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File: 99 KB, 480x640, CFTPOPSet-ivory_0(1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7225848 No.7225848 [Reply] [Original]

Sometime next year, information from a SS. Headbow and vest confirmed, but choker and wristcuffs might not.


>> No.7225861

I wish I would fit the OP, it's way too big for me. It probably won't happen, but I still hope the rerelease will have shirring.

>> No.7225867
File: 136 KB, 457x512, BurninMyLaptop.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unf, that dress. But looking at the size, I'm too small too...

>> No.7225880

Should fit me perfect. Brb crying and scrounging house for change.

>> No.7225881

It really sucks being too /small/ for something.

Fatties can lose weight, usually there isn't anything we can do to gain.

I was really considering tailoring it, but I get tired of stuff really quickly and I don't want to destroy resale value.

>> No.7225915

Oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck. I need this more than anything.

>> No.7225940

I AM IN. I will put money aside next month ~

>> No.7225959
File: 97 KB, 713x535, 1386121126814.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Fatties can lose weight, usually there isn't anything we can do to gain
BAWWWWW as if you can't alter the fucking dress if you love it so much (completely ignoring that bullshit about not being able to gain weight, HAH). But no, you've got to worry about the precious "resale" value because you're still a greedy bitch at heart. Lol, I am truly among seagirls~

>> No.7225975

Some people are in tighter financial situations than others and have to be conscious of potential resale value in case they are later in a position where the have to sell it. To fault someone for not wanting to spend $500~ on a limited dress only to have to alter it and cut its resale value in half is absurd.

>> No.7225983

If you can't afford to keep the dresses you buy you shouldn't be buying these fucking dresses. That's shit PT does because she's a massive womanchild with no ability to manage her finances.

>> No.7225989

>Some people are in tighter financial situations than others and have to be conscious of potential resale value in case they are later in a position where the have to sell it.

I will fault you for buying a dress that puts you in a tight spot financially, because that clearly means you can't afford it.
>inb4 more excuses
Nope, we yell at poorfags who buy their bodyline and then can't pay for other expenses. It's no different even for slightly better off ones.

>> No.7225993

How about cry more? There's nothing wrong with not wanting to take that kind of loss simply if the answer is "what if I don't want this later on?" What if they see something else they want more in the future? Some people value their money differently.

>> No.7225997

>What if they see something else they want more in the future?

You know I understand that this is the new "everyone gets a medal" generation, but did you ever think that you're not going to get everything you want in life?

>> No.7226000

When I say tighter financial situations, I'm referring to those who can afford it but it's a bigger deal. I'm in the sort of position where I can afford lolita, but it's the only frivolous thing I buy myself and if shit went down where I needed money, I would sell that instead of tapping into my savings or college fund. I wouldn't have to, but it would be a better financial choice.

>> No.7226002

Hit a little close to home?

>> No.7226005

Explain t me how that is relevant in any way?

>> No.7226007

I'm sure it would be more than possible to sell back a dress with alterations, especially one that's popular.
After all, I'm sure there's plenty more small lolitas who are whinging about the same dress not being able to fit on their delicate frames, and oh how the fattie fats must have it so easy~

In that case why don't you just mow down a few protein bars and drink some whole milk? You'll put on weight no problem.

>> No.7226008

No it was just one of the most disgusting self-pitying posts I've ever fucking read.

>> No.7226009

I've been the same weight since I was 15 regardless of diets the doctors have put me on. Weight gain is impossible for me. it happens to a decent amount of people.

I don't want to alter it, because as I said in the first place, I get tired of things really quickly. I cycle through clothes a lot. Why would I spend money on something, and then spend MORE money to alter it, knowing that I will then not ever be able to get anywhere near what I paid for it when I inevitably get sick of it?

I'm not fucking greedy, I have common fucking sense.

You sound like an upset fatty who can't wear the dress at all because you can't expand a dress without it looking like shit.

>> No.7226010

>In that case why don't you just mow down a few protein bars and drink some whole milk?
Because that's not what that's about and they know it, they don't really want to gain weight because they're still vain as shit. That's why they'll try to act like it's hard to do when it isn't.
>>but oh my god the outrage if a fattie complains about a dress being too small

>> No.7226012

>Weight gain is impossible for me.
So what's the condition that prevents you from gaining weight?
Because right now you sound like an obesechan
>No srsy u gies, I've done everything I can think to lose weight and it's just impossible for me ;-; muh genetics
You're full of shit.
Keep pretending that everyone who thinks you're a retard is fat.

