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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 54 KB, 600x450, yui-01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7259591 No.7259591 [Reply] [Original]

whatd you seagulls get for christmas? anything cosplay related?

>> No.7259676

I got shekels huehuehue

>> No.7259681
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>Arda gift card
>basic sewing machine

>> No.7259683

I didn't.

>> No.7259685

But Yui has no eyebrows.

>> No.7259688
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Nothing. Because I pay rent.
I bought chicken to make tacos and now I'm playing sonic the Hedgehog

>> No.7259692

Go-pro Hero...

I guess its cosplay related?

>> No.7259701

>mfw I found my Genesis and CWC games while unpacking and have no cathode TV to play them on

>> No.7259711

I always wondered why the fuck I bought that collection when I already knew about emulators

>> No.7259732

My gram got me AP socks. ;_;

>> No.7259755

Bought myself KH1.5 and FFXIV as a Christmas treat.
Best presents by far were a pajama onsie, rilakkuma bedsheets and a gift certificate for a flight company. nothing cosplay/lolita related though

>> No.7259759

I got tools, which are kinda cosplay-related.

>> No.7259772

Nothing at all.

>> No.7259775

Got cash... Er... One of my friends made me the little evil bunnies from Ib.

>> No.7259785

I got a serger as a combination graduation and Christmas present~

>> No.7259793

I got deflowered and dumped by DQ's boyfriend like a used-up condom. :S

And then I stopped posting on /cgl/ for a few months until my Canadian faggot friends convinced me that it's ok to return because everyone is new and they love canada.

>> No.7259796

I got tickets to see Jon Anderson from Yes play in April. And money, which I'll likely use on lolita-related stuff.

>> No.7259808

Elizabeth Arden Green Tea perfume from my mother-in-law, loooots of chocolate truffles and jellies, a gingerbread house, a lot of money and my mum sent me something I should receive soon.

>> No.7259813
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My favorite presents were from my room mates. Pic related. I also got about 80 dollars worth of gift cards from the bf's parents which was awesome! Christmas was good and I am so grateful to have people who really love me.

>> No.7259814

I got a few baking supplies from my sister and some lingerie from myself.

I know my bf and roommate each got me something small, but I won't know what until later this month. I'm sure none of it is even tangentially related to /cgl/.

>tfw no one will ever buy you burando anything

>> No.7259815

posting from my new wii u
hahaha bitchesss

>> No.7259818

Nothing specific, but I did get the Frozen artbook which will provide some great references for future cosplays!
Some cute jewellery too which could work in some coords.

>> No.7259822

I got a Samsung Galaxy S4, seafood for dinner and some LOTR DVDs.
Also there are ants in my laptop

>> No.7259830

>TFW your mum got you another jewelry box
>TFW you got one from her last year
>TFW you already had jewelry box then
>TFW could fill 1 jewelry box
>TFW top drawer doesn't even open on this thing

I told her I don't want Christmas presents any more. Especially if this is how she uses my $180 a week rent and board.

>> No.7259831
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this is why I'm positive I made the right choice in fiances

>> No.7259836
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dropped pic
at least it looks fancy and at least rori this time but it suits nothing in my room much like the silver handmade in India or malaysia thing I got the year prior

I'm an ungrateful little bitch but I felt so much happier come my last birthday when I remembered I didnt want gifts for that either

my home life is so fucking sad

>> No.7259840
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nice, i got an embroidery machine

>> No.7259875

Same here.

>> No.7259880

>buy Left 4 Dead 2 on Steam, after years of considering it and forgetting about it

>> No.7259881

i got this machine for my birthday a few weeks ago!! its REALLY great, you're going to love it

>> No.7259886

I got a Singer model 611.
Is this a good machine?
I want to start making my own lolita accessories and maybe clothes when I get better, but my mother was the one shopping for the machine and I didn't want to demand anything specific in case she couldn't find it; I've heard that the new Singers aren't highly spoken of because they use too much plastic?
I'm really excited to start participating in the sewing threads, regardless.

>> No.7259889
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> I wish I had a serger.
> I wish a I had a fiance.

>> No.7259891

shit, sorry
singer confidence*, the 611 is the carrying case.
I'm a total newb.

>> No.7259893

too bad steam won't load for me all goddamn day

>> No.7259894

I'm having the same problem.

>> No.7259896
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I'm getting mine on Friday, the Wind Waker bundle.

>> No.7259898

Got a Brother XL2600. Pretty excited - anyone have any experience with them?

>> No.7259903
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I got a rice cooker for my weaboo needs and $200.

>> No.7259908
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my bf got my this lovely thing. It's beautiful except for the fact that it sounds like a plastic recorder you were forced to learn to play in grade 5

>> No.7259913

A dressform, The Dressmaker's Technique Bible, a heatgun, and shoes for a couple costumes are the only cosplay related things I received this year.

The dressform's by far my favorite thing, if only because both my mom and grandmother were fighting over who got to buy one for me because "She needs one".

>> No.7259929

I got the Hunger Games box set because I'm a dirtbag and have only read pirated PDFs of them.

A new comforter

and a dome umbrella.

My two siblings each got a nook + 15 other gifts.

Christmas was pretty shitty.

>> No.7259936
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>i got gifts, but they weren't as nice as other peoples' gifts ;___;
>so xmas was ruined QQ

>> No.7259940

Well, when your parents clearly show favoritism to your siblings, it's pretty shitty.

They got literally everything they asked for, $300+ of shit, and I got books, a blanket, and a fucking umbrella.

Pardon me for being a little upset.

Not to mention the rest of the day was pretty terrible as well, and I now have a migraine making me sick.

>> No.7259942

>Gift cards to Sephora and Joann's
>comic books
>A house (paid off)
>A new car (paid off)
Ok technically the last two are birthday/christmas for me for the next like 10 years, but I wanted to feel good about it.

>> No.7259953
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They're a keeper for sure.

I got a trip to the Caribbean. I am currently sloshed on really nice expensive wine after Christmas dinner at a very nice expensive open-air restaurant overlooking the ocean. Nothing material, but goddamn did I need this.

Pic very related.

>> No.7259952
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Well I got $75 worth of Barnes & Noble gift cards, so I have about five books on the way to my house.

My mom and dad got me a bunch of little trinkets and a couple pairs of clothes. The biggest gift I got was this stand alone vanity mirror, because I have no full-length mirror in my room. At first I thought "Ugh" because I have NO space in my room for this shit, but then they pointed out that it can be taken off the stand and mounted on a wall. The coolest thing about it is that there's a key which unlocks the mirror, and on the inside there's shelves and hooks to hang rings/jewelry. I want to loli it out and keep all of my fragile frilly stuff in it. I'll probably keep my weed in there too.

A few weeks prior to this my parents actually gave me a new camera that I picked out and $150 to go shop at the mall. So it's been a good year.

Also my on-and-off bf claims he got me something lolita related. Although I'm kind of nervous it will be something ita...

>> No.7259957

I got an alpacasso from my roommate, but I haven't seen my boyfriend yet and he's promising me gifts and $400 spending money for the weekend.

>> No.7259962
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>trip to the Caribbean
>expensive wine
>dinner at a very nice expensive open-air restaurant

>Nothing material

>> No.7259971

I got:
-AKB0048 season 1
-A Joe Hisaishi piano scorebook that was actually a lot nicer than expected and has the sheet music for some of my favorite Ghibli tracks
-A Link Between Worlds
-Grandma told me she'd pay for Katsucon (more of a birthday present but still)
-I bought a lot of Pokemon shit I didn't need and will probably spring for some AP since this has not been a good holiday season at all
-I'm going to be a complete sap and mention that despite this being seriously the shittiest Christmas ever, my family and boyfriend did their best to make it a good one, and I tried to do the same for them, and that's really the most I could have asked for and I totally count that as a Christmas present.

>> No.7259966

I think they mean nothing that they are physically getting to keep.

>> No.7259968

I get what you're saying -- but I mean that the money being spent on me is more of an experience than a material object. I'm super happy, don't get me wrong.

>> No.7259976

2 area rugs to decorate my dorm room - a big pink one and a smaller hello kitty one, 2 $25 Amazon gift cards, several cardigans/sweaters, $250, and a Girls' Generation poster set is on the way.

Really nothing /cgl/-related like I had hoped most for, but that's ok. Still generous gifts without a doubt.

>> No.7259977

Jumper cables...

>> No.7259987
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>first world problems

>> No.7259990

Hey, that much cash translates to lots of fabric in my book!

Yay Katsucon! My favorite con of the year by far. Is your birthday around the time of the con too? And I'm glad that your family and BF have been so supportive and lovely, that sounds really nice.

>> No.7259993

>Wah, I have no feelings so other people's feelings don't matter

>> No.7259994
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I got a $3 scratchcard from my dad that ended up winning me exactly $50. It was a good Christmas morning.

>> No.7259997

How old are you, and how old are your siblings?

>> No.7260001

Infanta, FanPlusFriend, Bodyline, wigs.... basically anything my parents could afford that wasn't through an SS.

And alcohol. I appreciate them ; u ;

>> No.7260003

Ahhhh, that sounds pretty sweet!

