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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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7251032 No.7251032[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What is /cgl/'s thoughts on this latest trend of making donation pools/ kickstarters for cosplay related things?
What makes it acceptable to run a kickstarter?
what makes it unacceptable?

Here are a few kickstarters I found from a quick tumblr search:



of course there are tons of people who have donation buttons on their tumblr blogs and facebook pages.
What are your thoughts on this?
should cosplayers all be required to fund their own projects?
How about when they ask for donations for rent and bill money yet still can manage to make costumes and go to cons?

My personal feeling is that if you can't afford it, you shouldn't do it. Work for your money until you can afford it.

>> No.7251047

It's bullshit. Fund your own damn hobby.

>> No.7251051

It wouldn't exist if retards didn't throw their money away

>> No.7251052

When they're makig a product like a calendar or a webseries it's not so bad...the first and third aren't too painful and some people are genuinly into that kind of thing so it would appeal to them.

However the second HTTYD girl needs to just stop. I'm not paying $60 for a photo of your shitty costume. Hiccup's costume between the ifrst and second are radically different and there is no proof that she can make armor or prosthetics well.

>> No.7251054

I agree with you anon. I wish I would have saved links to some of the really stupid posts begging for donations for cons on tumblr because they were ridiculous. Some people beg for the funds just to make it TO the con. Really, you can't scrounge up $40 for gas? Get your shit together before conventions are in your future plans.

>> No.7251059

but anon if you pay her 300 dollars she will buy you a ticket to the movie premiere!
and if you live near her, she will go with you!
IN costume! and she will be IN CHARACTER
it will be like going to the movies with the REAL Hiccup! How could you pass that up??

>> No.7251084

Idiots will be idiots and spend their money on whatever they want. A few years ago, someone got a hold of my e-mail and asked if they could pay for materials for me, but since I'm not even good, I sensed a creep/scam and said no.

Even if I were good enough to warrant donations, I still don't think I'd take them because I would feel obligated to cosplay things that the supporters like. Who knows though. I've never been seriously offered money to cosplay.

>> No.7251114

But OP, don't you know it's people own business with how they spend their money.

They just want to support a cosplay of their favorite character.


>> No.7251133

You scared me, OP. I saw the cosplayers unite link and thought they were attempting that fail project again.
>funding goal not reached Sept 8
Thank god

I completely disagree with this. I can see working hard to make money -with- your hobby, but not doing jack shit to make money -for- your hobby.

I wouldn't ask people to give me thousands to assemble and paint a 40k army with the reasoning "it'll be the best army evar!"

>brining -once again, this character to life
Why would she want to marinate a fictional character?

Christ people, if you're too lazy to do a basic spellcheck of your kikestarter...

>Jeanne Killjoy

Ahaha, the best friend of Nigri2, Murdernurse. No shocker here.

>> No.7251150
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>my reaction when I see another cosplayer begging for money to fund their cosplay..

Bitch no, pay for it yourself. Get a part time job. Go scrub toilets. Go dig through people's trashcans like the bum you are. You might as well stand at the end of a freeway off ramp holding a sign begging for money. It might as well be the same damn thing.

>> No.7251199

What's the drama with cosplayers unite? From what I can tell its just hot girls who are trying to promote "community" by making a calendar and a video about making it.

>> No.7251216

I don't understand why people get so upset over it. No one is forcing them to donate. You aren't responsible for how other people spend money, if they think it's worth funding, let them fund it.

Personally I don't think it's a ridiculous thing to ask for if you have a large following, and have reasonable goal and rewards for people. It only bothers me when the people are like the HTTYD girl and giving away a 4"x6" for $25. And a $900 goal without any explanation of where the money is going is insane.

If someone had a $400 goal and was giving out 8x10s for every $20 pledge I would consider that a lot more reasonable. I would want to see details of what the money was going towards, and how they planned on making the costume. I wouldn't personally donate, but I wouldn't hold it against them for asking.

I would find it really stressful trying to make a costume that other people had invested in. I would want it to be perfect and fear disappointing the people who had donated. But I don't have any problem with other people doing it as long as they are reasonable about it.