>> No.7226014

You are clearly able to pack on pounds like it's nobody's business.

Tell me your magical weight gain secrets, anon, because I'd actually love to gain some weight. Life's no fun when you can see half of your ribs, and you look like a fucking holocaust recoveree.

>> No.7226015

Have you ever seen what altered dresses sell for? I've seen numerous and they all sell for literally half of what the person paid, in quite a few cases they were less. Never have I seen one even close.

>In that case why don't you just mow down a few protein bars and drink some whole milk? You'll put on weight no problem.
I'm not the girl you were replying to initially. Luckily, Baby/AatP fits me perfectly.

No more self-pitying than the typical fat person equivalent,

>> No.7226019

>Have you ever seen what altered dresses sell for?
Yes, and depending on the print and cut they can sell for around the same.
>I've seen numerous and they all sell for literally half of what the person paid
Some of them have been worn multiple times and as such have damages and stains. Isn't it common sense that a person altering a dress would be wearing it more often since they had it tailored for them?

>> No.7226022

lol, this

>> No.7226021

You guys seriously don't know what you're talking about. For some people, weight gain through healthy means genuinely is impossible even if they don't have an illness. What sort of credentials do you have to make you think your opinion is more valid than a doctor's and the personal experience of tons of people? For fucks sake, at least Google that shit before acting so sure of yourselves.

>> No.7226026

>Google that shit before acting so sure of yourselves.
Feel free to educate us on this anytime, oh wiser one.

>> No.7226027

Well, given that I've seen the exact opposite dozens of times, I'm still going to go ahead and say there is nothing wrong with not wanting to chance it,

>> No.7226030

the fatty in this thread is so angry
watch out guys, she might eat you!!!!

>> No.7226031
File: 25 KB, 300x300, 0893.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being this mad because someone called you out on your shit
Lol, stay mad samefag <3

>> No.7226033

I Googled it and all the sites besides for a couple forums and Yahoo answers links say it can be borderline impossibe for some people

>> No.7226034


I understand that some people also genuinely can't lose weight healthily, but that is not anywhere near a majority of people.

A lot of weight loss problems (muh thyroids!!!11!) are actually caused or greatly worsened by the fact that the sufferer IS fat / was overweight in the first place.

My mother has thyroid issues, and she just goes to the gym 2-3x a week to keep her weight constant. She weighs maybe 160, and she's had three kids.

The only way to gain weight when you have too fast of a metabolism is weight training. You won't store the fat, so you have to build muscle instead. That would be all fine and good, but I have tendinitis and subluxations that will require surgery in both shoulders, so weight training without injuring myself is very difficult.

I'm even on the Depo shot, it's biggest complaint / side effect is weight gain. Nothing.

>> No.7226036

>multiple people in thread with different opinion than me
>must be samefag

>> No.7226038

Ooops, meant to quote >>7226031

>> No.7226039

It's okay, you probably misquoted yourself because you're so used to agreeing with your other posts <3

>> No.7226041

I'm not the poorfag crying over muh resale value, anon

>> No.7226042

Nope, I just simply misquoted.

>> No.7226044

That's less about being a poorfag and more about being careful with your money.

>> No.7226056

You're whining over other people's spending habits which is worse.

>> No.7226074

what ARE the sizes of this dress anyway

>> No.7226076

Do people genuinely think you can't find buyers for altered dresses? Despite a lot of fattychans being in lolita there are still plenty of thin people who can fit into things if you have them takenin.

>> No.7226080

it is only one size.

>> No.7226170

lol jealous fatties

>> No.7226238

I never understood why people want this dress. Yes it pretty, but it's basically a snow white costume

>> No.7226275

Joining in the too small brigade. Although I originally didn't like Wicked Princess but after seeing that obviously photoshopped asian girl who looks like a doll wearing it... I kinda want that.

And to the angry anon, for me I would tailor stuff but the COST of tailoring can be very high.

>> No.7226296

That's not massive massive but it's still big. I see where these girls are coming from now, I'm the largest I can seem to get and the OP's still 7cm to big in the waist, forget about how big the corset is.

>> No.7229083

wow, why is the waist so huge? i'm a really average size and it would be awkwardly big on me

>> No.7229091

shit that's huge

can't wait to see every fatty in this thread try to jam themselves into this op like meta's apple print ngl

>> No.7229137

Woah that's huge... Looks like I'm also joining the "too small" crowd. It's 7 cm too big in the waist for me (and too big in the bust as usual)

How do all these skinny people like Chokelate get this dress to not look like a shapeless blob on them?

