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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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7228839 No.7228839[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Secrets are up!

>> No.7228845

So much fatty chan hate. Love it.

>> No.7228851

This is why I've been reluctant to actually get into lolita and instead just lurk the threads. I'm afraid that no matter how well I coord, how much I make sure I get dresses that fit properly, I'll just be hated on for being fat.

>> No.7228852

The christmas postman ones were A+

>> No.7228854

I hope we get more over the next couple of weekends

>> No.7228856

honestly if you coord properly and do your makeup properly etc, people will just go "so what if she's fat"
i've seen it happen anon - you'll be fine!

>> No.7228855

I bet we'll get more of them in the coming weeks before Christmas, too. Loved it.

Can't wait for the inevitable comment shitstorm on secret #20, too. Emo ita defense force, go!

>> No.7228860

really the whole trick is to not do anything to get noticed. Seriously. If you have a tumblr, post your coords, but don't say stupid shit, like, no matter how much you want to argue or correct someone, don't. Just post your pictures and that's it. I would not pot on d_l. If you're in one of the drama llama comms, I'd keep quiet on the comm page too.

I also want to say: I am all for being direct and what not, that is perfectly fine and I think people should do that and be themselves and be confident enough to not give a shit what other people think.

But you seem nervous and scared about judgement, so the above advice is what I have to say.

>> No.7228863

Mostly people just hate on fatties who aren't wearing clothes that fit or just wouldn't look good even if they were underweight. Being fat is just a cherry on top. If you aren't an ita, and someone shits on you just for being fat, I can guarantee that everyone and their brother will swoop in and rain holy hell down upon the person who harassed you.

>> No.7228902

Hey just don't be obnoxious and just don't tag your photos on tumblr with "plus size lolita" and type properly when commenting in public accounts so we know at least you are not a week with poor typing skills. You can post in the daily lolita group on Facebook too, but as itas got called out on the secrets this week, you can choose whether to post there. Just find a mentor online if you don't have any plus size lolitas in your local comm to share tips and talk about stuff.

>> No.7228904

*weeb (Damn you autocorrect!)

>> No.7228912

I don't get it... whats wrong with the term "plus size lolita" or that corresponding tag on tumblr? It isn't utterly filled with itas

>> No.7228914

It does attract all the SJWs though

>> No.7228931 [DELETED] 

This was my favorite by far.

>> No.7228936

>secrets up for over an hour
>no secret number comments

come on hellodahlia

I mean come on

>> No.7228948

I've noticed if you use tags like 'plus size X,' or 'black Y,' you tend to get SJWs following you, and if someone ever says something negative, they tend to come out of the wood works defending you, and actually make it worse.

>> No.7228960
File: 55 KB, 628x593, jgoLO58.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay… so Secrets Post 14 rustled my jimmies. I’m planning on starting a tumblr account and will be posting pictures of my outfits and that’s about it. I don’t understand why people feel the need to have an online persona. Not everyone needs to be Princess Peachie or some other efamous Lolita who act bubbly and sweet all of the time.
I feel like whoever posted this secret views Lolita fashion like a costume if they think people need to act a certain way while wearing the clothes. Lolita isn’t a fucking cult… we don’t need to take on a lifestyle of being overgrown babies or grumpy frownfaces if they happen to be gothic lolitas.
Bitches commonly complain when people try to be efamous and act over the top and have ‘silly youtube channels’ but now bitches also complain because people are merely sharing images of their style online and won’t make a spectacle of themselves? Are you just pissed because there is less of an opportunity to gain fodder against a woman and make her a lolcow? People are wising up to you bitches and are now becoming more guarded.

>> No.7228972


I only post clothes, and rarely at that because I don't get much opportunity to wear it. Don't get rustled man, it's just someone's opinion. Keep posting your coords.

>> No.7228981

Being fair, I got into gothic because I am inordinately pale and look like I am depressed, angry, or ojousama-haughty all of the time.

But lolita wasn't an excuse to change my personality, just the perfect compliment thereof. Maybe that's what they mean? Or they just have lifestyle tendancies.

>> No.7228986

Here's a novel idea - if you don't feel confident having your photos online, *don't post any*.

>> No.7228989

that's like saying anyone who posts cute OOTD normal clothes is... uh... not wearing normal clothes just because they are clothes?

this really makes no sense to me

>> No.7228992

>I am inordinately pale

kind of pet peeve of mine, but how pale are we talking? do you have to mix specific kinds of lifestyle (think Goth brands, fetish specific brands) whites into the palest pallet you can get in a store to match your complexion?

Sorry, just, if you can buy your color at a store in the mall (Sephora, Mac, etc) then you're really not that pale.

If you have to go to lengths to mix pure white in for your color, my apologies, I know that is a fucking pain and expensive.

I'm happy I can get my color at a makeup store, would never want to deal with that hassle.

>> No.7228995

Not entirely relevant question, but why do girls start tumblrs just to post their coords?
Is it to get compliments about how great you look, and for positive attention? To feel that people actually care about what *you* wear?

I don't mean to be rude about it or anything, I just don't understand it. Like... who cares? Most girls that do this just have ordinary coords that really don't need their own blog - post on facebook (make a lolita one if you don't want it on your reg fb), where your friends would see it or something, if you're so bent on needing the attention.

>> No.7228997

For me it depends on how fat you are. A little overweight is just whatever, but if you are obese I find you do be disgusting.

>Mostly people just hate on fatties who aren't wearing clothes that fit or just wouldn't look good even if they were underweight.
This is not true, stop making generalizations. Thinking fat people are gross is not some jealousy thing or just limited to lolitas. Being fat is the result of a very frivolous, unhealthy, an near-sighted life style just like being in debt, drugs, or smoking. It is something to look down upon.

>> No.7228998

I like looking at and reblogging cute outfits. I can only assume that there are other people out there who, like me, enjoy looking at, and reblogging cute outfits. So I post cute outfits.

>> No.7229002

I do it because my online and irl friends have tumblrs and I like sharing what I wore that day with them. Plus, with a tumblr it's really easy to set up a certain aesthetic with your blog and make it your own and feels more intimate than posting stuff on facebook; plus, people who follow the same fashion usually visit the tag often and it's nice to talk about similar fashion interests with them. Instagram has ugly filters and weird dimensions, nobody I know uses codenote.

>> No.7229005

I don't speak for everyone (obviously) but I want to make a tumblr merely because I feel like I have more of an opportunity to have strangers stumble upon it and begin following me... in comparison to say... facebook. Where the search engine just has you look through names and thats about it. Atleast with tumblr there is a tagging system in place where other people with similar interests might find my pictures and proceed to enjoy them.
>Like... who cares? Most girls that do this just have ordinary coords that really don't need their own blog
This is the flip-side to typical posts on here which condemn “special snowflakes” and “tryhards” who actually attempt to push the envelope and develop their own style. If people follow the rules and want to share their pics online… why bother? Your coord is “boring”. But if you try to change it up people bitch about the Loli Rules.

>> No.7229010

laptop went to shit, it's up now
finals week is a bitch

>> No.7229014
File: 357 KB, 588x499, wOXIs6g.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel no pity towards brolitas. This community doesn't need to cater itself towards you freaks. Maybe the few sane ones amongst you should band together and get the majority of brolitas to stop being such tasteless creeps.

