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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 441 KB, 828x1080, 1386104f530873.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7223026 No.7223026[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Ok /cgl/, I am going to Disneyland soon and am putting together a outfit from the show Once Upon a Time. Their Lost Boys outfits on there are pretty fuckin cool so I am going to try and make one.

Just want to some general guidance on layering, material, or if you know of places (online preferably) to buy just full garments that would be the best. Want to replicate this as best I can. Also in the below pics, I know there are companies that make tweed/wool hood cloak things, wtf are those called?

I understand that DL doesn't allow people 12+ to dress up to their parks but I feel like I might be able to get away with this one. If it fails I have a killer Halloween costume for next year.

Here are some moar pics
[1] http://i.imgur.com/2vom49r.jpg
[2] http://i.imgur.com/1C72eai.jpg
[3] http://i.imgur.com/CvExKhq.jpg
[4] http://i.imgur.com/U41WUGG.jpg
[5] http://i.imgur.com/ezcUZZG.jpg
[6] http://i.imgur.com/1GFdfOr.jpg
[7] http://i.imgur.com/pOwycdO.jpg
[8] http://i.imgur.com/5o8POXq.jpg
[9] http://i.imgur.com/1hCnIn4.jpg
[10] http://i.imgur.com/cMRZ5KB.png

>> No.7223027

Honestly I don't think you'll get away with it. You won't look like a face character but ripped up leather and wool capes might get you mis taken as a park member or a background dancer and hence they won't let you wear it.

>> No.7223031

More than likely not. Don't really care though. All they do is make you change. No biggy. Like I said, Halloween costume for next year

>> No.7223186

Don't be a shithead and cosplay to Disney. Just don't be that attention-seeking guy.

>> No.7223211

Could just be the person doesn't get to go to Disneyland often and wants to make it special hurr durr.. I've never been to Disneyland but I'd love to get dressed up to go, not for attention but because it'd just be fucking fun. I just live an entire continent and hemisphere away.

OP dat plot twist last episode with pan woah~

>> No.7223216

Who cosplays to Disneyland? That's stupid.

>> No.7223238

They're not saying you can't have fun, but why make problems for yourself when you know Disney doesn't let you dress up at their parks? Wear Mickey Mouse ears if you desperately need to wear something costumey. If you're still desperate to go to Disneyland and dress up, go during one of their events (such as Halloween) where they permit people to dress up at the park.

>> No.7223257

It's not about fun, like >>7223238 said they genuinely don't allow it.

Not sure why OP mentions it and then says "I might be able to get away with this one"? Maybe he's 2edgy4me. I get the intention, but they expressedly ask people not to do it so you're just being a special snowflake and potentially confusing other visitors who don't expect random members of the public to be dressed up.

As for help on the costume, read the sticky and go to a help thread with specific questions after doing your research. I get that starting a costume is tough for a newbie but we're not your personal search engine, and we have a thread dedicated for construction/etc questions, use the catalog to find it.

>> No.7223265

man you like to bitch. who cares. i enjoy it. theres shit that you probably do that i would find fun. people are different. my cousin and i are going and she brought up the idea and it sounded like fun. nothing wrong with bringing out the kid in you once in a while dude.

this person gets it. that's exactly why. just want to make it memorable. just the thought of making the costume with my cousin and wearing them there seems like a great memory to be had. if we get kicked out i have a cool story to tell my grandchildren. was not expecting that at the end at all though. caught me totally off guard. this season is going to be pretty interesting!

>> No.7223270

You won't get kicked out, you just won't be allowed in in the first place. Great story to tell the grandchildren. Just go to Disneyland at Halloween and dress up then.

>> No.7223275

god you people are such fucking whiny asses on here.

>> No.7223282

We have a sticky, with links to help about making your first costume. We have an active help thread, where people are willing to give advice on things you're unsure about. This doesn't need its own thread, especially when the OP basically wants everything handed to them on how to make their costume. Do some research, then come back to us if you're unclear on certain aspects of your research.

>> No.7223284

not true at all. have had friends dress up as prince eric and ariel and have no problem. they werent outrages costumes but they none the less got in just fine. it's hit or miss which is exactly why im going to try my luck.