>> No.7229140

Why is this so big? I'm kind of big measurement-wise for lolita, but this is way big in all of the measurements.

I've seen choke look really amazing in it, though, so did she just have it tailored?

>> No.7229216

The material is really delicate so you'd want to be a couple centimeters smaller for ease. The seams are easily damaged by being stretched.

>> No.7229224
File: 727 KB, 496x750, 1385243495299.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's a photo of choke wearing it

>> No.7229313

she absolutely had to have gotten it tailored because she doesn't look anywhere near the given measurements on lolibrary

>> No.7229348

72cm = 28in
Um, I don't know how that qualifies as "huge"?
Isn't this the max waist for a lot of Baby and AP?

Unless this thread is just filled with 5' tall, 23 in waist chicks who would look like the dwarves instead of snow white if they wore this

>> No.7229370

I have a 27" waist. I don't see why people are complaining.

>> No.7229389

Do you think the rerelease is going to be a shitstorm? After missing out on Midsummer twice, I think I should go with an ss...

>> No.7229413
File: 293 KB, 450x678, inf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What does everyone think about the Infanta dress? It's obviously inspired by Claudia/Wicked Princess, but would you call it a replica?

>> No.7229417

I wouldn't call it a replica, but I would call it a ripoff of it.

>> No.7229420

Borderline territory. Which is a shame, because I honestly love the Infanta version.

>> No.7229633

It's not tailored and it's still way too big, but it doesn't look really bad because the bodice is a darker, kind of contrasting color that makes it look smaller than it is. It's really flattering :)

>> No.7229711

I wouldn't say the dress is huge (a lot of people are probably very thankful for the more generous measurements) but it's not what I expected, especially seeing worn pics. It's a very dainty looking dress, something I'd expect to see on stage in a ballet almost which is likely why I'm so surprised by the waist measurements.

My waist isn't tiny, nor am I short, 25.5in at 5'9.

>> No.7229713

Lol the fatties on this thread. Cry moar plz.

>> No.7229719

Awww. College fund. So you are an underage high schooler. Welcome to the 18+ boards graduate, gain your freshman 15, allow your metabolism to slow to its adult rate and then come back baaaawing about how all the brand is too tiny and fatties and you can't budget.

>> No.7229728

If you are so fickle that you wouldn't even keep a dress you claim to love enough to whine about then just stop whining and buy AP instead. It usually keeps good resale value.

>> No.7229750

>being a mad fatty

I'm not who you're talking to, but all those excuses are bullshit. I gained my freshman 15 (well, 10) and certainly can't eat like shit anymore. I'm a grad student now and recently lost all college weight through basic discipline. Being older is not an excuse to be fat.

>> No.7229751

Because the dress acts like a shift. It is SUPPOSED to be too loose. The corset over it pulls it in, just like an elastic waist would.
Ren faire dresses do this. They are shapeless and huge at the waist but the bodices worn over cinch them in and give them shape. This also frees up the skirt to be very flowy.

>> No.7229761

The corset measurements are a lot larger than the dress itself though.

>> No.7229768

You are correct, but it is stupid for a 16 year old to be calling everyone fat when she hasn't even finished puberty yet.

>> No.7229823

This does sound like you think everyone who's bigger than you is fat. There are tall seagulls too ya know

>> No.7230124

I was looking at the corset size, it says 77 cm. I guess 72 is a little better, but still 2 inches too big for me, and I'm 100% average.

>> No.7230133
File: 700 KB, 1053x1070, 1378262652596.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not any of the anons that you've been replying to, but you sound like a fucking idiot. Shut up and take a break from /cgl/ for a while.

>> No.7230147

>90 cm bust
Okay, cool, thanks BTSS--
>77 cm waist AT SMALLEST POINT
.... it would look like a bag on me. I thought you were all exaggerating, but... holy shit.

>> No.7230168

Honestly like it more than Claudia.

>> No.7230170


different anon but as if people in the lolita community don't resell shit all the time? c'mon

>> No.7230176

Corset lacing?

>> No.7230195

>Fatties can lose weight, usually there isn't anything we can do to gain

I am often too big for OPs, but it's not because I'm too fat - my shoulders are too big. If that is the case, or if your ribcage is to big, you can't just ~lolz lose weight~, it will never fit. At least if you're too small you can get it on. Altering an item to be smaller is pretty easy.

