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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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7229410 No.7229410[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Now that Yukicon and Desucon Frostbite aren't that far in the future let's see if we can whip up a Finland thread.

Are you going? To both? Only to one? Cosplay plans? Expectations? Fears? Hopes? Talk about the NCC preliminaries? Anything at all?

>> No.7229451

Cosplay? In Finland? I thought Finland was way too boring for that.

>> No.7229464

/int/ is that way

>> No.7229482

Yes, cosplay exists in Finland. Of course not on as large scale as in bigger countries but we have around 5-10 conventions every year and cosplay scene that I find pretty active considering it's size.

>> No.7229533

Going to Frostbite, I'm pretty excited about the whole 18+ thing.

It was such a pain in the ass trying to find a reasonably priced hotel, I ended up renting a fucking villa from an entirely different town. All of my tears.

>> No.7229567
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I'm going to both, to Frostbite 'cause of habit and Yukicon 'cause of morbid curiosity. Some of the judges for their cosplay competitions stirred a real laughter for example.

Also posting some good finnish cosplay to make this post more relevant.

>> No.7232125

> Some of the judges for their cosplay competitions stirred a real laughter

More like half of them.

>> No.7232143

Going to both.
I was also planning to participate in a cosplay contest in either one but then this happened >>7232125

I'm also a bit confused about the NCC preliminaries at Desucon Frostbite. How come is there a limitation that the cosplayed characters have to be of asian origin, when in the actual contest there is no such rule?
Have I just misunderstood something?

>> No.7232228

I'm actually going to Frostbite. First con in three years. I don't think I'll bother up with cosplay. The reason is mentioned >>7232143 I'm just too stupid to understand and too lazy to read more. Gothic (lolita) it shall be.

I hope this 18+ thing will make Frostbite more tolerable than the cons I went to years ago. I haven't even kept up with Finnish cons or drama.

>> No.7232299


You can already see the change. Now that all those Homestuck/Superwholock/yaoi teens have been ruled out there are still tickets left even though you have been able to buy them since 22.11. I really hope people are smart enough to behave themselves this time so that we could have 18+ cons more often.

>> No.7232301

More likely only 2 out of 10 are eligible judges.
(Each country decides their own set of rules for their respective competitions) as taken from NCC rules, so I guess frostbite is using the whole ~most anime convention~ ever card here. Not that I mind it, I'm just wondering how many con goers will actually go and watch it now that the con is 18+ and for real animefans. Maybe the con is full of neckbeards who prefer their animuwaifus over 3DPD cosplayers.

>> No.7232319

Is it just animus and mangoes or all Japan-made media? I was planning on cosplaying a Nintendo game character but am not sure if it'll pass.

>> No.7232323

I'm sure it's all forms of Japanese media. Japanese game characters aren't looked down upon like wearing a western comic series to a Japanese culture con is.

>> No.7232355

Cool, so Animal Crossing is okay? Sorry for being a massive faggot, but I really like the game.

>> No.7232382

Yeah, since the origin is Asian.
But cosplays from Avatar, RWBY etc. wouldn't do even though many would consider them "anime". Semantics, semantics...

>> No.7232388
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Yukicon's first round of tickets just sold out and the organizers of Desucon are already sending pissed off tweets.

>> No.7232391
File: 18 KB, 300x445, AllenWalkerCrownedClown.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Going to both cons as Allen Walker + Utsuho Reiuji.
For those who needs cheaper replacement for a shitty and expensive hotel, go check if there are any summer cottages free for rent. They usually cost around the same as a typical hotel-room but u can easily have 6 people there and you have your own kitchen etc.

Also: Torilla tavataan!

>> No.7232403

pissed off like how? I'm only following the official desucon account and there's nothing, so is it just the individual organizers then?

>> No.7232431

I know nothing about Finnish cosplayers/contests: what's wrong with the judges?

>> No.7233645

gentle bump

>> No.7233736
File: 85 KB, 1000x439, hellocon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not cosplay but lolita related in Finland, anyone attending Hellocon?

>> No.7233758

I used to read D gray man pretty religiously back in 2006/2007. Is that a recent Allen? I must of missed a crap ton.

>> No.7233769

I'm not even a dgman fan but this shit ain't even relatively recent.

>> No.7233805

Well, I know he had the arm thing, then the artist kept taking breaks. And I heard she got sued for stealing poses or art?

>> No.7233825

Attending probably both, gonna attend Yukicon's cosplay contest (I don't know much about the drama behind judges, but few made me chuckle a little). Really keen for overall Yuki experience (LaeppaVika = sold <3)

I don't personally like Desucon's elitist douchebag attitude they are having (plus the panels and stuff looked really boring, if I would have to choose convention due to their program, I would skip Frostbite this year) so that's an 50/50 for me.