>> No.7223300

I don't understand... so you want it to be a special visit, but you also don't care if you get kicked out? Why ruin your trip to Disneyland by doing something that will possibly get you kicked out?

>> No.7223310

well if you get kicked out you walk 3 minutes to the hotel across the street and change into normal clothes and come back. they dont fuckin banish you

>> No.7223329

>walk 3 minutes to the hotel across the street

You've never been to Disney, have you?

>> No.7223370
File: 46 KB, 358x292, 1351091457759.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>walk 3 minutes to the hotel across the street

>they dont fuckin banish you
Disney can and will ban people for life from the parks. If you really must go in costume, wait until Mickey's Not So Scary Halloween Party in the fall. They won't let you in otherwise. Also it's really a hassle to wear a costume around- why pay all that money to get into the park when you're just gonna be in pain from the costume? Just wear normal clothes and have fun.

>> No.7223411

They can kick you out of the park too if they feel like it, unless it's the not so scary Halloween party. Personally I wouldn't do that at the park, mostly because anything that flowy will get caught on the rides and seriously hurt you. There is just too much fabric that will easily get caught in shit.

>> No.7223537

you're not rich are you. i stay at the grand california adventure hotel. so yeah,, it is a 3 minute walk dipshit

you two make sense. that would get annoying after a while. im not saying that they dont have the power to perma ban you but just for trying to get into a park at entrance they will not unless you make a hell of a lot of ruckus about it. good points though about. thanks for the input and not being total assholes about it

>> No.7223538

also year long pass and live in AZ, so yeah i go quite a bit

>> No.7223605

I highly doubt this. There is no fucking way Disney would let anyone in in costume, especially not as some of the most popular characters. Unless your friends arrived in streetgear, smuggled in the costumes in their bags, changed in park, and somehow avoided being instantly snagged by security (which is EVERYWHERE in Disney).
Lemme guess, your friend is Traci?

>> No.7223821

OP, just delete the thread and read the sticky/do your own research.

You're embarrassing yourself and only making people dislike you and your shitty mentality.

>> No.7223822

eh go fuck yourself

>> No.7223823

not the anon you were replying to, but.
>you're not rich are you
You're probably an underage b&. Leaching off of your parents doesn't make you rich, faggot.

>> No.7223825

OP, you are the biggest sperglord ever.

>> No.7223827

Step it up, pleb.

>> No.7223828

27 and my bank account says differently

>> No.7223830

>implying 'what are you 12' is any better

>> No.7223829

you call that a comback
wat r u 12??????????????

I hope that translated well into your language.

>> No.7223840

27? Please tell me how you managed to survive this long on our planet.
How much do you make?

>> No.7223842

>Not getting the joke

>> No.7223846

i love all the 18 year old weabos on here. everyone so pissed cause i asked a few questions. thats cgl for you tho. 100k a year bud. go to college once you get out of highschool

>> No.7223847

Thread be absolute shite from the very start.
Were are the janitors when you need them?
Either OP is legitimately autistic or a smart troll.

>> No.7223848

i was fucking joking myself holy shit

>> No.7223849

That's not rich tho
>omg ur mad because I asked questions
No, we're annoyed because you're a pretentious faggot with an attitude.

>> No.7223852

>not getting the joke of my respond to your joke of my joke.
Step it up, senpai.

>> No.7223853

>i live all the 18 year old weabos here
and like that, you lost all hope of getting help.
delete lets thread plz

>> No.7223855

Why do you go to Disneyland at 27 years old?

>> No.7223857

because I saw a post on tumblr about some nice Peter Pan dude and I want to meat him

>> No.7223858

Cgl needs our own Navy Seal copypasta for threads like this.

>> No.7223861

I want to *meat* lots of nice dudes, too. But then I'd be a creeper.

>> No.7223860

Fuck. Yes.
This shit is gold.

>> No.7223863

My sides
call an ambulance

>> No.7223862

>meat him

>> No.7223864

lol responding to dick comments makes me pretentious.