>> No.7230201

I don't think you got the point.
first anon:
>bawww this won't fit me I'm to tiny I can't gain weight but I won't alter it cause then I can't sell it!!!

second anon:
>why would you care about needing to sell it at all? Just buy something you can sell and stfu about it then.

>> No.7230218

Gaining weight when your thin is no more difficult than losing weight if you're fat, if your distance from your goal weight is roughly the same. Much like losing weight, it can be difficult - you're violating you're body's set weight so it can be a pain, and it involves watching everything you eat. But I've had several friends who were too thin and were advised by doctors to gain weight during their childhoods. Much to my jealousy they were actually encouraged to eat regular milkshakes and high-calorie foods, which was actually really difficult for them. But they did gain weight. It can be done.

>> No.7230238

The underdress is 72 cm waist. I don't get how so many people are smaller since you should have a 68-69cm waist to fit comfortably and that measurement is pretty standard. I guess a lot of people are really slim in this thread.

>> No.7230241

Either that or they're fat and lying to seem prettier. Honestly it doesn't matter what your measurements are if they're not the exact ones for lolita.

>> No.7230248

I've a 64cm waist and if a dress don't have waist ties or shirring I end up looking like a freaking tube, so I can understand.

>> No.7230530

My waist used to be 58cm, put on weight recently but it's still at a small 62cm.

>> No.7230535

a 27" waist isn't very small. I'm 5'8 and my stomach isn't flat unless it's 24", normally I'm 24.5" or 25"

>> No.7230543

Yeah, my waist is 21", but I'm only 5'5".

If I put that dress on my body, I would swim in it.

>> No.7230551

Wow and here I thought everyone was exaggerating a bit but this is really big for a BABY dress. It's a shame, I was really thinking about buying it.

>> No.7230578

My problem is mostly the length of everything. I'm not sure where this would sit on me.

>> No.7230581

I like the bodice more for this one, I just wish the skirt wasn't yellow

>> No.7230603

You should do more cardio, that'll tighten it up
I'm 5'6 and have a flat stomach at 27in (broad backed althlete fml)
So I think you are skinnyfat?

>> No.7230684

I have a 66cm waist at 154cm tall, and I consider myself on the heavier side of average so...

>> No.7230703

It might just be how your body is made instead of how thin you are? I'm 5'0", and at an under-average body fat percentage with a flat stomach, I'm around 26". I do have a really wide ribcage and shoulder span though, which makes me really insecure.

>> No.7230750

don't feel bad anon. Only on /cgl/ is a 26" waist large. The smallest I can remember ever being is 28", just based on my build.

>> No.7230753
File: 2 KB, 73x125, 1383027115582s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw the last time i had a 25in waist was high school
>tfw medication side effect made me gain weight freshman year of university
>tfw still trying to lose it
>tfw this comes up as a re-release
>tfw i measure my ribcage for shits and giggles
>tfw its 26" or 27"
>tfw this will probably not fit right no matter how much i lose

>> No.7230773

>tfw its 26" or 27"
Lol. I'm this anon >>7230703 and I have a 30" ribcage. I'm envious.

>> No.7230786

Oh, fuck yes, I can fit this. Gonna wear the shit out of it

>> No.7231939

i'm >>7230753
that feel when also 5'0" but still neanderthal build. goddamn. let's suffer together.

>> No.7231947

Another anon joining in the lamenting, I feel you my short linebacker brethen.

>> No.7231951

goddamn am I retarded tonight

>> No.7231953

i'm 5'7, my waist has never been more than 23''.
and i feel huge. enormous even.

>> No.7231986

y- you have a strange body anon

>borderline underweight, like 105 lbs and 5'3"
>admittedly don't workout
>but also never eat ever basically
>70cm, 27 inch-ish waist

Do you all just work out a lot? Man, anatomy is weird...

>> No.7232009

Agreed. My waist is normally about 28''-30'', and I'm definitely not overweight. I inherited a weird body shape from my mom though, wide shoulders and rib cage, and there's such a tiny space between my ribs and hip bones there's no room for my waist to go in at all. I definitely have the ''straight'' body type...

>> No.7232242


>98 lbs
>No ana pls
>26 in ribcage
>22 in waist
>29 in hips
>lanky as fuck

This dress would never fit me. In a thousand years. If I actually tied the waist ties, there would be this big awkward fabric bunch in the back.

