hold them in place), in the same style that Meta used for Dim Light or Fancy Eggs.

I have mixed feelings about adding gathered fabric for the floral dress. My personal experience is that they don't work on me (E-cup boobs, nothing like fabric gathers to really emphasise them...), but I guess smaller-chested girls like them?

>> No.7274442
File: 73 KB, 767x711, 1360005007087.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/cgl/, I fell in love with three r-series dresses.

Now I feel bad because I love them more than burando.

Are tao bao brands looked down on in lolita?

>> No.7274467

You probably will have to go through the whole "One Piece (knee length)" category in the Meta section. People don't always label what dress they have on mbok.
It looks like the jsk is there. If you don't want that one, you should check every week or so.

>> No.7274474

R Series is rad as all hell. The top Taobao brands - R Series, Krad Lanrete, Dear Celine and co - are maybe not as prominent as the major Japanese brands, but they are in no way looked down on.

>> No.7274497
File: 53 KB, 500x479, T2O7vhXf0aXXXXXXXX_!!830055817.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone have experience with Magic Tea Party velvet? I really like the embroidery on their Swan Lake series but the quality of the velvet looks iffy.

>> No.7274511

Brands that make replicas are shitty and are looked down on. It's more about the specific brand, not whether or not they sell replicas. Dear Celine is one of these, I think R-Series is too. Krad Lanrete doesn't make replicas but their quality isn't great for the most part, but at least they're cheap.

>> No.7274539

I've never bought BtSSB before because I stick to super classic and plain stuff like MM, but there are a couple of pieces I'm interested in. I'm a little worried about the length, though, since I am tallish for lolita. Where does Baby length fall in the lolita spectrum, with AP on one end and MM on the other?

>> No.7274580

They have the length listed for each dress, but generally they're a few cm longer than AP, with some dresses running shorter or longer. AP is usually 87-90 cm, while Baby is usually 90-95 cm. I recommend measuring the length of dresses that fit you well, and use that as a guideline when shopping to get a general idea of where things will fall on you.

For example of longer things, the Träumerei of bright stars OP is 110 cm long, which is great for a taller person. Labyrinth in the reminiscent mirror OP is also longer than usual at 99cm.

>> No.7274710

Is there a reason why gothic brands have a smaller size range than sweet ones, on average?

>> No.7274786

If you're talking Moitie, Manabanana-sama doesn't want fatties to ruin his egl aesthetics. Atelier Pierrot, Chantilly offer pieces that are more generous in sizing.

>> No.7274800

KL quality has been fine on my end. I own MC and the jellyfish OP, and I would say it's just as nice as some of the AP I own. I also really don't think that the good taobao brands are looked down upon; I consider them much better than bodyline.

>> No.7274819
File: 425 KB, 1200x1600, 107_6149.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Moitie can fit 100 cm busts. And I don't mean that girls with 100 cm busts can *squeeze* into it, it can actually fit provided it is the right cut. Pretty sure Mana doesn't like fatties, but most of the brands don't.

>> No.7274880

blue and black is a hideous color combination anyway.

everything about mana and moitie is just so awful

>> No.7274889

Are you mad?

>> No.7274904

I'm not even that poster and I agree 100%. Moitie is ugly as fuck 90% of the time

>> No.7274907

anyone know a place on eBay or easy to buy a cute plain navy skirt? I'm looking for one with no stripes, just plain navy

>> No.7274926

nah, i just find it really ugly. Same thing with red and black. It just looks really really tacky.

The white/black prints from moitie are pretty nice but everything in black and blue makes me gag

>> No.7274936
File: 23 KB, 240x320, 1388705022258.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Their new stuff is pretty bad, but up until around 2011 most of it was glorious. Not everything they make is black and blue anyway.

>> No.7274940
File: 164 KB, 450x600, 20130228_3ceb5a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow, this is the first time my image got swapped. This is happening more and more lately...

Now it won't let me post the original, dammit. I wish Moitie still made nice florals, though.

>> No.7274948

>mfw new moitie prints

>> No.7274967

hahaha, for a moment I though you were referring to a new print which your pic was of

>> No.7274968
File: 72 KB, 400x533, EGL-19242NE2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This dress is so hideous it makes me want to cry. They need to fire their current designers and bring back their older ones. I haven't liked any of their prints since Divine Cross.

>> No.7274972

Alright, I'll give you that. I never really liked blackxblue at all ever though, so to me all of those variations are god awful.

>> No.7274977
File: 404 KB, 500x666, 1388706118956.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have the long version of the skirt. I really quite like it but only have worn it once. As everyone else has said, the flocked velvet overlay is quite pretty up close. I'm 5'3" too.

