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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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7222551 No.7222551[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Is it too early to make this thread? I love planning for conventions far in advance, so I'm wondering if anyone else is already preparing as well.

>> No.7222989

I don't think it's to early! Plus this gives everyone a good amount of time to work on cosplays for the con/ plan groups or whatever it may be. I actually just booked our hotel yesterday. We're going to be at the Paramount and I really recommend it to anyone still looking for a hotel. I think it's about in the middle for price range. It's a block away from the con and has a really good sushi restaurant attached to it. The staff was also incredibly friendly last year and the room was really nice.

As far as cosplays go I'm so stuck on who to be. The only one I know for sure is Nausicaa. Going to be cosplaying a champ from League of Legends for our group on Saturday but can't decide who yet. However if anyone would like to join us on Saturday you're more than welcome too! I'm guessing there is going to be a lol meetup/shoot anyways? But if not it would be cool to put a small one together.

>> No.7223005

I just ordered my ticket the other day, but my group and I have been dragging our feet when it comes to booking our hotel. Next I see them, I plan to get our room squared away. Of course, there's this big fiasco on who, exactly, is going to be coming, so we might have to keep putting it off.

As for costumes, I really don't plan to make any new ones for it. So far, my group and I are thinking of a Saints Row group on day zero, so I'll be Kinzie. I'll also be bringing Parappa and my France cosplay again.

>> No.7223013

I got my hotel room. No ticket yet. I'll probably wait until last minute like I always do.

Planning on making Hanji from SNK, Milk from Pop'n Music, and Gum from Jet Set Radio Future. Boyfriend wants me to make him Erwin so he can cosplay SNK too.

>> No.7223021

I have Gum too! Maybe we could meet up
>trying to get my bf to come with so im not alone

>> No.7223030

I was just thinking about Sakuracon - still a bit bummed about not getting an Artist Alley table but it'll give me time to think about cosplays now.

I know I'm gonna do Homestuck but other then that I've got no idea which kinda sucks. I'm probably only going to do that since I have to remake a lot of it. Might Lolita the other two days.

I don't have my ticket or hotel room because I'm trying to get people to come with. It'll be me and my boyfriend so there's at least two, just need two or three more.

>> No.7223073

Oh awesome! And for sure :D I know that I'm doing JSRF with a group so once I figure out what day I'm doing stuff I'll def post it in the threads so you can meet up with my group or something~

>> No.7223227

Do you need a badge to hang out at the con?

>> No.7223444

Attending for the first time after going to Kumo twice. Advice, anyone? Thinking of doing Touhou and Danganronpa but I won't lie, the Sak cosplay scene intimidates me because my cosplays are just OK while everyone else's are so good!

>> No.7223460

im doing jsr version

>> No.7223518
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I still haven't even decided what JoJo I want to cosplay, haven't got room situations figured out, and haven't got my badge yet. Plenty of time.

There's a few places you can be with out one but a large chunk of the con you'll need one.

I feel like if you just focus on having fun that's hardly going to matter. My cosplay's arn't all that great but just being in costume is good enough for me.

>> No.7224569

Still need to plan everything and get a badge. Will probably start this stuff once finals are over.

Since I've gone to so many cons this year, I don't really have the money for new cosplays, so I'll probably do Makoto and possibly squeeze into Gino again if that still even fits.

Huh, one of my friends will probably be doing JSRF.
I think character's name was Yoyo.

>> No.7224621

I booked my room at the Red Lion. Is that place suppose to be decent? It's kind of embarrassing, but I haven't stayed at a hotel in like 12 years, so I have no idea what any of them are like. I usually rode the bus over to Seattle for the con since I live nearby, but I figured I might try just staying in the city for kicks this time.

>> No.7224641

There are staff everywhere so you really wouldn't be able to leave the main floor without someone asking. They have them at all the doors on floors above and they will ask to see your pass if its not visible. But like I think it's worth it to get a pass. Lots of cool things to do

I stayed there two years ago and it was pretty good. It's about 4 blocks away from the con if I remember correctly so about a 5 minute walk. The rooms were kind of small (we had five people in one so that probably didn't help) but it wasn't to bad otherwise. They have a bar downstairs too. The rooms aren't very sound proof though, so hopefully you won't get stuck next to loud people. We were unfortunately.

>> No.7224674

There are so many people that it really won't matter, unless you want automatic attention and to be the best in the pile it's all good
Also people are way more willing and open to taking people's pictures and asking than they are at Kumori imo
As for me I really hope my panel goes through, I know people are going to be super stoked on Persona since they just announced the new games in Japan.

>> No.7224705

man I am SO tired of Persona. I used to be really into it until Atlus got really hung up on milking P4 for all its worth.

>> No.7224729

To each his own, I love the games

>> No.7224813
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Does that mean you're going to bring your pretty cape again?

>> No.7224819

i need a ride

and a room........


>> No.7224881

my problem is more that P3/4 overshadow the P2 games AND every other SMT game

(i swear if i get one more person wanting a canon female main character and COMPLETELY forgetting/not even knowing about Maya or Tamaki)

>> No.7224892
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I still love Altus and other shin megami tensei stuff, but persona 4 just makes my blood boil. I swear every p4 fan I met never played the first three games. It's ff7 all over again.