>> No.7232244

Guuurl, you need to gain some weight/muscle.
I'm the same height but 125 pounds.

>> No.7232250

holy shit i feel bad for you.
i am 5'2" and 90 lbs and i am like a stick, you're a skeleton. seriously, lift weights and gain 30 lbs at least. i need to do the same.

>> No.7232254

i'm like this too but it's because no workout... seriously.

you can be 5'3" or shorter, but at 120lbs you'll have smaller measurements.

>> No.7232255

Nothing I can do, unfortunately.

My metabolism is fucking cray.

I started counting, and I eat on average ~4000 calories a day.

Lifting is a no-no because of injuries that haven't been taken care of yet because I'm poor. Hopefully once I start physical therepy things will start to happen.

The people i work with (who just so happen to browse /pol/ and /b/, incidentally) never let me forget that I have "holocaust arms."

Thanks, guys. I didn't know.

>> No.7232259
File: 22 KB, 450x299, chub.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>encouraged to eat high-calorie foods
>was actually really difficult for them
my sides...

>> No.7232264

4,000 a day?? You can't be serious.

>> No.7232267

I'm actually going to say this, but you sound way too thin for lolita. I wish you luck anon on gaining some weight and putting muscle on yourself.

>> No.7232269

Yep. I go through 3500 on a low day, 4500 on a high day.

I know. I only wear long sleeves, and I always wear thick tights, because they really help to make my legs look nice.

I'm more of a winter loli.

>> No.7232271

but that is a tiny waist for your height

i am so perplexed by... anatomy. jfc its depressing
how can 25" on 5'7"+ not be tiny if someone 5'2" has a 25" waist and is slim?

miserably short girl here

>> No.7232279

Maybe speak to a doctor or nutritionist? You'd only need to gain maybe a stone in weight, but some people are naturally very tiny.

>> No.7232315

Wow, I'm 5"3 and 120lbs and my waist is 72cm, borderline overweight. Bodies are weird.

>> No.7232404

>bodies are weird
Yeah, this thread is really interesting, seeing the height/weight/measurements of you guys.

I'm 5'6" and my bust is 35 in (89 cm), waist a bit under 27 in (68 cm).
My hips are 37 in (94 cm) and I have a really long torso, so have to buy "short" length jeans from stores and still hem them up even further when I get home. I look okay in some pairs of jeans like Rock & Republic's (RIP, you are missed) but getting into lolita made me realize skirts are much more flattering on my body type and I should pretty much avoid pants from this point on.

The kicker here is that I'm 140-145 pounds, which is embarrassing for me to admit. I know that for my height I'm supposed to be around 130-135, and fuck, ten pounds is a lot, but I've been trying for months to lose and it just isn't happening. I think this is my "healthy" weight even though this number doesn't look good.
My mom keeps telling me to get under 140 because she's 5'1" and nearly obese at my same weight.

I know you, friend! Today I tried on the JetJ Carte de la Verite size 1 JSK and it zipped, though I wish the straps were an inch longer. Weird.

>> No.7232412

oh god are you me
I eat a lot and the only thing that's not stick thin is my stomach so I got the worst of both worlds
Otherwise yeah, holocaust arms twins for life

>> No.7232420

I think a lot of it has to do with bone structure. I'm your height and 30-35lbs lighter and my waist is only 1-2cm smaller than yours. I have broad shoulders and a large ribcage - my stomach is flat and I doubt my waist can get much smaller than it is, even though 67cm is on the larger end for this thread.

>> No.7232437

Yup. This is me. Add in some big boobs, and I don't even know why I'm in this fashion.

>> No.7232443

I'm nearly 5'1 (154cm) and my waist is about 26 inches (66cm). I have a pretty flat stomach, so I doubt I can go down much further. Bust is a meager 31in (80cm) though, and I have a big ass at 38 in (97cm). I'm about 120lbs, which is average I guess. I wouldn't say I'm fat, but I got a chubs-child look going for me.

> Yes, bodies are really weird

>> No.7232446

5 foot 6, less than 105 pounds, Overfat
Never exercise, eat all the time
No muscle, too lazy, eat too much
Waist: 25 inches, Bust: 32 inches, Hips: 34 inches
At the end of the day, my stomach sticks out to almost 40 inches.
Have stretch marks, cellulite and my thighs expand double when I sit down.
I REALLY need to start exercising. I went to the doctor and she told me that I'm too fat (fat being literally body fat percentage, not fat as in physically large of course).

