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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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7248200 No.7248200[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Last thread is in autosage >>7213094

Don't forget to suggest to others before you ask for suggestions yourself!

Please suggest to a minimum of 5 people and preferably the ones directly above you.

>> No.7248234

Cmon fatties.
post some shit.

>> No.7248266

you first faggot
so i can tell you that you dont even lift

>> No.7248284

Nah, he does. He just does a shit routine judging by his body.

>> No.7248294

which basically means he doesnt

>> No.7248299

What does his body look like? I've heard /cgl/ goes crazy for him. I assume he's just otter at best?

>> No.7248312

You can tell he lifts, it just looks like he does a bro split while not eating enough.

>> No.7248325

like a childs

>> No.7248366
File: 603 KB, 1990x901, cgl suggestion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First time I've ever done this...
Th-thanks seagulls.

>> No.7248406

hahaha you fuckers. Stop bickering about me being more attractive than you and post your shit.

be akane, I see the others too much

>> No.7248515

*I fuck others too much

Fixed. :)

>> No.7248523
File: 370 KB, 1990x909, le 4ch2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I haven't seen any of those I think from those pix you look most like Tsunemori and Yohsaka :^)

>> No.7248551
File: 1.10 MB, 1990x901, cosplayshit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd say go for Ryuuko! That outfit is my favourite of hers to be honest and it covers the most if you're worried about that.
I think I already responded to yours but do Rock Lee and Levi, I think you'd fit both.


>> No.7248563
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Reposting, but changed up some stuff. I'll suggest to more as more people post.

I think you fit all those, particularly would like to see Akane. Also Yuki Nagato from TMHS.

Your own ideas work pretty well, just make sure to get the eyebrows right. I think Naegi from DR would work well, too.

Seconding WV and Hit-Girl. Also Nanami from SDR2.

>> No.7248583
File: 618 KB, 2400x1087, cosplay suggestions.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Added some stuff that was suggested in the last thread

I'd say Akane

As >>7248551 said, you'll fit both. Be warned though, the 3DMG is a pain in the ass to make, so you'll most likely need more time for Levi than for Rock Lee (unless Lee's suit is really hard to make ? I have zero experience with this kind of clothes...)

Red hair suits you well ! You should do Gal or Batgirl

Your face suits most of them, but I think 1, 2 and 9 would be the best ones (I really want to say 6 too, just to see someone cosplay a character from Hatoful Boyfriend)

I'll contribute more as the thread expands

>> No.7248587

Is that Hatoful Boyfriend.
Oh God please

>> No.7248607

Yes please go for Vriska.

Yes. Yes, it is. I'm just unsure about how fitting it would be.

>> No.7248614
File: 314 KB, 1990x901, Cosplay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Repost with some changes.

Michiko or Korra

Masayoshi Hazama or Edward from Fma

Ene from Kagerou Days

You should try Levi

Tsunemori is nice idea

>> No.7249020
File: 857 KB, 1990x895, 1387437745375.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think you could pull off a yata misaki, or even glenn from TWD if you wanted.
I love the fem!Aoba idea, but I could def see you as a Black Widow
This will sound crazy, but those aviators have me thinking Top Gun all the way.

>> No.7249038

Crazy? I don't think, sounds like good Idea. And you should try that Fushimi. In my opinion you will look awesome as Shu or Inori from Guilty Crown.

>> No.7249147
File: 1.76 MB, 1990x901, Cosplay Suggestions Update 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Updated my sheet now that I've decided I want to cosplay a magical girl. Unfortunately I haven't found any that I like enough to really cosplay, but my experience with the genre is limited.
Also I apologize for being so shit at this.

Jacuzzi Splot- Be the most kawaii.




How do you cosplay and not know your measurements? I'm completely baffled.

I'll try my best not to forget about this thread.

>> No.7249172

>How do you cosplay and not know your measurements? I'm completely baffled.

Have lot of time to do(sth like half year or even more) and i want to change my "measurements". (sorry for bad English)

>> No.7249182

>How do you cosplay and not know your measurements? I'm completely baffled.
They change a lot because I keep either getting fatter or thinner. Womp womp.

>> No.7249190

Oh God I don't know if that's a wig or your real hair but I'm picturing you as a grownup Pinoko so hard right now. Perfect hairstyle.

Regarding the measurements... I have only started "serious" cosplay, as in "not using a shitty wig and approximately accurate clothes" a few months ago, so I guess I haven't had the need to know them yet.

>> No.7249226
File: 423 KB, 1987x892, cosplay sugs update.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Re-posting with updates. Plan to the four in the graphic, would like some more suggestions of characters that are of a similar build to mine and not to complex.

I'd say Akane, since it isn't done much.
Levi would be good, but SnK is pretty overdone. Sena from Eyeshield 21 would be great for ya
Captain Sweden, everyone's favorite multicult super hero!
Yeah, bishie male characters are perfect for you. Anyone from a basketball manga/anime would be swell.
Ponyo's Dad suites you well, as would Professor Elm from Pokemon.
Those costumes will hinge a lot more on how good you can make the armor and weapon. That being said, your face is a bit young looking for them. If you can grow a beard though, you'll be fine,
Eh, you're so feminine/pretty you should stick to cosplaying girls. Really, you could pull off any slimmer girl from an anime, so I'd just cosplay your favorite character with a similar body type. Maybe try someone from an SoL like Nichijou?
Fran would be awesome if you could pull it off, never see her. As far as Mahou Shoujo goes, your face is more suited for a character from a show with more "mature" looking characters like Sailor Moon or Nanoha as opposed to PreCure.

>> No.7249369
File: 587 KB, 1350x598, 999999.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, my gimp, that took forever to make. Then my file was too large.

I like your height for Ryuuko!

I like Eileen. Or Popurri from Harvest moon, because of your eyes~

I-...is #6 from that pigeon RPG?

Another anon suggested something from Nichijou and I agree with them.


I like #2, because bangs seem to suit you.


>> No.7249661

Y-You really think I could be model bishi?
As for a magical girl suggestion... I think your face suits Mami Tomoe well, and Luna from Genei wo Kakeru Taiyou.
And with how we don't know our measurements? I always keep remeasuring when needed and then forgetting again.

Good that I cosplayed half the cast of Kuroko no Basuke then, haha.
Anyway, FOREVER LOVE if you do Sakura! All of your ideas seem good anyway. Alaindelon from Beelzebub reminds me of #4, which would be awesome.

Yes. Don't judge me for dating birds.
Suggestions.. Daeneris Targaryen and Benten from Zone-00.

>> No.7249680


>> No.7249818

>talking a cute girl she should cosplay Captain Sweden
What did she, reject your advances or something? You hit on fucking Voldefart but insult this?

>> No.7250020
File: 1.37 MB, 1990x901, template.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm going to try to be really original with these suggestions.


Rohan Kishibe from Jojo's Bizarre Adventures

Kim Possible

Lisa Lisa from Jojo's Bizarre Adventures, you have the body type and facial structure.

Anthy from Utena

Gotta get a better photo bro. If you're willing to shave your head, do Armstrong from FMA

You have a near perfect facial structure for any of the characters from Claymore soooo Claire?

Mako from KLK

I want you to do 2 or 4 (you're 1 inch from the official height of any of the Joestars) but you definitely look like you can pull off 1 very well.

Cheza from Wolf's Rain

>> No.7250091

Calm down bruh, I was just joking because her country is getting just as bad as Sweden. Wasn't knocking her, or flirting with that other girl. Chill.

Though Captain Sweden would be hilarious, though no one would get it.

>> No.7250168

Rosalina! (though I'm biased because I'm excited about her Smash Bros 4 reveal)

>> No.7250257
File: 331 KB, 1990x901, cos_plan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think you'd make a great Inori (Guilty Crown)! But from your suggestions, I think you have the face for Fushimi.

Magical Emi would be great, I think.

Sakura would be awesome, but I think you'd make a great Tsugumi too. Perfect body for it.

I think you'd be a good Saber from Fate Stay Night, but from your suggestions probably Nia.

You have a really good body ~ from your suggestions I think Lancer or Eren Titan. But I think you'd be a good Erwin (Snk) or Hwoarang (Tekken).

>> No.7250268

god damn it PLEASE cosplay Lo Pan. JUST BECAUSE.

>> No.7250378
File: 1.05 MB, 1990x901, CosplayIdeasV3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I posted at the tail end of the previous post and pretty much missed out, so posting again with some modifications to my original ideas.

Yaya from Unbreakable Machine-Doll

Satan/Sadao from Hataraku Maou-sama!

Yuffie from FF7

How about Heisuke Toudou as portrayed in Hakuouki?

If you want something a bit more girly, I'd say Sailor Pluto.

Klein from Sword Art Online

I think you would make an adorable Nai from Karneval!

As someone who has done Lady Knight, I'd say go for it! She's very under-represented.

I don't watch a lot of stuff with guys of your build, but I'd suggest Genjurou Kazanari from Symphogear from what I know!

Kyoko from Madoka

Tall and ripped? Definitely Titan Eren.

Panty from Panty and Stocking

>> No.7250481

holy shit I want to see you as Sakura
also please cosplay as the bara from KLK

>> No.7250587

I'd cosplay Captain Sweden if Swede's weren't filthy scum.
...But I'm interested, how is Norway getting just as bad as Sweden?

>> No.7250673

Oh yeah, just thought of it- Nidai from SDR2, get to it!

Kagami from KuroBasu. But all your suggestions look fitting. Except for Meguca obviously,but it would be hilarious.

Glasses suit you, so Saya and Miyuki from Lucky Star.

Deneve from Claymore, hands down.
Heisuke Toudou isn't really a good fit for me, since he's as tiny as an average animu girl, and I'm 5'10.

