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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 1.16 MB, 1280x1920, 1363811142478.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7250951 No.7250951[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Old thread reached image limit.

Topics discussed in previous thread:
>Homestuck .gifs? Are there any good ones?
>God Tiers

Topics of discussion
> Any Homestuck cosplays that you are working on right now?
> Any upcoming cons?
> Seen any good cosplays lately that we've overlooked?

>> No.7250959
File: 524 KB, 1280x1707, 1369877531487.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's not insanely hard to do but great for flaunting yourself. Adaptable according to how much you want to show and how hard you want to go.

If not her then definitely one of the beforus girls.

>> No.7250963
File: 712 KB, 1200x770, 1368138363614.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7250990

Casting a vote for Porrim if that anon has the skills to do her right.

>> No.7250997
File: 720 KB, 1280x1757, 1358218659787.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, Aranea is definately easier but if anons' got the body and the skill then Porrim.

>> No.7251100


If the idea is to show off, Porrim is the way to go provided you can do it really well. Porrim is also easier to fancy-up which is an instant ticket to more reblogs, if anon is feeling even more vindictive.

>> No.7251121


Sorry you got cheated on but I think this is a shitty reason to want to cosplay something. Put the budget towards a costume that you want to do.

>> No.7251298
File: 70 KB, 611x815, 1387577065718.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Today on guess the homestuck cosplay.

>> No.7251312

obviously OP wants to do this cosplay, otherwise she wouldn't be in here asking for suggestions. people cosplay to show off their body all the time, and i don't think trying to get back at a cheating SO is the worst thing ever.

>> No.7251325

is the op even into homestuck? it sounded to me like they weren't. which makes this pretty lame.

>> No.7251326

literally who cares

>> No.7251330

The condesce

>> No.7251333

I don't care but i sure do wish i had $500 bucks to blow on a revenge costume that has the added stigma of a hated fandom attached to it.

>> No.7251339
File: 10 KB, 202x228, 1387579159756.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So what's everyones opinion on this?

Is the giga pause finally going to be over?

Pic related

>> No.7251411


Thats been his twitter thing forever.

>> No.7251817
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>> No.7251957

Source on her?

>> No.7251958

Pretty sure that's mostflogged. Those lumpy horns tho.

>> No.7251963

Totes mostflogged. I'd recognize her nose anywhere.

>> No.7251968

Speaking of mostflogged, why the fuck is she so popular? I mean, she's kinda attractive, but not drop dead gourgeous or anything and her costumes are usually shit or close to it. So, why does she seem to be so popular?

>> No.7251984

She seems to be attractive enough to be popular and has a lot of cosplays and outfits, I think.

>> No.7251995

Because tits, from what I can gather.

>> No.7252000

It's her attractiveness and her connections with decent photographers most likely. And tbf in this fandom you don't have to be the best seamstress to be popular. She also knows how to pose/hold her body which is evident in the mom/bro/roxy/dirk shoot where she's the only one who knows how to not look like she's just standing there.

imo only her homestuck cosplays are that shitty. I actually like some of her other stuff like her plugsuit. I think she knows she can get away with half-assing her homestuck stuff and still get tons of attention.

>> No.7252058
File: 232 KB, 1171x2000, karkat3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey guys, play-anon here. I just wanted to thank y'all for taking your time to give me some advice! Hopefully, what I have is semi-decent?

>> No.7252259

Condy or Feferi, I guess?

>> No.7252331

i think its good, going on what you had, the horns aren't the best though, in shape and in colour. but its still good for the resources you had.
also, did the play go over well? has it even happened yet?

>> No.7252340

I don't think she's hot, but plenty of people do and nearly all of her outfits are reveling or skimpy in some way. Doesn't she sell photos of herself too, or was that just a rumor?

>> No.7252396

I think she sells prints.

>> No.7252418
File: 498 KB, 500x269, mrfox and wolf HEY HEY.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, I'm doing it today. But I feel ready, so I hope it'll go down well.

>> No.7252547
File: 1.07 MB, 320x240, tumblr_mw46mpG2521r8xd9ao2_400.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7252548

You look pretty good! If you plan on wearing Karkat again, I would definitely suggest fluffing up the wig some more. Maybe try holding chunks of wig fiber and spraying them with got2b hairspray. Your wig's got a nice anime look to it, but Karkat's hairstyle is kinda...crazier. So don't be afraid to be a little more ambitious with the styling. You've got a fantastic grumpy expression for him from what it looks like, though!

>> No.7252550

yoooo i loove this make up for porrim

>> No.7252633

But those eyebrows though. Like, I think I'd really like it if here eyebrows weren't done that way. It just looks so bad to me, but maybe that's just personal preference.

>> No.7252638

The eyeshadow is nice, yeah, but the wig is terrible.

>> No.7253283

/r/ some John Egbert cosplays?

>> No.7253298

has it happened yet? haha i'm really excited to hear about it tbh.

>> No.7253317
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>> No.7253392
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lol uh

>> No.7253403


holy shit.

>> No.7253417


>> No.7253438

yep i'm pretty sure exactly zero people asked for this

>> No.7253495

Oh no.
>EB: I'm the same now?!! O-okay...
Oh... no.

>> No.7253497
File: 10 KB, 181x184, 1387413110487.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am sick of seeing Attack on Titan crossed over with everything.

I am sick of seeing Homestuck crossed over with everything.

>> No.7253498
File: 217 KB, 395x294, efe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

watching their "kissing" makes me uncomfortable alone.
everything else just multiplies my discomfort. holy shit.

>> No.7253809

Final update should be later today.

>> No.7253855



>> No.7253885

and where did you hear this? please provide evidence.

>> No.7253888
File: 78 KB, 1280x854, 1387721855569.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And this is why you use lace fronts. The wig just looks so awkward.

Though the horns are very nice.

>> No.7253990

how do you know?

