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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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7259314 No.7259314[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Lolita pet peeves thread. I'll start.

>putting a huge petticoat under a empire waist/ baby doll JSK.

Jesus Christ I hate how that looks. It looks especially awful on plus sized lolitas.Tbh I think really pear shaped girls could pull off an empire waisted dress without any petti at all if the dress had some tulle built in (I know that's the case with some AP high waist jsks.) This grinds my gears to the point that I could write a strongly worded essay on the subject.

>> No.7259320

I have a baby jsk like this and have no idea what kind of petti to wear with it.
If I don't wear a petti, the dress looks sad.
All of the pettis I do have are a little too poofy, I think. I also think that they're length looks really weird with it, as it creates a slight bulge around my waist, which is lower than the waist of the dress.

>> No.7259323
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probably because some brands like AP stick a huge petti under anything

>> No.7259324

Try bodyline's PAN057, the lack of extreme poof in their pettis make them great for babydoll jsks.

>> No.7259337

christ, it's early.

>> No.7259338

people who say coords are shit because the colors don't match fucking exactly.
fuck and you

>> No.7259340

My pet peeve is big chunky shoes. They look like clown shoes and aren't elegant at all. They make lolita look like a costume. I don't understand how anyone could think they look good

>> No.7259342

I'm just starting to lose the love for chunky shoes, I feel like without them lolita looks so much better.

>> No.7259394

This, I hate those chunky heels and think they completely ruin the elegant aesthetic. They used to fit the oldschool outfits, but aren't working at all with modern lolita. It' just a dying remnant, at least that's what I'm hoping.

>> No.7259396

>My pet peeve are RHS

>> No.7259409

I don't mind RHS. It's just the platform chunky shoes often seen in oldschool. Like the anon said above, they worked with oldschool, but now they throw coords off imo

>> No.7259413

Same, RHS are the only oldschool shoes I can stand (I actually really like them), but clunky maryjanes are hideous to me.

>> No.7259606

My friend has an irritating habit of naming her co-ords. Not a name like 'gothic co-ord' or '[print name] co-ord', but more along the lines of 'sugary dream of love in kawaii land'. I've noticed a similar trend on tumblr where girls add a quote from a random fairy tale or shakespeare play.

>> No.7259616

I actually like this.
One of my favorite things about Moss Märchen is her including excerpts from fairytales with her coords.

>> No.7259618

I think they're only suited to old-school or gothic outfits. Classic it definitely doesn't work, and it can look ageplay with sweet.

>> No.7259619

Mossmarchen does it because she make theme coordinates based on fairy tails or any other books in facts, so it have some sense.I sometimes "name" my coord by their inspiration, but I understand how it can be bothering

>> No.7259624

My pet peeve are girls carrying around stuffed animals as outfit props. The animal bags actually don't bother me (at least not the nice looking ones), but when they add a regular stuffed animal, god I hate that.

Also, giant twin-tail wigs ofr any color.

>> No.7259635

I think we've had this discussion before, but I'll chime in to say I hate coords where people don't match the tones of colors. Warm toned pinks, for example, may not be exactly the same color but together you wouldn't notice much of a difference at all. Some people can't differentiate or don't try and end up mixing warm with cold and it ends up looking worse than it should.

I do get what you're saying though, but I think it's more tone mixing that's the issue and people don't realize it.

>> No.7259658

I'd love Moss Marchen's ones if they weren't all so bloody long to read for a coord post.
Regardless, her outfits are amazing.

>> No.7259754
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When people who don't know shit about kodona give advice. The owner of this blog can't even dress himself.

>> No.7259803

Does anyone have an image that shows the differences between warm-toned colors and cool-toned colors? I'm starting to think I must be colorblind or something.

>> No.7259806

I think its like if a red looks closer to purple on the color wheel its cool and orange its warm etc ?

>> No.7259820

I hate when lolitas carry more than one shoulder-strap bag. I understand carrying a shoulder bag and a purse to hold all your stuff, but two shoulder bags just look dumb.