>> No.7250684


You got one of those nondescript faces that can be anything.

>> No.7250692

What the fuck did you just say you uneducated American burger-swallower? Norway is nothing like Sweden. We're the best country in North-, no, in the entire Eur-- no, in the entire fucking world.

>> No.7250766

where is Norway again?

>> No.7251058


>> No.7251157
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>> No.7251162

Hohoho, someone used my reaction pic

>> No.7251208
File: 21 KB, 187x156, 1387573659792.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Once more immigrants arrive and Sharia is implemented, it will be even better!

>> No.7251584

Woops, completely misread your height. How about Okita Souji instead?

T-thank you?

>> No.7253071

I'd go 110% gay for him.
He's fit and hot.
Had a beard without looking like a faggot too

>> No.7253075





>> No.7253077

I feel your annoyance.

My measurements are constantly in flux because of health bullshit. I can give you general ranges, but there's a reason I have a retractable measuring tape in three purses and a gym bag.

>> No.7253350

My measurements constnatly change cuz I keep going from fatty to less fatty.

>> No.7253354

I think the issue, with guys at least, is that while we may know what our measurements are, we don't know what the correct order is for inputting them.

>> No.7254017

It goes from the top of your body to the bottom. Bust/chest-waist-hips.

>> No.7255915
File: 292 KB, 1990x901, cosplay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would prefer ideas not on my list sinceI kind of just picked random characters I like. I usually cosplay traps and androgynous males, so the character's gender is not really an issue.

I think you could pull off Ryuuko really well.

If you don't really care about the height, I could see you as Lancer from Fate/Zero. Otherwise, out of your list I would probably go for Levi.

Go for Batgirl.

I can see you as a really good Makoto from Idolm@ster.

Like everyone else already said, Ponyo's Dad.

Those cosplays look tough with all that armor. If you want to go for something easier, I'd suggest Kittan from Gurren Lagann.

You'd probably look really cute as P-Ko, but not enough people cosplay from Franken Fran. Please do Fran eventually. ;_;

Kinagase. Bonus points if you can find a group.

Cosplay Saori, but not her disguised version. Then you can be tall and kawaii.

Aikuro pls. You better have sparkling nipples too.

Sailor Jupiter just seems to fit you really well.

Out of your list, probably Satsuki. If you want a badass and androgynous character, I'd say go for Naoto from Persona 4.

>> No.7256655

You would make an awesome Utena.

>> No.7256657


>> No.7256869
File: 392 KB, 640x480, image33.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey /cgl/ >>7256786 here.

Not trying to make myself look better than I actually do, but a few things.
Mainly my hair is always shit, but today it's exceptionally shit. Cold humid rainy day does not mix well with thick hair.

That's about it.

Anyway, I was thinking of getting into the whole cosplay thing, less to be so good I get recognized for it, though that would be nice. More so because it seems fun to dress up as a character and go to a con.

Anyway, does anyone have any suggestions for me?
Specifically a character who either has my same general features
>Freckles, black hair, = Portas D Ace
or at least a few features that really resonate and I can work around things that don't match (Haircolor for example)


>> No.7256889

Follow the format and read. You're not special.

> Don't forget to suggest to others before you ask for suggestions yourself!

> Please suggest to a minimum of 5 people and preferably the ones directly above you

>> No.7256893


Can you fucking read the original post

Make suggestions retard

>> No.7256923
File: 591 KB, 1990x901, cosplaying.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just to prove how new I am, gotta fill out that OP picture, so yeah.

Sorry sorry I'm new.
Cut me a break.

Sai Saici?
I don't know, there's a character that I'm not remembering here.

You look like some game designer I can't remember.
Anyway, maybe Arino from Game Center CX? You could probably do it.
That or Wei Shin.

Medusa Nadeko?
Francesca von Karmen or however you spell her name, maybe?

Annie Leonhardt?
Shit I'm bad at this.

I would suggest Hange/Hanji/Hakunamatata, but you already did that.
I dunno, some arabic character maybe?

Bill S Preston
No seriously.

Nico Robin maybe?

i really can't think of anything.

Yes yes yes on Tsumugu
1000% yes.

That elf queen from lord of the rings?
That's not an insult if it seems like it.

Your really built to do lancer of fate zero.

Kuriyama Mirai, you already look a lot like her.

Slap some nori on your eyebrows and you could really pull off Satsuki.

Find a way to pronounce your jaw more, and have his smirk and you might be able to pull off Sanegayama.
I say that because he looks pretty different from other angles than the picture provided.

>> No.7256929
File: 44 KB, 252x159, DEAD ON.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually throw in Domon Cashew and Portgas D Ace.
Maybe death the kid, only because I'm pale as fuck.

>> No.7257215 [DELETED] 

lel so pathetic pussy whipped beta

>> No.7257219 [DELETED] 

I thought shit posting was against the rules.

>> No.7257222 [DELETED] 



>> No.7257225 [DELETED] 

Please, tell me more.

>> No.7257366
File: 1.37 MB, 264x264, 1386563155103.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I have a few characters of my own
>even considering cosplaying "original" characters
>that names/orgins field

Jesus, are you like 15?

>> No.7257519

Even if he is. Cut the guy a break. Clearly has no fucking idea what to do, guide him don't judge him.

>> No.7257555 [DELETED] 


Pussy whipped beta white nerd who never done touched a girl other than his mom/sister and will die as a virgin.

You happy now, bitch?

>> No.7257559 [DELETED] 


I'm not that anon but why are you so angry dude?

>> No.7257564 [DELETED] 

Obvious samefag.

>> No.7257627

do meguka faggot

>> No.7258440 [DELETED] 

Only you're wrong.

Man, fuck /cgl/

>> No.7258444 [DELETED] 

Fuck /cgl/

>> No.7258448 [DELETED] 

Oh goodie, I needed some research on the greater internet fuckwad theory.

>> No.7258452 [DELETED] 


>> No.7258455 [DELETED] 


>> No.7258460 [DELETED] 


>> No.7258960 [DELETED] 

Looks like the janitor needs to do some cleaning here

>> No.7259799


>> No.7260449

dont same fag
no one will side with you on this ok boy

stop posting

>> No.7260459

wait, whaaaaaat?
in anycase, so Sanageyama!

>> No.7260469


post a pic

i'm skeptical

>> No.7260478

Please do Louis Asahina from Brother's conflict!

>> No.7260520
File: 1.02 MB, 1984x896, suggestions.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly, you would make a fantastic Ryuuko!

Panty from Panty and Stocking, or Miki from Idolm@ster!

Kiryuin suits you perfectly!!! vuv You'd also make a pretty good Zexion from Kingdom Hearts 2.

>> No.7260571
File: 861 KB, 1990x901, 1387437745375.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i haven't done one of these in a while. sorry the only full body picture i have is me with my dog lol.
Tohsaka Rin; I think you could probably pull off any school girl.
Batgirl or Rosaline, but you would look good in any of those!
From your list, I'd say Red. You have a really pretty feminine, face, so you should probably stick to girls. And I don't know why, but you totally remind me of C.C. from Code Geass.
Pinoko or P-ko! You look good with bangs, they fit your face. (Also, it's awesome to see other people who like Black Jack!)
Tsugumi, but with your body you could do almost any dbz character.
Claire or Nia!
Titan Eren
Jupiter or Saya
Utena, you've got the perfect legs for it.
You look like you could pull off any female from pokemon.

>> No.7260800

please cosplay kuragehime

>> No.7261380
File: 328 KB, 1990x901, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Red, for sure. You are really cute as a guy

Please do Fran, I never see her


Definitely go for Freddie

You would be perfect for Daenerys


I think you have a good face for Satsuki

Have you thought about doing Sivir.

>> No.7261416

Continuing suggestions for the new people who posted.

You have the perfect facial structure/build for Homura

UTENA. You seriously look 100% like someone from my dance class.

Sani/Sunny from Toriko

Hei from Darker Than Black

Female Trainer


Tohsaka Rin from Fate! If I'm doing sensei I'm totally gluing sausages with glitter on my nipples

>> No.7261427
File: 375 KB, 1988x898, poscos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is my first time doing one. I'd really appreciate some ideas outside of my list since I've no idea what I'm suited for.

I would love to see buff Madoka...

You'd look awesome as sailor Jupiter!!

You're perfect for so many characters! From your list I think Kiryuin satsuki would be awesome

You look a lot like Mikasa!

Protagonist from Persona 4

We need more Heathers in this world!

Princess Lea!!

Yukiko from Persona 4!!

>> No.7261471
File: 1.18 MB, 1985x909, new year.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm in a princessy mode since I saw frozen. and I was in the end of the last thread so posting new one but with some changes

Clover would fit you well. Suiseiseki from Rozen Maiden maybe?

Homura for obvious reasons. Chitanda from Hyouka

You would be really cute as Tsukimi from Princess Jellyfish.

Chinatsu from Yuru Yuri, Lucy from Elfen Lied

Araragi from Bakemonogatari

Kuranosuke from Princess Jellyfish! Mikasa would also be really nice. Maybe some Touhou character like Sakuya?

You would make a great Utena! Saber from Fate.Takano from Higurashi.

Jupiter and any LoL female would fit you great!! Miki from idolm@ster, Cure Moonlight from Heartcatch precure, Tohka from Date a Live

>> No.7261718
File: 983 KB, 500x364, 1372442892526.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yer real purdy.

And you would make a good Homura.

>> No.7262311


>> No.7262314
File: 521 KB, 1990x901, suggestions.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

S-sorry I'm not very c-cute ;_;

>> No.7262321

Give some suggestions.
And you should try Karma in my opinion.

