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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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7242750 No.7242750 [Reply] [Original]

Can we discuss our guesses for 2014 trends?

I bet my chips on gothic/gothic-classic coords since sweet-classic is obviously getting old.
All the siriusc love that's been going around lately is a strong evidence of that.

>> No.7242760

I feel as if it is time for gothic to return and perhaps a more ott gothic style than we have seen in the past. Following the rein of ott sweet and ott classic.

>> No.7242770

I really hope it happens ! Not because I love gothic but because people will sell all those georgeous classic brand dresses for so cheap...

>> No.7242772
File: 35 KB, 490x780, 1387195013328.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ott gothic
Just gonna put this here

>> No.7242771

>everyone will put on so many accessories that you wont even be able to see the dress
>15 lbs of accessories will make the perfect outfit

>> No.7242776

It is incredible in person. I can see it working really nicely with a roland or an asymetrical bpn jacket and an antique beast headdress.

>> No.7242779

Yeah, it almost seems like the dress was designed to go with the Antique Beast bat headdress. Wish I could have seen it in person!

>> No.7242781

Yes, I want to be a gorgeous evil witch fom a Disney movie, please.

>> No.7242789

There are worn pics of it going around and it's going to be released in three colourways, I met the designer at the festival and tea party, she is actually a very lovely person.

>> No.7242826

Which brand is this from?

>> No.7242847

I need this. Sauce pls

>> No.7242850

You're a bright one.

>> No.7242853

It's Rouge Aeerie, an Australian label. It hasn't been released yet.

>> No.7242855

Rouge Aerie Designs.

Yeah, I've seen a few already! I've been eagerly stalking the pics from the weekend. I was just lamenting not being there, haha.

I'm friends with the designer and I agree, she's a very lovely person!!

>> No.7242862

Oh anon that is so sad you could not make it. I hope you can if Misako returns or if we are lucky enough to have a brand tea party.I know quite a few girls who are already waiting for the dress to be released.

>> No.7243034

Getting such a boner for that and I'm not even a gothic lolita

>> No.7243038

AP probably will still make the usual Sweet stuff though. At Taobao, there seems to be a rise of things with gloomy fairytale themes.

>> No.7243087
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Yeah but Holy Lantern and Radiant Candlelight were quite popular. They might want to release more stuff like that?

I also bet on veils being the next deer horns.
Maybe oldschool will get a little more attention? Though this is more of a wish than an actual guess.

>> No.7243178
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Actually, that with the veils is already happening on Taobao but it seems to be caused by the recent Cult Party boom and affecting classic rather than gothic.

>> No.7243180
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>> No.7243184

>Military and sailor lolita will gain popularity

>JetJ will release an OTT napoleonic inspired military-classic-hybrid coat, a naval battle print, a battle of waterloo print, a treasure map print, one of those John William Waterhouse Mermaid prints and a pirate cat OTT classic print. They don't just slap the prints on basic dresses but also put effort into more unique dress designs and delicate fabric choices. Lots of tassels and gold trim.

>Alice and the Pirate finds back to their roots and releases more pirate themed items, a bag that looks like pirate ship and a sea creatue (that attacks a pirate ship) print, more pirate hats and a pirate bride OTT wedding dress. Also sailor kodona will become a thing.

>AP will release a cute sandcastle print and a sea horse carousel print, an OTT sweet jellyfish series with skirts looking like jellyfishes. Blue and nautical coloured wigs will become a must have.

>Meta will just stay the same and releases sailor stuff, a new Nazi inspired uniform, a military inspired swim suit and the usual obsure things inbetween.

>Moitie will release an Atlantis townscape OTT Gothic screenprint (same style as Iron Gate) which will come in several shades of blue, additional to the traditional colourways. Moitie will release the first OTT Gothic Sailor dress and set a new trend.

>Some indie brand will release a victorian chatty seagull print (who drink tea and wear the most fashionable hats), a lorch ness print and a unicorn-mermaid-hybrid print.

One can always dream, right? If only one of those became reality I would be a happy lolita for the rest of my life.

>> No.7243187
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>> No.7243190
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>> No.7243211

>victorian chatty seagull print

Not gonna lie, I wanna make this.

>> No.7243217
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> a bag that looks like pirate ship and a sea creatue (that attacks a pirate ship) print
>mfw I've been designing a print that has a giant octopus (I like them better than squids) attacking an old-fashioned ship
I've been looking for a good place to get it printed, if I had my design notebook on hand I'd take a picture of my rough draft. It's tentatively titled "Octopus Shipwreck".

>> No.7243228

> a pirate cat OTT classic print

God! please make this happen PLEEEEEASE

>> No.7243249

... I would throw money at you so hard if this happens.

>> No.7243863

>pirate cat
Have you seen Ista Mori's Captain Mia? It's a sailor cat and it's perfect.

>> No.7244077

what would you guys consider that neck piece thing to be called, I have an idea for an evil queen coord and I need to find a patter for something like that.

>> No.7244085

Oh my god please tell me what colors, I need to know!

>> No.7244092

A ruff?

>> No.7244101

A high collar with bat-shape?

>> No.7244109

I'm so pumped for this and the next Carouskel release.

>> No.7244115
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>Also sailor kodona will become a thing

>> No.7244129

Didn't Dear Celine do a sailor set with shorts a while back? I know a friend of mine has the blouse.