>> No.7254006

this is driving me insane

>> No.7254008

Guys, I'm pretty sure it's a joke. Same as when people would post UPDATE in the thread earlier in the year. Breathe.

>> No.7254011
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>> No.7254081

hows this for a vriska

>> No.7254082
File: 102 KB, 600x800, vriskaserket.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot pic

>> No.7254088

Nothing really too special.

>> No.7254087

horns too large, inaccurate glasses, wig shouldnt be curly, symbol looks too dark, no blue lipstick, inaccurate jacket

>> No.7254089
File: 393 KB, 480x640, 1342984227986.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this vris is one of my faves if I remember correctly from the thumbnail

>> No.7254091

How hard should I hate myself for mistaking aranea for a vriska at comicfiesta last night?

>> No.7254094

it depends on how shitty the cosplay was.

>> No.7254098

lol you saved the edit someone made to make it look like she wet her pants

>> No.7254099
File: 1.66 MB, 766x976, aranea cosplay.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it was my bad, I haven't read hs past the 5k mark lol

here's a pic I took with my shitty phone, no camera soz

>> No.7254101

holy fuck, I didnt even notice that. anyone have the original?

>> No.7254197
File: 90 KB, 480x640, -u- in bed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for the advice! I might wear Karkat again if ever my friend wants me to come to a meet-up of sorts.

It has! My voice genuinely started cracking a bit throughout the play since the script involved me screaming at the beginning. Generally it went pretty well although John went on scene at the wrong cue, so we had to do some quick improvisation there, hehe. The links given for Karkat's personality were really helpful.

>> No.7254495

/r/ing some Serkets. Vriska or Aranea.

>> No.7254508
File: 400 KB, 1280x1920, 1353826662350.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7254563

That's great, anon! Hope you had fun!

>> No.7254735

I did! Thank you.

>> No.7254796
File: 192 KB, 960x960, uuuuu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>puff paint

>> No.7254894
File: 87 KB, 720x960, 12746726435.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Different anon but TBQF as far as local Homestuck cosers go she's pretty alright. The quality of Malaysian HS cosplays is not very high in general anyway.
(Surprised to see another Malaysiastuck on /cgl/ though, hello.)

>> No.7254898

At least they didn't put it on their face too.

>> No.7255033

Working on a porrim cosplay currently, do any of y'all have any tips for covering eyebrows so that I can do a higher arch? my brows are fairly thin so it shouldn't be difficult but I still want them looking as smooth as possible.

>> No.7255043

I can't vouch for this myself, but I hear it works.

>> No.7255075
File: 1.14 MB, 800x4606, 1387772352595.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7255081

that looks like garbage.

>> No.7255092


if I looked that bad after doing something I sure as hell wouldn't make a tutorial


google how theater people do it. cosplayers constantly reinventing the wheel is why so many of them look like trash. get some theatrical makeup and wax

>> No.7255260

The... wig? Looks interesting, at least.

>> No.7255331


>> No.7255660
File: 847 KB, 465x699, ucvbejbon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it was my first time at cf this year, so i was pretty surprised to see any HS cosplayers at all
(also hello)

>> No.7255677
File: 69 KB, 720x540, 876732933.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That was pretty much my reaction last year to be quite honest, since at CF2011 there were a grand total of two cosplayers (a Karkat and Nepeta) and then suddenly like 30++ Homestucks at CF2012.
How did you like your first CF btw? Hope it wasn't too overwhelming for you, I had a friend from overseas with me this year and she needed some time to adjust to the size of the con on the Saturday-- it's a far cry from what she remembered from CF2008.

>> No.7255688

It was as expected I guess, although quite less merch than I'd hope. The first HS cosplayer that I saw was Kanaya and it was really good, shame I was too busy being excited that I forgot to take a pic lol
Highlight of the whole thing was definitely when another random guy recognizes me as a homestuck (I wasn't cosplaying) just because I said the word 'abscond' to my friend.

Also where did you find a lot of them in a group? I swear last saturday was mostly filled with me walking around just trying to find some HS cosplayers

>> No.7255769


>> No.7255799

Homestuck merch? At CF? Nah man you're asking too much. This is Malaysia, cosplays from popular western media is only starting to gain traction, nevermind something like Homestuck that's mostly an internet thing. There was one booth selling Homestuck merch this year, I think it was the same one from AMG earlier this year, but that was about it.
I didn't hang out with the Homestucks this year because I've had several bad experiences with several members of the local comm, so I can't help you there sorry ): The photo in >>7255677 is from CF2012.
(If you want to network with the local comm, try the Homestuck Malaysia group on FB or the malaysiastuck tumblr.)

>> No.7255812

I dunno, I could actually like the puff paint if it were done neatly and not all over the place as they have done it. I think it's a cool idea which would look neat if executed properly (has anyone done it)?

>> No.7255834

I couldn't get through a minute of this no no no

>> No.7255852

you've got to be kidding me, I can't even find a mere badge related to HS. ffs, I hope they'll do it again next year.
Hah, what happened? I'm guessing they were being rude to you or something? Most of the hs cosplayers I met are pretty nice, so idk
Also, do you happen to know the bands that performed on sunday? the website isn't much help

>> No.7255906 [DELETED] 

They might have run out by the time you got to them. They're mega illusive because the fanbase here is maybe 200+ people at most, but I've found and gotten HS merch at events here before.
I'm probably outing myself by giving even vague details but no, for the most part it wasn't them being rude to me. It was mostly groping and inappropriate touching that I was mega uncomfortable with, even after I'd told them a few times that I've got a personal bubble a mile wide and I do not like being touched by people I'm not close to. I can deal with being made to hug them because they never remember that I hate hugs, but I can't stand the random touching.