>> No.7262322

First of all, suggest to others

>> No.7262343


Oops, sorry I kept browsing. And basically agreeing with everyone's suggestions but here I go!

I like the Rin idea, but from my suggestions I feel like you could make a cute Ahri from League of Legends!

I think you should go for Levi, your facial expression in the bigger picture looks very Levi-ish. And I feel that the 3DMG can look great without having much experience in props!

You would make a really a really cute Rosalina! And also from League of Legends an Annie!

Your last picture made me feel like you could make a great Mikasa from Shingeki.

If you're up for crossplay may I suggest Keima Katsuragi from TWGOK?

Rugged Garen seems perfect! Also normal Garen. Maybe even Sanguine?

Red from Pokemon seems like a good option. You also look cute like a magical girl, maybe try Madoka or Sayaka?

I LOVE the Pinoko idea! For Magical Girl suggestions, maybe Mami. You have a gentle face :)

You have the facial structure of a character from DBZ, you should go and become the best SS Goku!

Since your legs are long maybe try something like Ultimate Madoka!

Ooh! I would love it if you went Eren titan! Also please Roy Mustang from FMA. You look just like him.

Definitely seconding that Pool Leona idea. Also from LoL, Miss Fortune.

That Sailor Uranus is SPOT ON btw. If you prefer androgynous characters, may I suggest Haruko from FLCL? I feel that you could pull it off perfectly!

Your calm face reminds me of Tenri from TWGOKs :) and it's not very complex.

Hehe, Louis, you remind me of Ezreal from LoL!

Digging the female trainer from BW. Maybe try the girl from XY!

Your suggestions tell me that you would like cosplaying as Fiora from LoL :)

You NEED to be Homura.

Thinking Luka from Vocaloid.

You should do Belle from Beauty and the Beast :)

>> No.7262371

FYI Fujimoto is the name of ponyo's father.
At least know the name of the character...

>> No.7263211


>> No.7263223

Wear a wig wear a wig wear a wig.

>> No.7264791

Seconding Karma for you

>> No.7265603
File: 797 KB, 1990x901, couplesuggestions!2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me and my boyfriend want to do a couple cosplay for Animenext! Neither of us can sew but we can make good props and accessories. Also I’d prefer suggestions on something from an anime over something from a game.
I'd say you could do Hanaji Zoe pretty well.
You are so adorable! And you'd make a great Homura or a really really good Enma Ai.
Dita Liebely from Vandread.
Miharu Shimizu from Baka and Test!
For some reason you remind me of Seviper. You should do a Seviper gijinka!

>> No.7265847
File: 1.15 MB, 1990x901, cosplay_ideas_2014_1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haven't done one of these in forever, so sorry if anything is off. I'll start responding to everyone's in my next post.

>> No.7265860


lol wtf happened to your shoulder

>> No.7265874

You guys could do any number of characters from Durarara!!. Or I bet you two would be adorable Pokemon trainers.
You look a lot like the Teacher trainers from the cruise ship in Pokemon G/S. Maybe one of those? If you're willing to take your glasses off or wear contacts for photos, please be Esmerelda from Hunchback of Notre Dame.
I like Anna for you, but I think it would be more flattering if you did her summer/coronation dress. I also really want to see a historical Rapunzel, though!
Maybe it's the smile, but I want to say BB Hood. I think you'd make a good Biscuit, too, though.
If you haven't done Yukiko from Persona 4 yet, please do it!
We have similar tastes! I really want to see you do Hawke, but I think you'd make a nice Empress Jessamine from Dishonored.
You look like your resting face is sort of forlorn-looking, so you'd be great for anyone from Okami. Maybe Queen Himiko or Princess Fuse.
If you want to keep your glasses on, Otacon from Metal Gear Solid. Pretty simple costume, probably good for beginners.
Oh damn, you got me. I thought the order of the photos got mixed up or something until I read the stats part. I should probably pay more attention. Anyways, take your pick of Rozen Maiden or Touhou characters, though I particularly like Suiseiseki or Souseiseki for you.

>> No.7265917

I have no idea! That cellphone's camera was pretty crappy, so it caught the light at the end of my collarbone wrong, I think.
In retrospect, I'd really like to add Count D from Petshop of Horrors. Pretty much perfect for you.
You have great legs! Motoko from Ghost in the Shell or Terra from Teen Titans, maybe?
That is a lot of League. I think Katarina is my favorite choice for you, but you'd make a fantastic Caitlyn, too.
The world needs more Fate Extra costumes.
You look just like Hanna. 5'8" isn't too tall to be cute, you just need to play the hand you were dealt. Loving the Sawyer idea, but Sailor Mars or Daenerys from Game of Thrones could also be good matches.
Oh my god, Freddie. I know you said you prefer Anime, but who doesn't love Superman? Just wear a grey or black suit and some glasses and have the suit open to a Superman t-shirt, if you want to do it the easy way.
I want you to make the waitress from Ghost Trick just because the hat makes me laugh.
You look great in elegant fabric, so maybe Arwen from Lord of the Rings or really, you have your pick of Disney princesses.
I agree with Top Gun. You know you want to be Iceman.
Pick from any Miyazaki or MGS characters on your list. They all make me happy.
Batwoman! Yes! So many Batgirls, so few Batwomans. Batwomen? Whatever.
Please do Rosalina! (But yeah, it's Rosalina and not Rosaline, so maybe pop in Super Mario Galaxy before the con so you don't forget.)
I see you like Disgaea. Disgaea's designs are perfect for short people like us. Maybe a Skull or a Fighter?
This might be weird, but since your abilities are limited, ever thought about doing Nani from Lilo & Stitch? She has some really pretty outfits that you can easy buy and alter, and as long as you had a Stitch toy with you, I think people would get it.

>> No.7265980

>Mituna in possibilities
if you do it, I promise you I will find you and punch you in the face
sage for 2edgy

>> No.7266068
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>> No.7266115

Doing suggestions in a different post.
Do Lisa Garland? You look almost just like her.
Homura Akemi from Madoka Magica.
Rapunzel(short haired) or Taiga Aisaka from Toradora.
Tsukimi Kurashita from Kuragehime.
Sailor Moon or Stocking from PSG.
Ryoko Okami from Okami and Her Seven Companions.
Panty from PSG.
Utau Hoshina from Shugo Chara.
Mirai Kuriyama from KNK

>> No.7266521
File: 351 KB, 2012x920, ideas.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7266750

photos or more info
give some suggestions first

>> No.7266930

Suggest to others.

>> No.7267267 [DELETED] 


>> No.7267270


>> No.7267273

Measure yourself, that would be helpful and

>> No.7267562

You're a qt. Go as Meryl.

>> No.7267610

Some suggestions:
Titan Eren
Hit girl
Sailor Jupiter

>> No.7267640
File: 1.77 MB, 1990x929, suggestions.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok i'll follow up with suggestions for everyone

>> No.7267642

>that first picture
You could be literally the only good Erwin Smith crossplay.

>> No.7267655

Do you have a tumblr and/or anywhere I can track your cosprogress?

>> No.7267679

if you can do that pauldron justice, do Garen. don't punk out on the armour, though, that can really ruin a costume.

you kind of have a Natalie Portman/Kiera Knightley face so congrats on that. between then they have a shitton of cosplayable costumes. (light that satin on fire, though.)

you have a great unusual facial structure, while there is never enough Franken Fran you could totally kill with Morticia Adams a la Angelica Houston.

ok your list is basically perfect. go forth and conquer, my bulky child. (also if you want a fairly easy, kind of obscure suggestion, try Tom Hardy in 'Bronson.' no shirt, wicked moustache, and as much beat-up-n-bloody makeup as you feel like.)

5'8", too tall, cue my giant ass crying in a corner. with your build you are perfectly able to be kawaii as fuck, as long as you're not trying to cosplay an eight year old. you should check out Kira from The Dark Crystal.

if you do Madoka you need to do diesel-jacked six-pack Madoka. otherwise HELL YEAH LO PAN.

you have a very young face, you could probably pull off a great Claudia from Interview With the Vampire.

you have basically a perfect body for Utena, but she's been done quite a lot. Kiryuin Satsuki has a badass outfit, though, if her character is half as interesting as her outfit she gets my vote. you may also like Erza from Fairy Tail, she's got some cool armor options


>> No.7267730

not a trap, and not particularly androgyous, but with your face you would make a fuck-awesome Rufio from Hook. you'd also probably be a sick Gogo Yubari.

you are allowed to cosplay OCs, just don't expect anyone to care unless you look amazing. you have a little bit of a Jesse Eisenberg thing going on with your face, if you found a good Tallahassee you cold totes do Zombieland.

welp your photo looks like Gwyneth Paltrow/Margot in Royal Tennenbaums and that is all i can see now. sorry man.

ME has been done and done well, so if you do it make sure you do a good job. also, you look like you might be on the thicker side, and that style armor bulks you out like crazy, so that's a factor to consider. i'd say 100 yes on the Dragon Age armor. shit is sharp, AND you get to rock fur, AND you're unlikely to run into six other people wearing it.

congratulations, you appear to be asian and tiny. you'd be perfect for like 80% of all anime characters. seconding whomever said Yukiko though, P4 is awesome.

it's been done eight bazillion times but you'd make a cute Fiona from Adventure Time

i like the idea of an alternate Rapunzel, there is also some great concept art that would make wicked costumes

you're fine, what's not cute is the moe st-stutter. knock that off. you'd be a really good Isis/Ishizu Ishtar from oldschool YuGiOh.

well the two of you are adorable. i know i already suggested it to someone else, but the Gelflings from Dark Crystal would be basically perfect for everything from your skintones to your relative sizes.

you look like young Jennifer Connelly. that probably doesn't help with cosplay, but eh eh. good face/body for Madison from Heavy Rain, but her characterization can rub people the wrong way so ymmv

>> No.7267735

Hi are you the one in the center? With the antlers?