>> No.7224964

I just wish they would rerelease P2 with better graphics and handling because I loved the story/Maya/Tastuya.
Hey at least I know there's interest in a panel, and everyone enjoys their geekdom in their own way regardless of how much it bothers you. For the record though, as much as I love the cast of P3/4 they really need to stop milking it as you said and get new material out. Once I get my dub of the P3 movie that is. I don't know if I will buy that chibi game they are releasing, nor the music one. Arena has nice enough handles for a fighting game that I think it works. But eh, sage for going off topic, I really enjoy Sakura-con every year I've gone.

>> No.7225142

i'd be happy with them putting the PSP eternal punishment remake on the damn playstation network. (the ps1 version is downloadable but has some strange translation issues)

we finally fucking get innocent sin released here but WHOOPS ITS ON THE SHAMBLING CORPSE THAT IS THE PSP so it didnt sell well enough to get the other half.

(i'd also be happy getting ANY P2 character in the P4 arena expansion)

>> No.7225438

Yes - albeit I've now put on 30 lbs since I first got it.

>> No.7226259

wow donut say it like that it makes you sound fat


>> No.7226458

Shh, you'll ruin the surprise.

>> No.7227116

Got my ticket the other day.

>> No.7228677

Fuuuuuuck everything I still need to do like, all my shit for my panel god damnit. I know it's still a ways off, but man, gotta get crackin' on things!

I made an ask.fm thing for Zapp, if anyone's bored. I figured it'd help get me in the mindset for planning stuff, perhaps even keep me entertained at work! If anyone's bored and feels like being a dumbass with me, fire me off some questions! http://ask.fm/ZappBranniganOfSakuraCon

>> No.7228799
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Why did they take down the message boards?

>> No.7229238

Few people asked this on their FB page.
Apparently out of the number of attendees, so few of them used the forums compared to their FB page, so they deemed it was no longer worth their time to manage them.
Because of complaints, apparently they're just telling people to either organize everything on the FB page (which is a mess), or to the coscom forum's Sak section (which no one uses).

>> No.7229248

I'm actually going to try to get a P2 group going, so far it's just me but I hope I can get it going

>> No.7229275

For what con? I'm about to start playing it for the first time and I figure I'll probably like it and find somebody I want to cosplay from it.

>> No.7229289

Sakura-con, and maybe Fanime

>> No.7229506


Damn thats shitty. I dont even use facebook anymore.

That would be pretty cool. Last sak I cosplayed Katsuya and met a Maya and Tatsuya at the SMT meet and met an EP Tatsuya the next day.

>> No.7229532

Please come to the panel I would hug you all
hugs for everyone
I keep wanting to do a Lisa cosplay but never have a group so I just let it go.

>> No.7231691

I'm already preparing because I also love planning far in advance. (I don't even know if I'm going yet, depends on if I can crash at a friend's house)
Gonna be Annie from SNK and Serena from Sailor Moon, (a little overdone, I know) as well as one other character I need to decide on.

>> No.7231697

Maya from last year here! We never saw the EP Tatsuya, did you get pictures?

Also I just asked my Tatsuya and he said he'd be okay with re-wearing Maya/Tatsuya again (or making an EP Tatsuya instead) so if anyone wanted to get a group going you could count us in. I might be able to convince another friend to be Yukino but don't hold your breath on that

And echoing the sentiments of every other poster tired of Atlus milking P3/P4 and not promoting other games/casts as much.

>> No.7231810

You guys should definitely be part of the group, I'm gonna cosplay as Katsuya

>> No.7233324

I'm super excited for Sakura Con! Gonna be remaking parts of my Pokémon Ranger costume, and whatever gets done between now and then will come along or if anyone wants me to bring something then there's that!

I look forward to hanging with everyone up there again <3 I miss y'all too much!

>> No.7233787

How are you guys going to do the rollerblades; are they even allowed in the convention?

>> No.7239198


>> No.7239205
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Stocked up on flowers, not sure how I'm going to use them yet. Still need to get a pattern going for the BF but this will happen.

We'll also be doing Donnel and Maribelle, and I'm going to do another Miku, even though I always regret it. Probably Pansy Module from Project Diva F

>> No.7239443

Wait, so how do I apply for a panel then?

>> No.7239621

>Once I get my dub of the P3 movie that is.
Opinion invalidated.

>> No.7239653 [DELETED] 

I never remember to buy tickets to these things, but end up going to it because a friend bought the pass for me. This year I won an Archer "L" pillow in some drawing, but didn't know what to do with it so its just sitting in my car. I don't know if I'll be wasting my money since I don't have a job and started going to school.

>> No.7242974


>> No.7248795

so, does anyone know if crunchyroll will be doing a livestream for the convention again?

>> No.7248804


My goal is to troll every crunchyroll stream at every convention that I go to

>> No.7251811
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>> No.7255626
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So I just got all the clothes together for a beauty pageant Yosuke cosplay, anyone doing the Kanji or Brotag version? Working on my Joseph Joestar and Sharrkan cosplay now.

>> No.7255643

You people are disgusting.