>> No.7260008

Katsucon is a few weeks after my birthday; I was born on the 20th of January. It's my favorite con too, anon! It's just far enough away from home that the change of scenery (no matter how cold) is refreshing.
And yeah, the support has been really nice considering this holiday has affected them too. Family bonding, man.

>> No.7260007
File: 258 KB, 445x445, funguspillow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thick socks, fleece-lined leggings, an oversized sweater with pockets, knitted cuffs/scarf, a mug, a wicker purse, and a former roommate got me argan oil for my hair.

also, i did my best to make personalized and useful gifts for everyone. all in all, it was the most mori xmas i've ever had.

>> No.7260010

pic? I love that game.

>> No.7260012

More like that anon is being a brat. They got nice gifts. But wait, other family members got better presents so "Christmas was pretty shitty." Sounds like something a nine year old cries about. Be grateful you have a family to spend the holidays with and that your parents even thought about getting you gifts.

>> No.7260044

I'm the 20th of January too! See you at Katsu and have a wonderful birthday.

As for Christmas I got a lot of more practical things, like a new GPS (perfect for traveling to cons tbh), because I tend to buy my own stuff nowadays if they're "nerdy" and my friends I share hobbies with will give me presents like that too. I asked for money to fund that kind of stuff and got a couple checks which I'm really happy about. It was a nice relaxing day.

>> No.7260046

>I'm an only child.

>> No.7260047

My boyfriend just told me that he's paying for Katsucon for me as a gift!

Best Christmas ever!

>> No.7260049

I have four sisters; try again.

>> No.7260052
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The only thing I can think of that's cosplay related that I got are a bunch of art books and comics. The Pacific Rim artbook is especially going to come in handy for reference for my Dragoncon cosplay.

Oh and pic related. (though not sure if its this exact one or not)

I still have another house and another set of presents to get to, however.

>> No.7260054

Those are sad feels there. I'll always love my old fat tvs. I'm trying to look for some right now.

>> No.7260058
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I don't know. I like owning my genesis games. I have all the sonic genesis ones, but my genesis needs new cables, so I'm playing the ps2 collection and it feels strange.

>> No.7260059

Have a wonderful birthday also!

Aww, that's so sweet! Is he going too? I find it awesome that Katsu is going to be on Valentine's Day this year.

>> No.7260063

The books are so good, anon! I read all three in three days. After the third, you'll get to have fun wondering what they'll do in the upcoming films.

>> No.7260064

Sorry to hear that, anon. This is sonic Anon and I literally got nothing but chicken tacos I made for myself. I don't favoritism either and the holiday seasons are the worst for that non sense. You can be upset with me. I do really love the hunger games too. If you ever want to discuss random shit via email to feel less upset.

>> No.7260065

He is going too! It's going to be a room with just me and him and another of our mutual friend couples. He and I cosplay a canon pairing characters and I'm really excited to go since it's my first time there with him after not making it last year.

>> No.7260067

I feel bad for you guys.

>> No.7260071

that was very kind of you to say to them, anon. i'm certain there will be times that make up for these. in the meantime, enjoy your sonics and carry on being sweet to people<3

>> No.7260072

Not sure if you're the brat anon or someone else, but once you get past a certain age you should be old enough to understand Christmas isn't 100% about the quantity of presents you get. Kids don't really understand that yet so as long as Anon isn't underage b& and their siblings are younger than them, I don't really see that as "favouritism".

I can understand having a shitty day in general, but their post just came off as particularly entitled for someone who (hopefully) is an adult.

>> No.7260073

Shit happens. I mean this season makes people who don't have much money and entitled patents to spoil them feel kind of lame. I live with two roommates I don't get along with and my mlm died two years prior around this time. It just sucks extra for a lot of people, and we get our faces rubbed in it. That's all.

>> No.7260075

I don't think it's entitled. Some peoples' parents spoil them until the day they die pretty much. Anon never stated how old her or her siblings were and honestly it's going to be a bit disheartening to see your siblings get everything they want and you get much less unless they are very young kids, and if kindles are involved they are clearly not very young.

>> No.7260076

Thanks! And feel better yourself. I'm rereading Catching Fire because it was the best one imo.

>> No.7260081

> if kindles are involved they are clearly not very young
Things have changed, anon. Parents are buying kids under five years old tablets. A guy came into my job the other day saying he was relieved he was able to snag an iPad for his three year old.

>> No.7260087

That's pretty good. I got a holiday pack of 5 scratch cards, and all 5 were losers.

>> No.7260093

Claiming to have had a bad Christmas just because you didn't get the presents you wanted and someone else did is entitlement no matter how you spin it, especially if you're an adult.

It doesn't matter whether they were "young" children or not because a lot of teens are still stuck on the materialistic aspect of Christmas and look forward to presents the most. Also what >>7260081 said. If they can read, they can get kindles/nooks. It's the same as getting them a Gameboy or DS, just with books.

>> No.7260095
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I got this lil guy from a friend and gift cards to barnes & noble from family

>> No.7260107
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I got a chippendales reindeer outfit.

>> No.7260108

Got a polymer clay sample set, a new sketchpad, some paintbrushes and clay tools for my Artist Alley booth.
Also got a $25 gift card for JoAnns so I took advantage of their 25c shipping and got some more polymer clay, some clearance chocolate molds, and a nine set of glass bottles for charms.

>> No.7260111
File: 69 KB, 570x768, bottle teru teru bozu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got cute jfashion clothes and cute teru teru bozu pens and a teru teru bozu in a bottle! I have no idea what to do with it but I'm in love with it.
Also some Pokemon plush toys I heard but those are late getting here.

>> No.7260115


You gotta' believe in the heart of the cards, anon.


I learned pretty quickly when I was young that working for your toys was a much more efficient and reliable method than just waiting for Christmas or birthdays. Maybe that anons parents are trying to teach him/her the same thing, provided they're still underage. But if they are over 18, top lel.

>> No.7260122
File: 50 KB, 700x620, BL20A_1_lrg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got this baby for Christmas. it's my very first sewing machine and I have no idea how to sew, either. yours looks very intricate though, can you tell me more about it?

>> No.7260125

That's adorable

>> No.7260129

>goes on vacation to the Caribbean
>spends it on cgl

>> No.7260127

Haha aww anon, you really don't, do you. (Not being snarky; more endearing than anything.) You got a sewing machine; other anon got a serger. They're two different types of machine with two different functions.

>> No.7260135

I got jack shit for Christmas but I'm over the moon about it. Money going towards renovating our new house and garden

>> No.7260137

i-i'm not feeling particularly bad at all... i posted the mushroom pillow. i will send my good vibes your way~

>> No.7260139

I'm not the OP but
>has never had downtime in the hotel room on a vacation

>> No.7260143


For the record, I'm 19, my sisters are 9 and 12.

However, my parents have always tried their best to be fair to my sisters and I for birthdays and holidays. It's always been about $60 for birthday gifts (This year I got a new jacket.) and then for Christmas it's about $150 each. So seeing them get all of that while I got so little was a big change from the usual.

But, I guess what upsets me most is how fucking spoiled they are. I worked and saved my money to buy myself every electronic I've ever owned. My gameboy color I saved for when I was only 8 years old. My Gameboy advance. My DS. My playstation. My own nook, and most of the games I've had for them. But my sisters have had everything handed to them. They've never had to save for anything, or work for anything. They don't do chores, don't even pick up their own rooms.

My parents bought both of them gameboys, DSs, and then when one of my sisters broke my DS a few years back, I had to fight to get it replaced. I spent my hard-earned money on it, so I suggested that I get theirs, because they'd broken it, they should be responsible for replacing it.

It ended up with my parents buying me a used gamestop one, which I was fine with, but I was still miffed that there were no consequences.

They bought my sisters a wii, and a PS3. They bought them games, just because they asked for them.

When I came home one day to find that they'd both gotten two new games, I asked if I could get a used game for $5 from a local used game shop, and was shot down. I was told to get a job (I had just turned 16) if I wanted something so badly.

The holidays are just a really tough time for me overall, and I will admit, the way I worded it sounded really bratty and awful. Maybe I am a brat. But it's really hard to suddenly feel like, "Well, she's an adult, so fuck her."

TL;DR it was a big change at a tough time for me, my sisters are spoiled brats, so I'm miffed.

>> No.7260151

Mushroom pillow?

>> No.7260157
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Here you go.

>> No.7260158
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The more you post, the brattier you sound. I know your upset, but x out this tab cos we're gonna make it worse.

>> No.7260167
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>Maybe I am a brat. But it's really hard to suddenly feel like, "Well, she's an adult, so fuck her."

That's just growing up though, anon. Life isn't fair and some parents (whether they admit it or not) will play favorites with their children. Just realize that not going as many toys as your siblings isn't the worst thing in the world.

There's a guy I know that volunteers as a Santa at a local community center in my town. He's told my dad many sad stories about children coming on his lap and asking for their Christmas wishes. The worst I heard was about a poor little girl who just asked for a Christmas meal with her family. How many eight year-old kids do you know that prioritize food over entertainment?

>> No.7260168

Not even that anon, but it sounds like you're just saying that on purpose.