How did you make them? I wanted to do a young Robert Baratheon cosplay and wasnt sure how to do the antlers without them being big and heavy as fuck

>> No.7267738

one of these days i am gonna actually read/watch Attack on Titan...

rokkitgirl on tumblr, i'll start posting again after New Year's. it's been a rough couple months.

>> No.7267747

yes, that's me. (it's good to have a reference for exactly how much bigger i am than normal humans. me+shoes+antlers came out to over nine feet tall in that costume.) they're made of the pink/blue insulation foam board from Lowes, carved and pieced together (hot glue eats that type of foam, btw) and then wrapped really tightly with masking tape and painted with 2-3 layers of plasti-dip. the tape smooths out the shape so you don't have to be too precious about carving them, it reinforces the joints between two pieces, and it makes the fragile foam WAY more resilient. along with the plasti-dip (which is basically liquid rubber,) the things are nearly indestructable. the whole helmet fell off of the roof of my car and just bounced (although i nearly had a heart attack.)

but yeah the total weight of the antlers/helmet/mask was less than 2 pounds. i wore it for more than 4 hours with no fatigue.

>> No.7267756

Thanks, I figured it was going to be foam of some kind. I always get kinda worked up about stuff like this and go full retard on materials. Full metal suits of armor, contemplating using real antler, etc.

I'm working on a suit of armor right now and with the boots on I'm 6'2 (6' even normally). I'm probably also going to be pushing 325lbs with it on so I'll be a damn tank in it.

>> No.7267784

that sounds awesome! but yeah, you wanna try to avoid weight on your head as much as possible. the strain on your neck just compounds over time, especially if the weight isn't centered.
what seemed perfectly tolerable when you built it can be utter torture after a couple hours. so fun, this hobby...

>> No.7267786

ooh another thing: there's a pvc socket in the base of the antler that screws onto a matching plug on the helmet. it makes transport/storage about ten thousand times easier.

>> No.7269796


>> No.7269819


>> No.7269843
File: 726 KB, 1985x909, 1381711030608.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not cosplaying Ice

Oh God keep doing that weird titan fetish bitch it's perfect for you

I've seen all talk no walk with that one

>not sniper wolf
what are you doing with your life

Liefeld Captain America

>am male
>know my measurements
Substitute chest for bust, it's not fucking rocket science.

Not cute?
Don't know what to do?


Posting my old version of this because I havenothing on the new laptop

>> No.7270025
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Long time lurker in a cosplay rut... here goes nothing

>>7267640 I think you'd make a really good Zelda
>>7266521 Sophie from Howls Moving Castle
>>7265847 Filia from Skull Girls
>>7265603 Saki Morimi and Akira Takizawa from Eden of the East
>>7261471 Nia from Gurren Lagann

ehehe sorry my pictures aren't fantastic, I don't have too many on my computer.

>> No.7270051
File: 731 KB, 1702x901, cosupray.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My first time too. Be brutal. <3 I want to make a decent cosplay this time >_<

You say you are limited so I'm going to have to only go with Tohsaka. you already have her hair and the cosplay can be easily altered from everyday clothing. Curl the ends of your hair too~
remember make-up is essential for a GOOD cosplay. You look nice already so you wont need a lot. False lashes, eyeliner, mascara, good to gooo~

Really you both can pull of anything with the right wigs.

MERYL yes do it.

Sawa Nakamara sounds like what you describes yourself as? I guess.

Go with Ema or Trucy, Pearl might get expensive.

Plz do Brienne <3 that would be gorgeous for you. the leather work will come in handy too!
Any amazon woman lady would work too?

>> No.7270067

Mike Haggar from Final Fight
Rajah from Shaq-Fu. Seriously, Thanks for including that in your picture.
Maryl. DO IT. Hell, you could pull of Wolf too. With a bit of makeup work to show signs of aging, you could make a pretty sick The Boss.
I'm hoping you have the skill to do Dark Samus, because that might be the most impressive cosplay ever if done right.

>> No.7270151

>>not cosplaying Ice
You mean Tora Olafsdotter?

>> No.7270236

u should cosplay finn valle-kun

>> No.7270238


>New to cosplay
>Dark Samus, Unit-01 etc. listed

1-5 are plausible and can work for you. 6-9 you don't have the skill for, specially if you're new to this. They shouldn't even be an option, right now.


>Be brutal. <3

Alright, lose weight. Weighing 165 @ 5'7 is overweight for a chick. None of those characters you listed on your suggestion page fit your figure at it's current state. Fix that figure of your's and you'll be more of a candidate for any of the suggestions you listed.

>> No.7270290

Have you considered Lt. Surge (pkmn)?

>> No.7270292
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You have a good face for an Elf from Dragon's Crown

>> No.7270303
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I forgot to mention that not too much skin. I lost a lot of weight but I'm not confident yet. I've done Commander Shepard and Hawke before so I'm okay with armour projects.

PLEASE do Mai! Ghost hunt doesn't get enough love

I think you'd make a great Chel.

As soon as I saw Brienne on your list, I wanted to cry. You have such a good face for her.

I think you guys would make an adorable Rin and Shiemi. Maybe you should also consider Steins;gate's main characters. I think you two would suit them well.

This might sound strange, but I think you should consider Kuranosuke from Kuragehime. I think the jellyfish dress would suit you perfectly.

If you play any shin megami tensei games or persona games, I think you could make a good Tam Lin or Akihiko Sanada

>> No.7270370
File: 1.69 MB, 2985x1367, CGL Suggestion Thread.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think you'd make an awesome Katara! As well as Ryuko Matoi from Kill la Kill.
Tamako Kitashirakawa from Tamako Market.
Seconding a previous anon on Samus. Also Hanako from Katawa Shoujo, perhaps?
Eren from SnK
Elsa from "Frozen"

>> No.7270655

I took Sniper Wolf off the list becaue I'm definitely making that one. I already have the fabric and rifle. I was going to make it for the upcoming ALA, but I can't make it to that con, so it'll have to wait until I find another con with an extremely lax weapons policy.
Thanks for the suggestions! I wasn't expecting so much Meryl love. I'll make suggestions for all the new posts once Spider-Man is over.

>> No.7270680

Either LSP or Luka. You run the risk of the others looking really bad.

>> No.7270774


Mai may not be instantly recognizable, but I think it's a very easy thing to cosplay if you don't feel like trying too hard, but still want to cosplay something.

>> No.7270921
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saya takagi pls... and come to AX'14.

>> No.7271558
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Need help, don't know who I look like.

>> No.7271596

Suggestions or gtfo

>> No.7271995

>I see you like Disgaea. Disgaea's designs are perfect for short people like us. Maybe a Skull or a Fighter?

Oh man ty so much for knowing about Disgaea! And yea I'd cosplay from it but like.... so many of the costumes are scandalous LOL. I wanted to be Laharl but no idea how to even do the wig and not sure if I'd look silly shirtless.

>> No.7272298

Stop it Fran!

And Finn is overdone, I only use him for lazy/shopping days

>> No.7272300

Also, yeah, that Ice.

>> No.7272362


It's Future Diary not Dream Diary

>> No.7273954

shes obv talking about yume nikki

youre the one who overdid it, valle-kun....

>> No.7273977
File: 56 KB, 370x396, strarr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah I messed that up. I was thinking of that Miku song called Dream Diary.. I realized it 1 day after I posted it and It was too late to fix it.

>> No.7274054
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It's been a while oops

The Luka costume you picked would probably look great.
Mitsuru Kirijou, from Persona 3
Louise and Saito from Zero no Tsukaima
You have such clear skin!! (Black Rock Shooter) Dead Master's hair would probably suit your face well.
You'd be really cute as Mugi from K-ON

>> No.7274056
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If you don't cosplay Kotomine Kirei I will cry. Give yourself Powerful eyebrows and rejoice.

>> No.7274072

her cosplay was for yume nikki

>> No.7274074


>> No.7275730

Whenever I wander back to /cgl/, this is always the first thing I do I feel like.. haha. Sorry for the crappy design, I'm sick and didn't feel much like making it pretty.

Onto the suggestions! <3

You're so, so cute! Congratulations on the weight loss! I lost 10 pounds this year and it was abysmally hard... Can't imagine losing 80! That being said, I love the Kirito idea for you, but also you could make a really cute Elsie from The World God Only Knows. If you're into those sorts of characters...


Girl, there is not enough Nidalee cosplay in this world! You'd do her great justice, I'm thinking. <3

OHMANOHMAN You'd make the CUTEST Aigis!! If you're still a little shy with your weight, she has a ton of cute alternate costumes that you'd look adorable in!

You're adorable as well, jfc what is it with cute girls in this thread?! I think you'd make a cute Kuriyama Mirai. Her costume would probably match your skill level, as well! :)

You'd make a KICKASS Rika! Please do it!

Y-you're gorgeous. I LOVE ALL of your ideas for you, but if you're going to SDCC, maybe think about Black Canary? I can definitely see you pulling her off really well, like wow. <3

>> No.7275735
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D-did I really drop my pic? The hell. Sorry!

>> No.7275754
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>>7274054 here!
Thank you so much omg. I've had irl friends suggest Kanon and Haqua but Elsie is such a cute, and might work really well too...