>> No.7251226

We had a few drama threads and I'll try to summarize what I remember

>Kickstarter was meant to showcase best in the UK but had several cosplayers flying in from Australia and other places instead of focusing on local talent
>Going over what the project was, we were just giving those involved a free con plus food and expenses along with the chance to make more money on the side
>The cosplayers weren't even teaming up for a special big group and really it was just a bunch of glorified solo shots
>Asking price was way higher than what the needs were showing poor budgeting skills

>> No.7251233
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I think it's fine for people to spend their money on whatever they want, whether it be helping a cosplayer make funds for a cosplay or whatever.
HOWEVER, I think that a lot of these things are worthless and make people think that what they're doing is important, and thus people give money that they really shouldn't. People not in the cosplay community are gullible when it comes to these kinds of things, and taking advantage of that is not cool.

>> No.7251261

Take any other hobby out there that has an expense (dancing, game play, cup stacking) and you'll see that when people need to accomplish a task or go to an event they either work extra jobs for the case or get sponsorships but in the end they'll eat the cost themselves. If begging is done it's usually kept within their social circles so we don't get wind of it.

I think the reason why people have issues with this is two fold, number one, many of us have busted our asses off to pay our way through cons and costumes without needing to ask for random donations. Cosplay is an expensive hobby and not vital to our survival so if you really can't afford to participate then you shouldn't be able to as it shows poor management of funds. I'm not saying only wealthy people should be cosplaying but it does raise questions on if you really are struggling to get by then why are you worrying about your next outfit when you should be keeping the lights on and putting food on the table?

The second reason seems to be more important as actions like these really cause us to doubt the person's interest and passion in the hobby. When you want to do something that bad or afford something then whatever means you need to get it done you take care of it. We will work those extra jobs or cut expenses like mad, sacrifice health, comfort and our social lives just to get these costumes finished because when its all finished, any expense taken is going to be worth it. These individuals are telling us that they'll only do these outfits if they get free money thus taking the easy way out giving off the impression that they'll be wearing the costume as a model instead of as a fan.

>> No.7251270

You're right in that no one is forcing them to donate, but the problem people have with it is the sense of entitlement that the cosplayers are showing. I can see a project like this working if, say, the person had a serious illness and wanted to achieve their dream cosplay and go to a big con, but this is ultimately just a case of spoiled brats being spoiled brats.

I don't know. Maybe I was just raised the wrong way, but I wasn't just handed an allowance, I actually had to work for it.

Plus, if Liz Katz is any sort of example, most of the time you're donating to a complete stranger with no guarantee your money is truly going to the cause. The costume Liz made cost 200 at most and somehow with the thousands donated she couldn't afford any shoes or a trip to a more fitting location. Not to mention the camera people donated for was only used in 2 photos.

Just a guess, but I'd think if someone was self-entitled enough to think random strangers should donate hundreds/thousands to them for something that benefits only them, I don't peg them as being the types who would go out of their way to satisfy someone else.

Pretty much. There's was another kikestarter linked in those threads that was all male cosplayers, but every cost estimate was reasonable. CU was basically a bunch of cosplayers asking to be handed a fancy vacation, and a negligible amount of the funds was actually going towards the things that benefited the donaters.

>> No.7251318

Don't you remember things like the debate team in high school selling cookies for $3 each so they could go to a competition. Or the shitty car washes for $15 so cheerleaders could to to camp. I don't see how that is any different then cosplayers asking for money in exchange for prints/some other goods so they can go to a convention. People definitely ask for money so they can attend events relating to hobbies, especially in the dance/gymnastics world. That doesn't make it right, but it does exist outside of cosplay.

I see your other points, but at the same time if you can get someone else willing to spend money on it, why shouldn't you? If people are honestly willing to shell out cash so you don't have to get a job, but can still complete your dream costume, it seems pretty stupid to say no to that. I'm someone who has never struggled with money, but has also never had a large expendable income, even when I've worked extra shifts and pinched pennies. I partake in the hobby in the ways I can but, I have dream costumes that would cost $2000+ and years of saving every cent I can. If people donated money towards making that dream happen, I would still be wearing it as a fan who loves the character. I don't think it's fair to say that makes someone a spoiled brat.

I get why it might rub people the wrong way but I feel like so many of the people rant about it are just jealous they've worked hard to make money for cosplays instead of having it given to them.

>> No.7251319

The male cosplayer calender was a great example of proper fund raising.

>Putting out a product that others can enjoy
>Funds needed to cover costs of publishing, printing and distribution
>Funds being asked only go toward the calender, expenses concerning travel, food and costumes are covered by cosplayers
>Cosplayers involved are legitimately good and could use the exposure

>> No.7251446

how are these different from selling shoddy cosplay prints? only different it seems that one rips off fanboys directly and the other rips off photographers

>> No.7251470

>Don't you remember things like the debate team in high school selling cookies for $3 each so they could go to a competition. Or the shitty car washes for $15 so cheerleaders could to to camp.