For every ONE well-dressed and sensible brolita there are TEN fucking sissyageplayerfaggots. Search your heart. You know this to be true.

>> No.7229020

Link please?

>> No.7229021

I understands that tumblr facilitates finding stuff you like because of its tags and stuff, but why do you want people to follow /you/ in the first place?
If you're trying to meet people who share the same interests, wouldn't you be able to find those through using tags anyway, so why would you need for people to follow you specifically?

>> No.7229028

This is exactly the same with normal lolitas and crazy itas, don't you think? For every one sane, clean, well dressed lolita, there are probably a dozen greasy, poorly dressed tumblrkin itas.

I only know two brolitas and they are quiet, but well dressed and pleasant.

>> No.7229032
File: 226 KB, 667x480, 1348456699173.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

someone sounds mad that men look prettier in lolita than they do~

>> No.7229036

>i dont understand this site so instead of me fucking googling it i am gonna keep posting mundane questions

>> No.7229037

It's just a veiled attempt at calling people who post outfit shots on Tumblr attention whores.

>> No.7229038

Because going on tumblr and looking at their FAQ or something is going to tell me why "girls post their outfits on tumblr for some reason".
I just don't want to assume that it's because they crave approval of strangers, so I'm asking whether there's another reason behind posting oneself on the internet to be admired by people you don't know.

>> No.7229042


Lots of people gave you answers though, and you didn't even thank them. You just zeroed in on the one that says she likes being discovered through the tags.

As for why, *someone* needs to start posting. We can't find each other if we're all just on tumblr searching the lolita tag but no one actually posts in the lolita tag, you see?

>> No.7229045

Most Lolitas I come across are pretty normal. Or I'm just lucky? I honestly only came across one girl who was close to being an ita and it was just some weeb who happened upon our meetup and thought her cosplay dress counted. Mind you... almost every brolita of note online has been a creep like Brolita Jenny and that one gross faggot that wore the Cone of Shame. Atleast ita stories don't normally involve sexual offenders in the making...

LOL, honey...why is your best image to combat my argument is some blurryfaced image? Even with the blur I can see his gross laugh lines. That ain't kawaii, bro.

>> No.7229047

girls that post their own coords are extremely helpful, you can see what works and doesn't work with a dress you like. Dresses I own have gotten new life because someone posted a great coord on tumblr, giving me new ideas for it.

>> No.7229049

I was the one who made this secret.

I stumbled upon this when I was searching the IW 15th Anniversary mook and saw one of their notices about their tea party they're holding in Tokyo on 15th of December. I like IW and been to their stores in Tokyo back in March of this year. They were very helpful when I bought a summer blouse from them. I've also ordered online with no problems before.

I was just so frustrated when I saw this. I mean what if IW holds a tea party at a con or in a city which I buy a ticket for, get all coordinated in Innocent World brand for the tea party only to get told that cannot attend because I was a guy? I would be very upset.

>> No.7229050

Because that's the only photo I have of him, I have no idea who he is but he's adorable, much cuter than your ugly ass is bound to be anyway.

>> No.7229053

>I was the one who made this secret.
wow because adding the photo of yourself didn't give it away at all

it's probably just to avoid creepers, don't think they mean to single out brolitas. You could always bring a facemask to hide your manjaw and say you're shy/sick, though your height might give it away.

>> No.7229054

I actually recently wrote a paper about wiwt blogs so like a lot of psychologists and blog studying types suggest that a girls blog is a semi public/semi private diary like space that they use for their own development so wiwt today blogs aren't necessarily for an audience but function more like an online bedroom. What I mean by that is that pre-internet girls would get together in their bedrooms to look at magazines, do makeovers and experiments, chat etc. but now this space has moved online and girls post wiwt type content to experiment with their own personality similarly to the way they might with a doll maker. (If you're interested in this there's a good collection of essays on it) Obviously this is a really stripped down version of the full explanation but basically yeah there is a psychological aspect, but also some people do just like blogging/diary writing/keeping records, some people want attention, some want to meet like minds...There are plenty of reasons!
Sorry for randomly bringing academia into a secrets thread but seriously I would suggest that >>7228960 should just start the blog because really starting a blog should just be for whatever reason you want and you shouldn't let one secret get you down because there are always going to be people who hate anything that any given person does.

>> No.7229056

Sorry anon, from now on I'll thank every person who ever replies to me on 4chan as I have just discovered that this is the norm.
Thank you.

And thank you - THAT actually does make a lot of sense... Unlike the person above. If people don't post themselves and what they wear every day that doesn't mean that lolita tumblr tag will be empty. That's not to say they shouldn't or can't, but you were stretching it to the extreme with that statement.

>> No.7229057


>> No.7229058

Because this is social media and I am currently living in this body and want to contribute to the community? But... before I continue I suppose I ought to ask if you think it's completely VAPID of me to want to share images of myself online?
Ya'know... cause it's totes awful to have confidence and some pride in what I wear/look like? I guess no one should have fun online ever and never ever post original content online, huh?

>Lots of people gave you answers though, and you didn't even thank them. You just zeroed in on the one that says she likes being discovered through the tags.
Glad I'm not to only one who noticed this. Before it devolves into an unnessary brawl I'm going to stop responding because I can tell he/she is just trying to insinute just by GASP wanting to display my stuff online I'm fishing for fame and notoriety and not just wanting to contribute to the community.

>> No.7229059

But that is the thing being obese you're gross anyway no matter what you fucking wear. It's not about the Lolita or cosplay, people would think you're gross anyway.

>> No.7229064

That's actually p. cool.
To me that kind of culture seems to be generally North American. I grew up elsewhere, and writing in diaries and having make over sleepovers was only something I found out existed when I moved here.

I don't think it's vapid, no. I wouldn't do it myself, mostly because I'm pretty average in what I wear, and am awful at keeping on top of stuff like that. You can post what you like, where you like, as much as you like. It doesn't bother me, and if it did I could easily ignore it. I was just asking.

>> No.7229067

Also, it's so super cool that you can read my mind and see what I think about people who post themselves online. How else would you be able to be offended by it?

>> No.7229069

>defending some random ass faggot this hard

Calm your bloomers. I can assure you I'm better looking in Lolita than some literal manface. It perplexes me why you are so personally offended? Unless you are a brolita yourself? Tell them to stop being so fucking freaky and I wouldn't have anything against their tacky asses. Being tasteless isn't a sin but being borderline pedos and using the fashion as a fetish is a problem. Why do people constantly brush that notable part under the carpet? Because they are men and need to be defended by boowoo some woman?

>> No.7229071

Exactly, so people shouldn't be ass-patting them sayingthat lolitas are only saying that for BS reasons.

>> No.7229072
File: 35 KB, 442x500, 1357187246276.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the more good coords floating around - the more people can see what works and what doesn't - more creativity enters the fashion as a whole
I was trying to find a perfect example, but I'll just type it out. Someone coorded honey cake in yellow with brown/chocolate themes - on my own, I would have never paired those 2 themes/colors together. Now that I have seen it done, it's opened many chocolatey pancake doors for me. And if they get some attention/ego boost, so be it! nothing wrong with liking and receiving attention.