>> No.7232669
File: 88 KB, 170x336, bloated-stomach.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>5'6, 105 pounds, large stomach area
.....Are you sure it's not starvation bloat?

>> No.7232675

>5 foot 6, less than 105 pounds, Overfat
I'm 5'6" and 125 and I ain't anything close to fat. Sounds like somebody has body image issues.

>> No.7232678

sorry for being super fucking newbie, but how do I buy this when it's released? my lolita purchases are limited to a few bodyline purchases i made from salvaging through the most highly favoured bl pieces

>> No.7232688

seagull data from this thread:
in order of height then waist measurement

5'0" waist: 26", ribcage: 30"
5'3" waist: 70cm/27", 105 lbs
5'3" waist: 72 cm, 120 lbs
5'5" waist: 21"
5'5" waist: 22", 26" ribcage, 98 lbs
5'6" waist: 25", bust 32", hips 34", <105 lbs
5'6" waist: 66 cm, bust 80, 120 lbs
5'6" waist: 27"
5'6" waist: 68 cm, bust 89, hips 94, 140 lbs
5'6" waist: 28"
5'6" 125 lbs
5'7" waist: 23"
5'8" waist: 24.5"
5'9" waist: 25.5"

There were a ton of anons earlier in the thread saying Claudia is much too big for them in the waist, but none posted height/weight/exact waist measurements so I didn't record any.

>> No.7232687

they are talking about their fat % is probably over 30% for their body type

>> No.7232714

You can add/edit mine if you want more seagull data. 85 bust, 67 waist, 89 hips, 168cm/5'6" and 50kg/110lbs.

>> No.7232719

5'1", 28" waist, 32" ribcage, 105-110 lbs., if you're looking for more data, anon.

>> No.7232720

Another data point: 84 cm bust, 70 cm waist, 91 cm hips, 5'4", 140 lbs (really muscular legs)

>> No.7232722

I wish we could make one of those "different body shapes/measurements at various heights/weights" albums with seagulls, but I bet most people wouldn't feel comfortable self-posting, especially with somewhat sensitive information.

>> No.7232731

Another anon:
Bust 83 cm, waist 67, hips 80. Ribcage is 70cm.
I'm 156cm tall (~5'1.5") and weigh 50kg, or 110lb.

>> No.7232735

You could probably do this with the suggestion thread if it wasn't overrun with guys nowadays.

>> No.7232758

1.65m/5'4", 97 lbs, 62cm/24.5" waist, 82cm/32" bust
It's pretty fucking hard to put all this on here but practice is good, I guess.

>> No.7232767

5'0" waist: 28" ribcage: 30", 125lbs
im a chubby-chan with a shitty wide ribcage and no hope of fitting claudia

>> No.7232787

5'1.5" Approx measurements waist: 61cm, bust: 81cm, underbust: 69cm, hips: dunno but are around 36" or more, weight: 109lbs as I've put on weight, used to be 98lbs, am aiming to go back to that eventually.

>> No.7232790

More accurately my height is 156.5cm

>> No.7232813


This is all making me depressed and feel like a fatty chan. 5'9", 36" bust, 29" waist, 40" hips.

>> No.7232826

This whole fucking thread has morphed into this atrocity that makes girls with lovely measurement feel awful.

>> No.7232827

How is it making people feel awful? We're not bashing anyone for their weight.

>> No.7232830

People were just sharing their measurements though. There wasn't even the usual fattybashing, except at the very beginning.

If you feel bad just by seeing other peoples sizes, I think you've got some esteem problems to work out.

>> No.7232834

I don't feel bad about my weight, I'm just watching some of the other responses in the thread.

>> No.7232842
File: 93 KB, 450x678, 1386639848013.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i lusted after the claudia op for so long i can't believe this infanta dress i just found........../ it's way more pretty and less chunky oops having a change of heart

>> No.7232848

>girls with lovely measurement
>feel awful
Implying that any of our measurements AREN'T lovely is an atrocity, ya douchebag.

>> No.7232915

5'4" waist: 23", ribcage: 26", 105 lbs

>> No.7232923

i'm 5'2", 85 cm bust, 65 cm waist, 85 cm hips, 105 lbs. my rib cage is 70 cm but i barely pay attention to it since it's my bust that makes my life difficult.