>> No.7259827
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Fucking bonnets. Now, granted, I've seen some people make them look good in gothic coords, but with sweet it just makes you look like a fucking baby. Pic related.

>> No.7259846

they need to make bigger cute bags these days

>> No.7259853
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For you, anon. Left is warm, middle is neutral/pure color, and right is cold. Pink doesn't really have a neutral (for Red I just used 255 on RGB) so I made them much more obvious differences.

On second thought maybe I just shoulda left the neutral red out since it looks kinda close to the orangey-red, but ah well. They are still different shades.

You have to look closely but it should all be visible with the naked eye.

>> No.7259852

i-i like bonnets anon ;_;

>> No.7259857

they're defs gorgeous stand alone tho

>> No.7259858

it looks closer to the orangey red because red is by default a warm colour
but yes you can cool it

>> No.7259859

Washed out shitty instagram filter coord photos.

>> No.7259870

this one bitch I saw got over 100 notes of her in a Bodyline skirt and lame blouse standing in her bathroom because "reblog my girlfriend she has self image issues -w-"
from what I remember it was part of a homestuck cosplay too..

>> No.7259878

I've always hated bonnets, goddamn.

>> No.7259883

>Chunky clunky cosplay lolita heels.
tacky shit, very ita, and ruins the outfit. Inb4 mana wears chunky platforms!!1!
>bonnets, esp oversized ones
looks so stupid on sweet lolitas. classic might be okay.
oversized ones....most lolitas dont wear big volumous hair to match, looks like the human equivalent to the 'cone of shame'
Everything looks stupid as fuck

>> No.7259884

I'm confused... in another thread, a girl posted a would-be coord of a pale green dress with a red bolero and red stockings, and got told that she knows jack shit about complementary colors.
But, to me, the colors looked just fine, it was just too red and too much of it.

I'm scared of looking like a bad ita myself, but when I actually went to look at the color wheel purple and yellow looked horrid together even though they're supposed to be complementary.

So, what's the deal with the colors?

>> No.7259888

go learn color theory... Until then stop posting

>> No.7259895

"Complementary" in terms of the color wheel terminology doesn't really mean that they look good together, it just refers to their position on the wheel. Rather, they contrast each other, and an extreme contrast in lolita can be especially jarring and not really the kind of look you'd be going for in most cases.

The issue with pairing those colors is that the red in the picture was very orangey-warm, and the greens if I remember right were like a spring green, it seemed rather cool. Pairing contrasting (complementary) colors (red and green) in contrasting temperatures (warm vs cool). Altogether it was a lot of contrast.

That said, I think it was just one anon (probably the one below) getting her bloomers in a twist about a color pair that was really not the worst thing you could do. At least it wasn't something horribly tacky like red x purple or bright christmas red and green paired together, both colors were fairly desaturated, iirc the red was like a weak rust color?

At least be fucking useful if you're going to be a bitch about nothing.

>> No.7259901

If you're not gonna be helpful, shut the fuck up with your condescending vitriol.
You just feel if it 'fits', if you know what I mean. If a coordinate looks good to you, remember the color combination. Are the tones warm or cool? That's more important in a coordinate than color itself. Please don't mix warm and cool tones.

>> No.7259906

uhhuh , yeah , keep educating ignorant fucks that cant help themselves and are too retarded to learn shit on their own

>> No.7259912

People don't usually think to do research for the purpose of wearing pretty clothes, it's quite understandable that she asked here. We are a fucking fashion forum, get off your salty horse.

>> No.7259917

Yes. That's what ignorance is- not knowing something. Clearly the retard is you.

>> No.7259923

I hate that she does that. It's so pretentious and tl;dr.

>> No.7259935

no, retard, you cant define a word to someone who uses it, try again.

>> No.7259937

You can know of something and not know what it means, you know...looks like you are the retard.

>> No.7259945
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>> No.7259959

Uh-huh, did i use the word out of context? clearly i know the definition. Stop trying with me.

>> No.7259979
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>she thinks it's only one person

>> No.7259986

people who sell iw's oddment items for full retail price or more

i just keep scrolling, but with how common it is it makes me wonder if people don't realize why these items were put in oddment packs to begin with?