That's not even close to being the same thing. as >>7251261 said, it's not vital to our survival, but high schools often don't get enough funding for any of their programs. Cosplay isn't a school program with cut funding that requires fundraisers.

>> No.7251486

>if you really are struggling to get by then why are you worrying about your next outfit when you should be keeping the lights on and putting food on the table?
Pretty much this. If somebody has to resort to public begging for what might as well be a Halloween costume, it's a pretty good sign that costumes should be the least of his/her worries. Either that or they're mooches fleecing people.

>> No.7251491

>Getting a part time job in this economy
>Thinking it's so easy to get in this depressed economy?

>> No.7251502

McDonalds is always hiring. If you're in absolute desperate need for a job, you'll take what you can get, and keep looking for something better in the meantime.

>> No.7251510

So you saying that we should be donating people who can't even get a minimum wage job so they can blow these free funds on cosplay?

>> No.7251522
File: 64 KB, 600x450, 1367474172020.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That Jii chick looks nothing like Hiccup, and also dem drawn-on freckles. Yick.

>> No.7251528
File: 461 KB, 1030x1680, ghost dive.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw this didnt get funded
>all dose tits gone forever


>> No.7251541

>Don't you remember things like the debate team in high school selling cookies for $3 each so they could go to a competition. Or the shitty car washes for $15 so cheerleaders could to to camp.
I don't see how you could possibly think that comparison has any validity at all.

These activities were done to teach kids that if they really want something, they need to work to earn it. Just handing someone money with the promise of a "good job" and maybe a print doesn't have the same effect... not even close. Likewise, the bake sale, school store, car wash, magazine sale, etc etc etc all provide the buyers with something that benefits them. Cosplayers aren't providing anything worthwhile that isn't primarily just a self-serving delusion. It's like that school club saying "give me 20$ and I'll sign my yearbook photo for you."

There's a world of difference between working for your goal by providing a service or tangible goods, and just asking for money and hastily throwing together some reward just to make it look less like entitlement.

The key difference here is the kikestarters prioritize the goal over the work needed to achieve it.

>If people are honestly willing to shell out cash so you don't have to get a job, but can still complete your dream costume, it seems pretty stupid to say no to that.

It comes down to ethics. You're not winning a prize here, you're begging. That is literally what it is: begging.

> If people donated money towards making that dream happen, I would still be wearing it as a fan who loves the character. I don't think it's fair to say that makes someone a spoiled brat.
You're missing the point entirely.

Would you actually ask people to give you that 2000$? That's the entire debate here. It's not like you just won that 2k, you are actually asking people to just throw money at you for something that benefits you more than them.

>> No.7251548
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>it will be like going to the movies with the REAL Hiccup! How could you pass that up??
Ugh. It's this kind of egotistical bullshit that really drives me up the wall.

I've been told for several years that I should cosplay Hiccup because I have a round nose like his and freckles. But I sure as hell won't be going around declaring I'm the real Hiccup, or asking for nearly $1000 to make my costume. Like >>7251052 said, how do we even know she's capable of making it? It's more complex than her original one, which is hardly accurate.

>> No.7251646 [DELETED] 
File: 9 KB, 260x194, rdjplease.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Excuses for an Adult sized children who don't want to suck it up and accept that life is fucking hard. We take what we can get and do what we can to get by. Shove your pride.

>> No.7251648

at least this had good prices that made the donations worthwhile.
Like hell I'm gonna pay 300 dollars for some girl to cosplay Hiccup and all I get is a movie ticket worth not even 20$, a video of her "in character" thanking me, and oooooh aaaaa close of videos of fucking fabric. are you kidding me?
Its fine if the project actually has substance.
if the rewards for donating are worthwhile
or if you are using, say, gofundme or some other donation site for a needed doctor visit or something.
literally asking for free money so people can look at pictures of you wearing a costume is retarded.

>> No.7251650
File: 9 KB, 260x194, rdjplease.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Excuses for adult sized children who don't want to suck it up and accept that life is fucking hard. We take what we can get and do what we can to get by. Shove your pride.

>> No.7251659
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I was simply paraphrasing. You should read all of the shit she actually said all over the kickstarter page if you wanna see real egotism. I couldn't help but laugh at most of it. It was almost unreal how full of herself she is, and how she's using that to try and convince people to give her money.

