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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 88 KB, 651x593, ivy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7258435 No.7258435 [Reply] [Original]

All real, and by real, you mean a corset & boob job.
I use to look up to her because she was a bigger shape like me but then I found out she just corsets and eats whatever she wants rather then working out. Not promoting healthy body image like she says she does.

>> No.7258439

>Not promoting healthy body image like she says she does.

to "promote" a healthy body image you can just talk about it. there are qualified dieticians who are overweight, they can still know their shit and preach healthiness and nutritional balance, despite the fact they don't practice it themselves.

>> No.7258445

yes promoting eating wings at hooters 3x a week is totally promoting healthy body image.

>> No.7258477

>being fat
>promoting health

>> No.7258529

inb4 HAES supporters.

>> No.7258547


>> No.7261115

It smells of a vendetta by Riddle/Riki. Since this screen cap was originally taken by her, or someone logged into her Facebook account (bottom left image, next to comment box is 'yours').

>> No.7261120


Healthy body image = not hot, right?

>> No.7261138

Her body looks so oddly unproportional. She's pretty, but not my type at all. I like rectangles and small busts.

>> No.7261211

Either Riddle/Riki is dumb enough to forget to crop out the bottom section when screencapturing or someone got a hold of this from her.

It just seems like Riddle/Riki did post this because if she didn't, why would she be screencapturing this status...

Either way, it is a vendetta post.

>> No.7261214
File: 181 KB, 1301x371, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey riddle or riki or whatever you want to be called.
Here is what we are talking about.

>> No.7261224


but riddle's tits are fake too

>> No.7261237

How awkward haha.

>> No.7261243

pic of said girl
s body?

>> No.7261246


>> No.7261251


Hahaha, not a fucking surprise

>> No.7261442
File: 20 KB, 405x720, 1388098909392.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7261444

quick, someone screen cap this before she deletes

>> No.7261449

>implying fake tits aren't a perfectly valid cosmetic surgery to have if you can afford it
>implying fake tits as a purely aesthetic choice are any different to tattoos or piercings
>implying there aren't people who have bad enough taste to actually WANT fake tits, tattoos, or piercings for aesthetic reasons

>> No.7261452

I am missing how the OP is implying any of that.

>> No.7261454


its alright the whole board is archived

>> No.7261462

Grabs popcorn hoping that either Riddle or Ivy Doomkitty find out about this thread and the war begins

>> No.7261463

err, shit. I need to read more good.

I suppose it's preemptive implying for when someone says fake tits are bad.

>> No.7261469

she looks great, until im reminded that shes wearing a corset.

>> No.7261476

This entire thread is at a disgusting level of Legally Blonde antics.


>> No.7261479

I can understand that part.
Technically she isn't all real if her boobs are fake.
Then again, I've always been particularly against Ivy for a while. I really don't see how she is popular. A fat chick with big boobs and a corset.

>> No.7261500

Corsets are cool and all, and shapewear is very useful. But that mass has to go somewhere, and in >>7261442
it looks like it went up. And doesn't look "right" or in proportion.

>> No.7261658


And it's not like Riddle works out either.

There is not a single "famous" cosplayer that is legitimately fit. If you want to see fit girls you won't find them in this hobby.

>> No.7261667

but tattoos and piercings aren't the same as a cosmetic surgery

>> No.7261668

>getting my ears pierced is on par with a boob job


>> No.7261680

Anyone remember that time Riddle and the other idiots on Heroes of Cosplay complained about fat people cosplaying, then had all the crazy damage control.

Heh, I sure do.

>> No.7261683
File: 73 KB, 637x960, 1369169437195.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7261689
File: 47 KB, 960x640, 1369169405749.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7261692
File: 330 KB, 2048x1799, 1388109120147.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7261702

Ugh, is this supposed to be Red Sonia??

>> No.7261707

Holy fuck why does Rosanna never take out her piercings? They look so stupid with cosplays.

>> No.7261712
File: 93 KB, 640x1440, 1371068980685.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.7261713

What is that string on her stomach even there for? It looks ugly as shit, doesn't shape her body, and isn't accurate to the costume. Shit's confusing yo

>> No.7261816

SS+GOMAD claims another victim.

>> No.7261846

Why did you want your ears pierced originally?

>> No.7261867

I get made fun of for being fat and Ivy is at least 1/3 larger than me
what is logic

>> No.7261872

So the 'efamous' cosplayers really are the ones ripping each other apart. Not too smart, Riddle.

>> No.7261956
File: 127 KB, 960x640, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes bitch, I wear a corset...
Now let's talk about your 'real' boobs..

>> No.7261971

gotta love /cgl/
best dramu ever

>> No.7261973

She's so unattractive. Wtf. She's a pair of hoop earrings and mules away from being a regular ghetto chola.