>XDDD still bratty lel

>> No.7260172

Yes actually! I got my very first sewing machine! I have absolutely NO idea how to sew, but I am so excited to start using it!

>> No.7260174
File: 252 KB, 445x445, tumblr_mwkb9ejeSI1swze9do2_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>7260007 this one. ;__; since you referred to yourself as the one who posted sonic, i figured i'd just repeat the form of identification... EITHER WAY, i hope you get some cocoa going or something!

it's less bratty in context, but it does make sense for parents to be able to stock up on consoles and devices for kids while they're young and going to be in the house for a few more years. i grew up playing video games in houses of my friends whose parents could actually afford them, so i'm not sure i relate well to the device envy. i do empathize with the "suddenly adult" thing, though. at this point, family just mentions my sister and i in cards, rather than sending gifts or money.

but you might not feel better about this until a few days go by, so make the best of being well fed in a warm house with internet connection, and cuddle up with something nice streaming.

>> No.7260184

My parents bought tablets for my two kids (4 and 8) and my nephew (also 4).

>> No.7260188

Just passing by the thread, but for fucks sake people, kindles aren't tablets. They're electronic books, they have less functionality than tablets and they're for older children at best. For fucks sake.

>> No.7260189

I am >>7260151. I was just browsing the front page and saw mushroom pillow, which piqued my interest. Thank you for reposting for my dumb ass.

It is very cute and I want one.

>> No.7260191

I agree but I feel as if I would accidentally the mushrooms real fast.

>> No.7260192
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I didn't get much cosplay related but I did get a cute little theremin kit & magazine. I've wanted to learn to play for a long time- too bad I can't read any of the instructions or interviews.

That pillow is cute as fuck. 10/10 would move out from under me before I sat down.

>> No.7260193
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I didn't get anything cosplay related, unless the worbla I bought myself counts? My family gave me gift cards, as well as money- some of which will be spent on wigs for upcoming cosplays. And my boyfriend got me some figures and chocolate.

>pic related, SAS and Cadbury

>> No.7260194

You can play games on the Kindle. My nephew used to borrow my mom's Kindle to play games on and as I mentioned above, he's 4. The point made with the discussion about tablets is that even younger people (under age 10 or so) can get expensive technology like cell phones and tablets nowadays.

>> No.7260197

Yay, Katsucon birthday buddies. Mine's the 18th of February, so it usually is on my birthday, but I'm actually a bit relieved it won't be this year.

Anyway, it sounds really cheesy, but I was really just excited to see my family. I'll probably move in with my boyfriend/perhaps then fiance after I graduate college, so this might be the last christmas with my family. I've been super homesick so it's been nice.

But all this mushy crap aside, I got pretty much clothes, clothes, and more clothes. Which is fine because I need clothes. Super cute lace dress, a few shirts, pair of jeans, and a keyboard for the ipad mini my boyfriend got me.
I got my parents the second season of American Horror Story, and Game of Thrones, despite the fact that my dad claims he had no interest after Sean Bean died.
Money from the grandparents, which is going directly towards books for next semester, applications, and if I have any left over, stuff for Katsucon cosplays.
It might be cheesy again, but I really wasn't expecting much for christmas; there was nothing I wanted, so I was more than content with everything I got.

>> No.7260200

What is this? Why is the title of the magazing "Adult Science?" Is this how the Japanese control the minds of weebs worldwide?

I am intrigued.

>> No.7260202

You can play games on the kindle fire.
On the rest, you can only read and perhaps browse the net a little.

>> No.7260201
File: 129 KB, 1237x1500, 71vYyi0UKBL._SL1500_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My grandma got me an adjustable mannequin. I have yet to take it completely out of the box because I still have to transport it home, but it is pic related.
I couldn't be happier!

>> No.7260203
File: 57 KB, 500x333, lmg9xyWEf51qh0wt0o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ahh, sorry- you'll understand if i thought you were the anon i'd been replying to, right?
i... sometimes save foresty things that i think would be fun to replicate... too many things... the deadline of diy xmas was pretty challenging. polite sage.

>> No.7260204

Yo, I get that it sucks that your sisters are spoiled but that doesn't mean you can't appreciate the little things. Times have changed. A lot of kids now get everything they want at the blink of an eye and you just have to deal with it. It's annoying, yeah, but in the long run, you're going to be independent and know how to manage your money the right way because your parents raised you right.

Also, it's just frivolous luxuries. It's not like you sleep on the floor, get fed crumbs, and are dressed in rags.

My friend is in a similar situation to yours. She's 21 and has seven younger siblings. She has to give a lot of her money to buy them shit (toys, electronics) and has to give her 19 year old sister (who has a job) money for cabs to school because she doesn't want to take a train/bus. She also watches the younger kids, takes them to and from school. cooks for them, and does the majority of the housework while her sisters who are older come home at 3am wasted and their mother doesn't even bat an eyelash at them. But if my friend wants to hang out with us, her mother guilt trips her into staying home and basically running the household. Shit's crazy.

>> No.7260211

I had no idea it said that. It's Volume 17- I'm guessing each issue comes with an experiment kit and a magazine about it? Like a fancy japanese "Popular Science" but only about one central theme? One of the articles seems to be about someone building one inside a matryoshka doll and there are some interviews and instructions on how to decorate your mini-theremin as well.

>> No.7260215
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Oh yeah, another thing I got that's loosely related to cosplay is some makeup. Going to try it out now, I think.

>> No.7260220

I didn't get much as I "joined the big dogs" this year. But that's okay because I get to satisfy my childish side by picking out toys for all the little ones.

Only one thing is potentially cosplay related:
the ironing steamer my grandma handed off to me. It's still in the box it came in the mail from, marked Nov 1992. I think it's hilarious, probably some As Seen on TV gimmicky thing, and want to play with it (on sacrifice fabric first, of course)

>> No.7260227





>> No.7260231

Younger kids are just spoiled ungrateful shit having everything handed to them. My 4 year old niece got a tablet last year for Xmas when she was three. She got another tablet this year because she broke her old tablet a week after reviving it. I see so many parents throwing gadgets and games at kids lately. It's just unreal. Get then something they can use or at least educational. I feel like this generation is going to end up dumber than ever.

>> No.7260249
File: 243 KB, 1306x979, 20131225_192019.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My big brother got me pic related for Christmas. I can't stop smiling.

My parents Christmas gift for the family is a big vacation they've planned for the summer. They are taking us, them, and my uncles to Las Vegas to play with heavy equipment. I'm not even kidding. The fact that a vacation experience where you drive excavators and bulldozers with your family exists is ridiculous and I am so fucking pumped. And I'll be 21 by then, too, so I'm also excited for the Vegas experience itself.

My family is the best. Christmas was awesome. And it's almost time for homemade German chocolate cake. I love everything.

Merry Christmas, /cgl/, and happy new year! Thank you for being beautiful. I love you.

>> No.7260256

There are some educational free apps and games on tablets and phones but parents don't bother to even look for any.

Yesterday I was on line for about 20 minutes at Macy's doing last minute Christmas shopping and this mother in front of me had two boys (6-7 and 2-3) and they would not let go of her phone. They were blasting her shitty reggaeton music and playing Subway Surfers. At one point she had to use it so she grabs it and the younger one starts the most obnoxious fake crying I've ever heard. Then he starts having a tantrum and he accidentally bangs is head and the mom doesn't even flinch. She gives him the phone after a minute and he goes back to staring at the screen like a patient after a lobotomy.

Parents now see electronics as "baby sitters" and have no sense of discipline whatsoever. He's crying? Give him an iPad. She's won't sit still? Give her an iPhone. And they try to justify it with "He knows how to use my phone more than I do!" Well, duh, dipshit. Your phone is more of a parent than your so of course the kid knows how to maneuver it. Just because your kids have the knowledge to use the internet and technology doesn't mean they have the wisdom to.

>> No.7260257
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Holidays have been kind of tough for me. My side of the family got me nothing for Christmas. Not even so much as a text or call wishing me a Merry Christmas. The most I got was my aunt asking me two days ago if I was coming to the family Christmas. Considering I had just confronted my father for being an abusive shit to me and my brothers for all these years the day before Thanksgiving. I really wasn't up for taking the 70 mile trek to my parents house just to look the bastard in the face all day, especially after being in a depressive slump for the past 6 months since I lost my job in May.

On the bright side, My in-laws were much nicer and I actually got to enjoy Christmas with them. We ended up doing the white elephant game and I ended up with a nice pair of memory foam slippers. My husband let me keep them since I've been having such a rough time. My sister-in-law gave me a collapsible umbrella and a nice sweater. My mother-in-law gave me $25(the same as her kids) I also got some smaller stuff from my husband's aunt's like some hair serum and lip scrub/balm combo.

and not completely Christmas related, but I got confirmation that our income was low enough that the state covered my $2,500 hospital bill from back at the end of May.

I'll be seeing friends this weekend, so we'll be doing some gift exchanging then. I'll be using the bit of cash I got from my Mother-in-law to help pick up some gifts for my friends.

So yeah, my family kind of just flipped me the bird this Christmas, but at least my in-laws and friends at least stepped up.