>> No.7255909
File: 46 KB, 720x540, 969682328.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They might have run out by the time you got to them. They're mega illusive because the fanbase here is maybe 200+ people at most, but I've found and gotten HS merch at events here before.
I'm probably outing myself by giving even vague details but no, for the most part it wasn't them being rude to me. It was mostly groping and inappropriate touching that I was mega uncomfortable with, even after I'd told them a few times that I've got a personal bubble a mile wide and I do not like being touched by people I'm not close to. I can deal with being made to hug them because they never remember that I hate hugs, but I can't stand the random touching.
Also sorry, I wouldn't know-- I spent most of my time camping in either hall 5 or 6, my feet were dead by halfway through Saturday.

>> No.7256715
File: 62 KB, 900x600, 1387841733740.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Requesting some Rosemary, the good, the bad, the ugly.

>> No.7256722
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>> No.7256736 [DELETED] 
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>> No.7256742
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Used a similar technique to that with this makeup test, it turned out okay

>> No.7256788

is this chola vriska

>> No.7256837 [DELETED] 

i don't recommend you use that type of make-up, like >>7256788 said, it looks like chola vriska

as well as the fact thats much more suited for porrim and looks WAY too old for vriska

another thing is use cerulean blue eyelashes (its possible to alter a cheap pair and make them that colour) and be sure to use a blue liner around her eyes (blue and other coloured liners are hard to find, but if you wet a small make-up brush, angled or just an eyeliner brush, you can use eyeshadow as a liner)

i hope this helps you in anyway,

>> No.7256841
File: 53 KB, 1380x900, vvvvvvvvriska.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i don't recommend you use that type of make-up, like >>7256788 said, it looks like chola vriska

as well as the fact thats much more suited for porrim and looks WAY too old for vriska

another thing is use cerulean blue eyelashes (its possible to alter a cheap pair and make them that colour) and be sure to use a blue liner around her eyes (blue and other coloured liners are hard to find, but if you wet a small make-up brush, angled or just an eyeliner brush, you can use eyeshadow as a liner)

i hope this helps you in any way,

>> No.7256844

The reason it works for Porrim is because it is a goth sort of thing.

>> No.7256871

Well yes, but i didn't ask for how it works for Porrim, but thank you anyway

>> No.7256962

This looks like absolute shit. Why did you think this looked good, especially for a character like Vriska?

>> No.7256969

seriously ese

>> No.7257189

headcanon alpha kids go

>> No.7257190
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>> No.7257193
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>> No.7257199

Really? They're your headcanon Dirk?

Then again none of the other three look too impressive either.

>> No.7257200

I cannot even fathom how angry seeing bobby pinned fake-bangs makes me.

>> No.7257214

I want to cosplay Meenah but I'm unsure what wig to use for her. Any suggestions would be great.

>> No.7257229

>this group

>> No.7257448

Chola-vriska anon here, lol. I chose to do the eyebrows mostly to see if I could use that kind of technique and have it look semi-decent, and honestly, I still kind of liked the effect it gave. Permanent bitch face was pretty fun to play around with on Vriska. I do agree it might be too old a look for a young character though, thanks for your help with the bue eyeliner thing, but I couldnt kind any lashes and I just used some shitty blue mascara that day.

The difference between what I did and what that tutorial did was I used layers of gluestick and powder until it was smooth. I wouldnt suggest it for thinning normal eyebrows, and probably not for non-facepainted cosplays. It did crease a little when I moved my eyebrows too much, hence why I exaggerated the brow arch so.

>> No.7257505

I've seen this cosplayer before irl I think

>> No.7257524
File: 1.51 MB, 1280x960, dumb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This has 15,343 notes

and i don't fucking get it
it could've been good if the cosplay wasn't crap

>those fucking stockings piss me off everytime i see them

>> No.7257529

ok so, i need some advice. about a year ago i used to run an ask irl *insert character blog* it was alright. had about 380 followers. but then my interest in homestuck lingered and i abandoned it. i just came back to it to find i still have 125 followers. i still love the character i cosplayed and im thinking f bringing the blog back and even roleplaying as him again. i wasnt the best cosplayer of the character compared to others but people still enjoyed my interpretation of him. i need some advice on bringing this blog back and attracting some followers again.

>> No.7257534

You can't even really SEE much of or any of the cosplay at all. Hell, from the thumbnail I just thought it was just some random girl and not a Roxy cosplay!

>> No.7257539

i kNOW
it just looks like some chick in the bathroom wITH A BOTTLE OF TEQUILA AND I AM MAD

>> No.7257541


Cosplay ask blogs are a blight on humanity.

Do everyone a favor and delete it.

>> No.7257545

Can't give cosplay advice if you don't post a photo of your current cosplay. That said, most cosplay ask blogs use terrible makeup and costumes.

>> No.7257547

Do everyone a favor and don't be a cunt about peoples hobbies.

>> No.7257548 [DELETED] 
File: 391 KB, 1280x960, 1387898661611.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why does everyone assume that throwing on black pants and a leather jacket suddenly makes something 50stuck?

>> No.7257550
File: 391 KB, 1280x960, 1387898805311.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Leather jacket + black pants = 50stuck, guys.

>> No.7257551

im currently in the fine tuning phase of bringing this cosplay back to life (its 1:30am and im dead) its not a troll or anyone that needs excessive make up. im just thinking of ways to draw my audience back again.

>> No.7257554

make gifs
tumblr loves gifs

>> No.7257578

but they are even in front of a diner
its so obviously perfect anon gosh

>> No.7257601

y rnt dey grey

>> No.7257722

Cosplay ask blogs can be pretty bad.

They can be.

>> No.7257941

In honor of the season...

Are there any good, or at least cute/pretty Christmas themed HS cosplays? Or even some cosplays in the snow?

>> No.7258174
File: 307 KB, 820x508, letsbesantatier1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That one Meulin is the one that immediately comes to mind. I was kind of hoping someone would do cospslays of these designs.