>> No.7229074

Generally, the fatter you are, the more pristine your coords must be for people not to bitch at you, because they're gonna nitpick when you're fat

>> No.7229075

good job calling him a faggot because he likes to wear a dress, very internet tough guy of you

anyways, if anyone knows who he is, could you throw a link or a name my way? I thought I had more photos of him but I can't find it.

>> No.7229079

>insinuating it had anything to do with his apparent sexuality and not a crude term just to throw around

>insinuating he most likely isn't a faggot, though? Ahahaha

>> No.7229086

There are only two body types on here- obese and anorexic. No matter which category you fall into, your weight will be mocked.

>> No.7229093

a faggot and a homosexual are two very different things

>> No.7229095
File: 472 KB, 175x220, 1385856232623.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really dislike this trend of trying to "figure someone out" and accusing them of wanting attention. Like yeah, do you fucking want to be ignored and snubbed by everyone? Am I only a 'good girl' if I'm quiet and aloof and no one gives a shit what I do or think? Seriously, people need attention in life, we're social creatures. It's one thing to be an attention whore and lie about having cancer, but posting outfits is bad now, seriously? Oh no, call the police, I think I look pretty today!

>> No.7229098
File: 26 KB, 753x583, 1386446416366.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fag gets thrown around a lot on 4chan as a general purpose word, but in real life it's an insult often targeted towards gay men.

>> No.7229099
File: 57 KB, 1024x576, 1327108971327.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Calm your bloomers
I think you need to calm down the most. It seems like you've just seen some brolita drama on /cgl/ and the internet and have decided that's what they are all like. You've just got a generalization that they are all creepy stuck in your head and will probably refuse to accept it otherwise. There's no point arguing your points because we both know you'll refuse to budge from your biased opinions. We both know though that if you ever met a nice, good brolita you wouldn't say anything to their face.

>> No.7229106

This thread by itself shows that Lolitas don't agree on anything across the board. Some women think Lolitas should act a certain way online and have a particular personality rather than JUST posting images of themselves. Some women think no lolitas should post images of themselves ever because obviously they are vapid and seeking efame. Some think Lolitas should only post pictures and never offer personal insights.

This thread just taught me that people all have different opinions (waho, who knew?) and in the end not everyone is gonna like what I do. So fuck 'em.

>> No.7229105

I think he was a MtF but good generalizations there buddy

>> No.7229108

Yes, I think I post outfits for this "bedroom" reason to sort of "feel out my identity" and also to keep a record. I also think I have body dysmorphic tendencies, so it is nice to have a set of photos I can look at and realise that I look better than I think I do - gives me a bit more control.

>> No.7229113

>I had two creepy ass brolitas attend meetups in my comm, either liked or talked to each other
>thankfully I can only count the number of times they've attended meetups for the last year on one hand

There is a difference between well done and sensible brolitas and awkward tryhards who look like a mess and just unfortunate overall. But until I meet one of those majestic rare unicorns I'm going to continue hating the fucking freaks that I have had the displeasure of coming across.

>> No.7229116

*,neither liked or

>> No.7229119

Do you think that's the most mature of you though? To hate and insult every brolita because of your own shitty experiences?

4chan is 18+

>> No.7229131

>b-but anon, not every guy acts that way! You need to censor yourself because you're hurting muh feels! My feels matter more in this situation than yours, little girl!!

I have had awful experiences. I owe you nothing random anon. If you weren't one of the freaks I was referencing you would go on your merry way because you are confident that you aren't ugly and aren't a closeted creeper. Not everyone needs to like your hairy ass, so back the fuck off. You are coming off as an undesirable already

>> No.7229132
File: 31 KB, 396x653, 1386447533672.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

some brolitas are awesome. stay mad.

>> No.7229148
File: 219 KB, 640x640, lv0ncvC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So was I the only one that thought this dress looked tacky? I guess I just keep imagining a creation by milanoo but I feel like it would be too more extra work to make this dress look cute.
>too many small blue bows

>> No.7229149

Yeah he is pretty fab. He's in my comm and he seems super sweet.

>> No.7229152

*too much extra work

btw, I just noticed next week will be Btb 100! I think I'll make my first secret in celebration!

>> No.7229157

> If you weren't one of the freaks I was referencing you would go on your merry way because you are confident that you aren't ugly and aren't a closeted creeper.
I never understood this argument. Only people that are part of a certain group are allowed to defend that group?

>> No.7229159

Hey that's my friend. He used to be in the Ohio comm before he moved out to LA. He's super sweet.

>> No.7229168

>frizzy wig
>untrimmed bangs
>wonky looking fake pearl chain
>freaky claw nails
>unflattering shade of blush
>pink in escharpe doesn't match pink in dress

Could be worse, but it's not really that awesome.

>> No.7229171

What? Bitch, please, you just mad cause he looks better than you. It's so obvious.
Just try harder.

>> No.7229178

>I just don't want to assume that it's because they crave approval of strangers, so I'm asking whether there's another reason behind posting oneself on the internet to be admired by people you don't know.
is there something wrong with wanting admiration and approval...?

>> No.7229177

No one fights this hard unless they have a stake in it. You already gained ground with me accepting the reality that sure not 'all' brolitas are awful. But what? I need to swallow the fact that the ones I've met irl and online are creepy should just be dealt with on smiley terms even though those same guys are creepy and unfortunate looking? Why is it okay for women to bitch about itas as long as they are female but if I remark on my dislike of brolitas I should censor myself for their feelings? It isn't as if it is without context or reason.

>> No.7229179

I'm not mad. I didn't even say it was horrible.
I just don't think it's awesome.

>> No.7229184

What is even going on with his nails? And geez... more laugh lines. The fuck, man? Is he aging prematurely from hitting the tanning bed so much?

Agreed. Seems like they are pulling out images from their asses in attempt to prove me wrong. If the guy can't pass for female he's going to have to work a hell of a lot harder to look good. Lolita isn't okay as long as you aren't a fatty chan. You actually have to be pretty, folks.

>> No.7229185

nitpicky as fuck. its awesome that he's a prettier girl than most girls

>> No.7229189

>Is he aging prematurely from hitting the tanning bed so much?

He's African American.

>> No.7229186

I'm actually a difference person than who you were arguing with, but I'll also add in that I will defend people very strongly who I feel are being wronged if I can identify with them somehow. I'm not sure whether you would count that as a personal stake, but it does involve a certain amount of personal feelings that I guess I project on others without me being directly involved with that group.

>> No.7229190
File: 198 KB, 524x575, sSkXCIe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who tries to charge £70 for a bodyline dress?

>> No.7229191

ITT: Baww things in Japan aren't like my American cultural expectations!!

By the way, men can go to the tea party as long as they are accompanied by a girl. Some BABY tea parties don't allow male escorts at all. If you are a convincing brolita and go as a girl to the party, no one will bother you. There's very much a don't ask, don't tell thing in Japan.

>> No.7229193

Actual price check on that OP

I have it in black (never worn), and I was thinking of selling it along with the matching headbow and socks (also never worn) for 40 USD. Is that a fair price?

