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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 30 KB, 318x293, 762046_1309482668706_full.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7224361 No.7224361[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Hi there seagulls , how to look like a cute and frail uke (clothes especially...) ?

>> No.7224374
File: 9 KB, 300x168, genshikentop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you a woman trying to look like a kawaii boy or is it semi-trap thread time?

>> No.7224391

(Unfortunately i'm a girl *goes to the emo corner* but it doesn't mean we can't make this a semi trap thread or a "how to be a good trap"/"how to look like a uke" thread ?)

>> No.7224401

I'm a girl hating being a girl tbh but I just wanna look cute as fuck while being a boy

>> No.7224402

You must be 18+ to use this website.

>> No.7224404


>> No.7224405

I'm 19 just to let you know

>> No.7224411


Ugh, please stop.

>> No.7224412
File: 217 KB, 414x1928, female_to_male_crossplay_makeup_tutorial_by_vilya0-d6rs35u.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7224434

Big loose hoodies , oversized men blouses (forgot the name) with a loose tie , big t shirts , anything that could make you look smaller . For the haircut why not something emoboyish i dunno

>> No.7224458

Don't men just call them dress shirts?

>> No.7224465

Nah , I'm talking about that (found the word , I was being stupid) : http://www.chemises-chaussures-hommes.com/343-1072/chemise-homme-luxe-bleu-ciel.jpg

(and by oversized I mean too big for you , like , the sleeves covering your hands)
I also suggest punk-ish visualkei-ish stuff if you wanna be speshul ?

>> No.7224475

Men's chemises? Or am I getting the French wrong? Chemises are women's wear, that's sorta weird.

>> No.7224485

Well chemise just means "shirt" in French.

>> No.7224488

In French "chemise" is unisex but tend to be for man, "chemisier" for woman only

>> No.7224495

So in the end it's still just a dress shirt to English speakers?

>> No.7225035

Gonna bamp because I wanna look like a cute boy as well

>> No.7225300

omg, I cosplayed that kid once without even really knowing who he was...................... the yaoi fangirls, noooooo.

>> No.7225332

Damn, this actually looks really good. I'm saving it to try for my next male cosplay. Never even thought of doing a shadow for the Adam's apple.

>> No.7225333

>*goes into the emo corner*


>> No.7225340

> Cosplaying a character you don't know about

Served you right

>> No.7225342

Don't be fat.
It's easier to be a male when you don't have huge hips or bust. Getting a proper binder helps too. I'm going to invest in a full body one this year.

>> No.7225343

Lazy bitch

>> No.7225350


>> No.7225799

Bump desu.
I wanna look like a cute boy too.

>> No.7225812

Why would you ever want to be a man?
I'm a dude and being a man sucks balls. I'd give anything to be a girl.

>> No.7225821

Why would you ever want to be a girl?
I'm a chick and being a girl is sucks bloody cunt. I'd give anything to be a man.

>> No.7225892

>being a man
>society treats you like shit
>same clothes day in and day out; nothing cute
>no skirts/dresses
>cumbersome penis that just gets in the way all the time and gets hard always when you don't want it to
>if you want to wear a skirt society will ostracize you

>being a girl
>society treats you like a princess
>cute clothes
>wear whatever you want no one will judge
>always have an edge over men in modern times cause people don't want to look sexist
>can be as much of a bitch as you want because lol women

And I'm a straight man. If I somehow magically turned into a lady I'd be gay.

>> No.7225900
File: 499 KB, 500x310, tumblr_ltpawbxXDC1qboa97o1_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>society treats you like shit if you're a straight man but if you're a girl you get treated like a princess
>thinking women aren't constantly judged by their clothing/appearance; if women don't care about fashion then they are slobs, if they do then they're materialistic/high maintenance
>everything else you said which is straight up BS
you know the saying "the grass is always greener on the other side"? yeah that's for you man

>> No.7225901

brolitajenny pls go

>> No.7225904
File: 176 KB, 500x376, slut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wear whatever you want no one will judge
You sure about that?

>> No.7225906

/r9k/ pls

>> No.7225909

>if women don't care about fashion then they are slobs

And that's somehow worse than being completely ostracized from society if you're a man that wants to wear a skirt?

Considering there are "slut walks", yes. Slut acceptance is a thing.

>> No.7225913
File: 76 KB, 400x599, skirt_boy_japan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just one of the many examples
you think girls that dress masculine don't get shit either?
Woman wears a suit - she's a bitch. Woman wears a skirt - she's a slut. Woman wears pants - she's a dyke. I could keep going until I hit word limit.
just wear a skirt and get the fuck over yourself

>> No.7225914

Well considering that a women's "worth" is mosty her appearance that would make her worthless.

A man can't wear a skirt because that would mean he's throwing away his manliness. Being a women is valued less than a man.

If you don't like that then you should consider becoming a feminist. If it was ok to be feminine then no one would give a shit if you wore a skirt. So you see, we really are on the same side.