>> No.7274978

Some of their florals are gorgeous, though. I would love to own more of those pieces. And at least one dress with a bodice that has their lace cross motif.

>> No.7274986
File: 91 KB, 425x567, Side-Braided Cross JSK - BKW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty much all of their floral stuff is gorgeous, as I posted here >>7274940

I agree about their lace cross pieces, I regret selling this, as well as that blue rose OP. So many regrets.

What's everyone's favourite Moitie dress?

>> No.7274987

Ruins Cathedral? Stained Glass? Holy Stained Glass (if you don't count it's not a border print) I do agree that the Alchemy (and Musical print) are some of the ugliest they've ever done (check out the sales on their website!).

>> No.7274999

Ruins Cathedral is too big for my tastes, it looks like it's eating the skirt and almost reaches the bodice. It's just tacky. I think Stained Glass is almost as bad as the Alchemy print, it has that cliparty thing going on and the gradient on the red and green make me think of techniques used in the likes of Paint, clip art and powerpoint presentations. Holy Stained Glass is okay but I don't like it as much as the likes of Candelabra, Cathedral, Chandelier, etc. That came out in 2011 though which I said was around when they still make okay prints. Juliette et Justine seems to have suffered a similar fate. At least most of the other brands still make nice stuff.

>> No.7275005

My friend recently got that dress. I wonder if it was yours at one point? I don't really have a favourite, I'm afraid. I'm just extremely fond of their babydoll cuts.

>> No.7275007

Oh I just googled Divine Cross and clicked the first lolibrary link and got 2010 for it's release date. I think Holy Angel was a bit pants though. Hoping the next collection will have a good print reminscient of the older prints (cathedral, candelabra blabla).

>> No.7275015

I read that as clit party . Geezous. I need to go get dinner.

>> No.7275018

Quite possibly! I think I sold it to another Australian girl. If she ever wants to sell it, I'll buy it back, haha.

I love that their babydoll cuts fit pretty much everyone. They can make you look a bit preggo, though.

>> No.7275021

Almost definitely the same dress then. Nice.

>> No.7275083

Anyone know if there's full shirring on the back of the wonder queen set?

>> No.7275253


>> No.7275483

I reserved Baby's Labyrinth of the Reminiscent Mirror Elaine JSK and my bf accidentally sent more money than the invoice requested. They didn't refund him the amount that was supposed to be given. He emailed them twice requesting the rest of the refund. Could this hurt us from ordering from Baby again? No reply. Has anyone experienced a similar situation with them? Has the reserves shipped out yet? I'm guessing they would send a tracking number when they do.

>> No.7275523

are they even back from holiday yet? I would wait a few more days before expecting any answers

>> No.7275700

Anyone know of any decent, free sewing patterns that can be found online? I've been looking through the memories and whatnot but all of that is super old school or just plain shit.

>> No.7275783

Asking again, but has anyone had anything shipped SAL from Japan recently? My package was mailed the 17th, I think. Maybe the 16th.
I know it takes 2 weeks or more. I'm getting way too impatient. Next time I'm at least doing airmail. Is that much more than SAL is? I think it's a lot faster.

>> No.7275792

The last time I ordered something via SAL from Japan it took over a month (this was like 6+ months ago I think)

>> No.7275806

Fuuuuck. I hope it doesn't take too long, because I might not be able to wear it if it takes more than a month from now.

>> No.7276475

hey, they released the special sets without updating the site...
Some people are already selling theirs in mbok

>> No.7276477

they've actually been on mbok since the 1st

>> No.7276480

I thought the mbok ones where from people who bought them in-store

>> No.7276551

I have the JSK of this, the velvet is really short pile but seems of a good quality

>> No.7276555

Has anyone received shipping confirmation from Meta about the luckypacks yet?

>> No.7276557

I had shipping confirmation on the 25th. My lucky pack seems stuck in 'retention' though from what I see on my tracking.

>> No.7276627

Cross-posted from the mail thread;

/cgl/ help me. Has anyone used Japamart before? I ordered a load of stuff through them, and everything so far has been fine, until they sent me the invoice for shipping (pic in >>7276610). According to their EMS quote chart, a package costing $200 to ship to my country should weigh about 15kg, but I'm sure my order can't weight that much, can it?. I only bought three skirts, two blouses, a tote bag, mook, necklace and bolero. I have 72 hours to pay otherwise I'll start incurring fees. I'm worried that if I ask them to recalculate, they'll just keep everything. I don't really know what to do.