It'd be near impossible to cosplay her and get recognized just because that's how it is, but your appearance pretty instantly reminded me of Aiko from Oyasumi Punpun.
As far as recognizable recs, you are adorable and please cosplay Kobato Hasegawa from Haganai so I can hug you as Sena!!! ^q^

>> No.7275825

Both Sgt Calhoun and Big Barda make me happy, but since you're so experienced and like to experiment with make-up, I'd love to see you as any of the elves from the Elder Scrolls series. High Elves are pretty much perfect for your height and facial structure, but if you want to play with skintone, the Dunmer and Wood Elves are also good options.
Speaking of Elder Scrolls, you get to do a Redguard.
Elder Scrolls, Elder Scrolls for everyone.
Why do you want to hide your face? You have great eyebrows and your smile is adorable. With that figure, I'd love to see you as one of the Wakfu girls.
Kinon from Gurren Lagann would be cute. Pre- or post-timeskip, your call.
I'm always excited for more Odin Sphere, and with your height you could make a great Mercedes, too.
I've seen so many people plan that version of Luka and fall through. I really hope you do it!
If you're worried about looking "silly," play Disgaea 3 and maybe choose someone from there, since everyone decided to finally put some damn clothes on.
Nagisa Aoi from Strawberry Panic, if lesbians don't weird you out. Kanaria from Rozen Maiden would be good, too, especially if you like bright colors.
Ugh, your face is perfect and you can cosplay whatever you want. I am so jealous. I bet you'd make an adorable Sailor Jupiter or maybe Princess Zelda. You might want to dial it back some on all the emoticons and capslock, though.

>> No.7276021
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Brienne or Erwin from SNK would be really cool!
Chel, heck yeah, El Dorado!
You'd look super as Sayaka!
Luka would be awesome!
Your face would be great for Nia, and like other people are saying, Daenerys would be really great!

>> No.7276033
File: 47 KB, 299x479, yomiko.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You'd be a really cute Yomiko Readman from the Read or Die OVA!

>> No.7276066

Oh man, I love R.O.D.
I dunno if I'm busty enough to be her but the more I think about it the more I like it. Thanks!

>> No.7276371

Maggey or Sheska

>> No.7277277


commander shepard

azusa from K-on

>> No.7277286

3 and 4 would be nice, if you don't mind crossplaying you'd make a qt Dipper from Gravity Falls!
Hnng you're so pretty! You'd make a great Mirai, but you'd also be adorable as Mugi from K-ON! or Taiga from ToraDora
I honestly think you'd make a cuter Kyoko than Sayaka, but you'll be adorable either way!
LSP would be nice, to stick the the cartoon thing, you could try Amethyst from Steven Universe!
Koto, or Komatsu Nana.
Mamimi from FlCl.

>> No.7277284
File: 1.09 MB, 1990x901, cglllll.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


i see creamy mami

astrid from how to train your dragon

LSP would be cute as hell

sayaka maizono from dangan ronpa

please do yui


>> No.7277323
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Please do Hex Maniac.
I think you'd look the best as Mai.
You'd make a really good Sayaka! Go for it!
I think you'd look adorable as Maggey. Not enough people cosplay her, too!
I say go for Pluto. Tsumiki would be pretty cute too, though.

>> No.7277324

The unnatural blonde hair looks really good on you and if can pull off kats hair then i think youll look really great as kat

>> No.7277350

You have no choice but to do koto, koto would be amazing

>> No.7277364

Out of the 2 i would say mirai, but tbt u would be much better going as mitsuki you fit her great

>> No.7277388


also please do sakura one day, you're perfect

>> No.7277392
File: 655 KB, 1990x901, tk421cosplay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rock Lee
Gal Gardner, also which cons are you going to? Because I'm coming as Guy Gardner
Poygo's Dad and Otakon
Go with Jet from Cowboy Bebop!
Meg from the Disney Movie Hercules You have the perfect frame!
Magical Emi
My vote is for Freddie, but if you are going to do him, do Fuheur King Bradley
Dude, here me out but Lo Pan! Be a Boss!
Pool Party
Loki from The Avengers
Princess Leia
Snow White
If Pokémon, Officer Jenny!
Prince Bubblegun and Fiona from Adventure Time
Sailor Mercury
Ema Skye
Big Barda and Calhone!
Spike - Cowboy bebop
Lumpy Space Princess(And act like her all day!)
Sheska, or >>7276033 suggestion

>> No.7277402
File: 11 KB, 328x277, Im_Going_To_Fuck_You_Softly.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> The Hebrew Hammer

Holy Shit...That would be too awesome.

>> No.7277457

There is already a Lo Pan in this thread, so Jack Burton!

Also do Nappa and find yourself a vegeta.

>> No.7278222
File: 1.65 MB, 1990x901, 1387437745375.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ignore my malfunction on my madoka cosplay, skits with people tugging at your first time cosplay doesn't really work out well kids lol

Sakura and Kars would be amazing!

Heather would be cute

Mio from K-ON! would be super cute for you~

Aw Shiemi and Rin would be super adorable for you two

I think you'd be a really great Celty from Durarara!

>> No.7278361

>Gal Gardner, also which cons are you going to? Because I'm coming as Guy Gardner
I live in Europe so I am considering doing it for NYCC either this year or next year. Or some Norway-con. Maybe I'll pop by MCM EXPO at one point too, but I am not sure.
Also ahhh post pictures of your Guy Gardner once you're done!

>> No.7278514

I plan on making all the red stripes on my suit light up and run on a 9-volt battery system. I also want to make a construct chainsaw with red plexiglas that also lights up.

>> No.7278537
File: 693 KB, 339x279, 1388640358737.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

DUDE! You were Willy Wonka at Sakura Con last year? I loved that cosplay!

You got the body for Greed and Kimblee. I love the idea as Nappa and I would love to see you at Zapp Brannigan's Panel and just rip into the Vegeta there.

>> No.7278542

> Hugo Stiglitz
If you do this, you have to personally shit kick every Hetalia Germany, Austria, and Italy Cosplayer you come across.

>> No.7281029
File: 830 KB, 1990x901, CosSuggests.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was contemplating maybe Jinx from LoL or even Asuka from Evangelion but not sure yet.

Oh god you'd be a fantastic Levi

Maybe Chiaki from Dangan Ronpa?

Jesus from Saint Young Men...?

Utena, please!

Diantha from Pokemon X/Y

Matt Engarde from Phoenix Wright

You'd be great as Hanji

Mirai from KNK

Anna looks like a good choice

Try to go for maybe one of the Galactic females from Pokemon?

Taiga and Ryuuji pleasepleaseplease

>> No.7281428
File: 1.20 MB, 1990x901, yeeee.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I haven't done one of these threads in a while, so I'll join the party.

I would say Akane, or maybe Misato from Evangelion.
I'll agree with most of the anons and say Levi.
I have to go with Gal Gardner or Hit-Girl
Please go Otacon. I have a soft spot for MGS cosplays.
Haruhi Fujioka from OHSHC, maybe? I think you'd look super cute in her "commoner" outfit in the beginning.
Amu Hinamori from Shugo Chara?
From your list, definitely Sakura or Freddie. I'm also thinking Sig Curtis from Fullmetal Alchemist.
I don't know how you are with armor and such, but I'm thinking Aigis from Persona 3 would be really cute.
I'm seconding on Hwoarang from Tekken
Sailor Jupiter or Mai Minakami from Nichijou
Satsuki, or maybe Crona from Soul Eater
Maybe older Simon from Gurren Lagann? If not, go with Sanageyama.
Ashley Williams because I think you would suit her well and she's not cosplayed as much.
Yukiko from Persona 4! You're super cute!
I think you could cosplay as any of the girls from K-On!
I think you could pull off any of the Disney characters you suggested! Especially Rapunzel!
I'd say Rin and Shiemi, or Shinji and Rei/Asuka from Evangelion.
I love your eyebrows! Mitsuru from Persona 3 or Persona 4 Arena. From your suggestions, I would say Sgt Calhoun
I would love to see Sachiel!
I would go with Satsuki Momoi
I would say either Katara or Korra.
I think you would look cute as hell as Luka. I also agree with the anon that suggested Amethyst from Steven Universe.
I'm gonna have to say Asuka, mostly because she's one of my favorite characters and you'd look super cute!
I think you could cosplay any magical girl! My vote is on Madoka, though!
Please cosplay Maggey Byrde!

>> No.7281450

Continued suggestions.

I think you could pull off either Tsumugi or Mio from K-on
If you could pull off Filia, that would be really cute.
I'm gonna say Nappa or Kimblee. Or maybe Akihiko from Persona 3?
Noel Vermillion or Tsubaki Yayoi from Blazblue.
The blonde wig is making me think Mary from Ib.

>> No.7281459

Actually it was Kagari from the Black Rock Shooter anime

>> No.7281473

stop s-s-s-stuttering

>> No.7281488

I think that wig suits you very well!

>> No.7281498

Oh, well thank you! Many have told me pastel/light coloured wigs suit me best

>> No.7281522
File: 698 KB, 1990x960, endlesspossibilitiesornot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You would do a decent Tsunemori Akane

Both fit you well. Also Rock Lee rocks.

Grdner and Rosaline you would do great. The rest would be fine too.

ARTEMIS. No other option. (I am biased actually)

I think Fleach and Barnes suit your face well.
Aikuro and Eren Titan to maximize mirin....no homo.

>> No.7281798
File: 292 KB, 790x569, Picture 4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm planning on going to Dragon Con next year, and while i've got a couple of costume ideas, I'd love to get more suggestions from people. I'm big into comics, and lately i've been diggin the young justice and batman animated series, but i'm not strictly a DC comics fan. I don't mind doing heroes or villains.

you would make a decent Tony Stark, if you don't mind

you would make a pretty cute Bee from Bee and PuppyCat.

you could make a pretty good zatana from Young Justice

Holy shit, please do guy gardner

death from sandman, possibly with leather jacket?

>> No.7281808

You look like the biggest faggotever

>> No.7281814

Thanks anon! I didn't think my body was good enough for that! I feel too tall

>> No.7281817

Cosplay any role that Karl Urban has ever done.