>> No.7229194

Brolita defense force a gogo. I wish people were as fervent to defend itas whose only crime against Lolita is bad clothing. Men wearing our fashion? We should coddle them because they deserve to be put on a pedestal!

The patriarchy strikes again

>> No.7229197

this is a joke right

>> No.7229200

Unfortunately there isn't a sarcasm font on the internet.

>> No.7229199

I sold the OP + headbow used for about that much so I'd say that's fair.

>> No.7229217

Not the anon you replied to, but I have to mix white foundation with my Estée Lauder foundation to get be right color so I guess I am inordinately pale. It really sucks because first of all, it's a hassle, and second, my foundation (even if I put a layer of matte powder on top) still reflects a bit in flash photos so I always need to avoid being in them because I will seriously look like a ghost white freak. I hate being this pale. People even come up to me and say stupi shit like "are you a vampire??" Or "are you deliberately putting white shit on your face?"
It doesn't help that my natural hair color is a really dark brown and I've never dyed it. I've considered Boone because maybe that would look less striking with my skin tone but I don't want to bother with color upkeep. I try not to be pale by running outside in the sun almost every day but I just don't fucking tan! If the sun is really strong I'll just burn and when that later if skin comes off, the new layer is just as white as the last.

/rant. I don't like being so grossly white.

>> No.7229245

that's not the point though, it's still shitty to be told you can't go to an event for a brand you are a loyal customer and huge fan of because of something you can't change.

>> No.7229283

Still not a real female. I wouldn't want a brolita at my tea party either.

>> No.7229285

Such is life I'm afraid

>> No.7229286

That's too bad for them.

>> No.7229287

Every brolita I've ever met has been a creepy werido. I'm sure there are plenty of lovely ones, but I've yet to meet one.

>> No.7229292

Yep, it's one of those things that people seem to just go on and on about

>I'm just so pale lol!

When in reality they are a bit fairer than average and can walk into just about any make up chain and buy their color. And they don't realize how much of a hassle it is to people who are actually really pale.

Kind of the same deal with small feet... Don't go on about having tiny feet and 'whining' about it when you wear a 23 or 23.5 cm shoe (us 6-6.5) because you can still walk in a store and find adult designed shoes whereas people with actually tiny feet have to special order shoes, stuff too big shoes with socks, or be confined to the kids section to shop at a retail store.

These things for some reason (being pale, tiny feet, etc) seem to be some kind of bragging right to some people. People who in reality are just a little off the average and don't consider/know the hassles that come hand in hand when you actually have those traits.

I'm glad I'm right in the middle of both and don't have to deal with those hassles.

Sorry for the rant anon, but I'm glad you agree it's not all it's cracked up to be.

What brand of white powder do you use to mix?

>> No.7229301 [DELETED] 

No wonder he looks bad, he's a nigger

>> No.7229314

Your pet peeve are people that don't pass the paper bag test of paleness calling themselves pale? Carry on.

>> No.7229319

hmmm sorry maybe I didn't write it clearly enough. I'm sure you've heard or read on here that person that goes on and on about how pale they are and 'woe is me, i'm just so pale I must look sickly!' when in reality they are just a bit fairer than average and think that being super pale is some kind of goal in life, when it's really a big hassle that they probably would be really annoyed to have to deal with on a day to day basis, like the above anon confirmed >>7229217

I guess in reality it's just special snowflake syndrome on a micro level. No worries anon, if it doesn't bother you, you're just above me and my trivial annoyances, haha, you're better off that way.

>> No.7229325

I get what you're talking about. I know a couple people who have to mix their own foundations using the palest regular foundation they can find with pure white foundation and then there are people who are my shade (pale, but I can just buy a normal pale foundation) complain about how pale they are.

>> No.7229335


Check your privilege.

>> No.7229342

Wait wait small feet are bragging rights? No one told me this!! I have 21.5cm feet and wear size 5 shoes, is this small enough for bragging rights?

Please respond anon I wanna feel special.

>> No.7229349

I don't think so. They said something about having to get things custom made, and as a fellow size 5'er, I can still buy shoes from the store.

>> No.7229352

I wouldn't brag. It's harder to find adult shoes in your size.

>> No.7229353

I just don't use foundation. I don't bother. I've thought about trying out the mixing with white thing, but it's too expensive for something that I don't care too much about.
>think that being super pale is some kind of goal in life, when it's really a big hassle that they probably would be really annoyed to have to deal with on a day to day basis
What are the hassles other than makeup? I like the aesthetic of being pale. I burn terribly and tan unevenly so I wear sunscreen every day. It's good for your skin anyway, skin cancer yuck.
I don't really look ridiculous since my hair isn't very dark, and I live in a rainy area so pale people aren't uncommon around here. I've never gotten people who come up to me and say anything.

Am I just not ghostly enough to feel the real negative effects?

Yes! Little feet are considered dainty and cute. For me, that's why I wear heels, since they make my feet look smaller. Also you get to roll around in deliciously adorable Asian shoes. I'm average for a westerner, 8.5, and just on the edge of what they'll offer, and it's not always. I feel bad for 9's and up.

>> No.7229354

Well, tbh it's really just those kinds of people... if they couldn't claim "paleness" they would find something, anything else to feel special about and let everyone in their vicinity know. I know this girl that just can't stop going on about how her her is red, and it's really just strawberry blonde and everyone can see it anyway, you don't have to mention it all the time...
Anyway, I'm sure there are people that are just "lightest foundation at the drugstore" pale and are genuinely annoyed by it and complain sometimes, but they're not annoying and snowflakey in the way you're talking about.

>> No.7229356

Which store? A lot of brands don't go smaller than a 6...

I usually just wear a 6 + inserts and socks.

>> No.7229357

>Little feet are considered dainty and cute

I guess this is understandable to me. I am Chinese, lol.

>> No.7229367

Okay I just went on Nordstrom and by their chart 21.6cm is a 4.5. I didn't even know women's shoes typically came in a 4.

>> No.7229371

21.5cm is not a size 5. You need to measure yourself again, you should be a 22.5 if you wear size 5.

And no, you need to be 4 and smaller to qualify for actual whining (not bragging...) rights.

the aesthetic of being pale has a stigma yes, that people find desirable, that is very true. I guess the stigma itself is ok, though it probably leads to the kind of people I'm complaining about.

And it's not really about how you look, it's about (to me) how you talk about it. Do you constantly talk about your skin tone in company to bring attention to it? Probably not, it doesn't sound like you do. Then I have no problem with you.

Sorry to have brought on this discussion, like I said, it's really just another special snowflake kind of deal. I had a friend that would go on and on and on about how pale she was, or how petite she was, or her shoe size, and if I ever brought around people who were paler, or had smaller feet (to the point they would look at her funny when she would say something about shoe size and ask if she had to shop in the children's section too, and how annoying it is, which would shut her up) she would usually find some excuse to leave early, as if they were some kind of challenge to how special she felt she was.

dunno, such is life, i'll never escape those kinds of people, especially in lolita or convention scenes, since animu characters are usually pale and tiny footed.

>> No.7229377

they don't, unless you're ordering from specialty catalogs (had a teacher who wore size 4 US and could only order adult/woman's shoes from super expensive catalogs)

>> No.7229380

racist alert

>> No.7229378

Implying that exact sizing doesn't vary among shoes and people don't wear socks, but k.