>> No.7276812
File: 999 KB, 266x173, you are beautiful.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really need a lolita sempai, or even a dose of a cold hearted bitch.
I kind of want an anonymous person to have a look at my coords and just give me a shit sandwich, as in helpful and constructive and not just insult my face. But posting myself to /cgl/ is just too much, I don't think I could handle a whole pack of you lot.

I wish there was a decent version of the lolita mentoring thing, I think I'm doing okay but I need some pointers to really move me onwards. Even if I decide to not follow the advice, I want to know that I'm doing it by choice and not pure ignorance.

>> No.7276914

You should email me. I can tell you in either a nice or harsh way. I've been wearing lolita since like 2006, so I've been around a while.

>> No.7276919

Suck it up and make your face indistinguishable on photos. Don't have a messy room in the background. There's always going to be bitches, but I think you'll have less problems that way. If you're fat, be prepared to have someone comment on your weight.

>> No.7276924

How do I trust that you won't post me to an ita thread?

>> No.7276930

I had something shipped the beginning of December SAL from Japan, took about 2-3 weeks to arrive.

>> No.7276939

you can't. you'll just have to deal with that reality.

>> No.7276958

Girls, I need advice.

I bought a dress recently on ebay. Perfectly fine. A few days ago, it was relisted on mbok and is $100 cheaper. Should I buy it and sell my dress? I feel really bad for overpaying.

For reference, it was St Mephisto Cathedrale in iris/purple. I got mine for $250.

>> No.7276961

After fees, shipping and selling fees I doubt you'll save very much, assuming you can even seel your dress for the price you paid and make back the shipping as well. Unless you have enough money to buy the one on MBok without selling your dress first, it's probably not worth it.

>> No.7276970

I have enough money to buy it without selling my dress first. WHAT DO. I'm so tempted to do it. When I bought St Mephisto on ebay 2 other girls bid.

>> No.7276992

After all the fees, you might only make a profit of $30-50. It's pretty stupid to buy another one unless you're that desperate for $30. That is, assuming someone will even buy it for $250. Not many people want it these days. But hey, it's your money to lose.

>> No.7277012

You think people wouldn't buy it for $250? There were 2 other girls who bid on it on ebay for near that price, wouldn't that be an indication people still want it?

If I only get back $30, the mbok listing also comes with the headbow, which I don't have and sort of want.

>> No.7277016

Hell, I would buy it for $250, is it the OP or JSK?
Provided there is no damage or alterations.

>> No.7277024
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OP, no damage or alterations. I was just about to post a feeler for it.

>> No.7277035

How is the condition of the one on Mbok?
If you've got the money and the Mbok one is in just as good of condition, I say go for it, especially since you want the bow. It's no loss if you break even, either.
But really, it's up to you.

>> No.7277046

Does the invoice include domestic shipping, bank fees, and the SS fee?

>> No.7277051

I think the mbok one is fine. I think I will go for it. I have the money and there is not much loss, really.

>> No.7277053

Nope, paid all those already. This is just international shipping. I emailed them and asked them to recalculate, so I've gotta wait to hear back.

>> No.7277059

If you decide to sell and don't mind sending internationally (Australia) shoot me an email.
This is on my dream dress list, I'd rather just buy and have some security than go through auctions.

>> No.7277064

I will send you an email if I win the dress, then.

In other news, I need help with some moonspeak. This is listed on the mbok page for mephisto:

"Alice and the PiratesのSt. Mephisto Cathedraleワンピースの紫になります





Okay, I think the last part has something to do with the headbow and shipping. The beginning is talking about the item, but is the middle part talking about damage to the buttons? I can't tell. Google translate isnt helping.

>> No.7277067

So they send 3 invoices? Thats so weird

>> No.7277068

For fuck's sake. I've been wanting this dress since it came out, and now I finally had an opportunity to get it (and for cheap) and now someone else wants to outbid me. I don't want to have a bidding war with someone who already has it. Gah.

>> No.7277076

Theres already a small bidding war on it, anon. So don't feel so bad. I am probably going to set my max bid to around 20,000 (give or take). So if you want it, you can have it for a worth it price!

>> No.7277083
File: 145 KB, 525x394, 1234323.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would it be really frowned upon if I asked for a refund due to shipping being to high? I bought something (under $20) from an online store, and there was nothing indicating I'd have to pay a separate shipping cost and now I'm being charged an extra $10....how rude would it be to ask for my money back? I was under the impression that the price included shipping.

>> No.7277086

if you're looking for a second opinion you can e-mail me.