>Cosplay! I'm sure some people maybe thinking "why the heck?", but honestly, anything that can make someone smile, and make someone feel good is worth it, right? This is what I live for; being happy and seeing the smiles on peoples faces because I'm able to bring to them something that they love to see. I can promise (other than myself, lol) so many people will smile over this project, and that's all I want really- happiness, smiles.

>Imagine your favorite character coming to life before your eyes, brought straight off of the movie screen, or pages from a comic book only to stand right infront of you and even talk to you!

>With your help, you make this happen. You can be part of the magic that makes people's dreams come true.


>> No.7251663

Notice how Jack Conway is the only cosplayer in the project showing legitimate acting chops and charisma but is completly snubbed in the promo images

>> No.7251687

I think /cgl/'s thoughts on this trend are very apparent in how many times it has been brought up over this past year.

Did your project not get funded? I don't see why anyone would really care what other people are wasting their money on unless they were jealous. I mean it isn't like this has been discussed more than 10 times on here....

The real question is why are you jealous OP?

>> No.7251717

Oh fuck off. Not OP, but I highly doubt they are jealous. Common fucking sense and decency. A lot of these people are leeches, big fucking babies who can't handle a real job and taking care of real business.. Pamper people like this, and you're just going to hurt them more, and then they'll inevitably find themselves past their prime, overweight and still in their parents fucking house, because the only job they can get is at some place like a local mall or coffee shop. Truth is, you're probably just another one of those lazy bitches who thinks they deserve to get handouts for something as stupid as dressing up like a fucking cartoon. This shit ain't serious business. Or wait, I'm sorry. It could be the latter. You could be one of the fat stupid fucks slobbering over these twats and giving them your cash.

>> No.7251734

I'm so jealous, if only I had the power to look like a greedy bum in front of the whole internet.

>> No.7251739

Wait, the second link is a guy

>> No.7251770

>but honestly, anything that can make someone smile, and make someone feel good is worth it, right?
This bitch. NO. Sometimes it's not worth it, take that claptrap and shove it back up Gala Darling's sparkling asshole where it belongs. How can anybody beg for $900 for a costume they'll wear once, especially at this time of year? There are thousands of better uses of $900 that would make many more people happy for longer than just a few hours.

>> No.7251782
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>abloo bloo bloo you don't like something so you are obviously jealous
OP here, its obvious I'm not the only one here who disagrees with people who do this, so I'm obviously not jealous. I've never been lazy enough to not just pay for my own cosplays because I'm an adult and I work for my money to pay for my hobbies.

You also imply that topics on this board aren't ever re-hashed and discussed multiple times. No one asked you to look at my thread. There's even a fancy little "hide thread" button if you'd prefer!

sage for replying to stupidity

>> No.7251820

Knowing how useless and lazy I myself am as a person, my empathy is lacking. I work 40 hours a week in a small-ass town with too many people for its size, directly responsible for products that are edible for consumption from night to morning.

If you want something, you have to consider all the options. Ingenuity is part of the human condition. In other words, unless it's a project with reasonable output, buy your own nerd shit.

>> No.7252445

>dat obviously forced deep voice
>her celty cosplay
>excessive facial contouring makeup

uh huuuhhh

>> No.7252448

Why should men get fap material for free?

>> No.7252458

The way I see things, if morons want to give you money then you should take advantage of them

>> No.7252579

I can understand the logic in that,
but its only ever people with decently sized fanbases that do this shit. which makes it pretty obvious that they are taking advantage of their "fans" and their popularity to get free shit. and as logical it is, it makes them an asshole imo.

>> No.7252625

Pretty sure its a fakeboi.

>> No.7252636

How do I get in on these morons giving me money?

>> No.7252642

Its several different people who do it, but the only ones who end up raising enough funds have both a huge fanbase and sell sexuality. Even a cosplayer with a decently sized fanbase alone, like Kamui might not be able to earn thousands.

>> No.7252707


he's a guy

>> No.7252709

Very small guy, but definitely a guy. (I've met him irl at a con.)

>> No.7252723
File: 342 KB, 586x1048, fakboi x100.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lolno. It doesn't matter what she claims to be, she is a girl. Picture related.

>> No.7252739

why do you want him to be a girl so badly?

>> No.7252887

I could understand your logic if he was trans or something.
But he's not.
He's a male.
Who identifies as a male.
And takes advantage of his feminine features to broaden his cosplay.