>> No.7281819

thats just mean and unnecessary. please stop.

>> No.7281865

Sounds good but dunno if my beard is good enough for the job

Homosexual men tend to dress and look sharp as fuck. Thanks. Now since I have answered you have my permission to continue your pathetic life.

Vaako´s armor looks awesome (although it will demand a lot of work)

>> No.7281884

Forgot to mention, you would do a better flash than spiderman IMO since your torso is a little more boxy. You could even pull slightly heavier heroes than those two.

>> No.7281966
File: 1.66 MB, 1990x901, Fuck.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hope I'm not too late and sorry it's a bit messy and rushed I have a lot of ideas but what do you think would suit me the most I guess

I say 8

You're super pretty You would fit 7. 4. and 6 the best!

Do Tsugumi Please

I can see all of your choices they suit you well!

Oh wow you picked perfect people for you! They are all great!

1 and 2 definitely

>> No.7282461

That bottom right picture is making me think Gordon Freeman, to be honest.

I actually never considered Bee as an option, thanks! As for you, I'd go with Flash, or maybe Nova if you're a fan of him.

You would make a super cute Mirai! I don't know if you play Animal Crossing, but I think you could do a gijinka Isabelle!

>> No.7282553
File: 152 KB, 678x720, 1387853585918.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Where did you get that hair clip?

>> No.7282574

Please do Captain America. Hal Jordan might be cool too.
Gordon Freeman plz.
I second Bee from Bee and Puppycat.
Satsuki from Kill La Kill? Or maybe Annie from SNK?

I think you have a pretty good face for Mikasa to be honest.
Guy Gardner, def.
Since you're on the shorter side, I'd suggest either Engineer or Solly.
Do Tomoko, but I think your face is perfect for that chick from Scooby.
You're very pretty and thin so you can cosplay whatever.

>> No.7282580

I'm not too big a fan of KLK, but I'm pretty sure I'm too short for Satsuki anyways. Besides, I am not sure I could even make boobs like that, especially as a guy with pidgeon breast!
Annie, maybe.

>> No.7282759

Replies to people who suggested for me

Aw I never even considered BlazBlue before, I might give Noel a try!

I was actually considering Zatana or Artemis, but I'll give Zatana more priority! And I think you should definitively cosplay Flash!

I'll have to add her to my list then, that was one of the things that kind of put me off from considering cosplaying her since I didn't feel my face was as nice as hers haha

>> No.7283335

Artemis would also be pretty cool too. You could pull off either imo

>> No.7283363
File: 128 KB, 1280x720, reaction.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>7275735 here! Thank you all so much for the replies, and sorry for the delay!

No problem! I think you'd make a cute Haqua too, but the scythe might be a problem... Elsie would just be adorable! If you go to Anime Expo, hugs are more than welcome!

Thank you so much! Sailor Venus is my favorite, but Jupiter is a close second! And yeah, kind of forgot I'm not on tumblr, haha. My bad.

Ah, interesting choice! Thank you for the suggestion!

Thank you so much! I've done Taiga before, but it's in desperate need for a redo. Everyone complained I was too tall for her, haha. I love Mugi, though!

Thank you!

You think? I like them both equally, and they wear the same uniform... Maybe I could do both... HAHA. Thank you!

Thank you very much!

Magical girls are the best! Thank you! I was thinking about doing Kyoko, a distant time ago...

You're the sweetest, thank you!

>> No.7283519

you fatties figure out what to cosplay yet

>> No.7283585

nah, i've been too busy eating to figure out what shitty costume i'll throw together last minute

>> No.7285231

>implying you're dressed sharply
You look like you're too poor to even be a hipster

>> No.7285484
File: 1.05 MB, 1990x891, cgl suggestions.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am terrible at suggestions so I apologize in advance. Also I forgot to add Viewtiful Joe to the list

Scanty and Kon

Flash, also Hal Jordan GL

3 and 5, also if you like One Piece I'd suggest Caimie

Pretty much any of those are good, but I'd go with Ringo

Edea! You could rock Agnes too if you wanted

Gonna have to go with Guy Gardner boss

You'd make a good Filia



>> No.7285502

Damn, you're dashing

>> No.7285532
File: 42 KB, 479x787, classyfucker.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then I guess I am not a faggot then.

Although this picture begs to differ.

>> No.7285552
File: 72 KB, 624x615, 1388114461445.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Oh god.

>> No.7285614 [DELETED] 

oh wowoowowowowow
Well if affordability is your thing I'd say do would do an amazing Flynn Rider!

>> No.7285620

oh wowoowowowowow
Well if affordability is your thing I'd say do would do an amazing Flynn Rider!

>> No.7285646

Flynn. You're too small to pull off any Jojos from Part I, II or III, no offense. You're still hot no homo.

>> No.7286006

Thanks everyone! Definitely doing the flash, and possibly Hal Jordan. I'll probably do spidy too cause he's kinda my favorite. But three costumes should be enough for DC and will definitely fill what little time i have to work on them. Not sure if i'm big enough to pull off Hal, but I've got time to keep working out.

>> No.7286146
File: 449 KB, 1990x901, cgl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry about the bad photos, I don't really like them. Also I can't into facial hair, so I'd prefer a character with out any. Not open to crossplay, the GUMI outfit is just really unisex in my eyes, and I really like GUMI.


Flynn rider, but just since you have an immediate likeness to him.


Looks like you could easily pull of Mirai.


You could probably pull off a good Edea.


If you can find a someone to go and act as other DBZA characters, Nappa would be great.


I'd like to see an Uzume cosplay.

>> No.7286233


As awesome of Viewtiful Joe would be, you aren't a manlet so some of the magic would be lost. Flynn Ryder is almost too easy for you though. That one is a given.


>Being this beta.

What the hell do you have to prove on a board full of anons, moron? Nothing. Stop being a beta faggot and let the haters hate. Right now you're just crying for attention. It ain't your job to please everyone so quit it with the stupid bitchy beta behavior.

>> No.7286328

actually, for those who know this kind of thing, what version of the flash should i do? I was thinking of doing the DC Universe online version, but will anyone get that? i just don't want to do the typical spandex thing.

>> No.7286387

>If you're worried about looking "silly," play Disgaea 3 and maybe choose someone from there, since everyone decided to finally put some damn clothes on.

haha ya I've played, and I'd only look silly because I don't got dat rock hard abs type body. I'm like super soft LOL. I'm actually thinking about doing a male version of Fuka !!!

>> No.7286997

Dude, I am just having fun. Not trying to prove shit.

Also do you even know how the beta/alpha thing works in humans?

Also I fail to understand to see when I cried for attention or bitched. This thread no longer interests me that much so I am just answering when they post something adressed to me. Pretty simple. You can stop posting too.

>> No.7287030


>Dude, I am just having fun. Not trying to prove shit.

That's why you posted a shitty picture of yourself, hoping to attract some positive comments, right?

>Also do you even know how the beta/alpha thing works in humans?


>Also I fail to understand to see when I cried for attention or bitched.

The irony.

>This thread no longer interests me that much so I am just answering when they post something adressed to me.

This thread no longer interests me that much so I am just going to keep talking in it and hope that someone eventually yells TRO-LO-LO at my haters. :^)

>Pretty simple. You can stop posting too.

10/10 read would donate $1 to Autism Speaks again.

>> No.7287064

>That's why you posted a shitty picture of yourself, hoping to attract some positive comments, right?
How can you know my intentions from such a common action such as uploading a picture in a imageboard? The fact that is a picture of me or not is of little importance. The image complemented the post, there is nothing more to it.

That was an honest question. If I am going to evaluate your claim related about beta/alpha stuff I must know your definition. The qualification depends on endogenous or exogenous factors? What kind of behaviour is related to the trait? Why is that behaviour related to the trait?

>The irony.
-insert empty and canned witty remark-

>This thread no longer interests me that much so I am just going to keep talking in it and hope that someone eventually yells TRO-LO-LO at my haters. :^)
How could you possibly know this? Are you implying you know my intentions better than me with such little information available?

>10/10 read would donate $1 to Autism Speaks again.
An insult probably...pretty weak considering attention-seeking behaviour and autism are not associated.

>> No.7287134

That anon called you out because you came off as a try hard and you just made it about 20 times worse, friendly advice is to quit now

>> No.7287246

I am not in damage control mode. I am trying to make a point. I do not really care if I am perceived as a try hard or not. Friendly advice is for you to do the same.

>> No.7287264
File: 1004 KB, 1990x901, 1387437745375 copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm into anime and video games, I'm not particularly interested in comics.
I will have to use a wheelchair, so if the character uses one that would be awesome, but it's not too necessary as I can get up when I need to.

I think you'd look great in either of those. I think GUMI might be easier for you since you don't have much experience.

You are pretty much perfect for Flynn. Waluigi would be cool too, but maybe that's just because I really like Waluigi.

I think you'd make a cute Nonon, and you already make a super cute Mirai so her idol outfit would be awesome too. I don't really think you have the face/body for Satsuki though.

I don't really know much about comics but I think your build is more suited to flash than spiderman. I also agree with everyone suggesting Captain America, I think you're well suited for him.

All I can think of is Gordon Freeman as has already been suggested. Could you wear contact lenses or do you have to wear your glasses?

>> No.7287398
File: 185 KB, 816x1218, 1389221143937.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ayase from Guilty Crown? I don't know too many characters in wheelchairs, but you look like you'd be perfect for her!

>> No.7287645

Maybe Kagari Izuriha from Black Rock Shooter?

>> No.7287660
File: 80 KB, 625x300, 080531_ffta.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

qtpie / 10

You can be Doned from FFTA.
Bonus points if you get the rest of the cast along too

>> No.7288091

Yeah, I could wear contacts.