>> No.7244172


I used to play on one of those avatar sites (which has since shut down) and they had the cutest sailor shit with like knickers, and it was the best thing. It made me wish I could sew,, just so I could wear my avatar's clothing IRL.

>> No.7244181

Black, Emerald green and Navy.

>> No.7244231

Fuck, I wish I was cool looking enough to pull off this kind of look... I'm way too cute faced. this is so awesome.

>> No.7244244

>Emerald green
yessss I've always wanted to be a mistress of the deep sea!

>> No.7244252

I want some viking lolita! tattered and braided hair, wooden rocking-horse shoes with norse symbols and celtic knot prints! Furs and boots! Thick knit tights!

>> No.7244277

Ok, but no tattered hair, please. By that logic we should have viking hygiene, too.

>> No.7244283

Where is this from? I searched "hyrule" and didn't find anything.

>> No.7244287

I'm not sure where that one is from, but Kirakira on TaoBao has many that are similar and customisable: http://kirakira-w.taobao.com/

>> No.7244291

The next big thing "Dirty Lolita"

>> No.7244296


>> No.7244424

I really hate Gothic Lolita, but it's so cute.

Decisions, decisions...

>> No.7244468
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Viking Lolita?

>> No.7244473

Who is the girl in OP's pic? I've seen a few pictures of her around lately, but I forgot her name.

Have really enjoyed lolita for a few years now, but I think this year I'm going to get more into actually wearing it.

>seahorse carousel print

>> No.7244474
File: 40 KB, 720x960, vikingloli.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did you say viking lolita ? I wish it was a thing (but no thor/loki loli anymore plsthks)

>> No.7244484

It's in the OP.
>All the siriusc love that's been going around lately

>> No.7244493

I love everything about that dress except for what the fuck is going on in that bust/collar area.

>> No.7244497

Oh, thanks! I guess I didn't put two and two together.

>> No.7244506

I thought "hobo lolita" was already a thing

>> No.7244522

I have no idea what the historical/technical term for it is, but you should be able to find plenty of patterns if you just search 'Vampire Collar' or 'Dracula Collar'.

>> No.7244525

The sworn enemy of bath lolita!

>> No.7244554
File: 29 KB, 360x480, bathlita.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Enemy indeed.

>> No.7244558

I unironically want to own that showercap hat, is there something wrong with me

>> No.7244564

Anon I hope you are right. Nautical themed stuff is my obsession.

>> No.7244568

I've met a few lolitas who wanted it.

>> No.7245707

I will be so fucking poor but nautical things are like my life.

>> No.7246388
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I reserved Ergi's Sleipnir JSK and the traditional brooches. I want viking lolita to be a thing so badly.

>> No.7246396

I'm thinking gothic will return as well, but i'm kind of hoping ott gothic doesn't become as huge as ott sweet or classic. I started to hate ott classic because all the sweet lolitas jumped on the classic bandwagon and just threw every single thing that seemed classic into their outfit and called it good. I don't want that to happen to gothic.

That said I would love to see more really well thought out ott gothic coords in 2014

I also feel like btssb is going to make a huge comeback and be top brand again, if their releases keep going this way

>> No.7246411
File: 1.93 MB, 185x171, thispleasesme.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>open picture
>dat hat
>immediately think of Kuragehime's "Clara"
>my face when

>> No.7246613

I only preordered the dress, but I am so fucking excited for it to come in. The colour and style, damn. I typically only wear classic, but this is gonna sneak in.

>> No.7246668

Actually, a couple of Taobao brands did this but it always ended looking like a Donald Duck cosplay.

>> No.7246674

...But Donald doesn't wear pants.

>> No.7246696

But most cosplayers wear white bloomers to get the look of his bottom.

>> No.7246721

I see classic prints getting insanely popular, also tons of chiffon.

I am beyond okay with this.

>> No.7246952


I have an entire document reserved for finding Viking lolita items. I've only found >>7246388
so far, though. ;_;

>> No.7251796

I think Alice is going to take the backseat to other classics like Innocent World's Beatrix Potter, Haenuli's The Little Prince, etc. I'd give a kidney for a Brambly Hedge or a Wind in the Willows. Around Halloween this might take a turn for classic horror with most likely AatP taking slightly more adventurous inspiration from Frankenstein and Jekyll/Hyde. I also think they will open the doors to not necessarily "fandom" pieces but more licensed pieces.

>> No.7251844

>Innocent World's Beatrix Potter
Oh please let this happen. Im really fucking tired of alice now.

>> No.7251857


Just waiting for the reserves to go up now.

>> No.7251998
File: 23 KB, 220x299, Pie_and_the_patty-pan_ribby.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


the term you might be looking for is mori?

>beatrix potter
probably going to be all peter rabbit or tom kitten. give me squirell nutkin or the two bad mice any day. or duchess the black pomeranian

>> No.7252096

I would love a Two Bad Mice print and I'm not even into prints. If this happens, it needs to have the doll house or the illustrations right out of the book onto the dress as a border print.

>> No.7252689

I think AatP is going to become really huge. Their popularity has really spiked in the past few years and they've released quite a hefty amount of highly coveted pieces.

>>Alice and the Pirate finds back to their roots and releases more pirate themed items, a bag that looks like pirate ship and a sea creatue (that attacks a pirate ship) print, more pirate hats and a pirate bride OTT wedding dress.
This is my new ultimate lolita fantasy.