Dunno about that but DGM's quality went really downhill after her second hiatus (from shounen to ugly fujoshi drama. Older DGM is one of my fav series ;_; ) that Allen is his Crown Clown form where his hand can transform into a sword in need.

>> No.7233828

Yes, crown clown. Holy crap, I really missed when there used to be only 30-50 chapters out . Kanda and Lavi were relivant. The anime wasn't too bad either. Sucks she ruined it by taking too many damn breaks.
I'd rather have it unfinished than suck terrible.

>> No.7233831

I miss the 70-160 ;_; best fights ever.

>> No.7233837

And Yukicon is sold out. Glad I got tickets.

>> No.7233841

They had kind technical difficulties so they accidentally sold rest of the tickets, even if they were supposed be sold in two rounds.

>> No.7234054

I'm seriously confused by this
> Desucon's elitist douchebag attitude
that people talk about.
I mean... Sure, I've seen them joke about stuff in a manner that can be understood as elitism and done a few things overboard, but nothing grade.
And more than that I've seen them joking about thimselves in a "degrading" way.

And as far as I know the douchebaggiest Desudude was the guy that fucked himself up with Fanfest? So he's an idiot yeah, but he's still just one person: not the embodiment of Desucon.

I've worked with Animecon some, and they shittalk other cons a lot and what I've seen from f.ex. Tracon online isn't any better: so why is Desucon the big bad evil elitist?

>> No.7235284

This. I really don't get the elitist Desucon attitude going on. I don't even know where it came from. This one dude fucked up with Fanfest, but most people working with Desucon seem to be relativetely sane. I've missed some delicious drama, if there's something behind this.

And I have the same experience about Animecon. I was part of the staff years ago when it still was the biggest con around, and oh boy the attitude and the way smaller cons were spoken of was horrifying.

>> No.7235616

What did he do?

>> No.7235646

The Fanfest-dude? I have to be honest, I'm not familiar with the details. But the bottom line is he arranged the con in a place with a fucking high rent instead of using the place he could have gotten half-free from Espoo (loppuu sanasto kesken: nuorisotalo?) and didn't manage his finances resposibly and therefore ended up with a debt of 20 000 euros or so.
After screwing that up he started whining and acting the victim, begging for people to support him by donating money etc and I don't think that he has yet admitted that he failed and rushed things.

...And the tickets were fairly expensive, for a Finnish con, to begin with.
...And from my personal experience the con wasn't really worth it.

Also: the reason he is mostly responsible for this illusion about desucon being a bunch of douchebags is because he speaks before he thinks and what comes out is usually really offensive and, well, douchebagish.

>> No.7235740


I'm planning to go, don't know about the tea party though. I haven't purchased the ticket there.

>> No.7235830
File: 410 KB, 500x362, 1386789534359.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone is selling a ticket to Yukicon. The price is 2000 euros.

>> No.7235884

Yea there's been a few joke ones.

But the shitty thing is if you want a ticket to yukicon people might easily ask for double the original price.

>> No.7235887

What what the actual fuck someone has bought it with the 2000e price
What the dick that has to be a joke

>> No.7235925


it's probably a joke by two ppl who know each other. sick joke though

>> No.7236925

for my beliefs ghe desuucon being an elitist shitcon started with frostbite's age restriction which angered all of the little kids, who usually just go to cons to hang around and annoy people.
they are also the reason to yukicon being sold out

>> No.7237072

No, it started a lot earlier. Story time! I'm an ex-desu-organizer, so obviously what I say is from that viewpoint.

Back in 2009 when Desu was first kicked off the ground, the con scene in Finland was very different. Pretty much no con had an entry fee or if they did, it was something like 2 euros (anyone remember Tracon I?). A lot of the people organizing the older cons like Tracon and Animecon thought Desucon was full of crap solely because we had the nerve to say "our tickets are 12 euros a piece".

Desucon organizers also weren't people from the con organizing circles. It had became common that the people organizing cons were always kind of the same. You know, Kyuu and his posse. Desucon organizers didn't really feel the need to mingle with those folks, so we were called cheeky and being full of ourselves. A certain Pararin being provocative didn't really help.

After Desucon had proven that some of the fresh ideas were effective and nothing in con scene was ruined, really, things have been pleasant in the con scene. The reputation Desu had and still has was established before the first Desu was even held. Seems like it's not going away so Desucon has kind of decided to run with it. If the brand is "most animu con of them all" or "elitist" (if you happen to think watching Japanese cartoons is elitist, I don't), then use it! Brands are good. That was one the fresh ideas that actually works.