>> No.7225916

The reason men are ousted for wanting to wear skirts is because many people think if a guy wants to be feminine, there is something wrong with him. In other words, feminine is seen as weaker and inferior. Therefore, so are women.

It's the same reason men are looked down on for being emotional or showing vulnerability. Those are considered to be feminine traits in our culture. Obviously, I'm not saying women are the only ones getting screwed over with these things. It's damaging to men, too.

What I don't understand is why everyone feels the need to get into a pissing contest about who has it worse. Sure, being male, female or whatever might have its perks in some areas, but there are just as many shortcomings. Can we all agree that society fucks us all over in one way or another?

Then again, that's what happens when societal/cultural norms are based on inflexible ideals rather than reality.

>> No.7225929

I can tell you right now that person in that pic doesn't get shit on cause he's a legit trap. I wouldn't have known that was a boy if it wasn't in the filename.

>Being a women is valued less than a man

Many years ago yes. In today's society? No.

>A man can't wear a skirt because that would mean he's throwing away his manliness

How do you come to this conclusion? A skirt is just an article of clothing. It doesn't have any inherent manliness.

>many people think if a guy wants to be feminine, there is something wrong with him. In other words, feminine is seen as weaker and inferior. Therefore, so are women.

That's not how it works. People think if a guy wants to be feminine there's a problem with him because he's a guy and therefore must have some chemical imbalance. Not because they think being feminine is weak.

>> No.7225961


>> No.7225965 [DELETED] 
File: 204 KB, 634x826, ct.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everybody can earn <160$+> daily... You can earn from <5000-9500> a month or even more if you work as a full time job...It's easy, just follow instructions on this page, read it carefully from start to finish... It's a flexible job but a good earning opportunity.. go to this site for more detail ::::::::::::::::>> ʙLue48.com<<::::::::::::::::::

Do not copy paste this manually write this in your browser

>> No.7225976
File: 56 KB, 720x405, tumblr_mwy8svV1IW1sv4q5go2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't know if this is similar but how about that cosplayer that people keep posting of..? Half the pic he/she/it looks like a girl and the other half looks like a guy..

>> No.7225981

http://belials-sin.tumblr.com/ That's their tumblr..feel free to spam them! lol

>> No.7226003

That is one bad cosplay.

>> No.7226107

Eh. It's not really that bad of a cosplay, simply looks like the photographer over photoshopped the picture considering the other pictures on that tumblr.

>> No.7226112

In terms of appearances... Why do you think it's socially acceptable for a girl to be wearing pants, but it's unacceptable for a guy to wear a skirt? Why do you think it's alright for a girl to have short hair, yet it's badly viewed for a guy to have long hair?

It's because wearing pants and having short hair is seen as more 'male' than dresses and long hair. In essence, it's alright for a woman to wear male clothes because it's an 'upgrade'. When a guy wear female clothes though, it's a 'downgrade'. And that's the problem, in my opinion: the fact that there's upgrading and downgrading signifies that women are still thought of as lesser than men, and not equal to them.

> inb4 what do you know, you're a woman!

>> No.7226184

Of course people don't come out and say men are better than women, it's ingrained into how we think. Society is obsessed with the idea that women must look beautiful on top of being successful. If she's smart or hardworking, it doesn't mean a lot to most people unless she's good looking.

We still treat women different than men, still considered weaker then men and women don't get promoted in STEM careers as much as men. There are other men who still believe that women just aren't smart enough.

As for the skirt, yes I agree with you that it does not have any manliness. It is an item of clothing that is feminine (associated with girls because only women wear them with few exceptions). If a guy wears it we would say it's wrong, unnatural, right? Because he is a guy and skirts are for girls.

>People think if a guy wants to be feminine there's a problem with him because he's a guy and therefore must have some chemical imbalance.

Why do you suppose people think it's wrong? Because he's dressed like a girl, right? So it is because he is trying to be feminine.

If you really want to wear skirts, I feel for you. I do not think it's fair that women can wear guy clothes but men can't wear women clothing. I love to dress up cute and I think that everyone should be able to dress up cute if they want to.

The same system that puts women down also shits on guys who do feminine things. (showing emotion, wearing makeup, wearing women's clothing, doing "women jobs")

And when I consider myself a feminist, I'm actually against any kind of gender discrimination, including the discrimination that men face.

>> No.7226190

W-What happen to my kawaii thread ?...I...I just wanted to look like a cute uke...

>> No.7226193

*happened (my bad)

>> No.7226312

That's the problem. Why do you want to look like a guy when being a woman is 100% better than being a man.

>> No.7226987

It's all a matter of what people are comfortable with. If they want to look like a guy, then let them. It doesn't matter if "being a woman is better than being a man" because your opinion probably doesn't mean anything to somebody else. You're just some random anonymous person on the internet. We all are. Just let people do what they want.

I want to look boyish, like an uke I suppose, but still wear cute feminine clothing. I want to look like a fragile doll. I want a flat chest and if I could have no genitalia I would want that to be.

>> No.7227334
File: 65 KB, 599x662, 1379977057160.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do us both a favor and go back to tumblr, please.