From your options, I would say Tsukiko fits you the best. Not quite sure why. Maybe because of
a blend of your body type, clothes and face. Like it would fit you without much effort.

>> No.7288143

Making so more suggestions for you all, here's my original post >>7250378

Okita Souji from Hakuouki

Brief from Panty and Stocking

Lisbeth from Sword Art Online

Mami from Madoka Magica

Yukiko from Persona 4

Souseiseki from Rozen Maiden

Scilica from Sword Art Online

Anthy from Revolutionary Girl Utena

Ryuuji and Taiga from Toradora!

Lightning from FF13

Madoka from Madoka Magica

I immediately thought Brienne, but you're so perfect for her it's obvious. It doesn't seem like you're into anime too much, but you would make a really sexy Howl from Howl's Moving Castle.

Archer from Fate/stay night

Bellows from Suisei no Gargantia

Fuyumi from Blood Lad

Black Rose from .hack!

Oiso looks perfect for you now, and when you're at your goal weight, I would go for Ender from .hack//Roots

Leafa/Suguha from Sword Art Online

Mugi from K-On!

Ibara from Coppelion

More coming soon...

>> No.7288183

Following up >>7288143

I think you'd actually make a better Sailor Venus than Pluto!

Momo from Bleach

Gamagoori from Kill la Kill!

Natsume from Tokyo Ravens

Kuranosuke from Princess Jellyfish

Molly from Sherlock

Jack Sparrow

Spiderman is good, you would also make a good Hawkeye (a la Jeremy Renner's version)

Sailor Chibi Moon!

I think you're actually a little tall for Eren, I think you'd make a better Jean if you want to do someone from SnK! Flynn also looks good.

Tall and super skinny? How about Jack Skellington.

Rin from Fate/stay night

>> No.7288274

u seem like an annoying faggot.

>> No.7288300

And you are a an unnecessary tripfag.

>> No.7288311

oh lol

>> No.7288397

you suggested kuranosuke to me
I googled him and I got various people of various hair colours. Is this character a cross dresser who wears many different wigs?

>> No.7288408

Yes he is! He has tons of amazing outfits, so lots of options to choose from.

>> No.7288429


>> No.7288519

cosplay as gendo ikari

>> No.7288557

And yes

Nice idea. That beard I think I can pull of. Thanks.

>> No.7288953

Cool! I'll consider him, and even just gonna consider watching the anime cause it seems interesting!

>> No.7288963

Another .hack fan! ilu

>> No.7289319
File: 1.71 MB, 1990x1080, le me.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7289352


>> No.7290372

I'm a big fan of all the different anime, though I must confess I haven't played a game yet.

>> No.7290374

You won't get suggests unless you make them, stupid anon

>> No.7291855
File: 1.48 MB, 1990x901, 1387437745375.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dont think u should crossplay - I think ur really realllllly pretty, choose an elegant/princess chara it would really suit likeee zelda

You are amazing at crossplay!! fucking hell u look so good. imo ud make a kawaii hideoshi :3

Caitlyn?? would look sexy

rule 63 a little complicated for a beginner :/ idk thats my opinion.. why not try Hei from DTB or ud make a nice Sebastian~ I think u should go for like emo/badass charas~

Hex Maniac would be so epic omg!!! I think you would suit rika!! ur bod is amazing btw~~

U know brick from borderlands?? idk i just thought ud be a perfect build for him + hes badass as hell

Nonon > Satsuki - I think ur reallly gunna suit nonon cuz ur really cute looking and well nonon is def cute!!

OMG U LOOK JUST LIKE FLYNN. YES. DO HIM. eh plz dont do waluigi :|

>> No.7292425
File: 427 KB, 1990x901, suggestions cosplay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Flynn Rider!
Spider M
Tony Stark/Iron Man
Edea Lee

>> No.7292480

Holy shit, please do Flynn.

>> No.7292670 [DELETED] 

Flynn pls

>> No.7292676


>> No.7292714

I've tried but I can't think of any for many of the posts.

You'd make a great Tulio from Road To El Dorado!

In my opinion, definitely Spiderman.

Any Johnny Depp role, or Tony Stark, like the other anon said!

You would be a great Levi, possibly even Ryuko if you don't mind flashing a bit o' skin

>> No.7292770
File: 1.21 MB, 1990x901, cgl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Apologies in advance for these suggestions, I tried my best! Also it's worth noting that I'm a poor college student, but a pretty inventive (and decently skilled) seamstress!

Margaery Tyrell. Or BBC's Irene Adler.
I like the Stocking idea. I think you'd make a great Princess Zelda though, for what it's worth!
Engineer, TF2
Has anyone suggested Nunnally from Code Geass yet? Total cutie in a wheelchair. I think you'd also be a great Alice from Hearts no Kuni
GUMI is cute, although (speaking from experience) spray hair color doesn't work very well on dark hair. :-( It might be better to get a wig if you're able. Also you instantly reminded me of Alucard from Hellsing Ultimate, although his costume is a bit more elaborate!
Flynn seems the obvious choice, although you've got the hair (and height) to pull of Sam Winchester, if you're a SPN fan. :-)
Pretty! Ah, I'm not even a homestuck fan, but you definitely remind me of Rose Lalonde

>> No.7292795

You forgot to state your gender.

>> No.7292834

lol whoops my bad anon-chan
but woman-y as fuck

>> No.7292953
File: 466 KB, 1990x901, Cosplay Ideas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

From your list, I would say Lagombi Armor. Good luck with those weapons though! And prehaps...Sinohue from Kinrandonsu.
I'd also suggest (since you're looking for cute and a little complicated) Arutta Catus from [Queen's Blade] Spiral Chaos or Aoi Ayanokouji from DJibril the Devil Angel 4 in her fighting form.
From your list, Dante. And looking at your facial structure my first thought was Zoro from One Piece. Perhaps Spirit Albarn from Soul Eater. Both pretty simple, Dante is maybe harder if you have trouble making weapons.
Your face is adorable, maybe you should try SeeU. I think Ema would fit you as well.
Trockenhite Fon Merkur from Tenshi no Hane o Fumanaide (which is an adult game...) but her design was really nice.
Let's see...No experience, no crossplay, and no facial hair. Sakikabara Ryuunosuke from Perabu! A Capella Love!? if you can get a wig on all that hair. If not, I'd just say Cheshire Cat from Are You Alice?, just needs a straightener and a bit of fluffing in the hair area. Both of those are easy designs that can be bought in any department store and be good with minimal fixing.
Definitely Nonon or Kon. Or if you feel like all that painting and contouring, Scanty. Also maybe Kaho Fujitani from The Girl Who Leapt Through Time.
Maya or Penny would be perfect. Daphne from Fairly tail would also be pretty cute for you.

I'm def. doing a Fire Emblem girl with my group but I just can't exactly choose between Miciah or Noire so...
I already did Michiko last con so not looking to do her again, but all suggestions are appreciated, so thank you very much if you do.

>> No.7293464

Number four would be cute as fuck. Or what about a Furfrou gijinka with like a French military uniformesque suit with black pants and a black vest, white under shirt with puffy sleeves and black gloves, then a big poofy white wig.

Meg, Meg definitely Meg! Meg Masters is the best and you would rock the hell out of that costume.

I second the previous suggestions. Margaery Tyrell from Game of Thrones, or either Irene Adler or Molly Hooper from BBC's Sherlock (I think you'd make a great Molly).

>> No.7298097


>> No.7298339


>> No.7298344


>> No.7298350

madoka and then have my babies.

>> No.7298382

seconding taiga

>> No.7298424

my future wife.

>> No.7298737

Definitely Meg.
Rule 63 Sherlock.
I'm surprised nobody has said this yet. Neo.
Guy Gardner
Ponyo's dad!
Tsugami or Kars, definitely.

>> No.7298807
File: 808 KB, 1990x1280, pomf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looking for suggestions, mostly. Lay it on me!

Furisode girl would be pretty simple, and kawaii as fuck

Absolutely Meg.

Go with Lagombi; I've always wanted to do a MH armor cosplay, but it seems a bit more advanced than my level right now.

The Gotham Imposters is a really cool idea, I'd go with that

I haven't seen Game of Thrones (yet) but from a quick Google of Margaery Tyrell, you could play her well.

>> No.7298865


How have you not played the games when ALL of the important narrative happens in them?

SIGN was the best anime. IMOQ is the best set of games. Roots was garbage and G.U. was decent though a bit lacking in terms of narrative. Legend of the Twilight aka Dusk was terrible though. Read the manga instead.

>> No.7298921
File: 21 KB, 480x360, kinkypantheon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do the ruthless pantheon skin, would love to see that body in something kinky

>> No.7299499
File: 254 KB, 1990x901, pic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Open for more suggestions ! Currently working on Bee from Bee and Puppycat

Kamina will look good on you, maybe also an adult Simon ?

Oh that furisode girl will look so cute one you and maybe Garnet from Steven Universe

You remind me a bit of Clara from Doctor Who

Satine from Moulin Rouge !

Marshall Lee from Adventure Time

>> No.7299751

Anon! S-so sudden, I don't even have a dowry!

>> No.7299771

Will Graham, Theodore Twombly, Jon Sow

>> No.7300068

bump !

>> No.7300896
File: 2.10 MB, 1990x901, suggestions1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

never done this before and I am horrible at suggestions but let's try this

you'd make an adorable Lenalee
Katniss Everdeen maybe?
The Enchantress/Amora
Black Widow
with a blonde wig I am sure you'd make an awesome Fandral
Fionna the Human!

>> No.7300972
File: 621 KB, 1990x901, An ugly nigga.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gotta get a haircut sometime.