>> No.7260260

I envy those with big families. It's just me and my mom. I got $200 and a scarf and although I am very thankful and think its a great present I wish we had more relatives to spend the holidays with and open presents all together on Christmas morning and have a big dinner. It's really depressing to know that when my mom passes it'll just be me...
It doesn't help that my boyfriend broke up with me a week ago.

>> No.7260262

Boyfriend got me a radiant candlelight fullset in navy, love the shit out of that.

my sister is alive after almost dying Sunday, could not really ask for more.

Kinda feel bad, my phone was stolen from my workplace a few days ago.. I did not have the chance to tell them about it in the craziness that has been going on. My dad got himself and my sister and mom new phones. and I told them about it when i pulled out my old flip phone I re-activated....Dad felt really bad he did not get me one.
but I'm not with there carrier and would not expect a phone from them, tried to make it clear that it was cool and I upgrade in a few months anyway. He still looked crushed. should have never brought it up.

got some new work clothes I really needed, 2 pairs of uggs (they say the first pair are fakes, so they got me the second pair too but I have inspected them and they look legit to me so whatever).
a new fucking blender i really needed that blender, my old one exploded..and new cookie sheets hot damn I made over 400 cookies this xmass with one cookie sheet I am so excited to finally have more.

>> No.7260271
File: 11 KB, 275x183, disapp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> tfw always been the good kid
> tfw the good kid is the one no one has to worry about
> tfw read that as "the one no one has to care about"
> tfw stopped asking for stuff at a young age after hearing parents financial disputes

>> No.7260280

My family doesn't have much money, so the fact everyone saved their pennies and made the effort was touching. Nothing cgl related, but I got some See's candy, Bravely Default ce preordered, A collagen face mask, salted caramel chai latte and a pack of two 1/2 pound Reese cups coming. Also spent time with my siblings yesterday, eating a big dinner and spending a good half day with them. It was more than what I could ask for and could not be happier; especially since last year was shit, no one had money, lived off macaroni and our dad decided to tear the family apart.


Oh man, those things killed the area between the ankle and back of my foot yesterday.
>this hurts
>check to see if sock fell down
>proceed my two hour walk
>can barely walk today

Ended up bleeding through my socks and ruined my mom's uggs. I felt just awful.

>> No.7260279

I got a big make up pallet with eyeshadow, blush, bronzer and lip gloss. I got a couple cool t-shirts, pink and blue hair dye too. My mum's also going to buy me a new petticoat :D it's really lovely.

>> No.7260281

i dont ask for things - i hate owing anything or feeling indebted. what a shit i am.

but anyway, uncles and grandparents gave me a couple hundred in cash, parents gave me some Murakami books, bro gave me video games, and boyfriend got me a 10 day trip to japan

>> No.7260282

Maybe invite some friends for Christmas Eve? It sounds really stupid but maybe next year have a mini feast and have some of your friends and your mom's friends come over. Exchange maybe one or two gifts for each other, too.

Props to you for standing up to your father, anon. I love that you're grateful for your in-laws, friends, and husband. Your family sounds like shit so it's awesome you still have people who care about you.

We are the same. I stopped asking for stuff when I was about eight because I found out my parents were buying presents instead of Santa and I cried about how sorry I was that I was making them waste money on toys. My older sister laughed at me and my parents felt guilty but now it's just an embarrassing story that they tell new friends and relatives.

>> No.7260286
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no matter what everyone got or where/with whom you spent your holiday, i hope at least something made you smile this holiday season

love u guys

>> No.7260287

Yup. It's a great, reliable little machine especially for beginner to intermediate.

>> No.7260288

That sucks anon, I love uggs for lazy days and simple outings...but walking long distances in them is silly. sorry for you foot though.

I am very confused as to why they think the first ones are fakes, they said "I ordered the ones with the bows that you wanted and these came instead SO THEY ARE FAKES"
I-Um-ok parents whatever you say.

>> No.7260289

Spoiled brats everywhere. Geezous.

>> No.7260297

Ah, that's just what I wanted to hear as a novice. Thanks anon!

>> No.7260309

Jelly brats everywhere. Geezous.

>> No.7260317

i didn't ask for it........

>> No.7260322

I got 150 bucks, about half of which I plan on spending on lolita and cosplay shit.

Speaking of which, any recommended sites other than bodyline for cheap stuff?

>> No.7260323

>electronic books
>only for older children
Oh? I didn't realize that reading wasn't intended for children anymore?

>so many parents throwing gadgets and games at kids lately
You know, I always see people claiming it's "outrageous" for kids barely in grade school to be getting tablets and e-readers, but to be honest I don't see it as being much different from getting consoles, handhelds, and computer games back in the 90s.

I don't think getting something hand held like a tablet, ds, or kindle is appropriate for someone under 5 unless they're supervised with it because they will beak that shit in an instant.

>> No.7260336

The thing is, back when I was in grade school way back in the 90s, very few kids in my neighborhood owned gaming consoles because video games weren't the mainstream whoring fandom it is today. I had an NES, genesis and Snes. All which were gifts in a 6 year time frame. My friend down the block had a jaguar , Saturn and N64 because he had an older brother with a job. So for the most part gaming wasn't the "culture " it is today. It wasn't common for kids in the 90s or 80s to own consoles unless they bought it themselves or had an older sibling.

But it's become all too common to see parents throwing all sorts of electronics they don't know how to use at kids under 10. The whole swap note issue on the 3ds is a prime example of kids being online and fucking shit up for everyone.

Getting a 13 year old a kindle because they like to read? Ok, sure. But I'm sorry. 4 year olds don't need tablets and iPhones and 3ds. ( all things my 4 year old niece owns btw)

>> No.7260341

I had my boyfriend break up with me?

[JK - he did it a week before Christmas but I BOUGHT HIM THINGS AND I'M STILL BITTER OKAY]

My parents got me a serger and a new sewing machine that does embroidery too :3

>> No.7260385

Went to Disneyland on Sunday.
That's about it but still loved it!

>> No.7260397

Weirdly enough, I don't think anything made me genuinely smile (e.g. not for appearance's sake) in the last three days.

I had high hopes that at least today I'd get my mood up seeing the 11th / 12th doctor die, but I hated every second of the special and he got off way too easy.

Also, the new doctor won't last longer than one season tops, calling it now.

>> No.7260401

My friend got me two wigs and that's about it, I'm really thanful for both of them!

>> No.7260404

That whole episode was widely disappointing. Could of lived my life without the Billie Piper close ups.

>> No.7260403

Damn, you must know some rich/generous bitches.

>> No.7260412

I got awesome cosplay accessories

>> No.7260486

Wait what. She was in there too? I didn't even notice

>> No.7260488

Well, she looked a lot older, but she was indeed there.

>> No.7260501
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I asked for the full set of these dishes and I actually got them. I was somewhat joking, because what am I going to do with 26 small plates, but they are gorgeous. I guess I'll ask for 26 plate hangers for my birthday.

I got 12 pairs of socks&tights from various relatives and some tea supplies too, as I'm always happy to get them. I have a serious sock problem. Two large drawers full and this newest batch means I need to expand further...

>> No.7260525

I got 2 jumbo sheets of worbla

>> No.7260555

I got a check which I'm promptly going to deposit tomorrow and buy some wigs with. Other than that, everything else I got was normalfag clothes.

>> No.7260558

Taobao, Aliexpress, Clobbaonline, Qutieland...maybe troll around egl-comm-sales for some good deals?

>> No.7260560

Haha, oh dear anon. That's really cute. Fyi, a sewing machine sews stuff together. A serger cleans up the hems. You can kind of see in the serger pic the demonstration of such on the fabric.

>> No.7260564
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I already posted this in the Help! thread because I need some tips on using it, but I got a heat gun! I'm so excited! It's also funny because I put it on my pinterest wishlist thinking no one would get it, but then about a month ago my grandmother asked if I was serious about it or if I put it on there by accident.

When I told her what it was for, she just sort of nodded like "oh okay that wierd thing she does I remember" and I figured oh well.

But then today I unwrapped it and:

>You better make something really cool with that, promise?

>Yes grammy thank you!!

>> No.7260574

I got
from parents:
>a photo of my little sister on a keychain
>a christmas ornament containing a photo of my little sister
>yoga pants
boyfriend's parents:
>pink polkadotted blanket to match my pink polkadotted pjs
yes ultimate camo
>$25 amazon giftcard
>Japanese Cherry blossom perfume

>tfw your bf's parents give you better presents than your actual parents

>> No.7260579

As also the eldest sibling, I can assure you that it's the same in my family. Sometimes I feel as I'm the 'trial run', but meh. It sucks, but y'know, just be happy for their privileges. I don't mean to just take their bratty behaviour because I just scolded my brother for throwing a tantrum over not being able to play on his computer during Christmas... but, when my brother wanted the gift my parents got me, I gave it to him. The fact that he was so happy that I gave it to him was priceless.

And for me, that's what the holidays are. It's not so much as what I receive, because I can fucking buy it for myself anyway if I really wanted to, but the impact I make on others. Whenever my bro will play with that present I gave him, he'll think about me (I hope, at least).