My feet are 21.5cm. I just measured with two different measuring tapes a ruler.

>> No.7229383

But how did you measure it?

See, you're getting a bit defensive that we're implying you're feet aren't as small as you think they are...

>> No.7229385

Yeah but I mean they're from "normal" brands, like Ivanka Trump, Franco Sarto, etc. Not specialty small shoe brands or anything. I wasn't even aware that most brands manufactured smaller than a 6, or a 5 at best.

>> No.7229387

I'm not getting defensive...and was that what you were implying? LOL sorry I didn't even realize. My point was just that I can wear a 5 alright even if my feet don't fit the standard sizing for 5. My feet are the length they are, I'm looking at the ruler right now so there's no need for me to get defensive.

I measured from my heel to my longest (middle) toe with my feet flat.

>> No.7229391

I bet those shoes are special order, like they don't carry them in stores though. Probably have to order off the website? I'm looking at bloomingdale's selections in 4.5 and there's two pairs of pumps, and they are 350 bucks each, wow

>> No.7229398

So you are measuring incorrectly. YOu need to stand up, fully, on a piece of paper, and bend down and trace your larger foot, making sure the angle of the pen/pencil does not bend inward or outward. Then measure from the longest points. If your weight is not on your foot, your foot is not spreading out properly, as it would in a shoe.

>> No.7229399

Yeah probably, since it's their website. IME most brick and mortar stores don't even carry smaller than a 6.

>> No.7229396

I don't know, I'm cheap and only buy shoes from Ross, which always have size 5 and 5 1/2.
>INB4 berating me for only buying shoes from Ross; I'm a cosplayer, not a lolita.

>> No.7229400

Your middle toe is your longest toe?

>> No.7229402


>good coords
>that awful looking and pproly styled wig

>> No.7229406

...No, I'm not, lol. I was squatting and my weight was on my feet. My longest points ARE my heel and my middle toe. I don't know how to make this any clearer, it's just measuring a foot....not rocket science.

>> No.7229408



>> No.7229415


Other anons touched on this, but yes, it peeves me too. Well, no- people who make a big deal about being pale and call themselves things like "milkbottle white" or "my skin is the colour of paper lol!" when they can still wear a foundation from a store- that pisses me off. I guess it just has to do with how frustrating and hard (actually, nigh impossible) it is to find makeup in my shade. As someone said earlier, if you can buy makeup in a sephora/walmart/mall and it matches, you aren't really that pale.


I don't get many comments about it either other than people just occasionally giving me generic skin compliments. I think people just don't care that much. Actually, besides this one old guy, the only people who have recently commented on the whiteness of my skin have been Asians- one actually kind of reached out to touch my arm, it was kind of weird.


What shade of Estee Lauder? The stuff I saw recently, even the lightest shades, was pretty damn dark. If you have the money to blow, look into Prescriptives custom blend. It's pricey as hell, but it's nice having something in a bottle you don't have to mix and sometimes they have good sales. Their custom foundation does not have SPF in it, so it won't reflect in pictures.

Although their custom blenders had a really hard time with me because they kept wanting to use the Level 1 shade as a base and I kept telling them, "No you need to use pure white as your base," because my foundation colour is a yellow-toned, literal off-white with a bit of blue and green. If you need white as a base, you're going to run into trouble because apparently the shade extenders just don't have the same kind of coverage the base shades do- they had to use some of the base shade in mine just for the coverage so it's still about a shade too dark. Although honestly, I'd love it if more pale ladies would request custom blends with white as a base- maybe they'd actually made an honest to god white base shade.

>> No.7229414

Derp I mean my second toe, sorry. No clue why I called it middle but I'm pretty tired.

>> No.7229416

Well either you're measuring incorrectly or you have been wearing the wrong size in US. 21.5 is not a 5 or even close to a 5 shoe size. And while there is vanity sizing in shoes in the states, your CM size is your CM size heh.

Squatting is incorrect, you need to be standing completely straight legged and bend at the waist keeping as much weight on your feet as possible.

I'm only trying to help.

Have you ordered shoes from taobao in 21.5 before?

>> No.7229431

I'm pretty sure I'm not measuring incorrectly. As I said, I usually wear socks, sometimes pretty thick socks. If I go barefoot the shoe is loose. I said I wore a 5, not that it was a perfect fit lol.

>bend at the waist
Dear lord I am too old for this @__@

Hold on I'm doing it, god knows I will not sleep soundly without fullfilling you.

I bought a pair of shoes in "Small" off TaoBao which supposedly corresponds to Chinese 34-35. I bought a pair of 21 shoes in China before but that was years ago.

>> No.7229436

> If I go barefoot the shoe is loose

ok, so it sounds like you're compromising finding adult shoes in a size 5 even though you should be wearing something smaller. That's fine, I don't think it deserves bragging rights, if you were shopping for your correct shoe size in retail shops I think you would be very irritated about it since 4 and 4.5 are not regularly stocked in chain stores for adult size designs and brands. Basically,if you were having to deal with always ordering from the internet or special catalogs, or taobao instead of wearing an incorrect size with thick socks and inserts, you would probably be a little peeved when someone who can find shoes easily in chain stores always goes on and on about how small a shoe size they are, when they would be talking to you, someone with an actually small shoe size and all the hassles that go along with it. I would think that would make you give them the side eye or chuckle at their whining (which is really some kind of thinly veiled 'look at me, I'm special with my tiny star fish feet!' attention getter)

>> No.7229441

OKAY I AM DONE. 21.6cm. 216mm. 8.5 inches. My back hurts. GET OFF MY LAWN.

I was just kidding about the bragging rights anon...it was supposed to be funny, like I was overeager to be special. My feet actually stopped growing around middle school (luckily I continued to grow taller otherwise I'd be a midget).

It's hard enough to find even a size 5 in normal shops (although it's become easier since I started shopping online more). The inserts make them pretty comfortable though.

Starfish feet makes me think of Ponyo.

>> No.7229443

Yeah I totally understand. The ones who like bragging about it are irritating. I have to give a "bitch, please" glare to girls saying to me, "Oh lol I'm so pale too!". Yeah, no, you don't have to go through all this trouble like I do, stop acting like a special snowflake.

I've actually never met anyone with tiny feet! Is that common complaint? I think the only girl I know with small feet was happy about it because she could still wear her favorite pair of boots she owned since she was 11 lol

Haha you might indeed be ghostly enough, but perhaps the lighter hair color and living in a rainy area make you appear less... different? I live in sunny southern California, and although there are all sorts of people around here, like goths or other people who appreciate pale skin, the general population is still comparatively tanned. My house is really close to the beach(es) so that might be another reason it stands out. But don't get me wrong, not everyone is a dick about it! Twilight/vampire comments bother me and so does anyone implying I'm trying to make myself more white, but most people are friendly and smile or joke about it if they do say anything, for example: "So, do you, like, NEVER go outside?!" which makes me laugh. My favorite one was someone I met on the hiking trail behind my house. She asked me how often I was out there and when I told her most days out of the week, she was like "And you're STILL that white?! DAMN, you're going to look TERRIFIC when you're 60!"