>ask a fucking question
>explain that i understand disney doesnt let costumes in.
>simply stated i was going to try, if it failed i would use as Halloween costume
>get called pretentious peacocking asshat who may or may not be mentally challenged

fuckin 4chan i swear to god lol

idk. this threads done tho. i really was just responding to all this cause it was a bit entertaining. 24. not rich. have stayed in the hotel in california adventures and its beautiful. would highly recommend staying there if you are able to. just gunna try and make this costume on my own. ill go over that sticky a 3rd time maybe ill get some more out of it. love yall. gunna go try to jerk it to that cammy thread thats going on and go to bed. later guys/gals!

>> No.7223869

24? You said you were 27.
Next thing I know you're going to say you're 15
Typical beta-fag.

>> No.7223872


>> No.7223871

Your tears are delicious.

>> No.7223874

they taste like pirates of the caribbean water

>> No.7223875

don't forget to take your sugar levels before you go to bed, okay honey?

>> No.7223876

u got it bbycakes

>> No.7223877

Why do you come here for advice if you're just gonna shoot down anyone that says anything you don't like.
If you're gonna do what you want anyways, don't bother us with it.

Also, what is up with the lost boys, all they seem to do is dance around fire all the time.

>> No.7223878

I live how OP backs out after being bathed in the nice hot acid known as the truth.

>> No.7223883

i was just trying to impress you all. im just not a good liar

>> No.7223882

That's because our "27" year old over here dreams of being a little boy.

>> No.7223885

no kiddin' faget

>> No.7223886

24. and hell yah i wish i was a little kid again. had better comebacks back then.

>> No.7223889

for realz!

>> No.7223891


>> No.7223893

OP, delete thread please.
You're only going to get even more roasted if you continue to express your autism.

>> No.7223895

getting called a pleb by people my own age isnt really roasted lol.but nah ill leave it up till it 404's.

>> No.7223896

you all should start posting pics of yourselves. .i want to see whos roasting me

>> No.7223905

>being this desperate for a last laugh
weren't you going to jack your small dick off to cammy pics or something?

>> No.7223909

You don't know how to delete a thread, do you?

>> No.7223911

already did that dude. why you still posting in here? that bored huh. me too

>> No.7223914

post pics first, aspie.
>inb4 stock photo

>> No.7223916

hey now. i asked first. stop trying to twist stuff. the hells an aspie

>> No.7223917

We're still here because its our board, and your pretentious ass is shitting it up.
>inb4 but ur posting the thread is still alive
do you even sage

>> No.7223918

>Not knowing what an aspie is
Get rekt, newfag.

>> No.7223920

>because its our board
paahahahahahah what the fucking fuck are you serious??

>> No.7223923

>S-stop trying to twist this on me, baka!
Looks like somebody wants to start a flame, but doesn't want to deal with the fire.

>> No.7223924

im not deleting this because of golden responses like this

is an aspie a type of dog?

>> No.7223927

>Looks like somebody wants to start a flame, but doesn't want to deal with the fire
o-my-fuckin are you serious. these responses are fucking golden

i might be a pretentious asshole but you guys are fuckin nerds lol. who says that shit

>> No.7223926

OP confirmed for bad judgement, immaturity AND terrible taste in television.
Good luck with that, buddy.

>> No.7223928

it really is a bad show. just really digged those lost boy costumes. currently watching homeland and its really good. you ever seen it?

>> No.7223930

Aspie = a person with aspergers.

>I-I was only pretending to be retarded!

>> No.7223933

ah makes sense. thats pretty hurtful actually.

>> No.7223936

I'm not creative.

>What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little whore? I’ll have you know I've read the whole Lolibrary, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret WCS projects, and I have over 300 confirmed snipes on mbok. I am trained in Wonderflex and I’m the top seamstress in the entire Cosplay.com. You are nothing to me but just another dream dress. I will bid you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on cgl, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, cunt. As we tyoe I am contacting my secret network of sock puppet Livejournal accounts across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the trolling, dear. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, noob. I can post pics anywhere, anytime, and I can out craft you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed embroidery, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Ebay Wig Supplies and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the bad cosplay thread, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn PT. I will shit costume satiny fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, ita.

>> No.7223937

>you guys are fucking nerds
>ha! I am le master troll! I was only pretending to be butthurt
Not even /b/ would accept you as their own at this point.