TLDR; It sucks to receive less, but there is a sort of responsibility that goes with being the oldest, even if it's unwanted. The older you are, the less materialistic gifts you'll receive in my experience. I mean, what did your parents get for Christmas?

>> No.7260580

I know that feel anon.

I'm >>7260564 and my parents got me one of those cheesy ninja shirts from Sears and a santa figurine. Sometimes parents can be pretty clueless.

I got a 25$ gift card for Amazon, too! I still have no idea what I'm going to buy with it. Any suggestions, what are you getting? (I was thinking EVA foam but it's so much cheaper other places!)

>> No.7260581

>lots of socks (two pairs that are actually loliable)
This is quite nice because recently, my socks are missing and I've been mixing pairs, and some have been shrunk in the wash over time

>some cash
Not much, but I can't complain since my folks help pay my rent while I'm in school.

>random assortment of toiletries from a cousin
Well, I guess I don't need to buy new floss and shampoo anytime soon

>Doctor Who disappearing TARRDIS mug
From my brother. I'm glad he got me this because I was eyeing it on my own time (I couldn't decide on this or the Shakespeare insult mug).

I'm getting my dream dress in the mail when I go back to my apartment on Friday. I'm going to consider it a gift to myself. I should send the lolita I'm buying it from a small token of thanks as soon as I get her address.

>> No.7260582

In addition to the list of the other anon, you could try your hand on auction sites...mbok, yahoo japan
I've snagged an AP skirt for $50 once.

>> No.7260583
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mfw I'm>>7260257
at least they got you something.

>> No.7260586
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I felt like a spoiled little shit. My requests contained cheap things but goddamn I was sitting in an ocean of stuff. Got a shitload of chocolate, Adagio teas, pony stuff, a bunch of penguin related items included a sheet set covered in penguins, a bunch of (mostly Atlus) PS2 games, some pairs of thick knit tights, skirts, a few gorgeous moonstone and labradorite charms and some fucking adorable anime figures.

I'm the youngest (nineteen), but I have an income. My siblings get stuff like clothes, games or things for their houses, but they spoil me just like my parents do. As an aspie that clings to material items, I'm appreciative, but I really don't deserve it. I'm afraid of being resented.

Now I'm pigging out on leftovers and dreading a root canal in the morning.

>> No.7260588

From my family + boyfriend I got a quilt cover, towel, grocery gift cards, a diary, a crazy cat calender, a nice pen, earrings, board game and a mini metal shopping trolley which is so nostalgic. I never had one as a kid but I always wanted one. My lovely boyfriend bought me a matching Merry Making In The Ghosttown headbow (I helped him order it :)) which is really sweet of him, it should be arriving soon.

I had a really lovely Christmas. Spending the day with my family and partner was the best gift of all though. I'm moving away to uni next year so everything I was given will really come in handy which is very thoughtful.

I spoiled my partner and brother with lots of Star Wars and Pokemon gifts.

>> No.7260591
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I forgot my pic.

Also prior to Christmas my partner gave me some money towards my trip to the Misako High Tea which was very kind and really appreciated.

>> No.7260590
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I'm >>7260580, and I'm sorry dear.

Six months back I got into a confrontation with my father as well, over essentially the same thing, though he didn't know it. I called him out for being emotionally abusive now, but I was thinking of the abuse from when i was a kid when I said it. Also he stole my car (no he didn't even give it to me in the first place it was just plain my car that I bought after I moved out with money i made working) and said it was payment for raising me and he was "planning to give it back". Eyeroll.

Anyway sorry ranting there I was trying to comfort.

Sometimes families just fucking suck, man. Sometimes it can get better (in my case we started exchanging letters after three months and now are in a much better place than we were back then), and sometimes it can't.

Either way, I hope that you continue to make choices to utilize your own happiness. If that means abandoning your old family and taking refuge in your new one... Well, isn't that the pa minor plot in of a lot of different animes, JRPGs and awesome shows? How many shows have the line "It's okay, you guys ARE my family!" in them?

TLDR: I'm sorry your family sucks, but they don't matter. You're friends and inlaws sound awesome, and I hope you find happiness.

>> No.7260593

>Adagio teas
Man I'm pissed because I forgot to put that on my list and I'm out of my two favorite flavors and need a new kettle and people totally would have gotten them if I asked! What flavors did they get? How are they? :D

I'm a material type person, too, so I know that feel. They wouldn't have gotten you those things if they were going to resent you for it, I can promise you that.

>> No.7260596
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Urban Decay's Naked 1 and 3 (I shit myself), Adventure Time and MLP coffee mugs, a meowing cat clock, a bunch of sports merchandise and other misc stuff from my parents. Boyfriend got me the Hello Cavities bat sweater, more sports merchandise, and pic related - Project Diva themed PS3 accessories. His parents got us tickets to see the Harlem Globetrotters and I'm fucking giddy for that.

My grandpa just gave my dad his card info and told him to let me purchase something with it, but I have no idea what to do. Been wanting some stuff from Kreepsville 666 but not sure if I want that appearing on his statement...
>Grandpa it's ok they're only bows with eyeballs on them
should probably think of something else, huh

>> No.7260599
File: 488 KB, 1280x960, purinrings.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got two more toys to add to my Tokyo Mew Mew Collection, completing the weapons ~ I got the Purin Rings and The Minton Arrow. I was eccstatic.

>> No.7260600

Some cash and gift cards, a Bluetooth speaker, and a tablet. I'm a little spoiled as well, but I appreciated it all the same.

>> No.7260606

no idea. probably some bento stuff

>> No.7260610
File: 38 KB, 640x400, kon031.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've never had loose-leaf tea before, always lipton tea that we made a pitcher of by putting teabags into a coffee machine and then dumped a bunch of sugar in, tastes like syrup. But this stuff is AMAZING. I got apple, peach oolong, strawberry, foxtrot, vanilla chai, earl grey bravo, and summer rose, and some of those white and amber(?) sugar crystals which I can't stop eating like candy. A friend also got me a canister of white earl grey from Teavana.

I know for sure that I'll be squandering away some of my money regularly to order tea. The flavors are all so different but they're all so good. I think my favorites are the summer rose and the apple, and I wonder what those would taste like together. Can you combine them? I only have leaves, but have you tried the bags with the full leaves inside? Are those as good as loose leaves?

Just talking about it got me really excited, oh jeez, now I have to make tea. Hope I don't wake anyone up.

>> No.7260615

Combining them is half the fun, for sure!!! On the website they sell blends that people make as originals. My favorite is the Mycroft blend, which was lost (coughcoughprobablythrownoutbydoucheroommatescoughcough) when I moved. :( I had a full tin. That's also what happened to my old kettle.

The amber crystals are my favorite. There are a ton of people in the reviews who confess to eating them like candy, too, haha. I haven't actually tried it, but I absolutely drown my tea in it most of the time, I have an intense sweet tooth.

I seriously was one step from spending 40 bucks just now buying a new infuser, the Mycroft tea, some more sugar (running low) and testing out a new kind. Luckily I left my wallet in the car.

Unluckily, I'll still probably buy it tomorrow. Maybe just the Mycroft and the kettle, though, nothing new. And I have honey to sweeten it.

>> No.7260645

Seeing all this talk about tablets is making me laugh. Parents held a BBQ party today and the guests kept iPads away from their kids cause it's playtime and boy was there a lot of pouting and sulking. Bf and I had a ball making up stories about them.

To make this related, I got the pacific rim artbook, a purse, a coat, $100, and a bunch of other things from various people

>> No.7260654
File: 51 KB, 700x700, 3983p_99c_1b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My friend got me lots of candy, a lolita totebag, a small Taiko no Tatsujin plush and best of all a Korilakkuma kigu! I am going to be stomping around in it all day tomorrow. I feel a little bit guilty though since I didn't really get her much, just small accessories and beauty samples here and there.

My boyfriend got me the Aperture Science scarf I wanted and a Balloonicorn plush, which I said was cute in passing but didn't think he would actually buy the thing.

>> No.7260761

aw that's awesome, I really want those!
and that sounds like a great vacation.

>> No.7261212


My parents didn't get me anything.
Because my parents don't love me because I'm queer.

Suck it up. At least your parents kind of love you.

>> No.7261233

This so much. I'm actually scared that if I ever become a parent everything for kids is going to be tablets and stuff. Call me old fashioned (or "technology shaming" which I've actually seen people call it) but I'd rather have the experience with being able to sit down and bond properly with the kid. I'm a loser.

>> No.7261240

I got $100 from my parents [they mailed me a check, I live really far away].

My boyfriend's mom and her boyfriend got me my favorite gifts: A green scarf that looks like a snake [button eyes, tongue, shaped like a snake]. As a proud Slytherin I will be wearing this all the time. Also a bottle of homemade wine, which we get one or two of for basically every holiday because bf's mom's bf makes it.

I got stuff for my biking trip through France I'm taking soon - a travel wallet, windbreaker, wallet multi-tool - from my bf's family [since we're both going they got us a lot of stuff for it].

Nothing cgl, but $100 dollars can go towards shopping.