>> No.7259983


It might be tl;dr, but I do think it's less pretentious than putting in 'Quote!' - by famous person, because it at least explains the context of the story. Which I think is nicer and gives me some information to work with.

That's just like, my opinion, man, though.

>> No.7259985

color theory is fundamental knowledge for fashion period, not just lolita. There are no excuses.

>> No.7259991

yeah, i know, its sad ... theres more than one and you both failed!

>> No.7259992

I'd say that's just as bad in terms of obnoxiousness, but MM's posts end up being walls of text so they don't really top it for me. I've never seen anyone posting all their coords with random quotes, though.

>> No.7259995

Or you know, you failed to have basic comprehension. I would try to explain it but there's no need, your comprehension is clearly too low.

>> No.7259996

Sure is Christmas vacation in here.
>captcha: decided yolost

>> No.7260000

Yeah, no, it doesnt work that way. Youre still the retard here.

>> No.7260002

Pretty much.

>> No.7260022

i honestly just scroll past her descriptions every time and hit reblog. it's really neat to have a story theme, but the stories need to be condensed far more. short and sweet is the key.

her coords are nice though, so at least it's not like some tryhard ita trying to look 2cool or something

>> No.7260023

Lolita coords need poof, not fluff.

>> No.7260040


This, man. The secondhand prices for the oddment stuff goes up every damn year.

>> No.7260180

The fact that "coord" has become the defacto term for a lolita outfit. I wouldn't mind it as much if they at least used "coordinate" but really the combination of the stupid term with the stupid contraction irritates me.

>> No.7260187

But some people aren't interested in fashion to a point where they feel the need to 'study' it, just to look nice and simple.
I know not to pair orange and purple or some other tacky crap, the thing I didn't understand was why the girl was shot down as "OMG you're so stupid go educate yourself when she didn't do all that wrong color-wise.

>> No.7260190

mine is
>all of you pedo fags

>> No.7260195

Bonnets are the absolute worst.
And while they may look good in an outfit shot, you look like a damn fool out in public.

>> No.7260210

>Implying you can't pair orange and purple

You have much to learn, my young flower.

>> No.7260226

I'm not saying you can't, I knew someone was going to twist that. It was just a stupid example.

>> No.7260613


>always loved the look of hard rimmed bonnets, esp. in gothic
>don't own any because I could never wear it out in public without getting egged
>ain't gonna spend $50+ just to wear it once to a con either

A-at least my BJDs look gorgeous in them...

>> No.7261193

I hate it when lolitas put their dirty shoes on top of their dresses when taking pictures of a coord laid out.
AT LEAST put a tissue under them or something.

>> No.7261203

>leaving lolita sale!
>one thrifted blouse from F21, a mod cloth dress they got on sale for 50% off, black mary janes from Target

Leaving? You never even arrived friend.

>> No.7261205

CP daily A line?

>> No.7261207

I hate this, too anon.
>closet clear out!
>one offbrand blouse, a pair of scuffed shoes, and a few cheap and ugly accessories

>> No.7261210
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I HATE it when people complain about this. Like, serioulsy, what can happen? I'm sure they checked that the shoes were clean (not to mention many put a small blanket/whatever underneath to prevent it from gettimg dirty), and won't leave any stains.

What are you worried about, germs? Pretty sure putting your hand on the dress will leave much more germs on your dress than the shoes.

>> No.7261217

Different anon, but I don't want to buy a dress that has been stained by dirt/mud.

>> No.7261220

The "I don't like this style, so it's not lolita" mentality.

When newbies try to be elitist.


When a print is fucking amazing, but doesn't come in a single cut I can even tolerate wearing.

People who have a new dream dress every time the wind blows.


How bad the EGL mods are at their jobs.

AP skirts officially getting to the point where they are too short to actually be considered lolita on anyone over legal dwarf height.

The idea that acting a certain way makes you more lolita.

I get annoyed when anyone with less than five main pieces posts a "leaving lolita" sale. When I went on hiatus I didn't advertise my post as such because I only had one Baby blouse and three Aatp skirts.