>> No.7229447
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>> No.7229450


I wish I could go without foundation but I have have uneven skin tone that I'm embarrassed about (blood vessels on cheeks / ruddiness, light brown pigmentation patches that get worse in sunlight which sucks because I love being outdoors, old acne scarring from early teenage years). I think if I was even a little bit darker, the pigmentation spots wouldn't be so much problem because they're not actually that brown, they just appear darker on my skin because of the paleness. When I was 11 or 12 and didn't wear foundation, sometimes other kids at the daycare would be like "You have food/dirt/something on your cheeks, wipe it off" or my mom would say "Did you wash your face this morning?" and it was just my skin discoloration...

For white liquid foundation, I've recently been using the Illamasqua one and really like it! Sadly Estee Lauder has now discontinued the normal foundation I used to mix with it and I only have 2 bottles left. I hope the next foundation I find with the right color tone will mix as easily with the Illamasqua stuff as that did. I'm mixed race and people assume that because I look Caucasian, pink-tone foundation should work on me but it really doesn't. I'm half Asian so need the makeup to be "blue" toned or whatever they call it for yellow-tone skin.
Prior to discovering the Illamasqua one, I just used this no-name brand white foundation from a hole-in-the-wall store in Little Saigon. I wouldn't recommend using stuff like that because I have no idea what the ingredients actually were, but this was back before I used the internet to buy makeup and simply bought whatever I could find in a store.

They don't make it any more, It was their Double Wear foundation in 1C1 - Shell. Fucking stupid because because the formula is all jacked up yet they kept the same name for the foundation (though I believe they finally changed the shade names). Thanks for the Prescriptives rec! I'll try it!


>> No.7229449

I have the Greek one lol. The "middle toe" thing was just a brainfart on my part.

>> No.7229452

holy crap, we get it.

we get it.

>> No.7229455
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>can still buy makeup at a store
>not that white
(althought i'm pretty sure this was meant to be a highlighting foundation it still works just fine for me lol)
it is sort of pricey but it's worth it.

>> No.7229456

>I've actually never met anyone with tiny feet! Is that common complaint?

not a complaint, it's one of those things I've heard over and over again as some kind of 'OH LOOK AT ME AND MY PIN PRICK SIZE 6 FEET LUL, SO TINY I KNOW!' attention grabber, when it's really annoying for actually people with small feet and not something they brag about in public since it's such a hassle to find non kid's size shoes in their size.

I just don't get it, I don't get why people feel like they have to latch onto something to make them seem to special to everyone else. It's always really baffled me and annoyed me. I am average complexion and average shoe size and I'm pretty happy with that considering I don't have to worry about finding a shoe in a store or a powder that matches my tone. Maybe that should be my thing?

>Oh you have to buy a light foundation at Sephora? Well I have to buy the MEDIUM, and sometimes, the shoes I want AREN'T IN STOCK BECAUSE EVERYONE ELSE HAS MY SIZE! UGH, LET'S SIT AND 'COMPLAIN' TOGETHER ABOUT THESE INJUSTICES SNOWFLAKE-CHAN!

Anyway, I have derailed this thread quite a lot, my bad.

>> No.7229457

I'm kind of surprised her boots lasted that long.

I do know this girl who is in my Digital Layouts class who is legit tiny--I'm talking under 4' and probably less than 70lbs, and she's an adult in her 20s. She is one of the most doll-like human beings I have ever seen, stature-wise. It's kind of stunning.

>> No.7229459


For powder I used to use and still sometimes use Clinique's Almost Powder Makeup compact, which is a pressed powder and is made of awesome. That compact covers shit up like magic IRL photoshop. I'd really recommend it to anyone who wants to hide skin imperfections. The one I use so much paler than their liquid foundations in what should technically be the same color, 01 Fair. So that's cool. But disclaimer: Estee Lauder and Clinique are owned by the same company and in the past year have been making a ton of changes to their formulas, so the new Almost Powder Makeup compacts might be different now. I usually stock up on a bunch at one time when they have bonus days or I've received Macy's giftcards as gifts, so haven't bought one recently to check if it's the same. I hope it is, though.
But MUFE (Makeup Forever, easily found at Sephora) has a translucent finishing powder which is really nice and I'll use that if my skin is clear. Hormonal flare-up before my period gives me some acne which I cover up with Clinique, but I don't like using it too often because I have to be really careful about having my face totally covered with a foundation layer before using it on my skin. If I put the Clinique powder on without a foundation layer as barrier, it gives me some kind of weird reaction and cystic acne. But again, with a layer of foundation underneath, it's fine and a great product. My friends use it to so I think the reaction it has with bare skin is just my own problem. So anyway on a good skin day it'll be my liquid foundation mix + MUFE translucent powder. I hope this helps!

3/3 (I typed all this crap out beforehand so sorry my powder explanation is so much farther down from my foundation explanation)

>> No.7229458

I've never even met anyone who was like that but you're right, it's starting to piss me off. Size 6 is normalville shoe size, lol.

>> No.7229462

That sounds terrifying

>> No.7229460

anon asked me what foundations I use, so I'm trying to be thorough while telling her? sorry

>> No.7229466

She is like a miniature human, everything is normal-proportioned, just MINISCULE. I've honestly never seen anything like it.

>> No.7229467

>derailing the thread
don't worry about it no one is talking about the secrets anyway and i like hearing about your guy's makeup stuff. didn't know anyone really was so pale they'd have a problem buying concealers

is it true MAC products make people break out? a few years ago there was this huge think about "oh noess mineral oil!! don't use MAC products!!!"
i'm cheap as shit so have only ever used their eyeshadows when a friend bought me a holiday set

>> No.7229473

*thing not think, i'm retarded

>under 4'
i had a roommate who was 4'8" and she told me legally she's a dwarf or something based on that height. i seriously cannot imagine someone under 4'. is she proportioned semi-normally? sorry if this isn't politcally-correct but i don't know how else to say it.

>> No.7229474

there is a form of dwarfism with those characteristics. I do not know the terms, but it sounds like that might fit her condition.

>> No.7229476

I've never had an issue with MAC products, I like them. There's nothing wrong with mineral oil either, I've used it on my skin before.

>> No.7229477

Clearly, I need to message my sister and tell her she needs to start feeling special. She wears a size 4 (so yes, she HAS to shop in the kids' section, or fork over to buy European/Asian shoes) and has hated it for years.

>> No.7229478

why are these foot types named as such? mine is egyptian with even more of an extreme slope downward, though my ethnic background is certainly celtic

>> No.7229481

i think you missed my point, she's exactly the type of person I'm talking about who gets peeved about people talking about wearing size 6 as tiny. Which is a legitimate annoyance, she can't just walk into any shoe store and buy her size (unless it's a kid's store) and I doubt she goes around 'bragging' about it because in reality it's really fucking annoying for her.

>> No.7229480

Yeah she looks totally normal, if you had no basis of comparison with normal-sized humans you'd have no idea that she's like the height of a 10 year old because she has adult proportions.

I couldn't find it, the only forms of dwarfism that came up when I searched was limb shortening and hers are normal for her size.