>> No.7258176
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>> No.7258178
File: 195 KB, 2048x1357, 1387930044045.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll post whatever winter-y I have.

>> No.7258179
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>> No.7258181
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>> No.7258186
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>> No.7258190
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>> No.7258192
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>> No.7258193
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>> No.7258197
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>> No.7258198
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>> No.7258199
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>> No.7258201
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>> No.7258202
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>> No.7258203
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>> No.7258212
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>> No.7258265
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>> No.7258274


those eyebrows are killing it for me

>> No.7258292

same, if they were a medium brown it wouldn't be so bad, but its just pITCH BLaCK

>> No.7258324

if you're a strider then we've probably talked shit about you, you know. AFAIK no one on cgl has ever seen a good strider ask blog

>> No.7258352


and they clearly blackened them further for some reason

>> No.7258353

Its not the time to make a revival. The fandom is dead and its just embarrassing to cling onto for little bits of popularity.
Try something new, do you like SnK?

>> No.7258363


not the person you're responding to, but I know plenty of people dont really like any of the current "popular" fandoms. nothing's cropped up recently that's nearly as interesting.

>> No.7258365

It's not uncommon to interpret the Strider eyebrows as very dark, though I definitely think he would have been better off with a dark/medium brown. I like the cosplay otherwise, though.

>> No.7258540

On the topic of Striders

/r/ing some Dirk cosplays, the good, the bad, and the ugly. Hoping to cosplay Dirk more, looking to see what's good and what's not so good.

>> No.7258573
File: 34 KB, 500x375, EW .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fucking sprite cosplay gets on my nerves cause NO ONE does it right except for a few select people. people try to make them all fancy and shit and it turns out horrible like how does shit like this aradiasprite get thousands of notes on tumblr and everywhere else, it is fucked up

>> No.7258672
File: 372 KB, 1259x1920, 1351631763341.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7258691

Augh, this girl goes to my local con and she is a straight up bitch. Very full of herself too, to be honest. Her god tier Tavros is actually pretty good, but that's honestly the only cosplay she's ever done kind of well.

>> No.7258700
File: 143 KB, 208x400, tavros god tier cosplay.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7258710


why are the colors backwards

>> No.7258716

idk but it looks kinda stupid, it was one of her first cosplays right ??

>> No.7258913
File: 60 KB, 423x750, 1387957186028.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yo man

>> No.7259209

The shoes are kind of throwing me off, since they should be red like the rest of the outfit. Otherwise, this is pretty cool.

>> No.7259789

I kind of want to see more of them. Was there a group?

>> No.7260575

Source on the Signless?

>> No.7260640

i didn't think it was possible not to recognize cowbuttcrunchies' signless, but i guess i was wrong

>> No.7261020
File: 71 KB, 650x450, 03947.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So. 2013 is almost over. Let's discuss:
>What Homestuck cosplays have you done this year?
>Do you still plan to do Homestuck cosplays next year, and if so, which cosplays?

I've just done John, Dirk, and Dave, a few outfits for each. I should probably get around to Jake at some point so I will have done at least one outfit for the Alpha and Beta boys. I've also yet to do a troll cosplay, but that's due to my lack of confidence with makeup skills. Finally, I'd like to do more John cosplays, since he's my favorite kid.

What about you guys?

>> No.7261024


>What Homestuck cosplays have you done this year?
Kanaya, though no canon outfits.
Cronus (going to do him again real soon)
And also a spontaneous and mindless Dave because eh

>Do you still plan to do Homestuck cosplays next year, and if so, which cosplays?
Yes! I have yet to actually sew anything for my cosplays, so I'm planning a GT Cronus (you've probably seen me around here before, I've been asking about bards and stuff) with a friend. Also I want to do a canon outfit Kanaya and some other stuff.

>> No.7261041

I said "fuck it" to Dirk, but still going to use the wig and shades and do Bro. I feel like Bro is gonna be a lot more fun to do. I like Dirk, but the dude is kind of depressing.

I'm also working on Gamzee. I used a Jareth from Arda. It's a fucking curly mess and I love it. I might need to do some work to make it stick out more. I still need to get off my ass and make the horns and get the sweatpants/shoes. Also armsocks. Fuck me. How hard are armsocks to make? I've painted my hands/arms before. I ain't goin' back to that shit.

>> No.7261051

Armsocks aren't hard as much as they're time consuming and takes precision. Also they're highly depending on the quality of the tights you use. I suggest making a test arm out of a throwaway pair before cutting in your final pairs.

>> No.7261057

I got them from WeLoveColors, are those good enough quality? They seem pretty good.

On Bro, though, what's the general thought on zentai suits? I've never seen a Guardian with a zentai suit that I actually liked, can they be done well or is it better to just not waste your time with it?

>> No.7261070

I hardly see Bro done in a zentai suit at all, maybe like once. I'd say go for it.

>> No.7261082

Can be, but I just generally am not too fond of the zentai look. I suggest you get good with your makeup skills instead, most mistakes people do when they don't zentai is that their face looks way too... "human" in a sense. I don't know how to explain it. You need really even skin to pull it off I guess.

>> No.7261163

>What Homestuck cosplays have you done this year?
Eridan, R63!Kanaya, R63!Rose, Bro, and I pulled a quick Dave out of my closet for a small event if that counts. I was also halfway through GT!Dirk before I gave up on doing him to the con I'd planned to.
>Do you still plan to do Homestuck cosplays next year, and if so, which cosplays?
I still need to shoot Eridan, R63!Kanaya and R63!Rose before I retire them for good, and I want to finish up GT!Dirk and shoot him too. Aside from that I'm not quite sure, I might try for GT!Tavros or the Summoner but I think I'm pretty done with Homestuck cosplays on a whole for the time being.