>> No.7261223
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As anon said, they surely checked that the shoes are clean enough not to leave any stains. Surely the dresses' owner doesn't want to have dirt on them, too.

>> No.7261228

>How bad the EGL mods are at their jobs.


captcha: courage ownapub

>> No.7261232

Almost forgot my biggest one; buying something second had in supposedly perfect condition only for that to not be the case. Two of the three times this happened to me with this year were dream dresses I paid top dollar for (actually, slightly more than top dollar), one of which was supposed to be BNWT. I used to think buyers who made me double check my items for flaws I may not have initially noticed were being high maintenance, but now I completely understand. I have one more dress on the way, and I'm so afraid there will be something wrong with it even though it's NWT since that apparently doesn't 100% guarantee perfection.

>> No.7261238
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dont you wear shoes in public bathrooms, outside on streets, dirty city rain, etc...

>> No.7261250

This. That's a perfectly valid thing to complain about unless the shoes are brand new and have never been worn. I would never buy from someone I knew did that.

>> No.7261253

You know that most purses have fecal bacteria on them due to being put on floors, hung on public bathroom doors, and being touched by unclean surfaces, right? By this logic purses shouldn't be set on dresses either.

>> No.7261305

They shouldn't, imho.

>> No.7261319


This happened to me. Shelled out for my dream dress only to recieve it stained.

>> No.7261339

Me too.
But lately I've acquired a few dolls that go really nicely with my outfits. Like, really REALLY nicely, without the "twinning with my doll" thing. I want to carry them as accessories, but at the same time I don't want to look like a batshit attention whore.
I might just include them in my personal outfit snaps that I take before leaving the house.

>> No.7261350

>lolita hiatus
this shit
'going on hiatus', 'leaving' etc. it's a fashion, you're not graduating from a school or something

>> No.7261376

This one has brand items, but only:
- 3 cutsews
- a bag
- some accessories
- some Bodyline crap
- replica shoes


I don't think I've ever seen a "leaving lolita" post that actually looked like they'd been in the fashion for more than 6 months or so.

>> No.7261388

It's funny, though, because I've been in the fashion for ~6 months and have already sold 2x as many items.

>> No.7261391

>The cut for the post: DS: LOTS of items of every kind, brand and off brand, please come take a look!


>> No.7261437


From time to time, there are "leaving Lolita"-sales-posts from people who have/had a bigger wardrobe (10+ main pieces, 10+blouses and cardigans, plus dozens of bags, accessoires etc).

>> No.7261455


Nah, I've seen a few excellent Leaving Lolita posts that were all brand and actually spanned over two or three separate sales posts.

>> No.7261464

They're not saying that all "leaving lolita" sales are like that; they were making a statement about the ones that are.

>> No.7261470

I hate it when itas
>dress up in lolita
>act like children
>spend money on useless clothes they wear 3 times a year
>wear braundo
>don't wear braundo
Fuck lolitas.

>> No.7261472

Why do people even need to state that they're "leaving lolita"? Who cares. No one is going to miss you. Just sell your shit.

>> No.7261477
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>>7261376 :
>I don't think I've ever seen a "leaving lolita" post that actually looked like they'd been in the fashion for more than 6 months or so

>> No.7261482


Maybe to make clear that they won't be open to trades and may be willing to lower prices (as they want the the clothes out of their closet)?

>> No.7261531
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Pet peeves include:
>lolis who try to be 2edgy bc "i'm not like OTHER lolis!! i swear and smoke!! i don't drink tea i drink alcohol! i'm so cool!!"
>coords that try too hard to be ~~unique~~ or themed, fail, look like a clusterfuck and get notes
>fandom lolita
>t-shirts with lolita skirts
>the comm sales mods
>the replica debate and the girls who exhibit both shitty extremes of the hate/support spectrum
>seagulls who start saying shit like "well this happened" and then back off with "oh, i really shouldn't say anything else"

Love this fashion but some of yall bitches make me mad.