>> No.7277087

I think it's saying that the button from the collar? came off, so please be aware of that, and that the headbow from the same series will be included.

>> No.7277088


welp. So it turns out the top button on the bib is missing. I'm not going to get it, then. For the anons that wanted/still want it and dont mind that one of the buttons is missing, heres the link: http://www.mbok.jp/item/item_431548954.html?_SRC=li2_i0

Theres only 14 hours left so you should message your SS soon. Its going for super cheap and if you dont mind replacing the buttons you should go for it!

>> No.7277089

Amazingly fucking rude, enjoy being blacklisted from that store.

>> No.7277095

Yes, it would be frowned upon. If it was on the comm sales you'd get negative feedback.

>> No.7277096

If you can't afford $10 of shipping, it would be seen as a hassle, especially for an item that is cheap anyway.
Rule 1: Never assume the price includes shipping

>> No.7277116

Sweet baby Jesus, how long have you been on the internet? There's always shipping costs and there isn't usually it's stated everywhere.

>> No.7277130

Not exactly, you put in a deposit balance, like a paypal balance, and then they will let you bid up to double the value of the deposit. If you win the item, they'll pay for it and then invoice you with the total cost and fees. You can part-pay with your deposit or you can pay the whole amount and keep the deposit in your account. Then they store the items for up to a month, and any time you can make a request to have stuff shipped, at which point they invoice you for the combined shipping.

>> No.7277338

Could somebody recommend an SS for Yahoo! Japan Auctions?

>> No.7277362

From Japan is my go-to for YJA. The sniper function and the real-time bidding work better on their site than the others I've tried. Japonica is my backup generally.

>> No.7277375
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Considering lolitas often pay upwards of $50-$80 for shipping, $10 is not bad at all. Suck it up and buy it.

What shop was it?

>> No.7277383

It's weird that you were charged for shipping presumably after buying the item. Usually with shops you put your item in the cart and then the shipping charge is added in as you check out.
I know like with Japanese brand shops they don't calculate the shipping until you place your order, but most domestic stores have the standard shipping fees already figured out.

>> No.7277384

I agree although for large purchases I use Celia because you only pay half up front on the chance you get outbid. Although they've been a tad slower lately because of the holidays and shippinh

>> No.7277411

if its a direct sale from person to person the rules of shipping differ a lot. some people will put it in the cost, some people will calculate it after.

if it's a shopping service like From Japan, they calculate shipping afterwards. You paypal them the cost + tax and once they receive it and ship it out, they invoice you for the shipping/commission.

>> No.7277477


.... what the fuck are you going on about.

You really don't know what the hell you're talking about. R-series is great quality, Dear Celine blouses are regarded as some of the best and almost on par with brand. KL is great quality - Phantom of the Opera was underwhelming for the wait time but other than that they have pretty much straight up improved from the outset.

TL;DR: as someone who likes their burando, the hell are you smoking, stop it.

>> No.7277478

I never got shipping confirmation or tracking number, still, it arrived today

>> No.7277481


I've literally never heard anyone say that who actually owns pieces from them, KL in particular has been compared to burando in quality, and they're not exactly cheap either - not quite new-release-AP expensive, but certainly above Bodyline/F+F in quality and price, I'd put them at mid-range. You sound like someone who's never seen or owned any of those mentioned brands.

>> No.7277489

Thanks anon, I just read the LP thread and the lack of tracking number seems to be the same for everyone. I'm on holiday so hopefully it will have arrived when I'm home!

>> No.7277732

I've seen pieces from the Phantom of the Opera series in real life and the quality was pretty poor. Mozarabic Chant and Lost in Sea look pretty good but not brand level. I have never owned anything from any of the Taobao ones that make replicas, but I've owned at least one dress from every Japanese brand apart from Mary Magdalene (and have seen many items from BL, F+F and multiple Taobao brands) and have been buying dresses since 2006 so I think I have an idea of what I'm talking about.

Also, KL is cheap as fuck, what are you talking about?

>> No.7277763

So I need some help. I need a dress by the end of may. It's gotta be plus size to fit (55inch bust) and it needs to be classic but nice.

I found one for Lady Sloth but it sold out so I'm going to try another but is there anyone else I can get? I'm a little afraid to try with Taobao without someone holding my hand through it so if it's not Taobao I would be happy.

>> No.7277768

What's your budget like?

>> No.7277772

200 max. It'll also count as my first lolita dress I haven't made so I'd be willing to spend a little more.