Those tights should be alright. I agree with >>7261051 though, definitely make a test pair first to at least get the technique and shit down, you'll be thankful for the chance to experiment a bit before cutting into your good pair.

>> No.7261204

Can I /r/ Aradias and Damaras with great horns? I found a design I could have digitally printed and I know there's room for interpretation with their horns because of panel variation, but I'd like to see the shape most people go for before I buy.

>> No.7261241

I don't have a pic, but most people just buy some Halloween goat demon horns and paint them. You recognize them if you see them, and they just look bad.

So, really, with that being the common thing and their horns being drawn going every which way, as long as you make something that well constructed and clean, you should be good.

>> No.7261258

Yeah, I know the horns you mean. I prefer the more authentic ram look as opposed to the kind of swirly butterfly-antennae shape you see on Aradia's sprite (pic related). I just didn't know if I would get railed for straying from canon.

>> No.7261259
File: 980 KB, 900x643, 1388088974729.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dropped my pic, that's embarrassing.

>> No.7261271

I personally prefer horns closer to that for Megidos, but, like I said, just don't buy those stupid party city horns and make sure whatever you do use is cleanly made and you should be fine.

I think it's safe to say people will just appreciate good horns even if they aren't exactly what is depicted in canon. At least when it comes to the Megidos, who clearly have some sort of magic power to change the direction of their horns.

>> No.7261337
File: 35 KB, 500x281, tumblr_myfm6nxfOe1rui146o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7261563
File: 824 KB, 488x336, v2w5cl.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What Homestuck cosplays have you done this year?

Roxy? maybe? It's been a while and too many unfinished HS costumes.

>Do you still plan to do Homestuck cosplays next year, and if so, which cosplays?

If I ever get the inspiration I'd love to do a Peixes bingo, Callie Ohpeee, and Fefetasprite.

>> No.7261573

>What Homestuck cosplays have you done this year?
I'm just gonna count older ones I rewore for shootings this year too, so:
Rose, GT!Roxy, Dirk with a borrowed wig, borrowed Gamzee cosplay, Karkat, Kankri, Kanaya, Porrim, Damara, Callie Ohpeee and fem!Equius I didn't get to wear yet.

>Do you still plan to do Homestuck cosplays next year, and if so, which cosplays?
Want to finish Grimdark!Rose, Cronus, my own Gamzee cosplay, Dirk and GT!Aradia. Sounds like more than it actually is, though.
I'd also like to tackle a Dolorosa cosplay next year..if I can. Possibly Aradiabot too, before HS gets completely irrelevant.

>> No.7261603

>What Homestuck cosplays have you done this year?

R63! Sollux, Jane and Meenah. was gonna do Vriska but ran out of time/money

>Do you still plan to do Homestuck cosplays next year, and if so, which cosplays?

my gf and I were planning on moving away from hs cosplay next year but we still have a ton we want to do, so I'll probably end up finishing vriska, revamping/rewearing meenah, and maybe do sollux and kanaya. I'd love to do a mindfang cosplay too but my skills aren't that good yet

>> No.7261717

do you guys have any tips on cutting roses bangs so they dont look like shit? i just got my wig for her in the mail and i have a couple ideas on how to do it but i want to get some other opinions first

>> No.7261739

Hold the scissors vertically and never horizontally.

>> No.7261787
File: 119 KB, 1024x811, 1388112829648.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What Homestuck cosplays have you done this year?

Just Aradia, Terezi and Vriska. I've started shifting back into Video Game cosplay for the time being.

>Do you still plan to do Homestuck cosplays next year, and if so, which cosplays?
Not really. If anything, I'll probably re-wear an old Dave, but other than that nothing completely new. I would rather wait until the last few flames of the local comm have been extinguished.

>> No.7261822


>What Homestuck cosplays have you done this year?

Rule 63 Jake English, re-vamped and actually got good shots of my Cronus (and a human version for a meetup), and Starter Jade.

>Do you still plan to do Homestuck cosplays next year, and if so, which cosplays?

I for sure want to do Iron Lass Jade and Sn0wman. Maybe LOFAF Jade (blue dress and sweater) if I have time/money.

>> No.7262109

Got a source on the Meulin?

>> No.7262157
File: 85 KB, 500x666, tumblr_mxze5hq4fM1rzled7o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7262197
File: 46 KB, 640x480, CLEANSEITWITHFIRE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fucking hate when cosplayers overdo the blush for trolls. That shit doesn't even look good.

>> No.7262199

almost everything about her makeup annoys me in some way...

>> No.7262208
File: 260 KB, 665x700, hs_kan_sewing.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What Homestuck cosplays have you done this year?
I only cosplayed as Kanaya this year. It was my first one from homestuck and I had a lot of fun with it~

>Do you still plan to do Homestuck cosplays next year, and if so, which cosplays?
I have plans for Peregrine Mendicant and maybe GT Nepeta.

>> No.7262211

she painted over her cupid's bow ???

>> No.7262219

>What Homestuck cosplays have you done this year?
John, Jade, Feferi, Vriska, Wizardly Vassal, and Aranea. Multiple/AU outfits for some, though.

>Do you still plan to do Homestuck cosplays next year, and if so, which cosplays?
Ehh, I've been getting more into anime cosplays, but I'm planning on doing Damara for sure and redoing my Feferi. I have an Obey Jane costume that I never got around to wearing, so I might throw that on for a con that I need a filler for. I might do the Disciple, and I have the urge to cosplay the rest of the female beta trolls, but probably nothing else all that major unless I'm struck with love and inspiration from the newer updates.

>> No.7262271
File: 486 KB, 1024x1536, 1388134911417.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What Homestuck cosplays have you done this year?
Redid Default Roxy twice, God Tier Roxy, Default Jade, Porrim, and Aradia were the only ones I managed this year.