>> No.7261244

I got a dress form for my combined birthday/Christmas gift because they're only a month apart

Excited for when it comes in!

>> No.7261247
File: 940 KB, 606x609, max pleb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

from my mom:
>kat von d eyeliner set
>estee lauder perfume set
>estee lauder makeup set
>tons of hand lotions/face care/nail care items
>tons of bath items (bath pillow, salts, etc.)
>two necklaces
>jigsaw puzzle

from friends:
>small aquarium
>salt and pepper shakers

from myself to myself:
pic related
plus my cyber Monday order from Joanne's just arrived recently so I wrapped that up too and stuck it under the tree hah
got my 5 yards of black fabric so I can finally start my sunn o))) robes

>> No.7261273

I'm sorry you've been having such a crap time of it, but it sounds like you have some lovely in-laws and friends who care about you! Keep holding on to the bright side.
Well done for standing up to your father as well!

>> No.7261277

I asked for Joanne and Hancock giftcards if my parents had trouble of thinking of not-money to get me. I also asked specifically for a heat gun.

Instead I received a volleyball?

I really do appreciate the gifts my parents got for me, but I'm just really confused as to why they gifted me a volleyball when I don't play sports and have no hope to play sports. Also when I specifically asked for a few things. Just seems like a lapse of reasoning, hum.

>> No.7261294

I was on duty for Christmas and haven't gone home for the holidays yet. I did get some chocolate from my co-workers, and a drinking bird (an in joke relating to how I complain my job is like Homer Simpson's) and a stern, judgemental looking plush kitten from the guy I am kind of seeing. Its not intentional they just put the face on it slightly skewed and it is hilarious.
I bought myself the Meta lucky pack in dark/black blouse, super excited.

>> No.7261307
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Most of these were from my boyfriend, and a good bunch were from his mom and my stocking. Not anything /cgl/-related, really.

>blouse, dress, shorts, gym top from Express
>two chocolate bars
>assorted chocolates
>peppermint lolly from his grandpop
>$20 from his uncle in exchange for itunes card from his mom
>chocolate scented candle
>silly putty
>jingle bell necklace thingy
>purple fuzz socks
>a really nice quality planner

It was the first Christmas where I had actual presents (not counting last year when he gave me gorgeous chocolates) since my family doesn't do the gift/tree/decorations thing. Best Christmas of my life so far. <3

>> No.7261313
File: 252 KB, 1280x960, IMG_20131226_215454.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I managed to get all this. Not really cosplay related in the image but my brother is buying me a cosplay when he gets paid which is awesome.

>> No.7261317 [DELETED] 

Oh and a hot chocolate set with huuge marshmallows! It came in a gorgeous house-shaped packaging and it includes two cute mugs. We'll break it out for New Year's, can't wait, omigahh.

>> No.7261322

Oh and I almost forgot!
>room for two cons, one includes registration for Otakon~

Plus hot chocolate set with huuge marshmallows! It came in a gorgeous house-shaped packaging and it includes two cute mugs. We'll break it out for New Year's, can't wait, omigahh.

>> No.7261327

Oh man, that blue dress and those heels are so nice! /jelly

>> No.7261341

Those heart wedges! Where and how?

>> No.7261357

I got them off taobao for my mother but they didn't fit her but fur me which was bizarre, so I get these and am reordering her a pair.

>> No.7261359

It's actually a playsuit I got to pick out, but I thought it was a dress til I got home.
I'm far too spoiled.

>> No.7261368

Where is it from, anon?

>> No.7261379

A store in New Zealand called Jaysjays which probably doesn't help sorry. I just adore the heart cut out

>> No.7261701

Jay Jays has an online store for those outside of ANZAC territory. I buy a lot of sundresses and t-shirts for my boyfriend from here (you know, for when you need to blend in with the normies)


I buy

>> No.7261733
File: 98 KB, 640x640, 1388110868983.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and i got myself some neat stuff with money i got from family :3

>> No.7261747

what did you get from your boyfriend? :3

>> No.7261777

eb games gift card

>> No.7262545

Kids only want to play with technology items all the time if you raise them to want that. My parents bought me and my sister our first game system when I was 4, and they'd consistently buy us newly released systems and we had our own computers. I went outside, swam, and was even on my basketball team in middle school. My kids have tablets, consoles, tons of technology they can play with. They still go outside and play and have fun. We have two swings in the front yard and a trampoline in the backyard, my husband is always showing the kids tricks to do on the trampoline. My son and nephew play with legos and his Power Ranger's toys all the time, my nephew and daughter play My Little Pony together all the time.

As long as you want to bond with your kid(s) and try to do so, you'll be able to. Technology is a great tool and a great toy in moderation, and you'll be the one to teach your kids that.

>> No.7263207
File: 75 KB, 704x960, Mirai.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This baby just came in today, Its a Mirai Kuriyama cosplay it's the first cosplay I've ever ordered I am so happy I expected it to be kinda off or wonky but it it almost perfect!! Next should be coming the wig and glasses! I still am going to make the sword though.

>> No.7263216

How fucking old are you 17?

>> No.7263235

Unfortunately I didn't get anything Rori or CGL related, but I did get some nice Sennheiser headphones which I really needed after my last pair died. I also got a Visa gift card which I can put toward cosplay, which is pretty exciting.

>> No.7263251

Hows the sweater?

>> No.7263274
File: 261 KB, 725x720, 138545614.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7263284

Oh it's really nice, do you know what shop (ebay or otherwise) it's from?

>> No.7263299

The sweater is literally
perfect the collar is just a bit puffy, but besides that so comfy and nice too

and I got it here http://cosplaywho.com/kyoukai-no-kanata-mirai-cosplay-costume.html I actually found it on cgl haha

>> No.7263312

What do you mean by puffy?

>> No.7263320

I got a kick ass top hat, a tail coat, and a victorian style walking stick for a costume im working on for a LARP. Successful christmas was successful.

>> No.7263337

It's just doesn't lay flat all to well the sweater its self is very thick I like it though but the collar just doesnt look flat like in the anime

>> No.7263477

No, I'm in my late 20s. Why?

>> No.7263518

My heart...

>> No.7263535
File: 1.01 MB, 352x240, making it rain.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Combining what I got from my mom, dad, and sister I got nearly $500 to use on a taobao order.
Also, not cosplay, but my mom got me a Betsey Johnson coat because she thought it'd look good with lolita, which pretty much melted my heart. I mean it can't button down over the poof, but it actually looks pretty good unbuttoned and I'll still wear it when I need a heavy casual coat.
I also gave myself the Christmas present of working extra over my break for some extra money after buying gifts for the family.

>> No.7263871
File: 92 KB, 280x373, 3052ab0279b2580.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I craft a lot of my own accessories, so I got some polymer clay from my mom and my aunt.

A friend of mine from my local comm sent me an absolutely adorable umbrella that will look good with lolita.

And my husband (sort of) surprised me with the Melty Royal Chocolate tote bag. It matches my antaina tea parties perfectly - they're a much darker and cooler brown that real ones.

I made out pretty good this year, despite not being able to actually use my Christmas money.

>> No.7263880
File: 144 KB, 716x960, Ful mirai2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ahh my dad just gave me the wig, all that is left is to paint my glasses red and get the gauze and make the sword! I love Christmas presents

>> No.7263883

here's a better picture of the wig the coloring is off in the picture because crappy phone camera, but it's great and sorry im a bit sick and my eyes are swollen today I tried rushing and doing makeup really quick to take some selfies haha

>> No.7263884
File: 97 KB, 480x640, mirai wig2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whoops forgot to choose file

>> No.7263895

I am so jelly of your sweater, it looks like you can wear it without the cosplay too! Did you get it custom sized? I'm tempted to order the M but I'm very tiny.

>> No.7263904

Nope I just got a medium, I am not super tiny but I am smaller then I am in the picture because the shirt they made is very thick and for some reason has shoulder pads? But it honestly looks great so I didn't even mind! I think sizing up may be a better choice with a sweater like this not to mention its pretty big on her anyways, so I think a medium would be good!

>> No.7263933

Thanks, anon! <33 Can't wait to get mine!

>> No.7263941

>mfw I just ordered Mirai wig + cardigan and bought foam earlier today to make the sword

Where did you order the uniform from? It's very nicely made.

>> No.7263943

I should've viewed the entire thread first.
Sorry! Haha

>> No.7263946

Oh haha no problem I was just about to link you to it anyways

>> No.7263953

also what foam are you making your sword from? I've been trying to decide how to go about that

>> No.7263965

I make most of my props using insulation foam and joint compound.
However, I'm looking for another way to cover the foam because the joint compound is a bit fragile.

>> No.7263970

would this be of any help? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MDwQg6CX25A
I am thinking about using this process depending on pricing of plastic resin

>> No.7263984
File: 42 KB, 600x800, hi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got half of a laptop, a new headlight for my car and a little bit of money! My boyfriend also got me a trainer sized fennekin!

So nothing really cosplay related, but I had been flip-flopping on a pokemon trainer costume and fennekin might seal the deal....