>> No.7277784

Go to the Plus Size Lolita Sales in English page on Facebook. You'll find some pieces that are American handmade or altered brand to fit that bust size. And good luck, anon. I have a hard time finding pieces that fit right with a 42 inch bust.

>> No.7277789

Lol, I've heard this before. Obese girl with small budget and timeframe. Don't stuff yourself into anything premade, you'll need to get stuff custom-made. And you'll need to pay a lot more than $200 if you want it to be decent quality. Especially seeing as a 55" bust (how big is your waist?) will require a lot more fabric and sewing work than usual.

>> No.7277802

My suggestion, if you've got at least some sewing skills. Pick up a pattern and make something. For your budget, you can make yourself something nice and fit you properly.

>> No.7277816

I suppose you can't, but people looking for crit aren't even a fun target. What would I say, "She thinks these outfits need work, and they do!" Not even interesting.
I know an ita in person and don't post her.
Telling people what I think and coordinating hypothetical outfits is my hobby.

>> No.7277829

Got it today!

>> No.7277832

Thank you.

I've got some sewing skills but not that much I'll see what I can do.

>> No.7277954

Does anyone own Vm's Rococo Bouquet long dress? How is the fit?

>> No.7278346

I'm going to try buying off of Mbok or Y!Japan auctions for the first time, and I'm Sorry if this is a dumb question, but how much is shipping to the US approximately for just an OP? Or an OP and a bag or two?

>> No.7278348

*usually, I meant to add. Just looking for some numbers so I can get a general feel of my total, so I know if I have enough.

>> No.7278357

EMS you're looking at 2000-3000 yen

>> No.7278374
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For plus size I would say LS is the only indie brand I would trust
>pic related

>> No.7278388

anon this coord is so cute, where are your shoes from?

>> No.7278390
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>> No.7278426

this is a bit of a dumb question, but has anyone tried using a romantic tutu as a petticoat before?

>> No.7278445

I've been trying to contact them for like two weeks at this point about Enchanted Fawn and have heard nothing.

>> No.7278497

Can you describe what you're looking for better? Length? Pleated or not? Tight fitting or drapey?

>> No.7278502

I'm curious about this too... Someone asked about it on the lolita updates page and this was the reply another girl supplied: "I don't know for sure, but I suspect it does. http://lolibrary.org/apparel/toy-march-special-set Toy March in brown from last year has a similar cut, was also a LP set and had full back shirring. Based on the cut of this, and the fact that it is a LP, I'd expect some shirring. In the event that I'm wrong, there does seem to be a lot of hype about this print, and it's a very cheap set, so it's likely you would be able to resell it without taking a loss?"

>> No.7278517

This is awful advice, coming from someone who checks that page on a regular basis. Most of the stuff on there that will fit a 55" bust is absolute shit (bemyfullmoon/silvrlinings tier handmade). Sorry but at that size, I personally wouldn't even bother wearing lolita unless I was really good at sewing. You might fit into a very small selection of brand pieces, but they won't look good on you even if you can get them on. You are pretty much limited to making things yourself, commissioning (good luck finding a seamstress who knows how to sew a garment for a plus-sized body and has decent designs/fabrics), or buying from taobao. That's just the harsh truth.

>> No.7278519

Not that anon, but those are the victoria booties from Mojo Moxy.

>> No.7278581


There is indeed full back shirring.

>> No.7278590

I think Blasphemina's Closet is supposed to make amazing plus sized stuff.

>> No.7279167

First result on google: "Samantha R. Crossland began her design career with her label “Blasphemina’s Closet” in 2000. After closing “Blasphemina’s Closet” in September of 2013, she started anew with her new eponymous label “Samantha Rei”. “Samantha Rei” embodies the sweetness and femininity that has come to be expected from the designer.

Samantha Rei draws her inspiration from such illustrators and Chris Riddell, Brom, Tony DiTerlizzi, Brett Helquist and Mihara Mitsukazu as well as stories like Alice in Wonderland and Snow White. Her hero Alexander McQueen along with designers Vivienne Westwood, Hirooka Naoto, John Galliano, Victorian maiden and Anna Sui have influenced her style."

>> No.7280186

I actually think it's really cute and was tempted to buy this, but I'm so wary of the material being itchy..

>> No.7280635

Gah...I hate seeing new releases be posted on the auctions for, like, $500 and up.

I've been researching and browsing for lolita shoes for months. Having wide feet is keeping me from making a sound decision. I just got a wine colored AP jsk and I don't know how well bodyline's red shoes will match with it. Should I just get any kind of matte-leather red shoes?

Also, how wide does shoes like #147, #152, or #192 run?