>> No.7232925

dude it's ok, i'm really short and have your measurements, so don't feel bad. it's even harder to fit stuff when you're all squished into a short frame.

>> No.7232932

Are you me anon? I'm close to >>7232813 but lose the 9 inches in height.

>> No.7232941

you are probably me, anon, i am the same height as you.

>> No.7232952

Well... if I can't get my hands on Claudia, I think I'll get this. It's just as beautiful imo

>> No.7232957

I'm sorry I thought this was a thread to talk about the Claudia releases not whine about weight and measurements. Again.

Can a single thread on this board not get derailed for body wank/whining? You have so many other threads for this, constantly.

>> No.7233014
File: 619 KB, 1190x1875, baby_claudia-KERA-scan2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There really isn't that much to talk about for a single dress's release. The reserve isn't even open yet. There is already a thread for the Krad Lanrete Marie Portraits (reserve closes 12/12), MmM Iron Gate (reserves still open), AATP Midsummer (thread created during the release), and there's a thread with the special release AP OP that says "new releases thread!"

No one is even whining that badly in here. Usually it's "ooh I stuggle with eating disorders, fat shame, skinny shame, blah blah blah" but this thread has stayed clear of that for the majority. There was some "lol fatty" at the top but that's cleared out for the next 60% of posts.

I'm sensing you're uncomfortable, anon-chan. Give me your measurements to add to the list.
And here's a picture of Claudia to quell your pain.

5'0" waist: 26", ribcage: 30"
5'0" waist: 28", ribcage: 30" 125 lbs
5'0" waist: 29", 36" bust, 40" hips
5'1" waist: 28", 32" ribcage, 105-110
5'1.5" waist: 67 cm, bust 83 cm, hips 80 cm, ribcage 80 cm, 110 lbs
5'1.5" waist: 61 cm, bust 81 cm, underbust 69, 110 lbs
5'2" waist: 65cm, bust 85 cm, hips 85 cm, ribcage 70, 105 lbs
5'3" waist: 70cm/27", 105 lbs
5'3" waist: 72 cm, 120 lbs
5'3" waist: 23", ribcage 26", 105 lbs
5'4" waist: 62 cm (24.5"), 82/32" bust, 97 lbs
5'4" waist: 70 cm, bust 84", 91 cm hips, 140 lbs
5'5" waist: 21"
5'5" waist: 22", 26" ribcage, 98 lbs
5'6" waist: 25", bust 32", hips 34", <105 lbs
5'6" waist: 66 cm, bust 80, 120 lbs
5'6" waist: 67 cm, 85 bust, 89 hips, 110 lbs
5'6" waist: 27"
5'6" waist: 68 cm, bust 89, hips 94, 140 lbs
5'6" waist: 28"
5'7" waist: 23"
5'8" waist: 24.5"
5'9" waist: 25.5"
5'9" waist: 29", 36" bust, 40" hips

>> No.7233015
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>> No.7233017
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I don't know how tall arthael / shadow-walk is for reference, but I assume she's around 5'4"? Correct me if I'm way off the mark

>> No.7233019
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>> No.7233022
File: 585 KB, 466x573, coord.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this girl is super short. Even AP dresses look long on her

>> No.7233024
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>> No.7233026
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>> No.7233028
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>> No.7233030
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>> No.7233034
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I think the OP looks a lot better without the navy top that makes the bodice look shorter

>> No.7233036
File: 43 KB, 480x640, 402289077.4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best detail of the dress is this. Looks like the same fabric JetJ printed the Madame Pompadour dress on (a satiny lace-print)

>> No.7233038

Last picture I have that isn't a stock image. Again shows how this dress is for short-torso'd people. I'm out.

Happy now, grumpyface?

>> No.7233040

I'll add mine!

5'9 bust:34" waist:27" hips:42" ribcage:32" 115lb

>> No.7233041
File: 161 KB, 400x470, 7155703814_e66bbf1e4f_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whoops count on me to drop it

>> No.7233043

Either a lot of /cgl/ers are skinny, or the only ones posting are the ones with great measurements. I didn't expect to see so many 23-26" waists! Damn I wish mine was that small! Good for you guys. It's my dream to fit nicely into Mary Magdalene

>> No.7233051

>the only ones posting are the ones with great measurements
More likely this, but I could just be saying this as a fatty-chan lurker.

>> No.7233053

Here, have my data skewing measurements
6'0" waist: 32" bust: 36" 150 lbs
I'd make that dress look like a booty dress, not even gonna try.