>> No.7264037
File: 819 KB, 4128x3096, t1ZMABz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not really coslpay related, but I GOT A FUCKING ASSAULT RIFLE

>> No.7264168
File: 85 KB, 450x600, 830163334.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got Ranka Lee nendoroid and Threads of Fate game I lost from my bf, (picture related), 100$ Barnes and Noble gift card from bf's parents, a bit of spending money for Katsucon from mom and aunt, and a nook hd(sort of--from Black Friday sale bought by my mom as a xmas present)

>> No.7264204

You're posing like a woman.

>> No.7264246

I didn't get anything because my male privilege had my parents kick me out of my home since I am 22 years old and still a jobless virgin.

>> No.7264249

>assault rifle
Unless that's an $8,000-10,000 select-fire rifle, then no, it's not. Good job on the trigger discipline but you've still got a lot to learn.
Congrats on the gift though.

>> No.7264257

Shit is expensive but the best quality you can get.

>> No.7264298

I asked my mom for a Bodyline skirt for Christmas and she said no. So I asked her to get me anything at all that she thought I would like just so I could have a gift to open on Christmas. I still got nothing.

Whats sadder is my parents are not poor at all.

>> No.7264316

Wow that's kind of mean of them. I'd buy you a gift anon.

>> No.7264320 [DELETED] 

die virgin shit

>> No.7264561

Basic sewing machine from boyfriend, and some cash from my parents which I`ll spend on cosplay.

>> No.7264574 [DELETED] 

>bad things happen to men so male privilege doesn't exist
oh u

>> No.7264579
File: 161 KB, 354x299, MilkyPlanetpop-OP.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bad things happen to men so male privilege doesn't exist
oh u

to keep it cgl related, I got pic related for christmas, and a bunch of calvin klein makeup.

>> No.7264602
File: 722 KB, 1280x720, vlcsnap-2013-12-22-23h44m10s60.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

M-marry me please!

Got 100€ from my parents, I look at it as investment for my Erika Hartman by Alter which just arrived. Additionally, got the Miku 2.0 Figma from a good girlfriend.

>> No.7264641
File: 63 KB, 524x584, woah cat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

woah, qt alert!

>> No.7264650

>'my kids'
can you read?

>> No.7264728

I got a lovely lolita jsk(nothing cosplay related sorry) from my bf for my birthday, but it arrived around Christmas so I count that as a Christmas present ^^. Also got €150 from one of my grandma! She is way to sweet to me.
Other than that I didn't get anything, I've never celebrated Christmas with getting presents, so it doesn't bother me.

the only thing that ruined my day a bit was. when the family got together and I was dressed up in my newest lolita dress, my other grandma just took one look at it and started talking about my niece right away. she wore giant heels appearently and it looked soooo great on here! And she also wore something that looked like my outfit. she was just so adorable.

I know I'm not your favorite grandchild, but why remind me everytime.
Sorry if I sound like a brat, those things just really bother me. probably more than thwy should.

>> No.7264738

Hey, at least your other grandma is nice to you! Don't let it get you down, anon, you sound like a sweet person.

>> No.7264755

I'm jealous of your loots, seagulls. Only thing I got for Christmas is a Moitie OP from myself.

>> No.7264772

thank you anon, yeah you're right. Yes she is way to nice to me.
I hope you had a great Christmas anon.

>> No.7265018
File: 313 KB, 1000x890, men are fucking scum.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, of course it does exist, thanks for reminding us Tumblr-chan!

>> No.7265030

>implying this isn't all the fault of patriarchy and that feminism isn't actively fighting for the rights of men as well all the time
oh u

stay mad /r9k/ :)

>> No.7265188

>tfw your aunt gets you a onsie even though you are a disgusting weaboo that is all about kigurumis.
>tfw you love it anyway 'cause your aunt is awesome and it shows she cares about you and has really thought long and hard to get you something you'll love. <3

>> No.7265199

I'm really sorry that your family are such shits to you.
Really glad that your in-laws made Christmas good though. Hope they continue being so great to you.

>> No.7265202

Aw thanks.
Hope that someone made you smile as well anon.
you know, we can be a miserable lot most times, but the times we are nice are really lovely and I appreciate them.

>> No.7265216

The 'break that shit' is a big part of it. If you give an iphone or kindle to a child, it WILL get broken or,at the very least, get slavers all over it. A nintendo handheld or a sturdy phone will be fine in the hand Of a child, Easily washed, hard to break, kid friendly games (nintendo) only used for emergencies (phones).
Even when supervised, kids break things.

>> No.7265218

A week before Christmas is still soon enough to feel upset about it, especially if you bought him things.
So don't feel bad about being bitter.

>> No.7265220

Could you explain which bits?
Um, I mean like, which scene and what context?
God, I don't know how to word this correctly.
I can't remember her being in it at all, not even an older version.

>> No.7265237

Don't worry. They wouldn't have got you it if they didn't want to get you it.

>> No.7265311
File: 2.22 MB, 3264x2448, 20131225_091419.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ahh I'm a little late but I thought I had posted already...

I got the only thing I really wanted for xmas and that was a Singer Dressform.. my god is it wonderful..

I did get a few other gifts here and there.. and I had a whole story typed but once I realized it was a page long.. well f that. SO YEAAH..

Dad & Stepmom: completed my AR15 rifle build and 2 of those twistyturbin towel things
10yo sister: pokemon figurines
Grandfather (dad): $200 check and a nice big mug for tea
Grandmother (dad): $100, THE DRESSFORM, 2 pairs of leggings, 6 pairs of cute socks, 2 leather purses, a leather wallet, 4 cotton and pashmina scarves, a Vera Bradley totebag, fleece pajamas and flannel pajamas

Mom (doesn't celebrate xmas): we shared a cheesecake and hot cocoa xmas night
18yo sister: pocky
Grandma and Grandpa (mom): $100

Now my bf and I have been together for almost 7 years so I'm almost family now.. so they got me Coach touch gloves and a Coach scarf, a LED flashlight for camping and his oma and opa gave me a cute knit hat

Captcha: Thanks again

>> No.7265335

check ur privilege misogynerd

>> No.7265357

I got some nice headphones, a 50$ visa gift card, 100$, about 200$ worth of assorted gift cards, a ton of books, some shirts, and a slingshot!
Also various family members have decided that I REALLY like owl stuff, so i ended up with 4 owl mugs, an owl bag, and some owl socks.
I'm definitely gonna save the money and maybe sell some of the gift cards to my grandma (she sells them to people at her church) so i can get a nice dress ;u;

>> No.7265452
File: 463 KB, 450x537, absolutelymadness.tumblr-2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>google glass


>> No.7265475
File: 923 KB, 1958x1469, 2013-12-28_20-17-52_5672.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me and my boyfriend exchanged Christmas presents today and he got me a shooting star bag!!
I have had this on my wishlist for a pretty long time so I was really happy.

>> No.7265520
File: 35 KB, 550x453, 1380043349412.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ugh, this makes me sad. They're all pretty bad, though I think the one about men having to pay child support to their rapists is the worst one, I really wish female-on-male rape was taken more seriously. Well, I wish all rape was taken seriously consistently, but people are assholes.

The child support one always bugs me too, I don't understand why people don't want to try and go for shared custody more often. Yeah, sometimes a divorce happens because one of the parties is criminal scum/a piece of shit, but most divorces are just people breaking up. I think my aunt is the only woman I know who wasn't able to get custody and instead her ex was granted full custody because of his connections, although he only took one of their children. He didn't want the one with brain damage.
>responding so seriously
I know, but these are things that bother me a lot.
>why can't the world be better?

>> No.7265563

>responding to some disgusting /r9k/ troll
I want tumblr to leave

>> No.7265570

Don't have a Tumblr, and anybody who doesn't care about people getting fucked over is fucked up.
>probably been on here longer than you and YOU are the tumblr

>> No.7265573

Then go back to /r9k/ yourself.

>> No.7265579

I'm a woman, sorry. I don't belong there. You should probably go back to tumblr with your faux social justice schtick though. You know, the ignoring the plights of men like they don't exist just because they tacked on some bullshit about how male privilege doesn't exist (it does).
P.S. Learn to sage, newfag.

>> No.7265588

>learn to sage
Oh wow. So Tumblr you are after all. I am sage all the time you just can't see it, baka-idiot.

>> No.7265597
File: 90 KB, 640x640, 1388285791316.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You just bumped the thread. Been fun talking to you, good luck with future trolling endeavors. I don't think we can go back and forth on anything anymore, you sorta dead-ended it.

>> No.7265625

I didn't bump shit. Stop making things up, you neckbeard looser.

>> No.7265631

so what's this mythical male privilege again?

I heard about it a lot but never seen anyone mention any examples of it and you seem to be really adamant about it existing so enlighten me plz

>> No.7265738

I'm not talking to a misogynist.

>> No.7265797
File: 13 KB, 395x395, 41eP4dqYtbL._SY395_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's the only notable thing that I didn't buy for myself

>> No.7265805

I got some Betsey Johnson earrings and a bracelet from my family which was really sweet and I got one of my first Liz Lisa dresses for myself.