>> No.7223940

uh ok

not bad dude. 8/10

>> No.7223942

Now delete this thread and go to bed, kiddo.

>> No.7223943

dont care for /b/ too much. more of a /fa/ and /x/ kinda guy myself

>> No.7223945
File: 7 KB, 251x201, index1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This whole thread

>> No.7223946

Please save this into a document before the thread gets pruned. I'd copy and paste but I'm on my phone.

>> No.7223947

lol kiddo. nice touch dude!

>> No.7223950

Then go fap to your tulapas and bath in some salt for a week before those pesky skinwalkers get yah.

>> No.7223993


haha, this idiot also posted his shit in /fa/

>> No.7223994

okay I don't know how to link threads across boards, so here's a link

>> No.7223995

So it....automatically transforms the link into a numbery link.....wow.....that's so cool and I didn't know that

>> No.7224380

>100k a year
Doing what? I need to know why someone who's the richest duck in Duckberg is wasting their time on /cgl/ instead of watching Seinfeld in a solid gold hot tub.

>> No.7224867

Actually I've heard he no longer plays Peter Pan because he's too old looking now or something. Could be wrong, but they probably go through Peter's faster than a fat kid goes through a box of cookies.

>> No.7224969
File: 503 KB, 1280x854, 1386206757116.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Traci Hines and her crap Disneybounding doesn't count.

>> No.7224974
File: 1.14 MB, 480x270, 1glssp.jpg.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>27 years old
>wanting to dress up like a lost boy

>> No.7225048

Is this suppose to be Eric and Ariel?
Gotta admit, that Eric is hot.

>> No.7225054

I'm pretty over Traci and her try hard Ariel Disney thirst. Bitch is so thirsty she needs to be tossed into the ocean.

>> No.7225288

Slutty Pete isnt working there anymore.

>> No.7225317

He is an upgrade over the chubby guy she would make dress up as Flynn

>> No.7226551

I don't like the fact she's wearing fishnet stockings at Disneyland and standing next to a little girl. I just feel like things that are too whoreish don't belong there because I don't like the idea of little children seeing that at Disneyland. Might just be me though.

>> No.7226561

Fishnets aren't inherently whorish, though.

It actually makes sense... because Ariel was a mermaid and half fish.. and fish nets... heh. Pun.

>> No.7226562

Ha yeah I know, punny. Just her whole outfit put together together is a bit too much for me to see next to a little girl. Idk.

>> No.7226613
File: 261 KB, 500x750, tumblr_mwki08goee1qc5je8o5_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The other girl in the group she was with had some... er... interesting stockings

>> No.7226704

Why would you wear a wig and giant flower crown like that to Disneyland? How will you go on rides..?

>> No.7226779

I've worn a wig to Disney before (got acknowledged by multiple cast members who recognized me as a casual Rei because my sister was with me wearing her Asuka wig) and some of the performers in the parade waved at me and then did gestures to show me they liked my wig, I was so happy.

>> No.7226872

They were there for an amateur photoshoot, apparently

>> No.7227193


hngh ladyboner alert!

>> No.7229094

Dear OP,

Back on topic, no arguing here and not trying to be a dick, but security won't let you in wearing that. I don't understand why you would even bother, and don't give me the "all I have to do is change" excuse because if you KNOW that's what will happen, your decision to still do it makes you immature.

Whether or not they recognize you as a Lost Boy is irrelevant. They won't let you in wearing something that looks so much like a costume because it'll be disruptive and confusing because someone might mistake you for a Disney employee. If your other excuse is "then I'll have a cool Halloween costume" then JUST DO IT FOR HALLOWEEN. Or go to Mickey's Not So Scary Halloween when the time comes and older people are allowed to wear costumes into the park. I was there around Halloween a few years ago, and I saw tons of people (I assume cosplayers, because their costumes were nice and they definitely didn't work there) and it was not a problem except that the park employees still don't want you taking pictures with the kids because the park could be held liable if someone acts in a way not befitting a face character.

tl;dr Just wait and do it for Halloween.