>> No.7229483

Well she's obviously a halfling, maybe a gnome. Definitely not a dwarf.
I'm probably being mean here

>> No.7229487

ok so this is the only case that came ot mind, this rapper guy did not have shortening of limbs (he died because of his condition) and had dwarfism. I'm not sure as I haven't finished the article what the condition specifically is http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joe_C..

>> No.7229486

Does anyone else still sometimes type the loli-secret lj URL into your browser instead of behind-the-bows? Happens to me nearly every time, and a moment of WHAT DO YOU MEAN PAGE NOT FOUND rage hits me before I remember it's btb

I didn't really understand why loli-secret had to be shut down. I know a girl reported fucking copyright infringement or whatever, but there seriously isn't an archive of any of that? Are all those years of drama and comments really gone permanently?

>> No.7229494

But he obviously has abnormally short legs, that's what I'm saying she doesn't have.

The girl I'm talking about looks 100% normal, except for that she's tiny. All parts of her are in normal proportion. It's as if you put an average sized person into Adobe Photoshop and then made then smaller while keeping the proportions constrained.

>> No.7229491

Isn't it just called Proportionate Dwarfism?

>> No.7229493

lmfao reminds me of the scene in the FotR movie after the council of Elrond where he declares them The Fellowship, camera pans out and you see Frodo, Sam, Merry, and Pip scaled down via CGI next to the full size humans and short-but-still-taller-than-the-hobbits Gimli

>> No.7229496


One of the mods got butthurt because a secret was made about her friend and ragequit, taking loli_secrets with her.

>> No.7229495

Lavinia Warren is also a good, if old, example.

>> No.7229499
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I think he just has saggy jeans? This picture probably doesn't help because of the baggy shirt, but you can see where his knees are here and his arms are also not stunted

>> No.7229498

I've never seen a completely normal-proportioned dwarf like that guy. Really interesting. It says he had to take 60 pills a day because of health problems. I wonder what specifically those were....

Anon talking about short limbs - do you mean thalidomide babies? It's not really dwarfism, but it was something that resulted in short limbs

>> No.7229507

One mod was able to delete the entire community?! So it really is permanently gone, no archive?! What the fuck. That's bullshit. I miss the old loli secrets. Behind the bows isn't nearly as interesting as a whole.

I liked secret #5 though, the one that used the Dollmaker images. I'm going to map out my comm the same way. Thought it was funny.

#13 was stupid. To me it's still recognizably lolita, even if it's not something you'd necessarily wear unless it was a hot day in the park.

#15 made me think - I wear lolita but don't dress like a princess...? i don't even see that many hime-style coords anymore, the kind that were more common around 2009-2010. IMO you have to have a big wig with a bouffant and a super ruffley dress like pic related to seem princessy. Lolita, even sweet lolita, never really struck me as inherently princess-looking.

>> No.7229508

Gah clothes are confusing. I still feel like he's proportioned like a child though, it might be the clothes again but for example his head looks big for his body, etc.

I keep trying to find a photo of "proportional dwarfism" that would accurately represent her but I'm unsuccessful. I think it's because in all of them...to be un-PC, there is very obviously something wrong with their body development, at least in all the ones that are coming up on Google--you can see it in their face and how their limbs are formed, and that isn't present in this girl. So I'm having trouble relating it.

>> No.7229509
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dropped pic, whoops
there's a pic of tamie-love wearing it in the solid color loli thread

>> No.7229514

Also just wanna insert that I'm pretty jelly of all the anons in here who have pale skin. My natural skintone is relatively fair (NC15) but I tan super quickly, even a few minutes in the sun and I get darker.

And since I'm Asian I can't mention wanting to be paler without people thinking I'm going to bleach my skin, as opposed to just trying to get my skin to its natural paleness.

>> No.7229515

Well maybe your classmate wasn't a dwarf, but I know there is a certain height where people are classified as 'dwarves' if they fall under it (At least I thought there was some kind of height requirement?) though maybe they do not actually have dwarfism? Who knows. My old tailoring teacher was super petite. Not as tiny as your friend, but she was 4'8? and probably 80 pounds with size 3 feet. She was quite successful and ordered from these fucking insanely expensive specialty shoe catalogs for cute shoes in her size. And obviously she was a tailor (specializing in women's suits) so all her clothes were made by her so she always looked fantastic. I wish I could have stolen her brain and sucked out her sewing knowledge so I could sew like her. Really amazing tailor. She was the first woman president of the Custom Tailors and Designers Association of America like back in the 70s or something. Anyway, she's the smallest person I ever knew personally, just overall.

>> No.7229520

Yeah I think she is just an extraordinarily short person.

I think the height requirement to be considered a "dwarf" (but not necessarily as a medical condition) is 4'10".

Your tailoring teacher sounds adorable, lol. I can sew and tailor somewhat well but it takes me agonizingly long and I fit into normal clothes anyway.

>> No.7229536

haaaaaa she was... well let's just say it was better to go into her classes with zero knowledge at all because arguing with her, or bringing up other techniques other than the ones she taught was just like running into a brick wall. Though really, it's hard to argue with someone who has something like 50 years tailoring experience (she looked fucking amazing for her age, you would never guess she was inher 70s!). But you know, some teachers are just hard as nails like that, their way or the highway. And all her work was just stunning so... her ways were really very very good heh. Her mentor was Master Tailor Giacomo Trabalza if that means anything to anyone in the tailoring know (it never did to me other than he must have been an amazing tailor!)

>> No.7229538
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On the fifth day of Christmas,
the delivery man gave to me...


>> No.7229548


I'm 4'8" and have normal proportions. It's REALLY hard to find clothing that fits. I have to hem all of my pants, I can only buy skirts, or dresses that have convenient hem-able seams.
The good news is I can buy skirts that would normally be too short for lolita and still manage to pull them off.

One of the main things that we little people find irritating is people who label anything below a certain size as skinny. I gained my freshman 15 and moved up to a size 6.
When I complained that I was up to a size six people got REALLY mad at me and insisted I had no right to complain, that size 6 is small no matter what.
But I looked chubby as a size 6. When I told people I wanted to get back down to a size 3 and 100lbs they called me anorexic and said 100lbs is too thin for anyone.
That and people fetishizing us as dolls or weird ageplay stuff.
I get a lot of "how old are you" comments. And sometimes really weird comments about my size from fetishists. I change my mind, that's the most annoying thing, people who fetishize my size or say things like "you're so small, no way you could fight back." [which has really happened]

I'm just glad I have big feet for my height, that's one less specially sized thing I have to shop for.

>> No.7229551

My grandma used to get all up in my uncle's face for being dark because he was constantly outside playing tennis. She thought it was embarrassing and that tan people were the poor people who worked out in the fields. She's dead now but I wonder what she would have thought of those skin bleaching products. For all I know she might have used home remedies to achieve that when she was younger, but I think she'd fine the current ones kind of scary. There are some bad skin burn pictures online.

>> No.7229557

Not our fault you clearly look like a man in a dress

>> No.7229561

Are you fucking kidding me?