>> No.7233071

It's this kind of mentality that makes me so embarrassed talking about my weight problem. I'm underweight, and for months I haven't been able to gain anything back. I've lost weight in the process actually; I went from 112 lbs in the summer to 106 to 103. When I finally went to the doctor's, a nurse said there's nothing I can do besides eat more. She said six meals a day, plus some supplements.

I eat cereal with 2% milk, I drink protein shakes, I eat protein bars, I snack all day, I even try to eat ice cream every night. I look sick and it's so embarrassing I don't wear skin tight anything anymore. Not that I have that shit in my closet, everything's big on me now.

I don't know man, I get where you're coming from with this victim mentality but you're really over-exaggerating in this instance. It makes you look like a "jealous fatty" who thinks everyone has their body type and their same problem with weight. The nurse told me a lot of people have issues with keeping weight on, it's just not as talked about because there's such a fervor about obesity in our culture.

People who are underweight and people who are overweight worry about their weight. It is an obvious problem and I'd rather not broadcast my health issues like I am now.

>> No.7233080

Maybe you have a food allergy? If you look sick, maybe it's because it's because your body is having a hard time digesting all the milk products you consume. Or... sorry to be disgusting, but you might have a worm... One of my friends got a tapeworm after traveling to South American on vacation. Shit was crazy. It got to 6" or so before it was discovered.

>> No.7233087

That or lying but what's the point

>> No.7233089

Are there any coords of this dress alone without the corset (or with a different corset), just in general worn not as the full Claudia set?

>> No.7233091

I don't believe so, but at the doctor's they just did blood tests, not any allergy tests. I've loved dairy my whole life, I mean I always eat cereal but the protein shakes are a recent addition. I always had ice cream in the freezer but I didn't normally eat it every night. I didn't consider a developed allergy...

I mean I've tried adding other things to my diet too, I eat a lot more meat and I've tried getting more veggies in. I hope it's not a worm, I'd like to think something from my blood or urine tests would have told the doctor. Who knows. If I can't gain weight by the spring I'm going to have to go to a doctor again.

>> No.7233096

Sorry, not that I've seen. The only pictures I've seen on the internet but not saved/posted were when it was last on auction but the seller took really bright pictures that weren't any good for reference. The best thing to do would just check out the lolibrary stock pics, sorry
I've seen the dress IRL though and the OP is really pretty. Not 56,000 yen pretty, but pretty. This is coming from someone who often buys the expensive Baby and AATP releases. I don't think it's worth that price.

Maybe ask Chokelate to take some close up images of hers?

>> No.7235557

Forget the dress, I want that fabric!

>> No.7235570

Did they include the blood tests for celiac disease/diabetes/ thyroid? Also with worms, you can have them but still have normal blood tests...
It could also be an allergy but to figure it out yourself you'll have to cut the suspected allergen out then reintroduce it to your diet, so make sure you have a way to replace the calories you would've got from that - e.g. if you think it's lactose, you should be blending your protein shakes with a similarly energy dense milk substitute, and you have to be scrupulous about eliminating all lactose containing products.

>> No.7236941

and I'm too tall.
short people can hem shit, but if you're tall you're screwed

>> No.7237260

I want it so bad because choke is my hero, but i'm getting the Infanta dress because it'll actually fit me, on account of me being a dude.

>> No.7237289

Same! How easy/hard would it be to nab one of these second-hand?

>> No.7237292


incredibly difficult, and incredibly expensive

>> No.7237295

And then, this dress went from 'meh' to 'dream item' for me. I'm such a fabric junkie, I swear.

>> No.7238718

Anyone know when this will get released?

>> No.7239197

I've lost enough weight to fit it.

Now to sell my soul..

>> No.7240328

so release date when?

>> No.7240340

Is it fickle to get over things?

To change interests, to find something new?

Besides, I see an awful lot of girls selling things because they bought them and then just didn't like them once they arrived. Is that fickle too?

I just realize how I am, and I'm refusing to make a stupid decision because of it. So fucking fickle.

>> No.7240346

I wasn't implying that at all.

I was implying that fatties whine all the time about wanting to fit in ~burando~ but do nothing to try to change it, but they don't realize there are people on the opposite end of the spectrum that ALSO can't fit. And then they tell us to eat some protein bars, even though it won't do a damn thing, because they assume everyone can pack on the pounds like they can.