>> No.7229181

Wow you sure have a lovely personality. Good luck getting any help now you autistic faggot

>> No.7229198
File: 82 KB, 560x650, 1326656520671.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know if this has been posted yet, OP, but this is what DisneyLand do to people in costume who shouldn't be.

>> No.7229201

Actually they were escorted off because they were workers protesting. What they do to people who are in costume is tell them to change or get out.

>> No.7229204

Well, it's what Disneyland does to people (or their staff) in costumes who stand outside protesting about their pay and conditions.

>> No.7229453

I don't know why anyone would willingly work for them anyone. They are like the GameStop of the animated world. Shitty working conditions, underpaid and other insane uniformed shit.

>> No.7230778

Hi there, security guard for California Adventure here! The people who dislike working at Disney are SURPRISE! Anti-social, or they don't like children, or they dislike interacting with people all day. I get paid $11 an hour while beginning is around $9.45, that's seems pretty reasonable for a part time or even seasonal job let alone a full time. As for shitty working conditions...which ones? Mandatory breaks with complimentary food and drink, free entrance to both parks, employee discounts....I'm trying to see the negative but I'm just some fat old dude who works for Disney

>> No.7230785

Not only is OP a faggot, but so is everyone in this thread. Jeeesus.

>> No.7230790

Not who you're responding to, and I'm sure you'll know if I'm wrong since you actually work there, but I heard that the actors complain not about bad work conditions, but about how unstable their position is. Like, the parks would just fire them for the smallest little things and hire new actors.

>> No.7230794
File: 629 KB, 500x391, 1383922997775.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Thinking you can easily get into Disneyland dressed as a Disney character that isn't on Halloween
I'll give you $100 if you do

>> No.7230796

it'll be tough to get away with it, if you really want to actually try to go through with this, wear their disney land mickey ear hats

>> No.7230992

humm... hey guys, can I ask something related?
What about lolita? (we're in /cgl/ after all) Not a full coord because that would be painful, but a simple dress with low shoes, a cute and simple hairdo, something simple.
Would it bring any risk of being kicked out?

I know a story from more than 10 years ago when a marryed couple with theyr children got banned at the entrance because they had pink/blue hair. They were singers, so they even did a song about it lel

>> No.7231713

There's a lot of threads about this exact thing on egl but the short answer is no. Sweet lolita especially is a big ass NO. If you toned down a cord ( small hair thingy, no wig, no or minor petti) it's a critical maybe. You'd be better off trying to go casual lolita (solid colour jsk with a cardi and tights), casual fairy kei or something more gyaru like liz lisa or jesus diamante.

>> No.7231728

For having dyed hair?? Ok that's insane. I keep my hair pink/purple lately. I rarely have "natural colored" hair.

>> No.7231754

I went to Disney with a blue wig on. Nobody cared.

>> No.7231763

Oh man that's really cute. Did you have the hair clips on too?

>> No.7231773

I didn't, but my sister did. Rei doesn't typically wear her clips when she's not in her plugsuit, but Asuka does (probably as a way to showoff her status, knowing Asuka), so I didn't wear them.

>> No.7232902

that's exactly what I was thinking, a solid color skirt with a cutsew or a jsk, thanks. It won't even really look a lot like lolita, I just love always wearing something that reminds it.
Also, really no wigs, I'm with pastel pink hair and I'll just get it curly to get a sweet look.
Like I said, it was many many years ago (when it wasn't as normal as we see it today) . I went myself two years ago with blue hair and no one did anything.

>> No.7232961

Holy fuck.
Cunt, How autistic can you fucking be?
I WORK at Disneyworld Orlando you self-righteous ass maggot.
PLEASE, I. BEG YOU. Go dressed up, Do it. You will get a great surprise if you do.
Just like the girl that came in today dressed in a makeshift Cinderella costume. Bought her tickets got into the park. Then got kicked out without refund. That is fucking protocol bitch.
FUCKING. PROTOCOL. Disney loves to take money from people and then kick them out.
SO yes. Be a dark edgy grim Lost boy. Do it. Please.

>> No.7233063
File: 803 KB, 245x160, 003.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>calling someone else autistic
>responding to a comment from like 5 days ago acting like a tough guy