Different anon but he's clearly a man. I'm not gonna say all brolitas are freaks, but if you are trying to suggest that one is prettier than most girls you are on something

>> No.7229581

I know exactly where you're coming from, I'm much taller (5'4") but I'm very small-framed with narrow hips and ribcage, and I don't carry weight well, so whenever I start to edge into the size 6 territory I seriously start to look a bit pudgy since I'm an Apple shape and all weight gained goes to my stomach.

It's really stupid that someone would say 100lbs is too thin for anyone, I think it just shows how far people's perception of what is an "okay" weight is skewed nowadays since it's entirely reasonable especially since you're so petite.

Years ago I was actually 100-105lbs, and this was my natural weight without any maintenance effort on my part. Part of it was probably my teen metabolism (which has slowed slightly in my early 20s) but while I know that weight would look skeletal on some people of my height it looks totally normal on me. I remember reading Asians have a lighter bone density than some other races, so that might be part of the reason.

That's pretty old school haha.
I want pale skin because I really like high-contrast looks between hair and skin.

I grew up in the States so when I was younger I didn't care about tanning (although I didn't tan on purpose), and I would get soooo dark that when I went back to China to visit my relatives everyone would ask me if I tanned that dark on purpose.

Now I care about my looks (and not getting skin cancer) more, lol.

>> No.7229609
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Seriously. This is a face picture of Funk Brothers. You look like a man in a wig and dress. I don't blame IW for not wanting men like you attending and making their customers uncomfortable. The black brolita posted earlier passes beautifully, though.

>> No.7229619

I've noticed that black brolitas seem to do better than the white ones, for some reason. No comment on other races as I haven't really seen them, minus Asians which tend to be in a class of their own.

>> No.7229625

Christ, THAT'S funk brothers?

Baby I'm sorry but you do not look even remotely like a woman, you seriously look like Zoolander in a dress. It's no wonder you creep people out.

>> No.7229628

>minus Asians which tend to be in a class of their own

lol'd at this.

>> No.7229635
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You either get this or Mana, it seems.

>> No.7229640

this is shooped, right...?
>dat obvious manface with zero make-up
>dem eyebrows

>> No.7229645
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>> No.7229649
File: 76 KB, 538x869, 1386467839147.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If Chris-chan was skinny and liked Pretty Cure.....

>> No.7229651

...where are his arms?!

>> No.7229657

Hm. You need to work on your makeup skills Funk. You look like you just put circles of blush on your cheeks.

>> No.7229661

>literally zero effort probably because "at least I'm wearing BRAND~"
>zero effort on flattering hair and make-up
some people should just... I don't know... NOT follow their big dream and do the second favorite thing instead.

>> No.7229663

Angled oddly. One is presumably hidden behind his body because he's holding himself at an angle and the other is pointed straight at the camera with the wand.

>> No.7229671

Typical woman doing things because of how much positive attention she gets from it and not because she actually likes it.

>> No.7229675

Funk Brothers, you put your blush too high I think. Try using a little bit of a shimmery highlighter along your cheekbones (pretty much where you're putting your blush at now, but you don't want a circle of it, you want a line along the cheek bone) and then applying your blush to the apples of your cheeks, so a bit lower than where it is now. You basically want to make your face look a little wider, so don't apply it so much towards the middle, but a little bit further out. Blend out your blush a lot more too, so the edges don't look so sharp. Do you use a powder or a cream blush? I also think you could stand to go for a slightly lighter color for your blush. It's quite dark and makes your cheeks look a bit rashy rather than blush. Look up some contouring tutorials too. A little bit of contouring around your chin would help to soften your face.

>> No.7229676

0/10 try harder

>> No.7229678

So disgustingly tumblr-esque.

>> No.7229681
File: 202 KB, 1364x374, 1383539820183.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying it isn't true

Sorry sis, but thats just how it is. Even you should notice these things.

>> No.7229683

A simple trick for knowing where to put your blush if you're really unsure about it is to make a really exaggerated closed mouth smile to make your cheeks puff up and put the blush on the parts that are puffed out from the smile. Then I blend it all the way to my hairline and subtly taper off the color.

>> No.7229691

funk brothers is a sweet guy. you're meeting the wrong brolitas, anon.

>> No.7229689

>using /soc/ attention whores to make generalized comments about all women


>> No.7229698

How can she have anxiety and manage to fuck 36 people? I can't even talk to one new person and actually any old people I know as well because of mine, let alone move to the banging stage. That's way more intimate than having a casual conversation...
>inb4 that's the point
I know, I know.

>> No.7229701

Honestly it has more to do with Japanese society than sexism. Japan has a lot of problems with really stick gender roles and many Japanese women would be uncomfortable with crossdressers in general, even within the lolita community.

>> No.7229705


Sorry it autocorrected.

>> No.7229778

Actually smiling is a bad idea. When you smile, it pushes your skin up, and when you stop smiling, your blush ends up lower, pulling your face down.

>> No.7229780
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Not that anon, but holy shit! I totally just thought that the end of that wand was just some bizarre decoration attached at his shoulder where his arm was supposed to be
>mfw I thought he had a nub for a wand

>> No.7229783

>all women
No. I said she is the /typical/ girl that typically does that. Stop barking up the wrong tree, I know some girls in my comm like that and I'm sure you do too.

>> No.7229793
File: 110 KB, 231x231, 1386461040614.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>grown-ass women who dress up in little girl costumes calling other people freaks

>> No.7229798

SORRY, but you don't have the face to look feminine. I'm being honest with you now, so maybe your feelings won't get hurt any more later when you make the right decision to stop doing lolita.

>> No.7229802

I thought the same thing too!

>> No.7229818

When I smile it all gets pushed up to my cheekbones. It actually almost pushes all the way up to my eyes.

>> No.7229832

>you seriously look like Zoolander in a dress

yeah i agree. how can we wear lolita fashion if we can't even fit into it?

>face not feminine
>therefore you should quit lolita

that's a dumb reason to stop doing lolita fashion. if it make you happy, then you should do it regardless. stay mad.

>> No.7229841

>the name literally implies young girl

>> No.7229842

I wear gothic lolita, so I guess you mean sweet Lolita's

>> No.7229846
File: 74 KB, 960x720, 1386474021316.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sweet Lolita's

>> No.7229859

>stay mad
No, I'm just trying to save you the embarrassment of constantly looking like a man in a dress.

>> No.7229871

I felt a little rustled, too, because I think of lolita as just a fashion, and yes, do document my clothes on a blog. Like, why the fuck not? Lots of people do it, not just lolitas?

>> No.7229877

I feel you. Thanks for getting everything up!

>> No.7229918


what's wrong with these people, do they think society likes them or people should stand them?

>> No.7229940

Hey, at least his coords are nice.
But seriously man, look into some makeup. It'll really step up your game.

>> No.7229946

going to try and talk to one of my friends about makeup during winter break. he sounds very knowledgeable about doing it right

>> No.7229973

holy crap, if that picture is true i want to have kids just to send them to that school.

>> No.7229978

Ooh so nice to give him tips! I would suggest drag queen makeup tutorials since they cover tips in how to accent your male features to look like typical feminine features (although its usually quite too strong makeup).

I met Funk Brothers in real life, he's very nice and knows a lot about Innocent World! I agree that he needs to work on his makeup but with lolita comes a learning curve of improvement over time. It varies per person but hopefully he gets better~