>Do you still plan to do Homestuck cosplays next year, and if so, which cosplays?
2014 is going to be the year of Homestuck/webcomics for me, since I'm actually going to have time to pick up all the projects I put on hold because of family drama.
To-Do MSPA-wise is redoing Porrim since I'm not in love with how the dress turned out, Roxy Bingo/Blackout, Jade's 3AM & Dead Shuffle, Kanaya because I really want to try my hand at her wig, and possibly Demimonde Semi-Goddess if I have time.

>> No.7262426

I don't understand this.

>> No.7262453
File: 242 KB, 600x650, 1378150627392.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What Homestuck cosplays have you done this year?

This year I did Jade's default outfit.

>Do you still plan to do Homestuck cosplays next year, and if so, which cosplays?

I think so!! I got a sewing machine for Christmas, and I really want to start sewing asap! (If you anons could recommend easy-tier hs cosplays I would really appreciate that.)

I won't be attending too many conventions in 2014, maybe two at the very most. I'd like to do Jade's god-tier outfit if I manage to get the hang of sewing. I've always wanted to do Roxy, and quite possibly a troll, though the paint makes me nervous!

>> No.7262626
File: 939 KB, 800x571, 1388162979593.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For as many cosplays as this group does, something about them always bugs me.

>> No.7262631


that sollux's face bugs me

>> No.7262638


The Sollux's face is unfortunate

Feferi's wig, crown and glasses make her look like she has downs.

>> No.7262646


sollux has fangs, not an overbite

>> No.7262648
File: 607 KB, 800x533, 1388163399597.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At least they got rid of their horrible prosthetic teeth for that photoset.

>> No.7262677

The Feferi's forehead and crown placement bugs me.

Also nobody seems to be able to get Feferi's skirt colour right.

>> No.7262683
File: 193 KB, 500x750, tumblr_mb83od6cCK1qfoaa2o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


yea those arent right either, the captors' front teeth arent the ones that are fangs

more like this

>> No.7262686
File: 181 KB, 1280x853, 1388164639628.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

or this

>> No.7262689
File: 255 KB, 700x1064, 1388164736076.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/r/ing good captors?

>> No.7262698
File: 169 KB, 950x633, 1388165046988.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7262701
File: 2.12 MB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Speaking of horns, HSG, I got a question for you.

How BIG do you like your horns? For me personally, I kind of like petite horns. I mean, the sprites are so out of proportion anyhow, and then heromode isn't terribly much better.

I kind of like thinking of them like little bug antennae? Mine are never larger than my palm or longer than the spread of my hand, and they tend to be recieved well. Suits my head/face better I think? I hate really big, awkward ones.

Reason I ask is... I have a set of Aradia horns no bigger than the curve of my hand. They're clips that settle into the wig, and they're cute and subtle, but the question is, are they TOO small?

Post some nice horn proportions!

>> No.7262704
File: 187 KB, 1280x857, 1388165348853.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7262706
File: 261 KB, 650x450, Time_Stop.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Those might be a little small. Consider...

>> No.7262764

Those are way too small.

>> No.7262797

I figured! Just thought I'd ask.
Made by somebody who normally does Ren Faire horns, They were painted those colors already so I picked them up for wearing during Halloween.

Argh, I've got Peixes horns downpat, but I don't now if I trust myself making bigass ram's horns.

Thanks HSG!

>> No.7262802

Good luck!

Also, just to point out, the ones above are a little too red, I think. The horns do get fairly dark, but I don't think they ever actually get what you would call "red".

>> No.7262832

no i dont think so,, sorry

>> No.7262874

IMO you can stretch it more depending on how realistic you go. I think textured horns tend to look better in a toning from a more rusty red rather than just orange. Especially if the grooves are darker.

To anon asking about horns: I think that for Aradia you might be able to get away with about palm sized horns at the smallest, but they need to be rather three dimensional in that case so that they poke out from the wig properly.

>> No.7263224


>> No.7263453

Also /r/ing some Captors.

>> No.7263573

yeah, a lot of people do that
its to achieve different looking lips

have you never seen that before?

>> No.7263601
File: 11 KB, 634x402, example idk its crap srry.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i am in love with the shape of them! but yeah they are way too small, i think a good size for them is something like pic related (sorry i just drew it)
imo i think that in pic related is a good size for megido horns

>> No.7263626
File: 19 KB, 650x450, Vriskahussnasty.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, but why?
That lip shape is too "cutesy" for someone like Vriska. Plus, Vriska already has a defined cupid's bow in canon (see pic) so intentionally shaping your lips like that makes no sense.

>> No.7263632

i have no idea why, i'm just reponding like that b/c the question was way too non-specicfic.

(also maybe fuller lips compliments her face shape more idk tho)

>> No.7263639

She clearly wasn't going by the hussnasty image. She didn't even do any blue eye makeup.

So, while your argument is valid, I really doubt expecting her makeup to be done well is worth it.

As for why, she's probably just copying either something she saw on tumblr or something she does with her makeup normally and thinking it will work.

>> No.7263660

I'm more concerned about those horrible freckles.

>> No.7263669

I think that just goes without saying.

It seems to be the concensus that troll freckles are never a good idea and just don't really work. Be it from the perspective of people not knowing how they do it, or that none of them go out in the sun except for Kanaya. They just don't make sense, and don't look good.

And, I like freckles on people, so yeah

>> No.7263918

Requesting Meulins with big, voluminous wigs. I don't think my wig is fluffy enough and the only decent pictures I'm getting from google are of the Meulins who get posted here constantly. I'd like some reference variety if anyone can contribute.

>> No.7264040

Haha, thanks Anon!! That's adorable, and very helpful. I love the shape too. Unfortunately I didn't actually make them.

They're rad tho, cast in resin and very light. I might model mine after the little ones and just kind of angle them out a bit.

