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7246915 No.7246915[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>The anime rave play more KPOP than JPOP

How do you react when this happens? Do you believe the DJ needs to have more knowledge on JPOP or is it just an unfortunate side effect of KPOP's popularity?

>> No.7246920

I like both, so I don't really care. I wouldn't mind seeing manhwa more represented at cons as well.

>> No.7246955

Who gives a shit?

Every rave that exclusively plays only one genre of music is always guaranteed to be a shitty rave. I've yet to have any con friend (especially the ones that love the raves) who doesn't agree with this.

There's a wide variety of people who go to cons and not everyone likes Jpop.

I'd actually be more inclined to go to an anime rave if one of the DJs played industrial or D&B...

>> No.7247016

>Who gives a shit?
>Every rave that exclusively plays only one genre of music is always guaranteed to be a shitty rave. I've yet to have any con friend (especially the ones that love the raves) who doesn't agree with this.
>There's a wide variety of people who go to cons and not everyone likes Jpop.
>I'd actually be more inclined to go to an anime rave if one of the DJs played industrial or D&B...

It's more distressing if the DJ doesn't know a single JPOP track, happened in one con

>> No.7247017
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It doesn't bother me. It's a shitty anime rave after all.

>> No.7247021
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Side question

Why are 'raves' a part of anime/con culture at all? I've never been to a con that didn't have one. Why is it seen as an integral part of con programming?

>> No.7247028
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>going to the rave

>> No.7247033


I thought the same thing but they're fun as shit so who gives a fuck

>> No.7247039

Carnivals are fun but you don't see Ferris Wheels at every con.

Are there any older seagulls who can answer this question?

>> No.7247040

I've never understood this either. They seem really popular though, so I doubt cons will stop them. I think it's an attempt to have some party-like night programming that's a bit offbeat like the rest of the con.

>> No.7247050


What the fuck am I reading?

>> No.7247057

Most cons have more than one DJ, though. Did they all not play a single Jpop song? Or was it a smaller con that couldn't find any more DJs?

Got that right.

Otakon rave, never again...

Same as the formal ball, same as virtually any other "event" (like Colossalcon's bounce house). It's just another thing for people to do, and raves specifically help keep the late night kids out of trouble by giving them something to do.

>> No.7247084

>implying DnB remixes aren't staples at con raves now
It's all that BPT and I'm not upset

>> No.7247323


Yep. Not a single jpop song was played at one anime rave. When the organizers actually do some homework amf provides a playlist though things improve

>> No.7247350

So what you're saying is that we need to petition to have some con obtain a tilt-o-whirl.

Let's see what we can do.

>> No.7247366
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Atomic Lollipop literally did that.

It was every bit as fun as you'd imagine - more cons should start doing carnival stuff.

>> No.7247551

I did that when I had to DJ a JPop dance. Virtually no one was coming in anyway, so no one complained.
And I had all the (anime-related) Jpop songs there, but fuck all I did was have a walk in headphones that had a few slamdancing yahoos.