Get over it.

>> No.7252898

I think I can spot a woman when I see one.

You have no idea what the fuck that means, do you?

>And takes advantage of his feminine features to broaden his cosplay.
Men don't have hips like that. They also don't contour their faces excessively or lower their voice like a downy to make people think they are a man (which she is not).

>Get over it.
lol. You guys are the only mad ones ITT.

>> No.7252944

I will admit, I made a kickstarter a while back to afford better silicone (platinum) for a mold I was making. On the other hand, they all got lifetime discounts for any casts from that mold, so it was funding for a better product.

I wonder if /cgl/ would have hated me for it.

>> No.7252946

>Men don't have hips like that
Not them but just look up 'large hips male' and you get quite a few.

>> No.7252956

you gay anon
is that why you're so adamant he's a she
embrace your homo; you're among friends

>> No.7252959

Are you a female cosplayer?
If not, they probably would have overlooked it.

>> No.7252971 [DELETED] 

I am female, but the prop was a weapon and all my cosplays are macots/mecha/armor. I'm skinny but not pretty and wear very concealing cosplays, so most people are never aware I'm a girl. Does that count?

>> No.7252976

I am female, but the prop was a weapon and all my cosplays are macots/mecha/armor. I'm skinny but not pretty and wear very concealing cosplays, so most people are never aware I'm a girl. Does that count?

Woops, forgot to delete the name from the other thread.

>> No.7252984

Not anon you're referring to but as a gay male I don't find the person in question attractive due to not looking like a male. Or even just attractive. Logic.

>> No.7252982

>My personal feeling is that if you can't afford it, you shouldn't do it. Work for your money until you can afford it.

Yes. Just Yes. cosplay is a hobbie do you ask people to fund your Xbox playing? No! cause that's fucking retarded! Same thing.

>> No.7252988 [DELETED] 

Fund your own hobbie you lazy fucking brat.

>> No.7252994

It's not just the hips, it's the overall stature/body shape coupled with the girly face. There is really nothing masculine about her at all.

Get out of here Jii
Stop trying to make excuses because it's obvious you're running out

>> No.7253001

Hobby is spelled hobby. And they're paying for an improved product, so I think it balances out. Get the sand out of your cunt.

>> No.7253006

They? Who's they?

>> No.7253033

Dunno, whoever donated I suppose. Just responding to the troll I realize.

>> No.7253052
File: 232 KB, 368x374, tumblr_mtpbaf26mn1qbriyvo5_400.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Feminine-looking men exist.
He's a guy, why are you trying to deny it?
Even if he isn't a guy, what does it matter?

>> No.7253104

since you were giving people quality rewards for donating I doubt many people would have a problem with it.
its the people who ask for 60 bucks in exchange for a printed photo of themselves that we have an issue with

>> No.7253111

I'm lol'ing at your hand-drawn facial hair, Jii.

>> No.7253113

>faggot doesn't understand logic to post, he gayly reads too much into it

>> No.7253159

just gunna leave this here


>> No.7253162

> donate $1000
> get 4 prints of costumes she already has/is making
> some mug actually did this

Oh my.

>> No.7253167

It amazes me that there are actually people out there with this much money to just throw around ....

>> No.7253186

If I had that much money, I'd flat out buy whatever prints I wanted, and then donate it to a better cause.

But whatever floats their boat.

I'd be OPEN to donating money to someone's cosplay stuff. But it would really depend on who and for what. (And if I get anything in return.)
Kamui is making a book by compiling all her tutorials and selling it for $5. However, all the tutorials already exist.
But I'd be willing to buy/donate that $5 because she has given so much back to the cosplay community through her tutorials and stuff.
But donating money to someone so they can buy lingerie and a wig all for the sake of having them look sexy in some photos? I can find plenty of free porn.

>> No.7253401

Why does she insist on caking all that charcoal makeup all over her face? Idgi

>> No.7253751

Why can't they just whore themselves like a normal cosplay slut

>> No.7253942

Not even McDonald is hiring, especially when you have a college degree. Oh yeah, they'll tell you to piss off and apply online along with 300 other applicants.

>Seriously, why people say McDonald is always hiring when clearly in this economy they are not.