>> No.7264048

I've heard people calling them moonspots. Or scales/bio-luminescence on seadwellers. But the truth is 99% of them are done really awfully. Big nasty dots on the cheeks like zits.
Freckles are supposed to be faint, barely there. And ALL OVER, not just in little circles on the cheeks.

>> No.7264184
File: 7 KB, 225x224, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7264185
File: 868 KB, 720x960, 1388214862498.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7264457

Let's see more Meulins.

>> No.7264970
File: 189 KB, 1024x769, 1388259662479.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7265182

There is not a thing about this that I like. Everything from the Hershey kiss horns to the single bang to her nose to the freckles are terrible.

>> No.7265206

bwahaha, it looks like someone piped her horns out using a pastry bad
>dem bangs

>> No.7265251

This is so fucking terrible jfc

>> No.7265256

Why does she even keep popping up in these threads we all just agreed it's just not a good looking cosplay.

>> No.7265258

>all that terrible shooping to make her skinnier

I mean if you're going to make it that obvious you might as well not do it.

>> No.7265301

Oh fucking christ I didn't even notice that, but I sure do now. Why would the cosplayer even post this picture on the internet? They can't possibly think they look good.

>> No.7265317

Usually the reason is either selfposting or a friend who thinks they deserve to be tumblr famous.

>> No.7265321

Seriously though it would be one thing if they were posted multiple time and no one gave a shit but every time they are posted people just barf all over it.
It is an insanely counter-productive strategy.

>> No.7265324

This. Either that or the image was uploaded here by someone who doesn't like the cosplayer to begin with and knew we'd all tear it apart as we have in the past.

>> No.7265330
File: 67 KB, 1024x683, 1388274201793.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mean 10/10 top tier shooping on her man, can't even tell she's actually 40 pounds heavier than that.

(Also why do people think that shooping out facial wrinkles will make them look better rather than like a creepy alien?)

>> No.7265537

Is she the Sayaka? Tbh that top is amazingly unflattering so it may have nothing to so with her weight.

>> No.7265551

i just revisited my first troll cosplay and oh god i sucked

>> No.7265559
File: 238 KB, 800x1224, 1388283974648.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no, she's not. the seam in the cement blocks actually dips in next to her waist. how can she actually post these photos, oh my god

>> No.7265566

Okay then if she's Kyoko, I really don't get the theoretical weight issue here. That top is puckery as fuck but she's still skinny.

>> No.7265571

You don't see the shoop of her waist? Look at the wall to the left of her waist area.

>> No.7265572
File: 59 KB, 1024x683, what.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do you seriously not see the shit shoop

>> No.7265576

i'm fucking cracking up right now holy shit

>> No.7265589

Anyone have an unshooped photo of her for comparison?

>> No.7265684


those are some clean seams

>> No.7265747


both of those cosplayers have very clean work

>> No.7265907

Uh. I think anon is talking about the Psiionic, not the chubs who try to shoop themselves thinner.

>> No.7265943

*high five first homestuck cosplay!* I made my first one this year, too. I cosplayed the Condesce and I plan on bringing her to cons next year as well since I just finished her.

>Do you still plan to do Homestuck cosplays next year, and if so, which cosplays?
Next year I hope to cosplay the Dolorosa & Vriska. Also can't decide if I want to do Dress of Eclectica or Dogtier Jade. Hehe...I just started reading HS this year and I have so many plans just as it's starting to die down...

>> No.7265947

Don't let the troll makeup scare you! Just do your research, take the time to apply the makeup well before you plan on going about at the con (do a test run at home, too!) and please for the love of god seal it. That being said here's a good guide to start off. ---> http://www.mspaforums.com/showthread.php?29866-Homestuck-Related-Cosplay&p=4167924&viewfull=1#post4167924

>> No.7265954


so was I - that Psiioniic's cosplay partner has great craftsmanship too, their costumes are great

>> No.7265997
File: 187 KB, 774x1032, 1388298895424.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just found my first ever troll cosplay. horns too slanted, paint on the shirt, general shitty pose.

>> No.7266010

There's also the matter of the lackluster wig, badly painted/attached/made horns, weird fitting shirt, poorly painted symbol, and inaccurate shoes.
I'm really not entirely sure why you decided to post this here.

>> No.7266013

Have you done other trolls since then, anon? It sounds like you're implying that you've improved.

>> No.7266019

yeh i have improved and im saying that even though your first cosplay may have been shitty and crap you can improve and actually look good unlike my first attempt

>> No.7266025
File: 137 KB, 730x1095, 1388299888707.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pyroaj on deviantart
>check page
>sees this in gallery, more recent than the terezi cosplay
Listen vendetta-chan.

>> No.7266030


>> No.7266032


Why brown contacts, though?

>> No.7266038

They were literally last minute contacts cus the ones i ordered didnt arrive and i couldnt find yellow or orange one. Noo why are people posting my pictures on here I havent cosplayed Homestuck in like 70 years

>> No.7266043

glad i'm not the only one who noticed.

>> No.7266042

oh man the karkat just ruined it

>> No.7266045

it's fine, as long as you or have improved!

>> No.7266047

I dont know why someone is being me on here I don't even read homestuck anymore. I mean I'm trying to get back into it but not the trolls. Christ I hate seeing these old pictures

>> No.7266046


I'd rather see natural eyes the wrong color than contacts the wrong color. When you wear the wrong contacts you're putting real effort into being shittier, it's sad

>> No.7266100

if you haven't cosplayed it in forever why are you stalking the thread

>> No.7266253

not her but, i dont really drabble much in homestuck cosplay myself that often but i still like to look at it because im a fan of the comic? you dont have to cosplay to lurk

>> No.7266254

I'm here because I'm starting to lean back into it and a friend also told me that someone was posting me in here and pretending to be me. Now I'm super embarrassed yo.

>> No.7266317

Out of curiosity, has any cons banned Homestuck meets?

>> No.7266392

No. Cons have not approved panels for having no anime content but so far nobody has outright banned cosplay or shoots.