Mugi. If not, Logombi.

Meg. You look just like her.



Either one would suit, but that second picture screams Ivy.


>> No.7302124

Oh girl Poison Ivy will look good on you and maybe you can do Jessica Rabbit

Morticia Addams ?

You look cute, maybe a hobbit ?

>> No.7302329
File: 460 KB, 1990x1000, cosplay suggest.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Posted in previous thread, but updated with a recent body shot.

when I see you, I think of Komui from D.Gray-Man.

Tsukimi from Kuragehime

Black Widow immediately comes to mind

Oh man, Archer would be great!

Furisode Girl would be adorable! or maybe Fei-Ku from Negima!

will post more as I think of them!

>> No.7302397
File: 1.22 MB, 1990x904, cosplaydreams.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You would make a perfect Haruhi. I could also see you as a sailor scout because you have a really cute face
Movie Peggy Carter would look great, or Elizabeth
you already look like poison ivy, but you would make a great cat girl with those eyes
Please do Rui or the character for #4 you are adorable.
Meg from Hercules was what i thought of, but Jack would be great too
You could pull off a dragon ball character pretty well, but Kamina would be cool

>> No.7302414


>> No.7302520
File: 334 KB, 1706x1136, 13797186052047.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can I get some new suggestions, please? I'm about to attempt giving new suggestions to the entire thread, so please don't yell at me if there's a delay with that! Sorry. I'll just attach my ID number in the name field after.

>> No.7302702
File: 58 KB, 459x700, scolipede.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Catherine's wig is incredibly easy to mess up. If this is one of your first times making a cosplay, I'd suggest something a bit easier, likeXiao or Schierke.
New suggestion: Yuno (Mirai Nikki), Shiemi (Blue Exorcist)
New suggestion: Holo (Spice & Wolf)
New suggestion: Yoire (Nabari no Ou), Akira (Eden of the East)
New suggestion: the Wasp, Death (the Sandman)
plz marry me
Poison Ivy
New suggestion: (Excuse me, I'm going to be one of those people and suggest...) Female Bilbo
DON'T do Kamina.
New suggestion: Nate (Uncharted)
The Vanillish gijinka
New suggestion: You have a ton of ideas already, so I'm going to suggest something a little out of your comfort range-- the Scolipede gijinka in my picture.
such a qt3.14~
Jack would be amazing.
New suggestion: Angela (Guardians of the Galaxy) or Hellcat
Seconding Satine
New suggestion: There's a possibility you could make a really stellar Cassandra Cain. For something cute, I'd suggest Totooria (Atelier Totori).
Gotham City impostor
I'm going to second Doned because I would love seeing a FFTA cosplay irl.
You could try casual Peter Parker if you want to try stuffing your hair into a short wig.
As you asked later in the thread, I think Wally West would be the best Flash to cosplay as.
cont...There are so many of you!

>> No.7302792
File: 111 KB, 800x533, 095 - ACIxlGJ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New suggestion: On the same thread as Kill la Kill, I'd suggest Nui.
New suggestion: Nightwing
Gordon Freeman (Half-Life)
New suggestion: Imu (Senran Kagura) would look nice if you make the coat flare at the under-bust or waist.
New suggestion: Kuranosuke (Princess Jellyfish)
New suggestion: Eris (Asobi ni Iku yo) if you pad your boobies a little.
Hebrew Hammer
New suggestion: Sakura (only appears in the Evangelion movies)
Sailor Pluto
New suggestion: Meimi (Saint Tail)
New suggestion: Tabitha (Zero no Tsukaima)
New suggestion: A Sheryl Nome outfit, refer to image for two good suggestions.

>> No.7303234

Thanks anon. An earlier anon already suggested Kuranosuke but now I'm sorta heavily considering it

>> No.7303249
File: 534 KB, 1000x617, ethserthdfg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks to your suggestion I am watching Kuragehime now!

>> No.7303499

Sorry! I didn't notice. You would make a good Kuranosuke, though. I'll give you a new suggestion when I continue the suggestion list later today.

>> No.7303872
File: 1.03 MB, 1990x990, 1387437745375.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mikuru from TMOHS
just because you're cute.

Haru ^^

eric from dungeons and dragons cartoon


go as pam instead of archer

go as sarah jane or velma. k thanks.

mary poppins

mecha suit with bunny ears.
OKAY! so I've lurked this site for about 4 years now, always hoping id gain the guts to cosplay at a bigger even then im use to. I know have two cons planned.
I would like pointers and help picking something to go as.

>> No.7303916

You understand that Heather is from Silent Hill 3, and Ashley is from Resident Evil 4 an they arent the same character right?

>> No.7303934

I couldn't find a white background of heather by herself.
sorry. haha

>> No.7304017

You could've just cropped Ashley out you know...

>> No.7304048

I'm still knew to this TT__TT

>> No.7304065

you should go as annie potts from ghost busters

>> No.7304326

Fuck you

>> No.7304340

im sorry auto correct :(

>> No.7304341


It's got to be someone fucking around. No one is this retarded. Smillies are always a dead give away.

>> No.7304353

no I'm just a first time poster and would really like some helpful suggestions on what and how i can cosplay.

>> No.7304360


Try lurking for a while before you post. You'll save yourself from looking like a moron.

>> No.7304392

if you read my post you would know ive been a lurker for some years now.
I just wanted help with my first big cosplay.

>> No.7304407


No one who's lurked for several years (or even weeks) would talk like that. I'm done derailing the thread but Jesus Christ at least try and talk like an adult.

>> No.7304416

can you stop being a dick and actually give advice?
no? then why are you even in this thread?

>> No.7304419


Just ignore the assholes.

Fuck this board, no wonder all the decent people got driven off by aspies, shit moderation, and general assholes that will never be happy in life

>> No.7304452

nice self post

>> No.7304458


Nice paranoia ya aspie. Because my sentence composition and word choice are totally the same as hers.

Bait / 10

>> No.7304488

arrietty will look great on you, you could also pull off Scarlet from Space Dandy
Ah thank you for the advice, Cathrine's wig is pretty hard!
Heather could be perfect for you, especially if you want to go light with make-up

>> No.7304492
File: 354 KB, 1288x1586, 3915.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well most of /cgl/ is this.
Like the female version of /v/

>> No.7304499

thanks! but do you think it will be a recognizable enough character?

>> No.7304524


You realize all those anon posts were samefagged by one person right?

Being this gullible / 10

Btw it's been proven over time

>> No.7304531

Not the anon you were talking to, but the Resident Evil games are pretty popular. If you keep a keen eye on the details and carry a prop around you should get some people noticing who you are.

>> No.7304537

>annie potts
That's not a bad idea, but I think I'd need some of the Ghostbusters with me to be recognizable. I may try this idea out for Halloween. Thanks!

>> No.7304543

okay :)
what if you go as potts but with a chamber prop? that would be cool.
but i understand how that would be strange.

>> No.7304547

I'd say yes, and even if only a few know who you are it will still be fun. Most of what i want to do is old and probably not that popular, but you can have fun if you really like the character.

>> No.7304556

oops i meant to link this to you:

>> No.7304578

what are you doing? I had a lot of 70's and 80's cartoon characters i was gonna choose from haha

>> No.7304718

You don't have to, anon! Really, don't trouble yourself

>> No.7304773

ur a qt

>> No.7304777

thanks ^^

>> No.7304847

No seriously, where are you from? I feel like I've seen you before...

>> No.7304867

i doubt it. maybe i just have one of those faces.
i live in maine.

>> No.7304869
File: 1.33 MB, 1990x901, suggestionsmaybe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think you'd make a great Trish from Jojo's Bizarre Adventure
You've got a really cute face! Go for Ribbon
Depending on how good your wig skills are, I'd say Feyris from Steins;Gate
You'd make a great Elizabeth but I think you could also pull off Wonder Woman as well
Please do Poison Ivy
Momo from Peach Girl
Meg definitely!
Lagombi armor would be hella cute
You've got a great face for Rohan, but you'd be a good Gappy too

>> No.7304872

Yeah, definitely never seen you before. I'm a britbong.

>> No.7304896

go as shera!

>> No.7304898

Thanks for the suggestion! Unfortunately, I'm not too comfortable showing that much midriff.

As for you, I'd suggest either Hanna-Justina or Or Watashi.
Probably Yasuho as well.

>> No.7304904

Woah it's amazing what you can do with make-up. You'd make an amazing Elizabeth!

>> No.7304999

I honestly cant imagine your body would look good in the ryuko costume

the costume itself will especially look like shit with your skills you say you dont have

>> No.7305285

autosage time nao?

>> No.7305506
File: 541 KB, 1708x900, sister cosplay.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

needs to be a casual's victorian/royal dress

>> No.7305846

If you want some suggestions you better start giving them, hon

>> No.7305915
File: 90 KB, 600x600, 1389885948607.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sorry, i went to bed right after posting.

arrietty, or any character from Miyazaki movies, you've got those thick eyelids for a kind of dreamy look. you remind me of this pic, or the concept art for sailor moon where she had pink/white hair
viola or kirroina from pokemon XY
sailor Jupiter
i like how you keep into shojo men because it really suits you!

welp got to go to work

>> No.7306216


Your face is perfect for Schierke, compared to the other ones you listed. It's a must do. And it's not that difficult either.

>> No.7306891

Are you me? I'm also doing watashi and rikka...

>> No.7310344
File: 926 KB, 1990x901, 1387437745375.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I could see Katara from The Last Airbender for you. c:

Ryuko for sure!


Meirin from Kuroshitsuji would fit you. c: >>7302397
Tsukimi from Dangan Ronpa.

>> No.7310457

This thread is dead hon, not even bumping anymore. New one is here >>7306507 though.