>> No.7261980
File: 471 KB, 215x211, Jaejoong_popcorn.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'm waiting for the "I was hacked" statement in a few hours.

>> No.7262026

I ready to hear Riddle explain this away. Can't blame camera editing for this.

>> No.7262052

Wow. How fucking retarded you must be to NOT remove your photo from your fail-post?

>> No.7262058

Many doctors are unhealthy, smoke, and are overweight yet they're paid to encourage healthy lifestyles in their clients all the damn time. I know cgl has a fat phobia because some of you are shallow cunts, but this is the truth and your protests can't change it.
Usually bitches who are so tit-oriented and concerned about looks don't have the brains to think about crucial details which might implicate them in their own drama bombs.

Or maybe she forgot because she has low blood sugar from trying to starve herself. After all, tolerating the fact that someone she finds unattractive is getting attention simply won't fly, she must try to look better at all costs.

I'm not saying I dig her facial aesthetics (I don't) but this body shape is highly attractive.

No shit.

Me too. I love busting people on cgl for bullshit like this and watching them try to explain their way out of it.

>> No.7262060


She is away at a con this weekend so I doubt we will get anything until Sunday or Monday. The perfect set up for the "I was hacked" excuse, except for this shit was posted on 12/24

>> No.7262065
File: 129 KB, 400x400, 1384389572854.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What a loser.

>> No.7262067

inb4 someone else just set that picture as their profile pic in order to create fake double-layer drama

>> No.7262070

That would be some deep level shit vendetta right there. Hate someone some much that you would change your profile picture to view something, screen capture it, then go to 4chan to start shit between them.

>> No.7262075

You sound fat

>> No.7262079

honestly, that's what i thought instantly when i saw this. i wouldn't put it past some of the hardcore jelly donuts here who love their drama.

>> No.7262092

That image is her current profile picture on her personal fb page. So if it was someone else, you'd think it would have to be someone that knows her personal page.

>> No.7262125

You sound bitchy.

>> No.7262128

What bullshit.

>> No.7262140
File: 37 KB, 367x249, Bhaaarblblb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7262138

Should have done a split mang

>> No.7262148


A character whose muscular body type was supposed to be a key element of her design.

Cosplayed by rolls and cellulite.

>> No.7262168

Just arfgh. Is this another product of tumblr and their fat acceptance?

>> No.7262181

>Is this another product of tumblr and their fat acceptance?

>person cosplays what they want
People like you are several kinds of obnoxious, try using words you know the meaning of.

>> No.7262185

Yes, because they look nothing like the character and don't even try. I'm horrible

>> No.7262187

Because fat acceptance has nothing to do with someone failing at a cosplay, you incredible dipshit.

>> No.7262188


Not even that guy but

Yes, you are.

>Don't even try

Eat my ass.

>> No.7262192


Are you actually stupid, or did you just not read the post you quoted?

>> No.7262213

I would like to throw up forever, seeing this, but my body doesn't produce enough bile for more than an hour or so of vomiting.

>> No.7262228
File: 8 KB, 225x225, 1294352970020.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I find this whole thing hilarious. Riddle criticizing another cosplayer for using corsets and pushup bras to enhance her figure... WHEN RIDDLE HERSELF HAS FUCKING BREAST IMPLANTS.

>> No.7262234

No kidding. Can we just come to the conclusion they are both gross?

>> No.7262238

i know of several cosplayers who add 'famous' cosplayers' personal pages and fake being friendly to get dirt on them. they're not good human beings by any standard, but they'd stoop that low. they think they're being all double-agenty when honestly they're being cunts.

>> No.7262243

Because she's lost so many brain cells from the heroin and pot she uses

>> No.7262245

Everyone is commenting on the profile picture of the person who screenshot it (supposedly Riki) but WTF at the time stamps. This convo was started in January, commented on again 10 months later and then recently screen captured (judging by Ivy's thumbnail matching her page's current profile picture). What even. Do these neckbeards seriously spend hours and hours scrolling through hundreds of wall posts to add their two cents?

>> No.7262248

It's not surprising. Neckbeards generally have zero interaction with real women so they have a plethora of time to scroll through these fan pages.

>> No.7262251

Could also be a guy Googling "what are ivy doomkitty's measurements" and getting a link to that status post and then commenting on it. Which isn't any less pathetic but...

>> No.7262255 [DELETED] 
File: 348 KB, 1280x960, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Women cosplayers being god awful cunts behind their backs to each other?!?

Who knew.

>> No.7262260


youre ugly pls refrain from posting that

>> No.7262262


It's not me sweet cheeks. His facial expression sums up my face when.

>> No.7262272

Yeah, I'm sure that's it and you're not just an attention whore who's too retarded to properly rotate his selfie.