>> No.7261537


Take your own advice, motherfucker.
>I don't think I've ever seen a "leaving lolita" post that actually looked like they'd been in the fashion for more than 6 months or so.

>> No.7261543

yeah as a buyer i tend to assume "leaving lolita" means prices are somewhat negotiable because they just want their stuff gone but i don't know if that's why the sellers actually mark their posts as that

>> No.7261578

well they probably already got rid of the rest of their dresses or keeping their faves away and just selling the wardrobe fillers

>> No.7261580

Thick, hard blouses. Which apparently all Lolita cotton blouses are? I've tried Baby, Bodyline and Taobao cotton blouses and they're all disgusting. FFS, a blouse is supposed to be thinner than a JSK. I don't understand how people can wear them.

>> No.7261589

Visual? What do clunky shoes look like?

>> No.7261613

This is why I only wear chiffon blouses.

>> No.7261627

>getting mad over notes

>> No.7261674

Is this the new thing the kiddies bitch about to seem "educated?" Colour theory? 'Cause this keeps happening.

>> No.7261684

I dunno, but the moment someone asks a legit question some sandgina comes and yells at them to go sit in a corner and think about what they did. Happened in some other threads too.

>> No.7261688

>lolis who try to be 2edgy bc "i'm not like OTHER lolis!! i swear and smoke!! i don't drink tea i drink alcohol! i'm so cool!!"
This but on that same note
*taps the mic, being sure not to get my bonnet strings tangled in it*

>> No.7261705

People who say they are lifestyle lolitas kill me.

>> No.7261711

I think it's one sandy vagina across different threads.

>> No.7261716

when people wear RHS. they're fugly, and just make your calves look fat.

>> No.7261714
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I think anon means shoes like this?

>> No.7261719


People always say mine make my legs look crazy slim? But I don't wear mine with loli.

>> No.7261723

can we have confessions? because I confess that I hate salopettes. Iv'e never seen anyone pull one off, ever.

>> No.7261724

I love the ones in the back though.

>> No.7261727


Ugh, I agree. Whenever I point this out to people, they go on the defensive and start arguing that either that's not true or they're the exception to the rule.
Some girl on my dash was having a tiff with some anons over this recently. She went ahead and bought the salopette despite being too big for it to ever have a hope of suiting her.

>> No.7261725

I like salopettes like I like bonnets:
on other people.

>> No.7261734

This, they're actually very slimming.

>> No.7261738

Personally I think they only look good on really slim/tiny people. For every 10 people I see wearing them maybe 1 actually fits it. I see a lot of Japanese girls pull them off, but that's because on average they're a lot smaller.

>> No.7261742

I think that's the problem... most people who buy them are fatties who see 'free bust' on a dress and go 'ITLL BE SOOO KAWAII!'. Which is awful because salopettes do't look good unless you have 0 bust and are just small and short overall. I love my salos but I gotta admit, even I don't feel like I'm at my 'lolita best' in them.

>> No.7261751

Kind of off-topic, but I'm wondering. How do lolita feel when they're asked at an anime convention for pictures?

I asked several lolita at Sakuracon for their pictures, complimenting their dresses. I didn't say they were cosplaying or anything. (I was cosplaying and was wearing a huge hoop skirt, so one lolita called me a 'petticoat bud', which was cute.)

I only thought after I got home on day 3 that maybe these girls thought I was taking their picture because I figured they were in cosplay? I didn't. But sometimes I feel awkward thinking about it.

>> No.7261753
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neva 4get

>> No.7261754

If someone doesn't say 'nice costume' or tried to figure out a character that doesn't exist at a con and just asks me for a picture, then I just think that they know I'm in lolita.
I don't really think about it unless they give me a reason to even if they are in cosplay themselves.

>> No.7261759

mhmm yeah
>i'm so sorry nia but guuurl

>> No.7261760

Thank you, that makes me feel better about it.

>> No.7261765
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dropped pic

>> No.7261770


Lol, was that notyourlolita?