>> No.7237076


These days Desu folks are on very friendly terms with Tracon, we have a healthy rivalry going on. Some Desu people have been helping Yukicon out (to be fair, Yukicon got help from Tracon, too). The only con Desu doesn't really get along with is Animecon. There have been some grudges and from what I've heard, Animecon organizers really like to shittalk about Desu. I personally find that odd because Desucon and Animecon are not really competing any more, the visitor segment is different and Animecon is in Kuopio anyway. That's all hearsay though since I've never been in an Animecon meeting.

The K-18 thing is, once again, a new idea no one else has dared to try, yet. It could bomb spectacularly, or it could be the best thing ever. Time will tell.

Even though I loved organizing, it's also fun to be able to go as a visitor. And to finally make this post relevant to the board, I'm going to make a few simple costumes because winter + crazy costume doesn't really seem like a good idea in my mind.

>> No.7237192

Do you have an opinion of Kyuu's status in the community these days? From what I've understood, he's seen as a creepy old relic that might or might not have a certain unhealthy infatuation with younger congoers.

>> No.7237223

I'm not the anon you asked this from but jesus christ I don't think I've evet met a person as annoying as him.
I'd rather not see Kyuu even as a creepy old relic that might or might not have a certain unhealthy infatuation with younger congoers. I just don't want to see him as anything at all.

>> No.7237225

Comic relief, old relic. Something that should've been buried long ago. He's extremely annoying and all the good things he managed to do years ago mean nothing when compared to his later attitude.

>> No.7237263
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I just leave this here...


>> No.7237271

Let me guess "I've been in the scene before you even knew what Naruto is, I am the high authority, everybody should do as I say! And if you don't you're detrimental to our community!"`?

>> No.7237404
File: 30 KB, 700x990, ottocon.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The K-18 is not an entirely new thing. Otto-con was K-18, if I remember correctly. Sadly I was 17 at the moment and I wanted to go there.

>> No.7237417

More like all of them. I can't name one credible judge out of anyone introduced. But hey, Tracon also had Elffi, Luminescence and other people that had little to no merit in the cosplay field. So all in all the Finnish cosplay judge selection has taken a dive recently in every convention.

>> No.7237425

Both Elffi and Luminescence have been churning out really well made cosplays for years, and the former also represented Finland at WCS, so I'd say they're more than qualified. Not to mention Elffi has been judging various competitions for a couple years now.

>> No.7237427

I want names. List credible judges if Yumikoyuki or WCS winners aren't good enough.

>> No.7237450

I think he is chill these days. I don't have anything against him and he is doing a pretty good job with the photo service thing. For a free service, it's quite cool. Kyuu has changed his views about fansubbed anime a lot, he used to be very anti-pirate and now he is member of the pirate party. People change.

>> No.7237490

Did you mean: Elffi churned out well made costumes when his friends made them and helped him a lot.

Nowaways his costumes are pure shit. If he wasn't a handsome tall guy with a good body, nobody would pay any attention to him. He has no merits to be a judge, but I guess attention whoring is enough.

>> No.7237496
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Jealous landwhale spotted!

>> No.7237545

You sound a bit bitter, why? Sure, Elffi isn't the most talented cosplayer in Finland, but by far the most famous. And you don't achieve that by being a hack. Not here, at least.

>> No.7237549

Elffi or Bell spotted.

>> No.7239727

Friendly bump, because I have nothing to say about judges.

>> No.7241314

Bumpity bump.

>> No.7241557

There is few judges that made me raise my eyebrow. Like Fia and Urho. The latter has admit that he didn't make some of his costumes ("but you guiz, I paid a lot for my costumes and looking for belts were real pain! that got to mean smthng!") and is a general wtf douche. The other... Why is she even qualified as a judge? She seems to be sucking up to evryone. That vampire knihgt costume sure as hell wasn't made by her. Then there's that Cidi guy. God just why.
I don't know who the rest of the judges of the show competion are (at least their names don't ring any bells).

>> No.7242271

well this was informative.
less drama here than i had expected

>> No.7243023

Finland's cosplay scene is total shit anyways so I don't understand why people are getting mad about the judges.

>> No.7243216


"Then there's that Cidi guy. God just why"

what do you mean?