>> No.7253961

>bunch of yaoi, avengers, disney shit

confirmed tumblr girl

>> No.7254065 [DELETED] 

>in this economy
>in this economy
>in this economy
Stop using that as a fucking excuse. It's already been confirmed for bullshit. This economy is shit, but it doesn't mean there's not a shit job out there for you to settle on. Suck it up and enough which this fucking economy excuse. It's just an excuse. It's bullshit.

>> No.7254067


>in this economy
>in this economy
>in this economy
Stop using that as a fucking excuse. It's already been confirmed for bullshit. This economy is shit, but it doesn't mean there's not a shit job out there for you to settle on. Suck it up, and enough with this fucking economy excuse. It's just an excuse. It's bullshit.

>> No.7254072

Yeaaahhhh, economy's shit, but I still managed to get a job (Walmart, ugh) with a starting pay above minimum mage with no prior job experience, and only a high school diploma. If you look, and really put yourself out there, you are almost 100% to find a job. It may be garbage, but it's better than nothing.

>> No.7254107

Don't you say this damn phrase. Jobs are every god damn where and there are a shit ton of postings you can find. Your problem isn't that you can't find a job but you can't find a job you like.

>> No.7254235

Not that person, but awhile ago my husband and I were both applying for a bunch of the same jobs. I had no prior experience, he was older with a lot more experience. I got one of the jobs we both applied for, he didn't even get an interview with them. Once you get to be a certain age/have a certain amount of experience you start to hit a barrier with no-entry level jobs wanting you, but not being able to get in to get one of the better jobs in a company.

>> No.7254328

While it's true the economy isn't exactly in the gutter anymore, jobs are not "everywhere".

If you live in an area that's densely populated, you're fucked. If you don't have a car and there's no public transport, you're fucked.

People think "well this place says they're hiring, so there must be jobs right". A lot of chains will pretty much pool applicants so they're not desperately scrounging when someone quits or is fired, this is not a guaranteed sign that they're hiring -right now-.

I've been applying to whatever I can get to and perform well at in my suburban area for nearly 2 years. Walmart, fast food, gas stations. No job.

>> No.7254406

I got hired at McDonalds just the year, and they've continued to hire more people after me. The key to get in with places like that is your availability. They don't just need more people, they need more people who can come in whenever, since most are open 24 hours. I'm talking like middle of the night or 5am. I believe WalMarts in the states must be the same, since they're open 24 hours. I'm from Canada, if that makes any difference.

>> No.7254411

just *this year

>> No.7256303

>If you look, and really put yourself out there, you are almost 100% to find a job. It may be garbage, but it's better than nothing.
>Put yourself out there

"Put yourself out there" is code for pounding the pavement and networking: Two surefire ways they'll say "piss off and apply online", "can't help you bud", of if you tried networking: They won't respond to your correspondance.

I've tried monster, craigslist, linkedin, indeed and I either got silence, rejection, scam recruitment offers, or job offers for commission only life insurance sales.

>> No.7256463

The networking part has always been an issue. If you do not have connections with anyone within the business, then you are out of luck. I was helping someone get a job, any job, but no one would hire. Places like Fry's Electronics and Guitar Center in my area only hire their friends, because all they do is stand around and talk to each other rather than do their job (many male employees hit on females). I partially blame the area, since most of the low entry jobs hire mexicans. Aside from that, there are low entry jobs that require some sort of experience. How can you gain experience if these jobs require experience?

>> No.7256480

Actually, no. I went in, put in an application, called them a few times to ask about it (and by a few, I do mean about seven times or so), and eventually got a call back for an interview. You can't just give an application, then hope for the best. You have to ride them if you want any kind of call back; if you don't, you're no different than the hundreds of other people that have applied. I've never gotten the apply online spiel.
And, like >>7254406 said, your availability is a big plus. If you're only available two or three days a week at very specific times, you can be the best worker, and they're still going to overlook you for the person that can work five days at any given notice.

>> No.7256492

Where did you apply to? Most places only want online apps now.

>> No.7256507

While I don't mind the thread giving you advice for jobs you are proving our point. With you having difficulty finding a job and busting your ass applying are you really that concern with cosplaying to the point where you need to beg for donations

>> No.7256508

Almost all the places in my area (Orlando) want people to apply online. I even had one place that DID accept paper applications, but then if they called you for an interview they also made you do an online application that was the same thing. The explanation the manager gave was that so it's easier to access for everybody in the company.

>> No.7256579

Walmart was my first, and then Publix, a few months ago. Both have application machines in store. So you don't really go to a manager or someone unless you're asking about your application, or you have an interview.