>> No.7261776 [DELETED] 


Yeah. I unfollowed her after it, the way she acted was just embarrassing. ueldies grain

Also on the topic of salopettes, there's one girl in my comm (Illinois girls might know who I mean) who is fat and keeps buying salopettes because they "have a free bust measurement!" and she looks awful in them.

>> No.7261785

RHS are only slimming if you already have thin legs. If you aren't skinny, you'll just end up looking like a cow.

>> No.7261788

I should never have taken that college biology class on microbes and human health. We did one experiment where we placed Petri dishes on every possible surface of a bathroom stall, and flushed the toilet (with no visible bodily fluid or matter in the bowl, just clear water). When the dishes were ready, ALL of them were growing stuff. Just from the unseen spray of an empty toilet's flush.

I know it's just clothes and germs are a normal (in fact you could get sick if you don't have enough normal bacteria around to crowd out deadly ones). But that one class experiment always makes me go ?God damn it" every time one of those laser-sensor toilets goes off and flushes the moment I stand up while gripping my lolita skirts and petticoat.


>> No.7261792

I usually assume they know I'm not cosplaying. And hey, even if they think I am, they like what I'm doing, so I'm not offended.

>> No.7261806

Yeah, they're pretty ugly but they're kinda appealing to me.

>> No.7261807

I flush with the toilet seat down at home and my room room thinks I'm weird because I refuse to keep my soap and tooth brush in the bathroom. Nope. Enjoy your urine and feces misted stuff, roomie.

I'm glad I'm not the only one that knows this.

>> No.7261808

I quite like the ones with just a single maryjane strap and only a 3" or so platform, and the big round toe... Once it starts getting into tons of hardware and straps and 5"+ platforms, I don't like em either.

>> No.7261811

The mentality with wearing lolita at cons is similar to cosplaying, actually; if you don't feel comfortable with people taking pictures, you probably don't want to do it. Personally, I get excited when people ask. I see it as kind of an honor.

>> No.7261820

For some people, the fashion is a big enough part of their lives where "hiatus" is one of the best words for it.

>> No.7261828

I hate when we're in a group, and the 'lo-leader' takes great pics of herself and her friends, but when she does the whole group, she only uploads the ones where everyone looks like shit.

>> No.7261830

I know this feel. I think that Baby's empire waist dresses aren't very flattering to begin with. They seem to be made with less fabric than AP's empire waist dresses.

>tfw clunky heels balance out huge calves
>tfw clunky shoes tend to fit better for wide feet
>tfw prefer wearing classic lolita


I hate this too.

Mhmm, mhmm. This is why I stick with cutsews and chiffon blouses. I was pretty put off when I tried on an IW and Meta blouse, and they both felt like paper.

I do this too. Unfortunately, I have to keep my toothbrush in the bathroom, but I keep it in those traveling cases and it sits inside a rubber maid bin. Mythbuster's grossed me out.

One of my pet peeves is the word "Coordinate" and the shorten version, "Coord".

>> No.7261852

I feel like I've been experiencing this lately. I got some decent pictures given what I was wearing at the first meet I attended, and now since my coords have improved a great deal, I get like one photograph, and it usually sucks.

>> No.7261860


I mean, I wouldn't complain, but she's the one who posts them to the FB group, and I don't like how she makes herself look flawless while the rest of us look just fucking awful.

We also can't upload any pics of ourselves without her permission, and shit's not fair.

>> No.7261879

>We also can't upload any pics of ourselves without her permission
What the fuck kind of dictatorship comm are you in?

>> No.7261899

The one where they are apparently throw pillows to their leader.

>> No.7261900


I know it's dumb, but we live in a smaller city, and everyone just wants to have a nice comm with no drama, so no one wants to call her out on it.

>> No.7261942

I didn't say call her out. Just summed up what type of comm it probably was.

>> No.7261962
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Oh. Well, in that case, yep. You nailed it.

>> No.7261975

Sweet lolita

Looks terrible 99% of the time because the girls cant dress for shit and look like age playing daddy issues whores

sometimes it looks amazing though but not enough to make up for it. Just stop if your outfit looks like you got vomited on by a pink monster.