>> No.7266452

/r/ some good Alpha Kid groups?

>> No.7266454

I'm genuinely surprised no con has banned buckets or horns.

>> No.7266490

To do it they'd have to back up and ban a shitton of other things too:

> All Bodypaint (Consider Panty and Stocking and other fandoms that use it. Yes, HS uses it most prevalently though.)
> Big props/headwear (I would suppose horns fall under that category.)

Which would be pretty shitty to have a con single out one fandom which is frankly descending. I have to be honest, a group of SNKs could probably cause more destruction with their leg gear than a group of Homestucks. I've seen them accidentally turn around and knock all sorts of shit over/hurt someone.

I HAVE, interestingly, seen large meets forbid paint. Mainly because they're in public places/indoors. I don't go to those. If I'm gonna go out in cosplay at all, I might as well go all the way and get good photos out of it.

>> No.7266529

anyone's got that one SNK-style contoured karkat?

>> No.7266621

Why would you even want it

>> No.7266839

ACEN isn't having a large meetup this year because of space allowance. Does that count?

>> No.7267636
File: 622 KB, 560x775, 1388378938167.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7267678

Sad. Because probably by now it's gone down enough it'd be cozy and intimate.

Speaking of meets. Any plans for Katsu? Draw Party? Happenings?

>> No.7267928
File: 835 KB, 1000x714, 1388392078727.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I haven't seen any photoshoot or drawmeet info yet, but it seems like they're getting planned out so the info should be posted soon.

As far as personal HS plans go I'm taking Troll, Trickster, LOPAN, and Default Roxy for sure with her canon dreamer and fancy dreamer as 'if I finish them in time'.
Mostly I'm just really excited because I really like Katsu.

I don't want to repost it so here:

>> No.7268193
File: 312 KB, 646x444, fgsfds.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have y'all seen this

popped up on my dashboard

>> No.7268200

yeah, ugh shes really cute gfdsa

>> No.7268323

that wig sucks though. people seem to think that flipping the tips is all you need to do for Roxy. But that floppy unstyled fringe man

>> No.7268342
File: 5 KB, 225x124, mIRCNR0_UZGwocoToQ1IyLg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is it wrong that i know the exact wig shes using?
pic related

>> No.7268454

What wig is this?

>> No.7268464

AFAIK it's a tiger and bunny character wig.

>> No.7268671

oh god this is pretty cute.
but is that accent real or what

>> No.7268680

very likely not, idk why but people always give roxy a boston/new york love child accent. (you know even though she lives in the middle of the fucking ocean)

also people tend to give dirk a texan accent and not dave

>> No.7268748

Accurate or not, she's pretty cute.

>> No.7268750

This is word for word Bitchin Kitchen, I'm unimpressed.

>> No.7268761


>> No.7268857

That's a pretty sweet looking Ribbitar. No one usually does that sword, either. Any more pics of it?

>> No.7269095

Hey guys remember 4chords?


>> No.7269115

To be frank I really don't want to.

>> No.7269125

Pretty sure the people who wouldn't leave to let the other gatherings have their time slots had a big hand in con's reasoning too. We couldn't get them to leave! I think this is a smart move tbh.

>> No.7269132


>> No.7269136

fuck you for negating all that alcohol I used to forget it.

>> No.7269266

Is it across the board, or only for Homestucks?

>> No.7269271

I'm pretty sure the author wants to forget it, too. She basically burned off Homestuck like a boil.

>> No.7269533
File: 775 KB, 714x1000, 1388462082013.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The dude who made it also did posts with different angles and progress


>> No.7269828
File: 609 KB, 500x750, tumblr_mlh5zeUsa11r49qi7o3_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7270124

The forums say -There's no space to safely fit and host any large full gathering for Homestuck/Namco High this upcoming con. This is not to say that the fandom is banned, we just cannot have a full meetup(s) at con. We wanted to let you guys know with plenty of time before con, before any real planning things began. so I am guessing it's just Hussie works.

>> No.7270192
File: 21 KB, 500x667, tumblr_mx1i85oFQT1rrmyw9o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fem!gamzee 4chords au

>> No.7270195

You americans are weird.

I saw something like this with a Jane a while ago, her voice was super high pitched but she was cute.

You're doing the "guess the cosplay"-game wrong.

>> No.7270198
File: 192 KB, 315x237, tumblr_mw8wz6sOfA1sn9nk1o1_400.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh, are we posting shitty AUs?

this one's supposed to be human!karkat

>> No.7270202
File: 90 KB, 500x375, tumblr_mv5996RWjz1so09x6o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh, sorry! well, here, have another one. guess the cosplay

>> No.7270212

Hey hsg what are some fun meetups you'd like to attend? I've seen some ice skating meetups and such, what are some fun ones you have attended to or would like to see?

>> No.7270246

Hornless Tavros? (Because they were sawed off by Condy?)

>> No.7270265
File: 31 KB, 500x667, tumblr_mtkabjmN171so09x6o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it is tavros, but I had no idea about the condy thing. is that from a fanfic?

also, here's my next one, guess the cosplay!

>> No.7270269
File: 1.49 MB, 800x1195, 1388500805011.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is pretty close to flawless, i wish the horns were smoother and Karkat's were'n floating on top of his hair, and Gamzee's wig was a little curlier but other than that i really like this

>> No.7270274

Nah I was just guessing.

Humanstuck Porrim?

>> No.7270287

that's what i originally thought too but nope, it's human!fem!eridan according to the cosplayer

>> No.7270308
File: 165 KB, 720x1280, dave cosplaying miku.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if i didnt know better i'd say this was someone who couldnt be bothered to slap on a miku wig

>> No.7270317



>> No.7270369

New thread time.


>> No.7270660

This chick is so pretty, but she is like 15.

>> No.7273912

source on aradia?