>> No.7265930

Yes you are, you just replied to one. :^)

>> No.7266258

>earn more than twice as much as women for doing the same job
>can be whatever they want without social pressure telling you "that's not a job for a woman!"
>almost never have to deal with rape outside of prisons, nor domestic abuse
>no one thinking that you're just a "gamer girl" because you like video games / nerdy stuff
>no sexual harassment
>no one thinking that you're worse at XYZ just because of your gender
>doesn't have to deal with misogynistic shit on 4chan on every board outside of /cgl/ (only way to avoid it is pretending that you're male)
>no beauty standards that you're forced to live up to
>no "slut-shaming" (If a girl sleeps with a lot of guys, you call her a slut and force her to commit suicide, if a guy sleeps with girls he's a hero...)
>society caters to you as the "gold standard"

I could go on and on.

Gee, a bunch of men are homeless such traged, boo fucking hoo. We had better replace feminism with "mannism" or something like that before it's too late!

>> No.7266266

Is this also male privilege?:^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^)

>> No.7266291

Men can't do whatever they want without social pressure.
Nannies, babysitters and daycare workers are mostly women, and if a man does such a job he is judged and often accused of being a kiddy diddler and creepy.
But I can tell you're mentally ten anyway so why even bother explaining.
10/10 made me reply.

>> No.7266292 [DELETED] 

All those things make it really easy to find a guy who's not a jerk though. Just don't follow most of those things and suddenly no asshole regards care about you. As a guy, I don't even know where to start to look for a cool girl irl

>> No.7266298

Same things apply. Someone who is level-headed and mature and can hold an intelligent conversation. You can spot the crazies easily after talking to them for a while, I don't think it's that hard.
Just don't go chasing tits and crying that "all womyn r sluts!!!" when she cheats on you with your dad. Good looks don't necessarily mean good personality.

>> No.7266320

So much dumb cunt in a single post.

>> No.7266349

/r9k/ misogynists squad pls go

>> No.7266351
File: 72 KB, 340x255, 02mo_2_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Christmas was kind of stressful because my Nanna was on her deathbed. My Mum, Aunty and Grandma all spent two weeks in a nursing home with her before she passed.

I spoiled myself prior to Christmas but I got too tempted by the re-release of pic related. It ended up arriving just before xmas which was nice.

My family ended up getting me a camera tripod and a few other stocking fillers. I also got a new makeup palette from my sister and a babushka doll bag from my little brother (I have a small collection of the dolls.)

My little bro was pretty pumped because he got LEGO mindstorm and he's been playing with it non stop since.

For my birthday my bf bought me a pearl bracelet and for xmas he got me the matching earrings + Batman Origins. He was really sweet and told me that he wanted to buy me stuff that I could wear with lolita.
I ended up getting him Pacific Rim action figures and the art book.

>> No.7266369

>pacific rimjob
i bet your boyfriend is a disgusting normalfag

>> No.7266474
File: 17 KB, 570x428, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>iPad Air
>A loliable Ralph Lauren blouse
>Several pairs of tights

I also got pic related from my boyfriend.

>> No.7266475

>feelingstein when no loving onee-sama to play legos with me

>> No.7266494

>>no beauty standards that you're forced to live up to

The fuck? Seriously? Women care way more about looks than men. Most men are happy with an average girl if she shares his personality, outlook, interests etc. Women will cheat on a guy for a guy who is better looking at the drop of a hat.

>>no "slut-shaming" (If a girl sleeps with a lot of guys, you call her a slut and force her to commit suicide, if a guy sleeps with girls he's a hero...)

Well yeah, because it's easier for you to fuck than us. It takes no skill for a girl to sleep around.

>> No.7266735

I feel violated just by reading this response...

>> No.7267254


Don't worry anon, I can play LEGO with you to.

>> No.7267272

my bf got me the zelda 3ds with animal crossing
i got him a ps4
thats bout it

>> No.7267281

>Women will cheat on a guy for a guy who is better looking at the drop of a hat.
/r9k/ pls go

>> No.7267283
File: 262 KB, 1024x768, Floral1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Thanks. This Saturday was fun. I gave my friends their gifts and they were surprised because they weren't expecting anything. They felt bad so we'll be seeing each other again on new years eve and they'll be giving me something then. The other friend made me some comic themed lolita bows. They're kind of on the big side, so I'll probably find a way to wear them on my clothing. We're picking up her boyfriend on New Years eve, so I'll be giving his gift to him then and he should have my husband's gift.

On the plus side, I also got some nice floral fabric from the Fashion district, and some faux fur for some capelets I'm making. We also hit JoAnn's and I got the last of a fabric I really liked to make some more loli stuff with. Then we all hit a really good ramen place afterwards. I honestly don't like the ramen from Orochan in little tokyo, but this place was really good.

>> No.7267285

I bought Long Live The Queen for my 12 year old niece and ended up playing it myself. Bretty cool.

>> No.7267286

i wish my parents would help me buy lolita
instead my mom spent a couple hundred dollars on ebay nicknacks
at least i have a selection of cute lunchboxes to take to work now asdfgh

>> No.7267288
File: 168 KB, 432x262, nice guy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>tfw no gf

>> No.7267305


>> No.7267304

>Hey guys look I am a bitter mysogynistic male

>> No.7267307

Haha wow you suck

>> No.7267315

i know anon
i know

>> No.7267321

>>men are forced to pay child support for children they never wanted
HAHA. Then keep it in your pants.

Also, this is only the fault of men, because you are the ones in charge.

>> No.7267361

>more than twice
bullshit, source plx

>"that's not a job for a woman"
the last time I talked with a dudebro about how to properly cook steaks I mentioned an oven and he said "THAT'S WIMMEN'S WORK"

>gamer girls
I see the look in the eyes of the old ladies at Joann's when I go in for materials. They don't trust me. I can tell.
No, but seriously, I don't have anything to match this. All I can say is that there's a reason why somebody might be suspicious that you're a gamer girl, and that's because gamer girls exist. "Gamer girl" is a thing for a reason. There is a reason the stereotype exists.

>no sexual harassment
lol bullshit
society thinks it's funny for a man to get swarmed by women, or get his muscles groped or his ass pinched and there's NO WAY he could not like it because he's a man and ALL guys like that, right???

>no one thinking you're worse at XYZ because gender
arts and crafts
90% of commercials on TV involve a stupid husband who can't figure something out and the intelligent, modern woman who swoops in to save him

>doesn't have to deal with misogynistic shit on 4chan
doesn't have to deal with misandrist shit on tumblr

>no beauty standards
absolute horseshit
neckbeards, fedoras, dudebros, popped collars, etc
there are plenty of fashion faux pas for men as well

>no "slut-shaming"
I think that's garbage, womanizing men are scum and are typically portrayed as such in media unless it's fucking James Bond or something, and even HE usually has only one girl per movie

>"gold standard"
gold standard of WHAT exactly?
if you mean the use of phrases like "BE A MAN," then I agree with you

>> No.7267453

Seagulls please. Report this misogynistic dipshit.

>> No.7267457

This. It's men's fault if they don't check if they're sex partner didn't pricked their condoms or lied about using the pill. Men are fucking scum.

>> No.7267466


Strawman still has a point, whether you want to believe it or not.

I think personally that we need to get on a more equalist route in countries where women are closing the gap between men. Antagonizing each other with feminist and MRA groups won't do anything but create a lot of bloodshed and bad publicity for the things we want to propagate, so why don't we just calm down and try to work to both tangible issues and try to recognise the social pressures of being either sex as well.

>> No.7267470

Feminism is equalism, you deluded neckbeard-monster.

>> No.7267473

300th for men are fucking scum

>> No.7267475


I'm a girl.

I will accept feminism is equalism once a certain proportion stops blaming everything on men and male privilege and starts to accept that men's problems are not some weird offshoot of women's problems.

>> No.7267479

Sure you are.

Fuck off >>/r9k/

>> No.7267483

Found these on another site.
Only 21USD with china post shipping!

>> No.7267488 [DELETED] 


Your delusion that nobody can possibly can disagree with your movement without having a dick amuses me.

There are a ton of people, even on tumblr, who disagree with aspects of the movement. You guys are the shrieking harpies who make your movement look like shit. As much as I want to agree with aspects of feminism because it affects my work and future career, I do not want to associate myself with arguments like yours. You're a bunch of shrieking harpies who can't see beyond their own agenda and twists everything into it. So really, it's your own fault for destroying people's perceptions of it.

>> No.7267489


>> No.7267492


Your delusion that nobody can possibly can disagree with your movement without having a dick amuses me.

There are a ton of people, even on tumblr, who disagree with aspects of the movement. You guys are the shrieking harpies who make your movement look like shit. As much as I want to agree with aspects of feminism because it affects my work and future career (constantly being reminded that my peak of my career is when I'm supposed to have kids is not terribly fun to listen to on a weekly lecture basis), I do not want to associate myself with arguments like yours. You can't see beyond their own agenda and twist everything into that particular agenda without considering other aspects. So really, it's your own fault for destroying people's perceptions of it.

>> No.7267494

Barbershop 2: Back in Business

>> No.7267516

The original Barbershop was the best. It has 90% approval on Rotten Tomatoes, btw, for all of y'all racist crackers ITT.