>> No.7261979

this is why i'm glad I only do gothic & classic

>> No.7261994
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>> No.7261996
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Trigger warning: don't click the pic if you have a low tolerance for idiocy.

>> No.7261999


She's in my comm. Yes, she's always that irritating.

>> No.7262004
File: 607 KB, 500x281, tumblr_mo1eihcjb51rii62do1_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7262005

... brandism? WHAT.

>> No.7262010


She's one of those people who can't decide if they hate brand or love it. She has a total "brandwhores are out to get me!" complex and her opinions on whether she supports replicas or not changes depending on whether she's talking to somebody in the comm or posting on her Tumblr. Hopefully she'll grow out of it.

>> No.7262014

>seems okay with buying from a "brand" that is owned by someone who creeps on girls despite talking like tumblr cancer

I guess "MUH SOCIAL JUSTICE ISSUES!" is outweighed by her desire for cheap ruffles.

>> No.7262036

>implying all lolitas don't look like ageplayers
Did you forget we're wearing "little girl's clothes?"

>> No.7262174

My peeve is girls who talk big game in regards to meet plan ups, outfits and wardrobes but then either
lose interest half way though or don't even start the process of working out how it could be done.

I'm also really looking forward to moving next year as my comm has drank deeply form the poisonous Tumblr well.
I'm tired of hearing about any fandom and hate the fact that everyone's sexuality and gender must be discussed.

I hate the fact that as open as these girls claim to be, they are incredibly heterophobic and it is purely because it is seen as the super uncool sexuality.

I am looking forward to being a lone lolita for next year. I will have a big comm an hour or so away so I can make it to the big meets if I want to.

TL:DR- Those darn tumblr kids won't get off my lawn!!!!

>> No.7262524

I think it's fine. If you go to a con wearing anything more interesting than jeans and a tshirt then you should expect people to want to take pictures.
I never have the heart to correct cosplayers when they tell me they like my 'costume' though. They're just soo enthusiastic and happy.

>> No.7264212

People pronouncing "qi" in the context of qi lolita as "kwee lolita".

>> No.7264228
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>making plans with/around flaky people


>"wouldn't it be great if [x] happened?" but they point-blank refuse to lift a finger to help it go ahead

biggest pet peeve in the whole world, even outside of lolita

>> No.7264264

My pet peeve is how Gothic Lolita Wigs always has to put a note next to the biggest ugliest itas of all time saying "AMERICAN LOLITA".

Like, why just us? There's plenty of other itas, I'm sure, stop pointing out the ones from the US. Heck, don't use ita tastic pictures period.

>> No.7264297

>pastel dresses with an all black outfit
>black tights DO NOT go with everything
>there IS such thing as too much poof
>mixing cold and warm pinks
>wearing printed/patterned everything
>shirts that are not fitted, either too big or too small
>that "enlarging" eye makeup with obvious white line under your lower lashes
>wigs so big they eat up person's head

guess that's it for now

>> No.7264301

>mixing cold and warm pinks
>wearing printed/patterned everything
>that "enlarging" eye makeup with obvious white line under your lower lashes


>> No.7266430

Noobs giving advice. Fluffyrabidkitten causes me physical pain.

>> No.7266866

This happened to me, but I was shocked because I thought closet child would have noticed and mentioned a busted zipper? I went to zip it up (it was laying on my bed, hadn't even tried it on yet) and the zipper went all the way to the top, didn't zip ANYTHING and then proceeded to get stuck at the top of the dress. I have no trustworthy tailors in town, kill me. (there's one, and she decided to put a new zipper on a dress in a contrasting colour when I just asked her to patch up a hole that was nowhere near the zipper.)
In short, yeah, that's a big pet peeve of mine, too.

>> No.7268051

The question stands:
Does she have a tumblr?
I need to see more because i love seeing this shit... i think i might be a masochist.

>> No.7268104

Nia is my tomodachi4life but whenever I see this pic I just want to jump into that picture with a hair straightener and adjust that salo... I mean, look at it. It feels like its falling to the side and I just want tape it in place, yah know?