>> No.7262281

really now. i think you fucked up and posted the wrong image and are trying to save face.

>> No.7262284

>reverse image search yields no results
I think you meant to name that mebeingadesperateattentionwhore.jpg

>> No.7262293

Why would you save a photo of some ugly random guy? Nice try trying to cover up your fuck up.

>> No.7262302

Snookie is cosplaying now?

>> No.7262309

I'd fuck Snooki. Snooki is thinner than Ivy anyway

>> No.7262312


Can't unsee it now :o

>> No.7262570

Maybe it showed up in her feed at the end of November when the last person commented, which was surprisingly only 27 days ago...

>> No.7262586

this is fake, it falls under "It's to good to be true." After all the shit that Riddle got from HoC do you think she is talking about body type anymore. This is someone who want to create dramu, they want to hate on Ivy(cause of them sweet hips), Riddle(cause of HoC) or some comb of the two. Not buying it.

>> No.7262587

all i see is fat cow, is there supposed to be curvy woman under all that grease? I don't understand this "body positivity" fad.. Body positive is good but promoting obesity is just disgusting

>> No.7262590

Riki had a better body before the implants. Shit personality, but a better body. The implants only made her personality worse.

Doomkitty is alright. Sometimes I want those curves for a long weekend and sometimes I don't. Never met her unlike running in some of the same circles as Riki the last 15 years.

>> No.7262597

>I know cgl has a fat phobia because some of you are shallow cunts

it's not about being shallow, it's about the fact that being fat is unhealthy and we live in a generation that thinks it's cute and awesome to embrace acceptance for it. nobody has to be fat. it's not like your fucking race or nationality. if you can't put in the effort to take care of yourself then you're a lazy piece of shit. choosing to live a lifestyle that is literally slowly killing you should be looked down upon. you don't see people claiming to be "heroin addict positive". straighten out your life and stop feeding into your shitty habits. there's a reason fat people are seen as unattractive, because the message you convey to society is "lazy slob".

>> No.7262699

I wouldn't put it past them. There has been a lot of anger and competition in the cosplay scene since fb started doing the suggested page thing

>> No.7262714

didn't stop TaTa han from talking about photoshopping cosplay and so on. If anything, yaya gets/should get more hate for HoC than griddle person, and yet yaya still comes out and says things when she really should stay under the radar.

>> No.7262732

You mean the suggested pages that pay for it.

You do realize a lot on that show is scripted.

/cgl/ never seems to disappoint me. Almost any topic will some how develop into being about yaya or jnig. Lolita is the only exception.

>> No.7262736

I don't want to bring her out either, but I'm trying to make a point here. Point is that, scripted or not, they're both hated. Yet, they keep stirring the pot when they should've just lay low and not say anything/

>> No.7262739

This this this this this!

>> No.7262740

Some aren't paid for. Fb is rotating out cosplayers to suggest to get other pages to buy ads to compete with bullshit free ads to competing pages. How the hell do you think these fake ass cosplayers who've been doing it for 6 months and buy all their costumes are getting 300k+ likes

>> No.7262745

>You do realize a lot on that show is scripted.

People should still know better than to say certain things. It's not like they're not aware of what they're saying just because they read it off of a script. You're responsible for how you present yourself in public.

>> No.7262934 [DELETED] 
File: 477 KB, 500x240, tumblr_mcfcu7hcqT1rb510ho1_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7262938
File: 477 KB, 500x240, tumblr_mcfcu7hcqT1rb510ho1_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7263592


>> No.7263610

While yes, it could be vendetta post, I believe Riddle/Riki did take that original screenshot. Is she the OP of this thread? Maybe, maybe not. But Riki is two things, she is mean and she is stupid. She lies about making her costumes and does all sorts of unethical crap when it comes to self promotion and costume contests, but she's always blurting out stupid shit and then deleting it or backpedaling. Taking a screenshot of a conversation and then flaking on removing the bottom section doesn't surprise me at all. I haven't heard good things about Riki from her friends, wouldn't surprise me if someone reposted her screenshot here because they're tired of her elitist bullshit.
Makes me curious about HoC season 2. Any news on who will be on it besides JNig and Yaya?

>> No.7263616

>mfw this whole thread was set up to be used to aid the drama in the next season of HoC, and /cgl/ will get mention in the next season

>> No.7263649
File: 1.85 MB, 310x176, 1345426766947.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7263663

That show just needs to stop

>> No.7263834

She's nothing but a cameo on HOC2. So I'm sure she will have plenty of time to churn up dramu. Next time, let's hope she's sober enough to remember to shop her identifying photos before posting shit like this.

>> No.7263842

I think FantasyNinja might be one of the new cosplayers on the show.