>> No.7243246

How would a finnish cosplayer respond if I am an american and I ask "Can I take your photo please? PERKELE VITTU SATAANA"

>> No.7243268

yeah, no.
they would say "yes" and strike a pose
but if you say a bad thing about some little girl's (no age restriction, just attitide) costume, they will rip you apart

>> No.7243358



>> No.7245185


>> No.7245736

This Cid guy is actually more than average cosplayer (if you would read his blogs etc before flaming), and is a judge in show competition, which is an completely different. All of them have more stage charisma/actng skills than "omg most amazing cosplay which is either boring as hell due to overdoing stuff or super-detailed but with awkward attitude" skills. Which will probably be only qualified by the judges (especially by Ilona & Hoothoot)

>> No.7246096


I'm overall pretty happy with the show competition judges, none of them are atrociously unfit for the job like a couple of guys on the normal competition.

>> No.7246656


I don't get the overall whining(not yours in particular). It's nice to see some new faces as judges in Yukicon, there are some that raise some eyebrows, but that can't be avoided.

That aside, is anyone in Suomen Cosplay-harrastajat Facebook group? That place can be hilarious.

>> No.7246718

Make some goddamn sense when you type. Cid is an average cosplayer, not awesome, but not bad either. Getting some better pictures of his costumes (by someone who knows what they are doing and has a decent camera would probably be enough). His blog is nothing special. His opinions are not original or even typed to sound interesting. Sure, he might have some stage charisma, but it definitely doesn't shine through his texts or overall presentation. In overall, he's just "OK".

>> No.7246727

I agree that he's not a bad choice for a skit competition, but above average cosplayer? Ummm, nope. He makes nice props, but that's about it. Like >>7246718 said, he's pretty average. The overall impression of his costumes is just blah. No part is especially well done, but not that badly either so he just kinda blends in the crowd.

>> No.7246731

Hahhah, sadly, yes. I understand that people there are young, but sometimes the opinions and the way they express things make them sound retarded. I loved that long conversation about sexy and daring costumes, it just got so off-trail ("what about the children?!??!?!") in the end.

>> No.7248552


Agreed. He's by no means a bad cosplayer or a mean/obnoxious person. He's nice and his costumes are okay. He's suitable for judging the show competition so I don't understand why people whine.

>> No.7249274

He's the type of guy whose existence you just completely forget.

>> No.7251458

don't let this die, it's relevant

>> No.7252140


>> No.7252257
File: 195 KB, 469x494, DSC_0022.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll be there. Hopefully at the AMV contest. (Fuck You Captcha!!!)

>> No.7252637

the finnish scene is so stupid. everyone keeps talking shit about each other and tries to become "elite cosplayers" so that they can justify talking shit about each other. this hobby used to be about having fun but these days the only thing that matters is whether you've participated in wcs or whether your cosplay fb page has many likes.

>> No.7252640

There actually are Finnish cosplayers out there that still believe that Elffi is the greatest costume maker ever, does it out of love for the hobby and not the attention and picks characters he knows?

That's... actually quite sad. His costumes are full of constructional flaws, inaccuracies and bad material choices. He's had a lot of help with his costumes. The reason he's so popular and famous is that he picks well-known characters, is quite good-looking and most importantly, knows how to sell himself to the crowd. It's a skill in itself, yes, but it doesn't make him a great cosplayer. It just makes him a great salesman.

>> No.7252690


This. He's not a bad cosplayer but it's obvious that he only does it for the attention. Not to mention he tries to hide the fact that he's a)gotten help from others while making the costumes b)bought costumes c)had people make his costumes for him. There isn't anything wrong with doing any of those but it's a whoooole different thing if you don't admit to have done it.

>> No.7252692

For God's sake, try not to feed any further drama. Is there any community anywhere where things you mentioned aren't problems? Yes, cosplay used to be for fun and not so serious and nowadays mediocore cosplay was good back then. Don't try to make Finland sound worse than any other community.

10/10 made me answer. Perkele nyt.

>> No.7252705

>he only does it for the attention
Come on now, seriously, we all know the only reason to dress up as cartoon characters is attention.

>> No.7252702


every country has its own problems but the finnish scene seems to be even more full of hatred and jealousy than for example the swedish or american scene. here everyone is backstabbing each other and posting pics to ylilauta and being dipshits on twitter. not to mention the con organising dramu

>> No.7252711


suuuuure, nobody does it because they love the character and wants to have fun. it's all about getting the most likes on fb and selling calendars with your photoshopped pics in it. *rolls eyes*

of course it's partly for the attention but people like elffi do it only for the attention.

>> No.7252715

I've yet to meet a cosplayer who isn't an attention whore on some level. I wish people would just admit that.

...and not let it get into their heads and start signing autographs at cons.

>> No.7252724

And people wonder why i only do gallery shows outside this country and forbid any Finnish shows...

>> No.7256215