>> No.7268155

I have a few friends who are like this. "What do lolis do? We get low/drink/etc so edgy " and I know this one girl who claims to be a lifestyle loli. She looks like an old haggard woman and reeks of spshul snowflake lolita is for mature ladies like me. She only recently discovered btb as well, so it makes me question her thought process as this "full fledged loli masterrace"

>> No.7268183

ugh, lolita tips

>> No.7268234

The WTB posts on LS UK:
>WTB: Lolita items: ops,jsk, blouses etc
>Colour: Any
>Price: £50 or under

>> No.7268257

>WTB: intricate gothic brand dress, here are some very expensive examples of what I'd like, paying big bucks
>some ita offers sweet bodyline print/handmade atrocity/shitty taobao knockoff
>happens every time

>> No.7268269

Do keep in mind that a decent portion of lolitas at conventions may also participate in cosplay. Not all of them, but a sizeable chunk of the lolitas I know are also cosplayers and found the fashion through cosplay and the convention scene.

I don't mind it at all and will gladly pose. It just kinda gets a little awkward when people ask "what are you cosplaying from?" And then I have to explain that it's not a costume but a Japanese street fashion, I'm just myself in cute clothes.

Once in awhile you'll get the people that are so high and mighty, asking for a picture in their everyday clothing! Hmph! (at a convention where it's the norm to dress unusually) Or storm off screaming "IT'S NOT A FUCKING COSTUME!!!" But then the rest of us sane folks just laugh at them.

>> No.7268319

That's not so bad, I've manage to move some decent bodyline pieces through these sorts of listings.
It's more of a 'who's actually active right now and selling in my price range' sort of thing.

>> No.7268344

OMG, yes
I refuse to respond to them

Though that group is awful ruled by a non loli mod and bitch face power mad mod

>> No.7268563

>DS: some good Burando
>some ita offers her "Trades" album, consists of some ratty Hello Kitty T-shirts, an ancient mp3 player, used hair straightening iron, Bodyline skirt that is wrinkled and busted beyond all recognition
Yes Dear I'll trade my dress listed at $250 for your $5 shirt from Target, seems totally fair to me!
>always turn ita down politely
>ita always says "Well if you change your mind let me know ^__^"

>> No.7268579

>I know this isn't exactly what you're looking for, but please take a look!
>I asked for pink AP socks and you're offering me kids section magenta tights, but thanks anyway.

>> No.7268604

Just be like, "Wow, your t-shirt for my dress? Sounds like a great deal!

Haha, sike"

>> No.7268776

most of the loli sales pages are run by people who shouldn't be in charge of anything.

>> No.7268796
File: 73 KB, 418x960, 1388439454226.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These fucking glasses.

>> No.7268802

wtf kind of photoshop is this? her head looks way too big for her body.

>> No.7268809


Kate Davis and her hipster glasses that make everything she wears look like shit.

>> No.7268811

I'm pretty sure you're just the same glasses hater that has been posting.
step off.

>> No.7268825

dude, these legitimately look like shit with what could be a very elegant and classy coordinate. her outfit is almost entirely ivory and gold, and then she has these big fuckoff 80s glasses in black...

>> No.7268826

Not that poster, but I generally like glasses with or without lolita and I find these really off-putting and unflattering. They're just too big, don't work well on her face, and clash with her outfits.
Maybe there is some crazy glasses-hating anon here, I don't know, but you don't have to hate glasses to dislike this particular pair.
Also I think that girl is cute and dresses well otherwise, so no vendetta here either.

>> No.7268834

Nice try but I've only posted to this thread this evening and I wear glasses myself.

>> No.7268842

Urgh, these are terrible. They don't even look good on her, why would anyone wear glasses so not suitable for their face.

>> No.7268843

>> 7268796
So your pet peeve is people being able to see?

>> No.7268871

Can you even read? I don't hate glasses I hate shitty hipster glasses

>> No.7268901

I don't know why people don't just try their damn frames on before buying them, it's something they'll be stuck with for a long time and it's expensive to replace. I remember Kapu wore these huge glasses that were ten times bigger than her head and made her look awful.