>> No.7263844
File: 89 KB, 480x640, JNIG LOLITA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7263850

Younger JNig is the cutest

Anyway, isn't this a drama thread? Why is it here?

>> No.7263886

Janitors are lacking in the removal vendetta threads, I am sure due to the holidays

>> No.7263912

thinking anyone cares about /cows going lard/

>> No.7263957

apparently someone used her picture and took a screen, framing her.
now who would want to frame riddle?

>> No.7263961


Occam's razor suggests it was Riddle and she fucked up

>> No.7263986
File: 26 KB, 253x407, legs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If you want to see fit girls you won't find them in this hobby.
I know one cosplayer who is definitely a fit woman. Her most defining feature is probably dem runner's legs. She's really serious about running.
I used to lift and had some nice muscle, but I don't anymore. I don't think I'll let myself cosplay again until I can get myself muscular again.

>> No.7263994

I'll parry with Hickam's dictum...

>> No.7264007


Does Riki have a substance abuse problem?

>> No.7264074

Those are not fit legs. Those are skinny legs without muscle. There are no fit girls in cosplay.

>> No.7264083

Yeah, you're wrong. Her legs are incredibly muscular.

>> No.7264085

Uh no. I'm looking at the same picture as you are. They aren't muscular at all.

>> No.7264086

Are you blind? Those legs are toned

>> No.7264092

Diff anon but Isn't Nigri kinda toned?
But the strange thing is there are fit girls in lolita but that doesn't really fit the aesthetic.

>> No.7264098
File: 26 KB, 480x720, 1368073278779.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nigri is not fit. She's skinny but not muscular.

Pic related is fit.

>> No.7264102
File: 103 KB, 800x531, 1368467446420.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7264105
File: 227 KB, 624x886, 1388212261983.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7264110

The girls you're posting are too fit. You can be fit and not have such bulky ugly muscles like them.

>> No.7264115

No. You're either fit or you're skinny. The legs in the pic you posted (which I'm assuming are your own legs that you're selfposting) are skinny, not fit. Being cosidered "fit" requires those "bulky ugly muscles", genius.

>> No.7264122

>DYEL arms

>> No.7264123

I'm not the girl who posted that. I just randomly dropped in.
And no, you're confusing "fit" with "muscular"
I do agree that >>7263986 doesn't have very fit looking legs though. My legs look like that and I don't run.

>> No.7264127

lol True. Touche. She's still more fit than any cosplayer though.

>> No.7264131

Oh ok, my bad.

"fit" and "muscular" are the same though. Maybe you're thinking more along the lines of "skinny girls who are in decent shape and run occasionally"

>> No.7264139
File: 286 KB, 571x462, fitvsmuscular.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's allright. And fit and muscuar are actually two different things though. Even in the dictionary they're different. Pic related

>> No.7264186

anon, there are plenty of super muscly people that aren't physically fit or even healthy by any stretch, you realise?

>> No.7264270

Muscles are a direct result of strenuous physical activity. Fit people have muscles. This isn't rocket science.
>super muscly people that aren't physically fit
I think you mean cardiovascular health, right? Because to be "super muscly" you have to be physically fit. You can still have heart problems though, like certain bodybuilders who died from doing too much cocaine and then going into a sauna.

>> No.7264285


>OBJECTION! Relevance

>> No.7264287


She's too big for me. I don't like sticks, but there's normal weight and then there's overweight, and that chick certainly is on the larger side.

>> No.7264293

I agree with you, the girl on the right is curvy but Ivy is just a land whale.


As an ex fatty, I agree with this a thousand percent.

Not the person who posted pic but can you see through her leggings or something??

>> No.7264295

G-guys can't we be nice to one another?


>> No.7264325
File: 161 KB, 651x593, 1387944169272.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You do realize you can photoshop a picture on it right, I bet it's one of you faggot who is too lonely for christmas and want to start some dramu for shit & giggles

>> No.7264372
File: 143 KB, 452x596, niice sexy abs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fit doesn't mean that you have bulging defined muscles though. Pic related has just enough abs so that you can see she has some muscle there but they aren't overly defined.
She has a -fit- stomach, not a -muscular- stomach. You can't deny that she looks like she's in good physical condition.

>> No.7264657

And this is the reason cgl sucks now. Can we go back to what the thread was about rather than this /fit crap? I still want to see Riddle try to explain this away.

>> No.7264688
File: 281 KB, 504x711, 132711371063.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who would you rather fug? Riddle or Doomnkitty?

>> No.7264712

She's ugly, very. I only like her tits.

>> No.7264733

So people complain that she wears corsets/ shapewear, but then post pictures of her cosplaying without corsets/ shapewear?


>> No.7264733,1 [INTERNAL] 

Is that riddle in the red?